Student of the Gun 1276 – SHOT Show 2025 & NRA 2.0
January 29, 2025
TLDR: NRA members receiving their ballot in upcoming magazine are encouraged to vote for reform candidates.

In this episode of the Student of the Gun Podcast, hosts Paul Martin, Jared Martin, and Zach discuss the recent SHOT Show 2025 and critical changes in the National Rifle Association (NRA). With a focus on upcoming elections, industry trends, and innovative products, this episode provides valuable insights for firearm enthusiasts and NRA members alike.
Key Highlights
NRA Elections and Reform Candidates
- Importance of Member Engagement: Paul emphasizes the need for NRA members to actively participate in the upcoming elections, providing a chance for reform candidates to take the lead and instigate change within the organization.
- Finding Reform Candidates: Listeners are directed to visit to identify candidates who prioritize members' voices and advocate for change, steering clear of those aligned with the old guard.
- Voting Instructions: Members will find their ballots in one of four NRA magazines this week. Filling out and submitting these ballots is crucial for promoting positive change.
SHOT Show 2025 Insights
- Experiences from the Show: Professor Paul reflects on his visit to the SHOT Show, sharing experiences from his trip to Las Vegas, where he attended various booths including EOTech and Inland Manufacturing.
- New Innovations:
- EOTech's New Products: Paul discusses the EOTech booth, highlighting the introduction of their super compact scope set to be available in spring 2025.
- Inland Manufacturing’s Innovations: The new aluminum monocore suppressor is introduced, designed for ease of maintenance—a significant upgrade considering the dirtiness of .22 caliber ammunition.
Trending Topics in Firearms
- Emerging Trends: There is an ongoing interest in revolvers and lever guns, suggesting a revival of traditional firearms, even at industry levels.
- Modern Lever Actions: Companies are rolling out modernized versions of classic lever action rifles, showcasing an enduring appreciation for these firearms in today’s market.
Practical Applications for Training
- Student of the Gun Homeroom: The main theme for training this episode is “Being Dangerous on Demand.”
- Skills Development: Paul discusses the importance of consistent practice to maintain proficiency in firearm handling, emphasizing that skills degrade over time if not practiced regularly.
- Training Classes Available: Details are given about upcoming training opportunities at Student of the Gun University, where foundational knowledge and practical skills are imparted to firearm users.
Wrap Up
- Next Steps for Listeners: Listeners are encouraged to participate actively in both the NRA elections and firearm training opportunities. The episode provides a call to action for members to ensure their voices are heard regarding the direction of the NRA.
- Challenge to Viewers: Paul challenges his audience to not only engage in discussions about the NRA and its structure but to take action and make a difference.
- Concluding Thoughts: The episode wraps up with a note on the importance of continual learning and advocacy within the firearms community. Members are reminded that anyone can be a beginner once, but they remain a student for life.
Key Takeaways
- Engage in the NRA reform process by knowing the candidates.
- Anticipate exciting new products from SHOT Show 2025.
- Actively participate in training to maintain and enhance firearm skills.
This episode serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of individual members' voices in firearm advocacy and the continuous development of skills in an evolving industry.
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you're about to listen to a podcast from the Firearms Radio Network. For more, visit All right, it's time. Yes, indeed it is. And what time is it? Well, I'll tell you what time it is. It is. It's morning here in the mountains.
1 29 25. Can you believe that January is almost over already? I know. It is insane. Oh my goodness. Crazy. And the frigid frigid frigid cold weather.
waited till the end of January, which I guess makes sense, to descend upon us. It'd be cold up here in a freakin' mountains, and I know the people down south. Our southern listeners, our flow right of listeners, you're like, dude, it's cold down here. Yes, it is, it is. But if you're not, it'll go away soon.
When we were back a hundred years ago, when we were in Mississippi, we had a freak ice storm, and it lasted two days. Two days. An unprecedented amount of ice. Yes, yeah, it was. Now, there was icing. But let me give you a little helpful hand in case you guys didn't figure it out. If you're down in the south and you get snow, take your foot off the gas pedal.
Don't jump on the brakes. Just take your foot off the gas pedal. You don't need to go faster to get through the ice. Yeah, to get through the snow. There's, there's three quarters of an inch of snow on the ground. People are like, I just beat up to get through it. No, that's not how that works. You can do that and then end up on your roof, which a lot of people do. But I don't think it's wanted to happen, but hey, that's what happened.
Yeah, we're not going to talk about southern drivers flipping their cars over into the roofs this morning. What are we going to talk about? We got in EOTech Tech Talk. We got soon to the gun homeroom. We've got, oh man, we got a bunch of stuff. We got a ton of follow up. We got a ton of follow up from Scott Show and our Marshall application of the pistol class in at the program Vegas. So lots to talk about today. Buckle up.
Open up your ears, listen louder. Welcome to student at the gun radio, planting freedom seeds since 2013. Here we don't just talk about guns in gear, we also discuss current events and politics, because guns are politics. Now, sit back, relax, and allow today's episode to drip ever so gently into your ear. Please welcome your co-hosts, founder, mastermind media and consulting group, Jared Martin, and the shipping over, Zach. Now, give it up to your beloved host, the Pinman of America, Professor Paul Martin.
alright this is the time every week that i have remind you guys that you can participate in the show by going to student of the gun dot com slash s k s k and leaving question and the boys will monitor it i'm full disclosure i do not monitor that i have people to do that for me uh... but it's there and it is your opportunity so if you're out there listening well there you go
are you saw the title of the of the show and since we were together last week it's only been since last week i have put
I don't know, a thousand miles on my truck. I put like a thousand miles on the truck. Maybe it wasn't a thousand. Maybe it was like 800 or something, but it was a considerable amount because I drove all the way down to Las Vegas, Nevada for the, for an abbreviated. I kind of, it was a whirlwind tour for me. I was on the floor Thursday and Friday and then Saturday and Sunday.
We had the Marshall application of the pistol, the P201, two-day pistol class at Progun Vegas. It was a great class. We had a fantastic group of students. And if you missed it, well, you missed it and you shouldn't have missed it. You should get on that, man. Get on that. But today's show is going to be kind of a mixed masha of what did we see, what was new, what was our experiences, and so on and so forth.
I suppose, without further ado, we'll just get into the tech talk with EOTech.
All right, yes, indeed. So I did pop over to the EOTEC booth as you would expect. And I was able to talk to my buddy, J.D., or J.B., Big John Bailey. And you're like, what do you mean Big John? Well,
he's taller than everyone else in the booth at shot show so uh... that's that's the guy if you're looking for john he's the guy who's taller than everyone else in the booth and uh... of course uh... our want desire was to actually get our or grab your paws
on a gun or a fake gun. When you're an optics company, you don't put actual guns in the booth. You put stocks that have your optics mounted on them. So you don't have to worry about the whole having the gun there. I guess some people put actual guns in there, but it's way easier just to mount your optics. If you've got 57 optics that you need to mount, you just put them on stocks.
