RFK Confirmation Battle – The Deep State is Losing Control! – SF528
January 29, 2025
TLDR: RFK Jr.'s explosive Health Secretary confirmation hearing faces opposition from politicians with deep ties to Big Pharma. Threats from Nicole Shanahan to primary blocking senators, government influence on public health, and media's credibility issues highlighted. Is this a challenge to the pharmaceutical-industrial complex?

The latest episode features a critical discussion surrounding Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s confirmation hearing as Health Secretary, exposing significant tensions between RFK Jr., establishment politics, and entrenched pharmaceutical interests. The podcast delves into the implications of this confirmation for the future of American health policy and media integrity.
Key Themes and Insights
RFK Jr.'s Nomination and Its Significance
- Potential Catalyst for Change: The episode asserts that RFK Jr.'s confirmation could signal a shift in American politics, particularly regarding the influence of the pharmaceutical industry.
- Opposition From Establishment: Establishment politicians appear threatened by RFK Jr.'s candidacy due to his strong stance on health-related issues and his criticism of pharmaceutical companies.
- New Wave of Politicians: RFK Jr. is viewed alongside figures like Tulsi Gabbard and other emerging leaders as part of a new political generation distancing themselves from traditional party lines.
Financial Conflicts and Challenges
- Big Pharma Connections: The podcast highlights the deep financial ties between key senators and pharmaceutical companies, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest that could affect public health decisions.
- Financial Contributions to Senators: Reports indicate that significant campaign contributions from the pharmaceutical industry to politicians like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham create a politically charged atmosphere that complicates RFK Jr.'s confirmation.
Media Dynamics and Public Trust
- Legacy Media's Role: There is a growing sentiment that legacy media outlets have lost public trust, which is compounded by their perceived bias against independent voices like RFK Jr.
- Independent Journalism Rise: The changes in media dynamics, including journalists leaving traditional outlets for independent platforms, signal a shift in how information is disseminated and perceived by the public.
Core Issues During the Hearing
- Vaccine Policies and Controversies: RFK Jr.'s history of speaking out on vaccine safety was a focal point of contention during the hearing, leading to heated exchanges regarding public health policy.
- Ethical Commitments: Significant scrutiny was directed at RFK Jr.'s financial history, particularly his litigation against vaccine manufacturers, prompting demands for commitments to avoid potential conflicts of interest.
- Response to Criticism: Despite accusations of promoting conspiracy theories regarding vaccines, RFK Jr. held firm on advocating for policies based on sound science and transparency.
Future Challenges and Opportunities
- Public Health System Critique: A prominent critique of the current public health system pointed to its heavy focus on profit and corporate interests rather than the well-being of citizens, emphasizing a desire for more holistic healthcare approaches.
- Calls for Transparency: RFK Jr. advocates for increased transparency within public health agencies as a means to rebuild trust with the American public.
The episode underscores the high stakes surrounding RFK Jr.'s confirmation as Health Secretary, highlighting not only his potential impact on health policy but also the fierce opposition he faces from entrenched interests. The discussions reflect broader societal concerns regarding the intersection of health, politics, and media, setting the stage for what could be a transformative period in American governance.
Key Takeaways for Listeners
- Being Informed: Understanding the implications of leadership changes in health policy is vital for citizens.
- Engagement with Public Discourse: Listeners are encouraged to engage with ongoing political discussions and advocate for transparency and integrity in health-related policies.
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Surely you are an awakened wonder. That's why you're here. That's why I'm here. We're here to awaken together. We're starting the show a little early because the RFK confirmation hearing is so satisfying and extraordinary. I have, and let me know in the comments and chat if you agree with this, earmarked the confirmation of RFK as the early signifier
as to whether or not we can legitimately be optimistic about the Trump 2025 project as opposed to the project 2025. What is that thing that everyone's obsessed with? Project 2025? What I mean is I see sort of RFK and Tulsi Gabbard as the
No, this is okay. This is new politics, new politicians. Jay Batacharya, Martin McCurry, I sort of, because they're, I guess, look, I'll put it on the table. I know them. I know RFK, I actually know him. And I feel like he's a really great person. If he's in charge of the HHS, America is definitely going to improve. If he gets somehow, if they find a way that he don't end up getting that gig, I'll be like,
Oh, okay, okay. So with that said, let's go over to the confirmation here in right now and we're going to give over the majority of today's show to that. Let people know we're doing this life, by the way. You can post on social media to help people to come and join us so we can have some fun with this craziness. Check it out. Let's go over to the confirmation.
Let's keep going. You're right because to say yes, because every American has the right to know that every decision you make as our number one health officer is to help them and not to make money for yourself in the future. So I want to talk more about money. I'm looking at your paperwork right now. In the past two years, you've raked in $2.5 million from a law firm called Whizner Bomb.
You go online, you do commercials to encourage people to sign up with Whizner Bomb to join lawsuits against vaccine makers. And for everyone who signs up, you personally get paid. And if they win their case, you get 10% of what they win. So if you bring in somebody who gets $10 million, you walk away with $1 million. Now, you just said that you want the American people to know
You can't be bought, your decisions won't depend on how much money you could make in the future. You won't go to work for a drug company after you leave HHS, but you and I both know there's another way to make money. So, Mr. Kennedy, will you also agree that you won't take any compensation from any lawsuits against drug companies while you are secretary and for four years afterwards?
Well, I'll certainly commit to that while I'm secretary, but I do want to clarify something because you're making me sound like a shill. I put together that case.
I did the science day presentation of the judge on that case to get it into court. Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy, it's just a really simple question. You've taken in two and a half million dollars. I want to know if you will commit right now that not only will you not go to work for drug companies, you won't go to work suing the drug companies and taking your rake out of that while you're a secretary and for four years after.
I'll convince it's not taking any fees from drug companies. Well, I'm secretary. I'm I'm asking about fees from suing drug companies. Will you agree not to do that? You're asking me to not sue drug companies. No, I'm not going to agree to that. That's not what you want.
I'm not going to agree with that suit, I've got it. It's alright, anybody. It's actually got quite a good vibe for a confirmation, isn't it? I mean, it's obviously very hostile, but like, wait, it's an atmosphere. Plus. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. She's over the shoulder at any moment.
You could publish your anti-vaccine conspiracies, but this time on U.S. government letterhead, something a jury might be impressed by. You could appoint people to this VC vaccine panel who share your anti-vax views and let them do your dirty work. You could tell the CDC vaccine panel to remove a particular vaccine. God, she's horrible. Tell me in the chat. I can tell that's not very nice, because just from listening, like just on the spiritual level, like, can you do sometimes get an intuitive sense that
No, you're not being very nice. Like that person's not like, hello, I'm here to do a confirmation. This person is, I'm here to try and disrupt this process and to prevent you getting into office. You could turn over FDA data to your friends at the law firm and they could use it however it benefited them. You could change vaccine labeling, you could change vaccine information rules. You could change which claims are compensated in the vaccine injury compensation program.
There's a lot of ways that you can influence those future lawsuits and pending lawsuits while you are Secretary of HHS. And I'm asking you to commit right now that you will not take a financial stake in every one of those lawsuits so that what you do as Secretary will also benefit you financially down the line.
I'll comply with all the ethical guidelines. That's not the question. You and I, you have said something. You're asking me not to move vaccine. No, I am not. Yeah, you are. That's exactly what you're doing.
Look, no, I am not overreacting. I'll kill you if you say I'm overreacting. Robert Kennedy will have the power to undercut vaccines and vaccine manufacturing across our country. And for all of his talk about follow the science and his promise that he won't interfere with those of us who want to vaccinate his kids, the bottom line is the same.
Kennedy can kill off access to vaccines and make millions of dollars while he does it. Kids might die, but Robert Kennedy can keep cashing in. Senator, I support vaccines. I support the childhood schedule. I will do that. The only thing I want is good science. And that's it. How about then say you won't make money off what you do as Secretary of HHS?
Before we go to Senator Tillis, I think it would be important for me to make it very clear that Mr. Kennedy has gone through the same office of government ethics process as every single other nominee in the finance committee. This year and in previous administrations,
In addition to listing his assets, including items that you've identified, he has signed an ethics letter that has been reviewed by the Office of Government Ethics concerning any possible conflict in light of its functions and the nominees proposed duties. And we have a letter from the Office of Government Ethics that he hasn't complied completely with all applicable laws and regulations governing conflicts of interest.
Mr. Chairman, point of information here. Have we had a single nominee come through who's made two and a half million dollars off suing one of the entities that it would be regulating and plans to keep getting a take of every lawsuit in the future? Have we had that before?
I haven't reviewed the past documentation of every other nominee's financial interests. But I know that every single time we get a nominee, their financial interests are attacked. That's why we have the Office of Government Ethics. That's why they've reviewed everything that's in his record, and that's why he has even
I think, and I don't know that I want to ask him to get into it, but he has listed his assets and has gone through a discussion of the responsibilities under the our ethics laws and is complied with all of those requirements. Senator Tilles. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Kennedy, how's your morning going?
So far, so good. You came prepared. I'm glad that you did. You, I believe, addressed my satisfaction in question about Title 10 and the president's priority with respect to Planned Parenthood. Can you just affirm that you are 100% behind the president's policy on Title 10 and the implementation? 100% behind it. Thank you.
