We Like Shooting 595 – Got eem
January 28, 2025
TLDR: Episode 595 of We Like Shooting features Jeremy Pozderac and Aaron Krieger discussing topics related to shooting, with sponsorship from Brownells, Safe Life Defense, Midwest Industries, Black Rhino Concealment, Gideon Optics, Night Fision, Blue Alpha, and Bowers Group.

In episode 595 of the We Like Shooting podcast, the hosts Jeremy Pozderac, Aaron Krieger, Nick, and Sean Aaron bring their signature humor and insights from the world of firearms. They dive deep into gear discussions, current events, and the broader implications of gun ownership in today’s society.
Key Highlights
- Opening Banter: The episode kicks off with lighthearted banter among the hosts, including a playful discussion about shopping for firearms gear with a mention of flex hone oil.
- Gear Chat: The hosts delve into an extensive gear chat segment, discussing various products:
- EOTech's New Optic: The introduction of the EOTech 9x32 optic that boasts a compact design compatible with ACOG Mini mounts. The hosts analyze its features, pros, cons, and how it compares to LPVOs (Low Power Variable Optics).
- Daywoo's Comeback: Excitement around the revival of Daywoo firearms and their unique offerings, generating interest from enthusiasts.
- Bolt Action Conversion Kits: A discussion regarding a straight-pull bolt action conversion that offers both intrigue and skepticism among the hosts regarding its practicality.
Product Recommendations
- Optics: The importance of quality optics is stressed, with recommendations for products like the EOTech optic and the valor mini enclosed emitter from Gideon Optics.
- Body Armor and Holsters: Mention of Safe Life Defense's body armor and Black Rhino Concealment's customizable holsters, showcasing the variety available for firearm enthusiasts.
Current Events & Legislation
- Gun Control Discussions: The hosts touch on various recent state-level gun control measures, such as Colorado’s SB 25-003 assault weapons ban. They express concern about the implications of these measures on lawful gun owners.
- Supreme Court Updates: There's a notable lack of recent rulings from the Supreme Court on significant gun-related cases, raising questions among the hosts about future outcomes.
Community Engagement
- The episode encourages listener engagement through reviews, with humorous anecdotes about how listeners can interact with the show.
- Listener Reviews: The cast reads listener reviews, which help gauge audience sentiments and preferences regarding the podcast content.
In conclusion, episode 595 of the We Like Shooting podcast serves as a fusion of humor and insightful discussions on firearms and current events. The hosts provide practical takeaways for enthusiasts while creating an inclusive space for listeners to share in the laughter and camaraderie of the firearms community.
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black rhino concealment, Gideon optics, nightfishing, blue alpha and power screw. Welcome to the we like shooting show episode five nine five our cast night from rivers edge tactical in Valley City, Ohio, we got the big dog Jeremy Paz Derek.
We got Dr. Machine Gun Moses, Aaron Krueger, not a doctor, not Moses, doesn't have a machine gun. Nicklin's checking in from Montana.
My name is Sean Aaron. Welcome to the show. We are glad to have you here. We are very glad to have you here on the number one gun podcast that has ever existed. We have another podcast. It's the number one Q&A podcast, but none of that matters. It's just a little bit of a flex that we like to do on people. Nick, he's nodding his head. Flexing all day. Flexing like a motherfucker.
My Kegel muscles are flexed. Bro, that is embarrassing. That is embarrassing. Well, let's go ahead and get into the show before we hear some other bullshit like that. Uh, I always like to go and just, you know, type in a Kegel. Please God. No, I like to go in and, uh, you know, search for what we've been searching. Uh, I'm going to search for flex on brownalls.com. Oh yeah.
So we got some flex hone oil, Nick, do you know what flex hone oil is?
Uh, I would guess it's for a flex hone. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Good. Good call on that. It's, it's like a bunch of wires with little balls on the end. They have an abrasive material. It's like going people's bus. Could mean it could be really unpleasant, but yeah. Oh, yeah. Look at these flex homes shotgun finishing forcing cone. All right. Yeah. That's good. We got the flex weapon light from streamlight TLR eight A meaning that it uses what dual fuel.
I don't even know actually. What is the flex? The stream light, the stream light naming convention. Yeah. They're like, we're going to call this one the flex, but we called the last one the TLR one XHL. Man, have you tried to shop for an HLX recently? No, are they tough to find? They have like six flashlights that are called the HLX.
So I actually do have two different HLXs. I just realized it the other day and I was so confused. Yeah. That high lumen and then X is just because, you know, it's cool. We got the HLX sub, the HLX USB. Got the HLX long gun protak. Yeah. Streamlight, please work on this. But anyway, you can get all of those lights and cloud defensive, all available at Brownells.com coupon code WLS 10.
All right. Well, we got a ton of stuff to talk about tonight. This is segment we call gear chat, not deer chat. Deer chat's different. That's on the Let's Go Hunt podcast on firearms radio network. We're going to do the year chat. Do they really have a deer chat? No, if they don't, they should. They should. You know what? They should have a beer chat. It's hunting.
No, that's on we like drinking. Actually, there was a podcast called we like drinking my buddy ran it for years, like a decade. And then the Jeremy has his own podcast and he has queer chat. For fuck's sake. Okay. You got him your own joke. You sure as fuck can when it's that good.
All right, Nick, why don't you start us off and crew chat. I want to make that the title so bad, but I can't. Oh, fuck. That's racist. I zipped up my headphone thing in my jacket. Why is it cold in there? Dude is fucking I bet money. It's like 54 degrees in here. I forget the bill. No, I forgot to get the space heater and our furnace is broken.
Um, in the office of a furnace broke? Yes. I thought you were in charge with that. Do I look like I'm an age bad guy? Yeah. You're kind of to look like an age bad guy. Fair enough. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. What won't it do? Like it won't fire up? Uh, yeah, it won't even turn on. It's 20 years old. It's like your wife won't turn on and she's funny.
Got him! I'm sorry. Okay, take myself for a minute. Nick, why don't you start us off? Hey. Um, so there's the, uh, EOTEC has a new, who-do, optic.
the nine three to nine by 32. It's very short. Oh, this real small. Yeah, the overall length is pretty short. I don't know the exact measurement.
don't see it listed here. But yeah, it's very, very small. It is 6.8 inches overall length. Yeah. Yeah, that's crazy short. It mounts to an ACOG Mini footprint.
which is pretty cool because there isn't really a much room there for rings. So it saves the little bit of space and gives that to a room for an RMR or whatever mount. They have their setup with their EOTEC red dot that you can buy as a package or they'll offer it separately.
But they said that they're also going to be coming out with an RMR mount, which means you'll be able to mount whatever on it. Yeah, the ACOG Mini Mount is also cool because there's a really nice aftermarket for that already. And it's a super simple solid mounting system. And it also is compatible with a carry handle.
So, you know, it just opens it up to, to more options. So what's the, I mean, I know what the benefits of something very small like this are, but what, what are the, what are the negatives? What are the cons? So talking to Bob. Oh, he was the bad guy in Star Trek. Um, who? Oh, con con. He was also Hank's neighbor. I'm sorry, Nick. Go ahead.
Oh, from Laos. Yeah, exactly. Are you from Japan or China? Japanese? We're from Laos. We Laotian. Are you from Japan? Are we OK? So we'll let in as much light as something longer. I don't know. So talking to Bob from Gideon, I asked him what the downsides were and
gave me a quick rundown that seemed like pretty much everything. Like the eye relief can be not great. You can have issues with like distortion around the edges and stuff. Just all kinds of all kinds of stuff that.
So it's hard to do this. It's hard to do it this way. And they may have figured out a way to do it. No, actually, I see the eye relief numbers here and they're a full inch or even more honestly. So I really want an LPVO is average like three and a half, four inches, just depending on what, what it is. And on these for the nine X, the eye relief is 2.3 to 3.1 inches. So you got to have this shit right up on your shit.
But I mean, if the if everything else is OK, though, you know, like if the what about the field of view, right? I'm looking at those numbers. I don't know what comparatively those should be. And I don't know if the clarity and everything is there, even with a shorter eye relief. This could still be pretty cool. And there are already some of these stubby scopes on the market. Yotec has a five to 25. It's also very short.
They have some cool stuff. And I'm really hoping that if this is like the first major, at least successful one, then down the road will start seeing more affordable stuff like this. The MSRP on this is going to be, I see 1800.
No, it's going to be $1,000. And then 1400 with the red dot mounted on it, which is not terrible. But you know, maybe, maybe in the not too distant future, we'll have even more affordable stuff like this. Yeah. I mean, there's definitely something to be said for light and short. Yeah. Yeah. If you can get good performance out of something that's way lighter, always one pound.
Yeah, or 40 crazy, four hundred and fifty four grams for you Canadians. I'm just kidding. We know. Okay. Now it's it is interesting. We were looking at this the other day, like trying to figure out where you can definitely see that there are some things that don't seem as good. So like I'm looking at smell of L.P.V.O.s right now.
So one X like 95 to 120 feet. Oh, that's not a fair comparison. This one's so at three X, this EOTEC is 38 feet at four X. Looks about 30 feet for some average LPVOs at nine X. It's 12.7, which seems average for eight to 10 X on LPVOs as well. It's huge to me. Right.
Yeah, I don't know. I think it's cool. I'm curious to test it and see it. Shut up. What do you think of the reticle, Nick? I don't know. Didn't have two reticles. Yes. It's got the HC one. No, maybe just one. Okay. Second focal plane, MOA based hash mark.
Yeah, I mean, it's a pretty simple, straightforward, medical. It's not super busy or anything. Lots of elevation. Yeah. And I mean, this is a three to nine. So yeah, like the classic hunting scope is a three to nine. Like that's a pretty utilitarian. Our range there. Yeah, for sure.
I think it's cool. I, I, I'm with you, man. I hope we see more of this. Mm hmm. I hate hunting with my 17 pound rifle. Yeah. Yeah. They have pictures of it here on this. Uh, what is this havoc? Um, on a bolt action. That, uh, it looks pretty cool. Looks like it'd be a nice setup. Oh, yeah, there it is. Yeah. Pretty cool.
Very interesting. What else you got? Um, did you guys see the daywoo's? A little bit. I didn't pay a whole lot of attention, but I will say that, uh, what is it? The K two. Yeah. Has a one in the gate. Or maybe it's just the K two. Isn't the, isn't daywoo, isn't that, uh, what's his nuts? The, the cold guy. No, that's car.
Isn't that whose car companies? Yeah, I don't know, actually. So Nick. Just think rooftop Koreans. Yeah. So why do day? Why do these matter? Why is it cool? Like, what do you think? Okay. So they're like a maybe a little more refined AR 18 or 180.
Um, yeah, they're just, they're kind of an eat rifle. Uh, back when I was like a preteen, I played this counter strike knockoff that was Korean. And so it was full of day was, and I just, I thought they were really fucking cool. And, uh, and I think it's a neat platform and it's cool that it's coming back.
Oh, Nick. Yeah, these are going to be made in the US by it's not called daywoo anymore, but by that company. So this isn't like a reproduction or anything like that. It'll actually be made by the people. I remember why I thought it was car because remember when we were at goals, they had the daywoos at the car booth and they were like, yeah, we're bringing them back in.
Oh, interesting. Yeah, because we looked at that 50 BMG as well while we were there. Oh, I don't remember the day was at all. Yeah, he talked about the day was I don't know. They didn't have them, but he talked about them. So they were bringing them back. Okay. So some young moon or some young guy, I don't know. Reverend, Reverend Moon, like, isn't that the dude?
Yeah, we'll find a movie guy. But yeah, these are Korean. So I wonder how much they'll be. Yeah. Because, you know, US made it gets expensive.
