Hello, my love, happy new year and welcome to the busy yet pretty podcast. I'm your host, Jayden Haley. On this show, we talk all about becoming the best version of you, living your dream life and ultimately just becoming happy and your own dream girl.
I'm coming up on almost three years of this podcast and I'm so grateful for all of you guys. And I'm really excited to just get straight into this. So let's waste no time in getting into our new year episode. And without further ado, here is our weekly review. So this week was Christmas and the holidays and the holidays have come to a close. And I feel like we're all just happy, but we're also ready just to get on
with the new year starting new routines and starting fresh. I feel like the new year always just feels like such a perfect fresh start. It's almost like when you come home from vacation, have all your dirty laundry and just wanna throw everything in the laundry, wash it and it feels so refreshing. That's what I feel like this past year is and every year is that we just wanna put the year in the wash and start fresh. Another thing this week is I have just been preparing for the new year and I feel like that's something that we are all trying to do and
If you're listening to this today, it is January 30th, so almost the new year, but once the holidays come to a close, it is time that we glide into the new year. Now into my current obsession. My current obsession at the moment is vision boarding and doing it over Pinterest. I love doing little mood boards over Pinterest and
creating a vision board, go do one today and set it as your background home screen. It will just remind you of your goals and keep you motivated and focused. Another craft session at the moment is salt in my water for electrolytes. It's so good to keep hydrated and to keep on the hydration and just not flush your vitamins. So I really love to add mineral salt into my water.
And my last crab session right now is waking up before the city. I feel like you just understand, but when you wake up before the world is awake, it just feels so nice and it just feels so relaxing and you can be productive. I love it personally. Now onto my goal of the week. My goal of the week right now is to dry brush more. I feel like it's so important that we get off that dry skin that we have during the wintertime and get rid of that winter shed.
And it's so nice to just have a fresh layer to your skin, so just dry brushing and exfoliating. Another goal of the week right now is to get eight to nine hours of sleep per night. That is something I'm really trying to actively work on. And you should be too, because sleep is self-care and it is very important. Another goal of the week right now is to just prioritize breath work for the busy days ahead. Whether that's working on breath work or meditation, it's good to slow down and remember that everything's gonna be okay.
and we have to stop and recharge in order to move forward. Now to yourself of question of the week. What will I finally achieve this year that I have been putting off?
I love that question so much because I feel like there's something that we all just put to the back of our to-do list and we never do, but we should accomplish it this year finally. For me, that's getting my license and I'm going to mark my words. I promise you I'll get it this year. So what to you sits on your goals and to-do list that you haven't done yet, that you've been procrastinating. Now on to your affirmation of the week. 2025 is my year. My year for infinite happiness, success,
the best career path, healthy relationships and organize routines that suit me. I love that affirmation so much because getting into the new year, there's so much pressure to become the best version of ourselves. And of course, that's what I motivate you to do on the podcast. But it really is important to realize that our goal in life is to be happy. And whatever that looks like for you is important to realize and do that. And don't
Let all that pressure get to you and remember, take time slow. It's not a race and this is going to be your year. Now onto your challenge. Take time this week to plan and strategize for your most successful year ahead. I love this so much because it's so nice to go
strong into the new year and just feeling prepared and organized. So that really just will set you up for success. And this is going to be your year. Let's, let's be real. This is your year, my love. Now to the podcast review. If you want to be featured on next week's episode, make sure you leave a podcast review over Apple podcast and leave a five star rating over Spotify. Okay. This review is from Angelica and Angelica said,
Hi, Jaden. I have been listening to your podcast for a couple of months since I started my junior year of high school. I've been going through a hard time with my self-esteem because my relationship with my mom and my brother passed away in January and ever since I feel that takes out her negativity on me a lot. This really took a toll on my mental health and my relationship with myself. Ever since I started listening to your podcast, I have found love for myself again and boosted my motivation and confidence. You have really helped me work on myself to become a golden-class girl.
in affirming the future I know I will make for myself.
