Boom, shake the room, Fire Nation. JLD here and welcome to Entrepreneurs on Fire. Brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network, the audio destination for business professionals with great shows like Inclusion and Marketing. Today, we'll be breaking down how to double your profits without doubling your work hours. To drop these Viboms, I am brought to Clay Clark in the EO Fire Studios. Clay is a father of five kids, a former U.S. SBA Entrepreneur of the Year.
the founder of several multi-million dollar companies and the host of the Thrive Time Show podcast. Today, we will be talking about how to generate more leads. We'll talk about the power of implementing scalable turnkey sales systems and consistency. Why is important and how to get it? And oh, so much more. And the big thank you for sponsoring today's episode goes to Clay and our sponsors.
Success Story, hosted by Scott D. Clary, is brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network, the audio destination for business professionals. Success Story features Q&A sessions with successful business leaders, keynote presentations, and conversations on sales, marketing, business startups, and entrepreneurship. A recent episode discussing the billion dollar health secret with the founder and CEO of Whoop is a must listen. Listen to success story wherever you get your podcasts.
Fire Nation, you have a book inside you, and it's time to share your message with the world. That's why I created Author 100, a 100-day program where I will personally guide you 101 to create, write, publish, and market your book. If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to to sign up for a free call with me to chat about the details.
All right, Fire Nation, I know that you are fired up today to talk about doubling your profits without doubling your working hours. And we'll be learning the systems. Bunkie used to scale and thrive. But I want to start with the man, the myth, the legend, Clay Clark, because he's going to share as entrepreneurs how we must exponentially generate more leads to succeed. Clay, why is this the case?
well i'll tell you this uh... and to the fire nation you know when you look at a brand like bunkie life dot com uh... today's uh... featured uh... guests and guest in case study he has an incredible product so before meeting me his product at bunkie life dot com it is a great product i'm asking rhetorically folks do you have a great product i mean this guy has a great product it's like a bolt-on bedroom or a custom cabin
But without leads, you cannot succeed. So if you're listening to today's show like so many great entrepreneurs and you have a great product or a great service and you woke up today discovering that very few of your ideal and likely buyers or your potential customers are waking up with a burning desire to pay you by default, AKA, you need more leads. Today's show is the show you need to listen to.
And that's why we're going to be diving into a little deeper behind the life and the business of a monkey life. And I want to bring you and David because I really want to know a little bit more about you, what you have going on, your path to clay and what's really working for you right now. So start there.
found Clay initially from his podcast, ironically. So I was basically a struggling business owner at the time. We were in Canada. We were trying to grow into the USA. How are we going to do this? You don't have enough leads coming from outside of our little doorstep here. And I discovered his, his, maybe it was through your podcast. I'm not sure if I discovered Clay's podcast. We're just going to say it was through entrepreneurs on fire for the record. Keep going. So, so essentially I had a problem. Exactly. Like Clay said, I didn't have enough leads to generate enough sales.
And so discovered Clay's whole thing. I mean, I realized I needed coaching. I needed advice. I had been there myself and how was I expected to do it unless I had someone else that had been there. So Clay offers this thing with a three 13 point assessment that I believe and went through that, went through the 13 points of the business that needed to change in order to get the result I needed to get. And so we went through that and I said, you know what Clay, I'd like to pay to help me do this. And this was about two years ago. Now it's kind of a high fund Clay and how I started working with
So Clay, obviously you know this business inside and out because you've been helping David for quite some time now. So just take a second, share with Fire Nation. What exactly does David do? Why was it a problem that you knew that you could help him with and how did you help?
Well, as an entrepreneur, there's four steps to becoming a super successful entrepreneur. And I encourage everybody to write these down. Jim Rohn, the best-selling author. Brian Tracy, the best-selling author. Tony Robbins, they'll all tell you that note takers are the game changers. The people that take the notes are the game changers. So don't just listen, folks, take notes. I'm telling you, there's four steps. Step one, you have to find a problem.
Step two, you have to solve the problem. Step three, you have to sell the solution. And step four, you have to nail it and scale it. And when I first heard about, and David said, what we do is we offer cottage, bunkies, kind of like a bolt-on bedroom. It's almost like you're adding on a building that looks about the size of a sauna. You're adding that on.