You know, it's amazing to me that people, well, first off, you need to understand, I was in a judiciary hearing this morning. It's very clear to me that some of these nominations are gonna be shirts and skins. So no matter what you answer into the affirmative, they're gonna ask you one more question so that you won't be able to answer in the affirmative. It's just the way the gang that's played when we have nominally nominees like yourself. So I think you're handling yourself well. I got a real quick question for you. Are you a conspiracy theorist?
That is a pejorative senator that's applied to me, mainly to keep me from asking difficult questions, a powerful interest. I was told that I was a conspiracy theorist.
and label was applied to me because I said that the vaccines, the COVID vaccine, didn't prevent trans... This, right, is the, I would say, the main interface where what I'm interested in is being full. Like, is there going to be a new type of politics where a man who wrote a book like Real Anthony Fauci is in a position where he's managing a 1.6 trillion billion
trillion-billion-billion-dollar budget. Is that going to actually happen now? Are we going to see that? Or will the machine or systems swallow him up? Why it's fascinating to see the conspiracy question is because that's rather meets the road because let me know in the comments and chat how your perspective on what constitutes a conspiracy theory has changed in the post-COVID era.
Anyone of them that you can say, you got me? That really was a conspiracy theory. Are you in a position to submit for the record? I think it'd just be helpful for every one of these narratives for you to submit that maybe for the record. You said something about Snap Lunch. I was in the state house in North Carolina before I came here. And anytime I'd go visit an elementary school, the first thing I would do is go to the trash cans in the cafeteria. And what we have now are kids.
Yeah. And then I go to the locker rooms and I'd have a good rummage around in there as well. Get out of the school. It's a healthy alternative. It has processed materials in it and it's not particularly attractive to them. So they throw it away. Trash cans full of food that these kids didn't eat.
I ate every last morsel. Then I went into the bathroom, said I had a good sniff of those seats. Everything you've said about the SNAP program, I agree with. I think that we should be very, very strict about that. And it's going to make some people uncomfortable in the food manufacturing segment, produce healthy foods that we can put in the SNAP program. That's the way to address it. But we also need to look at the school health program. I was PTA president 21, 22 years ago.
Mate, it sounds like you're going to a lot of trouble to be around kids. That's what I'm noticing. I feel like we've got these kids that need help. We've got to... And I'll help them. It says many of them are probably on Medicaid and Medicaid's fell in them. Everybody here... No, Joe, I don't even know who that person is or I'm just mucking around. Okay, it's not producing positive health outcomes. Is that your problem in Medicaid right now? And the program or the outcomes?
is the outcomes we're spending nine hundred billion dollars are are people are getting sicker every single year yet so it's not wants people to have it americans have a high quality insurance is building a case for the status quo medicaid is is by extension saying that they're happy with the outcomes i think it's unacceptable uh... i do have a question for your project warp speed
On the rumble channel, this is ODMXV, Elizabeth Warren needs to be beaten with dildos. I don't think that's a way to resolve political conflict. So we're going to have a look at this. This is what Jack Passobich posted regarding the obstacles to RFK being an all-grade. I'm told the biggest
The biggest holdouts are Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham. Are they participants in the hearing, either of them, in the Senate hearing? Okay, let's just go back. Those different agencies? No, Senator, what I want to do is, I'm not a scientist. I want to empower scientists. I want to make sure
that science is unobstructed by vested or economic interests. That's good. I've had culture, and I'll just say about operational work speed, it was an extraordinary accomplishment, should demonstration of leadership by President Trump. When he
When he promoted Operation Warp Speed, he was looking at all of the different remedies, including vaccines, therapeutics, therapeutics, Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, femtitavine, even chlorine dioxide. Here, he's got to manage that other elephant in the room, trumps, endorsement, and ongoing pride around Operation Warp Speed. Let's go back to it. Not any scientific basis, which Dr. Fauci has now acknowledged. He said, we took it out of thin air.
But all of those changed during the Biden administration.
That became very narrowly focused. We ended up with the worst, highest death count of any country in the world. Mr. Chair, if I can just ask one. Cheryl Hines, like we're just being in carbon that, being an actor. I've got this shit now. Okay. On the other side of the dais here, who's been responsible for healthcare policies over the last four years?
I mean the president the Biden okay So that I'd like to have heard more of those in oversight hearings over the last four years I have it But I'm glad that there's an acknowledgment that you're inheriting a problem that needs to be fixed. Thank you. Thank you senator Senator Sanders Thank You mr. Chairman Mr. Kennedy. Thanks for being with us. I very much
like the slogan that you coined, make America healthy again.
We have 85 million people who are uninsured, underinsured. There's some people who are basically in support of him. Our life is like Bernie. No? No other countries. And for working class people in this country, they are living six, seven years shorter lives than the top 1%. We got a problem. We got a problem. We got a problem. We got to have to solve it. Last year, the insurance industry in this country made over $70 billion
while at the same time 85 million Americans uninsured or underinsured. Do you agree with me that the United States join every other major country on Earth and guarantee healthcare to all people as a human right? Yes, no. Yes, no. After a very long, wounded question, I demand a monosyllabic response. Is healthcare a human right?
In the way that free speech to the human right, I would say it's different because if with free speech doesn't cost anybody anything, but in healthcare, if you smoke cigarettes for 20 years and you get cancer, you are now taking from the pool.
And so, are you guaranteed the same right? I'm sorry. I'd love to talk for an hour with you. We got a few minutes left here. Every other country in us says, help care, whether you're poor or rich, younger, all to human rights. I'm not hearing you say that. You've talked about the drug companies, and maybe we agree on this one.
As you all know, despite the drug companies making over 100 billion in profits, paying CEOs outrageous compensation packages, we in some cases pay 10 times more for the same drug. Will you support legislation that I will introduce which says that in America we should not be paying a nickel more for prescription drugs than people around the rest of the world? Yes, no.
to equalize it. Not to equalize it, that we should not be paying more than other countries for the same damn drug. President Trump
It has asked me when, in fact, I had a meeting with President Trump a week ago where we showed him the charts. He knows the charts. I wasn't paying 10 times more from Europe. That's right. And are you going to commit to us that you will end that absurdity? I end it. That's absurd. End it. We should end that disparity. Good. Okay. That's great. All right.
I happen to believe that climate change is real, it's an existential threat, and it is a healthcare issue.
Donald Trump. I'm gonna drag that into this. It's a healthcare issue and it's also something we can use to create contention. Now, what are you gonna do about cloud, cloud seeding? I mean, no, not cloud seeding. What are you gonna do about aluminum? In fact, no, I don't mean that. What are you gonna do about the FDA funding, being funded by the pharmaceutical companies that they reckon? No, I don't mean that. Is it getting harder?
You don't think climate change is a hoax, is what I'm hearing. My job here is to make a sense. I'm just asking you, not a true question. I answered your question, Senator. You disagree with the President on that? I answered your question. George, hey, bring me my car zoning. That is it. Good old boy cookie. It's when Larry David used to do the voice of Steinberger in Steinfeldt. It's that voice, isn't it? I would say a majority of the people are pro-choice. There's a strong minority who are pro-life.
A year and a half ago, you went to New Hampshire running for president, gave a speech, and you talked about government should not tell a woman what she can do with her own body. That's her choice. Now, I think everybody on that side is pro-life. I think everybody is pro-choice. I have never seen any major politician flip on that issue quite as quickly as you did.
when Trump or feudal become. He's trying to be struggling climate change and pro-life pro choice. Isn't HHS primarily about the undue influence of economic and financial and corporate entities on the public health care system? Let me know in the comments and chat. Don't you just want to see, for example, vaccine makers bought to heal. Don't you want drugs to be available at a reasonable price? Don't you want Americans to prioritise health that
originates in healthy eating, so it impacts the kind of the power of big food. Good medicine, a holistic purview when it comes to the resolution and treatment of diseases. Why are they trying to make it about abortion and climate change? Let me know in the comments and chat. Let's go back. A refrigerator. Right now, as I understand it, on their website, they are selling what's called onesies. These are little things, clothing for babies.
One of them is, well that's a true deficit, what about onesies? And is it okay for me to wear one, to lay around in the onesie, enjoying life? Facts, no problem. Now you're coming before this committee and you say you're a pro vaccine, just want to ask some questions. And yet your organization is making money, selling a child's product,
to parents for 26 bucks, which has fundamental doubt on the usefulness of vaccines. Can you tell us now that you are pro-vaccine, that you're going to have your organization take these products off the market?
Senator, I have no power over that organization. I'm not part of it. I resigned from the board. Yeah, I was just a few months ago. You found that you certainly must still know the numbers. Stop selling the onesies, Georgie! Are you supportive of these onesies? I'm supportive of vaccines.
Are you supportive of these onesies? There is a crisis across America. People are eating food that makes them sick and taking drugs that make them sicker. Now, tell me, once and for all, to continue selling up, thank you. Senator Blackberry.
Thank you so much, Mr. Chairman, and thank you so much for being with us today. And I have no doubt that you will be confirmed and you are going to do such a solid job for the people of this country.
And I do have several issues I wanted to talk with you about and didn't have time to cover them all when we met prior to the meeting but rural health care is very important to me and the people of Tennessee 78 of our 95 counties are rural counties. Now over the last few years we've seen
hospital closures so we have focused on access in rural areas and my rural health agenda which is bipartisan focuses on innovation telehealth access points it focuses on work shortages and also senator Warner and I have together focused on making certain that we address the area wage index and do that fairly
for our citizens that are in rural communities. So I would like a commitment from you that when confirmed you and your CMS administrator will work with us to make certain that the Area Wage Index is balanced and that it is... It's a real obstreperous exercise, isn't it? The hearing. It's not a good faith.
