My entitled neighbor is scaring off buyers who are trying to buy my condo, constantly making snide remarks, as well as potentially racist ones to anybody that she doesn't like. Things are so bad that I'm now considering going through legal action just to try and get this lady to leave me alone so that I can finally sell this condo, because right now I am completely at a loss and I seriously don't know what to do. Here's what happened.
I'm a 40-year-old female, and I'm selling a condo I own in a different state from where I currently live. It was a rental unit for the past year, but I live there for three years prior. My neighbor, we will call her Mary for the sake of the story, has lived in the complex for over 20 years and owns two other units in the building that she rents out. I moved in to the beginning of the pandemic and immediately noticed her in the common areas, always wearing a mask and keeping a distance.
And I thought that this was great at first. Well, time goes on and we have more interactions, and I learned that she doesn't believe in service animals. For reference, I have a dog who is certified, and I provided that to the HOA upon purchase of the unit, as our HOA doesn't allow dogs.
which is a different issue that you definitely do not want to get me started on. And here's the thing, the HOA has no problems, but Mary apparently does, and makes it clear when she sees me and my dog that she doesn't believe that he should be allowed to live there. I told her to take it up with the HOA or the state disability office if she has any questions.
Over the years, she kept her distance, but our passing conversations allowed me to determine that she was an anti-vaxxer, and she had some really weird political opinions. She never stopped wearing her mask, and she liked to point out to me that she was still wearing it, so people like me wouldn't be scared because she wasn't vaccinated. Now, I was vaccinated by that point, and I told her thanks, but I believed in science, and I was vaccinated so even if she did have it, I would be fine. This, of course, set her off rumbling down the walkway, muttering stuff under her breath.
The year that my tenant lived there was very uneventful, and I never heard from my tenant or Mary. So I list my condo in April, and I get an all cash offer in May, so I start the escrow process. About a week into escrow, I get a call from my realtor that the buyers are canceling because of an interaction they had with Mary while they were at the condo during the inspection. According to the buyer's agent, Mary approached them and told them that there were plumbing issues in the building, but then said not to worry because she knew the building and everything was fine.
Now there have been plumbing issues in the past that the buyers were aware of, and were included in the disclosures. My realtor also said that there was a comment she made about the buyers being Asian, so my fear is that she also made some comment to them that was racist in some kind of way, and that is the actual reason for them canceling.
Yesterday, I had a contractor there doing some repairs, and my realtor called and said that Mary was following him around outside, grilling him about what he was doing and why. And now I have an extra one and a half hours that he's charging me because of her interruptions. I've reported her to the HOA, but they are completely worthless.
and they just take her side because she's been an owner for so long. I'm considering some type of legal action next, but I don't really know where to even start. So I'm overall incredibly frustrated and I seriously don't know what to do. Wow, that really sucks and I'm so sorry that you're dealing with that. I can't stand neighbors who act this way and I can only imagine how frustrating it is when you have a neighbor who's acting like a complete weirdo while you're literally just trying to sell off your property. Like that is so unfair and just completely obnoxious.
So truly, I hope this all gets worked out for you, and you're able to sell this property, despite the fact that Mary's acting incredibly entitled. If you like Am I the Jerk, you're probably going to love Am I the Genius. Check it out, link down below in the description. Also, go to slash submit if you would like to submit your own stories. This next story came from the Am I the Jerk subreddit. Check the links in the description if you would like to submit your own story. Am I the jerk for wanting to report my coworker to HR?
after they threw a temper tantrum and stormed out of our store literally right in the middle of our rush hour because right now I am so sick of their behavior and at this point I seriously don't know what to do. Here's what happened. So I've been working retail since 2020 and it's been a pretty stable job as I've been with the store that I've worked at for almost four years now. Just last year we've had someone else join the crew that I will call Perry and they have some pretty serious problems. They have a history of locking themselves in the bathroom and they stay there for 45 minutes.
and sometimes they will just have a coniption fit and walk off before they can even finish their shift. We have tried getting this person reported to the higher-ups several times before, but it's all to no avail. Every time this happened, HR would talk to them and Perry would play the victim card, make up some excuse for their behavior that had nothing to do with what actually happened, and then they would also say they're gonna get the union involved on the basis of discrimination against them. However, the incident that took place today may have been the straw that breaks the camel's back,
Every Friday we've been doing these special promotions that would get customers extra fuel points on their orders that they would use to take money off the next time they got gas at the store's fuel pump across the parking lot. Now Fridays are always the busiest days for our stores besides Sundays and it's an all hands on deck day as we usually have 18 to 20 orders every single hour. We've had two people call in sick and it's me and my manager running out the orders alongside Perry who had only just gotten there two hours ago.