We're an entrepreneur for somebody who wants to add on an extra bedroom for a family. Maybe they have a vacation home. They want to add on extra footage, extra square footage, or maybe the entrepreneurs, they want to add on extra office space to their home without needing to pull a permit. I thought to myself, that solves a problem. So step one, he solves a problem. Step two, it's a solution.
He had moved beyond a prototype. He was making these, and they were already being made in a first-class manner. What am I saying? He was already holding himself accountable to a high level of quality and excellence, and he was already beginning to gain traction, meaning step three, he was already selling something. So again, review.
Step one, he had a problem he found. Step two, he was solving it. Step three, he was already selling it. And if your product doesn't sell, your business dreams will go to hell. I always tell people, if your product won't sell, your dreams will go to hell. And he was already selling. And so what David needed help with was nailing it and scaling it and reaching more people, exponentially more people. And I knew right away that he was coachable, he was approachable, and his product was first class.
So that's how I knew JLD that he would be a great fit for our business incubator or business coaching program. So Fire Nation, there's so much important things you need to be taking away from this. Number one, what Clay is saying is essentially one of my favorite sentences in the world. Create the number one solution to a real problem.
And if you're not doing that, then guess what? Knitch down until you are. And I'm actually looking at Bunkie Life's website right now. And I just love this phrase, David. I hope you keep it there because it actually speaks to me who has a son and a wife. And now I have in-laws living with me. And it says, we help families create extra space for meaningful connection.
I read that line and I'm just like, man, that connects with me. That is meaningful to me because I can see how that can be a really positive impact in my life. And so that's how you can connect to the People Foundation in the right way. You need to understand what is it that they're really looking for? What is the real problem that you are going to solve? Now, Clay, you know that I love organization. You're such an organized person as well. I mean, I've been to your events. They are just run like the military, which of course I love as an officer.
Now, I want to talk about building a thriving organization because you had to be organized to do that. So talk about the power of actually implementing the scalable, easy to implement and turn key sales systems. And of course, how you did this with David.
Okay, well, we'll step one. If you're going to build an organization, you have to be organized. And I see so many wonderful people that I meet at our in-person workshops. You know, we'll have people like yourself, JLD attend these workshops. We're going to have, you know, Robert Kiyosaki best-selling author. He'll attend these workshops. Eric Trump, obviously, the son of Donald J. Trump attends our workshops. You get the idea. We have a great
group of people that are there, world-class speakers, and as you meet the super successful people, as you meet the Michael Gerbers, as you meet the, I'm throwing out names of real people I've interacted with, as you meet the Robert Kiyosakis, as you meet these people, you find that the best organizations are organized.
And there's this, there's this world of, I call it Jack Assery, where a lot of entrepreneurs say, you know, I'm more of an idea guy. I don't, I don't, I don't, I'm not more. I'm not the organized guy. And I'm telling you, your podcast,, it would not be successful if you weren't fastidious about how you named the files.
how you save the files, how you archive the files, how you transcribe the files, how you upload the files, how you record the audio, the intro, everything you do. And so by default, or by entropy, but by default, you're not going to have success by default, you're going to drift into Jack Assery. But it is only through intentional
Focus that you're able to scale a company. You have to be organized to build an organization. I always tell people if you don't have a checklist, you're going to get pissed.
That David was selling all these products, but imagine how crazy his life would be. Right. If he wasn't organized, if he didn't have a checklist, his clients would be pissed, he would be pissed, but he's very organized. And I encourage everybody out there today, make a checklist and ask yourself, what are those core, repeatable, actionable processes? I call that crap in my office. The core, repeatable, actionable processes.
What are the core repeatable actionable processes that you need to implement on a daily basis? And we need to document those things because once we can build an organization, once we become organized, we can build an organization.
Now, listen, David, you were already doing a lot of things right. I mean, number one, you were listening to entrepreneurs on fire. Brilliant. That led you to clay. Brilliant. You took action. Brilliant. You already had a great product and a great service and you were delivering on that. You were generating revenue from that. What is one of the first things that Clay did to improve your organization? Now, I know that it was already good, but how did he make it better?
The basically what we did was we isolated things that were already working. It's going to sound so obvious, but we, we isolated was already working. How are you getting leads right now? How do you incline right now? And we did more of that. And in a way that was more consistent, for example, instead of just randomly having conversations with the people that would call us or that we would connect with.
