Just a reminder that good bodies is a podcast for entertainment purposes only. It is not a medical podcast and does not constitute medical advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or a health professional.
Hello and welcome to Good Bodies. Happy New Year. This is Lauren. This is Emily. Happy New Year, Lauren. Oh my God, it's like we're time traveling. I literally didn't even realize that. I didn't even realize. It's 2025. 2025.
Wow, 2024. Jas and I were just talking about this. 2024 feels like the longest year that's ever year. 2024 is sci-fi fiction. Like, like, it's, I don't, I can't even wrap my brain around it. So, Betches did this, like, batch of the year thing. And I was seeing on social media, I was seeing posts about it. Oh, yeah. There were different contestants and Risa Tisa won. She did. And I...
could not believe that who the fuck did I marry recent teases hold TikTok series this year or last year. That was during 2024. I could have sworn it was like three years ago. And that just made me feel all out of whack. But we sold her on. Here we are. Nevertheless, she persisted 2025. Let's fucking go. This is going to be our year.
Do you do Neer's resolution? Yes. Don't you remember? It's my favorite holiday. You do like vision boards. I do vision boards. I do like setting intentions. I pick a word. I do all the stuff. I really, really love a new year. And part of it is a little negative because I just
I get so happy to say goodbye to the old year. To the shit that came before. Not that, you know, bad things happened in 2024. I joined this podcast. Hello, like that. Yeah, this has been such a wonderful addition to my life. And I feel very fulfilled, actually. Let me not get emotional. But yeah, I get really excited about saying goodbye to the parts that like weren't so great. Yeah, it's like a clean slate. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we talked about this back in September, but like for me personally and
I mean, I am a Jew. So like the Jewish near Rosh Hashanah that is in the fall. So maybe that's part of why I feel like this. But I also feel like it's that's the back to school time. The fall is back is the new year. Everything feels new. So that to me feels more like the new year. Yeah. And I always go into fall like
Not I don't set intentions, but I kind of have it in the back of my mind like oh like it would be nice to start doing this or you know I so I don't know in January. I really need to like
ruminate on it and I come up with resolutions for this podcast. But if it wasn't for this podcast, I don't know that I would. But I came prepared today. I have a goal and this should surprise no one, but my goal for 2025 is to get a new therapist. I think if I give myself a solid 12 months
I could really accomplish this goal of setting an intake appointment with a therapist. We'll check in with you in a year to see if you got it done. But that's that really is my one resolution. I'm setting that as my resolution. I'm not adding anything else to my plate because it's so overwhelming to me. But if that's my only goal, I think I can do it.
Emily, I think that's great. I love the idea you're inspiring me. I love the idea of picking one goal because that's an achievable goal. Yeah. It's a realistic goal. And yeah, guys, steal Emily's one resolution hack. I love that. Yeah, why not? What are your resolutions? I'm looking down. I'm like, what did I write? I have three.
three just no I have four actually I have so many listen I love seven I love the new year I love reinventing myself I mean any reason to you know it's like I don't like poo pooing things that other people get excited about even if it's maybe not my thing so I'm gonna let you say all your resolution okay and I'm not gonna interrupt
Actually, you know what? I can't promise that. Yeah, I know you're an interim. Yeah, I probably will. But also, I want to say I do agree with you that the fall is the natural new year. It is. It is the energetic new year. But I will never turn down an excuse to write down a bunch of goals and things I want to do. Yeah. So my goals were 2025. I would love to perfect my nighttime routine, not have any more evenings where I accidentally forget to take my meds or my makeup still on or we talked about that before. And you were like, that could be your goal.
See, yeah, like that to me, that's a whole goal. Like it is. That's like, that could be your only goal and you would be fine, but you have more than this. I do, but I also should say, like, if I only accomplish one, that will be a success. Like I do wonders, but I do really like your strategy of picking one, but like, I just, I don't know, I'm a list person. How about you pick one that's your primary goal? A primary. And then you have secondary goal.
Okay, well that's not my primary then. Okay, so what's your primary one? My primary is, and I don't want to get too specific about it because I really am, I'm a little too precious about it and I'm scared somebody's going to steal it, but I want to start a, let's just say it's a plus size fashion project, like something that's kind of just mine.
