Two Guys And A Fence Post 38 – Don’t be about it, talk about it first.
January 27, 2025
TLDR: Discusses the new Ruger/Magpul product and feelings of underwhelm about the recent Presidential Inauguration.

In this episode of Two Guys And A Fence Post, hosts dive into discussions surrounding recent political events, particularly the Presidential Inauguration, and the new Ruger/Magpul RXM pistol. Here's a concise overview of the key points and insights from the episode.
Overview of the Inauguration
The hosts express strong opinions about the recent Presidential Inauguration:
- Disappointment in Performance: They critique the long-winded speeches given by the President, contrasting expectations with the actual performance.
- Political Resentment: The discussion highlights some of the resentful reactions from attendees, including the President's demeanor during his speech, suggesting a sense of bitterness rather than celebration.
Key Highlights on Inauguration Insights:
- Speech Length and Content: The inaugural address was criticized for being too lengthy and not engaging.
- Biden's Reaction: Notable was Biden's physical inability to stand for long periods, which became a topic of humor among the hosts.
Political Shifts and Executive Orders
The podcast transitions to discussing the Executive Orders signed by the President, with hosts expressing strong perspectives:
- Withdrawal from International Agreements: The withdrawal from agreements like the Paris Climate Accord is regarded as critical for focusing on national interests.
- Reclassification of Cartels: The idea of declaring cartels as terrorist organizations is celebrated, with anticipation of more aggressive actions against drug trafficking.
- Controversial Citizenship Topics: The hosts delve into the complexities of birthright citizenship and the impact of undocumented parents having children in the U.S.
Featured Takeaways:
- A return to isolationism could reset the economic landscape, allowing the U.S. to focus inward on pressing national issues.
- The need for effective discussions surrounding welfare programs and how they affect crime and economic conditions is emphasized.
Gun Discussion: Ruger RXM
The segment concludes with an exploration of the new Ruger RXM pistol, a Glock 19 clone developed in partnership with Magpul:
- Pistol Overview: The RXM parallels existing Glock designs, focusing on affordability and accessibility.
- Practical Use: The hosts enthusiastically discuss the practicality of the RXM for training due to its compatibility with various Glock accessories.
- Price Point: At a price of $400, the RXM is considered an economical alternative for firearm enthusiasts.
- Compatibility and Design: The RXM's RMR footprint for optics makes it a versatile option for shooters looking to customize.
Final Thoughts on RXM:
- The prospect of using the RXM in training settings is met with approval, with the suggestion that it could replace more expensive training firearms.
- Both hosts agree on the merits of providing their students with an accessible, reliable pistol that won’t break the bank.
This episode of Two Guys And A Fence Post balances light-hearted banter with serious insights into political events and the firearms industry. Listeners can expect:
- Unfiltered conversations about current events.
- Engaging discussions about firearms and their roles in personal protection and as training tools.
The podcast serves as an entertaining yet informative platform for exploring critical issues surrounding both politics and firearms, while encouraging listeners not to just be "about it" but to engage in thoughtful discussions. Stay tuned for more engaging episodes!
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You're about to listen to a podcast from the Firearms Radio Network. For more, visit Hey guys, thanks for tuning in to Two Guys in a Fence post. Our ultimate goal is to provide content that people find relatable, helpful, or at the very least entertaining. In our show, you're going to be hearing a raw, uncut, unfiltered, and genuine conversation between two average dudes living in Northern Colorado. So to get the show on the road, here's your hosts.
There we go, we're recording. I just told Logan, don't be about it, talk about it. So let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. Let's talk Ruger RXM. Are we gonna hit that first? We're gonna talk about the inauguration first. We can talk about whatever the fuck we want. The inauguration was a fucking train wreck in my opinion in terms of like quality. It was, I wanted it to be short, sweet, and to the fucking point, just like he's been this entire time. And this motherfucker rambled.
twice, the inauguration and after. And you made the point that he was doing it to torture people. And like, I get it. I get it. You harbor a lot of resent for these people that try to absolutely just smear your name and your reputation and somewhat succeeded in that. But also, rise above. You're better than that.
I mean, to be honest, it's his day. You can do whatever the heck he wants to. That's true. But it was kind of funny to see some of the looks and stuff that Biden and Harris were kind of sneering the entire time. They wouldn't clap for anything. They wouldn't stand for anything. Well, Biden can't stand.
Well, I mean, that's true. Yeah, he doesn't, he didn't have anything to prop him up against. So, um, but no, it was, so I did watch the inauguration part, the part that you're talking about. So right after the inauguration, that's the, that's the one that kind of got me. And to be honest with you, I kind of fell asleep about halfway through that speech because it was 29 minutes, I think. Was that speech? It was the, it was longer than the inaugurate, the inaugural speech.
Yeah. Not by a lot, but it was. Yeah. And then after that, you know, after they go to the luncheon and all this other stuff and right before he goes to that rally there at Capital One Arena, that's where I stopped washing. I just, I just, I don't care. You didn't want to wash the village people? No.
But was that night before but no, I know it wasn't the night before There was they did have so the outfit that I was watching it on a camera what it was but it was Fox and they were covering both the inauguration and this Capital One arena where they had basically the rally at
And you know, you had people, you know, all kinds of people coming up there to speak. The one that I think is kind of funny because I don't remember Elon Musk doing this, but every, you know, there's pictures of him on Facebook and stuff like that. And even videos of him doing the Hale Hitler, you know, movement. I watched that guy and I didn't see it. It legitimately looked like he was just like waving at somebody.
And they were just like, look, he's saluting Hitler. Yeah. Well, like he even like he grabs his chest in the in the in the post that I saw, he was grabbing his chest and they hold his hand up. I didn't see that though. I didn't see him even grab his chest. I saw him waving. I saw him getting super animated, which was, you know, kind of cool to see. But I mean, what a goofy guy though. You know, Elon Musk, he's kind of a goofy guy. He is 100% a goofy bastard. It's the Tism.
But you know if you if you're that rich I guess you can do it everything you want nobody's gonna say anything he's an oligarch now Everybody he's part of the oligarchy. He's part of the oligarch whatever But which by the way just say oligarchy out loud and try not to laugh I mean I can't I can't smile a little bit all that oligarchy malarkey. Yeah
but the other kind of the fun thing to watch was all the, all the executive orders that he signed. Paris Accord, gone. Yeah, all of that. And some of the stuff that was supposed to be ceremonious, him signing a couple, there was over 200. Over 200, I thought it was just 100 that he signed.
The last one that I heard, but it was over 200. I don't know how much over 200, but it was a record. Yeah, it was a lot. And some of the ones that he actually named out on this platform was basically turning all cartels into a terrorist organization on the WHO. We're not a part of that anymore.
There are a couple other ones. Oh The the gender one that was that was a funny one. I didn't hear about this one. Yeah, so there's it's only two genders. Oh, that's it Which we all knew that right now, but he's always going on this whole premise of we're working off a common census next four years like yes perfect There's actually three genders, but that's okay No, there's not yes, there is no, there's not there's
male, female, and then those people that somehow have both, which is completely fucking unfair to the rest of us. That's not fair. Like one out of 100,000.
