Purple Pants Podcast | Stimulation Simulation
January 28, 2025
TLDR: Briceizyah, Wendellholland, and Jackatkins21 continue the Survivor News Returning Players Draft in part two. They experience an epic BrantSteele simulation ('stimulation') with narration from RobCesternino and some surprising moments.

In the latest episode of the Purple Pants Podcast, titled "Stimulation Simulation," host Bryce Isaiah and his co-hosts Wendell Holland and Jack Atkins delve into an entertaining Survivor-themed mock draft simulation. Joined by the legendary guest Rob Cesternino, the podcast reveals suspenseful outcomes and unexpected twists from their Survivor Return Players Draft. Each host navigates potential alliances and tribal dynamics, making for an engaging discussion perfect for fans of the franchise.
Key Highlights
The Survivor News Returning Players Draft
- The episode kicks off by recapping the Returning Players Draft where each host selected their own tribes.
- Brice, Jack, and Wendell prepare to test their teams in a fictional simulation using BrantSteele, generating a mock season of Survivor that reflects their choices.
- Rob Cesternino adds humor and insight as the narrated host, greatly enhancing the experience.
The “Stimulation” Simulation Process
- The process involves assigning statistical values to players based on their physical and social gameplay capacities.
- The simulation aims to determine which drafted tribe would emerge as the ultimate Survivor champion, triggering both laughter and competitive tension among the hosts.
- The fun dynamic of calling it a “stimulation” leads to amusing mishaps and inside jokes throughout the episode.
Drafted Tribes and Player Strategies
Team Breakdown
- Jack's Team:
- Includes notable players such as Kelly Wentworth and Christian who bring strong personalities and game knowledge.
- Bryce's Team:
- Features Maddie P and T-Bird, focusing on social strategies and pre-existing alliances.
- Wendell's Tribe:
- Comprised of strategic players like Jamal and Chrissy, but struggles early on in immunity challenges.
Key Discussions on Player Dynamics
- There is engaging conversation around player performances and their potential pitfalls based on their historical gameplay.
- The simulated conflicts heavily mirror real Survivor dynamics, with players committing to alliances and making strategic votes.
- The hosts speculate on how various players’ personalities interact, which is crucial to understanding their dueling strategies.
Dramatic Moments and Tribal Council Outcomes
Shocking Eliminations
- The simulation portrays dramatic Tribal Councils where unexpected twists lead to shocking eliminations:
- Chrissy is voted out early due to poor strategic choices.
- Kenny's early departure and T-Bird’s surprising elimination, showcasing how allegiances can shift in a heartbeat.
- Deshawn, a strong player, ultimately faces the wrath of the remaining alliances leading to his vote out.
Building Closer to the Final Tribes
- As the season progresses, tensions build with strategic alliances evolving. Dom's Angels emerge as a powerful faction.
- The final moments see Bryce, Shan, and Dom positioned as the last contenders, with Dom’s super idol proving to be a game-changer.
- Eventually, Shan triumphs over Dom, securing a majority vote from the jury, demonstrating the social dynamics and strategy needed to win Survivor.
Conclusion: Reflections on the Simulation
This episode of Purple Pants Podcast serves as a delightful exploration of Survivor mechanics, with listeners treated to both strategic gameplay analysis and engaging banter among hosts. The humor, competitive spirit, and camaraderie make this podcast episode a must-listen for any Survivor fan.
- Listeners are encouraged to engage with their insight and thoughts on strategies, alliances, and predictions for future Survivor seasons.
As the episode wraps up, hosts express gratitude for the shared experience, highlighting the fun and excitement of discussing hypothetical scenarios in the Survivor game. Stay tuned for more engaging content from the Purple Pants Podcast.
This summary captures the essence of the podcast episode, emphasizing its key points, player dynamics, and overall engaging nature while incorporating relevant keywords such as "Survivor", "simulation", and "tribal council".
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It's a purple pants It's a purple pants It's a purple pants pie cash You better get your headphones and listen up quick It's a purple pants pie cash You better get that box wide It's a purple pants pie cash You're trying to get your snack You better hurry right back though It's a purple pants It's a purple pants
Hello, hello, and welcome to the Purple Pants podcast survivor news. I serve as your humble and also gracious host Bryce Isaiah. And I thank you so much for tuning in to this special survivor news. If you could be so kind to ensure you are subscribed to the Purple Pants podcast, we are available on Apple podcast, Google podcast, Spotify, wherever you can find podcasts, the Purple Pants podcast,
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We really appreciate you tuning into the survivor news, returning players draft. And like we told you in that podcast, we were coming back this week to test out how those tribes that Jack Wendell and myself picked out how they would fare on a season. And so we created a brand steel and we are going to deliver the outcome to you this episode. But baby, we couldn't do it alone. We had to get the man the myth.
Robert is here to narrate us through this mock season we have created on brand steel. Now you know your baby boy is calling it the stimulation simulation and it is a good episode. Let's see whose tribe takes home.
The win, let's see who is the million dollar player in the Survivor News returning player draft. Let's get in to the stimulation simulation.