Secret project. Secret project. It's gonna live on like YouTube and Instagram, stuff like that. It's like a whole to do. I've got a fundraise for it and it's like a very scary but exciting idea that I have and I just wanna make myself do it. Okay, well you have 12 months. I have 12 months. So that's my number one is do my plus size fashion project, which I'm sure I'll talk about once I get it started. And then the other thing on my list is to do my dishes.
Okay, I saw this in your list and my poor roommate. Do you mean like do them regularly? Like when you see dishes, clear them or do you mean that you've literally had dishes piling up in your sink for the past year and you need to do them? No, no, Emily. Like what are we talking about? Just like do them before I go to bed is my goal because I have been... What do you do with a dish after you use it? I put it in the sink.
OK, so you could just start like after you use it. This is what I did because you don't have a dishwasher, right? I don't have a dishwasher. My roommate and I sort of have an unspoken role that I break all the time where we want to have an empty sink at the end of the night with all the dishes and like the wash rack. Yes. So this is this is the only way before I had a dishwasher. The only way I would stay on track with it is after I use a dish, I wash the dish like eat then wash. I can't do that. Why? I don't know.
Because you're always in a rush. This is my unrealistic resolution is do all my dishes before I go to bed. I can, I can experiment with doing it right after I use it. But I just, I don't know, I watch TV while I eat or I'm eating in a rush between things. And it's like, oh, if you're in a rush and you're just like downing a sandwich before running out, like, yeah, then it wouldn't work. But
I really, in my experience, it really just took a little bit of discipline. I even do this with pans, and I've been on Andy's case about it a little bit because he'll use a pan, and then he'll leave the pan, and then eat his food, and then sometimes he forgets to wash the pan. That's what I do. So I don't do that. Before I even eat my meal, I wash the pan.
I'm going to have to do this hardcore method you're speaking of because what ends up happening is I think I'll do them at night and then at night I'm exhausted. Yeah. And I just go to bed and then I feel so bad and then my roommate and she's not passive aggressive about it. She even apologizes for kind of half doing my dishes, but she's scared of bugs. And so she will rinse all my dishes and I feel so bad. What a sweetie.
I know. But I'm sure you help her out in other ways. We do. We help each other. But I hate leaving. I leave dishes in the sink almost every night now, and it's just like, I end up actually washing them in the middle of the day, which makes sense that if I could catch up on my dishes, then I could wash them in the middle of the day anyways. Right. I think it's a mental block. And I have a mental block. They start accumulating, and once they start accumulating, it feels like so much more of a chore than it is to just wash a single dish.
So it's kind of the same thing as we were talking about this recently. Like when I get home, I wash my makeup off. I don't wait until later because chances are I'm going to get tired and then it's going to be like this whole massive chore to do at the end of the day. You're such a good Virgo. I want to be like you. Yeah, but it took discipline. Like I wasn't always like this. Yeah. And also I'm not perfect. Like I, I fuck up sometimes too, but this is what keeps me on track. Like,
It's the same as, you know, like when you get an annoying email and you just respond to the email right away, so it's not sitting in your inbox and then you don't forget about the email or like, it doesn't feel like so overwhelming because you just, that's what I started doing. Like if I get an email and I, it's like, oh, this is annoying. I don't want to respond to it. Do it as it comes. I just do it. And even if I don't have the perfect response, it's just I, I, I clear that mental
Energy yeah out of my brain. You know the cash eat what it's a it's an internet term. Oh, oh CAC I'm an idiot. I didn't you're not an idiot describing What happens what we do with our computers to release everything we're holding on to you're emptying the cookies folder. Sure. Yeah, I Love that they're called cookies by the way. Anyway, we need to get into these wellness trends
Hello, oversharing listeners, it's Dr. Naomi Bernstein with some exciting news. Starting January 13th, our oversharing calm the fuck down subscription is getting even better. Subscribers will get oversharing episodes a day early, plus additional exclusive bonus content on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Here's what's new.
one bonus episode with even more emails and advice, and another where we follow up with past email writers who could be you. While we won't be releasing new meditations in the New Year, don't worry. All of our past meditations will stay available on the feed for you to enjoy any time. Plus, we'll have a new meditation playlist for our Spotify listeners. To sign up now, head to subscribe.betches.com and select Oversharing, Calm the Fuck Down.
We're so excited about creating this new bonus content, talking to more of you, hearing your stories, sharing some of our own, and reminding us all to calm the fuck down.
