Robert Kiyosaki | Who Bought the First Copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad? How Did Robert Kiyosaki Become a Best-Selling Author? Who Is Tom Burns? Join Eric Trump & Robert Kiyosaki At Clay Clark’s March 6-7 Business Workshop!
January 28, 2025
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In this episode of the Thrivetime Show, Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the best-selling personal finance book "Rich Dad Poor Dad," shares how his groundbreaking book became a phenomenon and offers valuable insights into entrepreneurship, finance, and personal growth. This summary provides a detailed exploration of the key themes discussed, emphasizing Kiyosaki's philosophy on wealth and the importance of financial education.
Key Moments in Robert's Journey
The Origin of "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
Kiyosaki recounts the story of how he struggled to sell copies of his self-published book, starting with just a thousand copies meant to promote his cash flow game. It was an unknown author at a car wash who bought the very first copy, which later turned into phenomenal success.Strategic Networking
Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of networking and building relationships. His journey involved reaching out to his unknown publisher to understand the potential impact of his work. This highlights how fostering connections can lead to significant opportunities.Kiyosaki's Educational Background
He discusses his upbringing, contrasting his biological father (poor dad) who believed in traditional education for job security, with his mentor (rich dad), who taught him about wealth creation and investing.
Understanding the Cash Flow Quadrant
The Cash Flow Quadrant Explained:
Kiyosaki introduces his Cash Flow Quadrant, an essential concept for aspiring entrepreneurs:- E - Employee
- S - Self-Employed / Specialist
- B - Business Owner
- I - Investor
He explains that most people are educated to be employees, and that financial literacy is key to moving towards the Investor quadrant.
The Importance of Financial Education:
Kiyosaki stresses that traditional education does not teach financial literacy, leaving many unaware of how to build wealth. He encourages listeners to seek financial education to escape the employee mentality.
Practical Financial Advice
Investing Wisely:
Kiyosaki discusses the significance of investing in assets that cannot be easily manipulated or printed, such as real estate and precious metals. He advises against reliance on traditional banking systems and urges individuals to understand their finances deeply.Utilizing Debt as a Tool:
By utilizing debt correctly, Kiyosaki believes individuals can increase their wealth. He discusses the benefits of borrowing against investments to grow assets while avoiding high taxes on capital gains.Mindset for Success:
Kiyosaki emphasizes that mindset is crucial for success and that one must surround themselves with the right influences. Those seeking success should choose their mentors wisely and focus on actionable education that aligns with their goals.
The Role of Continuous Learning
Lifelong Learning:
Kiyosaki reflects on his commitment to lifelong learning, stating that anyone can achieve success through dedication and the right knowledge. He advocates for self-education, encouraging listeners to seek out mentors that can guide them in their financial journeys.Community and Collaboration:
Building relationships with fellow entrepreneurs is vital. Kiyosaki suggests that potential business owners should learn to work together effectively, emphasizing team play over individualism.
The episode concludes with Kiyosaki’s encouraging message that anyone can achieve financial independence with the right knowledge, dedication, and mindset. The conversation with the Thrivetime Show highlights not only Kiyosaki's journey but also provides practical insights that listeners can apply in their lives. Aspiring entrepreneurs are urged to invest in their financial literacy to navigate their paths to wealth.
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Handing me books out of his truck, and I'm like, dude, I don't want to take all your books because I don't worry about it. Nobody's buying them anyway. And 45 million copies later, it's the number one personal finance book ever.
Tom Burns, I run a private equity real estate firm in Austin, Texas. The website is and you can go there. There's a lot of information there for you and you can call me. You can get to me at Tom at All right, so back in the day, I just, I read books. Books have tried to help me learn real estate, personal development, stuff like that. One day my family was gone and what I do when they're gone is I do errands. So my errands was getting, my truck was dirty. So I had to go get it clean. So I go to a car wash and I got my money. I go to the counter.
And I'm paying my money and on the back shelf there with a handwritten sign is like book for sale. It was a car wash. I didn't know they sold books. And it had rich dad something on it. I said, let me see that. And he gives me the book. And it says, what the rich teach their kids about money that the four middle class don't. I figured, anybody's cocking up to say that. Got to be something I'll read. So I grabbed the book, put it on my bill, went home, put it in my home office, and I did some other errands.
About 11.30 at night I was going to bed and I thought I'd see what I was going to read one day. I opened up a page and looked at it and kind of liked what I saw. I read another page or two, leaned against the desk and read some more pages, sat down four hours later. I'd finished the book.
So it's 3.30 in the morning. And in my opinion, I've read just the best book I've ever read in my life. So I'd go wait till 6.30 or 7 in the morning. I called a friend of mine and said, I read the best book I've ever read in my life. You need to read it. He says, yeah, all right. I give him the book. He goes, yeah, you're right.
So I want to know who this guy was. It was an unknown author. Nobody knew who he was. So we call the publisher to find out who this guy is. And the person that answers the phone is Robert Kiyosaki, the author. And it turns out that what he had done was he had printed a self-printed, self-copy, self-published a thousand copies really as a brochure to sell his game called Cashflow.
So, you know, we talked on the phone, wanted to know this guy was, flew out to Arizona, met him, he taught us how to play cash flow. And he asked, he said, I said, well, how many of these you got left? Because I had bought like two dozen. I went back the next day and bought the rest of the books. There were two dozen books on this show.
And he said, I said, how many of those you got left? He goes, well, how many did you buy? I said, 24. He goes, I got 976 left. He said, nobody's buying it. So we went to Arizona, got to know him, taught us how to play cash flow, and how to tell people he starts.
He starts, as we're leaving, I'm getting ready to go back to Austin. And he's handing me books out of his truck. And I'm like, dude, I don't want to take all your books. He goes, I don't worry about it. Nobody's buying them anyway. And 45 million copies later, it's the number one personal finance book ever. So it turns out that was the first book ever bought because nobody would publish him. He had a buddy who owned the car wash. He said, Will you please put my book there? And he said, all right.
So I bought a couple dozen. I handed them out to my friends because I wanted them to know about. But I kept a couple of them. I kept the one that I read. Years later, you know, I've been friends with Robert for like 25 years and I run into him and I told him I had the first book. And so I gave him back the first book and it now hangs in the rich dad offices. So it's been a long story. It's been a great, great association. So it's been cool to know Robert.
What a great story. Thanks, man. That's cool. Best real estate advice is get educated and make sure that if you're investing with somebody that they've been around a long time, they've been through a few recessions. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please take your seats. Please take your seats. Thank you. Thank you very much.
In the world of business, there are four types of people.
And E stands for employee, S stands for small business or specialist. B stands for big business like Bill Gates and I stands for investor. Our school systems do a pretty good job of educating us for here. So if my poor dad always said to me, son, you go to school so you can get a job. So that's an employee's mentality. Good benefits, 401K retirement plan, blah, blah, blah.
My mother on the other hand, and I used to argue with my dad, I don't really want a job. And my mother would say, don't argue with your dad. And I said, I don't want a job. I want to be independent. She says, why? I said, mom, I want to be rich. My mother was a registered nurse. So she said to me, she's son.
Some shows don't need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show.
But this show does. In a world filled with endless opportunities, why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses outruistically invest five hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use?
because they believe in you, and they have a lot of time in their hands. They started from the bottom, now they're here. It's the scribe time show starring the former US Small Business Administration's Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, and the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist bunny. Dr. Robert Zooner.
two men, eight kids co-created by two different women, 13 multi-million dollar businesses.
We started from the bottom and now we're at the top, teaching you the systems to get what we got, coat and dixens on the hooks. I break down the books, seeds bringing some wisdom and the good roots as a father of five. That's why I'm alive so
If you see my wife and kids, please tell them hi It's the CNC, I'll put you right to y'all And now, three, two, one, here we go! We started from the bottom now we did We started from the bottom then we show you how to get here We started from the bottom now we did
Yes, yes, yes, and yes, Aaron Antis, you now run Oklahoma's largest home building company, one of the largest home building companies in Oklahoma. I'm now an entrepreneur with multiple different businesses. And both of us, we both read this little book called Rich Dad Poor Dad, 20 some odd years ago, and it changed our lives. You were in Michigan. I was living in my mom's basement.
Yes, man. True story. Again, completely buried in debt, had no sight of how to get out, no college education, flunked out of college. And I was at an oral Roberts University dorm room. I had no idea how to achieve success. And I read this thing called the cash flow quadrant. It said we have to become a great employee. And then we have to become self-employed. And then after that, we get to become a business owner. And then we get to become an investor. So here we are, both of us are investors. And we get to interview the man.
Man the myth the myth the legend who created a cashflow quadrant Robert Kiyosaki. Welcome on to this right time show. How are you sir? Well, you guys are already pumped up a man, but I removed Oklahoma anyway, thank you for the kind words I've been At my old age to have young people like you saying the book changed their lives. Yeah, it's probably the biggest
spiritual juice I get, you know, it's because brother it changed my life changed my life. I've probably purchased conservatively 1000 copies of your book, given it to folks. And so I wanted to do was I wanted to tap into your wisdom on part one about the cashflow quadrant because we have a lot of people listening to the show that will become the future generation of entrepreneurs that we can save capitalism in America. Sir, can you walk us through the cashflow quadrant? And I think it's embroidered on the chair behind you.
Uh, sure, it's right there. There it is. Yeah. Oh, yeah. But this is, this is my, uh, etching of it. And E S, E stands for employee, S stands for self-employed small business or a specialist, like a doctor or a lawyer. It also stands for smart person. And then B stands for big business, according to the internal revenue service is 500 employees or more.
But B also stands for brand, like McDonald's is a brand. And brands are very, very valuable assets. And then I stands for investor, but it's actually an inside investor. And so when I was a kid, 10 years old, studying with my rich dad, he would walk me through this and be talking about your mindset. So on this side, it's my poor dad, go to school, get a job. He was a PhD in education.
