We will stop the plunder, rapes, slaughter and destruction of our American suburbs, cities and towns. This week I will reinstate any service members we're objecting to the COVID vaccine mandate with full backstage.
You're listening to the 47 Morning Update with Ben Ferguson. Good Tuesday morning. Ben Ferguson with you. It's nice to have you with us. And the three big stories we're going to be covering today are, well, as Donald Trump would say, huge. First up, Donald Trump says, let's be clear. We're going after the worst first when it comes to legal immigrants. And Democrats don't know what to do.
They decided they'll do what they always do when they can't figure out how to fight back. Lie to the American people. They've now been caught in a massive lie where they claim that ICE agents were going into schools. Guess what? It never happened. And we'll explain the details in a moment.
Also, Donald Trump made good on his big promise to reinstate those men and women in our military that were persecuted and discharged from our military for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. This is a massive victory, and we'll give you the details. Plus, you're fired. Key officials under Jack Smith, who went after the president of the United States of America, have been fired for the Department of Justice.
I'll give you their names coming up in just a moment. It's the 47 Morning Update and it starts right now. Story number one. Donald Trump made a promise to every American voter on April the 2nd of 2024 that if you elected him President of the United States of America again, he would do this.
We will end deadly sanctuary cities immediately. I will shift massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement. And we will impose a naval blockade on the cartels and we will hit the cartels very hard. Donald Trump paying off on those promises already as NBC News is now losing their mind over the fact that ice has made well over 2,500 immigration arrests in the last week since Donald Trump was inaugurated.
So when you are being successful at going after the worst among us, the question then is how do you turn the table on Donald Trump if you're the left? Well, they've gone back to their basic playbook and that is to lie to the American people.
There was a story that broke over the last 24 hours, accusing Donald Trump and ICE agents of raiding a school. Well, many of you may not know this. It never happened. Democrats, including the governor of Illinois, knew that they were lying when they leaked to the press that ICE agents had come in to a school.
Yes, rated a school to take out children. Well, we now have found out that the governor knew it was alive when he told the story to the world. And what did the press do? They ran with it. So what actually happened? Tom Holman went on Fox News Channel to explain because he was in Chicago and to call out the Democratic leaders for yet again lying to you.
So something crazy happened to Chicago at the end of last week. Two secret service agents went to a local elementary school because they were running down a threat that was made on TikTok. They identified themselves to the school principal. They even left cards saying, look, if you want to get back to us, here's how you get back to us. Suddenly the story became that it was ICE agents
who went to this school, Tom. And, and Pedro Martinez, the Chicago Public Schools CEO, said this, listen here. We had individuals that came to one of our schools, Hamlin Elementary School, that presented credentials that are, and shared that they were from ICE. And so our staff followed the protocols.
We're very clear we've been training our principals or security guards, any front office staff to make sure that making sure that they know that we are not to share any information with anybody from the immigration department or ICE. So not only to the CEO of Chicago Public Schools.
pass off misinformation about U.S. Secret Service agents who are interpreted to be ICE. But listen to what J.B. Pritzker, the governor of Illinois said after that. After a week of Republicans sowing fear and chaos, the first reports of raids in Chicago are at an elementary school targeting children and separating families as cruel and un-American. To be clear again, these were Secret Service agents running down a threat that was made on TikTok.
They were not ICE agents. ICE never went near that school. What do you say to Pedro Martinez and the governor of Illinois, who appear to be not only selling information, but fear? Well, Pedro Martinez lied. He lied to the city of Chicago, because he knew he was a secret service agent, because I talked to the people involved. They left their credentials. He knew exactly who were there, so he lied. Again, sowing fear in the immigrant community. And Governor Pritzker, you know, rather than calling ICE and asking us, did this happen or did not happen? He goes on social media,
and terrifies, you know, elementary schools, ice ages are walking in there. No, he accuses me of terrifying the community. No, he terrified the community. He terrified the children. You know what I suggested yesterday? They saved children. We arrested nine sexual predators, many of them child sex predators. We saved children. Ice saved children. We're not going to schools and scaring the hell out of them. Governor Pritzker deserves, he needs to give ice an apology. What he did was just plain wrong. And by doing that, he put fear in the community that shouldn't have to be there. Children shouldn't have to fear
Ice Age is walking to the elementary school to arrest them. Did you hear the last thing that he said there? Children shouldn't have to fear that ice agents are going to come into their school and arrest them. This is exactly why we are doing this show every day because we want you to know what's happening. They are lying to you. They knew this was Secret Service agents. They then decided to take those agents
and lied to the American people and say they were ICE agents raiding a school. It never happened. Now story number two. During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump made it very clear that he was going to defend our men and women in uniform who were fired for refusing even for religious reasons to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
The Harrison Biden administration wanted to punish them and get them out of the military because I guess they assumed they were probably conservative. Well, as of January of 2025, more than 8,000 men and women that are serving their country have been discharged to refusing that COVID-19 vaccine. Well, Donald Trump made it clear the day that he was inaugurated, that he was going to fix that injustice.