Our lovely producer Jazz looked into some projected wellness trends for 2025. So we're going to get into those. I'm going to start it off. And by the way, there might be some crossover here. Last week we did 2024 in review, like the most popular wellness trends that we saw in 2024. There might be some crossover here, but let's find out. So the first projected wellness trend of 2025 is a focus on gut health.
This was definitely one that we saw in twenty twenty four and it's one that's been trending the past years as with gut health obsessed i put that in a one of my first best videos where it was like your almond mom learns therapy terms. I was like i gotta work on my gut health like i don't know which i don't know that that's really a therapy term but.
Actually, no, you know what it kind of is because it because people are always talking about the gut being connected to the brain. I forget what the line was, but it was something like I need to hold space for my gut health. I don't know. You do need to hold space for your gut. Yeah, gut health is totally legitimate. Like they're.
So many things that can go wrong in your gut and like different imbalances that can happen and whatever. But I do think we've got a little bit overboard, like constantly worrying about our gut or like balancing our microbiome. Like, yes, these things can be out of whack. And like, this is why gastroenterologists exist. But it is something that like usually will
balance itself out. Yeah. So like, I don't know, like the amount of probiotics that some people take in a day, it's enough to make my head spin. Yeah. And if that makes you feel good, like keep doing it. I'm not saying don't do it, but this trend, like I do kind of call bullshit a little bit with like all the companies trying to sell so many probiotics. Well, it's like with anything, it's like if there is truth to something or there's something that
we can use to make our lives better. Of course, somebody's going to try to capitalize on that in 10 different ways. Yeah, you're so right. So it's like there's probably something to learn from it. Like I personally want to learn more about gut health, mostly because I'm a hater.
Seriously, like, when I think of gut health, I think of Dr. Phil and Oprah being like, today we're talking about gut health. What's going on in your gut? Were they talking about gut health? Yes! Okay, yeah. They put a gut on the counter and, you know, I put my gut on the counter. Nobody's talking about gut health, you know? Like, I just, like, because I am a hater of the concept, I'm like, no, I need to learn about it. Like, I know there's something for me in there.
Yeah. And before anybody comes for me, let me just like give an example of what I mean when I say like, I think this has gone a little overboard. Poppy, the soda, the prebiotic, probiotic, whatever. So there was this whole story that came out about how it's like actually not that health promoting for you. And it's just a marketing tactic and whatever. When I saw that, I was like, yeah, duh.
I didn't think a soda was going to balance my mind. Can we be so fucking? It was a nice fairy tale though. I quite enjoyed drinking my poppy and thinking that my guts were gutting. Did you feel when you were drinking the poppy? Because I do think the placebo effect could be at play here and that's also okay.
I actually, I'm not a Poppy fan, I'm more of an Ollie Pop fan. I don't know if you've tried Ollie Pop. Yeah, those are good too. Yeah, there's some good ones, like the ginger ale is really good. I'm sure we'll get a similar type of sponsor next year, fingers crossed. I hope so, and I hope it's Ollie Pop.
I do really like it. It's also like a little bit funky. So since I don't drink, that's kind of like a fun, funky beverage. Yeah. But so I like it, like no shade to the soda, but it's funny that we were drinking the soda thinking like, yeah, we're gut health queens drinking the soda, but really it's just soda. It's just soda. So yeah, that's a big projected trend, more gut health. Can't wait.
You want to read our next trend? Yes, so our next projected health trend of 2025 is tech-free wellness escapes, the digital detox movement. In an age where technology is ever present, the demand for tech-free wellness escapes is growing rapidly. You know what this makes me think of?
The sleep retreats there. The sleeper treats, but also there was this phone that came out a while ago. It was like this tiny little black square and it was basically a burner phone that like celebrities paid way too much money for like John Mayer got one.
not know about it. They're like these, well, they sold out immediately. They were like these stupid phones that only texted and called and it's like, why do a flip phone? Yeah, it was a flip phone. It was a flip phone. But it was like fancy and they were like, catch me with my next house circa 2004. Yeah, like just go to a corner store and grab a flip phone because people like literally a burner phone.
