Let’s Go Hunt 109 – Let’s Go Hunt 109 – Boiling Socks: No esta Vicente
January 28, 2025
TLDR: Let's Go Hunt podcast features Sam Alexander, preemptively pardoned for beaver crimes, Vince H, and Mike Gonçalves in a discussion about hunting and outdoor activities.

In episode 109 of the Let’s Go Hunt podcast, titled Boiling Socks: No esta Vicente, host Mike and his crew discuss various humorous anecdotes and insightful topics about hunting, outdoor adventures, and the quirks that come with them. The episode brings forth engaging banter, shedding light on the diverse aspects of hunting culture while incorporating some lighthearted humor.
Episode Highlights
- The podcast kicks off with a humorous nod to its designation as the official hunting and outdoor podcast of the United States, proclaimed by presidential decree. The hosts include seasoned hunters such as Sam Alexander and Mike Gonçalves, significantly setting a fun tone for the episode.
Ridiculous Overlanding Gear
- Mike Gonçalves describes his overlanding setup, including a rooftop tent that has become a subject of ridicule among his friends. This leads to funny discussions about unnecessary equipment and the quirks of offroading culture.
- Highlights:
- Investment in empty gas and water cans for looks.
- Parking dilemmas and calculated routes to muddy puddles.
- Highlights:
Extreme Cold Weather Experiences
- Conversations delve into experiences hunting in extreme conditions, sharing insights on battling wind chill and temperature extremes.
- Key Points:
- Wind chill awareness: Realizing temperature effects versus subjective feelings of cold.
- Camping discussions: When hunting adventures turn into endurance tests against the cold.
- Key Points:
Hunting Techniques Debate
- Mirthful debates arise about the difficulty of various hunting scenarios, comparing bowhunting armored elephants to rifle hunting submarine penguins. This humorous analogy serves to underscore the absurdity of certain hunting challenges.
- Fun Debate:
- Bow hunting an armored elephant is humorously claimed to be harder than rifle hunting a submarine penguin due to the complexities of each task.
- Fun Debate:
Camping and Cooking Mishaps
- Camping stories naturally lead to discussions about cooking and bad experiences involving preparing game. The title “Boiling Socks” humorously emerges from an anecdote about accidental culinary misadventures.
- Cooking Tips:
- Preparing small game such as squirrels and the art of improvisation in cooking setups.
- Cooking Tips:
Personal Hunting Stories
- The hosts share personal anecdotes from their recent hunting trips, including mishaps, successes, and humorous reflections on the experiences of the season.
- Takeaways:
- Humor in failure: Laughing through hunting failures and the camaraderie of sharing experiences.
- Important advice: Don’t underestimate the challenges faced during hunting and always be prepared for the unexpected.
- Takeaways:
Community Engagement and Closing Remarks
- Towards the end, a call for listeners to engage with the podcast is made. The hosts remind their audience to leave reviews and share their hunting stories, establishing a sense of community.
- Community Ties:
- Encouragement for newcomers to share their experiences and insights in hunting.
- Invitation for feedback and discussion to enhance interaction with the audience.
- Community Ties:
Key Takeaways
- Prepare for the elements: Understanding environmental conditions and being ready can enhance one's hunting experience.
- Cherish community stories: Sharing personal hunting mishaps fosters camaraderie among enthusiasts and strengthens community ties.
- Humor is essential: Finding joy in discussions, even when they veer off-task, makes the hunting adventure memorable.
In Let’s Go Hunt 109, listeners are treated to a blend of humor and serious discussion, showcasing the multifaceted nature of hunting culture. The engaging dialogue combined with personal anecdotes brings a fresh perspective to the trials and tribulations of the hunting experience, making it a must-listen for outdoor enthusiasts.
Whether it's through sharing hilarious mishaps or debating the challenges of various hunting scenarios, this episode captures what makes community hunting discussions enjoyable and insightful.
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You're about to listen to a podcast from the Firearms Radio Network. For more, visit firearmsradio.net. Welcome back to another episode of Let's Go Hunt. Now the official hunting and outdoor podcast of the United States of America by presidential decree. Under the threat of perjury, we have Sam Alexander recently given preemptive pardon.
for all future beaver related crimes in sage beard sickle mike gong calves arctic tundra explorer extraordinaire and i'm dave hackard frozen fuckboy so mike went crawling cold mike went to the toilet dealership got it that's that's uh yeah you're done he's an overlander now
He got himself a tent on top of his car. I thought he bought a Subaru. $90 gas cans that are empty, just so people have to look at him. And a $90 water can, which is also empty. You guys are awful people. Not to mention. He keeps parking at Home Depot for some reason. On a snowbank. That too has to climb the snowbank. Why wouldn't you climb the snowbank?
See, he's already one of them. I've seen you walk through a hallway, let alone climb down a snowbank. It's very Jack Sparrow. If you can imagine that, the way Mike walks, then he drives around and he finds the he needs to be very Jack Sparrow. He finds the one, the one little mud puddle in a 10 mile radius, his house, and he drives through it about 10 times. Yeah. Offro spits up lots of mud up on the way on the windows. Good. Look.
Yeah, they're gonna clean that mall crawler fucking judging me It's only a matter of time you've talked about criticizing you've talked about getting a rooftop tent
Oh, fuck. No, I haven't. I think you have. No, never. I've heard it. Absolutely not. A rooftop. No, the plan was always have the tent in the back. rooftop tents are dumb. And I liked having the basket up there for a reason. He just heard himself climbing into it. Oh, God. I think you have the basket up there not to carry things, but to bolt things too. You heard it first here. Mike doesn't like to be on top.
Mike is a bottom is part of the show titles. Maybe maybe not that one. That's okay. He gets hurt when it rolls off. It's going in. I don't care. So what's the lowest temperatures you've gotten? Negative five, but that's not shit.
Did you check wind chill? Cause I can't. I don't count wind chill. Wind chills. Dumb. That's, that's, that's like our capital. Sounds this, this, this, this, this cold, really, it's cold, but it's really this cold. Tell me, tell me you don't actually spend a lot of time outside without telling me you don't spend a lot of time outside. Cause the wind till sure matters.
Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Is it maybe it may be negative five, but if the windchills negative 29, bet you would wish it was negative five. It's like the it's like the electric fan kicking on in your in your engine starts blowing across and everything cools down a little bit more. It was 10 degrees here when I stepped outside this morning, but I didn't notice.
I thought I was like, man, it's a little chilly out here. And I went and started the truck, let it warm up, left, went to work. And like, man, are you really cold? Are you a puffer? What? Do they call it puffing down there? I don't know. They don't call it puffing. They call it warming it up. Oh, up here in like Colorado Springs and Denver and Shen's Cast Rock and shit, they call it puffing. No, that's what the door is.
No, that's what though. I'm pretty sure that's what the, uh, yeah, it is illegal because of, but I'm pretty sure that's what like city government got together and decided to call it because they, oh, if we call it something dumb, like puffing, people will be less likely to be do it because they won't want to be puffers off. Good idea. I'll imagine sitting in jail. All of the smokers and vapors out there in Colorado right now are going. Yeah. Puffers. So the fluffers invented puffers.