Anyway, yeah, it's pretty much for people who haven't been there. It's like if it's like gun booth, they'll have actual guns. If it's like a site accessory, stuff like that, they'll just have like the kind of plastic stocks you would find on the rack of the store. A framer stock. Yeah, a hollowed out stock. But unless it's OK about all that.
Yeah, not the actual company. Let's go ahead. The voodoo optics three by nine super compact, the super compact scope from EOTEC. I got to look at it. And it is super compact. And it comes ready to go, ready to mount to your, your AR picatinny rail type deal. Now you don't have to just mount these two ARs.
You don't have to just mount them to AR. So you can mount them any that you want. And there are different mounting options for you. So, but they, they're like, yeah, they're too true to form. They're super compact. And I talked to John and he said, delivery, quarter, quarter two, quarter two. So he said, so look for him in the spring.
Look for them when the snow melts. How's that sound? So if you guys are interested in that, you're like, yeah, that seems that seems pretty righteous. And that seems like a good deal. Look for them in the spring in the spring time. Speaking of the spring time, well, it's not really spring time. Are any of you guys
Planning to go to the hunting expo in Salt Lake City, Utah. You probably didn't see that, Zach, but. I did not even see that. In February, which really is a spring yet, it's still winter, but in February, there is going to be a hunting outdoor expo at, guess where?
Where do we go? Wait, nope. I got this one. I don't got it. Which one? What is it called again? Salt Palace, man. I got first. Salt Palace. Yeah, the salt palace. Yeah, in the Western hunting ex Western hunting and conservation expo.
Yeah, so the Western Hunting and Conservation Exposition, February 13th to the 16th, it's coming up. And so I post a little thing on my own personal fascist book page, just wondering are any of my homies planning to attend? Because I was trying to get a hard list of
exhibitors, you know, and they're, unfortunately, they're apparently not like, uh, like SHOT Show. Like SHOT Show, you can actually go to the thing and say, and click list of exhibitors. And they're like, these are the following people who will be there. Now you can click the map, the floor map, and the floor map will show you who's where, but they don't have a super simple alphabetical order.
It would make it easier for me guys if you guys would just give me like the alphabetical order list of who's going to be there. So I would know. Is this the first year doing this? Who me? What the first that they know? No, I'm pretty sure they did last year. I feel almost certain that they did it last year.
And and I know I it's a big event. It's not it's not the first time they've done it, but They've got it all scheduled all the way out to the 2028. Yeah 2026 is February 12th of the 15th and then 11th through the 14th and then 10th and 13th So you have a super banquet. Yeah sponsored by Badlands and Sig Sauer So Sig's gonna be there
All right, so Sig's going to be there. I don't know if IoTeX is going to be there. Trigicon is going to be there. Vortex is going to be there. I don't know. I'm going to have to ask my boy. And I don't think that the corporate guys from Michigan will probably go, what they'll probably do is they'll probably send their regional sales rep type people. You said a lot of hats in these pictures. Yeah.
You'll probably send a lot of one of their regional sales reps or something or a couple of their regional sales reps if they do. Anyway, so I just thought that was interesting because it's going to be kind of in our backyard. Of course, out west, your backyard's big. Like a three hour drive. You know, it's like, oh, that's only a three hour drive. That's in your backyard out west here.
But yeah, support our boys at EOTEC, EOTEC Incorporated. They support us. You guys should support them anytime that you talk to them or communicate with them. You say, Hey, I am here because student of the gun sent me because I know a lot of you guys do listen to us. You listen to us and then you, you purchase stuff from our sponsors, but do our sponsors know that. And that's the, that's the conundrum, right?
The conundrum is, is that I know, Zack knows, Jared knows, but you guys are out there supporting our sponsors, but do our sponsors know. You're like, what the heck am I supposed to do? I know, I know, I know. It's not your fault. I'm just saying. If you have the opportunity, if you have the opportunity to either, like I said, an NRA or whatever, or maybe, maybe you're in the industry, maybe you got your gun shop owner or something like that.
You go over and you're like, JB, man, how about those student of the gun guys, huh? How about them? Yeah, these guys are righteous dudes. They're like, who? Student of the young. Nick, Nick, Nick's just dude. Actually, well, it could be like Nick, Nick's your buddy, Nick's your pal. This guy doesn't mind if you puke in his car or who else is, who is actually, who's the original righteous dude?
Dave? Ferris Bueller. Ferris Bueller. That was it. He's a righteous dude. The sportos, the bloods, the geeks, the jocks, they all think he's a righteous dude. That was it, yeah.
Oh man, that was classic, classic right there. They all think he's a righteous dude. All right, speaking of righteous dudes, what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna shut my mouth. But if you're a new or recent listener, or even if you're an old listener and you might need a little reminder, perk up your ears and pay attention for each.
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If you guys don't know, this is completely freeze. I came just not sponsor us. They should. They should, though. They should. But I started people like, oh, if you know anything about the con flu, con flu is just short for convention influenza. It's the crud. You know, we at in our industry, we call it the shot show crud, right?
We call it the shot show crud, but it's the con flu every convention where we're not unique. Every industry convention people that in its prime, it primarily hits not just the one day shoppers, but the exhibitors, the people who have to get there before the show opens and stay until after the show closes. And they're there the whole week. They're traveling. So that put that wears on your body, then you're on your feet all day long. That wears on your body.
you're in, if you came from the south or the east, you're in a higher elevation so that dehydrates you, that wears on your body. Anyway, it's pretty common to talk to people the week after shot and like, hey, how you doing? They're like, I got home and I had this shot show crud and I've been down for two days or whatever. I started feeling, I felt like, I mean, I,
Last several times we've gone to shot. I hit the multivitamins really hard. I hit the vitamin D, I hit the zinc, I hit the, you know, all of that stuff. And I generally don't get sick. I haven't gotten sick from, I haven't gotten the shot show crud, you know, my wife's like, don't bring that sickness home. Okay, I'll try not to. But I haven't really gotten sick from shot show in a long time.
But I will say this, on Saturday, we were out at the range and it was cloudy and cold, chilly. It was like in the 40s, which isn't bad, but then in the afternoon,
The W word, we don't like to say it out on the range because if you say it, it's like Candyman, it shows up and it stays. But the W word, the moving air, it descended on us and it really, it got kind of, you know, when the wind was blowing, it got kind of bone chilling. It's kind of like, um,
The thing I've always heard is people who work at hospitals, you are not allowed to say the Q word. If you say the Q word. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't. Yeah. You are absolutely right. Do not put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby. Yeah, that's right. People are like, like, shut up. Like, wow, it's really quiet tonight. Shut up for the ERs, emergency departments. You know, it's, it's one o'clock in the morning. You're like, wow, it's really quiet tonight. Shut up.
