He’s Not Your Husband
January 31, 2025
TLDR: The podcast this week features advice from the hosts, a recap of Abbey's bachelorette weekend, and listener submissions about personal issues like liking one's best friend's man, getting over an ex, etc.

In this week’s episode of What We Said, the hosts discuss a wide range of personal topics, drawing from their own experiences and listener submissions. The episode covers themes of friendship, self-discovery, and advice on interpersonal relationships. The vibe is lighthearted and relatable, as they share their insights after Abbey’s bachelorette weekend.
Fresh Starts: Embracing February
The hosts kick off the episode by reflecting on the transition from January to February. They emphasize the importance of:
- Setting Goals: It's never too late to start fresh. Listeners are encouraged to create vision boards and set clear objectives for the new month.
- Refreshing Energy: The hosts talk about personal growth and the necessity of shaking off the "doomsday" vibes from January, positioning February as a month for productivity and renewal.
Abbey's Bachelorette Weekend Highlights
The main bulk of the episode is dedicated to recounting their experiences from Abbey’s bachelorette party. Key highlights include:
- Floral Arranging: They participated in a floral arranging class, which turned out to be a healing and creative experience.
- Creativity Through Gardening: The hosts discuss gardening as a therapeutic outlet. Some have faced setbacks but found satisfaction in re-planting and nurturing flowers.
- The Beauty of Small Moments: The girls emphasize the significance of enjoying small, beautiful moments together—like arranging flowers and sharing meals—which can greatly contribute to mental health.
Handling Complicated Friendships
In the listener advice segment, a submission touches on the complexities of friendships interwoven with romantic interests. The hosts offer thoughtful approaches to address the situation. Key takeaways include:
- Honesty is Key: Recommended communication with the friend about any romantic interest to ensure transparency and avoid hidden resentments.
- Self-Reflection: Being mindful of one's feelings in relationships—whether friendships or romantic—can help clarify desires and needs.
- Respect Boundaries: While navigating these personal dynamics, it's essential to respect everyone's emotional boundaries and needs.
Navigating Long-Distance Relationships
Another listener submission poses a question about whether to give a long-distance boyfriend a second chance. The hosts provide insights like:
- Trust Yourself: If there are signs of insecurity and emotional imbalance (like feeling "not good enough"), it’s crucial to listen to that intuition.
- Time Apart Can Bring Clarity: Sometimes, taking a break and seeing how it feels can lead to better resolution and understanding of what one truly wants and needs.
Advice on Setting Healthy Boundaries
As the episode winds down, the conversation shifts toward establishing personal boundaries within friendships, particularly in business dynamics. The hosts suggest:
- Clear Boundaries: It’s healthy to ensure that friendship doesn't blend too much with work; setting specific times for personal interaction can help maintain balance.
- Self-Care: Reminding listeners to listen to their "social batteries" and prioritize their mental health over feeling obligated to socialize.
The episode encapsulates a myriad of relatable personal experiences, offering insights into handling friendships, self-care, and the emotional complexities of relationships. The hosts emphasize community, creativity, and the importance of nurturing both friendships and self-awareness as they close out the enlightening discussion.
Key Takeaways
Listeners are encouraged to:
- Reflect on personal goals and set fresh intentions.
- Embrace creativity through everyday activities.
- Communicate openly in friendships and romantic relationships.
- Prioritize self-care and maintain healthy personal boundaries.
This episode of What We Said serves as a reminder that while life can be complex, taking intentional steps towards self-improvement and honest communication can make all the difference.
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Hello, hello, hello and welcome back to the what we said podcast. Hey, I hope you guys are having a great Friday so far. Ready for the weekend. January is over and done with you did it. You made it through and forget about it. It's February. It's a fresh start. Yeah. Now is grind time. Yeah. Now it's time to lock in. Now it's time to really lock in if you haven't already made the goals vision board like we can get you really get started now.
You're not late yet, but you're bordering only. Exactly. To the New Year's vibes. Yep. No more sleepy time. Yeah. Wake up! I feel like January has been a little bit doomsday, a little bit weird energy. Yeah, actually. I bet rancid energy, which is hard for me to say,
because it was Capricorn season. It was my 30th birthday. Not like our vibes have been great, but like the vibes, the world over all globally. Yeah, rancid. Definitely. Nothing's looking up. Just between the awful LA fires, TikTok getting banned, new presidency. I just feel like there's a lot.
of things changing and happening. But it's time to take a deep breath, refresh our energy, and get started with a good month. I'm excited. Well, first of all, I replanted my flowers, which if you're wondering why there wasn't a flower update, gardening update for a while, it's because I neglected them again.
No offense to my mom because she helped me like dig up my, you know, I dipped my toe in my first little, your what? Or dipped your toe in? Yeah, I dipped my toe into gardening. Yeah. Like it's a figure of speech. I thought you said I did my toe something and I don't know. Like I did my toes this morning, my nails. No, I dipped my toe into gardening.
with my first little flower bed. And then I got the hang of it. You guys know, as I've told you, I let them die. And then I replanted more with my mom, but I didn't like what I did. What I'm learning is with gardening, maybe like flower specifically, not necessarily like trying to
Get food or like herbs from them just purely aesthetic like the flowers of them is a creative Outlet for me like putting them in and like kind of placing like kind of landscaping like placing the design of them Yeah, and I did not like what I did last time with the flowers like the way it looked Yes, there was just like some sticking up in weird ways I wasn't very you know, whatever anyways
And with my mental health decline, so did my flowers. And that's how you know, if you walked, you know, by my flower bed, you'd be like, okay, I need to check on her. That's normal though. And I took a picture of it. They were just like dead and shriveled up and I didn't water them for a while.
Granted, it was cold and like the smoke was in like the air for like a day or two over here or maybe more. I don't even know, but the air was just like super dry. Whatever. So fresh start. I was like, okay, I'm going to feel better. David Goggins in my head said, get up. Get your flowers going. Yeah.
And I went and picked out some that I really felt like were beautiful, the vibe that I wanted to go for. I know a little bit more now about like full sunflowers and just, you know, I'm getting better and better. And it's so satisfying. It really is like.
I'm acting as if I know I'm like, yeah, totally. It's an art form. I love doing that. My garden is stunning. Have you seen my yard lately? It's really beautiful. Yeah, the succulents. But yeah, so I replanted some of those and they look so good and it's so satisfying to see them like growing and new blooms coming out again. I'm like, oh.