It's not fair. I want both. That'd be cool. No, I'm gonna go ahead and say, do you know how fast I would be on that registry that we're not gonna say out loud if I had both male and female parts? If somebody looked at me and was like, you can go fuck yourself, I would drop trial right there. I'd be like, pet.
I would use that to my advantage in every single situation. You're pretty unhinged today, my friend. This statement from Logan has been brought to you by the fact that Ohio State finally pulled their head out of their ass and won a national championship. After losing to Michigan, four out of the last five years, one of those years they didn't even play because of Ronas. I'm giddy today. I heard you're all about it. You got all kinds of P&A or P&V in you.
Yep. And I'm out of the doghouse. I'm back into the fire, but I'm out of the doghouse, so. Well, that's cool. That's a step in the right direction. Yeah. It is. It's great. And by the time this comes out, I'll probably be dead in a ditch somewhere. Who knows? I mean, we'll see how it goes. But what do you think about some of the executive orders that Debbie even got in the chance to even look at any of them? So I haven't got to look at them in depth and whatnot, obviously, because my life has been a dumpster fire as of late.
But I think stepping away from this kind of globalized policing effort from like the World Health Organization, you know, signing with the Paris Accord for, you know, the Paris Climate Accord, I think is what it's called. You know, I think it sucks because some of the best years that this country ever had was post World War II, right? We had like this,
this almost sense of global domination, right? But that was preceded by an age of isolationism, right? We completely isolated ourselves from the world, not completely. Obviously, you can't do that. But there was a strong push towards isolationism. And we weren't super prosperous during that time, but we kind of isolated ourselves from the world. And then somebody, i.e. Adolf Hitler, decided that he wanted to involve us.
in a war which is a really bad idea and continues to be a bad idea to this day. And it pulled us out and manufacturing went through the freaking roof, right? All these businesses suddenly were like, hey, you know, we can make guns and we can make munitions and we can make medical supplies for the troops and stuff and manufacturing went through the roof.
And we had many great years economically for those that are listening like, no, women were oppressed and stuff. Yeah, I get it. All right. Some lady zooted off a fucking lithium, trying to encase a ham and jello while her husband's on his sixth martini at the bar on his lunch breaks. And I wonder what my bitch wife is making for dinner. Yeah, I get it. That was not a good time for people economically. It was an extremely prosperous time. And that's fantastic because
Being economically sound gives us the opportunity to bring up discussions like, hey, women aren't being treated fairly, or even humanely at this point. Cool. Awesome. Now we can focus on that. So this gives me hope that we are going to get back to an economically prosperous time.
because it then allows us to address the social issues that are plaguing, and I mean plaguing when I say that, our country and our people, because it's created the most division in our country than just about anything. So, you know, Paris Climate Accord,
World Health Organization. I'm worried that, you know, NATO could be on the chopping block. Don't get me wrong. I understand that, you know, we basically subsidize y'all's free healthcare by completely giving you the finances to run your armies. That's great. We subsidize your defense and your citizens get taken care of as a result. And people are like, well, why don't you have free healthcare?
Well, the fact of the matter is all of our money is going somewhere else. And that's our politicians fault for sure. But we have to pull out of things like that to focus on us. And that's where the isolationism part comes in. These executive orders that he's signing are honestly small beings compared to actually getting legislation put through. But they are a step in the right direction now.
going to bite my tongue on the rest of the stuff that I don't know about. But I think there's going to be some good ones in there. Obviously, declaring the cartels as terrorist organizations is the best thing that we could have done, which means we can weaponize our military against them. The cartels that we built ourselves, and you don't want to know which administration it was because it was all of them. Every single administration, it doesn't matter who was the president at the time, they weaponize the cartels.
uh... it was happy it's been happening for for decades since probably the late seventies i would think i'd say probably before that probably before that but the it really became prevalent in the eighties and i think that was it started probably in the middle eight or middle eight seventies was
I mean, keep a nation hooked, I guess, right? You keep people poor and you keep them control. And make cartels pay, so that's one way to create revenue. So, we get your money, you get our guns and our free access to the country. Obviously, it's basically just, hey, we're not gonna.
We're not going to completely can every single person that tries to cross the border, which at this point is record numbers. So, you know, this fentanyl crisis is outrageous. It's terrifying how bad fentanyl is and where somebody was trying to compare it to like the cocaine epidemic in the 80s, right? This is, this is a hundredfold. The problem that the cocaine industry was in the 80s.
and we just don't talk about it because it's population control in both sense of the word control we're controlling the people and we're controlling the amount of population
It's pretty jacked up when you think about it that way and I could be off on that but the end result is the same. People are dying and people are hooked and being controlled by people above them. Hopefully we can get some executive order signed on controlling the
the backlash from the asylum seekers, if you were to say it in a PC way. So I got a list of them here. And again, this is coming from 6 ABC, some news outfit.
We'll see. They said that, you know, Elon was hailing Hitler, but we'll see how true this is. But so Trump did declare, and I do remember this, he declared a national emergency on the southern border while designated criminal cartels as terror group. So we kind of already talked about that. There's also some stuff that's already coming up on Facebook, Instagram, and some news outlets that some of the, I guess there was an app that was created for asylum seekers.
Yeah. Yeah. Basically that app is no longer available anymore. Great. Uh, which to caveat off of that, TikTok was offline for seven hours. 12. Um, 12 was 12. Yeah. Um, and then came back, uh, Trump put in a deal that is the, the, the executive order to delay the ban on the TikTok for 75 days. Um, so they could reevaluate. That's great. Thank you. Uh, yeah. Um,
sign an executive order to bring an end to the birthright citizenship for children born to undocumented parents. That's a tough one for me. I mean, okay, yes.
Uh, yeah, I'm, I gotta be careful of this one. It's tough. Yeah. So with undocumented people who came here illegally, okay, and you have a baby here, technically that baby is now a US citizen. And now you've got a foothold, right? This is going to take that away, essentially.
there's a really easy way to get through this. Get your green card. Become a citizen of the United States and then you don't have to worry about it. I get that it's a pain in the ass. I know a gentleman that
That poor guy had to go through the ringer for the past month and a half just to get his license renewed because he was waiting on stuff from the US government to say, yes, he had his visa is current and it's good to go. So yeah, go ahead and renew his license. So I'd get that it's a pain in the ass, but there's a way it's essentially baby trapping the government is what it's doing. The government allows you to baby trap them and it sucks because you look at it from a baby trapping perspective.
And obviously, nine times out of 10, it's baby trapping a father. And it sucks because that person is betrayed in the relationship, but the child is blameless. We can't blame the child. That's terrible to do that. So this citizenship by birthright is a tough... It's a tough sell for me to say, hey, we got to end this.
you're completely disintegrating that child's life from the get-go. If the parents do get deported, that kid is not only at a disadvantage, but their life is wrecked as a result. And it sucks because we worked with kids. And as much as you say, well, I actually never cared about those kids, I did.
