Just a reminder that Good Bodies is a podcast for entertainment purposes only. It is not a medical podcast and does not constitute medical advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or a health professional. Hello and welcome to Good Bodies. This is Lauren. And this is Emily. What up, bitches? What up, pose? We're in the house.
We're being silly. I, so remember how we went on vacation and had material for days. Do you remember that? Oh, I'm sorry. Do you mean weeks? Cause we're still talking about it. I swear to God, I need to go on vacation. We're never going to run out of material because I remember the airport story that I wanted to tell you. I had a, it wasn't a layover, but I needed to, I needed to get my protein and I didn't have an egg to suck on. So well, sucks for you.
But I saw this cute little, it was like, it reminded me of the food courts in malls where it was just like a little Chinese buffet. Okay, what airport was that? Was this LAX? This was LAX. So they have a food court in LAX? I've never experienced such a thing. It was very small. It was like a little tucked away court. Like there wasn't a free seat available. I had to like, somebody like made me move. What kind of variety did they have? They had the pizza thing, they had the sandwich thing, and then they had a Chinese food thing.
And the Chinese food thing looked so good. It was like general so's and fried rice and some broccoli. And I was like, your typical buffet fare. Yeah. And so I get in line, it's the most popular line. And there's a lot of men in front of me. And there's a woman who is serving everybody because she has to like make the plate for you. Oh, so it's not self-serve.
No, no, but it's set up like a buffet and then this lady like scoops it for you. Gotcha. And anyways, you pick, I swear this will get interesting in a second, but you pick like the rice and the lomaine and then like a protein and a vegetable.
kind of thing. Chipotle style. Yeah. So everybody kind of does the same thing. Everybody does fried rice, low mane, a protein, and you get like a second protein, which like has vegetables in it. Anyways, so I'm like, okay, let me just do, I was like, just do rice. Double rice is fine because sometimes low mane is weird. I agree. Quite often, low mane is a little funky. It doesn't always hit. Yeah. It's like, it's
a gamble. I will say when it hits, it really hits. Yeah. Um, but yeah, I haven't had it in years. I had a six hour flight ahead of me. I was like, I know fried rice is always good. It's eight, you know what? It's so true. It's so true. I'm 100% with you. I'm really with you on that. Okay. So you pick rice. So I get rice. I'm like, let me do double rice and I do like a sweet and sour chicken. And then I do like a side of broccoli and vegetables. This lady
I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but like all the men in front of me, it was like she was their mom and she wanted to make sure they had a nice big meal. Like she piled these plates like it was Thanksgiving day or something. And it was like rice, lo mane. And then she would like do like pounds of chicken and all that. And I was like, awesome, I'm gonna have leftovers. I'm gonna put it in my bag and like maybe eat it when I get home. That's kind of gross. But anyways, not at all. I don't think that's gross. I like a big, I like a big meal because I like leftovers. Yeah. Cheap.
Okay. Oh, well, actually, though, was this a weight-based system or was it a fixed rate? This was a lady with a scooper decides how much food you get system. But did she weigh the food to tell you how much you owed or was it the same? No, no. Good question. You tell her the base and two things on top. And it costs $12.99 or whatever. How much? Probably like $100.
So she's piling these plays for these guys and she does mine and she does like a little bit of rice and then she does a little bit of chicken and then she like piles it with broccoli and vegetables and it is literally so obviously different than what the men did, what she gave for the men.
Yeah. And I would have, I mean, the listeners know, like, I'm the pain in the ass. I always ask for what I want. If I had wanted something different, I would be like, can I have some more chicken? But in reality, she gave me a normal serving of chicken. She just gave the men like 10 servings of chicken, you know? So I didn't say anything because I was like, Oh, this looks like a nice meal, like some rice chicken and a bunch of vegetables. Like that's a great lunch for me.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure she gave me food based on my body size. Am I crazy? OK, a few things. Yes, you are crazy. But regardless of that, for other reasons, a few things.