Yes. Yes. Gross. And if that's not enough for us, they've invented a new assault weapons ban to throw at us too. So that's fun. Okay. Yeah. I may be going way off topic, but hey, don't judge me. Too late for that. Judging or going off topic? Yes. Yes. Oh, I never judge you. I feel like that criticized.
But that was a guy. Oh, I'm judging motherfucking time. Mr. Has other men shoot his rabbits for him. You're just going to take a while to live that one down. Previously, I forgot with the last thing I was giving you hell for. But now it's the rabbit. It doesn't matter. It's already forgotten because we've moved on to the rabbit. Yeah, exactly. Why bring it back up?
They have a frickin' porter out there with them the next time he goes duck hunting. I know, my shot couldn't follow me. I thank you. Oh, it was his monocle. I think the three inch shells, thank you. Oh, I need my monocle. My gun is empty. Would you load it for me? Be a chap. I think it was some shit. That was a good fellow.
Garth carries a second gun and loads it for him. That way, Mike can just handle it off and on. Okay. Boom, boom. Hey, yeah. Hey, boom, boom. That's the proper way to do it. Like, don't even pull the shells out yourself. Just pop it open and give it to them. It's like the New York reload, except it's the, the Rhodesian reload. I was looking like the leads reload, but, uh,
Now, what he really does is he just brings a shotgun out that has an 8 plus 1 capacity, and when he sees the fish crop coming, he just throws it to the other two guards and goes, that's his. Not mine. His shotgun. I'm just a spectator. He doesn't even have a license. No license. Get him. Oh boy. Get him, you copper.
My my British brother-in-law would probably be very in there. Yeah, British brother-in-law. I do. Why do all these jokes just accidentally hit so close to home for you? He kept not very close to his chest for a while. I noticed quite American. How long have we been doing this podcast and how long have I known you and you did not tell me you had a limey brother-in-law? There's a reason. Mike comes out of the wardrobe, finally.
a wardrobe. No, it's like the closet, but it's too, it's too rich to have a closet. It's a wardrobe. God, fetch my shotgun from the wardrobe. We have an intruder sitting in my area of scallion. All right, poor Montana dirt roads.
When we handle a gun on YouTube, we're going to get kicked off and he's not going to get to watch us anymore. He should go get a rumble account. Oh, boy. Yeah. Dusky, I already cooked that rabbit and it was delicious. I made it something up. Yeah. It was so memorable. Oh, I think he's bad. You didn't really cook it. You disinfected that rabbit.
Yeah. Sterilized. Yeah. That's fair. He said to sterilize it for population control. I don't know how this is going to help. For dry, sterilized, you use clear eyes. Clear eyes is awesome. Please stop. Okay, moving on.
All right, so there's no on target tonight. So instead, it's around the campfire. I have a question to ask you what's harder, bow hunting, armored elephants are hunting for sure, rifle hunting for submarine penguins. Do you think rifle hunting around a campfire? He would have Garth move the smoke for him.
gosh, this rotates. He'd have a wheel, he'd have like a wheel, he'd have like a, like a fucking wheelchair and Garth could just wheel him around where there's not smoke.
I was going to say we'll the fire around build the fire in a wheelchair and then we'll the fire out of like so I don't have to move it brings to mind the story of a Navy guy who said it having breakfast in the mess hall whatever that whatever the Navy calls him and He sees this lieutenant commander come in and the galleous thing and are just yeah, the galley. Yeah, that's where they cook it. Where do they eat it? Oh, I don't know
Anyway, so the this lieutenant commander comes in the mess hall and he Looking real blurry. I'd like he had a rough last night But you can't drink on the Navy ship so you know he didn't get into it He just had a rough night and he's sitting there And he's he's got the Sun right in his face through the port hole and he picks up a phone and he calls the bridge and he says yeah, can you adjust at five and The ship gradually starts to turn and
And you see the sun come off of the guy's face and the two guys lock eyes and the lieutenant commander just grins a little bit and the Navy guys like, man, to have that much clout that with the phone call, I can get the sun out of my eyes. Redirect an entire warship because the sun's in my eyes. What a dick. He couldn't speak four inches to the left.
Yeah, just leave it to Mike's fake British people to think that they can change the wind by shifting the fire. Right, right. Golf, call up the weather channel. Magical, magical sundial that either shifted around so the smoke's blowing a different direction. Well, he's actually, he's actually got it in with the people who control the weather down in Arizona. Where I'm going to turn it into this giant
Fire dancing cult. It's gonna be great. I Thought they're burning man those yeah. Oh Fucking trademark. I don't want to do it if Simpson's did it No, dude. I don't want to do what did he did
Oh, did he definitely do it? Did he don't? Anyway, what are the questions? Oh, yeah. Well, this is the question came into mind. Well, it's harder to kill with a bow, not with a bow, but like you got a bow hunt and I read elephant or rifle hunt for a submarine penguin.
You know what has armored. Um, Romans, how hard an armored elephant is to. Okay. So this is the problem. I mean, you say things and like, I mean, if you're talking about, but you need more guys than that. This is so low. You can't bring lots of buddies with you to kill the armored elephant. Mike, you're by yourself. Oh, that's, that's cheating. You could mean something else. How am I going to, how am I going to, how am I going to quarter out an entire elephant all by myself? That's bullshit.
Aren't you the British aristocrat? Don't you just take the tusks? Go off. Quarter out my elephant, please. No, you just take the tusks and take it home. No, I'm not talking. No, I take them to my home on Tuscany. This is not like a euphemism for a fat chicken, a plate carrier. Or a Japanese torpedo. No, no, it's like literally an elephant wearing, you know, armor. I don't know.
Like Keflar or is it really important? Yeah. Is it modern bulletproof armor? Is it like tank armor with depleted uranium? Because it's a medieval armor like.
North Africa or middle of the armor like Far East. Is it fucking chain mail? Uh, let's see here. If we're going off a historical president at all. Yeah, I'm totally prepared for it. If we're going off a historical president, it's a make precedent. It's a mixture of chain mail and, uh, well, scale mail isn't exactly a title term, uh, laminar armor. So I'm gonna mix both. Where did they find a lamination station in?
I'm back in the day. Mongolia. Oh, figures. Mongolians. Or a sub, or a submarine penguin. Dude, I'm, I'm all about the submarine penguins because they got to come up for air sometime. Those bastards. That's fair. Okay. I'm back. Is I blinked out of existence for a second? I noticed. Is a submarine penguin pretty much just a penguin?
Pretty much. Okay. Just the thing is, you know, with a modern compound bow, you can get a decent amount of penetration. So I had to give the elephant some kind of advantage. Oh, you said bow hunting. I was going crossbow. It's not a penguin submarine because that would help me. It would be pregnant. We all live in a penguin submarine penguin submarine.
Well, I'm, I'm rifle hunting penguins. So that's all there is to it. Penguin submarine. I had to finish it. So to the question, what's harder bow hunting armored elephants would be harder than rifle hunting. That's what I say. But for sure, it wasn't the question we'd rather do. No, it's what's harder. Now, what would I rather do? I would
I would try to poke an elephant. I bet you would. Which one would you hunt? Rosie of Law is getting ten old.
What do you mean is aged? She's a little, she's a little long in the tusk right now. Sorry, Rosie, the tooth hurts. Oh, I did not know this. Apparently in the original Batman show in 1966, they fight on Penguin submarine and it's painted like a submarine or painted like a penguin. This is amazing.
