
Let’s Talk About My Central America Dogman Encounters - Dogman Encounters Episode 563


February 01, 2025

TLDR: Anonymous guest 'Karl' shares his experiences with death squads and Dogmen from 45 years ago in Central America. Tonight, he answers follow-up questions about these encounters; listen at your discretion due to explicit content.

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In this gripping episode titled "Let's Talk About My Central America Dogman Encounters," the guest, referred to as "Karl" for anonymity, recounts his terrifying experiences with both human violence and Dogmen during his time as a contractor in Central America 45 years ago. This follow-up discussion dives deeper into his chilling stories, the psychological impacts of those experiences, and insights into the nature of these mysterious creatures.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Karl's Background and Experiences

  • Horrific Witness: Karl shares that he witnessed atrocities committed by death squads against innocent villagers, which were compounded by the presence of Dogmen—predators that seemed to thrive on human casualties.
  • Nightmares and PTSD: The trauma stemming from these encounters led to sleepless nights, with Karl battling PTSD that resurfaces through nightmares about his experiences.

Support Systems

  • Role of Family: Karl emphasizes the crucial role of his supportive wife, a devout Baptist teacher, who has helped him process his traumatic memories. Conversations with a priest also provided him with spiritual guidance and reassurance about seeking forgiveness for past actions.
  • Psychological Healing: He explains how sharing his story publicly helps alleviate the burden of his experiences, offering a sense of liberation.

Nature of Dogmen

  • Predatory Behavior: Karl describes Dogmen as apex predators, intelligent and cunning, capable of understanding human behavior, akin to grizzly bears in their hunting strategies.
  • Supernatural or Animalistic?: A central debate in the episode revolves around whether Dogmen possess supernatural qualities. Karl suggests they might be highly evolved animals, though he acknowledges the intriguing intelligence they seem to exhibit.

Encounters and Lessons Learned

  • First Encounters: Karl recounts witnessing multiple Dogmen during his service, a sight that left a profound impact and confirmed their existence in his mind. He describes various encounters, including one stateside that reaffirmed the unsettling reality of Dogmen.
  • Cautionary Advice: He offers crucial advice for those who may encounter Dogmen in the wild:
    • Avoid confrontation; if an encounter occurs, back away slowly without turning your back.
    • Use bright lights to temporarily dazzle the creature if it approaches, and aim for the eyes if you must defend yourself.

Emotional Impact and Reflections

  • Contemplating Existence: The experience has left Karl feeling lucky to be alive but more aware of the precarious nature of existence in the wilderness and among potential threats.
  • Human vs. Creature Fear: Karl expresses a greater fear of the violence inherent in humanity than of Dogmen, pointing to his preference for living in rural areas over urban settings.


Karl's narrative weaves a complex tapestry of fear, resilience, and the search for understanding in the wake of trauma. His experiences highlight not just the chilling nature of Dogmen but also the importance of community, faith, and personal healing. As listeners digest Karl's harrowing insights, the overarching message remains clear: while encounters with Dogmen can instill fear, understanding and preparation are essential tools for dealing with such unknowns.

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