Our Sister Kim (Kardashian)
January 30, 2025
TLDR: This week, Erin and Sara interview Kim Kardashian discussing their relationship, past high school stories, gratitude, parenting, and more, recorded in December 2024.

In this engaging episode of Our Sister Kim, Erin and Sara Foster welcome Kim Kardashian to their podcast for a delightful conversation that explores their unique family bonds, shared history, and personal insights.
A Walk Down Memory Lane
The episode kicks off with a nostalgic reminiscence of their childhood together, highlighting funny stories from high school and their unique family connections:
- Family Ties: The Fosters and the Kardashians discuss the complexities of their family tree, explaining how their parents are connected and sharing memories of fun gatherings and trampoline sessions.
- Growing Up Together: Kim shares anecdotes about life as a teenager, including how she felt about friendships and capturing moments with family members in photos.
Kim’s Humble Attitude
Throughout the conversation, Kim's authentic and down-to-earth nature shines through:
- Self-Confidence: The hosts talk about their first impressions of Kim, emphasizing her genuine personality and reluctance to take herself too seriously, which contributed to her likability and success.
- Open and Honest: Kim discusses her straightforward approach to life, saying she’s comfortable sharing her thoughts and feelings, which has become an integral part of her public persona.
Balancing Fame and Family
A significant part of the episode revolves around Kim's experiences as a parent:
- Presence in Parenting: Kim emphasizes the importance of being present for her children, actively participating in their lives despite her busy schedule. She shares how she prioritizes family time and keeps a close relationship with her kids.
- Lessons Learned: Kim reflects on losing her father at a young age and how that experience shaped her perspective on life, gratitude, and parenting.
- Juggling Work and Motherhood: As Kim manages her thriving businesses, including Skims, she discusses the challenges but also the joys of managing her career and her role as a mother.
Insights on Relationships
The discussion also touches on relationships, both in family and romantic contexts:
- Importance of Authentic Connections: Kim discusses the significance of nurturing lifelong friendships, stating that loyalty and mutual support have been vital for her.
- Finding a Partner: When discussing her future romantic prospects, Kim outlines her hopes for finding someone who aligns with her values and can inspire her to be even better. The conversation suggests that emotional intelligence and respect are crucial qualities she seeks in a partner.
Manifesting Future Goals
Towards the end of the episode, the theme of manifestation emerges:
- Personal Beliefs: Kim reveals her belief in the power of manifestation and how positive thinking has played a role in her life.
- Setting Intentions: She mentions the importance of being clear about what she desires in life, whether it’s personal or professional, and how this clarity can lead to unexpected opportunities.
The episode wraps up with an overall sense of warmth and camaraderie, showcasing the special bond shared between the Fosters and Kim. The audience is left with a deeper understanding of Kim Kardashian beyond her celebrity status:
- Emphasis on Gratitude: Kim’s reflections provide valuable takeaways about being grateful for life's moments and the significance of maintaining a strong support network.
- Encouragement to Embrace Life: The conversation serves as an encouraging reminder for listeners to embrace their paths, prioritize loved ones, and always stay authentic, no matter where life leads.
This episode of Our Sister Kim not only entertains but also inspires listeners to cherish relationships and maintain their inner authenticity.
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The following podcast is a dear media production. This episode was produced by Wish Phone Production. Hi, I'm Otto. Welcome to Ellen's podcast. All right.
There are not a lot of people that I sit and go, God would be really great to have her or him on the pod. There just aren't a lot of people like that. This, though, is someone that I've been thinking for years, dang, it would really be great to get her on the pod. Kim Kardashian. Kim Kardashian. I mean, she doesn't really need an intro, but I will say this is that, you know,
I'm sure Kim has done a handful of interviews, podcasts, interviews, and their interesting conversations. But we have a different way in because we grew up around her and so we have lots of fun stories from growing up. And she's very open. And by the way, you know, she had full rights to kill anything in the interview, edit out. She didn't. She was like, guess what? I said it. I meant it, print it, post it. Don't care.
But that's why I think she is who she is because that is just sort of how she operates in life. This is who I am. This is how I feel. Take it or leave it. And she, she's just so likable. She does not, guys, she doesn't take herself that seriously. She is in on all of it, you know, and that is why she is a billionaire.
It's true. Anyway, it's a great episode. It's such a good episode. We don't do celebrities. This is our thing, but we didn't exception for Kim. No, we're not a celebrity podcast, but there are a few celebrities. And this is even a celebrity. This is just our friend, Kim Kardashian. Well, yeah, she's, you know, she's our sister. She's our sister. But as Valentina calls her, she's the founder of Skims. That's who she is. Wow, that's so deep.
As Valentina says, she's the founder of Skims. What I mean by that is it's amazing how every generation looks at her through a different lens and Valentina's generation. It's the founder of Skims. Shut up Aaron. All right. Enjoy.
Wait, where are you guys? Are you in Palm Beach? Sarah is. I'm in LA. I'm in Palm Beach. Do you like my bedspread? Or what is this? It's very Palm Beach. There's a, I'll, I'll show you guys the wallpaper after, but before we actually- Well, we already started. No, I know we started. But I want to remember to ask you, Kim, before you got on, Erin and I were saying, we were talking about a specific case and we were saying, if a jury is deadlocked, does that mean the guy walks free? Does that mean charge yourself?
charges are dismissed? It means they'll be a no means they'll be a mistrial and then the state can decide if they want to retry the case which costs a lot of money so that's when it gets like horrible and the jurors start putting pressure on other jurors to make decisions that they probably wouldn't have made um which then can ruin someone's entire life based off of those like pressurized decisions so um but if it actually deadlocks and it is a hung jury that's up to the state to decide if they want to retry
Oh, they're going to read. They're going to try those answers. You really know what you're talking about. And what did I tell you? I said, good luck, honey. We got a lawyer coming on who can explain this. I know. Yeah. You really know your stuff front. Where's it backwards? I have law school later today. My journey, it's been five fucking years. Five crazy of this shit. It's been amazing, but it's really, it's really hard. It's so hard. It's like, that's not only that, but the California bar, isn't it the hardest bar in the country to pass?
Is it? Don't tell me that. Well, you passed the baby one. I passed one, which that one has a 16% pass rate. So I finally got that one done. And then this one has a 37% pass rate. So I feel like I'm taking four months off of my life and I'm not going to do one thing. So you guys will not hear from me. No one will see me. No one will hear from me. And I'm going to like dive in. Wait, the break is too steady for this?
Yes, to study. Or the break is just to take a break in your life. No. The break is to study with all my professors and like 14 hours a day, whiteboards everywhere, every subject, essay writing. And no one can book a photo shoot for you. Nope. Nope. No. Oh my God, Chris Jenner is not going to be happy about this.
Nope, she wouldn't. Everyone has been prepped on this for like a year. Okay, now let me ask you this. Are you going to do this somewhere in one of your other places? Are you going to be home? Like, are you going to go to the woods? Because you'll still take your kids to school and stuff. I'll still take my kids to school. I always have to take them to school no matter what work I do. And then I go and then I'll do it. And then I'll come into the office. I'll come probably into my office so I can get away. I'm going to clear it out.
Just, yep, I'm gonna have to focus every single day. This is not a bit to everyone listening, okay? Because I think a lot of really success. No, people know this is real.
I know, but I think a lot of really successful people sort of are like, oh, I'm gonna, I have to, I really want everyone to know that Kim is impossible to make a plan with. She never wants to go anywhere. Things that are really fun. I'll be like, oh, are you going to that thing? No, I just want to watch a movie with my kids. I'm like, who's psychic on a lot of events on Sarah will be like,
Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. This is going to be the best night of our life. We have to go here. And I'm like, no, I think it's going to be horrible. And I'd so much rather stay in bed with my kids. And then she'll text me. She'll go, I'll text you every detail. You're going to have FOMO. It's going to be the last Friday. Well, that last Friday we're really psychic about. I mean, and then she'll and then she'll text me. But you were right. It was the worst end of my life. Yep. You were right. But you
But I guess like, look, you do podcasts, you do interviews. I mean, listen, you don't do a lot of podcasts. Like I know you're really throwing us a bone with this one, you know? We know, we know. Well, we're practically step step, step step sisters. You have to do things for family. Yeah, we have to explain how we are related. Yeah. Yeah.
