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Welcome to the Who What Where podcast. Your direct line to the designers, stylists, beauty experts, editors, and tastemakers who are shaping the ever evolving world of fashion.
I'm Huwa Ware's editorial director, Boren Eggertson, and today I have the pleasure of chatting with the founder of Up Next Designer, Albert Eyal. Albert got his start in fashion PR, where he gravitated towards helping exciting and up-and-coming designers gain success. In 2019, he casually started an Instagram account to help him keep tabs on all of the new designers he was finding. But soon, he began to gain traction and followers.
His keen eye for new talent was a welcome change from the established brands the fashion world had come to know. But beyond reposting designers he liked, he amplified their work, using his PR skills to connect them with stylists, celebrities, and other resources to grow their brand. Today, the account has over 500,000 followers and is a huge source of information, inspiration, and exposure for independent brands from around the world.
I've been a huge fan of Alberts for a while now, so I asked him to join us on the pod to talk about the origins of Up Next Designer, how he grew his audience, and the emerging designers he's excited about right now. It's all coming up on Who What Where.
Hi. Hey, what's going on? How are you? I haven't seen you in so long. I feel like I think it's such a full circle moment. We've got from like PR days to now like being on your podcast. Next, I could just crazy.
Thank you so much for joining me. We're so excited to have you here. I know that from just leading our edit team, our editors are so obsessed with you. You also are such an amazing resource to everyone at our company, especially to me with styling shoots and things like it's just so appreciated that you do what you do. And I'm excited to be able to dive in with you today about that.
You've built your platform, which is called Up Next Designer, by spotting and championing emerging talent. So I'm excited to have you here to kick off Fashion Month especially and have you help our listeners stay in the know with what's going on. What an honor. I would love to hear your origin story. Do you remember how and when you kind of decided to get into the industry?
Yeah, I mean, I was obsessed with pop culture growing up. I always read just charade and my mom always got people magazine to the house. So we would always read it on like Friday night, like the fan, like we would all pass it around. We would look at the pictures and I remember the Rihanna Adam Selman dress that really like stole my attention because I love to Rihanna. I loved everything about pop culture. And then I was like, you know what?
This is sick. Like, what is she wearing? And I think that's really when my eyes started developing for fashion and my love for fashion. Like, that's when I was interested and I was like, who made this? Like, I want to know more about this. And that was my big turning point.
And then you started in PR, right? So tell me about the early days of your career and that aspect and how you transitioned into what you're doing now. So basically in high school, I wasn't really like the most fashionable person. I didn't really know much. I was more of like a pop culture nerd. I just really love anything. Movies acting and singing and celebrities. And I just like always dreamed of working with celebrities and in pop culture. And I didn't really know how to.
I was into like drawing an art and I was taking like summer courses in architecture school and it was like 2012 maybe. I was in like 10th grade. This guy reached out to me and he's like, hey Albert, like I want you to do my social media. Like Instagram really just started.
And I was like, I don't do that. I want to be an architect. No, Albert, you know so much. You always have these cool places. We want you to, like, run our social media, get it to influencers and so on. And I was like, I'm not just going to go up to someone at a party and give someone your watch. He said, no, no, you do that. That's what you have to do. It's called guerrilla marketing. I knew what guerrilla marketing was, but I just never thought that, like, I'm going to be that person. But I was like, who cares? Like, let me do it. Why not?
I was just DMing everyone from like Chiara Faragmi was back then and Leoni and Akasha Brinkley. I remember when she posted us like his followers gained like 5,000 followers and they would just post like there was no theme vlogs. It was just like, send you a watch and I'll post.
And it was so fun. He even sent me to the US Open of Surf. And I had to get it on all the surfers. It was a really fun job. I still love my architecture. I still wanted to do that. But then I enjoyed this. I always wanted to work in pop culture. I always wanted to work with different people that I admire and that I respect. And I was on my home from
the US open up surf and I sat next to the girl named Michelle Steinberg and she had a PR firm that I emailed her. I was like, hey, I want to intern by you. I ended up interning by her for one year. It was a whole room of like six girls and me. But like, you know what, I'm going to suck in everything and learn as much as I can because I started loving PR because I am a people person. And it's just me. Like, even if they told me like, go find this paperclip in this room and there's 75 boxes, I would literally
And it just felt so good to find that paperclip because I felt like I was doing something, even though it was nothing. It wasn't a job for me. It was so fun. They would have events. There would be editors there, celebrities, and I would be the one vibing with them and talking to them. And I always tell people that are interning.
really the way to grow in this industry is you have to just say yes, because that's just part of the growth. By saying yes, they would invite me to like do the red carpet for this event for tau or this event for L'Oreal. I don't know, I just always just stuck through and just always said yes and never said no, because people want to work or that they could rely on. Exactly. I feel like saying yes proves your reliability. And I think
a lot of times people forget that. They think about themselves and the task specifically more. I have an example from my past of finding an earring lost in a fashion closet that I knew just wasn't there, but I did the same thing. I went through, opened up every single pair of socks and put in the effort even if I thought it was stupid. I totally understand you and I think it's a great reminder to people that that work ethic clearly pays off.