This is my mom. She wanted to become a doctor or a lawyer. And I said to my mom, the only problem with that mom is you have to be smart. She says, you're right. I guess you're not going to be a doctoral lawyer. Because I didn't, I really didn't like school, you know. And then so my rich dad was over here. And he was building a massive, massive business throughout Hawaii. So when you go to Hawaii today, if you look at Waikiki Beach, you'll see the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
Rich Dad as an inside investor assembled all that property. And another investor took it off his hands and built the Hyatt on it. So I watched both my poor dad and my rich dad. I watched my rich dad get richer and richer and richer. But my poor dad get poorer and poorer and poorer.
Now, I want to ask you this, Robert, the, you know, for somebody out there listening right now, if they're an employee, okay, and let's just because I'm going back to my 18 year old mind, I was working at Target, Applebee's and Direct TV. I was doing a poor job at Target, a poor job at Applebee's and a poor job at Direct TV. And I read your book and I'm going, I have to do a good job because I need to be able to get ahead to become self-employed. What would you say to somebody who's kind of stuck in that rut of their always late
Never getting things done, they're self the perpetuating cycle of fail employee right there. What would you say to that employee right there that's kind of stuck in that rut right now? Yeah, but it goes deeper than that, Clay. The numbers here stand for taxes. So this is worldwide. They're pretty much worldwide. Employees pay about 40% of their income in taxes.
The small business entrepreneur pays 60%. Now, when Biden wants to hire 87,000 IRS agents, he's going after this guy. These guys are already screwed. I mean, they take their taxes out before you get paid. But these guys here, the IRS has to go after them. So the small business guy is going to get screwed by Biden. I mean, I hope I'm not Republican or Democrat. Trump is my friend.
But these guys are going to go after. So what happens to a young person, this I'm going to quit my job and start a business while you move into a higher tax bracket. If you understand that thing, OK. And on this side, because you have employees, lots of employees, I only pay 20%.
But as an insider, I can pay 0% legally. I don't want to go to jail and become somebody's boyfriend. I want to be an insider all the time. So that's my way of saying, I don't own stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs. I don't touch anything the stock market pumps out. I don't trust the dollar. I don't trust the treasury. And I definitely don't trust government.
So that's kind of why this is so important today, especially today. And with 87,000 IRS agents coming out, you better get a great, great, great CPA attacks guy. Okay, that's the big difference.
I understand what you mean, but there's people listening right now who have an SUV with a massive payment. They have a college degree with no actual practical skills, and they have a lot of degrees, more degrees in a thermometer, but they have no practical skills. Could you clarify what you mean? What you often say, I'm bro-education, I'm just anti-system. Well, it goes back again to the question I was asked is, what does school teach you about money? And for most people, it's nothing.
The next question is, do you think that's a mistake? I mean, do you, I mean, do you think that's a mistake or is it intentional? So that's why, you know, I talk about my book. Capitalist manifesto. This book here. And this is a book I wrote this year.
And it's in response to the communist manifesto. But listen to this. OK, as we were warned, I'll say it again in the communist manifesto by Marx. He said, communism would come in two stages. Stage one was 1930 when Columbia University was taken over by communists and still as communists today. Dennis Prager, you know, he calls Columbia one of the worst places he can go to.
And then so, in this book here, capitalist manifesto, it says, we were warned. He says, this is from Nikita Khrushchev, 1959. He says, your children's children will live under communism. Your Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright, but we will keep you, we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism. And that's through our schools until you finally wake up and find you already have communism.
Right. We will not have to fight you. We will so weaken your economy until you fall like an overripe fruit into our hands. The Kidder Crew Chef 1959. This book is nothing but quotes from Stalin, from Marx, all these guys. But the problem is most academics, like my poor dad, never read the communist manifesto. They do not know their communists.
So good. Aaron, I had a question about, you know, you had a quote where you said that, um, you know, you really all you need for success and I'm paraphrasing, but really all you need for success is simple math skills and some common sense. There we go.
And so, you know, when we, my wife and I actually taken that last quote, you just used my wife and I basically homeschooled our kids. And we did that so that they wouldn't get indoctrinated because they're not public schools, they're government schools. And so we wanted to make sure they learned a love for learning so that they would continue to educate themselves after the fact because we're very pro education. And so we've created children that are like that, but
What happens is, you know, people start studying certain things. And when you go down a certain path of study, you get more and more and more specialized, which makes it harder and harder to turn into a beer and I, in my opinion. So what are the things, you know, you said common sense, which isn't that common, and simple math skills, you can be successful. What are the things that, you know, you would spend time on studying and learning? Because obviously you're a lifelong learner as well.
Where would you go to get the learning that you need to be successful if you're our listeners out there? Well, that's a great question. Again, let's go back to book number two of the quadrant. Yeah. You're talking about the specialist. So what academics do, you go to, you know, you become a doctor, you're a general practitioner, then you specialize. You've been orthopedic surgery and heart, you know, you just keep being more specialized, but you get trapped in here and you pay the highest taxes. You can't get out.
So when I talk to parents and I don't have kids, I really have not qualified to talk to them. I said, the difference is, is your child a golfer or a football player? And you see the thing that we're taught in the Marine Corps is Marines fight as teams. You know, when I flew in, we flew in with flights of the gunships or four gunships. We always fought as a team.
And when I talk to people who aren't golfers, they want to do it by themselves. There's nothing right or wrong about it. But a golfer is here and a team player is out here. So I'm not the smartest guy, but I hire very smart specialists. I employ these guys. My tax guy, he wrote the book Tax Tree, well, if he's Tom Wheelwright, I don't pay taxes and I don't want him to become an accountant.
I just called Tom up. And that's his, he's a specialist here. He's the golfer. He's actually a triathlete, which is even more nuts. But anyway, he's a great team player. And so in school, being a team player means you're cheating. And I was very cooperative in school, CSAS for a capitalist cooperative, all that stuff. But in school, they want you to take the test on your own. Yeah.
So this is my, I asked my accountant to write this book is called Tax Free Well. Because as I said, 87,500 IRS agents are coming after this guy here. And then why are they going to pick on this guy?
because they can't afford to fight the government. Let's talk about your goldmine for a second and just gold in general. I'm not making this a shameless pitch for your company because I frankly haven't researched it enough to be able to speak positively or not positively about. All I can say is that I've looked into your career and I've benefited greatly from what you've taught me. But a years ago, Robert, I met with a gentleman who owned a bank. He owns a bank and I sat down with him and I said,
I'm doing well. I'm 25, 26 years old. I'm making good money now with my entertainment company. What should I do with my money? And this is the owner of a bank. He said, step one, do not put your money in a bank. And I'm going, what? You own a bank. He said, I only own a bank because it allows me to borrow money that I don't borrow money from the Federal Reserve. And he said, Clay, the Federal Reserve is not federal. There is no reserve. So I can borrow money from the Federal Reserve, but they don't have. And I can lend it to people like you at a profit. But he said, you need to take a quarter of your cash in my golden silver.
a quarter of your cash in by land or property from emotional people that need to sell it. He says, look for people getting a divorce when you see the clothes burning in the lawn and someone's yelling at their husband, get out of here. That's when you make an offer. He said, so by real estate from emotional people with a quarter of your cash by golden silver and then take your other half, keep it cash on hand for your next business plan. And I thought, Oh, wow. So I read the creature from Jekyll Island. I started researching the Federal Reserve and I started going,
Oh, wow. So I have just been buying gold and silver consistently since that time. And I've seen the value of what I've purchased as tripled. And I've been buying real estate from emotional people who need to sell it. What would you tell people out there? What should people be doing with? Let's say they have half a million dollars of cash in the bank account. What sort of things or what mindset should people have with managing their cash?
Well, first of all, I don't give financial advice because I'm not registered to do that and you should listen anyway. But I just tell you what I do. I don't trust anything, but it can be printed. So if you can print it, I don't want it. So that's why I say I own oil in the ground. I don't own Exxon or BP or Shell. I own cattle because you can't print cattle.
I own real estate, which I use debt for. Cause that's what happened in 71. The dollar came off the gold standard and dollar became debt. But I gave like a guy like Dave Ramsey, who says, lived debt free. That's good advice for 95% of the people. Right. But if you want to use debt, you've got to study. And most people, as you know, are too lazy. They're not going to study.
So that's why I created my cash flow board game and all of this stuff. Excuse me, you gotta have a financial statement. My banker's never asked me for my report card. My banker's asked me for my financial statements. And the average person has no idea what a financial statement is because they went to school. They're PhDs like my poor dad.
You know, the school teachers are coming out of Columbia University, which Dennis Prager says is one of the worst schools in America. But meanwhile, I just kind of stay off the beaten path and I invest in what the Fed and the government cannot print. It's that simple. So I like why you cattle, not because I'm a cattle guy, but I sell the semen. And you know, that's sperm flow of cash flow.
You know, if, if, if the Fed could print semen, I'd be out of that business. So I just all, I only invest what they cannot print. And that's my personal, personal strategy. Everybody should find their own strategy. I also use debt. So let's say I have an apartment house and I buy it for, let's say 20 million.
I fix it. It goes to 40 million. Most people would flip it. You know, oh, I got 20 and I went to 40 million. Well, if you flip it, you have a tax. It's called capital gains. So what I do is I borrow out the equity. So it's like a refi. So I get a 40 million dollar property, went from 20 to 40. And let's say I borrow 10 million out. All that debt is tax free. Right. And the property pays for the debt, not me.
And then I reinvest in other properties. I buy more breeding bulls. You know, I always want to be a Japanese breeding bull, but I never made it. So anyway, I own the bull and I sell the semen and I get a percentage off the calf.
Wow. Now, Robert, I'm going to pull up a final thing I wanted to do here. And this is, you know, you have a lot of people in our culture today that are passive aggressive. And then there's people like myself who are just aggressive aggressive. We have these things called the reawaken America tour where your friend, Cash Patel, General Flynn, Eric Trump, Mike Lindell, many great entrepreneurs are at these events.
