
    The Science of Emotions & Relationships

    enMarch 29, 2021
    What role do emotions play in our life experience?
    How can emotional development improve understanding of emotions?
    What did Bowlby and Ainsworth's experiment reveal about infants?
    What factors influence the understanding of emotions in infants?
    What are the four categories of infant attachment identified?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Importance of Emotional Development through Psychology and Neuroscience.Emotions are complex and can be understood through analysis of neural circuits and chemical and hormonal factors. By utilizing tools and techniques rooted in psychology and neuroscience, we can enhance our emotional range and navigate difficult situations.

      Emotions play a vital role in our life experience, and everyone perceives emotions differently. Understanding emotional development can lead to a better understanding of our own emotions and those of others. By utilizing tools and techniques rooted in psychology and neuroscience, we can enhance our emotional range and navigate difficult emotional situations. It's important to note that emotions are complicated, but tractable, and can be understood through analysis of neural circuits and chemical and hormonal factors. Developing a deep understanding of emotion can help us place a value on emotional states and determine their meaning in our lives.

    • The Origins of Emotions and Their Connection to the Brain and BodyOur understanding of emotions is built early in life through our internal and external experiences, which shape our brain and bodily connections. Understanding these connections is crucial in comprehending the role of emotions in our lives.

      Emotions arise in the brain and body because of specific connections between specific areas in the brain and body, and the groundwork for understanding emotions is laid down early in development. As infants, we experience anxiety and register our internal states, driving requests that others respond to. This interoception and extra reception sets the foundation for understanding emotions and shifts our overall states or levels of alertness or calmness. Limbic circuits and other circuits bias us toward viewing the outside world or paying more attention to what's going on inside our bodies. Understanding the developmental origin and connectivity of these circuits is crucial to understanding emotions.

    • The Importance of Emotional Development and the Mood Meter App by YaleUnderstanding and managing emotions is important for healthy emotional development. The Mood Meter app can help individuals identify and predict their emotional states, and determine when to engage or avoid certain activities.

      Emotional development plays a crucial role in forming bonds, predicting things in the world and achieving healthy emotional development. The mood meter app developed by Yale is a tool that can help individuals understand what they're feeling by providing more nuance and subtlety on language for emotions. The app collects data on an individual's emotional states and links it to other features to help them predict how they're going to feel at different times of the day. Understanding your level of autonomic arousal and valence is key to using the app, which can be also used as an intervention later in life. By understanding emotional development, individuals can determine when to engage or avoid certain activities.

    • Understanding the Components of Emotions and Using the Mood Meter App to Process ThemOur emotions are influenced by our level of alertness, our internal and external focus, expectations, and predictions. By using tools like the Mood Meter app, we can better process and understand our emotions.

      Our emotions are made up of how alert or sleepy we are, how good or bad we feel, and whether our attention is focused inwardly or outwardly. As infants, we were mainly focused inwardly, but we gradually learned to pay attention to the outside world in order to relieve anxiety and predict what would bring us relief. Our emotional responses are determined by our expectations and predictions. Understanding these components can allow us to predict emotional states and form a useful toolkit for processing emotions. The Mood Meter app can also provide insight into the nuances of emotions.

    • The Strange Situation Task and Infant Attachment Patterns.Bowlby and Ainsworth's experiment on infant attachment patterns revealed four categories: Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent, and Disorganized. Bonding involves eye contact, vocalization, affect, and touch as cores of social bonds, and infants recognize their parents' faces, voices, and vocalizations accurately.

      Bowlby and Ainsworth's classic experiment of 'strange situation' task focused on understanding infants' response to separation and re-engagement with their caretaker. Researchers identified four categories of infants- secure attached kids(A babies), avoidant babies(B babies), ambivalent babies(C babies), and disorganized babies(D babies). These categories are based on how infants respond to the return of their caregiver. The experiment opened up important questions on what defines a really good bond- eye contact, vocalization, affect, and touch being the core of social bonds and emotionality. The research also revealed that infants' recognition of their parents' faces, voices, and vocalizations is extremely accurate and strong.

    • The Importance of Attunement to External Stimuli for Emotional RegulationOur early attachments shape our ability to perceive and process external events and emotions. Focusing outwardly in dynamic social environments can be more effective. By practicing getting out of our head, we can become more attuned to external stimuli and less self-conscious.

      Our ability to perceive and process external events and emotions has roots in the attachments we form early on, and can affect our emotional regulation. The balance of interoception and exteroception can vary with circumstance, but it is useful to focus outwardly in dynamic social environments to be more effective. It is possible to train yourself to be more attuned to external stimuli and less self-conscious by practicing getting out of your head.