And we are back this week with your survivor news. We're so excited to be here. If you tuned in last week, we did the survivor news draft and we each picked
our teams. We've got Jack's team, Wendell's team and my team. And so we are going to run through a simulation of what the season would be like. Okay. Now let's welcome back to the podcast. You might know him from Netflix season to the baby boy. Jack Atkins was popping with you.
What's up, man? Feeling good. Representing my tribe, the green tribe. We got a great one in the story today. I'm very excited to see my whole team win. And maybe one of my players take it home. Oh, okay. Well, listen, that's good to know. We have one of the hosts of Extreme Makeover Home Edition airing right now on ABC, tuned in every Thursday at 8 p.m. We've got Mr. Wendy Z. Holland, you might know him from Extreme Makeover, but you really know him as the first
merge boot of winners at four was popping wind easy. That's me. What's up, Bryce? How you doing? It's good to be here. Yeah. And I'm excited to win today. Um, as the, uh, as the only winner out of the three baby boys, I'm, uh, gonna take, take another one, take another one home. So yes, sure to you rock in the day. Is that, is that green?
Well, you had control over the tribe colors and you manipulated that. So I'm gonna, this is all I had today. So I'm not rooting for the green tribe though. Well, listen, since we are doing a survivor news simulated season, I feel like it's only right that we get somebody in here that knows how to cover a season, the man, the myth, the legend. Some might know him as Rob, but I know him as Rob.
Yes. Yes. Podcast. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Thrilled to be here to talk about this big season here, but I listened to the draft. I just got to say,
I think that the draft was, why did Bryce never get the pick twice? What is with this? Robert, right? It wasn't fair. Why did he never get the pick twice? You always be that Jack gets two picks and then Bryce only gets one and then Wendell gets two picks and then price only gets one. Explain, make it make sense. Robert, have you ever heard of a snake pick like that before? Yeah.
You got snaked. That's what happened. I used to be in the tail, not in, I was very confused, Robert. And they kept gaslighting me like, no, something was off. Thank you. Thank you. Look, regardless of that, I don't think we were picking from the same pool of people. Listen, not too much. But Robert, since you did get to listen to the draft and you saw our pick, what did you think about the actual picks?
Well, I think that definitely different strategies coming into this. And so let's see, which team is going to have the best chemistry when we put this all together?
Yeah, we're going to see. And so we should start the simulation now. So we did a brand steal and no one knows what happened, but we do have some graphics that created to give you a more visual stimulation of the stimulation, not the stimulation, but what's the worst dim stimulation? Yeah, stimulation. I think you had it right the first time while we're in. This is very stimulating. OK, yes. If you love survivor,
So we are excited to get through this. We just spent a lot of time on the brand steel, Timmy and Jack kudos to them because we didn't just do the default settings. What do we do, Jack? Yeah. So brand steel lets you assign like statistical values to players like their, you know, their physical competence and challenges, their mental, their, like how bitter they are if they get turned on, how trustworthy they are.
How loyal they are, how strategic they are, how social they are. So we went through Timmy and I as unbiased as possible, assigned everyone a value one through five. And then they also, you can put in some, you know, pre-existing connections. So someone, you know, like a Lauren O'Connell and a Kelly Wentworth, we know they're close and they would work together. So that's a factor in this. So there will be, you know, a lot of times brands still, it'll be fully random, but this one, we're trying to keep it as true life as possible.
Robert, let me just tell you this. So after we recorded the draft, uh, to me, Jack and myself, we stayed on, uh, and they did the brand steel while we were on the link. Rob. I left. I finished my work day. I went to the grocery store. I watched clothes. I walk in my podcast room four hours later. They are still going in and they're not even have done. So.
I want to just, you know, give some kudos to Tim, Timmy Bridgeman and Jack, because they really stayed in the work. Yeah, they did. Well, and not only that, Timmy, I mean, went crazy with doing all these graphics too. So shout out to me. Should we go ahead and pull up our tribes just to get a recap of who everyone has before we get into it? We absolutely can.
Yeah. I've done a lot of these brand steel simulations with Mike Bloom over the years. We've never, I've never seen one like this with everybody like cut out and like a 3D rendering of everybody on the tribe mat. This is incredible. You're not watching the video of this. You got to see it. Some robber. Welcome to survivor news. Okay. Yeah. So we have Jex Team Jex. Just remind us who's on your team again.
Yeah. So coming in on my team, we have Devin Pinto from a heroes, healers, hustlers. We have Kelly Wentworth from multiple season. The only repeat, uh, returning in this cast, we got the Bryce Isaiah from survivor Coggy on. We have the great Christian, he picky from David Briskalat. We have Sydney Gillan from survivor Colerong and we have Genevieve Molashuk. I believe it's pronounced something like that from
I don't believe that's how it's pronounced.
Yeah. And coming in on the purple tribe, I'm not even going to try to remember people's last names. I've got from survivor Gabon, liquid Ken. We've got Desi Williams. I've got Maddie P. I've got Dr. Deshawn. I've got Hunter and surrounded all out. We've got a T bird in the building when DZ.