And I'm open invitation to you. We're doing these all across the country. And what we're doing is we're sharing people with people the truth about what's happening. And you have my promise, I will not kick you off the stage. I will not ever kick you off of the event like off the lineup like Freedom Fest did to you. So if you want to join cash, I'm telling you, we're going to Pennsylvania here. Every one of the event has what Aaron, four to 5,000 people are all sold out. Yeah, up to 10.
And we stream to millions of people each one. The biggest stream we've ever had was 7.1 million people streamed to the Tulsa event and the average one has about 2 million people streaming 102 streaming partners are open invitation. If you want to join us, we'd love to have you. You could think about it. I just want to tell you you're open. You're invited to come to any of our events.
No censorship, no editing, no teleprompters, and I know Cash is joining us in Pennsylvania. So it's my open, aggressive, aggressive invitation. You are invited to come join us on the Reawaken America tour. Should you feel the need, sir? Well, if Cash is there, I mean, I only met him for about a couple of days.
The man's a stud. I mean, I was going and cash told me, I mean, we talked, I just talked to cash today. I just talked to cash and I told them, I told them what I'm what I'm plotting, what I'm planning. I'm telling him and I really do believe. So I prayed about it. I've thought about it. I've talked to Aaron about it behind the scenes. And again, each one of these events your people will be there.
We'll buy everything you could possibly sell us more. And we would love to have you. So again, open invitation. I can talk to your team if you want to join us. We're going to Pennsylvania in October. It's almost sold out. We'd love to have you, sir. I'd be honored. You know, as the Marines would say, Semper five. Semper five. Okay. Well, I'll reach out to your team to see if we can make it happen. And again, thank you. Her name is Sarah. She runs my life.
Because I am I'm getting worse and Biden, you know, I have no memory anymore. Sometimes I double book things and she kind of keeps me. Yeah. We all need one of those. Well, sir, I'm going to give you the floor here. Final 60 seconds. People take notes. I know they're going to go to rich right now. I know they're going to be purchasing a copy of Capitalist Manifesto. I know our listeners, our readers and notetakers are going to buy Capitalist Manifesto. I know they're going.
somebody out there still doesn't own rich dad, poor dad. What are you doing? Go buy it. Go buy it. Come on. I just told you how much you changed our lives. So we'll give you the final word. What would you say to all the listeners out there? Well, the most important asset you have lies between your left here and your right ear, you know, it's your brain and or your mind. We don't call it, but you've got to be very careful who puts information in there. You know, is the person going to, you know, if it was like my poor dad, I wouldn't listen to him.
And if the person is an entrepreneur and all this, because I want to be an entrepreneur, I'll listen to it. And the same as when I was getting ready to go to Vietnam, you know, my teachers were real marine pilots. You know, they actually came back from combat. And so I was preparing Camp Pendleton to go to Vietnam. And I chose the instructor very carefully. I wanted to know who the best instructor was, the best marine gunship pilot.
And that guy, I said, just train the heck out of me. So the most important thing is choose your teachers wisely. Yeah, I mean, very much choose your teachers wisely. There is nothing more important than this. What's between this here and that year. And be careful who your friends are. You know, there's, there's people out there who are Judas's.
Yeah, screw you. And we know that happens a lot unfortunately. Robert, this is better than I possibly could have expected, sir. And I'll tell you, the only thing that was unexpected for me, I knew would be good, is your glasses are much more incredible than I thought they would be. You've got some great glasses there, sir. I have at my age, I got to do anything.
All right. Hey, thank you, brother. We'll be talking to you soon. Okay. Thank you. I'd be honored. I'm honored to be on the program. So thanks. Cash all. Thanks to the cash all. All right. Take care. Bye bye. Thank you.
Yeah, so my name is Kelsey Hershey, and my husband and I are in Rockhaven Retrievers. We've been working with you guys for probably eight or nine months now since last May, and it's been a great experience. So when we first started, Leeds was actually our biggest limiting factor. So we just...
Yeah, we were struggling to get some leads. We had great connections with people, but we were just hoping to grow a little more and a little faster than we were. So that was our biggest limiting factor. We've about doubled our leads. And so that is no longer our biggest limiting factor right now. So that's been great.
Some of the things we worked on or fixed was we were already doing some advertising, so we increased our advertising. Our website was kind of a mess. I mean, it was beautiful, but it wasn't being found.
So that was our biggest issue. So you guys helped make us more Google compliant. Our coach worked with us. That was amazing. Getting it where people can actually find us. So that has been really important. And then also getting really good high quality Google reviews where people can. We're in an industry that very much relies on trust. And so having those referrals and Google reviews has been really important for us.
It's had a huge impact. So just the stability and predictability that comes with a business coach. Honestly, that was the biggest thing for me. I really appreciate. I know every morning, every Friday morning at five AM, we're going to meet with Andrew. We're going to go over our numbers. We're going to talk about our biggest limiting factor that way we can just kind of shink away at that. And so we can grow systematically. It's not chaotic at all. And so having that
And the way it impacts our family has been huge too, just because
Yeah, we have, like I said, we're very much family oriented. We have four kids. And so it's really important to us that it doesn't become all about the business. And that is something I've really appreciated. Andrew actually cares about our marriage. He cares about our family and our kids and keeping that all in line with what we have told him is our highest priorities has been really important. And honestly, if that wasn't the case, we probably would not be joint business coaching. So that's a very important part for us.
For the 13 point assessment, it's kind of a no-brainer just because there's literally no risk involved. We've also go on to the business conference and come away with a lot of value as well. So honestly, I would say just do it because it is worth it. I love that if someone is hesitant, it is a month to month basis. So you can just set aside a certain amount and say we're going to try it out. And if you're diligent and you're going to be open and do what your business coach asks you to do, then you definitely won't regret it.
Ladies and gentlemen, on today's show, we're going to interview a real person who is a real business owner. So many people ask me, well, Clay, you know, what kind of business owners do you work with? And the reason why we only work with 160 clients, James, is I only want to work with really good people. James, you get it. I get it. I don't want to work with people. They're not good people. And so today's show, my commercial for her is she's good people. Her name's Kelsey, the name of her company, folks, the name of her company. Look it up. She's a real person, not a hologram. It's Kelsey, welcome on to The Thrivetime Show. How are you?
I'm doing great. Thanks so much for having me. Hey, so just so people can verify that you're not a hologram, tell us your first and last name and the name of your company. Yeah, so my name is Kelsey Hershey and my husband and I and rock, hate my retrievers.
And I'm going to pull the website so people can look at it real quick. And again, if you're out there today and you're looking for a retriever, my understanding, and I'm inferring based upon the name of the website, Rockhaven Retrievers, that you breed retrievers or tell us about the kinds of products you provide there at Yeah, so we raise labs. So Labrador Retrievers, purebred AKC, Labrador Retrievers, and Golden Retriever puppies for amazing families.
And so how did you first hear about us here at The Thrive Time Show and the business coaching services that we provide?
Yeah, I think we heard about you probably five years ago. So originally, I think we actually was through a podcast, but then we worked with y'all for almost a year on a different business, which we actually got to be able to sell, which was great. And now we've been working with you guys for probably eight or nine months now since last May, and it's been a great experience.
So what I want to do, James, you talk to people every day that reach out that would like to be clients and your job is you and the team. Your job is to sort of filter out who's a good fit and who isn't a good fit for what we do. That's right. Okay. So I'm going to go through kind of line by line some questions for Miss Kelsey here. So that way people watching online can figure out if you're a good fit for what we do. So first off, um,
this year versus last year. Can you tell us about the leads? Like what kind of growth have you seen in terms of lead growth from this year versus last year? So from life after business coaching to maybe life before business coaching, what kind of contrast have you seen in lead?
Yeah, so when we first started, Leeds was actually our biggest limiting factor. So we just, yeah, we were struggling to get some Leeds. We had great connections with people, but we were just hoping to grow a little more and a little faster than we were. So that was our biggest limiting factor. We've about doubled our Leeds. And so that is no longer our biggest limiting factor right now. So that's been great.
So you've doubled. Now, James, you have questions that people ask you all the time. What follow up question would you have for Kelsey about lead generation? Cause I know people ask you on the phone all the time. They say, can you guys help me generate leads? Do you have any follow up questions for Kelsey? Well, a lot of people don't know to get where to get leads. So where do you get your leads from?
Yeah, so some of the things we worked on or fixed was we did, we were already doing some advertising. So we increased our advertising. Our website was kind of a mess. I mean, it was beautiful, but it wasn't being found.
So that was our biggest issue. So you guys helped make us more Google compliant. Our coach worked with us. That was amazing. Getting it where people can actually find us. So that has been really important. And then also getting really good high quality Google reviews where people can, we're in an industry that very much relies on trust. And so having those referrals and Google reviews has been really important for us.
Okay. So second fault questionnaire for you is, um, when you do advertisements, I meet so many people all the time. And James, you talked to them on the phone. They're, they're spending thousands of dollars advertising their products. So I'm going to pull up a bunch of examples real quick. These are real examples. Okay. So That's your business. Okay. Here's another business. True story. Uh, client of mine, longtime client of mine, PMH OKC. This is a real business PMH OKC. They do not
Cell retrievers, they are a home remodeling business. They build pools, outdoor kitchens, that kind of thing. Another client of mine, Cola fitness. This is a client that's based in Joplin, Missouri. This is a company that's based in Dallas, Texas. Okay. These companies, also the Purcell group, the Purcell group, Stacey Purcell, the Purcell group. Wonderful lady. These are three examples of clients that I met.
that we're spending over $2,000 a week before I met them, advertising on the internet, and they were not generating any leads at all. I want to get your thoughts on this, Kelsey. We are obsessive. We are fastidious about tracking. Can you talk about the importance of having a coach that helps you track where your leads are coming from?
