Oil and Water
6 Episodes
Oil and Water is a podcast that slows down to ask questions about our relationship with oil and the fossil fuel industry. Keystone XL has been held up in court in Great Falls, but construction continues. Nearby Indigenous communities on the Fort Peck Reservation are speaking out about the risks, and their Council Chairman Lance Four Star says their voices aren’t being heard. But the story of an industrial project putting Indigenous people at risk is not new: the context is as deep as the history of white settlement in North America. How are communities and individuals across the continent reevaluating their relationships with petroleum, and how is the controversy that surrounds Keystone XL about something much larger? Our website: www.oilandwaterpod.com
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Episodes (6)
Oil & Water Relay: Zero Emissions Oil

Oil and Water
This week, Joe and Raichle discuss the details of oil companies' recent pledges to attain "net-zero emissions" by the year 2050. From Repsol's promise to account for Scope 3 emissions (i.e. the CO2 that your car emits) to Oxy's announcement of the world's first carbon neutral shipment of oil, we analyze what's hopeful policy, and what's good old fashioned PR spin. The articles we looked at this week are:Oxy announces world’s first shipment of carbon neutral oil:• https://www.oxylowcarbon.com/news/worlds-first-shipment-of-carbon-neutral-oil• https://www.rigzone.com/news/oxy_delivers_first_carbon_neutral_oil_shipment-01-feb-2021-164487-article/Background on Scope 3 emissions:• https://plana.earth/academy/what-are-scope-1-2-3-emissions/•https://www.epa.gov/climateleadership/scope-3-inventory-guidance#:~:text=Scope%203%20emissions%20are%20the,impacts%20in%20its%20value%20chain.&text=Scope%203%20emissions%2C%20also%20referred,an%20organization's%20total%20GHG%20emissions.An environmental perspective of net-zero oil:• https://insideclimatenews.org/news/16072020/oil-gas-climate-pledges-bp-shell-exxon/TC Energy’s announcement of KXL being powered by renewables (RIP): •https://www.tcenergy.com/announcements/2021-01-17-keystone-xl-commits-to-become-first-pipelineto-be-fully-powered-by-renewable-energy/Repsol’s commitment to account for Scope 3 emissions:• https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/can-a-big-oil-company-go-carbon-free/•https://www.repsol.com/en/press-room/press-releases/2019/repsol-will-be-a-net-zero-emissions-company-by-2050.cshtmlBackground on Carbon Capture and Storage:•https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jan/16/carbon-capture-vital-meeting-climate-goals-scientists-cut-emissions•https://www.energy.gov/fe/science-innovation/carbon-capture-and-storage-research/carbon-capture-rdMusic this week by Alexei Desmarais.
March 14, 2021
Oil & Water Relay: KXL is dead. Again.

Oil and Water
Joe and Raichle discuss a handful of news stories about the final death of the Keystone XL pipeline, and what's next for the midstream crude oil sector. DAPL and the Line 3 replacement are still in the crosshairs: who holds influence? What does the public think? What transport method is safest? We finish out the conversation with a close look at the Biden/Harris Administration’s priorities when it comes to climate change policy, vis a vis the Department of Energy.Please subscribe to our Patreon Page!Articles discussed this week: Joe Biden’s Cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline Is a Landmark in the Climate Fight: https://www-newyorker-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/joe-bidens-cancellation-of-the-keystone-pipeline-is-a-landmark-in-the-climate-fight/amp?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQCrABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16113780068931&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newyorker.com%2Fnews%2Fdaily-comment%2Fjoe-bidens-cancellation-of-the-keystone-pipeline-is-a-landmark-in-the-climate-fightBiden set to supercharge clean energy push with $40B stash: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/01/biden-clean-energy-453171Music by Alexei Desmarais. Find his work at: https://medium.com/@alexeidesmarais
February 01, 2021
Oil & Water Relay: Pre-Inauguration News