They're really they yeah, you are nurses that they're very superstitious when it comes to crap like that But anyway, yeah, so the long story short is this
By about five o'clock on Saturday evening, I was starting to feel the lightheaded, swimmy kind of feeling in my head, you know, that where you're just a little bit off. I'm like, oh, I can't do this. So I told, I was out with, we went out to dinner and I told the guy who was driving. I was like, hey man, stop it, CVS, whatever, Walgreens, whatever. And I went in there and I screwed up because I normally take Zai Cam with me.
You know, I just usually just pack it with me, but I didn't have any to pack with me and I didn't want to stop and get it, which was dumb. So I got the and I've.
I got the nasal spray. There's a lot of different delivery methods of zikam. Listen to me, I'm gonna help you guys out here. There's a lot of, there's the nasal swabs and some people are like, I can't put anything in my nose. It's like, okay, whatever. There's the lossing just things that you let melt on your tongue, which apparent, which work, but they leave, here's the thing, they leave like this weird aftertaste. It's not like a bitter, it's just like there, you know?
Everything if you put it on your tongue like for hours afterwards everything just tastes like that And then they have the the nasal spray like So last time I went to the store a couple of months ago or beginning of the winter They didn't have any of the swabs. It was completely sold out, but they had the nasal spray and I'm like I'm gonna try that so this time I just grabbed the nasal spray and I was like I'm gonna go for it
And as soon as I got back in the car, I hit it. And I hit it like every three to four hours until the feeling of being sick goes away. That was Saturday. I was starting to feel it. I hit it. I went to sleep, got a pretty good night's sleep Saturday night. And here I am, and I'm not sick. OK. So Zai Cam, it works.
It's not and here's the thing. The confusing thing that people think they think it's like they're like already have cold medicine. Zikam does not mask the symptoms of your cold. Okay.
It's not like cough syrup or day quill or night quill or whatever. You don't take the zikam because you're coughing and sneezing and whatever. You take the zikam to speed the, you know, relief, to shorten, you know, and it says on the label, shortens durations of the common cold. It's more of a, well, it's not really a preventative.
It makes you heal faster. And it says on the box, it says, as soon as you feel like you're getting sick, hit it. So you've got to monitor yourself. If you get that weird tickle in the back of your throat or that swimmy feeling in your head or whatever, you're like, oh, I don't feel like I'm 100%.
hit it. Don't wait until you're full blown, snot hanging out of your mouth, coughing and hacking, blah, blah, blah, blah. Because if you wait for that, it's too late, man. So I've been using, literally, I started using ZIKM based on Rush Limbaugh's recommendation like 20 years ago.
When I was doing a lot of traveling doing the bodyguard work, I would use it and the nasal swabs and then Anyway, so it's good stuff. It's good stuff. All right. What what do we see? They see I popped over to the high point booth and I wrap my grubby little paws around their JXP 10 with the M81 old school freaking woodland camouflage pattern and
And I told Dave, I was like, dude, you gotta set one of these aside for me. I won't lie. I've been screwing around. I've been meaning to get one for...
ever been screwing around and now's the time. I just come on, man. I mean, come on, man. I mean, now that I mean, come on, man. Now that they have the 10 millimeter in the M85 or M81, the woodland camo, I got to have one. If you guys did not, if you don't follow us on our socialist media,
If you don't follow us on our socialist media, well, you should. I posted a picture of my boy Dave, Dave, not here, man. But Dave was holding, they wanted to just kind of highlight the fact that they're new 995P. Is that what they're calling it? The 995P? It's not the PC. Not actually the PC.
Although Charlie thought that was funny. He did think Charlie has a sense of humor. Yeah, the 995P and the 495P. So they had a shovel handle stock thing on there. So a shovel handle is not a rifle stock. It's just it's a shovel handle, you know, so
They had one just for fun that they had slapped onto the 995P and I snapped a photo of our boy, Dave, holding it. So if you haven't checked out our Insta garbage or fascist book, check it out. And there's a photo there. Something else. Oh, inland manufacturing.
has come out with a new, they're releasing a new 22 silencer, but it's a mono core, a mono core, which means the baffles are one single piece. And you're like, well, why would I care about that? Well, you would care about that because here's the deal. 22 cans have to be cleaned. You're like, no, I'm not gonna clean. Because 22 ammo is dirty.
Well, yeah. All you, all you old guys that are like, Oh yeah, it is. I mean, 22s are great and they're fun and everything, but they're dirty. You know, that your actions get dirty. And if you shoot 22 into a silencer suppressor, gun moderator, muffler, whatever, if you shoot it into there, this is what's going to happen.
It's going to get dirty, which I mean, a 22 is already like a glorified pellet gun anyway. So it's not going to be too loud, but it's more for fun than anything. We should. Yeah. So by making the monocor by making the monocor, uh, what they do is you can all, all 22 rimfire cans are designed
to be disassemble a bowl right you want to be able to disassemble them and they do that very deliberately because well because they know you're going to need to clean them and so the
The new, it's called the AM22. It's coming soon from inline manufacturing. It is the NAM stands for aluminum, aluminum, monocor suppressor, right? Or silencer, or moderator, or gun muffler, or whatever you want to freaking call it.
but MSRP is gonna be 349, which means if you go to Silence or Central, you'll probably get it for 299, or you'll get a better deal on it for that. But super simple, when it comes time to clean it, it's two pieces.
You disassemble it, you pull the monochore out, and you flush it with a solvent, and put it back together, and big bang boom, Bob's your uncle, and you're good to go. So there you go. So that's something kind of doing cool from the guys, from the folk at Inland Manufacturing. And if you guys didn't know that you need to, that there's a reason that you can take a 22 suppressor apart, basically all handgun,
All handgun silencers, modern handgun silencers are made to be disassembled because after a certain amount of time, you have to clean them or they're going to, it's not work anymore. You're like, well, I don't have to do anything. No, you don't have to do anything. You can just keep shooting it until it's completely fouled up with cruts, crust and junk and carbon and nastiness. And then you're like, this thing doesn't seem like it's making my gun quiet.
There's a reason for that. There you go. Oh, so there you go. All right. And full forged gear is just trucking on doing what they do. And so support, support all those guys, support all those guys. It is time for a student at the gun home room brought to you by a student at the gun university.
All right, yes indeed it is time for and what is what is the main theme of of student in the gun homerooms act being dangerous on demand? That's right being dangerous on demand and what what are the ways that you can do that? Well, one of the ways is yeah is to actually Train with your gun
Well, I want to thank it. Who would think you need to train to make sure you maintain your skills? No, I'm good. I think I'm pretty good. Here's the thing. I love you guys. I love my audience. I love it. In addition to that. And in addition to that, if you are sitting out there and you're like, oh, I think I'm pretty good with my pistol. Are you though?
You're not because people who train don't say that. People who train don't think that they can do it. They know that they can do it. There's difference between, I think I can and I know I can. And handgun shooting. Oh, well, and I learned this, like John,
my mentor and then you guys are probably bored with me saying it, but John Farm in 1986 told my class, these skills that we're practicing here today that I'm teaching you, these are perishable skills. If you leave here, if you think, well, I'm good now and you leave here and don't practice any of these things, when you need them in a year or 18 months or two years or five years or whatever, they're not going to be there.
