Who's ready to rock today? Fire Nation JLD here and welcome to entrepreneurs on fire brought to you by the HubSpot podcast network. The audio destination for business professionals with great shows like this old marketing today will be breaking down she sells she wins why women are taking over remote sales.
To drop these viboms, I brought Brooke Triplett in the EO Fire Studios. Brooke is the founder of She Sells with Brooke, dedicated to empowering women and she financial freedom through remote sales training in a supportive community. And today, a foundation will talk about the remote sales landscape. We'll talk about why women exhale and remote sales, breaking stereotypes and barriers, and oh, so much more. And a big thank you for sponsoring today's episode goes to Brooke and ours.
Butters. Success Story, hosted by Scott D. Clary, is brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network, the audio destination for business professionals. Success Story features Q&A sessions with successful business leaders, keynote presentations, and conversations on sales, marketing, business startups, and entrepreneurship. A recent episode discussing the billion dollar health secret with the founder and CEO of Whoop is a must listen. Listen to success story wherever you get your podcasts.
Is this your year to grow a successful business? Attend the world's highest rated business growth workshop, taught personally by Clay Clark, and now featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki in Eric Trump at ThriveTimeShow.com slash E.O. Fire. Again, request life-changing tickets today at ThriveTimeShow.com slash E.O. Fire.
Brooke, say what's up to Fire Nation and share something that you believe about becoming successful that most people disagree with. Stop what's up. Sorry, firstly, the number one thing that I believe about becoming successful that most people disagree with is you're not truly free until you're okay with being hated for the things that you love.
Fire Nation, this is such a true statement. I've experienced it firsthand. And many of you have as well. I've heard of it. Brooke has as well. And that's why she created she sells with Brooke so that we can have a community together and talk to people about the struggles, the obstacles, the challenges of being an entrepreneur. And specifically today on this episode, why women are taking over remote sales?
Now, the landscape has evolved, Brooke, when it comes to remote sales. Share how. Oh, my goodness. Literally, remote sales today is almost unrecognizable from even five years ago. And I think the biggest thing was COVID. So it was a real tailwind for remote sales because it forced everyone to move online. And with that, we saw a massive boom in online businesses. And this obviously required online salespeople. Now, for me, I dabbled in remote sales very early in 2018.
And it was such a different game back then. There was no inbound. I was ringing people from my personal phone. There was just lists and lists of people. I was writing down people's credit card details and charging them later. There were just there was just no regulations. It was kind of just do what you want. And I think because of that, it created this real side hustle mentality because the industry was so volatile. You know, there was a huge risk to go all in because there was no historical data, particularly for online reps in Australia.
that could show what could actually be achieved. So if we look back to that versus now, for a good two years, I was just selling on the side. And it wasn't until I hit my first 10K month that I really started to scratch my head a little bit. You know, I was thinking, why am I allowing my nine to five and my employee mindset to rob me of the time freedom that I could have if I just went all in? So
Remote sales today is completely different. There's onboarding procedures and there's a lot more structure in place so that sales can be a real career. It's not just a side hustle anymore. People are really making it their main hustle.
making a lot of money because of it. See, I love this because Fire Nation, when you understand the skills and acquire the skills of being a salesperson, man, the opportunities are out there because everybody needs to make sales. Every business thrives and survives when it comes to sales. And I love to hear this next part, that you have personally seen women excel in remote sales. Tell us more about that.
women, we're natural born communicators. We're so incredible at it because we lead with empathy and connection. And for such a long time, women have veered away from sales because of how it is perceived. You could literally ask any woman who hasn't really gone anywhere near sales. And when you ask them, what comes to mind when they think of it, they literally always say sleazy car sales every time.
I mean, here's the thing, sales today requires authenticity and women just do an incredible job at making people feel seen and understood. You know, we're able to read between the lines, have real conversations that lead to real change. And one thing that I particularly help all my closes understand is to stop fearing what people might say and to just say it anyway, because as a change facilitator, we need to be able to speak the truth, even though it's not comfortable for us.
Fire Nation, the truth will persevere in so many ways, shapes and forms because breaking stereotypes in barriers is something that a lot of people struggle with because they don't grasp that truth. And you can do this. You can break these stereotypes. You can break these barriers, Brooke. Do it now. For me, the biggest barrier in sales is thinking we have to fit a mold.
And really early on, I struggled owning my identity as a salesperson because it just felt so off brand. You know, like, I was a primary school teacher. Everybody thought I had this incredibly noble profession. And I just, that was, that was me. That was who I was. I was a teacher. And I think for me, this belief of sales being
Icky and me struggling to own and step into that identity was because of my experience in network marketing, which I think for a lot of women, we've dabbled in that space. And for me, when I was in network marketing, like I knew nothing about sales, like, but I was the girl, the one in your DMs, the one handing you to sign up, just having absolutely no idea how to sell. And because of that, I lost a lot of friends. And, you know, it took my family to say to me, Brooke, like, you've changed for me to,
step away from that space. And once I stepped away, I was really embarrassed to share that I had re-entered sales. And so for such a long time, I would tell people I was still a teacher. But because of this, it acted as a ceiling. And I didn't have my breakthrough until I aggressively owned my label and spoke my truth. And the new salesperson, she is woman. She is empathetic. She's driven by purpose. She values authenticity.
