Good morning, everyone. This morning we are in Psalm 75. Let's take in verse one together. We give thanks to you, O God. We give thanks for your name is near. Men recount your wondrous deeds. I think verse one is quite beautiful and it reminds me so much of
how I try to think and how I hope you benefit from what I'm trying to pass on, where it says here, men recount your wondrous deeds. We give thanks to you, O God. We give thanks to your name, isn't it? One of the things that I wholeheartedly believe is that we have to remember God for all that he has done. We're gonna talk about God being engaged and involved in what we're doing right now.
But all throughout history, there have been times when people are like, God, why? You know, why this? Why is this happening? Why do you allow that to happen? There's times when it seems like maybe from our own human perspective that God's not working the way that we wanted to be working. And then, you know, other times you look back on your life
And you can just see the hand of God. You can see how He's directed your steps, your path, and it's quite beautiful. And we're going to see that today in this Psalm. But before we get to that, I want to say that I think it's good and right to recount all the deeds of the Lord.
to remember all the wondrous deeds he's done throughout history, so that our faith is not just in what is going on right now or not going on right now, but what he has done all throughout history. For those of you who have been around my teaching before,
You might kind of recall some things that I've said many times. I mean, when I think about God, I think about how He had the 10 plagues of, you know, in Egypt to set Israel free and how the 10th and final plague was the Passover and how they put the blood of the Lamb over their doorposts and God knew who the Israelites were and who the Egyptians were by the blood over their doorposts. And He saved the firstborn of the Israelites
And how he had planned for them to escape Egypt and how they escaped and how Pharaoh changed his mind and they were trapped by the sea and then the army of Pharaoh was on the other side and God allowed them to go through on dry ground and.
the Egyptians who chased after the sea covered them and Israel was finally free to be able to worship God but now they are in a desert and God gave them water from a rock and he gave them manna from the sky and quail from the sky and he thundered on Mount Sinai and
he punished them after they worshiped the golden calf and he let a generation die out and then he gave them victory in the promised land and the walls of Jericho fell down and moving very fast forward then there was prophecies about this Messiah who would come who would bring in a new covenant who would be pierced for our transgressions although none of his bones would be broken but his hands and feet they would put nails through
And that was all written about in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 and how Jeremiah predicted the new covenant and it all came to be on the Last Supper on Good Friday on Passover that Jesus on that one special day where the lambs blood saved them Jesus Christ shed his blood on that day and died on that day not just on any day but on that day.
to show that he is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and that not only did he die, but on Sunday he rose from the dead and he came back in the next 40 days and he showed himself alive and again to his apostles and to the women and to as many as 500 people saw him alive and they all died maintaining their testimony of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They could not deny what they saw with their own eyes. So listen,
This is something I recite the gospel of Jesus Christ that I'm forgiven through faith in Jesus because he took my sin and your sin on that cross and all the evidence and happenings of God that have all happened throughout history that no matter what happens to me today, even if I die in a car wreck today, God is God. He's real because we we can recount all his wondrous deeds. He really has to do no more
to prove the reality of God to me because he's already done it. Hallelujah. Verse one, we give thanks to you, O God. We give thanks for your name is near. Men recount your wondrous deeds. And he does seem near. We feel him as nears, especially now in this New Testament era of the Holy Spirit. God is near. And when we recount his wondrous deeds, it brings that reality of his nearness to our minds because we're thinking upon him. So listen,
Our faith is not just based on what's happening, but on what has happened all throughout history. Men recount your wondrous deeds. Hallelujah, how glorious that verse is.
But now he's talking about future plans. And he says this in verse two, for I select an appointed time, it is I who judge with equity, the earth and all who dwell in it melt. It is I who have firmly set its pillars. And I do believe this is the coming time of judgment.
when Jesus Christ returns and he knows the appointed time, no one knows the day or the hour except God alone, but he is going to come back and he's going to judge with equity. And you know, as a pre tribulation person, I look at verse three from that light, listen to what it says, the earth and all who dwell in it, meaning, you know, when he comes back to rule and reign, all who dwell on the earth, he's coming back to judge, but
You know, there will be people who believe in him that have made it through the tribulation because they've come to Christ during the tribulation. But I believe we won't be earth dwellers, the church. So it says the earth and all who dwell in it, we will already have been in heaven, I believe, as a result of the pre-tribulation rapture.