Right. But it had to look cool. It had to be stylish. Yeah. So I feel like this is what's happening. I'm not surprised it was trend at all because bookstores. I don't know if you've heard this, but bookstores are coming back. Okay. It's interesting that you say that because I've started reading physical books again. I was on the Kindle for a long time and I was enjoying it because it's so convenient. I mean, it's small. You can bring it everywhere. You can put it in your purse like it fits in every bag. The problem was my battery kept running out.
Every time I picked up the Kindle and I was like, you know what? I'm going to read a few pages of my book. The battery would be dead. So I wouldn't read. We went too far with the technology. We kindled too close to the sun. We sure did. We jumped the Kindle shark.
Truly, truly. And so this projected wellness trend makes so much sense to me because we're returning to the paper books. More Barnes and Nobles are going to open up. They are opening up. People are making fancy flip phones, you know, so they don't get distracted by social media.
Yeah, it's funny because you could also just turn off your phone for 24 hours and feel so much better. But I guess for some people, the temptation, including myself, by the way, I think the temptation would be too high to not turn on my phone. So I could see myself doing a digital detox retreat if it was free.
I don't think I'd actually pay for it, but I would be tempted to do it because I do find myself being too bogged down by technology and hate her question.
Okay, for people who want to do tech-free wellness escapes, not for you, I love you. Thank you. Isn't anything a tech-free wellness escape if you just don't bring your phone? If you don't bring any digital devices, yeah, for sure. Oh, maybe that's what this, Jazz, is that what this means? Just go on a vacation without your phone.
Well, it's talking about actual jazz is saying it's like in person social clubs where you like can't be on your phone. Yeah, it's a retreat where nobody brings their phone. So yes, you could go on a trip and just not bring your phone. But the I think part of it is that nobody else has their phone either. So you're like actually connecting with people, you know, like the way that we used to be when we went out to dinner. We'd actually look at each other like on love.
Yeah, it's like on Love Island when they don't have their phones and they actually have to talk to each other every day. I would do this actually because it reminds me of like, I don't know, like I actually really liked going away to like church camp with like friends and like we'd go climb mountains and stuff and it was always like you'd leave those trips and you'd be like, oh, this feels so sad to leave this group of people. And it's because you were like,
in person relating with humans for an extended period of time is like that's what we kind of are meant to do like I'm I'm I'm fully going to drink this Kool-Aid I'm really with this and not to do it up once again but I want to I want to pitch something to you guys Shabbat
Shabbat. And by the way, yeah, and I don't, I don't always observe it, but I have started to try to incorporate it like once a month, which, you know, I could be doing it more, but it's hard. But you're doing great to, you know, sundown to sundown, turn off your phone, turn off the TV, you know, really tune in to like spending time with your family, journaling, reading.
Just meditating, like doing anything except for zoning out and relying on technology constantly, just for a 24 hour period. It does feel great. I'll do Shabbat with you. Yeah. I really want to, you know, because I do have the Jewish heritage as well. And that sounds like a nice fun way to honor it. Yeah.
Yeah, anyone can do it. And I actually recommend one of the first books about Judaism that I read during my conversion. It's called The Sabbath. I can't remember who wrote it, but it's a short read. It's a very thin book, but it's all about the benefits to having that during the week and how it really can make you reconnect with yourself and your heritage. Add that to my list of 2025 goals.
Oh, okay, added to the list. Lauren wants to check with you. I have like a hundred things that I just didn't say, but yeah, added to the list. Okay, our next trend. Projected trend. Our next projected trend. I didn't mean to say it like that. I was right. If I were correcting it, I'm like, no, you're right. I was just adding on. Our next projected trend is community saunas. Hot sexy times. Sounds cool.
dirty. We are 12 years old. Yeah, I don't. Well, okay, you know what? I'm not going to pass judgment. The resurgence of community saunas taps into the collective longing for shared restorative experiences. In 2025, communal sauna spaces are being reimagined, blending traditional sweat lodge concepts with modern wellness practices. So funny enough,
Last year, this was pre your time as host, but I don't know if you were working on the show yet. Uh, were you here when we did a segment on remedy remedy? Yeah. So we did a segment on, uh, the remedy spa and it's this spa in New York city that they call themselves a social wellness club. And it's like basically the idea is like a place where you can meet up with your friends and like do a sauna or do an ice bath. Have a green smoothie and you talk about your,
day. Yeah. And it's funny because they offered us like a complimentary ice bath. And I was terrified to do it. It ended up being a good experience. You could never make me do an ice bath. Lauren, you would die. I couldn't have never. So it was, I think it was six minutes that I was in this ice bath. I went, my whole body went completely.