Are we sure that it would have been based on your size and not based on the fact that you're a woman? Okay, you know what? Maybe it's cause I'm a girl cause it was all, it was like businessmen in front of me. Yeah. Like I find that there is, I tend not to really notice other people. Like when, if I'm in a Chipotle line, I tend to not really pay that much attention to how much the people ahead of me are getting cause I'm always hyper fixated on the meal that I'm about to order. Yeah. Eyes on your own paper.
But this actually made me really curious, like the next time I go to Chipotle, I want to see if the men get served more because there is like...
It's about this before they're growing boys. The growing boy theory, even though they're fully grown, I do think it would make sense that the men would be served more. When I say make sense, it would make sense that somebody would do that in a patriarchal lens. Even if you're not thinking about food and body stuff, it was a woman doing the serving. Was there some microcosm thing happening where she respects them more and wants to make sure they are more satisfied?
Yeah, no, I think there might be something there. Now, so probably overthinking it, but we have a podcast and we have to come up with things to tell you people to overthink about. Yeah, we have to overthink something. OK, now let's entertain. We've entertained like it might have been because these were men ahead of you. Now let's entertain. Could it have been because of body size? What's the implication that you should be eating more vegetables or that she thought maybe you would want more vegetables?
I think a possibility is that because, and maybe the location has something to do with this, because LA is so LA. I have other stories, but LA is so stereotypically LA. And I wonder if she just assumed like, oh, she's probably on a diet. See, that's kind of what I was thinking. I'm gonna be kind and give her what she wants, which is less rice and chicken and more vegetables.
Because she even smiled when she did it. She wasn't like, she smiled, like, hey, girl, I'm doing you a favor. She really did. And I said, because she kept doing it. So one thing I did say is because she kept piling the vegetables. And I went, OK, that's that's enough for something. And she and she like looked at me and like winked a little bit and was like, oh, I know or something. I don't know. Like, she thought we were having a girly moment, I think.
She winked out. Yeah, I can't explain it. I usually don't compare my food to other people's food. I know this makes me sound crazy, but it wasn't until I sat down and like looked at the food and I was like, wait a minute. Yeah. No, but I see. And this is also you bring up another point, which is like.
In theory, it's something that, like, maybe you should have been mad about. But in reality, she gave you exactly what you wanted. She made normal portions. Yeah, so, like, you couldn't really be mad, although, like, now in retrospect, we're looking at it and we're like, why did that go down like that?
But for me, I would prefer more of a vegetable base as well, especially if I'm in the airport and it's so hard to find a vegetable in the airport. Well, as part of why I picked that line, I was like, oh, I can get a protein, a grain, and a vegetable. Like, there you go. But you know what? I think we should revisit this because I'm going to start paying attention. Yes. Because I really think this might be a male female thing. We'll see if it's a girl thing. Yeah. We can also, we can also test and like go to places together.
because, you know, you're a straight-sized girl, I'm a fat girl, and like, test that as well. We have to order exactly the same thing. Exactly the same thing. Wait, that would be a good like TikTok video or something. And then we'll get ways to come with it. Yeah, write this down, Jess. Yeah, we need different, yeah, no, but now we're like, we need every demographic possible. We need to hit this from every angle. It's like, this is our next, this is our project for the next two years. Yeah, we don't know any boys. I don't talk to boys either. We'll have to get Andy.
Andy, yeah, but Andy, the thing about Andy is like he eats like an anime character. I don't know if you watch anime, but in anime, in like most anime, they'll show a character eating and they're like inhaling the food. Like they eat like everything in one bite. It's really insane. Why do boys eat like that? Because
Yeah. So boys eat like that. Andy literally eats like that. And I always say, like, it's, it's really borderline grotesque the way he eats. I kind of give him a pass because he grew up in a big family. So I think it was like, you needed to eat fast or else you didn't get the thing you wanted. But it's also just
disturbing. It's like he eats at a rate that I couldn't even eat if I was a professional eater, I think. Yeah. I'm too much of a talker. I'm always the person at dinner. Same. Who has a plate full of food.
same and then people and then the other person finishes their food and then they're looking at you like what the fuck you know even eat many of your food but I've been entertaining you yeah I've been working here entertainment this entire meal yeah no I I feel you
You know what, Lauren, I feel like that's a perfect segue into our self-care share for today because that was an act of self-care. You not jumping to conclusions about what happened in line. I just accepted
my correct portions enjoyed my meal. Cause you could have picked a fight with that woman. Not a fight, but like you could have been like, why did you give me this, but you gave them, but it sounded like it sounds to me like that day, you didn't choose violence because, you know, what would be the point? I chose peace. What I would have done because I wouldn't have ever picked a fight, but I do ask for things, you know, like if I had been super hungry or something, I would have been like, can I have more chicken? You know?