The notification board that lets us know when customers arrive was going off like crazy, and it was completely full. Perry took notice of this and asked my manager, who we will call Tyler for the sake of the story, if it was going to be like this all day. Tyler then told them that yes, it's probably gonna be like this until six o'clock p.m.
Now, at this moment, I nodded in agreement because I've pretty much gotten used to the exhausting workload and the rapid arrivals of customers at this point. But after Tyler answered, Perry immediately began to pitch a fit and threw their uniform to the ground, and the customers ordered that they were about to run outside followed shortly after.
They were screaming that this was way too much work for them and that they didn't get paid enough for this garbage. Tyler and I were just standing there in complete and utter shock as they had another tantrum and ran away to avoid their responsibilities. Now, this is where I feel like I would be the jerk. I'm not exactly close with Perry, but we do talk while we work and have a pretty good working relationship. However, after I saw that, I just can't defend their behavior or even come up with a rational explanation for what happened.
I feel I need to report this to HR, and my report would be totally anonymous because of company policy, but I still worry that Perry would find out, because then I would be another one of their co-workers who reported them, and it would have a very disastrous domino effect, like if they wanted to sue the company on the basis of discrimination, everyone who witnessed their tantrum would be named in it.
At the same time, I feel like I need to do the right thing and report them in the hopes that we would be removing a bad worker who has a history of meltdowns just like this who disrupt the workflow and make our department look bad. So would I be the jerk for wanting to report them? Because right now, I seriously don't know what to do.
You have no idea how badly I want to be in your shoes, because I would love nothing more than to not only report Perry, but also hope that Perry finds out that yes, it was me. Because you know what? What you're describing is completely unacceptable. Anyone, and I mean anybody who's going to storm off and be like, this is too much work. As well as destroying a customer's food on the way out the door from their screaming fit, that person should not be working in the job that they're currently at.
And based on Perry's clear history of being a complete spoiled brat, they need to either be fired or they need to quit, because this is not good for anybody who has to work with them. And by the way, Perry's only bringing up the union and saying, Ooh, I'm gonna sue for discrimination, simply because they don't want to get fired. They literally are just using that as some kind of owl to keep their job and keep the paychecks coming in, despite the fact that Perry doesn't do their job.
It is so incredibly unfair for you and your manager to sit there dealing with all these customers while Perry comes in two hours late and then runs off after the like, wow, I don't want to do this anymore. This is too much work. So trust me, if I was in your shoes, I absolutely would happily report Perry.
I would tell on them right away, and I would say everything that happened to the T. And if Perry doesn't like it, well then congratulations. They have now lost the trust of another coworker who literally just wants to do their job and get their paycheck. Because your job does not include babysitting Perry's feelings. And if they really don't want to do the job that they signed up for, then they absolutely need to go. My girlfriend's sister is very indifferent towards me, and I'm convinced that she straight up just doesn't like me. And at this point, I seriously don't know what to do. Here's what happened.
So my girlfriend and I have been together for a few years. I am a very talkative person that enjoys making friends and meeting new people, whereas my girlfriend is more of a homebody and she is cool with her social standing of being silent and whatnot. I also have a lot of interests that I am passionate about and I could talk about for hours if needed. Because of my girlfriend's past relationship, her and her sister have grown distant since my girlfriend's ex was a real piece of work and cussed her out and made her cry at some point during their time together.
This individual was a horrible person, and I would like to be clear that I am in no way like that. While my girlfriend and I do argue from time to time, I do not come even close to doing what this comeback did to her. As a result of this, ever since we started dating, her sister has always had some kind of issue with me.
I get along better with the building superintendent than I do with her if that's saying something. I have tried to show her kindness and getting her to open up to me more. My reasoning for this is because I know how much my girlfriend's family means to her, even when she tells me to brush it off and pay no mind to her sister, as they aren't that close and she's fine with it. I know in the past they were super close and I know my girlfriend is probably just saying that to make me feel better.
Her sister and I have spent some time together but not a lot. I gifted her some things for her birthday and I spent time at gatherings, and her sister at one of these gatherings, while I was talking about something, laughed with her friend and called me weird. My girlfriend then got mad at me for running my mouth and embarrassing her.
which she later took back as we were all inebriated after some drinks. Another time was when we all went out and one of their cousins got a little bit too drunk, and me being the worried person that I was, I tried to take care of her and even put my arm around her so she wouldn't fall over as she was stumbling over her feet.
Well, her sister looks at me and smacks my hand away from her and basically tells me to get lost. Now I in no way intended to do anything other than make sure that they were okay, and I even explain myself the next day. I didn't need to though, as I was basically told that I did nothing wrong and got praise for buying everyone drinks. Ever since then though, it seems like they all just hate me. I don't know if her sister's been running her mouth, calling me weird or whatever.