I also really relate to you because I struggled with an eating disorder a few years ago and didn't have my period for over a year because of it, but thankfully I am fully recovered. I love you and your podcast so much and you truly help me so much in being the person I need to be for myself. I listen to it every morning as I get ready for school, and it really is a mood booster and sets me on a good note for my day. XOXO Angelica Angelica, I don't even know where to begin. I am just so, of course, grateful for your support.
the fact that you experienced something which so many people probably have experienced in your life. Dealing with loss and someone taking you out on you is something that feels so isolating and I hope you know that us as a community, we are all here for you. And anyone listening to this right now may be feeling the exact same way. So you are not alone and I'm so glad the podcast has been a positive outlet for you. I am so grateful for you and all your support Angelica. I love you and you should be so proud of yourself.
Without further ado, it is time to get into our new year episode. My love. It is time for you to have your best year yet. Look, I'm not even kidding. This is your year. I feel it deep in my soul.
This is our year. And I feel like we say that every year, but no, this is our year and I'm so proud of you and excited for you. If you're not feeling motivated and excited right now, you're going to be after this episode because we're all going to be diving into what it feels like when you're entering the new year, what you need to do, the motivation you need. And the next few weeks, we're going to talk all about just that new year feeling and new routines, new goals, new mindset. So I am so excited for this.
Let's dive into it being the best month of the year, January. I feel like January is the best month because if you're like me, I love a fresh start. I love routines and there's nothing more like a fresh start than January. But this is your year. And if you're listening to this today, December 30th, then it's almost the new year, but we're basically entering the new year.
So this is not just any year for you, but your year to become truly, truly the best version of you and achieve infinite happiness and live your dream life. I feel like a lot of times we're like, okay, this year I'm going to achieve this, this, this. I'm going to get my dream car. I'm going to get all straight A's. But something we don't have on our to do list and our goal list is to actually be happy while doing that. Sometimes we just go straight in all or nothing and
That is going to, you know, we can be productive for a while, but it's not longevity. It's not consistent. And we may not be happy throughout that process. So we want to feel good, happy while achieving our goals because what matters about getting your dream house, your dream car, or your dream job, if you're not enjoying the process, it can feel so overwhelming entering a new year with the pressure just to go all in.
But I want to remind you that the all or nothing mindset will leave you unproductive more than productive. And what I mean by that is it's going to leave you productive for a few days doing the all or nothing mindset. But a few days, you're only going to last a few days productive because that is not sustainable for consistency or longevity. And not only that, I feel like one of our techniques to achieving something or a goal is to bully ourselves into achieving it. So for instance,
You'll have a ton of self hatred for your body for you to finally go to the gym. But again, that's all or nothing mindset. It's only going to last a few days where you're productive and then you're going to fall off. What you need to do is love yourself and be kind to yourself and have that positive motivation and that positive reinforcement.
to stay consistent. So we're forgetting about the All or Nothing mindset this year. Forget about that. We're forgetting about bullying ourselves this year. We're not doing that. This is all about staying consistent and getting the real results that you want in life. As I say this, I do also want to preface that this is time, time in your own life, every single year, every single day, every single week, everything, everything is time.
and your time is valuable. Would you rather have a year of progress or a year of excuses while you didn't? Your time is valuable and nobody is there for you or wants you to have your dream lifestyle as much as you want it for yourself. Nobody is going to go up and get that lifestyle for you. So you have to take action and be your own advocate. I want you to stop and reflect just like last week's episode and take a second to look how beautiful your life is.
And if you're saying to yourself, Jaden, my life is not beautiful. It's really not. I don't have cute clothes. I hate my car. I have a bad relationship with my family. I'm always unhappy. Let me tell you, if you are breathing right now alive right now and you are here listening to this right now, you have a beautiful life. You don't need aesthetic things or luxury items.
or all great relationships to have a beautiful life. It is beautiful if you are here in a life right now. That's all you need. You can be a blank canvas or you can be a destroyed canvas. Whatever your life looks like right now is perfectly beautiful because you can create that and paint that canvas exactly how you want it to be. So regardless of where you are in life right now, how set back you may feel
Whatever age you are, there is no better time to start than right now. Create the life that you want from here and become the person that you truly want to be. You are in the midst of creating your own story and your own path, and this story will look different on everyone. Some people are born into money and born into generational wealth, and that is great, great for them.
