It looked like somebody was bent over and had their head in the window of the deer blind and it either heard me or smelled me and he pulled his head out of the tent and stood straight up and that, that shocked me. They don't make people that, that big. The way it moved.
Almost as if it was gliding across the beach. I've never seen anything move like that in my life. They were screaming at each other in gibberish. It sounded like a language and they were chunking away back and forth, back and forth, back and forward. I know what a bear looks like and there is no way on this planet that what I saw bears.
That one won what you were putting. He's as cranky, buddy. Sir? See ya. Hello? Get somebody out here. What's going on now, sir? That son of a bitch is about six foot nine, I don't know. Do you see a male, sir? Yes, I'm looking right, hey. Uh-uh.
Yeah, this is the macho man and you're listening to the cream of the crop. Yeah, podcast, Sasquatch Chronicles. Here comes!
Welcome to the show everyone. Thanks for being here tonight. Got a great show planned for you. We'll be chatting with Miss Lena and she comes to us from Alabama and back in August of 2024. She was actually serving papers.
as a processor and she had an encounter on this property, the property she was actually serving on and I'll kind of let her go into it tonight. If you've had an encounter and you'd like to be on the show, shoot me an email. My email address is west at and if you get a chance to check out, you can become a member and get additional shows. Let's jump into it tonight.
I wanna welcome Selena to the show. Selena, thanks for coming on. Thank you for having me. Yeah, and you had this encounter back in August of 2024 out there in Alabama. Tell me, Ms. Selena, before this encounter, what was kind of your take on Sasquatch?
I'm embarrassed to say that I was the I roller the one that would say yeah, yeah, you know, I didn't believe in much of that kind of stuff. I hear you. Well, if you would take me back to August of 2024 in Alabama, if you would kind of start from the beginning, what were you doing and what happened? Okay, well, yes.
I have been in law enforcement quite a few years and had to have a knee replacement. And so I had to still continue to work for financial reasons. And so I went ahead and took a job.
They've run my background check and everything got me started pretty quick as a process server. What you do is you deliver court documents to people's homes and addresses. And I have gotten a address on a county road in Piedmont, Alabama.
And I just thought it was such a pretty little drive over there. It took about 22 minutes from my house. So it was just a pretty, you know, country roads. And I enjoyed the drive. And at first, I went three days. I went one day at 12, the next day at three, the next day at 5 PM. And I never could get the initial person that I was supposed to serve.
Well, on that piece of property also was his parents' home right across from here. So I tried for a fourth time, but this time I went very early in the morning just in case they were going to get up and leave for work. Maybe I could catch them as they were coming out of the house to leave for work. And so I pulled into the driveway, flashed her song just to let her know, you know, don't be alarmed. I'm here to deliver something.
and pulled down up a little bit. And I said, there's kind of the end of the driver way at first. And I seen a large black doll that would just back come to my heel. And I say that because usually pets don't scare me, but this one was pretty big. But I thought there's no way, no possible way for me to get out of this car.
And not that don't come after me and me out run it because I was still healing and still in healing now. No one told me it took this long to get healed from a knee replacement anyways. So.
I thought, maybe if I pull up just a little bit closer to the house, which was connected to the carport. Then I can they'll look at the windows or come outside and see me there flash your song. They want me alarmed, you know, and they'll see what I need. And so the next thing I know.
I just kept my eye on the house itself and I turned my head to the right to look at the house. And I did that because I've had a couple bad situations where people come out real defensive with shotguns and I've been shot at, but they shot over my head. So I'm real leery about shot guns and people in Alabama.
If you own nice things, of course, you're going to want to protect that in your family. So I just kept my eye on that house and I turned my head to the right. Look at the house and then up towards the front of the house was a carport with a brand new Bronco and a new Harley.
And it was just the most beautiful green grass. And so I would just plant someone up the house every few minutes, you know, and just look back towards that pretty green grass and that bronco and all, you know, just a beautiful piece of property. And it was the only two homes on the whole road. That should tell you how much forestry.
And so, anyways, like I said, pulled on closer to the cop or because of the dog and just in case I did have to step out if the owner come outside, you know, I'd been near my car because I couldn't outrun the dog anyways.
I just so happened to turn one more time and glance at that house just to make sure nobody was coming out to catch me off guard, you know. And I glanced up and there it was, there it was right there standing in the already front of me. Large black.
large and black and huge huge in a way um and nothing scares me you hear me spider snakes that's about all this scares me and everybody knows that about me i just have never been scared of you know but uh i knew uh like i said i've never seen anything so
So large in my life, I thought, my God, did I make a mistake? Did I not observe when I pulled up? Did they have a huge black sign or a piece of, maybe a piece of a while back there that's painted black? Maybe I just didn't see it. Maybe it was my, I wasn't observant as I thought I was. You know, I started second guessing my decisions and my own intelligence, I guess you would say.