We had a script. We developed a script that we would say every single time. And then I listened to the calls and made sure that even the week after they continued to use the actual script. And so we did more of what was already working was that it was kind of the first step.
Fire Nation, that's one of the biggest things I always scratch my head about when entrepreneurs are having some success. And then all of a sudden, they're like, okay, I'm having some success. I need to try seven other things now because this is all working. And guess what? That one thing that was actually working kind of fades in decays because they're not focused on making it better and pouring all their energy and focus into what I mean.
When I had my first great webinar back in 2013 for Podcaster's Paradise and we crushed it and we did all these sales, I didn't say, okay, that worked. Now I'm gonna go do 10 other things. No, I did a live webinar every single week for the next five years. I didn't miss a week because that was what was working for us for Podcaster's Paradise and I improved the systems and the email follow-ups and the offers and everything around it. I just made that one thing better and it kept making money.
It was continuously generating leads, and we have a lot to talk about Fire Nation around this topic when we get back from thinking our sponsors. If you're a marketer, then you notice like to feel like you're moving in a hundred different directions at any given time, like you're spread too thin. Between creating content, launching campaigns, generating and nurturing leads, and more, you barely have a moment to breathe, let alone do your best marketing. What if there was a better way
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Clay, we're back. I want to talk about KPIs. I want to talk about the power of knowing those key performance indicators and holding our team accountable. I mean, obviously David already shared that you really came in and helped out in a lot of areas with this. So talk about the importance of this factor in every business.
Yeah, so what we're going to do and just kind of recapping what we've already covered to make sure we're really taking profound notes that are life changing notes here. Step one with David, we had to create a turnkey process for the things that were already working and we had to discard the things that weren't working.
And again, this is working out the assumption he already had a great product and service, which he did. But we had to create this three-legged marketing stool. So in David's case, a stool that has three legs is more stable, obviously, than a stool with two legs. So we had to create a stable process for marketing. And so for David, the three legs we really focused on was one was search engine optimization. And there's a process, there's a checklist, there's a process for that.
We had to focus on gathering objective video testimonials and Google reviews from real clients. Third, we had to create a dream 100 system, a processor, a system where David would consistently reach out to his ideal and likely buyers.
We had to document that build the systems. But how are we doing it enough? Are we doing the systems enough? Well, that's where the key performance indicators come into play. You have to document just like if you're going to the gym and you say, I'm going to do chest and triceps
Okay. Well, how many reps are you going to do? Okay. I'm going to do three sets of 12 for bench press, three sets of 12 for my incline bench press, three sets of, and you're tracking how many reps, how many sets, and you go in there and you diligently implement those systems. And if you don't have a documented plan by default, people tend to drift. And so with David, we had to document those systems in a way that it was very accountable. It was very specific.
and it was very detailed. And that way all these systems we were implementing could be measured. And I will tell everybody out there if you're listening, you must measure what you treasure. You must measure what you treasure because you're going to find that you're going to slack where you don't track.
So you're going to slack where you don't track and you have to measure what you treasure. And so with David, everything now is a key performance indicator. We know how many reviews he's getting a week, how many objective Google reviews he's getting a week, how many video testimonials a week, how many inbound leads a week he's generating, how many funky, life custom cabins are needing to be built.
And it really is now all about the metrics. And if you're out there today and you feel overwhelmed by this conversation, I'm just telling you, you got to document what works and then you've got to make key performance indicators. You have to track the numbers that matter to your business.
David, Clay shared a lot of what you're doing right now that you weren't doing prior. And you mentioned a couple of things as well, like with your script and just staying true to that and tracking that and all these great things of all the things that you've been doing that's been improving your business. What's one interesting thing that really jumps out when Clay was just sharing the process he was taking you through that you think was really meaningful that you
May not have ever got to yourself just because hey your nose to the grindstone you're in the business You need somebody like clay who's a marketing genius to help you out there. What was one of those things?
tracking after having done it now for two years, what it's added that might not be as apparent from the surface is the amount of kind of regularity and emotional stability it's given me. Because when you are in the weeds, as you said, John Lee, you have this emotional roller coaster you're on where you have a great week and you feel like you're on top of the world and then you have a terrible week and you feel like you're about to lose your house. And that's just an emotional journey that you go through as an entrepreneur.