But either way, I definitely recognize them from video games and wasn't savage, like ridiculous into these. Yeah, he's excited about the pistol. Yeah. A5. I think it is. Yeah. And finally what you got. It's finally.
Um, I have this straight poll poll to action conversion. Oh, a conversion. I was interested interested to hear your guys's thoughts on this. So this is from who do.
the company, not the animal. And it bolts on to the top. This looks like a Remington 700 or a Remington 700 based action. So it bolts on where the scope mount would go. It adds a slightly higher picatinny rail. And then the mount has a charging handle built into it. And it looks like you cut off the bolt handle.
And then this thing slips over the stub that's left from the bolt handle and then you use the new bolt handle as just a straight pole charging handle bolt handle. Huh? Okay. This is actually the solution is very clever. I see how they're doing it. Also, why the fuck would anyone do this?
That's kind of how I feel about it. I'm like, good work, guys. That's kind of neat. But why? Yeah. Isn't it straight, pull faster than just I mean, no, I don't think so. Because in theory, yes, but in practice, I don't know that it is that much faster. That is exactly how I feel.
And if it is, like how much faster, like fucking milliseconds? Well, I would love to see this in action instead of just pictures. A big thing with a rotating bolt is mechanical advantage. So like breaking the bolt loose. It's not on their website, Sean. It's theoretically easier. But you're going to have the exact same problems with this thing, except it now is just in this like graded track.
Yeah. And I mean, not that you would lose that leverage with this, but, uh, yeah, I don't, I don't know, which one are you pulling back? Like, is it, are you still pulling back that 3D printed? Yeah. Really rough. Yes. Yeah. And see the, the nub of the bolt, basically as you pull that 3D printed thing back, the bolt to that nub rides that, that, uh,
that track and just, yeah. So like as you pull straight back, it moves that track, which basically brings it up, rotates it out, and then eventually it'll pull straight back. And then when you go back, it'll go down that gradation. Okay, I like this idea. I hate the way it looks. I mean, it's a clever solution. I just don't understand why I would want this.
I think I would prefer that over the throw versus throwback forward. Yeah, but also has a charging handle on the left side that's spring loaded. So it flips forward. Oh, yeah, that might be.
One other thing to note is that on the Remington 700, the bolt handle is actually brazed on. So you would have to cut the bolt handle off or maybe get it threaded for a bolt knob to make this work. You'd have to permanently modify the bolt.
I mean, being able to charge with your left hand, I guess, is, is interesting. I don't know, man. I just, yeah. It's like a $900. So it seems pricey. Yeah. It's a cool novelty. I just don't know why I would want it. So here is a, I got, I found a website with my share. I'm very, very confused. The watcher said straight pulls are sexy. This thing looks like it came from the on a misfit toys, plug out Dave said, thanks. I hate it.
Oh, 899 bucks, man. Ooh, girl. Yeah. Now, if you keep your firing hand on there and you charge it with your left hand, it looks like their bolt knob is going to smack you right in the wrist. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know what? We're always asking for innovation. This is innovative. I don't need it or want it, but that doesn't mean that everyone doesn't.
I just hate the artwork that they used. Wait. So wait. And this one. Oh, I see. Okay. Goddamn. I don't. I just wish it didn't look like trash. They're probably prototypes, if I had to guess. I mean, they're selling them though. And it adds a pound to your rifle. So whatever you get with that EOTEC, you lose with this.
Huh. Well, and plus it isn't a height of a board like greatly like adds an inch to it. Yeah. Ads. I'd say like maybe I don't know three quarters of an inch to your looks like six inches to me. Well, that is very interesting. I had not seen this and I still wish that I hadn't. It's a fucking terrible day to have eyes. Oh, man.
That's that's infomercial. That's an infomercial fix. Oh my God, I can't pour this milk. I tried the milk port 3000. Fucking look like a good cocky. Oh, you know, hang on. Let me show you this one real quick. This is actually more interesting. Okay. Okay. We're going back here at the screen. Oh, sorry. I did that. So you can actually see how the thing works. More pictures. Yeah. There's a charging handle being used here. Mm hmm.
make it in the charging handle make it on rumble said I'd rather like $900 on fire than buy that. Goodness. Yeah, that's so I mean, would you have to buy a new bolt or if I was with a new bowl? If that came on my gun, I would pay $900 to take it off. Same. Yeah. Well, could do like
Back to the drawing board, you should have, you should have tried a little harder for you came to market with them. It's a clever engineering solution to a problem that doesn't exist for a product that nobody wants. Well, here's a question. Could you buy a straight push, a rifle for $900? Yeah. Yeah. Actually. Yeah. The Savage impulse. Yeah. 100%. Yeah.
So problem solved without, uh, having to add $900 to an already existing rifle. Is there some kind of, uh, for the cost of the rifle and a Savage Impulse or like that, that thing and a rifle, a Savage Impulse and a pretty nice fucking scope. Um, yeah. And boom, you got a straight pull. You know what would be cool is if this thing, since it sits so high, if it somehow.
attached something further down the muzzle. I want to point out a bit. And then it used gas coming from the cartridge being fired to a piston back or something. Nick just invented an AR 15.
Uh, amazing. All right. Well, oh, and then, but then, yeah, if you had a gun that did that, Nick, it'd be really handy for like storming, like, for like military use. So you could like storm, like, uh, an enemy's fortress or something. And you could almost call it like a, like a storm gun, a, a storm, maybe a, a giver, something like that. Uh, if you were, if you spoke German, yes, you would call it something like a, um, a grim giver or something like that.
I think a dusky econ in the chat said it said it best. He said straight up pull that off my rifle. Okay. Um, I was being a little hyperbolic about the impulse, but that doesn't mean you can't get one for about 1300 bucks. Yeah. Yeah, I agree.
All right, safe life defense. You need some body armor, because if you don't have any, like, what are you even doing with your life, really? And they make a ton of different body armor that
I've shot it probably more. I've shot two companies more than any other. I've shot safe life defense and premier body armor more than any other, I think. And yeah, I've always been very happy with the safe life. They're hyper line, super, super lightweight, super, super thin and stops level three. So go check them out. You can get bundles on their website or you can just use our coupon code WLS is life and that's at safelifedefense.com.
I want to, I want to point out the plug I gave here. Yeah. Uh, if I was going to call you a poor and say, get something, it'd be like a blazer R eight. And for those listening, you said, if you want a straight pole, get a Browning morale, don't be a poor Jeremy. Like, yeah, go get a blazer. All right. That's being a fucking poor Dutch walker, like eight grand. Dutch walker said shields at an impulse at around 900 bucks. There you go. Yeah. There you go. All right. Uh, the bolt thing.
So I did a thing. I don't know if I was drinking or if anyway, I decided to buy a 410 shotgun. I don't know why, but it is also the Henry Axe 410 shotgun.
I love it more than I ever thought. I got a case of 410 today. I'm going to take it to the range. It's going to be fun side loading because, you know, it's a Henry. It's a lever action 410 shotgun. Nick and Jeremy were telling me to put, well, actually, so I don't know much about SBSs. I haven't delved into that, but they were telling me to make it an SBS by putting a stock on it, correct?
Right. Yes. What part of SBS don't you get versus your pretty competent knowledge about SBR? Well, no, I just I haven't messed with it. So when you were saying make it an SBS, I was like, there's no mess with it. It's just a different length, but everything else is the same, dude. Yeah. Now I know that now. I know that now. But I was like, I so was like, what the fuck is he talking about? You have how many SBRs I just had more thought about it.
But I fucking love this thing already. And yeah, I haven't even shot it yet. I'm going to shoot it Wednesday for the first time. But yeah. I also bought recently just bought a lever action stock. Did you really? Yeah. Stop copying me.
No, mine's in 1887. It's way cooler than that. I mean, that is pretty cool. But so what do you guys think this would be useful for? Because 410 is like many, many. This is where I wish I could do like the Instagram thing, where like the song playing in the background answers your question and I will play that song War. Absolutely nothing. Say it again. Well, I mean, how's it how's it feel in your mouth? The mouth feel is good.
There you go. That's what you've said. That's, that's, um, you got to get one of those, um, uh, leg scabbards for that. Oh, yeah. And then, and then, and then, and then to be fair, it'd be a pretty decent snake gun if you lived in a place where snakes lived. This is, this is the, the judge, like Eastern Colorado. Fair. Yeah. This is the judge for heterosexuals. Yeah. I'll give you that. Yeah. How many rounds does it hold?
This holds, uh, five plus one. Okay. So it's a judge for a row. It holds six rounds. That's a governor. Okay. I'm sorry. Yeah. Fair. Take it. Take it. Goose hunting. Okay. Put a stock on it and go shoot a goose. The plug I did said, uh, perfect for prairie dog fishing. I didn't.
I'll go ahead, Jeremy. Doesn't say pretty decent rabbit gun if you put a stock on it. How long is the barrel on that? I think what is it? 15.4 overall has to be 18 for a shotgun. No, no. It has to have a stock on it to be a shotgun. It has to be over 26 inches to not be in a W. There you go. So yeah, I don't know. This would be the same in the same category as like a shock wave. Yes.
It's a pistol grip firearm. It is not an NFA item. It's not a pistol. It's not a shotgun. It's not an other firearm. Or I should say it's not an any other weapon. It's a pistol grip firearm. Yeah. Anyway, I thought that it was cool as hell. And apparently I went and got it. So yeah, pretty stoked about it. Brownells has them. They're in stock. And I think that they're like,
You're out of focus. $849.99 for the one that I got with the walnut. What about with our discount, Sean? It would be minus $84.99. Yes. Yeah. And I got the walnut because the black stock, the synthetic stock, I didn't like near as much. Actually, but to be fair, the discount doesn't work on Henry products. They're one of the ones that they have the contract with.
Uh, so that's the axe. Yeah, the axe. Yep. You think of it like a mayor's leg, but a shotgun. Yeah. Yeah. Which I would like to get a mayor's leg and put a stock on it and make it a SBR and a can. Yes. Yes. Yes. I really wish I was waiting for the mayor's leg X's because it already be threaded. Yeah. Yeah.
Although it'd be really cool to have an octagonal barrel in a mayor's leg, which they don't do, or like a half octagonal in a mayor's leg and then thread it. But I, and I talked to, uh, the last time I talked to, uh, Anthony and Perato, who was the CEO of Henry, um, I told them they needed a custom shop. And he was like, no, I do have the Henry Supreme on the way.
I got five, five, six for me. No, I got five. That's a lever gun guy. That is true. I want the lever guns. I'll bring it to Ohio when I move there. Yeah, you'll be living in my backyard. I also. So I got the Glock 47 a while back. These are the ones that were basically made for border patrol. Um, and then I have the 46 was border patrol, wasn't it? I thought it was the 47 and.
I thought the 46 with the rotating barrel. Was it 47? What was the 46? No, it was the 49. No, the 46 had the rotating barrel though, right?
That was a 41. The Glock 47 is a modular pistol initially designed for US Customs and Border Protection. CBB is part of Glocks 19 X and Gen 5 modular handgun system family. So this is the full size frame and slide version, but they also have the 49, which is the 19 grip long slide. So it's the opposite of a 45.
Yeah. Yeah. So I got this one because I was into it. I also put an RMR on it and the radiant weapons guardian. And then also from Brownells, I ended up getting the radiant ramjet and afterburner, which is basically their barrel and comp and it fits. So freaking perfect. Like radiant doesn't fuck around. They, they do good stuff. God damn it. She's poking us out of my face.