Enterprise, it's not like right, okay. This, this carry out a confirmation hearing in order to ensure that RFK is legitimately the right person to be the secretary for American health. He's like, how can we fuck this guy up? How about onesies? That's just inexplicably talk about onesies. That is gonna put a spanner in the works, don't you?
Dr. Oz will certainly work with you to make them sensible. We look forward to that also. You and I, before you came forward as the secretary, the nominee, we had talked in years past about over-medicating youth.
and concerns over that. And I was looking at a report from TenCare, which is our Medicaid program in Tennessee. And I was concerned when I saw a number that TenCare had spent $90 million in 2024 alone on ADHD. This was 417,000 of our children.
and 90 million, to me, that is heartbreaking. What is happening there? So how will you prioritize oversight of prescribing practices while promoting alternative solutions such as counseling, behavioral therapies, community-based interventions for our youth?
Exactly. And that's the solution. 15% of American youth. One thing I'll say is good about America and American politics is the theatre of this is at least public and visible. In Cambodia, say, in the late 1960s, they would have just
shot you in a ditch. So this is an improvement, at least we're able to watch this. But in watching it, what you see is the bad faith within these institutions. Those of you that are critical of Bobby Kennedy for any one of the reasons that a person might be. What I would say is he is discreet from the category of politicians that I would generally dismiss as sort of like corrupt
and uncomfortable. This is like this dude environmental lawyer outspoken on complex subjects wrote that book about Fauci. If he infiltrates the system, even though you like, you know, that someone with his surname, it seems preposterous to consider them an outsider, I cannot see how that won't bring about meaningful change in both food and farmer in your country. Let's go back.
States have been prohibited from using Medicaid funds for care provided by institutions for mental disease. We refer to them as IMDs. These are psychiatric hospitals, residential treatment facilities with more than 16 beds.
This is a discriminatory exclusion, and it denies payment for medically necessary... She's at least asking legit questions. That stuff out once, he's man. That was out of control. Let's have a look at a little bit of our content around this. This is sort of a post on... See, two of the most... As we showed you a minute ago, two of the most outspoken critics of Bobby Kennedy becoming health secretary,
are McConnell, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and this is some information on the donations they get from the healthcare industry. Mitch McConnell receives $715,000 from pharma companies and Lindsey Graham 2.2 million is that a year?
That's extraordinary. That's extraordinary. That's, that's what we should be focused on. We should be focused on deep institutional financial corruption. I would say over onesies. Let's go back to it. Senator Lujan.
I'm not actually crying. I mean, so mean. That's pretty mean that remark about ones is on the website. She's on your nomination, Mr. Kennedy. And I've been absent only because I've been in another hearing with the nominee to be the Commerce Secretary. So I will
review everything that you've said today and look at that diligently. But one of the things that I wanted to discuss with you is I represent a very big innovation state. And innovation in healthcare specifically. Innovation like NIH funding to the Fred Hutch Cancer Center that helped develop the HPV vaccine, which has the potential to eliminate over 95% of cervical cancer.
NIH also funds a lot of jobs and grants, nearly 11,000 people in the state of Washington and over $1.2 billion worth of grants. So while I agree with you on healthy foods, I definitely am troubled by the medical research side of innovation and some of the things that you have said. In fact, this issue about laying off 600 employees at NIH or
giving the fact. That's cleaning out permanent deep state bureaucrats. For example, I wouldn't like you to clear out deep state bureaucrats so that we can retain control over these institutions regardless of which political party is in power. COVID hit. And we were the first in the nation. We had the first case.
And it really was the fast response by the University of Washington that really helped save lives. So I just want to know that are you aware of how harmful these issues could be for public health? That public health in and of itself could be affected by these kind of anti-science views?
As a senator, I have always been a science person, a pro-science person. I believe in evidence-based medicine and gold standard science. And I've explained this before you came in at 600 people out of a population, out of a workforce of 91,000. It's pretty typical last year alone.
President Biden replaced 3,000 people at HHS and 700 at NIH. I want to say this, I said given infectious disease a break because that's been the principle preoccupation. Infectious disease
Chronic disease is 92% accounts for 92% deaths in this country and almost nothing is studied at NIH about the etiology of our chronic disease epidemic. A fundamental point, chronic disease causes 92% of all mortality while we obsessively focusing on viruses. It's obviously because that's profitable and the chronic diseases are profitable not to cure but to retain
the industries of oncology and cardiology or at least the pharmacological aspects of that and presumably others benefit from that type of morbidity. It's amazing. Those are the kind of that is gotta be much more the focus than onesies, much more. Bring the attention to that. There's probably a lot of people that may not agree with this, but we're making regenerative heart tissue now at the University of Washington. So yes or no, do you commit to protecting stem cell research for scientific agencies if confirmed?
That's good. I will protect stem cell research. I'm stem cell research today and be done on umbilical cords and you don't need fetal tissue. He's good man. He understands the geek. So by saying that that's abortions though, so I'll be a senator who didn't force the law.
Okay, so I want to move to PBMs because PBMs are driving up drug prices. And one of the biggest things that we need to do here, I think, in a new administration is get a handle on everything that is driving up prices and lower them. The report found that PBMs generated $1.4 billion from spread pricing. That is where they
are able to basically set the price, not reimburse pharmacies, and then pocket the rest. We've had bipartisan legislation in several different committees now to get at this. What do you think the solution is?
I think one of the really notable achievements of this panel was the PBM legislation that they put together in a bipartisan way. I haven't met a single senator, well, I'm actually one only, but of the 60 odd senators that I talked to, all of them talked about PBM's and how important it was and work at President Trump during his first administration, pushed through a law,
pushed a law to give transparency to PBMs. It got overruled during the Biden administration. Luckily, this panel is resuscitating that. President Trump has absolutely committed to fixing the PBMs. My time is running out, so I just want to clarify. You believe that we should pass these laws that now have been proposed in the city. I haven't read the entire law, so I don't know. But I think that we need to reform the PBMs. I think we need
But in either somebody's engine. I think they're rid of all of these vested interests that are draining money from the system. Okay, somebody suggested though that you thought we should, you should convene the PBMs and talk to them about some sort of self-regulation. So I am trying to distinguish between these people who basically are doing illegal activities and ripping off, really they're creating pharmacy deserts in my state. So I'm asking you whether you believe that we have to legislate in this area.
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And will you commit to taking down these Subcibertruck onesies? Will you? And the name of God! Do it! Let's see what they're doing now. This is about 72 million plus the 7 million kids who are on ships. Appreciate that. 72 million.
Yes or no, is it important that expectant mothers and newborns have access to health coverage? Sorry, I just said newborns, so I can't answer the question. That expectant mothers and newborns have- I got it right that time though. Mr. Kennedy, do you know how many babies born in this country are covered through Medicaid?
So they want to push Medicaid, which is about ensuring the budgets, the welfare budgets are protected. And they want to talk about stuff that focuses on vaccines and is sort of in a vague way beneficial to pharma. If you want to know why vaccines are so beneficial to pharma, look at the work of Aaron Siri, who says, because they're testing mode, not even the restrictions around clinical trialing.
is more the restrictions around marketing. Because you, no, litigation, you can't lit a gate against vaccine injury. So that means it just becomes exponentially more valuable to invest in new vaccines than anything else. Premiums are too high, the doctorables are too high.
And everybody's getting sicker. Too much money is going to the insurance industry. I have a series of yes or no questions. They're pretty simple because you heard we're not. I'm like saying the word new burn burn new bomb. I'll get it in a minute. My questions are simple. New Mexico as you know Medicaid is often measured state by state.
It might surprise you if you look at some of those surveys in New Mexico, the response was 90% of New Mexicans on Medicaid report satisfaction getting care, 80% getting specialist care, 85% getting urgent care, 95% ease of filings out of focus, not to pick on any one of my colleagues, but in Louisiana. Here's what Cali means with some insights into why certain senators might attack
Bobby Kennedy. Have a look at this from CaliMeans. Let's just look at Mike Pence. He's sending letters to senators and running ads attacking Bobby Kinney on the pro-life issue. Mike Pence's group is funded by the pharmaceutical industry. That was just recently reported. So pharma is funding to disgrace to Mike Pence.
to attack Bobby on this issue, the life issue, and let's back up here, Martha. There hasn't been a bigger pro-life message in America, in American politics, in the Make America Healthy Again movement. This is a war to improve children's health. Bobby Kennedy has made clear he's going to follow the Trump administration's pro-life policy. So you just have an example right there. These culture war issues are being weaponized by interests that demonstrably profit from kids being sick.
What pro-life ultimately ought to become is an absolute reverence and regard for the sanctity of all life. Life is precious and beautiful. Once you accept that premise then the way that
Food is regulated the way that exercise is encouraged, the way that big farmer is controlled. The ability of gargantuan industries to control politics through donations, relationships and other means has to be impaired if it ever becomes incursion on the sanctity of life, the pro-life perspective that we've just described.
Let's go back to this confirmation and take a look at the sort of warring cogs of American politics, a brief exposure to an aspect of the machine, of course, though it's still still to some degree sanitized, but it can't be that tightly controlled, otherwise you wouldn't have Bernie Sanders say.