Yeah. So in an ideal world, we would have done all the tracking already. And sometimes it's a matter of having that accountability. And that was actually the biggest thing for us is we knew we were supposed to be doing some of these things, but just having knowing that every Friday morning, we're going to meet with our coach. We're going to go over a tracking sheet. We're going to know what we're spending every week. We're going to know our leads.
Making sure that those numbers are lining up has been really important so that, like you said, the advertising doesn't get out of control and we know exactly how much we're spending every week.
Now, in the world we live in, even right now, someone's watching and they're going, I bet you she's being paid to say these things. There's a world we live in where people are, I love it. I love it. I actually love it because I do believe only the paranoid survive, but there's a world we live in, James, where a lot of people, there's shamakari, there's jackassery, there's scams. You see it, you know, get rich quick, get rich in 17 minutes, the whole thing. Our service happens to be month to month.
And so when you sold your company, you called us with great enthusiasm and you said, guys, congratulations. We're selling our business and we were so excited for you guys. And we helped you guys to grow your company and you sold it. And there wasn't a contract where I said, this just in Kelsey, you're locked into a contract.
I didn't say, oh, you owe us a lot of money to get out of the contract. We've all been in a contract for a gym, or a timeshare, or a phone plan, or something. Can you talk about the peace of mind that gives you knowing that you're paying $1,700 per month, $1,700 per month, $1,700 a month, and knowing it's month to month, even though our average client is with us for six years or longer, tell us about the peace of mind and knowing that it is month to month.
Um, yeah, I would say there's definitely peace of mind there. Honestly, the trust we built at this point, I have no concerns at all just because we have a very, very good relationship with Andrew, our business coach. And, um, honestly, I was more concerned that we'd be able to get Andrew again after we sold our business just because he's amazing and has done so well. I was more concerned that you guys would keep us as customers and with our next business. So that was not an issue at all.
Okay, now for your business, go back to your business. We've got to gather video reviews. I'm trying to celebrate my clients today while giving a lot of examples. So if you go to, that's obviously a business that I'm involved in. If you go to, that's obviously a business I'm involved in. If you go to Dr. Zellner and Associates, that's obviously a business that Dr. Zellner and I are involved in. So when you look at these different businesses, we are teaching that which we do. We're teaching you to do things that we do in our own companies.
And so when you go to, the idea of having a business conference is not a new idea for me. And I know this sounds shocking, but I've been doing...
business conferences for 20 years. This is my 20th year doing the same thing. So we have thousands and thousands of testimonials from real clients. So people say, click, Clark, I've never heard of you before, but I know Robert Kiyosaki speaking at your conference or I know Eric Trump's coming or I know that you're bringing in Tim Tebow or whatever. But ultimately James, people they often want to know, how long have you been doing this?
Where are you located? We talked to a lady their day. She said does Tulsa have hotels River this label wonderful lady Yeah, I mean sort of people that have lots of questions about does Tulsa have hotels What kind of questions do people ask you about our conferences James? Well, they want to know a lot of people want to know what exactly are you gonna talk about? So they don't know that you're gonna talk about marketing systems and scaling human resources accounting social media marketing Branding search engine optimization. That's a big one sales training just all these things but people ask this every time
Right. They do. And so we have testimonials. And so I want to get your thoughts on this Kelsey. Why or how has gathering video testimonials for your business impacted you? Because I hear so much from people. They say the video testimonials were important for them. How has gathering objective video reviews from real customers impacted your business?
Oh, it's been so important. So for us, like I said, our business is very much built on trust. So having people that trust us to raise their puppy to know that it's being cared for well and is getting everything that we say, we're in an industry that.
Unfortunately has a pretty bad reputation in some areas and there are, there's scams out there, there's things out there unfortunately. And so we need people to be able to trust us, to trust that we are doing the right thing and really caring for our puppies. So having those video reviews on our website and also able to just send them to people when they ask, being able to say, hey, this is a real person who's gotten a puppy from us. That has been very important for our growth.
Now next area and this is something important. I don't know James. James, you like to make steak, right? I do. Okay. So let's talk about making steak for a second. I'm getting into your wheelhouse. When you're making steak, is it the quality of meat? Does the quality of meat matter? It does. And I always try to go to the, the part of the, the store that has the glass with the person behind it and get the prime cut. So the quality of cut matters. It does. Does it matter that you're, what do you cook your steak in?
Uh, in a cast iron pan on part two of today's show, by the way, we're going to put on the video of how you cook steak. Okay. So so part two, you use a cat. What kind of pan do you use a cast iron? What do you put on the steak? I do butter and oil, like extra virgin olive oil and then just salt and pepper. Yeah. And then, you know, sometimes a little garlic and rosemary on it too. And then do you just cooking the steak, how you cook the steak matter? It does. I always cook that thing on high heat and the alarm will go off four out of five times.
Now this is so important though. This is so important because people say, Clay, I want to grow my business. What's the most important part? And James people ask you all the time. They say, so are you guys an accounting firm? Are you guys a marketing firm? Are you guys a sales coaching thing? Are it in its all of it? So when you come to our workshops or you're a client, we go through all 14 aspects of your company. And so I'm really going to tap into Kelsey's brain on this because her and her family,
team. They really are attentive and diligent about all of these areas and really trying to do the best they can to provide the best service possible. So first off, we have to figure out your revenue goals. I'm not going to ask you to share your goals on today's show, but you have to know how many dogs you have to sell to break even. I mean, at the end of the day, you have to know your break even point box number two. And again, anybody who wants to download this book for free.
You go to forward slash free dash resources and you can follow along. You can download my book, A Millionaire's Guide, How to Become Sustainably Rich, forward slash free dash resources. And again, we're talking here from page five of this book. Kelsey, how has that impacted you knowing your break even point?
That's been really important. I mean, we wouldn't be able to, this is a passion of ours. We really love it, but we can't keep doing it if we aren't making the profit and feeding our families. So we have four boys that we need to be able to feed them, to care for them. And so knowing our break even has, I mean, it's a non-negotiable. We would not be doing what we're doing for this long if we didn't know our numbers.
So you got to know the numbers and get somebody out there says, I, I, I, I, I plan on an accountant. We'll help you with that. Don't worry about it. Folks, you got to know your numbers. Okay. Now box three is you got to know how many hours per week you're willing to work. Now this is a very controversial subject. I will share my thoughts on this. Someone out there can disagree. I believe that everybody watching today show you should pray about it. Ask God. I mean it sincerely. And then talk to your spouse and figure out the boundaries with which we are going to work. So for my wife and I,
I like to work six days, rest on the seventh. That's the mindset that I have. That's my ideal scenario. Some people say you work six days a week. James, new employees are always shocked that I'm here six days a week. They are. I mean, do you hear that a lot there? I can see here six days a week, but it's every week. I do it every single week. Yeah. And you work six days, seven days a week. You do it too, right? Right. But there's some people that want to work four days a week or five days a week. Kelsey, why is it important for you and your husband with the four kids you have to know how many hours per week that you're willing to work?
I think it's important just because we have priorities and so if we know what our priorities are and then we can, we can assign timeframes to them. It really helps just our family operate better and us feel like we're actually achieving what we say is our priorities. So for us, yeah, we do the same thing. We work six days a week.
And I think honestly, you don't have helped us a lot with just feeling comfortable that that is OK, because there is a lot of shame and stuff around that. But yeah, priority wise, we do assign timeframes to things just so that we can accomplish the things that are important to us. I'm not saying this to name drop. I'm saying it's because it's true. You know, tonight my wife and I are taken out of one of the most successful TV hosts in America. And it's on a Saturday night.
And to us, that's work, but we like it. You know, uh, I'm not saying this to name drop. I'm just saying this. When we have Robert Kiyosaki that will come in or Eric Trump, we will be working that week, probably seven days that week. I don't want to do that though. So because I, so we will, we will go to church, but then it's like there's, so when we get James, when my wife and I just got back, we had to go to Florida for a business trip recently.
got back and I had a lot of work I had to get caught up on so my schedule got out of whack but it's so important that you're out there you have an ideal schedule that you feel good about and for my wife and I it's six days a week someone out there watching it might be four days a week but it's really important the next area you have to focus on if you want to scale a company will help you through all this folks is you got a figure out box number four what makes you unique so this just in there are other dog breeders in America
There are other dog breeders in America. This just in. So we've had to work with you. You've worked with us to just figure out what makes you unique and then tell the world about it. Can you talk about why it's important there Kelsey for your business to know your, to know your unique value proposition?
Yeah, so for us, we definitely lean into this really hard because, like you said, there's so many others. There's a lot of unethical ones, and so we really want to differentiate ourselves. So being able to share that we do health testing with our parents, we provide a really good health guarantee to your health guarantee with all of our puppies. That sort of thing allows us to show how we are different because there is a
A small group of people are looking for what we provide and if they don't know how we are different, they won't be able to find us. So that's why we make that very clear on our website and talking to people how we differentiate ourselves.
Now, box number, this is so big. Books were going through each one. There's 14 steps of business growth. There's 14 steps. I want to hit on these because it's so important that you check all these boxes. Box number five, you're branding this just in. People do judge a book based on the cover. They do judge a product based on the website. They do. Now, James, your desk is oftentimes
four feet from mine. Yes. And sometimes it's 15 feet away from mine. Right. Does it ever blow your mind that people come in to the office figuratively speaking or or literally sometimes with an unsuccessful business and they end up building a multi-million dollar business almost every time.
Yeah, it's really insane because I've been here for two years and I worked in the part of the business that wasn't really part of the business doing other stuff. Yeah. And so I've got to see contractors, home builders, roofers, dog groomers, just so many different doctors, doctors,
lawyers, accountants come in and then they have a business that's struggling and then you help them get more leads and then you help them with the sales scripts and then you help them with hiring and inspiring and then there's just so many things that you do that help scale their their business which is what everyone wants to do is scale their business and have more time freedom and have more financial freedom and I see it and it's like every week it's a new person that you believe that goal I believe
can you see it every day? So I want to ask your thoughts on this Kelsey. Why is it important that your branding is top notch? I mean, it reflects what's inside and what's happening here. So if other people, if we do an amazing job, but we can't portray that to everybody else, it's going to get lost in translation. So it's really important that what we're doing here matches what other people are seeing.