Okay. And on the yellow tribe, we have Jamal Shipman. We have Dama Batte, Chrissy Hothbeck. We have Lauren O'Connell, Quintavius, Q. Burdett. And we have Chantel Smith, aka Shand. That's a strong looking tribe. Yeah. Well, all right. Well, how this will work is we have Robert, he is going to be
the narrator, the Jeff probes of this survivor news. And the baby boys are here to fill in the context. So listen, let's roll the dice. Come on in everybody and let's get this.
I'm about to say stimulation. Yeah. Stimulations. Now, Jack, what season was used for the format for this three-drive season? Do we know? I believe that we use survivor Kage on. Oh, OK. Oh, this is on a different team now, but it's on the brain drive.
Now, let's just be clear. If I am out third in this simulation of the stimulation, I'm leaving the podcast. Okay. Like, you're going to do this without me. Ain't no way. Right. What if you're out before third? This is a threat.
Hopefully, Bryce, hopefully, I picked my team to make you shine. So hopefully not. Bryce, you were also wanted not to give away too many of the stats. You were wanted to, you know, so maximum rating social players, Bryce. So I have high hopes for you in this. You might be my winner pick, Bryce. Okay. It's always possible you go out. I would be upset.
All right. Well, let's get it started. Let's see what happens when the world's collide. Okay. All right. Am I reading this? Okay. Sydney, Deshawn and Chrissy, our elected team. It's Coggy on. So we have our captains and they have to select their weakest player. So we have Sydney, I believe that's on Jack's team, selected Kelly Wentworth, weakest player. That's messed up.
Yeah, what the hell? Look, I didn't tell Sydney what to do. She's her own woman, but maybe she saw Kelly sort of an Emily Flippin Bruce situation where maybe this game.
This is her fourth time now. Yeah. Everyone else is just a second time player. And so maybe, and also my child is really strong. You know, you got, you got Genevieve, you got David, you got Rice, you got Christian, you bickies. So there's really no weak links. Hopefully this is a, this is a trish from Calgary on situation where she comes back. Sean selects T bird. I don't like that, Bryce with respect. Yeah. Cause she's later days. I may be, I'm not sure, but we don't like that at all. Desha. And what was you doing?
And then Wendell, Chrissy, she's the leader and she picks Q is the weakest. He's not gonna like that. Big mistake. Big mistake. We're gonna cancel all the holidays.
from the start. Yeah, forget canceled Christmas is canceled. Chrissy. First of all, look at cute on that boat. You know he is off fuming. And shout to Tim. He's got he's got our players in the in the proper tribe colors. He's got them wearing their appropriate buffs. I'm very, very impressed with this with these graphics. So if you're not tending to the YouTube, make sure you jump on.
Okay. The weakest players are given a choice between a clue to the hidden immunity idol or rice for the tribe. Okay. So are they going to be selfish? Are they going to be for the tribe? I guess we'll find out.
Oh, okay. Well, we don't know that I'm going to find a picture. Oh, am I looking at the T bird has a bag of rice? This is taken the rice. Okay. And it looks like that classic Kelly Wentworth. She's going to take the clue to the idol. Q is going to take it. He's got a clue in his hand. I didn't realize the level of detail in Tim's graphics. Listen, don't get too stimulated on this simulation.
Okay. Uh oh. Wendell tribe has lost the first immunity challenge is going to be headed to the first tribal council. How does this happen? Not this tribe. I'm pretty sure you right into quit. Okay. All right. So let's see if the friction between a Chrissy sending cue to the be the weakest player. Now cute. He has a clue to that idol also.
Okay. Oh, me while on the Jack tribe, Christian and Bryce are forming a strong alliance. And you, and you know what bonds us. If you don't know, Emily. Okay. Right. What's your alliance name with, with Christian? Oh, Emily lovers. Emily lovers. Okay. The E.L. I thought let's go to the tribal council.
Jeffrey and it's a tie three to three between Chrissy and Q. Oh, oh, we got to have a revote. This is rigged. Yeah. Look at Chrissy. She's like, what? What the hell? What do you guys think the, uh, wait, what happened?
Chrissy is voted out to Chrissy losing the tie. Let's just assume that I guess. It looks like Maddie is a founder. I know the next day. Chrissy's I was Chrissy lost in the tie. Wow. Hey, Chrissy, you know, and I love Chrissy, but, you know, she f'd around and she found out she sent you off to be the weakest player. That was a big mistake. All right, Chrissy.
Okay. Wow. They'll say we got Chrissy back for one episode. Oh, what do we think the split was in the in Wendell's tribe? Who was with Q? I'm gonna say Dom. Jamal. And then and then it was the men versus the women. It was three, three, it was three, three guys versus the women. And then maybe Shane flipped on the revo.
Oh, rocks for Jesse. Wow. Oh, wait. Hold on. Tim has it in the chat. Okay. Vote one was for Chrissy. It was Jamal, Lauren and Q. And then on the, on the second, on the flip, the person that flipped was, it was like Dom. Dom flipped. Wow.
That sounds about right. He's like, I didn't come back all this way to get the vote out first. Exactly. Yeah. All right. Meanwhile, Maddie has found the Bryce tribe idol. Come on, Maddie. Okay. You're not going to share it with Brandon this time. She found it on her own. Okay. All right. But then the Bryce tribe loses immunity. All right. Maddie might need to play that idol tonight.