Do you endorse these onesies? Let's get back to it. That's about 4 million folks across the country and in New Mexico, Iowa and Idaho, they have triggers that it would immediately have to go into effect if in fact that gets cut. The reason I'm asking those questions is there's been a lot of chatter and conversations around Medicaid. Now, I agree we can always do better and we must be doing better in America.
But Medicaid has been showing to improve health outcomes, including mortality, quality of life, and access to preventative care as well. And there's some areas, Mr. Kennedy, that you and I touched on specific to Native American communities. One of the concerns that I have are these programs matter to folks. You shared your passion about caring for folks. I believed that passion.
My question in this area is, as you know, when folks are doing research and they're going to check to see if medicine works on someone, if they're not included in that trial, it often doesn't help them. That's what all the evidence shows. So what are you going to do when programs are eliminated to require the inclusion of Native Americans in clinical trials when it comes to life-saving medicine?
I'm going to do everything I can to make sure there's Native Americans clinical trials. As I said to you, when I visit your office, I spent 20% of my career working on native issues.
My family's been deeply involved with them. My family and father and uncle were big critics of the Indian Health Service and failure to deliver good health results or health care on the reservations. I'm going to bring...
When you're looking at the vast obligations that anybody attempting to steer American health in a better direction would have to corral, when you look at some of the inquiries, onesies, Native Americans, and clinical trials, these are not the centripedal matters. What is at the center is the sanctity of life, the significance of health, and how America has somehow integrated sickness
into its way of life, that sickness has become necessitated because it's profitable, because big farmer and big food need you sick, you are sick, and government is preventing that conversation from taking place. Bobby Kennedy has become the kind of flag bearer, torch bearer of that conversation, and now, astonishingly, is on the brink of accessing the levers of actual power. Those positions are adequately staffed.
I will follow up in writing in those specific areas because I think there's some commonality here, but answers matter. And so I'd like to get those as timely as possible. The last thing, Mr. Chair, answers matter. Black Lives Matter, Native Americans in clinical trials matter. One says matter. Family that I've been working with to work with my Republican colleagues when it comes to autism and federal programs and making a difference in these families' lives and this little girl's life.
What I'm asking now, Mr Chairman, is unanimous consent to enter into the record. An article from Autism Speaks titled, quote, do vaccines cause autism? End quote. And I'll note that the first sentence states, quote, I've got some other content to talk about today, like, and even stories around this, but I just want to hear this vaccine autism bit, don't you?
And before we move on, we've had a request from several quarters for a quick restroom break. We will take a five minute recess. I'm sorry.
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Eddie Gallagher is a navy seal that was detained in a military prison after the death in custody of a member of... I actually went for a wee there. When they said we're going to go for a pee, I actually thought they were inside of my consciousness for a minute. In a way, they are inside my consciousness.
the absolute creation from the prima material of consciousness means that we have to all be sharing in it, like we're made from the same clay, even if that is somewhat metaphysical. Russell, how does your code work? You just, I don't know, there's a link, yeah, the code, the promo code for Rommel Premium, I think it's for annual membership, but get it, because it really helps me out if you do it. Let's go back to their hearings, see if they're back from a P. They're not, was it, what's on screen there?
Look at them, just a shambling about. Go back again to them, shambling about them.
They're like ratsan, they're the meteor. They're like fockin, ratsay, tell ye. Right, there's a bit more of our content. Check this out. This is, I like this, well no, show us the cali means. This is, we could even look at Nicole Shanahan saying they're gonna fund primary challenges of 13 specific US senators. Ooh, that's good. Or Caroline Kennedy slams our okay as a predator before confirmation hearing. Let's have a look at that while we've got a chance.
in a blistering letter to Senators Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy, calls her cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a predator. It's so heavy, isn't it? Like the family issue of the Kennedys, JFK assassinated, RFK assassinated, loads of other Kennedys dying. Bobby Kennedy looks like he's gonna pull America back from the brink of perpetual health crises, and then his cousin goes, that guy's a predator, I mean your cousin!
Mind your own business. Kennedy says she is able to speak out now because she's no longer the US ambassador to finally able to speak out now that he's about to get in a position of power. My interests are aligned with the centralized and globalized forces that oppose an anti-corporate figure like my cousin Bobby, the predator.
One Christmas, he prayed so hard, not only me, but our pets, and praying on something, by the way. That just means focusing on it and hunting it, and like eagles, predators, and I like eagles. To Australia, she's urging senators to reject her cousin for the position of Secretary of Health and Human Services, saying he's a hypocrite who vaccinated his own children,
Sorry, I'm vaccinating a million kids one day. He was vaccinating them. He was offering ice creams with one hand and vaccines when their pillage got out of their way to be made about vaccinated his own children while crusading publicly against vaccines. Kennedy says he led his siblings and cousins into a path of drug use and addiction.
He's a drug addict! Badness itself is an illness, and by the way, one of the things I've never really said about Bobby Kennedy is as a person in recovery, he will have unique insights to the issues of addiction, mental illness, grief, despair,
As well as these obvious and evident expertise in matters like nutrition, health and fitness, wellness, avant-garde and outside treatments like chiropracty for to name but one example I know a lot of people are cynical about chiropracty but I believe in it and it's been really helpful for me if you have the right chiropracty same as if you have the right
doctor. He's a person who respects science, respects law, and of course he's made mistakes like an addict. An addict is a fallen and broken person that has changed and surrendered and demonstrates that change by, you know, essentially fasting, fasting from drugs and drink and in my case,
God, I mean, I'm literally bloody everything. I've shot the bar yesterday. That was a brief moment of respite. My point is this, RFK isn't so many ways, so much better qualified than any of the people that have the
goal to interlecute and inquire. Although I recognize a confirmation hearing requires that they do that, but it's so plain that what they're doing is voicing the opinions and hostilities of an establishment that doesn't want an oppositional outspoken, transparent and authentic man like Bobby Kennedy in the hen house making significant choices.
His basement, his garage, his dorm room were always the center of the action. Where drugs were available and he enjoyed showing off how he put baby chickens and mice in a blender to feed to his hawks. It was often a perverse scene of despair and violence.
Then the hawks themselves. Some of them had revolting feathers sticking at their skin. And beaks! Beaks on their faces would eat those baby mice. She's describing nature. He would often, in his digestive system, bake hard stools and feces before dilating his anus and allowing them to drop out.
he would pee urine into it like if you describe stuff in DL is revolting include her predator what does she mean when she gonna back that up yeah they weren't Miss Molly in the chat with those mice dead
He would put my Santa paste and got like, what about foie gras? Foie gras. That's burst goose liver spread on a cracker and eaten. Like if you describe that as disgusting, I mean, what about any sex act in a loving marriage? That's disgusting. That's the problem is you can break, you can make anything disgusting if your intention is to make it disgusting and the intention is to
Destroy Bobby Kennedy, and that harms me and makes me feel like, oh man, this guy's gonna do something. That's how I came round to Trump. Anyway, it's like, they'll do it in a minute. There's so many of these absolute assholes hate him. He must be alright. That's actually, they persuaded me. They persuaded me back to Bobby Kennedy's cousin who calls him a predator.
Caroline Kennedy says her cousin continues to grandstand off the assassinations of her father. He grandstands on those assassinations. Like, can you believe that? In the victim culture we live in now, where people are like, I heard someone mention a fart, and I'm still getting over it. Whether it's the woke side of it or the kind of legislating where there's a blame, there's a claim, I hurt my toe, give me $100,000. Does someone say this? I'm just grandstanding over the assassination.
Like, imagine this. Your uncle, the President of the United States, gets killed by the government. Like, wait, how long do you think it would be before he thought he had? I don't want to talk about that anymore. No wonder he's putting baby birds and mice on a paste and feeding it to a hawk. That's so distressing. And then his own father, presumably, similarly murdered with some form of state malfeasance or intervention. He's been grandstanding about that for ages.
Unlike me, who never tries to use my family ties to, wait a minute, I'm right this minute, reading a statement on the news, exploiting my family ties and claiming that it's bad that I saw a mouse go in a blender. If it's bad the mouse went in a blender, how much better is it that the President of the United States was murdered by the government? She's grandstanding about a mouse in a blender.
her father and his father. She says she certain both men would be disgusted by his actions.
This just in, I've travelled through time into the mind of JFK and RFK Sr. And they said, vote Biden, what is too late to vote Biden? Oh, they said, please do not confirm him in the Senate hearings. How extraordinary. So whether it's watching the Senate hearings themselves and hearing the ridiculous questions plainly geared towards antagonizing or
otherwise sabotaging RFK's confirmation or the way that the media circles their wagons and brings to the forefront negative ideas is clear that the confirmation process and Bobby Kennedy's confirmation in particular is a revelation around the cogs and mechanics of American politics. Your forefathers did a great thing.
They did create the potential for a true republic where the people's will could be served through electoral processes. But ever since then, as they themselves predicted, corporate interests of intervened, invagled, got involved and stuck in, attempted to usurp the process. So when we watch the confirmation together and we see Cheryl High and sat back there, we're getting an insight
into a part of the machine. And when we see media reporting like we just saw then, what we start to understand is, this is not an objective process. It's a kind of theater. I mean, at the moment, I still don't know whether Bobby's gonna get confirmed. I would say this, the confirmation of Bobby Kennedy is a seal, at least on some optimism that there could be real change. If he doesn't get confirmed, it's an indication that the powers of corruption are still very much
in control of the direction of your country, America. But that's just what I think. Let me know what you think in the comments and the chat. Thank you so much for joining us today. Let's go back to the confirmation hearing. With USDA and with the farm community to make sure that we don't lose more farmers in this country, we also transition
We offer and incentivize transitions to reach enter of agriculture to no-till agriculture and to less chemically intensive. And by the way, I've also met with the chemical industry and the fertilizer and herbicide companies, and they want to do the same thing.