However, when you contract and I can say, what happened this week last year? What happened this week two years ago? And you realize for whatever reason, the third week of August just kind of blows and that's okay. We only sold 10 buggies or whatever. People get ready for school and maybe you don't think about that, but you have three years now of back data. That's interesting.
And I can measure, OK, like this quarter versus the same quarter last year. Wow, we're crushing it, even though it might not feel amazing because it's our off season or whatever it is. And that's bad. That is above all else allowed us to kind of go on that emotional roller coaster with just a little bit more knowledge, a little bit more foresight and hindsight to go. Oh, you know what?
We're not on top of the world here, but also the houses in about to burn down and actually we're steady putting one foot in front of the other and we're growing every year. And that has been for myself emotionally, just a real game changer.
Fire Nation, that emotional stability cannot be understated as to the importance it is to an entrepreneur's journey, because man, it's a roller coaster. You're going to be on cloud nine, then at the bottom of the weeds, and then back up again, and everywhere in the middle, I mean, it's just part of it. That's why you need these accountability partners. You need a coach, you need a mentor, you need a masterminds, you need to be doing the right things, and tracking is part of that process. And Clay, it is a sad fact.
But 96% of businesses fail. Why is this true and what the heck can we do about it? Okay. Well, we go back through our four steps again. Step one, most people, most entrepreneurs are out there. They have found a problem. They go, you know what? I could mow the lawn better than my competition. You know what? I could help a woman lose weight better than the competition. I could help a man get in shape better than the competition.
I could build a bolt on bedroom, bedroom better than anybody else. I could open up a haircut chain better than anybody else. I could cut hair better than anybody else. I could build houses better than anybody else. I could be the world's best dentist, et cetera, et cetera. They find a problem. Step two, they have a solution. Step three, they just can't sell anything.
for whatever reason they're not selling anything and and that's where a lot of people call themselves an entrepreneur and i would i would say i'm not trying to attack anybody out there listening i would describe anybody out there that has something that's not selling as a want to renew we want to be an entrepreneur
We are a entrepreneur, but until something is selling, our business is just in the process of going to helling, right? And so until we sell something, so we have a problem, a solution, we have to sell something, and then we have to nail it and scale it. And so in David's case,
We now have pre-written scripts, pre-written emails, documented workflows. Everything is moving. And now it's very, very exciting. And if you go to, folks, and you click on Testimonials, I want people to see this. I want you to be filled with hope and encouragement. If you go to and you click on Testimonials, there is a listener out there today who needs to hear this, but there's a company called Peak Business Valuation. Peak Business Valuation. He was and is a listener to the E.O. Fire Show.
It's Do you know this guy's grown his business by over 15 times JLD since he went to forward slash EO fire and scheduled his first consultation? Folks, there's a, there's a company called Everyone should go there right now. Shawhomes. This company, we help them grow from $15 million a year. This is a podcast listener. Okay. A podcast listener.
We helped him grow his business from 15 million to $160 million in sales in under five years. A podcast listener, he took action. He took action and that company just sold. So just sold. And I could sit there and give you so many examples., This is a guy who consumes podcasts.
He listens to great broadcasts like this. Do you know we've helped him grow from a handful of locations to 550 locations? David, I'm not sure how much you've grown since we started working with you, but what kind of growth a percentage or how much growth have you seen over the past two years?
Our goal was US domination. And I think we're not there yet, but we've definitely went from, I think, maybe selling 20 bunkies in the USA to we'll do three or four million this year in the USA. Our Canadian business as well as continue to grow. So I think we're upwards of 60% up top line, but the more important part is our province have doubled.
And that can't be understated because so many people have growing pains where they grow and they become less profitable. And then some of them look up after a year or two and they're like, wait a second, I'm actually not making any money. This is actually costing me money to absolutely get up and grind my face off every single day. So David, I want you to kind of take it home before I give it back to Clay to really take it home.
David, I want you to take it home on your side of things by saying, you know, what to you has been the most meaningful impact of finding somebody who actually can help you in the areas that you need help. And I mean, of course, Clay's not going to be able to help you with your area of expertise within building bunks out and doing all the different fittings. Like you have that area of expertise. Clay has his area of expertise. Like what was the most meaningful result of you taking that step?
Just having that kind of stability in the emotional journey that was the last two or three years. It's been life changing for me. We have, as I said, doubled our profit. And we're already a profitable company. It wasn't like we were unprofitable, but we doubled our profits.
