S12 Ep 540: What’s Your Sin and Woodcutter Jackets
January 29, 2025
TLDR: Joe and David discuss their 'sins', struggle to focus due to too much coffee, talk about middle-aged men's fashion, particularly woodcutter jackets, rugged jeans, key-chains, and big boots. Their dislike of the style changes upon Petra's opinion.

In the latest episode of Chatabix, hosts Joe and David dive into a lighthearted conversation spiraled from Joe's initial idea: asking each other "What’s Your Sin?" However, things take a comical turn as David, clearly hyped up on coffee, struggles to maintain focus. Instead of delving into their personal vices, they embark on an amusing banter touching on various topics, particularly men’s fashion.
Key Highlights:
The Sin Discussion
- Joe introduces the concept of exploring each other's sins, setting a light tone for the episode.
- The conversation quickly derails as David reveals he struggles to concentrate, primarily due to his caffeine intake.
- Their attempts to share personal "sins" turn humorous as David showcases a pair of shoes made just for him rather than confessing any deeper transgressions.
Fashion Trends: The Woodcutter Jacket
- The main focus shifts to a discussion about middle-aged men's fashion, particularly the woodcutter jacket paired with rugged jeans.
- Both hosts express their dislike for this fashion trend, describing it clumsily even as they try to pinpoint what makes it unappealing.
- This segment highlights some common stereotypes associated with men's fashion choices as they age.
Insights on Men's Fashion:
- Woodcutter Jackets: Described as bulky and reminiscent of a certain style that both hosts critique without fully understanding why they feel that way.
- Fashion in Context: Joe notes that while having individual pieces can be appealing, the overall look often comes off as generic when many adopt the same style.
- Cultural References: David recalls that these styles echo fashion seen in classic films, acknowledging that not all retro styles translate well to modern contexts.
Unexpected Insights from Petra
- They consult Petra, a stylist character within the show, for her take on the woodcutter jackets.
- Her opinion significantly sways the discussion, as she appreciates some elements of the style, surprising both Joe and David. This wrestles with their earlier conclusions about the jacket trend, making them reconsider their perceptions.
The Coffee Effect
- Throughout the episode, it’s clear that David's coffee buzz impacts their conversation, leading to hilarious rabbit holes that sometimes derail their focus.
- This plays into a broader commentary on how caffeine affects attention spans and productivity, especially during creative discussions.
- Humor and Connection: This episode reflects the essence of the podcast - utilizing humor to connect over mundane topics, making the everyday relatable.
- Fashion Reflection: A light-hearted critique of men's fashion signifies the struggle and confusion that accompanies aging and identity.
- Personal Insights: The inability to stick to a topic can open doors to discussions that reveal deeper thoughts, relationships, and societal positions regarding norms and expectations.
Listeners are treated to an entertaining, albeit chaotic episode filled with banter about personal style, cultural reflections, and a unique take on what it means to navigate fashion in middle age. The episode leaves listeners pondering their own fashion choices while relishing the humorous dialogue between the hosts. This chaotic charm is a hallmark of Chatabix, making each episode delightfully unpredictable.
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I'm just chatting to David. Do you want to say anything today? Do you want to say anything to David? Hold on, shall I put your speaker phone? Hold on. No, hold on, hold on. You can't unspeaker phone. Who? Hold on, say hello, David, Mum.
Well, oh, oh, she got it. Did you hear any of that? No. She, I went, oh, do I say hello, David? No, no, no, no, no. I'm a good tech sound. David is very hurt. David is very hurt. You didn't say hello. No, no, no. Oh, yes.
Yeah, I always give that the time it deserves. Oh, too much time. This is never an insight for the answer. Yeah, well, it's because I did it. I took about eight. You don't want to do that and do that. Did I just say, yeah, I'm fine. How many things you got rattling around that you've done?
Six, just like roll the decks in through all the things you can talk about. Well said, you got to get out more. Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss. Yeah. Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss. I've got to get out. She's blue, right. She listens clearly. Yeah. How are you? I've all right. Yeah, I'm all right. I cannot believe how long it takes to clear
chest and everything from a cold. Oh yeah, we've just had the sniffles, aren't we? Might yours has lasted longer. I've had it seven days and I'm still bummed up. I don't feel right. Three days to arrive. Three days to, rather than three days to leave. Oh, is that what it is? Nine to ten days. That's what my sister says. Okay. Three, three, three.
Well, do you know what? I need to write that down because every time it perplexes me. I spend the whole time going, all right, it'll be gone tomorrow. No, 10 days. Three more days of this shit. Yeah, but it'll be easy. You drink your water. Yeah. How much? I don't know, not enough, probably. Right. Let's flush it out your body. My friend said he's never seen his dad drink water. It's either easy, very much beer or coffee. Man.