Life is worth living when you have, you just see like when you're working on something. Yeah. It's just so, it's such a good way to just like get out of your head and like really, I don't know, I've been loving it again. So that's good. I think maybe that's also just the seasons. Maybe I'm just, you know, really leaning into like winter things die and then we're active as, as if it's spring. It's not. To me it is because winter's when January is over, it's summer.
Like i'm over it so i want ice cold lemonade in my hand i want to be laying by the pool like what do you mean it's still winter i don't and we don't even live christmas is cold like i can't imagine if you. Live somewhere where it's genuinely actually so cold and you have to be where like really layering and.
Yeah, you know, what sort I'm looking for. Usually in cold places, this is like peak winter. I know, like it gets worse. I feel like February is extremely cold. Like March is still cold. I even feel like April is still.
pretty chilly in a lot of places. I mean, we can't even complain, but truly, once January is over, I'm just like, I don't, to me, it's not winter anymore. And mentally, I can only do the whole, like, the dark, the cold, the gloomy, the resting for so long. And then I'm just like, I need freshness.
So it's summer at the what we said podcast, you heard it here first, even though we're wearing complete. We're very cozy today. We got back from Abby's bachelorette yesterday. And it was so, so fun, but I'm feeling so cozy right now. When I woke up, I was a little bit sick. I don't know if it's from.
doing a lot of social things or the dry air or whatever. But I'm like, I just wanted to cozy up, which reminds me I'm literally taking off these slippers and putting my feet up because I've been having this weird sciatic pain again in my like, wherever that, you know, my butt leg area. I used to get it when I was pregnant and like randomly the other day I started getting it again. No idea why. Really? It's still here.
Yeah, just for the past few days. So it kind of hurts to like cross my legs. I have to just, I'm just extra cozy right now in my chair. Anyway, Abby's Bachelor, it was so fun. Yeah, it was so fun. It was the best.
The best, most serene vibes we did. A very abby centered, you know, the vision board was visioning, as JC said. It was, it was happening. We manifested too close to the sun. We literally nailed it. I, all the, all the frees. We girl boss manifested too close to the sun. We were literally on the sun walking. Like, you guys don't even know what you do. We kind of popped off like we did. And.
But really, when I was putting the vision board together initially.
I was like, I'm being a little too crazy. Like I'm being a little too ambitious, you know? And I was like, okay, trying to get the best vibes that represented Abby. She's very artsy. She's very like serene, likes painting, likes outdoorsy stuff, you know, like meditation yoga, like things like that. And obviously I knew this wasn't going to be a bachelorette party where we're like going out on the town and like doing anything crazy.
So as I started planning, I'm like, okay, I'm kind of like, am I biting off more than I can chew with these vibes? Like, am I, is this actually going to happen? And with the help of JC, we, I feel like nailed it, like 100%. The events and Abby's friend Jessica is a florist.
floors. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure that's our name. I'm like, no, that's concerning. No, it's best for us. And we just spent all weekend with us. Is that her name? No, for some reason, I was going to say a floral, but that makes no sense. She's a stranger. Yes. And she brought a bunch of flowers to kind of teach us. We did like a floral arranging breakfast. The way
that healed my soul. She taught us so many tips and tricks. All of our arrangements were looking stunning because of her tips and tricks. Like I didn't even know that that was possible because when I go to Trader Joe's and I get a bunch of, you know, bunches of flowers, I know a couple tricks. Like I know that you at least have to take some of the leaves off. You know, we're not just stick them in.
But the things that she taught, like the things she taught us, the things that she said, you guys would never have the audacity. You'll never have the chance to learn what we learned this weekend. But really, just like the tips that she gave us made the biggest difference. It was so fun. It was so fun.
experience yeah it was a perfect little morning chill activity and nothing like flowers to me they are the most beautiful like especially photographing flowers i was feeling very this weekend was not about me okay but i did feel very creative and like recharged yes that when i was there because i feel like
Even having Abby get dressed up and like we had these floral arrangements. I had her hold some of the flowers for a shoot, which I'm going to take her bridles too. So I'm going to really get the whole vibes. But like shooting those photos reminded me of just being a photographer. And I'm like, I have always just loved flowers like photographing them. I think it's so beautiful on film. I think that flowers are.
like the colors, how they're so, I don't know, I just loved, you know, of course I'm always the token photographer and like, I eat that up. Like I wear that title loudly and proudly, I give it to myself by the way, like I just love to obviously document everything. And it was so fun to like take pictures of Abby painting and just with the flowers and stuff. And like when you guys were putting those floral arrangements together and I was shooting them on film, I haven't even seen the photos yet, but I just know, like I know in my soul,
They eat, they eat.
and just you wait, they will. No, I know. It was just such a pretty, it was like, it couldn't not because it was so beautiful. Like the place we stayed, which you did so good at picking the place was perfect. A bunch of people actually got a few messages that were like, I only posted one photo and people were like, I stayed here for like my wedding or whatever. And they're like, oh, nice. It was so beautiful. That would be a good place for a wedding, honestly, like a small wedding. Well, not everyone could stay there, but just something. Yeah. It was so, it was so pretty. It's, yeah.
It was a desert vibe. It was outside of Joshua Tree. Yeah, it was just very serene. The first night we went there, we had a disco in the desert thing. We went to this little restaurant that was very... Is that the 70s? It was disco. There was a disco ball. They're going to use the 70s, I think.
And it was called the copper room. It was so cute. Like the vibe. We felt like we were transported to the 70s. Yeah. Like the waiter, everything, we were like, what is happening? All of us dressed up in like sparkly bell bottoms, you know, fun feathers, sequins. Yeah. And it was really fun. The highlight of that night was seeing this older lady, literally in her 70s or 80s, maybe. Probably 80. Yeah. She had a cane.
There was a DJ there and there was like a disco ball. So you can kind of dance, but no one was dancing. It was just like. People are just eating. Yeah. Yeah. And I just look over and I see her. I know I use that term a lot. They were not eating metaphorically, but this woman was eating metaphorically. She was up. She was dancing. She had the best rhythm. I was getting so.
choked up. I was like, this is, this is living. Yeah, she was alone. Yes. With her cane that lit up, her cane was lighting up and she's just like, doing like little to the dance, like to the line dance or something. Yeah. She was just, she could not walk super well. Like she couldn't move super well and she was using her cane. But she, you could tell, I know like she was a dancer. Like she in her day, she loved to dance because she had great rhythm and she was just vibing and we were like, wow, she's just alone on a Friday night or Saturday night.
vibing on this dance floor. And that is what I aspire to be. No, same. It was the best part to start out with. Yeah. Yeah. And then the next day we did the breakfast with the floral arranging. And then we had literally we were in our PJs to like one, which was the best, fantastic. Elwood did have to come. And it was that TikTok where it's like, it's you and me and me and your friends, Steve. Like we're all dressed up in sequin and Elwood's over here in his like rocket ship pajamas.
