EP:298 Dreams & Visions! with Tom Doyle
January 28, 2025
TLDR: Tom Doyle discusses Muslims encountering Jesus in dreams, sparking conversions and transformations. Exploring intersections of supernatural, faith, and life impact.

In this captivating episode of the Blurry Creatures podcast, Tom Doyle returns to share powerful stories of Muslims encountering Jesus through vivid dreams. These encounters often lead to radical conversions, igniting profound transformations in their lives and communities. Doyle discusses how the supernatural intersects with faith and why these experiences are increasingly common in today's world.
Key Themes Discussed
The Power of Dreams in Faith
Significance of Dreams: In many cultures, dreaming is seen as a profound experience. Muslims, following the tradition of Muhammad who received revelations through dreams, often regard these visions as divine messages. Doyle emphasizes that dreams can serve as a doorway for Muslims to reconsider their faith.
Modern Encounters: Doyle recounts numerous instances of Muslims having dreams about Jesus, which lead them to seek out more information about Christianity. Such experiences often occur in places of conflict where traditional forms of evangelism are not feasible.
Miraculous Conversions
True Stories of Faith: Doyle shares narratives about individuals from Sunni Islam who faced life-threatening situations due to their faith in Jesus. He tells the harrowing story of seven young men in Aleppo who were crucified for refusing to renounce Christianity, highlighting their courage and unwavering faith.
Impactful Community Stories: Another gripping narrative features a Jewish woman in Iran who, after a series of dreams about Jesus, finds herself welcomed by a group of former Muslims who have accepted Christ, demonstrating the amazing community that God builds.
The Role of Prayer
Community Support: The podcast discusses the essential role of prayer from the global Christian community that rallied for Doyle when he faced a stage four cancer diagnosis. His healing journey was marked by numerous prayers, leading to miraculous results as doctors found no evidence of disease.
Encouragement to Pray: Doyle encourages listeners to understand the significance of prayer in mobilizing God’s power for healing and transformation in others’ lives, reaffirming that prayer is not just a ritual but a vital link to divine intervention.
Practical Applications and Takeaways
Expect the Unexpected: Doyle's experiences underline that God meets people where they are, demonstrating His love through dreams and visions, even in hostile environments.
Courageous Faith: The podcast invites listeners to recognize the inspiring courage of many believers worldwide who face persecution yet choose to stand firm in their faith.
Engagement with the Supernatural: Doyle challenges the modern church's often truncated view of the supernatural, suggesting that believers should be open to the miraculous actions of God in today’s world.
Tom Doyle’s insights in this episode of Blurry Creatures remind us that the intersection of the supernatural and the tangible world is alive and well. As communities of faith continue to pray and support one another, incredible transformations, like those experienced by the individuals discussed in this session, are possible. The podcast encourages listeners to be open, expect miracles, and actively engage in prayer, emphasizing that God is at work in the most unexpected ways.
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There were seven young men that came to faith in Christ out of Sunni Islam. And they were up in that area, up in Aleppo, in the bad area. This is when ISIS is there, Jabbat al-Nusrah. And they came to them, said, you must come back to Islam, or we're gonna kill you. And they said, we're not doing that. We're not gonna do that. We're a believer. We believe in Jesus, we stay with Jesus, whether we live or die. And they say, well, if you wanna live like Jesus,
Then you'll die like Jesus. So they built seven crosses and put these guys on crosses and we had pictures of it. And do you know that some of them were even smiling at people that were rocking by? They were showing who Jesus is. Some of them were even singing hymns.
as they were going to their death, singing about how much they love Jesus. So here we are in this place that we've never been to. We don't know that city. And God leads this guy that's been having dreams for like 30 days in a row to us, the God of miracles. And this is what's happening out there on the front lines daily. When a Muslim hears that you had a dream last night, you had a vision. Yeah. Yeah.
Immediately that takes them back to the foundation of their faith and says, I need to check this out. The history of our earth is so different from what we can imagine.
The Smithsonian, and if they found out about large skeletons somewhere, was to go get it. I'm going to assume at least one person is right, because if one person is right, it busts the paradigm. It all goes back to the fallen chair. And the problem with the modern day church, they had a very truncated view of the supernatural. This backdrop is just pregnant with all kinds of meaning associated with this Mount Herman event.
And this guy defects from the kingdom. That's a big deal. It's great to have Tom Doyle back in the house. You know, one of the things that we did, Nate, was when we initially had you on top was we asked our listeners to pray for you. We'd never really done that before. But I think that first episode about the dreams of Muslims and the impact of
Jesus showing up behind enemy lines. Your story resonated with so many people that actually at BlurryCon, you would send an email and we read it out loud at BlurryCon because we knew people were invested in your story. And it's funny, or funny, not funny, but it's amazing. We still get emails time on a daily basis or a weekly basis about your episode and people wanting to, not only talking about the impact, wanting to know how you're doing. So one of the things we want to do here was give you the chance to give everyone an update. Yeah, how you doing, Tom?
Yeah. How are you doing? And what's happened since that first episode between here and there? I know that like we read out that email and you had gotten some good news back and we shared that at BlurryCon. But can you catch everybody up and give an update on what's been happening since that last update? We did sort of the end of October with our people. Yeah. Absolutely. Well, for the first time of calling people to prayer, it hit it out of the park. I mean, we'd still get
contacts from from blurry con family that will just you know blurry creatures family that'll just ask how you doing and we heard the episode and that so what you announced at the conference which was so special was that the tumors were cut in half and we were just praying for
them to be gone after that. We, it was just like it. We turned the corner. It was like the, it was like the Red Sea parted. And we finally saw, okay, there's a way through this. It looks like Jesus is doing something and we were trusting and believing he was going to heal it. And the thing that every cancer person hopes for is no evidence of disease, scans, blood work that show no evidence of disease. So, so you guys were at the blurry con conference and, um,
And it kept getting better after that. More prayer, more people jumping on board. And a couple of days before Christmas, we went to see our doctor. We did scan. We did blood work. And he comes busting in the room. Okay, usually the nurse comes in and he just comes busting and it goes, it is a miracle. This is a miracle.
And he gave us the pronouncement, no evidence of disease. Yeah, let's go on. That's amazing. That's so cool. Because as a community, as a podcast, I think one of the things Luke and I just stumbled upon is the community aspect of this podcast that we didn't really intend to start or create and people want to know. And it feels like a sort of a ragamuffing group of people who believe in the blurry stuff.