I just accepted it. I moved on. So you're right. That is a perfect segue. Yeah, that's a self care share. I have a self care share that I wanted to share with you today, please. I have started taping my face. Do you know about this? Wait, like, um, like Garrett on love is blind with he tapes. He tapes his mouth shut when he said, I think he does that because he has, um, sleep apnea or not sleep apnea do it. So they just breathe through their nose. But it's like, what if you, what if you die?
Anyway, sorry. I don't think he's putting two layers of duct tape over his mouth. I think it's just one piece of tape. So I don't think he's gasping for air in the middle of the night. I think it's just so he doesn't snore. I think that's a thing that people do if they snore because snoring happens when your mouth opens when you're sleeping. I have no clue.
I don't, I don't, I'm not entirely short either, but I'm just like, I think that's why he taped his mouth. That's just what came to mind when you were like, I'm taping my face. Yeah. So I'm not taping my face like that. Okay. I have been taping my forehead. So I have been targeted these ads.
for facial tape and I decided to give it a try. And basically it's like a natural alternative to getting Botox or like something that would freeze your face. Okay. Cause I don't want to freeze my face because, and I feel like I shouldn't even need to say this, but zero judgment to anybody who does freeze their face. I, I just personally like don't want to go there cause it's expensive. Does free your face mean Botox or is that?
Yeah, because Botox freezes the muscles where you inject so that you can't make those lines in your face because you can't make expressions. So I don't really want to do that. And also, my friends who get Botox, and they don't even get that much of it. Their faces look a little frozen.
aesthetically, it's not my favorite look. So yeah, not for you. That's fair. At least not yet. Yeah. So anyway, I was like, let me give this tape a try because I do have like these 11 lines that are starting to get deeper and lines across my forehead that are starting to bug me, but I don't want to get Botox at age 34. Right. I want to wait a little bit.
longer. Where is your 11? It's there. It's not that deep. But by taping my face, it will prevent already works, guys. And yeah, after two, I've learned it for two days. And it's a miracle cure. No, it's, you know, you it's preventative.
It's the same way that people are like, Botox is preventative. The tape is preventative because what you do is you stretch out your skin and then you put the tape on and then you can sleep with the tape on overnight. And then, you know, for eight hours or so when you would be like furrowing your brow or like scrunching your face, having a nightmare, having a nightmare.
Having stress streams, the lines would be solidifying in theory during that time, and the tape prevents those movements, so therefore it prevents the wrinkles over time. So it sounds like just a cream you put on at night. It's not that different. It's tape. It's not a cream. No, I know. I just mean, in theory, when we talk about doing things to our faces and stuff, it's not invasive at all. It's not invasive at all. It's a piece of tape.
It's a piece of tape. And also, here's the thing, I had been targeted these ads and I kind of poo pooed them. I was like, yeah, facial tape, whatever. But then I remembered that my mom used to work at an evening gown store. That's what my mom did when I was in high school.
And her, she had a coworker who was literally like 97 years old. Like this woman was old as fuck, but she looked incredible. Like she looked so good for her age. She wasn't actually 97. She was, I think she was in her 80s, but I had no idea she was this old until one day she, she made an offhand comment. Like, yeah, well, I mean, I'm 86 years old or whatever. And I don't want to deal with that. And I was like, you're 86 little. Like that's insane.