Okay, you need to practice it. You need to do it. Now, once you've got your 10,000 hours in, that's a different story, right? But it takes a while to get 10,000 hours in, doesn't it? Yes, it does. You have to, you know, your 10,000 hour clock starts the day that you go to a professional training class. And it doesn't stop there, it starts there. So what did we do this weekend? Well,
the, the marshal application of the pistol class at the P 201 two day class. It includes not just fundamental marksmanship, you know, we go over the, Hey, this is how you hold on to the gun. This is the best way to hold the gun. There's lots of way to hold lots of ways to hold it. But there's also a best way to hold it. There is a best way to present it from a holster. Yes. There is a best way
to manipulate the trigger so that the gun doesn't move all over or look like you're having a seizure while you're pressing the trigger, right? One of the things that we do at the very beginning is we actually have the students practice dry firing on the range. And you're like, that's dumb. You don't go for the range. No. If you have just taught yourself how to dry fire,
You may or may not be doing it the correct way and you may be. There are some firearms instructors that hate dry fire. Hate dry fire. No, that's dumb. You do it, you do it. Dry practice, dry fire. Well, the reason that some instructors hate it is because people try and teach themselves how to do it.
and then they develop a really horrible trigger flinch, right? A really horrible flinch reflex because there's no bang, right? And they're just, they're like, oh well, dry fire means pointing the gun at a wall and snapping the trigger.
And so they're like, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap. That's me, dry fire, no, that is not. So if you have never had training, and we have an exercise, and I'm not gonna give it to you here on the radio. I'm not gonna give you the secret sauce on the radio. Yeah, I come to the class and see it for yourself. That's right. But we have an exercise that we do at the very beginning of the class,
that if the student goes back home and replicates that, they will develop a master class trigger press. And you can do that. You can develop a master level trigger press by dry firing, but you have to do it right.
and you have to know what you're doing. So we go from basically the foundational, and good training goes from the known to the unknown from the simple to the complex, and that's how we build our class. We start with the known, we start with the simple, and by the afternoon, by Sunday afternoon, or the afternoon of the second day, we've moved on to the unknown and the complex.
but it's okay because everybody's got the foundation. We basically start building and we build as a skill set. We're building a skill set. There are multiple scenarios where you have to pay attention to what's on the left and the right of you.
Because there are other key you know kind of like if you were actually in the real world if you walked out of your front door and went to a restaurant a shopping mall a grocery store a gas station your your place of business whatever It's it's this is not a zombie video game where you're by yourself and Everything around you is a target in the really real world
The things that you might have to, the monsters that you might have to put bullets into are going to be the vast minority. There are more things, and I say this, there are more things in the world that should not be shot than should to be. And in order to not shoot things that should not be shot,
you've got to have your head on the swivel, you've got to be paying attention, you have to understand muzzle awareness. And how do we learn that? And you're like, okay, yeah, I get that, I understand that. I agree with you, muzzle awareness and situational awareness. I agree with you. Where do you practice? Where do you learn? Do you just say that? Or do you actually put it into practice? Because with the Marshall application of the pistol,
You actually have to make good decisions with a gun, with a loaded gun in your hand. You'll have a loaded gun in your hand and you will be required to engage your brain and make good decisions. What decision making skills? What?
Come on, man. You're just crazy. So I believe that if you guys out there would like to go to student of the guy in university, that's There are many, many, many, many, many, many testimonials from our graduates. Don't take my word for it. I mean, you should, but you don't have to take my word for it.
go and read and listen. You can listen to what our graduates have to say because they actually, well, they're honest, they're honest. Before I get into that, I want to remind people about something that is brand new at Student of the Young University. You're like, Paul, I'm with you.
And I know that I need to get into a class, but I'm not sure about the timeframe. And I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to travel and I'm not sure about this. Okay. I get it. I want to give, I want to front load all the information that you need to have before you go to a physical in-person training class. I want to do that. We want to let you do that.
Go to right now and you can go to the, I'm gonna do it with you guys. You're with me, I'm with you. I'm with you, I'm with you. So you go there, click on Marshall application of the pistol. It's right there. Home study only, click the home study only, you enroll and you can start learning. You can have professional instruction based on
Now, I can't say 40 yet based on 39 years of experience and education. And I've got 39 years of experience doing this, not just learning, but teaching people. So you can immediately figure out what you need to know. And this will help you on your journey. And as we said last week, husbands,
You've been trying to get your wife to take the handgun, the firearms thing seriously. And she looks at you and you're like, you're the guy who forgets to take out the garbage. You, you're the guy who didn't put the toilet seat down. You're not an expert. Like, okay, I get that. You're not, you aren't, I mean, I'm sure that, that Einstein, Albert Einstein had a wife and I'm sure at one point in town, his wife's like, some genius you are. You can't even remember which day is trash day.
Um, dudes, if you want to do your wife a favor, you're like, I've been trying to get my wife to take this whole gun thing seriously. And she's, she's just like, okay, whatever, but she's not really doing it. Enroll her in the class. She doesn't have to go anywhere. She doesn't have to leave the house. She considered her laptop, you know, open up the laptop, do the lessons. And then after she's done with it, she's going to come to you and say,
You know what he said? He said, and you're going to be like, yeah, I know. I've been trying to tell you that for years, but you wouldn't listen to it. So, and wives, wives, if you're listening, you know, don't, don't be sitting over there shaking your head, rolling your eyes because you know it's true. You know, you don't listen to your husband when it comes to serious matters like that. So the universe, soon to the gun, university is open today. You can actually enroll.
in the distance learning home study program and get started right now. Much like shop is open 24 hours a day. Yeah, that's right. But before we do that, I want you guys to listen to not just me, but actual graduates who have taken the class and those guys will take. Like I said, you can take my word for it or it's extra chairs or whatever. But how about people who actually have gone through the program?
I'm Tony Peterson from Salt Lake City, Utah. I just finished up the Marshall application of the pistol course from Paul and Jared Markle. I had a great experience, taught me a lot of things that I had not learned in other training before. Bureau Collins, Las Vegas, Nevada, a great class with various levels of progression through skills, tactics, mindset, all the things are covered. I think that wherever you're out on the path, you're going to get something from this class.
My name is Vance Leucher. I'm from Sandy, Utah. This is my third class with Student of the Gun. It's a great class. I believe it's the best class I've had for actual preparation for what you might need in a gunfight. And I plan on coming back again and some of my buddies are as well. Take it.