She might need to. Okay. So, and if you're listening to the podcast, the Bryce tribe, that's T bird, Kenny Hunter, Desi, Maddie, Deshawn. They're going to tribal council tonight. And meanwhile, Kelly Wentworth has found the Jack tribe idol. Okay. She got that clue. She got the clue. Kelly Wentworth. I mean, Maddie found it without the clue, but Kelly Wentworth, she has her first idol of the game.
I'm all Wentworth. Okay. And then there's an alliance now between Genevieve, Devin, Kelly Wentworth, and Bryce. Wow. Okay. Big four person alliance. Okay. Look at me. Look at me. Bryce, what happened to Christian here? Why? Two things can be true at the same time, my good brother. Okay. This is my second time playing. I've learned from my mistakes. Yeah.
not looking good for Sydney. Only person not in the audience. I mean, Q has found the Wendell tribe. I don't know. Okay. Yes, sir. Yeah. We had to end the Q skirt and he's ready to go. Okay. Now it is an alliance here. Five personal lions on the price tribe. Okay. Um, so T bird, Desi Hunter, Maddie Deshawn, uh, bed for Kenny.
Kenny voted out, you know. Hey. Wow. Okay. Sorry, Ken. Liquid can be left. Okay. Bryce, any final words about Kenny?
Kenny was screwed on a tribe in Gabon. And I feel like he came back and he was screwed again, but I still stand 10 toes down. Kenny's amazing player. And it sucks this, how this panned out for him, but I still would love to see Kenny play. And I think Kenny is amazing. Love him. Okay. All right. Let's go to episode three. They won Wendell tribe has lost immunity off the, off the bat.
How? Okay. I don't like that. And Maddie has left the Bryce Alliance. Maybe she didn't like how they voted out. Kenny, but she does have an idol. I mean, that is just the whole tribe that Alliance now. Oh, she's a new Alliance. And now it's the new Alliance is Maddie Hunter and T bird. Okay. We like that. We need T bird to go very far. Maddie Hunter T bird. New Alliance number two.
Jamal is holding out unanimously. What the hell? And you and we know you be your head at that. You guys don't see that travel to.
Yeah. So just to go back to the first tribal council. So the people that hold on that here stand, stand that slide for a second and we'll go back to tribal council. So I thought at the first tribal council, the people that voted for Q were Chrissy, Jamal, Lauren. So that so far now, two of the three people who voted out, voted for Q at the first tribal council are gone. Lauren, you're on notice.
This is like this is a real cue game because that is something you would do. Uh oh. Okay. The Wendell tribe is a disaster. It's going to. We're on episode four. They're going to travel council again. Oh Lord. This is crazy. This is crazy. Yeah. Wendell, your team was stacked.
We were stacked. I thought we were strong. I thought we were challenged based and everything. But I think that those people that were assigning these scores were lying to me. Your tribe across the board was the highest rated like physical, you know, challenge tribes. So I'm very surprised over here. But Wendell, can you give us a little insight? What do you think's going on with your tribe? What's up with the, why are they folding under pressure? What are the dynamics? Can you give us a little insight?
Well, we saw season 46, Q's tribe had some issues to say the least with what Bonu and Jalinski and other things and how they couldn't get their stuff together. And I'm thinking maybe this strong looking tribe of mine just can't get their stuff together. And I'm hoping we can turn it around because we still have Dom.
Lauren, Q and Chan, but one of them is about to go home tonight. But maybe Q is feeling like, Hey, I gotta get rid of these people that aren't with me. That's true too. Yeah, I could see that.
I with this tribe being as though that you've lost so many people thus far. Could it be like in real survival where like could the winner be on this tribe? Like the maybe if this tribe windows down to three people, is that the window tribe, the Tinka tribe three or Tinka three window three? Yeah, could be Malcolm and Denise territory here. Okay, but somebody's going home tonight.
I can see the IQ. I got a question. What? Okay. We're in the middle of the season. What's your question window? Right? My only question was, how did you feel about Jamal joining the third boot club? Oh, I don't like it, but I love it because again, the third boot club is we have built this up over the decade long and it is a prize. People are actually going out there to be third boot.
you go out and be third boot. 10 years later, you could play in a simulated game and you can have Rob Sussanino hosted. So listen, right? Things are happening. Okay. All right. So Q is playing his idol. Is he playing it for himself? Yeah. Oh, they've tried to vote out Q. They tried to turn it around on him, but the votes for Q does not count.
Lauren, that's enough! Geez!
Okay. You two around and found out, Lauren. From the first vote, Q voted out the two people that voted with him, Jamal and Lauren. Yeah. So, you know, I got it. I got it wrong before the people that voted for Chrissy and the first vote were Jamal, Lauren and Q, and then Dom flipped over to save Q. But then since then, Jamal and Lauren have been voted out.
He's a wild card. Look, you, you can't argue with success. That is exactly what Q's history would leave me to believe that he would do in another season. So, I mean, come on, brand steel. Yeah. Wow. I love the picture that Tim got of Q when the votes didn't count. Oh, yeah. That was great.