This week I will reinstate any service members who were unjustly expelled from our military for objecting to the COVID vaccine mandate with full back pain.
With full back pay, that made many liberals in Washington lose their minds. President Trump said, I don't care. I'm signing this executive order to reinstate these service members with their previous rank, full back pay and full benefits. Prior to this order, only 43 of the discharge personnel had rejoined the military.
After the vaccine mandate was rescinded in 2023, Donald Trump said that wasn't good enough and the new man in charge of the Pentagon who just got confirmed. Secretary head says said this about his first days in the Pentagon. And today there are more executive orders coming that we fully support on removing DEI inside the Pentagon, reinstating troops who are pushed out because of COVID mandates.
That's right. He's saying you're welcome back with open arms. We are reinstating those troops who pushed out because of standing up for their rights, their medical rights, and even asking for religious exemptions. The president of the United States of America paying off on this very important move. What's even more interesting, and this is the part that the media doesn't want you to know, many of these 8,000
Men and women that were kicked out of our military were people that had served their country in high ranking positions and had served this country in the battlefield. Many of them had risked their lives fighting al-Qaeda and ISIS and some of them were the best warriors that America's had in modern warfare.
Well, the good news is not only are they welcome back into our armed services, but they are going to receive the back pay and benefits that they and their families deserve and fought for. And lastly, story number three, law fair. It was one of the most important tools that Democrats use to try to overthrow the will of the people and to lock up their political opponent, a guy by the name of Donald Trump, you know, the guy who's the president of the United States of America right now.
Well, one of the men that led that crusade to lock up Donald Trump was a special counsel prosecutor by the name of Jack Smith. Well, it is official, the U.S. Department of Justice, under the acting Attorney General, James McHenry terminated the employment of over a dozen federal prosecutors.
who had been involved in criminal cases against President Donald Trump. These individuals were primarily part of former Special Counsel Jack Smith's team, which quoted investigated Trump's alleged mishandling of classified documents and his effort they claimed to overturn the 2020 election results.
Now, the acting attorney general also made it clear he wanted America to understand why these individuals were going to be fired. He said these individuals, they cannot trust to assist in faithfully implementing the president's agenda. Well, that's pretty obvious statement. If you ask me for a reason to fire some money, especially since the last thing they were working on was locking up Donald Trump.
Now, McHenry has transmitted a letter to each official, notifying them of their termination. A Justice Department official also said today, it's unclear how many other officials will be fired in the coming days. It seems that they are starting at the top and working their way down. This action quote is consistent with the mission of ending the weaponization of government.
The officials also said to Fox News. The move comes after the Justice Department reassigned more than a dozen officials in the first week of the Trump administration to a sanctuary city task force and other measures. It also comes after Trump vowed to end the weaponization of the federal government against anyone in politics.
Former Attorney General, you may remember a guy by the name of Merrick Garland, appointed Smith, a former Justice Department official, a special counsel back in November of 2022. Smith came in as nothing more than a hitman to take out Donald J. Trump, and he led that investigation into Trump's retention of classified documents after leaving the White House. He also was involved in the raid of Marlago, and then he went after Donald Trump for other charges and other cases.
And just for the record, so you know, special counsel Jack Smith, he's also without a job today. So I guess he's got some drinking buddies to hang out with that we're all in cahoots to overthrow the will of the people and to lock up Donald Trump. Thank you for listening to the 47 Morning Update with Ben Ferguson.
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