So in this episode, we're going to have a bit of a chat and a bit of a catch up, right? So the first thing I want to do is apologise, I've not done a podcast for a while actually and I was very quiet on Instagram and do you know why? Let me tell you. I had a nice bout of pneumonia.
Now it was that cold that I had from the beginning of November and it just got worse and then it was just horrendous. So I worked throughout.
No, pneumonia is a gradient, you know, people I think think back to Victoria in England when you had pneumonia. No, it was just, it was horrendous, but there was one client that I saw and for some reason, as I was on the Zoom call, it got worse and I feel so bad for her because she was just watching me.
splutter and just oh my gosh it was terrible so I do apologize but I think with these things it's important for me especially to just keep on going you know I've got that old-fashioned spirit which is like just keep on going I'm not gonna lie in bed and think about it because I'll just get worse but anyway we're on the
precipice of change and things are getting a bit better. So I'm still taking bookings. It's just that, for some reason it gets worse when I go outside. I went for a walk, it nearly finished me off. But anyway, it is what it is. So that leads me on to my next thing, which is
I am so lucky to have you guys. I get my head down, I work hard and I have seen the most beautiful messages over Christmas coming in from you guys and I even receive gifts and it blows my mind how long I've been working with you guys and you return.
Even if you don't have a reading every month, it's like, oh yeah, I remember you. And you come back. And that shows a level of respect and trust and I am so honoured, you know. And I always do the right thing, try and do the right thing. And my prices for my readings, I haven't changed them since I started.
Yeah, because I think when you run a business, you have to look at it from, you know, almost an eagle's perspective. Like, I started to see a lot of people, you know, oh, because of inflation, I have to raise my prices. I get that. I understand that some people do. But it's like, my life never really changed. My expenses, yeah, my bills went up a little bit, but not really.
and um i don't you know really with the odd line readings there's no expenses it's zoom you know so what why am i increased like i think what i'm trying to say is inflation doesn't affect those those readings so why would i put it up so i always try and do the right thing by you so watching
messages come in and watching returning customers come in. I don't like saying customers clients. I really really appreciate you and to be honest I think it was a mixture of two things. It was one being a little bit ill and having that time to kind of you know
It takes stock and reading the messages properly and really digesting the feedback. And I can't thank you enough for when I get reviews and things. It just blows my mind, you know. So anyway, I'm just really, really happy that we get to work together. All right. Yeah, just so nice, so kind.
So it takes me on to the next thing that I want to talk about, which is I can't stress enough how stupidity doesn't get you anywhere. So it's like, you know, I hear a lot in readings about people kind of saying, you know, that they've been
screwed over by someone, right? And we've all encountered that. We've all been stabbed in the back by people close to us like friends. And I think I've been open about this before, right? When I've helped friends out the minute I've got them a great job or a great opportunity, they've turned around and took it and owned it and then tried to get me out the picture, stabbed me in the back essentially, you know? And it hurts, right? It hurts.
But there's one guarantee in life, which is if you're a good person, good things are going to happen. Not consistently, not every day, absolutely not. Bad things will happen too, because like attracts like and opposites attract opposites. You know, you have to read the 11 laws to understand why things happen, right? So where there's up, there's down. So you're going to get those, that polarization.
So it doesn't mean that only good things happen to good people, but consistently over time you will see growth, you will see a better opportunities, alright? But consistently every day, of course you're going to encounter some right rotters, you know, but don't let it get to you, don't let it throw you off course.
If there's anything I can guarantee and it's when you look back at someone who's on savoury and you've moved on, you've healed from the hurt, you've kind of started new things, probably with a degree of resentment as well, why should I have to leave my job? You know, they're the ones that, you know, and you get into that mentality.
But often redirection is a blessing, redirection. I mean, how is spirit going to get you to where you need to be without removing a few things and causing you to redirect? Spirit tells you all the time you need to do stuff and you don't do it. You know, because you think, oh no, I'm safety orientated. Oh no, like, I need to pay my bills. I'm going to stay here. So it has to collapse certain things. And I swear to God,
these negative, awful, unsavory people are used in the process to get you out of a situation. And sometimes it's horrible and distasteful to kind of experience those things. But ultimately I do think they are used, you know, probably controversial to say, but I do, I really believe it from what I see. And so,
You know, when you are redirected and you get to a point where you're at a state of rest and you look back, I can guarantee you when you look back at everyone who's, you know, screwed you over and everyone who is awful has stayed the same. I guarantee it. We've all internet snooped, right, on exes and people who have, you know, done us wrong. We've all done it. We've all looked. And you know, they all have one thing in common. They've stayed in the same spot.