This is folks I'm hoping you're learning something folks. This is such a powerful interview here because these folks over from telling you at Rockhaven Retrievers, they're high quality. I'm totally against cloning technology.
But if I were to clone people, I would want to clone these people. Okay. So box number six, marketing, you have to have a three legged marketing stool. By the way, branding consists of your website, your business card, your print pieces, your logos. And we do all of that included for the $1,700 a month. So everything we do, all of that for you, that's all included. Let's talk about marketing for a second.
Kelsey, why do you have to have a three-legged marketing stool? Like three viable ways that you generate leads. So in your case, you're getting Google reviews and video reviews. That's powerful. Boom. Two, search engine optimization. Three, boom. Or two, search engine optimization. And then three, online ads. So it's not just one way you're marketing. It's not just Google reviews and video reviews. Two, it's not just search engine optimization. Three, it's not just online ads. Why do you have to have three ways that you market to your ideal and likely buyers?
Well, mainly because if something would happen to one of them, we need to be able to pivot. So if we're all in on just one area, say we just do advertising, well, if that advertising gets shut down, we don't, that immediately stops all of our deal flows, all of our growth, everything is done. So we need to have, I don't want to say diversified because that almost makes it sound like we can be distracted, but if we can focus on three different things and do them very well, it has worked really well for us.
Folks, this is, I'm telling you, this is powerful stuff. Somebody out there, A, you need a dog. So you're probably going to Rockhaven Retrievers right now, but B, if you're trying to grow a company, take notes. These are real people doing real things. Box number seven, you have to create a sales conversion system.
has to be a documented process. If you're building a boat, I'm hoping that you're using a blueprint. If you're building a car, I'm hoping that you're building a car using a blueprint. If you're building a house, I hope you're using a blueprint. If you're building anything of consequence at scale, I would hope you're using a blueprint. I don't know why in business people don't want to use blueprints. I don't quite haven't figured out yet. I don't know why people insist on operating via verbal traditions and tribal knowledge. And you know, well, Carl knows the passwords.
I don't understand that, but in order to scale something, you have to create a documented system. And so for sales, you have to have call scripts, call recording, a one sheet that clearly documents how you provide solutions for the marketplace. You have to have pre-written emails that make sense, a lead tracking system that makes sense. Kelsey, talk about the sales conversion system. Why do you have to have all these systems in place?
We need it in place because we're people who make mistakes. So for me, I can be going about and doing things, boom, boom, boom. And I can totally forget something and ask my husband, he knows this. But if I have a checklist and I know what I'm doing, that is much less likely to happen. So I really rely on having systems in place because with raising puppies,
They are living and breathing like we can't mess up on this. So we really need those systems in place to make sure every single thing is getting done. Folks, I'm telling you, whether you're feeding dogs, you're a dentist, you're a doctor, you're alert. Uh, you know, we have a, a wonderful, and I get James on part two of today's show. We're going to, you're going to be able to teach the world how you make a steak. And I'm being real, too cool. Keith, a wonderful guy in Visalia, California, he makes the best steaks in the world.
And big shout out to him, by the way, his company's called Crawdatties. This guy makes the best takes in the world. I'm being a real, it's worth the vacation here. This is a Besselia, California. If you're like going, man, I don't know what I'm going to take my kids to this year. Go to Besselia, California. Find a way to get there. Head on over there to Crawdatties. It's worth the trip. Once you get there, you can see all the wonderful things that Northern California has to offer. But the highlight of your trip will be going to two cool Keats. It's the business is called Crawdatties. It's incredible. I love this place.
best steak in the world. State number two coming in hot. Uh, that was the place called Bluestone. They're not, they're not around anymore. The owner decided to shut down. So moving into the second position is you James. That's right. Now third is Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. So there, it's kind of a tight competition. My wife's moving into third or fourth position right now. You're making some great stakes. Okay. So I want everyone to know you have to have a system in place. Okay. It's a system box number eight.
You've got to know you have to determine your sustainable customer acquisition costs. At the end of the day, how much does it cost you to get a new customer? So Kelsey, whatever you charge for the dogs that you guys sell, you have to know how much it costs you to get a new customer. Talk about the importance of knowing that.
Yeah, that's right on our tracking sheet. So we need to know the cost of when leads come in, what each of those costs are that we're accounting for just because costs can get out of hand very quickly. And so if we're tracking them every week, we know exactly where we're at. Now, again, folks, I'm hoping you're taking notes. I'm hoping you're getting this. This is powerful stuff. And someone says,
This isn't exciting at all. This seems like a very tedious step-by-step process. Yeah, exactly. Doing your life to be exciting. Don't use systems. You're going to have an exciting life. Will you be able to pay the bills? Are you on the verge of bankruptcy? I mean, that's exciting stuff. But if you want to have a proven path to create sustainable success, you've got to implement these systems. Step number nine. Create repeatable systems.
processes and file organization. This just in. You can't build a successful organization if you are not organized. Kelsey, preach the good news about being organized.
Well, it's not necessarily my strong seat. It's my husband. And so that is why we need these systems in place. So my husband is very much naturally detail oriented. I tend to be a little bit more on that. I love to talk to people and do things and play with puppies, but I'm not necessarily system oriented. So when we have these things in place, it
helps our marriage. That's for sure. But it also helps our business and helps us make sure that we're doing everything that we say is really important to us and that we're getting things done in a timely manner. Final three steps folks coming in hot box number 11 or box number 10. You've got to create a management system. You have to have an effective management system. What am I saying? Management is what are the people on your team expected to do?
and do they do it? How do you convince humans on the planet Earth to do their jobs with excellence? I see a lot of people have great systems, great processes, great visions, but nobody is getting anything done because nobody's being managed. Can you talk about that because your business, you've doubled the number of leads you're getting. Can you talk about the importance of learning these management systems or even these hiring processes?
Yeah, so we're still very much a family operated business. We're really still small business, but it's not just me, my husband works here. We're full time together. So knowing that we're on the same page, we do have meetings in the morning, just making sure we're on track that we're focused on the same things and we know what's going on. I would say it's key for us having quick meetings in the morning, making sure that we're both knowing what's happening for the day and going through our calendar once a week. We will do that as well just to make sure
Our week is planned out. And so it's not chaos during the week. Okay. Box number 12 here, folks, coming in hot. We're almost there. Almost there. Stay on target. Almost there. Box number 12, your box number 11, you have to create a sustainable and repetitive weekly schedule, you know, like, when is your daily huddle?
When is your weekly group interview? When will you call the leads? When will you go home? When will you show up to work? What is your schedule? Can you talk about that, about Kelsey, about the importance of having a documented schedule that you, your husband and your team adheres to?
Yeah, we keep a pretty good schedule just because we need to know what's going on. So we can't be losing kids during the week. We got to know who's getting the kids. We need to know puppies. We need to know who's coming and visiting, who's coming to take a puppy home, that sort of thing. So if we don't know that, it's going to be pretty chaotic during the week. So that's why we do a weekly meeting and we do plan out pretty tightly our schedule.
Now, James, we move on to the final couple of boxes here. So we have box number 13 or box number 12. You have to create human resources and recruitment systems. There's got to be a process. Now Kelsey, I'm sure you can see the writing on the wall. You're going, wow, we're getting more leads. We're just doing more transactions. And at a certain point, hiring people will become your biggest limiting factor. At some point, hiring people will become your biggest limiting factor. Can you talk about the importance of having a plan in place for onboarding new employees?
Yeah, this is actually something that is very top of mind right now that we've been talking with our business coach about because this is our next step. So we have been talking about different ways of finding leads, whether that's, I'm sorry, finding our first employees because as we grow, like you said, it's going to become our biggest limiting factor. So we are actually, this is very like top of mind current for us because we are starting to go down this path with our business coach.
Okay, now box number 13 and 14 folks, you've got to make sure that your business that you automate the earning of your millions. What am I saying? You have to have an accounting process in place where you track every dollar because it's not about how much money you make. It's about how much money you keep. And so if any of these aspects are neglected,
Your business will not succeed. And that's why I believe everybody out there, if you have a sound mind, you should probably have an attorney you work with who knows what he's talking about to guide you through the legal aspects of your company. You should probably have an accountant you can trust to guide you through the accounting aspects of your company. You should probably have a dentist.
that you go to that's not a guy you know who's watched a couple YouTube videos on tooth on teeth brushing. I mean, you probably want to have an expert in your life to help in these various areas. And the whole purpose of that is so you can achieve what we call the F seven success where you have success with your faith, your family, your finances, your fitness, your friendship, your fun.
So Kelsey, as you're going down this path, so many people are taking notes right now. If you could share with everybody kind of a maybe a 60 second recap of what impact having a business coach has had on your life and your businesses, we'd love to hear from you.
Oh man, it's had a huge impact. So just the stability and predictability that comes with a business coach. Honestly, that was the biggest thing for me. I really appreciate. I know every morning, every Friday morning at five a.m. we're going to meet with Andrew. We're going to go over our numbers. We're going to talk about our biggest limiting factor that way we can just kind of shink away at that. And so we can grow systematically. It's not chaotic at all. And so having that
And the way it impacts our family has been huge too, just because
Yeah, we have, like I said, we're very much family oriented. We have four kids. And so it's really important to us that it doesn't become all about the business. And that is something I've really appreciated. Andrew actually cares about our marriage. He cares about our family and our kids. And keeping that all in line with what we have told him is our highest priorities has been really important. And honestly, if that wasn't the case, we probably would not be joint business coaching. So that's a very important part for us.