    • Developing a Balance between Interoception and Exteroception for Better Emotional BondingBy intentionally shifting attention between internal sensations and external stimuli, we can improve our ability to develop emotional bonds, understand biases, and adapt to different environments. Practice can enhance this ability.

      Interoception and exteroseption are two modes of attention that can be deliberately shifted to achieve a balance. By focusing on the sensations of the body and then shifting attention to something external, such as an object in your surroundings, you can develop the ability to dynamically move between both modes. These exercises are the core of emotional bonds, helping you understand your own biases and the reliability of outside events and people. Through trust, we are able to give up more of our interoception and focus outwardly. Developing this balance can help in environments where you feel too internally focused and need to shift externally. It may take practice but your brain and nervous system are fantastic at doing this.

    • The Link Between Puberty and Emotional DevelopmentPuberty brings hormonal changes that affect emotions and the ability to sense reliability in the outside world. Leptin hormone triggers puberty and impacts bone density, growth, and emotions. Understanding these influences can aid in coping with trauma and PTSD.

      Puberty is a crucial time period for emotional development and ability to predict whether things in the outside world are reliable or not. Hormonal changes during puberty trigger reproductive maturity but also have social effects such as pheromone interactions. Body fat, particularly the hormone leptin, plays a role in signaling the brain to trigger puberty. Leptin also has effects on bone density and growth. Understanding how our emotions and interoceptive awareness are influenced by external and internal factors during this phase can help us better navigate and understand trauma and PTSD in the future.

    • The Complex Effects and Potential Dangers of Human PheromonesMore research is needed to fully understand the impact of human pheromones, but certain primate species have observed the Vandenberg effect and the Bruce effect. Kisspeptin plays a crucial role in triggering puberty and is being used as a performance-enhancing drug, but medical supervision is necessary.

      Human pheromone effects are controversial and much more research is needed to fully understand their impact. The Vandenberg effect, where introduction of a novel male triggers puberty in pre-pubertal females, has been observed in certain primate species. Other pheromone effects include the Bruce effect, which causes spontaneous miscarriage in pregnant females when a novel male is introduced. Kisspeptin, a molecule produced by the brain, plays a key role in triggering puberty by stimulating gonadotropin-releasing hormone release which leads to the production of testosterone and estrogen. Kisspeptin is also being used as a performance-enhancing drug for its ability to stimulate the production of natural hormones, but these effects are subject to feedback loops and should not be taken without proper medical supervision.

    • The Biology of Adolescence and PubertyPuberty is a crucial time for emotional maturation and involves a switch from generalist to specialist. Adolescents experience a desire to spend more time with peers and changes in neurons and neural circuits. Meeting core needs and demands during this time is essential.

      Puberty triggers a shift from generalist to specialist and the formation of social and emotional bonds. It's the largest change one goes through at any point in their life, fundamentally changing both the brain and bodily organs. Adolescents experience biases towards dispersal from primary caregivers and a desire to spend more time with peers. The transition to puberty is vital for emotional maturation, and it's essential to meet core needs and demands during this time. The biology of adolescence and puberty, including changes in neurons and neural circuits, is highlighted in a review article in the journal 'Nature.'

    • Puberty and the Testing of Emotional and Reward CircuitsDuring puberty, the brain undergoes significant changes that lead to increased testing of emotional and reward-related decision-making circuits. To support healthy development, safe and supportive environments, regular quality sleep, and positive social relationships are important.

      During puberty, there is increased connectivity between the prefrontal cortex, dopamine centers, and the amygdala, which leads to testing of circuits for emotions and rewards as they relate to decision-making. Adolescents and teens engage in behavioral testing and exploration, leading to an expanded buffet of events and experiences beyond those provided by caregivers. It is important to encourage safe forms of interaction that allow them to test autonomy and make good assessments about their extra susceptible events to form bonds and make predictions about what will make them feel good. Regular quality sleep and leveraging positive social relationships are recommended, as most mental health issues are supported by these measures. Puberty is a heightened stage where testing of contingencies happens, and it is vital to have a safe and supportive environment to allow for growth and exploration.

    • How the Brain Chemistry of Dopamine and Serotonin Affects Emotional Development.Developing healthy emotional bonds involves a balance of dopamine and serotonin states in the brain. Touch-oriented behaviors in infancy lead to exciting activities in adolescence. The popular belief that the right brain is emotive and the left logical is false.

      The development of healthy emotional bonds is rooted in a seesawing between dopamine and serotonin states in the brain. This begins in infancy with calm, touch-oriented behaviors, and carries forward into adolescence with exciting activities such as sports, shopping, and summer adventures. Dr. Alan Shore's work on emotional development provides an interesting perspective on this phenomenon. The popular belief that the right brain is emotive while the left brain is logical is false. Language is mostly centered in the left side of the brain for right-handers, while the right brain is more primitive linguistically. The left brain also has an arithmetic advantage over the right brain.

