Welcome to staying relevant. The bonus episode with me, Sam Thompson and Peter, James Jonathan, Joseph Wicks. Still leading the clap. Love it. Never gonna change. Absolutely despise it. I've just swarmed, which means that I will continue to swear if you don't like it. Go fuck yourself. There is booze on the table for our consumption. However, I doubt we will be consuming. However,
Oh, I haven't done that for a while. You haven't. Welcome to the old days. However, this studio is much like a sauna, so I may need to hydrate myself with a beer. Can I open a bevy? Well, I may do, because beer is 80% water. Yeah, get in there. Yeah.
I don't know. We'll see what happens. This is the bonus episode. So that means it's Thursday. And you can watch this on Sunday. But you can also watch the main episode, which came out on Monday, tomorrow, on Friday, which means that you can catch us on a Monday, Thursday, Friday.
Sunday. Make sure you rate reviews, all of that sort of stuff. Follow Josh's YouTube page, which is at Stambulant Productions. We are not far off hitting 100,000 people doing stuff on it. What do they do? Subscribe in on it. That means that Sam gets a certificate. A plaque. Yeah, he's got plaque. And then he can... What do you do with that then?
We're going to throw a plat party. Yeah, we're going to have a party. Yeah. It's going to be huge. By the way, if we get 100,000 subscribers on YouTube, we are actual proper YouTubers. Yeah, can't wait lifelong dream. You're a Chewbacca. Yeah, I'm a Chewbacca. How exciting. This is the bonus episode, which means that it's all about you. So if you do want to feature in this episode at any point, then make sure you email us hello at srproductions.co.uk
Well, this is all about you, as Pete said. And I think it's important to name these guys, Raya and Zinnab. Zinnab. Raya and Zinnab, I would have gone for... We've got a letter.
And this is from Raya and Zainab. We love your podcast and we watch it weekly. We love all your content. We're currently in our last year of college and we will be going to separate uni soon, both studying business management and entrepreneurship. We wanted to let you guys know that we look up to you as an inspiration and you're very successful in the business world with your own company. What advice do you have? Love ya from Zainab and Raya. My first piece of advice, if you are looking to get into business, is you spell check.
The reason I say that is because you have wrote the email to Pete and Sam and you look up to us as an inspiration with our one company, but I imagine what you meant was own. Oh no, they said WON.
Yes, one. Yes. So spell check, good start. But very, very nice message. Also, if you are looking for inspirations, I suggest you probably look higher. No, I think I think you're bang on. I think you're bang on. I really do think we're making waves in the business industry. I really think that there is my crunch in your face. We're in the business industry. Yeah. And I genuinely think that people looking around their shoulders going, fucking hell, Pete Sam. Yeah.
What about us? Well, just grow it. Just grow it, mate. Yeah. I mean, listen, we are doing our best. Business-wise, Sam has other business ventures as to why, but together, I believe we are going places. Yeah, you can hope, mate. Honestly, if you need some advice, Jen, I will sit down with you and give you all of the wisdom that we have. It shouldn't take long.
So maybe Sam should do some sort of masterclass. I should do a TED talk. How to talk to the team. Yes, Sam. Sam, actually, do you know what? If you'd like a TED talk, I think you could do that. But that's actually a really lovely message. Thank you so much. Ask to touch them. I've realised that. Yeah. If you're going to go in for a hug, boy will go.
You need to ask permission first. Okay, let's start. Do you know what? Let's just start and see how this TED talk might go. Sam, give us your three best pieces of advice or tips for running your own business. Okay, well, I'll start with three R's, which are respect, reciprocation. Just any word begins with our own. No, respect, reciprocation,
And receiving. Oh, yeah. Reciprocation. And OK. All right. And is that because you're a business owner? That's what you would say. Yes. I mean, you guys show the picture in the midst of business. Yeah. If you're thinking of setting up a business, what are the three things that you must find out before setting up your business? The three M's. You got money.