Yeah, the one with Michael Keaton. I don't watch that shit. No, this is 1966. This is the original TV show. You know, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
No one. Montana dirt road says Rosie O'Donnell's a fur trader. No, she's a fur collector. There's a difference. Also, gross. He spelled traitor wrong. All right. Well, this campfire is dying out. Moving on. Yeah. Way to keep it. Way to keep it fueled. Hey, it's bedtime.
I don't know about you guys, but I have not been hunting once except for what I had the tent and the stove set up because that was like the minimum effort possible. I was like, oh, it's late. I should do a campfire. It's like, no, it's late. I'm going to bed. Um, yeah, I haven't been hunting at all this month. I would, I just, dude, it's been too cold. Wait, but it's not wanting to bother with a campfire.
Well, I'm talking about that. I'm talking about just in general. Oh, the last time we had a campfire? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like both times I've got an old hunting so far. You get back to the tent. You don't even feel like making a fire or doing anything fun. You just want to eat dinner and go to bed. Yeah. Yeah. I agree with you. So you're way off on what you were trying to say. Yeah, you were. You were, but whatever works. Hey, the last horse crossed the line.
Yeah, I'm the same way. Um, even camping with Ella, it's like, it gets to dinner time and, you know, dark happens and it's time to make a fire and well, you're supposed to make the fire before dark. That's the problem. You make it before dark so that by the time it gets dark, you've already got the fire going. But when you're hunting, you're up right until the last shooting light and then you're like going to be it. Yeah.
Not a fire save my life on Saturday. Please share. I only exaggerate a little bit. Well, naturally, but so I'll get into the running gun stuff later, but I didn't realize Saturday that the high was at like nine in the morning.
So as I'm walking out to the stage where I'm doing range officer duties, I just decided I'm going to leave my, you know, puffy insulated pants in the van. I'm not going to need them. It's fine out as long as I'm, you know, in some, I'll be down in the trees. It'll be fine. And so I'll walk down in there.
and realize, okay, so there's trees to the south, but the wind has shifted out of the north at 15 miles an hour. Damn it, Garth. And then it proceeded to drop to about 15 degrees in the afternoon. And luckily, one of the guys had, they had taken a barrel down there with a bunch of firewood. And so we lit a fire in the barrel, and I spent most of the time huddled around the fire when I didn't have to do actual stuff.
And it got pretty uncomfortable away from the fire, I'll say. And I had plenty of layers up top. I was just wearing my fleece line pants out there by the, by the fire, trying to stay warm. My big toes started going to, going to sleep on me. Oh no. It's like, yeah, that's not good. Anyway, well, the point is fire good.
Well, yeah, you will get no argument. Fire good, uh, from everyone. You get arguments from people in Los Angeles right now. Fuck them. You get an argument. Fire good. Whoo-hoo. So that was a running gun. At least they were warm. How was the right in Los Angeles?
the running gun in Los Angeles. No, that was back. That was that was North Hollywood. All right, right. You know what? That would be a fun theme. Like if you could recreate stages that mimic famous shootouts and have like an event like a running gun where it just recreates the so the different events of a
On stage two, you have to haul 40 guns up 14 flights of step. I couldn't remember the exact number on top of my head, but you all know what I'm talking about. Yeah. There's going to be 3000 targets below you. On stage four, you need to hit one target moving at approximately 35 miles an hour from left to right, and you've got
How many shots? There you go. There you go. I couldn't remember the numbers either. I really don't want to go tape that stage. Okay. Back in the, was it this last summer? Yes, it was because it was the team event. They had the one stage where you were playing counter sniper. So there was a six inch target on a gently sloping roof at about 140 yards.
Don't forget the some gun, some three gun competitions will have like a stage gun on a stage before that one. Don't forget, we got to have the SKS with the crappy bolted on scope for the golf course stage. Yeah. Yeah. But we need the red dot on the one rifle though.
What the hollow son aims. Herms, whatever it is. Yeah, whatever was on that one. Like we can do the SKS stage later, but look, all I'm saying is Trump got lucky. Yeah. Yeah. I think America got lucky. Because because we dodged a bullet on that one. Oh,
No, okay. Okay. I'll actually start talking about it. We have the burial mound winter running gun this last weekend. I showed up in our road and ran on Friday and then there's the paid competitors on Saturday and everything. So, so my run as far as how I did overall.
I had a, I did pretty okay. I didn't, I didn't fail to finish any of the stages, which is good. Cause if you fail to finish a stage, that's, you know, that is max points plus all your penalties for your targets. And it's really hard to get anywhere near the top shooting. If that happens, if you fail to finish the stage, that's weak.
You'd think so, but sometimes so in the past, they've had stages where it's like, okay, you have to shoot the course. You have to shoot this stage with your pistol and you shoot every target once with your right, your main shooting hand and then you have to switch hands and do it with your other hand. Like you have to shoot it. Yeah. And that if you haven't practiced that, that's really hard.
A lot of people fail to finish that stage that time around, but I'm going to try not to get into actual individual stages. That sounds so wildly specific that it was designed by somebody who just wanted to make sure they won that stage, because they practice that shit all the time, and they're like, wait, I don't win one.
I have to have having having done us psa stuff myself I have to wonder if that's exactly like that's that's like me that's like me deciding times myself that's like be designing a stage that has an a K for the stage gun and you get to reload it 10 times.
So sometimes they design stages just to mess with people. Oh, I believe that's right. There was one time where they designed a stage so you were in like a little shoot box and you had a triangular port you had to shoot through, but it was really near the top of the roof. So there was no way to actually get behind your rifle to shoot. You had to hover the buttstock over your shoulder, tilt the rifle 45 degrees to the left or right, and use it that way.
And I had a bipod on the rifle and I couldn't actually get it far enough through the port to even see through the optic. So I'm there like undoing the bipod in the middle of the stage. Like, well, this sucks. And ended up not finishing that time around.
on that stage. But anyway, Friday turned out to be the nicer of the two days. Heavy winds out of the south, but it was pretty mild in the mid 50s, but then the wind shifted heavily out of the north in the after or in the night. And it was 20 degrees in the mornings. And so I was pretty. My face was pretty chilly when I woke up because I just camped in the van overnight, but I did my run on Friday and
So, so there was a theme on this one, and that was Vince needs to practice with his handgun. At the man, they designed a whole match around that suite.
Yeah. So there was nine stages total. So there's always been a short course and a long course. And usually the long course shoots a couple of extra stages. But this time around, they had the long and short do all the same stages. There were nine stages. Everybody did all of the stages. And so I just did short course whenever I found that out because I'm a little out of shape. And the short course turned out to be just under five miles, which wasn't too bad.
Um, I ended up running third overall, which was, you know, pretty good. I still got beat by like 13 minutes by the guy who ran first and didn't like that. So now I'm over here like I need to run again. You get a ton of hard reading that bastard. Like, how dare you? Um, we'll get Garth to go down there and beat his shins in with the sledgehammer. Next time golf run for me, would you?
So, prick that guy's legs.