Yeah, and I really do like the ramjet and afterburner. I think there's some of the most effective comps out there. So I will have this in a review on Dangerous Freedom very soon. And I'll talk about it on the show too, but I'm just super stoked by it. I don't like Glocks very much, but I think this one is fucking sick. And one of our listeners, Len came and he was telling me about the 47 and I ordered that literally right after he left because, you know,
I was like, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. That's kind of all the stuff that I want. And now I've got it all decked out. Pretty stoked about it. I have two revolvers in review right now. And I think I talked about these five star firearms speed loaders. Jeremy, you might find these cool.
But I've got speed loaders. I got them from my Colt Python and my Kiapper Rhino. But then I was like, well, I need to have belt pouches. So I looked at those look like TK custom. They're five star firearms. I don't know if they're related in any way, but probably not.
They're very cool. You can get them in different finishes, lots of anodized stuff. Um, so anyway, I was like, yeah, I need to put them on my belt. Cause you know, I want to have, I bought, I don't know, four or five of each of the speed loaders. And I wanted to have them on my battle belt. And so I found a 3D model, but it didn't fit the blue off of belts or basically any belt that is for men. So I modified the model.
to basically increase the height and width of the belt loop. So now it fits over the Velcro just fine and I'll have four of these speed loader belt patches on my battle belt for testing. Can I see the shape of your speed loader? Yeah, that's pretty cool. Yeah, it was a super easy fix. I'm going to zoom you in real quick. Go ahead.
Yeah. So I have an MKS speed loader here. Yeah. I have some of those too.
So what's cool is I got a, I had a Heron commission from a black rental concealment and yeah, for my revolver and I had, I had to make a, instead of the extra magazine pouch, I had a speed loader pouch. Very cool. So I bought some speed loader pouch that holds three off Amazon, but it's like really shitty nylon and I was just like, I don't like that. So yeah, 3D printed, some of these, they'll hold up just fine for what I need.
Yeah, I think they're actually very, very, very cool. So yeah, that that's pretty much all I had. Aaron, what do you have? Oh, boy. So what I got is got to get to put it in you. I've got I got a what I got you got to get it put it in you. No, I got a project. OK. All right. So I got a shotgun the other day. OK. I love this. Aaron, you get more getting more guns.
It's a side-by-side, a 12-gate shotgun. Pretty cool. I would make it even cooler if it was hammered. That's a English stock. It's actually Spanish. Yeah, it's a Spanish. No, English style stock. OK, well, it's a Spanish shotgun. It's a Sarah Skoda. Is that right? Sarah Skoda? Sarah Skoda.
They're a squeta. So it is 20 inches in length. And it's pretty cool. But I want to cut it down. I want to make it. I want to think about nine and a half inches off of this thing. Now Tanner, my son, my old, it's a nice case hardened. You know, looking, it's got some nice engravings on there. Of course, you can't see it with my camera. But he's like, dude, it's too nice. Don't cut it down.
I'm thinking like, what am I going to be doing with a double barrel shotgun other than, you know, just fucking around with it? Get off my yard. Right. I think if I took about, you know, took about nine and a half inches, if you're going to do that, fucking cut that bitch off at the end of the handguard and SBS it.
I mean, that would be sweet, but I don't have $200 to throw at it right now. Oh my God. Some of the sound have jobs, Jeremy. Well, maybe you should keep one longer than four months. Oh boy. This was two years last one. Good for you. It seems shorter. It felt like a breeze.
Yeah, but I mean, it's like it came in three parts. Like, you know, you had some assembly was required. Oh, real though. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It breaks down like, you know, you pull the this off and then the bear comes off and all yada yada. There. So, um, I don't know if it's, it's, so the company, the company, um, was originally Sarah Squata and it was bought out and then that company folded. So they don't obviously don't make this anymore.
But I'm really looking forward to giving it a shot, trying to get down and then, I don't know, obviously you're not going to need to re-crown it. What year is this thing? Because the Victor Serasqueda was founded in 1883. And in 1902, they received a royal warrant as a purveyor of guns to the king of Spain.
Uh, they became part of the die arm group in the mid eighties that company, which you just mentioned didn't survive the decade. Uh, I mean, I'm kind of a tanner, honestly. I'm like, you get, get one, but this one seems cool. How much did that cost? Uh, 320 bucks gun broker. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. Basically it's got an ejector in it too. So it was nice. Oh, that's cool.
Yeah. Damn it. Oh, I'm the only nerd without an ejector. Do you have live shelter there? No, there's zero shells. Okay. I was like, God damn dude. Yeah, I don't see two shells. Okay. I have, uh, I have extractors. I don't. Damn it. You don't have extractors? No. Well, I have fingers.
Well, I mean, if you open the action and the shells move out a little bit so you can grab them. Oh, yeah. I have those, but I don't have ejectors. I can't do the cool Instagram shit where I pop them in my hand, drop them into my pouch. And that's what I'm all about. See, I just pop them right and they hit me in the chest and fall into my pouch. It's fucking dope. You know, yeah. Yeah, pretty pumped on. I'm really excited. I mean, but having something shorter than that would be even cooler.
I mean, no, I've got guns on the wall right now. They look cool, but I mean, and Jeremy was just shown as his sawed off side by side. Yeah, I bought an old Western arms company. It's a branch of Ithaca. So it's not really, I mean, it's made by Ithaca, but it's like a department story. Ithaca. And I got it as part of a, like a batch of shit.
And it's just, it's not an ejector model. So when you break it, it doesn't shoot them out, which I wish it did, but whatever. Yeah, Jeremy and I are fucking. So it's a it's a farmer gun, but it's not really worth much. I could have sold it for a couple hundred bucks as a shooter, maybe. But I think it was more fun to like, especially with older guns like that, I'm like, I gotta like look this thing over, like make sure it's
not going to kill somebody if I sell it to them. Yeah, I didn't give the guy that much money for it. Yeah, Gideon Kmart if it got basically. Actually, I think that was the one that was sold at Kmart. But the
I didn't give the guy that much money for it because I was like, it's just a gamble at this point whether you can even shoot the fucking thing. Right. But it but it locks up good. It's tight. It's sound it. So I locked the fucking barrel off to 12 and a quarter inches.
and uh yeah and uh soldered the the rib closed at the end because it's an open rib in the middle oh yeah nice i soldered that closed i have to drill and uh drill and tap for the uh bead but um
It's going to be fun. I'm going to, I'm going to refinish the stock, refinish the handguard. I'm going to put a new butt pad on it. I already ordered the butt pad actually. And I'm going to clean it all up. And then I'll probably save it just as a fucker, you know, fuck around gun or rental for the shop or I'll after all that, I'll put it up for, you know, five, six hundred bucks. See if anybody wants to bite.
Sounds pretty fun, man. Uh, Jay West said loads on Aaron's chest. Anyone else have that on their bingo card? Uh, I did actually. That's why I want to go Gideon said I always have loads on Aaron's chest on Aaron's chest. Once doesn't fucking count as always fair, fair. All right. Well, there, that's true. You suck one dick. You're always a cocksucker. Oh boy.
Midwest Industries. I don't know. So they recently added some folding stocks and folding braces. They also have non folding stocks and braces, but I just wanted to show how cool they look. So Aaron, would you make my thing?
full size. Make my thing. No, I won't. I'll make your image bigger. And would you make make my thing bigger? He's like, ask me about my winner. All right. So keep your beauty to yourself. I've got this knack nine that's got the stuff and things ink, uh, stays on kit on it, which I think I finally have figured out. So, uh, basically,
When I showed him a picture of my mag release that I had done, he said, did you have a beaver do that? And anyway, I was having trouble with it, but he sent me a new one that he did. But here's the important part. This is a brace. This is a folding brace from Midwest Industries. And I really like it.
It's got four cutie sling points. It's got the changeable cheek risers that you can put on it. The folder is great. It's perfect for this gun. I had another Midwest Industries.
Arm like, I don't know. It was folding, but it was just the bar and then you could put whatever brace you want on it. And this one is just so much better. I just absolutely love it. It says right there on the back, not a stock. Oh, actually, it's got five QD sling points.
Go check them out. We talked earlier about the MP5 suppressor handguards. Those are awesome, but no matter what, whether it's AR, AK, MP5 stocks, folding braces, AK optics mounts that are the best ones that I use over RS regulate for damn sure. You can check it all Midwest Industries, Inc.com coupon code.
WLS is life saves you money. I just realized that I was still on the screen. It's terrible. So go check them out. Oh, you know what time it is time to get your beauty wet. And now I have three things just that we didn't cover in the other show that I thought would be very, that I thought were very interesting. So the first one is some grip modules for the spring, spring field, echelon. I love the echelon. It's probably my favorite, like,
Battlegun is the one that I have on my belt for training and whatnot. But Sharp's brothers did some metal frames and I fucking hate them. I was going to be like, did they put a Spartan schools at the front? No, no, but this is this is the worst replacement frame I've ever seen. They took the echelon frame, which is actually beautiful in its form and function. And they made it terrible. I am I just being too hard on this? Like, what do you guys think?
Doesn't look that bad, Sean. What do you hate about it? It looks like it's got it. Like Hey Arnold. It looks like Hey Arnold, like a giant head. Yeah. I need body. Yeah. It's just so bad. Like they did a really poor job on these. Granted, I am definitely a mischief machine fan. He makes
We had a whole conversation with a buddy of mine today. A friend of mine who, he has a ammo manufacturer's FFL, which is what he mostly does. Actually, he's an electrician that has an ammo manufacturer's FFL. And he's really good with reloading and that kind of stuff, but he also has like a regular FFLs and does like gun shows. So he's not like, he's not like super gun savvy.
like he asks me questions all the time, but you get him like, you know, he's okay with like some Henry's and shit like that, but like the intricacies and yeah, whatever. So we were trying to explain that Springfield HS product is
just the American name for the guns that come into America. The HS2000, which is the HSPro.com for Eastern Europe, is like the same gun. It just has different engravings. And he literally was not getting it. We literally went to HSPro.com's website. And I was like, here is
My XDM, tell me that's not the same gun. And he's like, oh shit. And then I was like, here's, I pull a Hellcat out and I was like, and I go to there, whatever they call it, H11 or something. And I'm like, is that the same gun? And he's like, that's the exact same gun. I say to you, even though these markings are the same, it's just, this says Hellcat and this says H11 or whatever. And then I pull out like, it has Shalom. And I'm like, all right, now tell me that this one doesn't look like that one. He's like, what the fuck? And I go,
They're all, it's just, they may have to like explain like, like Springfield doesn't make these. They're just the importer. Yeah. They're the only way that ancient throw that could get into America, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he was just like mind blown. He had no idea. But the echelon is so much better than the XD's. So much better. Echelon is one of the best, it's the best handgun I think has come out in the last decade.
I, I, I'm pissed at other guns. I'm pissed that they're not licensing that optics mount to other. Oh, yeah. The vis visual interface system. What about the cog central operating group? Uh, yeah. I was literally just writing a review for the echelon comeback today. So it's all fresh in my mind. But yeah, I, the, the echelon. And when I say it's the best gun in the last 10 years, the best gun in that class in the last 10 years.
So Springfield to Smith and Wesson. Y'all know that I have a Smith and Wesson addiction and Smith and Wesson has now released the spec series five, which is the MMP nine metal HD spec series five. They're not kicked out of the country yet. Look at this.
First of all, I love the MMPs. Second of all, I love the metal MMPs. Third of all, the fucking chameleon blue anodized, the optics plate, the barrel, the slide release, the takedown, the mag well and the mag. I love this more than I should. I should hate this, but I love it and I will definitely have one. The problem is $1,700.