I don't know, really, is it? I'm supposed to be drinking water. Well, the shit I'd get for coke's ed, I imagine, if I was said to you, I only drink coffee and beer. You know, in your heart, coke's ed probably shouldn't be drunk every day. No, but if I told you I only drank coffee and you're telling me we wouldn't get a pod out of that.
Didn't look at it like that. The Googling you'd be doing. OK, let's Google, what is the state of my body if I only drink beer? Are you not drinking Coke then? No. Are you not having chocolate? No. You're not having alcohol? No. Not having biscuits? No. Where is your sort of sin, yeah?
I'm gambling about two grand a week. I'll send Petra. I'm going to have some chalky and stuff. How did that come out? It was just a one-sided conversation. I'm going to get through next weekend, and then from then on, I'm going to have whatever I want. Anyway, I said I've got to finish that. Yeah, OK. All right. Right.
Well, good on you. What's your little sin? Yeah, what's your sin? There's your appetite. What's your sin? What is my sin actually? Well, it used to be pot. That's where we know. What? I did not know that. That's where we know. How many times has that been brought up? Then it used to be red wine.
Yeah, but you didn't drink for donkeys years. No. I was there with your first hangover on the train back. What was that? Train back from Manchester. He said, oh, a bit rough. Oh, yeah. I used to brag about that. Don't get hangovers. It's a sort of idiot. I don't get hangovers. Why aren't you doing this gone into?
mythological kind of realms because, like, the time I sort of knew she didn't really drink very much. She got three horns. Half woman, half eagle. Yeah. Um, she, uh, you're hard to do. I can drink anyone under the table. Wherever she wants, she doesn't get pissed. Well, it's like you say that because she only has her ever has two cross originals.
So, I haven't seen her have 92 cross originals and still. Also, there's a few things on that. My neighbour, Doug, every time, every time he went to the working men's club, he'd win the jackpot on the fruit machine. Really? Yeah, don't go out there now. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Funny that, isn't it? Anyway. Yeah. Sins, yeah, what's your sins?
Step where we're on, is it? Is that what we're getting? No, I've got no sins. Yeah, what's your sin? Please phone up and tell us what your sin is.
Fucking hell. Half-made shoes. Fuck off. I've had these specially made for me. When they're fucking half-made shoes. When are they going to finish them? Fuck you. When are they going to put the detailing on? I'll dare you. Well, you stuck your foot up in the air. Yeah, well, I just saw what's new about me, my shoe.
Half made shoe. The people that took three weeks to make these shoes. I hope you hear that. Go make Wilkes. Fucking hell. Go fuck yourself.
I'm quite pleased with that little quip. Oh yeah, can't be bothered now. I sort of had all the stuff to talk. I didn't say about the shoes. I was apart from their bloody comfy. What are they? Lothar.
I'm supposed to open up half made shoes. You stuck your foot up. It's like saying this is my new girlfriend ugly bitch. No, it's not. It's not. Well, for a start, imagine she was under the desk and popped up suddenly. Yeah. Ugly bitch. Oh, sorry. No, no, no. What's her name? Well, no, we're not going to ugly bitch. Say half, half dress.
Are you women? I would not. I would have a threat. I'd say half dressed woman. I doubt. I doubt. All right. At any point in the next 10 years, put someone you say half my shoes. If I say no, no, you. I am never going to say to anyone, you're an ugly bitch. You are saying by saying half my shoes. I was meant to rest of my life. I will never say call someone an ugly bitch, regardless of how they know you. It wasn't a compliment, was it?
moment you stuck and I went with the first thing that popped a mead. It's the band to see your shoes.
Petcher slippers. Petcher slippers. Oh, mate. Oh, they don't fit off out my foot. How dare you. Slag my wife's foot. I'm just, I've had these made this wonderful shop in my local area. Well known for making shoes. I've been three to four weeks. What are they doing?
I'm making shit. I've only used to bloody shoes I've got to make for people. Well, come, they can't take long. I really like. No, show me. I was only joking, I didn't even see him properly. Well, something to talk about, isn't it? Well, we're halfway through sins, but you moved on. Oh, yes. What's your scene? And then your shoe appeared. All right, what's my set? That's a good question.
I still don't know why we moved on until you're fucking... Well, because I was like, what's your scene? Oh, I do a bit, because I'm sort of intrigued, because you hit a nerve with me. I thought, yeah, what is my... Sin, what's my sin right now?
Ta-da. I'm now feeling really guilty about that ugly bitch woman. Who doesn't exist? Yeah, but I'm now thinking she exists. Let's just focus on what I'm talking about. She's not a bitch. She's not ugly. I don't know what else you're doing under my desk. Probably looking at your shins.
I've taken in your half made shoes. I like my shoes. They're so popular in my hair. Sorry.
