The dysfunction in the White House continues to grow. Elon Musk is getting kicked out of the White House, out of the West Wing. He's getting moved to a nearby building called the Old Executive Office Building. Donald Trump's chief of staff despises Musk's presence in the West Wing. Others close to Donald Trump despise it as well, and they're trying to push him out.
Here's the headline from the Daily Mail from earlier today. Trump's ice maiden chief of staff, Susan Wiles, launches a brutal takedown of Elon Musk as she refuses to give him a West Wing office
and issues a stark warning over him being a co-president. Many are saying that Elon Musk is pulling all of the strings. Donald Trump looks completely weak next to Elon Musk during a recent press conference.
that Donald Trump held in the Oval Office with some AI tech bros like Sam Altman and others. And they announced this project called Stargate, where they claim they were investing $500 billion into America. Elon Musk said it was all BS. It was phony. It was fraud.
They don't even have anywhere close to $500 billion, maybe $10 billion dripping wet. And it was all just a scheme to try to get close to Donald Trump. Elon Musk was also posting photos of crack and crack pipes and suggesting that the number 500 billion of investment dollars into the United States that these other tech bros were announcing with Donald Trump, it came from smoking crack.
Elon Musk has also been in a billion dollar lawsuit with Sam Altman. There's a lot of other dysfunction we've been talking about at Doge. Vivek Ramaswami, the other co-leader of Doge wore his welcome. Elon Musk pushed him out, but by Vivek Ramaswami,
That was after Vivek. And by the way, Elon echoed this as well, said that the American STEM worker science, technology, engineering, mathematics workers are just inherently dumber than those from India. They were saying that American culture is dumb, corrosive, mediocre at best, and Americans aren't capable of doing American jobs. Thus, we need labor from India is what they were saying. We need to expand the H1B visa program.
Donald Trump echoed that sentiment and said that's absolutely what we need. But that was obviously a betrayal of Donald Trump's campaign promises. William McKinley, the key lawyer of Doge, their general counsel, their legal muscle, he resigned at the end of last week as well. Total dysfunction. Also, Elon Musk admitted they would not be able to cut
$2 trillion, he said maybe $1 trillion at best. And all Elon Musk has really talked about in terms of making cuts is getting rid of the penny. Yes, getting rid of the currency, the penny, which would maybe make a dent of about 0.02% of getting $1 trillion reduced. So it wouldn't have any impact at all whatsoever. Also, Steve Bannon's faction of MAGA,
They've been saying, we don't want Elon Musk anywhere near the White House. Get him out, Susan Wiles. And Elon Musk kind of representing that tech bro faction. She'll also be noted, right, that Elon Musk really bought Donald Trump, the White House. I mean, Elon Musk was the main funder of the campaign. Elon Musk ran all of these very scammy political action committees.
Like what was like the Ruth Bader Ginsburg pack and it tried to act like Donald Trump was for women's reproductive rights, which is absolutely BS. But they ran a lot of kind of covert messaging to try to manipulate American people. Also, Elon Musk was just quite literally paying people to sign up to vote like $100 and holding raffles. You can get a million dollars.
If you signed up to vote, people hate Elon Musk. People hate Donald Trump right now. Trump's approval, one of the lowest-ever's heading into the inauguration. Donald Trump's policies, very, very much Americans disapprove of them. Elon Musk's approval is about 16 points underwater. Only 29% of Americans, according to the latest, associated press poll, actually approve of Doge.
12% of Americans think it's a good idea for billionaires to be advising Donald Trump. These are very bad statistics and the Wall Street Journal numbers also echo this. Let's go back to that article right now from the Daily Mail. Trump's ice made in chief of staff again, her name is Susan Wiles. She has a brutal takedown of Elon Musk as she refuses to give him my West Wing office.
and issues a stark warning over being co-president. Donald Trump's chief of staff, Susie Wiles, has issued a brutal takedown of Musk as she refuses to grant him an office in the West Wing as he was previously promised and as he was moving into that West Wing office.
Much has been made of the billionaire status as first buddy, as he serves as chairman of the doge sitting in the Oval Office as Trump signs bills. I mean, he's right there next to Trump as Trump's been signing his executive orders. But he also causes controversy and has become an easy target of Democrats who have jokingly referred to him as the co-president. That's apparently getting under Donald Trump's skin that people think Trump is basically working for Elon Musk.
Susan Wiles, who's a 67-year-old veteran of GOP politics, saw her first victory on Trump's first days in office when she said that she would not allow, she put her foot down. I know that you promised Musk an office in the West Wing. He's not going to have an office in the West Wing. We're kicking him out, she said.
Musk was reportedly pushing for his office to just be feet away from the oval office and then talks about how Susan Wiles also made the reporting structure that Elon Musk has to report to her and he doesn't speak to Donald Trump directly, although Elon Musk probably never even viewed what he was doing as reporting up.
He viewed Donald Trump as basically a co-president or as his subservient. Experts believe Wiles who ran Trump's 2016 and 2020 Florida campaigns successfully has what it takes who ran Trump's campaign has been asserting her strength here. She has an abundance of charm and she'll need every bit of it to survive this job, said Chris Whipple.
The article goes on to say, temperament is actually an underrated quality among White House chief of staff. Susie's got it, I think, but of course it's the toughest job in Washington. If not on the planet, particularly when the boss is Donald Trump, there's never been an administration that has so many power players. So early, you call them power players. I call them billionaire chaos agents. And that's what we're seeing with Elon Musk.
Just two weeks before Trump took office, Wiles made it clear in an interview that she was going to run a tight ship. I don't welcome people who want to work solo or be a star. My team and I will not tolerate backbiting, second guessing, inappropriate or drama. These are counter inappropriate conduct or drama. These are counterproductive to the mission. And then it goes on to talk about how
She believed that Elon Musk was doing all of that, how all of these, a lot of problems recently were being caused by Elon Musk and that she was trying to basically stop that from happening. I'll show you this though as well. You know, Donald Trump was asked very recently if it bothered him.
that Elon Musk criticized this Stargate deal, this phony sham thing that Sam Altman claimed he was putting $500 billion in, but Musk said, these guys don't have $500 billion. These guys may just look at their balance sheet, look at their cash flow. And Trump says it doesn't bother him. He hates one of the people in the deal. I have certain hatreds for people too. I want you to watch this clip. Let's play it.
Does it bother you that Elon Musk criticized the deal that you made publicly that he said that you treated that? No, it does. He hates one of the people in the deal. Have you spoken to him since then? No, no. Well, I spoke to Elon, but he's spoken to all of them actually. People in the deal are very, very smart people. But Elon, one of the people he happens to hate, but I have certain hatreds of people too.
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By the way, while all of this drama is going on, most people are just basically asking, what about lower grocery prices? What about, what are you going to lower prices? You're going to make housing more affordable. What about jobs? This is what you said you were going to do and you're not doing any of it at all. Oh, by the way, one of the things that Steve Bannon said about Elon Musk as well is he said that Elon Musk is one of the most racist individuals. Here's the direct quote. He's a truly evil guy, a very bad guy. He should go back to South Africa.
Why do we have South Africans the most racist people on earth? White South Africans making any comments at all on what goes on in the United States. And when Bannon's saying that you are incredibly racist, that says a lot. There you have it folks, lots of drama in the White House chaos. Hit subscribe, let's get to 4 million subscribers. Thanks for watching. Love this video? Make sure you stay up to date on the latest breaking news and all things Midas. By signing up to the Midas Touch newsletter at slash newsletter.