Comes with three 21 round mags, I think. 23 round mags. That is certainly one of the guns of all time. That is. It is one of the guns of all time. It comes with a knife, Smith and Wesson knife. I fucking love this thing and I shouldn't. Oh, is that a strike industry's comp on it? It is. Look at it. It's right there.
I, yeah, I just, I'd love it and I don't know why. And I feel bad about it. I feel like a homosexual. And yeah. Yeah. Word. Yeah. Walks like a duck. Walks like a duck. Looks like a duck. They also have the spec series, which probably a faggot, which is doesn't have the blue anodized, but it has everything else. And it's also nice.
I had and it's only 999 bucks. And let's see. JS says, I love the MMP, but not this one. I get it. I do. I shouldn't like it. I don't want to like it. Yeah. So MMP came out with that stuff. And then this is an interesting one that I'm surprised we didn't cover, but I figured we had to shield sites introduces the clear hood pistol red dot.
Does the clear hood like help you find the clip? Like I don't. What? What is the point of this? The clitoris is real. It's the female orgasm. That's the myth. Yeah, obviously. What? Transparent roof on a micro compact red dot for an unparalleled. Oh, it's so you can see through it. Oh, it's that clear as if it doesn't like fucking refract everything and mess up.
Yeah, it seems like it would distort stuff and kind of be weird. Anyway, although I guess if you're focused through the dot, it's just going to be your peripheral. So if it's a little fuzzy, it won't matter. Right. This seems weird to me. Now, Shield sites, they're responsible for the RMSC cut, which is fantastic. And I love that. But I just missed me with this shit.
I don't. Yeah. I have one of the original Shield RMSEs. I do not like it. It is not great. In fact, it's sitting in a box because I took it off of everything. Yeah, $429 for both the four and eight MOA dots. But yeah, it's so basically for those listening, it is a red dot RMSE cut red dot. And halfway up, they cut the metal off and replaced it with clear acrylic.
for some reason, because like, they cut it off and then put art acrylic on there and you couldn't see through it, then it would be weird. Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, that is a thing that also exists of all the sites that exist. This is one of them. And that'll do it for the things that I thought that we missed.
I missed you. J.W. says, doesn't Crimson Trace already do this? Clearhood or nohood? Fuck, I don't know, dude. I don't keep up with Crimson Trace. Mignette says, Sean, what optic are you running on the echelon? I have.
the RMR on my full size. And I have the vortex defender ST on my compact, but as soon as I finished the review for that, I'm taking that shit off and throwing it on the trash because I've had nothing but problems with that red dot. I normally like vortex stuff, but that red dot is fucking garbage, which seems like a great time to talk about black rhino concealment.
I'm like, wait, are we doing an ad read? Uh, Gideon was asking if black random concealment made a holster, getting an optics, by the way, made a holster for the Taurus state. See, I don't remember some kind of tourist. I'm sure they do, but go fuck yourself.
I'm sure that they do. And if they don't, that's one of the great things about black rhino concealment is that they can make whatever you need. So even if you have to send your gun into them so they can make the holster specifically to your gun slash light slash optic, whatever you need, whether you need normal kydex, whether you need double or triple retention, it's all out there and they will print whatever you need on it as well. I want to get serious here for a second. I was going through, I was going out one of my clauses and what is it?
a box full of, uh, I had a box full of holsters. I'm going through the holsters and how many were WLS's life on them. It was just like, no, yeah, I was even, I found an old, uh, uh, he even made us a, uh, Zippo, uh, holder. Yeah. It even said WLS is life on that too. I thought that was pretty cool. Yeah. So yeah, a black rhino concealment holsters for anything you need. And, uh, yeah.
I had a couple of people reach out and just ask, you know, what timeline was. And I think they both got their holsters within just a few days of me reaching out. So go check them out, blackreno concealment.com coupon code WLS is life. Because they're the ones who in fact, Gino originated. WLS is life. Go go see them. Love them. Have fun.
And Mignit said, is an RMR really worth the damn price? Fuck no. You know, it was really worth the price. Gunfights, unconditional life, unconditional love. Yeah, that's worth the price. Yeah, it is. So, uh, Brownells has a crimson trace blowout sale going on right now. Whoa, blow out your bow holes. You're wondering crimson trace. I wonder if they're getting ready to close.
Remember when they just made lasers. Yeah. Yeah. For the Taurus. Taurus, not the LCP. Yeah. Aaron's got it. Aaron's got a Taurus in his closet. You know what? I don't own a Taurus, but I heard the quality is getting better. I actually heard that. No, fuck Taurus. Yeah. I mean, I keep hearing that. I haven't seen it yet, but I keep. Well, I'm because none of us shoot fucking Taurus's.
Yeah. Like when I went and shot a Taurus and was like, this is unsafe. Okay. I have if you're firsthand, I just heard that their quality control is getting better. I do not believe that personally. Well, it was for a while. And then they got caught selling guns to terrorists. Yeah. Well, so the US.
Yeah, but we fast to furious, but we don't care if we do it. Anyway, I think we can all agree. Fuck to our snake. Go ahead. Gunfights. Oh, OK. Let me present to you guys. Actually ever get old. No, it doesn't, actually, because I is it weird that I have a boner right now. It's been old since before you started it. I'm going to get old. Whoa.
Here's a gun. This is a, a rare left-handed Remington 700 BDL in 30.6. Not that right. Nikon scope and it's in great condition. Nikon scope. Holy shit. It says it was very well taken care of. It says that it's almost flawless blueing. Just some minor handling marks on the stock.
Looks pretty good. And like the ad says, it is indeed left handed. This is just like a good old fashioned wood stocked Monte Carlo stock with the cheek piece. Yeah, just like a classic American hunting rifle. How many bits? This has 63 bids. Wow. Yeah.
It's a rare left handed. So, you know, I think I really think bolt action should be left handed. So you can keep your hand on the trigger. Well, I have the best thing for you. Kudu firearms.
For $900, you can get a straight poll for $900. You can be gay. All right. I'm ready whenever you guys are. All right. I'm ready. Y'all. Y'all ready? Three, two, one. Go. Go. Aaron's got 430. Jeremy's got 800. Sean's got 863. And left handed is the theme. Oh, wow. Already already putting in the guesses.
Not allowed. Well, guess what, Sean? Just think that anybody would get it this fast. That was right. I knew it was coming. This sold for $1,575. What the fuck? Fucking gay. So I know you could buy left handed guns now, right? Apparently left handed is not just a physical disability, but it's a mental one.
Actually, they actually say that it is, but people have a damaged brain. We have proof of it now. These aren't that rare. That's I'll take the win, though. I will take the win. This is our second. This is a Beretta 92 F.
And it was made and purchased in 1986, which is actually this one was actually kind of cool because it sounded like the guy selling it was the guy who bought it originally. That's pretty cool. It's like he was writing the listing. Basically, he said he bought it in 86, put a couple of boxes through it, and then it spent most of its life in a humidity controlled safe.
which was, uh, kind of interesting. Anyway, 43 bids. This thing is just flawless. It's like, like when you see those barn finds where it's some really rare muscle car that's been under a bunch of tarps for the last 40 years, rolls out and it's in like mint conditions. That's what this is. What, uh, what was the, the first gun? Tell me it was a Remington what left handed Remington 700. But what was the model?
700, 300, 306. Can you read the title for me, Nick? There was something else there that I missed. Rare left-handed Remington 700 BDL. BDL, thank you. That's what I was going for. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Icon scope. 30 out of 6. Vantage. Also very good condition. OK, I'm ready. All right. Are you guys all ready? Yep.
I'm ready. Let's let's see him. Three, two, one, go. All right. Aaron says 625 old guns. Jeremy says 600. First year. First year. Sean says $1043 and rare. All right.
Well, some of these guns are rare. Some of them are not particularly rare. Uh, they're all kind of old, but not like that old. Um, and then what was yours, Aaron? I, I, mine was old. Jeremy's was a first year, first year. Oh, well, this, this one was produced in 86. So it was the year it was actually in the ad that was the year after the military adopted it.
Anyway, it was close enough to take a guess. You guys are all fucking wrong. Um, this sold for $1,325. That's retarded. You literally can go buy this gun now for like $650 new. Yeah. Are you afraid of your early production and mint condition? Nobody cares. Are you afraid of your, your, my family apparently? Apparently 43 people care. So there were 43 bits. It was two retards fighting over it. Well,
They fought for me to get a win. I know what the theme is. The theme is retarded people bidding on gum bro. That's the theme every week. So who won Nick? You did, didn't you? If Nick's talking, I can't hear him. Yeah, Nick's muted. Sorry. I'm not sure how I got muted there.
I went to look for the bid history and unfortunately it was not there. It was unavailable. You did, Sean. You were $282. That bid history was just two monkeys fucking the same football. Well, that's what I wanted to know is how many different different names would be on there. You know, it's crazy is that the only reason I'm winning is because they're retarded and I'm retarded. All right. This right here.
is a 1988 block Gen 1 model 17. Wow, it's in the original Tupperware box. Does it remains in very good condition with moderate and scattered handling on the slide and overall finish rates about 92%. It looks pretty clean. Yeah, like not bad overall.
These first gen glocks have like a sort of clay or like Plato feeling to him. Um, or like just appearance. This one had 29 bids. 10 one. Yeah. One magazine. Eight. Is there a W carved in the bottom of that magazine? Um, there is in fact a W.
Hmm. Twenty nine bids. God damn it. I can't stick with retardation this time. All right. Everyone ready? Yes. Three, two, one, go. All right. Aaron's got 475 in original box. Jeremy's got.
1 million just kidding 1,200. Okay. First owner. One hundred first owner. All right. Sean's got seven twenty nine and eighties. All right. Those are all those are all good guesses. Um, as we get, I don't, I don't think any of them. No, I guess the breaded it. I don't think the Remington had the box and I don't think any of the other ones do. Um,
Oh, what eighties guns. Um, I don't know when all of these were produced fair and they didn't knock them out in the eighties. If it's not what you specifically meant, then I got it wrong. Oh, yeah. I was going to guess eighties on my next round. Um, because fuck you because no, because, uh, because it, you know, it just. Now, not just point point of a point of reference here. Jeremy cannot bid twice. So his first bid is his actual bid.
Oh fuck. It's not like I didn't change it. I literally put just kidding. Well, it doesn't matter anyway, because Jeremy won. Jeremy was $345 off.
And it was, it's an actual owner. This sold for 15, no, I'm just kidding. This sold for $855. Oh, so. And no, the first owner is only mentioned on one or two of them. So I won, right? Would you say 729? Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah, you did. I'm sorry. Yeah, you're right. Going for the shutout tonight, boys. Yeah. Shut up. Not the shut up, the shutout. You win.
We can stop. We can stop now. No, cause I'm getting that extra point. I'm getting that extra point too. I'm going to ruin you this year, bitch. Oh, okay. All right. This is another, this is another rare bird. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Benelli M three super 90 in 12 gauge. This one is imported by H and K.
in very good condition overall. Got the fixed stock in the pistol grip.
A little, a little bit about the M3 that's interesting is that they were actually semi-auto and pump action, like a SPAS 12. Oh, wow. So you could shoot like less lethal stuff that didn't have the power to cycle the action. You could turn a little ring that would basically put it into pump action mode. And then when you switched to real ammo, you put it back in semi-auto. This had 27 bids and it sold for.
Wait. Yeah. Got you. I got you. Oh, man. This is not an FAA or anything, right? Nope. I know the answer to it already. I'm finally going to get on the board, gentlemen. What turns like I bid on this one? Probably. No, I won this auction. I mean, I don't know. I know what the, uh, the, the, the theme is tonight. Do you really? Okay.
