Boom, shake the room, Fire Nation. JLD here and welcome to Entrepreneurs on Fire. Brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network, the audio destination for business professionals with great shows like Inclusion and Marketing. Today, we'll be breaking down how to benefit from energetic leadership to make business prosper.
To drop these value bombs, I have brought Gita, Metalaire, and the EO Fire Studios. Gita is an intuitive and visionary pioneer in leadership development with a corporate background and education. She is a future speaker and creator and author of the book, Energetic Leadership. In today's Foundation, we'll talk about a new type of leadership. We'll talk about intuition, energy, consciousness, data, AI, and so much more. And a big thank you for sponsoring today's episode goes to Gita and our sponsors.
Success Story, hosted by Scott D. Clary, is brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network, the audio destination for business professionals. Success Story features Q&A sessions with successful business leaders, keynote presentations, and conversations on sales, marketing, business startups, and entrepreneurship. A recent episode discussing the billion dollar health secret with the founder and CEO of Whoop is a must listen. Listen to Success Story wherever you get your podcasts.
over 41,000 businesses have future-proofed their business with NetSuite by Oracle, the number one cloud ERP bringing accounting, financial management, inventory and HR into one platform. Download the CFO's guide to AI and machine learning for free at slash fire.
Gita, say what's up to Fire Nation and share something that you believe about becoming successful that most people disagree with. That's one thing I think people disagree with is that we are here to figure it out. Assume it, figure everything out from our brains, from what our thinking, from our data, from our knowledge and
We are not just here only for that. So figuring out is what is all about that we have to solve. In Fire Nation, one thing we'll be doing today is figuring it out as we talk about how to benefit from energetic leadership to make business prosper. Now, Gita, you believe that humans are demanding a new type of leadership. Tell us more.
I don't think it's only me demanding it or seeing it, but if we look out the window and see what's happening in societies and in the world, we can see that our
Climate, our nature and nature is suffering. So something is wrong there. We can also see that a lot of us are stressed and sick, you know, having troubles with the mental health or well-being. And we're also seeing signs in the way, in the workplace, where people are
not satisfied, you know, quiet quitting, silent quitting or people are starting to start their own businesses like being entrepreneurs. So setting up new ways of life design and how they build their also business life. So there's lots of signs of something happening like you could say a human disruption
Fire Nation, human disruption is happening all around us. That's why we're always looking to keep our finger on the pulse of what's happening, of bringing you individuals like Gita who are on the cutting edge, who see what's happening, who are making adjustments for what's happening. And that brings me to a question, Gita, about curiosity. I wanna talk about why curiosity can actually create foresightfulness and vision that we need to succeed in this world.
If you're only looking down in your data or in your models or in your what to do or to do lists or whatever, then you don't see out the window and what is actually taking place. And if you are an entrepreneur or you are in a leader in a corporate corporation or for a whole country, you need to be able to look out the window and you need to have authentic curiosity.
And it's not just curiosity from your top mind, but it's really from your bottom of your heart also. And the reason why we need to have that ability and to train it is because the world is happening in a faster and faster speed. We will see changes. So if we are not curious, just like if you are having a computer game and you are playing
a role and and you want to change that and you want to be more sharp in that role. You need to be curious about what is it I need to train? What competences do I need to have in order to perform in that role in the future? So that, you know, foresightfulness is really key if not only if you are a leader but we're all leaders in our own life and you could also say
Looking into the future or from now on, we are all entrepreneurs.
I love that phrase that we're all leaders in our own lives. And yes, we are all entrepreneurs. I mean, we are forging our own path. We're making things happen. I mean, this is entrepreneurs on fire for a reason because we don't just want you to be entrepreneurs, Fire Nation. We want you to be entrepreneurs on fire. And sometimes that means change, Gita. So what do we need to change within ourselves to make the shift and stay ahead?
we think we can figure it all out from our rational mind. We have been raised that way and our society have been built that way over many centuries. But now we have to add something that is new, not new in the sense that it has never been there, but we have forgotten about it.