She introduced me to Saint. She's like, this is my step steps. It's like the fuck are you talking? He didn't actually say that. He's a very, he's a real gentleman, but he looked at me like, I've never seen you before. So, okay, how do we explain this? Okay, so your dad married. Okay, here's how to explain it. Your parents were Chris and Robert.
Mm-hmm. Our parents were Rebecca and David. Mm-hmm. Our parents divorced. Your parents divorced. Your parents divorced, right? Yeah. Right. Yeah. Okay. Then, um, then my dad married Linda Thompson and Linda Thompson had two kids with Bruce Jenner. Bruce Jenner married your mom.
Yep. So our step brothers were Brandon and Brody Jenner because their mom was married to our dad and their step sisters were you and your sisters and your brother because you guys, because your mom was married to their dad. So we were like, we were like the opposite sides of the Jenners as step siblings.
That sounds right. I don't know. That was super confusing. So when we would go pick up Brandon and Brody for their time to stay with us, you guys would be at their house because you were with your dad. And so.
Yes. So we would see each other. We'd have trampoline sessions. Do you guys remember the big trampoline? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Do you guys remember that one, we did like a, I thought it was such a big deal at the time. We must have been like 11 that people magazine photo in the trampoline. I could have, we were all in people. No, we were. Yes, they were.
Yes, wait a minute. Sure. Yes, because I remember it. And I remember thinking it was like, I was going to get discovered or something. Me too. I thought this is we're on the cover of Andy Fair. It was like page. It was like page 100 in people. And we were. Wait, why are we all in it together? Wait, I kind of remember this. It was like about the family, like the big chaotic family. We're all in the trampoline. The dynasty. I'm pretty sure you guys. I'm pretty sure because I don't know if they were in it.
They were I'm almost positive because this was around the time when I was where we all wearing matching outfits.
Probably. Well, there's got to be a fact checker around here. Someone's got to be able to find it. I mean, Kim, you got to have people on your team that can find this. If this was real. Tracy. Tracy. We'll find it. We'll find it. Yeah, I'll just pause getting someone in this and out of prison to find this photo. Two important things. Two really important things. Very important things. OK, I have some questions about our youth. OK, so.
Kim. Wait, by the way, I feel like I have so much makeup on because I just came from a shoot and you guys look so glowy and pretty and Natural and I want to go wash my face, but I won't I always felt like the dressed up one like always a bit insecure always being the most dressed up in like high school wherever we went I was like.
Yeah. That's so funny because just so you know, we do this podcast in our sweats and no makeup on. And because I knew we had you on today, I was like, Aaron, do your hair, put some makeup on. Do you, do you know how I wore mascara on like a Friday at 1 p.m.? Like I don't do that. I did it because I thought you were going to be glam. So then I want it to be glam. Aaron, you don't look glam at all. I know.
Should we do it again and I'll wear no makeup? I mean, we'll do this one, but then in any other day, can we get on with no makeup just getting up in the morning? That would be so fun. But it does kind of kill me because you are someone who, when you wake up in the morning and on FaceTime or in your gym or whatever, do you, and be honest with me.
Do you not understand like how gorgeous you are with no makeup on with? No, no, Kim just a weird question to ask someone. She can't say yes. Oh, that's true. I don't know. She's going to be like, no.
No, but no, but I don't think she does get it because no makeup I really do love wearing no makeup and I think that's gonna be I keep telling myself this for like the last few years I'm like I really I want that to be my thing like I want to wear I love when I take my pictures and I post them with no makeup. I'm totally comfortable with no makeup
Like it's not really pretty with no makeup. You could be the next like Pam Anderson going on red carpets with no makeup. No, it's not normal. I love Pam Anderson. She's my like, she's my reference for everything. Yeah, she's, she's amazing. Okay. So my questions about our youth is that okay, you're just going to dive in. Okay. Sarah was.
Very cool, okay? Very pretty and cool. And she was not impressed with anybody. She thought everyone was like just a normie compared to her. There was only one person that she thought was cool. Only one. And it was you. I remember it being because- I was going to say Kasey Jenner. Honestly, no. Although Kasey was gorgeous.
But you were a person that like, it's like Sarah fell off her pedestal in my eyes because of how she looked at you. You felt adult. I remember the bus ride to Neverland. You might wanna give a little context. It was my birthday party.
Wait, I was thinking this was Nicole. Then it was Nicole's. Okay, so it was Nicole's and I was throwing her that party. You organized it. Yes. And then I had to go to my boyfriend at the time, his baseball game.
And his mom had passed away, and she was always at every game. So I was like, I'm never going to miss a game. And I would beg my dad to drop me off at the baseball field. And then I had to make it to Nicole's birthday party at Neverland and Santa Barbara. So I took a helicopter. I had a helicopter land on the baseball field. And pick me up and take me to Neverland Ranch and Santa and Sani and Es or Santa Barbara.
It was, and I remember, I know what I wore. I was wearing a brown, making a baby doll tea, a baby doll tea, from the gap, and a baby mini tea from Target. We were obsessed with these white hands little teas, and then these like platform with like tennis shoes with a heel. Yeah. Wow, that's a really good memory. I'll never forget what I wore.
Yeah, I got I got all those purchases. I'm being obsessed with you was really expensive for my mom because I needed those mu mu platforms. I needed the mu mu flower shoe. I needed I only I needed the frickin file effects from brittos. Laddo shoe. Yeah, the Prada flower. Remember that I still have them. I begged. Wait, that's amazing. You still have them. I kept everything.
I was barely invited to that birthday. And I was just always like the little sister that everyone was trying to ditch. And I remember so clearly being there and like following everyone to the photo booth and everyone being like, Oh, we have to take a picture with her. And then now there's a vote. You were always very nice, Kim. But, you know, I was just, I was like a tag along at that stage of my life now Sarah tag along with me. And you wish, you wish, honey, you wish. And we have that photo of me. I have multiple.
From that, it's not just that was just one that was posted. I probably have a dozen photos is in the one with me. Yeah, I have them. I'll send them to you guys so we can use them for this. But they're so I have a whole photo album of it. That's amazing. So you weren't allowed photos. You weren't allowed a camera. There was no phones, but you weren't allowed cameras that never land. So there was a photo booth and that would be like the only evidence.
of like, every time I see someone that posts a photo with that exact background from a photo booth that's like from Neverland, I'm like, if you know, you know, you're part of the Neverland gang. Okay, so people always ask like, oh, go on, Erin, go on. Well, I was just gonna say, do you have a memory of a voicemail of yours that Sarah copied?
Do you know about this? Why would she, why would she have a memory? If you've told her about it, okay. Tell me. So when we were in, I don't know middle school. Are you gonna tell it or am I gonna tell it?
I feel like, I mean, it's better from you. Yeah, let me tell it. Thank you. Okay. So, okay. When we were teenagers, the cool thing to do was to always leave all your whereabouts on your message machine. So it would be like, Hey guys, I'm just going to be, you know, here going to go in a century city, holler later, whatever.
I would like to tell people if I went to like a movie or something because I was so scared to like miss any phone calls.
I've told this story before. By the way, I can't believe I've never heard this. It's amazing. Okay. It's amazing for everyone but me. Okay. True. So I'll never fucking forget it, maybe because Erin just always reminds me. So this had to have been, I had to have been, I don't know, 13 or 14. One day I checked your messages. You called her. I called you. I called you. I called you. I'll never fucking forget it, Kim.
And you were like, what's up, everybody? No, what up, peeps. What up, peeps? I'm just, stop. Stop. Stop. You go. This was just embarrassing for you. This is more embarrassing for me.
No, it gets worse. What up, peeps? I'm chilling in the H2O of Mexico. I think that was a joke. Look, we would always say H2O. Okay, thank God. Okay. You were chilling. What's up, guys? I'm just chilling in the H2O in Mexico. And I remember being like, Oh my God, that's so cool.
So I was literally not in Mexico, not in Mexico. I was in California, wherever I was, Malibu. I decided to go into my voicemail and go, what's up, peeps? I'm just chilling in the show in Mexico. But she wasn't not in Mexico. Leave me. Leave me. Leave me. I think you actually were in Mexico. You used to do that. You go to Cabo. Yeah.
Oh my God. I was not in Mexico at all, but it was just, you know, I felt like that had to be, that also had to be my voicemail. Yeah, it was really good. That is crazy. I've never heard that. Another great story. Wait, you know who I was with on that trip? I remember that actually. I was 12 years old. I always remember everything. We were, it was spring break and I was with Simone. I brought her on a family vacation with like my mom, Faye Resnick.