Okay. I don't. All right. I'm ready. Three. Do you want to go? Let's see it. All right. Aaron says eight to twenty five. And what is it? Swat, swat guns. Okay. Thousand dollars from Jeremy. And he says die hard. Sean says 12, 27. I don't have a theme, man. I was going to say die hard, but that fucking hunting rifle. Yeah. They were in the helicopter.
Yeah, that is in the helicopter. I don't know if the Benelli M3 is in Die Hard. And I know for sure. Well, I was thinking all next one isn't. I was thinking of just all the Die Hard movies. Die Hard and not Die Hard. Oh, you're the entire franchise. Yeah. Well, I was thinking of the role of the Bruce Willis movies.
Okay. Yeah. Sorry. Right. As I said, that the dog nailed his squeaky toy. Really? All right. None of your theme guesses are right. What? $1,450, which means that Sean is once again the closest at $223 off. How the fuck? These people are working. See, I just had to put myself in their place and be retarded.
I mean, this is an uncommon. Yeah, gun. It's a banelli with HK import markings. Like it's just, it's, it's cool. Not apparently not cool to get like. Beretta 1301 money. I mean, it is pretty cool. All right. This one. This one right here is a pre-band. They Woo K one A one. Five, five, six.
This had 11 bids. And this one's also in excellent conditions as it was purchased in February 88 as everything but the box. And this was the other one that was the original owner it sounded like. So yeah, the day Woo K one a one semi auto version of the select fire rifle, it's got a
Oh, a wire telescoping stock on it, like a EDW stock, as we would call it these days. This mint is like a, like a EDW or M1 carbine kind of thing. Um, I think it was paratroopers and stuff used it. Man, 11 bids. I'm so confused. One bajillion.
All right. I'm ready whenever you guys are. All right. Three, two, one. Go see him. Aaron's got eight, 1850. Yes, sir. And guns used by special forces. Yes, sir. OK, he's got $3,000 and he says LA riots. John says $811. Excellent condition.
All right. So this gun sold for two thousand eighty five dollars. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking one more. Yeah, you did. Jeremy was one hundred and fifteen dollars off.
That makes sense to me. That's a rare gun. Yeah, but 11, 11 bids got me. I was like, man, no, no one wanted this. Oh, somebody saw it and went mine. Yeah. It was working its way up and somebody went mine. You're right. Yeah. I, that makes sense. Um, here's the other thing. These are all rooftop Korean guns. Damn it. I said LA riot. I know. And the rooftop Koreans were doing their thing during the LA riots.
The Jeremy gets that point, but Sean is the big wiener overall. So he gets. Were they, were they in LA? They sure were. Yeah. Okay. The second I saw Jeremy's California riots, I was like rooftop Koreans. God damn it. And that, uh, that suggestion comes courtesy of Tyler. I was like, I don't know what to do tonight. And she was like, what about those Korean guys from the LA riots? Fucking nailed it. And I was like, fuck yeah, Tyler. Good job, Tyler. Yeah. Tyler, good job.
She can't hear you. Oh, well, tell her I said good job. No, I will not tell her that I miss your partner. I don't want to dead name her. When you when you say a name like that, I feel like there's a certain implication.
nailed it. You've been saying my partner for seven years, fuck you in your implications. Yeah, that's fair. All right. Yeah. So I was the big wiener. Yeah. Well, you did get them all. You get a point. I get a point. Yeah. I didn't get the shut out. Unfortunately, you're welcome. Yeah. Very nice. Very nice. Very good theme.
I, the second I, cause I was thinking with the day, I was like fucking Koreans. And the second I saw Jeremy's thing, I was like, God damn it. It's rooftop. Whoa. Okay. Hold on. Okay. I'm holding. Look at my picture. Am I doing that? Oh, that's a day. K one A one. That's pretty cool. See? Yeah.
I posted that on Instagram almost a year ago and I was like, Oh man, I'm going to get so much so many comments about this day. Not a single fucking one. I mean, look at the picture again. Nobody cares. Look at the picture again. rooftop Koreans. I mean, I just, I just closed it. Yeah. Okay. That's fine. My point is you could barely see the gun.
Now you can clearly see the gun I showed look like all I saw was a magazine coming out of a gun didn't really all you know in a black face
There you go. There you go. See? No comments. Full side profile of the gun there. All right. I want every person listening to this to go to at bus built systems on Instagram, find the picture of the day woo. And then we will make an artistic version of Nick holding the day woo with the black dot face and give you a free t-shirt for one winner as long as we get more than 20 comments.
And if you buy one of those hoodies or one of the other shirts or hoodies that I sell on my website, you'll get a shirt or a hoodie. Damn. Okay. This is not like a buy one, get one situation. I'm saying if you pay for one, you will receive one. Oh, I see. Got it. Got it. You pay for it. You get it. Wonderful. I love it, which brings us.
It's our good friends over at Gideon Optics and in the chat. Granite RMR just launched. Oh, fuck yeah.
Cause the granite was in the MOS cup before. Now the RMR just launched and the valor mini enclosed RMS C cut is out. Hold on. I'm going to go to their website. Okay. That one. I, I want that one. Same. I literally has a, has a hollow son 507 K and it has been a good optic and I'm happy with it, but I also have to constantly clean, went out of it because, you know, it's open and it's a cup. So.
Everything falls in there. Yeah. The valor mini is. I've been excited about this one since literally the first time I saw it, RMSC footprint and closed a meter, micro red dot. All right, let's see. So on the Smith and West, I'm sorry, on the Springfield Armory, echelon 4.0 C, which Gideon optics should I put on that? Cause I'm taking that fucking vortex off and throwing in the trash.
Hmm. Which cut did you say it is? It's got the vis visual interface system. So I can basically fit anything. RMSC, doctor, RMR, whatever. So the I would, uh, I would put the omega on that. Yeah. I think I'll put the omega. Well, it's a concealed carry gun. So maybe I'll put the valor mini on that one. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. If it's a carry gun, but now on the full size echelon,
I think I should put the Granite RMR. Let me look at this. That'll be a good choice. The Granite is huge. Yeah, it is. And I'm here for it. I just put the Granite on my Glock and a fucking little bother. Dude, that's exciting that those just came out. I wonder when they actually released because I'm pretty stoked about it. Did you know that Gideon has an optics trade-in program?
I saw them talking about it in the chat earlier. JW says, Granite RMR for the echelon. Mo better. I agree. So it says, trade in your old optic and get $50 back on this optic after purchase. Select the trade in option below. You can select the trade in process your order. We'll send you a label to send us your eligible optic and then you get your credit once it's reviewed. So that's pretty dope. Does that work with coupon codes?
That's, that's the question that I've got. Oh, and they've got red and green. I hope Bob's drinking tonight because goddamn. Same. I'm excited about this. I hope Bob is drinking tonight because I could just be like, yeah, I got a couple of guns. I'd like to put an optic on and like 40 things are going to show up at the shop like a week from now. I just added so many things to my car. I know. Yeah. I'm very excited about both these. The valor mini, I think, is the one that I'm most excited about right now.
Same cause I've been waiting for that one. I think we only found out about it like three weeks ago and it's pretty sick. So let's see. I'm going to, I'm going to do this. I'm here now. So the granite RMR is 249.99 plus I get my trade in credit, which takes it down to 199. Oops. Oh God, I didn't do it. Uh, then I'm going to try to put in my coupon code and see if we can double dip on them before they fix it.
apply coupon. And it raised the price. So they're like, Hey, fuck you.
So you can do the trade in or you can use the coupon code. Only one of those options works. And now we have proved that. But yeah, the valor mini enclosed emitter. So it's small. It's like a red dot, but it's not prone to getting dust and debris and all the nonsense that you have rolling around your belt line there. And they almost won emerging brand of the year at the Gundy's.
Uh, said sale ends one 31. So you just have a few days to go out there and get those Gideon optics. I just wonderful friends of ours. So stoked to see them doing so much and doing so well, uh, getting an optics.com coupon code WLS is life. We'll save you that money. Oh, and there's a current 20% off shot sale and you can't use the coupon with that.
But you can normally trade in with coupons. So after the 31st, you can trade in with a coupon, but not while the shot discount is going, which is the almost emerging brand of the year, 20% off site wide plus a free t-shirt. There's no reason not to go buy Gideon optics right now. In fact, yeah, if you don't, if you don't, if you don't buy Gideon optics today, fuck you.
Uh, dusky cons in a $5 rumble rant that says, Oh, and the trade in program. Plagadev says trade in program is $100 for rifle scopes. Goddamn. Dusky con rumble rant. Can you explain to me for the hundred and 71st time with the difference between a stock and a chassis is in regards to their use with firearms? Anyone? A stock is like not metal and a chassis is metal.
No, usually a stock will be like a more traditional shape. Usually chassis is going to have like a V block shape or something and stocks can sometimes have a V block in them. But a chassis is oftentimes something synthetic. Whereas there's a lot of blurring there. Chassis are usually a little more modular or something, you know.
I would say that a chassis is going to have the M lock, the arc, rail, the blah blah blah. Like generally speaking, like otherwise it's just a fancy stock and we came up with a word where like, oh, it's a chassis because it's marketing and it sounds cool. And it's, but really it's just like, oh, we have a wood stock, a polymer stock, a fiberglass stock and an aluminum stock.
And the aluminum stock has some fancy holes cut in it that allow you to hook other things to it. And we're going to call it a chassis. And then that way we could charge like an extra $800 because it sounds cool. And really, it's just an aluminum stock. I'm 90% sure that chassis are made of metal and stocks are made of some other like composite or fiberglass or wood or whatever. It's still a stock.
Yeah, but chassis's are like, it's a frame like a mark frame framework. No, fuck that. Yeah, chassis is a metal. I'm willing to I'm willing to bet it's a it's a stock. It could also be metal. And you can put like a V block stock or you can put a an aluminum V block and a stock and you could have a chassis that was like a, you know, an aluminum V block or basically with polymer bolted onto it.
What what's one metal stock? I'm not aware of any. I mean, I'm saying you can have metal in a in a stock like you can have the same like aluminum core or. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or whatever you want to, you know, use. I was I still have a chassis of something that doesn't actually come with a stock. I think some of them do some of them. Some chassis are all one piece that have a stock and everything built into it.
I think it's a very loose. I think like the difference is very loose. And there's a lot of overlap. I think it's a marketing term. And it's one of those things where you know it when you see it. It's like porn out. And the team makes chassis so you don't make stocks. That is true.
No, they make aluminum stocks. No, they make chassis. They call it a chassis. Yeah. But it's, but it's an aluminum stock. See, you're, you're black and white and we're gray. Well, no, you're gray fucking Gandalf. Yeah. Well, I may be gray, but at least I'm like gay. Jeremy. No, you're G dash R dash. Hey, why? Gay gray.
gay, gray, the gay, or was that Gandalf? Gray, the gay on my own? Yes. All right. Gandalf, the gay. So I guess what we're saying about chassis and stocks is we don't know the difference or we all have our own definition of what the difference is. I don't think there's a set definition other than it's a marketing term. Hold on. Let me Google it. Difference between chassis and stock for rifles.
Let's see what a rifle stock is typically made from water composite materials offers limited adjustability. Well, chassis is usually constructed from machine to loon or metal providing a more rigid platform with extensive customization options. OK, here we go. MDT. This is this is decisive because they are the ones. Chassis versus stock. What's the difference?
Oh, let's see. I'm just scanning it right now. Traditional rifle stocks, d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-
Here, I'll put the article in the chat and I'm gonna throw it in the chat right now. I'll throw it in the thing and all these folks can also look at it. All right. There we go. There you have it. We're done with gunfights. We're done with that. And we are now going into WLS's lifestyle. So I have two things to talk about.