And that is our ability to dive into our intuition and this potential that we have there. And so if we really want to make radical change and we need to do that, we need to do something totally different from what we're doing right now to stay ahead. And that is both using all our
Rationality, you know, data models and our drive to do our fire to do that, but also having the fire from within in order to stay ahead.
Gita, you're speaking our language when you say the fire from within because that's what we're looking to stoke here within entrepreneurs on fire within these episodes is bringing people like yourself on that are just letting people know like what is shifting in this world and how to shift with it, how to benefit from energetic leadership, how to prosper in business. Like these are the things that we're talking about and more fire nation when we get back from thinking our sponsors.
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My goal is to turn you into a fully optimized human based off of your life goals. If you want to learn more about this program, visit slash optimize. We'll jump on a call. We'll discuss the specifics of the program. And if we both feel it's a fit, we'll talk about next steps. slash optimize.
Gita, we're back and I want to talk about energy consciousness. What can energy consciousness do to create both better intuition and wisdom within ourselves? First of all, I think we have to sort of that and not accept, but realize that everything is energy, like energy frequencies.
So everything in our society, our body, our chair, our cars, everything is actually energy. So you have to sort of say yes to that condition that we are all nature.
then you realize, if you are going ahead that way, that you also can work with your own energy. So we as individuals, we have our own energy field with our frequency and we sometimes you know it because we can sense that, you know, walk into a room and it's not feel very comfortable or these people are really nice to be with. So
We have to train much more how this energy works for us and understand how we can tap into the energy because if we are able to do that we will also unleash our potential through our intuition.
And by doing that, we will dig into our own wisdom. Why are we here? What is my purpose of being here on earth? Sometimes we can walk in life and we think, you know, I'm not really happy in what I'm doing.
something that is not either good for me, I get sick of it, or maybe I'm not just happy with doing it. So if we're really there to surrender to not trying to figure it out, but we still
and listen within, then we can actually get hold of that treasure that lies within us. And we are 8 billion on this earth and we have 8 billion sort of soul paths to walk. So it's not a matter of trying to compete with anyone because we have our own way.
Fire Nation, there is that treasure within. And I really like how Gita's talking about this because if we can become, if we can pause, if we can reflect, if we can look within, have silence, have space, you can find that treasure within. You can start doing things around that because energy consciousness, I mean, what are we in this world? We are energy. That's what we are. We project it. We are it.
That is our every day. And one thing that entrepreneurs do find difficult, Gita, is staying relevant in this world. I mean, as time goes on, things change, adjust pivots, you know, cycles come, cycles go. How must businesses transform to stay relevant and resilient in the future?
The funny thing is that when we, as humans, we change. We are also customers in other businesses, and we are also maybe employees in other corporations or businesses. So when people change, we also need to change the way we lead or develop our businesses.
A business, whether it's a one man show or it's, you know, 10 or 100 or whatever.
We have to look at how is it our business model must adjust? How is it our customer journey should shift? How is it our processes should be? Are the touch points that we are using? What drives loyalty in these different touch points? What should change there? The value proposition, how is that going to change?
Are we going to use KPIs in the same way as we've done before? So the whole way of looking at how we drive and lead a business will also need to change. Not just because humans are doing it, you know, demanding it, you could say, but also because we need to find
a new way of building a sustainable future and we have come a long way but now we have to do something totally different and that is really going to be fun because we're going to build a new world that is much more joyful and hopefully also much more booking after nature so we can be here for a much longer period
Gita, I'm really resonating with what you're saying. I truly believe these words and Fire Nation. I hope you are as well because this is the type of outlook that is so nice to have for the future because there is so much possible. There's so much goodness that can come and
A lot of people are getting overwhelmed now, Gita, because there's data, there's AI, there's intuition, and the reality is some people just shy away from all of these things because they don't really know where to start. You believe that we can improve our decisions with these things, with data, with AI, with intuition. Tell us more.