You know and but found each other and you're a big part of that and I think yeah It was cool that to have a moment where we could all kind of rally around a similar cause So it's great for us to hear and I would say too like it's been so cool Tom to be to get to be on the sidelines and watch a miracle in real time Like it almost makes me emotional like this. Yeah been the coolest experience to I've seen miracles in my life It's one of the things I talk about I've seen actual God
and when I was at YOAM to do Marrakis healings. You know, but that was 20 plus years ago and to get to see here and hear your story. The work that you're doing, you've done and are doing and see God show up and do a real miracle. Doctors, this is a miracle. It's just been amazing to be a very, very small part of. And so, Tom, we're grateful for you, man, for your ministry. It's really cool, actually. I was listening to Sean Ryan's episode with Lee Strobel.
recently, because he's wrote a book on the Supernatural, and he talks about you. You got a shout out in that episode about how he talked to you about Muscat Frame. So Tom, what you're doing is so vastly important, I think, for this time in history and the fact that we get to be a small part of telling your story and also our community to get the honor to pray for you, man, and to be a part of this miracle. Man, you got all the grandkids. You got to keep going.
We're going to go to Israel, bro. We need you to stick around. 16, one of the way. We got some big plans, guys. We want to go to Israel together and cannot wait to go on an uncharted adventures.
trip where the great commission meets the great outdoors. How is that? Well, it doesn't get any better than that. And so we're just so thankful for all of you guys praying. Amazing. The doctor showed us pictures of things where he showed us the pictures of my bladder. OK, you talk about some weird things on here. Let's talk about my bladder in a minute. But it would just look terrible. All this stuff in it. You could see tumors all over.
A few months ago, then he goes, here's where it is now. Nothing. Zero. Just, it was perfect. Big beautiful bladder. Yeah. Well, when God does something, he does it already. That's amazing.
Thank you, Tom. I appreciate that and thanks for being vulnerable on the podcast episode and thanks for allowing people to... I know sometimes it's a little awkward when random people are trying to like pray for you or whatever and it's just like a fine line there but it's cool that you let our community know and kind of into your... just into your situation what you were dealing with behind the scenes and it's a cool moment.
Yeah. And I think too, like if you haven't listened to our first episode with Tom, I encourage you to start there. Tom, I think it was so interesting that time to be with you in that time because some of the things you said about sort of staring down the barrel at perhaps the end, it was so profound. If you haven't listened to that,
This is our second episode on what we call Divine Dreams, and it's really God showing up to the Muslim world in dreams, repeatedly in calling these people to himself, which is just an amazing, miraculous, blurry thing in them itself. But start with that first episode, because this news here
You're gonna you're gonna need to walk through this to to an absolute miracle and I just think listening to that episode again and your thoughts about Kind of staring on the barrel at maybe the end It's so profound. I mean, I loved your attitude and got it done a work and and to be able to watch that and to really it's been the an honor so
So cool. So such a great update. Listen, blurry creatures, people and listeners. Like if this isn't a testament to the power of prayer and God moving at the behest of his people, then I don't know what is. And we talked about miracles named on the show. And I think it's such a cool part to be a part of one. And we don't know why God does what he does, Tom.
You know, sometimes he chooses not to heal as it was with our friend Dr. Michael Heiser. But he's ultimately in control. And in this case, he just decided to intervene miraculously. And we're grateful, man. We're grateful that we get to spend some more time with you. Oh, man, thank you. Well, how grateful we are that, you know, it says several times in Scripture, is anything too hard for God, you know? There is zero panic. There's no panic in heaven. And God can do it every once. And he chose
to bring healing and we're so grateful. We are so awesome. We're gonna write a new book. We've been for years. People say, do you have more dreams, Muslims? We have hundreds of them. So more dreams and visions and healings too. And who would have known that as we embarked on this to start writing it, I would need healing. But God came through and wow, we experienced incredible miracles. So thank you all, blurry creatures.
Folks, the tribe for being a part of it and joining us in praying. Yeah. Love it. And there's more stuff to do together, you and us. And we got a lot of things coming. So enjoy this episode and thank you, Tom, for being a part of what we do.
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All right. Welcome back. Welcome back to blurry creatures. And we have Tom Doyle back in the house today. Tom, welcome back to the podcast. We had a great episode with you a couple of weeks ago. And it was one of our fan favorites already. People were sharing that around. And you're an author and explorer and missionary missionary. Yeah. All over the place. 20 years in the whole time. Tom.
This has been a fun story for us, and we talked about this pre-roll, but of course, the story goes, we did an episode this summer at some point, and it got lost in the, or spring, and it got lost in the ether with the laptop failure, but we did it again, and the time between, if you haven't listened to the episode, Divine Dreams with Tom Doyle, and the time between you, you had some health things come up, and it's been an amazing story, and I want you to tell it, but one of the things that happened for us,
Was maybe for the first time in any episode we I think we just felt compelled that like
to ask our audience to pray, to pray for your health. And you got diagnosed with cancer, stage four, correct me if I'm wrong on the details. It's stage four cancer. And in between the two recordings, and so our first release with you, then we go from one we lost, we're no cancer, to one that you had, finally you have stage four, we ask people to pray. And then I remember getting an email, and it was during BlurriCon,
And it was from you, and it was this miraculous story of how... Yeah, miracles. I want you to tell it, but what I want to say is we read the email out loud at Bluricon because I know that people in our audience and our listeners are really become invested with our guests. Yeah. And your episode and story resonated with so many people because it's just this crazy, amazing
way that the God is going behind enemy, enemy lines and, and showing up in the dreams of Muslims, like, which for a lot of people, people hadn't heard about or they'd heard about it and never really dove into them. But this is what you've lived. And so that was a cool connection, but then your personal story, I think people just really resonated. So I'll let you tell what's happened. Yeah, story within a story. Yeah. We'll start here because I think people, we need, we need the update from Tom Doyle and what's happened since the last episode. Well, thank you for having us back and, and man,
just the power of God, what he has done in prayer. And so we had a first, you know, we had a first podcast and then, and then it ends up that we, that, that I get the diagnosis. And so I get this diagnosis. And I mean, it was, it was bad guys. I'll just say this, everything that you think you would want in a doctor and it was a doctor up here in Dallas and bedside manner. I didn't get. I got, I sat down with him and he just said, you have stage four.
answer. And I give you about a year or less. That was it. And that's not a soft letdown. It's not. And it got worse. I mean, this is just crazy. That week I get phone calls from funeral homes asking if I've made arrangements. I kid you not. Are they reading
hospital reports. I don't know. They're selling your data, Tom. That's right. This guy, but got it other plans, but this guy, this guy needs some arrangements. I want you to continue your story, but I think the things that you said last episode before, between now and then, it was like things that brought me to tears.
You're out. I mean, this is what I want to say. You're outlook on, on this diagnosis and then having funeral homes called like your, the way you turned that.