And so what do you say to somebody who's on the fence? They're thinking about coming to our workshop. They're thinking about going to Thrive Time Show and scheduling a free 13-point assessment. They're thinking about coming to a business conference. They know it's $1,700 a month. They know for the business conferences that we have scholarship pricing available to help families in need so you can name your price. They know that we do scholarships for clients from time to time. But what would you say to somebody who's on the fence and thinking about either attending a conference or scheduling a free 13-point assessment?
Well, from a 13 point assessment, it's kind of a no brainer just because there's literally no risk involved. We've also go on to the business conference and come away with a lot of value as well. So honestly, it, I would say just do it because it is worth it. I love that. If someone is hesitant, it is a month to month basis. So you can just set aside a certain amount and say we're going to try it out. And if you're diligent and you're going to be open and do what your business coach asks you to do, then you definitely won't regret it.
James, I'll give you the final question here. You talk to wonderful people every day that are maybe the potential Kelsey's of America or some people you say, whoa, we can't help you. And I don't want anybody to waste their time filling out the form if you have an esoteric belief system and not an actual business you're trying to grow. So James, what final question would you have for Kelsey? Um, if you could do it all over again, would you hire us?
Yes, absolutely. Yeah, very thankful for you guys. It's been a huge blessing. We love it. Honestly, Fridays when we meet, it's the highlight of our day. It's our most productive day for sure. So, absolutely.
Kelsey, thank you so much for carving out time for us today. I encourage everybody out there. If you don't hate yourself and you do love retrievers, what? If you do love retrievers and you don't hate yourself and you're looking to get a retriever, go to That's the website And on part two of today's show, James will teach us how to make one of his epic stakes. Thank you so much. Kelsey, have a great day. Thanks. You too, guys. Bye bye.
I started to business because I couldn't work for anyone else. I do things my way. I do what I think is in the best interest of the patient. I don't answer insurance companies. I don't answer to large corporate organizations. I answer to my patient and that's it. My thought when I opened my clinic was I can do this all myself. I don't need additional outside help in many ways. I mean I went to medical school, I can figure this out.
But it was a very, very steep learning curve. Within the first six months of opening my clinic, I had a $63,000 investment. I lost multiple employees. Clay helped us weather the storm of some of the things that are just a lot of people experience, especially in the medical world.
He was instrumental in helping with the specific written business plan. He's been instrumental in hiring good quality employees, using the processes that he outlines for getting in good talent, which is extremely difficult. He helped me in securing the business loans. He helped me with web development and search engine optimization. We've been able to really keep a steady stream of clients coming in because they found us on the web. With everything that I encountered, everything that I experienced,
I quickly learned it is worth every penny to have someone in your team that can walk you through and even avoid some of the pitfalls that are almost invariable in starting your own business. I'm Dr. Chad Edwards and I own Revolution Health and Wellness Clinic.
Hi, my name is Tim Johnson. I'm the owner of Tuscaloosa Ophthalmology, as well as Southern eye consultants to ophthalmology practices in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. And I'm a client of Clay Clark. He asked me to answer a couple of questions. The first question was, how did I hear about Clay Clark? I am a big fan of business podcasts and his podcast popped up as a recommended listening. So I started listening to the podcast.
I was a little suspicious or skeptical because I thought there was going to be like an upcharge or an upsell. But the idea of the month-to-month canceling really appealed to me. And I kept waiting for the shoe to drop and for the upsell or for the scam to come in, but I never did. It's very legitimate. Since working with clay, I've gotten much firmer grasp on how business works, even in medicine and businesses business.
I've learned a lot about marketing, especially how Google reviews work and how important that is. That's very important, even in medicine. At least once a week, if not every day, I get a new patient because somebody Googled eye doctor and Tuscaloosa, our ophthalmologist and Tuscaloosa. And you'd be amazed how many patients just look for an eye doctor that way.
And so he's really changed our business. Our business has grown a lot. Maybe 15 to 20% this year. And so we're really grateful for the things he's done for our business. And the last question was, when did I perfect the laugh? I would say that you can never perfect the laugh. You just keep working at it and just keep getting better and better each day. But you gotta keep working at it.
Dateline, August 31st, 2024. James, this is the most important video ever shot. You're probably the third best steak maker that I know of. You have Keith, I mean, Crawdaddy. Crawdaddy's Keith. He's a headie in the game. Keith's Gore's gate in. He's a headie in the game. You're number two. I put, you know, Texas Roadhouse at a kind of solid three there. So we're going to
See if you can teach us your system for making the perfect steak. All right. What do we need? What are those essential ingredients? So the first thing we need is we need the steak, whether that's going to be the, you know, the porterhouse, the New York strip. All right, you're making it complicated. What do we need to get here? What do we need to get? You need to first get the steak. What are you getting now though? All right, we're getting the steak right now. What kind of steak are you getting? We're going to get, we're going to see what they have. We might get a ribeye. We might get the New York strip. We'll check back in just a moment. There's too much suspense.
Folks, things are changing. James, you stopped in the vegetable section or something? What are you getting now? You know what? You have to put rosemary on the steak. You just have to do it. It's a must-have. If you don't do it, you're not going to make a 10 out of 10 steak. I'll try to deal with the emotions I feel right now. I'm feeling right now. We'll be right back. In a shocking turn of events, we're still in the vegetable section. What are you getting now? We need to have garlic.
If you're going to make a 10 out of 10 steak, you need to have garlic. OK. The wheels fall off the wagon for a lot of people at this stage. Tell us this is the stage where you're picking the meat. Yeah, this is the KC strip. It's also known as the New York strip. And this is my favorite cut, I think, of the steak. Really? How many ounces do you get here? This looks like it's 1.4 pounds, so maybe like 25 ounces or so. Wow.
Alright James, what are we looking at now? This is olive oil, and this is what we're gonna cook the steak in, and it's gonna be great. So you're cooking the steak in olive oil, do you cook the steak in anything else? I also add butter to it as well, and then it just, you mix the two, I don't know what it does, but it comes out great. What kind of butter are we talking about?
You know what, just their regular butter, unsalted, organic. Stop dodging the questions. We'll go find the butter next. The steak game is so easy for you. You knew exactly the kind of butter you're looking for. What kind of butter are you getting here? This is the Kerry Gold's pure Irish butter, and you just throw some of this in the pan with the steak, and it comes out great. And I eat a stick of butter every day. Holy crap. Try that at home.
Now a core component of your steak regimen, your steak plan, your steak blueprint, your steak recipe is what here, what are you doing? Salt and pepper. You can't have salt without pepper and you can't have pepper without salt. I kind of sold to you getting here. So just grab them both. Just, you know, whatever salt, I guess is good salt. The Kormik sea salt, or you can get the pink salt. Which one do you get? Don't give us options. I don't play that game. All right. Don't manipulate us. I got the pink one. You do? I do. Oh, wow. So you get your kind of booze. You get the pink salt. And then you get what kind of pepper? Just
black pepper. Maybe you turn it, you grind your own. You grind it. You have to grind it. It keeps it fresh. Okay, got it. All right, we caught him. He's already getting started on the steak without telling us, sir, what are you doing now? What are you working on now? So I'm going to cut up the garlic and the rosemary. Okay, all to make the James patented, well, not patent patent pending. Super thick. Exactly. We caught him trying to skip a step. He's washing.
And that was not one of the steps that he talked about earlier. It was potentially misleading the viewers out there who were just trying to learn how to make the lake steak patent pending from James. Real quick, what kind of military credentials did you earn?
Well, spent four years executing the Air Force up in Minot, North Dakota. Is that what you learned to this controversial state? This is where I learned it. Really? Kudos to my boy Camoella. I won't say his last name on here. And his wife from Hawaii. Really? This is how they do it. Yeah. They taught me the real marriage. You can't even speak of them, man. It's such a secret thing. It's like, OK, OK. All right, we'll come back. OK, what are you doing right now as you're preparing for the stake there, sir? What are you doing?
Uh, just picking off the plate, eating off the plate right now. What are you doing? Seriously, what are you doing? Just a little taste, test, action, cut up the garlic. You're cutting off the garlic. See, you didn't disclose that. It's all cut. Okay, man. It's on you. You're cutting.
Alright, so you're unpacking the meat here, you're taking the meat out of the package? Yep, and we're gonna salt and pepper it, and then we're gonna put it right on the pot. This is a controversial strategy, you know, some would keep it in the package, and we put the package in, and sort of, but you're taking it out of the package. I'm gonna leave it in the package and put the salt and pepper on it while it's still in the package. What going on, folks? Stay tuned. Alright, now he's going to get the olive oil.
The oil got it from the olive. Boom. Boom. Let me zoom in real quick here. I'm gonna throw somebody off the trail. Okay, you got it. It does a rich taste. Rich taste. Now we're getting the butter. Now we're getting the butter. Okay, here we go. It's getting the butter.
Butter, butter, butter. Controversial move. He's keeping the butter in a refrigerator. Folks, if you need to get one of those, you'll want to write that down as well as that. Okay, here we go. All right, now, now, this is the controversy. Okay. You know, this pot right here. Yes. Oh, yeah. I used this bad boy yesterday. Yeah. And my secret is that I keep the butter and the oil in the pot for like. So like the remnant, like the fat and the stuff from the other, you keep it in yesterday.
Oh wow. And I just, you know, that's the base that we need to keep a great state. Okay, all right. You're a wild man, a man without boundaries. Next step. All right, this is the double whammy. We're going to salt and pepper the steak. And then we're going to also heat up the pot or the pan or whatever you're using. Wow. And this is something, again, Keith, who owns Crawdatties, and I mean this, folks,
Keith who owns Credities makes the best steaks in America. He does, maybe the whole universe actually. I mean, it's unbelievable. It's worth making the trip to California. California. It's hilarious. It's worth the trip just to go to Credities to behold the wonder. Now coming to number two, that's your steak. Number three, that's Texas Roadhouse, other places. Number 14, it's Outback, whatever. But this is some hot stuff, folks. Okay, what are we doing now? All right, we're going to salt and pepper it. Yeah. So we're just going to, I call this move the key. I call this the key.