Go on, washes. This is the least you've been able to concentrate, ever. I've just had a coffee, ever done all that. Fucking hell. Literally going, I'm just, I'm worried about that. Come on, what are we going to say? What is bloody old? When you start talking about something you go, I'm worried about that poor bitch. What? Right, go on then. What do you want to talk about? I can't remember because you keep changing the bloody subject.
What's just said? Look, have you listened to anything today? No, really? Stop fidgeting. I think it's the copy. It's absolutely down there. I've never spoken like these mugs are made by the guy. Oh, my God. Geez. I'm out. I'm out. All right. Go on. I'm going to have to wait 20 minutes. You come down.
All right. We have a bit of music. No, not set opposite you. I mean, go away. I'm not enduring this for another 20 minutes. All right, go on. I'll show up. No, I'm not going. Go on. This comes from Newton. What? No, but this is, um, pottery throwdown. The guy who cries on these. Yeah, cool.
Anyway, what's your sin? No, let's talk about your lack of listening. Because it's gone too far now.
It's literally listening's boring, boring. Imagine, imagine the conversation you go, you're going, I was still listening, he's looking at me, but this cut from that pottery guy that could happen at any time that takes the wind out of your sails a little bit. Go on. Sorry, I was just, I honestly think coffee is not fucking hell. That's got a kick.
All right, well, let's settle it down, play it cool. I'm set up again. No, okay. Yeah, start again. Hello, how are you? Washer sin. My sin yesterday were homemade mince pies. Ooh, let's go to the phone lines.
God, I really felt like a man to hold and then your Jamie thinks that... I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. Fucking hell. Really felt like Jamie thinks and it said that. But I know if it's him, he's been told to say what his sin is. It's not his fault.
And then a man to hold and wait until it is for you to go okay I'm not doing the job. I'm losing heart. He's got responsibility. It's a choice. Well we all have. Yeah but he's sticking to his. His foot went. Yes his fault.
I said to ours with Naomi yesterday and I was listening to Robert Elms on BBC Radio London Sunday morning. It's just amazing. The music, the chat. Anyway, I was listening. I said,
I really like, I really want to do this. As a, my next sort of chapter, I really like to be a radio, like a local radio, playing some nice music, just chatting to locals. And then I thought, I couldn't do it. Yeah. We could go, uh, ding, ding, ding, ding. It's like the same conversation. I think I really like to be a blank, but you know what, do we did?
Well, Robert Elms was saying stuff and I was like, I'm really liking how it, just who he is and how he's being. And I can't do what he's doing without me stopping and going, Dick, why'd you say that? Yeah. No news there. No news. We literally had this for three hours with pottery showdown the other day.
Yeah. At least that was a condensed version there. Anyway, anyway, anyway. But I'd really like to be a local radio presenter. I thought that's a really nice job as you move into your 50s, 60s, like that. Robbie Savage and Chris Sutton. Oh, thank you.
The postman's rocking and I could be hard to wait.
That was not my fault. I've got an idea for the pub. Can we go back and listen back to this? Now I'm behaving. Yeah, I think we have to do. What, now? On the next step? No, now. Literally listen to the first. What am I going to do? He's knocking at the door. Oh, sorry. I've already stopped the pod and watch your scene. I've got to continue to.
It must be exhausting for you this morning. So Robbie Savage, I was just saying they work, they do it from home. What? The 606. Do they? Yeah. I don't exactly want to call this some talk sport. How could that though? Because I heard so Chris see. Yeah, because if you look at their videos, they're clearly on. Yeah. And then there was one Chris Sutton said,
So they did a little pre chat before 6.06 in the case. Yeah, I'm just about to sit down and watch the whatever game with my boy. And then we'll chat about that. I'm sure there's a lot of stuff from that game. And yeah, I'll see you upstairs in a minute or something like that. And I went, oh, I can't tell you to sit and say, what's the games? What are we talking about? Sorry, I'm completely off. Because you said about local radio. Oh, yeah. Yeah, exactly. So.
If you could do it from the house. No, I couldn't do it because I can't go. Hi, everyone. I'm David. I can't do that in all the chat. Today, we're going to be talking about that. So please call in and this is dinner. I can't do it. What about said, do whatever you want. You just have to do four. You're listening to heart FM on whatever. I don't want to do heart FM. Oh, bad example. Whatever one you want to say.
You training bastard. Wow. You training. Well, there's your editorial.
Yeah, maybe. Sorry. No, not at all. You actually bet you're driving faster than all of them want it. I didn't know how it was looking very good. You said the ugly bitch. You thought. I didn't know she existed at the time. What didn't exist on me? Yeah. I didn't know she existed at the time.