Because ultimately it was you who helped them get there. And then they used people, right? And you might think, you might get the odd one, I'm not gonna lie, that like, looks like they're doing really well and you think, how the hell? But it will fall, it will collapse, always does. So when someone is nasty,
They create foundations which are unsavory on satisfactory, built on lies, built on manipulation. Now, if I said to you, right, we're building a home, we're at a building site, and I've got two forms of cement.
And I say to you, this cement has been blessed by a monk and it's like the top cement, high quality, it's vibrating, it's like as it should be the top end ingredients. Now this cement over here is cheap and tacky. It doesn't cost much. It's got nefarious fucking intentions, right? Hasn't been blessed by anyone and it's evil personified. And then I said to you,
Okay, what, what cement do you want to build your, you know, everlasting long-term home? You're probably gonna go to the one that's like solid and blessed by a monk, aren't you? I think there's something wrong with you if you pick the other one, to be honest. So you're gonna pick that one, aren't you? So you build your home and it's everlasting. Now then, people who are cheap and tacky,
who do shortcuts, who just backstab their cement, their foundations are the other cement. So whatever they build is going to collapse, it's only a matter of time. Do you know how many times I have heard, you know, because I work with artists as well, I don't know, like actors, producers and everything, I hear
a name. I hear the same fucking name because people love venting about someone who has done them wrong. I've met really unsavory, nasty people and I've offered them, you know, support and they've stabbed me in the battle. I've said please don't forward this on and they're forwarded it on. You know, they're all about the drama, they're all about the chaos, the lies, the deceit and they do it.
And I could sit in that moment and think, well, that was very nasty, you know? Or I could sit there and want revenge. But I tend to just sit there and bloke. Okay, well, I'm sure I'll hear your name again. And without a doubt, they will get one part.
And who they are and how they operate is like that cement, right? It doesn't hold anything. And they start pissing people off on set. They start pissing people off, you know, the investors, you know, because everything they touch is like the opposite to the Midas touch everything they touch turns to shit.
Who they are if you let them be who they are don't try and change them don't try and intervene and well I don't want them to hurt the next person you really ego there they're not your job back off let them destroy their own lives they've chosen it you're not being facetious you're not being mean
It's just that, would you want someone to intervene in your life from their perspective? So someone might say, no, I've had this, you know, and I've had this from really religious people. Oh, you need to live like this. According to you, you know, according to me, my God made me who I am and I've just got to try and be the best version of it. There's no mistakes here, babe, you know?
So would you want someone doing that to you? No. So let them be the Kamikaze pilot. Let them be that dodgy cement. Let them everywhere they go, you know, as snakes do, they beguile, they hypnotize for a while, they will do that. But sooner or later, the truth comes out, the venom comes out, the jealousy, the resentments, because that dodgy cement, everything about their foundations is bitter.
because they refuse to do the work. There's a common denominator in these types of people. They don't do the work. They don't self-develop. Very few of these people do I ever hear. I've like, oh, have you got this book? Oh yeah, I got that book. They never fucking read it. And I'll say do this work and they don't do it. Or do this homework, do that, do this. And they don't do it. And I'm like, now I know who you are. You can't look at yourself.
So if they can't look at themselves, they're operating from a place of ego, of illusionary, of a different vision, of a mask that they insist on wearing all the time, but the problem is it's all false, so it's going to collapse. You've got nothing to worry about when you are affected by an unsavory person. Just back off, remove yourself,
get to a place of safety, ignore them and let them be their own demise. I have had to be so fucking strict because since the rise of my business and the rise of my profile, I have attracted people who I went to school with when I was little and I know for years.