The Simpson family, we were like, we'd always go on spring break to Cabo. And we thought like, I always remember by like music, like Snoop's doggy style album just came out. And we just like thought we were, we were blasting it and thought we were so cool. I was always jealous of Simone's headscarfs, she would wear. Remember, she would always have like kind of like Boho chic style and like platform Yumu shoes. And I remember desperately trying to like copy one of her outfits.
like the coolest, the coolest. It's just, it's, you know, that is like, I always say this about you whenever people ask about you or whatever. I'm like, the girl is exactly, it's the same person she always was, you know? And I think I've said this before on the podcast when you've come up. You know, you were the first person to even want to have a job. She, it was crazy to me. I was like, why is Kim,
Working at a store. This is so weird. She's like 15 years old. Why is she never do that? No, literally. I was like, what do you mean? Like a job at 15 years or 14 years? I don't know your 15. I loved it. Yeah, I think 15. I used to have to get dropped off. Yeah, I know. And it didn't have a car, a license. I just loved it. Yeah. Yeah. She worked at a store in Cino called Body. I'll never, I mean, I still remember it. Yeah, it was, it was just the, but what's so crazy is
Like we, I just did like a skim stole Chiangabana collab. And in that store, we sold DNG and I would literally work just to shop. That's how I'd get my money. And so those pieces that I bought then I used as the reference pieces for this collab, then I had them. I still kept them. And I was like, Oh, I want something like this. And we use them. And so it's just like such a full circle moment or even like I'm going to New York.
to open up our first, not our first store, but our skim store on Fifth Avenue. And it's like I picked the hangers, like every last detail of this store I picked out from every material from our tissue. And I was like, you guys, I was FaceTiming them with the merchandising team and like reworking how I wanted the colorways on the hangers and everything like a few nights ago. And I was like, can you please save me a box of like something that I have to unpack
I have to tag. I have to steam. I have to hang because that's what I love to do. And I did that for so many years. And even opening up our dash store, you know, it was just me, Courtney, and Chloe working there solely by ourselves. We painted the walls ourselves. Our stepdad made the dressing rooms and put the rod and we went to a fabric store and got a drape like for the dressing room. I mean,
And we did this like ourselves. So I was like, it's so important to me. I need to just have a minute in the back room by myself with my friends and just like have a happy cry and steam the clothes. Cause this is just like such a pinch me moment, but I just, I don't know. I'm, I've just always loved to work and like interact with people and just be proud of like just being able to do things on my own. It's just always been important to me.
Well, it seems fitting that we would be doing an ad for skims right now. It sure does. My accountant recently said to me as I'm going over a budget and literally said verbatim. I see more skims charges on your card than I should be seeing. Was he like, aren't you friends with her? No, he wouldn't know that. But he was more just horrified because it is
Well, your daughter has an addiction as well. It is literally all I wear. It is the underwear I wear. They are the bras I wear. It is the sweats I wear. It is the pajamas I wear. It is the workout clothes I wear. It is what I, I mean like a scary fan. I know. And it's weird that I still don't have like a discount. I mean, it's really actually offensive. I feel like you have a really good opportunity to put it on the spot for one, but
But also, I'm sorry. Maybe she doesn't have the power to give us a discount. She's only the owner. She's only the owner of the company. I think you don't have the power to get a discount. And I'm friends with the other owner, with Yann's friends with him too, so I don't have the discount. I think you don't have the power. But here's the thing. I am happy to pay full price because that's how great the quality is of these clothes.
Well, I'm obsessed with the Fitz, everybody line. They have the Fitz, everybody cheeky brief, which is perfect for me. Cause I'm very cheeky. And the Fitz, everybody thong, the high waist at thong, the dip front thong, the scoop, brallet is what I really wear today. The scoob brallet is beyond. Listen, my boobs are very large right now. They're very milky. And, um, sorry, sorry, it's just the truth. And they really hold me in.
Yeah. So just when you think they can't do, you know, something perfect, they just keep turning them out. The bras are, oh, by the way, the bikinis. Okay. I know we're not supposed to talk about the swimwear, but the swimwear is the best. All right. So wrap it up.
So shop skims best intimates, including the fits, everybody collection and more at skims.com and skims stores. After you place your order, be sure to let them know that we sent you, select podcasts on the survey and be sure to select our show and the drop down menu that follows helps them know that we sent you. Well, if Rachel's listening, I need more protein powder for my smoothies, please use our code. We have a code, Aaron. We have a code, but here
Here's the thing, ladies and gentlemen, you need that protein. You need that protein for muscle mass. Muscle mass is what makes you look young. I always make it a vanity thing, but there's also a real health component to it as well. You really do. I know. I've got to stop doing that. It's just... Well, you know what? Yeah, muscle mass. That's so funny. It was just taking us to my trainer this morning because I work out now.
Muscle mass is so good for your brain. They say it like combat's dementia. They say that it's the way to not like lose your mind is muscle mass. Yeah. Welcome to the world, Aaron. Welcome to the world. I did. Yeah, because I'm a big smoothie drinker now. And I never used to be because I could never find a protein powder that
actually taste it good. You know what I mean? It's hard to find. It's hard to find protein. It tastes so good. It tastes like a vanilla milkshake is what it tastes like. Yes. Ritual. If you're listening, I need more protein powder. Okay. Not the prenatal one because I'm not pregnant anymore. I need the regular one. I use it all the time. I am running very low. Okay. Please send me more.
I also, I think I also like it, not only because it tastes so good, but I think just mentally knowing that it's made from P protein, just knowing that the ingredients, there's not some like weird shellfish in there. You know, a lot of the protein powders look out. You really don't like a, like an ocean center protein. Look out. There's like stuff in a lot of these protein powders. So I just, the ingredients are just, you hear that everybody look out for stuff.
Anyways, you know my routine, right? You know my, you know my ingredients. It's a blueberry. I just say it sounds regeneratively far, regeneratively farmed peas, like the little peas being farmed. Sounds so cute. Right. Here's my, here's my, here's my, uh, recipe. Okay. Blueberries, bananas, a scoop of almond butter, a scoop of my ritual vanilla protein powder. Um, I go usually almond milk occasionally I'll go out. Um, I don't know. Oh, it's dead. Honey is done.
Yeah, I'm leaning back to the almond milk. And that's it. Oh, did I say strawberries? No, you didn't. Okay. Well, that's my, that's why we're all dying to know. There's no chalky taste to it. I really like that too. Also, do you want to know something so cute on Noah's menu for her eating tomorrow? We're just making this a 25 minute ad. What's going on? Yeah, it's a smoothie. Tomorrow she's going to have her first smoothie. Learn how to use a straw. How adorable.
I don't think I'm going to put the ritual protein pattern. She's too young for that. But as soon as she's of age, she'll be getting it. Anyway, it's delicious. It's the best. So why not shake up your ritual? Get 25% off your first month of ritual when you visit ritual.com slash foster and add the essential protein today. Okay, that is ritual.com slash foster.
It's so interesting, I'm so curious about how you don't feel jaded by life because you have everything, you've seen everything, you've done everything, you know everyone, but you still feel like someone, and it's not even just in this conversation, it's like any interaction that I have with you, where you still feel like
excited about things. You still feel impressed by things. You still feel like, you know, you're excited to go to a specific show. You're excited to see something or do something. You're like the thing you're saying now, like you feel like you're not numb to everything, even though you've been exposed to everything.
I mean, there are certain moments where I'm just like, okay, this can't ever be too normal. Like you can't ever get used to this because it might go away. Like I always kind of live like that, even though I'm really, you know, smart and savvy and safe and whatever. But I just live my life that way, maybe to like a detriment a little bit, you know, because I overwork, I think, but it makes me happy. But I think like,
I don't know, my mom has just always been the one that like no matter how old we are, no matter where we go, if we're in the car with us, she'll like smack our hands, like our phones down and be like, enjoy the moment, see where we're going. We're in Italy, we're in here, like you have to look out the window, you have to take this in. And I think like,
I don't know, maybe losing a parent at a young age had something to do with it to understand and really realize how precious life is and it could be gone so quickly. And I think I still live in that mentality of like, Oh my God, do I really belong in this room? So like, Oh my God, who are these people? You know, I think I'll still pinch Chloe and I will pinch, you know, each other if we're in a room and someone walks in and we're like, I've been such a fan of them for so long. Like, I just don't think
will ever get used to it. We never like intended on this or planned on it. So I'm really proud that we just like love life. All like our siblings, like we just love it. That's what I mean. I see that.