He was an angel the whole time. He was like such a di trooper. Leaf and I have been particularly focused on our protein lately. It's been kind of like a game to us. We're like, okay, how can we add a little extra protein into this meal? And one of those ways is obviously having a protein shake or adding protein powder to stuff, whether it is a smoothie or just in milk or whatever, or if you like it in yogurt or anything like that.
One of my favorite things to do is add a scoop of vanilla protein powder or the coconut cream. Both of these are from Clean Simple Eats. Add that to orange juice. It tastes so good. It tastes like a little orange Julius. It's so creamy. It's so fruity. And I don't know about you guys. The second January hits, I'm just like over winter. I'm like, I'm ready for like fresh vibes. I know it's not quite spring yet, but I just love like a fruity, creamy drink.
So this is an awesome way to get your protein in and it is so delicious. Clean simple eats protein powder is always grass fed with no seed oils, no artificial ingredients or sweeteners. It's so free and gluten free and each serving has 20 grams of protein. It's creamy and smooth with 20 plus delicious flavors. They really have so many really really good flavors. I don't think I've tried one that I don't like.
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I don't want to get too into it, but that boy does not take a bottle anymore. So I kept being like, no, like, I can't wait. We're gonna have two nights. You know, obviously I'm not gonna have any of the kids. We're gonna go party the months creeping up. I'm like, okay, like, let's give him a bottle. Again, granted we did introduce a bottle to him when he was like, you're supposed to do it pretty early. So they're used to it. And so we got it. He was taking a bottle. Fine. I had left him overnight before.
Yeah. And then for a couple of months, I just didn't because I'm lazy and dumb. So I just didn't even think. I didn't remember that that's what would happen. I wasn't intentionally like.
not giving him a bottle so that he wouldn't obviously because that screws me over. Yeah. And then a couple months ago, we like tried to give him a bottle when I was gone one night and he just like wouldn't take it. I'm like, okay, well, let's try again. Try it again. Wouldn't take it refusing, refusing, refusing will not. We tried so many different bottle tops. We tried so many different ways. We were like looking at different TikToks methods, whatever, didn't work in time. I was like, Abby, I'm so sorry. My child is going to have to come to the bachelor at party. But luckily it was a very calm.
weekend, it wasn't like we were going out a bunch. So anyway, that's just side now. Yeah, no, he was he was a trooper. He is hanging out the girlies. Then we did a little arts and crafts. We had like this linen tablecloth that we were going to give to Abby. And we were all just going to like paint on it. You know, you've seen those like
tablecloths that have someone, an actual artist will like write on them or like put little placemats and has like drawings of like fish or something. So I thought it'd be cute if all of us kind of helped draw this tablecloth that she can kind of have as a keepsake or something from her bachelorette. And she's again, very artsy loves to paint. So I thought it would be a cute little token for her. And painting that again, it was like the flower arranging was just like, you're so present in the moment. It's like we just discovered for the first time, like,
Oh, this is no, literally when I'm not on my phone for five minutes and like, and this is what life's about. It's like, yeah, this is normal. This is what you should be doing all day is.
not being on your phone. Yeah, I know it was so relaxing. Yeah, it was fun. I'm actually like, painting is not something that I've ever, or just like, artistry, drawing, painting. Like I've never been good at that or like interested in that. But every time I do it, I think I just have to have the mindset of like, this isn't supposed to be like, you're not supposed to be an incredible artist. It's just like fun to do. And it is when I have that mindset, I'm like, oh, this is just fun. It's just fun to even just like doodle. Yeah, doodle and like,
Yeah. Yeah. Same. I don't think I'm very good at it. And I think I feel like you guys are all like actually good at like drawing. Really? Yeah. Oh, I do not think I'm good at drawing, but thank you. I think it's fun. But every time maybe like I think I am at first when I draw something because it actually resembles something. Yeah. But then when I see other people like
Yeah. There are, like, I'm drawing a building with, like, the shades and the dimensions and all the things. That's a true talent that I cannot understand. It blows my mind. Same. Don't get it. But it's fun nonetheless. Yeah. Even just to do it all, like your own things.
Then we had a little golden hour dinner. We all dressed in like yellow, yellow, yellow. Yeah. That was the vibe. While we were supposed to all dress in like porn, we gave everyone options. We all dressed in yellow. Yeah. Anyways, we worked out our way and it was beautiful. We played a little game, ate some pasta and salad. Yeah. And then some ice cream and cookies.
It was a great night. It was a great night. It was just a great trip in general. Great vibes. I do feel like it represented her perfectly and it was just fun to celebrate. Jason made the cutest little totes. I feel like the details really just, we've really been honing this craft and I'm starting to just feel the satisfaction of us doing this for years and years and really honing in on hosting, getting the details of things, making things
Fast, compared to how we were when we're like 20. Like think of our bachelorettes or things like bridal shower, like that we threw for each other then versus now. Oh, we've been leveling up. Yes, we have been elevating for years now. It is really fun. I think the details matter so much. And I've always, it's, you know, what I was thinking is like, obviously, I always say this, like my mom went all out for me for every event, like every birthday party. It was like,
customized everything. This is just she is the hostess of the most jilliest. She really is. And I always thought that I just would not be like that. I don't know because I just was like, had no interest in it. And it's because I was not an adult. Yeah. So it's like, what am I throwing? Like, what am I doing? But now I just see myself like stepping into that role and not because I feel like I have to, but just because I'm like, but I want people around me to feel special. I was thinking about like,
for benny's birthday or something like and maybe not for her when she's so little i don't know but i'm like i just know in my soul i will want her to feel special and so i will probably whatever do these like special little details for her because if i'm putting this much effort into like my girl's nights and my friend's parties like for my own daughter i know that i'm gonna
Do that for her for sure. And it's a good feeling to be like, oh, I want to do this. Like, this is a fun thing I'm doing, not like I probably should. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah, for sure. It's so it's so much more fun, actually, when it's your way that you're showing love and it's like your way that you're showing someone I see you, I understand you. Like, I want you to feel special and I want you to feel sane. That makes it all the more rewarding and fun. Yeah.