And I think we're on the trajectory to do that and we need to incentivize initiatives to accelerate that trajectory. Mr. Chairman, if I could, you know, the great news is that my farmers in Kansas are selling products to Europe that today's regenerative practices
soil health, all those things are priorities for Kansas farmers. Many of us are doing many of those things already. We just need it to be more widespread. If I could just wrap up my remarks, though, is that, again, going back to the big picture here, 60% of Americans have a chronic disease.
Mr. Kennedy, I believe for such a time as this that you're not just one of 300 million people. I think that you are the person to lead HHS to make America healthy again, that God has a divine purpose for you, and I look forward to your confirmation in working with you to make America healthy again. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Senator Warnock. Thank you. Thank you so much, Chairman Crapo and ranking member Wyden. It's great to be here. Mr. Kennedy, welcome.
Welcome to you and to your family. Thank you for meeting with me a few days ago. I'd like to follow up if I might with some of the issues that we discussed in my office. I want to talk to you first about the CDC or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
I'm proud of the work that the CDC does, proud that it's located in Georgia with more than 10,000 employees in my state. If confirmed, you would be the Cabinet Secretary over the CDC, representing HHS. It's about 29 percent of the federal budget. CDC is a part of that. Do you agree that the CDC's work
is critical to Georgia, critical for our country, and the health of the entire world. Yes, Senator. Senator Isaacson, my Republican predecessor would have agreed with that. Bless his memory, he was a fierce advocate for the CDC as am I. The CDC is an agency filled with hard working, dedicated public health servants. They wake up every single day.
Well, I do that. You have to. It's not a day if you don't think often enough about their work because it's easy not to celebrate the folks who are protecting you from that which doesn't appear because of the work that they're doing. So grateful for the work that the CDC employees do. Some of them are members of my church. I saw that deep commitment firsthand when I visited the CDC just last summer. Mr. Kennedy, you have compared the CDC's work
to Nazi death camps. You actually said that to see. I was talking about like someone like crazy stuff that went on during the pandemic and some of the terrible recommendations and the number of deaths and how irresponsible their advice ended up being. Everyone's really lost their sense of humor.
every single day, and as you are presented as the nominee for this position,
I need to know, do you stand by those statements that you made in the past, or do you retract those previous statements? Senator, I don't believe that I ever compared the CDC to Nazi death camps. I support the CDC. My job is not to dismantle or harm the CDC. Oh, sorry, it's in a different position now. When you're attacking something, you have to point out, now he's in charge of it. He's gonna make that work. I'm retracting it. I never said it.
Well, well, actually I have a transcript. Of me saying that it's a Nazi death camp. Let me read your words. Says that the institution CDC and the vaccine program is your description of their work is more important than the children that it's supposed to protect. And you know, it's the same reason we had a pedophile scandal in the Catholic Church. It's because people were able to convince themselves that the institution of the church was more important than these little boys and girls who were being
raped. That's a pretty provocative language. You said, it's a pretty provoking thing. What if people are raping kids? Isn't his fault? F can't. I mean, let me finish. I'm just reading your words. I mean, what happens? What happened to these kids? One in 31 boys in this country, their minds are being robbed from them. Yeah, I was not.
comparing the CDC to Nazi death camps. I was comparing the injury rate to our children to other atrocities. And I wouldn't compare the, of course, the CDC to Nazi death camps to any extent.
It enters into absurdity quite frequently because people have to say, I wouldn't compare the CDC, which is like a medical bureaucracy and regulatory entity to a Nazi death camp. So Nazi death camp is like the worst thing you can envisage. That's the point of it, isn't it? Along with the pedophilia in the Catholic Church, and my prayer is that that's ended forever, Lord. You use these synecdocays, metaphors and images
Illustratively. So what he probably was doing, saying with all these deaths that are coming out of irregularities and abnormalities and regulation problems within the CDC, it's actually as stark and as astonishing as something vivid like a Nazi death camp. That's comparing the atrocities, as he said. It's not comparing.
you know what i think i think that the cdc is kind of a lot like an nazi death cap that's comparing them it sounds like you stand by those statements senator my objective is to support cdc there's nothing i'm going to do that is going to subject him and part of his job now it's going to tie a different dynamics ridiculous so that it's free from that that the same i'm at oversight investigation committee
on that the panels the ace of panel and within cdc i think ninety seven percent of the people on it had conflicts i don't believe that that's right i think we need to end those conflicts and make sure in the rumble chap pink sunnett says cdc is killed millions so what is freedom of speech so
Yes, that's the kind of rhetoric, isn't it, that I suppose they really cling to. The CDC has killed millions. Has the negligence and ineptitude of the CDC cost lives? Let me know in the comments and chat. Is it okay for us in using free speech to deploy vivid lurid metaphor in order to take a point? Isn't to make a point, excuse me, isn't that the purpose
of these kind of dialectics to convey information meaningfully and effectively. With the action that gagged HHS and CDC from communicating important public. I will not wear an RFK-1Z lady long legs. That I won't do. Public health at only non-essential travel and mass communications were temporarily suspended
So pending the confirmation of a new HHS secretary, this is standard operating procedure for administration. I get it. You I don't think what we've seen over the last several days is standard operation for new administration. I think we're seeing
some unprecedented actions. But you agree with it. Last night, members of the CDC, along with other federal employees, were actually invited to resign. These buyouts. And I got text messages and folks I know were from the CDC, for the CDC that do this important work, who got that note. And it's really important because my experience is that when you send out that kind of note, the folks who resign are the folks who you least likely
want to see resign. They got other options, they're gifted. That's going really into personal perspectives. With the concept of resigning, you often see people resign and you don't want to see resign. Whereas those that won't resign are the ones you'd like to see resign most of all. This has gone from a Senate confirmation here into my opinions on resignations. I suppose, of course, tethered to the idea that
people of significance and import are resigning as a result of the incoming administration. But because so much of Trump's popular appeal, this is willingness and explicit intention of attacking the state or at least state bureaucratic appointment entrenched bureaucrats and marrying it, that
That isn't a bad thing. That's a good thing. Although, like the Senate is saying, sometimes the resigners are the last people you want to resign and then what won't resign are the ones that you'd like to resign most. These got into some really interesting tangent or territory, full screen, Isaac, for this bit.
Today, in the show, we will be looking at RFK's confirmation hearing. Thank you very much for joining us for that. If you're not a member of Rumble Premium yet, become a member of Rumble Premium. If you use the code, you get annual membership and it supports me directly. Please do it. What a special day is. The RFK confirmation hearing is in a way an opportunity to peel back the onion. Ooh, I didn't like that image. That wasn't an onion. It looked like a butt.
He'll back the onion layers and look at how american democracy or republicanism works or doesn't work the reason i'm interested in rfk's because i know him when i first got to know rfk he was a peripheral not peripheral figure you know in his own life but i mean he occupied these marginal spaces as an outspoken advocate for
Vaccine injured children, for example, he was an environmental lawyer, a recovering addict. Now, Bobby Kennedy, I would contest, let me know in the comments and chat if you agree with this, is the very central figure.
that epitomizes the possibility for real change. While Barack Obama might have campaigned on change, there was no politician as part of his arsenal or cabinet, part of his cabinet more specifically, that represented anti-corporatism, that was overtly anti-war, that was outspoken against specific interests, that named and directly attacked
officials that you know are responsible for the mishandling of a health crisis. I'm speaking about Andy Fauci there. Bobby Kennedy is a unique political figure and I think that we can tell, we can somewhat litmus test the legitimacy of the radicalism of Trump's 25 administration,
By observing whether or not bobby kennedy gets confirmed and you can make the same case to a degree not the same thing but i can power up a comparable case with salty gabard. Today we're looking at the confirmation hearing some of the funnier moments and also what we're looking at is that also we're looking at some of the outspoken critics.
of Bobby Kennedy, like, you know, for example, Lindsey Graham or Mitch McConnell, and where Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham might get their inspiration to condemn RFK. Also, here's Nicole Shanahan. He's running, mate, when he was running as an independent presidential candidate. Here's Nicole Shanahan vowing to fund primary challenges of 13 specific U.S. senators who don't support RFK's confirmation. It's an interesting
I urge everyone to call their US senators over the following days and demand they vote yes.
on Bobby's nomination. He is more than qualified. He's proven principled and prepared to lead. I'll share a list below of key senators. If they represent your state, they need to hear from you. If they don't, please call your own senator and ask them to vote yes. We need as many votes as we can get.
So this hasn't been widely reported, but in 2020 I cut large checks to check Schumer to help Democrats flip two Senate seats in Georgia from red to blue. The two candidates I helped elect Senator Rafael Lornock and Senator John Ossoff.