I wanted to see those kids prosper. I mean, I did too. I wanted to see them succeed, but it was there was a there's a level to what obviously there's a level you have to be. I'm not going to I'm not going to sit here and wait on him hand and foot. I wanted every single one of them to be successful, but I mean, it was it was literally up to them. You know, they we let we led those kids to water so many times and and all they had to do was drink it and if they didn't want to, then I mean, that's right. I was like, all right, cool, man. Well,
you still got to do this x y and z and if you don't want to then okay mind i guess continue to be an asshole i don't know what the hell to tell you but let me tell you this i thought about that because you've explained it to me that way you know in the past and i will say this my distrust for the government is exactly why i can i can relate to those kids
Because I don't, I don't trust the people that are saying, Hey, I'm leaving you to water. Just all you have to do is drink it. I'm the same exact way like, dude, I don't trust you. Like I just don't. And it kind of makes me want to act out. I mean, and I get that side of it too. But for most of those kids, they always came back because plat was a one place that was safe for them, right? Right.
So, okay, you're putting yourself in the situation because things aren't good at home, but you also don't want to trust in what I'm saying. And, you know, and I was also very honest and open with those kids, like, hey, I'm just going to let you know right now, like, this is kind of bullshit, but, you know, if you just play your part, you're, it'll be okay, but it's not, you know, you know, I didn't lie to them, but yeah, I don't.
With with the people that are making this the decisions to have a kid here in the United States and they're here illegally Yeah, absolutely. That should not be a thing. You should not be able to say Oh, well my kid was born here. It's another American citizen, and we have to stay here No, that's not a thing just like just like that the whole thing with getting married right haven't Marrying a citizenship by marriage. Yes, it's a ship by marriage. I think that's bullshit, too
And you know what, I know somebody that did that, and then that person went on to then get their citizenship.
You know, because technically speaking, you're not a citizen. You get a green card as a result of it, but you're not a naturalized citizen, you know, at that point. And he was like, yeah, no, I'm going to be a citizen of this country. I'm not going back to my home country. Yeah. And that's like no intentions of doing that. I'll visit, but I'll be an American citizen when I do two thumbs up on that shit. But let's go. Right. But also this person is is not Hispanic. They're they're not, you know, from
I don't want to say a third world country, obviously, but they're from a country that is, you know, is up there on the global scale. And there is something to be said about language barriers and stuff, because this country primarily speaks, you know,
It's not their native language, but they speak a lot of English. And so there is an advantage there. But I will tell you this, I took the naturalization test when I was in high school, and I passed with flying colors. I took a 10 question sample of it, and I was like, oh my god, I have forgotten so much of this since high school. That's just actually really hard to study for, especially when you're not from here.
I was shocked at how difficult it was as an adult who hasn't read up on history in a long time. Mind you, I was a history major my first year in college.
And I've already forgotten like probably half of what's on that test. So somebody coming from Mexico or Venezuela, Guatemala, wherever, they're going to have a hell of a time trying to get in here. But the visa system is, yeah, it's complex to navigate it, but it's really easy to get approved for a visa.
So that gives you a lot of time to prepare for it. There's no reason you should be baby trapping the government to stay here. Right. So another one, and he actually said this out loud is renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. Love that. I do. That was a giant middle finger. Oh, 100%. Another one, ending diversity, inclusion and equity, basically D.I.E. D.I.E. Yeah, like that's the skirt. Yeah, that's yeah.
Ending that and hiring the federal government good. Let's see. Hiring the people best suited for the job.
Yeah. God damn. What a concept. Revocating any of any active recurrent security clearances held by former intelligence officials involved with the inappropriate political coordination with the 2020 Biden presidential campaign and John R. Bolton. I think that was a that was a pretty ballsy one. Yeah.
granting partners for the January 6 rioters, reevaluating United States foreign aid, declaring national energy emergency, basically the drill baby drill. Yeah, that was huge too. That's that's another step towards this.
I keep saying isolationism, but really, I just call it independence. Really, we're taking steps towards independence again, instead of trying to be the global masses. Security in the United States, borders, the United States, America's affordable and reliable energy and natural resources. Let's see. I'm just trying to find some ones that are actually worth the mention.
Basically, you know, if you go through this entire list of all these things that he signed, a lot of it has to do with putting America first, basically stopping all of our, basically we're stopping a bleed of our finances going to other countries and basically aiding them and all their BS. I think also this morning I heard that there was
Hamas had released a couple more hostages or whatever. Um, that whole thing between Hamas and Israel is a, there's still a train wreck in the thing between Ukraine and Russia. I don't know if it's slowed down or not, but I mean, there's a lot of, I haven't heard a lot about it. I haven't heard a lot about it either. I think it's absolutely awesome. Let's go back to one that you said about the pardon for the January six riots, any protests, everyone call it.
Awesome. Cool. Whatever. Like, yep. Some people probably actually deserve charges because they probably took it too far or definitely took it too far. That's, that's fine. Um, there's a lot of people that didn't that just were, were there to protest. Um, let's talk about who Biden pardoned. Oh God. I don't even want to talk back. Cause we all, we all saw that, we all saw that coming. We all knew that it was going to happen. Why did he have to?
If he didn't commit a crime, what is he pardoning him for? In fact, how are you pardoning him? He didn't commit a crime, right? Oh, yeah. No, there has. So how can you, how can you pardon somebody when they haven't committed a crime? Well, it's, it's in, in perpetuity. That's illegal. You can't pardon somebody for crimes that they will commit. AKA your son, AKA Dr. Fauci. Yeah, pretty much just giving them a shut me down YouTube. I dare you. Well, please don't, please don't. I don't think they will. Many followers and stuff.
Well, I think we're going to get Shadow Band anyway, because you cussed in the first 30 seconds. Oh, dang it. Oh, poop. Hey, you know what, though? We won't get we won't get we won't get Shadow Band on Facebook anymore. It's true.
Yeah. The lizard, the lizard person is like, no, we need more masculine energy. Did you, did you see that interview between him and Joe Rogan? Yeah. Did you see it? Rogan did light him up. I mean, he did. He did. He hit him with some hard ones. He was like, dude, like you did this.
Yeah. Like what do you have to say for yourself? That's pretty unmaskillant of you. Yeah. And how am I supposed to trust you after all everything that has been going on the last four years? How can we trust that you're going to follow through with what you said? You're just going to have to. Yeah. Pretty much. Yeah. Pretty much. And.
We were coerced. No, you weren't. And that's the thing too, man. There's a lot of people like Zuck and some of these other guys that super against Trump during the beginning of his campaign, during the four years that he was there, his first time as President 45.
And then now because of just the resounding, the resounding feedback that is coming back for like nobody even thought that he was going to be able to get reelected. Yeah. And then he got shot in the fucking ear. Yeah. And then I was like, oh, this game over. Then he almost got shot on his golf course.
Now that, that one wasn't near as cool, but the, the one where he stood up with the iconic, you know, fish in the air fight, fight, fight. Like, and even Mark said, he goes, yeah, I, I, when I saw that was like, shit, he's going to get, he's going to get elected. So I mean, so he was forced to get on board in his own mind. He won't say it out loud, but he was forced to get on board because either he gets on board or he misses the gravy train, man. It's one or two.