All right, so just going down the list of the stages, there was five stages that were rifle only, three that were pistol lonely, and one that was rifle and pistol. Of the rifle stages, in order from the beginning to end, they weren't all like one. One through five wasn't rifle. It was like interspersed, but the rifle stages, the first one I got to on that stage out of the short course runners, of which there were 76.
I finished 17th on that stage. Next one was fourth, then sixth, then eighth, and then fourth. So that's how to 76 shooters. That's how I finished on the rifle stages. The pistol stages in order 46th, 37th. And then the last pistol stage, I managed 21st.
So there's kind of a theme there. Like I got noticeably better with the pistol as the day went on. The combination stage, the combination stage, I finished there. I got 30th on that one. So whatever. I figured out about halfway through the second pistol only stage that my pistol was shooting noticeably to the right.
So I might have been having trouble with it because the, it was the sites were off. Oh, okay. That's what I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Hitting low into the left. No, I was hitting a little bit high and about at seven yards. Put that thing down. Montana dirt road is the only guy watching right now. What? Exactly. No bang bang on the screen. Right. It's seven yards.
Seemed like it. Maybe not quite that much. I don't know. That's noticeable. You're not supposed to hold it sideways. That's just for kill shots. Tired of that. Don't give a shit. Anyway.
um yeah so i need to i need to work on my pistol shooting which i could tell i should have shot some so i was rowing earlier in the day and i should have just sat out there and shot some but i kind of didn't feel like it because it was windy and cold
And I probably would have done better if I just popped off a few rounds and gotten used to it. Because even when I got to stage one, I was, you know, had to get all the jitters out. And of course stage one was also a VTAC board, which I hate VTAC boards because they suck. And
Even on the, like the rifle stages, I could tell where I could have done better because we got to the long range stage and long range stage was a 300, 400 and 500 yard target and I missed the 300 yard target about four or five times and then just pink, pink on the four and 500 yard. So just one shot each on those, but I missed the 300 yard target a couple of times like, well, that's annoying.
So I need to go. Do you shoot both eyes open? Montana dirt roads was asking. I think so. Yes. Yes, I do. OK, I do not close one eye. He closes right eye. Mike, both eyes. I should stop resisting. I shoot both eyes open. I centered the gun right down my body, but I'm going to cross them to see the sights.
That's okay. As long as you can see the front sight, your target's supposed to be blurry anyway. Well, I got two targets and two front sights, so, you know, more better. I've got two guns. One for each of you.
Anyway, that's about it as much of those stages as I want to go over. Well, so stage nine was a rifle stage and it was actually, I actually really liked that they did this because right, the stage, the last stage of the event was very much a mental stage because you had to run to a filing cabinet, draw a card out of there that had a shoot order for
a series of four targets that you could not see at the start of the stage. So you had to get the card on the way to the shooting, your actual shooting location, you had to memorize the shoot order, hand the card over to the RO before you could actually see the targets, and then remember the order and shoot them in order. And the RO would not call hits if you shot the wrong target.
Can you bring a sharpie and write it on the back of your hand? Maybe you could have. They might have let that slide, but that would have been on your time while you're doing the stage. Were they numbered or were they letters or shapes?
So there was colors and numbers. And the first time you had to run up to the cabinet, draw from the top drawer, which had colors. And then you left your rifle at the shooting location, ran back to the cabinet, opened the second drawer, which had a card that had numbers on it. And you had to memorize that shoot order while running back and then engage the targets.
I finished fourth on that one out of 76. And actually, I think, so there was 108 total for long course and short course. And I think I still finished fourth on that one. Nice. But of course, you run the long course. You're pretty blasted by the time you get to stage nine. Mentally and physically. Somewhere a little over seven miles. So carrying off in here with you.
Yeah, that's a long hike. So I ran third shot 15th out of the short course, which landed me at sixth overall for the event, which I didn't think was too bad. But this event is changing slightly.
going forward. After this last summer, when they did the team event, they decided that they kind of didn't want to do two course links anymore because they just did one course length for that event, and it worked really well. So this summer is another team event, but next winter, there's just going to be one course length with the everybody shooting the same course length and the same course of fire. So they still need to have more divisions to make it interesting.
So what they've decided to do, and I don't know exactly how they're going to do it, but they're going to a pro and amateur division. That's just at this event. So it's not like there's any kind of governing body or anything, but if you're finished in the top 10 in any of their previous events, you were automatically in the pro division.
which means that you're going to be competing against all of the top people and anybody who's, it's their first time or they have not finished top 10 is going to be in the, I guess, amateur or beginner division or whatever you want to call it. But I guess if you just show up and you're a really good shot, you know, you could, you, you're automatically in the pro if you finished top 10, if you know what I mean. So, so anyway, this is a dilemma for me because it, um, um,
I'm consistently. Not the best shooter at these, but I'm stuck competing against the best shooters because I finished. I mean, I finished sixth in this one. I mean, that automatically puts me in that top tier. So I'm going to consistently be at the bottom of the top, which is what you do. You shave off the beard and you get a fake ID.
Hi, my name is Ted. I've never been here before. Please put me in your amateur division. And then you sweep the amateur division and you go, you screwed the year after, but if you make mustache on your real mustache, I have to finish 11th is what I have to do. Like that's, I can't finish 10th because if you finish top 10, you're automatically in the top tier. So you like, well, no, no, I'm just saying you murder the amateurs.
figure to the speaking, like actually. And then Mike's got the right to you. Then the next year you come back with a fake mustache and just do it all over again. I'll be like, it's nice to see you again. And they'll be and you could be like, no, he's paid. No, I stop. He's in there. Yes.
But, well, so if you arrow, it's free to run to run the event. So, you know, it pays to arrow and they're not going to just like, who's this random ass dude who wants to arrow here? That's kind of weird. It's Pedro.
But as an RO, this time around, they had a pretty cool set of, I won't call it a swag pack. I mean, I guess that's what it is, but they had companies donate stuff that they decided, hey, this is going to the ROs and the ROs only. So a company called, let me see, Blood Oath Instruments donated a bunch of EDC pocket knives.
And it's the, the blood oath pocket fiend. It's kind of a sweet little knife. Oh, very Kershaw of it. Yeah, except it's a 154 chrome molly steel. Hmm.
It's a it's if you go look at their website blood oath instruments.com. It is not an inexpensive knife. So I thought that was pretty cool. And another company called their apparently their black Friday sale starts now.
Yeah, there's an old pop-up. North Sea Machine and I think it's machine, just North Sea Machine, not machine and tool. In Guthrie, Oklahoma, they gave a coupon code that's just for the ROs. They do machine slides, do optics cuts, barrel porting, slide porting, and they gave a coupon code. This is a coupon code for 100% off.
What's the coupon code? Private chat, put it in the private chat. Tell us. But that means that this is probably getting an optics cut put on it. And I'm thinking, I'm thinking, and this is my Gursan high power clone that has the Picatinny rail on the bottom of it and such. And I think that it's going to be getting
I'm going to see about putting a Gideon valor on it when those come out, because I think this will only take the RMSC size footprint on it, because it's about the same size as a 1911 slide, which won't take something as wide as an RMR.