I mean, it was the moment I stopped trying to be liked and recognized who I was that I started hitting my 20K months. Can you maybe very briefly just go over a call that you had or a sales conversation where this happens and you just saw it happening and the light bulb went off and you closed the big sale or you made a connection with a potential buyer that was just really satisfying? What did that look like? It looked like being kind, not nice.
So because I was so caught up in that belief that people wouldn't like me if I was in sales, the way that I used to sell was being their best friend. They would want to catch up with me for a coffee. They loved the conversation, but it was kept very surface level. And then when I tried to have authority and actually ask for the deal or close the draw, they would say no to me. They'd let me down like a friend because that's all they perceived me as.
So I had a moment where I just thought, you know what, I'm going to go into this call and I'm just going to speak the truth. I'm going to challenge them. I'm going to say what they need to hear and what they want to hear. And even though I felt so uncomfortable in that moment, at the very end of that call, not only did I make the sale, but she thanked me for helping her see things differently from shining a light on things that maybe she had even, you know, turned a blind eye to. So it was that moment that I woke up and I was like, right, that's me now. I'm the challenger.
I'm going to come into these sales pools knowing that in order for me to serve, I need to be able to challenge and speak the truth. Fire Nation, that's a powerful story. And I hope you can see yourself in that scenario as well, saying, you know, I'm going to take the lead. I'm going to step into what I know is my greatness. And we have a lot more to talk about around this topic when we get back from thinking our sponsors.
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One of the huge draws of remote sales is how it offers flexibility and freedom. And I mean, it can if you're in the right situation. I mean, you can go travel somewhere and get an Airbnb and wake up in the morning and say, you know what, I'm going to make a cup of coffee. I'm going to go out and I'm going to flip in and make my calls. I'm going to go outbound for an hour, for two hours, for four hours. You know, you know what you need to do and you can do it.
remotely. And that could be interesting. I mean, I'm talking to you right now. You're in Bali. It's 1 17 a.m. in the morning. Fire Nation, you need to understand. Brooke is talking to me at 1 17 a.m. because she's committed to having this conversation. So talk about that flexibility. Talk about that freedom. Oh, yeah. So I want to clear something up very, very quickly. You forfeit being an employee the moment you become a remote closer. You are now an entrepreneur.
And you will not survive if you continue to think and act like an employee. So just based on even what you said, like, if I was still an employee and I was up at 1.17 AM, I would not be going to work the next day. Like I'd be calling in sick or like I'd be figuring out how it's going to start my day and I'd have to respond to somebody. You need to be able to switch like from that mindset, away from the employee into the entrepreneur.
And when I made that switch to remote sales fully, I gained a type of freedom like I honestly never thought was possible. Like we're talking about complete control over time, a location, like even the clients you choose to work with. And you have to view yourself as a business because your income is now in your control. So my day isn't dictated by anyone else's schedule. And that's something that I value deeply.
because this work lets you design a lifestyle that's aligned with what matters to you. And for me, that means being able to work from anywhere in the world. So yes, I live in Bali. It's 117 in the morning. Tomorrow I can wake up at any time that I want to start work. I get to have lunch with my son in the middle of a Tuesday and we get to go for a swim in our pool. And, you know, I am in charge of how much money I make. And I truly, truly believe that flexibility is the new freedom.
and it's one of the most liberating shifts happening in sales today. Flexibility is the new freedom. I mean, think about that Fire Nation and the truer words may have never been spoken. Now, one thing that you do fantastically, Brooke, is community. You understand community, you understand its role. So talk about that. Talk about the role of community and how you implement it and what you do. When I first started in remote sales, I was in
male dominated teens. This made me feel like I needed to be someone I wasn't. Someone like I had to like competition. I had to enjoy looking at stats and entering boiler rooms and like I was really part of that hustle mentality. And I'd often take this home with me and I just find myself I'd be in a bad mood. I'd be in a bad mood with my husband. I just wouldn't be present. I found it very, very difficult to drop into my feminine because I was just surrounded by so much masculinity.
So a community of women is everything. Like if I had this when I first started remote sales, I truly believe I'd be in a different situation just to eat career-wise. Because when you're part of a network of like-minded women, you're not just getting support, you're amplifying your strength. And we need people who get the struggle, who get the hustle and the drive and who aren't threatened by another woman's success, because
That success just shows that it can be done and there's plenty pieces of the pie for everybody. So I've created a community where we all lift each other up and bring our unique experiences to the table because I have seen firsthand that women accomplish so much more together than in isolation. And when you surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed as much as you want to see you succeed, that is a real game changer.