And they pop up and they just give me their woes. There's no support. They don't buy into my stuff. They don't... Retreat my... Retweet? Sorry, not retreat. Retweet. You know, I was gonna have a problem with that. My stuff, they don't even check in how I am. They know I'm alone for Christmas. They don't even check how I am. But now and again, they pop up with their woes. They want reassurance. They want my calmness.
And do you know what I do? I put them in restricted in my inbox and they don't have my number because I'm fucking sick of their bullshit and I am not going to romanticise some a friendship because I've known them for a long time. Time does not equal quality. So, restrict, block. I think, again, I think there's only like three people who actually have my WhatsApp number.
I am so picky with my space. I'm hard to get hold of. And if you do me wrong, you're out in the cold. It is not hard to be a decent person. It means checking in on yourself every day, getting yourself in line, doing the right thing and having these sets of beliefs and systems in place where you do the right thing. And if you don't know what the right thing is, well, fuck me, your moral compass is all over the place and you need to get that in check.
People always say that nice. I've had people come up to make, oh, this is not who I am. And this is, you know, my friends and I look at them. I think, right, okay, do you think I'm going to fall for this bullshit? Or what? I don't understand. You clearly are that person. You clearly are insipid. And at this point in the game, I think you're a drug addict as well, floating around, hurting everyone. Just, it's like a hedonistic lifestyle. And I think, right, and you're trying to tell me you have a high moral code, you know?
People are going to try and hypnotise you all the time. Take a step back. Be hard to reach. Give your time to the ones that respect you.
and self-develop. Every day do something for yourself. Do you know, I write down affirmations every single day. Before I get a bed, I have my little routines. They don't consume my whole day because otherwise I won't enjoy life if I'm just mechanically following these on the hour, every hour kind of concepts, right? But just before bed, I write down who I am, what I love, and I just keep going at it. Keep going at it. About 15 minutes a day I'm doing it, sometimes longer.
Then I blow out my candle, I close my eyes and I'm letting my brain almost consummate. I know that's a weird word to use but it's kind of poetic in the same little way. But I let it brew, I let it compute, you know.
And that's the thing. I'm computing myself every day to be the best version of myself. Yeah. And people are going to call me selfish for it because they see self-love as selfish because they're not getting it. So they're entitlement. You'll get this with family dynamics. You're selfish. You'll be in selfish what? Because I'm taking fucking time out for myself because they're not getting it. They feel entitled to it because of their story that they're feeding themselves. So my advice is this.
Next time you meet someone on savoury and unkind, take a step back and lead them to it. Put them out in the cold, they don't deserve it. If they haven't apologised, then they don't feel like they've done anything wrong, no matter how much they play their low confidence card. And they're not willing to, then they don't want to be an adult. So do you want to be friends with a brat, a childish person? Do you?
I mean, I've got a whole fucking list if you do. I can organise a pie with balloons if you like. And we can bring that fucking clown as well. You know, but you don't, do you? You want to be around good-hearted, good people. So make sure that you are very comfortable on your own.
and you feel solid and you're all content and you can go without distraction. You don't have to have the TV on, you don't have to have the computer on, you don't have to be playing with your phone every five minutes. You can sit there on your own skin and really enjoy yourself. Get that first. Every day, write down everything that you love about yourself. Okay? That's your homework.
The second thing is ignore people. Just ignore them. Give them, you know, that I give you an example. Had a neighbor when I first moved in, we went out for drinks. And he said, I don't have any money. And I thought you've invited me for drink as a celebration or something. I don't know what the fuck is going on. And now you've said you got no money. So I'm expected to pay for this, am I? And then as I'm paying for drinks, he's playing around with his wallet and five pound falls out. And I thought, so you do have money.
And that would be a very nice gesture if that five pounds you bought a drink considering I'd been buying them all. And I thought, I'm not going to go out with you again. So in about a year and a half later, he still sees me in the street, says, oh, do you fancy a drink? And I thought, no, because I'm not paying for it.
