
How To Help Anyone In Your Life Who’s Struggling - Fantastic Strategies From A Yale-Educated Psychologist


May 18, 2023

TLDR: Author Dr. Lisa Damour's latest book suggests that being mentally well means understanding when someone is 'costly coping,' navigating conversations without turning into a fight, and knowing when to involve a therapist.

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  • Expert Advice from Bestselling Author on Helping Loved Ones Struggling with Mental HealthMental health is not about feeling good all the time, but rather managing emotions in a healthy way. Practical advice and role-playing scenarios can help in supporting individuals dealing with difficult times.

    Dr. Lisa Damour, a clinical psychologist and New York Times bestselling author, provides expert advice on helping loved ones who are struggling in this Mel Robbins podcast episode. Her latest book, The Emotional Lives of Teenagers, addresses the challenges facing adolescents and offers insight into the way psychologists assess mental health. Damour explains that mental health is not about constantly feeling good or calm, but rather having appropriate emotional responses that are managed well. She role-plays different scenarios and provides practical advice on how to help individuals in our lives who are dealing with difficult times. Her expertise offers a lifeline for those in need.

  • The importance of managing uncomfortable emotions for overall well-being.Learning to manage discomfort is crucial for emotional maturity and overall well-being. It's essential to differentiate between discomfort and unmanageable situations, especially during adolescence, which ends when reasoning skills are fully developed. The pandemic has also affected teenagers' emotions and mental health.

    Dr. Lisa Damour and Mel Robbins discuss the importance of managing uncomfortable emotions and the impact it has on people of all ages, especially teenagers. Adolescence begins at age 11 and ends around age 24-25 when reasoning skills are fully developed. The ability to cope with discomfort has decreased over time, and it's important to differentiate between discomfort and unmanageable situations. The book also explores the impact of the pandemic on teenagers and how it affected their emotions and mental health. In short, managing discomfort is an essential life skill that contributes to emotional maturity and overall well-being.

  • Understanding the Validity of Negative Emotions for Better Mental HealthIt's unfair to label all negative emotions as a sign of mental illness. We need to acknowledge and learn from our emotions, especially when they negatively impact us in situations that shouldn't necessarily cause distress.

    Mental health is often defined by experiencing distress, which is evidence of our emotional health. Pathologizing all negative emotions as a sign of mental illness is unfair and incorrect. Negative emotions are data that tell us how things are going, and we should use that information to make better choices. While we all have our own unique feelings, negatively impactful emotions in situations that shouldn't necessarily cause distress should be taken seriously and addressed. It's important we understand that our feelings are valid and that our job as individuals is to take them in and learn from them, not be ashamed of them.

  • The Impact of Emotions on Daily LifeDistressing emotions are normal, but when they start impacting daily life and relationships, it becomes concerning. Poor coping mechanisms like substance abuse can signal a problem and require patience and understanding to address.

    Psychologists have an anthropological approach towards emotions and focus on how they affect a person's ability to function well in the world. The presence of distressing emotions is normal, but it becomes concerning when they start getting in the way of a person's life. Such emotions hinder a person's ability to navigate their life and deepen relationships. The flags that psychologists keep an eye out for are mood that disturbs a person's ability to live their life and costly coping, such as substance abuse or being hard on people around them. It is important to recognize that such coping mechanisms serve a purpose for the person and work to make their pain go away. Addressing concerning coping mechanisms requires patience and understanding of the person's perspective.

  • Understanding the Root of Self-destructive Behaviors and Offering Healthier AlternativesPeople engage in self-destructive behaviors because those behaviors fulfill a need for them. Instead of trying to force them to stop, find out why they do it and offer healthier alternatives that fulfill that need. Acknowledge their desire to be healthier and work with them to make progress.

    It is important to understand that people engage in self-destructive behaviors because those behaviors work for them. To help solve the problem, the first step is to find out why they feel the need to engage in those behaviors and offer healthier alternatives. If you start with a conflict about stopping the behavior, you will likely meet resistance. Instead, acknowledge that there is a part of them that wants to be healthier, and that is the part you will stick up for. This approach helps to avoid turning the situation into a fight and ultimately leads to progress.

  • How to Help a Teenager Engaging in Harmful BehaviorsStay calm and connected. Take time to understand the problem, listen to the teenager, and work together to find solutions. Empower the teenager to understand the impact of their actions on their life and wellbeing.

    When dealing with a teenager engaging in harmful behaviors, it's important to approach the situation with a calm and centered mindset. Reacting strongly in the moment can worsen the situation, so it's important to connect with the part of the teenager that wants help and work together towards finding solutions. In such situations, it's important to understand that teenagers may hide their behaviors, and it may take some time to uncover the problem. Taking cues from the teenager and allowing them space to come to a solution are helpful approaches. Ultimately, the goal is to connect with the teenager and help them understand the impact of their actions on their lives and overall wellbeing.

  • Approaching Substance Abuse with Empathy and DirectionWhen discussing substance abuse with a loved one, choose a suitable time, empathize and focus on finding alternatives to help manage difficulties. Keep the conversation centered and brief. The objective is to assist them in leading a better life.

