What's up, fam? I'm Chappelle, host of the Recap Kickback podcast here for the exit interviews for Deal or Know Deal Island season two, with me, my amazing co-host, Jenny Autumn, and the most recently eliminated contestant from Deal or Know Deal Island season two, Storm Storm, what's up? How is it going, guys? I'm just living my life in Austin now, no longer on the Bankers Island, trying to compete for money, so...
Yeah, we got a lot of questions about what happened on last night's episode. So let's jump right in storm. Do you normally go by storm in your real life off of the island? Was this a choice to go by your middle name for the purposes of the show? No, no, I go by this name everywhere. I think I think in the sixth grade, I made a switch and never looked back.
Yeah, I look, I won't reveal because I know that's, look, there's a personal choice there. You keep that, but, uh, but yeah, but no, I wasn't surprised like when I heard that because this is, that's a really, that's a really good reality TV name. Like storm is, is a, is a dope name. And I think a lot of people were paying attention to your time in the game just based on your name, but it didn't go so well storm. It didn't. Yeah. What happened?
I mean, you know, honestly, before that temple, I thought things were going great, right? Like I'm talking to Dr. Will, right? We're coming up with a plan. He wants to get rid of CK, but he can't put her up because he made a deal with her. Okay, let's just convince somebody else to try to get rid of her. We want to get rid of the wind mess with the family. Dixon's a perfect like person for that. His family doesn't even really like him. He was a shield at that point. And so I go to Dixon, I talk to Dixon, tell him that CK doesn't really like him because of some other BS reason.
get him to admit that he wants to give it a CDK. So I'm thinking like, this is quite easy, like everything is taken care of. And I was in temple really excited for him showing how happy I was that he was doing well and and then completely got the line cited at the end. I did not see that coming.
Yeah, so I'm I'm really curious because, you know, as we saw from the rankings, you were kind of sitting pretty in the middle of things. Was there obviously you felt good about Dixon being the one to face the banker? Was there anyone that was potentially going to play the banker that you were nervous about that? Did you see anyone else trying to take you out?
Not at the time, you know, I've been working a pretty hard social game with everybody, right? Because like I, in my mind, I didn't want to form an alliance right off the back because that kind of puts a little bit of a target on your back. You're like trying to work with people that makes everybody else enemies. I wanted to kind of find myself in an alliance. I also wanted to sand back some of the competitions for the first like third because I didn't want to seem as a physical threat because people were already starting to talk about that. And so I thought like things were going pretty well. Um, and then
I didn't have any enemies at the time. I was friends with everybody, including my alliance, obviously. So I just didn't, I didn't see coming. I would have at that point not seen anybody gunning for him, which is why when I was playing around with the axe and struggling to get it to stick, I didn't have any concerns.
Yeah, you were a part of one of the more shocking moments of dealer, no deal, island season two, probably dealer, no deal, island history. What was your experience like watching it back all these months later? Oh, it was the craziest experience of my life, right? Because, you know, when you're there and you're filming it, you know what happens, but you don't exactly know how they're going to show it. And so that was pretty, and it makes it really special because like every once in a while, you know, they produce things to kind of make and go a certain way. But whenever I was throwing that X, that was my last throw.
Like there was a couple more throws that didn't show in there and the producers came out to me like, Hey, this is your last chance. If you don't hit this target, you don't get a case. And so the pressure was on. And then Maria Grace, Dr. Will is like, Hey, she should go talk to him. You should go give him some tips. And so Maria Grace came out there. It was perfect. You know, the showman's thing. She's giving me a quick shoulder rub. Said you got this. Just don't look at my eyes because they're going to distract you, utilize. And then out of every single ax that I threw that day, that was the most
perfect a stick in the entire campus. I mean, it could not have been better for just reality TV show it in general history. So it was great.
So you mentioned Will kind of egging on Maria Grace there. I want to know a little bit more about your relationship with Will because we've heard a lot from the people that were really not feeling good about him being there. But in last night's episode, we see you kind of strategizing with him. Was this just out of convenience because he was the one with power or did you have any intentions of working long term with Dr. Will?