But it's like, we just love it. We love like all the experiences. We're so proud when we get through something hard and we know we made it to the other side. We're so like, I think just like gratitude, like it's, and it's hard to teach. It's like, I struggle, like how are my kids going to be like this? How do I make sure they feel this way? And I do feel lucky that is much
of stuff and like exposure that they get, I do feel like they're super normal and have all their cousins and ride bikes to each other's houses and like have these, they're just such normal, even though they're like, they're like, they're normal in extraordinary circumstances. Yeah, and they're extraordinary people. Like they are very special, you know, I don't wanna like, just, but they are so normal. No, normal is a good thing. Normal means like,
I mean, at the end of the day, you have to be able to enjoy the regular things in life because that, I don't know, I think you become unhappy if you can't enjoy those things and be excitable. Yeah, they have empathy for their friends or if someone gets hurt or like they're just like kind people. And that's all I cared about is like raising kind people that cared about other people's feelings when, you know, but I just think that's like the most important thing. I feel like
Like no matter how crazy circumstances in your life are at times, you always seem to me when it comes to being a mom.
You have a lot of patience. I mean, I've witnessed it with you in person or on FaceTime or whatever. When it comes to the kids, if a kid walks in the room, you're like, I gotta go. Like you are all, you are so focused and present. And by the way, I'm terrible at it. I find myself all the time. No, you're not. No, but I get, when I'm overwhelmed with life, I'm overwhelmed as a parent. So like I snap at my kids, I have a really, I just, I haven't been able to,
I was going to say delineate. I don't think that's the word, but I haven't been able to really find the balance. I mean, it's like I'm working on it all the time, but I feel like you are really good about separating the shit that's going on in your personal life or your professional life. And by shit, I just mean it's a lot and parenting. I have been able to figure that out. I think like when I come home and I'm home, you know, all day and night with my kids,
I don't really talk a lot about like my parenting life or like they don't see it as much on the show, but like you said, if you're FaceTiming me and you know like the life you can feel it. So when I'm home, I want my home to feel like such a safe haven for my kids and to always feel really comfortable. I love that I'm like best friends with North, you know? She's like a teenager now almost. And so all of her and her friends, like my house is the house to go to and North
I bet loves to talk to me about all the school drama and all the stuff with the friends like I love that she's my best friend that she can come to me and tell me things each kid I have such a different relationship with and I love that and I love that.
You know, I know how to and I could be like a bit robotic I guess like not to my kids I'm really warm but like just to be able to tune everything out no matter what that emergency is and just be really present. You know, I think is
I think is great for the kids, you know? I think that's something that everyone, even not in your circumstances, strives to be present. And I'm always shocked at how present you are in situations. And like, I remember running into it like Beverly Hills nails. I don't even go there anymore. Not best. Me neither, but wow.
Lisa, shout out to Lisa. She never was available to do mine elsewhere. They rushed too much. They would go too fast. I want like a slow experience. You know what I mean? It was always like you were like in like a chaos there. I loved it. I loved it. But I remember seeing you there. I mean, it could have been 15 years ago. I don't even know what it was. I was in my 20s. And I remember seeing, and at this point you had started to be like famous.
But it was early on. And I remember thinking, Oh, so I'd probably go there just for the photo. I probably there was paparazzi if it was the early days outside. There was so much paparazzi outside. Full hair and makeup just for the photo. By the way, me too. And I'd walk outside and they'd put their cameras up right back down.
But I remember so clearly seeing you across the, whatever, you're like across the room. And I remember being like, oh yeah, there's Kim. Like we grew up together, but like we were never like close or anything. We didn't really know each other that well. And like she's kind of like famous now. So like I'm probably not going to say hi, she's not going to say hi to me. You know, you see someone and like you clearly know each other, but like you don't need to say hello anymore. You're not each other's lives.
And I remember so clearly that you got up and you like, like waddled over to me with like the, you know, the like things in your toes, you know, and you were like, Aaron, Kim, hi. And there's like 70 paparazzi in the window, like,
and like I'm acting awkward because they're like, you know, I'm acting awkward. You're not acting weird at all. You get really weird around celebrities. Erin gets really weird around celebrities. It's crazy. No, yes you do, Erin. It doesn't matter if it's your friend, if it's not, you get really weird around celebrities. Okay, well thank you. Anyway.
You were just so relaxed and normal as if nobody was taking your picture and you are so nice and you were like, hey, what's going on? Like, how have you been? You were not in self-conscious or weird or anything. And I was like, how is she doing this right now? How is she being exactly the exact same person you were 10 years ago? So if there was a window with photographers, that's probably why I went over. You're like, wait, maybe they aren't getting me. I should. Yeah.
If you know someone, I think it's weird to not say hi. She's securely attached, Erin. You and I always assume everyone hates us. No one likes us. No one knows who we are. No one remembers us. I just remember thinking it was nice. I always felt like a loser and the little sister that wasn't a part of it all. I always felt like it was very sweet. Erin, that makes me so sad.
It is sad because I always thought you were like so cool like too cool to talk to us like too cool to like now she wasn't I took it is more like I took it is more like that you know or I just thought you were like I don't know I just feel like you guys were always like at your mom's and like I feel like I slept over in Malibu did your mom live in Malibu
Yeah. Yeah. I would have been really cool if you did sleep over. No, I did one time. I slept over because my mom talked to Rebecca. Yes, yes. And then I slept over at your house once. I just remember being like, I just, I remember it. That's so funny. I always forget that you both are the middles. You guys are both middle children. Wait. Oh, Courtney is older than you. Yes. Right. Right. Right. Right. Courtney is the oldest. Yeah. That's right.
Um, Kim, what was the last, like, what was the last thing? Like who would intimidate you? Like who was the last person you were intimidated around? Anybody?
I mean, I always like a lot of my friends, not that I'm intimidated, but like a lot of my friends just, I get insecure when I wear a lot of makeup. I know that sounds crazy because I always have a lot of makeup on. But if I'm overdressed and I have a lot of makeup on, I just feel like all my friends are supernatural and it looks so pretty and I would just be like, oh God, they're probably looking at me like I'm like, have this like crazy like sheet of makeup on. I just get insecure when I'm like too done up sometimes.
I never feel good when I'm in a gown and a lot of makeup. I always feel disgusting. Oh, I feel so good. I just it depends on who I'm around like I just feel like I never want to like.
I don't know, like just be too fancy. Like if some other people are being relaxed and casual, you don't want to be like done up and like, it feels like you're like trying harder or something. Yeah, it feels, it just feels like I'm insecure when you have on such like an armor and I'm not. And I love being without makeup. So I feel like it looks really insecure. And then that makes me insecure. That makes. Okay, 2025 2025. You are going to, you are going to start being
Yeah, no, this is our year, and you're going to start being more barefaced. I want to see it. And honestly, maybe even let's bring the bomb back. Should we bring the Bob back? Because the, you know, the lob, the lob, I'm shooting a show called All's Fair. And I asked for that. I was like, can I just have like my natural hair, like my short hair, and I do short hair.
the entire season. Yeah. And like a nude lip, a light eye just lashes, like lashes, a nude lip, and like sun kissed cheeks. That's what we're doing. Totally. Totally. Well, I thought we were doing no makeup there.
That's the no makeup look. Oh, just like no foundation. Oh, wait, should we tell the story of when Sarah went into my makeup bag as a teenager? And I thought we were the same. And I was like, I think even Tanner as a kid, my foundation color was like eight.
10 shades darker than what Sarah's is and she matched it and got she just wanted foundation and got the same. Yeah, the same. Same color. I I'd like an eight and they were like ma'am. Yeah, I was born to two.
You're like, well, I'm going to do an eight today. Guys, I was like an obsessed, I was like an obsessed fan at 14. Okay. I literally thought if I got your Chanel number 10, then I would have your skin. Like I was like, oh, if that's all it is, it's just that Chanel, it's just that Chanel foundation. That's why she looks like that. So I'm going to go get myself that same shade and that same foundation. And I'm going to look like that. Well, it's so funny. Didn't work out. It really is so funny. It really is.