And I've had people say to me, oh, do you not think you should give him a chance? Like, no, no. Because he showed me who he was first. Do I need, do I, am I that stupid? I need to go out again and be beguiled and tricked. He might pay for it next time. Yeah, sure. But he's already told me that he, he's tricky and he tries to manipulate. So it'll be the third or the fourth time that he tries to manipulate again.
believe it when you see it the problem is do you know what manipulative people do they play games so they're in and out of these masks so it's very confusing and this is why internet dating i think is detrimental because they're scanning your photographs they're understanding what kind of person you want and they're they're feeding back to you the image in which you're kind of like leaning towards or pivoting towards the best thing you can do is meet someone
randomly because they're not wearing a mask and they're not laced with intention.
and they're not trying to beguile you because they haven't done their research. They know nothing about you, they know for calls. So they're showing you, they're all you. The amount of times I hear this on calls when people say, I went on a date and they were really weird, I'm not too sure. Should I go again? I know, I'll go again. Yeah, maybe they were just nervous. And then they go again and the person is polished. They've really changed. Oh, I like them. Maybe I should give them a second chance. Yeah, I'll give them a second chance. A third chance, fourth chance.
And then about a year later, maybe even 10 years later, they've got married and have kids and they go, you know what? That person is exactly who I thought they were on the first date.
All they've done is they've done their research and they've adjusted themselves to the version that you want. Believe people when you first see them. Every time I look back and think, God, I've been stabbed in the back. I didn't like them when I first met them. I thought they were a complete twat. But then I've gaslit myself through owning securities, my own insecurity. Oh, no, I should be a nice person. Oh, no, I should do this. No, no way, no way.
You know, and people will, they'll leak. It's like a leak you get. They leak who they are. And you know, there's one type in particular that I completely avoid, and it's ones with sharp tongues. Now, I am all up for being direct and rude when the situation encourages it. You know, if someone is direct and rude to me, I'm probably going to, well, yeah, there's no probably. I'm going to do the same.
And if someone is out of line, then I'll say something, I can't keep it in. But I don't willy-nilly walk around and be rude. You know, I'm not nice all the time. There's a, you know, I have boundaries. And I recommend you're not nice all the time, otherwise you're just a fucking doormat, right? But it's the people who you can tell have smidges of jealousy and resentments and they have a sharp tongue.
I remember being in a job once and there was a woman that I worked for, she was really tall and she was of a bigger build than me. I'm five foot three and a half, I'm quite small. And I was working at this desk for like the first week and the digs that she would come up with, it was her enders.
Yeah. And she would talk to me like a child and I thought, I don't like you. You're obviously boiling away because you don't like smaller women because there's an insecurity within yourself. Those types of people I do not like. The dicks, the dicks, the dicks, the comments, you know.
You've got this, you've got that. Do you know, I think we all know someone like that, right? When it's like, it's just snappy, snappy, snappy, like you're enjoying yourself and they go, did you know you have a weird smile? You know that shit, you know, or like you're cooking or something and just, it's always at a point when you're like happy and they have to pop your balloon. I avoid them, oh my God, no, no, no, no.
Absolutely not. I'd rather drink a gallon of arsenic than be around those kind of people. Yeah, no thank you. Because you never know what's going to come. Your nervous system is going to be shot to shit. It's very narcissistic and psychopathic trait. The psychopathy is unreal. And it's just, it's unbalanced. And no control, no control over emotions whatsoever. Yeah.
Do you know, I highly recommend it. I cannot recommend it in a book called Psychopath Free from Jackson Mackenzie. I've had a feeling for a while our society is built on psychopathy. The way that we are
almost induced to go externally for our needs. So as society commercialism is built on, you want to feel better, treat yourself by this. It's a culture.
And I'm thinking, I swear to God most people are psychopathic on various gradients, because ultimately when you think outside of yourself for your own needs to be met, what you're doing is then you're going to be habitually using people to fulfill yourself. Right? On various gradients. And so I read this book and it just confirmed what I thought, which was most people are psychopathic.
because it's encouraged. In the physical world it's encouraged. You know?
We're talking, we're talking, you know, a distance between survival, you know, obviously if you're a caveman and you need to survive, then you have to kill, you know, a fucking cow or something and eat it. I mean, that's normal, right? That's natural. But when you're using people, you know, I've seen people scroll on this internet data and I've heard people say, oh, let's see how much money he's got. Okay, look at the trainers. Oh, no, that's not a high brand, blah, blah. That's psychopathy, right?
