
How Others See You


July 03, 2023

TLDR: Psychologist says many people underestimate how much others actually like them, giving a distorted picture of themselves through social illusions. The podcast revisits one of its most popular episodes on this topic.

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  • The Distorted Perception of How Others Perceive UsWe often misinterpret others' intentions and have a more negative view of our social lives than reality suggests, emphasizing the need to see the world with clarity and not let biases shape our self-perception.

    Our perceptions of how others perceive us are often distorted. We spend a lot of time wondering if people notice our flaws or if they find us interesting. However, research suggests that we are not good judges of our social interactions. We often misinterpret others' intentions and have a more pessimistic view of our social lives than reality warrants. In a study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, psychologist Erica Boothby found that there can be a wide gap between how we perceive our interactions and how others perceive them. This highlights the importance of seeing the world with greater clarity and not allowing our own biases and insecurities to shape our perception of ourselves.

  • The Liking Gap: Underestimating Others' Positive Feelings in Social InteractionsPeople frequently underestimate how much others like them, leading to distorted perceptions and potentially harming their social relationships. Being aware of this liking gap can help build healthier connections with others.

    People often underestimate how much others like them and enjoy their conversations. This phenomenon, called the liking gap, is most commonly observed when people are getting acquainted for the first time. Initial conversations are often enjoyed by both parties, but individuals tend to underestimate how much the other person likes them. This liking gap can persist even as people spend more time together, as seen in the experiment with college roommates. People tend to be more pessimistic about their social lives than reality warrants, falling into social traps that distort their perceptions. It is important to be aware of these distortions and find ways to overcome them for healthier social relationships.

  • Amplifying Social Illusions in High-Pressure Dating SituationsIn high-pressure situations like dating, we tend to obsess over our perceived faults and worry about how others perceive us. However, we often exaggerate negative judgments, when in reality, people may not even remember or judge us for our small mistakes.

    Social illusions can be amplified in high-pressure situations, such as dating. When we care deeply about what someone thinks of us, we put extra pressure on ourselves to impress them. This hyperawareness of our shortcomings, the things we wish we had said or hadn't said, becomes overwhelmingly salient. We often replay these trivial moments in our heads, wondering what others thought of us and becoming consumed by self-doubt. However, the reality is that these thoughts often run wild, and we tend to exaggerate the negative judgments we believe others have about us. In the end, people may not even remember or judge us for these small slip-ups.

  • Overcoming Social Illusions in Relationships and ConversationsBeing explicit and open in communication helps bridge gaps and avoids misunderstandings in relationships and conversations.

    Social illusions can persist even in longstanding relationships. Familiarity with someone doesn't automatically dissolve these illusions. It is not a guarantee that we understand how others think or what they judge people for, even as we get closer to them. There is always a gap in our knowledge. Additionally, conversations often run longer or shorter than either party wants because we rely on implicit cues instead of communicating explicitly. Humans tend to hide information that would allow the other person to draw accurate conclusions. The takeaway is that being more explicit and open in our communication can help bridge the gap and avoid misunderstandings in relationships and conversations.

  • The Distorted Reflection: How We Misinterpret Others' Perception of UsWe are often overly critical of ourselves, but in reality, people see us in a kinder light and are understanding of our mistakes. Let go of self-doubt and embrace the positive perception of others.

    We tend to be overly critical of ourselves and worry about what others think of us. However, the reflections we see of ourselves in the eyes of others are often distorted. We misinterpret social interactions and underestimate how others perceive us. Just like Erica's experience living in Italy, where she felt insecure about her language skills but later realized that people admired her efforts, we often project negative thoughts onto others that they aren't actually having. Whether it's in a foreign country or our everyday interactions, people are generally understanding and forgiving of mistakes. We should remember that our conversation partners are charitable and don't expect perfection. So, let go of self-doubt and embrace the fact that others see us in a kinder light than we see ourselves.

  • The Illusion of Transparency: How We Misjudge Others' Perception of UsWe often overestimate how much others notice and judge our internal states or minor details, while in reality, people are more focused on our behavior and overall appearance.

    We often have a distorted perception of how others perceive us in social interactions. This is due to the illusion of transparency, where we believe that our internal states are on display for everyone to see and that people are using that information to evaluate us. However, research shows that others are not as focused on these minute details as we think. In an experiment, participants who were wearing a shirt with a photo of Pablo Escobar overestimated how much attention others paid to their shirt. Instead, people were more concerned with other aspects such as their behavior or overall appearance. Therefore, it is important to remember that our self-consciousness and comparisons to previous performances are not always shared by others.

  • The Impacts of Overestimating Judgment and Giving Importance to Minor DetailsPeople tend to form general impressions of us and are more forgiving and understanding than we think. Be authentic and worry less about managing a specific image.

    We often overestimate how much others notice and judge us based on specific details or insecurities we have about ourselves. While we may be hyper-aware of our own flaws or concerns, people are typically focused on forming a general impression of us rather than scrutinizing every minute aspect. This applies to both our evaluations of others and their evaluations of us. We tend to assess others in broad strokes, trying to determine if they are friend or foe, trustworthy or not. Similarly, when we worry about being judged, we fixate on small details that may not actually be the basis of judgment. People are generally more forgiving and understanding than we give them credit for, making us relatable and overlooking imperfections. Ultimately, we could benefit from being more authentic and less concerned with managing a specific image.