Okay, I want to ask you about, and I'm not even looking at the paper. This is just, this is just coming for me. How do you, okay, we know anyone that knows you knows you have your core group of girlfriends, the greatest group of girlfriends you've had forever. And then of course you have life first. And then of course you have lala and, um, you know, other people. Tracy. Tracy. Yep. How do you like, are you at a place in your life where you're like,
I do not. How does someone become friends with you at this point? I feel like, are you, do you just feel very closed off because you know people just want to be friends with you because all the things or how do you, how do you deal with that? I don't think so. I don't think I'd let someone in. Okay. Well, I mean, Aaron, and I mean, Sarah, you know this, but Aaron, you're going to start to experience this. Like you then have to have mom friends, right? Like, and I have a great group of mom friends. One of them, you guys know Natalie.
Oh yeah, Ento. She's like one of my best friends, but like we have, so like you just have to make friends, because you're the ones coordinating the play dates. So you have to have mom friends. So I've been so lucky that my mom friends have like multiple kids. So their sons are best friends with my son, their daughters are best friends with my daughter, because I only have the capacity to have so many mom friends. But then we have to go. And Natalie's like so normal. Like you get like good normal mom friends.
Totally and like she was over last night and we're just like You just get such a great perspective and and now we're working on something that's so fun and like it's just fun to I love that part, but I think I would like make friends Obviously, you know now that I'm working on some other projects There's people that I'm meeting that I didn't know before and you just like learn to have such a great respect for
so many other people and you make time for them. I think I'll always make time for my lifers and my best friends. And then it's just, it's just- But explain how the lifers and you stay, I'm so fascinated. It's like, it's even when you talk about being like glam versus not being glam. Like, you have this core group of girlfriends where your lives went in such, everyone's lives went in different directions, but your lives went in such different directions.
And your life is so big and so- Well, everyone still lives in LA, though. Everyone still lives in LA. Everyone's dating the audience. No, I was always more like connected. So, he's a preschool teacher and like- Yes. Actually, he's a yoga teacher, but like Alison is like-
you know, in the business and has like her blended strategy brand that like does branding. So like she'll come to me with deals. So not only is she my best friend, but then she'll bring in deals. And then she I would say like Allison's really like the glue because then she'll say, Oh, we're doing a lifers dinner, you know, with these girls and we're doing it, you know, and so there's seven of us. So like she'd get all the group together.
We make sure we have our Christmases together and we make sure we have our specific dates and we have our monthly dinners or whatever it is.
We'll just make sure. But it's so rare to have that connection stay intact when your lives, like you're saying, are so different. Like, was there a point where you felt like, you know, you become so well-known, your life gets so big, life gets so different, the way you travel is going to be different than your friends, the way you dress is going to be different than your friends.
Those can be huge separators. I think she almost leaned into it more. You need the grounding element. That's what I was going to say. Like, does it feel... I don't know. Let's all travel together. Let's all this. Let's all like... It's so fun to be able to bring... Like, I'm a really open person. So it's like, oh my gosh, guys, like we're in Malibu. Everyone come over. Everyone sleep over. You want to use my house? You want to use this? Like, I'm just really like open. And so I don't think...
I think like some life experiences have kind of like showed me to not really be precious about things, even if I have a lot and it seems like it's flashy and like all that stuff. It's just like, if I could share with like my friends or if I can like, oh, let's all travel together. Oh, come on, let's fly like this. Oh, let's do this. Oh, my birthday trip. Let's all do. I love to include everyone.
So it's like, it's just, but it's also like, when I show up like all dressed up coming from an event, like I used to show up to a house party and a full fur floor length coat and like a crop top and pleather pants. Like that's just who I always was. Totally. So it doesn't stand out as much that like that girl's best friend is like a school teacher.
Totally, like they just are like, you know, but they're also all in the business. We did all grow up in Beverly Hills. It's not like it's so. Yeah, she's like a school teacher. Like, you know, of course, like, yeah, her dad's had a room in court. Like it's she's she's been around. But like, I'm just impressed with how, you know, your life path didn't.
change the relationships that were there before, because you guys all really have kept it intact. And I always see the, like, the lifers chats and stuff. And I'm just like, in a positive way, I think it's, it's hard to pull that off. And you have pulled it off or you've prioritized it, which is nice. I've prioritized it. I've definitely prioritized it. And
I just have always understood that like the people that have been closest to us that we've always been like, I show up for the people that show up for me. That's just been the rule, you know? And so they've always like shown up for me. I'll always show up for them. There's a different kind of connection when like, I know their parents. I know their grandparents.
I've been, those were all my sleepovers. Since I was a kid, we've all known each other since kindergarten. Could you imagine that deep relationship where you've known each other for that long?
It's just, I know the codes to their parents' homes to get in. It's just a whole different kind of close. You know what I mean? Yeah. So why would I ever let that go? No, but you show up. You, I mean, listen, hello, you're here today. I mean, let's all be honest here. This hour of your life, you could be doing a lot of other things. You have a lot going on. By the way, she's shooting a show. She's starring in another Ryan Murphy show, right?
Yeah, she's starring in another Ryan Murphy show. It's like a legal drama with Sarah Paulson and Nissi Nash and Glenn Close and Naomi Watts. It's Tiana Taylor. It's such a fun cast. It's been so fun to work with everyone. And your errands first writing job was on a Ryan Murphy show.
Really? A long time ago. Yeah. Well, you need to come back because nobody wants this is like my I've watched it like twice now. And oh my God, the skims tank. I sent it to Sarah. I was like, is this the skims tank when he holds up the top and he's like, I screenshot it. And I think I posted it. And I was like, yeah, you did. He's like, is this really her shirt? She's like, it's like, it looks like it's like a doll shirt. Yeah, he's so funny.
Aaron, if only companies like this existed like 10 years ago, you know, it's only now, it's only now, it's only now that women are talking about
hormonal conditions for females openly women are talking about PCOS and Demetriosis perimenopause Hashimoto's also I'm sorry But I'm not okay with pretending like those are normal things that everybody should be experiencing like it's not normal for everyone for so many women to be having all these confusing health symptoms like irregular cycles or acne or unexplained weight gain and
Like that's not how we should live. But whatever it is, the reality is it's really hard to get appointments with your doctor to get the answers you need. Everything is just so robotic now, which is why companies like Alara Health are so important. So it's whether you have a diagnosis or you just need answers. You just have questions for symptoms that you cannot identify. You have the fatigue.
the irregular periods, your fertility challenges, the pelvic pain, acne, weight gain. It's not normal. You do not need to be feeling that way. By the way, unanswered body hair is something that a lot of people are like. That's what you're experiencing.
Um, well, not yet, but like potentially, I don't know, but it's, it's like you have questions and you don't know where to get the answer. So Alara health is comprehensive hormone testing. Okay. It is an ongoing expert medical care nutrition support. It is tailored to specific treatment plans that fit your needs. That includes, by the way, giving you medications that you need, um, or just
answering questions virtually, right? Where you don't have to go and wait in line at a dog or even get an appointment. And a lot of these appointments, by the way, a lot of these doctors, it's like, okay, we can take you in a month. So if you have a question, you can't get an answer at four a month. So a month is like, is like on a good day. Yeah. So this company is trusted by over 15,000 women. Alara provides compassionate, effective care that you can count on. It's all in one place. Nine and 10 patients rated this their first visit five stars.
Yeah, no, it's got also very transparent pricing and major insurance is accepted. And so you should really check it out. It's very helpful. I love what they're doing. This is where health care is headed.
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All right, I wanna talk to you guys about caraway. Let me just say something. There's something about the caraway pans and pots that makes me want to cook. When I look at them, I'm like, oh, you know what? I'm excited to cook because just the experience is better. Also beautiful. No, no, no, it's not only just that. They look beautiful, like the most beautiful pots and pans. I leave them on my stove because they're so beautiful and the color and all that, but they are the easiest to clean.
Nothing ever sticks. The whole experience is just so easy to clean. It's so true. They're so easy to clean. They look beautiful. They're completely non-toxic. They are designed with your health and mind. They are ceramic cookware. It's free from toxic materials, including PFAS, PFOA, I don't know, PTFE, whatever that is, lead, harmful chemicals. So it's just total guilt-free cooking. It's really easy to clean, super slick non-stick pans. They're eco-friendly.