Right. But doesn't that just go to show that, that what he's saying is a complete fallacy? Yeah. Like, oh, they, they made us do that. They basically coerced us into it. Okay. Where's the same, you know, keep the, keep the, the same energy, right? You didn't like Trump the first time. And now you're suckling on the teat of Donald Trump.
because he won again. I mean, keep the same energy, man. Like really. Be consistent. Yeah, be consistent. That's how you're in the trust of people. Hey, listen, you know what, Donald Trump, I don't agree with a lot of what he says. I did some reflecting and looked back and yeah, they tried a strong arm us and we didn't want the conflict. So we went ahead and did what the previous administration was asking of us.
Okay, cool. All right, you just admitted outright that you, you bitched out and that's great. And that's the first step towards healing is admitting you have a problem. 100%. Like I, I'm going to tell you right now, I don't really give to two shits about what Zuck thinks or how he wants to run his business. I don't care. I still got to get up at one o'clock in the morning and go freeze my ass off a negative 25 degree weather to go push cows. Like it's not going to, it doesn't do anything for me, but you're right.
Came up and said yeah, no, he this is this is what happened and this is why so yeah, we're kind Well, you're gonna shirt that that responsibility. He's all they they strong they they coerced us You know, they they strong arm this into it. Okay. You still did it though He's he didn't have to he's just trying not to eat as much crow as they're wanting to dish out Dude eat the whole thing and I promise you right now Somebody that eats one bite of crow doesn't get the same respect to somebody that eats the whole thing. That's true
That's true. That's just facts. I ate squirrel. It's not good. It's just not. There just isn't. But yeah, so inauguration was wild yet uneventful at the same time. Like the everything that preceded the signing of those of those executive orders was honestly just a bore fest. It was a snooze fest, really. I mean, that second round that he did with his supporters at the bottom of the steps,
Where at some point he starts talking about Melania and how tired her feet must be in those heels. Bro, nobody cares. She chose to wore those. Listen, I know she's got a reputation uphold or whatever, but sensible footwear is never something that should be, that should be looked down on. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Wear those flats, baby. It's all good. Yeah. Wear those slides. I don't give a shit. Yeah. If she showed up in Crocs, I'd be like, yeah, damn, good for you. Bet. Yeah. My kid wears them too. I got respect. Yeah. Respect for you.
But now we're going to switch some gears here. Yeah, let's switch some gears because yeah, politics. Yeah, we're not going to talk about politics anymore. But what we what I do want to talk about are what we are going to bring up is we are going to talk about some firearms, some new developments that have been coming up. Can I say something to what you just said there? What's up? Let's go back to calling them guns.
Their guns. Let's just call them guns. I saw somebody on TikTok the other day when it came back up and they were like unpopular opinion. Let's stop calling them Pew Pew's. Let's stop beating around the bush. They're just guns. Yeah. I was like, hell yeah, I know firearms is the correct term. Obviously, I'm not.
I'm not slamming you for saying firearms. It just reminded me like, why don't we just call them guns anymore? We need to get all the Trump followed. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Executive order to start. Stop calling them Pew Pew's. Yeah. Stop using fucking bananas in your training videos and actually use a gun. Yeah. Guns are guns, man. They've been around for forever. Not forever. For a long time.
I've been for a long time. So we're going to talk about some guns, some new ones, some new Fuego arms. I was so I found the Ruger, what was it called? The Ruger XM I think? Yeah.
Check that I'm gonna try to see if I could pull it up It's basically a new pistol that they Yeah RXM it's a it's a clock 19 clone so For me personally, I'm not a huge fan of of Rugers the only Rugers I really like are the 10 22s
And that's only because I was one of the greatest guns ever made, to be honest. I mean, it's one that I shot thousands upon thousands upon thousands of rounds through and beat the living crap out of. And even the clones are good. I haven't seen the clones. That's that's what I use at work. Yeah, I use that TCR 22. It's just a Ruger 1022 knockoff.
I've never worked with those, but those are the only guns that I like from Ruger. I think their precision rifles are okay, depending on what caliber you go with. I think not that I have any real super personal experience with it, but from what I understand.
There are three await match grade barrels are kind of trash. There are six five creed more barrels or they're okay. But, you know, people either love them or they hate them. This isn't a debate on whether or not they suck or they don't. What I'm trying to get at here is with this gun in particular, the RXM.
It is a Gen 3 Glock clone and they teamed up with Magpole to put this thing together. I actually was able to put hands on one just a couple of days ago and just kind of played with it and took it apart, put it back together. Quite literally it was a Glock. I mean it was same damn thing as what I've got in the safe at home. Which means it's legal to use in California. I think that's why they went with Gen 3 compatibility because anything Gen 4 and Gen 5 is not legal in California.
I don't know why that would be. Um, I don't know either. I just, I just read up on it. Uh, if you have a gen four or gen gen four, gen five clocks are, are not legal in California for some reason. Gen threes are. That's interesting. I'll have to look at that. But, um, as far as I can see, um, you know, as far as I could tell, I don't hate it. I'm not a fan of Ruger and I'm not a fan of Mac pole, but I don't hate this gun.
That's probably why you don't hate it because glocks are glocks. I mean, yeah, you can't really I mean it's tactical Tupperware you can't really go wrong with it, but the The other thing that's kind of impressive on them is the price point for $400 you can pick up a gun the other the other thing that was kind of cool was that it's got a Mounting solution for an RMR footprint optic so
Which makes sense, though, when you think about it, because RMR is pretty much the most popular. It is mounting footprint. And if you're going to do something that's to appeal to the masses, it's got a low price point. It's made by one popular firearm manufacturer and the most popular firearm accessories manufacturer.
You got to go with what's what's most readily available. I mean, that's, that's true. And I, and I do, I agree with that. However, there was another one that was another company. I guess if you will, that came out a couple of years ago that tried to do the kind of the same thing, right? It was the P 80.
the Palmer, the Palmer 80s were basically the same thing, either Gen 3, Gen 4 Glock frame, Glock slide, Glock barrel, all that other good stuff, right? But I have not, I have not seen or heard of a lot of people who like them.
Um, the other thing that I've found with them is that they are almost impossible to find a generic holster for because of the way that the trigger guard is, is, uh, cut out. So not a nice thing about these ones though. Yeah. It's, it's, it's completely compatible with everything Gen 3 Glock. Yeah. Um, including holsters and even with that, like if you run an ALS holster on a Gen 3 Glock, it's still going to, it's still going to hold in there for as far as I know anyway.
I mean, it holds Gen 4 and Gen 5, and I'm pretty sure the Gen 3 will even sit in there, too, because I've got a Gen 3 slide. And it seems to hold in that ALS halter just fine. So I had the great pleasure of talking about the Safari and Land the other day.
Nice. For those that don't know, because it's been a while since we talked about it, I switched to a safari land holster, and I was over at Murdochs, which by the way, never shopping at Murdochs again. Everything's expensive over there for no reason. I got shopping over there and somebody was looking for a holster.