Oil and Water
This week, Joe and Raichle consider the effects of President-elect Joe Biden's platform on major oil and gas projects in North America. US-Canada relations are tied up in the Keystone XL pipeline, but Biden has promised to rescind the presidential permit the pipeline requires to operate in the US. Meanwhile, projects in Minnesota and Alaska strain the coalition of democrats who elected Biden in November. How will his administration respond?Articles we considered this week:The Pipeline That Could Complicate 'Reset' of US-Canada Relations - Aljazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/11/15/keystone-pipeline-could-complicate-reset-of-us-canada-relationsWould Biden Cancel Keystone XL? - CBC Canada: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxIlp2O2mcAWhat Are Joe Biden's Views on Two of the Most Controversial Environmental Projects in Minnesota? - www.minnpost.com: https://www.minnpost.com/environment/2020/05/what-are-joe-bidens-views-on-two-of-the-most-controversial-environmental-projects-in-minnesota/With oil drilling in ANWR advancing and a possible end to Pebble Mine, what could change for Alaska under Biden? - Anchorage Daily News: https://www.adn.com/politics/2020/12/05/with-oil-drilling-in-anwr-advancing-and-a-possible-end-to-pebble-mine-what-could-change-for-alaska-under-biden/Music for Oil and Water Relay is by Alexei Desmarais. Special thanks this week to Libby Marks for editorial consultation.
January 16, 2021
Oil & Water Relay: KXL Public Comment Meeting

Oil and Water
In today's episode, we depart from the usual format to highlight the voices of Montanans making public comments at the recent Montana Department of Environmental Quality meeting about the Section 401 water crossing permit for Keystone XL. The permit under consideration will determine whether the Keystone XL pipeline meets water quality standards under section 401 of the the federal Clean Water Act. This is a state-level consideration. The 3-hour public comment meeting was held on November 16. And as you will hear, not a single commenter spoke out in favor of granting the permit for KXL. For more information on this permitting process, check the MT DEQ website at: https://deq.mt.gov/DEQAdmin/mfs/keystonexl/keystonexlcomprehensiveMusic this episode by Alexei Desmarais. Special thanks to the staff of the Montana DEQ offices, in particular to Moira Davins and Keenan Storrar. Special thanks also to all of the commenters who bravely put their voices to the public record. This is what democracy looks like.
December 01, 2020
Oil & Water Relay: 11/3/20-11/16/20

Oil and Water
This week, we discuss the ongoing lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union of Montana (ACLU MT) against two state agencies: Montana Disaster and Emergency Services and Montana Division of Criminal Investigation. ACLU MT charges that the agencies have illegally withheld documents pertaining to the preparations of law enforcement officers over potential Keystone XL pipeline protests in Montana, should construction of the pipeline continue. Find the full text of the lawsuit at:https://www.aclumontana.org/en/cases/aclu-montana-v-mt-des-and-mt-dciWe also discuss the upcoming public comment meeting held by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality about Keystone XL's permit application regarding 201 water crossings in Montana. This is a public meeting and attendees may speak on the record. The meeting will be held at 4PM on Zoom. You can register at this link:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/public-hearing-on-issuing-water-quality-certification-for-keystone-xl-tickets-122268188443And the article from the Glasgow Currier is here: https://www.glasgowcourier.com/story/2020/10/07/calendar/deq-seeks-public-comment-on-kxl-water-cert/9239.htmlOil & Water Relay is created and produced by Joe Loviska and Raichle Dunkeld. Editing by Raichle Dunkeld. Music this episode by Alexei Desmarais. Oil & Water Relay is a production of The Systems Zoo, an educational collaborative making high quality media for systems thinkers. Find us at www.oilandwaterpod.com
November 15, 2020
Oil and Water Teaser

Oil and Water
Stay tuned for our full season of episodes about the Keystone XL Pipeline in Montana. In the meantime, check out our weekly news updates called Oil & Water Relay, posted on our website and our blog.
September 07, 2020

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