Anyways, I had a rubber holder on my windshield that held my cell phone because we have to identify wherever we're at to the company we work for in the judge. You know, when he gives us an assignment, we got to get the papers to the people that were supposed to serve. So I knew that I had to take pictures anyway, but that wasn't even on my mind. I grabbed that phone and when I did, I went to take a picture
a little gray one was beside that huge black one. And I mean, this little gray one was so malnourished, so small, so bony. So on the black one, you couldn't see anything except for hair. And I mean anything. If I wouldn't have seen the legs, then I wouldn't have even known that this was a thing standing there. It was so covered with black hair and so huge.
and the little gray one was so tiny, like small built around five foot, cheekbones so defined. You could even see the lines on its forehead, but what is amazing about all this, not only did I see something I cannot explain, I try my best, I do the best I can, but the little gray one had laid some kind of
dear antlers on its hay, like, you know, like, we would lay a crown if we got crowned in a beauty pageant or something. The little gray one had placed something with dear antlers on its forehead. It was the most strangest thing and as strange as that is, we're so focused on this big black one. I just went, like I said, I took a picture and
something just told me. I don't know where something just told me to turn my phone in case somebody was or somebody. And you know what I mean? Something was behind me. And I thought, or if there's two here, what if something's behind my car? And I just don't see it. I was in the car with the doors locked, you know. And so I went ahead from left shoulder to the right. And I said, click, click, click, click. And I mean, I started taking pictures.
And anyways, I didn't have time to look for them because like I said, as scary as what I was seeing that I still couldn't believe I said, I still was glancing at that house at the same time. Does that make sense? Because I mean, I didn't want to get in another bad situation because gunfire is not easy to hear, a little on feel. So anyways, I just, I was trying to just take pictures from my left shoulder to my right. I thought,
What if they're out here and I just don't see them? Well, the next thing I know, like I said, I had took those pictures. They stood there so still. Where is it? I thought, how could something be so still?
and be so large, the mask, the width of the shoulders. And I thought, I know I was married to a gentleman that was six foot seven, 301 pounds, size 16 shoe. I mean, I know what a big fella looks like. You don't know what I'm saying? I watch football, watch wrestling, watch basketball. This was something that only
And I know it sounds crazy, but only maybe Hollywood could make. That's how large this thing was. And I thought,
Uh, okay, Selena, back out of the driveway, back out of the driveway. And I kept telling myself that, but when I grabbed my car, the, um, shield, gift shield to put it reverse, my mind was saying, Harry, Selena, Harry back, back out of the driveway. But my body was not moving the way my mind was telling me to move. And I said, uh,
Hurries went hurt. Well, I finally, like I said, I grabbed my gifts. You're so hard. I thought Lord, you're just going to break your shield. That's the first time that went through my mind. Believe it or not. And when I finally did get it in reverse instead of me flying, backing out of their driveway to hit the road,
It's still gonna be flying. My mind will say, hurry, hurry. You know, match the gap. But my body just eased. It's like I just eased in reverse. It was the strangest. Anyways, the dirt driveway ended and then the asphalt began. And I hit that dirt part and crossed over to the asphalt. And I made a noise out loud that caught my own attention.
I actually went, like I had been holding my breath. And I thought, Lord, I had been holding my breath this whole time. Anyways, I hit that asphalt and my leg hit that gas pedal. And whereas I went so fast down this road,
I got to a stop sign and I looked to the right and left actually, I didn't even stop at the stop sign, but I knew I didn't kill myself or somebody else. And so I thought, anyways, I looked to the right, looked to the left, no cars are coming, but when I glanced to the left, on the left side of the road, there was this huge exclamation. And I thought, my guards said, you have been here four days in a row.
at different times and never to and from spotted that exclamation.
Now, why are you just not spot? I mean, that's what kind of stuff I'm thinking about, but I still had not looked at the pictures, you know, I still had not, I was just wanting to get home. I just wanted to get home. Well, I got, my GPS was taking me down the roads, even though I've been there four times, there was quite a few turns, you know, to make it back to a highway I recognized. So I made it back to Highway 278 and Hokes Bluff.
And I cut my GPS off and it was driving me crazy. Lord, I was wanting to look at my phone, but no doing that. Why you driving? Well, I got home and I looked at my pictures and I could not believe my eyes. Whereas these pictures had a female Sasquatch holding a baby. The baby was reaching for the female space.
It had three things in a barn, not a barn, it was a shed, actually, not a barn. Three faces in a shed that I can't even explain what it is. And so, and then I have Sasquatch to my left hiding in the shadows. Great big old black thing.
Oh, and then of course these two that was there. I seen a juvenile with its little arm wrapped around the ladder at the ocean. It shows its hand, the fur and everything. I just couldn't believe what I was saying. And I thought I got to ask somebody else, can they see what I just caught on camera?