Yeah, so like I worked for this PR firm for a year. I didn't want to leave. I was learning how to write press releases. I've had to export lists and how to find contacts and I would just.
on the calls and knowing what to present to a client and I realized that a big part was events. So when I left, I worked for Norma Cohen and she was the most amazing human in the world. She's like the hottest party planner. Basically, she does destination weddings and she does events and she does corporate events and it was just so cool to learn the organization side of things because when you're in PR, a lot of clients will have a store opening or a press preview.
You need to know how to order a bartender or get the bartender's outfits to wear or tables and rentals and a mixologist. I don't know this certain things that you need to know and obviously how to organize the list and how to send out invites and follow ups and not be too annoying and know when to follow up. And if they say no, it doesn't mean no forever. It just means no now. And you learn so many different things. And I feel like a lot was from interning, but also a lot of it. I learned myself just because
I wasn't emailing anyone, so I was just like listening or invited to an event. So after I went to Norma Cohen, I got a job at Sprayground where I was there for four years and I led all PR communication and it was the most major experience of my life. I would email everyone and anyone from these lists and I would
get vision and find people myself from like what they write about and what they cover. They would send me back. They don't ever email me again. Or like, this is great. How can I see more? So I really learned different personalities, how to like find someone's beat and make sure you're not pitching backpacks to someone that covers beauty. And obviously, you know, as an editor. Yeah.
And I just want to say how grateful I am to who what where because all your editors are so responsive and are so fun and are so easy to talk to, especially you. Like it's just so cool how good you guys are to like brands and PRs and you guys are on top of your game and you guys get clicks. So the clients are really happy. So I just want to give a little shout out.
Oh, that's so sweet. No, it's fun to have known you from the beginning. And I think that's why who aware is so excited to always support you because we just have loved your journey. Thank you so much. So from PR, how did up next designer come to be? So basically I left spray ground after four years. I was head of global PR communications. I built a team under me and I was really spearheading
Every campaign, collaboration, every press release. I was traveling around the world. It was so cool. But I was thinking a lot. I'm young. I want to see what else is out there, you know? And I went for interviews on a bunch of different places. I felt like I was qualified. They still didn't accept me. And it was really all a blessing because God was telling me like, start your own PR firm. But I met with Nicole Miller. She was a good friend of mine. We met at the Joseph Abucho and we became really close. And she's like, so what are you doing now? You have to figure out. I was like,
I don't know. I'm interviewing with all these corporations. And she's like, no, Albert, you start your own PR firm. I'm like, are you sure I want to do it when I'm 30? Like, I need more time. I need to learn. No, now is the time. You're young. Do it.
So I consulted with her. I helped her. But my first full client was this brand called Cross, where they weren't launched yet. And they brought me on to launch them. It was so cool for me because I usually worked with brands like we're ready to develop and that were launched. So I was like, no, let me try it. Let me see, like, if I could do anything here.
And just from their launch, I was able to secure repress coverage and celebrity placements. And I was like, this is sick. We're on to something here. And when crossed with mentioned where they work, they would mention Helmut Ling and Onya. So I would send the articles to Onya and be like, Hey, look. And then from there, the bromine took consult and that they became one of my clients. And from there, it took on talentless. And I took on Mira Palai. And I, there's so many more Adidas jewels and called Gaya and just such cool brands that I just loved. And it was just so fun to do. It was unreal.
Yeah. And then I started this account up next designer like in December before COVID just because like I was finding so many cool designers on Instagram that I wanted to represent them for PR to help them get their name out there.
Obviously, I love helping us my favorite thing in the world, and I'd reach out to them and I'm like, hey, like, I want to do your peon. You're epic. And they're like, we have no money. I'm like, I totally understand. You know what? Let me figure this out. So I started this account up next designer where I would post these designers that I would find.