And the guys behind the counter, they're young guys. For those who don't know, Murdoch's is like a ranch and ranch and home and, you know, just ranch and home store, ranch and home store, but they sell firearms as well. And the guys behind the counter were young guys that I was like, okay, I don't, I mean, this is your job. So you probably have a little more knowledge than me, but I've been around a little longer. And yeah, right. And the dude was like Safari land is like, it's.
top notch. It really is. It's good stuff. And I'm new to storyline. And I was like, dude, yeah, I absolutely agree with you on that. And they were looking at, I think, they were looking at outside waistband holsters. Now, these are your generic safari lands that, you know, they sell in a store somewhere. It's not like when you go on to their website and order something, you know, essentially custom. But the lady that was, they were buying it for their kid, which I thought was kind of strange. You know, he was an older kid, but I think he just brought his parents with him.
And she was like, yeah, no, I watched some videos on this stuff. They actually did their research on it before they came in and looked at it. And I was like, that's freaking cool. And she's like, yeah, I watched somebody try to yank a firearm out of a storyline holster and they just couldn't get it out. And I was like, watch the video where the dude does pull ups with one.
literally puts his hand on his firearm inside, you know, the holster with the belt hung around a bar and does frickin pull us with him. Things are gangster. Yeah. They really are. And the guy behind the counter was like, yep, showed his. He's like, I wear one daily. And I was like, I've got my ink hug. Yeah. You could pull that sucker right out of there. Yeah. There's no retention on that thing. Sorry. It's a difference between level ones and twos, but yeah, that mines a level zero. If that's a thing.
Here's the level one a child could pull that out the Yeah, but yeah, so back to the back of the trigger I am planning on buying one and putting it through its paces and seeing The biggest thing is is a price point right $400 right and you know there's
That's probably the biggest thing that I get from people is, well, I want to buy a gun like yours. So I've got a shadow system, MR920, with a lightning optic on it. And I'm like, well, I want to get one like yours. I really like yours. It really shoots wells. All right, well, you can.
Well, how much did you pay for it? 900 bucks. Oh, yeah, damn. Well, that's that's that's a lot. Yeah, it's a lot. There are some really good options out there, though, and I do I'm going to get this Ruger. I'm going to put it through its paces so I can do a little review on it.
And maybe add that to the list of the guns that I already suggest to people for concealed carry. Because most of the guns that I suggest right now is like the shield, the Smith Wilson shield, the Shouse system CR 920 would still about a $800 gun. What was the other one? The six half P 365, which is also upwards around $700 just for the basic model 700. Yeah, out the package. Well, yeah, within an optic or anything on it.
Now that's a macro though, right? Aren't the, aren't the traditional 365s like 600? Uh, you know, I, I don't really know. I have no idea. I know that if I don't have to go back and look at it, I can't use one because my hands are massive. The, the macro, like the one that I've got on the Macros are 700 out of the box. I know that for sure. That's what I paid for mine. But like the, this one, like the 365 X or this, this one was a 850.
So, but this one's the X carry. So this one has a compensated slide. Or it's got the compensator built into the slide. Right. Still a good shooting gun though. I still like it. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, if this thing is going to work out because there's a cheap, you know, there's another cheaper out, which, you know, sometimes, you know, that whole saying of good shit ain't cheap and cheap shit ain't good. I agree with that when it comes to firearms. However, generally speaking,
So, have you ever heard of the gun, the skies, the SCC-wise? Yeah. Those were trash. Yep. But then right next to those, because I used to work at Murdochs and I used to sell guns at Murdochs, right next to those we would have the Taurus. Yep. And those little boogers were, they were good, they were reliable. Yeah, they are reliable, oddly enough. And it's, for those who don't know, it's a Brazilian company.
which it took me forever to figure that out. I didn't know that they were resilient. Because it says Miami on it, but that's just where the distribution hub is. But the manufacturing is in Brazil. And I don't necessarily equate anything coming from Brazil with quality. I don't know enough about Brazil to say, oh, yeah, I know the stuff that they make is quality other than their jujitsu, guys. That's about it. I own a G2C.
And that was that was the first in my opinion the first firearm I actually purchased and I say that because The first one I don't actually consider a firearm. It's a it's a brick my first gun was a high point It concealed high point if you can Jesus try to justify that But you know I was I was you know
Freshly 21, and it was $180. Right? And I was broke. So that was technically the first one. But the first one that I bought where I was like, hey, I'm actually going to put a little effort into it was this Taurus G2C. I still have it to this day. And I have yet to clean it.
I've owned that thing for probably seven, eight years, I'd say. I don't remember off the top of my head. But I use it to put down bulls. For those that don't know, you know, I have to put down animals sometimes. And the ethical way to do it is with a firearm.
And generally speaking, it says anything 22 or above. So bulls have thicker skulls. I use a nine millimeter and I have used that thing to put down bull after bull. And it's never jammed on me. It's never misfed. It's never misfired. Nothing. It's been solid and I've never cleaned the damn thing.
And I drive around with that thing in a truck, a dusty, just filthy truck that's got, you know, cow shit and, you know, dust particles all over it. It gets in the gun and I never clean the damn thing. Cycle it a few times. Good to go. Yeah, I mean, like I said, I've, now there might be some people out there who are like, well, no, you know, I know a guy that had a torso, it was a piece of crap or, you know, whatever I shot when I was a piece of junk.
That might be true. I just know that any of the horses that I've shot or that I've handled, they're reliable. And what I consider is a reliable firearm is if I can run the living crap out of it, and it functions every single time the way that I need it to.
Um, the operating, uh, the other thing that I look at is how, you know, the operating buttons on it, if you will, uh, slide lock, the mag release, all that other good stuff. And ease and ease of, uh, cleaning, how easy is it for me to be able to break this thing down and clean it? Which they're, they're not bad, but they're definitely not great in that category. I would say, I'd say they're a little more intricate for no reason. Yeah. I don't, I don't have a whole lot of experience breaking them down, but I know that they got to be simpler than in 1911.
Yeah, probably. I'd say so. I don't like the takedown levers on. That's about the only thing I like about the course is the takedown levers. And that's really about all I can say negatively about it besides the fact that it is a cheap firearm. And that's where you compromise on things like triggers. I'm going to tell you right now, I am not great when it comes to competing. I've done one competition and our next one that I was going to be a part of just got canceled.
Um, I still would never take it for us. Just, just wouldn't do it. You know, I, I'd feel much more comfortable with my say, but it does the job that I needed to do, which in this case is putting down, putting down big bowls.
Cool. And that's, and that doesn't jam. And that's sent to simply put it, right? What is the job? What's the intent of the gun? Well, the gun is, you know, I want it for personal protection. Are you carrying it on you all the time? Well, no, it's just in a glove box or whatever, which if with that since January 1st, if you have a firearm in your vehicle and in this line, it's not in a hard case that's connected to the vehicle in some way, shape or form, you run the risk of getting in trouble.
But yeah, I mean, if not something you're, you know, something that you're going to pull just in case.
Something bad happens. It's not something you're carrying on you all the time. Then shit, if it's doing the job, then what do the job? You don't have to have a $1,400 gun to keep yourself safe. It helps. It does help. But does it sense not necessarily? The little 38 revolver will still get the job done. 100%. As long as you know what you're doing with it?