The things you said about looking at the tech may potentially the end of your life. Um, I thought was so impactful. If you haven't listened to that episode, I encourage you to go back, but, um, that perspective, and I think I know it comes from your, from the time you've spent from the things you've seen God do. Um, but continue the story, but I just, if you hadn't listened to Tom in that space talking about,
It was sort of looking down the barrel at the end of your life. I think it's worth that. Those few minutes are worth listening to. As we all sort of spend our days not thinking about death or the end of when it's all inevitable for us, right? We don't do that typically, but it's coming for all of us.
Did you ever watch the Californians on SNL? No. This is gonna be an aside. Oh. You ever seen this get the Californians on SNL Tom? No. This is gonna be a joke just for me then. There's an episode. They make fun of the way Californians talk and I think it's funny because Nate and I from California, but there is this episode where the doctor shows up and he's like, dude, your results back. You've got cancer. And that was it. And then that's the whole thing. Kind of by what you just said, like it was like,
Oh, that's a, well, thanks for, thanks for that doc. Wait a, wait a, wait a table that, couch that one, that announcement. Yeah. That's right. That's right. Oh my gosh. You're, or, or like the old joke about the, the guy that's, that's really in bad shape and the doctor talks to the wife and says this and,
Probably not going to make it, but if he does, you're going to have to be with him 24 seven. He needs constant care. You're going to have to cook every meal. You're going to have to serve him, wait on him, all that kind of stuff. It's going to be rough. But if you, if you jump in as caretaker, he could make it. And so she goes back in the room and he says, honey, well, what happened with the doctors say?
He said, you're going to die. I mean, that's so bad. It's terrible. Yeah. Oh, okay. So yeah, funeral homes are calling you. Um, yeah. And so anyway, you guys jump in and we do the, we do the podcast and then you asked if we could pray and hey, we just think the more the better. So we're never going to turn that down. And you guys asked your people to pray and pray they did somehow they
They started getting in touch with us, people started calling, we are praying, we're on this. So then you guys are in the middle of Blurikon and we went and saw the doctor and he's a great doctor. This is the new doctor, not the old doctor, but the new doctor, Denny Houston. And he was just elated, just elated. He said, this is unbelievable. I mean, the tumors are shrunk in half.
And we're not seeing it in different places that we saw it. And then we got ahold of you guys. And as we had just come out of the doctor's office, and Josh and Tommy said, well, you need to, our sons, you need to get ahold of the guys. They're at Blurikon. So I just fired up that email and you guys read it before we got down to the next appointment. We had people sending us the video back.
of you guys announcing that. And Joanne and I, I mean, we just had tears going down like, wow, these people don't know us, but you said this praying, they prayed and God moved. And then after that guys, we had 300, it's your markers, your cancer markers, we're at 300 per centimeter. I think I'm probably getting the language wrong, but it went to zero.
Wow. And the doctor comes in again this time. He's usually a nice polite knock. He just busts in the door and says, this, this is amazing. We just don't see this. And so anyway, and we were saying, God answers prayer and there's people praying and he goes, Amen. And he was just, he was just with us. So
I mean, I feel great. We don't know what the Lord has in front of me. Yeah, I was going to say, what's your energy levels like? Good. Some of the, you know, the one problem I've had, here's another prayer thing, is the chemo, because it does a lot of weird things and had some tunnel vision and we're kind of wondering, do we need to do this? So basically we need to scan to see where things are, but that's what we're praying that we could stop. That's what we're praying. It's great for them. Yeah.
That's a big one. I think that it's always interesting when you have a story within a story. I think those are the best documentaries. I think those are the best podcasts. It's like there's this thing happening on the surface where this macro story of God showing up and giving people dreams and visions and
answering real practical prayers and then it's happening in your own life. I think that's the best part about being, you know, dependent on God is that you're, you know, you're seeing him working on other people's lives, but you're also seeing him work in your own life. And sometimes you go through life and feel disconnected. And I think we have Luke and I have kind of awakened something and
And a lot of people in the outskirts of the church kind of understanding, I've had these weird paranormal experiences. I've had these miracles. I've seen things. I've seen angels. I've had seen creatures, whatever it is. And when you put it back into the real world, practical sense that like, no, this shows up. Here's this episode. And then a month later, you know, all these blurry people are praying. This crazy miracle happens that I think
Sometimes Luke and I just talked about weird stuff all day long. We even forget sometimes that they're just producing the show and going through life that people have miracles happen daily. It's great to have you back and tell your story to our fans.
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Thank you for everyone out there who's listening and prayed because we're very disconnected sometimes to our audience and we don't know. We just throw it out there on the internet. Hey, pray for this man. You know, and obviously it's cool to see it happen. So welcome back to the podcast and then we can launch back in.
Yeah. And I think it's so cool, Tom, because you've been in the business of the miraculous for the last 20 years. And this is what we've talked about in the first episode is going, you know, going into the, you know, into the whole, then into Israel, into these, these places that are, um, there's a huge Muslim influence behind enemy lines and seeing God do miracles. I, you know, I think about the one that you told last, last episode about the, the man in the hospital who said it was Jesus. And he's like, no, no, no, no, no, no. I was. He saw the whole, I saw them nail, nail marks in his hands. And so you've been front row.
to all of these, and then it's happening in your own life, which is such a cool, I mean, it's like an Aton, it's a cool story within the story. But let's get back to it. So if you haven't listened again, listen to the first episode with Tom, because with such the stage where we're gonna jump back in, Tom's got 20 years of experiences, written books on Muslims having dreams and visions and Jesus appearing and bringing people out of Islam into miraculous encounters.
So where do we go, Tom? You want to talk about what's been happening this weekend or do you want to go back into the catalog of the miraculous in your quote career? Yeah. Where do you want to go? Yeah. Hey, let's talk about this weekend. And then we'll talk about some of the major players like Iran and Syria and what's going on and that. But this weekend, people, I'm sure heard about what was happening that kind of basically the Syrian army, it looked like they gave up.
and the terrorist groups were back. We used to have ISIS in Syria and Djibat El Newsra. Now there's a new group. It's called HTS Hyatt Terir El-Sham. That means the liberation of the Levant. So like Syria, Lebanon, all that's going to be liberated by this group. So this is Sunni Muslim group and they went into Aleppo and just took over Syria's biggest city, second biggest like that. No.