So it just makes such a difference. Like I was saying, I was vlogging when I was making the bags and the totes, like I was just, it was nothing crazy at all. I just put a little like logo thing on it that said Abby's bachelorette on the totes. And I was saying though, I'm like, now imagine if this was a blank tote, like this hits better. Yes. Having it be personalized hits better than having it just be and whatever, like do your thing if you don't want to do that. But I'm just saying, I think the personalized touches really do make everything.
Better 100%. Can't wait for the wedding now. We were just saying, this is the pregame. Abby's like, oh, this is starting to feel real. Because up to that point, you're planning things. She's planning the wedding. We're planning the batch. All these things are happening.
And then once they actually come up and you're there. It's just go time. Yeah, it's go time. I know. Stay tuned for my dress. I'm going to do a poll. I'm literally going to do a poll. I have four different ones to pick from. Do you like the other ones? I actually do. I like the three that I bought. Panic. Panic ordered them. I like those more than the original one. Really? So I need to now pick between all of them, I think. Okay.
I should really probably just send you photos of them. I'm like, why didn't you there? Yeah. Yeah. But we'll see. We'll see what I end up wearing. You still need to try yours on, huh? Yeah. I've just had this weird confidence because of the way the dress is that it will fit. But what I haven't thought about, I'm like, wait, is it going to look good though? Because well, I have some.
Possibly. Yeah, it's true. If you're going to work out, I'm going to return the ones I don't use. But, Jay June, yeah, I'm so excited for the wedding. I know. It's coming up. It's going to be so fun. I can't believe they're going to be married. I know. Like husband and wife will really be sealed after that. We're tired. It's us. We walked out now after they do. Like a couple of walks down. We called you up me and you were like, we did it.
I was actually wondering if they're gonna have any of us like walked on the aisle or anything.
So I wasn't made aware. So obviously it's not like us, not us or anything, but cases. Yeah, yeah. Well, I knew that, but I'm saying like bridal party vibes. I know I don't think they're not really doing bridal party. Yeah, I don't think so. I think it's just like like a flower girl in case in the ringberry. I'm not sure the details yet. Okay. Well, I'm very excited. Stay tuned for the wedding content as well. Yeah. I'm excited. Yeah.
Well, that's pretty much my update. Yeah. My other update is that I've been very responsible and I made some appointments. Actually, I only made one. I went to the dermatologist. I got a skin check. Important to do, ladies and gentlemen, every year. I tried to do that once a year. I need to do that. So I did a skin check. I got a mole removed. I know you guys were dying to know about my mole getting removed on my neck.
That one didn't fall off. That one didn't fall off. However, now that clip of me being like my mouth off, I'm like, I fear that might get sinister because the mole that did fall off, it was just like a skin tag type thing, but I have a few on my head. But one of them, she was like, oh, we need to keep our eye on that. And she was like, fell off? No, not that it fell off, but just the way it looks. She was like, oh, really? Yeah, she's like, come back and she wants me to come back in like three months. Oh, yeah.
Okay. My mom was like, oh, three months. I'm like, yeah, I don't, I don't know about this other one. I'm like, yeah. So it's, I have two, I have two that are like very similar, but one of them, one of them fell off, but it kind of came back. And then anyway, one of them, she was like, okay, that one, like I watch it. Yeah, I do want to watch it. But again, it's important to just go and know that like, I feel like I do get anxiety over those things. It's like,
Oh, I don't want to even go because I don't want them to be like, well, this one, but I'd rather know that. I could biopsy it, but you're going to have a squat. I would cut it out of your, you're going to have a scar on your head, on my face, like literally on my forehead. And she's like, so let's wait a few months and then like,
We'll see if because I had basically been like picking at it and she was like, so that might be why it's like scabby-ish, but if it's scabby on its own, then I would want to like probably remove it. Yeah. So regardless, like I'm probably gonna have a scar on my head. Yeah. Face my face. Yeah. Which I'm like, that's a bummer, but I'd rather have a scar on obviously. Yeah. So I'll go back in a few months and we'll see. I'll hope you for the best. I did that. I ordered new underwear.
Have you heard the rumor that you need to like have the new underwear, every certain amount of, I'm forgetting how long, but like, I remember reading and I was like, months, maybe girl, maybe last. Oh, the way I've had my underwear for four years. Yeah. I did. I just did a week, six months. So I just did like a refresh because also I had, I wanted bigger ones. I felt like mine were like so tight anyways, because they were from pre pregnancy. So I got a bunch of new underwear. And if anything grows during pregnancy and birth and postpartum, it's your hips.
Yes, I just was like, I need fresh vibes. They're all kind of, you know, okay, nothing gross, but just, you know, they all have disgusting dirty panty vibes. No, but it's like I've had them for literal years. Yes. So I was like, I should probably freshen this, this up. So getting real vulnerable. Literally, I'm like my mole, my, okay, I just stopped talking apparently, but I'm just a repulsive human being. Why am I matter of fact, why am I talking?
Wait, why am I talking? It's just... Okay, I have a little chance to detail about how value you do in the underwear.
I like you guys don't happen with the skin. No. The way girls will message me, like, I poop my skin last night, like it's like a warrior. Yeah, you're part of the club. Like, wow, this is my legacy. That is so funny. The funny part is there's really nothing that wrong with the Android, you guys, I promise. Yeah, but it's just that you need, you need new underwear. Yeah. And I want, I wanted to order a size up too. So I refresh. They say that about drawers, too. No, great. Yeah. Maybe it's just capitalism, though. True.
Anyway, I ordered new, it was feeling fresh though. I like redid my underwear drawer and everything was just feeling, feeling good. So I'm just kind of in my responsible era, need to make a dentist appointment. I don't really want to do that one, but probably should go get a teeth cleaning. I just got emails like you're due for a dentist appointment.
Yeah, I don't really want to do that either, but there really are many appointments. I really need to get my skin checked. I really need to do like a full body. Yeah, because I went to the dermatologist recently, but they didn't do that because I went for my little rash. Oh, right. Right. It's so easy. It takes like.
Yeah, literally five minutes and they do a very thorough like she was looking in my hair. Cause like, you can have on your scalp, whatever. I also think just because I have very fair skin, it does worry me more than maybe the average person. Like I just feel like my skin's really sensitive. So yeah, I try and go once a year. I have for the past few years, you've inspired me to get my skin checked. I need to go back to the dermatologist. Oh, I hate that. I hate doctors appointments. I know, but it really won't be a big deal. I promise. It's so fast and easy.
