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It's only been one week and Donald Trump is ruining people's lives. He's ruining the lives of his biggest supporters, people who entrusted him. I'm not just talking about voters in red states. I'm also talking about voters across the country who got grifted by his meme coin scam. By the way, his meme coin is absolutely crashing. Melania's meme coin is crashing. Let me just talk
to you about different ways Donald Trump has destroyed the lives of people who voted for him and who entrusted him. So remember last week he released this meme coin and it shot up and he was going to make all this money. But then his meme coin crashed and Melania's meme coin crashed. I mean, crash crashed. Here's a story that we're hearing right here. Someone a 31 year old female just found out that their husband, a MAGA guy, 34 year old male lost
$600,000 in Donald Trump's stock and his memes. How can I get him to stop before he loses everything? And it talks about how Donald Trump took his grandparents inheritance around a million dollars, put it all into Trump related stuff. It started to crash. He then started
borrowing and borrowing even more money going into even more debt. And eventually this lady left her husband. She goes on to say they're in a hotel. The husband won't talk to her since her post went absolutely viral. The total losses her husband's incurred is about $700,000 and says that he refuses to talk to her, but is happy to speak to his fans. I mean, this definitely does not sound like someone who is
Well, I'll just leave it at that. I want to share this with you as well. Um, those people in red states who voted for Donald Trump, those who were in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Well,
You know when that next hurricane hits you? Well, you're on your own. Donald Trump took a trip to North Carolina where he was supposed to tour some of the devastation that was caused by the hurricanes there. But when there, Donald Trump said that he basically wants to eliminate FEMA. He was very, well, I wouldn't say he was very specific, but he basically threatened the States as well. He was like, well, look, when
something happens to Florida or North Carolina, the states can deal with it themselves. Just let the states handle it. There's no role for the federal government in dealing with this. Well, we hope Floridians enjoy all the FEMA they got from Milton because it will be their last
There's a reason why Ron DeSantis or the governors in all states, including red states, why they declare an emergency situation because then the federal government supposed to step in never before in American history where we like we're not going to give this state emergency aid because it's a red state or a blue state. First off, let's be clear too, the blue states by and large are the ones funding
the entire federal government in the United States. Most of the red states, most of them, most of them take, take, take, take, take, and rely on federal government aid, but then turn their backs on the federal government and then threaten us here in Los Angeles and threaten the blue states elsewhere.
just so you can hear it. I don't show a lot of Trump clips, but I think it's important because this is a message directed at all these people who have suffered and will suffer in red states with Donald Trump saying that the whole concept of FEMA isn't good. He goes, we're going to have to revisit the whole concept and just let the states take care of it. So all of you Floridians and Georgians and people from Louisiana and elsewhere who voted for Trump. This is what you get. Let's play.
probably less FEMA because FEMA just hasn't done the job. And we're looking at the whole concept of FEMA. I like, frankly, the concept when North Carolina gets hit, the governor takes care of it. When Florida gets hit, the governor takes care of it, meaning the state takes care of it. To have a group of people come in from an area that don't even know where they're going in order to solve immediately a problem is something that never worked for me. But this is probably one of the best examples of it not working.
And there's been some others like in Louisiana, et cetera. So we're going to be doing something on FEMA that I think most people agree. I'd like to see the states take care of disasters. Let the state take care of the tornadoes and the hurricanes and all of the other things that happen. And I think you're going to find it a lot less expensive. You'll do it for less than half. And you're going to get a lot quicker response. So that seems to be the recommendation. But we'll be making that recommendation over the next
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Also, one of the things we're learning about as well is that Donald Trump's various policies cutting Medicare, Medicaid, which they say they're not going to do, but they are. This is going to impact most also the red states where there are more people on these programs. I don't like F around and find out content because I feel bad for people. I don't want them to have to find out that the leopards are eating their faces, but
The leopards are eating your faces. Here's a story that we're learning as well about a MAGA supporter who is being absolutely mocked by his fellow workers after voting for Trump by other MAGA voters. Let me be very clear.