Please know I will be watching your votes very closely. I will make it my personal mission that you lose your seats in the Senate if you vote against the future health of America's children. And more than that, I also want to say to Senators Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Markovsky, Susan Collins, Bill Cassidy, Tom Tillis, James Linkford, Cory Booker, John Federman, Bernie Sanders, and Catherine Cortez Masto,
This is a bipartisan message, and it comes directly from me, while Bobby may be willing to play nice. I won't. If you vote against him, I will personally fund challengers to primary you in your next election, and I will enlist hundreds of thousands to join me. Big Pharma and Big Ag have exploited us for far too long. It ends now. You're either on the side of transparency and accountability, or you are standing in the way. The choice is yours. Please choose wisely.
Silverback77, you don't realize how hard and expensive attic life is until you're out of it. Man, I appreciate that. That is true. Okay, let's go back to the confirmation hearing. We are streaming on X, YouTube, Rumble, and Rumble Premium. I've seen my friends over on locals, like Afro-Meezy and Sensive Hearts and USA Now. Thanks for supporting us. We love you. Remember, you'll always get our additional content on locals.
Member of Rumble Premium and use my code for annual membership. It directly impacts me positively when you do that. Not financially, but in other ways as well actually. Let's have a look at the confirmation hearing. Depression. Thankfully, I had the resources to help me get through it, including
A new generation of SSRI uptake reinhibitors, which helped to clear my mind, get me back on track to being a mom and a wife and a productive, happy person. I'm really grateful for that therapy. I have some experience with this. This looks like this center is advocating for SSRI. I know a little bit about depression and I know about the efficacy of SSRI and I know there's opposition to using therapies like
What's the ketamine therapies and microdosing? I'm sort of interested in this area. I'm interested in psychiatric health. I know that mental health and addiction are at the forefront of the Maha movements new in intended manner for managing governing through the HHS. So this is significant.
And I know that in the pharmaceutical industry, there are many entrenched interests that want to keep us perpetually taking drugs that maybe don't even benefit us, like actually, although there has to be a degree of efficacy to perpetuate the cycle, doesn't it? Like SSRIs, people say generally now, they don't work that well, but they must be effective enough to warrant their ongoing use, even though everyone I know that's ever taken them and when I've taken them myself, so I'm not sure about this stuff. And even the notion that
generation of serotonin should be the forefront of mental wellness. There are alternative arguments to that that are more holistic, not so particular, especially what Bobby says. I am only putting into the record what you have said. You're mischaracterizing my statements and I
I'm happy that you had a good experience on SSRIs. Many Americans have a very good experience on it. Others have not. That would be an issue between them and their physicians and not. Yeah, like when there's medical emergencies, that's between a person and their physician. And that's why there's no recent memories of propaganda around medical matters or turning it into a philosophy and more making masks, a kind of flag and making vaccines a political issue. That's literally
Oh, good science. Of course they do. And I don't think that's all I believe to. And you and I are in agreement, Senator. And to your point that you made when you made these statements, it was not based on good science. I don't know what it was based on. I was saying the science needed to be done. I was saying these are potential culprits.
And we're co-terminists, and I named other things. I said video games. I said social media. I said SSRIs. SSRIs have a black box warning, warning of suicide on the startup aid. Mr. Chair, Mr. Chair, I will submit to the chair the information that I have about what Mr. Kennedy has said of linking antidepressants to school shootings. Thank you.
Because actually, I'm sticking with this. It was clearly part of an assessment that RFK offered of the various factors in increased mental illness and suicide among young people. The biggest killer of young men is themselves, like suicide is a massive crisis. Suicide and addiction, significant crisis in your country, but across the world. These are crises of meaning, of purpose, of spirit and in Bobby Kennedy, somewhat uniquely. You have a politician who can speak to that
from that place, that he sees it as a spiritual problem. In fact, the whole Maha movement has a centre, a spiritual idea, that there is a fracture, that there is a fissure, that there is a brokenness in the American, not, I was going to say psyche, but I actually mean the American spirit.
And it can be revivified. It can be healed that you can make America healthy again. Bobby Kennedy stands precisely for that idea, the interest of Big Pharma and the way that that lady advocated just then for SSRI's.
She's a person that's been given a paper in a corridor and office and told, listen, here's some things you can say about SSRIs that are broadly supportive of them. This means SSRIs are OK. Then a statement where Bobby Kennedy appears to mention SSRIs in the same breath as school shootings. And then what they've got is a way of presenting
Right, this is why RFK shouldn't be in power. And this is why it's okay for big pharma to continue to profit from SSRIs. And this is why it's okay to frame school shootings as having this meaning and being supportive of this set of political ideas. Everything is, this is such a wonderful insights propaganda. Oh God, I see him. We need to end that. We need to end the old voice system. We need to have replicatable science and be completely transparent about raw data. All right. Thank you, sir.
In recent years, particularly during the COVID pandemic, there's been a lot of skepticism about our public health institutions. Some of this, I would say, is warm. You shouldn't have done that, sniff. It's now created a pervasive lack of trust from the public that these institutions are acting in bad faith or failing to act with objective criteria, failing in short to act in the best interests of the public.
If confirmed, Mr. Kenny, how will you work to regain the public's trust? I suspect it will take some time in these important public health institutions. I'm through radical transparency. I'm going to make these the reason people don't trust the public health agencies is because they haven't been trustworthy. And you gave the example of COVID at the beginning of COVID.
Everybody wears a Russian. That's a quote, by the way. The reason people don't trust public health agencies is because they haven't been trustworthy in inverted commas, RFK, right now in the hearing. Only 23% of Americans are complying. That means 77% Americans no longer trust CDC. And that is the problem. Yes, sir. In the absence of full information,
I think I agree with you, but I want your response. Might it make sense to share that absence of full information with the American people, that uncertainty? I think one of the things, by observation and experience that I saw during the pandemic, because we had certain prominent doctors appear on television and indicate, no, you absolutely must not wear a mask. Two weeks later, it's yes, you must wear a mask, but they were certain.
And they even demonized people for not following the latest science, knowing there's a high level of uncertainty in that science. What a measure of humility, and as you say, radical transparency demonstrates humility, help rebuild trust over a period of years? Absolutely. We need to tell Americans, well, we don't know. We need to make sure studies that reach a null hypothesis are also published. And that doesn't happen. Sir,
I think you are right about why healthcare costs are so high in the first place. The answer is indeed chronic disease. 90% of our healthcare spending goes towards managing it. As you say, in your open statement, it's not in the main. Managing it. Where does the revenue go for that management?
exists, it's not in the main because we have greedy executives at innovative world-class companies, it's not in the main because we haven't yet adopted an unsustainable Medicare for all scheme, it's because of this. So I'm encouraged that you intend to make that a point of emphasis as it pertains to your future leadership. I will say with respect to COVID, it's not over for a lot of Americans.
It's not over. I know the mission accomplished banner was convenient for the last administration, but as we continue to navigate the ongoing impacts of the COVID pandemic, we have many individuals here in the United States and around the world who are suffering from long-term health effects
that significantly impact their quality of life work and daily activities, and they've been largely ignored. Funding for long COVID research was appropriated by Congress in December of 2020, followed by additional funding directed by the Biden administration in February 2024. Patient groups and industry publications have criticized the slope pace of clinical trial design and enrollment.
Yeah, we'll be getting onto the subject of vaccine injury, pride folks, like how close can this question get to that subject without saying, without talking about the inquiries around the world or our increasing understanding and the side effects I've seen people post in memes of them, mad white blood clots. Do you remember that for a minute when people get mad white blood clots? Do they really want to have this conversation?
Patient groups, experts, and industry publications have raised concerns around existing long COVID funding being spent on observational research. In particular, criticism was directed towards recover funding being used to duplicate existing findings instead of funding trials for potential treatments.
or diagnostics. If confirmed, Mr. Kennedy, will you work with Congress so that going forward, long COVID funding will be directed primarily towards trial or novel research directions and not replicating existing observational research? Yes or no? Absolutely, Senator, with enthusiasm. Thank you so much.
If something gets a kind question, I suppose we should do some of our other stuff. We've got a bunch of other works to do. Maybe I was trying to do one here. Let's keep streaming everywhere. It's good. I think it's pretty good. One thing that's not coming up in the Bobby Kennedy hearings, one name curiously absent, Anthony Fauci.
becoming popularly regarded as the real villain of the pandemic and of course he was i don't say immortalized or but he was somewhat rendered and explored in bobby kennedy's best-selling book the real and if i actually when that was the number one new york times bestseller by the way the new york times just published an empty space
Maybe they should do that for all of their newspaper. Am I right? Y'all? Let me know in the comments in the chat. Here is Matt Heiby, Antaka Carson, discussing how the pardoning of Fauci by Biden could have been a good thing, rather than what many of us perceived it to be, a clear and plain demonstration of total corruption.
I'm just gonna give you a preemptive pardon just in case you preemptively need a rose garden. There's no reason to pardon someone if they haven't done anything wrong. The pardon itself should be reason for a mass investigation and inquiry into the actions and decisions of Anthony Fauci, but what we're seeing instead
during the confirmation of RFK is an interrogation of the principle of inquiry and opposition and challenge and skepticism when it comes to accepting policy that appears to have been formulated around the will of Big Pharma. Let's have a look at Matt Taibi and Tucker Carlson talking about Fauci and how that pardon could somehow be a good thing. I've not seen this clip yet and I can't see how it could be, so I'll wait for Swajian.