And also she was saying any of the things I did have, there were two that she was like, I'm not concerned about it, but if it changes, keep her eye on it a little bit. And she was saying, these are all so small that if we need to take them out, it won't be a huge deal. And it made me feel better. It's like, okay, even if they are like, this one's changing a little, let's get rid of it. I'd rather that than not go for 10 years. And then they're like, whoa, this is not okay. You know, anymore. For sure.
I do feel like as I haven't prioritized it in my 20s as much, but now that I'm not 30 yet, I've been actually telling myself, as soon as you turn the age, I feel that age because I'm like, oh, we're the same age. So I feel 30 when I have two or three more months, which is actually a quarter of a year almost.
And I'm like, I need to stop. I need to stay today. Not, not even that I'm like, I don't want to be 30. I'm so excited to be 30 and be in my 30s. I'm not even saying that like, but it's just like, let's not like jump the gun. Like I'm still in my twenties. I still, I'm like, I'm still in my twenties, not like this old tag.
But I have a couple more months of my 20s and when I turn 30, I want to be very aware of that switch, I guess. Yeah, definitely. So I've literally been like, I'm 29. Like, I actually am today. That's so, even though I've literally been in my 30s now, which I'm so close to. You're taking on my burden. Yeah.
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Okay, anyways, to this advice. Hi girls, I absolutely love you in the pod. I've been listening since high school. I desperately need some perspective on my situation right now. My boyfriend and I are 20 and 21 and doing long distance. It's only three hours, but we also go to different colleges and he plays sports, so he's extremely busy. I ended up breaking up with him between Christmas and New Year's because he was basically telling me that he wasn't sure if I was worth the long distance. Well, I mean, but no, you're worth.
He called me a few days later and said that he was wrong about everything and that the real reason for his freak out was that he doesn't feel good enough for me and he doesn't feel like he deserves to be treated well. For reference, he has a lot of unhealed trauma from his childhood, which definitely explains why he feels this way. However, I also have a lot of baggage myself, including a cheating lying scumbag ex boyfriend who broke up with me because I wasn't worth it. So this debacle with my current boyfriend brought up a lot of old trauma for me.
I ended up telling him that he has a chance to earn my trust back if he starts going to therapy to deal with his own issues and if he starts showing me through actions that he wants to be with me, like giving me more reassurance, communicating his feelings, et cetera. So right now we are doing this weird sort of together, sort of not together thing where we only talk on the phone once a day, no texting or Snapchatting, et cetera. I told him once he starts going to therapy and I see that he's making a real effort and it's not just talk, then we will work on rebuilding what's been broken.
So my question is this, am I making a horrible mistake by giving him a second chance? This whole thing is reminding me so much of my past relationship, which scares me. I'm having a lot of anxiety about whether this is the right decision or not. And I feel like if I choose wrong, it could ruin my entire future. But I am truly in love with him and he's never done anything like this before. And I have a lot of sympathy for what he's gone through. And I appreciate that he says he's willing to put in the work. I know deep down that my current boyfriend is nothing like my ex, but I'm still terrified of choosing to be with him and regretting it. What should I do?
Okay my first thought was speaking of this weekend we watched catfish and i don't know if you remember this part where kami was telling the girl who was getting actually she wasn't getting catfish shockingly one of the like yeah one times they weren't catfish.
But he was kind of saying similar things like you're too good for me and kind of thing. Yeah. And she told the girl, she said, like my mom had always told me, if someone tells you they're not good enough for you, believe them. Yeah. And I thought that was so good. Not that he might always be, you never know the future. My first reaction to you asking this question is that you should break it off with him. That was my first reaction to. Yes, because if he's telling you he's not good enough, like he doesn't deserve you, believe him.
Yeah. And let him do his thing. And you can't make him go to therapy therapy for himself. But if he wants to do it, he will do it. And you can kind of like lead him, but I think you should just like cut him off completely and we gotta break up. And maybe in the future, you guys can get back together. If he does do it himself, he'll come back like a better version of himself, but
I wouldn't waste these years of your life. No, you're so young and I feel like there's so much life to live and there's so many people to me. And I just feel as though your soulmate or the person that you're going to be with, you won't feel confused. You won't feel anxious like this. I really believe that. And maybe like if you guys really are meant to work it out, that happens. Like sometimes people break up for multiple years and then they end up reconnecting and finding themselves. Like I know people who that's happened to where they have broken up.
because it's just not fitting. And then literally like three years later, they get back together and they end up getting married or something. I think that that's possible, but you just have to live life kind of like willing and open to possibilities and not like gripping onto something that's not even.
sounding that great and healthy at the moment. Like I understand you're in love with him. I totally get that. I feel like that's so hard. I'm not just going to be so blunt like break up with him. What's the problem? Like I totally get that feelings are involved. But I think like if he wants to work on himself and truly if he really wants you, then he'll do that and he'll put in the work and maybe six months and a year from now, you guys can reconvene. But I don't think you should stay together. Yeah.
I agree. Yeah, I like, I do like what Kami said. Like, if someone is saying consistently, like, I just feel like you're too good for me. It's like, okay. Yeah. I probably am then. Yeah, they're trying to tell you something. Yeah. Like, I always feel like that's an excuse because she said at the beginning, he was like, I don't know if this is worth the long distance. Yeah. The second a man says, I don't know if this is worth any trouble, any trouble for me. Bye. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, my husband's not going to say that to me. No, exactly. I don't think you're worth the long distance. Yes. Goodbye. 100%. Yeah. I say you break up. The world is your oyster queen. Yes. You'll fall in love again. Yes.
Hey girls, I could talk for hours about how much I love this podcast, but we don't have time for that. I got time. We do. We got time. Probably like 20 more minutes. So let's just jump right into it. I've been friends with this girl for about three years now. It's sort of like our parents are friends, so we are friends thing. She's not the most considerate or kind person and has treated me poorly over the years. Just tends to be slightly self-absorbed. I've chalked this up to just growing up and learning to be mature. And so I've continued to be her friend, even though most of the hangouts are not super up building to me.
Well, about one year ago, she started talking about this guy that she has a crush on. She's had many love interests throughout this time, but he was the main one. She would talk about all of his incredible qualities and what she liked in him. He seemed like a genuinely really cool guy, how she thought they would get married and how if he started dating someone else, she would be devastated. But she was doubtful that he liked her back because he's quite a few years older than her and he hadn't given her any vibes that he liked her romantically.