What do you mean? You must find out how you want to get the money.
then you want to find out the motivation behind why you're trying to get the money, and then you want to get the meetings. Money, motivation, meetings. If you can get those three things tied up, then you get the team. Sluts go off. Well worse, you get the money, then you get the motivation, then you get the team. Yeah, he never said that. So when you get the team,
Pretty wild. Yeah. Okay. So there's two little bits for you. So it's the three M's, the three R's. Sam has got the three every letter of the alphabet. So maybe that would be quite a good book for you to actually write. He's setting up a business via the alphabet. So what are the three A's? Three A's are assimilation, association,
and associate producer. Okay. Okay. And what are the three bays? The bays are the... Why are you doing this to me? No, I'm just saying... Why are you doing this to me? Because people want to be inspired. Believe. Believe. Be beautiful.
and be better. Okay, so believe beautiful and better. Yeah. Okay, wonderful. And let's just throw a random one in there, because we can't do all 26, because it's a bonus episode, but I'm sure everyone would love to hear the alphabet of Sam Thompson. But what are the three teas? Three teas are team? Team. Trimester. Because some people go on pregnancy leave.
and you've got to, as a boss, understand the trimester period, and you've got to be in sync. Okay, and the third T, with that, third T, I would say, would be tribunal. Third T, I would say, is testimonial.
because you want the team to write a good testimonial at your funeral. No, that is not a test. No, you don't write testimonials. It's normally a memorial. Oh yeah, right. You want the team to write a good testimonial for you. Okay. All right. Well, listen, I mean, I think at some point we will let you know what the rest of the letters are in the three of every letter because I would happily sit here and listen to that for the next hour. But that was amazing. Okay, next up.
Fucking hell. Olivia. Yes, next up is an email from Olivia. Sam, would you like to read this? Hi, Sam, peat and team. I just wanted to email and mention Buttercup's Goat Sanctuary. It's a big part of my family's lives. It was amazing to hear you guys. Big up, Neville. It was amazing to hear you guys talk about them recently. Four years ago, my auntie passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer.
Since then, we have raised thousands of pounds to buttercups as this was her favorite place in the world, which is very local to us as a family. We even have a pen named after. I believe they mean a pen that animals go in, not an actual pen, not the one I'm holding. I'm Elaine emailing to just say it would be absolutely amazing if you were to visit buttercups and create awareness to the small sanctuary, which runs purely off donations.
I can't wait to see Pete meet Neville. Congrats by the way, Pete. I know this email isn't funny. So I'm sorry, but it's a thank you so much. It meant a lot to a whole family when the charity was even remotely mentioned on the podcast. Also to say that when my auntie was with us, she absolutely fancied the pants off Pete. What a full circle moment. Thanks from Olivia. So I think we've learned a few things there. Butter Cups is the place to be.
Yeah, if you're loving animals. OK, firstly, Olivia. Lovely. Thank you for that email. I'm just going to stop you there. I'll take over from this point and then we'll bring you back for the questions.
Olivia, thank you for the email. Love that. I didn't know. I mean, I really genuinely want to go to bar cups. We have spoken about this because I do want to meet Neville. And I didn't realize that he was quite a small little charity that runs off donations. So we need to get that sorted because I think we genuinely need to meet Neville. And Sam and I will also make a donation. Very sorry to hear about your auntie. Love the fact that this was her favorite place because goats are amazing. Olivia, thank you. No, no, actually, thanks a bunch of you.
Well, yeah, but that's by the by in it. Yeah. What was her type? That's the question. Do you know what's weird is I don't really think anyone, when they describe their types, would describe me. We love you Olivia so much. So let's move on to question time. Which we don't have a jingle for. And actually, I've got a little thing. We haven't had any jingles.
sent for a while. So what I would really like is to pick that up again, because they were sort of a mixture of some of the darkest times of the podcast, but also some of the brightest. Yeah. I mean, Steve, I remember really, I mean, he made me cry. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah.
Scott, let's get a little jingle going. So we could do some jingles, but we're going to move on to some questions now, which goes up on our socials every week at stay in a different podcast. So write the questions to the podcast Instagram. Do not send me questions. I will not read them or answer them. Well, send it to
the Stan relevant podcast. And Pippa will sort through them. Okay. Could we get a Pete Wick's house tour? No. A number of reasons for that is that that is the only place that I do not film and have anything to do with never have done. And that's because it's the only place where I don't have a camera in my fucking face. I've never been to Pete's before. No, my entire life. However, little information for you, I'm going to view a property in London. I know he's coming closer to Fulham. That's not where I live.
Okay. No, go on. What song would you both use for each other's funeral? By the way, I'm just asking that. That was a question. What would I use for yours? Yeah.
Um... Oh god, I don't know. That's quite a tough question really. I know what I'd have for you. Walk this way! Talk this way! Walk this way! Talk this way! Little pitch change midway through there. Maybe the devil leading you down the escalator.
OK. All right. So you've also got videographer. You get to get a video on it. OK. Get a little dig to the piece. It'll open from the tour to create a little cartoon. Yeah. Get a little cartoon for Pete to sort of come down and escalate and burning to a cinder as he goes down. Oh, OK. Yeah. All right. I would like Bob Marley. I'm being serious. I'd like Bob Marley and I'd like one love.