And we have a game plan now that we just need to execute on. So every week, I'll talk to my coach. We'll have an accountability call every single week. And it's always what can we do? And I say, I just need to execute on this plan. And so that complete clarity of what I need to do next, what is that next step on the journey? Just having that next step has been so huge. Because otherwise, like before, I was just floundering around trying something for a month or two and then giving up and trying something else and just shiny object.
chasing all over the place. And so just having that, what is the next step to do and what I need to execute on next has been, I think the reason we've been able to double our profits and grow into a completely different nation and continue to grow at home.
Floundering is the word Fire Nation. So many entrepreneurs are floundering. They're trying this or flopping over, they're trying this or flapping over, they're trying that. And they never have that consistency, which you know is King Fire Nation. That's why I've been doing a daily show for 12 plus years now. Consistency is king. You have to find what works and you keep doing it over and over again with improvements, by the way, all along the way. So Clay, take us home.
while to say this uh... you know since two thousand five i'm not sure when your listeners are going to hear this broadcast but i've been doing i've been coaching companies since two thousand five so this is my twentieth year and as of twenty twenty five this will be my twentieth year doing the same thing if you say what is that same thing
I help entrepreneurs reduce their working hours, decrease their costs and increase their time and financial freedom. How do I do it? I guide you down a proven path. I have a team that does photography, video, web, search engine, all of those solutions, and we charge less money than it would cost to hire even one minimum wage employee.
this just in folks, we charge $1,700 a month. And we also have scholarships for certain clients in need. So think about it, folks, for $1,700, which is less money than it would cost to hire even one minimum wage employee. What if you can have somebody that would coach you down a proven path? Well, that's what we do. And because I only take on 160 clients, it's kind of a thing where you're almost applying
to be a client or I'm applying to be your coach. Cause I don't want to work with someone who's not a good fit. So I would encourage everybody step one, step two, step three, step one, go to thrive time forward slash EO I know somebody's taking notes right now while navigating down a gravel road on a skateboard. So I'll read it again.
It's thrive time forward slash EO fire. Somebody right now is listening while they're getting spotty service and remote part of Puerto Rico. So go to thrive time forward slash EO fire step two. And once you go there, look at the testimonials. There's over 2400 2400 documented client success stories over the past 20 years. You can see these entrepreneurs on video. Go to thrive time Look at those testimonials. And then finally,
or day in your destiny, go to forward slash EO fire. Schedule that consultation and for anybody out there listening, sincerely, if you need a bolt-on bedroom or you're looking to add on some affordable, easy office space, I would encourage you to go to, I know there are thousands of people all across the world who've gone to and have purchased a custom cabin. I would encourage everybody check out the great products and services that David Frazier and his team provide there at
Fire Nation, you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. You've been hanging out with CCJLD and David today. So keep up that heat. For links to everything we talked about, visit Just type clay in the search bar. The show notes page will pop right up. And of course, thrive time slash eofire. Get that 13 point assessment done. Fire Nation 2025.
is your year take action. Clay, David, thank you for your time, your energy, your knowledge, your value for Fire Nation today. We salute you and we'll catch you on the flip side. Boom.
Hey, Fire Nation, a huge thank you to our sponsors and clay for sponsoring today's episode and Fire Nation book in 4000 of the world. Most successful entrepreneurs teach you how about how to achieve financial freedom and fulfillment. My first traditionally published book, the common path to uncommon success is a revolutionary 17 step roadmap that will lead you to the lifestyle you've been dreaming about. This book took me 10 years of accumulating the genius of the world's top entrepreneurs. And you can get it all in one place when you visit uncommon success
I'll catch you there, or on the flip side.
Success Story, hosted by Scott D. Clary, is brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network, the audio destination for business professionals. Success Story features Q&A sessions with successful business leaders, keynote presentations, and conversations on sales, marketing, business startups, and entrepreneurship. A recent episode discussing the billion dollar health secret with the founder and CEO of Whoop is a must listen. Listen to Success Story wherever you get your podcasts.
Fire Nation, you have a book inside you, and it's time to share your message with the world. That's why I created Author 100, a 100-day program where I will personally guide you 101 to create, write, publish, and market your book. If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to to sign up for a free call with me to chat about the details.