    • Understanding the Functions of the Brain and Human Bonding through Hormones and Neurons.Contrary to popular belief, the left and right brain hemispheres are not strictly divided in terms of logical and artistic functions. Oxytocin helps with social bonding, while mirror neurons may not be directly connected to empathy and emotions.

      The right brain is better at manipulating spatial information and visual spatial tasks, but it also plays a role in language through prosody and shifts in intonation. The left brain is not solely logical, sequential, and analytic and there is no scientific evidence to support the idea of being a left or right-brained person. Oxytocin plays a crucial role in social bonding by increasing synchrony and awareness for the emotional states of others. Mirror neurons, while controversial, may not be directly wired into the emotional and empathy system.

    • Benefits and Risks of Oxytocin UseOxytocin is a hormone that helps with bonding, communication, and stress reduction, but it is important to be cautious when using supplements or nasal sprays due to potential side effects and safety concerns. Vitamin D, melatonin, and low doses of caffeine can also help promote its production.

      Oxytocin is a hormone that promotes bonding and social connection. Studies have shown that oxytocin can increase positive communication among couples and reduce stress levels during conflict. It can also promote monogamous behavior and enhance our ability to understand the emotional states of others. Vitamin D and melatonin have been found to contribute to the proper production of oxytocin. Low doses of caffeine may also increase oxytocin release. However, caution should be exercised when considering the use of oxytocin nasal sprays or supplements as potential side effects and safety concerns exist.

    • Understanding the Science Behind Compounds for Social EnhancementBefore using drugs or supplements to improve social bonding and emotions, research and understand the effects of different compounds. Some may have positive effects, while others should not be experimented with due to complex effects on the body. Be cautious with prescription medications.

      While many people turn to drugs or supplements to enhance their social bonds and emotions, it's important to critically examine the research before trying them. Caffeine has little effect on oxytocin, but vitamin D and melatonin may have positive effects. Vasopressin is important for social bonding and emotionality, but should not be experimented with due to its complex effects on the body. Additionally, while the vagus nerve is often thought of as a calming force, it actually increases alertness when stimulated. In fact, stimulating the vagus can improve mood and even increase plasticity. It's important to understand the science behind these compounds before using them and to be cautious with prescription medications.

    • The power of vagus nerve stimulation and psychedelic therapies in regulating emotionsBy understanding the connection between our brains, bodies, and emotions, we can use techniques like vagus nerve stimulation and psychedelic therapies to regulate our emotions and improve our overall well-being. These therapies should be implemented within a structured and rigorous framework for optimal results.

      Vagus nerve stimulation can produce a remarkable change in emotions and mood. It is not just about inducing calmness but also alertness, which is a primary axis in emotion. Understanding emotions as elements of the brain and body can empower individuals to regulate their emotional state. Psychedelic therapies affect the various aspects of emotionality that have been discussed and should be embedded in a structured and rigorous framework for optimal therapeutic outcomes.

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    Huberman Lab
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    Dr. Marc Brackett: How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
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    Huberman Lab
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    Huberman Lab
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    Optimal Protocols for Studying & Learning
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    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 26, 2024

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    Dr. Teo Soleymani: How to Improve & Protect Your Skin Health & Appearance
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    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 19, 2024

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Nutrition to Support Brain Health & Offset Brain Injuries

