Without further ado, we're gonna jump into it right now. Okay. For our predictions for 2025. So we do this every year. We try to look into our crystal ball and see what we think will be the kind of health and wellness trends, some of the most popular health and wellness trends that will be coming around that are coming down the pike the following year. So 2025 health and wellness predictions. Would you like to go first or second?
I'll go first. Let's go first or let you go first. We're going to give you six main predictions. Maybe at the end, depending how much time we have, we might throw in some honorable mentions. It's usually what we do. My first one is
You're listening to the Addicted to Fitness podcast brought to you by Elemental Training Tampa. Now, here's your hosts, Nick and Shannon Birch.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out another edition of a Addicted to Fitness podcast. In fact, the final edition of the Addicted to Fitness podcast for 2024. We made it the last episode of the year. And as we promised last week, we are going to give you our predictions for health and wellness trends to look forward to in the year 2025.
But before we do that, we've got to thank you guys for listening to us this year. We had a great 2024 and it's all thanks to you all. You all, you listeners are the ones that help us become bigger. Help other podcast listeners find us by leaving your ratings in review.
If you haven't done so already, please go ahead and go to your favorite podcast app and leave us a rating review. Also, if you can share the podcast with a friend, we are over 440 episodes closing in on 450. So there is no topic we have not covered. Please, please, please, find one of those. Go to addictedtofitness.lipson.com.
I mean, you can find something, any topic you can think of in the field of health and wellness, type it in the search bar and I'm sure an episode will come up that have some info about that topic. One of our tips. So share that with a friend. Also follow us on Instagram at the ATF podcast. Now we're going to jump into our training recaps for this past holiday week.
I'm going to say I did not have a tremendous training regimen during the holiday week. What? I'm so shocked. I think the holiday in the middle of the week is probably my least favorite.
Yeah. Wednesday holiday. I don't like it. It's tough. You know, I like it either being beginning of the week to extend the weekend or end of the week to extend the weekend. You know, I like having some days in a row. I was just having a holiday and, you know, yes, I did go back to work, you know, which I don't mind not working. I just don't like having to break right in the middle.
Yeah, it kind of breaks your, your flow or you're like, you know, you build up steam as the work week goes on and having like a stop where like really stop or you switch into entertaining and like traveling and visiting mode. It is very disruptive.
Yeah. So, I mean, I got some pelvis, I got a pelvis and ride in. I think I got, I do believe I worked out on Christmas, and we're going on Christmas? No, because she got us up at 3.30 in the morning, our early daughter. And, well, thankfully, you were able to convince her to go back to bed.
And yeah, so we got a little bit of sleep. So no, I definitely didn't get any workouts in really probably maybe I got a little weightlifting one in on Thursday, I think, after Christmas, the day after Christmas. So not as spectacular. Hopefully this week, even though we have another holiday in the middle of the week, this coming week, New Year's as is aptly so since this is the last episode of the year.
Hopefully, maybe I'll get a good workout, a New Year's Day workout. Start the New Year's off right. How about that? I'm going to give a prediction. We're all about predictions this year. I want to predict that I'm going to get a killer workout in on New Year's Day.
Check out our Instagram at the ETF podcast on New Year's Day to see what he does. It's going to be him slow crunching up. Look, I reached my coffee. I did that for 10 minutes and I'm done. Who dare you? No, I'm just kidding. What about you? Did you do better than me?
Um, I don't know better as the word, but I got four workouts in. Oh, that's great. Um, I did because I, unlike you was off this week, um, the whole week. So I was more in like preparation mode for, cause we've essentially been entertaining.
the whole week, whether it's entertaining, you know, just normal weekend family of Ella's friends of holiday family visiting family. I mean, good.
pretty much every single day for the last week, we have been entertaining, hosting, visiting people. So that has been the focus this week, which it was nice to dedicate that. So yeah, I got in some Peloton workouts,
And I was so glad to have my pelletian workouts to be honest, just felt like a nice week to focus on that. And then I did some strength as well. So.
Nice. That's great. And I said, I will concur, I think, the spending time with friends and family. Well, I definitely thoroughly enjoyed it this basically this past holiday and we're continuing to enjoy it now.
Yeah. So it's been a good time and it kind of, you know, with this week's episode, our predictions, health and wellness trends, you know, doing our research. It's, I think what we, you guys got to stay tuned to see if maybe it gets, you know, spending time with loved ones is involved in the predictions for 2025. No.