But her cousins have been getting colder and now when I come over to my girlfriend's house, her sister is really cold. I even try to say hi and she just says nothing to me in return. It's really demoralizing for me because their perception matters as I am dating my girlfriend and I want my girlfriend to be a piece and happy. And I in no way want to be a divider between her and her family.
especially those with an R age group, as I know how much they mean to her. I am worried that maybe her sister is influencing everyone and telling them that I am weird or something like that. I really want to just confront her and be like, what is your issue with me? But I know that that won't lead to anything.
but I just hate being judged so much. So am I over-reacting here? Should I say something or should I just let this go? What should I do? Okay, personally, I don't think you're over-reacting because it really does sound like your girlfriend's sister just doesn't like you. But on that same note, it doesn't really seem like you've done anything wrong. Like seriously, you've gone out of your way to be kind to her and at least show her that you're nothing like your girlfriend's ex-boyfriend. You've never cussed her out and you would never make her cry.
So it all just seems super petty and just completely unnecessary. And if anything, the story just kinda shows that, yeah, sometimes people are just not gonna like you. It doesn't matter if you're the best person in the world and you do everything right, there's always gonna be someone who just doesn't like you and that's honestly not your problem. So in my opinion, if I was in your shoes, I would not let this bother me in the slightest.
You know for a fact you've done nothing wrong to your girlfriend's sister, and if she seriously just doesn't like you or has some kind of indifference towards you, then in my opinion, I think you should just let her feel the way that she feels, and move on by continuing to care about your girlfriend. Because at the end of the day, that's the one thing that truly matters. Would I be the jerk if I skipped out on my brother's wedding after he and his fiance scheduled their wedding on the exact same day as my wedding?
Because right now, my extended family is calling me inconsiderate for not rescheduling my wedding. And at this point, I seriously don't know what to do. Here's what happened. Okay, for a bit of context, I've been with my fiance for four years. About six months ago, I proposed to her, and we started planning our wedding. Our families were very happy, since we've been family friends since childhood, and they thought that we were perfect for each other.
My fiance and I both have younger siblings with autism and it's even something that we bonded over. She has a 22-year-old sister and I have a 23-year-old brother. They both understand each other well and have always been friends. And a while after we started dating, they did as well. Our families were happy that they had started dating because they understand each other. Fast forward to today where they had planned a dinner for both of our families and said that they had a special announcement. It turns out they want to get married on the exact same day as our wedding.
My fiancé then asked what they meant by that, and the two of them got extremely angry. My brother said that it wasn't a big deal, and that my fiancé and I could just have our wedding on a different date. But we said that we've already spent about $50,000 on this, and we couldn't just reschedule it just because they wanted us to. Our families then started saying that we were wrong, and that they deserved to be happy as well. My fiancé said that she knows that, but why do they have to do this on the same day as us? They insisted that that is the way that it had to be done.
My mother suggested that we could still attend both weddings if they were done at different times, but my brother and fiance sister said they wanted it to be their special day, and that they would not share it with us. My fiance then said that if they were doing that, then we would just not attend the wedding. Our families then started to argue with us, and said that we were jerks if we did that, and that we had to be more considerate because of their autism.
Well, my fiance and I were tired of it, and we stormed out, and we got several messages from several family members calling us jerks. My fiance and I now don't even know what to do. I mean, should we still have our wedding with just our friends? Should we attend their wedding and just forgive them? What should we do? Okay, this is entirely crazy, and there is no good excuse for this.
For starters, anyone trying to be like, oh yeah, you gotta be more considerate because they're autism. I'm sorry, but that has nothing to do with this. They're being selfish and incredibly inconsiderate, and them having autism has nothing to do with this situation in the slightest. That is a massive cop-out, and it's your family's way of basically absolving them of any responsibility.
But if they really are that irresponsible, and they really can't find another day that they can get married, besides the one day that you guys are getting married and spent $50,000 on it, then in my opinion, they are definitely not responsible enough to get married in the first place. Like, it is insane to me that those two would be like, um, this is our special day, and you need to reschedule it and come to our wedding instead of having your own.
Like, I don't know about you, but if someone seriously said I needed to reschedule my wedding that I already spent $50,000 prepping for, I would in that moment lose my mind on them. And I would happily tell them that no, I'm not gonna go to your wedding, and I really hope you don't come to mind because what you're doing is insane. So no, you are not the jerk for skipping out on their stupid wedding, and if I was in your shoes, I would still be having that wedding with just my friends. If that were me, I would be uninviting every single family member who took their side.
because there is legitimately no rational argument to defend this, and anyone who is trying to defend it, in my opinion, is a massive snake, and that is not someone that I personally would ever want to associate with. I am constantly expected to help out in service, but I'm not getting paid properly for my help, making it so I'm practically working for free, and right now I'm so frustrated by this that I seriously don't know what to do. Here's what happened.