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Nutrition to Support Brain Health & Offset Brain Injuries
    I'm honored to share Episode 10, the final episode of Season 1 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured full professor at California State University, Fullerton, where he co-directs the Center for Sport Performance and leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Andy is both a friend and a colleague, and I'm delighted to have assisted in the creation of this podcast. I'm certain you'll both enjoy and learn from it. Season 1 featured 10 episodes, where Dr. Galpin covered everything from building strength, the importance of strength for long-term health, the science of breathing, the benefits of sleep extension, genetic testing for personalized training, and nutrition for injury recovery. While we have Episode 10 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin here, please be sure to follow Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin on your preferred platform to listen to all the episodes from Season 1 and to get notified when Season 2 is released. Show notes for this episode can be found at performpodcast.com. Timestamps 00:00:00 Introduction from Dr. Andrew Huberman 00:01:08 Brain Health & Injury   00:05:06 Sponsors: LMNT & Continuum   00:08:16 Nutrition & Supplements for Brain Injury   00:12:44 Brain Injury Categories, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussion   00:17:09 Brain Injury Pathophysiology   00:22:16 Burst Capillaries, Initial TBI Response   00:30:03 Delayed TBI Response, Neuroinflammation   00:34:19 Sponsors: Momentous & Maui Nui   00:36:52 Creatine Monohydrate; Second Impact Syndrome   00:41:52 Strength of Evidence Scale, Creatine   00:47:15 Creatine Doses, Frequency, Adverse Issues; Food Sources   00:53:22 Sponsors: AG1 & David Protein   00:56:05 Fish Oil, DHA, EPA   01:00:38 EPA & DHA Dosage, Timing, Adverse Issues; Food Sources; Omega-3 Index   01:04:46 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B   01:08:57 Riboflavin Dosages, Timing; Food Sources   01:11:25 Choline   01:18:37 Choline Supplements & Food Sources, Alpha GPC, Dosage   01:21:30 Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), Sleep   01:25:04 BCAAs Dosage, Whole Food Sources   01:28:02 Magnesium   01:31:20 Magnesium Dosage, Timing, Supplements, Adverse Issue; Food Sources   01:33:09 Blueberry Anthocyanins   01:35:28 Anthocyanins Dosage; Food Sources   01:37:17 Caffeine & Brain Injury Recovery   01:38:50 Perform Episodes, Perform Newsletter, Acknowledgements   01:41:19 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media   01:42:56 Conclusion by Andrew Huberman   Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 14, 2024

    Dr. Layne Norton: Tools for Nutrition & Fitness

    Dr. Layne Norton: Tools for Nutrition & Fitness
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Layne Norton, Ph.D., one of the world’s top experts in nutrition and training for physical fitness. We discuss how to evaluate scientific evidence and the validity of different practices aimed at achieving fat loss, muscle strength and hypertrophy, microbiome health, vitality, and longevity. We explore many hotly debated topics, including fasting, seed oils, saturated fats, sugar, red meat, artificial/low-calorie sweeteners, and GLP-1 agonists (e.g., Ozempic). Additionally, we delve into the timing of protein and carbohydrate intake relative to fasting and exercise, fat loss and sleep, and the benefits of dietary protein and fiber on overall health. We also discuss how to accelerate hypertrophy and fat loss, improve strength, whether we need to train to “failure,” how to enhance exercise recovery, and how to manage pain. We cover training before versus after age 50, whether metabolism changes with age, and the connection between muscle health and longevity. We also address why certain behaviors and supplements might work for some people but not others. Listeners to this episode will benefit greatly from Layne’s science-based expertise on a wide range of topics, including health, nutrition, and fitness. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Mateina: https://drinkmateina.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/huberman Maui Nui: https://mauinuivenison.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Layne Norton 00:01:49 Sponsors: Mateina, Eight Sleep, Maui Nui 00:06:39 Science-Based Evidence, Mechanism vs. Outcome 00:14:31 Meta-analysis, Methods, Evidence Quality 00:22:45 Evidence Hierarchy, Randomized Controlled Trials, Cohort Data 00:33:53 Sponsor: AG1 00:35:05 “Don’t Turn Your Brain Off”; Protein Synthesis 00:42:01 Protein Synthesis, Refractory Response; Resistance Training   00:46:05 Protein Intake, Intermittent Fasting & Training 00:54:52 Tool: Total Protein Intake, Distribution & Protein Synthesis 01:00:25 Muscle Quality, Protein Remodeling, Muscle Growth 01:05:34 Sponsor: LMNT 01:06:46 Early vs. Late Time-Restricted Eating; Fasting Blood Glucose & HbA1c 01:10:30 Carbohydrate Timing, Individual Response, Placebo; Tool: Tracking Diet 01:19:50 “The Norton Method”; Tool: Consistency 01:25:16 Resistance & Cardiovascular Training; Competition; Immune System & Rest 01:33:50 Mind & Body Effects, Stress; Belief Effects 01:41:30 Training to Failure, Reps in Reserve, Hypertrophy & Strength Training 01:50:24 Fatigue & Training to Failure, Speed, Strength Training 01:59:06 Tool: Training After 50, Consistency 02:09:12 Fat Cells, Diabetes, Exercise 02:16:50 Metabolism & Age-Related Changes?, Appetite 02:23:17 Ozempic, Mounjaro, GLP-1 Agonists, Lean Mass, “Food Noise” 02:33:42 GLP-1 Agonists, Judgement & Obesity 02:40:19 Sugar, Excess Calories, Body Weight 02:49:16 Satiety, Sugar & Calorie Budget 02:54:56 Tool: Individualization, Context & Diet Psychology 02:57:22 Seed Oils, Butter, Olive Oil 03:06:56 Red Meat, Carcinogenic?; Simple Diet; Fiber Benefits 03:13:43 Saturated Fat, Cholesterol; Seed Oils 03:18:41 Artificial & Low-Calorie Sweeteners, Insulin, Appetite 03:29:06 Artificial & Low-Calorie Sweeteners, Gut Microbiome; Cancer 03:37:58 Tools: Training Recovery, Glycogen Replenishment; Stress & Activity 03:45:56 Collagen Supplementation, Skin & Nails, Whey Protein 03:57:00 Evidence-Based Approach 04:01:41 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 12, 2024