It turns out, and I asked her what she did to maintain her youthful appearance. She had been taping her face and she was young. She never got any boat up. She never got any kind of procedure. She was probably using scotch tape, literally scotch tape. But that's she really swore by it. And so nowadays they have companies that make
facial tape specifically for this purpose, but the ladies have been taping their face since, you know, probably the 40s. I've literally never heard of this. Now I know why you didn't want to tell me about this till the mics were hot because.
I didn't know this was real. Oh, yeah. I wanted to get your genuine reaction because I thought it could go either way. I thought it could either you could either say like, Emily, why are you taping your face? Like that's so dumb. Or you could like be adding the facial tape to your cart.
While I'm telling you this story. I think I'm somewhere in the middle of what the fuck are you doing and adding to cart? Yeah. Well, I mean, listen, this is like an experiment because this company that I'm not going to say what company it is because I don't want to, you know, they can sponsor me if they want me to say the name of their company.
But I think they said that in like three months time, people actually do tell a difference. Now, that feels a little soon. But if I keep it up, I got a 30-day supply. Yeah, report back. I will report back and tell you guys if I actually notice a difference. So right now, just to give everyone a status update on the current state of my forehead,
Cause my forehead is the only area of my face that I've ever considered like getting Botox in. Um, I don't have, I don't have permanent lines, but at the end of the day, when I look in the mirror, I do. So when I wake up in the morning, I don't, by the end of the day, I do. So the, my, my hope with the tape is that the lines will just be fainter by the end of the day. Okay. Um, and that's, you know, I'm doing my makeup or something. I really don't think it's a big deal.
No, I'm doing what I can to maintain my youthful appearance without needles. And that's my prerogative. But who knows, maybe it's just another scam by the wellness industry to separate me for my money. It's probably a scam.
I think, you know, I think Lillian was on to something and I think if I didn't have that experience of an elderly, fabulous woman telling me that she's been taping her face her whole life, like maybe I wouldn't have bought into it because I have that memory and because she looks so fucking good. Well, that's a reputable source. It's like, we can't go in the future and ask me about my knees, but you can ask Lillian about taping her face. Right. So yeah, so we'll see.
Do you have another self care share for us today? It's a small one, but I've really been enjoying it. So if our listeners remember, we had Rachel Liverman on from a glow bar. And I thought it was going to be kind of a like embarrassing reveal moment with her when I told her that I didn't wash my face every day and that I just use a mistlered water. But didn't you know that like that's what the French women do? Like it's actually extremely like because it's
No shade to this brand because I think they might work with like one of our pages or something, which this is actually an endorsement. So it doesn't matter. But like, you can buy Garnier mistler water at CVS. So I've never thought of it as fancy. And to me, it's just been makeup remover.
Right. Well, it is. It does act as makeup remover, but people swear by me seller water. I had no idea. I thought it was a secret shame that all I did for my face for taking my makeup off was just mistle water. I'm so happy you don't feel that way anymore. Can I tell you something very true? Please. There are people out here not washing their face at all, not even with me seller water.
So don't go shame on you. Don't worry too much about it. Well, no, I mean, as Rachel said in that episode, if you don't wash your face and you have good skin and you don't have any problems, then keep doing what you're doing. There's no reason to, you know, if it's not broke, don't fix it. But.
It is a little bit. I do think it's a little bit gross. I mean, we had we also had Charlotte Palermino on and she was talking about like just from a hygiene perspective, you should wash your face at the end of the day. Yeah. See, that's why I was feeling a little embarrassed about not, you know, quote, unquote, washing my face. But when I told her I used mistle water and she called it chic, I was like, Oh,
Yes, you know, and she called it chic because it's very fun. I was like, I'm chic. Yes. So I have since bought like two giant drugs of it. And because now that I know I'm chic, I used to just use it as makeup remover. But now I use it first thing in the morning.
Just there's nothing on my face except the goop that I put on the night before like the under eye or whatever I'm doing. And so first thing in the morning, I missed their water. My face used to not do anything to my face. I used to just put sunscreen on. Not even like cold water. Oh, really? That's why I was like, oh, this will be a funny, embarrassing thing to tell Rachel that I don't wash my face.