I think there's a little evidence right here in that he's referring to earth and earth dwellers. That concept of earth dwellers and all who dwell on the earth who are going to worship the Antichrist is one way of differentiating between the church and Israel and those who have not believed in Jesus. They're called earth dwellers. You can read about that in the book of Revelation several times you'll see a distinction between heaven dwellers and earth dwellers.
Anyways, it is God who has firmly said its pillars. He has plans that he's established for the earth. I said to the boastful, do not boast, and to the wicked, do not raise up the horn. And, you know, God is not impressed with those who take pleasure in themselves, who boast in themselves.
who are prideful in themselves. He lifts up the humble and he brings down those who are full of pride. And I was reading in my study Bible this morning that raising up the horn, you know, I watch a lot of reels on animals. I just like watching animals and, you know, I tell you what, when a lion tries to attack, you know, some animals in Africa that have a horn,
they better look out because i tell you what that animal knows how to lift up that horn and if he catches you know that lion or whoever's trying to attack him he can he can kill that line and seen it happen uh... on reels uh... raising up the horn and uh... you know it uh... horn is a symbol of pride in the day you know in in africa i mean they they unfortunately will kill animals to take the horn because it's
It's a highly valued thing, a horn, but a horn can be used for destruction or it can be used for protection. And we're not supposed to lift our horn up against God and kind of buck him and try to, you know, rival God. Verse five, do not raise up your horn on high nor speak with insolent pride. Don't be prideful against God. Be humble to God. Come to him. Follow him.
obey him, see his word as high and lifted up and his guidance is a blessing. For one's rising up does not come from the east nor from the west and not from the desert, but God is the judge. He puts down one and raises up another. I think that's really an interesting verse.
God is judge. We all believe that. But he puts down one and raises up another. And isn't that interesting that God throughout history, he puts down one and raises up another. And I think that can be of nations, can be of kings, but can even be of you.
And me, he puts down one and raises up another. And, you know, God has a way. In fact, sometimes he even raises up, you know, at one time in history, he raised up the Babylonians and King Nebuchadnezzar to come in and take over Israel. And the prophets were like, God, why are you raising up this wicked nation, Babylon? And why are you raising up Nebuchadnezzar? Because they surely didn't follow God. But God was allowing Israel to be punished for their waywardness and he lifted up a nation
And it was confusing to the prophets because he's like, surely they're not more righteous than I. But God had judgment coming to Israel because of their unfaithfulness. But you know what? God can raise up and God can put one down. And I think it can happen in any industry, in any place of work, in any country, in any family. At times God puts down one and raises up another.
For a cup is in the hand of Yahweh and the wine foams, it is full of his mixture, and he pours from this, surely all the wicked of the earth must drain and drink down its drags.
What I see in that is that God has a plan to punish wickedness into put down wickedness and ultimately when he wants to pour out his cup of wrath upon those who have denied him or who have raised up their horn and pride against him, ultimately they're going to get judgment whether it happens in this life or the life to come and they won't be able to refuse the cup of his wrath from those who have denied God.
But as for me, and this appears to be the psalmist now, I will declare it forever, I will sing praises to the God of Jacob, and all the horns of the wicked I will cut off, but the horns of the righteous will be raised up, and ultimately there is a reward for following God and obeying God, and I believe there are many rewards that happen in this earth.
But it's not going to always look fair from man's perspective on this earth. Not every person who follows God is going to get what we view as human blessing the way that maybe we would want it on earth. But I can tell you, the blessing is sure. The reward is great because one day we are going to hear well done, good and faithful servant. There will be crowns given in heaven that we'll be able to lay at the feet of Jesus and it'll all be worth it following him. It's all going to be worth it.
But the horns of the righteous will be raised up. Oh, live in the reality now that God is real, that God has reward. He has the reward of heaven and he has the rewards of heaven. And he also has justice coming his way for those who've raised up a horn against God and have denied him and have gone their own way.
and unfortunately they're going to face destruction. May those doing that, may those raising up a horn of pride against God and oh how I have people in my mind right now and even family. Oh God help them to humble themselves and see the reality of you to trusting you for all that you've done all throughout history. May they recount Lord your wondrous deeds. May they remember all that you've done and may they humble themselves God and
Repent and turn to you and follow you. And as a result, receive the forgiveness of sins, the gift of eternal life, the reward of heaven, and then may they now live for the rewards of heaven. What a beautiful psalm. Listen, it's going to be worth it in the end. And I believe we will also see blessings in this earth. God raises up the righteous. Hallelujah. And he's going to raise you up if you've trust in him. Stick with him to the end. God bless you all.