    Dr. Martha Beck: Access Your Best Self With Mind-Body Practices, Belief Testing & Imagination

    Dr. Martha Beck: Access Your Best Self With Mind-Body Practices, Belief Testing & Imagination
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Martha Beck, Ph.D., a Harvard-trained sociologist, bestselling author, and one of the world’s foremost experts on personal exploration and development.  Dr. Beck shares specific frameworks and practices to tap into your unique and deepest desires, core truths, and best life direction—all elements that comprise your authentic self. She also explains how to align your work and relationships of all kinds with your true self and how to embrace the discomfort and process of leaving unhealthy relationships. We discuss how to deal with negative thoughts and emotions, grapple with societal norms, and improve body awareness to gauge your inner truth. We also discuss codependency and self-abandonment - and how to exit and recover from these experiences.  By the end of the episode, you will have learned numerous practical tools to access your best self and live a richly fulfilling life.  Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Dr. Beck's Wayfinder Life Coach Training: https://marthabeck.com/life-coach-training Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Martha Beck 00:01:34 Sponsors: BetterHelp, Helix Sleep & LMNT 00:05:34 Tool: Perfect Day Exercise 00:15:31 “Clear Eyed”, Male vs. Female 00:23:31 Family & Work; Directed Attention & Miracles 00:30:21 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:10 Unease, Restlessness & Guilt; Life Worth, Fear 00:37:22 Accessing the Subconscious; Compassionate Witness Self 00:46:16 Finding Self, Suffering, Anxiety; Tool: “KIST”, Self-Parenting 00:54:01 Self, Radiance, Death; Awakening 00:59:14 Suffering & Compassionate Attention 01:02:10 Challenging Internal Thoughts, Understanding Truth, Body & Mind; 01:08:44 Sponsor: Waking Up 01:10:20 Western Society & Pressure 01:18:30 Tool: Sensing Truth in Body; Meditation, “Stopping the World” 01:25:02 Energy, Magnetoreception, Pet’s Death 01:33:49 Lying to Ourselves, Addiction 01:38:18 Tool: “Integrity Cleanse”, Lies; The Light 01:47:32 Relationship with Loss; Love, Self-Abandonment & Codependency 01:55:10 Romantic Relationships; Jobs & Family 02:02:06 Hurting Others, Relationship Imbalance 02:06:55 Tool: True Empathy 02:11:26 “Happiness is an Inside Job”, Codependency 02:18:58 Live Your Joy, Western Society 02:24:41 Relationships, Love & Integrity, “Feeling Good By Looking Weird” 02:30:42 “I Like It!”, Punk Rock Music, Love 02:34:24 Honesty & Essential Self; Helping People & Healers 02:42:12 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 05, 2024

    AMA #18: Cold Therapy Advice, Skin Health Tips, Motivation, Learning Strategies & More

    AMA #18: Cold Therapy Advice, Skin Health Tips, Motivation, Learning Strategies & More
    Welcome to a special edition of the 18th Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode, part of Huberman Lab Premium. This episode is a recording of the live stream AMA, exclusive to our Premium members. We've decided to make the full-length version available to everyone, including non-members of Huberman Lab Premium. Huberman Lab Premium was launched for two main reasons. First, it was launched in order to raise support for the main Huberman Lab podcast — which will continue to come out every Monday at zero-cost. Second, it was launched as a means to raise funds for important scientific research. A significant portion of proceeds from the Huberman Lab Premium subscription will fund human research (not animal models) selected by Dr. Huberman, with a dollar-for-dollar match from the Tiny Foundation and other donors. If you're not yet a member but enjoyed this full-length livestream AMA, we invite you to join Huberman Lab Premium. By subscribing, you'll gain access to exclusive benefits including our regular monthly full-length AMA episodes, AMA transcripts, podcast episode transcripts, early access to live events and more. Additionally, a significant portion of your membership proceeds contributes to advancing human scientific research. You can learn more about the research we were able to support in our Annual Letter 2023. If you're a Huberman Lab Premium member, you can access the transcript for this AMA episode here. Timestamps 00:00 Introduction & Announcements 00:15 Supporting Mental & Physical Health Research 01:56 Exciting New Research Initiatives 03:39 Skin Health & Appearance 14:46 Cold Therapy Benefits & Guidelines 21:18 Self-Motivation Strategies 27:05 Understanding REM Sleep 28:45 Morning Routine: Exercise & Cold Exposure 29:17 The Importance of REM Sleep 29:49 Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) Protocols 31:27 REM Sleep Rebound & Compensation 32:55 Impactful School Strategies for Learning 34:19 Meditation & Micro Gaps in Learning 39:13 Physical Activity & Learning 41:01 Exploring Shilajit & Testosterone 47:51 Writing Process & Overcoming Obstacles 51:32 Addiction & Recovery Resources 53:47 Closing Remarks & Gratitude Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 02, 2024