And the way I would grow followers in the beginning, every designer that I found, if I'm not messaging them, I would like their pictures or comment on their pictures just to show them I exist. Like, we're here to support you. We want to support the next generation. We want to give you a spotlight. It looked like they weren't really getting much support just because they weren't really posting their looks. And I was like, no, no, you're amazing. You're going to be huge. Like, I don't think you get it.
because they're so humble and they're so nice and they're just designing what they love and they don't realize they're superstars and I wanted to be their cheerleader and I was so happy that I was able to do that and I would really just message them and just connect with them and like their picture or comment and save them and I saved everything in folders. I probably have 300 plus folders. I had folders by like green or velvet or pink or hearts or ripped upcycling or just so many different folders because I wanted each row to tell a story.
That's what my view book like. And yeah, I was just doing it for fun. And then once COVID hit, all my clients would call me every other day like, hey, by the way, we don't eat PR anymore. There's not really much to do. And my company was slowly like shuttering, I guess. And I was fine with it because the whole world was home.
Everyone was just not doing anything. I was like, okay, I guess this is a break or this is the end. Like, I didn't know what was going on with the world. I'll just like, stay on Instagram all day. And I'll just work on this Instagram account that I started in December. So I just started like.
working on it more, posting more. And I didn't want to tell anyone about this page because I started maybe a hundred pages in the past where I just like would said this to my friends, like, Hey, by the way, new page, like follow and they would be so annoyed at this point. Like, I would use starting like another one. So many different things, like another one. So, you know, I'm not telling anyone about this. If it's supposed to be in front of them, they will see it.
So I just kept on posting. And I had a bunch of stylist relationships and editor relationships, but I didn't want to tell anyone yet because I wanted to make sure it was established and developed before. But people were seeing it on their free page, which was cool. So we started gaining traction. Traction, I mean, like just a few hundred followers building the UND family. I don't call them followers because we're a freaking family. Like literally I'll do
anything for the UND fan. Like that's what I call them because that's what they are. And they're the only reason why I have what I have is because of them. And I just want to see them thrive and win. I love them. Anyway, so yes, that's basically how it started. Amazing. And I love that you didn't tell people about it because it differentiates maybe the other accounts that you were starting from this. It kind of says to me that you had a good gut feeling about this and you wanted to see what was happening with it. And maybe we're like a little more precious with it.
If I remember correctly, there was a moment where Kylie Jenner spotted your account and that definitely I'm sure helped it take off. Can you tell me a little bit about that story? Yes, so that was the crazy story ever because that's when I realized that this account is coming towards the reality that I dreamed of it to be. I really dreamed of it to be a place for stylists, editors, celebrities, students, fashion designers to
see the hottest new things in fashion, learn from professionals, find job opportunities, any way I could help the next generation of fashion to make it easy for them and really just be of guidance in any way. That's what I wanted the account to be. And I only realized that once people were actually using the account. So what happened was Kylie Stylus followed us on Instagram and requested a look from our page. She said, Omar, I love this. So I connected them directly.
So she got the look for Kylie. Kylie wore this look while she was on vacation. I posted the look on my page and then I got 10 new followers. I was like, oh sick. This is great. And all of a sudden I'm looking at the followers and I see Kylie Jenner started following you and I'm like, it's a joke. Yeah, of course. No way. It's probably two Rs or two N's or two E's and I'm looking through and there was no two Rs or two E's and I'm like, wait.
This could be Kylie Jenner. So I didn't want to click on it. I just give it like a second and then I click on it and it says 200 million followers, follow back. I'm like, no way.
She goes, what happened? What happened? What happened? We tried to just follow us. She was like, what? This is crazy. My dreams are coming true. People are seeing all these designers and I couldn't believe it. The followers just kept on coming in and coming in. It was so cool. Just from her following, I gained a few thousand followers over a night. I just kept on looking. Every second to see if she still follows her.