Yeah, I don't know. Honestly, it's just coffee. It's very strange. We tried decaf. No, I like the buzz. Have you had it nearer to the portal or something?
Or like, I don't know what's going on. Or 10 minutes away, so it's looking happy. No, I went like that. And then... I've never had a caffeine buzz. I don't think. What is it? What's going on? Because people are saying, I sort of joined in. I've realised, I don't know what that means. Are you a coke? You would have had a caffeine. I never had a... You've had more than anyone. You've never noticed it. Well, look at you now. I have an M1.
Yeah, calling me an ugly bitch and then we're draining the bastard. I'll stand by the draining bastard. I did not call anyone. Yeah, but that's your difference.
My energy is draining you, whereas before you would have been, oh, I like this guy. It says confidently. Oh, for a caffeine buzz. God, I should take some amphetes. Oh, no. God, on the app. Would you get stoned again for the pot? No, I wouldn't. No. No.
When was the last time you smoked weed? Oh, here we go. Look at you. Smoked. No, it's not. I'm just interested. Can I guess? Yeah. Four years ago. Oh, I had a few toaks, not what I used to call it, toaks, but sure you understand what that is. Yeah, two. A few puffs on my stag day. And I thought, don't like this. Oh, stag two. So I hadn't, I hadn't had it for like 10 years ago.
Yeah. Yeah. And then I hadn't had it for like four years before then. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. All this world now. Yeah. So it was like, no, I was in a situation this year where there was a, there was puff. There was a lot of it. I'm not telling you, but you ever was dooping.
Yeah, there's a few doobies, doobers. I bet it was like a festival outside. I didn't even... Festival thing. I'm not telling you. I think it was a festival. I think it didn't cross my mind to even have some. It's just like, no. Can you say if whether it's indoors or outdoors? Both.
So as a house party thing, a party. Maybe. Maybe. It was predominantly indoors or outdoors. Why? What? It was the thing predominantly outdoors or, you know, it's both outdoors and indoors. Well, can you text me it? And I won't say it. Why do you want to know? I don't know. I just want to know an environment where you recently at our age, people would do being.
I just thought it weren't calling it do being. Oh, right. God, right. Yeah. And did nothing for me at all. Nothing for me. Well, that's good. Yeah. Yeah, it is actually.
It is. That is not your sin. That is not your sin. Always keep to the former, the sin former. We go through things that were your sins. You do like to know where, don't you? Well, you like to have an anchor, like a rudder through.
Don't say it. Oh, do you? Don't think so, don't you? Never. Don't know. What made you say? We've all been talking about it. I want to say it. You know, James and the whole. Imagine that. The weekly. You know, he really likes it. Anchor Twat.
I need to subject every episode. Anyway, thanks for the. Both. Yeah. Now I put my hands up. This has been chaotic. This has been a chaotic episode. I missed the first 10 minutes of my quick time. So, yeah.
I thought my shoes would make you go, oh right, what are they? I haven't just went, fucking say those. I've said this silly thing, just show me again. No. Why not? Well, I'm embarrassed now. What are you hoping from this in the way of conversation spin off before we do it? What was your... Okay, this is a little closure to the story, to the shoe story. What shoe story?
Well, I started it by showing you. Oh, no, yeah, but like, no, I mean, when you first showed, what did you think the spin-off conversation would be? Regarded you got- Oh, what are they? They're my shoes. Once again, in town.
I thought you'd go, fucking hell, spend your money on shoes, mate. That could suck. That could be the... Yeah, and I'd go, well, yeah, because shoes are important as our beds. Okay, so it was hoping maybe it would go down the, I'm prepared to spend money, you're not. Yeah, I guess I had... I thought, what's new about my life? I'm wearing my shoes. Number one.
The mind of the podcaster. The always active mind of the podcaster. Look down at his feet, thought there's something in that. How will Joe respond? There's potentially he'll go, I'm going to, you've got shoes made. And then I thought I'd go, well, yeah, I did need my shoes. It's all done both sides.
This A.I.M.E. This have your... I got an eye to do this. No, it's not. No. Well, you've done both, son. Then Joe will probably go, what? How close was I? How accurate? What do I say? You've had shoes, fucking, mate. How... What... Well, how much were they? I'm not saying. I basically, I wanted a really nice pair of shoes to last me for the rest of my life. Okay. Cool.
Come with it. No, I haven't. I haven't got anything against that. Makes sense. Why don't you get some shoes, mate? Because I don't have to do everything you do. All right. I did a big Tesco shop yesterday. Why don't you do a big Tesco shop? I am today. Why don't you go supermarket now? Well, exactly. We'll cook for you. Yeah. Why don't you get it?
Oh, just, I've never had shoes made. It was quite an interesting experience. No, clever look, I'm going back here again. Well, you keep nearly showing me. You're taking them off to show me. Yeah. They look very nice. They're a brown boot. Well, coffee cream.