70, 70, Aaron over 70% of frying pan sold in America contain Teflon. Yeah. Do you guys know we now know we didn't know this a long time ago, we now know that when you are cooking on those types of pans, you cook those things into your food. Yeah, you're cooking your cooking Teflon into your crazy that people are okay with that.
Well, we didn't know, Erin, we didn't know, we now know. I know, but they need to care. Okay, because they do know. The amount of harm that it's doing to us and our kids, it is so important to take this seriously. And cooking is the epicenter of how we are beginning to get the nutrients of the food that we are eating, and it is so important for us to focus on it.
Caraway's internet famous cookware set comes with the sauté pan, the fry pan, the dutch oven, and the saucepan. Plus, lids for all of them, a canvas lid holder and a magnetic pan rack for storage. It's the ultimate kitchen setup and will save you $150 versus buying the items individually. Plus, if you visit carawayhome.com slash foster, you can take an additional 10% off your next purchase.
This deal is exclusive for our listeners, so visit carawayhome.com slash foster or use the code foster at checkout. Caraway, non-toxic cookware made modern. Bullen branch, Erin. Bullen branch. Oh, God. I never get to talk about it. No.
I really don't. People will stop me on the street and they'll be like, I'm so sorry to bother you and I'm thinking. Do you really use bullet branches? And I'm thinking, they're like, you look great. And they're like, I am obsessed with bull and branch. My sheets, they're so soft. And it's like, it's like, we now know that a lot of betting is toxic, that a lot of betting has a lot of chemicals in it that you just should not be sleeping on. We spend half of our life in bed, okay?
Think about how close your face is to your sheets and your bedding all night long every single night of your life. Yeah. So I think there's this misconception or there has been about, oh, if it's, if your sheets are organic, then they're not going to be soft. It is the opposite. My bowling brand sheets are the softest sheets I own. Of course they get softer and softer with every wash. You know, your daughter V slept over, slept in my bed last night. Yeah. Said it was the best night's sleep. She's had an up very long time.
Oh, that's kind of including all the nights she sleeps in your house. It's kind of rude. I've gone to great lengths to provide a very cozy and yet I somehow did it better. Well, we you have bowling branches on your bedding and mine. So it's true. Anyway, they are so buttery. They are breathable. They get softer with every single wash. They are the perfect. Besides the sheets, Aaron, besides the sheets, they have like great towels, great, like bath mats. Oh, yeah. I love that. They're a bowling branch. Yeah.
They have all the things. So you really need to be getting all of your, um, I don't know, home goods from Bullen branch. Yeah. So now is your chance to change the way that you sleep with Bullen branch, get 15% off plus free shipping on your first set of sheets at bull and branch.com with the promo code foster 15. That's bull and branch B O L L and branch.com promo code foster 15 to say 15% off exclusions. Apply seaside for details.
You know, what's so, what's so crazy is like to, to Valentina's generation, you know, she's 14. She's like freaks out over you, but not because of the things you would think she freaks out over. She doesn't know the, you know, skims.
It's so wild to me. It's, by the way, it's so wild to me. To her, you're the founder of Skims. Like that is to her, like the craziest, her Christmas left Skims. Like how crazy that you just constantly find a way to create relevancy in every single generation.
And I know you don't sit there and plot it. Such an ego boost. I know. We're being so clattered, guys. Like, this is, I want to be on every week. No, no, no, no. We need to ask some more hard-hitting questions. Yes, sir. I feel like we're being a little bit, like, desperate. Like, we need to, like, make sense. You guys should. Yeah. Right? Okay. What happened to that last relationship of yours? Like, what happened?
Which one? I don't know. Which one? She was trying to do hard hitting. It didn't really land. You guys trying hard questions? Go. No, seriously. Go for it. OK, OK, great. Great. We want to know. We want to know how you guys break down who pays for what when you go to go on family vacations? Who decides like, wait, that's actually an amazing question.
Yeah, who pays? You're all rich. Are you like, are you all Venmoing for gas? Like what happens? I know this sounds crazy, but we haven't really been on a real vacation. We do little vacations separately. You know what we have? Like we went to Turks and Caicos and it was me, Courtney and Chloe. So Chloe will say, hey,
I booked the trip for Tru's birthday party who wants to come. And so whoever responds first, you know, so obviously like it would be like me and Chloe so we'll get rooms, but she's already paid for it. So whoever books the trip.
We don't split it. It's usually like, Hey guys, I want to go to like the Dominican Republic. I got the house. It's Chloe's birthday. I'm going to get this for her for her birthday. So let's go. And that means the house and like the amenities or whatever are like included in that. And then you kind of have a system.
Yeah, it's like whoever, whoever like books it is going anyway, regardless. Yeah, unless we could all say, hey, we're going to go let's all split something, let's go on a trip, let's pick a place out of a hat or where do we all want to go. But usually it's like already specified of where I would go regardless of who comes. So if that's the case, then like all paid for the whole thing.
Okay. Okay. I'm dying to know that. Sarah, you're up for a good hard question. Okay. I want to know, walk us through, this is not a hard hitting question, but it's just, Sarah, make our time worth it. Okay. Okay. No, but I want to know what, when the moment is like, make this worth your while guys.
I'm having a great time. I've been wanting to catch up with her. This is, I'm having fun. Are you guys not having fun? Sorry. I'm having so much fun, but like I should take it. What time do you wake up in the morning? Okay. What time do you wake up in the morning? Yeah, it goes, but you should take a bit. Get at least, get at least one fucking sound by it. Jesus. Literally. Um, like six a.m. Six a.m. Do you go to your phone like right when you wake up? I do, but I usually have to like go downstairs and start getting north up. So I like look really quickly to make sure nothing
has happened during my sleep time. And then, well, first exactly what I do is, it's like, I set my alarm, look at my phone when I get up, get up really, I get up instantly. So I don't linger, I don't sit on my phone for 10 minutes. I like just look real quick, scroll through, don't even respond to everyone. I get up, I take my morning vitamins that I have to take that are the ones on the empty stomach. I take like so many supplements. So that's my morning supplements. Fair enough to supplement.
I don't love them, but I have to, but then we have to. We have to. Are you doing magnesium at night? I got to talk to you about magnesium. You got to be doing like a whole magnesium routine. I do it, but there's like four kinds of magnesium. Yeah, there are. Someone can upset your stomach. Yeah. So I take one kind and I just went over this yesterday with my doctor. I was like, what kind of magnesium am I taking?
And then I go brush my teeth and then I go wake up my kids. There's always one or two kids in my bed. So I get them up last. Are nannies there in the morning? Does a nanny sleep over? Question. I always have one nanny sleep over with four kids. And the reason I do that is because one time Saint's friend had an emergency and cut his whole forehead open at my house and I had other kids over. I had six kids over and no nanny.
And luckily I have family members. Well, no, I had North. I had to have her watch the little kids and put the little kids to bed. And I was like, called my mom and Chloe. And I was like, someone get over here right now. I have to go to the hospital. And I took the kid and sent to the hospital because I couldn't leave North with all of them, you know? So until a sister got there. Yeah. So I was like, you know what? And it gives me the freedom if something happens. And I need to leave just to know that like I'll be OK. And it's really helpful in the morning.
Yeah, so I do two kids in the morning, she gets too ready, or sometimes I do three hair, you know, it just depends on who wants a hairstyle and who wants, you know, I'm always getting too ready for sure.
Okay, and are you eating like, are you all sitting together and having breakfast or it's like on the go? Like you're grabbing a bagel here or you're like, no, I have, I have someone come and there's always like just, it's like the face style. So it's like grab your food. There's always, you know, eggs and, you know, bacon and bacon, whatever they want. And like fresh juices and I get a protein smoothie. I always have my hot tea and a protein smoothie in the car ready for me. Cause I can't eat cause I'm always doing hair and
rushing and coming back. I don't drink coffee. What? No. Is it no caffeine or just no coffee? No coffee. I, you know what? No, like tea. No, I love tea. I love tea with caffeine. So I'm like a tea girl. I drink like an English breakfast tea with milk, regular milk and honey. Yeah, that's my jam. English practicing. When I, when I started, isn't it the craziest feeling? It's such a weird feeling when it just starts to go like,
By the way, hot take, I miss that feeling. It's kind of a good feeling. I look at Courtney and her son, Rocky, and I just like, I miss a little baby.
like my little baby's five and I just, I miss it. I think you're gonna have another baby. I think you're gonna meet the love of your life in 2025. I'm not even fucking kidding you right now. I think you are gonna meet the love of your life and you are gonna have another kid, probably not two, but maybe one because I think this person maybe doesn't have kids or maybe once another kid. Do you like know who it is? No. Yeah, do you? I'm just like, feels like you know.