And a lot of people aren't. We all have different stories and different paths. And that's what's beautiful is we're not copy and paste. That'd be a boring life to have everything we want in the drop of our hands and all of us be the same. We want difference. We want different upbringings. We want different stories. We want different paths. So don't hate on your lifestyle or your past life and don't feel like nobody's like me who's going to succeed because let me tell you, there are so many of the most successful, happy,
Wealthy, creative, and generous people out there who came from nothing and ones who came from everything. So stop thinking about your past life is going to impact now. You have to just start fresh right now. Doesn't matter if you're blank canvas or destroyed canvas. Paint the canvas.
And this story that you're creating for yourself will be the story that you share and tell others to help motivate them, just like how I motivate you guys with my story. And I'm still creating my story right now. We all are, but I use my past experiences to share with you guys and motivate you where I was bullied in school.
I would eat lunch in the bathroom stalls and now I eat lunch at five star Beverly Hills restaurants and I'm coming home to my beautiful apartment. So let me just say, if I went from a friendless, bullied girl eating lunch in the bathroom stalls to where I am today, there is no doubt in my mind that whatever your past is, you can do it too. When you enter this year, you need to remind yourself that your career, your relationships, your happiness,
and you as a person cannot function without taking care of yourself. And I don't mean self-care just by face mask or getting your nails done. But I mean taking rest days, take a rest day, have naps when you need it, eat your favorite comfort foods, eat your favorite desserts, and get enough time to rest and recharge. You have to recharge.
You don't understand that's again with the all or nothing mindset. The all or nothing mindset, you're not recharging, you're just doing and being productive. That's only going to last a few days. But if you take time to rest and recharge is when you're going to see results and consistency. We operate just like a phone when we begin to be feeling an overdrive or overuse.
We start to need more time to recharge. That's like a phone when your phone's in overdrive and being overused, it needs to be charged. That's our bodies. That's our mind. We need to take a second to breathe, reset and recharge. And even if you think, well, I'm not being productive by taking a rest, that's productive because if you try to go, go, go, that's not going to take you as far as taking a second to stop recharge and you'll go even faster.
And don't get confused with the all or nothing mindset to giving it your all. Those are two different things. Entering this year, you need to remove the all or nothing mindset, yet you do need to give it your all. And the all or nothing mindset is the fact that you're just running yourself an overdrive by working, working and working, no rest time to recharge.
But if you navigate this year in your life by giving it your all is meaning you have balance in your life. You have balance in your routines. You have time to rest and recharge.
And then when it's time to work, you're giving it your all. So don't get the all or nothing mindset confused with giving it your all because they're two different things. You need to give it your all and the times that you work and the time that you're not working, you need to rest and recharge. When you began this new year and you start your new goals, you're going to get consistent. You're going to get things done and things may be going so smoothly, but then you're going to run into a roadblock at some point and things are not going to go as planned.
You feel like it's the end of the world. And let me just say that it's not you. It's everyone. We all get roadblocks, but you have to realize when you get a roadblock, you're going to stop and you're going to try again. Every single day of this year and every single day of your life is a fresh start. Actually, every single second of the day is a fresh start because that's almost saying the old or nothing mindset where this morning went horrible. So the rest of the day is down the drain.
That's giving the all or nothing mindset instead of starting fresh right there and then having a good mindset. Take your time to work smarter, not harder. It's like the quote, as long as you're taking steps, you're getting somewhere. So even for you, if that means going slow and taking your time, that's going to get more done than rushing, rushing, trying to be productive and then going and overdrive and then you're burnt out. Don't set your goals and walk into the new year to get revenge success.
to prove anyone wrong for something. What I mean by that is let's use the example revenge body. A lot of people will be in relationships and they want to go to the gym and right after their breakup to get their revenge body and look better in hopes your ex will see that and think, gosh, I wish I didn't lose her. Gosh, I wish her had her back. Stop doing things in hopes to get revenge or to prove so and wrong.