So this is what we are learning about Hispanic Trump voter getting turned against at work. This isn't specifically electrical, but just a story of what I heard at work today. As we all know, Trump won the election. The union plumbers at my job actually wore Trump 2024 shirts the day he won to work. One of these plumbers is Hispanic. They looked like one big happy family that day. Today at work, I heard his foreman calling him the most racist names.
And speaking to him in mock Spanish, they're arguing back and forth a bit before his white form and said something along the lines of shut the F up. Go back to work. You Hispanic slur can't wait till your ass gets deported. The guy said, I have a feeling that guy might be regretting his choice.
And by the way, we're now learning about workplace raids in Newark, potential raids in schools, elementary schools in Chicago and elsewhere, Donald Trump sending the United States military to the border to have these G.I. Joe PR stunts and also lying about the fact that
border crossings are up. In fact, when President Biden left office, border crossings were basically at an all time low based on the cooperation with Mexico. And look, Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans tried to kill. They did kill the bipartisan border deals, stopping President Biden from implementing a bipartisan piece of legislation that would have been helpful. So that Trump can say, look at the chaos, look at the emergency, look at the things that I want to what we need to do immediately.
And that's what Donald Trump is doing. But folks, maybe it wasn't about the egg prices because as Justin Wolfers points out, those folks who are obsessively posting about egg prices over the past few years have gone strangely quiet as egg prices now hit an all time high as strangely quiet all of a sudden. But the reality is, is that
And this is what Trump is going to do. Now, when Donald Trump implements tariffs on Canada, Mexico and starts these trade wars, combined with the fact that we're learning, for example, in Bakersfield, which is a red spot in a blue state of California, but Bakersfield, very right wing, very MAGA.
We're learning that the workers in Bakersfield aren't showing up to the farms there. It's citrus season there. And the Gropostachios there and other things that are very important to the economy, not showing up there. We've shared stories about Nebraska, the meat industry there. The workers aren't showing up there. And this story is repeating over and over again. There are labor shortages going on right now.
And the issue is, is that Americans aren't doing those jobs and the people who work at these farms. And you know, we've heard the stories of the MAGA farmer in Florida, the tomato grower, for example, who was sharing the story.
Americans don't want the jobs. The Americans aren't taking the jobs. Okay. Instead, the Americans are a lot of them taking in these red states on federal government assistance, which they then say is socialist and they want to eliminate the programs that are going to screw themselves. But the Americans aren't working the tomato farms. The Americans aren't picking the grapes or working on the on the citrus farms. They're not working and doing any of those things. And now you're deporting your own
workforce and labor force rather than creating a pathway to citizenship for those who are contributing to our economy. That's what you're doing. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals attacking DACA and saying that DACA is unconstitutional. You've heard these stories of like nurses who work in the state of Texas, for example, who've paid taxes their entire life, unlike Donald Trump, who hasn't.
And now they're being told they have to like leave the state or else. I mean, this, this is what's going on in now Trump's America right now. And for anyone who put their money in the meme coins, the stocks,
Whatever, the leopard eating your face now, I just don't get it, but I'll leave you with this too. There is this, and I want you to recognize it, there's a psychological phenomenon of people who are in groups that humiliate them, some to cults, sometimes they go deeper in the rabbit hole, the more they get humiliated because they can't bring themselves to admit to others
how devastating it was. They've, they've created this persona. They've told the public that their MAGA are there this and they're that. So for them to all of a sudden say,
Wow, I got screwed, the leopard ate in my face. I'm finding out this is terrible is hard for them because they know the damage that they've caused their families for all of these years, saying that they're with this guy who conned them. It's the hardest part about getting out of cults or groups is feeling that you're going to be publicly shamed for it. So for those out there who are watching this, who may have a family member,
who's in the find out stage or in the leopard ate their face stage. I'll just leave you with this one thought, which is maybe try it again. Try to try. It's hard. Try to give them a soft landing out of it.
And let them know that what they did is going to be very hard to forgive, but that, you know, you need to, you need to admit it and you need to stand up against it before you cause more people pain and hurt more people. Consider it maybe, maybe hit subscribe. Let's get to four million subscribers. Thanks for watching.
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