    Dr. Peter Attia: Supplements for Longevity & Their Efficacy

    Dr. Peter Attia: Supplements for Longevity & Their Efficacy
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Peter Attia, M.D., a Stanford and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine-trained physician expert in improving human healthspan and lifespan. Dr. Attia is also the host of The Drive podcast and author of the best-selling book Outlive.  We discuss the NAD pathway in human cells and its possible links to aging and health. We evaluate how supplementation can augment molecules in the NAD pathway; we compare NAD, NMN, and NR, different routes of administration, their safety, and bioavailability. Then, we discuss the broader research and clinical literature on longevity to decide if supplementation with NAD, NR, NMN, rapamycin, or resveratrol can indeed extend lifespan.  Finally, we each describe our supplement regimens and compare the role of supplementation to behaviors such as sleep, nutrition, and exercise for longevity. We also discuss whether tests of biological age are true indicators of aging and whether normal radiation levels increase cancer risk.  Listeners of this episode will learn if supplements purported to improve lifespan show any efficacy and the behaviors and other factors that can prevent disease and extend lifespan. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Levels: https://levels.link/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Peter Attia, NAD Pathway 00:02:31 Sponsors: LMNT, Levels & Eight Sleep 00:06:38 Categories of Longevity Approaches 00:17:22 Peter’s Supplements; Rapamycin & Research Data 00:25:01 NAD Pathway: Energy & DNA Repair; Knock-Out & Knock-In, Klotho 00:30:35 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:25 Yeast, Sirtuins, Caloric Restriction & Lifespan 00:38:56 Sirtuins, Transgenic Mice, Gender & Lifespan 00:43:42 DNA Repair, Sirtuins, Cancer; Resveratrol 00:53:31 Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin Podcast 00:54:18 NAD & NADH, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), Mitochondrial Health 01:02:17 NAD vs NR vs NMN Supplementation; IV & Oral Routes 01:11:33 NR vs. NMN, Doses, Side Effects; Interventions Testing Program 01:17:43 Fatty Liver Disease & NR; NMN & Glucose; Clinical Significance 01:25:17 Safety & FDA, NMN & NR Supplementation; Skin Cancer Benefits 01:30:38 Longevity, NR & NMN Supplementation, Inflammation 01:41:00 Rapamycin & Immune Function 01:44:37 Biological Aging Tests, Chronologic & Biologic Age; Vigor  01:55:24 Radiation & Cancer Risk 01:58:12 Tool: Self-Care in 50s-70s & Aging; Energy Decline 02:07:12 Tool: Exercise Timing & Energy Levels 02:11:22 Peter’s Supplements 02:18:46 Andrew’s Supplements 02:24:34 Tool: Supplement Use vs. Critical Behaviors; Titanic Analogy  02:26:52 NAD Pathway Supplementation for Longevity? 02:28:52 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJuly 29, 2024

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    3 Ways to Learn to Regulate Your Emotions in Stressful Times & Approaching Disagreements with Respect and Positivity in Your Relationship

    Today, I am going to share with you the conversation I had with Hannah Berner where we talk about the life lessons we all need to help us battle our individual life struggles, the reason why there is no set guidelines to dating and falling in love, and how to regulate your emotions when you need it the most. 

    You can order my new book 8 RULES OF LOVE at 8rulesoflove.com or at a retail store near you. You can also get the chance to see me live on my first ever world tour. This is a 90 minute interactive show where I will take you on a journey of finding, keeping and even letting go of love. Head to jayshettytour.com and find out if I'll be in a city near you. Thank you so much for all your support - I hope to see you soon.