Yeah, there you go. Don't take it from me. Take it from people who look better, just like you, who have actually gone through the trainer. All right. Zach, what do we, what do we got going this week at Well, I have some fantastic news for each and every single one of you out there for this week at as
Due to a popular demand we are having a limited restock of the the sites are fine You just suck patch because it was such a big hit and we feel like a maybe not enough people got the chance to get their hands on it
So, right now at, we have more on their way to the warehouse right now, but if you missed out the first time, this is your, for real these, for real these this time, last chance to get your hands on a, the sites are fine, you just suck patch, slap it on your vest, slap it on your hat, slap it on your frickin cat, I don't care.
shop s o t g dot com pick yourself up one of these patches today because it is the for real Z is the last time that we're going to be ordering these for the foreseeable future if ever shop as a t g dot com don't miss out there you go all right moving on and so you guys you guys saw
the title. You said, you're there. Why? Chacho. And what is this NRA 2.0? I mean, the NRA show was like, it's in the springtime. It's not now. No, no, no, no, no. All of you NRA members, listen up. And if you're not one, well, it doesn't affect you. But NRA members, we all know about the Wayne-Loppier debacle.
We all know about that nonsense, the wasting of the money, and the elitism, and the not listening to the members. We all know about that, right? How do you make the NRA your organization again? Well, you have to vote for board members who will listen to you.
All right, if you go to elect in a new, it's elect a new, you can see you will be taken to a place where you can find out who is all about wanting to reform the NRA and who just wants to maintain the status quo, the old school,
It's If you go there, oh, why don't you take me to Electra?
There we go. There you go. All right. So you should be getting we're trying to get the the the latest or the newest or the best version of the NRA by getting rid of and I'm gonna say it getting rid of the Wayne LaPierre lap dogs, right? but you have to do that because the the the the people who don't who want to status quo who want things to just stay the same and
they're not going to change unless you remove them from the board of directors. So right now, the candidates who are pro-change, pro-reform, the people who actually want to fix the NRA so that it's a people's organization, not a bunch of elitist turds like Wayne Lapierre,
Well, if you go to right now, you will see a list of people who want to do that. For instance, our boy Charlie Brown.
is there and There's a there's a lot of people there's I'm not going to go through the whole list because there's several but What's going to happen if you are an NRA member and you get one of the four magazines? Right you're going to get one of the four magazines and that's American riflemen America Street and first or first freedom American hunter or shooting illustrated it should be arriving this week in your mailbox, right?
So, what you have to do is you open up and your ballot will be there. Your ballot will be there. Fill out your ballot. Fill out the ballot. And you're like, well, I'm not, and you're sitting out there, a lot of you guys are like, well, I don't know, you know, one from the other. I don't know who's a pro reform candidate and who is a Wayne-Loppier lap dog, right? Well, what they've done for you,
is they've produced. The people who were propping up and defending LaPierre all those years, well, there's a list of those people who not to vote for. The people who propped up LaPierre, the ones that you should be mad at, okay, they're on the list.
And there's a litigation committee, there's candidates and so on and so forth. I had a brief but very good conversation with Mr. Buzz Mills, who's leading the charge. Okay, I'm gonna tell you something. Buzz Mills, the owner of Gunsight, is very passionate about trying to return the NRA
to the people. He's very passionate about trying to make the NRA a peoples, an organization of the members, not an organization that's run by a bunch of elitists up in Virginia, right? And he ponied up his own money to let you to create this and let you guys know. So,
I mean, you don't, you don't have to pat them on the back. You don't have to think or anything. But you need to know, you need to understand that there are people out there that aren't just like talking about it, that have actually put up their own dough. And you're going to see in the magazines, in like, like I said, the big four, the shooting illustrated hunter rifleman, blah, blah, blah, blah. The middle, when you open it up,
The middle fold, your ballot's going to be there and there's also going to be an ad. Now you guys can't see it, but it's going to look like this. Zach, it's going to look like this. Roger that. I can see many faces in the big words. Yeah. Vote. And it says, these are the people who want to fix the NRA. And let's face it.
In our community, we like to, we like to, can I say on our bitch about stuff? I can say bitch about stuff on the family friendly one. Technically, I believe so, yes. Okay. We like to complain. We like to bitch about stuff. We're like, I don't like the N or A. We ain't not here. Okay, I get that. Do you want to do something about it or do you just want to complain about it?
Do you want to do something positive? Well, like, yeah, yeah, I do. Well, all right, if you want to do something about it, you need to reelect, you need to elect a board that is going to fix the organization.
you know, putting the same Wayne Lopier lap dogs back into the board of directors is not going to fix the situation. And what Buzz Mills and many others have done is they've created an avenue, you know, for you to do that. And you can do that, but you've got to, you've got to vote. So when you get your freaking magazine,
make it your priority to pull that freaking ballot out and you're like, okay, who, you know, who are the reform candidates? Who are the ones that are trying to, you know, fix the NRA, a new NRA? And you will see right there. Now, I talked to Charlie and this is, this is messed up. The Charlie,
Submitted his ballots submitted his because we did the thing for Charlie. Maybe I shouldn't speak for him, but anyway, you might have to write in because I think that the The existing NRA well the existing NRA doesn't want Charlie on the board. Okay, the the lopier lap dogs They don't want Charlie on the board because he's a reformer and so
they didn't, if you get a ballot that doesn't have his name on it, it's because they didn't put it on there. So you're gonna, you have to do it right. And now we know that writing candidates pretty much never win. Yeah. Well, I mean, maybe I'm like smaller scale stuff like this, but like presidential. Yeah. Yeah. So any, any says he goes, we're going to try. He goes, we're going to do everything we can. Because we still believe that
Regardless of Donald Trump or not, we need a reformed NRA that speaks for the members, not for the Northern Virginia elitist. We need an NRA that speaks for the members. For all of you that are mad at the NRA, you're like, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. Yeah, I get that. I get it.
And it was in it screwed up and it's messed up and it was a bad thing. But he's gone. All right. He's gone. The lawsuits are done. It's over. It's time to reform the freaking NRA. And you as a member can be a part of that. But you can only be a part of it if you actually vote.
So this is Zach, does this crap sound familiar? It's like, don't just complain about how screwed up the country is. Surprisingly, it does sound like something else we've talked about recently. Yeah, like November 5th, we're like, look, I know you're mad. And if you're mad, you better get out there and freakin' vote. And we did. We voted so hard and so well, and that they couldn't cheat.
They wanted to cheat. They tried to cheat, but they couldn't because it was overwhelming. It was overwhelming. And if we had pulled some crap like we did back in the 80s with the Bush election and the Ross Perot garbage,
Yeah, we'd have been in trouble. So that's my soapbox. But seriously, you guys need to, if you're an NRA member, you're going to get your ballot this week, you're going to get your magazine. And when you get your magazine, open it up. First thing, before you read any of the articles or look at any of the ads, first thing, open it up, centerfold, boom, right there, get the ballot.
the reform candidates are right there if you're like i'm not sure i don't know okay fine go to elect a new nr a dot com elect a new nr a dot com and you can you can uh... or you can brush brows around man
who is there that wants to reform the NRA and return it to the members, and who is on the ballot that wants to maintain the status quo, who are the people that propped up Wayne LaPierre for all those years when we were trying to get rid of him. Okay. There you go. So now you know.
people who, you know, knowing is what? And knowing is half the battle, man. And the other half of the battle is actually taking that freaking ballot and mailing it in. You know, you can't just like hold it in your hand and you actually have to have to mail it in. Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute against mail-in voting.