He grinds the salt. He is. The next move. He grinds the pepper. He grinds it. He grinds it. He grinds it. You want some more pepper?
Yeah, a lot of pepper on these things. You know, I've heard that Keith will grind the pepper until other men would stop. I heard he uses his teeth. That's why you want to eat a craw down. I don't know why he doesn't put that on the menu. So go say handmade, excuse your food.
Now we're going to wait for this to heat up. Oh, it looks pretty good. It's pretty good. Are you going to eat it right now or are you going to cook it first? We're going to cook it down. We're going to cook it. We're going to cook it. We're going to let this heat up for just another minute or two. And then we're going to toss it on. And then we're going to turn it on this fan. Otherwise the fire alarms are going to go off crazy. That's my specialty. That's what everyone knows before setting off the fire alarm. Fire alarm, James.
I always catch this guy moving in an extra step. Steak it in a step. What's the next step you're doing? We're gonna add some butter. Add some butter. Add some butter. Okay. And a little bit of olive oil. A little bit of olive oil. Yesterday, when you didn't have to bump from the night before, you just started with the olive oil. That's what I started with. The olive oil. Today one can be like the roughest day of your steak process. Day one's always rough. Day five, how's that going? Ah, day five's great. Why do you ever replace the stuff?
You know what, I'm starting to not, so you know. So we've reached a record of two weeks now. Oh my gosh, we're good. But, you know, somewhere else. Let me get a fork this way. This is an official fork. This is an airport approved fork. Three little forks on it. But can you use a fork like this, or? You know what? I think Keith's fork just got one point on it. I don't know. But you think General Flynn would approve of what you're doing here? I think he would.
Okay, it's in there. There's one. One, one, two, two, oh two, oh two, oh you're in second one. Now what are you doing? What are you doing now? What are you doing now? Let's go up to your head, go on. And then now we're going to salt and pepper this side of the steak. While it's cooking. While it's cooking. This is controversial. Risking life and limb, you're doing the key. Gruns and pepper. Gruns is the salt. This is what keeps, if you go to, if you go to crawdaddy's,
You're going to notice that people will do it better than what you're doing now. I like that it's the best in the world. But you're number two. You know you're doing good when you're getting burned. Wow.
I don't even cook this thing. You can cook it for two hours or a week. What are you doing? Let's just tell you when you're done. You know what? It's different from the size of the piece. Okay. And I always try to eye it down because it's like, you know, it's an instinct thing. An instinct? You could have known, or who you could write down the rule. You can't. And then now I'm going to add the rosemary. Rosemary. It just goes right in there. Oh wow. And the garlic too. Come on. Incredible.
You're just gonna smell that. You'll have to stay cooked for like an hour or 10 minutes. Give us some sort of time. Maybe like 46 minutes. 46 minutes? 46 minutes? Oh, a lot of controversy there. And yeah, you're doing good after that. Look at what you're doing here.
Then you start to smell the rosemary, the garlic, and the steak. Folks, we'll put your nose against the camera. Put your nose against the screen, folks. If you're watching or not, put your nose against the screen and sniff it. Just take it in. Smell the screen. Put your nose on the screen. Smell the smell.
Smell the smell. And then I close that lid up. And then I, you know, pace around for four minutes, five minutes, and then check on it. And you draw a crowd. I mean, I've noticed there's a lot of women showing up to watch you do this. It's the second best steak in the world. James, the game is a foot. All right, here we go. We're getting ready. All right, we're still waiting. It's a foot game. You know what? Before I flip it, I like to see the top of the steak.
And if it's still red, it's not ready to quit. Okay, it's still red. You're looking for non-red. Getting into crunch time here, folks. You can feel the tension. People are sniffing their screens right now. You can feel the energy. People are gathering around to see what's going on. We're almost there. This is what we call the lake steak, a product of James.
Something that's almost as good as what too cool Keith that crot at ease until it but to Larry I mean, I'm telling you I'm honest. It's the best thing I've ever had
I had their steak, I had their lobster and Thermador. It was a lobster tail that was literally this big. It had to be like two pounds and it was the best thing I ever ate in my whole life. And for the price, I mean, it's incredible. I mean, you know, you would think it would be 2,000 or 4,000 for the stuff. But no, it's great. It's really economical, it's affordable, it's worth a trip. I mean, you can buy a ticket to fly out to Tulare, have the steak.
And, you know, but if you can't do that, what do you do? You do, you do the chains move. There's a number two that's stinking America. I'm zooming in here and watching, watching Dublin, stumbling, rumbling, looking to see what's happening here. Well, here we go. Starting to see it.
You feel like it's done or how do you feel? You just look at it and then I think to myself a couple of things. I noticed that you've been bending the knees while doing this. Is this part of the process? You've been the knees? You've been the knees? Okay, we're just waiting.
Just wait. Just wait. Okay, here we go. Game time. Alright, I think it's time to flip them. We're going to take a look. Usually when you grab the top of the pan and it hot and it burns. That's probably around the time that you put it. Burn your hand. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. There you go. And then you just. Are you going to cook it some more? What are you doing now? Once it, but you see the top of them. Yep. A nice crisp on top. Look at that. Your, this is, I mean, this is.
That's what we want right there. Incredible stuff right here. Only Keith does a better job. Only Keith does a better job. And we believe that General Flynn may approve of this strategy. Alright, good stuff, good stuff. Okay, here we go. Hey, we're back! What do you do now? We're gonna check to see how the other side looks and I always hide this thing down.
And it looks like this. I think you've got it. I think you might have it. So maybe another minute. Another minute. Another minute. OK, got it. Davis, what do you think? What do you mean by this? This is action. Do you agree? Davis, do you agree? Davis agrees. All right. What are we doing now? We're going to take the stakes off, and we're going to let them sit for like two minutes about. OK. And then we'll cut them open. Here we go.
There it is. There it is, baby. That is how it's done. Alright, James, what is the next step? It's the moment of truth. We're gonna see how this thing came out. Okay, let's look at it. Here we go.
This is nice. I haven't felt these emotions since being at a funeral or a wedding. That's a tornado. You know what I mean? It's just so, it's like you're at the funeral of a great man, but you're at the wedding for a great people. It's just that's a emotional tornado. It's not ready for it.
I love it. So I like to cut it open and just be nice and pink and juicy and shiny. I think it just run off the table. And this thing is... That cow still talks. That's a talking cow. That thing still moves. That's how you know. That's incredible. And then when you just eat it, or do you carry it around your pocket for a week or two? Or what do you do? What's your... When you go right to the dinner table with this bad boy and you eat it? That's the final step, folks. You eat.
Until morale improves. Thank you, James. I appreciate it. Thank you, Clay. Thank you, Keith. Leave Keith for inspiring this video. No one's better than Keith. Crawdaddy Keith, baby. Crawdaddy's Keith to Larry, California. You got to go there. Boom. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, dear Mariah Joey Havana. Happy birthday to you. Woo! Walk the candles. Walk the candles. Walk them out. Nice, nice.
Okay, okay, okay. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. This song goes out to my main man Keith. I met him up in Tulareesh. He's the owner of Claudadees. Wouldn't have shut down during the quarantine. Fucker of America and he's rocking those jeans. Owns a restaurant and he sings. Every single minute is karaoke. Makes his own wine like give a new niece. Claudadees is what it's called. Got enough food for all y'all.
All y'all for all y'all. Yes. Oh, yeah. It's time to rise and grind. Oh, yeah. Yes. Let for the rooster crows. Oh, yeah. It's time to rise and grind. Oh, yeah.
All right, we're here with Devin Nunes. Devin, what was the name of the restaurant we're out here, sir? Crawdatties. We're at crawdatties and by sell ya. Crawdatties come early. They have the second floor, it's quiet. If you just want to have the quiet dinner, they'll break food here. Stay for the music afterwards. Folks, it's going to be a blasty blast. It's called Crawdatties. And what city are we in again, sir? I saw it in California. Was it? Oh, it was a 10 out of 10. I had the lobster. There was steak there, chicken. Whatever it's getting. You're going to love it. Plate Lark is here somewhere. Where's my buddy play?
Clay's the greatest. I met his goats today. I met his dogs. I met his chickens. I saw his compound. He's like the greatest guy. I ran from his goats, his chickens, his dogs. So this guy is like the greatest marketer you've ever seen, right? His entire life. Clay Clark, his entire life is marketing. OK, Aaron Antis, March 6th and 7th. March 6th and 7th. Guess who's coming to Tulsa, Russell? Oh, Santa Claus? No, no, that's March. March 6th and 7th. They're going to be joined by Robert Kiyosaki. Robert.
key assess selling author of rich dad poor dad possibly the best selling or one of the best selling business authors of all time and he's going to be joined with eric trump will be joined by eric trump to get eric trump and robert kiyosaki in the same place in the same place erin why should everybody show up to hear robert kiyosaki well you get billions of dollars of
business experience between those two, not to mention many, many, many millions of books have been sold. Many, many millionaires have been made from the books that have been sold by Robert Kiyosaki. I happen to be one of them. I learned from the man. He was the inspiration. That book was the inspiration for me to get the entrepreneurial spirit as many other people.
Now, since you won't brag on yourself, I will. You've sold billions of dollars of houses, am I correct? That is true. And the book that kickstarted it all for you. Rich dad, poor dude. Rich dad, poor dude. The author, the best selling author of Rich dad, poor dad, Robert Kiyosaki, the guy that kickstarted your career. Yeah. He's going to be here. He's going to be here. I'm up.