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    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Dr. Gina Poe: Use Sleep to Enhance Learning, Memory & Emotional State

    Dr. Gina Poe: Use Sleep to Enhance Learning, Memory & Emotional State
    My guest this episode is Gina Poe, PhD, a professor in the department of integrative biology & physiology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). We discuss her research exploring how sleep impacts learning, memory, hormones and emotions. She discusses tools to enhance your quality of sleep, increase deep sleep, rapid eye movement sleep and growth hormone release-- a key hormone for health, immune function and vitality. Dr. Poe explains how a specific brain area, the locus coeruleus, facilitates the processing of emotions, helps relieve traumas and how to maximize locus coeruleus function. She also explains sleep’s vital role in opiate addiction recovery and how anyone can determine their optimal sleep timing and duration. This episode is rich with basic science information and zero-cost tools to enhance quality and effectiveness of sleep for sake of mental health, physical health and performance. For the full show notes, visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://athleticgreens.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Supplements from Momentous https://www.livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Dr. Gina Poe (00:02:52) Sponsor: LMNT (00:06:58) Sleep Phases, Perfect Night’s Sleep (00:10:32) Can You Oversleep? (00:14:50) Sleep Cycles, Sleep Spindles, “Falling” Asleep, Dreams & Memories (00:19:01) Tool: Growth Hormone Release & Sleep (00:22:05) Adolescence; Early Sleep, Alcohol & Sleep Spindles (00:24:55) Middle Sleep States & REM, Schema, Waking at Night (00:30:33) Deep Sleep, Dreams & Senses (00:33:22) Sponsor: AG1 (00:34:37) Later Sleep, Paralysis, Sleepwalking, Sleep Talking (00:36:47) Alarm Clock & Grogginess; Sleep Trackers, Brain & Sleep (00:43:19) Early Slow Wave Sleep & “Washout”, Normal Sleep Cycle & Night Owls (00:54:30) Locus Coeruleus, Learning & REM Sleep (01:01:46) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Locus Coeruleus & Sleep (01:07:31) Locus Coeruleus, Trauma & Sleep, Antidepressants, Norepinephrine (01:12:29) Locus Coeruleus, Bedtime & Novelty, Estrogen & Trauma (01:16:22)Sex Differences & Sleep (01:19:12) Tool: Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR), Insomnia, Meditation, Prayer (01:27:42) Sleep Spindles, Learning & Creativity, P Waves & Dreaming (01:34:51) Lucid Dreams, Reoccurring Dreams, Trauma (01:44:11) Trauma Recovery, Locus Coeruleus & Norepinephrine, REM Sleep  (01:52:15) Opiates, Addiction, Relapse & Sleep (02:02:45) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Sponsors, Momentous, Neural Network Newsletter, Social Media Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

    A Masterclass in Handling Yourself When Things Suck | Tsoknyi Rinpoche and Daniel Goleman

    A Masterclass in Handling Yourself When Things Suck | Tsoknyi Rinpoche and Daniel Goleman

    This episode is for anyone who has ever had a tough or tricky moment. In other words, everyone who is currently drawing breath on planet earth right now.

    Today’s guests are powerhouse duo Tsoknyi Rinpoche and Daniel Goleman.

    Tsoknyi Rinpoche is one of the greatest living Tibetan masters who has a whole toolbox of techniques for dealing with difficult moments, habitual patterns, and common meditation obstacles. He’ll be in conversation with Daniel Goleman, a trained scientist and science writer best known for his landmark book, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Together, they have just written a book called Why We Meditate: The Science and Practice of Clarity and Compassion

    This is the fourth and final installment of our series called, The Art and Science of Keeping Your Sh*t Together. In each episode we bring together a meditative adept or Buddhist scholar and a respected scientist. The idea is to give you the best of both worlds to arm you with both modern and ancient tools for regulating your emotions.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The single word that Rinpoche believes captures the most challenging aspect of modern life
    • Two of the biggest obstacles for meditators
    • What Rinpoche calls the “drop it” practice
    • Rinpoche’s term, “beautiful monsters”
    • The four steps of the “handshake” practice, which is meant for meeting difficult emotions and being OK with them
    • Why reasoning with your feelings doesn’t work
    • How to experience a fundamental OK-ness independent of external conditions
    • A personal story from Rinpoche about being with one of his own difficult habits
    • What Rinpoche calls the “three speed limits”
    • And, “belly breathing”

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/tsoknyi-rinpoche-daniel-goleman-523

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Jerrod Carmichael ON: Reframing Shame into Self- Growth & Emotional Blocks That Stop Us from Having a Healthy Relationship

    Jerrod Carmichael ON: Reframing Shame into Self- Growth & Emotional Blocks That Stop Us from Having a Healthy Relationship

    Get ready for a powerful episode today.  

    I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with the incredibly talented Jerrod Carmichael. Let me tell you, this episode is a game-changer for anyone who's all about acceptance and self-appreciation.

    You're in for a treat. He is a true master of his craft, known for his thought-provoking comedy and unique style. 

    Picture this: Jerrod opens up like never before, sharing his own experiences and dropping some serious knowledge on turning those uncomfortable conversations into deep, meaningful relationships.