Brooke, you have seen the future, and the future is remote sales, and the future of remote sales is female. Tell us more. Sure is. Future remote sales is female, because we're leading the way in transforming the industry to be about real human connection and authenticity. And, you know, we're pushing against old-school, sleazy tactics, unethical scripting, fudging stats, just pressure-driven strategies. Am I making more money because of it?
You know, when I started in remote sales, I was saying things like lines in scripts that I just thought, oh, this just feels so icky. It just felt so unlike me. And I didn't push it back against it because I thought this is just what I have to do. And I guess that was another light bulb moment for me is when I realized like, I don't have to say those words in the script. I have to find who I am and bring that to the table because who you are speaks louder than the words you say.
So I wasn't being me, but I was saying these bunch of words and they were feeling icky and I could see and hear in my prospects that they were like, what are you doing? If you're a business owner and you're not willing to adapt because you know best and it's always worked that way, you are honestly going to be left behind because women are showing up, they're being unapologetically authentic. And that is challenging traditional sales methods.
And the women that I work with are doing exactly that. They're creating an entirely new approach to sales that's both effective and ethical. It's not just a career. This is a movement. And when you start to embrace this path of integrity, there's literally no limit to the impact that you can have. Are you a fan of the TV show, friends? My sister's a big fan, so I've just followed along with that.
Well, when you were talking, it actually kind of reminded me of an episode in Friends where Phoebe was actually doing her first sales job ever. And she was given the script and she was reading it. And she was just like, this is gross. And she crumbled it up and she threw it away. And then she just started like talking natural and like herself. And she started crushing it as a result. And just to me, it was like so clear of, you know, there's, there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. And when you find the right way and you find the community that can support you and guide you and help you, you're on the right path, Fire Nation. So Brooke,
Give us the one key takeaway. You want to make sure Fire Nation gets from our entire conversation today about remote sales. I want everyone listening to just remember that you don't have to stay clunked into the matrix. And I know that's a really, really hard thing to understand because we're told to finish school, go to uni, get a job, work in that job, buy a house, have a family.
and just work really hard for the rest of our life. And that's totally fine if you choose to go down that path. But I really just want to open your eyes to the possibility of what else there is. And for so many women, they haven't actually considered remote sales to be an option. And it truly is, like the freedom that it's given me, location, time, financial, it can give you two.
That is just the one thing. I just want you to start to open your eyes to some of these opportunities, especially for moms. I speak to so many moms who they're on maternity leave, they don't want to go back to work, but they have to because of the climate that we live in. And I just, I want to be able to stand on top of the Empire State Building and literally scream this to every single person. Look at remote sales, invest in the skill,
become incredible at it and live that life of freedom. Brooke, if Fire Nation is connecting with you and wants to learn more, where do they go? What do they do? What is your call to action for our listeners today? First, you can follow me. She sells with Brooke on Instagram. I post a lot of content. So if you are on the fence or if you're literally like, what is this remote sales nonsense, like come and just follow me and look, look at what's happening.
Um, you can also join my free she sells freedom formula, which we are giving away, especially for, uh, listeners of Fire Nation. And you can find that she sells dot online forward slash EOF. Um, come in, read what we're all about. Come and speak to our coaches. Just, just come and see, come and see who we are.
Fire Nation, you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with, and you've been hanging out with BT and JLD today. So keep up that heat. For links to everything we talked about, visit eofire.com type of brook. That's brook with an E in the search bar. And the shuttles page will pop right up and brook, thank you for sharing your truth, your knowledge, your value with Fire Nation at now 134 AM in Bali time for that. We salute you and we will catch you on the flip side.
Thanks, guys. I've loved being here. Hey, Fire Nation, a huge thank you to our sponsors and Brooke for sponsoring today's episode and Fire Nation. Over the last decade, I've interviewed more than 4,000 of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, and I've created a revolutionary 17-step roadmap to your financial freedom and fulfillment. I put it all into my first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success, personally endorsed by Seth Godin and Gary Vaynerchuk,
The common path to uncommon success is a step-by-step guidance that you need to achieve the lifestyle of your dreams, visits uncommon, successbook.com. I will catch you there or on the Flippity Flip side.
Success Story, hosted by Scott D. Clary, is brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network, the audio destination for business professionals. Success Story features Q&A sessions with successful business leaders, keynote presentations, and conversations on sales, marketing, business startups, and entrepreneurship. A recent episode discussing the billion dollar health secret with the founder and CEO of Whoop is a must listen. Listen to Success Story wherever you get your podcasts.
Is this your year to grow a successful business? Attend the world's highest rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark and now featuring Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki in Eric Trump at ThriveTimeShow.com slash E.O. Fire. Again, request life-changing tickets today at ThriveTimeShow.com slash E.O. Fire.