VSO gun channel. Y'all know Curtis. Good friend of ours. Great. Just name him. What? Did you just dead name him? Dead name? Yeah. What do you mean? You know what a dead name is, right? Yeah, I absolutely know what a dead name is. Okay. That's why it's a joke. Wait, did Curtis become Clarissa? I think it was a I think it was a call back, Sean.
I know I was just kidding. So Curtis from the VSO gun channel has been doing some some videos recently. He actually does some very good analytical, analytical videos in addition to all the product testing that he does. And there has been a little bit of drama going on with us CCA and attorneys on retainer. And I'm going to be very careful what I say here because I assume that they're all very litigious. Fuck heads.
The things that he's been talking about with USCCA is first of all, they have people like Tim Kennedy represent them who thinks that gun control is a great solution.
So not someone that I would associate with. And USCCA also has a case that they chose not to defend and the case is now going to a higher court for ineffective counsel. And they basically were just looking for a reason not to defend this woman. And it turns out that she absolutely should have been defended and that they left her out to dry from how I understand it. And this is all allegedly.
Um, and then there is another self defense insurance company called attorneys on retainer who was very critical of us CCA in this case that they had done. Well, it turns out he did a video today actually that talks about attorneys on retainer, the, the head guy over there who was running for Senate and took a fuck ton of money from gun control groups.
And basically the video talks about all that shows proof of all these gun control groups that were donating to this individual who runs attorneys on retainers, the head guy over there. And
I think that's a very, very interesting. And, you know, and it's all coverage. It's not, it's not insurance. It's coverage in case you have to use your firearm for cell defense. So I've been very negative on USCCA for a very long time. And now it turns out that the ones that were attacking them are taking a bunch of money from gun grabbers. And I know that there's a bunch of creators out there that are like, Oh, no, you got to, you got to know the person. Now fuck that. If you're taking money from gun grabbers, you're no better than any of them.
So I think that those both those companies in my opinion are persona persona non grata. I hated us CCA when they would come into my store and just how they would terrible. Well, like they would. So this is literally they were like, okay, so in Ohio.
the way most classes are as you have like, it has to be eight hours by the state. And you end up with like six hours of instruction and like a couple hours of Ohio law, right? Around CCW. And they were like, we will pay you me. They're going to give me money as the instructor, like 15 bucks a student. Yep.
just and they'll teach the law portion of my CCW class. I get to fucking leave, right? They're gonna pay me to not teach if I let them do it so they can proselytize USCCA to my students. And you can be a USCCA instructor, of course. The problem is,
in the state of Ohio, the only things that are uniformly accepted are opata, which is Ohio Police Officer Training Academy and NRA. So you either have to be an NRA pistol instructor or an opata pistol instructor to teach CCW classes to have it.
be universally accepted by the sheriffs. I think the sheriff is allowed to make the determination, and some sheriffs will accept USCCA, but most of them don't. So they would be like, oh yeah, come take this instructor course, become a USCCA instructor, and start teaching CCW classes, and these people would, and then they would teach, and then the sheriff and their kind of be like, the fuck are you doing? No, none of this is
No, none of these people got a CCW now and then they were getting pissed. And they never like brought it up. They never like tried to address it at the state level and say, Hey, here's our curriculum like blah, blah, blah. Here's our accreditation. They never did any of that. And to this day, I still I had a guy with CCW NRA instructor course in March.
And one of the guys that came to the, I had to run a basic pistol course because you have to take the course before you can become an instructor in it. And I had like four or five guys in the class that had never actually taken the basic pistol course. So I put on like just instructors, like I ran one really, really cheap.
One of the guys in there, he goes, I'm a USCCA instructor. And it's fucking pointless. And I'm like, and I have literally just got done talking about all this shit. I'm a USCCA. He's fucking pointless. And yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's like, I'm a USCCA instructor. And it's dumb. Yeah.
Yeah. So anyway, go watch Curtis's videos. Uh, there's like three of them in this kind of whole timeline going along. He, he has some opinions in the earlier videos that he corrects in the later videos. I watched him backwards and I thought they were pretty good. So definitely, uh, I think they are valuable and, uh, Sean Maloney is going to join us next week actually, just a reminder that Sean Maloney's never
had any of these rumors or nonsense or alleged situations. And Second Call Defense is who we've worked with for a long time. In fact, when Second Call Defense chose to no longer advertise with us a couple of years ago, and they are back, by the way. I want to mention that.
I thought that it was important to have a self-defense coverage type product. And so I approached all of the companies to just reach out and be like, hey, I'd like to talk a little bit about what you guys offer. We have an opening in advertising for this. And through talking and doing research on all those companies, I finally was just like, fuck it.
Not one of them meets the criteria for us because great product, great people, great company. And honestly, if you're taking a bunch of money from gun grabbers, not meeting some of those criteria. And I was just like, yeah, no, no one out there meets the criteria for WLS. And so I just left it unfilled until a second call defense came back. So we like shooting dot com slash SCD.
true patriot. You know, he's been on the show many times. And yeah, support the people that support us. Jeremy, I noticed that Senator out of Utah, Mike Lee today, posted a little interesting thing on X. What are letters of Mark and reprisal and how could they be used to weaken drug cartels? And then,
Oh my God, I still want this. And then Donald Trump Jr. reposted it and said, hey, Dogue, like Department of Government efficiency, like this would be an interesting way to battle cartels and things like that. And it's specifically laid out in the Constitution. It is. It exists. We haven't done it in over 100 years.
But so letters of market reprisal are government issued commissions that authorize private citizens, air quote, privateers to perform acts that would otherwise be considered piracy like attacking enemy ships during wartime. Privateers are rewarded with a cut of the loot that they bring home. Do I get a cut of the cocaine? US Constitution authorizes these commissions in article one, section eight, giving Congress the power to grant letters of mark and reprisal. While Congress has an issued one in over a century, the authority to do so still exists.
modern context. Using letters of mark could be a novel but effective response to unique threats posed by drug cartels, especially in response to threats by the cartels to target US planes returning illegal immigrants to their countries of origin.
How could they be applied? Congress could issue letters of mark and reprisal authorizing private security firms or specially trained civilians to intercept cartel operations, particularly those involving drug shipments or human trafficking across borders. Targets focus on disrupting supply lines, capturing high value targets or seizing assets like boats, vehicles, cash, gold or equipment, used in criminal activities. They're going to have to get really cool with people getting killed really quick.
Um, flexibility, private entities operate more with more agility than the government cost would reduce the financial burden on taxpayers as the privateers only receive a cut of what they recover and return. And yeah, so there's no fucking way this is going to happen, but I just think that it's interesting that a sitting US Senator, uh, is putting this out there and then it's why don't why don't we do shit like this anymore?
Like why don't like really? Why don't we? We had privateers for the longest time. Like as we had private militias that we would call forth and then pay as militias, like in service to the country, like, like, I want to be a fucking colonel. All right. Pay enough money to the fucking government. Now you're a colonel and now you have to outfit your regiment. Like, why doesn't that exist anymore?
I mean, I want what I want to get all of us and all of our friends onto a sailing ship with cannons. I mean, that fucking sounds dope and a bunch of lime. And then we can go attack those drugs, smuggling submarines. Here's what we do is we go take over that fucking island that Mr. Beast gave away in his prime show, Beast Games.
It's like an island is just sitting there empty. We go fucking claim it for ourselves. Sea land. Yeah. No fucking sea land. We call it Willis is life land. And because a letter of Mark will allow you to do things that would otherwise be illegal, like piracy. That means they could include in the letter of Mark. I could have the cocaine. Yeah.
Yeah, or maybe the monetary value of the cocaine. I don't know. I just, you're, you're just going to destroy it. I can make like, I won't sell it in America. I don't think they want to replace the Mexican cartel with the Ohio cartel. But I'm not going to sell it to Americans. I'll sell it to Canadian. And then it's their problem. Okay. So it's doing a little research. Yes. And there was an agreement and
1856 called the Declaration of Paris, which outlawed privateering by most naval nations. However, the US did not sign it. And we also didn't sign the Geneva Convention. Or no, the Hughes, I was just going to say, yeah, we did. No, no, we only signed part of the Geneva Convention. We didn't sign the whole thing. And we didn't sign the Huesham Convention of 1898. Correct. But we didn't sign all of the Geneva Convention.
I mean, fuck it. Let's pull out of it. Oh, yeah. Well, I think that you need a convention should only apply to other countries that signed it. Like you're saying, like uniformed enemies. Well, not even uniformed enemies. We gave the entire world the option to sign it. And if they went, no, they're like, all right, then three sided bayonets and we're torturing everybody. And we're shooting fucking holopoints.
Yeah. And we're shooting exploding bullets and biological warfare and everything else because we, you said you didn't want to play by these rules. Okay. So let's not. Let's see who has fun. I'm good. I think we would. I think they would. Microwaves, Adam and shit.
So anyway, yeah, I thought letters of market. I immediately thought of Jeremy when I saw it and said, okay, so it says, it says, you said it has to be signed by Congress. Can it be signed by a Congress men? Because that'd be an entire all of Congress sign off on it. Letters of mark to have to be issued by Congress. Okay, so you would need of 51% Congress to sign off on it. I don't know the specifics here. Let's see.
Let me just look real quick. I mean, if it's just a congressman, I'm sure we could find one. So it's article one, section eight of the US Constitution empowers Congress to grant such commissions. Interesting. Ron Paul actually suggested using letters of mark and reprisal to seize property and exact harm upon Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.
And he introduced a bill in October of 2001, which would have authorized the president to specifically target bin Laden as associates using non-government armed forces since it's nearly impossible to get close to bin Laden. The mark in reprisal approach creates an incentive for people in Afghanistan or elsewhere to turn him over to the United States. He was mocked and ridiculed and criticized by his own party. So.
Yeah, Congress would have to authorize the president to then issue letters of mark and reprisal. I mean, never going to happen, but fucking interesting to have. It's a different world. Like fucking month ago, that shit wouldn't have been set out loud, but here we are living in a different world.
Your eye thing is freaking me out because you're reading and you're looking off to the sides here. Your eyes are moving closer to the camera and then they get to a certain point. And the AI thing kicks in and the fake eyes come up, but then you go back to the left to start the next line. So your eyes go back. So the result is that you have this like really wide, really quickly sweeping thing going on with your eyeballs. It looks fucking weird.
I love it so much. I'm not looking at my camera right now, and it looks like I'm looking dead into it. All right. Uh, there we go. Letters of Mark. Me too. Have you guys ever heard of a company called Nightfission? You know what? I have, Sean. Well, good, Aaron. I'm glad that you have.
because night vision is one of our advertisers, one of our sponsors. And directly on their homepage, they have a little picture that I would like to show you.
Boom. Look at that gun right there. So they have an enclosed emitter red dot like we were just talking about with Gideon. This is not Gideon obviously, but it's riding down low in that slide. And then they've got their optics ready stealth sites that co-witness. That's going to be a lower third co-witness. So I'm thinking you buy that Gideon valor mini and then you get some of these optics ready stealth, tritium options.
Yeah. Yeah. That's going to look real good. That's actually what I wanted to do. So I think the echelon comes with Meprolite, uh, Tridium site. I don't love it. It's a big front and then a you, like a U shaped rear. I don't like that. I'm definitely going to upgrade the sites for that. In fact, I should actually go to their website and look excuse me at Springfield and see if they have echelon sites.