OK, so again, for reference, because I don't know when these are going out, but we recorded these all on the day that Sam pretty much got back from Jamaica. Hence the just amazing, incredible amount of Bob Marley references that we've had today, but only to the one song. So as you are such a big Bob fan, what other songs do you like from Bob Marley? Oh, mate, soon come. Bob Marley.
It's just something to choose from. Yeah, there are. Bob Marley. One loves for me, I think, walking just having a funeral, I'm happy with that. Yeah, so you'd love one love. Yeah. OK. All right. All right. And what if you hadn't been to Jamaica? And it wasn't fresh in your memory and sort of just taking over everything, really, at the minute. Probably a JLS tune, but in everything. Everybody in love? What inquire?
Yeah. In a quiet gospel. In a quiet gospel. That would be fucking sick. Everybody in love. And there'd be like gospel choirs there. It'd be like, have you seen the Deadpool Wolverine movie? Like a prayer? No. So anyone listening, like a prayer, that song, but that, sorry, that choir, but everybody in love. I think I would play at your funeral. James Bump. Your beautiful. No. Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye, my friend. I'll do that one for you, I think. It's just because... What? Well, you're not lovers, are we? It's a separate episode, Sam. OK, we're not lovers. No, I just, I just, because I feel like it would, it would make people smile. I'd say if I'm happy with that. All right, well, I'll just do one love then. Just one love. I had quite, like, sort of, sleep day on. Yeah?
A bit of REM, everybody hurts. Yeah, I just quite like someone to cry at my funeral. People will cry. Yeah, I want people to cry. It's not like, you know, people go, it's a celebration. I don't want it to be a celebration. Do you want... That's a, you know what, it's a tough question that because it's... You'd have to kind of think that through. I don't think there is a... I probably would have said everybody in love for you just because you've non-stop saying it for two years. But would you like a funeral? I'm not really that fast. Yeah, no, I won't. Then I want to be swallowed by a whale.
Yeah, so that's why I want to go. There's two ways I want to go. Either. No, no, no, no. No, this is not how would you like to die. No, no, no, this is how I want to be married. So there's two ways I want to be sent off, right? I've want to be put overboard and swallowed by a whale. Right? You can do that. No, dead. You can do that. Okay, so you just want me to sort of charter a bow and just throw the body over the side. Yes, I do and there are whales there. Right. Swipe by a whale.
or made into a tree. Jesus fuck me. Yeah. I wanna be a tree. So you can come back to my tree every year. So, right, we can't just make you a tree. You're not allowed to chainsaw it down either, because that's fucking great. Okay, you can't just make a tree. You mean, obviously, plant a seed amongst the rashes. No, no. Make you a tree. Yes, you can. You just don't know. Right, so what you do is- No, I don't know. You put the body into a capsule
Right? And put a plant over it. A tree sapling over it. No, no, no, but not ashes, your actual body. And it takes nutrients out of your body and creates a tree. OK, so we'd make you compost. Yeah. Right. OK, fine. And just for reference as well. And I don't know because I've not really heard of this. I don't imagine that you just plant a seed in someone's stomach. I imagine you have to sort of do stuff with the body first. Think so. Yeah, yeah. Make it compost effective. Maybe. But yeah, I'd like to be a tree. Yeah, you don't just plop a seed in someone's mouth and hope that tree grows out. I'd like to be a tree.
All right, wonderful. We can make you a tree. What do you like? Burning? Yeah, I mean, I'm dead. Just fucking, just shake me up and do whatever you want. I don't really care. Shoot me up. Well, just burn me. It doesn't really matter. I'm not really that fast about ever in a funeral, either. No, we will have a funeral. We'll have a funeral. Me and the team. Me and the team. I don't want one. Well, you don't actually get a choice to be honest with you. Wouldn't that be in charge at that point? No, it is. It wouldn't mind. Might even take a photo of your bollocks. My last request.
If there's anyone that's not going to have access to my lifeless body, it's you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to do some stuff. Not weird stuff, that's added on. OK, last question then, before we go home, and there's a number of reasons we're going home, I am evaporating because it's so hot in here. And secondly, because it's been a long day of two double records and the attention span of Sam is waning.
We can all feel it. Currently Sam can feel it. It's got weird, weirder than normal. So the last question, you get a week off together and can spend it doing three things. What are you choosing? Firstly, I have one question. Does it have to be together? Yeah.
