Podcast Summary
Big money energy: Believing in oneself and choosing success first can help anyone develop the confident and magnetic presence that attracts opportunities and money.
Developing "big money energy" is crucial for personal and professional success. Big money energy refers to the confidence and magnetic presence that successful people possess. Ryan Serhans, a real estate mogul and TV personality, shared his journey from being a failed actor to a successful real estate broker in New York City. He realized that the successful people he encountered had an energy that attracted money and opportunities. Serhans believes that anyone can develop this energy and take control of their lives, regardless of their circumstances. He emphasized the importance of believing in oneself and choosing success first, rather than waiting for it to come. With platforms like LinkedIn, individuals can connect with like-minded professionals and influencers to learn and grow, ultimately increasing their chances of success.
Magnetic Energy, Self-confidence: Believing deeply in oneself and being intentional can create magnetic energy, leading to personal growth and success, even before impressive numbers or achievements are evident.
Developing magnetic energy is crucial for personal growth and success. This energy can't be faked or copied; it comes from believing deeply in oneself and being intentional about it. Busyness and certainty can also contribute to magnetic energy. The story of a real estate agent who audaciously claimed to be the best and acted accordingly, despite not having impressive numbers at the time, demonstrates this principle. His boldness and confidence ultimately led him to be cast on a reality show, which significantly boosted his career. The book "Big Money Energy" emphasizes the importance of magnetic energy, self-confidence, and performing at a high level. This mindset, as shown in the agent's story, can lead to remarkable personal growth and success.
Embracing Challenges: Focus on the positive, keep pushing forward, and never stop striving for growth and success. Make a list of things that bring you joy to help shift perspective and realize abundance.
Life, like the weather, has its ups and downs, and it's essential to learn to embrace the challenges and enjoy the good times. The speaker shares his personal experience of carrying emotional baggage and how he learned to shift his perspective. He encourages people to focus on the good things in their lives and not dwell on the negatives. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being an opportunist and creating your own opportunities, even during tough times. He shares his experience of making a list of things that make him anxious versus things that bring him joy and how this exercise helped him realize the abundance of good things in his life. Overall, the takeaway is to focus on the positive, keep pushing forward, and never stop striving for growth and success.
Leveraging Negative Energy: Instead of being discouraged by criticism or doubt, entrepreneurs can use negative energy as motivation to keep pushing forward and build resilience.
Entrepreneurs should embrace both positive and negative energy to succeed in business. While positive energy is essential, the reality is that negative energy is more prevalent. Learning to leverage negative energy can help entrepreneurs persevere through the challenges they face and stay focused on their goals. Instead of being discouraged by criticism or doubt, entrepreneurs can use it as motivation to keep pushing forward. By developing resilience and learning to navigate the dark side, entrepreneurs can turn setbacks into opportunities and build successful businesses.
Handling Negative Energy: Learn to effectively handle negative energy by internalizing criticism as motivation, maintaining balance, and having a supportive network, while also expanding your vision and discovering a bigger mission.
To achieve success, one must learn to effectively handle negative energy and use it to fuel productive action, while also being exposed to bigger visions and ideas to continue growing. This involves internalizing criticism and using it as motivation, rather than letting it consume and burn you down. It's important to maintain a balance between leveraging the dark side of rejection and the positive side of expanding your vision. Additionally, having a supportive network of friends and mentors who help stretch your vision is crucial. Success is not just about material goals, but also about making a positive impact on others and discovering and utilizing one's unique gifts. Ultimately, having a bigger mission or purpose beyond material possessions is essential for long-term fulfillment.
Parenting and Preparing Children: Overprotecting children can hinder their ability to handle challenges and perform at high levels. Allowing them to experience hardships and learn from them is essential for their growth. Discovering and nurturing one's inner core or life force is essential for living a fulfilling life.
Parents play a crucial role in preparing their children for the realities of life. Overprotecting them can hinder their ability to handle challenges and perform at high levels. Instead, allowing children to experience hardships and learn from them is essential for their growth. Additionally, discovering and nurturing one's inner core or life force is essential for living a fulfilling life. Dr. Gladys McGarry emphasizes this concept, encouraging individuals to look inward and find what brings them joy and happiness. By tapping into our individual essence and understanding how we fit into the world, we can truly live and experience the "juice of life."