no problem whatsoever. And I mean, they come in and those Toyota trucks and there's thousands of them coming in. And so I think a lot of times, guys, we look at the news and, okay, destabilization in the Middle East, here we go again and all that. But I, there's just a question that always jumps up for me is, we're the believers. Where's the church? What's happening? I mean, there's still call, it's not like Jesus hit the pause button on the Great Commission. It's still happening. And so, so we have a group
a team uncharted in Syria, and we're watching this, this takeover, and they're coming into Aleppo, and it's no contest. They're taking over. Well, we find out our team, the uncharted Syria team, is in Aleppo. They've gone there this morning, and they had heard the rumors, they knew what was going on, and this is a group of men and women, and they're doing ministry, and they're sharing the gospel with Muslims, and there's people that are interested, and we're watching the news, and we're hearing
that the group is 30 minutes from Aleppo and getting a hold of the team. They're saying, yeah, yeah, we know that. We know that they're coming, but we've got 30 minutes. We've got time. And I think about, my gosh, that picture must have been everybody hearing that this new Muslim terrorist group is coming in. It must, the picture must have been cars going out the city and then one lone car going in, people would think that they're absolutely nuts.
for going in, but they were there and they were on a mission. And I thought about this. I thought, you know, when you, when you look at like September 11, everybody remembers where they were and who they were with probably when they heard the news. And so I think about these people in Syria that have been in a war for over 10 years now, and they're going to remember on that day when their city was taken over where they were and who they were with. And you know what God did? He sent believers to their rescue.
and they were with believers who were there sharing the gospel, risking their own lives, but they were there, unafraid. I mean, they always talk about like a second Corinthians 4, 7, this light and momentary affliction, it's nothing, it's gonna go. And just the bravery of what you see behind the scenes always just slams me. I mean, we can watch the news, but then what's happening with the news?
behind the news. And we always say to people, don't take your worldview just from the news. There's a bigger story. And all of this is fitting together in a puzzle when it comes to biblical prophecy. So we don't know what's going to happen to Syria. It looks like Russia and Iran are pulling back and maybe they're letting the president just kind of dangling the wind. We don't know. We're not sure what's going to happen, but typically it's bad for Christians and there's a lot of persecution. And last time,
ISIS was crucifying people on the cross. And I remember the story we got from some of our leaders there that snapped a picture from far away of seven young men that were crucified on crosses. Do you have a lot of people that you know there like texting you and giving you updates? Yeah, we have a team and then they're able to get information to us through secure
Yeah, because a lot of people don't know. I mean, obviously information lockdown and the news. There's no way to know actually what's happening versus, you know, sometimes you have to have like a live, like almost a live feed and people texting you in real time or Twitter people tweeting, you know, things in real time. It's really hard to know exactly what the heck's going on in the world in 2024. You wouldn't think that'd be the case. So people are sending you messages and saying this is what's happening, right? Yeah. And you know, well, guys, we got, we got, um,
hit by some like different groups that were in the news. And we were saying that the Christians were being crucified in Syria. And they were saying, that's not happening. That's not happening. We haven't seen it. Our reporters haven't seen anything. Well, first of all, the world news is not omniscient. You know, they don't know everything that's going on and say they don't want to go to some of those places. They're, you know, they're in a studio regurgitating things. So anyway, it ends up that there were seven young men
that came to faith in Christ out of Sunni Islam. And they were up in that area, up in Aleppo, in the bad area. This is when ISIS is there, Jabbat al-Nusrah. And they came to them, said, you must come back to Islam, or we're gonna kill you. And they said, we're not doing that. We're not gonna do that. We're a believer. We believe in Jesus, we stay with Jesus, whether we live or die. And they say, well, if you wanna live like Jesus, then you'll die like Jesus.
So they built seven crosses and put these guys on crosses and we had pictures of it. And do you know that some of them were even smiling at people that were rocking by? They were showing who Jesus is. Some of them were even singing hymns as they were going to their death, singing about how much they love Jesus. Wow. I mean, it's just hard to believe
that these things happen. And here's these young guys in their early 20s that have a life ahead of them. And I think it would be tempting to say, okay, what's that prayer again? I'll reconvert, you know, but they didn't and they stood strong. And so that's why I think right now the church is growing faster than ever before in history is because we have these stud Christians that are willing to live with everything they have for Jesus and die for him.
And that's where he moves. He just moves powerfully there.
I think that's what maybe was most impressed upon me when our last episode time was the cost. I think we live in this bubble in the West where a lot of times our faith doesn't cost us a lot. You just talked about these seven guys that were crucified. We talked about the woman who basically said if I convert, this is from the last episode, that my husband will kill me.
And then she was in line the next day to baptize. Like the cost is everything. And yet for a lot of these folks that are having encounters with Jesus in Muslim countries, it's worth everything. And it's such a sobering and amazing thought because I think that's so far from our reality in the West. Like at this point in time in the history.
for us in the West, we aren't really persecuted. Our faith doesn't really ask us, are you going to lay down your life now or tomorrow or in the next three hours for what you believe? And it's just a different paradigm. And then to hear that,
It's just, it doesn't even feel real, right? It feels like you're like a movie, like a movie. Like this is amazing. I want to cry in this movie because of this sort of heroic face, but this is really happening. Tom, do you think that that's why Jesus shows up to these people? Because they're in a life or death situation and it's kind of like the last line of defense, sending to King of Kings.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Paul was traveling in one city and a man needed healing. And it says he looked at him and could see that he had faith. That he was banking everything on, it's got to be Jesus. This is my only help. It's the only thing that's going to save me. And I think the people weighing whether this is the truth or not, the experience just changes things like that. I mean, just
A month ago, one of our leaders in Egypt, his name's Rami. I'll give him a cover name. Rami goes into this village. They're going to do a medical clinic and there's a guy there. And he walks straight up to him. He's a Muslim and he has the bump on his head. Like in Egypt and other places, when they pray, they will bang their head on the ground and they actually get a bump.
over time. And so this guy, it's to show I'm committed. So any of this guy comes up and he sees Rami walk in this Muslim guy and he says, Rami, I've been waiting for you to come. And he said, do I know you? And he said, no, no, you were in my dream last night. And God told me you got a message for me. So I've been, I've been sitting here waiting for you.
How's that for an opener? Yeah. Right? It's a cold opener. Yeah. So then he meets with him and then he meets with the family. Is there most of the day? They pray to receive Christ. This is a radical village and they've answered the due questions. Are you willing to suffer for Jesus? It's going to happen, especially living here. Are you ready to die for Jesus? Yes. And he and the rest of the family are convinced they pray to receive Christ. They experience persecution.
But man, no turning back, you know, no turning back whatsoever. And that's what I see happening around the world. And in some unique way, guys, it kind of parallels a little bit with the story when I started getting texts from people that have said, I just gave a praying a long time ago. I'm not on speaking terms with God, something like that, but something gripped me about your story. So I'm praying that
God does a miracle. I find myself praying. And so you guys were a conduit to that where people just started praying that maybe I haven't prayed for a while. So praise God. Maybe they lost faith. Maybe they, maybe the church wasn't their thing. Maybe they didn't seem real. But man, these people on the front lines, where it's do or die for Jesus.