Definitely had intentions with working long term or doctoral. I mean, I didn't even really put him as my highest threat. You know, we weren't necessarily in an alliance, but he was sleeping in our dome. So we had like our group had a lot more time to talk with them about things. And I think that gave us just a little bit more of a leg up of trust. And so he wanted to come to us, figure out what he wanted to do and then kind of go talk to other people. Um, and you know, I just, I worked with them for that moment, right? Maybe we're in the same alliance, but our common enemies aligned.
Neither of us were super fond of CK. So we had a common enemy, which kind of meant we were going to be working together that day. And I gave him an idea and he liked it. So yeah, it was probably going to begin the great alliance and duo and relationship between us. But unfortunately, the line cited that later that night. Yeah, Jenny wanted to know about your relationship with Dr. Will, but
Storm, I have to ask about this relationship with Maria Grace. This show, man, everyone's talking about it. Do you think this was bad for your game, ultimately? You know, I've been asked that a couple of times and I really don't think it was because in my mind, I'm thinking, OK, my alliance is going to think and generally was true. I was probably just as loyal them as MG if not more. My alliance is going to think, OK, this is a great opportunity for him to get information from MG. And G's alliance is probably going to think the same thing. So they're not going to have a big problem with it.
Both of us were not exactly stellar in any of the competition. So it's not like this was some sort of power duo that was just now working together. So I think it kind of gave off a generally innocent thing. Like, oh, that's real cute. You know, look at them going and doing their little breakfast aid and giggling with each other. And they were going to be fine with it.
And I was hoping that it would just kind of turn into something that people don't really focus on as much because they're like, oh, it's just MG just storm, you know, they're just over there doing cute shit. We can focus on the real threats of the game while we just kind of slipped to the very end. So.
So you mentioned Dr. Will is not at the, and I know Wilson will let Chappelle ask more about Marie Grace because I know that he's, he's not done with this. But you know, you said that you didn't rank Dr. Will the highest. And so, you know, discussion about seeing the family as a threat.
Obviously, you had a bit of a personal relationship with people in the family. But what was the relationship with the parental figures of the family and poverty and David? And did you have any intentions of going after them? Or did you see them as just kind of at an arm's length through your personal relationships with MG and Dixon?
So I had had conversations with David mostly about this and then at one point poverty as well. It wasn't exactly shown in camera, but I was an advocate for physically strong mentally strong experience people because I saw myself as a target for being physically strong so.
Instead of me looking at these people that are really, really good at the game, David, he's tall, he's strong, he's played survivor, although we didn't know that at the time. I just generally looked physically capable, poverty who's experienced player, Dr. Will's experienced player, Lenny, who's just super tall, athletic, smart. I can't say, oh, we need to get them out because they're like a threat, because that's I'm also saying we need to get me out because I'm a threat.
And so I tried to spin the narrative and make it seem like they were more of an ally. And so I never really had any true issues with David or poverty or any of them at the beginning. I was more looking at people that were trying to like snake around and make common enemies for the group so that everybody would be on the same side. And I was going to try to do that week to week to week to week, just sort of mob mentality until I couldn't do it anymore.
Yeah, staying on the family, I know you had relationships with Maria Grace, obviously, with the parents, you were talking to David. But Dixon is the blind spot, it looks like. What do you think this went wrong? What do you think happened and led to his decision to ultimately take you out of the game?
You know, I've, I've thought about this obviously for a while. And definitely today, more so seeing that the episode aired last night. Um, a lot of the time, I don't really know how much I could have changed, right? Cause there's a couple of things here. I'm thinking maybe he didn't like that I squatted him in front of everybody. Maybe it was like a little.
irritated by that. I'm sort of embarrassing him. That's the one thing I can think that I didn't do nice. The true thing I think happened is he went to temple that night and he was going to give it a CK. And then he won $5 million was feeling on top of the world and said, I want to do something big. And so he just blindsided me and shocked, frankly, the world and made a big name for himself. Cause I mean, honestly, you guys have your opinions, but in my mind, this is one of the biggest episodes so far. So.
Absolutely. Yeah. Storm, would you ever do reality TV again? Like, I feel like you were violently removed from the game this time.