Oh, okay. Oh, tribe slop here. Okay. Oh, we have the two tribes now. Okay. This is all confusing now because now there's no more, uh, Wendell Bryce Jack tribes. Now we have just two tribes. I'll take note of all these two just so we have now. There's a new Jack tribe and who's the other tribe? So I guess we'll be the Jack and the new Jack tribe and new Bryce tribe is because this Wendell tribe dissolved. Wendell, that's not right.
It's the same. That's terrible. That's not my tribe dissolving. That's just a tribe swap and down to two tribes. It's not my tribe dissolving. It's the snake window. Can we get up to the audio listeners? Can we get a breakdown of the? Yeah, let's look at the new. Okay. All right. We've got the the the purple tribe is the is the Bryce tribe? See. Okay. All right. So it looks like we've got what the Sean
from, okay, the Sean was, he stays on his tribe. Correct. Okay. I see also, uh, then Maddie stays on this tribe. Then from the old Jack tribe comes Bryce and Christian and Sydney. So there's three people from the original Jack tribe. And then here comes Shan and Dom. Okay. So two people from old Wendell tribe. Then
On the other mat, the new Jack tribe comes Q by himself. Then you've got what? T bird hunter and Desi and Desi. Okay. So three people from the old Bryce tribe. And then is it three from the old Jack tribe? Evan, Genevieve and Kelly are staying on the Jack. Okay.
So all right, three, three, one. So cues like the, the Sarah Lassina here in this one Bryce where he's the one person from his old tribe in three and three. Let's hope he doesn't believe he's the split vote. Okay.
Let's see what happens that people can be fighting for Q over there. All right. Now they're going to tribal council now that maybe the two groups team up against Q or maybe Q is the bell of the ball here and everybody's fighting for Q. Yes, that's interesting. Q got voted out for you.
Oh, okay. Big mistake. Big mistake man on the season. He was cute. He was delivering all of the drama so far. Okay. So fortitude. So hunter in queue voted for it. So he teamed up with Hunter, his old buddy. Um, but no, not enough. And he was the swing vote here. And it's seven people on this
Yeah, I'm guessing maybe it was five to two. Yeah. But okay. Wow. He was in a swing, you know, a prime swap position, honestly, coming from that minority tribe, you know, that's that solo member amongst two split tribes, but he plays his way out of this. Maybe he got cocky after the idol play. I don't know.
I got to you credit the hunter that he does not turn his back on Mississippi Alliance that he looked. He got burned. He's still going back with you. And it's dove season. So listen, we love hunter. Okay. Yes. Okay. All right. Q is the fifth person voted out. All right. New Jack is going to immunity. Uh, again.
Dan. Wow. Y'all can't catch a break. Can I just say, when those tribes down to two people, am I still full? I'll stick to my, my starter. Don't jinx it. Okay. All right. Now on the new Bryce tribe, Shan and Dom form a home to a chan only knows one way to play the pre merge. I'm going down to just two people on my tribe. What could go wrong?
Wow. Okay. So the two people left from wall wall. Oh, T bird is voted out. Wow. What the hell happened? I want a three to one T bird. So Devin Genevieve and Wentworth. That's all for T bird. Hunter and T bird voted for Devin and Desi voted for Wentworth. Wow. The original guy. I've stick together. Yeah. Devin Genevieve Kelly.
Wow. Okay. Poor T bird. Six player voted out. And I know she's dancing at a Ponderosa. So yeah. All right. So now with T bird out, we have the new Jack tribe lose immunity again. Oh, geez. Wow.
I hope Hunter is not on the outs with Q Last Tribal Council.
Okay. So, uh, for a hunter again, Devin, Genevieve, Kelly. Okay. Big, big three. And then Desi and Hunter voted for Wentworth. And so Desi could be in trouble. She really could be, but I am, it's crazy that no one from the original jet
Shaq has left. Interesting. Yes. That is real interesting, Robert. I'm just saying that just sound real interesting. You guys all the numbers. And the only real connections that were put into the simulated were the ones that I know from Bryce, aside from the obvious ones, like a Q and Hunter, Kelly and Lauren. So maybe there's something inherent in a member of Team Jack that they're loyal and they stick together.
Yeah. Well, listen, Rob, I'm not a parent, but you are a parent. Yeah. When you have a toddler and you start to smell a little boo boo, nine times out of 10. What is it? Boo boo. Okay. Now we've seen tribes of six come in at the merge and it's not necessarily that it's going to be a guaranteed success.
very true. But I will say work. We're down to a shot about that. We are down to 11 now in this season. So they would have the majority if they can stick together. But you know, these are some aggressive players. I'm expecting fireworks at the marriage. Yeah. All right.
Here. Oh, the Sestradino tribe. Okay. All right. Let's meet our merge tribe. We have Dom and Shan, the two surviving people from. Yeah. Hi, huh, huh, huh. Hold on, wait a minute. We merge. We merge. This is the matter. Let's go, right? Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I don't think you went to a long travel council. I have it. I have it. Uh,
got a little excited. They're sorry. Okay. All right. Then we have three people from the original Bryce tribe, which are Deshawn, Desi and Maddie. And then, uh, we have, uh, it's, uh, six people from the Jack tribe, uh, Bryce Christian, Sydney, Devin, Genevieve, Kelly Wentworth. And so just to read, I think Maddie and Kelly still have their idols, right? Uh, yes. Yeah. Okay. All right.