They resonate with those stories and they see that it's real. And that's what they're looking for, that kind of experience. Hey, Tom, can you, real quick, I mean, so if you're joining us and you listen to the first episode again, listen to that, but can you remind us again why, why dreams are so important and we're talking about it and what you've written about is, is.
Muslim people having dreams. So whether it be roomy, you have a message for me or Jesus himself showing up and saying, yeah, you know, for the woman, the gas station for 30 years, right? But why is it such a, why is it such a unique and important thing for the, for Muslim faith that, that this is the way? Yeah. It's like that. That God does it. It's like NASCAR and the South, you know, having dreams and visions. It's the thing. It's the thing. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like in the West, if one of us has a,
crazy dream or something. You talked to your friend about it, they're probably going to ask you, what did you eat last night, you know, upset stomach or something. And in the Middle East, they'll sit down and have a cup of coffee. Tell me about the dream because they see that the dream could be a means of revelation. And so Mohammed, how did Islam start? He went into a cave and had a vision with Gabriel, Gabriel, the angels, supposedly. We don't think that's who it was, but
Anyway, that's how Islam started, that he had a dream and he kept having these dreams and these visions and they would scare him. And so when a Muslim hears that, that you had a dream last night, you had a vision. Yeah, yeah. Immediately that takes him back to the foundation of their faith and says, ooh, I need, I need to check this out. So that brings validity. And during Ramadan, there's one night in the last week of Ramadan called the night of destiny.
and they pray for a dream, for God to reveal himself to them. And if you have the way that God communicates, so this is bedrock. This is what I love about this because you think about the way God operates. And he meets these people in the bedrock of
the Genesis, if you will, of their faith, which is a dream. And then Jesus shows up and hijacks that, right, and says, this is the way you believe it was things you're communicating, and here I am, which I love that because it's like he's...
He's speaking their language, but he's taking what the darkness is used for. Yeah, it's incredibly personal. Flipped it, yeah. I think sometimes we think that, you know, God just is this uniform way. He presents everything, but he's very incredibly personal. And I think some people have, and I think that's why the church has so much skepticism because everyone kind of seems to have a different experience in a different way. And it's like, well, that's not how I heard it. That's not what I, that's not my experience, but what a personal story.
Boy, isn't that the truth? And how much time do we waste debating things inside Christianity? We were an army. We're supposed to be out there spreading the message. In fact, that may be the reason.
Jesus is going forward in dreams and visions where he's just saying, hey, just follow me. I'll open the doors. You just come in and clean up. Let me bypass all this bureaucracy. You don't need to know what their eschatological view is of the future. It doesn't matter. What kind of feels like in the Middle East, it's like when you play chess and you get down to the last few pieces, it's like you've exhausted
all your army and you just got the king moving one space here and there. It's like, you know, it kind of feels like in some parts of the world, that's where it is. It's like there's, you know, it's like, it's an advanced war. It's been going on for a long time. It's finally down to like, you know, king versus king here, we're moving. And you forget that this place has been raging way longer than we've been in a country. So, you know, I think that's, that's a big part of it too.
Well, and you just never know where people are. You never know. I mean, I think about like Jesus walking through Jericho and there's Zacchaeus and nobody liked him. He's a tax collector and all that. And Jesus just enters in his story like he does with Muslims with dreams. He, that was a big deal to go to Zacchaeus house that night. Nobody wanted to go to his house. He got it all off graft and cheating. Jesus comment, it goes there.
and look what happens. And so I think today we're just seeing so much power being displayed personally to people. It's just like Jesus goes to the marginalized, to the ones that nobody wants to go to. And then he reveals himself. And it's so powerful. So we're seeing it all over. I mean, even just
recently, some of the powerful things happening in Gaza. I mean, can you imagine being there in the midst of that war? And there are Muslims that are saying, that's it with Islam. I am turning to Jesus. Some of them are having dreams. Some of them are meeting with people that have had dreams. But anyway, Jesus is moving in the midst of all of it. So it's a great time that he's called us to live in. This is a scary time when you look at instability globally.
but we're part of something bigger than that, the kingdom of God. And it may have stagnated in the West in some places, but man, it's roaring in the Middle East and in some of the dangerous places, that's for sure. Isn't that just how it seems sometimes though, like to the gospel advances in the most dangerous of places, right? It is
The kingdom of God, what is the Bible says the kingdom of God is moving violently. I'm paraphrasing it. It's taken by violent men. These ideas that it is, as Nate said, it's an ancient war. The gospel itself is moving.
voraciously in enemy territory. And Tommy, you told us before, and we were talking, you've got more stories for us. I know people love the stories because it's still a way to take this big concept that you've written a whole book on Phyllis stories, but take it and make it personal.
right, understand like that, whether it be, you know, the last time we talked about the guy being healed in the hospital with Jesus being there, whether it be the woman in Gaza, having to dream about a house and then showing up the house and being converted or the woman having dreams, the woman of the gas station that you met and actually in the United States that had 30 years of dreams, like share some more of these stories because I think these are something more powerful than someone's testimony, right? And there's a story of the way that God impacted and changed their life. It's really, it's easy, as you just said, to argue things
and Christians love to do it, whether we've got exegesis or eschatology or, you know, Calvinism, Romaniaism, we argue about these things, but you really can't argue with a life that's been changed and radical change. That in and of itself is the miracle of God, right? The things he's doing.
drop some of these on us. I know that. Okay. Tell you a story about a couple from Jordan. We used to take in these gospel sharing tools called the Evangie Cube. It's a little cube. It looks like a Rubik's Cube. It's got the death burial resurrection. We've got one here. You got one. All right. Rubik's Cube, not an Evangie Evangie. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So we used to take them in and so we're going into Jordan. No problem. Usually getting in. Well, all of a sudden I feel a tug on my
back in my collar and this guard says, Mr. Doyle, we need to talk to you. So go in this room and there's five guys sitting there and they're soldiers and there's a guy at a desk and they're all smoking. They're all smoking, you know? And so he said, he picks up the cube. It's got a picture of Jesus risen from the dead. And he goes, you see this? We don't like this. And he keeps slapping Jesus. We don't like it. We don't want that here. We're Muslims. We don't want that message here. You cannot bring these in.
And so I'm trying to just deflect all of this and, and, and say, well, we, boy, we come to Jordan all the time and I'm practicing my Arabic and I'm learning Jordan, Jordanian, you know, Arabic words and, and that. And, and so he's, he's not taking any of that. He's just angry that I have this gospel sharing tool.
And finally, it was just this awkward silence and I'm going, Lord, like, I mean, you said you would give us what to say. I don't have anything to say. I don't know what to say now. He lights up a cigarette and hands it to me because he just assumes that everybody smokes. Well, I never smoked, you know, I had other problems, but that wasn't one of them. And so he gets me this cigarette. So it's just lit up and I'm sitting there talking to him and saying, well, we really want to bring these in there for the church and stuff like that.