But they also do Sarah coat. Um, I might have the, the slide coated while I'm there cause, well, it's there cause it got kind of scratched up this time around. Um, what else? A couple of the cool things. Uh, rail skills, they had a bunch of hand stops from rail skills that they donated, which I realized why they donated them because they, all the ones they donated were sniper gray.
and no one buys sniper gray. Nothing will rattle can can't finish. Yeah. But there's a couple of nice little little hand stops that I had a little new. Yeah. Actually, I really like it. Actually, I like it much better than what was on there. It also made me move my my light around towards like thumbpokey right there. And I actually ran. We're going to get booted.
I actually ran with all the stuff on the rifle because I had to run up and get ready real quick because I was one of the last runners out on Friday and I was in a hurry so I couldn't take all the extra crap off the rifle. So I had the light sitting on there, the mount for the thermal. Might have taken the
backup iron sights off because I didn't actually use them and did plan to use them because I had the the the mediator sitting on top of the rifle. So I was going to use that for any of the close range stuff. But real skills had that there. Those cool and stuff. Do you use the mediator with dot or a circle or circle dot square? I think I just had the dot.
I think I just had the dot on it, but I've been messing with the circle dot. And then they had this element LMT electrolyte drink mix.
I have not gotten to try any of them. I will be messing with that, seeing if any of this is any good. A lot of people are really into that, but they donated a lot of that for the event. Like people could just come up and grab them. And it's a heavily salty electrolyte drink mix with a bunch of different flavors. So I'm looking forward to messing with that a little bit. You're really fun to try. So you said you needed to get in better shape. What are you going to do for that?
Run. Damn it. I just thought it was running. That's what I've been doing because I need to get in better shape coming up for some spring shenanigans and then hunting season two. So I've been running and I ran a lot when I was younger and did a half marathon when I was 18, 17 or 18 that I stopped running after that. And now my 32 year old fat ass is just like I should never stopped.
Yeah, I need to get back to running consistently. And I also need to mix in other stuff. I need to mix in rucking and some kind of resistance training, whether that's weights or just doing unweighted squats and that sort of thing, or even yoga. I mean, something, some variety in there.
Yeah, that was that was most of most of that weekend. Dog got hit by car while I was gone. That was not. Yeah. The worst part about that was that he got hit by the car in front of my 10 year old who could not keep him from running out into the highway to chase cars. So it's entirely the dog's fault.
And the other dog listened and did not run out into the highway. So I was like, well, there's that. But yeah, that wasn't fun, but also that dog had nipped a few people and he was one nip away from leaving anyway. So it's a self-solving problem. I don't want to like
Not a calm lip at Lee like say that but also well, I didn't have to shoot the dog so And neither did anybody else my wife actually went down there prepared to shoot the dog In case he needed to be put out of his misery, but he would dad How busy a highway was this it's it's a it's a rule highway
So it varies. There's semi traffic, but there's long stretches of no traffic. So. And everybody hauling ass sounds like the highway that. Yeah. Yeah. People do 65 on the county roads. So.
You imagine the highway. Don't you use anything like you took me like 70 fucking eight miles an hour during the county road. And I was like, I'm going to fucking die in here. Well, that's as fast as it would go. You always tell for me when people are from the city out here, especially hanging out with them. Because whenever you drive somewhere, they are on your ass. I mean, fucking right there.
Bro, we're on a dirt road. I'm going to destroy your windshield back to block up. Also, where are you going to go? Like, when you're afraid of losing me? Yeah. Bro, you are following me. Jill. Speaking of which, you should, if you wanted to follow anybody over this past weekend, you probably, and you have a diesel, you should have gelled it. Otherwise you ain't following shit.
Did you not jail your diesel? I did, actually. That's too bad. They're like runners, jail. Yeah, it's like the. You smear it right in the right along the fucking muffler. Yeah. Get in there. You know, it's a jail that goes over the fuel lines to keep them from freezing. You got to go in there and like apply it with your tongue. And there I was rubbing after.
This seems like the kind of thing you haze the new guy with a new guy. Go put this freaking heat gel down there on the new lines. Go in the Navy. Yeah. That's the Spiderman scene. Oh, thanks. Because there, because it'd be any better for you in the Navy. That shouldn't have. Oh.
Yeah, maybe Mike shouldn't have joined the Air Force anyway. What's this job you're talking about? It keeps your diesel fuel. If you know what, Dave is a much more decently guy than me and I'm learning from him. So I'll let Dave tell you what the hell it is. Is it like that scene in the day after tomorrow where
The, the fuel in the lines of the snow plow freezes up and they plummet to the earth and everybody dies. Yeah, basically, except that was a helicopter, not a snow plow. I don't know how they, like, I don't know how they would have gotten. Wow. It was up there plow in the snow before it hit the ground. But no, what Mike is talking about is he got anti-jail.
So it's a diesel conditioner that lowers the freezing point of the diesel. So it doesn't gel up in your tank and in your fuel lines and fuel filter before it can get to the engine and through the injectors and create fire. But I'm sorry I had it. Good. I had a thought. Like I put salt in my gas tank because the salt lowers the freezing point.
Yeah, don't do that. This salt also absorbs water and then you will have this light on your dash that says water in fuel. Oh, I forgot what happened to me yesterday. Yeah, that was yesterday. So last Monday before I had to go to the running gun.
I had to change out the radiator in my wife's van because I was underneath it. No, that's right. Monday I was underneath the van.
because I was changing the oil and I finally found the coolant leak. So apparently the radiator, you know, where they had the crimp on the side. So the radio, the part of the radiators aluminum and then there's plastic crimped on the ends that it was leaking at the crimp on the on the driver side. I was like, crap. I don't need this thing to like crack and bust open while I'm gone.
So Tuesday night, I changed out the radiator in the van, got everything nice and working. And yeah, it looked like it was going good. And I mean, Thursday, she drove four hours in it and nothing happened. And then we're on the way to the Monday, I'm home because it's a federal holiday. And we decide, Hey, let's go to the Amish grocery store. That's like 20 minutes away. And we get
you know, seven minutes down the road. And I'm sitting in the passenger seat because she decided to drive. She offered and.
Suddenly she's like, that's where traction control light came on. It says service traction control. Like what? She's like, it says reduced engine power. Like what? And then I look at the temperature gauge and it is flat over to the right. I'm like, yeah. I've been down that exact road before, actually. Express, right?
Yeah. Yeah. I was, this is one of the few times that I'm like, Oh my, thank, thank the Lord for limp mode. Right. Because it might have saved the engine. Because apparently, so there's
There's not so the lower outlet from the radiator into the engine into the thermostat and into the engine block is not like it doesn't slip over there and then there's a clamp. It's a bullshit fitting. Yeah, it's a fitting and then there's a little.
It's not a C-clip. What is it? It's like a W. It looks like a W, and it sits into a recess in the... Yeah, I don't know what kind of fucking place. ...and then there's a recess in the fitting on the radiator. And apparently, I did not get that on there all the way. Uh-huh. I've been down this exact fucking road, because I changed out all the... I thought I had to rip out the radiator.
when I, uh, whacked that buck a couple years ago when I still have my express. And so I redid a whole bunch of stuff and put in, oh yeah, cause I had the radiator, I put in a new AC condenser, well, whatever order, but I ripped the radiator out and then they'll just know the radiator's actually fine. But in the meantime, or no one was this, this was before that either way. Oh no, it's earlier before that. I redid the hoses cause I did have a leak in my radiator and I, uh, fucking, um,
What's the shit you pour in your radiator and plugs it up? Bars leak. Stop steel. Yeah, stop leak. I stopped leaked it and it worked. Hey, good for me. But anyway, stop sealing it. Watch it not work. It'll be fine. But anyway, no, I had replaced the hoses. And yeah, I pre-did the rear hose and I drove from my house to Walmart and got to Walmart, walked, came outside of Walmart and noticed like, oh, there's giant puddle underneath there.