Without further ado, we're going to jump into it right now. Okay. For our predictions for 2025. So we do this every year. We try to look into our crystal ball and see what we think will be the kind of health and wellness trends, some of the most popular health and wellness trends that will be coming around, they're coming down the pike the following year. So 2025 health and wellness predictions. Would you like to go first or second?
I'll go first. Let's go first or let you go first. And we're going to give you six main predictions. Maybe at the end, depending how much time we have, we might throw in kind of some honorable mentions. It's kind of usually what we do. But yes, my first one.
is that there will be more women's health support, particularly around specific cycle related issues, like menopause, perimenopause, menopause. The reason for this being really just in the last year, we started to see the first clinical trials around women's health.
start to emerge. It might change, but even the administration, like political administration, made a commitment to women's health-focused studies and efforts improving it. It feels like this past year there's been a more conservative effort
to improve the research and focus and funding around women's health. I think we're going to start to see some of that come to fruition. We're going to start to see more of those like education resources, health professionals focusing on that. We're going to see that more in 2025.
Yeah, I think that's a good prediction. And I've had several clients, you know, female clients of kind of, you know, I would say the perimenopause or menopausal stages of life. I mean, it makes sense because like millennials, depending how you categorize them, are either in that phase or are just about to go into that phase.
So that's a pretty big group, right? The millennials, because the millennials are the children's of the boomers, right? I don't know. I don't. Something like that.
It's something like that. But yes, there's a big population of women that are now entering this. And I've already started to see celebrity women around that menopause and berry menopause age. They're like, where the heck is my support?
Where the hell are the resources to help navigate this really intense part of life? So I think someone, I heard it phrased on a recent call. They called it the adult adolescents. You know how disruptive and all changing
adolescence is right. They had like a specific term for adult adolescence. Right. Well, like I'm saying, the thing that some of my clients that are women that are going through that, they've told me about a lot of more support, especially like hormonal kind of therapy. Yeah, supplements and therapy. And it's kind of related to my first prediction, where it's becoming where kind of
supplements or hormone therapy becomes more accessible to just everybody. Mine I was mainly focused on my prediction is for weight loss, medication. We've saw it recently, just watching Hulu. They had commercials on there for
people able to subscribe to a, a supplement medication company where they get the basically the GLP one injections, the, you know, the, the, I guess it's glucose glucose. Let me see. Glucose and looked it up. GLP one is glucogen, glucagon like peptide one. So basically what's in zempic.
People can subscribe to a service that can just provide that to them. Send the medication right to them. They don't even need, I mean, I'm sure there's probably some sort of qualifications that they need, possibly a doctor's note or something like that.
It's, it's going to be much more accessible for people to get medication, especially weight loss medication, uh, to help them with their, their issues because I've heard a lot of people and weight loss specialists talk about how this GLP one and those epic like medications are.
really gonna be a game changer on the fight with obesity. And I know sometimes I go back and forth whether I think people should do it on their own or use medication, but I think there could be a marriage of both. I think overeating obesity has a big link to psychology.
So I think these medications can really teach you how to control your appetite and minimize your hunger drives. So I think they are a tool, much like a lot of things that we've talked about are tools to help you.
control your weight if that's an issue for you. So I don't necessarily think they're bad. I just think obviously you should do your research and make sure you're getting quality product because there are side effects with any medication that are side effects. So even though it's going to be more accessible weight loss medication in 2025, you just got to make sure you do your research and you're getting quality product.
Yeah, and something you said kind of fits well for my next prediction. Are we segueing back and forth? We are. Can you hold me back and forth? Which is that we are going to continue to see more integration between Western medicine and traditional medicines. What is termed integrated health?
which is that sort of like taking like a functional medicine doctor and like, you know, that's comfortable saying, hey, you know, this, you, you should probably see an acupuncture just for this. You should see a chiropractor for this, like looking at that a little bit more holistically. I hate that term holistically. I think it's been overused and misused so many times, but it really does refer to, I think,
something that's becoming more of a reality, which is that the medicines, the different types of medicines are kind of coming to unite and work together as they really are intended, I think, ultimately to do.