You know what I think I would want to because can you imagine if I have like, let's say I only have one and so I have five kids and then they all leave to like go with their dad and then I have one by themselves and then all four kids come back and they're like, we went to this, we did this, we did this and the little kids like, wow, it's just here, you know. Oh my god, you're fully.
Or could you just do twins? That would be the dream. You're having more kids. I'm going to say it right now. I'm going to say it right now. But my daughter started old also. She just started biting me when she's breastfeeding. Her teeth came in. And it really feels like it's like the beginning of the end. I don't know if we can keep doing it. It's pretty painful.
Guys, I mean, cool story about cool story about your boobs. But you guys, let's just have a real conversation about it's actually not too old. I'm now I have a girlfriend who's 48. And I mean, unless she's lying, it happened. It just happened. 48 pregnant, healthy baby.
I don't know if that's out of yours. I'm not going to say the name. I'm not going to say the name. You said unless she's lying, how could she hide a baby? No, because she said, no, because she said in like, like, she said she means unless she's not going to ignore something. No IVF, no IVF, no egg donor, you know. So like, look, I would have to have a surrogate because of my placenta accreta issue and my uterus. So I could get pregnant, but I can't like carry it out without serious complications.
Hmm. What is important to you in the next father of your twins? Like, what do you, I mean, I know people ask me this all the time and of the twins, but like, no, but like, what is a lot? What do you want? How long do you have? What do I want? I want it. Just give us like the top five. Yeah, but it's not easy. It's not easy when you're Kim. Listen, I think I think that it's going to be, they have to really understand my life and be okay with that.
They're going to have to understand my kids and their background and where they came from. It must not be easy coming into my life. They have to be a very secure person. I want our morals and values to really align. And I want it's very important. This is something that I learned is that you have to be with someone.
long enough to have like a real big, huge fight and to see how they act when they don't get what they want. And to see how someone acts and treats you when they don't get what they want shows a lot about a person. And I know that seems really simple. I mean, I could obviously want the like, you know,
motivated person, um, just a person that there's so many things, you know, that I want in someone that I realize like you can't have it all, but you can't have it all. Like fuck that. You know what I mean? Like I want. I think you have it all. I think you can. And I think it's just important to like not rush it, especially when you have kids and knowing that it would just be a good fit.
I just want them to just genuinely be a really good person, treat other people. My absolute red flag is just when someone doesn't treat other people, even when no one's watching, with respect. And no matter what they are, who they do, who they are,
I just, I have some, but it's, I don't know. I mean, then, you know, you have to have chemistry and you have to vibe and you have to, I have a big life. I like a big life. I, you know, you can't like be with someone who's going to shrink in your life. Yeah. That won't go well. I love that you also say that. Like, I love a big life. Like it's okay to love the life that you built. I think a lot of people try to dim that light. Like, oh, I want to be, but you like your big life that you earned. I respect it. Yeah.
But I do think, what do you think about the right guy, father of the twins? Do you think he could get you to slow down?
I think the right guy could absolutely. I think that I would like, I love, by the way, being married. I love having a partner. I love having that partner. Something that's really important to me actually is like someone that inspires me to come up with ideas and do a lot of things.
like I'll be with some you can be with someone and like fully not respect them in the business sense or like not get any ideas or not get inspired and then you can be with someone where like all these ideas come out you're like I want to do this and I want to do this and I'm gonna do this for fun just because it's like creatively.
makes me happy and like, I love a partnership and I love like a collaborator. I love someone that I can like roll over and be like, Hey, what do you like this color palette or this? Or what do you think of this versus the, you know, like,
Hey, that's important to me. I mean, depending on your respect to like balance things off of and like someone who inspires you to be more creative and yeah. Yeah. And I think someone like it's someone that's going to challenge you and all the ways that's going to, you know, not force you, but, but excite you to like level up even more than you already are, right? Like, are you in therapy?
I am. I started like, I started when I got a divorce because I really wanted to make sure that my kids, that I was communicating things the right way to my kids. And then I was saying the right things. And I think it's been really great. I think it's really great to have a partner to the kind of like therapist that I have. She's just like a buddy to help me in parenting.
really, I think is the most important thing. Now we're getting into all my personal stuff and that's great. And totally, and I see things from a totally different perspective since she's like explained things to me. I was just that girl that didn't like therapy, but I'm glad I gave it a shot. I mean, it's changed my life. Like I didn't start till a couple of years, like four years ago. And I mean, holy, I just can't believe I waited so long to do it. Yeah, I have a great guy. I have a great guy who does not tell me what I want to hear.
And I think that's the key in therapy. You got to find someone who makes you face the hard things and does not totally want to hear. Totally. Do your kids ever say like, I don't want to be famous? Like, I don't want to do the show. I don't want this to happen anymore. Like, I just want to like live a normal life, but it's like.
They're not really on the show that much. So no, I would say Courtney's kids do. You know, they're very vocal about that. And like she is so great at respecting that and giving them what they want, you know, and not. But my kids, I mean, I got to say like my kids just they are who they are and they love being creative, you know, especially North and her dad are absolute twins and North is like,
the song she writes and produces their mannerisms. And you know, it's so crazy, the songs that she produces. And like, it's really crazy because, you know, we just watched this wicked, you know, and you watch Wicked with Ariana with the two stars, or was that CGI? No.
No, not CGI, but I couldn't tell in the photo. It was like a deep fake. So perfect. Yeah, like, I was like, wait, is this like a cutout copy? Like, I couldn't tell if you actually watched Wicked with them.
It wasn't a cut out. No, they really come over to your house. Do they come over to your house to watch this? They came over and ran into Ariana somewhere. And I love her so much. I've known her for years. And so obviously we were so excited about Wicked coming out. And so she was like, I'm actually in town. Do you want to watch it? I'd love to come over and watch it. Let's invite all your sisters. And Cynthia wants to come too.
I love Cynthia. She's so, I mean, they're just, they're special. They're obsessed with Cynthia. And they're always like, she's a tough nut to crack, that she is like, you know, everyone's like, if you can crack Cynthia, you're in. They're just, I mean, they're just special, magical. It's like, seeing the film, we cried so much, like so many different points where we cried. It's just, it's really special. But like 10 years ago, or like longer,
Kanye did a, a wicked song, a popular, he was like recording it and ended up like never putting it out. But then North wouldn't know that, you know? And so he had like sampled the song and did this like whole song and it never ended up coming out. But I walk into the room the other day after we had seen Wicked and North is on her ASR.
sampling the same song popular the same way her dad did and was producing an entire song and I recorded it and I had to send it to her dad because I was like this is crazy and she did not know that he had done that had no clue same song same part sample I mean it was just like I sat there
And I recorded her and just her movement, how she moves is like exactly. And I just was like, that is so crazy to me, 10 years apart, like doing the same thing, so independently, not knowing it. And that's so crazy. Yeah. So my kids love it. My kids love it. North and North, like you can't get her away. Oh, you're kids love it. A camera. They love it. They love it, you know. And that is so.
Okay, but so she's that so she's the musical one north. She's the one that's got the musical one I do think I do think Saint has it, but it's on north terms like, you know, she'll get an offer to do you know a photo shoot or something and like we really sit and talk about it as a family like should she do this what you know what's too much what's not and so
You know it's scary for you because she's so young and like for you it happened when you were an adult So you were able to like protect your youth and with your kids. It's like totally and I can't like
they're already in it right because just of like who their parents are and so I try to protect that and be so mindful of like them being their own people and them not feeling like they have to you know be in our shadows but when these things come about like she she wants to do it so badly like she wants to even if it's like not her craft or she wants to learn like
She just genuinely wants to do it. And then the other kids will get voiceovers and then I'll hear them so proud of each other when they do it and want to go in support. And they all want one. And I want to do that. And I want to do that. So it's like, wait a minute. Every time one of my kids works, I have to take a day off of work.
So because I have to take them, you know, so it's like, well, you don't have to take them, but you're a good mom and you do. Oh, no, I have to take them. They're they're my kids. Like I have no, but I mean, that's what I'm saying. Like, there are a lot of working moms whose lives are not as crazy as yours, and they don't pick their kids up from school or they don't drop off because I don't pick mine up.