The ash is getting longer and he looks at me and he goes, do you smoke? And I said, no, I don't because she, and he grabs it. He's got two at a time go. He's got two at a time. And then he goes, okay, we'll let you in. But it's going to be $400 to get these in.
And I said, wow, $400 is kind of steep. How about $200? And he takes a big drag and blows it in my face and says, how about 400? 400 it is. Okay. Yeah. Let's do that. So it's kind of a weird story. And you think, what was that all about? You know, why did that happen? And on the way out, what are the guys kind of pulls me aside? One of the soldiers and he goes, is this thing, is this a sample?
And I said, a sample, would you like one? And he goes, I would like one. I think my son would really like this. It's a Muslim God. I said, really, you can have it. Do you want more? Let me just take one. He kind of pulls me aside. And I thought, okay, was that guy a secret believer? Was his son? Did his son say he's had dreams about Jesus? We don't know. Even on the cube, the picture of Jesus, we've run into Muslims that said,
I had a dream of that guy right there, this picture, right there, that same picture that happened in Syria and Jordan. So you never know. But one of our friends that has lived in Jordan for years, he became, he was a Christian, but he really said he thought like a Muslim. So when he was in the army, he converted to Islam. He said, growing up for you to ask them, what are you? Muslim. Cause you know, all the holidays,
school schedule, everything's based on Islam. They were a part of that. So he felt like a Muslim. So anyway, he becomes a Muslim. And during his military years, he's an, he's an imam calling people to pray and all of that stuff. And it ends up that he finally gets so disgusted with Islam just because he asked one question.
He was to the another imam. He was taken out and beaten and they would throw him outside and he'd have to sleep naked in the cold in Jordan. They'd splash water. All these terrible things. So he thought, okay, I was a Christian. That's not true. I was a Muslim. I don't believe that. It can't be Jewish. So I'm an atheist, I guess. Well, it ends up that someone in his family comes to faith in Christ radically.
And so they keep inviting him to church and he says, I don't want to go. I don't want to go because nobody tells you how you can know if you're going to heaven or not. Everybody says something different. So they asked him for a year. It ends up that he finally goes to church one day in the passage preaching on the name of the title of the sermon, how you could know you have eternal life. And he heard the message and he said, sometimes people take 20 times here in the gospel. He goes, me one time.
went right through my heart. This is the truth. This is it. And I knew it. He became a believer. He started growing. He shares with his cousin. His cousin starts getting so angry at him that he takes the Bible out of his hand and kicks it. And he said, you know how sometimes in life, it's like God just seems to slow it down. He said, I just remember him kicking the Bible. And I saw it just flying through the room. And I thought, wow.
You know, you don't do that to God's word. He's going to get you for that. He's not going to take that lightly. And so as his cousin says, don't ever talk to me about Jesus again, period. That's him. That's what you want. And then it ends up, the cousin starts having dreams about Jesus. One after another, after another, it ends up, he leads him to faith in Christ. This guy's a pastor now.
If we were in his church and never memorizing verses, this underground church, a lot of former Muslims, guess what they were memorizing? Guess what their memory verse was for that month, Romans chapter eight. These are former Muslims that have come to faith that are just eating up God's word. So the power of passing it on, we never know what someone's story is going to be like. This guy rejected it and then God came to him in dreams.
and he was ready. Well, you kind of understand why dreams, if you ask a question, you get kicked and beat just for asking a question. I mean, we ask questions all day long, no one's coming kicking ass, but no, not physically. But it's like, you would think, okay, it's gonna require something else to get, I mean, this is so fenced off from, spiritually speaking, you know, it would require something you can't fence off. That's so true.
And some of the skeptics, Tom, in our spaces will say, well, how come Jesus isn't showing up to everybody else? I didn't have a dream. What do you say to those people? I say, maybe you didn't like your attitude.
No, I don't know. I want to say that. But you know what? We have everything. We have God's Word. We have Christian bookstores. There's ways people can get answers. We have an oasis of resources. And this place is like a desert with like, well, you know where the water is, right? Yeah. And it's like this guy's got water in his house in his basement. They meet once a week. You can go get some water. Oh, man. Right? Is it kind of like that? Yeah, it is. And I got to tell you some
Let's go to the big bully of the Middle East, let's go into Iran and tell some stories. And I mean, the first time we went in, Smuggle Bibles, it was a miracle getting in. Did I tell this one about them where they scan your bags? Did I tell that on the last show? I don't think I did, did I? No, I think it was might have been the one that we lost. Anyway, go in. And a lot of times people say, my prayers aren't connecting with God.
You know, I can't get close to boys. Smuggle Bibles into a run. You'll be a prayer ward. You'll be a prayer. I'll be praying all of a sudden. I'm not a praying guy. So anyway, a guy interrogates me for about an hour, finally lets me go and then you get your bag and they check every single bag, every single bag. It goes through a scanner, big TV there. You can see it, big screen.
and they check every single bag. So that's when you would be praying because we have 400 Bibles that we're bringing in and you can't bring in weapons, drugs, or religious articles, mainly Bibles. That would be it. So see the guard. Tom, Tom real quick, what happens if they, if they find those? Well, well, they, they wouldn't let you in the country. They'd probably hold you. I, I, if you're from the States, I don't know if they'd arrest you. We've heard of that happening.
but you're certainly not getting in for sure. So you're sweating, you're sweating this one. Yeah. So here we go. And I'm the next one in line. Everybody's been checked and I looked at the guard. I had a backpack and I said, sir, do you want me to put this on the conveyor belt? And he goes, no, that's fine. You can keep your backpack and we've already put the bags up. So here they come. And he goes, you're from America. I said, yeah. And he goes, well, what are you doing here?
I thought that was kind of an unusual greeting. You know, well, we just want to come. We love the culture. We want to meet people. You know, we love the Iranians that we meet in America. And this guy just gets fascinated that I'm from America and our group is. And he is just eyes stuck on me. And I noticed on the screen, the first bag goes by and you can see the rose and the stacks, but he's not looking at the screen.
And he kept asking me questions. He goes, man, I want to go to California. My cousins lived there. And he said, did you know that there's a quarter of a million Iranians in LA? They call it Terangelis. You know, I want to go there. I want to go to Disneyland. So I kept going back and forth. Each bag is going by. He is not looking at it. And I kid you not. There's like the weirdest question I've ever been asked.
Seminary did not prepare me for this one. He finally goes. Big for question, right? Yeah, he goes, if I go to California, you know what I really want to do? Let's meet in California sometime. I really want to have an in and out burger. Can I have an in and out burger? Wow. This is turning into an episode of the California. Right? Even if you're amazing. Yeah. So anyway, the Bible's getting very next guy. He's doing that, checking every bag, ripping them apart and all that. We get off.