So this is obviously makes me really excited because a lot of what I'm focusing on in the coming year is to help educate people around, you know, modern science, but also traditional medicines like Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine and how those really help us take that integrated approach. So,
thought that was pretty cool. I've been seeing that continuously come up seeing like just having conversations with people even who are interested in learning about Ayurveda. And I swear like three, four years ago when I first started studying it,
like in earnest, nobody even knew what it was. They're like, what are you? What? So victory, it's spreading. So that links to my next thing. I'm just kidding. Well, it's going. You're like figure out a segue. So, I mean, yeah, I'm trying to figure out a thing, but don't force it.
And so, as you said, like more, you know, you hate the word of holistic, but I think it's like you said, it's a combination of the combination of both. People are not as the alternative medicines are becoming more mainstream. People are realizing the benefits of them.
I think the basically not alternative health insurance options, but almost that they're becoming more options for health care coverage in this country. And I know we're pretty privileged that we get to kind of.
I mean, I think what we discovered with our health share, the Zion health share that we use, it's not the only of its kind. There are these small companies that have a collection of individuals that are paying into their system that can get healthcare coverage. Now, it's mostly for
Definitely big ticket items, you know, surgeries, hospital visits, emergency rooms visits, but they also have the add-ons for like preventative care that we got for different like annual visits for mammograms for you for flu shots for Ella.
Also, the concierge doctors, the fact that you can go to a doctor, pay a much more modest fee per month, and go to them, get your basic wellness care from there, and not
waste, you know, money on all this other stuff that you don't need. So having that kind of thing, you know, like this, this, I feel like for us discovering this stuff this year was revolutionary. Yeah. And it's nice to hear like, I heard other people that go to like that kind of concierge, doctor, primary care, direct primary care that go to the same one, you know, that's
It's, it's increasing in popularity and like that's, that's great. And that's, I mean that, that options for healthcare options, you know, or for options for healthcare. Like private options. Right. So it's like, and I think you don't have to buy into the big system of the huge insurance companies. I know a lot of people get to health insurance through their employers, but I think even employers are going to have to start looking beyond that because I mean, it's so unbelievable. Still so expensive.
even when your employer's paying for part of it.
We did some research, so there are options out there, and I think it's gonna be coming. It's gonna keep becoming more available in 2025, and like you just mentioned, the direct primary care doctors that are gonna exist outside the insurance, basically the big insurance companies basically just work on dealing with those big insurance companies like Blue Cross, Blue Shield, they're seeing how futile that is.
I mean, every doctor I talk to with my clients out of doctors, they hate dealing with the big insurance companies. Yeah, they're there. So with a doctor we go to now, that's a direct primary care. It's much, I think, intimate and personal relationship with your doctor, which hopefully I think it should be. Yeah. So that's my prediction in 2025. Health care options and insurance are becoming more accessible.
Or I guess expanding is probably the better word. So instead of, you know- Yeah, I don't know how accessible they are, but- Yeah. I feel like there's more options starting to emerge which gives us hope that it will mean more accessible health care coverage of some form down the road. And like I said, I think we discover one that seems to be more affordable too.
for even though we are healthy and things like that. I think that's one of the prerequisites. Some of these smaller health shares like we're going into, if you are healthy, if you prioritize your health and take care of yourself, you can get these plans that cover major incidences.
You know, so I think that's also a good thing too, because pain into a system that basically you hardly ever use, I think somewhat futile. Well, I mean, it's also like supplemental insurance, like ass lack.
I think that's probably continue to grow as well because I mean so many things that either aren't covered by your traditional health insurance or that are still like the deductibles on are massive. Like we had supplemental insurance come to help us out when I had Ella and that was amazing. Yeah. So I mean there's definitely
There's so much you have to learn and so much you have to like figure out for your specific health situation. But there are more options. And yeah, I would agree. I would say that that's probably going to, we're going to continue to see more options pop up. Yeah. I think the options are going to start expanding and become more wide known. We need them. We just, hopefully they continue to grow.
All right, your third trend. What do you got? So this one's a biggie. That's why I saved it for last. Looking at kind of what other experts and usually some kind of year-end health conferences that take place globally, nationally. One word kept coming up again and again and again.
longevity. That people have started to shift their mindset away from, I just need to lose weight or I have more like a symptomatic situation that they're dealing with on their health and that's what's causing them to choose to be healthier.
Um, and now people are saying, well, I, I want to, it's more about like preventative and, um, what's the word I'm thinking about not preventative, but.
