The recklessness, no wonder Trump University went broke. They can't manage a damn thing. If they really wanted this to happen and they really wanted to cut this, there's ways they could have gone about it. This is just buffoonish. That's Minnesota Governor Tim Walz laying the smackdown to Donald Trump.
after Donald Trump issued a federal spending freeze, basically stopping all federal spending to key government programs, sending our country into chaos yesterday. Civil rights groups had to rush into court, federal court in Washington, DC to block Donald Trump's spending freeze temporarily.
which a judge granted there will be another hearing next Monday. Let's go back to what Minnesota Governor Tim Walz had to say. And he was not holding back here. Governor Tim Walz talks about how Trump threw our country into a crisis while he was out golfing. Play the clip. Donald Trump's reckless action cut off funding to law enforcement, farmers, school, childcare, veterans and health care. While he was out golfing, he threw the country into crisis.
This is not bold. It's not leadership. It's stupid, buffoonish, childish of exactly what they did. Child care providers across the state law enforcement are prisons, things that we count on, individuals on Medicare, things that we know matter to people's lives. I want to be very clear about this.
Minnesota is a state that pays far more into the federal government than we get back. Those are our dollars that he is stealing unconstitutionally. Congress, as I served as Attorney General Ellison served, appropriates the dollars. This is so far beyond the pale to try and pull these dollars back. And the real thing about this was he has no idea. I understand this. Donald Trump has no idea the implications on this.
Here Governor Walls says the following about MAGA Republican Congress member Tom Emmer and the other MAGA Republican Congress members who are ceding their authority as members of Congress as a co-equal branch of government to allow Donald Trump to engage in what's called
unlawful impoundment whereby Donald Trump seizes the power of the purse from Congress, which controls the spending. And Donald Trump seizes all of the money for himself. Watch this. And I have asked our members of Congress. I've spoken with Senator Klobuchar and Smith. I've spoken with representatives McCollum and Craig left messages for our other members to get on this. I have heard nothing other than representative Emerson. He 100% agrees with this. And this is what the American public voted for.
not a mandate to defund the YMCA, to cut funding the hospitals, to cut funding to law enforcement. Never again will the Minnesota press ever write a story about law enforcement funding without adding that Tom Emmer cut funding to police in what he supported in this. It's an outrageous power grab.
It undermines Minnesotans, and I want to tell you, we are here to do all we can to protect Minnesotans, but I cannot promise you that we can make up the nearly $2 billion a month of our money that is being held illegally by the Trump administration, dollars that make a difference in the things that we do.
I would suggest that Representative Emmer stand up for the Constitution, stand up for the House of Representatives, be more concerned about helping Minnesotans and flying on Air Force One next to the President, and get this work done that needs to be done. We will do everything in our power to make sure we can fill the hole. I continue to say that to folks. And here's Minnesota Governor Walls one more time talking about how Donald Trump is the worst manager ever. Let's play the clip.
the recklessness, no wonder Trump University went broke. They can't manage a damn thing. If they really wanted this to happen and they really wanted to cut this, there's ways they could have gone about it. This is just buffoonish. So I wanna be clear, we're trying our best because we follow the law and think about what it did to these employees. The commissioner is operating under the assumption that we need to do this at 4 p.m. and we're trying to do that. So it's just, I hope Minnesotans understand, even if you're supportive of all of this, even if you don't care what happens to those kids downstairs,
This is like the least effective, legal, and decent way to go about it. There were other powerful statements by governors throughout the country as well. This is Illinois Governor JB Pritzker. This is how it's done. He looks at the camera and he says, Donald Trump's administration is lying to you. Here are the facts. Here's what happened. Here, play this clip.
Despite what the White House press secretary said at the podium earlier, I believe it is my duty to report to you the truth of what actually happened today in Illinois. Donald Trump's administration is lying to you. The White House's attempt to walk back what they did today does not match what we saw on the ground.
They assured us that Medicaid would not be affected. That was a lie. Our state agencies were unable to access the Medicaid system until an hour ago, preventing payments for services. And this has been reported from states across the nation. When we reached out to federal agencies, they informed us that they have been directed not to discuss any guidance with states.
They have canceled previously scheduled meetings for this week. The White House assured us that Head Start would not be affected. That was a lie. Providers across the state experienced outages, and some were unable to make their payroll.
They assured us that they were doing nothing to take away individual assistance from the most vulnerable people in our state. But they refused to say that they would restore LIHEAP, the Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program, payments to support the unemployment system and meals on wheels. These are programs that hundreds of thousands of Illinoisans depend on, children, seniors, veterans, working parents.
Let's just be clear about what happened over the last 24 hours. At 742 PM last night, we saw a memo from the White House saying that they were pausing federal funding across the board.
This morning, along with all 50 states across the country, we discovered that our ability to access critical federal funding had been cut off. And now the administration would like us to believe that these were just coincidental website outages.