So this is the Alliance, the alliances. Okay. Yeah, merge Alliance. Okay. So that's what's going on here. Okay. All right. The Emily Alliance with Christian and myself. This is still alive. Very happy. Yeah. I'm not sure what the disbanded the Sean and does he mean? But it disbanded.
They're on other beaches though. Okay. All right. Sydney wins immunity. Dom has the Tony Vlachos super idol and there's a new alliance. So this is a huge episode today. Okay. So congratulations to Sydney. Dom has the Tyler Perry idol, which now that Dom cannot be voted out of the game that he has that it's valid until the final five. Tony will tell you it's valid to the final four.
And that they have to basically, if they vote out Dom, he stays. Even if he even if he doesn't play the idol. And then there's a new alliance here. Okay. So we go back to poor Devin gets left out of the Wentworth and Genevieve, create a new alliance with Dom, Shan and Sydney. Dom's angels. And he's got a super. This is a good episode for Dom. Yeah. They're looking really good. That's my boy.
Okay. All right. And then Deshawn gets voted out at the merge seven, three to one. Okay. So the Deshawn votes are Desi, Devin, Dom, just so it's Dom's angels, plus what? Maddie and Devin.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And then Deshawn tried to get Desi voted out with Sydney and Christian. And then Bryce, this is not a great song. Bryce is voting by himself for Shan. Maybe a swivel on me. Bryce, what was your thinking here? I just seen Shan kind of switching between these alliances. And I know how deadly she was. So I took a shot.
I hope she's not going to be mad. I hope not. All right. All right. Sidney wins immunity again. Wow. And then Shann leaves Dom's Angels and Maddie is feeling paranoid. Wow. And Maddie also voted with Dom's Angels for Sean. So there might be a lot of upheaval here. Yeah. All right. Maddie and Shann tree places. All right.
So Maddie is going to play her idol because she was feeling paranoid. That's smart. Okay. And Maddie does not count. Eight votes negated. So somebody is going home that we were not expecting. And there's only two votes left, right? So Maddie and someone else, maybe Bryce, maybe Bryce. Okay.
Christian got voted out with two votes, Maddie and Shan voted out Christian. And Team Jack takes its first hit. Wow. And it's one of our most valuable players, Christian. Yes. And number one ally.
you will join Deshawn at Ponderosa. It's our two joreys. Okay. All right. So Sydney. Oh, it's Sydney. Yeah. Cool. You got to cool it down. Yeah. Okay. Meanwhile, Shan has found the, uh, the idol. So idol for Shan, three immunities for Sydney. And now Dom has left Dom's angels. That's just the angel. That was just the angel. Sydney. When, when were the Genevieve?
The Dom's going to do his own thing. Chan has the idol and Sydney's three in a row. I mean, I mean, this is, uh, people are going to be gunning for Sydney now. She's on the Tasha Fox immunity run. Mm hmm. Okay. Maddie. She had her great moment.
put it on the, you know, Maddie's greatest moments, YouTube clip, but that's, that's it. Then, okay. So listen to this. So Dom was like, he was riding high being in Dom's angels, but now he's in the wrong side of the vote where the votes, Bryce is back on the right side. It's Bryce, then Sydney, Genevieve, Kelly. That's the big alliance that we have plus Devin and Desi.
Then the three people that voted for Desi were Dom, Maddie and Shan. So Dom and Shan, even though they've left the angels, they're still working together. That's maybe that's why that Shan left. And Dom was like, Hey, that's my first. He had the final two with Shan. Remember. Oh, that's right. But now Shan, now, you know, Dom and Shan are on the bottom of Dom as a super idol and Shan has, you know, this is a huge, a huge episode. This could be a big one.
Mm hmm. Okay. Sydney has won her forever. Maybe maybe we made Sydney a little like she's strong and everything, but I don't think she won like seven challenges. I don't think we put it like that's too crazy.
Y'all got rid of all the strong people from my tribe that could have beat her. What about price is there? All right. Rice has now joined. Look at this three person alliance. The, the Dom and Shan final two plus Bryce. Oh, I like that. Right. I would change it and said, let me go get a super idol and an idol with this line.
Yes. Bryce, what's the name of this alliance? I'm telling my grandkids that this is, uh, Destiny's Child. We dropped some members, but this is DC three. Oh my God. Okay. Then.
We have, I guess these are the alliances, uh, which are, uh, we have the Kelly, Genevieve, Sydney Alliance, Bryce, Shan and Dom. And then, uh, remember way back when from the old Jack tribe, we still have Bryce, Devin, Genevieve and Kelly. Okay. Went where it still has an idol. Shan has an idol and Dom has the super idol.
Desi got voted out six to one to one. Okay. It was the old Jack Tribe Alliance, plus Dom and Shan. We had a Desi voted for Genevieve and Devin voted for Shan. Devin didn't want to vote for a fellow season 35 or I guess. Yeah.