He would not reply to her texts or he would just be dry. She would take any social interaction as a sign that he probably did like her, like if he liked a story or responded to any of her texts. Well, fast forward to a couple weeks ago, she finally introduces me to him and we immediately have a long comment.
I'm not going into this interaction thinking there's a love connection because I'm viewing him as completely off limits. But it was very obvious that he wanted to get to know me better. We have a good night hanging out and nothing too crazy happens. Immediately he follows me on socials and starts texting me about anything and everything. Talking about this recipe he wants to make for me, stuff we should plan to do, everything with a very flirty undertone. The worst part is I kind of like him. We have so much in common and I feel like there is some chemistry there.
But my friend is under the impression he likes her, even though now knowing how he's treating me, I think he would have been forward with her since they have been friends for a while. Now he's inviting me to things that she's going to and I want to go get to know him, but I don't want to do anything to her or her. I also know that if we hang out again as a group, it will be obvious that we've been texting because of inside jokes, etc.
This is so bad. This is messy. What do you think I should do? If I tell her that we have been talking, I feel like she will spiral out of control. Should I just withdraw and not see if there's anything, if there could be something between me and him? If she was someone who had treated me with respect and kindness in our friendship, I would have no issues shutting down my feelings for him, but she's sort of been a bad friend. I don't know what to do. Help. This is awful. This is so bad. I have like a pit in my stomach. Oh, this is so bad.
Oh my gosh. Okay. Well, did she say how old they were? I don't think she did. I don't think so. Did she say something about college? No. They've been friends for like three years. I don't think she ever said, because I'm wondering if this is like high school, college, post college. I'm thinking he's probably college age. That's what I'm thinking too. Yeah. Yeah. I literally don't know what you should do because
The thing that my, like my first reaction would be for to let him do it. Like he needs to like text her and tell her that like be upfront with his feelings about her. Like if he doesn't like her, you know, but then again, how do you do that?
The girl, if she was like, wait, do you like me? Then it would be like, okay, be honest with her. But it's like, if she hasn't asked, then it's like, out of the blues, like, hey, just so you know, I don't like you. It's like, okay, you know what I mean? To the girl who she's hurting, potentially. It just feels kind of right out of left field. Yeah, that's true, I guess. I know what you mean. But she thinks that he likes, she's under the impression that he does like her.
According to the girl, yeah, like my first reaction is kind of like there's so many guys in the world like yeah, you don't need to date this guy You could also just be very upfront with him about mm-hmm. What's happening? It's like honestly she likes you. I feel really I feel very weird like I'm friends with her Yeah, and that's hard because then you're kind of throwing her under the bus
if he doesn't necessarily know she likes him. So you don't want to like, there could be like a peaceful way of being like, okay, I really enjoy talking to you. And I think we have a lot of fun. And I don't mean to like make this too serious, but I'm just kind of in an awkward position. I was under the impression that you and whatever her name is, Rebecca, have been talking and kind of like getting to know each other on a deeper level than a friendship. If that's not true,
Maybe like her. Yeah, maybe make that clearer. Yeah, that's not true. Like let me know, but I just don't want to step on anyone's toes. Like maybe say something like that. Not being like, I think we like each other and she, you know. Yeah, that's a tasteful way to do it for sure. I think so too. But as soon as she finds out you're texting her, like, I'm sorry. Yeah, sorry. As soon as she finds out you guys have been texting and like making inside jokes, I'm sorry, but I feel like she's going to be pissed regardless. Oh, she's going to be mad and she's going to be hurt. Yeah. And I get that.
a sucky feeling. I think it really depends on how much chemistry you have with him. If you're like, wait, this is my soul name. This is like soul name. I'm very like into him. You have to gauge whether it's worth it. I also understand the notion that this girl hasn't even been a great friend. It's not like this is her literal best friend in the world. Obviously, honesty is the best policy. Like what would be the perfect in a perfect world? You would just straight up tell her like, Hey, he's been texting me. Like he kind of and we honestly, we do have a lot in common. I'm
I feel horrible because I know that you've liked him. This is just naturally happened. Like it's nothing I've gone out of my way to do at all. Yes. But it's just kind of been naturally flowing this way. And I just want to be very honest with you. I think it really is the best policy I would maybe even start with that before talking to him. She's going to be pissed, but like you just have to. Yeah. Maybe she won't. Maybe she'll be like, Oh, okay. Why have other guys on my roster? So.
Yeah, we can only hope for that. But I fear, I fear she will be mad. But again, if she's not that good of a friend and you don't value her friendship that much, then if she's like, okay, well, we can't be friends, I'm mad at you. It's like, well, then I guess what's the loss, you know? Yeah, exactly. It's not your best friend. Yeah, that would be different. This is rough, though. Like I do need to know the age because I feel like in high school, this is just like who cares. Like, you know, stuff happens and it's just you'll be over it soon. But in college, like that could be.
Like that's when it's like, you could genuinely marry this guy if you really like him. Yeah. Oh, that could be your person. Next one. Yeah, yeah. Good luck. Good luck with that one. Hey, JC and Chelsea. I've been a huge fan for years and never miss an episode. So naturally, I thought of my two big sisters for some advice. Oh, that's sweet. My best friend and I have been close for almost 10 years. She's like, so I asked her.
That was not a joke. My best friend and I have been close for almost 10 years, and we've recently started a business project together. It's been awesome, but it also means we see each other a lot. I'm sure you two do with the podcast recordings. On top of that, I'm like, this is AI. It's like exactly our situation. I'm like, on top of that, we still try to hang out.
hang out outside of the business, but lately it's starting to feel like a lot. I absolutely love spending time with her, but I'm starting to feel a little burnt out and there's this weird tension that I didn't feel before. I think we've gone so close to my right now. A teeny suffocating. I'm like, this is Jaycee's way of writing in. I was like, so I have this best friend. She wears blue a lot. I'm feeling suffocated. I always wear pink. I cannot. Okay, wait. Sorry. Last one. Okay. Feeling a little suffocated. Yes.
I didn't feel a little burnt out and there's this weird tension I didn't feel before. I think we've gotten so close to the point where it can feel a teeny bit suffocating at times and I really want to avoid getting to a place where we crash and burn because I really do love her and want to ensure the friendship lasts for more years to come in a healthy level. For context, we are both in our mid 20s, but I'm also recently married in a new homeowner, whereas she is single. So we are also a little bit in different areas of life, which is totally fine. But wanted to add in case this context was helpful. That is very helpful.