Well, I sent it to my friends and of course they said, Lord, so then what in the world did you catch on camera? And I said, I know, I know, but at the same time where friends tend to be supportive and they won't be kind. And I just needed a stranger, somebody that was kind of objective, you know what I'm saying? To tell me exactly that they see what I've seen.
Anyways, get home. I tried to call the original server.
person I supposed to serve. No, no answer. So then the next day I went back and I did it. It wasn't just to make that few dollars I was going to make. I mean, that helps. But that's not the reason I went. I could have reassigned the job to another server. But what what it was I wanted to make sure was that I had seen what I seen and that when I pulled up,
that there wasn't something gray and furry sitting there. Maybe it was a joke or a hoax or, you know what I mean? Maybe it was just maybe a misunderstanding. I wanted to make sure that I seen what I seen. So here's what I did. The next day I pulled up, flashes on, entered the end of the driveway. Okay, I pulled on up right there by, you know, near the carport in the house, it was connected. And a little lady come outside.
It was the one I was supposed to serve his mother that lived on the same piece of property, but right across from his house. And she'd come outside with a towel on her head, you know, she had just got out of the shower. And she said, forgive me, you know, I just got out of the shower. I got a towel up my head. I said, that's fun, miss so-and-so. I said, listen, I came here the last few days trying to give you some court documents for your son.
and he hasn't been home. So I said, I came here and I said, all the times that I came, I said, nobody was home. But I said, yesterday when I came, I captured some things on camera that I just can't explain. And I was wondering if it's okay if I show it to you. Well, she took my phone and I told her how to scroll to the left, you know, to get one picture to the next.
She said the smile, the sweetness, you know, because she had run into the house, got her glasses because she couldn't see. So she come back out. She looked at my phone and she kept that sweet smile went away. I wish I could explain to you how she went from smiling real sweet to all of a sudden going to the most serious face. And she said, I don't want to say, I don't want to tell you, I just don't want to say.
with a very stern, totally different, you know, personality. And I thought, oh, my Lord, I have upset her. She either thinks I'm crazy or she thinks I'm casing her house out to maybe come back and rob her or something, you know. I mean, she just acted plum opposite of what she's acted when she first approached my car, you know. I said, okay, Ms. So and so, thank you so much.
for your time and thank you for accepting the papers for your son. And I'm sorry to have bothered you have a good day. And so I got in the car and of course I just beside myself, I thought, I'm the type of person that likes to see smiles on people's faces and I certainly did not like to see her go from smiling to such a firm, confused look. Okay, this was a Saturday.
I get a phone call. It's from her son, the one I was supposed to have served. And he said, Miss Selena, I heard that you went to my parents house. And I heard that you served them, they're in my documents. And that you saw something while you were on the property. And I said, I'll just use the name Earl. I always use the name Earl. I said, Earl, yes, I did. I've seen something I didn't understand.
And he said, well, I'll tell you what, Selena. He said, you make me next Saturday at 12th noon. You show me what you got, and I'll show you what I got.
And I made the most strangest, remember, I'm talking to him on the phone. He come and I made the most strangest look. And I said, what you got, you know, cause it put me in shock. Cause I thought, Lord, if he has something, then that goes to show. Well, I arrived that following Saturday. He opened the door for me. I walked in. He told his little girl, you know, to go onto the room to our bedroom. And anyways, I sat down and he showed me,
the pictures that you get like at Walgreens, you get them developed and come to find out. He said, Selena, these things have been here for years. He said, my mom popped off live right beside me to my mother's left and to my right. We've toured the house down now because they've passed on. He said, but my mom popped off lived up there in the house and he said, she would call me so many times.
saying, grandson, hurry, get up here. I can hear him out there talking. I can't understand him, but they're in my garbage. Hurry, get up here. And he said, he finally bought a spotlight where he could get, you know, get up there quicker and see better. And he said, he would see him running away. And he said, here is the pictures. And it was pictures of 14 inch footprints, 17 inch footprints, 22 inch footprints.
And bamboo all throughout the yard, they had toward this bamboo down like just stepped on it and just well if anybody knows anything about bamboo, you cannot break it with your hands for anything in Alabama, we make homemade fishing pose and we have to solve them things.
They're just not breakable by hand. And so he showed me the pictures of the yard and they had destroyed all this bamboo just stepped on it like it wasn't nothing. And I was so pleased, I was so pleased, way us to know that he confirmed. You know what I mean? That it was just nice to hear. It was so nice to hear.
And I just, I've seen the pictures and I just talked to myself, Lord of mercy. Well, if that don't make up, that ain't the end of the story. He's looking at my pictures and he sees that old shed and he said, Selena, that shed is dilapity. He used the word. I think it was dilapity or something. He said, nobody goes in that old shed. He said, we're scared. It's gonna fall in on the roof is falling in. Nobody even uses it anymore.