And I will say, for anybody who's curious about it, like if you're feeling very adventurous, after about a minute and a half, your whole body does go numb and you, it is less painful after that point because you don't feel anything. That sounds horrible, but that first minute and a half is excruciating. I'm not gonna lie.
But anyway, my point is when I was there, there was a group of bros that clearly they were there like on their lunch break or something, and they were in a sauna together. And I thought, how cute. That is cute, right? And so I think this is kind of what this trend is referring to. Like this, it's projected that like, you know, it'll be more normal for you to be like, Hey guys, let's go take a sauna together. Yeah.
You know, let's go do something to improve our wellness together, which I actually think is a really nice idea, like not necessarily going to the gym together, but like going to do a sauna, do a an ice bath together, like do something that's going to actively make us feel better, but also doesn't take up a lot of time during our day. And you could do it like with your coworkers during a lunch break or
So I think this is a very cute, nice trend. Yeah, I think it's cute and nice too. And it kind of reminds me of the projected wellness trend of tech-free wellness escapes. Connectivity. Yeah, connecting. I don't know why I did a scissoring motion. It's motion just for lesbians. It's for lesbians. Yeah, it's not not for lesbians. It's just like,
A way that we can connect with each other and also improve our own health and wellness. Gotta love it. I'm feeling good about 2025. Maybe we'll come together and be with each other. Yeah. But speaking of coming together, this next trend is the opposite of coming together. Do you want to read this?
That's great. You can come together and still do this, Emily. I love that there is a word for this projected wellness trend of 2025. It's called sleep divorcing. I want a sleep divorce. I want a sleep divorce. This is.
Okay, let me just- You've never had a sleep marriage. Well, I have had a sleep marriage short term before and I wasn't a fan. Let me just tell the listeners what it is and then I will go off and you can make fun of me. Okay. Sound good? Sounds great. Okay. A sleep divorce is when you sleep in separate beds or rooms to get a better night's sleep. It can save your marriage. Well, it may sound extreme. No, it doesn't. Who wrote this? Many couples find that it improves both their sleep and relationship.
Snoring different sleep schedules or constant tossing. Ah, that's me. And turning can keep you and or your partner up all night, leading to fatigue, irritability, never great for communication. Sleep divorce is about prioritizing your health and theirs.
And many couples report feeling more refreshed, connected and happier in their relationships as a result. I feel so seen. I have been gaslit my whole life saying, Oh, when I have a partner, if I ever get married or whatever, I'm gonna need separate rooms. I've always said this and people have always made fun of me.
I feel like I hear people say this a lot that they want to sleep in separate rooms. They're like, I have friends with kids that some have luxury. Some of them do like co-sleeping with their kids. So like they ended up like having a separate room as their husband or like. So I think it's actually, it's not that normal. I mean, I'm glad that people are like talking about it as like something that's an option. Sleep divorce.
Sleep divorce sounds much worse. Honey, I want to sleep separation. Yeah, like that sounds like more extreme than it actually is. But for me personally, I love sharing a bed. I definitely don't want a sleep divorce. Did you hear that, Andy? Yeah. Stuck with her. Yeah. He loves sharing a bed with me too. I know. I don't have those kind of sleep issues, I guess.
That's not really a concern of mine. Um, who knows, maybe in the future. I love that you, that you don't have sleep issues with that. I, I think I kind of, I'm actually, when, when I sleep better with him, yeah, with me, but I think that's just because I'm so used to it now. Yeah. Like anything different feels wrong. Well, you also love him. So like, maybe, maybe being next to someone you love is nice.
Well, but I also told you this, I think it depends how big your bed is too. Yeah. Because we used to sleep in a full size bed for a quite a long time. Oh, God. And that was not it. Like it didn't bother me at first, but then eventually we needed a new mattress and I was like, we're getting a queen. Yeah, get a bigger one. So we have a queen size bed now. And I honestly like, I don't even notice him in the bed. And then when we stay in a hotel and it has a king size bed, we might as well be in different rooms.
I swear to God. That makes me feel good because I do. Listen, I have like sleep partner envy. Like I would love to. I love the idea of like cuddling with someone you love and falling asleep in their arms and I don't fall asleep cuddling. That's a, that's a whole other life. Jazz is shaking her head. People who say like, Oh, we fall asleep embracing each other. I'm like, get the fuck out of here. Okay. So it's a lie.