Oh my gosh. Just kept up looking. I was like, oh my God, I have to be more careful. I have to be careful. But I posted, I was like, you know what? It can't be like that. I just posted what I'm doing because obviously she liked what I was doing that she decided to follow. So I just kept on just posting. And then next thing you know, this amazing girl named Jamila Stewart.
which is my really good friend and i actually connected her with boog and she's now the party editor of boog and basically she wrote my first ever story for pop sugar about the next designer and then from there was just a domino effect of highly to pop sugar and word of mouth and then
B.L.F. did a big story and then the whole fashion industry started knowing what we are. And then once people were starting to find out what it is, I was like, you know what? Like, all right, guys, it's me. A bunch of my friends were like reaching out to me and a bunch of people that worked in PR. Like, no way, this is you. Like, this is sick. I want to know more. And it was on the Today Show and
I'm just so grateful. And it's just so cool because I would never think that just by an Instagram post, someone's career was changed. We have so many designers that we've worked with and that we support that their careers were changed. I'm like, that's my dream for anyone. Like no matter what career you're in, I just love seeing people succeed. Like every time I had any opportunity, I always make sure that someone's involved. Like if I was on the Today Show, like I'd make sure like,
One of my designers were involved, so I picked three designers that we've helped. George, he's a designer from Greece that we just posted his collection on Kendall Jenner Ward, a day after, and do a leap on Miley Cyrus, and they literally said it was from up next designer. He was just 18 years old, and he had his first fashion show in Amelia Greywalk to show.
It was just so cool. And this guy, Kim Menches, which is my really, really good friend, he basically was making these cool sculptural pieces. And I posted about them and Cardi B wore them for her front cover with Normani. And I was so happy to see him have this attention for his work, because an artist and the designer just focuses on their craft. They don't have time to focus on the PR. They don't have time.
to focus on getting on celebrities you know and they want to and they dream about it so thank god like we have a beautiful list of people that have really life changing careers from the page and i couldn't be more grateful no i think it's so amazing and you should be so proud because you've taken your people skills which is such a gift and i think just your character and how well you love people and
to be able to have something so successful be an extension of just who you are in this way is so amazing to me. Oh my gosh. I wanna talk more about the people that you are currently excited about. So I know ahead of this recording, we tasked you with identifying a handful of designers that are up and coming that you're really excited about right now that you think you're gonna do big things. If you wanna highlight a couple of them and just give like top level bullet points of who they are, why you're excited about them and like what to keep an eye on.
I don't know, I could name you like 20,000 people I'm excited about. Last night, I was up to like four in the morning. I found a hundred new designers from Vietnam. Oh my God. I'm so impressed. They're literally ahead of the game with all their designs. I can't wait for like everyone to see what they're making. There's a school called Van Hung or something. And basically, I was like stalking the school yesterday and I was just going through every one of their followers because
No one posts pictures, only some will post their work. I had a lot of bits in their highlights, but I was going through their whole school profile. And I was just messaging all the students to send me their work, who was really jaw dropping. But I saw the most beautiful sculptural laser-cut pieces. I was just like, wow, I can't wait to do a highlight on Vietnamese designers because they deserve it and the world needs to see who they are. And I can't wait for them to have a fashion week one day.
But anyway, let's talk about that list. Okay, so Dixon Lim, I'm just so obsessed with how he's like upcycling and really just reconstructing men's wear suits. I feel like a lot of the red carpets, no one's really so impressed with men's wear. But if you wear Dixon Lim piece, they will be obsessed with you because he basically like takes a lapel and puts it across the waist or takes one of the sides and makes it longer.
Really, really beautiful pieces. I think just people need to know more about who he is. So we felt then actually wore Dix and Lim on the carpet once and people were going crazy. Like, what is that? What is that? What is that? And I was so grateful because he's a UND designer. And when I say UND designer, it means that like we were the first to like
put them out there and to promote them and support them and they're our friends and our fan. So Dixielim is a UND designer and we're so grateful to see him thriving. Mark Kong. Oh my god. So Mark, he had his first show in Shanghai and he made these huge metal bow tops and people were like, what is this? What is this?
from there like he gained a lot of attention and actually the video we posted of him went viral basically with him constructing the models what to do and it's so funny like he's like telling the model like do this move your hand there look that way and people really fell in love with his personality and not only his designs his designs are immaculate they're so fun every single one of his collections tell a story so he's one of like my highlights at Shanghai Fashion Week
His latest collection was inspired by sex in the city. He's so cool. I think you'd be obsessed with him as well. And Rihanna wore him and he's fired. I love that video. I know exactly what you're talking about. It's so funny though. I'm sure people don't even realize who it is, but you have to go see that video and you'll be like, oh, I've seen it. Iconic.
He's so great. Andrea Broca. He's an Italian designer. He's so awesome. I love couture. I really do. And there's so many couture designers that I want to tell you guys about. He's one of them that I'm really obsessed with. His gowns are beautiful, like his embellishments, such intricate details, but it's beautiful. And everyone wants Andrea Broca. Like I think Sizzo wore one of his pieces. We posted about his work a while ago. It's just really cool to see him.