Hell yeah, I would do more reality TV. I loved it. I mean, that was the, that was the coolest experience of my entire life. You know, and I liked the athletic aspect of it, right? Things like challenge survivor. Like I would, I would love to do things like that. Um, but I mean, there was also a show, man's, and I kind of liked having a little, uh, a little show I'd start the show, a little bit of romantic aspect. So there's other shows I'm sure on NBC, you guys have heard of like a love Island and that.
But I wouldn't exactly be opposed to. So yeah, the whole entire TV world is super interesting and just the way production was set up and the hoopla around it. And it's a really cool deal. So I would absolutely do more TV if they're interested in people they get out for.
Stormy mentioned, even in your bio, obviously the showman's piece was something that you seemed prepared for. But I feel like we were seeing a gamer starting to develop here.
You know, if you're looking to do more TV, do you obviously like the love type shows seem like something that's really well suited to you? But do you feel like you were just kind of starting to get your feet wet with some of this social strategy type gaming? And do you feel like that is actually an area you'd like to play, get the chance to play something like this again?
Yes, absolutely. And you know, I feel like I had a great social game, even with Dixon. I was really good to Dixon and everybody on the island, I was generally friendly with, you know, in the first few episodes, you didn't exactly see me talking to as many people because I was never at risk. I didn't need to go in a lobby for myself to be safe that night. And I didn't want to exactly bug other people or irritate them. So I kind of let other people do their thing.
And, uh, and then that was the first opportunity I had where I could actually like try and do something, right? I wasn't safe. So I just started to work with Will, realize we had common alignments, you know, realize we wanted common things and, uh, and started to kind of work my magic. And I had planned to sort of do that for the entire time, but, uh, but yeah, unfortunately didn't hand out. So I think my social game is definitely one of my stronger aspects, though.
Oh, yeah. Seriously. It was, it was impressive watching you kind of work your way into the middle. I know you said that you play other games, you mentioned Survivor, but then you mentioned Love Island. And I'm thinking storm. We already have a show, man. What's, what's the status between Maria Grace as of right now?
I mean, I can bring Maria Grace with me in some. So you go look at it. I think I've liked that before. And that was the first thing I thought, of course. But without revealing too much, right? Because I want Maria Grace to speak for herself. I may or may not have visited her in LA where she's moved. She may or may not be coming to visit me in Austin here pretty soon. So you'll just have to wait and see. Hey, love that. Definitely still in contact. Yeah. Do you have any more questions?
No, I just, you know, I hope you had a really great experience and, you know, going out the way you did, it is like a big blindside, someone who is super in like a great spot. It's got to be a compliment in a way. So I just love to know if you feel really good about the experience in the game you played.
It was the most amazing experience of my life, right? Like I don't have an issue with the game that I played. I think that if it was a longer period of time, I was there. My game would have made more sense by knowing I was leaving on episode four. I'm able to try to do a little bit more in the first few episodes, but, but no, I don't have any regrets. I'm not regretful. The Dixon one that looked through his eyes, like one of the most crazy moments of his entire life. So I'm really happy you got to experience that. Um, and, and just that I was a part of the whole thing in general.
So what else are you working on these days? Where can people find you? Where can they follow you on social media if they want to keep up with you?
Yeah, my Instagram is storm underscore Wilson. S-C-R-M underscore W-I-L-S-O-N. And then my tick talks the same thing except there's a zero at the end. Um, doing the boats on the weekends, working on a little bit of digital content and now trying to kind of get into the social fitness influencer world. Um, somebody told me the other day that you should just start filming yourself doing these. Like I think people would like to see it. And so that's what I've been doing for the last couple of weeks. And hopefully, you know, maybe something comes from that. Um, but, uh,
Yeah, that's that's it for now. All right, I'm sure you'll get a lot of followers. I'm sure people are going to come through your magnetic man. People are going to follow you off a cliff and hopefully to other reality shows and other ventures moving forward. It's been a pleasure talking to you today. Absolute pleasure talking to you all as well. Thank you guys so much.
No problem, I'll write everyone that was stormed the most recently eliminated contestant from Deal In No Deal Island season 2. To keep up with more coverage of our Deal In No Deal Island content, please remember to subscribe to WeKnow.the podcast feed for weekly episode recaps and more on WeKnowRealityV.com. Peace.