    When addressing substance abuse with a loved one, it's important to choose the right time for the conversation and approach it from a place of empathy. Using the phrase 'what you're doing isn't working' can help shift the focus to finding alternative solutions for managing pain or difficulties without turning it into a showdown. It's also important to keep the conversation concise and focused on the central message to make it easier for the person to understand. The goal is to get on the same page and support them in finding a better way to live their life.

  • The Importance of Balancing Coping MechanismsIt's important to strike a balance between discussing and distracting when coping with distress, regardless of gender. Avoid extremes, and don't rely on these coping mechanisms permanently.

    Distress is a vital aspect of mental health, but it becomes concerning only when it starts affecting daily functioning. Coping mechanisms are necessary, but it's crucial to avoid extremes in them. Research shows that traditionally, girls tend to discuss their distress with friends, while boys tend to distract themselves. Both ways of coping are acceptable as long as they don't veer to the extreme. Girls discussing their distress for excessively extended hours may lead to rumination, while boys distracting themselves from distress is less productive. It's essential to strike a balance between discussing and distracting and avoid using these coping mechanisms as a permanent solution.

  • Striking a Balance: Emotional Expression and Management in TeenagersTeenagers need space and time to process their emotions while finding healthy coping strategies. Boys may struggle to verbalize feelings, and distraction is not a sustainable solution. Examining and processing underlying meanings can help with letting go of painful experiences.

    It is important to strike a balance in emotional expression and management, especially in teenagers. Girls often have more practice and fluency in expressing emotions, while boys may struggle to verbalize their feelings. It is important to allow space and time for teenagers to process their emotions, but also not let them ruminate excessively. Distraction can be a costly coping mechanism, and it is important to find strategies that help tame or express emotions without relying too heavily on one method. For those struggling to let go of painful experiences, examining and processing the underlying meaning can be helpful.

  • Understanding Teenage Emotions and ExternalizationTeenagers may struggle to express their emotions, especially boys. Externalizing emotions is a common defense mechanism, which can be overwhelming for parents. It's important to provide support and understanding to teenagers and recognize healthy emotional expression takes many forms.

    Teenagers often externalize their emotions, which can be overwhelming for parents to handle. Boys in particular struggle with expressing their feelings, making it difficult for parents to understand what's going on. However, it's important to remember that healthy emotional expression takes many forms and may not always be verbal. Parents should also be aware that externalization is a common defense mechanism used by teenagers, and it's not a new maneuver. While it can be challenging for parents to deal with, it's important to be supportive and understanding of the emotional challenges teenagers face.

  • Letting Your Kids Vent: Understanding Their Emotional NeedsWhen your child is going through a tough time, listen to them and let them express themselves without taking on their emotions. Seek professional help if necessary.

    When kids are going through a hard time, they may not want to talk about it and may just need to vent. As parents, it's important to understand this and let them unload their emotional garbage, without taking it on ourselves. Visualize it as opening an emotional garbage bag and disposing of it afterwards, rather than carrying it around. It's also important to seek help from a therapist if what we're doing at home isn't working and our child is still suffering. Knowing when to seek help can be critically important.

  • The Teenage Mental Health Crisis: Understanding the Challenges and Finding SupportBeing a teenager is a challenging experience with intense emotions and changes in the brain. It's crucial to approach therapy carefully, emphasizing the need for support and finding specialized clinicians. Pediatricians can be a good resource for facilitating appointments. The pandemic has impacted teenagers' mental health, making it harder for them to become independent and spend time with friends.

    Teenagers often worry that there's something wrong with them, especially when they are in therapy. Being a teenager is a dysregulating and disorganizing experience with intense emotions and changes in the brain, making them feel that way. When suggesting therapy, it is crucial to approach it carefully, emphasizing the need for support and getting someone specialized to help. The teenage mental health crisis has two reasons, one being the need for support is increasing, and the other is the workforce to address the need cannot be scaled up quickly. Finding clinicians specialized in caring for teenagers is hard. However, pediatricians can be a good resource, knowing the local talent and facilitating appointments. The pandemic impacted teenagers' mental health, making it hard for them to become increasingly independent and spend time with friends.

  • The Unforeseen Effects of Lockdown on Children's Mental HealthThe abrupt transition to virtual learning disrupted children's routine, leading to a range of mental health issues. The impact of lockdown on children was more severe than anticipated, leading to eating disorders and substance abuse problems.

    The COVID-19 lockdown had a significant impact on children's mental health and well-being. Some kids found their way through it, while others suffered from anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The collapse of traditional schooling into a 2D space had unforeseen consequences, as kids who were otherwise strong students struggled to adapt. Physical movement from room to room helped many keep organized at school, and the loss of this support had a notable impact. Many children were derailed during the lockdown and developed eating disorders, substance abuse problems, or became involved in social conflicts. The alarming stories coming out after the lockdowns suggest that the impact on kids was more extreme than previously thought.

  • Delaying the Development Process: A Positive Step for ChildrenFocusing on the bigger picture and addressing teenage suicide head-on can help guide children towards independence, thriving, and positive growth. Asking directly about suicide and reassuring teens that help is available is vital.