Well, Zach, if you'd like to set up polling places in all 50 states and everywhere. Now let's talk to the NRA, see if we can get a grant going. Yeah, we can set up polling places. Go to your local fire department and vote for the NRA board. There you go. That's what we want to do. All right.
But seriously now, that is that. And if you're with me, great, like you say, I'm mad at the NRA. I know you are. So am I, we all are. That's why they're good people in our industry. And I talk to a bunch of them in Las Vegas. I talk to the good people in our industry who are trying to make a difference, but they need your help. They can't, those people can't do it without you.
You understand that, right? Like, um, yes. All right. Well, for the rest of the show, I have my reporter's notebook. Look at that. Yes. I've got my official reporter's notebook because I write stuff down with pens and pencils. So I wrote down a bunch of stuff.
that I saw that I encountered at the SHOT Show 2025, and I'm just gonna go down the list and mention those things. Well, number one, we already talked about the 995P, so we don't need to talk about that. We talked about Inland's new aluminum, all right, suppressor, okay. Night vision, our boys over at night vision. If you have a Glock,
or an M&P or a CZ10, like the new CZs, not the old ones, but the new CZs, and you don't have, or any pistol that it will accept G17 sights, doesn't have to be a Glock. I mean, let's face it, there are a lot, like the dagger, you know, if you have a dagger from PS Arms or Palmetto State, yeah, PSA, if you got a dagger, you can put student of the gun accurate sights on there.
I can. Yes, you can. There are a lot of pistols out there right now because, you know, the manufacturers got smart and they're like, hey, let's just, let's just do the Glock sight cut since there are more Glock aftermarket sights in the world than anything else. They're like, that's a great idea. Let's do that. So like the new RXM.
that is available for murder. That will take the accurate sites from student of the gun at night fission. But night fission, there was an AK on the wall in the booth. I was like, did you do an AK site? And they were like, yes, we did. And I was like, why am I just now finding out about this? But they did.
So night fission is going to have tritium front sights for the Kalashnikov rifles. Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed that. I'd been hoping that we're going to do that. And now they are going to do that. So I'm at their website right now. I'm at
And they don't have it on the website yet because it's one of those things that they're going to show and display at shot. And then after they've shown it displayed at a shot, then they will do that. Oh, the SAR, the SAR pistols. So the SAR pistols have the G-17 sight cut, which means you can put the student of the gun accurate sites
on there. Like I said, it doesn't just have to be a Glock. And you know what? I didn't even get into the Glock booth.
Oh, I didn't even get into the booth. I know. I know it was one of those things where I was like, I meant to. I was actually going to and I was on the other side of the floor and I started going that way. And then I ran into somebody and I talked to them and then I got a text from somebody else and I went and talked to them. Then that was lunchtime. They're like, Hey, you're going to meet his lunch. I'm like, yeah, hang on. I'm running late. I'll meet you and I didn't get over there. Oh, whatever.
but whatever. But yeah, if you go to and you go to Glock to G-Lock and it says Accurate. That is our sights developed by student of the gun for nightfission. So you can put those on your glocks or anything else that will accept G-17 sights. So do that. Be there or be square.
And we don't want you to be square. We want you to be nice and calm. That's right. We went over to the SDS Arms booth, and SDS Arms is a family of brands. They're a family of brands, yes indeed. And one of their brands is the Mac brand.
And Max stands for military armament corporation. Yes. And new from Mac at shot 2025 was the the Mac nine, but they spell nine. I X they use the Roman numerals.
So it's the Mac Ix. Yes, indeed. So that is new. It was new on the show floor. I think there, I think don't, you can quote me if you want to. I don't care if you're called me, but I think their plan is Q2, Q2 or Q3 for the release of those. I just actually put a picture of those up. The Mac 9,
I want a Mac 10. Mac 10. Mac 10. The cool thing about the Mac 9 is it actually uses M&P or not M&P, MP5. It uses MP5 magazines. So if you've already got like a Mac 5 or a Mac 5K or anything, any other similar thing, you can use the same magazines. So that's pretty cool.
Uh, what else they got? They got a new pistol. They got a new double stack. It's basically like, it's like a, uh, saccato. Only it doesn't cost $3,000. It's like a staccato that only costs $1,000 and they might, they might be a thousand. They might be sub 1000. I'm not sure if they're going to be, uh,
I'm gonna try and get my hands, when they have them available, I'm gonna try and get my hands on one of those Mac 9 PDW's, it's a personal defense weapon. It's not a concealed carry pistol, it's a personal defense weapon. If you're like, I don't wanna look like man, I went to their website and it's not there. It's because it's not available yet. But if you go to any of our socialist media, you're like, I don't wanna do that. Well, then don't, I don't wanna tell you. But if you go to their socialist media, there's a picture out there.
So that is that what else? 1791 gun leather. We've mentioned them previously in articles. I've done this this summer. I did a couple of articles and I featured the 1791 gun leather. I featured their belts and holsters and stuff like that. Well, they're expanding.
And they're actually coming out with a line of rifles, but what is special about these rifles is they're L-I-T-E lights, not L-I-G-H-T, light rifles. And they're specifically building them like, for instance, they showed me a 16-inch barreled AR that weighed with, that had a rail, and a rail system on it.
and it had an optic on it, and it was ready to go, and it was only like seven pounds, which is pretty light. And they showed me a rifle caliber pistol, an RCP, that was six and a half pounds, but it still had the rail system on it. It had a rail system, an optic, and a weapon light, and it was only six and a half pounds. You're like, oh, that seems like a good thing. What we did,
What we have been doing, or what we've had a tendency to do, is we throw all these accessories on a light gun, you know, what started out as a seven pound gun, then we change out the forend, and we put a freaking rail system on it, and we put lights and optics, and now the seven pound gun is a nine and a half pound gun.
And we're like, wow, that's not as convenient and it's heavier and so on and so forth like, yep, it is. So that's something that is their brand new thing that they're doing. And yep, if you go there's there's a there are a bunch of YouTube videos and stuff like that. Now, but 1791.
They're light L.I.T.E. rifles. That's, that's their new thing. Now they, they've got a bunch of other cool stuff and they make really, uh, really good can holsters, leather holsters, leather belts, um, and so on and so forth. So it's worth checking out. Uh, if you go to 1791 gun leather and just check out the stuff that they have, but, uh, yeah, they're light rifles. That's their brand new project for 20, 25 that they're working on. So there was some people were like, well, what was new at
You know, what was new a shot with anything new? Well, yeah, there was some new stuff. Oh, I don't know how much, you know, the thing that kill tech, like I heard they did this crazy five, seven pistol that's top loaded with a stripper clip and then it was like, yep.
They did, and they had it out at media day at the range, which I did not go to, and I haven't gone to one for like last six or seven years because I'd rather slam my hand in a car door than go stand out in the desert. And apparently it was cold and windy. And it's always cold and windy. That's the thing. It's always cold and windy, and sometimes it rains.