I said, so if you can tell me that the Bigfoots I seen was real, then what's that in the shed? And he said, well, I know one of them looks like my granddaddy. And I said, the granddaddy that passed away, that you tore his house down and he said, yes. And I just said, oh, my Lord, I don't know nothing about all that, you know, because I mean, I just don't know, I don't know enough about any of this to
you know, explain about ghost or why they're appearing in pictures in the shed, but I just so happened to catch that shed picture while I was, you know, going shoulder to shoulder around the yard real quick, you know, going quickly clip around the yard. So anyways, it was just such a confusing time. It's left me still shaking my hand to this day. I cannot believe that I say that.
I can't believe that there's something undeserved that's that size. And when I got home and got to thinking about it, I thought, Lord, they could have busted my window, picked my car, turned it out. That's how big this thing was. That's how big this big black one was.
Uh, the, like I said, the gray one was so malnourished. You could see every single, it looked like every real show and every cheap bomb. I mean, it was just so bony. Uh, and, and I use the word scrawny because in Alabama, if you're not quite heavy enough and you need some nutrition, we use the word scrawny in Alabama. But, uh, it was pretty confusing way. It's still is. It still is to this day.
I walked into, I walked in at Christmas to look at a jewelry stower. And women love jewelry and I use this example because it describes me to a tea. I love jewelry. So I walked into a stower near Christmas. And the first thing I wanted to do was look at all those cases of jewelry, you know, rings. I love rings.
out of the corner of my eye, instead of looking at the rings, something black, come out of the corner of my eye. It was one of those large, tall safes that was behind their desk and all. And it was one of those big tall wall safes. But that goes to show you that you don't get over this kind of thing. Like,
I had jewelry on my mind at Christmas and here I am, you know, focusing on a safe behind the cash registers and stuff, you know, it's crazy. So it's left an impression and I wanted to know more. I started looking and watching every documentary, every channel I could on this. I didn't understand it. It's just confusing to me that something could be that large.
And so that's where we're at now is if I got on here. I asked people on a show. It was my very first time ever been on YouTube. And I said, can somebody please tell me if you have ever seen and I describe what it looked like. And then.
It's been a little over three months since I got on there and asked that question. And it's been a lot of replies and a lot of people wanting to interview me.
because of you know they I guess you know it fascinates people but instead of fascinate me I'll go down the road and be in the sweetest prettiest little neighborhood and I'll say what some pretty houses look at that landscape and how pretty and soon as it goes from the pretty little neighborhood to the trees you know the part of the road that turns into trees
I start glancing side to side. It's just something that I do. It does something to you mentally. I mean, you know, because you know they're there. You know they're there. And you were one of them that made fun of the ones that I always said there was. So I owe everybody a great big apology for that. You know, very embarrassed about it, very embarrassed that I was just mental.
Yeah, I want to ask you more about the actual encounter. I have the pictures. I compose them. Some of the pictures that looks like you captured something and some of the pictures I can't see anything. But one thing I did notice is they're zoomed in and they're cropped. And when people do that, it makes it so hard to really tell what you're looking at. Do you have the original pictures?
I have the original photos from the day I sent them to my best friend. Thank God. Well, that's a story in itself. This was a miracle in itself. What happened was, as soon as I got home, remember, I told you I wanted to see if somebody else could see it. So I sent every single picture I took, and I sent it to my best friend.
Well, she and her husband looked at them and thank God they saved them because my phone tore up and it totally broke. My phone was told, I had to get a new phone. So they kept all my pictures. And that's what I'm telling you. You can tell where I'm soon down and tried to look at my best to see if that's what I'm looking at. You know what I'm saying? I wish that. Now, even Kay Davis, when I did my very first interview on World Big Foot Central,
Duke Sullivan had MK Davis go in there and take some blur out because all the, all the trees and everything, everything was green, like it was so green. And it's like they were blending in with everything. And so thank goodness, MK went in there, you know, he made that one in the shadows that I told you was so large. This big black one in front of me though, nobody will ever understand the impact of that one.
I'm going to see you all the copies of the very original photos. Yeah, please do. I would love to see them. And I think it would help, you know, because M.K. Davis, when he edited these, he cropped them and then zoomed in on them. And they kind of look like smudges. I mean, a lot of the pictures look like smudges. So we kind of ruined it.
And I'm not being him up for he's a great video guy I'm not so sure that photos are his forte But I would absolutely love to see them and I could tell you were kind of frantic when you were taking these pictures Just from the motion of taking them
Look, I don't like to admit I'm a weak woman, but I was a weak woman that day. I was telling myself, I was shaking, couldn't breathe. I'm not kidding. And I was trying to put my own car in reverse, and I have drove a car since I was 15. Tell me what that's about. You know what I mean? It's crazy.