Yeah. They're very nice. They don't look new and that's a compliment. You know, they look, you know, they're lovely, aren't they? Yeah, they are. The only problem is if you, everyone who lives down here has got these shoes. Oh, right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. That's a problem. Do you know, I'm not saying it is, but when you said that thing, remember the type of clothing you said,
Remember, I will text who I use an example. I see the same thing because there's a lot of that, you know, that type of clothing, type of clothing, what's this? You know, you said there's a certain style of clothing. Right. Yeah. There's a hell of a lot of that, those people in Brite. So there's, there's a lot of that type of clothing shops.
Well, my shoes. No, no, the one I've just texted. Well, I think what you're talking about is middle-aged men, trendy middle-aged men. Yeah. Having sort of like woodcutter jackets. Woodcutter jackets. A lot of them wearing woodcutter jackets. Woodcutter jackets. Big turn up to the jeans. All cut that. The woodcutter. What? Well, because anyway. The woodcutter jackets. No, no, I nearly got sucked.
Yeah, because the thing is, what I'm saying is there's odd items of clothing in that realm that you go, oh, that's quite nice. I wouldn't wear the whole God, but you can't, because... Yeah, you look like walking past you in seven minutes. We've hit on something which is not your sin. You look like you've come out of literally the shop window wearing the... It looks silly. Yeah, it looks silly. You might as well be dressed by Ronald McDonald.
Yeah, but not just Ronald McDonald. There's a few people dressed as Ronald McDonald of your age. So you go, you go, well, I can't bear the idea. And the thing is, if you wear a marks of Spencer jacket and someone else is that they are, they're vanilla enough that you don't go hook, you know, but that, because it's a woodcut. You go, fuck it. I think there's a lot of ex, ex pill heads from the 90s now, dress like woodcutters. Woodcutters.
The woodcutter. I don't know why, but I thought this could catch on and kill this trend, because if you go, there's... We've got that power. No, but you know, like sometimes things go viral and you go, because I think it's so on the nose, you go, there's the woodcutter. Lovely bit of observation. Yeah, it could have been. I, when men dress like that with those jackets and the jeans, sort of tough wearing jeans, it turned up with making boots or trains. The steering in your voice.
No, but when I see them, I always go, oh, they look like, oh, no, too much. Yeah, I do that. For a second ago, that's quite cool. I've seen it load.
I think that a lot of their designs are from Steve McQueen from The Great Escape. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don't always translate, does it?
Now, listen, like you said, a little bit of everything. But also, I think it's a look that needs to be just you. That's what I mean. If you're talking about a big, thick woodcut of a king check. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And if there's just one of you, you go, oh, he's an individual. It's an individual look, but I don't work if there's loads of you. That's my point in bright and you go, there's another one, another individual.
Well, we're all the same, aren't we? We all wear the same stuff. Yeah, absolutely. I've only got one type of trousers. You surprise me. Well, I want to try and change it, but I've got so kind of thing. Why don't you get a woodcut of trousers? With those big, thick keyring chains. And the turnips of about four inch, fuck it now. I don't think, I think if you're tall and lanky, I think they're odd.
I think you have to be sort of stuck here. I've got one item of clothing from the wood cast of anything. Yeah, and I like it. It's like it's a blue and white shirt. I know it. Yeah, it's thick.
It's quite a thick material, isn't it? Yeah, maybe. Yeah, I really like it, but you can get drawn into the woods. I like it a key ring. Why is the chain? Is it a few gigs? I don't know.
It's a nice, it's too much. It's too much. That's what I mean. But if there was one of you, if one of you had it, you'd go, that's quite cool. But I'm not judging anyone. Oh, fuck it. How old are you? Are we? Well, you can't go a 20 minute bit of a pod.
about it in none of its positive. No, we said, I think it looks nice. Oh, I do think it's nice. Yeah, but it's some pieces. Yeah, tone it down. Can I read out? Yeah, just a bit. OK. Have some music, please, James. What about wood cutting, says someone's cutting, you know, what's it, acting wood?
Right, there's a big sort of navy. I thought you were looking at like a car accident in the way you face good. There's a big navy coat here with a collar turned up and the buttons are massive. Are they there wooden peg ones? No, no, they're round but like dinner plates. So that is just too much for me and then there's a scarf.
See there, someone's going to be wearing this, listening to this, I'll just talk. Anyway. Well, they can take a piece out of my shoes. No, they can't. Doesn't go down. No, they can't. It goes down terrible. OK, here are the jeans. Fucking chain on that. Read the descriptions.