Yeah, like, look at Sarah. She's just, like, sitting in her sweats at home. Yeah. I mean, I'm busy, but I'm not as busy as Kim, and I am not picking them up. That's just, like, in my contracts. Like, no matter what I do, no matter work, like, I have to take my kids to school. That's, like, just my time with them. It's the morning madness. I love it. It's amazing. And then when they work, and I have to be there, I have to, like, see every last thing I'm just, like,
It has to be worth it for us to make a decision, you know, if North has something and I have to take off, you know, filming to do something with her. Like, it just has to be like a family decision and it really important to her. And I just, there's so much that like I've stopped because it's just too much and I'm really not ready to be a mom major and I'm kind of like forced into this. So.
Oh my God, you're becoming the next. I know. No, it's crazy. Oh my God. You guys, by the way, you'll be your mom, like twins, like twins towards it, like in the four days. Okay. Wait, should we ask one more question each? Yeah, but like good luck finding anything interesting because you came up with nothing hard hitting like you guys were just having a chill. This is not, you know, a hard hitting podcast. This is a conversational. What do you mean, Aaron? I don't know.
If I not, if I not, I'm not a journalist. Good for you, Erin. Thank you. Well, you should have heard about your mom when your mom was on. I mean, she was asking your mom some crazy shit. I was like, Erin, she fucked up. Really? She was just like, I don't know. You asked if you hard-hitting questions. I was like, Erin, shut up. Whatever. If it's too crazy, I'll just, we'll cut it out. I don't care. Yeah. I know. I know.
No, it wasn't that crazy. No, it wasn't that crazy. It wasn't that crazy. No, I just like having conversations. I mean, I want to hear Kim, I mean, I just want to hear what you thought of Sarah in high school. Like, describe Sarah. That's going to be your last question. I think it'll be interesting to hear from her perspective. I thought Sarah was so pretty. You look the same.
I just thought you were like a cool like the just so cool and like again that just like natural like just I just I don't know I have these pictures and
I feel like I was always like, remember that phase when we were like the dark lipstick and like the baggy clothes? I don't think you went through that. You were always like, I know. And like, I was prepping like totally. And I just couldn't. I was like, Oh, you're so cool that you didn't do that with us, you know? And like you just always stayed. So I just always thought you were so pretty. Right. Kim, that means funny. You guys are obviously obviously like the funniest. So
I love you. I'd ask you what you thought about Aaron, but you'd probably didn't think about you. She doesn't remember me. Yeah, exactly. I wasn't there. No, I thought that Aaron was like, I thought you thought like you were, couldn't be bothered with us, like that we were annoying.
Like I was always like that's my that's my journey. We're so annoying. Like she just thinks that we're like ridiculous and like is so smart and just like is off like reading a book and doesn't want to be bothered with us.
I thought we were annoying. I'm so glad that that was how it came all the time. So I was insecure with Aaron way more. I was insecure with both of you guys. I was like, oh my God, the smart one who hates us. And like, I really thought you hated us. Oh my God. Well, I was like a really angry teenager, but I've grown out of that.
So guys, I hate a I hate a last question, but I did want to ask you Kimberly who calls you Kimberly just Chloe right and I call you Kimberly and my dad called me Kimberly I became and all my friends did I became Kim when I started the show because I thought like Kimberly Kardashian seemed way too long like that people wouldn't like so funny.
Okay, do you manifest? Do you feel like you manifest? Are you a manifester? I manifest like a motherfucker. Manifestation is my shit. I mean, I don't even want to say it out loud.
We'll do it. You guys just say it now so that we have some something here. Well, one time this girl was really fucking annoying me. No, I can't even say it. It's so bad. Who tell us her name? What's her name? Well, this is the juice we're looking for. Well, okay. So one time this girl kept complaining and complaining and complaining about like, you know, just music or whatever. And I was like,
When she dies, I'm going to end the like the next day. And I was like, oh, I was like, OK, and more powerful than I even realized. Yeah, it like tripped me out. Like I was freaking the fuck out.
Oh, my God, you manifested her death. This is no way. I need you to know, but I will say anything that I like stupid stuff. I used to be like, I just want to be on the cover of this. And then when it happened, I was like, and then I would be like, Oh, like, you don't even realize how powerful your thoughts are because you can say, Oh, this will never happen. But
I just wish I could be on the cover of Forbes or whatever it would be. And then it happens. And to me, because I think I'm such a half glass half full kind of person, I'm such a positive person, you could say that the universe would say, oh, this will never happen. That's the negative part. My soul doesn't take in the negativity. I take in like, oh, I want to be on this, or I want to do this, or I want to everything small.
Um, you know, you should like write down your goal list or who you want to be. And it's just, I don't know, I've lived my life that way and I'm like a really, really, really good manifester. Okay. Well, let's get twins on the board. Okay. So you're writing, are you writing this in a journal? Are you writing this in a journal? No, no, I don't journal. No. Okay. I just think it. I say my prayers at night. It's just more like say your prayers. Be a good person, but also here's the thing.
If you're a good person, so much more so, like the universe opens up to you. And I really think when you make the right decisions, you'll see the universe open up and reward you. And there's been decisions that I've had to make that I was like, I don't know if I can do this. I think my career is going to be like done if I do that, like just things in my head. And then I did it.
best years of my career after. And I was like, that's the universe opening up and showing me that that was the right path. So continue on this path. So I think you have to be really like in tune with yourself and just
Bottom line, be a good person. Don't be like a mean girl. Don't be like the craziest shit talker. Just like be happy for everyone. Surround yourself with smart people that you want to be like, that you want to learn from, from your friends that make you feel safe and just treat everyone good and show up for the people that show up for you.
Yeah, don't you feel like the best years are ahead of you? I feel like the best years are ahead of you. That's how I feel. Really? Do you feel that in your soul or no? I really hope so. I really hope so. I think I'm definitely like, I say, I don't believe in like healers and mediums and like people like that, but oh, I had a great session with one, not too long ago. Wait, this wasn't that guy, was it?
Sylvan? No. I mean, I love him and he's told me wild things, but it was this girl from maybe Australia. I'll get her name and I'll send it to you. But it was like, no, there was a guy that I did a session with with like Annie Meyershire and Shelly Ryanstein and these girls. You were going to see him next day or something. He had like an Indian spirit and read something. No.
Remember, you did it with like, okay, well, it's clearly not him. So you did some, you did a woman that told you and she rocked your world. Yes. Just what she told me and that made me feel like, oh, you know what? I felt that. I felt they can only like confirm what you feel in my head. They're not going to tell me and I'm not going to like change my life according to that. But I feel like when they say something good, I feel it. I just, I feel it. So.
Let's manifest good vibes 2025 for all of us is our gear. Yes. Everyone to succeed. Everyone to thrive. And wait, how ridiculous when I tagged the wrong person on the post? Oh, my God. You tagged Adrian Brody instead of Adam Brody.
It was a good day for Adrienne Brody. It was a good day. Oh my God, I'm dying. I saw like that more, like it got like picked up and I was like, oh my God, it was like a, I didn't even, and I know who I knew which one was which. It's not like I didn't. It just like the tag went wrong. And I was like, I'm never tagging people again. I was trying to be a beauty of Brody. It was very tight. Had a good day, but that's how you know Kim does all her social media. She does all of that. Yes. Oh my God. So funny. How cute is Adam Brody though?
So cute. So cute. All right, we love you, Kim. Okay, I love you guys. Thank you so, so, so much for doing this.
Thanks for listening to this episode. Hope you liked it as much as we did. We have a big, big, big request for you. We do. Please go leave a review. It makes a big difference for us. I was about to say, Aaron, don't sound so desperate, but we are a little desperate. We are a little desperate. We need you to leave a review. It's really important, and we don't ask you for anything. Two seconds, by the way, send a screenshot of your review, and maybe we'll post it. Maybe we'll call you. Why are you rolling your eyes? Just every episode, it's going to say that, though. Great.
If you like this podcast, you have a written name of you. This podcast is executive-produced by... You not use that voice. I'm sorry, I'm trying to sound it, but you don't make it sexy. This podcast is executive-produced by... Do you have a normal voice? Yeah. Aaron Foster, Sarah Foster, and Alison Bresnick. I'll take over. Our associate producer is Montana McPerny. Our audio engineer is Josh Windish. See, that didn't sound nice.
That's how it grew.
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