I mean, I see on Instagram is where I first saw it. I'm surprised I didn't see it on TikTok first. Some later was like, so how do we feel about 22s for personal protection? And I was like, not my choice, not my first choice. It's definitely my last choice. Maybe not quite my last choice. Like an air gun would be my last choice. But can you get the job done with it?
Can you stop the threat? Probably. Yeah. Yep. If you're good with it, you can stop the threat, then it works. And that's fine. Because if you're small,
And a nine millimeter kicks your ass. When you squeeze that trigger, if you're the kind that squeezes the trigger and it flies back, smacks you on the nose, you might want a 22. You just got to get good with it. Or you just, or come and find me. Or come and find an instructor that can teach you how to manage that. But the fact of the matter is like, you know, my child, when I teach my kids to shoot, I'm not going to put a nine millimeter in their hand first go around.
I'm gonna start them off with something small that is going to, sorry, dogs are going ballistic out there. Yeah, that's all right. You know, I'm gonna start them off small. And, you know, if my children were allowed to carry for self defense, which would be awesome, it would be terrifying, but it would be awesome because some kid gets pissed off, you know, some rowdy 13 year olds like, ah, my mom took away my candy.
Yeah, that wouldn't be good. That would not be good. But you know, with my kids who I know will be taught to respect these kinds of things. Yeah, I put a 22 in their hand and I teach them how to how to stop the threat with it. Right. Absolutely. Because yeah, I mean, they could be physically unable to manage the recoil of a 9 millimeter.
Well, and you so you asked me last week if I have a 22 pistol, which which I said, yeah, I've got the Glock 44, which is a 22 caliber pistol. They also make the P 322. That's sick as it looks like the the 365, but it's a chambered in 22.
Us and I have one for training purposes only right if I've got you know someone's kind of scared they can run that 22 It's also a little bit more cost effective because all I really need to do is just hit the target. That's all they got to do the
That's when that Glock 44, it acts just like just a regular full-size gun. You have the lock back, you have the mag release, you have the slide lock, you have all that other good stuff that you would with a regular regular firearm. So I think it's a it's a great, you know, training tool really. The first 22 pistol that I had was a Winchester woodsman.
And that thing did not mimic an actual like a, you know, a modern pistol whatsoever. It did have a, it didn't have a slide locker, it did, I can't remember, but some of the operating functions on it were, they were different than a regular pistol. So it was kind of hard to
hard to get that stuff trained in. But there's a guy that brings his daughters to those competitions and they're running 22 caliber pistols and they operate just like a regular sized gun does, 9 millimeter or whatever. And I think that's awesome because whenever they do finally decide to graduate to a bigger caliber,
It's just got basics down. Yeah, the only thing that you really got worry or work on is just being able to manage recoil with a nine millimeter, which is which is awesome. Because I think I know which kids are talking about. I think is there two? Yeah, they got two little girls. Yep. Yeah. Bad ass. Yeah. I was walking over there like, you know what? I bet you this kid smokes me too. Please don't put me in the same group as a child because this child's probably done more than one.
which is more than what I had done at that point. And I was like, I'm going to get smoked by like an eight year old little girl. And I am going to cry. I'm going to get in my pickup and cry on the way home. I don't, they're not, they're not super fast, but they are accurate. They, they hit their target. But it takes every small time. That's good. Yeah. Slow is fast or smooth. What is it? Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. Yeah. Right. Now train that up from the age of eight to the age of 18.
And that's going to look a lot different. Yeah. Now you got it for them. Now you got that Kyle guy or whatever his name was. You got someone from the Mikulak family now working with you. But who? No. Oh, that, that gentleman that was shooting with his last time, whose guys was.
He wasn't talking shit, but you know you guys were bantering back and forth. Oh, yeah. No, he's he's a good dude Yeah, he's he's good dude. I don't have anything against him. He's young. He's he's fast. I'm not near as young as not near as young as what you would think but oh really I mean he's good genetics buddy good for you. He shoots fast He runs a perfect stage almost every single time and yeah, I mean he can
I'm pretty much every single one. He's my only real, well, this is going to sound really conceited, but he's my only contender. There was one other guy that I would say could could rock with you guys. And I saw him and I don't remember his name off time ahead. There is one other guy. He was one of the Academy guys, I think, or maybe he was in FTO at the time.
That guy. Yeah, he's pretty slick there. Yeah, I still I still beat him by like 10 seconds, but Will you beat me by like 70? So no, I mean when you're when you're looking at that stuff those 10 10 seconds is like a mile, but you beat me by seven Well, I mean I got beat by 20 once one time and that was just a holy shit. Oh
What did I do wrong, but I also had a lot of malfunctions. I also had a lot of BS that was happening. Okay, I'm not going to lie. I was disappointed with your malfunctions. I really was because now you're running a gun that's substantially more expensive than mine.
Maybe not substantially, but it is more expensive than mine. And for some reason, I equated that to it's going to operate better. It's not going to have malfunctions, anything like that. So was that user error or was that the firearm itself? Yeah, most of those were all shooter-induced. Because I was like, man,
I, you know, you're, you're an instructor. I am not and don't get me wrong. I didn't have any malfunctions, but also I didn't know what I was doing. So I don't even know how to induce that malfunction. Um, so I was just like, man, is, is his firearm just not up to par? Maybe it's old. Like I was, I was kind of trying to analyze it. And I was like, that's just, it just didn't make sense to me. So I'm watching my hero go down in flames. Oh, I appreciate that. Yeah. I was like, I mean, you're making us look bad, Logan. Stop.
A lot of it, a lot of it, shooter-induced, some of it had to do with, you know, the firearm was still pretty dirty. I had to claim those guns in a while. I'm not saying that that's an excuse by any means, but... It kind of is. The other thing, I mean, the other thing is, too, is how do you mitigate those malfunctions and how do you do it quickly? Yeah. Which, unfortunately, for me, I'm really good at mitigating malfunctions because I have a lot of them. Right. But, yeah, I would say... Which, in this situation, is okay, because it's not like we're shooting for money.
I mean, true, yeah. You don't wanna lose, you don't wanna, you know, if you ain't first or last kind of situation, but at the same time, if this was like a professional stage,
I'm sure you would have done everything in your power to mitigate any chance of a malfunction, right? Oh, yeah. If I'm going to go to like a qualifying match or a qualifying stage, yeah, I'm going to have that gun spotless. It's going to be nice and clean. I'm going to have it nice and slick up. Not saying you didn't take it seriously or anything, but at the same time, it's not a serious event. We're shooting to shoot and practice and have a good time.
Yeah, I mean, most of most of what I use those go to those steel shoots for is a to have fun and talk to, you know, just meet people and talk to people network. And then the other part of it is to work on my transitions, because that's where I, I struggle in USPSA is, is going from target to target. I, you know,
Which I'm I'm better at it now, but I would say that if I were to go do a qualifying match now I'd be I'm which I'm kind of want to go do one here pretty soon just to see where I'm at Because if I am good enough then I can actually start applying for sponsorship so Yeah, but I mean that's like gotta do a lot of a lot of work to get get up to that standard, but but yeah
That reminds me while we're sitting here, I wanna look at where we're at on Podbean. So we need 30 more views. 30 more views on Spotify or Apple Podcast before Podbean will allow us to insert, I think it's just one 30 second ad, I think you can choose, it's one or two, or I think you can put as many as you want in.