So I'm currently working in the cocktail bar in a pretty large restaurant. When I signed on, the manager explained to me that despite there being tables directly at the bar, we do not have our own tables at all. We are purely supposed to produce and maybe hand drinks over to the people sitting right at the bar. We do not have access to the point of sales system, we cannot take orders, and we cannot cash people out. And this is in exchange for us having no customer contact, as the tip-out is not very large.
Now for reference, I don't work in the United States or Canada, but our tip-out averages out to about 25% of our hourly rate. Servers make roughly the same hourly, but even the servers that just aren't doing a good job are easily at least doubling their hourly with tips alone.
Now, fair enough, at least we don't have to do with customers, except our front-of-house managers love sending waiters home early, only to then have us place people at tables, run drinks and food ourselves, clean tables, roll silverware, and if it becomes really dire, take orders by memory and then pass them along to a waiter. And at this point, it's really starting to frustrate me. It seems like the schedule is set up to not overload the servers while still letting them rake in their money. But in contrast, we're scheduled as tightly as possible behind the bar,
and then still regularly expected to help out. What's worse is the tip-out is capped out at a sales point that the larger sections hit pretty much every single day. So if other servers are sent home early, we help out for literally zero benefit because we don't even get the tip out anymore. I mean, I've had days where I've placed a table, took their drink orders at the same time, made their drinks and then ran them out,
and then sent them a waiter to order food for them, only for me to run their food, take their dessert order, run the dessert itself, and then send a waiter out to pay for them, and out of all that work. I saw maybe about 20 cents of that based on the tip out alone, while the server maybe gets a $10 tip. Now this is the extreme to be frank,
But it shouldn't be happening at all. I mainly took this job over others where I could have made a lot more money because it's the easiest stepping stone back into management. And I've already gotten promoted and I'm slated to take over the bar entirely. But I'm literally halfway out the door again because of all of this garbage.
What should I do? Yeah, if that were me, I would definitely be looking for another job, because these people sound absolutely awful. They're literally just getting free labor out of you, and it sounds like they're doing this because you're not making a fuss over it. That's why they're sending servers home early, because they know that you and everybody who works at the cocktail bar are basically going to take care of all of this free of charge. Like, why would they keep servers around when they can have you working for free? So if you did want to stick around at that job, I really think that you need to start standing up for yourself.
because they are clearly taking advantage of you, and every day that you say nothing is just another day that they will continue to do it. My boyfriend told his friends something that I told him in private, and now I'm completely embarrassed and I seriously don't know what to do. Here's what happened. So recently, my boyfriend and his good friend have been integrating a new guy friend into their circle.
They hung out with him a small handful of times, and eventually invited me out one night to meet him. Now, I didn't get a good first impression, as the guy was really rude to me. He was not engaging in conversation with me, he was not looking at me or in my eye at all, and for the record, he was making eye contact with other people and looking at them. But it was only me that he wasn't doing that too.
He was also answering questions aggressively when I tried to engage with him, and generally, acting as if I had already did something to annoy him. Afterwards, I told my boyfriend all of this and my opinion of him, which was that he didn't give me a good first impression, and he was too aggressive with me, but maybe I just caught him on a weird night or something like that.
Now fast forward and he went out with the same group including the new guy and he did this a couple of weeks later. My boyfriend then revealed that he told his good friend what I said about the new guy and his friend relayed the info to the new guy. He also said before I got there that the new guy switched seats so he wouldn't have to sit next to me and made a comment about not wanting to frustrate me. And at this point I'm upset with my boyfriend for telling his friend what I said about the new guy. I feel as if it was a breach of confidence considering I told him this opinion in private.
Now, I feel like they all think I'm some uptight girlfriend who gets frustrated easily and doesn't like anyone, but also just the feeling of them all talking about me in my opinion that I said to my own boyfriend in private just leaves me feeling super gross. My boyfriend was acting so nonchalant about it too by the way, and I had to address the fact that he was so chill about all of it, and he isn't even sorry nor has he even apologized to me. He then said sorry and later also said that he knew he was going to receive some kind of garbage over all of this.
Now, eventually I let it go, but now I feel weird about it. I understand that friends talk to each other, so is this something that my boyfriend should have kept himself, or was it normal to tell his friends what I said about the new guy? What should I do? Yeah, I can really understand where you're coming from, because this is something you told your boyfriend in private.
You didn't want everybody in their mother to know about it. That really is a massive breach of trust and I would feel the exact same way that you do. You obviously wanted that private and he violated that privacy. So no, I don't think you're overreacting because what your boyfriend did in my opinion is incredibly messed up. When you subscribe, make sure to hit the bell to turn on notifications. To finish listening to all the stories, check out the playlist at the top of the description.
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