ASD Warrior
79 Episodes
My goal is to share my experiences of success, clarity and challenges in hopes of enlightening your path as we navigate our journeys with our children on the spectrum. Sharing my village of professionals, therapists, educators and family to provide support and invoke thought to create strategy as you lead your unique path for your child.
Chat with ASD Warrior & Cathy Galbraith Willoughby and ask anything, read podcast summaries and show notes, and get transcripts.

Episodes (79)
ASD Shorts: Fear

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Warrior podcast, Cathy talks about fear, having to figure out how how to navigate, how to in some ways control the chaos, how to support and lead, and at some point let them lead.
May 05, 2022
ASD Shorts: Joel Bosserman Recap

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Warrior podcast, Cathy does the recap of last week's episode with Joel Bosserman.
April 28, 2022
Joel Bosserman and His Son's Diagnosis

ASD Warrior
Interview with Joel Bosserman. He has been on the podcast before talking about his professional experience working with kids on the spectrum. Now he is talking about his son’s recent diagnosis and how his experience gave him insights in leading this journey with his son.
April 21, 2022
ASD Shorts: Learning

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Warrior podcast, Cathy talks about learning, how learning happens, and how education has changed a lot.
April 14, 2022
ASD Shorts: IEP thoughts

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Warrior podcast, Cathy talks about IEP thoughts, core standards, some of the great things that you can do in the IEP process, knowing what the goals are and how your child can potentially get there.
April 12, 2022
Big Life Stuff

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Warrior podcast, Cathy talks about some big life stuff. one of the great things about pausing in the present at the moment is you get to see a lot of big life stuff.
April 07, 2022
I'm Back!

ASD Warrior
ASD Warrior is back! In this episode of the ASD Warrior podcast, Cathy talks about her hiatus, why it took longer, the things she learned, and future plans for the podcast.
April 05, 2022
ASD Shorts: Just a Short Pause

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy talks about taking a short pause, to regroup and to recharge.
November 23, 2021
ASD Shorts: Halloween Story

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy shares their Halloween story. How Halloween has been with a child on the spectrum, really identify the difference between real and imaginary. And thankful for the life and the journey.
November 16, 2021
ASD Shorts: The Gap

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy talks about the gap. Why it's so important to get your PhD in your child, identifying the gap between triggers, disconnections and connections.
November 09, 2021
ASD Shorts: Sharing Success

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy talks about sharing success and what that looks like. The changes and growth that we go through and the opportunity that we received to lead this journey with such amazing children. That we have to change our expectations. Not only in what they can accomplish and when they accomplish it, but when they do how it is received. And maybe it is something that we just get to cherish and make our own. And we have to learn to make that enough.
November 02, 2021
ASD Shorts: Chapter 1, The PhD

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy talks about getting a PhD in your child. taking a moment and digging deeper than just strengths and weaknesses, but how they respond, how they think, what they do. So you can give them the most sense of peace, confidence, and accomplishment.
October 28, 2021
ASD Shorts: Career Opportunities

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy talks about career opportunities. What the future looks like for your kids.
October 26, 2021
ASD Shorts: Roller Coaster

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy talks about pushing, building trust, establishing boundaries, knowing your child. Having your PhD in your child is so important as they gain momentum, as they learn new different things and they start to trust themselves, their environment and you, and they experience life in the way that they should.
October 19, 2021
ASD Shorts: You are The Boss

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy talks about the importance of a PhD to you and your child. All the things that it allows you to see and support and fight for and be the warrior that you need to be and getting everything that you know your kids need to thrive and to be the best person with the greatest amount of success and confidence that they can be.
October 14, 2021
ASD Shorts: Independence

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy talks about independence, what it looks like, how it manifests in our lives and what it allows us to do, and also what it costs. Career, life and trying to look at opportunities and strengths.
October 12, 2021
ASD Shorts: The New Dog

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy talks about the new dog, the moments you have with your wonderful kids, the insights that they have, the joys and wonderment that comes out of being a parent, and the amazing things that come out of having a child on the spectrum.
October 05, 2021
Defining Success

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Warrior podcast Cathy talks about defining success. What that looks like, how to own it, how to guide every one that's in your child's life so that you know what it looks like, that you are going in the right direction and fueling your child's success.
September 30, 2021
ASD Shorts: Social School Thoughts

ASD Warrior
In this episode of the ASD Shorts Cathy talks about social school thoughts. the changes, the things that happened last year, the things that are still ever-present, adaptation, feeling of belonging, and connecting.
September 28, 2021
ASD Shorts: Parent Thoughts

ASD Warrior
This episode of ASD Shorts is a follow-up to the episode where Cathy talked to her other children and their perspective of what was going on in the early years.
September 21, 2021

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