Emotional Energy, Self-awareness: Self-awareness, gained through age and attention to emotional responses, allows us to harness emotional energy and manifest our desires by focusing on our thoughts and visions
Our emotions, as energy, matter and can guide us. Self-awareness, which comes with age and paying attention to our responses to internal and external stimuli, is key to understanding ourselves better. Everything is energy, and we can harness it by focusing on our thoughts and imaginations. The more we pour energy into our visions and ideas, the more the universe conspires to help us make them a reality. By living with a foot in both the physical and non-physical worlds, we can tap into the limitless potential of energy and create the lives we desire.
Optimizing Energy: Identify and eliminate people and situations that drain energy, prioritize relationships and communication, and focus on what energizes to optimize energy and live purposefully.
We all have the potential to increase our "electricity" or energy, but sometimes we dim our own light without realizing it. This can be due to negative thought patterns or toxic relationships that drain us. To optimize our energy, we can assess our daily life and identify the people and situations that bring us down, then make necessary changes. We can also prioritize relationships and communication to reduce friction and maintain balance. Ultimately, the goal is to express ourselves fully and live our purpose, which may involve letting go of what drains us and focusing on what energizes us. Remember, we all started at the same level, but some people have learned to use their tools more effectively to grow and change.
Everyday Heroes: Everyday people can find meaning and be heroes in their own lives, even amidst hardships, by recognizing their purpose and bringing joy to others.
Everyone has the potential to be a hero and find meaning in their everyday lives, despite hardships or setbacks. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing this and not being seduced by the idea that heroes are only those on the mountaintops, like famous historical figures. Instead, heroes can be found in everyday people, such as a ditch digger, a single parent, or a firefighter. The speaker also highlighted the importance of philosophy, or having a clear understanding of why we're doing something, in addition to methodology or tactics. He shared the story of a chestnut seller, an immigrant who lost his fortune but found joy in selling chestnuts and making people happy, as an example of the heroic potential within everyday life.
Rediscovering Heroism: To live a heroic life, one must connect with their own understanding of heroism, practice self-discipline, and materialize talents, while being aware of societal conditioning and open to new strategies for change, and focusing on financial literacy and wellness goals.
Each person has the potential to live a heroic life and make a difference in the world, regardless of external circumstances or societal pressures. This requires a deep connection to one's own understanding of heroism and a willingness to practice self-discipline and materialize one's gifts and talents. The metaphor of the Golden Buddha illustrates how we can forget our true selves and be conditioned to believe that we are not special or capable of greatness. To rediscover our heroism, we must first become aware of the conditioning and patterns that hold us back, and then be open to new philosophies and strategies for change. Financial literacy and wellness goals are also essential components of living a fulfilling and heroic life.
Unique gifts and intuition: Recognizing and utilizing your unique gifts and intuition can lead to personal growth and happiness. Successful people often rely on intuition, and investing in your health can provide the tools to make informed decisions for your well-being.
Discovering and embracing your unique gifts and intuition can lead to personal growth and happiness. As shared in the conversation, successful people often rely on intuition, and recognizing your abilities, rather than being scared of them, can help you make a positive impact on yourself and others. Additionally, investing in your health through a proactive care membership like Lifeforce can provide the tools and knowledge to make informed decisions for your well-being. Remember, intuition and energy are essential parts of life, and recognizing and utilizing them can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
Energetic Inventory: Assessing and letting go of toxic energies, even from family, is crucial for protecting your energy in life. Establish healthy boundaries and discern energies without prejudice.
Protecting your energy in life involves assessing and taking inventory of the people and energies around you, just as you would before making a meal. Not every energy is positive or beneficial for your life, and it's essential to recognize and let go of toxic ones, even if they are family members. Establishing healthy boundaries energetically is crucial from a young age, and it's important to remember that people's energy or consciousness is who they truly are, not just their appearance or status. Always discern energies without prejudging them.
Energy beings: As energy beings, we have the power to shape our present and future through our thoughts and actions, and should be mindful of who and what we allow to impact our energy
We are all energy beings with the power to shape our present and future through our thoughts and actions. Our past is fixed, but our present and future are not. We have the ability to protect and maintain the energy around us, much like a pool. We should be mindful of who we allow into our metaphorical pools, as their energy can impact ours. To keep our pools clean and clear, we must filter our thoughts and actively work to maintain a positive environment. Ultimately, we have the power to create the life we desire by being conscious of the energy we allow in and put out.