But I use mistlewater to take makeup off. So now I've doubled up on mistlewater because to me, it's really easy. I have a small New York City bathroom. It's annoying for me to wash my face over a sink. I'm not a neutrogena commercial. OK, I'm not doing that. I wash my face with facewash in the shower only. But yeah, now every day I get up and I'm like, I feel so French. I just and it's just it's literally to me make a promoter.
But apparently it's, I'm like doing good things for my face. So I do it in the morning. Yeah. And I do it at night. And maybe it, maybe I'm also seeing things that aren't there, but I feel like my face. I feel like my face is already like, I feel like I have a fresh face. I mean, your face looks good, but it didn't look bad before. But what I will say, the one thing that is kind of like,
pushing me back a little bit. What? You don't feel like you need to splash your face with cold water in the morning. No, that's messy. Yeah, but for me, it wakes me up like I feel more fresh faced, even if I'm not putting any cleanser on, I always splash my face. I've never done that.
Really? Never. It's also something that I've used. It's a tool that I've used to help with anxiety because when you splash your face with cold water,
It stimulates the vagus nerve. We can talk about this in another episode. My therapist told me about holding an ice cube. Yeah, so cold temperatures can help you if you have anxiety too. But that's interesting, because even if I don't use any cleanser, I still douse my face with water. Is your floor wet? No, I have a bath mat. What do you mean is my floor wet? I have a bath mat, but if water gets on my floor, I just wipe it up. I think I might be the laziest person.
to have ever existed. Do you think like if you get water on your floor, that's it? Like you just need to wait until it steeps into the time. Now when I say it out loud, I'm like, Lauren, you're stupid. Just keep some paper towels in the bathroom. I, you know, I actually do have a very small sink. That was the one thing when I moved into my apartment. I was like, why are the sinks so tight? Are these sinks for ants? It is a sink for ants. I have, I have little command hook shelves.
next to my thing because there is no room for anything on my little tiny thing is annoying like the landlords of new york city are really like there i don't know if it's they're trying to preserve space in the apartment but i can't put a bath mat because you open the door and it the door is right where the sink is.
So if there was a bath mat, it prevents the door from being open. Oh, I don't wash my face so I don't get water on the tiles and have to wipe it up. Right. So it's actually it's the person who designed the apartments fall. It's their fault. I don't wash my never splashing water on your face. Yes. No, you know what? This all makes logical sense. I like that self care share, though, Lauren. And I like that you're doing something in the morning because I do feel nothing. Yeah. And I do feel like
Mainly because you know when you put goop on your face at night Yeah, and I don't have I like I don't have any definitive research about this But I just feel like when you put goop on your face at night Even though you're waking up and like your face is not Technically like dirty. I just feel like stuff can stick to it in the night I feel the same way and we asked Rachel about it and she was like it's fine But I I guess our face like eats the goop
Yeah, which makes sense, like your skin absorbs whatever you put on it, but I just want to wipe it off in the morning. Yeah, I feel residue in the morning, so I feel like it needs something. I don't know, but if it's working for you, it works if you work it.
That's our self-care share for today. This is a short and sweet episode, a huge episode. Yeah, slide into my DMs and tell me if you're taping your face, or if you're freezing your face, or if you've done both, and if you prefer one over the other, I'm just trying to maintain what I got. And slide into Lauren's DMs if you are a meseller water stand. Or if people give you less food.
Yeah, no true. If you've been to Panda Express and they haven't given you as much rice as the dude in front of you. We also need to know that for research. Yes. And that's it for today's episode. Be sure to send your questions to goodbodies at badges.com to get them answered. Follow us at everything's fine on Instagram. If you like this episode, please write us a review.
Rate, review, subscribe to the show, and, of course, follow me at Lauren Hope Crass. Follow me at Lubination, and remember, Missler Water is the same thing as washing your face. Pretty much. Right?
Good Bodies is produced by Shannon Sassone and Lauren Hope Crass, editing by Will Maxwell, social media by Lauren Hope Crass, guest booking by Allie Friedlander. Be sure to follow everything's fine on Instagram and send us your emails to goodbodies at betches.com.