Yeah, and I, and I don't doubt the encounter one bit, Miss Elena. I again, I would love to see those pictures. You know, the one that one of the pictures that really captured my attention was the one at the barn. I remember looking at it. I think the face is towards the bottom. I remember sitting there going, that doesn't look like a Sasquatch. That looks more like a ghost. Did the homeowner tell you the story behind that?
You know, there's two faces that near the bottom of the ladder. But at the top of the ladder, like quite a bit, a ways above those two is a man standing there in a white cowboy hat. I don't know if you've seen that or not, but it's very visible. You just have to zoom your eyes in and look and you'll see a bigger white cowboy hat. Well, that's the one that I guess looked like his granddaddy. So it was so crazy hearing that, you know,
The one that looks more like his grandfather, did he describe it more like a ghost or more like a Sasquatch?
He just said it looked like his granddaddy. That's all he said about the picture of the, he said, nobody ever goes in there anymore. And that looks like my granddaddy. So I'm assuming, you know, who means the cowboy hat, because that's the one I just told him, look at this one. There's three pictures or three faces in that little shed. I keep wanting to say more. And I'm not used to saying the word shed, but there's three faces in the shed.
The one at the one at the very bottom is the most visible. Did you see the cheap bones on that thing? It's crazy. Yeah, it's very strange. Kind of looks like an old man. Let me ask you. So you pull up and you see this big black one and then you see the gray one. And at some point you were snapping pictures. Did you actually get out of the car?
No, absolutely not. I did not. As soon as I seen the big black one, now keep in mind, I grabbed from my phone. And when I grabbed from my phone is when I looked up in the gray one, the tittany little skinny. It's like you wanted to feed it. It looked pitiful. It was the most pitiful looking thing. And you can tell it's cheekbones when you look at those pictures. If you zoom in close enough, you can see it's cheekbones and the deer antlers on its forehead.
Yeah, I don't know if I got that one. I'm gonna go and have my best friend send you the original pictures before I even touched them. You know, trying to zoom in and make sense of what I've seen. I know I messed them up, but she's got the originals. So thank goodness for my best friend holding on to those originals.
Yeah, please do. Please do. I would love to see them, Miss Selena. And again, you know, there's no pressure here. I'm not the judge jury and executioner of people's encounters by any means. Tell me, so when you pull up and you see the black one in this little gray one about how far away from you, are they?
This is what I say, and I am not good at it. You know how men say I shot a deer from so and so big? Well, I'm not good at all by it. I can tell you how tall somebody is, but as far as distance, I'm not too good at that. But I will tell you this, it's like that thing I've seen in my sky. I said it was not as long or large as a yellow scuba.
It was the size more of a smaller yellow school bus. But this reminded me the distance of a 50 yard dash I run in school. That's the way I connected how far it was from me. So, now keep in mind, in the pictures, you can see the Bronco and you can see the Harley. And I'm sitting right there behind that Harley under that shed. You know what I mean? Under the carport shed.
That's what I told you. It's like a 50 yard dash kind of thing. It's like that's how that's the distance I related to because I'm not very good at feet or anything. It was just, it was a sight. It was a sight. And the fact that
I'm just, I don't know. I'm still just sitting here today shaking my head that it still happened. I mean, I thought I was saying things so much that I took and tried to clean the inside of my windshield. That's how bad this thing was. I said, am I saying things that I tried to clean my windshield? That's the first thing I did.
was trying to claim my windshield to see if maybe it was something on the inside of my windshield. And I thought, no, that ain't going away. It's just standing there really still. It's not moving. But I wish you could see my face for the simple fact of I would show you what the big ones hair looked like. It covered its whole face like its hair was hanging over.
You couldn't see a line on its face, so a cheek, an eye, a note, you couldn't see nothing. All of its hair was so long and hung down over its face, but yet that little gray one, I can detail it to a tee. It was the strangest thing, but I'm serious that I've not even seen walls that was as tall as this big black thing.
That's what I'm telling you. It was so scary. I thought, why in the world? And they ain't moving. They're just standing there. And if I wouldn't have seen the split between, you know, the big black one's legs, when it's legs split between them, you know, at the bottom.
where its feet are, I would have never, I would have thought Lord of Mercy is it something covered up with a black cloth or what is it? You know, it took me a little while. And then of course, when I let us back up to take that picture of that big black one, there's the little gray one with it with the little deer antlers on its head. And I had a tough time with that one too, because I couldn't understand why I had seen something that ain't supposed to even, you know, be around.
And yet at the same time, I saw something that looks even more odd, which is it wearing deer antlers on his head as if he had maybe some kind of deer or handpiece, you know. So you're about 50 yards, about 150 feet away from this thing, actually these two things. And you're seeing the large one kind of had his hair down. It was hard to make out his face.
The hair was thick and this body was so thin. I actually compared, I have a gender, a rescue. She's a year and a half, but she's a little tall and skinny. Well, when she jumps up, she jumps right there at my heels.