I'd love your advice on keeping a friendship healthy, setting boundaries, and how often you both hang out with each other or other friends. I would love to hear about how you both manage and maintain a healthy friendship with the podcast after so many years of doing it together. I'm also at a point where I just want to relax and be a homebody more, and I'm noticing my social battery isn't as high as it used to be. But on the other hand, I am sometimes afraid to say no to certain plans and fear that her or my other friends will be upset or just FOMO, LOL. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much and love you both.
Okay, that was a perfect amount of contact. Yeah, that was. That was great. It's like, I just had my first baby, my friend. She's on her second. I just bought a house. I think it's very valid to feel like in general, sometimes like it doesn't matter what friendship, honestly, like sometimes I just feel overstimulated or like I've been hanging like my social battery. I'm just like, I don't want to hang out with anyone. And I think that's a me thing.
And that's something that like I listened to. And if I just like, I will just say no to hanging out. I mean, I'm really thinking of more of a group setting, but even I don't. This is hard, but I feel like you and I just have a friendship to where if you were like, Hey, do you want to go do this? And I was just like, I'm just like so burned out right now. Like I just want to be home. I know you wouldn't be like, Oh, wow. Like you would understand. And I know vice versa. If you're like, cool. Like I've been keeping track.
pulls out a sheet. She's like, and these are all the times I've asked, I feel like vice versa. Like if you're like, Oh, I'm just not feeling up for it. Like I wouldn't be like, hmm. I just like, yeah, you know, we're just different because I feel like we already know. So we don't ask each other when we're feeling overwhelmed. So so true. You're not on our level. No.
No, it's true. I'm like, you don't read each other minds and you're not meant to be. No, I do agree with that though. I feel like it's, maybe that comes with age or just, you know, how close you get.
But I feel like money. No, it's actually me. I bought something in midshiping. So it's money leaving my account. Comes with age. Oh, yeah. I feel like with when you're working together,
And you, I think something that we have tried to work on over the last like six or seven years since we've had the podcast is literally work-life balance of like, yeah, hanging out as friends versus if we're hanging out too much for just work and it's work, work, work, and we, I feel like we don't get to like actually hang out and do just hoodlum shit. Yeah. It's not what it's called.
Yes, that is what it's called. That we do. That is what we do on the weekends. Yes, like things like that are like girls nights where we just get like talk and be normal. I feel like it can be like, oh, are we just like working? Like, yeah, I feel like we both feel that we're like, okay, we've just been literally work. We don't see each other outside of the podcast. It feels a little bit like, yeah, like a different.
It's hard. Yes. The nature of this podcast is very much like girls. Yeah. So I feel like we feel like we're hanging out even if we are. That's the difference maybe in this situation. Like when they're working, maybe it is more like, what did you say with the businesses? No. But I don't know if they're literally like packaging things. It's like that's a different maybe you're not, you know, sitting here talking for hours. I'm not sure exactly what the business entails. I think the best
thing to do obviously is honesty but also kind of like not blaming it on yourself but like
Cause the truth is if you are feeling overstimulated or whatever, like that's a you thing. Like that's something that you are feeling. I'm not saying like, she's feeling like, Oh, it feels suffocating. It's like you're feeling. Yes. That's your, no, I don't want to say it's your problem, but that's your feeling. You're feeling suffocated. So you need to take responsibility for that. And I feel like doing that is just being honest about that and not even in a way that's like, you're suffocating me, but just being like, I'm just feeling like,
I don't know. Like a little, maybe don't use the word suffocated, but like I'm just feeling overwhelmed lately. And I feel like I just need to like take some more alone time lately to like recharge and stuff. There's nothing wrong with that. And I feel like any healthy person will understand that. Definitely. I feel like when you're working as well so much and you don't get to
like work on the friendship or, you know, do what makes your friendship so fun and magical in the first place and just like have freedom to do whatever. Yeah. Because that is what friendship is. Most of the time, it's like you just are both choosing to spend time with each other and do fun things together. Yeah. Simply because you want to. And when you feel like work sometimes will be like, okay, now you guys have to, if you do that too much and you're doing actual work, I feel like you can, the work also starts too.
It kind of strips the magic and just like fun. So you have to feed the friendship in order to feed the work. Totally. So even if you feel like there's so much to be done with like whatever business it is, like, I'm sure you started the business because you guys, when you were having fun, just whatever had this idea together and it was like magical and it's like, oh my gosh, we can make this amazing thing together. You don't want to lose where the magic was created. Totally. And that's a really good point. Because we're working so much. It's like, well, go back to where the magic was created and just like, okay, let's just go like.
doing something me and you. And I guess too, if you're feeling like you have too many social things with her and your other friends and the business, and it's just too much time with her specifically, then yeah, that's your own thing. You need to take your time away. Yeah, that's your own thing. And that happens. I feel like to anyone, it could happen with your partner, it could happen with your best friend. It's not even on them. I'm speaking for myself. Sometimes I just need to be alone doing my own thing for a second. It has nothing to do with the other person. I'm feeling
I'm feeling too socially drained at the moment. And I do feel like you'll be surprised at how short of a time that it will be for you to recharge. Like, I feel like even after we're on tour and we're literally with each other 24-7, like whatever, we'll be like, it's not like the next morning, we're like, let's get coffee after we get home. But I do feel like it'll be a good day. It'll be a few days. And then it's like, wait, a few. I'm like, I'm at one, I'm at one. Like a few months, I'm ready to talk. But like, it's not like we're like, we need- Oh my God, I'm mentally checked out for months after that.
But it's like we need weeks and weeks apart. No, it's like we just need time to be Home like revamp and then we have the podcast today's later It's like oh we have more to talk about like totally so I think you just have to give yourself the chance to catch up a little bit I like that. I will say sometimes when I even listen to a podcast of like Two people who did start out as for it like we're friends. Mm-hmm. Sometimes I can sense if the podcast gets to like workie or like
It does lose the magic of like, I can tell you're not hanging out outside of this. And so it makes it feel like there's less of a connection. That's a very specific niche thing.
Do you know what I mean though? Do you feel like that? Oh yeah. Like sometimes I feel like that with podcasts I listen to where I'm like, okay, you started out because you had like this fun dynamic and then it just gets to a point where it's so like logistical and it's like, oh, you have to film today and it's just giving like we haven't spoken since the last podcast. Do you know what I'm saying? It's not feeling like this magic energy. It's like, oh, this is a work thing. Yeah. Yeah. I 100% agree.