  • The Illusion of Invisibility: Our Perceptions of ObservationWe often wrongly assume that others are not paying attention to us, but in reality, people observe us more than we think. It's important to be mindful of our surroundings and remember that others are watching us.

    Our perception of how much we are being observed versus how much we observe others can be quite different. In the Harry Potter story, Harry receives an invisibility cloak that allows him to be unseen by others. Similarly, in real life, we often feel like we are invisible and that others are not paying much attention to us. However, a study conducted by Erica Boothby showed that people tend to overestimate how much they observe others while underestimating how much they themselves are being observed. This illusion can lead to situations where people discuss sensitive information in public, thinking they are having private conversations. It serves as a reminder that while we may feel invisible, others are also watching and paying attention to us.

  • The Paradox of Being Observed: Overestimation and UnderestimationWe often overestimate how much we are being watched when we are not interacting, but underestimate how much we are remembered after conversations. Be mindful of how we present ourselves and the lasting impact we have on others.

    Our perception of being observed by others can be both overestimated and underestimated. We often feel like we are the ones watching others when we are not directly interacting with them, but become more self-conscious and concerned about how we come off when we are engaged in conversation. Additionally, we tend to replay and remember our conversations, thinking about the advice or stories shared, but we underestimate how much we remain on other people's minds after the interaction. This perpetuates the illusion that others are not observing us as much as we think. Overall, we need to be aware that others may be watching us, and that our conversations have a lasting impact on them, even if they don't explicitly express it.

  • The Limitations of Our Perception and the Influence of Social IllusionsOur limited understanding of others' thoughts and feelings contributes to misunderstandings and biases in relationships. The liking gap, where people believe others like them less than they actually do, emerges in childhood and persists until adolescence. More research is needed to understand how social illusions evolve throughout life.

    Our perception of others' thoughts and feelings is limited, leading to social illusions. We tend to focus on our own thoughts and feelings, considering them readily available and salient. However, we lack access to the inner workings of other people's minds. This basic gap in perception contributes to misunderstandings and biases in relationships, as exemplified by the liking gap between individuals. The liking gap, where individuals believe that others like them less than they actually do, emerges around age five and increases until adolescence. As we become more self-conscious and concerned with our reputation, social illusions become more prevalent. However, it is hypothesized that as we grow older, our self-confidence may diminish these illusions. Further research is needed to understand the evolution of social illusions in different life stages.

  • Social Illusions: Distorted Perception and Self-criticism in Social InteractionsRecognizing and understanding social illusions can help alleviate anxiety and improve social interactions by realizing that others experience similar feelings.

    Our perception of social interactions can be distorted by social illusions. Erica Boothby and Shankar Vedantam discuss the liking gap and how our self-critical thoughts can affect our perception of how others see us. They also explore personality traits like shyness and narcissism and how they can contribute to these illusions. While these illusions may serve a functional purpose in helping us improve and become more socially savvy, they can also lead to pitfalls if we become too focused on self-criticism. Recognizing these illusions and being aware of their existence can help us see things more clearly. By understanding that others experience similar feelings, we can alleviate the anxiety and worry that often comes with social interactions.

  • The Importance of Outside Perspective and Open Communication in Social SituationsSeeking outside perspectives and engaging in open communication can enhance social interactions by gaining clarity and understanding different viewpoints. It is beneficial to systematically invite others into our lives for fresh insights.

    Seeking outside perspective and open communication are valuable tools in navigating social situations. Erica Boothby emphasizes the importance of turning to friends, family members, or therapists to gain a clearer understanding of reality. She suggests inviting third parties into our lives systematically, rather than only when something feels amiss, as their different perspectives can shed new light on our experiences. Additionally, Erica highlights the power of simply asking people directly about their thoughts and feelings. She cites an example from the TV show Ted Lasso, where open communication helps clear up misunderstandings between two individuals. This conversation underscores the significance of seeking external input and practicing open dialogue for better social interactions.

  • Shifting Focus to Others: Building Better RelationshipsBy shifting our attention from ourselves to the other person, we can reduce social anxiety, create positive rapport, and strengthen relationships through genuine curiosity and appreciation.

    Shifting our attention from ourselves to the other person can help dismantle social illusions and improve our relationships. Research suggests that focusing on learning about our conversation partner and being curious about them can reduce social anxiety and self-critical thoughts. Instead of being preoccupied with what others think of us, asking questions and showing genuine interest in the other person can create a positive rapport and make them like us more. Additionally, the power of compliments can also strengthen relationships. Just like how Erica admires the skilled surfer at 38th Street, acknowledging and appreciating others' abilities or qualities can foster connection and provide opportunities for learning from them.

  • The Power of Compliments: Breaking Down Barriers and Building ConnectionsGiving and receiving compliments can boost self-esteem, challenge negative beliefs, and foster positive connections with others.

    Offering compliments can break down the barrier of self-doubt and bridge the gap between how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us. Erica shares her experience of receiving a compliment from the King of 38th, which made her feel seen and appreciated. She now understands the power of compliments and actively makes an effort to give them to others while surfing. People often underestimate how positively others think of them, leading to a negative self-concept. When someone gives us a compliment, it challenges our negative beliefs and reassures us that we are liked and appreciated. Compliments serve as a window into others' genuine thoughts and can make a significant difference in building positive connections.

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