Podcast Summary
Taking action: Knowing what actions to take isn't enough, taking action is where the challenge lies. To create the life we desire, we must take responsibility and make a conscious effort to follow through on our intentions.
Knowing what actions to take to improve our lives or achieve our goals isn't enough. Many people struggle with taking action despite knowing what they need to do. During this podcast episode, Rob emphasized the importance of actually doing what needs to be done to create the life we desire. He shared his honest perspective on the issue and encouraged listeners to rate and review the podcast to help it reach more people. Rob also acknowledged that this topic might not be for everyone since he planned to be blunt. He emphasized that knowing what actions to take is common knowledge, but taking those actions is where the challenge lies. He reminded us that if we truly want to make a change, we must take responsibility and make a conscious effort to follow through on our intentions. So, the next time you find yourself knowing what you need to do but not doing it, remember the importance of taking action and the impact it can have on your life.
Taking Action: Preparing, planning, and talking about doing something doesn't make it happen. Focus on taking small steps towards your goals every day to see progress and results.
Preparing, planning, and talking about doing something are not the same as actually doing it. According to an anonymous quote that has been circulating on the internet, there are many things we know we need to do in order to achieve our goals, whether it's making more money, getting in shape, or pursuing a passion. However, simply preparing to do the thing, scheduling time for it, or even telling others about our intentions, doesn't make it happen. The only way to truly do the thing is to take action and actually do it. So, instead of getting stuck in the planning and preparation stage, focus on taking small steps towards your goals every day. It may be uncomfortable at first, but the sense of accomplishment and progress you'll make by doing the thing will far outweigh the initial discomfort. Remember, the only way to truly make a difference and see results is by taking action and doing the thing.
Action over preparation: Focusing on taking action instead of constantly seeking out more information or resources is essential for growth and success, despite potential mistakes or discomfort.
Action trumps preparation. While it's important to learn and gain knowledge, there comes a point where you need to put that knowledge into practice. In the context of starting a business or being a salesperson, this means taking the leap and actually starting the business or making the cold calls, instead of constantly seeking out more information or resources. The speaker emphasizes that many business owners fail due to a mindset issue, where they get caught up in the preparation phase and neglect the actual doing. So, the key takeaway is to focus on taking action, even if it means making mistakes or feeling uncomfortable, as this is the only way to truly grow and succeed.
Fear of Action: Don't let the fear of taking action hold you back from making progress towards your goals. Research and preparation are important, but ultimately, action is necessary.
While learning and researching are important, they should not replace taking action towards your goals. Using the analogy of running a business, the speaker emphasizes that while it's valuable to gain knowledge from books, podcasts, and conferences, the actual building of the business is what truly matters. Similarly, if your goal is to run a marathon, researching the best shoes and shorts is important, but ultimately, you need to put in the effort and go out and run. The fear of taking action is often the right thing to face, and delaying it with endless research or preparation can hinder progress. So, whether it's starting a business or training for a marathon, the key is to take action and not let the fear of the unknown hold you back.
Productivity vs Busyness: Focusing on productivity instead of being busy involves taking action towards achieving goals, while being busy may involve doing a lot of things that don't contribute to progress.
It's important to focus on being productive rather than just being busy. In the given example, a person was planning to improve their running skills by researching various resources like YouTube videos, articles, podcasts, books, and magazines. However, they could have been more productive by actually going for a run instead of getting lost in the research. This is a common issue many people face, especially business owners who often find themselves engrossed in ancillary tasks rather than focusing on the core activity. Being productive means taking action towards achieving your goals, while being busy involves doing a lot of things that may not necessarily contribute to your progress. So, the next time you find yourself getting sidetracked by research or other distractions, remember to put on your shoes and just start running.
Evaluating Progress Towards Goals: Regularly assess if actions move you closer to or further from your goals, prioritize time and focus accordingly, and avoid distractions to maximize progress
It's essential to evaluate whether the actions we're taking are moving us closer to or further from our goals. Constantly asking yourself this question can help prioritize your time and focus on what truly matters. For instance, researching running shoes might not directly contribute to becoming a better runner; instead, go for a run and research shoes at more convenient times. Life is binary, and success, whatever it means to us, is achievable only if we take action towards it. So, don't let distractions hinder your progress. Instead, make the most of your time and energy to work towards your goals.
Personal growth and development: Deliberate action is necessary for personal growth and development; allowing children to struggle and learn on their own is essential for building self-sufficiency
Personal growth and development require deliberate action. You are responsible for making progress towards your goals, whether it's building a business, losing weight, or becoming a better parent. No one else can do it for you. A related insight from the discussion on parenting is that allowing children to struggle and learn on their own is essential for building their self-sufficiency. Overprotective parenting, while well-intentioned, can create a reliance on others and hinder their growth. Reflecting on our own upbringing, we may have experienced overly involved parents who did our homework or solved our problems. While their intentions were good, this excessive help might have hindered our ability to learn essential life skills. Embrace the challenge of personal growth and development, and remember that the power to change lies within you.
Self-reliance: Recognize when you've settled for less than your potential and make a decision to change, challenging limiting beliefs and fears in your head to take action towards your goals.
As adults, we cannot rely on others to save us or make decisions for us. We must take responsibility for our own lives and make changes when we're no longer satisfied with our current situation. The speaker shares his own experience of achieving success early in life, but then becoming complacent and losing sight of who he was. He encourages us to recognize when we've settled for less than our potential and to make a decision to change. Limiting beliefs and fears that hold us back are often just in our heads, and it's up to us to challenge them and take action towards our goals. The speaker's message is one of empowerment and self-reliance, urging us to remember who we used to be and strive to be that person again.
Decision making, cutting off options: Making a decision to change your life requires commitment and cutting off all other options, leaving no turning back to create the life you want.
Making a decision to change your life requires commitment and cutting off all other options. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making a conscious decision to leave the past behind and work hard to create the life you want. The root word of decision is "decidery," which means to cut off, indicating that there should be no turning back once a decision is made. To achieve success, happiness, wealth, or personal growth, one must take action and burn their ships, leaving no other option but to move forward. As Marshall Mathers puts it, "success is my only motherf\*\*king option, failures not." Ultimately, the most important thing is to decide who you want to be and what actions you need to take to become that person.
Dreams and Action: Chase your dreams and take action to fulfill them. Don't stay in your comfort zone, step out and make a difference in your life and in others'.
Many people have dreams, but few take the necessary steps to make them a reality. This often leads to unfulfilled potential and regret, as most individuals remain in their comfort zones instead of pursuing their aspirations. It's important to step out of this comfort zone, take action, and work towards your goals. By doing so, not only can you achieve what you desire, but you can also inspire others to do the same. Keep in mind that each person has the ability to create a meaningful life, and chasing dreams can lead to greater fulfillment. It’s crucial to support one another in this journey and make a positive impact on the world around us. Every small action counts, so take the first step today and remember to uplift those around you. Doing so can lead to a more satisfying and vibrant life for yourself and for others.