Like you're taking the initiative to do these things. It's sort of along the same lines, but more preventative practices. So like therapies that we've talked about before, like your, your cold plunge and your cryo therapies and things like that that are all about helping your body work better.
and reach optimal levels of health so that you can extend your length period of healthy life. Longevity is going to be, I think, the buzz word for the year.
Everything is really stemming off of that because I think the surveys that one group did, like a global group did, was like 40% of people are looking at longevity as their primary reason for their health choices in 2025.
And I mean, it's proactive. That's what I was thinking proactive. Being proactive about your health, like that's really what it comes down to, is you're doing it to prevent, but you're not waiting for symptoms to emerge. You're seeking out how to balance
now so that you're maintaining that health. I've read a Forbes article is all about how it's driving the business market, the business health and wellness market into the coming years.
I think a lot of things that we're going to hear about where it's all going to tie back to that big buzzword longevity.
I think you're absolutely right because, I mean, I, I probably talked about on the podcast this year. I know we talked, we had, you know, topics about it, but like, uh, Peter Tia, he put out a book called outlive, just essentially all about longevity about the different, whether it's, you know, that he talked about the blue zones that have areas apart of the world that have lots of people over, you know, that are centenarians over a hundred and then
If there's genetic differences or genetic specific genetic markers, you know, that research is going to keep ramping up. And I think you're, you're right about the proactive approach. And I mean, we always talk about that on this podcast about how that's, and I mean, when I just said about the healthcare options, you know, if you are proactive about your health, if you have that long longevity idea in your mind, you
Hopefully, in theory, and all these things are going to be exceptions, you should have less health care costs. You should need to go to the doctor. You do your regular visits, obviously, but...
You shouldn't have to go see the doctor as often. Yeah. You know, obviously. So, I mean, I think the longevity includes blood work and doing the functional fitness and the recovery fitness or recovery tactics and the mental health exercises that you have to do. Yeah.
And that's another emerging field I think is going to keep developing this year. But the one other aspect that I think is going to develop, my final trend that I predict is going to become prominent in 2025 is sleep experts.
You know, we've got personal trainers. You're talking to one right here. You got people even alternative medicine experts like yourself, psychologists, mental health experts. I think sleep experts are going to be the next real kind of individual that's going to be a part of the toolbox or the person who's going to optimize their health.
Yeah, because I mean, the studies keep coming out and, you know, and droves about how important sleep is for you, how important sleep is for building a muscle, how important sleep is to losing weight, how important sleep is to your mental health, how important sleep is to, you know, sustaining relationships. So I mean, I think we need to, I think what we're going to see in the wellness field is, well, you know, people marking themselves as sleep experts and just become more available for
You know, therapy sessions, as far as what to do and how to optimize your sleep. So I think any of the products are probably going to be coming out more regularly. And I mean, we've seen it already with the chili pads for the bedlining or, you know, the soundscapes or whatever it may be. I think we're just going to keep seeing. You've got like nighttime sleep headphones. I did for Christmas. Yep. I mean, there's loads of products out there already.
But yeah, I think people still are struggling with sleep, largely in part because poor sleep is a symptom of other things that are not right in your health and life. I mean, it's so crucially important, like so much science. We've shared even this year alone,
Has been it's come back to will you better have you know you need to get your sleep in order? Because if you don't X Y and Z is gonna happen you're gonna have like a greater risk for heart disease You're gonna have you know more chronic illness in general blood sugar problems. I mean so much of it traces back to your sleep, right? so I
it has to be tackled. Right. And like I said, I just think the experts, people that hopefully, you know, you always got to be wary, but I think you'll see more people, more sleep experts come into the world of health and fitness, whether it be there'd be influencers or what they may be. But I think people are going to be seeking more sleep experts out in 2025 also.
So do you have any honorable mentions since as we wrap up our trends for this predictions trend or this trend prediction episode? Trying to put it correctly. Yes. You mentioned one around mental helmet. Hellness. Oh my gosh. Mental wellness or mental health. I'm trying to just make up. Listen to hell. Make them up.
uh mental health is now I remember we vividly like I this is so vivid in my mind I remember being possibly here like same place we are right now back during the pandemic when stress anxiety issues were skyrocketing
And we said mental health is going to take like this is going to be one of those areas that from here forward, we are going to continue to see a lot of attention and it's going to continue to grow. And I read a statistic about how since 2020,
more people are admitting to having mental health issues of some kind, 19% higher since 2020. That's almost a fifth of people. Gross.