Succeedant, he's actually gaining a lot of great traction. Van Yoy is a new Vietnamese designer. Six, six, six, six, six, six, six. I posted it out then. People are going crazy. I'm sure we're going to see him on the carpet. It's like, I know it's going to be very soon because his stuff is so beautiful. The fabrics he uses and like, he's just awesome. Like it's pieces that you would dream about seeing and he makes them come to life. The layering, the color palettes, the structure and gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
Clara De Guin, great. She's from Paris. She makes such cool light up pieces. So she makes beautiful gowns and jackets and shirt like not cheesy light up, like cool light up where it's like glowing, glowing illusion shaped lights. And when you walk and moves, people have been wearing her for their music videos and she's done a fashion show and she's awesome. Wow. I know there are so many, which is why
your account exists and I know we're grateful to you for doing the Lord's work over here. Thank you. It's so fun for me. It's like finding hidden gems and it's like mining gold. Exactly. Obviously, a lot of this discovery comes from your own research that happens at 3, 4 in the morning. But when you're traveling for fashion month, I'm curious how you kind of pick and choose which cities you go to and what are your plans for this coming February, March season.
So I usually do Berlin Fashion Week. I love Berlin Fashion Week. It's a really hot place for emerging designers and they also have a hub where they have all the students present their work and that's my favorite because I get to interact with the students and see all the work in person and I get to see new discoveries or even people that I'm already talking to that I get to meet in person and see their stuff in person. I love Berlin. They're bringing a lot of new people
Their shows are great. People are great. Fashion, street styles, great. I usually do New York, Paris, Milan, Berlin, Barcelona, and then I cover Shanghai. I never been yet. It's my dream. I cover Dubai Fashion Week. I cover Saudi Fashion Week. I cover Australia Fashion Week, Brazil, Sao Paulo. We cover all the fashion weeks. I don't know which ones I'm going to for sure yet coming up, but definitely we try to go to as many as we can.
because we love to see new designers and meet new people and visit the countries and cities and it's great. I love that. Okay. I'm curious because obviously I've seen you at Fashion Week and at shows and at events and I've seen you interact and you're just so comfortable with people. But obviously I'm sure over the years you've grown your network so much. So I'm curious if there's one celebrity that had you starstruck that now you're just like chill with. They're like, Hey, what's up? It's no big deal. Oh, I got.
It's so crazy because when you live a dream, like you just don't believe it, you know? So like, it's so amazing. And I'm so grateful to be able to connect with people that I dreamed of connecting with a really cool story, which I never shared with anyone that was in Australia. And I was with my best friend. He actually just got married last week. Crazy. I'm so happy for him. He's the best. He's going to be hyped to hear this. But I'm tennis. Let's go. Congrats, Dennis.
But it was her answer, I'm sorry, and I wrote like Margot Robbie's here, and UND's on the way, manifesting a Margot Robbie meetup. And all of a sudden her cousin slipped up and goes, I can make this happen. I believed it because I know she's cousins with her, but I didn't want to say anything until I knew it was confirmed.
and i was like i'm not telling him i go no way like when watch was where you staying i told her i'm staying she was oh it's right near us she sent me an invite and it's the papa salt private launch which is like five industry people i was like okay it's legit so you're dead is we're beating more go robbie let's go
And he was tripping. We were like, figure out what we're wearing. We're like, OK, perfect. Like, this is great. So now we pull up to this hotel. There's like no signs of Marco Robby's zero. We go upstairs to the rooftop. And we see this, like, five people. It's like Marco Robby right there.
We were pugging and we go, oh my god. And like Margarabbi's our dream like Wolf of Philosophy Margarabbi. Yeah, she's it. She's a movie star. So basically we go to the event and they cover our phones and it's just us. Margarabbi's there and all of a sudden Margarabbi's alone. The cousin introduces us to her and we talked to her for one hour about every single thing in the world.
It was her husband. It was me. It was my friend. It was her cousin. We're all just chatting, drinking, vibing, laughing. It was just such a cool moment. I'm still in touch with her husband. I talk to him all the time. I was actually going to dress him for the movie premieres. Wow. He's great, the nicest person ever. I congratulate them on the new kit. But yeah, we keep in touch. And it's so cool that just from posting a story saying, like, manifesting on Margot Robbie, you had to meet up.