They do. I feel like I'm listening to Jeremy call like an ex-girlfriend on the phone, which is heavy breathing in the background. Was I breathing heavy? Sorry. No, no, Jeremy. Oh, I was like, I just got fucking excited. I don't know what to say. I'm just sitting here. Yeah, what the mic is like right on your nose. I guess I don't know. This is why are you so out of breath if you're just sitting there? No, my nose is fucking clogged, but.
All right. So listen, I can get the optics ready stealth that will lower, that will lower third co-witness with the valor mini with a yellow front ring with a tritian middle, tritian middle and then blacked out rears that also have a tritian vial on it for 119 bucks. If you drink the tritian, will you die? No, it's gas. If you off it, will you die? No, but you will have green bukkake.
If you, if you inject the tritium into your system, do you think the gas would kill you? Yeah, for fucking symbolism. It's gas. Much air will take to cause an embolism. Not much. Not much. But anyway, go check them out for whatever gun you have. I think that this is a great combination. And nightvision.com coupon code WLS is life will save you money.
I think that getting in a knife vision should have like packages, packages of nice centered eggs. I don't think that they should just be wearing fucking nut huggers and posting on, posting on IG only fans maybe. I'm totally, uh, Aaron's alley. Yeah. Hey, so one week in and, uh, there's been a ton of shit that's gone through the fucking bike. I just realized that it is not in the show notes. I'm grabbing it right now.
Yeah, that's fine. I was going to look it up on our internal chat, but you that'll work. Uh, is there anything that happened? Uh, you posted you shared with us. Uh, what was it? 34 things. And that's not even happened in the list. Cause I got more of them today before it. All right. So in this list of 34, um, uh, week one recap of Trump, uh, what was the one thing that you saw that really excited you? Just one thing I'll ask you for all of them, just your top goddamn everything.
One thing, Sean, dude, it's like, how do you, how do I pick between steak and bacon? Like you're giving me a possible choice. No, overbacon. No. Always. I mean, I might, but it just depends on if I'm feeling that or not. I don't know. Okay. I'll, I'll, let me start off. I'll pick my top one, which I'm super excited about. Okay. Number 29 on the list, Sean. Okay.
be classifying the MLK JFK and RFK files. So I want to be excited about that, but I fully believe that it'll still be so redacted and that shit will be left out. And then we will never get the full story. I mean, we know the CIA killed them. I mean, we know that. We don't know that. You better be watching that shit. Yeah, fucking Aaron Greager. God, what are you saying, bro? Greager that lives at one two four five.
All right, I got it right here and it's in the notes now. Jesus. Okay. Yeah, it's the kind of shit here. So I thought that was really cool. I'm super excited about that. With through the menthol cigarette band. Yeah, that was racist at menthol band. Oh, it's racist for you to say that. No, it's not. It's true. You know, it was so funny because I remember going to see the black, the blacks love menthols. They do.
I'm not, you know what, call me racist, but they do. So let's see, I think honestly, so I love the fucking immigration stuff, but I gotta say that the pardons are where it's at for me. All January six years pardoned, several pro-lifers that were just basically praying in front of abortion clinics were in jail. He pardoned Ethan Haim, who was a whistleblower at the Texas Children's Hospital that was doing sex changes on kids. He pardoned Ross Albright, who was the guy who created
Uh, so gross, so gross. Uh, two life sentences plus 40 years. Yeah, that was messed up. Like for fucking running a website. Yeah. So the pardons are number one and the immigration stuff, like Tom Homan is my fucking hero. I like Tom Homan, the borders are who's literally out on Sundays with, uh, ice, deporting illegal immigrant criminals.
Um, one of these did affect me, which is kind of bummer, but which one, uh, what my wife works as a grant base for mental health. Yeah.
Oh, yeah. You know, that was one of them that, but, you know, it's like the lesser, the greater, you know, you look at all the evils. I mean, but did the funding get pulled or something? It got, it's frozen right now. Go. Well, okay. So he. Friends from promoting gender ideology. No, that's not what she does. Yeah. I guess like all NGOs until they're until they prove their value.
Yeah, I mean, like I said, you know, she's not she's not a hundred percent grant based on that from that grant. It's just one of the grants that they were on. Gotcha. But it was like, you know, it might mean she has to fire some people. But listen, the greater good. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want it to affect you, but at the same time, like fucking it's been the best week in history. I like number seven, too. Number seven is canceled DEI, put every DEI employee on federal leave. Yeah. Wonderful.
I mean, oh, who doers one, I'm like about fucking time. Hang on. Number 18. Let's see. Federal employees will be hired on meritocracy. Yeah. Yes. I mean, everyone should be. I want to hire the best people. Yeah. Not that this proportionally minority or whatever, but the best people.
Yeah, 100%. Like when it comes to flying my plane, I want the person who's going to be who is the best at that job, not the person who was hired to fill a quota. Now, if somebody that would fill a quota is the best person for that job, then I'm totally fine with them having that job.
But yeah, this is one of the best things. And then we got Pete Hegseth as our SecDef, who's also going to fucking make our military a fighting force again and not, I think. Oh, he wants to audit the Pentagon. Yeah, saw that. That shit's going to get him killed. I mean, they failed seven in a row. Right. Strip taxpayer funded for security and security clearances for Bolton Pompeo and Fauci.
This has probably been the most effective first week for a president, maybe in history. I don't even know. Yep. Executive order recognizing there's only two sexes, man and women. Yeah. Like, yeah. Does any of this gun related? No.
And I'm not, I'm not like complaining. I'm just, I was, I was looking through looking for gun stuff and I wasn't seeing anything. So I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing one. That's not true. There is one thing he, the Joe Biden's office of gun violence prevention has been closed, shuttered. Everyone gone. No longer exists.
And he's going to send ATF agents to the border to arrest illegal immigrants. He basically signed something saying that other federal agencies are heard these guys send the IRS down there to empowered to do that now. Yeah. Yeah. Is he nominated anybody to head up the ATF yet? No, not yet.
Not yet. I'm just going through the list here. I mean, there are some good stuff there, man. He's been a fucking machine. Like this, this is what I voted for. Like what was the Hyde Amendment? Hyde? I don't know.
Yeah, I'm not 100% sure. I think that was that was financial stuff. I think I probably wish it was a cock. Pulled us out of the World Health Health Organization, no longer WHO and the WHO announced today that without the United States, they might have to fold. That'd be wild. It's fucking the brand new CIA director has released a thing that said the CIA believes that COVID was released from a Wuhan laboratory on accident.
I don't know if I still say. I don't think it was an accident. Yeah, I said this from the very beginning. It was released by the Chinese to get rid of their old people because it's a socialized system and they can't afford all those fucking old people. So kill them off. But it's also weird that the Chinese have like the lowest birth rates in history right now. Right. So their young can't afford to pay for all those fucking old people.
Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision that prohibits the use of federal funds for abortions. They've also shut down all the NGOs that were doing abortions in other countries. He spoke at Davos and told the Bank of America CEO to stop debanking conservatives to which the Bank of America then put out a thing saying, we never debanked conservatives to which a bunch of conservatives who were debanked by Bank of America were like, you fucking lying.
Uh, he went to North Carolina and California. Um, I've been there both those places to Sean. Yeah, but he, he went there to make sure that they were getting taken care of. Uh, he's talking about dissolving FEMA. What's, what's going to go in this place? They would just provide federal funds specifically to the state to take care of their own stuff. FEMA's nothing but a bureaucracy now. But if FEMA's gone, who's going to round everybody up into camps? Well, what are we going to do? What are we going to do with all that stuff that FEMA already owns?
fucking sell it. And yeah, I don't know. I'm going to buy myself a fucking trailer load of survival biscuits. It's been a good week. Yeah, I thought it was important that we talk about it because I mean, there's a lot of good stuff going out there. And I think we should, we should celebrate that. Number 34 is pretty cool. It's cool that he held a rally in night vision. Held a rally in Nevada to promote no tax on tips. No, I'm pretty sure that's night vision. Yeah, in my bed, my bed.
Like, like there's no tax on my tips. Uh, executive order that calls for the death penalty. If you kill a cop or an illegal immigrant kills a citizen. Yeah. I'm done with that. Yeah. Fucking great. It's like also include rape in there too. It doesn't, but I'd be fine with it. Yeah. And it also should include stealing. Hmm. We all know why opinion.
Yeah, we do. We do. I was channeling Jeremy there first. Oh, he established. Oh, they're here illegally. It shouldn't be illegal to kill them. Yeah.
All right. Well, yes, it's been a good week. You should be taking a Marine Corps boot camp and every Marine Corps recruit upon graduation has to kill someone. So that every US Marine you meet has at least one confirmed kill. And if you can't do it, you don't get to be in the core. So I'm reading this book right now called Red Rising.
And basically, there's classes, right? You have red, green, yellow, like red to the bottom, holds the top, like, and for the become a gold peerless, which is like the top of the gold, you have to go to this fucking camp, right? And there's 100 of the best of the fucking gold out there, 100 of the best. And the first day they make you, they put everyone in a room with someone else. And after that, there's only 50 left.
You know, that's like, you know, top, you know, they take the top 100 people out of the fucking entire society and then they kill off 50 of them. Well, I read a thing that was like 40% of crimes committed by the same thousand people. I'm like, so we know the answer then. We'll kill those kill those thousand people. Yep. Well, or put them in jail. No, listen, I send them to a different country. I get it. We send them to Australia.
I literally said that if you're going to have that, we need our own like escape from LA. Here's what we need is the running man. But yeah, anyway, Trump seems to be absolutely killing it for the people that voted for him and promises made promises fucking kept.
I made a promise. It was to Blue Alpha and it was that I would never won 71 again. Definitely don't plan on keeping that one. Blue Alpha, they make a ton of stuff belts. That's where they started. Well, they started with holsters, but they don't do that anymore. Now then they then they went to belts and they they covered our waste and then they start with like airplane mechanics. Well, that's where they worked as their day job while they were starting their startup. Yeah.
Yeah. That's why it's so much stuff. They do. It's like they're even making banana hammocks now. Wait a minute. I need a blue off a banana hammock. They are not. They are not, but I wish they were mean. Kurt sent me one. I'm so fucking I'm so fucking mad right now. He said all I had to do was send back pictures for Instagram. Nice. Did you? Yeah, but I haven't seen them posted yet.
I've had my blue off of Fanny pack that I carry in every single day, every minute of every day. And I've had it. So the one that I have was a pre real it was like a one that they just made up as one of like the very first ideas that they had.
And there's been a lot of changes, but that's the one that I still have. It's been like five or six years now. And I, it's with me every minute of every day. And it's finally, finally starting to show some signs of where, like it'll be totally fine. I could carry it for another five years with it.
But I'm going to order a new one because I want a black one. I've got a I've got the gray one now, but I want the black one. So I'm getting ready to order a new blue off of Fanny pack. So whether it's your belt, mag pouches, battle belt, Fanny pack. God, like.
dump pouches. They've got the stock sock. They've got tourniquet holders and danglers. Like go check out blueoffabelts.com. I guarantee they've got something and they even have dog supplies. Nick, you have some blue off of stuff, right? Yeah. Uh, my dog's dress collar is a blue alpha color for Marion and Baryon. And go into the vet and stuff. Yeah. When you, you know, you're talking married. No, it's just sometimes you got to have fancy boots. Sometimes you don't.