We get in another town and this one guy sees us on the corner and we're meeting Muslims that are asking for Bibles. The words got now that they're Bibles and this is in Esphon and this guy comes up to us, elderly gentleman and he said, can I visit with you? And I said, like right here and he goes, now, can you come to my house? And I said, well, when he goes, I'd like to have you for lunch. Could you come? So we finished and we went there
He said, I want my family to meet each other. It was just going to be his family. It was the cousins. There were 29 people there and they're doing kebabs and all this kind of stuff. And finally he gets done. We eat. We're just like, thank you for this hospitality. And he says, well, I got a question for you. Why does Jesus keep coming to me every night? Every night he comes to me and says that he loves me. And he died on the cross.
He wants to save me from it. I said, what does that mean? And so we sit down and the whole family is in there just peppering with questions. What about this? What about this? And at the end of about a two-hour discussion, he's the patriarch of the family. He just looks at everybody and says, hey, I'm willing to go follow Jesus right now and give him my life. Anybody want to go with me?
and like hands in the room go up, you know, and you think, okay, did that really happen? But it was legitimate and there was crying and they were teaching them how to read the Bible and that. And then we start getting emails through a safe server out of Iran. And one of the sons was communicating and saying, you just can't believe what's happened to our family and how everything has changed. And you know how they don't always get the translation right? I mean, he knew kind of English,
mainly in Farsi. And so he sends an email. He's saying, this is what's happening with this family, this family here. This family will not do Ahmadinejad's book now. They have a printer. They're printing business. They're not going to do it. And I mean, all these stories. And then he says, and my older sisters, he said, my older sisters are hot for Jesus. But we knew what they meant, right?
on fire for Jesus is what he meant to say, right? But you never know what's going to happen to one of them. So here we are in this place that we've never been to. We don't know that city and God leads this guy that's been having dreams for like 30 days in a row to us. Wow, the God of miracles. And this is what's happening out there on the front lines daily.
You were like the Obi-Wan in that moment in the airport. These are not the books you're looking for. And they're just going through the scanner and the stormtroopers. Are you running through the secret menu with it? You're like, hey, listen, double, double animal style, prize animal style. You can do this. Not on the menu, OK? You can make this happen.
Yeah. It's just wow. I mean, and I feel like that is, it's almost like these little mini distractions. This is this little tiny thing that God can do to kind of usher his people in, and then these little dreams that people are having. It's always just like a very subtle little thing. It's like, I think that's the problem with a lot of humans.
You know, even in ancient times, even when Jesus rolls on the scene, it's a conversation with this guy that you're not supposed to have a conversation with this guy. It's not like a army rolls into town and the King of Kings is on the top of a white horse and everyone knows he's there.
Wait, there's this guy saying what? And these people are having these dreams. It's very subtle. And I think that is something that you can tell that it's from God because it's not ushered on this huge trumpet announcement. I feel like we're going to get there at some point. But it's very subtle. It's very...
behind the scenes, kind of. Does this guy know, though, like, does he know that you're a Christian? Or does he know you from a dream? How does he, I mean, it's a word getting out that there's this white guy walking around, he's got Bibles, and that's kind of what, and that's kind of how it happens. He doesn't smoke, but you give him cigarettes. He will smoke to get Bibles into the country.
Or at least still fake it, right? Right. Exactly. Yeah. So he watched what we were doing. We just we were just literally on a street corner talking with people and they're where you from and all that. Well, and we would just say we follow Jesus, you know, because they that one thing they know is religion. They know religion. And so sometimes Christians mean, well, I wasn't born a Muslim, but they're not really living
a life that would bring a lot of glory to God. So it's, yeah, we followed Jesus. We try to do what he said and live like he did. And so a lot of times I'll tell people or our teams that we go in with. Well, I'll just say that, you know, I used to be religious, but I gave it up.
I mean, I know you have a religion and I used to be religious, but I gave it up. And they go, what do you mean? You gave it up. And I said, too many rules, man. There was just so many rules. And every time I tried to keep the rules, I couldn't keep them. I was getting in trouble for not keeping the rules. And then when I kept them, I didn't feel closer to God. And finally, I just gave it up, Hollis in Arabic, gave it up. Well, what'd you do? I gave my life to Jesus and I got rid of the rules and I got a relationship with God and they want
to hear that, you know what's so cool about that? That actually is their story. You just watched the people coming out of the mosque. You don't see a lot of happy faces full of joy coming out after hearing that, right? They're into religion. And it just doesn't, it doesn't satisfy whatsoever. So
That's freedom. That's freedom, right? I think we all want the human relationships. I think when it feels like you have this rule, I have this rule, but sometimes you just want to put all the rules down and be like, hey, what's really going on? I think God is relational with us in that way.
And a dream to me is such a specific way to communicate to a human being. It's a way in which a human can receive a message. Because we are so skeptical. We are rule followers. And if God showed up on the street corner and started talking to us, be like, who are you? I don't want to listen to you. But a dream, wait a minute.
Tell me again, because I'm ready to hear that message. It's so true. God's not a stranger on the bus. No. Okay. Oh, 90s, 90s songs. I love what you're saying. I mean, I maybe think of John 10, 10 right away, which is like where, you know, I have this, this is my, my verse. I'm gonna have a verse where it's just Jesus speaking. I came to bring you life and life to the full or life more abundantly. And before that he talks about what the enemy does, it's steel, kill, and destroy.
And if you're coming out of legalism like that it is oppression it's slate It's in some way you're slave. It's like right and it's honestly the message of the gospel right is that you're under the old law You couldn't fulfill it. You're gonna fail you couldn't do it But I'm here in the fulfillment the law to bring you freedom Right and and what a powerful message to especially as you point out like that they are
They live in a cage of rules. And Allah is a law is a vengeful God who punishes. Right. Right. Follow the line. Don't do this. You're punished. You're punished. You're punished.