The thing is about these pardons, they're a mistake. If you want to know what's happening, they just made it a lot easier for us to find out. Because now, once the pardons delivered, the person can't plead the fifth. If they're brought before a grand jury, they can't take the fifth anymore. If they're brought before a congressional committee,
they can't evoke the right against self-incrimination. So they have to say something. And this is what's so interesting because I've been talking to criminal defense attorneys, people who are former Senate investigators, some current Senate investigators, and they all kind of said the same thing. It's so illogical to give somebody a pardon if you're trying to cover up
uh things that the only reason you would really do it is if there's very serious crimes involved right so that's a red flag for us when we see somebody getting getting a pardon we think
Well, why would they do that unless there's something really bad there, right? So either it's a mistake where they just stupidly made it easier for everybody to investigate or there's something we don't know about that is interesting. Perhaps one of those crimes that Fauci would not be able to take the fifth on is the crime of funding the research
that led to Covid in the first place. Wouldn't it be beyond deliciously ironic if the person that was put in charge of our response to Covid was the person that had somehow actually caused it? I mean, they didn't want an extraordinarily glo-, what an extraordinary global fast. That Andy Fauci, who is in a sense presented as the public solution to Covid, was in fact the actual cause and creator of Covid. Let's have a look at
Peter Navarro saying that Fauci knew where COVID come from. Hahaha, Iraq is incredible weapons. How do you know that? We looked at the receipt to quote the great Bill Hicks. Have a look. Fauci, when he was sitting there, that SOB knew for a fact that that virus came from the Wuhan lab. He knew that because he had funded the gain of function research
in that lab and he had already begun to design a cover up and we know that from the emails he sent to a group of researchers academics trying to get their support to push that come from nature theory and that's the biggest lie of omission in american history because if he had simply owned up to the fact that that thing
came from the lab. We could have pressured the Chinese to give us the genome sequence, which would have allowed us to design an effective vaccine rather than the crap we wound up getting. And again, Trump got lied to about that, not just by Fauci, but by Pfizer, the drug company. In what way?
They didn't disclose the side effects of that, and they weren't clear with him. They made him think that it was a true vaccine when it's not.
This week, Pete Navarro there, a man who literally served time as a result of extraordinary political maneuvering, offering some fascinating insights into why Anthony Fauci might want certain things kept quiet and why he might be a significant beneficiary of a preemptive pardon, because there's a lot that needed preemptive pardoning. This is our special RFK confirmation
Watch a long show you get access to additional content. If you are a member of Rumble Premium, please consider using our special code for annual membership. It benefits me directly in ways that are almost beyond comprehension and in other ways that are easily measurable because they're financial. Thanks for joining us today. Let me know what you think in the comments and chat.
Is Antony Fauci the beneficiary of a preemptive pardon because he preemptively did a hell of a lot wrong? It certainly seems like that's the case. And maybe the RFK confirmation is the perfect time to look at some of the other people who played significant roles during the pandemic. And perhaps themselves would benefit, or at least we would benefit, were they subject to an interrogation? I'd like to see Bill Gates undergo some sort of investigation, wouldn't you, Lo? Wouldn't you? Let me know in the comments.
and chat. Okay, we'll go back to the confirmation here now, see what's going on. So right now, the Medicaid website went down. He's impounded money. So the community health centers that Senator Warner was talking about are up in the air. So what they can do, do you believe that a president can impound money that has been appropriated by Congress? Senator, I
Let me answer the question about Medicare first. I have never defended that program or the rapacious behavior by insurance companies or the PBMs. I understand that's a huge problem. I don't have time to get over to vote. You've asked me five questions. You've got to give me a chance to answer one of them.
Please be brief. I brought in, if I get confirmed, I've already appointed a general counsel. The first time an issue is a former prosecutor who prosecuted the biggest Medicare fraud in the case in the state of West Virginia.
I brought in a prosecutor for that job instead of a bureaucrat, precisely, which has the important issues that you raised here. The only reason I didn't talk about these before is because I wasn't asked about them. I agree with you 100%. What about impounding money, among other things, goes to health care. And you're saying that that's illegal? That's correct. Well, my job is to uphold the Constitution. I'm going to take an oath.
to uphold the Constitution and I will administer the law and uphold the Constitution. Thank you.
Mr. Chairman, I believe under what we've discussed, I control five minutes. I'm gonna take one and give one to each of my four colleagues that remain. All right, and I would just say we really, this vote. I'm just very generous with my minutes. I mean, it's actually a fault of mine. I'm always giving out minutes and minute maids, which probably get banned under RFK. Too much sugar. He anti-vaccine statements with his handful of pro-vaccine statements.
Instead, he gave us a word salad and ducked the issue. The same was true. I don't like word salads. You wrote a book playing down the threat. Unless they have a good word salad sauce on them. Moo. Turned about it.
And apparently families are still mourning in Samoa. And my last point would be that Mr. Kennedy said today really wasn't about him. And I just want to tell him it is all about you.
because I find your presentation to be both untrustworthy and unprepared because my colleagues have been seeing back and forth between Medicare and Medicaid. What snidey little bastards program you're using when?
So I want colleagues to know, I'm actually going to give my minutes outline candies. These taking ages. Vote. I'm going to urge that to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to not make decisions on the basis of this session. I thank you for the additional time. And I guess my next minute in Senator Whitehouse, Senator Warren, and Senator Smith. And again, one minute is please. There's been a lot of conversation about long
late-term abortions here, and I just want to make clear what Rhode Island OBGYN doctors describe as what is almost always happening when a late-term abortion is needed. It is a childbirth gone wrong. The family has painted the room, it has bought the crib, maybe even decided on the baby's name, and has gone to the hospital
to welcome the new baby into their family in what is supposed to be a happy event. And then things went wrong. Then the alarm started pinging. The lights started flashing. The medical professor- Is this everyone using their minute to say the most dramatic thing they can think of? Like it's sort of a terrible death of a child during labor. The mom's life is often at risk.
and she may have other children she needs to care for. The baby's life may be at risk. The doctor is on a motorbike for some reason, high. That environment, the doctors and the family own that decision. Government has no place in that room at that point.
And I think we need to understand when this late-term abortion gets bandied about. Government don't have place in hardly any rooms. There should be really dry rooms full of filing cabinets, tedium, mathematics and bureaucracy. There should be nowhere near any ideology. Government is not a sufficient force to marshal the great power of the Lord. And when government gets in the way of that power, it creates a kind of hell on earth. Offensive.
really morally wrong and I just want to make very clear what Rhode Island OBGYNs tell me is the situation when these procedures have to be deployed. Senator Warren.
Uh, thank you, Mr. Chairman. So, Mr. Kennedy, I wanted to ask about your role in the 2019 measles outbreak in Samoa. And she'll... Ha ha ha ha! Look what's going on in the world. Do you know in 2019 in Samoa, there was an outbreak of measles. So, let's make that the focus. What about the onesies though? What about the onesies? No, that's not very important to measles in Samoa.
Well, actually the measles and Samoa is important because it happens as a result of people not taking vaccines. And people ain't taking vaccines because Bobby Kennedy says we should ask questions of people that have legal indemnity when they try to mandate medicines. I'm your mental for this movement. So what happens? Vaccinations go down. There's a measles outbreak and children start dying. But yeah.
Children, children buying in a measles outbreak, man of onesie. Ready, Dad. You sent a letter to him promoting the idea that the children had died not from measles, but from, quote, defective vaccine. You launched the idea that a measles vaccine caused these deaths. You are a very influential man. In fact, you are called the leader.
of the disinformation dozen. The World Health Organization investigated this. They say the claims are false. It is not biologically possible what you claimed and yet ultimately more than 70 people died because
they didn't get vaccines. So my question is, are vaccines good? And can we please continue to have control over whether or not people get vaccinated, but simultaneously say it's a woman's right to choose when it comes to abortions? Deaths of more than 70 people. Anything you do differently? No, absolutely not.
After the, there were two incidents which children died in 2015 and again in 28, 2015 it was from the measles vaccine as with the New Zealand General Hospital. I found the government of Samoa banned the measles vaccine after the 2018.
I arrived in July of the next year after the band would have been in place for a year. And the measles. Understanding that you wanted to hold this to a minute. And then I don't get to present all the facts and documentation. I've got, how about if we just decide to make entries for the record on exactly what the record shows about Mr. Kennedy's participation? And I think he's answered the yes or no question. He takes no reason.
Senator Warren we will do that and mr. Kennedy and I mean you can't watch too much of this without realizing they're absolute bastards. Let's do What's this story? We did that earlier Thanks for joining us today for this Bobby Kennedy watch a long special the hopefully this will result in him ultimately
being confirmed. He is Glenn Greenwald talking about Caroline Kennedy. We showed a little earlier Bobby Kennedy's cousin Caroline condemning him as a predator and mouse blender. Caroline Kennedy's anti-RFK junior crusade like the rest of the family is not a noteworthy nor significant. They're loyal Democrats. It's central their identity and their royalty status. They hate RFK visible in Trump. They have zero medical expertise and knowledge. Axelrod David.
It is noteworthy, significant that Caroline Kennedy is famously private about family matters. You can't be famously private.
That's an actual direct contradiction. It felt moved, felt moved to issue this searing indictment of RFK Juniors nominee. It's searing! I actually didn't even mean to be seared, but I was seared by it. It sizzled up my tit! Go before screen on me, please. Amazing. Let's go back to the confirmation.