Shit. Giant puddle. As far as I could tell, that thing was out of coolant. Oh, yeah. If it popped out, well, you're right. Yeah. Luckily, we are a half mile from a gas station. So I jogged up there and actually I had a half container of coolant in the van and just to top it off, you know, because I was checking it in intervals after I changed out the radiator.
So I poured what was in there in the radiator and then jogged up to the gas station, bought two more. Actually, I bought a container of concentrate, one of premix, and then filled up the container I had with water and at the sort of fountain, I hope. Dr. Pember. We, we fucking cooled our old Volkswagen Vannegan when I was a kid.
We put fucking orange pop in that thing to keep. Well, no, because it was air. No, because that thing was sugar crystals to form up on that leak. And eventually it's like platelets. No, the thing was air cooled. Anyway, either way, I definitely used fanta. Like it got so hot. See dumped fanta on it and then it cooled it down and then I'd have to ask my dad. I was like eight years old at the time, but that involved a lot of like we need liquid and here's all the liquid we have.
Do you have to pee in it? No. There was another time it was rear engine and there's another time the throttle cable broke from the front to the back. So we drove hours back from Steamboat with my mom sitting in the back seat. We do the gas pedal. My mom is the gas pedal.
I was too little, but my mom and my older brother took turns with their arm hanging over the back seat, just taking commands for my dad. Faster, slower. Faster, slower. Oh, I would have had so much fun. Like, oh, that thing didn't go from, from it. Like that fucking thing. If you got going up a hill, like a steep hill, go up at the mountains and you got stopped, you had to turn around and go down to the bottom and try again.
uh... the guys who've been in the spring
Yeah. But it had a tiny little fucking engine. I don't remember the size, but the guys in the spring. So no, I'm saying like, imagine trying to shift that thing with having somebody else work the accelerator. Well, they did it. You just you just gel clutch and have them release. And then that'd be like, I mean, there's been so many times you you put that thing in first to get it rolling. And then you just skip right to third because something's fucked up. But anyway, where I was going with it was, um, uh,
That is a neutral to skip over first. Oh, yeah. The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in the Springs, you know, that hill going up the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo? There are multiple times I was a kid. We had to turn around, go to the bottom and try again. Because if you get to the stop and the line's too big and you get to a stop in that 85 volts wagon van again and there's a point where you won't get started going again. You just got to turn around and try again. Anyway, it's like a hippie roller coaster.
We weren't hippies though. So you say Volkswagen van. I'm sorry. Vince. It's a book with a radiator again. You can put those clips in your hose first and then slide them on like an air truck and you'll actually hear them click. Yep. That's what I did because it slipped off and I reached down in there and I was like trying to get the clip out of there, but I didn't have like a pick or anything. I had a pair of needle nose pliers, but then I just like, what if I just kick as like,
Yeah, it goes right on. It's like it goes right on and then you're mad. Was the O ring still on your hose, too? It's like there's an O ring. Yes. It was not an O ring. Oh, it'll be fine. It's not leaking now. So OK, good enough. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Yeah, I was so mad at that damn hose.
Yeah. So I ended up, I put at least 12 quarts of coolant in it. And of course we're sitting there on the side of the road and I got some coolant in it and like, okay, pull up over here where it's level so that I could just put it in there slowly and burp the system and try and get the air worked out of it. So the little 45 minute hour trip to the little Amish grocery store took two and a half hours and
Could've been worse kids, you know, kids did fine because they're just sitting back there playing with mom and like up there messing with the radiator, just trying to get the air burped out of it. But now I got to go wash the van because there's coolant all over it. All, all down the passenger side and on the back windows and everything. So like that's gross. Lovely. Yeah. At least it's not like a hundred degrees and bugs are sticking to it.
Yeah, at least it's not 100 degrees and it takes 30 minutes for that engine to cool down. It was, it was 25 and the engine's cool in three minutes. So that may have also helped it not just freaking blow up. So I lucked out on that one. Yeah, probably boy.
You know, as far as fluids that could be all over your skin, coolants also. No, no, it's not going down a dirty path. You dang bad. Yes, it is. I think when you're talking about automotive fluids, there are a million different fluids you could get on your, you don't like rear diffs are far worse than you don't like differential fluid. Since we're on the topic of coolant, coolant is one of the worst fluids that you can get in your ear.
Like it's gasoline. But wait, why have you sampled both fire? So if you know those people that'll pull a radiator cap off and it just spews everywhere. Hold on. Well, my brother reaction is to turn your head. And when you do that, you open your ear canal.
To this flaming liquid and just we'll go right in your ear hole and No, thank you a guy used to work with cut his finger off because he dropped a transmission on it and he said The coolant in the ear was worse Well already then so you know he might be because well
I've put stuff on my fingers. I put a pile of my fingers in my ears. So if the shit hurt, one, don't pull off a hot radiator cap. Two, if you do do stupid stuff, just close your eyes and your mouth and use a rag and use a rag. Yeah. Face shield. We're just don't fucking do it.
I mean, that's a story, but. So there's a couple of different types of anti jail. And what, what kind did you get? Um, the kind that I told wife to stop at the auto park store on the way home and get for me, please, because we were home with the child. I was home with the child. White bottle. Uh, yeah, bottle. Okay. So you got power service. It's okay. Well, it's gotta be white.
because it's what color it is. You can tell it's that way because that's how it is. So yeah, if you, if you have a diesel or if you're new to owning a diesel and you live in colder climates, look into that. You'll be fine. Don't worry about it. Trust me. And if it's cold enough, never shut it off. Just just leave it running. So I made cheese.
How long did you leave the milk in the fridge for this to have happened? On purpose? Yeah. Not very long at all. Gross. This is the first time I've made cheese. No, that's simple shit. It's just farmer's cheese. It's not that hard to make. You get your gallon of milk from the store, whole milk. If you skin milk your asshole.
And, you know, do half gallon time, you pour it in the pan, get 190 degrees, you put it in a quarter cup of vinegar, you give it a stir, you let it, you let the fucking curd separate, you said decide to cool off, you straighten it out and boom, you got cheese. It's a bit like a cottage cheese. I wouldn't know a tie. They're joking about for people who have. No, sir, that is cherry, that's cherry Coke. I like cherry everything.
So anyway, just, just say that it's ATF. You're fine. I have, I have known of people who will take a, they will take the inlet to their gas tank and move it into the bed of the pickup and then attach a mason jar containing road diesel to the, uh,
to the old inlet where you actually, you're actually a gas cap is on the side of your truck and put road diesel in it that way. If it ever gets checked, there's road diesel down there, not the special diesel. Yes. Not building this, but I've. There was a, there was a trooper walking around one of the sail barns here kind of local to me.
and walking around and probing the field tanks of all the pickups on the parking lot. Like that's fucked up. Guess who's got a locking cap now. This guy. Yeah. Pay myself. I don't lock you up. You mean locking fuel cap? A padlock and. No, I didn't put a hasp on my fuel door with a padlock.