That's, I mean, that's insane. So I mean, that is the truth. Like we predicted that back in 2020. And sadly, that's come true. And people continue to struggle with what that looks like and what that means. And I mean, I think we're going to continue to see mental health be at the sort of
corner of a lot of health-related conversations. Maybe not the center where it really probably deserves to be. It needs to be like a 50-50 split between your physical and your mental health. But I think that's going to be a big focus still in this coming year. We're going to continue to see more products and marketing and tactics and things for your mental health.
I agree. My honorable mention is I think we're going to see there are going to be, and like I said, I don't know if it'd be necessarily more accessible, but in the field of wellness prediction, more the idea of retreats, you know, especially with to social retreats.
You know, obviously there's going to be an aspect of, you know, pride exercise or spirituality with it, but I think being taking retreats with individuals to have this social network.
to be social with individuals is going to be very popular because I think now we saw people get isolated in the pandemic and I think what you just alluded to about how it kind of has the negative effect that it had on our mental health.
I think people are trying to see interactions with other human beings, person to person or face to face interactions, how beneficial that can be, especially as we can almost get somewhat more.
isolated, thanks to technology, I think coming together and being actually face to face interactions with other humans, you know, outside our social circle, it's going to be more prominent this year. That actually, that was one of the things that I had noted as well. I was considering as an honorable mention, not just retreats, but that there are surveys showing people
are going to be going back to in-person gyms at a higher rate. And I was like, ooh, I know somebody would be kind of interested. I see it, I see it. And it is down to a lot of the same thing. That social aspect is really important. Yeah, I agree. Doing it alone is hard.
It's out. It's absolutely for 100%. So yeah, so I think those are our predictions for the next year. If you guys have any prediction, let us know. We're going to jump in what's got us pumped, our final what's got us pumped for the year. That'll be quick. Yep. I got an awesome gift.
for Christmas. It was actually one of those gifts that I suggested during our fitness. Give me a guide.
It's this self-mixing shaker bottle. It's got a little mixing thing on the bottom. So I used it. I'm very thrilled. It does work very well. I don't remember the brand right now. It's in the kitchen because I cleaned it. So I don't remember the brand, but I will text it. I'll put it on the Instagram this week along with my workout on New Year's Day. I'll send a picture of it and tag the brand to let you guys know.
how much I enjoy it. Thank you for telling your mom about that, because that was a good thing. What's yours? What cuts you pumped? Mine is a biggie, but it's actually that I am completely self-employed now. I made the jump from being full-time to part-time, working in a very fast-paced, high-energy
agency kind of position. So I have now taken that to contract so that I'm still getting to work with that and continue to work with a couple clients. But my majority of my time now is going into creating my coaching business. So working, I am building a program now that is focused on helping women
with their cycles who have experienced problematic cycles and have not been able to get answers from their doctors and are just fed up with the failings of Western medicine and are now ready to take
on my, I have like a methodology that I'm putting together, they're, you know, to actually learn these skills and knowledge, but then actually create lasting change with, I have an aligned method that I'm creating. So all of it goes in, I'm going to hopefully help people make impactful change that is aligned with them.
And that makes me incredibly happy that this is what I get to work on. Nice. That is, and that's not a prediction, folks. That is reality for 2025. That's actually, yeah. So I think we're definitely going to be talking about that more in 2025. Shannon's new business. You can share more info with that. Talking about my business, talking more things we're going to be taking. We're doing it on the Addictus Fitness podcast. Hopefully improvements that's going to make it more enjoyable.
for you guys listening, going forward and stay tuned for all that stuff. Guys will be slow rolling those changes out 2025, but we will launch March 25. There we go. There's a prediction. We want to make sure we are making the podcast as beneficial, as fun to listen to, but also as educational and useful.
You know, we always want to make sure that the information we provide to you guys is not only accurate, but beneficial and stuff you can use in everyday life. So tell us, respond, let us know what you want to hear in 2025. That's right. You got anything else for them tonight? Nope. All right. This has been another edition and another year of the Addicta Defitness podcast, and we'll check you next year. Happy new year.
For all things addicted fitness, you can check out our website, addictedtofitnesspodcast.com. You can also give us a follow on Twitter at the ATF Podcast and like and follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page. Last but not least, please give us a rating and review in the iTunes Store. Thanks.