There's requiring Georgians to jump through a number of honorous bureaucratic hoops and fill out even more paperwork to verify work and get access to healthcare assets as someone who represents a state that has not expanded Medicaid. The federal government, because of this waiver, spent $70 million on Georgia's Medicaid waiver. 82% of that went to administrative costs. The point that I'm making is that the folks that they're insisting need to work
90% of those folks are working. They are caregivers or they have a disability. Let me give you one example. A woman I think of all the time. Her name is Heather. She's a traveling nurse from Dalton, Georgia.
who falls into the Medicaid coverage gap. Heather experienced a series of small strokes leaving her unable to work full-time. She's dedicated her life to caring for patients, but now she can't afford her own medical care out-of-pocket costs because she doesn't make enough to qualify for tax credits to buy private insurance.
What does Heather need? Does she need work requirements or does she need access to healthcare so she can finally get healthy and get back to work? The individual that you described would need healthcare and not a work requirement. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. And we are done with the questioning now, Mr. Kennedy. I apologize to you, to the audience and to all of my colleagues to have to rush it here at the end. But we have a vote on the Senate floor that they're going to close in about three minutes. I want to thank you for appearing before this committee.
You have been accessible to the members and staff on both sides of the aisle of the finance committee throughout a rigorous process. And I want the whole world to know that you spent hours in meetings answering questions outside of this hearing and providing documents and responses on issue after issue after issue. You've gone through the most thorough vetting process that any committee in this Congress puts anybody through.
And I think that you have come through well and deserve to be confirmed. I would like to remind my colleagues that the deadline for submitting any questions for the record is 5PM today, 5PM today. And Mr. Kennedy, we ask that you respond to those questions as quickly as you possibly can. With that, I'm going to leave you in this room.
and run over to vote. This hearing will be adjourned. I still encourage the audience to be polite and respectful. I'm excited. I'm going to leave you here. And when you're ready to apologize, then we're going to let you out of here. But Bobby Kennedy has a statesman like Colle, even seeing him there. It's iconic. I hope the dude gets confirmed, man. I really hope he does. Let's go full screen on Russell. Now the... Ah, that's why I know what that is.
Hello darling, that means we've done 99 minutes of this. Incredible. Hey, listen, in a sense, the
Explicitly what's happening is the confirmation. What's happening explicitly? Whilst explicitly we are discussing the confirmation of RFK, tacitly we are discussing the handling of the pandemic. No pandemic, no Bobby Kennedy. In a sense, because of Trump's endorsement of Operation Warp Speed, he needed to amortize that potential condemnation by incorporating into the camp a radical figure. Of course, there are
numerous reasons for the elevation, acceleration and reification of Bobby Kennedy. But one thing he does beautifully well is allows Trump to govern from a position of authority when it comes to big pharma in spite of his involvement in the Operation Warp Speed period and
that in a sense was the commencement of the pandemic. Of the pandemic breaks, Operation Warp Speed is the response. Trump never fully disavows Operation Warp Speed, bringing Bobby Kennedy in, allows those two ideas to exist simultaneously without controversy or apparent contradiction. The pandemic issue continues to define the news around the world in my country,
Sajid Javed, one of the MPs responsible for Covid and for the vaccine, not responsible for Covid, it's not his fault actually, madly, he's not Anthony Fauci, he didn't fund research in a lab and then received royalties, he didn't actually cause it. Sajid Javed was responsible for the Covid vaccine rollout and in this clip he tells the Covid inquiry, he didn't know what the yellow card scheme was. What is a yellow card? Is it a way of chastising a footballer
for a minor transgression before pulling out the red card. Yes, I know you're American, but I'm English, damn it, and I remain English. The yellow card in our country is the same as Vars, I think, in yours. It's the system for reporting adverse events as a result of a vaccine in this instance. Let's have a look at Sajid Javed talking about this while we continue to discuss RFK and the RFK confirmation because the pandemic, in a sense,
is the global political and health issue that's led to the ascent of Bobby Kennedy. Let's have a look at Sajid Javed discussing the vaccine rollout and not knowing where yellow card events or potential vaccine injuries even are. So I wasn't aware of the yellow card scheme.
Mr. Javid, I ask questions on behalf of the COVID adverse reaction and bereave groups. My questions are about the yellow card scheme, a matter of some importance to those I represent as you'll understand. You said in your statement that when you were Secretary of State for Health that the yellow card system was something that didn't come to your attention, therefore you couldn't answer the inquiry's questions about whether it's effective and observations, you can make any observations about the scheme and how it could be improved.
My question is then, how then was the government effectively monitoring adverse reactions if the health secretary yourself, the individual responsible for overseeing the nation's health, was unaware of the primary tool designed for this purpose?
So you're saying that just because I didn't know what reporting a vaccine injury was as a concept, and I hadn't heard of it being a possible thing that could even happen, that that might impede my ability to receive those complaints when I was the government minister in charge of the whole thing. I respect your question, but I won't answer it.
Yeah, thank you. It's a very reasonable question, of course. And what I would say is that I wasn't aware of the yellow card scheme.
understood, but you said in answer questions to Mr Keith that you were having meetings about vaccine delivery every day. You're the central role responsible for the driving the vaccine project forward. Would you agree that not knowing about the yellow card system, one of the centrepiece systems for adverse effect reporting highlights a significant gap in the systems designed to ensure that key decision makers like yourself were informed about critical mechanisms for monitoring vaccine safety
I'm using so many words to say, mate, you hadn't heard that it was possible to report on vaccine injuries and you were in charge of near mandate in vaccines in a somewhat unique global pandemic. Don't your lack of awareness for the possibility to report them bloody injuries even existed mean that you didn't have an objective perspective on whether or not people were being vaccine injured and they were being vaccine injured. And not only that, the entire pandemic in retrospect
It stars to look like an endeavor to create opportunities for profit and control. Now, what have you got to say, you sexy little bastard. It seems safety. Join the rollout. I think that I'm with respect, but I'd say that I'm not sure me not knowing what the yellow card system is or was would have made any difference.
because I'm not aware. That's amazing actually. Imagine if your job was, you worked at a pizza restaurant and it was, you're in charge of it and you didn't know it's possible to complain if people had sort of spat on the pizza. That would definitely have impede your ability to run the restaurant. That's fundamental. I didn't even know it's possible to complain about spit on a pizza. I don't know what this pizza restaurant is actually. It doesn't work as a concept because no one would build that into the machine.
Does it make sense? Look, let's have a look at how Sajid gets out of this. Yeah, and that certainly hasn't been brought to my attention at this point, that there was a problem with the system. There was an issue with the system. And so, and I would suspect the reason it wasn't brought to my attention in those meetings that you just refer to was because no one within my department or the White Department thought it was an issue that was important enough to bring to the Secretary of State. What do you think then?
Sir, Saji Javi's about this spike in unexplained heart conditions. Well, I don't know. We didn't know it was possible to complain about a spike in the heart conditions. This article doesn't say who the article is by, by the way, guys. It was should say who it's by so that I can like introduce it. That's hopefully it says on page one, what it's by. It's from the Daily Mail.
Can sign is a calling for more research into vaccine side effects after this unexplained Uhh unexplained spike in heart conditions. I will see it's part of the same thing Canadian experts are calling for more research into heart damage
Whoa. Okay. Actually, this is, yeah, this is a bit of an endeavor actually because I'm coming off that and pressing stop. And that's actually going to be too difficult to do because it's so many sides. That's like 14 consecutive sides. And as I go through that, I'll have to remember, did I just press 34? Like, that's, like, I said, that's a, I will talk about that after. All right, guys, let's leave it for today. It's been an incredible show. We'll go, we'll get back, I guess, with reporting on Bobby Kennedy. If you want to listen, break bread next week's going to be a month.
We've got Wesley Huff coming on. That was him there popping up in that card. You might see him on Joe Rogan. I think we're going to have a fantastic conversation. You know who else we need to go on? It's Alex Connor, I think. Alex O'Connor. Yeah, we should do that, shouldn't we, Isaac? Can you remind me that I said that at a time when it matters?
all right then listen i think um that's enough for now we're going to do some we've got to do a few other bits and bobs i hope you've enjoyed joining us if you ain't got rumble premium yet consider getting rumble premium because it directly helps us from but of course if you're watching us on locals like pride folks my friend or varied or zyther two thousand we will continue to put our content there but you lot like mark
Conestar and Mr. Tindallstrom. Get over to Rumble Premium. Join us then. If you're watching us on X, thanks very much for joining us. And if you're watching us on YouTube, we will be back. Our Oracle show, we're hoping it's going to work out. Neil Oliver and Lara Logan and I will be discussing the week's news and surely included within that will be the confirmation of RFK. But Lara Logan is loose in the skies. Watch on an airplane. She's not loose. She's under considerable restraint and control, thankfully. But we don't know if we're going to be able to do it. But hopefully we can
bring you that later this week as well. Mr. Timm- Mrs. Timm- Mrs. Timm- I know where's Huff's uncle. Well, tell him, tell where's Huff's uncle to watch where's Huff on our show because we're going to be talking about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on break bread, which is one piece of additional content you get if you are a member of Rumble Premium as well as getting an ad-free experience. The irony, I'm advertising an ad-free experience. That is literal irony, I think.
All right, guys. Thanks very much for joining us today. We will be back tomorrow with Neil Oliver and Laura Logan for the Russell Brand Oracle's, where we look at the weekly news, pick it apart, and have some fun with it. We'll see you then, not for more of the same, however it possibly be the same, but for more of the different. Stay free.
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