Well, I don't want to give away basically their thick wearing. That makes sense. It's a slim leg, it's a slight taper. Designed to be worn on the hips. Certainly. The turn-ups at the top. Oh, lower. You wear it lower down the hip. Yeah, the turn-ups are like three to four inches. Right, I'm going to go to accessories because this is where
and how this guy's wearing a little scarf. He has been made to it, he's a model to be fair. Short key fob. Fob, you can't call him fob. Less cool when you've called him a fucking fob. Do you like my new lock metal fob? Adventure gloves?
What's, do you know what? It's all nice. Yeah, I know. Right. What do you think young people think of it? I'd love to know what Harper thinks. Well, I remember seeing when I was about 1718, I saw a photo of Eric Clapton and he would have been late 40s at the time. And I remember thinking you, Berlin,
He was wearing like khaki shorts, long khaki shorts with the big pockets and these big trainers. Which is how I dress now. And I remember thinking no, Granddad. Midnight black dot scarf. See, I think Petra and Naomi would like us to dress like this. Do you think? Can I ask her?
Yeah. Pay? I think so. I heard it outside the door. I've got a picture. Can you send me the link? David just wondered if you and Naomi would like us to dress. Is there any more examples? Do you want to put the headphones? David was wondering if you'd worn out? Or you and Naomi would want us to dress more like that? Yeah, definitely. Really?
Yeah. I knew it. Like this guy. In the blue. I knew it. Not the cap, not the cap. Not the cap. Thank you. It's a bit ATT. The bun. The bun. It's nice. I must say, I like that shirt. Yeah, it's nice. Can you have other examples? What, like, tell me just a bit. That's put a pin in there. What did you think I'd say? No. And I'd say to dress like a tramp. What? Huh? Just wear a tracksuit. It's constantly.
That is my preferred look. She's on a forum to dig. Look, OK, no. OK, that's the perfect one. Would you want me to wear that? It's going to be right. It's double denim, though, isn't it? Look at that. You wouldn't want me with a chain. That would be good. Oh, I've got a good one here, Joe. This is perfect. This sums it up. I think I'd love Joe to dress like this. OK, OK, this is incredible. Right, take your time.
Take your time. If I came back like that, oh my God, tucked in and everything. You would leave me. Yeah, I would. I like the jeans. Do you? The jeans are nice, not the chain, not the tucked in t-shirt thing. What about the boots? The boots are quite nice. But with a big sweatshirt, a nice orange sweatshirt or green look nice. What about the turn-ups? Yeah, good.
Seriously. I know nothing. This is playing my mind. I thought you'd laugh your head off at me. I told you. I said it. What? I think Naomi would like me to dress like that. More like Petra. More or less. Yeah. Not everything but. Just a few little touches, a bit of style. Yeah. Little key fop. Yes. Yes. Wow. Okay. Well, what did you think I would like you to dress like?
I don't know, I've never thought about it. David just threw it up now. And I'm now reading a little bit if I'm on it. When was the last time you put on a pair of proper jeans? That are not track seats or? Three years. Exactly. So I might pair them jeans. No, honestly, I can't see myself wearing them even if you like them.
I mean, all you wear is Chatterbix jumpers sweatshirts. Yeah, they're good jumpers. They are. These are good jumpers. Don't put Chatterbix jumpers in there.
No, but it's fine, but you need to maybe... What about that? Look at this guy. Right, pick that up off. What's your... Chino army green trousers. They're all right. I like the jacket. You like the jacket. The trousers are fine, aren't they? Yeah. It's just the whole look. I'm not sure about tucking things in. That's a bit weird. Yeah, I was so pleased you said that, if I want to. That's nothing wrong with that.
God, honestly, I'd give my right arm for charge of dress like that.
I would. I can't imagine having conversations with someone and not being so in my head. But you don't have to walk around like that. Like with your hands in your pocket. I mean, well, what do I do? Stay in. Oh, right. You mean? In your office. Just for the house. I mean, you don't have to walk around. He really made me like he is like posing. He doesn't be understated. You know, like my brother Danny dresses.
He dresses really well. I've not noticed if I'm honest. Quite nice cut to his clothes. He wears a bit of clothes like this kind of, but more with trainers. I've not noticed. Well, would I see him? You know, he matches as well. Does he? Yeah. Wow. Yeah, matching. Matching. Yeah. As opposed to clashing.
Wow. Okay. Thank you. You're welcome. Is it going to... I mean, look at you now. Look at you now. I'm holding. You've got this little weird hat on that doesn't fit you. What trousers you've got? Look, look, show David. It's got his old tractors that are stained. Honestly, Jack, it's almost like you're sighted. It's given up. It's given up. It is a look at salaries.
Is it already in the care home in his mind? Yeah. I've got some pectra with a bit of respect. All right, here's a question. Oh shit. Right, if we split up, which we're not fighting, but if we did hypothetically, you would have to change your look.