    Dr. Lisa Damour emphasizes on delaying the development process, rather than considering it as a loss. Acknowledging the fact that children missed out on crucial elements of college, she suggests that focusing on the bigger picture is essential. Additionally, it is critical to address the scariest concern- teenage suicide- by asking directly and reassuring teenagers that we're here to help in every possible way. It is also reassuring to know that teenagers appreciate it when we ask them about their thoughts on suicide. With these guiding principles, children will eventually find their way back onto a positive trajectory towards independence, finding their interests, developing relationships, and thriving in the world.

  • The Importance of Addressing Teen Mental Health Challenges During and After COVID-19It's normal for teenagers to have scary thoughts, but it's important to address the distinction between having a thought and wanting it to happen. The aftermath of the pandemic has led to an increase in mental health issues and isolation, making it crucial to stay vigilant and seek help when needed.

    Teenagers experiencing big scary thoughts is frequent and normal, but it's important to distinguish having a thought from wanting it to happen. Talking about it can bring relief. However, the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being assessed, and mental health problems like eating disorders and substance abuse have been noticed. Increased isolation and the impact of social media on digital environments are also concerns. It's essential to stay vigilant, understand the signs, and seek help if needed.

  • The Negative Impact of Social Media on Teenagers' Body Image.Social media algorithms have a significant impact on teenagers' bodies and may cause unhealthy behaviors and eating disorders. Parents and caregivers need to monitor and limit their use of social media. They should encourage healthy habits and support teenagers in their overall health and development, not just their appearance.

    Social media algorithms flooding teenage feeds with images of ultra-fit/ultra-thin models and diets can lead to unhealthy behaviors and eating disorders. Teenagers are vulnerable to norms and may feel pressure to conform to these unrealistic standards. Parents and caregivers need to monitor and limit social media exposure and encourage healthy habits instead of focusing solely on appearance. Additionally, it's important to recognize the difference between healthy exercise and behavior that may indicate disordered eating or body dysmorphia. Teenagers should be supported in their overall health and development, not just their appearance.

  • Recognizing and Responding to Teen Eating DisordersPay attention to your teenager's food-related behaviors, and seek help if necessary. Encourage a healthy, balanced lifestyle while creating a supportive, non-judgmental environment for your teen to open up about their emotions.

    If a teenager is losing weight or dropping entire food categories, it may be a flag for an underlying issue, such as an eating disorder. However, not all dietary restrictions are cause for concern; it's important to distinguish between normal and abnormal behaviors. Additionally, it's important for parents to help their teenagers take good care of themselves by encouraging a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and overall self-care. Lastly, it's crucial for parents to not let their teenagers' anxiety take over the household, but rather provide a safe space for teenagers to express and process their emotions.

  • Understanding Anxiety, Stress, and Avoidance and Overcoming Them through ExposureAnxiety and stress can be healthy, but avoidance only makes them worse. Overcome fears by taking small steps through exposure. Parents can help by providing support and encouragement.

    Anxiety, stress and avoidance are common experiences that we all face, but it is important to understand healthy and unhealthy forms of these emotions. Healthy anxiety can act as an alert to potential dangers, while stress is the human experience of adaptation. However, avoidance only feeds anxiety, making it harder for individuals to overcome their fears and become socially and academically integrated. Exposure is the answer to this issue; individuals need to take small steps in confronting their fears rather than giving in to avoidance. Parents and guardians play a critical role in helping their children overcome anxiety by offering support and encouragement to face their fears head-on, step by step.

  • How to Support Your Teen Through Anxiety and Tough TimesReframing our response to be empathetic and offering steady support can help teens navigate anxiety and tough situations. Avoidance only locks in anxiety as a coping mechanism. Help teens negotiate, don't allow them to avoid.

    As adults in a teen's life, our job is to be a steady presence in their emotional cauldron. When teenagers come to us with their big feelings, reframing our response to be empathetic, attentive, and steady can be critically important. Avoidance is anxiety's best friend, and transferring schools to cope only locks in anxiety as a coping mechanism. The power of reframing and breathing are helpful in controlling anxiety, but helping teens negotiate situations is key. We need to negotiate and help our teens get in, rather than allowing them to avoid. Our role is to provide empathy and offer steady support even when they're going through tough times.

  • The Importance of Strong Relationships for Teen Mental HealthInvesting in the emotional well-being of teenagers through caring relationships is the most effective way to protect their mental health during the current crisis. 'The Emotional Lives of Teenagers' provides empowering insights and tools for adults to support them.

    The key takeaway from this conversation between Mel Robbins and Dr. Lisa Damour is that strong relationships with caring adults are the most powerful force for protecting teenage mental health during this adolescent mental health crisis. It is not about medicating or therapizing our way out of it, but rather about investing in teenagers' emotional lives. It is a hard time to be a person and even harder to be raising teenagers, but understanding that distress related to events that make sense is a sign of mental well-being is a revelation. The book 'The Emotional Lives of Teenagers' by Dr. Lisa Damour offers helpful and empowering insights grounded in a larger framing, and provides tools for adults to show up for teenagers and support them through these difficult times.

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