I have to question the constitutionality of that. That's a search and he doesn't have a warrant. I think he got in trouble. I hope he did because I don't think he's allowed to do that. It's been quite a few years, but anyway, so this cheese business. Cheese business. I should start selling it. Interesting. No, you shouldn't. That's pretty good, actually.
So this is, I need to lose about, I don't know, 15 pounds. So this week I've been cutting out all the fucking junk food and all the, you know, no more soda in the evening, you know, making basic white girl lunches.
And that involves taking, you can take your cheese, you're like kind of, it's like kind of like a very mild, we're kind of type cheese. And then chop up some green onion in there, big old sprinkle of dill, some pounded up crushed almonds, and then fried up bacon bits and then grated and grease. And then you spread that over some homemade flatbread. It's fucking delicious. You put some cranberries in there and then you. Cranberries are right. Like, yeah, that might be the next batch, something like that. And then you throw it in the trash and then you call it a colorful pizza.
or chicken store. Man. Yeah. Definitely call chicken store. Fuck that chicken store. Or you eat it and then just cry. You can cry. I think it tastes great. I can't afford to eat healthy. I thought you were going to say I can't apply because the gallon of milk is three dollars. You get half of that. I think I'm into an entire lunch for like a dollar fifty. Okay. Our milk is five bucks. Okay. Okay. Three dollars then.
I think I mentioned this, like a rotisserie chicken from Walmart is six bucks. And it's 2,000 calories of lean protein in lean. You can get whether you fucking get your chickens ours are all covered in grease. We get those rotisserie chickens routinely because the chicken in the fridge, the leftover chicken in the fridge, it's good for sandwiches and other dinners and all sorts of stuff later on. And it's six bucks.
I just tear into it with my fingers like any end at all. And it's good hot and fresh. You get the grease all over your hands and I'm like 70. I'm 74 miles from a Walmart. You to British reach again. That is. And I don't even think they have them. You know,
Why don't you have your own chickens? Genuine question because my wife hates birds. So that's the sole reason. So she can learn how to hate the birds so much that you guys raise them and everything. And when it comes time to execute them for eating time, she gets to go out there and cut his head off because she hates them. So do you mean hates birds or doesn't like birds and doesn't want to be near them or doesn't think they exist and our government drones?
partially the drone thing surprisingly, but that she chickens weirder out and you don't win a bird flies in front of your windshield while you're driving. My wife will like cower. Do you know how many the window is like, Oh my God, and this is while she's driving. So I've hit so many birds with my vehicles. I don't even know why they just they just fly right into it. Just
I was on a motorcycle ride when I was stationed in Idaho and the dude that was leading. I saw this bird flush up out of the road and it like went right in front of him. And I was like, oh, did that hit him? And just I see his, no, it like kind of deflected in a weird way, but I thought it was still flying. Maybe got caught in his wash or something. And then he reaches up and he's like, and I was like, oh, yeah, that got him.
We were going like 80 miles an hour or two. They'll, they'll hit and then they'll just, you'll see like the poof of feathers like it's a cartoon. And then I'll, I'll immediately text my wife cause it's usually on the way on the way to work and like bird. Like, and she knows that I hit another bird. I need to get like the stickers to go on the side of the vehicle. It'll be a bunch of dogs, a few deer, mostly birds and squirrels.
I got a buddy that can add a cyclist to that sticker count. But that's a story for another time. But yeah, no, she hates birds. So I want to chickens to have eggs because I love eggs. Yeah. And we buy eggs to look at because I can't eat them because my wife's like, you're not eating $9, $9 a dozen eggs. I'm like, mother fuck. So we bought them to look at our look at them and be like,
Those would be so good right now, but no You're you're not you're a couple years away of having fake eggs in a basket on your dining room table Like the wax fruit that your grandma used to have don't eat the decorative eggs What you mean you mean the Faber J ones that are really no we got fake plastic eggs in a bowl Don't eat them. They're not gonna be ceramic
It's like those fake grapes. You don't want to go down that hole again. You're going to send Vince down the grapes of wrath. Dave, you should do meat rabbits. I thought about that too. The shift thing is like anything small that we get out here, it'll bring snakes up and my wife hates snakes more than chickens.
Chickens keep snakes away. Just saying. I know guineas do. I don't know about chickens. Yeah. My experience. My experience has been that snakes don't like the only times we've ever had snakes in the yard when I was growing up is when we didn't have chickens. And I think it's just, well, I've seen chickens go after garter snakes and bull snakes. And I don't think the snakes like the activity because the chickens are always running around doing shit.
Well, if you were a little danger noodle and you got picked at all the time for being in somebody's yard, wouldn't you like nope out of there too? We had more problems with snakes when we had birds roosting in my little, uh, or nesting, I guess you could say in my shed. Like I got bit by a fucking bull snake. Like, Oh, well, bye bye, little birds. Out you go.
Yeah. All right, Marty. I've mostly seen rat snakes around here. And they're big enough that the chickens really can't do anything to them. Though the most interesting one was one that decided that it was trying to get the birds up in the rafters.
on our porch and was just up on my workbench, which has no access to the rafters at all. But it's just as high as it can get. And it's up there staring at them. I ended up whacking the thing with a axe handle and dragging it off. But wait, was it chicken or a snake? I lost track of this conversation.
That was a snake. That was a snake chicken. I mean, I'd smack a chicken too if it was being a, I'm being a jerk, but I don't know. The golf club. See, these are things that your wife could get on board with Dave, like chicken being an asshole, whack it with a golf club. That's a shot of asshole rooster with a 45 cold.
I just had the idea of going to top golf and bringing like a dozen eggs. And when your buddy's not looking, switching his golf ball with a chicken egg or you just, you just park it. Oh, just swing everywhere. I had in my mind prepared what I was going to say. So I didn't really register until a couple of seconds later, what you had said and yours is better.
Hmm. Yeah. So what else are you doing? Cheese cheese and flour. Then yummies. Oh, nothing. I'm running again. Running slow runs, build up aerobic base and then get on to doing shit with weight. Come in the springtime. I'm going to go hike over the border into Wyoming and do some LARP stuff and then come back out. So in the springtime, I might. So it's kind of springtime. I might talk more about gun shit.
that and be for massacres. That'll actually be happening around the same time. And that I replaced soda in my diet right now with Posca, which I was describing to you guys in the chat and Mike seemed just disgusted by. But it is a mixture of wine or not red wine as a mixture of water and red, red, white vinegar. And then you can add in herbs or add in salt and I add a little bit of honey. And it's a bit like drinking an extra tangy lemonade.
A little bit of vinegar at the end, but that actually sounds pretty nice. I like it. I would suggest kombucha, except if you're going to go buy it, the stuff is ridiculously expensive. It sounds just awfully weebish. I don't know what culture that's actually from, but it's a little close to Mike's interest for me. I don't weave it, Jason.