Oh, he would, wouldn't he? You would not. If you had to go dating... That would come with the artist's jacket. Yes, it would. And this is making me uncomfortable, didn't you, Neville? What? Why? Because otherwise... Oh, right. I'll tell you, every now and then, I think... I think I look quite good. Yeah, it is. Yeah, every now and then.
Oh, well, I can't go out in that then. You make an effort for TV. That's right, David. What? Yeah. You make an effort for TV. Stay out. Oh my God. You're only meant to say, if you like the green trousers, what's going on? Apparently, TV means a lot to you. Make an effort at home for Petra.
for going and sitting on the sofa watching telly, you could put some nice clothes. Yeah, exactly. For the final episode of the jacket. You'd feel good about yourself. Yeah. You'd feel good about yourself. Positive mental attitude. It all does seep in, it all affects, isn't it? Wow. Okay. Can you be more productive? Okay, thank you. Have a good day. Thank you. Wow.
Do you know what I felt like when she was saying that? I was like, oh, this is a genuine point where she's gone. Oh, I've got a chance to say I'd prefer you to dress a bit better. Oh, I've had this from Naomi. I've, I've, I've had this, Jack. But it was like, yeah. I felt like she was taking the chance to go, no, no, you go, yeah, you could wear some nice boots and like the thing about brother was like, no, is that at all?
Oh, so you need to picture a walk around the house and track to put on some top that's got ripped in it and just like you go, can you pull yourself together and stick some nice clothes on love? Thank you. That's why I'd keep my mouth shut. I'd be like, I can hold it. Naomi said something to me about tracky bottoms and once and I went, yeah, I'm walking around just looking like the fucking dog's dinner. Not that I dressed nicely now, but. Wow.
I feel like I've talked to her. I just go, really like, I don't dress like that. Whatever you do. No. But it's funny she's like going to touch bear that, wouldn't it? Yeah. I thought she'd go, not having any of that. And I don't want him in my life.
Right. But she was like, I touch it, that would be lovely. Yeah. Well, that guy there, see, that's a nice shirt. The, the mustard one, the much light brown mustard corduroy one. That's nice. That's the first one was the best one. I thought, why that? Who's it from? Well, if you don't like it, I honestly, if you were on the pod, you know what? I'm thinking, can you imagine I, I'm not
You know, the green chart, I bought the whole of that and wore it for you. Just wear it for me. No, no, I mean, put it on and when, what do you think? Not for you, has it? But I mean,
Okay. Now, the boots are all right. I'm not wearing those boots. I hate the boots. I'm not wearing the boots. Don't go anywhere near those boots. They're not far off your boots. They're fucking miles away from my boots. No, I'm not that far. They're in the same world as your boots. All right, buy the boots, Granddad. Well, anyway, I'm not saying that. Clip, clop your way down the sea front. One bit of any of that's fine.
isn't it? I don't like the look in the middle with the white top. No one can see this listening to this. It's something about him as well. You know, when you see someone who's wearing the whole get up and go, it's too much, but one bit is all right. But if you wore that just that top and something else, would you go, do you find that top?
Like the cream top, in any context, you think that cream top is mental? Because I don't know anything anymore. Well, I don't know. It's very in now, isn't it? That's kind of like the Steve McQueen look, isn't it? He's sort of wore that, didn't he? It's a great escape. I don't know. I'm going to have to watch that again.
I mean, look at what you're wearing. Imagine being married to you today. I'm not having a go. I have no pop. No, I'm not. I'm not taking it. You're wearing female slippers, fluffy slippers, tracky bottoms. And the chatter bits are chatter bits. No, no, it's not. It's pretty good. They're really good. And as Nat said, they feel and fit. They fit like a glove. Yeah. So take that out of the equipment. Imagine I'm not wearing that.
Ah, you do dress up for TV. I don't dress up for TV. OK, we'll have a look. No, just not. I'm in the bus. I'm in the brown suit. Why? Because it's just, I don't know where that one started. No, don't say I don't know. Why? Because I went, oh, right. Let's just not. Right, I'm going. That's it. I'm out. I'm out. We're going down and pulling holes in something, figuring it out. No, I'm not. I'm just saying, I can't handle this again. No.
Don't have a go at me. Petra said it. No, but you're taking it down. Let's go and have a look where you would. All I'm saying is you're happy to dress up, you know, wear a costume or whatever. Oh, God. Right. Let's just keep it in reality. What we wear at home, please, because that's got nothing to do with anything. But if you weren't bothered about clothes, you'd wear your tracky bottoms to never mind the buzz cocks. You willy hat and your slippers. Oh, that's ridiculous at home.
Gee, you wear a nice suit. A little tie there. Got your hair washed and combed. My hair's washed and combed. My hair's washed now. The rule with my hygiene. I knew, I'd tell you, Petra and Naomi would go, yeah, a little bit of that. Wow, it's quite...