Do things for yourself. Forget about anyone else. If you don't like someone or if someone wronged you, forget about them. You don't need to prove how successful you are. Okay, you know the best way to prove something wrong to someone, to be honest, is doing it for yourself and fully forgetting about them. Because when you're so focused on yourself, so focused on your own life, I promise you being happy and feeling like you succeeded in your own life.
is the best way to prove something wrong because it's not trying to show it off in their face. But it's the fact that you did it. You did it for yourself. You're not doing it for anyone else. When I was bullied in school and when I finally was done with school and everything, I started my new lifestyle. I turned my life around, which I think I'll do an episode kind of how I went from that to changing my life within a week.
and how I kind of framed a mindset of becoming a new person. We'll talk about that later, but when I did that, I did not try to start social media and start everything to get revenge at them and say, look where I'm at now. I'm not, I wasn't trying to do that. I completely let them go and I focus on myself. And the best reward was getting what I wanted, which was happiness and success and what I feel like success is. And I promise you,
I forgot about those people until I see them in my DMs now saying, Hi, Jaden. Do you remember me? I went to school with you and I'll see those messages sometimes. I'm like, babe, you were so rude to me and bullied me. But see where I'm at today, you know, people from my past will possibly be seeing my things and my happiness and success just like people are going to do to you. But I didn't care about that. They're already seeing firsthand that I proved them wrong and
Look at this, how successful I am now. But that's not what I did this for. I did this for myself and that was enough for me and they can enjoy the show from the bleachers. So if you have someone in your life that you feel like you're trying to do things and achieve things, just to prove them wrong and to say, look at me now, you need to stop, let that person go.
drop them out of your mind and start this year fresh doing it for yourself and you only. There's no need for you to rub it in your face that you're happy and you're successful because if you truly are happy and successful, you don't have a desire to rub it in their face. And they'll probably go across to you and see your stuff and realize, wait, she's happy and she's enjoying her life and they're watching that from the bleachers. So just forget about other people and start this year doing it for yourself.
We've entered the new year, and there's lots of goals that we have when we set, and one of them should be taking care of our health. But don't get me wrong, I feel like we've all been there. It is difficult to actually find a doctor that you like, and that you trust, and most of all, who listens to you and your needs. This past year, I was really trying to dial in and try to figure out what's been going on with my period. And thankfully, when I actually had a doctor to kind of guide me in the right direction,
it felt so rewarding to actually feel listened to. So if you're trying to find a doctor that you actually like and works for you, try looking over ZocDoc. ZocDoc is a free app in a website where you can search and compare high quality in-network doctors and click to instantly book an appointment. This new year prioritize your health and longevity in taking care of yourself because self-care also is not just a face mask. Self-care can be with your mental health and your physical health and getting the real help that you need.
And we are putting ourself first this year. Personally, I love a lot of doctors who approach health on a holistic way. So maybe if you're interested in a holistic approach, you can sort through doctors that work for you. I love Zok-Dok to find the perfect doctor. So you would love it too. Stop putting off those doctor appointments and go to zok-dok-dot-com-slash-busy to find an instantly bulk atop-rated doctor today. That's z-o-c-d-o-c dot-com-slash-busy. Zok-dok-dot-com-slash-busy.
My love. This is your life that you have at the end of the day and you deserve the life that you want. Stop disrespecting yourself.
procrastinating and not taking action because while you do that, you're only prolonging and pushing back the time that you can be finally getting that lifestyle that you wanted. If you want your dream life so bad and to become the best version of you, why are you procrastinating and pushing it off longer? If you want it now, start taking action now. Would you rather have a year of progress or a year of excuses while you didn't?
And as we talk about our dream life and our goals, I don't want you just to live for that dream life and that goal. You need to live in a fulfilled mindset in every stage you are in in life because when you finally get that dream car, that dream job, that dream body or that dream house, you'll already be wanting more. Us humans, we are so easily unfulfilled. We are so used to uncomfortable having that feeling of lack and
wanting more and comparing. That we forget what we already have in life is beautiful. When it comes to comparison, we always have it in our mind that someone has it better than us. And to break the news to you, you're correct. Someone always does have it better than you. But at the same time, someone else always has it worse than you. While someone has it better than you, someone has it worse for you.
And that's going to be for every single person on this earth. But for the person who has it worse than you, that person would kill. They would kill to have your worst day. Your most boring day would be a blessing of a day for someone who is less fortunate than you. So instead of wishing you had a different life or wishing you were someone else, you need to realize how blessed you are and work with what you have. What you have, whatever your canvas looks like of your life is perfect.
