
Why… Anything? With Harry Cliff


January 21, 2025

TLDR: Neil deGrasse Tyson & Chuck Nice discuss quantum origins of the universe, charge parity violation, dark matter, and quarks with CERN particle physicist Harry Cliff.

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In the latest episode of StarTalk, host Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice delve deep into the mysteries of the universe alongside particle physicist Harry Cliff from CERN. They tackle fundamental questions regarding matter, antimatter, quantum origins, and the enigmatic forces that shape our reality. Here’s a concise summary of the core topics discussed, providing valuable insights for science enthusiasts and curious minds alike.

Key Concepts in Particle Physics

The Matter-Antimatter Mystery

  • Fundamental Asymmetry: The universe reflects a puzzling disparity—more matter exists than antimatter. This episode explores potential processes that could account for this imbalance, including CP violation (Charge Parity Symmetry).
  • CP Violation: Harry explains that CP violation plays a crucial role in how particles decay and behave, potentially explaining why we observe more matter in the universe today.

Quarks and Their Characteristics

  • The Quark Family: Cliff describes the six known quarks: up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom (or beauty). Understanding these particles provides insight into the building blocks of matter.
  • Properties of Quarks: Each quark is fundamental to the structure of matter, yet only specific combinations yield protons and neutrons, which form atomic nuclei.

Insights from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

Function and Purpose

  • LHC's Role: The LHC is a particle accelerator that serves to recreate the conditions of the early universe. Cliff works on experiments involving B mesons, searching for anomalies that could break current theories of particle physics.
  • Data Analysis: Cliff and his team analyze vast amounts of data to identify unusual particle behaviors, which could point to new physics beyond the Standard Model.

Anomalies and Discoveries

  • Space Audities: Cliff’s latest book, "Space Audities," focuses on unexplained phenomena that challenge our current understanding of physics, stimulating curiosity about the unknown aspects of the universe.
  • Electroweak Symmetry Breaking: The episode discusses how this phenomenon, which occurred shortly after the Big Bang, may have contributed to the distribution of matter and antimatter.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Unsolved Mysteries

  • Nature of Dark Matter: Although dark matter is known to exist due to its gravitational effects, its composition remains a mystery. Researchers continue to seek direct evidence through various experiments at the LHC and specialized underground facilities.
  • Dark Energy Challenge: While dark energy drives the universe's accelerated expansion, its understanding eludes physicists. Theoretical discussions propose quantum fluctuations as potential explanations, though current models still face significant discrepancies.

Particle Lifespans and Decay

  • Short-lived Particles: Many particles, such as neutrons, have extremely short lifespans, decaying in mere moments. Understanding these lifespans is crucial for studying particle interactions and behaviors in high-energy environments.
  • The Conservation Laws: The discussion highlights the role of conservation laws in particle decay, including how certain particles can transform and the conditions under which they do so.

Practical Applications and Theoretical Implications

The Impact of Scientific Inquiry

  • The Nature of Discovery: Cliff emphasizes the importance of exploring the unknown, suggesting that breakthroughs often arise from investigating anomalies or discrepancies in expected results.
  • Future of Particle Physics: The dialogue explores possibilities for future discoveries, encouraging continued exploration of theories such as quantum gravity, which seeks to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity.


This engaging episode of StarTalk sheds light on the complexities of particle physics and the fundamental questions that remain unanswered about our universe. With Harry Cliff’s expertise and insights, listeners gain a deeper appreciation for the ongoing quest to uncover the mysteries of matter, antimatter, and the very fabric of existence. As we continue to explore these cosmic queries, the dialogue encourages an appreciation for both the known and the unknown in the realm of science.

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