And I said, I wanted to you that this thing was like two genders across the shoulders. And I know that sensei, you'd have to say gender to know what I mean. But that's how I described it. It's just amazing at this thing's way at the mass, the size of this thing.
That's why I have a hard time. And that's why I feel so bad because I was one of those that made fun of people. And now I feel like I need to apologize to the world about it. You know what I mean?
Yeah, no apologies necessary, Miss Elena. You know, I've learned over the years that no one can really offend you. You can only allow yourself to be offended. Let me ask you the smaller one who didn't have all the hair on his face and you kind of got a better look at this thing. Would you kind of describe the gray one? What kind of thing stood out to you? And did it remind you more of a human?
It did, and let me tell you why. And I'm sorry if this offends anybody, but this is the closest thing that I can think of that this thing reminded me of. Have you ever walked into a nursing home, a convalescent center?
and a person can't keep weight on them. They eventually have to feed them with tubes and stuff because they just can't keep weight on them. This thing was like a little tiny, maybe I want to say about five foot, this is high as it would go, I'm serious, it was so little. And it was so bony.
And it's little, everything was bones. I mean, you could even see collar bones. Everything was bones. Cheap bones. And then on the hand, it didn't have a butcher hair. These two were so totally opposite. The big black one, it was all higher and all hugeness and my acid and just big and huge and so black. I mean, to know that something could be that black.
It's crazy. But anyways, the little gray one, it didn't have much higher. I do remember that because it looked almost bald. And I actually went back a couple of months on my show and I said, I actually asked that question, has anybody ever seen one without much higher, like this little gray one? It didn't have much hair, but it had the deer antler sitting them, little headpiece.
Um, but no, you could see every arm or I say every, you know what I mean, noticeable bone, noticeable rib cage, noticeable cheekbones and it was just pure bones. It was beautiful compared to that other one.
Like I said, the big black one was nothing. I'm telling you, it was just pure higher and just pure hugeness. And that's all I know to you. And if it wasn't for its legs and feet, I mean, that's how much hair this thing was so thick with higher. And it was so big that if I wouldn't have seen its legs split, you know, like a human stance, if I wouldn't have seen the split between the legs, I'm telling you, it was so full of dark jet black.
And I remember thinking how black, Lord have black and how big. And so those are things that stood out to me, but yet in the little gray one, it was, you know, that it was so tiny and malnourished. It made me feel plumb sorry for looking at it, but they did not approach at all.
West, they just stood there still like statues. They just stood there so still. Well, see that even scared me more because, you know, when you see something standing there looking at you that looks strange and there's no movement or nothing. It's just an eerie feeling. At least if that had come towards me, out of at least, you know, knew right then. Hey, I ain't getting out of here, you know, but it was a strange feeling. The whole thing was,
If I could be mad at myself over one thing, my eyes, as I get older, I have to zoom in a lot. That's probably when you're getting a lot of zoomed in pictures to read, you know, like literary writing and stuff. Well, I absolutely, I said, I just have to make sure that I zoom in to a lot of stuff. And so I wanted to make sure that I zoomed in to this picture.
when I took it so I could see good and I had no idea that it ruined pictures but I was so mad at myself for not hitting record if I could do anything over again. That's the one thing that I would do is hit record instead of photos but the writing was so t-tiny at the bottom of my phone. You know when it gives you the options of photos or videos or
the other options. The writing was so tittany and I had it already set on photos because when I do any serves, that's the first thing I got to do is make sure I take pictures of the mailbox, the house, or I have to give a very detailed description of the person I'm serving.
The company I work for makes very sure that you're serving the right person. Let's put it like that. I have to describe people from A to Z, right down to moles or pierce stairs, you know? Yeah, I'm right there with you, Ms. Selena on eyesight. You know, I went to the eye doctor about a year ago, and after the test, she was like, so who dropped you off here?
I'm like, no one dropped me off here. She's like, you drove here? I'm like, yeah, I drove here. She was like, oh my, okay. Well, I wouldn't recommend driving until you get these glasses. So I'm with you. I don't have the greatest eyesight. The picture I'm looking at is with a, looks like a Bronco and a Harley, where are they at in the picture?
Yes, if you'll look, that's when they started coming out. I mean, I'm serious, really. That's when they started walking out. If you'll look, there is a beautiful, what I call the beautiful green meadow. So if you will look towards that beautiful bright green grass, you'll follow them right through there. I mean, they come right through there on that beautiful green meadow grass between the shade and the tree line is what I mean. It's right between the shade and the tree line.
When you're looking at the carport, you're looking at the Harley and the Broncos right beside each other under the carport, you look straight back and you can see them at the treeline back there, behind the beautiful green patch of grass. And that's when they're at a distance. That's when they're at a distance. So I'm telling y'all that these things was everywhere.
Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that before I do, you know, when you were looking at the very large black one, and I don't know why, and I know that you don't know why, but why do you think he didn't hurt you? I mean, you guys are relatively close.