No, like, we might spoon, but I'm rolling away when it's time to actually go to sleep. Like, absolutely not. I mean, if you can fall asleep in a warm embrace with your partner, that's cute. It's a magical evening. I don't know. Even sleeping next to somebody, like, I...
a test off Mike just now was saying like Jared has the same problem apparently on you up but like I'm farting okay I am farting I am tossing I am turning I am saying mantras like I'm all I am a single only child who has slept by herself for 36 years so I cannot share a bed well so it sounds like it's it's just as much for the protection of the person that would be sharing the bed with you 100%
Like 100%. I don't want to keep someone I care about up. I also prioritize my own sleep. I'm a big self-care whore. We know this about me. And so I feel like this sleep divorcing trend, it's reminding me of the concept of put your mask on before you can put someone else's mask on. Because people do, they take it personally when it's like, oh, I actually want to go sleep on the couch. Because I had this fight when I was dating, even casually, where I'd be like, OK, this was fun. But can you go?
I would do that, or I'd be like, oh, I'm going to go sleep on the couch so I can actually get some sleep. And they would get their feelings would be hurt. And it's like, no, you're not making men sleep on the couch. No, it's me. They should be happy. Right. So I feel like this is a good thing. If people can understand, it's not personal if your partner
It needs their sleep. To me, that is so entitled and selfish if you want to pressure someone and maybe not on projecting, but like, I'm like taking this to a place that you're going to plan on it going. You're going to pressure somebody sharing a bed. But you know what I mean? There's a lot of societal pressure, whether you're in the relationship or from society, like to sleep in the same bed. But if you're not getting your sleep, also in New York, it's a space issue.
Like, if I had a second room, that wouldn't be my partner's bedroom. That would be a home office. Like, if I had the luxury of having a second bedroom, like, if you live in a big house in the suburbs and you have four bedrooms, what the fuck are you doing? Just using one. Like, you guys should have your own rooms. You guys absolutely should have your own rooms. And then it's romantic when you go into each other's room, you can have a sleepover. It's like, oh, guess who slept over last night?
Oh, that's cute. My husband. Yeah, that's cute. I mean, yeah, I'm like pro people doing whatever works for them. Oh, the one thing that I did want to say, and this is just like something kind of funny. I've even heard people say like, look at Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. They had separate houses and they were married. And my response to that is always like, weren't they cheating on each other?
Like I love how people always cite Frida and Diego as like couple goals. Like they had separate houses. Yeah, he also abused her. So I didn't know that. Yeah. Great call out Emily. It's just something I've noticed that people often cite Frida and it's like Frida didn't have an easy life guys. But she also sleep divorced. So
She's sleep divorce sleep is sorry last note on the sleep thing sleep connects to everything sleep health very important you can be a better partner if you're getting better sleep. I just love this projected well on the trend and I hope everybody gets sleep divorces if it's right for them. Do you know how I connected this trend?
I don't sleep in bed with my dog. My dog sleeps out on the couch. He's never shared a bed with me. And the reason is because he gets up so many times during the night and he would wake me up too. And it would interrupt my sleep. Would I love to snuggle with my dog in the morning or, you know, late at night when I'm falling asleep? Yeah, that's cozy as fuck. But you know what? I value my sleep. Your sleep is more important.
And people sometimes, I feel the judgment. I feel the judgment at the dog park when they say, you know, does he sleep in bed with you? And I'm like, absolutely not. Good for you. I feel the judgment, but I'm sticking to my guns. Team Emily, thank you. We sleep divorced. So I have kind of a fun, silly idea. These were all.
projected wellness trends from like reputable sources. But how do you feel about coming up with fun, silly, fake projected wellness trends of 2025? Oh, I love this idea because also like anything that we come up with is not even going to be crazier than things that have already come to fruition. I know. I tried to come up with crazy things and I'm like, this is going to happen. Yeah.
Like, yeah, a blood facial weight. That's already a thing. Oh, no. It's like, what can we think of that's not already happening? So the first one I came up with is eating dirt.