It happened. It happened. Crazy. So crazy. I love this. This story was incredible. I'm glad I asked it because I knew you had something crazy like that up your sleeve. Thank you. I just want to share one thing before I leave. So I have a group chat called Fashion Ops where there's 14,000 plus people that are looking to get into the fashion industry and that are looking for jobs to volunteer, to work at Fashion Week, to get jobs, senior level, junior level, whatever it is. We post about it all in the chat.
It's like a broadcast in our Instagram and basically we've been posting a lot of New York Fashion Week opportunities so like if you want to work backstage or whatever it is and you guys can really have a chance to work backstage because I literally go to shows and I'll meet like 20 people and they're like, oh my god.
I've got this job because of you and I literally start crying because it's just unreal and like I'll ask them to share their story and like they all come from different cities, blue wind just to work for the backstage and they're living their dream and like we'll all take a group picture and like what videos and it's a dream so it could be one of you guys and obviously if you apply and like no one enters you just DM me and I'll just tell the person hi please look at their application
Wow, that's incredible. That's like such a crazy resource and I didn't know about that. So I definitely am glad we spoke about it. But thank you so much for chatting with us. For those of you listening, if you haven't already followed up Next Designer, you absolutely must. It's so informative and it's such a great way to celebrate the innovation in our industry. And we're just so grateful to you, Albert, for owning that and championing people. And we can't wait to see what's next. Thank you so much, Lord.
A huge thank you to up next designer, founder, Albert Eyal. Make sure to subscribe to our show wherever you listen to podcasts so you don't miss an episode. And while you're there, I'd also be so grateful if you could rate and review us. If you have guest suggestions or any other feedback, drop us a line at podcast at or you can find us on social at whowhatwhere. See you next Wednesday on the Who What Where podcast.
This episode was produced by Hilary Kerr, Summer Hammeris, and Natalie Thurman. Our production assistant is Claire Schmidt. Our editor is Ko Takasugi Churnivin. Our audio engineers are at Glen Canyon Audio, and our music is by Jonathan Lehi.
Hi everyone, this is Eliza, a senior fashion editor here at Who Out Wear. Fashion month almost always sneaks up on me, especially in February coming right out of the holidays. Fortunately, Albert's episode got me feeling more inspired than usual to start my preparations early, beginning in the dressing department.
When it comes to preparing my outfits for this busy month of travel, brand appointments, parties, and of course runway shows, I usually try to stick with clothes I wear regularly so that nothing about my ensembles appears out of the ordinary or not me. I do, however, like to buy an item or two to make my looks feel new and different from seasons fast. 99% of the time, those fresh fashion month fines are sourced from eBay. My go-to for new, pre-loved vintage and rare fashion for at least a decade now.
Throughout that time, the retailer has introduced a ton of new capabilities to make shopping simpler, with eBay authenticity guaranteed being a complete game changer for me personally.
Essentially, when an item is marked with the blue authenticity guarantee check mark, that means it'll be expert verified ahead of its arrival, whether it's a designer handbag or a sought-after pair of sneakers. Bags and shoes, though, aren't on my pre-fashion month wish list, at least not this season. I am, however, always on the lookout for them, plus jewelry, watches, and other accessories, which is why you'll spot a mix of all of the above in my curated collection on eBay. For now, all I'm really looking to purchase is apparel.
Fortunately, the Marketplace has a seemingly endless supply of eligible ready-to-wear from archival skirts to hard-to-find outerwear. Speaking of top layers, one in particular has lived at the top of my wishlist for far too long. Finally, I'm ready to move it into my closet for real, instead of just lusting over pre-loved listings on eBay. If you know me, you can probably guess that I'm talking about a Diora Barjacket.
the iconic silhouette that Christian Dior himself debuted in 1947 and named after the bar at the Plaza Atene in Paris.
Known for its hourglass shape, the jacket has been renowned for more than 70 years, and I plan on continuing its legacy by purchasing a grey version I just found that looks to be in great condition. The other item in my cart is one I've wanted for more than three years, ever since I watched a debut in a live stream of Prada's spring summer 2022 runway show back in September of 2021.
I've been collecting pieces from this collection for years, with a total of five items making it into my closet so far. This navy blue, heavy satin mini skirt with a high low silhouette is next. I've been really into navy lately for starters, but I also just love how easily this skirt could be styled year round, with black tights and a big leather jacket for winter fashion month, and fair legged with a sleeveless white tee in September. The possibilities truly are endless.
Of course, along the way, I spotted dozens more pre-loved fashion finds that are just as bi-worthy as these. So whether you have Fashion Week outfit planning to do or not, shop my curated collection at slash who I wear.