I feel like is Desi the last remaining original Bryce tribe? No, Deshawn. Oh, he's gone. He's gone. Yeah. That's right. Sorry. Yeah. It's um, that diaper Rob. Yeah. That diaper is something to do with your bag. More than that. But it's stanking. Mm hmm.
All right. So we're down to the final seven. We're flying through this. Devin has won immunity. Okay. And now I guess this is all in one episode. And then Sydney got voted out in the same. I guess this is a double episode. What's happening? And then Sydney got voted out.
four to three. Uh, and the votes for Sydney were Bryce, Devin, Genevieve and Shan. Um, that's right. That's Dom. That's all right. I don't know my glasses on. Uh, it's Dom. Okay. So Dom, Dom, Shan and Bryce, right? Uh, they, they took out, uh, okay.
font got real small. Yeah, Sydney, Genevieve and Kelly tried one last. We're going to get dumb out tonight, even if it worked, it wouldn't work. And then Devin won his second immunity in a row.
Okay. So wow. So we're down to the final six now with Devin Pinto now coming, heating up now that Sydney is out of the game. Sydney won. She was like Kyle. She won two of, you know, all the immunities to start off the merge. I feel like, okay, she's got to go. And now here comes Devin Pinto. Is he going to be like the Rachel now, the new immunity hotness? I don't know. The final six. All right. So let's go tribal council. Shan idols, dumb.
Okay. When she idols doms, I mean, she plays her idol for Dominic, uh, and the gates, three votes from Bryce. Bryce, you were voting out Dom in your alliance. Did you tell Shan about that? You were going to do that? I did. I had to do a little Jesse Lopez here. And then Kelly Wentworth gets voted out with two votes from Dom and Shan. Shan got one vote from Devin. So Kelly Wentworth,
with an idol dies by the idol, leaves with an idol. This is like an all-time move from Shann. But Dom does even have to use his super idol. Yeah, the Shann know that Dom has the super idol because he wouldn't even come home. Wow. Shann, you could have saved your idol.
Tom is really making, making moves here. Sitting pretty. He's sitting protected, but with the super idol. He now riddle me this with the super idol. He could use it for anyone else, right? Does he, he doesn't have to go ahead? I don't know if you could play it on somebody else. I think that, um, I guess he could give it to somebody else. And if they get the most votes, they could say, well, not me. Okay. I don't know. We never saw it actually get played.
a little never. Yeah. What? Bryce has won immunity at the final five. He, Bryce is not going home. This is the last round for Dom to play the super idol also. Yeah. Is that the last title, right? Dom uses the super idol on Genevieve. Okay. All right. So I guess the rules, we're learning the rules as we go.
It's not going to be Devin going home, man. Huh? Okay. All right. Then Devin Pinto gets voted out. Two votes on. I don't know if that could do me. So wait, so Genevieve voted for Dom, but Dom used the idol on her. Okay. And then also Dom voted for Genevieve, but play the idol on her. What is he doing?
Hey, Dom is a master of history. Yeah. I think they're just trying to, I just think they're just trying to make you think one thing. Maybe he was, he knew he wasn't getting voted out last night to play it. He's just messing with everybody. But, um, all right. So with just two votes at the final five, Devin Pinto ends up getting voted out just Bryce and Shan.
So now it's Bryce, Shannon, Genevieve and Dom left in the final four. Okay. On the outside, looking in right now, final four, but no firemaking here. We're going to have a straight vote because it's Coggy on.
Genevieve needs to do something to break up rice, shan, and up rice. You did a good job of bouncing back from when you tried to vote out. I forget who they were. Did you try to vote out Dom and then Shan played the idol on him?
I think so, but I know I also cross shan early on as well. But it's all about bringing the people in social game. Level five. Level five. And now with Sydney and Devon gone, maybe Bryce is the new challenge after that. And if I can remind you guys, let's call it gay on. It's a final two. Oh, yes. Well, Bryce, right now, if you had your way, who's who's your final two? If I had my way, uh,
I would have to go. I might have to go with Genevieve and Dom.
Genevieve hasn't done anything in this game. She has some friends on the jury, but, you know, this isn't survivor 47. Okay. Yeah. Well, okay. Maybe because I'm thinking some, because I also feel like you just got to pick one. Oh, then it will be Genevieve. Yeah. Me and Genevieve going to the end, baby. Yeah. Okay. Okay. What a great final four of Bryce, Genevieve, Dom, and Shan. Okay.
So we got some loved ones here. Okay. And Bryce, I think your mom came out to watch this. Okay. Bryce is one already. Number two. Barb is out there. Okay. And so Bryce has an alliance with Genevieve, I guess going back to the old Jack tribe. And then Bryce is also Bryce. You got the alliance with everybody in the final four. Bryce, you are. They better pick him off.
Hey, so if Bryce wins the season, does he still get all the money? Yeah. That's not right. That's not right. That's see, you see how they snake it in again, Robert. I actually, I don't want to jinx myself, but I think I know what we should do. Yeah.
Hey, Wendell, they laughed at you that you have as many people, you have more people than than, or you as many people as Jack now. Yeah, Tom and Shan. Is that Matt saying? Yeah.