I think that they stepped out, and this is what I told in my very first interview, and I've still told it since, because I firmly believe it this way. I believe that they stepped out to let me know, because they seem to be sitting there for a while. And they knew that the people that lived at the house wasn't home, and they knew the sun across the road, right there in the same place property, but right there across from the parents wasn't home. I think they stepped out to let me see them,
So they would know, you know, so I would know that they're watching over that property. I felt it from since it happened. I said they didn't, excuse me, they didn't even approach me at all. They stood still like statues, so still that it made me doubt my own judgment.
And that's when I went back the next day. I had, I could have reassigned that job and been done with it. Not had to waste any more gas money, anything. You know what I'm saying? They would have assigned it to another server.
or went on to a deputy from there. If they don't accept it for me, I have to send a deputy out there. So I tell them all the time on the phone, please accept it for me because you don't get embarrassed if a deputy pulls up a job. Anyways, but it was just, I don't know. It was one of those things like who goes to a place four days in a row until something happened. That's how pretty this drive was. And I didn't mind driving it.
I just didn't mind driving it. It was a beautiful drive, you know, just an old country road, you know, and down some little bit of curves. And, you know, you had to make quite a few turns because it was way back in the country. But did you happen to say the one hanging on to the cuts their ways? Did you notice that one?
Yeah, I'm not sure that I saw that one. And I don't want you to think I'm beating you up on your pictures. I felt like I am. I think, you know, I think it's cool you took pictures anyway, especially in the situation you ran. I'll definitely have to look through these. Again, it would help more with the originals than these cropped out zoomed in pictures. Cause for me, it's hard to see really what's in some of the pictures and some of the pictures it does look like you captured something.
What made you think that there was others around? Was that more like a survival thing from this job?
I don't know. I still can't explain that. Actually, nobody has asked me that yet. Actually, it's actually good that you ask me that. I don't know what happened. I just thought, if there's two in front of me, what if I try to leave and there's something behind me? See, when I say this thing was big,
I don't think people realize how big these things can get. I mean, if these things get bigger than the one I've seen,
then the human race could be in a lot of trouble, and I hate to talk like that, but that's how scary this was. When you've got something standing in front of you that's only supposed to exist on movie screens through special effects, and you've got it standing there, and you're like, what is going on here? What am I looking at? Okay, did I make a mistake? Did somebody do this as a joke?
is this a hoax and they're just trying to, you know, treat people's eyes when they first pull up. I mean, I played with my own brain for the longest. I was, like I said, and I know I'm pretty sure. I mean, you gotta be. You can't do this job and not be. You know what I mean?
Yeah, I would imagine in that line of work, you have to be sharp and you have to be really on your toes. I would imagine it's a very dangerous type of work to do. You know, people get shot at you're serving papers to people who don't want them. So I get it. Let me ask you, when you pulled up and you saw this big black one and this gray one, what did you think you were looking at?
I didn't know at first because I thought maybe somebody had just put big car boards up in the back yard trying to hose or, you know, I didn't know. At first I thought, what in the world? That's why I grabbed my camera in the first place is to take a picture of that big black one. Well, by the time I got my camera off the rubber thing that hangs on the windshield, the phone holder, by the time I got my camera off of it to take a picture, there was that little gray one beside it.
So, see, I thought, Lord, what if these people's just trying to trip people into thinking that, you know, because a lot of people have those cardboard cutouts these days, you know? And if it wouldn't have been for this thing size and the amount of higher, and this thing shoulders, and then all of a sudden, like I said, that gray one popping up beside it, but they just stood there. And I thought to myself, how could they just stand there?
But then in the pictures, the more you study them, the more you'll see what I mean. The one in the kudzu.
I actually think they have a way of cutting their hair or trimming their hair some way. And I'm sorry, I'm so country by the way, hair. But anyways, I think they have a way of cutting their own hair, maybe trimming their own hair or each other's hair, because this was the weirdest haircut I have ever seen in my life. And this thing had a humongous nose.
Well, you could see the fur, you could see its hands, and then the fur all the way up its body, and then you see its face, and then you see that straight haircut right across.
Well, there was one laying down trying to hide in the grass. That one, I thought Lord of mercy, that's very apparent. Then I told you, there was the big one off in the shadows that was trying to hide. And that thing was so apparent. That's why I did the black and white mode on that thing, because I wanted to make sure I really was seeing what I thought I said. Because even the big black one standing back in the shadows to the left of the yard,
don't compare to this be black when that was in front of me. It was so large, it was something that you would not believe exist. You know what I'm saying? And I, my daddy, when I was a girl, loved wild kingdom. He watched more animal shows that anybody on face deserves. My mother was a seamstress. And
I'm just telling you, I've watched gorillas, their movements, how thick they are, how strong they are, how stout they are, you know, how quick and how they move. And I'm telling you that this thing did not move like that. It just appeared like a human being with so much higher jet black, bigger than life. And when I say bigger than life, I mean huge, so huge that you don't want to believe that that thing up that size is standing in front of you.