    Jerrod speaks about how honesty with yourself makes it so much easier to connect with others on a genuine level. It's like a whole new world of connections is just waiting for us if we're willing to embrace our truth.

    Jerrod doesn't shy away from tackling those moments of shame when we're at our most vulnerable. He dives right in and gives us some powerful insights on how to deal with that head-on. It's like he's got this secret recipe for navigating shame with grace and coming out stronger on the other side.

    In this episode with Jerrod Carmichael, you'll learn:

    • Understanding our emotional blocks that are stopping us from healthy relationships 
    • How can we communicate better? 
    • Why is our shame limiting us? 
    • How to confront your fears  
    • The challenges and great reward of honesty
    • The importance of respecting people's time

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 00:20 “I’m someone who doesn’t want attention unless I ask for it.”
    • 03:42 The passion to perform has always been alive and so appreciation for your audience is vital
    • 10:36 Shame is the hardest emotion to deal with and it often limits us from doing more
    • 17:37 How do you define what is authentic and what isn’t real?
    • 19:53 Being honest has consequences and why sticking to your own truth matters
    • 24:56 How do you reconstruct your relationship with God and live by your faith?
    • 30:47 Learning how to confront your fear with an open mind
    • 35:34 Understanding emotional blocks that are stopping you from having a healthy relationship with someone
    • 38:01 When you create more issues for yourself by not communicating properly
    • 42:49 Getting people’s attention and time is difficult thus it deserve respect
    • 47:18 Finding the middle ground between a where you’re getting information and receiving information that forces you to self-examine
    • 54:48 Focusing on one thing and doing your best to become better
    • 01:03:32 Jerrod on Final Five

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Why Am I So Triggered? 3 Steps to Control Your Emotions & Rewire Your Response to Stress

    Why Am I So Triggered? 3 Steps to Control Your Emotions & Rewire Your Response to Stress

    Today’s conversation is required listening for everyone.


    We are going to blow the lid off of emotional triggers.


    Let’s get to the bottom of why you and I react the way we do, and more importantly, learn simple ways to take control of our emotions.


    It doesn’t matter where you live, how you grew up, or even if you’re a freakin’ saint to everyone else, I know you have something that triggers you.


    You have days just like I do when something sets you off and you either snap like a firecracker or withdraw like a turtle in a shell.


    And just like me, you say and do things you later regret.


    I’ll go first: I’m trying hard to work on the nasty tone of voice I use with Chris and our kids when I feel frustrated or confronted.


    And it doesn’t end there. If you’re like me, you beat yourself up for getting triggered, and you now start feeling bad and regret what you did (or the fact that you did nothing).


    It makes me feel like crap when I do these things. I have felt helpless for a long time because it’s been so automatic when I get triggered emotionally. 


    I don’t want to keep living like this. I’d like to feel calm, peaceful, and more in control.


    And that’s what this episode is about. 


    Wouldn’t you love to get out of this cycle of feeling emotionally triggered? Wouldn’t you love to take control of your emotional life as an adult?


    The good news: you can rewire your response to stressful and annoying situations.


    And in turn, you’ll bring more happiness, presence, control, and closer relationships into your life, because you’ll be present in them instead of letting your emotions drive you. 


    So, who is going to teach us about triggers?


    I’ve tracked down a psychologist who teaches one of the most popular online workshops about this topic:


    The incredible Dr. Becky Kennedy.


    She’s the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Good Inside. And do not let the fact that she is a child psychologist and parenting expert keep you from soaking up and applying everything you can learn from her.


    No matter how old you are right now, YOU were once a child. And that, my friend, is where your triggers got hardwired inside of you: before you even knew how to talk.


    Understanding triggers (and taming them) requires you to go back before you can move forward.


    Dr. Becky says, “Your triggers are stories from your past.”


    Listen to this episode and really try to absorb what Dr. Becky shares, because the wiring and triggers that frustrate you right now are not permanent.


    I know you’re going to send this to every one of your friends who is a parent, and please send it to your kids, nieces, and nephews, too. 


    Learning how to rewire my response to stress at 54 is amazing. But imagine if you knew how to do this in high school. That’s why I’ve asked our three kids – ages 23, 22, and 17 – to listen too. Sure, it would be nice for us to pass this healing and confidence-building stuff down to every generation, right? If they get this information now, they can rewire themselves faster.


    This is really important, life-changing stuff. And I love that it’s also so simple. And you know what else I love? You. Thank you for listening and let me know what you learn.


    Xo, Mel


    PS: Want to go deeper?


    For complete show notes, go to melrobbins.com


    One thing that helped me gain control is taking control of my mornings. If you haven’t checked out my free 5-day Wakeup Challenge, let me support you in getting going and creating a better morning. Sign up here.


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