Right. Are we holding hands or anything like that? Not for an entire week, no. OK, fine. So the three things, and I'm going to answer one because I know you'd love to do it. I would take Sam Hall something. Are you going to say that? And I was going to say the same thing? Yeah, exactly. Because he knows. So that's one ticked off the list. Two more things. What else would you like to do with me and your week off? All I'd like to do with you and what I like is how I put a world that would be quite fun. Jesus fuck no. Which you don't get a choice.
It's the whole point of the exercise. Right. Okay. So we're going to go to Harry Potter fucking place. Yeah. Harry Potter world. Yeah. Harry Potter world and fucking play with a wonder, not. Yeah. That'd be great. You can play with my want to play with yours, that'd be class. And then third one, me. People, what's your third one, me? I would take Sam.
It's a buttercup's goat sanctuary in my week off so that he could meet Neville and so that he could fall in love with the goats. Yeah, I already do fall in love with the goat. I met the goats. Yeah. And I just feel like I want to just really fucking hammer it home. Hammer home. Yeah. OK, fine. So I would do that. I'd love to. I love animals. Or I'd like to spend it gaming with Pete.
Yeah, yeah, we'd buy him a headset. We'd get, we'd start him up on Fortnite or Call of Duty. I imagine the best thing you could do is buy me a crash helmet because I'll be fucking headbutt in a wall. No, no, trust me, you're going to love it. I think you'd actually get obsessed with me. I actually want to do this for the podcast. I want to set Pete up with a gaming station. I don't have a Twitch account. I want to start Pete a Twitch account and really start to get going. Wow. So yeah, yeah, I'd like to game with Pete, but on multiplayer gaming platforms. I
We're just like, because we haven't done it for such a long time, to go to the pub with Sam. Oh, I'll do that after this if you want. Just like to go for a drink. That sweet nectar. There we go, a rum punch.
We are not in Jamaica, and I imagine if you pop into a pub, let's say, for example, we go to the red lion and you ask for a rum punch, my brother. I can't imagine that going down particularly well. We'll just have a Guinness. Okay, fine. First of all, is your passing as prime minister? Last question. Oh, we've got another last question. First of all, is your passing as prime minister? Oh, fuck me.
Nothing to do with animals or charity. Oh, God, then. First of all, I'm passionate of Prime Minister. I would, I would, and this is gonna be all from people who hate me for this. I'd allow you to smoke inside again. Yeah, so that's a great shot. I'd love that. I don't advocate, you know, indoors smoking and all that sort of stuff. It's really terrible for you, but I love it.
I would mind would probably be. Yeah, I imagine yours would be thanks to reducing tax for high earners. To be honest, reducing tax would be great. I would. I would. Yeah, we are in January. I'm out. I've just had it through. Oh, fucking. I would. Just a couple of relatable lads on a podcast. I would probably make it legal.
to hold gladiator games. Yeah.
Yeah, OK. And for the first time today, despite this overuse, on that bombshell... Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I'd like gladiator games. I really would. I would love this. But you could say, obviously. All right. If you were a gladiator, what would your name be? Oh. And I mean, like an ancient Roman gladiator. I don't mean like... OK, that's fine. Shrek saw us. You'd be a dinosaur. No.
It has like a Roman Latin thing. Strixaurus. Yeah. Yeah. Dominus. Strixaurus. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Dominus, yeah. Domin
Thank you for listening to this bonus episode of staying relevant. I'm not entirely sure if this will ever be aired. But if it is, again, I said it last week and I feel like I am going to be standing again. It's actually the same day. We are sorry and we will endeavour to be better. I think we've been fucking great. I'm feeling loose and limber.
Yeah, I am drained. I really feel energised. OK, what is Jerome here? Anyway, make sure you rate-review all of that sort of stuff. Follow us on social, stay in relevant podcasts. The YouTube, which is Josh's kind of job. Stay in relevant for YouTube as well. Yes, wonderful. Make sure you watch and do all of that sort of stuff. There is bonus footage on that YouTube, so it's not just the same as this.
behind the scenes, because you all know things. All of that sort of stuff. Crack on to our goodbye. I need to go home. I need to just unwind. Well, Pete goes. I feel like it's probably just time for a couple of, you know, short messages. I feel like it's time for us to do the ad reads, which gets us paid. And then we can fuck off home. OK. So well, just want to let you know. OK. You're going to have a great day.
All right, excellent. You are going to have a great day. This is the end of mine. You're going to have a lovely, lovely... If you're listening to us in the morning... It's still not the end of mine apparently. It's going to be great. OK, if you're listening in the evening, I'm sorry about your shit day. Well, no, if you're in the evening tomorrow, it's going to be the one. Because it can't be worse than today. That should be a quote. Thank you for listening. We love you so much. Peace out. Peace out? One. No. This has been a staying, relevant production.