To a degree, you're looking at him like a thing, not a person. Of course you would look at him like a thing and not a person, because you don't know who he is, you don't know his character. And the same goes the other way, it's not a thing against women, or they, them, or whatever. You know, I'm including everyone in this, right? So it's like how far in the psychopath that game do you want to be?
And this is when you're healed and when you're looking after yourself and when you appreciate yourself, then that's when you stop going externally for validation. That's when you stop going externally. In this book it talks about being kind and nice all the time is a bid to kind of put right what was wrong.
You know, that's not psychopathic, that's a trauma response. So it's like when you really do the healing from being abused by psychopath, as psychopath, then you become very comfortable in your own skin and then you start to see how all the people operate. Now is this psychopathy that I'm talking about inherent or is it learned and taught? Well I think at this point in the game it's fucking taught.
because of the whole commercialism thing but anyway I'm going into deeper waters here but it's like I highly recommend you get the book and I highly recommend you just stay away from bad people you don't need other people to validate you you don't need other people to love you you don't need other people to feel love
You don't need other people to feel fucking anything. It's an illusion. It's what you're being taught. You know? Everything can come from you and your source.
So please stop playing the games. Stop playing the revenge game. Oh, I need to get them back. I need to warn the next person. I need to reach out to his new girlfriend or their new boyfriend or her new girlfriend or whatever. And it's like, you know, I need to reach out to them to warn them. I need to tell them so that they don't hurt anybody else. You don't need to do for call what you're doing. You know?
And it's like, just take a step back. Like I said, for the cement, their lives are full of fractious emotions that are not solidified. They're not solid in their own being. And what you get when you get someone who's not solid in their own being, you get someone who's avoidant of self-development, avoidant of self-generation, generating love, things like that that I'm talking about. What those people do is they go externally
for resources. We're talking the psychopath now, okay? So yes, your ex is probably a psychopath. Yes, that friend who's just stabbed you in the back, there's a degree of psychopathy there. No normal person would stab their mate in the back, who's just given them amazing opportunity.
You know a kind nice person would buy your fucking gift, you know Because they know the equilibriums. They know the laws of give and take but psychopaths they run their own law system. They're like, oh now law to themselves. They are Don't get involved. Don't get involved. Don't go near a collapsing building All right because they're claps thing on the inside and it's sooner or later They're going to pull you into their games
and they're going to drag you in it and they're going to ruin your reputation, get away. The truth always comes out and if there's one thing I can guarantee is if you have a good heart and you've worked on yourself and you have that solid infrastructure,
Everyone knows who's telling the truth. The ones flapping about in their nervous system and who's been traumatized looks crazy. Don't be that person. The person out for revenge looks like, well, you've met your karma. Stay calm. Don't say anything. Everyone knows who's telling the truth because karma always exists and truth never dies and your energy never lies. You know?
say, stay in your lane. The more you learn to love yourself, the more you learn to nurture yourself, the more you learn to do everything that you need to do and get that source energy and build yourself, the less you are a psychopath, you know, because you're doing it yourself. You're going inward for your resources, you're not going outward. And you know,
What is most powerful when you go inward? The power you have is incredible. What you can achieve when you go inside. The power, the electricity. Well, it's God's source. Now we're talking about miracles. You know, when you go externally, yeah, you can get the new trainers, you can get the new nut. You can put a short lift. When you go inside, my God, you become a fucking powerhouse. You become magnetic. You become a star, even more.
You become a supernova. You become an electricity field that people feel admire and you're so bright you become the fucking son.
You know? So go inward, all right? So on that note, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna make myself a really nice cup of tea. And I hope that helps. And if you wanna work with me, just head over to my website. So it's Q is in Q of people, you know, Q-U-E-U-E. Not Q the letter, but anyway, I love you very, very much.
And if you need anything, just reach out. All right. And honestly, hand on heart, I cannot describe how appreciative I am of you. You've stuck with me. Your loyalty has not gone unnoticed and hopefully through keeping my prices the same. Obviously, I have different programs and the gradients there are going to change. But the core prices, I haven't changed since I started. So I hope that's a thank you. All right.
So come here for the biggest talk of your fucking life. I love you, right? Keep your chin up.