Dom and Shan that they were they were. Hey, Dom, wait, what firemaking. Hold on. Okay. Hold on. This must have been a two, two tie, right? It must have been a two, two tie, which then went to firemaking. I'm assuming that Shannon Dom voted for Genevieve and Bryce and Genevieve voted for Dom.
If I had to guess, I would agree. Look, Wendell once upon a time, Donald Vate said I wish I would have the chance to make the fire. He's going to see what we're going to see. We're going to happen. We're going to see. He's good at fire. OK, and Genevieve didn't practice. Exactly. So I hope I hope they did it right. Yeah. OK. All right. Let's see what happens. All right. Genevieve loses firemaking. OK, sorry, Genevieve.
gets right there. Final four. She's on the outside looking in. And now there's only one left from the Jack team and it's Bryce going up against Dom and Shan. I gotta say, I gotta say, everybody went here. Boy. Okay. Good thing it's a final three. I was gonna say, what if it, what if it was a tie between Dom and Bryce and then Shan has to break the tie. That would be
Wow. Oh, she might probably vote for him. She probably will vote for him given the circumstance of this game. They've been together, but you never know that level five social skill. That would be a tough pill to swallow. I think for done. Okay. This is good. Done with the final. And doesn't take price to the end. Oh,
Wow, Wendell, come from behind Wayne for Wendell who has won the season because he has his last two people. Not. Not I went from. Yeah. The first third to the last third. Yeah. Wow. Wow. So look at and.
Look at Dom. Look at you. Like, you know, Dom, it's like in Ghost Island, you and Dom were sort of like, okay, this is not looking good for us early on. And then you two make it all the way to the end. Shan had like the same thing where she's like down to the last two people on her tribe. And this time she gets all the way to the end. Look at that. Early adversity.
But it is interesting to see like their relationships with the other people on the jewelry because I don't know if this is necessarily a Dom's game or a Shands game. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see how it goes. But Bryce was just his social game was five that Dom couldn't take him to the final two. Yeah. You get creamed.
Hell of a story for Dom. I mean, I feel like he's been making so many moves, having Shan play her idol on him when he still has the super idol. He doesn't even have to use it on himself, can use it on Genevieve. He's been wheeling and dealing. I'm feeling like, you know, there's nine people in the jury. I'm going to say a six, three Dom win here.
Okay. All right. So I don't know what we're going to see next. This is going to be the winner next. Jan wins. Oh boy. Dom is saying it's so close. Yeah. I'm sorry. Yeah. What do you say? The pool is the second place pool. Maybe there's a hot tub now. A guest house. Something.
That backyard is going to be very nice. Yeah. But we have to say now, Dom, the best player to never win now. Come on. Yes. Nobody got closer twice. That is true. We have the final votes to. Okay. Yeah. Give it to us. All right. So the, the, so the four votes for Dom were Deshawn. Devin Wentworth and Natty.
But the five votes for Shan end up being, we have Genevieve, Desi, Sydney, Christian, and Bryce. Bryce, Kath, the deciding vote. He voted me out. I wish Shan. Sheesh. Wow. Congratulations. Congratulations.
Well, we had a double episode, Jack. They weren't 90 minute episodes. It was Coggy on. It was 60 minute episodes. Well, that wasn't on my bingo card, but I am very happy that my odds improve. I went from three to three.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do we forget something? Gentlemen, pay me my money. My Venmo is at Wendell Holland. Thank you very much. Swing me my money. Despite the odds being against me and y'all rigging it. Clearly didn't rig it. I don't know if you, I don't know if you may have something to call a Timmy and you make something, but yeah.
Timmy, great job on the, the PowerPoint. Yes. So exciting. Timmy Bridgman did that. Um, Bryce, you had it right. This was a stimulation. Okay. This was the, the fastest 48 minutes in podcasting. We got to get it done. Well, I am excited that
You're on the survivor news. People listened on 1.5. Oh my God. Yeah. Probably had a heart attack. Couldn't handle it. Yeah. I hope people are doing the YouTube for this one because I'm listening on the Spotify would be a whirlwind, I think. But it's our first one. Yeah.
Wow, they can handle it. But listen, another survivor season covered here with the survivor news, baby boys. Uh, Robert, we can't thank you enough. What was it like participating in this stimulation simulator? So incredibly stimulated and so fun. Thank you for letting me be part of this.
Absolutely. Uh, Jack when DZ as always, when do I will not be paying you your money because I was in third place. So, I was in top three. Got it. No, that is fine. Uh, but no, any last words Jack when DZ before we wrap up?
It was a lot of fun. I can't believe it was. I thought it was going to be like three hours. It was like 15 minutes. But, Rob, thanks so much for hosting. Timmy, thanks so much for producing. And Wendell and Bryce, thanks for obliging me with this whole draft. And it was a great time.
I'm excited. I think we have one more off season survivor content coming for the purple pants posse. So stay tuned for that. This has been your survivor news simulation stimulation.
It's a purple pants. It's a purple pants. It's a purple pants pie cash. You better get your headphones and listen up quick. It's a purple pants pie cash. You better get that box wide. It's a purple pants pie cash. You trying to get your snack. You better hurry right back though. It's a purple pants. It's a purple pants.
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