Now, Eric Trump, people don't know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. There's not 50 employees. The Trump Organization, again, most people don't know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. And while Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of the United States and sued to be the 47th president of the United States,
He needed someone to run the companies for him. And so the man that runs the Trump organization for Donald J. Trump as he was the 45th president of the United States and now the 47th president of the United States is Eric Trump. It's Eric Trump is here to talk about.
time management, promoting from within, marketing, branding, quality control, sales systems, workflow design, workflow mapping, how to build, I mean everything that you see the Trump hotels, the Trump golf courses, all their products, the man who manages
billions of dollars of real estate and thousands of employees is here to teach us how to do it. You are talking about one of the greatest brands on the planet from a business standpoint. I mean, who else has been able to create a brand like the Trump brand? I mean, look at it. And this is the man behind the business for the last pretty much since 2015. He's been the man behind it. So you're talking, we're into nine going into 10 years of him running it. And we get to tap into that knowledge. That's going to be amazing.
Now, think about this for a second. Would you buy a ticket just to see a Robert Kiyosaki and Eric Trump? Of course you would. Of course you would. But we're also going to be joined by Sean Baker. This is the best-selling author, the guy who invented the carnivore diet. Oh, yeah. Dr. Sean Baker, he's been on Joe Rogan multiple times. He's going to be joining us.
So you've got Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Eric Trump, Sean Baker. The lineup continues to grow. And this is how we do our tickets here at The Thrivetime Show. If you want to get a VIP ticket, you can absolutely do it. It's $500 for a VIP ticket. We've always done it that way. Now, if you want to take a general admission ticket, it's $250 or whatever price you want to pay. And the reason why I do that
And the reason why we do that is because we want to make our events affordable for everybody. I grew up without money. I totally understand what it's like to be the tight spot. So if you want to attend, it's $250 or whatever price you want to pay. That's how I do it. And it's $500 for a VIP ticket. Now, we only have limited seating here with them. The most people we've ever had in this building was for the Jim Brewer presentation. Jim Brewer came here. The legendary comedian Jim Brewer came to Tulsa and we had 419 people that were here, 419 people.
and I thought to myself that there's no more room. I felt kind of bad that a couple people had VIP seats.
in the men's restroom. No, I'm just kidding. So I thought, you know what, we should probably add on. So we're adding on what we call the upper deck, or the top shelf. So the seats are very close to the presenters. But we're actually building right now, we're adding on to the facility to make room to accommodate another 30 attendees or more. So again, if you want to get tickets for this event, all you have to do is go to
go to When you go to, you'll go there, you'll request a ticket, boom. Or if you want a text to me, if you want a little bit faster service, you say, I want you to call me right now. Just text my number. It's my cell phone number. My personal cell phone number will keep that private between you, between you, me, everybody. We'll keep that private in anybody. Don't share that with anybody except for everybody. That's my private cell phone number.
It's nine one eight eight five one zero one zero two nine one eight eight five one zero one zero two. I know we have a lot of a Spanish speaking people that attend these conferences and so to be biolingually sensitive myself on numbers nine one eight eight five one zero one zero two. That is not actually bilingual. That's just saying quan for a one. It's not something.
I think you're attacking me. Now, let's talk about this. Now, what kind of stuff will you learn at the Thrivetime Show Workshop? So, Aaron, you've been to many of these over the past seven, eight years. So, let's talk about it. I'll tee up the thing and then you tell me what you're going to learn here, okay? You're going to learn marketing, marketing and branding. What are we going to learn about marketing and branding?
Oh yeah, we're going to dive into, you know, so many people say, oh, you know, I got to get my brand known out there, like the Trump brand. You want to get that brand out there. It's like, how do I actually make people know what my business is and make it a household name? You're going to learn some intricacies of how you can do that.
You're going to learn sales. So many people struggle to sell something. This just in your business will go to hell if you can't sell. So we're going to teach you sales. We're going to teach you search engine optimization at a come up top in the search engine results. We're going to teach you how to manage how to manage people. Aaron, you have managed to no exaggeration, hundreds of people throughout your career and thousands of contractors and most people struggle with managing people.
Why does everybody have to learn how to manage people? Well, because first of all, people either have great people or you have people who suck. And so it could be a challenge. You know, learning how to work with a large group of people and get everybody pulling in the same direction can be a challenge. But
If you have the right systems, you have the right processes, and you're really good at selecting great ones, and we have a process we teach about how to find great people. When you start with the people who have a great attitude, they're teachable, they're driven, all of those things, then you can get those people all pulling in the same direction.
So we're going to teach you branding, marketing, sales, search engine, optimization. We're going to teach you accounting. We're going to teach you personal finance, how to manage your finance. We're going to teach you time management. How do you manage your time? How do you get more done during a typical day? How do you build an organization if you're not organized? How do you do organization? How do you build an org chart?
Everything that you need to know to start and grow a business will be taught during this two-day interactive business workshop. Now, let me tell you how the format is set up here. And again, folks, this is a two-day interactive 15. Think about this, folks. It's two days. Each day starts at 7 a.m. and it goes until 5 p.m. So from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. two days to two-day interactive workshop. The way we do it is we do a 30-minute teaching session
And then we break for 15 minutes for a question and answer session. So Aaron, what kind of great stuff happens during that 15 minute question and answer session after every teaching session? I actually think it's the best part about the workshops because here's what happens. I've been to lots of these things over the years. I've paid many thousands of dollars to go to them.
And you go in there and they talk in vague generalities and they're constantly upselling you for something trying to get you to buy this thing or that thing or this program or this membership. And you don't you leave not getting your very specific questions answered about your business or your employees or what you're doing on your marketing. But what's awesome about this is we literally answer every single question that any person asks. And it's very specific to what your business is.
And what we do is we, we allow you as the attendee to write your questions on the whiteboard. Yeah. And then we literally, as you mentioned, we answer every single question on the whiteboard. And then we take a 15 minute break to stretch and to make it entertaining when you're stretching, this is a true story. When you get up and stretch, you'll be greeted by mariachis. There's going to probably be alpaca here, llamas, helicopter rides, a coffee bar, a snow cone. I mean, there's just, you had a crocodile one time. That was pretty interesting.
You know, I I should write that down and and I'm sorry for that one guy that we lost the crocodile we duct tape this its face So that right we duct tape no, this is a baby crocodile and we duct tape Yeah duct tape around the mouse it didn't bite anybody, but it was really cool that thing around and I should
That means you have less than 3% of our population that's even self-employed. So it's you only have three out of every hundred people in America that are self-employed to begin with. And when Inc Magazine reports that 96% of businesses fail by default, by default, you have a one out of a thousand chance of succeeding in the game of business. But yet the average client that you and I work with, we can typically double this. No hyperbole.
No exaggeration. I have thousands of testimonials to back this up. We have thousands of testimonials to back it up. But when you work with a home builder, when I work with a business owner, we can typically double the size of the company within 24 months. Yeah. Double. And you say double? Yeah. There's businesses that we have tripled. There's businesses. We've grown 8X. There's so many examples. You can see it. But again,
This is the most interactive best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and most reviewed business workshop on the planet. And then you add to that Robert Kiyosaki, the best selling author of Rich Dad Portad. You add to that Eric Trump, the man that runs the Trump organization. You add to that Sean Baker. Now you might take, but Clay, is there more? I need more. Well,
Okay, Tom Wheelwright is the wealth strategist for Robert Kiyosaki. So people say, Robert Kiyosaki, who's his financial wealth advisor? Who's the guy who manages, who's the, who's his wealth strategist? His wealth strategist, Tom Wheelwright will be here and you say, Clay, I still, I'm not going to get a ticket unless you give me more. Okay, fine. We're going to serve you the same meal both days. True story. We have, we can't run the food and be cause simple.
I keep it simple. I literally bring in the same food both days for lunch. It's Ted Esconzito is an incredible Mexican restaurant. That's going to happen. And Jill Donovan, our good friend who is the founder of RusticCuff, she started that company in her home. And now she sells millions of dollars of American products. That's And someone says, I want more. This is not enough.
Give me more. Okay. I'm not going to mention their names right now because I'm working on it behind the scenes here. But we've got one guy who's giving me a verbal to be here. And this is a guy who's one of the wealthiest people in Oklahoma. And nobody really knows who he is because he's built systems that are very utilitarian that offer a lot of value. He's made a lot of money in the... It's the...
It's where you rent it's short to not it's where you're renting storage spaces. He's a storage space guy. He owns this what do you call that the rental the Storage space storage units this guy owns storage units. He owns railroad cars He owns a lot of assets that make money on a daily basis
But they're not like customer facing. Most people don't know who owns the mini storage facility or most people don't know who owns the warehouse that's passively making money. Most people don't know who owns the railroad cars. But this guy, he's giving me a verbal that he will be here. And we just continue to add more and more success stories. So if you're out there today and you want to change your life,
You want to give yourself a incredible gift. You want a life-changing experience. You want to learn how to start and grow a company. Go to Go there right now. Request a ticket for the two-day interactive event. Again, the day here is March 6th and 7th. March 6th and 7th. We just got confirmation. Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He'll be here. Eric Trump, the man who leads the Trump Organization. It's going to be a blast. He blasts. There's no upsells.
Uh, Aaron, I could not be more excited about this event. I think it is incredible, and there's somebody out there right now you're watching, and you're like, but I already signed up for this incredible other program called Smoke Your Way to Thin. I think that's gonna change your life. I promise you, this'll be 10 times better than that.
It's like I picked the wrong week with smoking. Don't do the smoke your way to thin conference. That is I've tried it. Don't do it. Yeah, chain smoking is not a viable. I mean, it is life changing. It is life changing. If you become a chain smoker, it is life changing. It's the best weight loss program. Right. Not really. So if you're looking to have life changing results in a way that won't cause you to have a stoma.
Get your tickets at Again, that's Aaron Antis. I'm Clay Clark and reminding you and inviting you to come out to the two-day interactive Thrive Time Show Workshop right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I promise you, it will be a life-changing experience. We can't wait to see you right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
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