I don't remember where it's from, but it's actually a fermented drink made from black tea. And my wife makes it. And if you make it yourself, it's really inexpensive. This sounds like more something that would be made in fermented black tea sounds like something you'd get in the Middle East or India or.
originated in China, which is really, really, really close to Japan. So I'm at it. That is weeba, Jason. Well, that's that's weeb tertiary, Jason is Korean. And then, oh, that's true. Yeah. Tertiary early. Weebish is China. Montana. I can't say that word. And vodka and vodka. Interesting. Tertiary early. Tertiary early. Tertiary. Tertiary.
They're red neck. They just say whatever you want and people understand. Hey, I like specifically think of big words that I can say in each day. And I don't even tell my wife. I'm like, Hey, that's my big word of the day. Tertiary. Did you know? It's like per chance. You say per chance. Okay. So I threw vodka in here. I'm drinking some right now. That's weird.
It's like the vodka neutralizes the vinegar. Here. You just unlocked a cheat code. That is very strange. Huh. You just got had a little music and a little one up above his head. Weird. After life. Anyway, those are the weird things I'm up to. I haven't got a chance to go up and do any extra trapping because how cold it got.
I'm not gonna drink Chinese fermented tea. No, thank you. I don't need probiotics. That's why I drink vodka. It just goes my gut and kills all the biotics anyway and Yeah, I gotta get in better shape too. It'll be interesting season coming up This is the last weekend to duck hunt and that is a shame because that seems like it went way too fast Yeah I need to take the boy out squirrel hunting his granddad sent
this along, which is his to use now, which it's an old bolt action Remington to Fed 22. I need to get him out shooting it first. And then he's asked a couple of times to go squirrel hunting, but it's just finding the time to do it because I'm still getting home like 20 minutes before sundown every day. If that I was here well after sundown this today.
So, it's not like I have all the time in the world, but I need to find the time to go do that. Get some tree rats, batter up some tree rats in ranch dressing and fry them. God, that sounds... I'm interested. I would like to kill tree rats, please.
Actually, the squirrel and biscuits and gravy at all. Oh, no, but I just had the I just remembered I wanted to do squirrel dumplings with flavor. Bite me. Sanitize this girl can bite me.
I think it's called blanching. We're going to blanch this. Wait, this meat was red when it went in here. Well, now it's white. Yours was gray. It was great. I got to be honest with you. I thought you were boiling socks. When I saw that picture, it's like, oh, he's boiling a sock. Fucking weird. No, that one's name was boots. Oh.
Got it. Socks is next time. Oh boy, well speaking of boiling cats. Last thing to chat about tonight, real quick, is that Colorado has unleashed more wolves. Apparently we have 29 in the state now. They re they re release the I think it was the problem is kept seeing multiple numbers. I believe it's five.
from the Copper Creek pack, which is the one that they captured last year due to deprivation and the fact that they're all going to die. They're all going to die. And they set a few more out, so we've got a total of 29. Yeah, that was very Alex Jones. Yeah, he doesn't like that they're putting stuff in the water that turns the frickin' wolves gay.
What they need is to put some stuff into the water that turns the walls very vegetarian. Then they're just going to be rooting around in wheat fields. That's not good. Yeah. Yeah. They just turn into fluffier pigs and you have the same problem. Now they're tearing up crops and better than tearing up my house. Then they'll sell helicopter hunts.
for fat pig wolf. See, I'm mad that I missed the just, it's too late. It really is too late to get on the track where you end up shooting animals from a helicopter as a, as a profession. Yeah. No one had that written down. If they had, I might have been like, well,
But that wasn't on the list in high school. No, I'm sorry, homie. Hmm. All right. Well, I think that'll not do it because now we get what next week we got to find some actual talk about. Oh, don't worry. I'm going to not go duck hunting again this weekend. Oh, I'm not worried about that at all, sir. We won't talk about that. Oh.
I shot a coyote at the end of the night with my guardian and my mini Larry. If you recall back in June that I got a couple little Nebo flashlights. Oh, is that what that's supposed to be? I wonder what the hell mini Larry was. Yeah. That it's a little one. It's a little 500 lumen bastard. All right. I was out walking my dog and because we can't let her off at least because she likes to get ran the fuck over. And why?
And I hear Kyle's flip shit out behind my car out. So I'm like, okay, so I take the dog back inside, go out to my car, grab my AR, and I'm like, fuck, where's my spotlight? Oh, it's inside. That's too late, whatever. Run out, crossroad. And I start mouth casing at him. And I shine this little tiny flashlight around and seven sets of eyes come walking up. I'm like, oh, you. Oh, damn. They're right here. And.
Turn the illumination on on the guardian. I think I went to like level two and got my magnification set right and I could not see the coyotes with my naked eye. Just their eyes looking through the guardian though. Oh, perfect fucking coyote walking around. Yeah, no problem. Fucking smoked it. Nice. Went to follow up with another one and yeah, they had done shagdass and the old mini Larry is good for eyeballs.
And that's about it. So you could not see shapes running away. But I remember that conversation. In that conversation, I talked about the chakra. My chakra stopped working. Really? Yep. It won't stay on like whenever I try and turn on it'll flash, but then it'll turn off. So I need to, I need to email their customer service about that. I wonder if the battery's bad.
I tried multiple batteries because I had multiple batteries that are of the that that voltage output like the higher voltage. I think it's a 10 for 40 battery. If I recall.
Oh, I also mentioned that, hey, you can put this in the, uh, the, the coast, little coast flashlight that this, that's the same size as the Chico and it will use that. It uses that higher voltage too. So it gives way better output than a AAA, but then I try to put three of those higher voltage batteries in one of my headlamps.
burned the thing out instantly. I was like, oh, like it flat for a moment. It was beautiful. There was like, it was like 500 lumens. Like when it's normally 120, I was like, yes. And then it just stopped. It was like, oh, sad Panda. Yeah. So anyway, pretty impressed that the Guardian could see what I couldn't at night. So that was cool. Oh, I work with a guy.
His name's Brandon and he slayed one hell of a cat A couple days ago. So I'm gonna say congrats to him. You're the boy. Yeah, it's pretty fucking cool, but Yeah, that's like it. Shit's cold. Yeah
I'm glad dude walked outside, just walked to the garage to get a Coke and it was 40 degrees. And I was like, man, now I understand how Alaskans can be like, Oh, it's 40 degrees. Sure. It's weather. Cause it's been fucking like negative five, negative 10 for so long. Yeah. Whenever they, it's cold enough that the temperature kills your skin. Yeah. Uh, once it gets to where it doesn't do that, it's kind of nice.
Yeah, I don't like it killing my skin. It's unpleasant. Yeah. Anyway. So anyway, that's all I had. Think that about wraps it up. Yeah. All right. Push the button. OK, bye. Let's not that button. All right, then. Bye-bye, folks. And button.
I muted everybody. Anyway, thanks. Leave us reviews. I will send you a sticker. Do it. Also, I'll know where you live. You have to send me an email at the same time. Giddy and Optics filling in kapukuk, cop on code is moist. All capital letters. Camera auto affiliate code. Let's go hunt. Support to sport and take a buddy hunting.
If you like that buddy, tell them about our show. If you don't like that buddy, have them go listen to like Rosie O'Donnell. Hit us up. Let's go podcast. That's LGH podcast.com. Thanks for listening. And let's go hunt. Boiling socks.
This podcast has been a production of the Firearms Radio Network. For more, visit firearmsradio.net.
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