And that would be like pre-roll, mid-roll, and roll. That's what they call it. I don't know. But you can choose where you put them. You put ads in there, and you guys are supporting the channel at that point. And so 30 more is all we need. Hopefully we can get that just out of maybe a couple more shows. I keep trying to turn people onto it and get them involved.
So, yeah, just keep up with that because we'd really like to start getting some ROI on this. Yeah, it'd be pretty nice and not to mention be able to just pay for the equipment and the subscriptions and stuff like that. And it's pennies on the dollar for us, really, but everything helps. And we really appreciate you guys, you know, kind of.
Taking this journey with us because this will be episode 38, I believe. Yeah, we just posted 37 last night. Sorry about that, by the way, because I didn't get that out in time. Life decided to smack me in the in the genitalia. It happens. It happens. But yeah, we got it up and. Yes, anyway, back to it.
Yeah. Ruger. Ruger RXM. Loki, I'm excited for it. Yeah, we'll see. It is decidedly mag pole though. I'm going to tell you right now, you're going to take one look at that thing and you'd be like, yeah, it's a clock by shape. But you're going to look at that frame and you're going to go, oh, that's definitely mag pole.
I can tell you that right now because the TCR 22 I have, which is that Ruger 1022 knock off from Thompson Center rifles. It is built on a magpil magpil built the the frame out for it. And it's cheap. And the whole firearm was $300 plus tax. I think so it's
It's worth pennies the second you pull out of the box. But I can tell you right now, I clean the thing once or twice a year, and it puts down cows. No problem. It rarely ever doesn't cycle or malfunctions, it doesn't stick, but maybe a couple of times, and that's about the time that I go and clean it. And that happens maybe once or twice a year. And it is a magpul frickin' stock.
I mean, if you try to balance it...
You'd pretty much have to balance it at the barrel itself. It's how light it is on the rear end because that mag pole injection will stock weighs like six ounces. Oh really? Yeah, it's ridiculous. It feels cheap as shit because it is and it still gets the job done. So this Ruger RXM concept thing, it would be something that I'd look at it and I'd go, you know what? I'll put a cheap optic on it.
I'll put, you know, one of the cheaper holosons on it. I'm not going to go, you know, down the list where they have like a pinpoint, which is like a aim point, knock off or something like that. Oh, yeah. You know, I'm not buying an Amazon, an Amazon optic for this thing. An O light optic. Oh, yeah. O light optic. Okay. To be fair, I do love that. Oh, light vaulter, light laser combo. I do love that thing. I'm waiting for it to explode, but should be fascinating. Yeah. When it does.
But, you know, yeah, put it, you know, put a hollow sun on it, whatever, and use it as a training.
You know, taking out beat the shit out of it. That's what it's meant for. It's basically your Taurus. But oddly enough, it'll probably be a better quality than a Taurus. I was looking at, you know, when you were talking about the 22, when I asked you about having a 22 pistol, I was looking at the Taurus TX-22. And then for some odd reason, I really want to mess around with a 10 millimeter, but I don't want to use it for anything other than screwing around with it, a TH-10 from Taurus.
Um, problem is I picked up the TH10 and I noticed right off the bat that there is something really fricking wrong with it. So if you ever head over to Murdochs, they have it and there's a reason they're not getting rid of it because nobody wants it. And I can tell you why. Because first of all, you pick that thing up and it's like holding a brick in your hand. I mean, I got big hands and that thing sits very uncomfortably in my hand.
It is, it's very, it's very, the, the, the guard is really deep. Um, so it's kind of like holding, it'd be like holding, holding your phone like this is kind of what holding that handle is like, um, but the damn mag release, the mag release is somehow recessed in there. That's cool.
You can't get a thumb on it. It's ridiculous. I had to turn it sideways to get enough pressure to release the magazine. I couldn't just simply press it, drop mag. I had to turn it so I could get my thumb in there deep enough. I was like, this is ridiculous.
Like, I want to screw around with a 10 millimeter really bad just because it's new and it's fashionable, right? It may not be, you know, the best thing on the market right now because they're still perfecting it or whatever. But I want to screw around with it so I know what I'm getting myself into down the road. I'm not going to do it with a Taurus.
I'm just not. I'll have to pony up the money to buy something like Block 20, right? That's just something that you're probably going to have to do. I wouldn't recommend a tourist for that.
on the 22 spectrum, I'm going to get that for us, Tx22. Yeah. Because why not? It's dirt cheap, $275, I think, for that, as opposed to the Glock, what, 44? Yeah, Glock 44 was what, 380? Yeah, 375, 380. Between 350 and 400.
Right. So you're saving a hundred bucks on it. And that's the other thing too, like shit, if that, you know, that RMX, if that, if it performs well, shit, I might just get a couple of those and keep those as trainers and right. You know, that way, if anybody needs a firearm, needs to use one for a class, they can use a nine mill versus they don't have to swap stuff out for a 22, but.
And that's something important for you being in this industry is you don't want to break the bank on having a bunch of training pistols. Right. Right. So you want something that's cheap and reliable. That's going to function properly every time without breaking the bank. So if this Ruger RXM works out the way it is, you've got a nice little ace and hole right there for your business.
Thing is, you have that 44 for a reason, right? For the people that are uncomfortable, want to do something that has less recoil, less scary, is the tourist worth it at a hundred bucks less. Right. I guess we'll find out because one day when I get it, the thing that turned me on to the Glock 44 is it mimics a Glock 19. So it's the same size as a Glock 19, but it just shoots 22. And that was kind of one of the driving forces behind my
My decision on making that purchase was it mimics a full size gun. So they are still operating a full size gun, but they're shooting a small caliber. Like with that Taurus, I think it's a smaller frame. And even like the P32 is, it's the same as a macro or maybe it's not a Mac, maybe it's the XL or whatever, but it's still somewhat mimics the same size of basically the 365.
That's what I try to go for instead of giving them because I like I said I could give them that that Winchester woodsman and they could run their you know run their stuff without but it's it's not It's not conducive because there's you know the slide lock and the safety are all one thing the magazine releases at the very bottom of the of the of the grip So yeah, I mean
I would say, you know, for a hundred bucks less. And if I would just use, you know, wanting to use something to kind of just plink around, yeah, that horse would be something pretty cool. But yeah, I mean, shit, it's also, it's also a remark cut. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's a remark cut, which is kind of, kind of weird. What do you think about it? I don't, I don't know much about putting optics on a, on a 22. I don't know why you would, but right. Well, okay. So let's look at like the Ruger Mark four.
Ruger Mark IV is a fantastic one to put. You can use that as a competition pistol. Ruger Mark IV has a fixed slide. Well, there's no slide. It's all integrated and then its action is inside of that sort of cylindrical mechanism, right? So putting an optic on that makes a whole lot of sense because the slide doesn't move at all.
Now you're talking about this Taurus, and you've got an RMR cut on it, and you're like, OK, cool. So now I have to take this thing, which don't get me wrong. Like the Holosun 407. OK. OK. I think it's the smaller C. Yeah. Those are pretty small. They don't weigh a lot.