I think, oh yeah, you know, like reconnecting with nature. They're gonna be like, guys, did you know that soil actually connects to your microbiome gut health and it helps you ground yourself to, I don't know. No, but soil contains a lot of micronutrients. If the worms are in there, the worms are, you know, manifesting all the good crops and whatever. Yeah, the worms know something we don't. When you think about it, your face is just a crop.
Eat dirt, guys. I love that one. My predicted wellness trends are, well, this is more of a beauty trend, but I think prominent noses are going to come back. You know how we're seeing like a lot of button noses? Everyone's contouring their nose. Nose jobs are like very common place. I think people are going to start wearing prosthetic noses. Like in the same way that we wear wigs to have like a different hairstyle or different hair color. Interesting.
We're gonna start seeing different noses, and maybe it'll vary on our moods, you know? Maybe, you know, today feels like a big honker day, and I'm gonna put my big honker prosthetic nose on, but tomorrow, maybe tomorrow is a button nose day. Tomorrow's a demure nose. A dead demure, you know, slopey nose, upturned nose, but today?
I'm putting on my prosthetic nose. I think these are all going to come true. Next up on my fake predicted list, placenta face mask. Oh, yeah. So this is one of those things. Does it already exist? It might. I don't know that it does, but I know that people eat their placenta. You know about that, right? I do know about that. People turn their placenta. This is actually less crazy because some people just put their placenta in a spoon.
and like slurp it up. Wash it down. But some people, there's actually a service that like you can mail your placenta and they'll send back capsules. Like they'll capsuleize your placenta and you can take it like a vitamin. Oh, which I'm not saying like I wouldn't do that. Like I might consider doing that. Because they are like it is supposedly packed with vitamins.
Anyways, post-enter-face masks coming soon. I think Zumba, Jazzercise, I think all those dance-related workouts. Fun workouts. Fun workouts where people dress up and wear neon tights and shit. I think all that stuff is going to come back in a big way, not to say that Zumba ever disappeared. My YMCA has Zumba classes all the time. It's not on his heyday anymore though. It's not in his heyday.
time period that like all the ladies were doing Zumba. And I think that's going to come back. I think people, we're going to move away from, you know, strength training and even Pilates as like the primary thing. And we're going to see like aerobics come back.
group classes, fun music, Richard to go along with it. Yeah, and outfits. Oh, I love that. And I really miss Richard Simmons. So I think that would be a nice tribute to him if we all did some jazzercise. Okay. Are you ready for my final projected wellness trend for 2025? Hit me with it. Staring directly into the sun.
Oh, well, okay. Gwyneth Paltrow has been doing this with her vagina for years. So why not? Did you know the retina can actually gain a tolerance to stare at the sun and the more you stare at the sun, the more you absorb the life force that is
the star that makes up all of our bodies. See, it's solar wellness. It's spiritual, Lauren. It's also, you're forgetting the spiritual nature of staring directly into the sun. I hope this doesn't happen. This is actually harmful if people think I'm being serious. This is a joke. We're being serious.
No, wear sunglasses, guys. Eyes are one of those things. Like you only have two of them and you can't really swap them out. So eyes and teeth and skin to me. Like those are like, that's the big three. Eyes, teeth and skin, like you can't really replay. I mean, I guess like you could get veneers, but that's not real. That's not new teeth. That's not solving your teeth. No. Anyway.
Well, just it reminds me of a trend where people quit wearing sunscreen. We forgot to mention that for our retrospective. Oh, yeah. So that's what made me think of like, just stare at the sun. Like, literally the same thing. Oh, no. Yeah. So anyways, we hope that 2025.
That's some fun things for you guys. Yeah, I bet that all the things we came up with, like, there's going to be something even crazier coming down the pipeline. Yeah. And I can't wait to see what it is. We're going to talk about it. We're going to be reviewing it on this show, whatever it is. Stay tuned. That's it for today's episode, guys. Be sure to send your questions to goodbodies.com to get them answered.
Follow us at everything's fine on Instagram. If you liked this episode, please write us a review. Great review. Subscribe to the show and follow me at Lauren Hope Crass. Follow me at Lubination. And remember, don't stare directly into the sun, guys. That was a joke.
Good Bodies is produced by Shannon Sassone and Lauren Hope Crass, editing by Will Maxwell, social media by Lauren Hope Crass, guest booking by Allie Friedlander. Be sure to follow everything's fine on Instagram and send us your emails to goodbodies at betches.com.