Sometimes you feel like a nut blew off the belt.com 10 WLS 2024 is the code. 10 WLS 2024.
just checking. But it's not 2024 anymore. Tomorrow in Colorado Tuesday, they're talking they're taking to the Senate State Affairs Committee. Their SB 25-003 assault weapons ban bill prohibits the manufacturer distribution transfer sale or purchase of gas operated. It's it's worse than California's bands. It's worse than New York's bands. It is
It is a very awful thing. And I don't like our chances. So hopefully a bunch of people are going to show up, but hopefully a bunch of people testify, whether you do it in person there, whether you do it remotely, whether you do written, whatever it is, they got to know how many people in Colorado are going to hold them accountable.
for the things. And we have so many problems in Colorado and guns are not fucking one of them. Like I just mentioned, you know, 40% of crime committed by a thousand people. Yeah, it's the same shit here. Colorado, safe place Denver, not a fucking safe place. Colorado Springs is a safe place. They get what they pay for and then they try to make us suffer. So if you're in Colorado, I hope that you participated in this very, very important.
A court ruling has paved the way for non-residents in California to obtain concealed carry licenses, potentially expanding the pool of legal gun owners in the state. Decision may challenge the stringent standards that California has for those, but I think overall, this is kind of exciting. So basically any members of gun owners of America, and if you've been listening, you remember there, or the Second Amendment Foundation can apply for a non-resident concealed carry license in California.
So it's a big deal. Yeah, it is a big deal. Like obviously they're going to fight it tooth and nail. But this is how funny is it that people who don't live in California are more or are allowed to carry more often than the people who actually live there. Yeah. Absolutely. It's craziness. Yeah, craziness. There was another school shooting. I don't know if you guys heard about it. Probably not. Do you know why?
Because it wasn't a white guy shooting. Correct. Oh, yeah. So there was the other shooter from a previous school shooting.
trying to remember where that one was in a soda abundant life Christian school, Wisconsin. Yeah, so it was a girl. And apparently this black guy was at this other school and they were in contact via like that discord or just back channels. They were
trying to contact each other and talk about carrying out these shootings. But you don't hear about this one in the news at all. One person died and the shooter, not a person. And yeah, it's just crazy that the mainstream media, there's literally a school shooting that was talking to another school shooter.
And it's not mentioned because it doesn't fit their narrative. Fucking ridiculous. I mean, that's fucking huge. Yeah, these hypocritical bastards. Yeah. ATF's tough love.
Representative Mann introduces a bill putting ATF's zero tolerance policy in check. So Cargill just recently got a win about the zero tolerance from the ATF, but now legislation has been put forth. And if it gets, if it gets approved, it will halt the agencies seemingly unchecked FFL closures under former President Biden.
It's called the Rifle Act, reigning in federal licensing enforcement and would basically get rid and not allow them to do this zero tolerance nonsense. We've already had court cases in precedent, but it would be good to get it codified. I talked about the removal of the gun violence prevention office. It's gone. Goodbye. Next, American zone over 30 million guns that Democrats would label as assault weapons.
Oh, this was off. I literally said it's already codified. They're just not listening to the law. Oh, interesting. The GCA when the GCA talks about, I think it's a GCA talks about pulling an FFL from somebody. And it literally has in there like willfully blah, blah, blah. Like you have to be willfully, you know, so it's already codified. But they're saying, well, you willfully made a mistake.
Yeah, it's nonsense. I love that there's so many legislators pushing the abolish the ATF bill right now. I don't think it'll happen, but it is a good thing.
Supreme Court today, again, had no rulings, no grants of certiori, no denials on snow, which is the assault weapons ban or ocean state tactical, which is the magazine ban, meaning that they're probably very unlikely to be heard in the 2024-25 Supreme Court term. There is the possibility that they grant certiori in fall of 2025, but
I think everyone's getting pretty demoralized at this point. The fact that the fact that both of them are still out there and relisted again, uh, it could be a good thing, but it also could be that someone is writing a dissent. And that would be a very bad thing. So Supreme court doesn't seem to want to be playing ball on their own ruling for brewing.
But yeah, it's hope is fading. I will say that for sure. If you follow any of the commentators, legal commentators, hope is wasting away.
Washington, you know, I got to have some Washington news, proposed Washington State Bill HB 1504 aims to require gun owners to maintain liability insurance. And not a little. Let me see what that number is. A measure which prohibit not just the purchase, but possession of a firearm unless that gun is insured. And this is every single gun insured under a
firearm liability policy or covered by firearm liability bond. I think the number was 25,000. Let's see. Yeah, well, you know, I mean, you don't pay the bond. You just haven't insured before the bond, right? Am I wrong? I don't have to come up with 25 grand for each one of my guns. No, you have to pay like renters insurance basically for every single one of your guns. So you have to have a policy for every single firearm that you were to buy or one policy listing all the guns.
Correct. So basically this is a way to prevent poor people from having guns. Correct. Oh, and it is $25,000 of coverage per incident arising from accidental or unintentional discharge of covered firearm. So yeah, basically they don't want poor people to have guns. They don't want anyone to have guns, but they especially hate the poor, which is interesting because the poor are the ones who vote for them. Interesting fucked up.
Yeah. Kind of sick of all this bullshit. I'm going to be honest. And that moved to Ohio. I'm thinking about it, dude. Thinking about it. Montana. Dude, I was looking at Montana prices the other day for like living. Montana has unfortunately become very much like Colorado. It is very expensive.
very expensive and seems to be getting shadier because of all the transplants. I've been watching Yellowstone, uh, the, the final part of the last season. And I just love that he basically is just shutting it all down, giving away all, all ownership of everything, just to, just to fuck over the people coming in from out of state.
You know, it's really ironic because there are a shit load of people coming here because of that. I know. It's funny that the show preaches against visitors, but because visitors aren't the problem. Well, it's the people who don't actually live there. They just have vacation homes and stuff like that. So back in the day, when a lot of people moved from the north to the south, there was a joke and it was, do you know the difference between a Yankee and a damn Yankee?
No. A Yankee goes down south. A damn Yankee goes down south with a U-hole. Got it. That's not really a funny joke. Well, we're good. Then you don't get it. No, I get it. I get it. Okay. Well, I mean, it doesn't have to be a ha ha joke. Right.
So yeah, anyway, Hey Jeremy, I appreciate, I appreciate you trying. Tell me about our screw. It's not like I came up with the fucking joke. Right. Because I'm like, Oh, hey, guys, welcome to my standup bar where I wrote this fucking joke an hour ago. Oh, bitch, it's just a funny little like, aha, ha, ha, stupid fucking nank. He's moving down here doing a bunch of stupid shit. And you're like, yep, I get it.
Jeremy's like, Oh, welcome. Glad you all had a time to come out tonight. Lost a lot of weight recently. Everyone cheers. Jeremy, let's cancer. It's cancer. You fucking cons. I killed my wife. Oh boy. Oh, that got awkward. Jeremy, tell me about Bowers Group. It's a suppressor company. Dope. Yep. coupon code WLS.
Awesome. We were just talking early about instead of fucking around with the Mojave 9 from Dead Air that the dude should just get the verse 375. I have a 375. I have a 375.
I have a 375. I have a verse 375 as well. And that you know, Nick, I have something done to you motherfuckers have. Yeah. No, he's got the fucking verse 45. I have a prolapse bottle. I have the powers group harbinger harbinger. That's right. Oh, that's true. Yeah.
So yeah, he doesn't, he doesn't make cans for five, five, six mag dumps. He makes cans for people that are shooting, you know, big calibers or nine mill or just people who actually care about quiet and having effective suppressors. We all use them and I would use them if I didn't receive them from Tom. Just great stuff. Go check them out. Bowersgroup.com coupon code WLS. And Jeremy, it is time to read the reviews.
Oh hell. Um, five stars from Phil see five squares love the show every time I listen feels like hanging in the garage with the boys. Drammy first words of his 40th year. I don't give a fuck about Asian fucking nailed it. I'm probably true. I don't remember, but I believe I believe it was true. Yeah. Five stars from Ashley Hack, my favorite podcast.
Okay. Now I would like to place bets. Is that a dude or a chick? It's got to be a chick. That's got to be a dude, dude. Because it's spelled A-S-H-L-E-I-G-H. Now I'm saying a dude because a girl would write more than just my favorite podcast.
I think we only have like four women that listen to the show. Are you kidding me? All the wordy constant right fucking reviews every week and they're like, I'm gonna write a fucking prose about it. Hey, do you hear this limerick? There once was a man named Aaron who had a face like a Karen. I want to see your manager about this fucking limerick. Got him.
with his dick sucking a chicken. He kept on a lick and, and he sure was a fucking it. Oh, bro. It was so good up until it would have been good. It would have been good. I just couldn't think of a word to end it with. Got to be a dude. It's got to be a dude. It's at your name. I'm sorry. You know, you're legally allowed to change it. Um, I start some jazz nibbler, jazz nibbler.
L. Nibbler again, sorry about the last one, I was hammered. It was fun to listen to you guys make fun of Drunk Fucker sending in questions and reviews. I'm only half drunk this time. You might have a problem, bud. I don't think you guys are half gay at heart. Only Jeremy is hetero. Since he's a giant cunt, I ask you look at the Stemple 2 builds from BRP again. This motherfucker again.
transferable and reasonably priced. Brian is about a hundred left. Then they gone. There's a vid on forgotten weapons about them. It seemed like Nick was checking it out. Oh, wow. And stay gay, cunts. No, I mean, these are cool. Did this has this dude hacked the system? It's like getting free advertising via reviews and D.R.W.
I mean, if he sends it in, you have to do it. Are you sure? I put it in private chat. Are you dead naming? No, that's why I put it in private chat. The middle name is what makes me think it's a girl. I mean, there's probably more than one. Let's call this number. OK, no, I'm kidding. I don't care.
invasion of privacy. Yeah. Okay. This guy's hacking the system. I still don't want. Oh, I could finish that. Okay, go ahead. No, there once was a man named Aaron had a face like a Karen. He's with his dick stuck in a chicken. He kept bottle licking. And those aren't his kids. He was barren. It's like a bearable. I love it.
Like, oh, dude, you want to hear a joke? That's fucking hilarious. Go leave us a review. We like shooting.com slash dashboard. That is going to wrap it up for this shit. Join. Oh, thighs just showed up. We have start over. He said, Oh, okay. Hold on.
Okay, welcome to the We Like Shooting Show episode 595. Our cast tonight is Jeremy Pazderik from Rivers Edge Tactical in Valley City, Ohio.
We got the machine. Moses, Dr. Aaron, shut the fuck up Aaron. We could stop the joke. No, I fucking. Othias. Gundy's winner of best best reviewer. When he comes in and says, start over, you fucking start over. We started over, Othias. So I want to see some tits. Agreed. Not yours either. Doesn't he doesn't sound like Kermit? No. I thought I sound like Kermit. No, he does not hear it.
All right. Join Gunners of America, gunowners.org slash WLS. You get discounts. You be covered by their preliminary injunctions and also the case that just got where you out of state residents can apply for concealed carry permits in California. That's a good thing. Free entry to the goals convention every year and a discounted rate. Get backstage access and be entered to receive the holy high point of backstage access.
Oh, I said back straight to access. I thought you would like backstreet. I wasn't sure. Back, backshot access. I was like, what? The gun cult.com. And you might possibly get the holy high point of Antioch this year. You never know. We want you here with us to fight. Call the number if you need it. So Zebra mention line is nine eight eight and seriously, like for your family, for the people that love you.
they want you here too. And if nobody loves you, well, Aaron loves you. And Nick loves you. And Jeremy loves you. Jeremy loves you, but it's in a sexual way. And if biblically, yeah, yeah, down 998. I love it. Yeah, he'll love it.
Go check out our social media app. We've got iPhone, Android website, dangfree.net. It's got all the stuff that you need, all the stuff you can do. And always prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery. We love you, especially with bias. Good night. Goodbye.
This podcast has been a production of the Firearms Radio Network. For more, visit firearmsradio.net.
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