You can start from any stage, any age, and create the life you want from there. So stop trying to make excuses why you can't do this. You don't have to start from anything to start getting your dream life and taking action. You don't have to start from anything. The only thing that you need to start is you and your mindset. Take action on your life because you have a vision of the life that you want, but at the same time, you need to embrace how beautiful your life is right now. Don't take things so seriously.
and begin actually enjoying the process and the journey of it.
time is gonna pass you by. And like I always say, when you're on your deathbed, you're gonna be wishing that you enjoyed life more. You're gonna be wishing that your focus was on something else. You're gonna be wishing you were happy. At the end of the day, what makes you happy? Truly. And then I know about the new year, we're talking about goals and everything, but what makes you happy? Because some goals that you may have set for yourself right now or you're thinking of setting for yourself may not be the goals that you actually wanna set now, because if that goal was,
to get into a certain university to impress your parents or go do something in honor of someone else and it's not truly making you happy then that's not the thing for you and you need to realign with what you really want what's going to make you happy understand the lifestyle that you truly want by doing a vision board anything just understand what you want because when you want something is when passion is going to be behind it and passion makes up action
Because if you set a goal for someone else, you're thinking, okay, I wanna get into this university because my parents want me to go here. The thing is, you're not having passion to go. So you're not gonna have the desire to wanna take action into it. So it's gonna be longing, unhappy, hard, rather than if you have the life that you want and you know the steps to get there, you have that passion and you have that drive and you're gonna take action.
God forbid something unfortunate were to happen to you tomorrow. God forbid. And you weren't here anymore. Would you have any regrets? And would you have felt that you did not enjoy the process? Because when you achieve your dream job, you're going to want something else already. So you have to realize that this process is beautiful.
In the new year when it comes to our goals, I feel like we're all kind of just leaning towards starting a business this year. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I've talked to quite a bit of you guys and we're all kind of wanting to take our business to the next level or start a new business. And one of the easiest ways to jumpstart your business or take your business to the next level, Shopify makes it easy to manage and grow your business because they help with details like shipping, taxes and payments from one single dashboard, allowing you to focus on the important stuff like
growing your business and thinking about the creative aspect on your business. I may just be releasing some busy yet pretty merchandise in the new year and it'll be so easy to manage that when working through Shopify. Think about your business. Established in 2025 has such a nice ring to it. Sign up for your $1 per month trial at Shopify dot com slash busy yet pretty all lowercase. Go to Shopify dot com slash busy yet pretty to start selling with Shopify today.
Shopify.com slash busy at Pretty. Something that I have been loving is The Mountain is You. It's truly one of my favorite books, aside from the secret, and I think I'm going to reread it soon. I really, really recommend that book if you have a hard time enjoying every single process of your life, the good and the bad days, because it explains how important every stage of your life is the good and the bad. But this is your year. This is your year to get up
Take action and actually get what you want while having eternal happiness. You're in the most beautiful, fresh start of the year right now. Embrace this. Embrace this feeling, this exciting, fresh start and take action on it because here's the thing. You have a full year ahead of you. You have a lifetime ahead of you. You need to realize that time is valuable. You want to be happy and you want to be fulfilled and you can either have a year, a progress or a year of excuses while you didn't.
Right now go make a 2025 vision board or a Pinterest board and set that as your home screen or get your vision board and put it in your room. This is going to help you realign with your goals and always just get you excited to have your eye on the prize. You are entering your best year yet and make this promise to yourself that you will do this for you. I love you so much my love and I hope you enjoyed this episode.
as much as I did recording it. My favorite episodes are just the motivational, productive, and especially the New Year episodes, and I have so many good episodes coming for you guys, and if you have any requests for episodes, feel free to comment them over my Instagram post, and I always make notes of them. It helps so much if you share the podcast over your Instagram story and TikTok. I have been reposting every single thing, and I love the TikToks you guys have been making lately.
I am so beyond grateful and you should be so proud of yourself. And we're going to do this together. Show me how you are entering the new year and what's motivating you and what are you doing to be productive in your goals. I love to see it all and I love to share it with one another. So I love you so much. Remember, this is your year and do not forget to stay busy at Pretty.