If it hadn't been for technology and assume meeting, you know, that we are recording this on, you know, we couldn't have talked to each other sitting in different countries. So technology is really helping us a long way and we get connected and we can even get energetic connection even if we are far away from each other.
because we are still sort of connected in a bigger sense. But if we only look at data and if we only go out the AI or technological way, we will still not have a
been able to use our full potential. And our full potential comes when we access the gift that we're really here for. You know, what is it our true calling is? And we can do that by being much more conscious about what it is we're here for, like yourself,
As far as I've understood, experienced that. So you are really what I call walking onto feet because you are using both your very rational and lots of drive, but you're also using your intuition and you have followed what you wanted to do. And as far as I understood, I happy doing that. So a very good role model for it.
And if we only look at data and all the data that AI now can produce and not have sort of the other leg or use the clutch, if we only use the speed up, then we will not succeed. And we will not succeed in also
the technological, you know, next 10 years we will have AI being
what we call true AI. So if we are not sort of gaining back our own power as humans, then we might not be able to control what AI is actually able to do. So the better we are as humans, the better AI and technological gadgets and whatever we develop will become.
Gita, let's take a step back because we've talked about a lot today. We've talked about energy consciousness. We talked about a new type of leadership, curiosity, vision, intuition, so many great things, all around how to benefit from energetic leadership to make business prosper. What is the one key takeaway that you really want to make sure our listeners get from our conversation today?
It really is like I started out. We cannot figure it out. We have to try and surrender.
to our energy and follow what our both our rational mind but also our intuition but that in a combination and in order to do that the best thing and the recommendation is to be able to be still to have a break to take a pause and then listen within because we will get so much
guidance from within. So you can get lots of both energy to do it, but also a lot of inspiration that comes from a true place. So it's like really having an advisory board or
that isn't add on to what you might have in your sort of human life. So not try to figure it out, but just become and listen within and also add all the knowledge that we have and all the data that we have, but really be balanced in the way that you
lead your life and lead your business, but also by looking at the window and seeing what's ahead of you. Gita, if Fire Nation is listening right now and they are really resonating with the words that you're saying, how can they connect with you? How can they learn more? What is your call to action for our listeners today?
My call to action is really to get hold of my book, which is called Energetic Leadership. It is an inspirational guide to how you lead yourself and your business into the new era. And you can get hold of it at or any other place where you buy books or the audiobook you can get at
And it is actually quite an innovative audiobook because it is with my cloned voice. So I have tried to be innovative in doing that one. And then you can get hold of me on my website. And my website is
Fire Nation, you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. You've been hanging out with GM and JLD today, so keep up that heat. For links to everything we talked about, visit and type Gita. That's G-I-T-T-E in the search bar and the show notes page will pop right up. Gita, thank you for sharing your truth, your knowledge, your value with Fire Nation. For that, we salute you and we'll catch you on the flip side.
Thank you very much for having me. Hey, Fire Nation, a huge thank you to our sponsors and Gita for sponsoring today's episode and Fire Nation over the last decade. I've interviewed more than 4,000 of the world's most successful entrepreneurs. And I've created a revolutionary 17 step roadmap to your financial freedom and fulfillment. I put it all into my first traditionally published book, the common path to uncommon success, personally endorsed by Seth Godin and Gary Vaynerchuk.
The common path to uncommon success is the step-by-step guidance that you need to achieve the lifestyle of your dreams. Visit I'll catch you there or on the flip side.
Success Story, hosted by Scott D. Clary, is brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network, the audio destination for business professionals. Success Story features Q&A sessions with successful business leaders, keynote presentations, and conversations on sales, marketing, business startups, and entrepreneurship. A recent episode discussing the billion dollar health secret with the founder and CEO of Whoop is a must listen. Listen to Success Story wherever you get your podcasts.
Over 41,000 businesses have future-proofed their business with NetSuite by Oracle, the number one cloud ERP bringing accounting, financial management, inventory and HR into one platform. Download the CFO's guide to AI and machine learning for free at slash fire.