So it was scary. It's given me some kind of complex. Like I told you, I can't even ride through a pretty neighborhood anymore without saying, oh, how pretty. And then when it hits the part of the road that leaves the houses and hits woods again, I'm constantly looking around as I drive. I can no longer drive down the road and just enjoy my riding because I love to drive and ride, you know, but it changes everything.
It changes, it really does. The way you look at things, the way you have to say things now. Yeah, it affects everyone differently, but at the end of the day, it affects everyone. Let me ask you, I mean, here we are four or five months later, what's kind of your take on what these creatures are? And there's no wrong answer, of course.
Okay, I honestly don't know. I'd love to give you an answer way us. I do not know why, you know, why they're even existing or how long they've existed or where they come from. I can tell you that they stood there like human man, but extra higher and so much more massive muscle. So I do know that they stood there like a human man would stand. You know what I mean?
Oh, so I just, I have no idea where they come from, what they're made of, or how they were made. I don't have any idea. I'd love to take you yes, but no, I don't.
Yeah, and that's a fair answer, Miss Lena. You know, it's so hard to really tell what these things are. You know, they do stand up like men and sometimes they act like men with their behavior and sometimes they act like animals with their behavior. Let me ask you, I know you went back to that property one time and you talked to the homeowner. Have you gone back since then?
They are no longer speaking because they don't want people to know where they're coming, where they're at. So they're no longer speaking to me. So they invited me the one time to show me the evidence and that's it. No more phone calls, no more anything. I've tried to reach out and communicate again, you know, just to make sure that we're still okay. I didn't mean to go there for one purpose and end up
you know, bringing all this on them, you know, and it's not professional of me to harm these people because I was there on the job. So I'm not supposed to give names or anything, and that would be very unprofessional. So I do not give names, but no, they won't even, they showed me the evidence, they invited me the one time, and now there's no phone calls or anything.
Yeah, that's kind of a shame. That sucks. It'd be great to chat with the homeowner and find out, you know, kind of what they've been dealing with and what's going on there. Because like I said, in some of your pictures, I mean, it does look like there's something there. The barn picture, I mean, it looks like a face to me, but it looks more like a ghost than a Sasquatch.
Yeah, any future interviews that you do, Miss Lena, you know, even if these guys and gals pressure you, I wouldn't say exactly where these people live or, you know, I mean, you'll have every nut in the Bigfoot world, every Looney Tunes out there swarming these people's property and.
A lot of crazy people in the Bigfoot world for sure. I definitely wouldn't say exactly where it's at or, you know, like you were saying, don't give names or anything. You know, these people want to come forward, then come forward on their own.
I haven't yet. I won't. It's just unprofessional. And I did not want to upset this family anymore than I already have with all that. You know what I mean? Because I went there for one purpose and it just happened to... Well, it was going to be a simple, earn a quick few dollars, you know, make a serve, earn a few dollars and go home. And that's not what happened. So I hate that I even
confronted him with what I found but I had to because I'm so glad I did now because they confirmed and let me see what they had. You know what I mean? So it had to be done. It had to be done.
Yeah, well, I'm glad that you did. I'm glad that you came forward and shared your evidence and kind of shared the encounter. And, you know, it's one of those things to where you come across these things. People come across them and you would think that they would attack because, you know, any other predator on the planet, if it comes out to face you, you're in deep trouble.
You know, if you corner one or if they have nowhere to go and 99% of the time these things don't attack. It seems like the only time people get hurt is when they engage with them. If you don't engage with them, for the most part, they leave you alone. They might scare you to make you go away, but they're not gonna harm you. And that's my opinion, of course, from eyewitness testimonies. I always say I don't have one in my garage I'm studying, but that's my opinion, of course.
But, you know, I really appreciate you taking the time to come on the show and kind of share what happened to you. And I really hope that you send me the original pictures. Hopefully I can clean them up for you a little bit better than what was done. And I'll repost them and I'll send them to you. And I'll post the pictures that you sent to me underneath this episode. But I really enjoyed chatting with you, Miss Lena. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you so much for having me. Wait, just thank you so much.
And that's it for tonight, everyone. Remember, if you've had an encounter, shoot me an email. My email address is west at And if you get a chance to check out, you can become a member and get additional shows. Until next time, everyone.
When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside You gotta take the stand it don't help
I gotta be a man, I can't let it slide I am a real American Fight for the rights of every man I am a real American Fight for what's right, fight for your life
Courage is the thing that keeps us free I am a real American Fight for the rights of every man I am a real American Fight for what's right Fight for God I am a real
Lights on every man I'm a real American
I am a real American But for the rights of every man I am a real American If I go what's right Fight for your life I am a real American But for the rights of every man I am a real American