But those slides aren't moving real fast. There's not a lot of power behind that stuff. I mean, the 22 is, you know, if you were to put your finger next to that slide and shoot it, it might hurt a little bit. No, it wouldn't. Yeah, it may not even hurt. I'm not too worried about it. Does it have the cajonas to move?
with the optic on top. Right. That's something that I would definitely test out, because if it's on a mark cut, I'm just going to slap one of my holosomes on there first, take it out there, put it through the ringer, and if it works, cool. Yeah. Because the other thing I want to do with it is slap a suppressor on it. I really do. It's just for no reason. But the thing is, you put a suppressor on there and use subsonic ammunition that slides not moving.
Right. Now, from what I understand, the suppressor is supposed to create extra back pressure. It causes a slide to. It uses a buffer. Yeah. Yeah. So it's supposed to work with it. However, when you look at a 22, the 22 pistol, the barrel is fixed.
So the slide moves around the barrel. The barrel doesn't come up, nothing like that. It's blocked in there, at least on the TX-22 it is. I don't know. On that 44, does it have a free floating barrel? OK. So the TX-22 differs in that way, where it is a fixed barrel. It's not coming up.
when the slide pops back. So you don't necessarily need a buffer on that suppressor because there's no action. It's working directly off the back pressure from the round that you just fire because it's a bolt system, not a slide system. There you go.
He knows the more technical terms than I do. So, yeah, there'll be something interesting that I'd like to test out. Yeah. Because I run subsonic, I don't run subsonic ammunition. I screw around with subsonic 22s. I know there's absolutely no reason for that other than just the fun of it. But I'd like to see what it does. Yeah. It'd be kind of cool. I know.
Go out back, pretend to be James Bond, you know? Yeah. Never. Merkin rabbits and shit like that. Coyotes. Yeah. Coyotes just getting a close firefight with a coyote. That'd be fantastic. And then you could save the neighborhood.
You save the neighborhood dogs from getting eaten by coyotes. Yeah. I don't know if that's how your neighborhood people would probably see that, but well, definitely not the New Yorkers down the street. I could tell you that much. Yeah, they probably get a little upset. You're going to cry. You killed that poor defenseless dog.
All right. All right, lady. I'm going to let that poor defenseless dog in your backyard when your dogs are out there. That's when you trap it. Trap that trap it and go put it back there. Yeah. That would be not trying to not saying that we're going to do anything. No, we're not going to do any of that. I'm definitely I like my neighborhood. I'm not doing any of that, even though. Kind of want to sometimes.
I live in a hoity toity neighborhood. I'm just going to come out and say that. I'm being vulnerable with you guys. I'm confessing a lot here. I live around a bunch of hoity toity people and it makes me sad on the inside a lot of days. But there are some good people here and I don't want to upset the neighbors that I like.
Let's let's put it that way. There are some neighbors here that I would definitely fist fight in the alley behind an Applebee's while Logan and I are doing four local boards, you know, Max, Max Ben's press. Not that we do that, but yeah, it's.
It'll be interesting to see what that does. I'm interested to see what your take is on this RXM simply because I'm not going to touch it until I get a report from you on it. Logan's my, my informant. The training Demi. Yep. Exactly. But he has a reason to do it. And that's why I trust him. You know, he has a reason to test these things. And yeah, hopefully we've got some more, some more cool gun stuff to talk about moving forward now that we probably won't get shadow banned for using the word gun.
Right. Yeah. Hopefully not. At least we're hoping YouTube still sucks. It's Google. It's not. It's not meta. Yeah. Oh, well, we'll see how it goes until next time, guys. Well, just real quick, before we sign off here. So as it pertains to you berserker tactics, I am going to start launching basically I'm launching a medical medical classes. Very basic stuff. Stop the bleed CPR stuff like that. So
I've got a guy that I'm working with right now where we can probably launch this thing here pretty soon. But one of the things that a lot of people don't think about, you know, being a firearms instructor, having concealed carry classes, you know, that kind of goes without saying, you know, be good with a gun and all that other good stuff. But what a lot of, what I think is missed a lot is the medical side of things. The issues, and honestly, what got me to thinking about this was the issue that happened in New Orleans.
Where that guy ran through a bunch of people and there was a bunch of you know these rednecks and stuff like that that were saying well, you know That's why I usually always have a gun on me and you know all this other nonsense The thing is is that if you were down there and New Orleans on Chris are on New Year's Eve
you're probably drinking or you were drunk and you know you having a firearm on you is going to be a big no no liability at best. So what could have what could have also benefited some of the people that were injured there or you know were killed. I don't know about the people that were killed but at least the people that were injured.
is rendering aid. Yeah. A lot of people don't know how to do that or know the steps or know the equipment that they can carry on them, on their person, just being able to do an assessment and rendering aid until, you know, you have medical or fire or, you know, police get there to at least boost their chances of survival. There was a video that I saw just a couple of weeks ago where these complete bystanders they
I think they started CPR on this guy. So he went down. It was an observed the guy the guy hit the dirt and it was observed by standards came up and immediately started doing CPR.
without assessment. Well, I mean, they, they checked the pulse and all that other stuff and, and found that he didn't have a pulse and he wasn't breathing, but he was moving, right? But his brain hand caught on to the effect that he was about to pass out. And they started doing CPR on him. Once medical had gotten there, somebody had grabbed the AED. So it wasn't, it wasn't an ambulance AED, it was something off of a wall. They put it on the guy.
It advised the shock, they shocked him, mainly started doing CPR again, the guy regained consciousness. So he had a really small MI, and they were able to save him. And I think that's more, knowing how to render aid to someone like that is just as important as carrying a gun on you.
And third is having the insurance, having self defense insurance from places like right to bear. That's all equally important. So I'm going to start offering these classes, these medical classes through berserker tactics. It'll be up on the website here shortly. We're going to do CPR and stop the bleed. Both of those are going to be separate courses that you can take. So yeah, be on the lookout for that. Or if you have any questions about it, please make sure that you reach out to me.
That's awesome. That's cool. Yeah, guys. Take a look at that. That's a Yeah, I have nothing else to say on that. I backed that up fully. So the medical option is always
Hell, they're probably the one that you want on your team at all times. Yeah. For sure. Somebody that can render aid, you know, efficiently. That's really cool. Somebody that can also triage the situation is super handy to have somebody that has the wherewithal to be like, Hey, this guy's not dying. Okay. That guy is. Let's go. Yeah. So super important stuff to have guys. Well, hey, thanks for tuning in. Well, we're going to cut it for today. Um, again, we're, we're 30 views away from monetization. So, uh, you know,
Do what you do best, hit us up on Facebook, Instagram, we still have a TikTok, which is cool. For 75 days anyway. YouTube and Facebook and Spotify, Apple podcast are the best way to catch us. Those are going to be the ones that help us out the most. So again, thanks for tuning in with us guys every week. We really appreciate it.
Like and share and let us know if you guys have any suggestions on what you guys want us to talk about The guys at you can email us there Other than that you guys have a wonderful day. Peace
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