Donald Trump and his administration have not earned the benefit of the doubt. They are either lying to us or they are critically incompetent. Here's Governor Walz, Governor Pritzker, rather, once again slamming the Trump administration for the federal funding crisis. Let's play it. The United States Constitution clearly states that Congress has the power of the purse and sets laws to obligate federal funding for all 50 states.
What Donald Trump tried to do in the last 24 hours is illegal.
Let's be clear, this is a demonstration of cruelty against people who depend on us. Working families who rely on federal assistance to pay their rent, people who need help paying their utility bills, parents who need critical programs like Head Start for Quality Affordable Child Care, and 3.5 million Illinoisans who get their health insurance through Medicaid.
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While all of that was going on, you had the MAGA Republicans in Donald Trump's cabinet doing cosplay. This is now the Homeland Security Secretary, Kristi Noem, puppy killer Kristi Noem. Here she is, dressed up in her cosplay gear, saying she's going after the bad guys herself after being sworn in. Here play this clip.
And folks, it should also be noted that Donald Trump has tasked Dr. Phil. Yes, the washed up television personality, Dr. Phil, who nobody likes anymore, apparently other than MAGA. He's doing a TV show about the bloody mass deportations. Now, when Donald Trump's press secretary, Caroline Levitt, was asked about
What happened? Why is everything shut down? She says it's only a temporary pause. She goes, it's not going to be a big deal. We just want to make sure we get rid of that woke stuff here. Play this clip to the other question that you asked about those specific programs. Again, I would say this is not a ban. This is a temporary pause in a freeze to ensure
that all of the money going out from Washington DC is in the line with the president's agenda. And as the Office of Management and Budget has updates on what will be kickstarted once again, I will provide those to you. And again, it should be noted that what transpired is blatantly illegal. Impoundment Trump impounding
Stealing. He knows a lot about stealing Donald Trump. Stealing funds for himself and seizing it entirely unlawful. It is dictatorial. And the fact that MAGA Republicans in Congress are okay with it tells you all you need to know about how weak and pathetic they are.
I'll show you this one more clip right here of Caroline Levitt. Here she is when she was asked. So what about Medicaid? Because the Medicaid portals in all of the states were shut down right after the office of management and budget controlled by Trump issued the edict to shut it down. So what's going on with that Caroline Levitt? Here's what she had. She goes, Adam, I don't know. I don't really know. I don't really know. Here, play this clip.
Medicaid. It wasn't clear to me whether you were saying that no Medicaid would be cut off. Obviously a lot of this goes to states before it goes to individuals and so forth. So are you guaranteeing here that no individual now on Medicaid would see a cut off because of the policy? I'll check back on that and get back to you. John, by the way, you have Democratic senators speaking up as well. Here's Senator Patty Murray. Here's what she has to say from the great state of Washington play this clip.
in a brazen and illegal move, the Trump administration is working to freeze huge amounts of federal funding passed into law by Republicans and Democrats alike. The scope of this illegal action is unprecedented and could have devastating consequences across the country for real people. We could see a screeching halt to resources for childcare,
cancer research, housing, police officers, opioid addiction treatment, rebuilding roads and bridges, and even disaster relief efforts. He was just in California to witness the devastation, and now he is holding back that aid. Trump's actions would wreak havoc in red and blue communities everywhere.
This is funding that communities are expecting, and this memo is creating chaos and confusion about whether these resources will be available to them. Entire budgets and payrolls across the country are carefully hinging on these resources. We are talking about our small towns, our cities, our school districts, our universities, and a lot more.
This illegal move is a massive, massive overreach by the Trump administration. The American people did not vote for this kind of senseless chaos. And by the way, these cuts affect all of the departments and agencies, whether it's the Department of Education, whether it's the Department of Agriculture, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, Department of Energy,
Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, the EPA, Department of Veterans Affairs, for example, the Suicide Crisis Line shutdown, Department of Commerce, Department of Interior, National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, Small Business Administration, National Endowment for the Arts, Department of Health and Human Services, all of these programs. Let's think of like our shutdown, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, for example.
HIV AIDS program, maternal and child health care services, lunches for kids in school, defense education, outreach, national guard and reserve equipment grants, creative writing and arts education grants, Indian housing block grants, education and human resource directorate grants, veteran housing assistance, public works,
Um, environmental justice, small grants program, super fun, remedial programs, fire prevention and safety, port security, victims of crime act, juvenile justice and delinquency prevention grants, energy efficiency and confers, conservation block grants, low income energy assistant grants.
shut down because of the federal spending freeze by Donald Trump who wants to torture the people. Like let's just call it what it is. He wants people to feel pain to help the billionaires. That's it. That's the game. We don't have to over complicate what this is. He hates Americans unless you're a billionaire. Tell me what you think. Hit subscribe. Let's get to 4 million subscribers. Thanks for watching.
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