Love it or hate it. Nobody, people couldn't shut up about it. And some people are like, oh, it's really cool and it's innovative and it's interesting. And people are like, it's dumb and I don't like it. Well, it doesn't matter because people kept saying the words Keltek over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. They people probably talked more about that gun
You know, I'd run into people and I'm like, hey, what have you seen? They're like, did you go over to Caltech booth? Did you do that? I went to the day, like did you do that? They got more pressed than Smith and Lesson did, more pressed than Colt, more pressed than Sig, more pressed than Ruger, more pressed. They got more word of mouth than everybody by simply putting that gun out. And like I said, whether people liked it or whether they didn't like it, they couldn't shut up about it. And when it comes to getting free media,
When it comes to getting a million dollars of worth of press, that's how you do it. And I'm sure that it didn't make them sad at all. It did not make them sad at all. And they, they had, they had, they hosted Dina Loosh or Lesh or Laush. I'm not sure how you pronounce it. When people have like O-E-A-S-H or O-E-A-C-H-S and or whatever, I'm never sure how to,
Correctly pronounced that you know what I mean? But Dana Greenberg Dana L. Dana Loesch Lersch Lesh Dana Dana there is nope There is no Dana only Zul. There is no Dana only Zul I'm sure that she's heard that a thousand times and does not find it funny anymore I best point probably not now
He's like, and she probably looks at people who say that like, yeah, you're, you're, you're not a nice person. Moving on. Like, wow, that's the ever first time I've ever heard that. Yeah, well, the first person ever say that today from the last minute. Century Arms has a new deal with MKE. And if you don't know who MKE is, they, they make roller lock guns.
And century arms had a wall filled with freakin German style roller lock guns. They had MP5 clones. They had, so they've got the original AP5 series. They've got the new addition to the AP series. They've got guns in nine millimeter. They've got guns in two, two, three. They've got a freakin gun in, I want to say,
308. Hang on a second. Yes, they have a 762x51 G3 pattern PDW. You're like, do what now? Yes. They've got an AP5SD.
It's not, it's not a class three item, but it looks like it looks just like the MP5 SD. And if you guys don't know what an MP5 SD is, I don't, then there is no pleasing, you know, I don't even know how to talk to you. If you're in my audience, you're like, what's an MP5 SD? Google it, but. Is it an MP5 and standard def as opposed to like high quality standard definition?
Yes, Zachary, it's a standard definition. It's not high definition. So, yeah, they got all that fashitional. And they've got one that actually comes with a brace. They got an MP5S, an AP5S-D brace model that comes with from the factory with a brace.
brothers and sisters if you have never jumped into the
MP5G3 roller lock, if you're not familiar with the roller lock design of firearms, they're a unique animal. And if you're getting, if you're bored with the AR 15, well, that's, that's something you can do, something you can do, right?
So get into that. Mossberg, I went over to the Mossberg booth, saw my buddy Scotty and Scotty put one of the 590R stands for rotating. Yeah, 590R stands for rotating safety. So they modified the 590 and
and they put a different, a new kind of retractable stock and it's actually way better than the older designs were. They have a new, they've got a new 940 Pro Tactical SPX. They've got the 590R and something else that they really weren't like promoting that much, but
It was there and I picked up one of their shock waves and they have a new ambidextrous, you know, because Mossberg 590s and 500s have an ambidextrous tang mounted safety. The reason they put that there so that you can use it left handed or right handed, right? That's why they did it 50, 60, 70 years ago when they designed that when
you know, Mr. Mossberg designed that 50, 60, 70 years ago. They did that. They're like, well, you're righty or lefty. And if you have mittens on or gloves on, it's easy to find. It's easy to operate with mittens or gloves. You don't have to find a little tiny little button or whatever. So it's not a bad design. It's a good design. Well, what they did is they enhanced it. So it's a little bigger and a little easier to manipulate. And I think that's a good thing.
That is a good thing. And it's something that kind of has flown below the radar. No one's really talking about it. But that's those little things that make a big difference. And then Scotty and I were talking about the M, the 590 M magazine fed version. I'm about as excited about magazine fed shotguns as I am about the next wave of herpes. But
I was able to pick up one of the magazines and hold it in my hand and look at it and I was like, and I asked Connie, I was like, so how do you carry spare magazines? I got a great question. I said, you know what? I was looking at it and I thought, I betcha that the old G.I. Joe, when I was in the old three magazine pouches, the olive drab green ones that you could put three, 30 round mags in,
and they had the dividers, little ribbon dividers in them. I bet you, if you just clipped those little dividers, you could fit one of those shotgun mags in there perfectly. I bet you could, and I've got some of those out in the garage. Now what I don't have, what I don't have is a frickin' magazine fed shotgun,
because that's always been my thing with mag fed shotguns is like, look, they're neat and they're cool and you can throw 10 rounds into your gun or five rounds into your gun really fast. And that's a good thing, but the magazines are enormous. I mean, they're way bigger than 308 magazines. So how do you carry those things? How do you tote giant spare magazines?
Nobody, you're not going to put it in your cargo pocket because that'd be like taking a half of a brick and putting it in your cargo pocket. So I told Scotty, I'm like, dude, we got to try that out because there's tons of, well, they might not be now, but there used to be tons of those old M16 Holodrab magazine pouches on the market. And if they still are, then that might be the solution.
to magazine fed shotguns. So that might be the solution. I might have to get one, Zach. I might have to get one. For purely the scientific purposes. Yeah, yeah, I might have to get one. I don't know, maybe.
We'll see. So that's pretty much my, oh, oh, I forgot Navy Arms. If you guys don't know about this company called Navy Arms, Navy Arms is basically an importer. They go around the world and they find cool things to bring in.
historical old style guns. And I went to the Navy Arms booth and they had some some pretty neat stuff and that they had a they brought in a bunch of of old military rifles. They've got a bunch of old military rifles. They've got a bunch of French like French surplus rifles. They've got a French freakin at
What is it called? It's called the FRF2. Yeah, the FRF2 French freaking sniper rifle. You're like, what? I mean, I know, I'm like, what? I was like, what the heck is that thing? So if you're looking for something really neat, they've got the an Enfield. They got Mark 4 Enfield rifles. You're like, chambered in 303.
So they got that. They got a bunch of kind of interesting stuff. So I just thought I thought I'd throw that in there and let you guys know that thing. They got a coach gun, a really nice side by side, double barrel 12 gauge that they're importing, I think from Spain. I'm pretty sure they're importing it from Spain.
But it's pretty slick. So if you don't know, if you're not familiar with Navy arms, you should actually make yourself familiar with them. They've been in the industry forever. And they're constantly searching for, you know, military surplus.
police trade in, military trade in, stuff like that, that they can get their hands on and then offer it to you. Oh, there you go. They do that. Oh, what were people geeking out about? That's a question. People were geeking out about revolvers and lever guns still.