Oh, I thought Petra would say, I don't know. Well, she did to all of it, to all of the look, didn't she? But little, little, like the jackets, all right. But all the stuff that came out like brother's matches stuff. And I was like, Oh, no. So she's going, oh, that's nice. Matching stuff's embarrassing. Well, I put this top one.
because it matches your shoes. The same sort of shade as my shoe laces. Did you or did the other shoe laces? Oh my God, they are. Yeah. I've matched the top and socks the other day and I changed. Why? Because they matched. It felt weird. I had an orange top and orange socks on and I was like, I'm not matched. I can't wear it. I go out wearing orange socks and top.
Why? Because I matched. It was weird. Yeah, he said that before. Why? Why? There we go. You look at his lip. Fucking you. You look at your lip. Yeah, can we put a licking lip sound effect in? Because you literally went...
But don't get aggressive. I'm not getting aggressive. Why does it feel weird? But OK, I totally should go because it looks like you've thought about it and you wanker. Ladies and gentlemen. No more questions. Jesus Christ.
So your whole look is, I just don't want anyone to think that I've thought about anything, which is so much thought that's gone into that. No, there hasn't loads of God thought. Just, it can, it's just like, I don't want anyone going, what has he matched to chumper and socks and twat?
Not anymore. Give yourself a break and match the shampoo and salt. But I don't think I'm more comfortable not having matching socks and jumper. Can't it be that? Can't it be that? For your wife isn't. Fucking hell that she's... But surely I am. For your fucking wife ain't son. So get your head out your ass. But I've got to feel comfortable. And I am. Yeah. Yeah.
That's fair enough. But surely, if you feel more comfortable not matching, anyway, Jesus Christ, I just... Yeah, but isn't it interesting to ask the question, why do I feel uncomfortable with it? Yeah, lickety lips. And another one, James.
But if we could go back and put that in old depths, there'd be millions of them. Interesting. About six, five, six years ago, Naomi sort of suggested, or she'd mentioned matching, and I thought, I have never even considered matching colors. It hasn't even crossed my mind.
I was like, oh, that's the thing, is it? Oh, right. I think you do a lot of things now because you go, I used to think like that. And I've got to, I'm going to rebel against the way I'm feeling about matching. And now I'll match. It proves that I'm like kind of looking at you. I think you go now. I think you. I think you. I think you.
What about I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think
I had a sort of half-formed argument, which is sort of Luke, because it's now very much in the spotlight, Mark. It should have been a back at you then, so it comes back at me. So you think the way I'm living now is actually not me? Yeah, it's like a lot of the true me. Yeah, it's like, if I do that, if I do that, that proves that I'm no longer that person, but I am that person.
No. I've given myself a fucking break. I'm just saying I don't think you're as comfortable as you say you are.
Yeah, the shots fired my direction. I told you it's a half cut idea, but I was still better to lead into. Yeah. I didn't believe it as of saying it, but I like how precious is it all to you leaves and then you start following me. The opposite direction from the person who's just shot at me.
Oh, wow. From a net that had nothing to a net that's got too much. Well, you like dressing the way you like dressing. Oh, see, you give this to, like, I sat and gone. I could dress like that. No, I could dress like that. No, what I'll do is I'll kooky it over it. No, it's over. Get your finish where it's going. It's where it's going.
Your argument now will be, you've got, in your age, you've got, I want people to think, fuck it, I don't care. That's what you're going. No, you're completely wrong. Well, now you're changing it, God. No, I didn't get... No, no. Interesting, isn't it? Why did you show me your shoes earlier? Because I know there's something in there.
Well, we've got 35 minutes annoying. That's annoying. That's annoying. Anyway, let's go back to what's your scene. It's got fuck all in it. No, it could have had to give it a chance. There you go. That's your episode. Confusing, isn't it? Well, cheers, everyone. Yeah. Cheers, everyone. Do you want to do a Patreon? Yeah. Yeah.
Keep that in, James. That's a little teaser for the people who aren't on Patreon. Yeah, let's do a Patreon by normalist. You don't miss him. No, you are miss him, don't you?
I wanna roll and jump with two, give me your feet, keep on having faith in Jesus. Make sure the Jesus comes and I want out.
On the heads that make your boy happy We should pick ten boots right up the ankles Give me a lovely name and scarf On a middle aged man I want a middle aged man I want a middle aged man I want a middle aged man I want a middle aged man I want a middle aged man I want a middle aged man I want a middle aged man I want a middle aged man I want a middle aged man I want a middle aged man
I don't want to look like a drunk truck. I want a key chain, a nice thick key chain. Make sure you press and turn up some of those jeans, boy. Best it is.
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