Yeah, anyway. Okay, I'll go next. My sister recently did an Ancestry DNA test because she was curious about what countries our ancestors came from. We were not expecting any where this is coming.
We were expecting anything too interesting, but then a strong match appeared and this match shares more DNA with my sister than many relatives we recognized on the list. It turns out that Ancestry.com made a big mistake or this man is our mom's half brother.
His daughter also showed up as a match, stating that she is a first cousin once removed. He was born before my grandparents were married and before my mom was born. The connection to her family is that he's my grandma's son. We tried to do some research and discovered that he's been living in the same city our entire lives. He has two daughters, meaning we may now have two cousins we did not know about.
What? My mom and grandparents have never mentioned him or brought it up. My mom is a sensitive person and does not react well to changes. She's in complete denial and asked us to stop talking about it and not tell her sister or anyone else in the family. I'm assuming my grandma gave him up for adoption since she was only 20 when he was born and this was in the 1960s.
She had a rough childhood, not a lot of family support growing up. Who knows if my grandpa even knows. My grandparents are obviously old and I don't want to start anything, but I really want to reach out to him. He could technically reach out to my sister through the app. She has no social media or online trail though. I don't want to cross a line and disrespect my mom or my grandma, but I feel like my aunt has a right to know as this is her brother too. I mean, she could one day decide to do the test or her kids and they would eventually find out. I guess I just wonder what he's feeling and if he ever reached out first,
I'd want my family to create him with open arms. My mom doesn't want any of us to talk about it anymore. Any want us to talk to anyone about it? I'm sorry, but I don't think that's fair to him at all. Not sure what to do and need advice or opinions. Thank you, ladies. I think you should go to the source. I think you should talk to your grandma. The grandma. Yeah. I think you should go to the grandma in a private setting or ask her out to lunch and just be like, okay, I don't really want to bring this up.
The knowledge is out there now. It's like it can't be undone. You can't just forget and erase it. The knowledge is here. We came upon something. We weren't even looking for that. But we found out that my mom may have a half brother, it would be your son. Is this true? Is this true? If so, can you give me any information about it? Because I kind of want, if I have cousins, right? Because it would be her uncle. Yeah.
If so, like I would love to connect with him if he's willing to. Right. But I also don't want to overstep. So I would ask her because I feel like she does have the ultimate like it's her kid. Yeah. So. And she has the information at the end of the day. I feel like I understand like that you want to respect your mom because she's like, please don't talk about this. But also that's not really her decision. Exactly. Like.
It's your family too. You're part of the family. And like you said, anyone can find this information out. Like if any people do ancestry DNA and they, whatever, like connect or whatever they see that they have matches, like they can reach out to them. I don't know. It just, I feel like life is too short for things like this to go unsaid and unanswered and like unspoken. I just, with things like that, when you have potential family members, like,
I don't know. To me, it's like you're living one life and you're just going to be like, oh, well, I guess I'll just pretend I didn't see that. So you have this information to me. I think it's worth looking into. Yeah, for sure.
And it's not like your mom can't really tell you like, don't talk about it. It's like, but that's my, I did the ancestry DNA thing. And like, if I want to, yeah, he's my family too. Like if I want to ask my grandma about it, that's on me. Yeah. Exactly. I think you should definitely ask your grandma about it and just see what she knows. And again, even if she's like, don't talk about it, don't whatever. Then I don't know. Yeah. Then I don't know where I'd go from there, but I think that's a really good starting point. Yeah. Because she might be like,
Oh, I just have never told you because he asked me not to or, you know, or it was like a no contact. I'm sure in the sixties, it wasn't like, Oh, this great.
open thing, you know, I'm sure it was more of a hidden away situation. So it could be maybe she, maybe she would want to meet him, you know, you never know. So much, so much chaos has ensued over ancestry DNA being things. Like, I always talk about that. My dad was like, they just didn't know that this was going to be a thing, obviously. Yeah. And it has,
just shown a light on so many hidden children and people who, whatever, family dynamics, things that people were trying to bury and just all came to light when this became a thing, where you could just type in your thing and get your DNA tested. It's crazy. It is crazy. It's wild. 100%. I need to do that by the way. Need to see if I have any siblings that I don't know about.
Have you done the ancestry DNA? I feel like I got the kit and didn't do it or something, because I definitely don't know. I don't think I know all my info, or maybe there really wasn't anything groundbreaking. But I swear. I feel like you would have remembered if you didn't know what to think. It has so much information. Yeah, it's crazy. I know I don't remember much, but I feel like I would have remembered that.
Yeah, it's cool to see where you're from. Yeah, it is cool. And it can give you a lot of like genetic information, just like what maybe even like to make this full circle, like skin things that could tell you like your ancestors had skin type one, like that. Right. Right. It's very interesting. Like it will have things for me. It's like you're you were more one of them was literally like you're you're from a line of
like basically like weight lifting athletes. It was like, you just something. It's not me. Obviously it skipped me, but it was just like weird information like that. We're just like, Oh, you like our body types are meant for more like heavy lifting or something. Yeah. Little things like that. No, I would love to know that. Like I come from a line of Olympians. So there's like Olympians that are very olive skin and Italian. So what was yours? Like cool.
It wasn't like that. It was just like genetically built for certain things. No, that's cool. You know what's crazy is my great grandma. So my grandpa is half Italian because my grandma is full Italian. Sorry, my great grandma is full Italian. Yeah, it's crazy. Full, gorgeous olive skin full Italian. I'm like, wow. On your mom's side? It's crazy. It is crazy. Your mom's grandma. Mm-hmm.
Yeah, my mom's grandma. And my grandpa is like super olive skin, like very, he's Italian. Yeah. And yeah, then my mom and her sister, like my grandma's a red head though. Yeah. Honestly, my grandma's such a queen. She's such an icon. And I look at her skin. I know. And her skin is actually so beautiful. Like she's obviously so pale, but like her skin is so actually beautiful. And she's a literal little doll. I'm like obsessed with her.
I just need to look at that more often. No, you do. I mean, I look at your grandma. I'm like, I need, I wish my skin was like that. I know she is. No, she is the cutest thing ever. Okay. Well, that's a good process for us and our genetics. Yeah, that wasn't. Thank you for pulling that around to my pale skinny and I love that. Like, don't forget your fan.
Thank you guys so much for listening. If you want to be involved in any of our advice episodes, go follow us on Instagram. It's at what we said podcast. You can follow us on TikTok too, because it didn't get banned. Yay. It's what we said. We love you guys so, so much. And that's what we said. Bye.
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