And you're like, still, I thought it was like a two year ago thing. It was like two years ago. Now they still were. And a lot of Zach, do you recall last year going all around the show? And these guys always had these freaking modernized lever actions. I do remember that, yes. Remember how they were going to promise that they were going to do them next year? Most of those guys actually had them now.
Well, there we go. Yeah. Next year has come. Yeah. So it's been a year. And remember that they all teased you last year with their new guns. They're new. This is their new that. So I think that the hair guys actually have that. Remember that that super lightweight bolt action two, two, three thing that they had? I think that's actually available now.
So yeah, I think I saw I wasn't able to get over to their booth because quite frankly, I just didn't. I just didn't. But I did see that one of the one of the gun geeks did a YouTube video talking to the guy and he's like, yeah, the new whatever the heck it is. I can't remember. It's it's it's a certain. I don't know what certain something. It's what the French call a certain
I don't know what, but you know the thing. You know the thing. Yeah, you know the thing. So a lot of those guys that were teasing you with stuff last year, it is available now. Like last year Henry was teasing you and their guns are available right now, Henry, Henry repeating arms and so on and so forth. What I did get from
talking to exhibitors, not attendees, but exhibitors was that Tuesday was busy, Wednesday morning was busy, Wednesday afternoon started a noticeable drop off. Thursday, I talked to a couple of guys and they said Thursday was like Friday, like a Friday. And Friday is always the super light attendance day. It's the end of the cleanup finish up type of day, right? And Friday was a typical Friday was a ghost town.
It's just good for me because I can get around the floor and I don't have to, you know, get through crowds and stuff.
The rumor is that it, so that, you know, I know the NSSF likes to every year, they're like the biggest show in the history of the world. It's like every year, it's bigger and better, bigger and better, bigger and better. Every year, every year, every year. You know, I don't know what their propaganda spin is going to be this year, but it was not the biggest show ever. It was not the highest attended show ever. But
The rumor is that they're gonna drop it to three days next year. Oh. Instead of four, the rumors are gonna drop it to three. Now I went and looked to see if they had next year's dates scheduled yet, and I could not find any. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place.
but I went to the official shot website, which is where you're supposed to go. And they have not updated it yet. So that rumor may be true. The rumor may be true. And then the question is, you know, so it used to be, shot show used to be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. So it used to be for the longest time. And then things got all flipped upside down when we lost our lease.
Oh, here we go. No, no, no, no, future show dates. Okay. At the very bottom. Oh, well, okay. At the very bottom of the page, it's a non-clickable. It's just a little, what do you call a non-clickable thing that you stick in? Just a little picture. It says future show dates 26th, the 20th to the 23rd. So that is four days.
So that the rumor that I heard might be a lie. So I don't know. And it says January and in 27, it's 19 to 22. So we'll see that rumor might, like I said, a rumor is a rumor, right? But right now those are not, that's not really set in stone. I think that's, if I would have looked two, three weeks, four weeks ago, a month ago, that probably would have been there too.
And yeah, so the big question that everybody had on their mind is like, okay, and when I talked to some of the exhibitors, I said, hey, the rumor is they're going to drop to three days. Would you endorse that? And everyone was like, yep, that would be a great idea. Yeah, if we cut a day off of the show.
That would be a great idea. And you say, well, what's one day? One day to an exhibitor is thousands of dollars. It's literally thousands and thousands of dollars. That's what one day is. One day is one less hotel stay for 30 people on your staff or 20 people on your staff or 10 people on your staff.
You know, if you're putting up 10 people in hotel rooms and you're paying insane amounts of money, because Las Vegas is not getting cheaper. It's more expensive every year. They gouge you harder every year. And I'll save some of that for the grad program. Because Vegas is dying.
Well, they're gouging. It's literally just like prison rape. You know what it's getting like, Zach? It's getting like, it's getting like Orlando.
When you go to Orlando, like once you're, when you get like 30 miles away from Orlando, they start hitting you. Oh, did you want to drive on the road to get to Orlando? You know, you have to pay, right? There's no free way to get, you're not allowed to go to or drive to Orlando for free. Oh, you wanted to get there. Well, you can not pay and take twice the amount of time or you can pay us our extortion rate.
Uh, when the last time I was in Orlando, I was so pissed by the time I left there that I wanted to like just throw punch people. Because everywhere you go, someone's got their hand out. Because it's become like the most touristy tourist attraction. Touristy trappy. Yeah. Well, Vegas is that. That's what Vegas is now. You can't do anything. And they put $50 freaking, uh,
for what do they call it? Bed tax. The city puts a $50 per room bed tax on the hotel room. So in addition- What the hell does that even mean? It's just an extra tax. There's a bed in this room. Give us more money.
Yeah, $50 bed tax in addition to the sales tax and everything else that you're paying. In addition to the $25 a day to park at the hotel in their garage. Yeah, there's no free parking in hotels anymore. Unless you're a platinum member. Are you a platinum member? Well, what does it take? Well, you got to spend at least $10,000 a year in our casinos to be a platinum member. Well, I guess I'm not a platinum member.
Yeah, it's, I'll talk more about it on the bonus hour. Cause yeah, I'm getting a little round up. So that's it. We'll see. We'll see. We'll keep you posted as to whether or not they change it. If they drop it to three, but what I was, the main thing I was going to ask is like, so if they drop it to three, is it going to be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday? It's going to be Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Hmm. What is it? I don't know. Uh, of course they, they need to, if they're going to do that, they need to figure it out and figure it out quick because everybody schedules their events, their pre shot events for Sunday and Monday. And yeah, I don't know. But yeah, the people I talk to, they're like, yeah, that we all endorse that. All the exhibitors like, yep, that would be the best thing for all of us is if we drop this to just three days, cause we don't need four and it's get, it's more and more and more expensive every year.
And I mean realistically for for exhibitors, it's not four days. It's closer to like the full week. Oh, it's a whole week. Yeah. It's a week to eight days. Yeah. So if you can drop like another day off and help some people may be able to use the extra lack of a day to drop off two days off of that possibly. Yeah. Work that math out. All right, cats and kittens out there and the student of the gun listening audience. Thank you very much for being here. I appreciate it. Zach appreciates it.
Yes, I do. Join us tomorrow. What's tomorrow? Oh, but Paul, what's tomorrow? Tomorrow's the bonus hour. Yeah. Zach, how can they get access to the bonus hour material?
Well, it's very simple. You go to That's Sign up today for the grad program under grad membership. You'll get, in addition to a bunch of other miscellaneous fantastic bonuses, you also get access to two extra hours every week of the grad program, the radio show. So if you love the radio show, you're getting triple the amount of radio every week from us. And yeah.
Get sotg dot com sign up today get in on all the goodness. All right tomorrow thursday tomorrow. I'm going to address this. People ask me all the time and I got as this is last weekend. I tried to get my friends to come with me to training and they all had excuses. What can I do. I've got a potential. I have a potential solution.
and I'm going to give you that to you tomorrow on The Bone Sour. Until then, remember this, you're a beginner once, but you're a student for life.
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