The amazing thing about Christ is that Christ stood in that place for our punishment. Amen. Amen. And we're all deserving of that. I was thinking that when you're sitting on this corner in Iran,
Uh, or anywhere. These are in Syria, Tom, or, you know, these other, these places, maybe outside of Israel. Are you, do you ever worry about your safety when you were talking about, like, I'm a Christian. Here I am. Does it feel like a target? You're like, Hey, everybody come check me out. I'm not only a white guy in a place with not a lot of white guys, but I'm a, you know, I'm, I'm not your, I'm not of your faith. Uh, in fact, you guys like to kill folks that are not your favorite. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, naturally, that's what you would think. You're going to just feel panicked, but the Lord just brings that calmness and you just feel like you're in the center of his will and it's exhilarating. I mean, it truly is to just be in that moment and God gives you the peace in your heart. I mean, hey, I've got white coat syndrome. When I go to the doctor, the dentist, they have to redo. They have to do a mulligan on the blood pressure because it's like that.
when they walk in the room, but then when it's, when it's doing something like that, you just feel the, the peace in your heart that only Jesus can give. And so it's, it's what he calls us to. And it's not obviously just me. It's our team and people that live there. We can go and visit these places, but then there's people that live there and they stay that way. Like, like, okay, here we've got, what do we've got going on in the Middle East now? It's Iran versus Israel basically is what it is and all of Iranian proxies. I don't know.
that people even realize this, but do you realize there are still Jews in Iran? There's Jewish people that live in Iran that have lived there in successive generations since the Babylonian captivity, 2500 years. Jews have lived in Iran. When I found that out, I saw a Jewish synagogue
I asked this guy, this is a Jewish synagogue. Good. Yeah. Yeah. We have him here. And I said, you're kidding. This was in Tehran. He said, yeah, I mean, they've lived here since the Babylonians. They're like our cousins. It's not a problem. He was done. We don't like the Zionists is what he said. But yet. So here's this young Jewish girl. And this was some years ago that worked at a bank. Okay. So she's Jewish and she's in traditional Judaism. Rabbi tells you what to do. You do it.
And there's a guy in the bank that works with her that is just all lit up for Jesus. His name is Mohammed. And he's always saying these things and people go, what, what is he talking about? Praise the Lord and that. And finally he just started talking about Jesus openly with, he just pulled him into the break room and said, Hey, man, you have got to tone it down. They're going to arrest you. You're going to be in trouble. Well, he just starts gushing about how he loves Jesus and something connects with this.
this Jewish woman that's religious, not sure about anything else and really not feeling fulfillment. And he said, listen, I just want you to know, we meet during the week, a couple of nights a week, and I'd love for you to come and just hear what we're doing. We study the Bible. How bad could that be? And so anyway, it ends up, she goes, no, I just don't think I could do that. And goes, no, really, you're not, you're not finding fulfillment in your faith.
Come on, I promise it'd be safe. So finally he says to her, listen, we're meeting tonight at midnight. I'm going to be on the corner and he names a cross street five minutes before midnight. If you want to come, I know it's not far from where you live. Just be there at five to midnight. I'll pick you up and sure enough, he drives and there's that little Jewish woman waiting. She's a young lady and he opens the door and she jumps in. They drive and they get to this place.
And she walks in and I can hardly tell the story without crying because she walked in and as she walked in, here was this group of ex-muslims cheering for her. They're cheering and they said, we have been praying for you for months. They would just give it a try that you would come and meet with us. But here we've just been praying for you. We know you need Jesus. And that woman said to me, you know,
When I walked in that room and saw former Muslims clapping for this Jewish girl, I knew that I had found God. Wow. There's like a palatable joy and there's a release, a freedom, a feeling that comes over these people. And why do you think that sometimes it takes 30 years of dreams for them to finally? Yeah. And you would think that sometimes our dream would be enough to be like, what the heck was that?
Or at least a repeated dream where you're like, this is not the one where you've missed your class all semester and you show up for the final that everyone seems to have. Yeah, it's not like the repeating dream that you don't want it. It's like very specific. Yeah, I've thought about that. Is it that there's other Christians that were kind of disobedience that had a chance to share and they didn't? Is it this could bring more people in?
the more of the family in on the salvation experience? I don't know. That's a question for God one day and a half. Is it a one, two punch? Is it like they have the dream and then they hear the word? How many people have the dream and convert versus they have the dream and then they hear something and then they convert? It's like 98% hear God's word. That that's what leads them to faith in Christ. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. That's how it happens.
So the dream is just the conduit. The green dream is just shakes them up. And then they go, what does that mean? Someone gives them a Bible. So when I wrote dreams and visions, one pastor was upset and he goes, we don't need dreams. They just need God's word. And I said, totally, totally. But the dream shakes them up so they can receive God's word and lo and behold, someone will move in next door that's a believer that is reading a Bible or they meet someone or whatever. So it's always
God's word, nobody has a dream. Nobody goes to bed of Muslim, has a dream, and wakes up, and a Christian doesn't happen. Yeah, you wake up looking for something, and you didn't know you needed to be looking before you had the dream. And then you start looking, well, something's wrong here. I need to find something, but I don't even know.
But a lot of us in the West, we don't even know we're lost. We don't even know we need to be looking. It's like we're asleep completely. And in a high stakes society, you know, wait a minute, like you just feel the anxiety, the tension, the pressure. And then when you find Christ, it's a sudden release. It's a feeling of I can breathe in. Yeah. Yeah. It's a wake up. It's a shake up for anyone.
How long do you think this has been going on? Like, I mean, because you're 20 years in the field. Yeah. Do you think this isn't, this is an ancient thing that's been going on since, since, uh, yeah, I don't know. I mean, yeah, we talk a lot about a paranormal phenomenon. I'm curious. Like, do you think this is a more modern, uh, phenomenon? Um, do you think it's ancient? And then, and then I have a secondary question. What's that one? I have a question. Yeah. What do you think? I think it, I mean, I think it could be going on and nobody knew about it was a recorded, but we do know this.
that we didn't hear much about it. And we started going to the Middle East in 95. We just didn't hear about many Muslims coming to faith in Christ. But during that time, the 90s, there were all these mission conferences. They're praying through the window, pray for the least reach, pray for these people. And it was happening. I mean, people were getting familiar with countries and regions that they didn't know anything about. And people in the West are usually not good with geography or history. And so they're praying, they're praying, everybody's praying, everybody's praying, everybody's praying. And all of a sudden,
boom, this explosion happens where Muslims right and left are having dreams. We used to do these medical trips where we would see maybe one person pray to receive Christ. And that's after seeing 300 to maybe 500 people that week now it's, it can be dozens where people have been having dreams. I think it's just more and more people praying, God answering. And Him just laying them right at our feet. Here you go. Here's an opportunity.
So that's my secondary question was, do you think this is increasing exponentially? I do. You think it's... You know what? I think desperate times, desperate measures, and I think about, you look at what's happening globally, what shape the world is in right now and all these wars in the Middle East. I think there's an onslaught of dreams going on. I mean, that's what we're hearing, and I think it's just more than ever.
Well, there's an uptick in all kinds of things that are paranormal and strange. I mean, we've interviewed many people on our show who kind of catalog all the stuff from UFO sightings. They're saying the same thing about UFO sightings are up on a major uptick. And so something, it's like the whole world is being
Waking up almost. That's right. That the reality of the supernatural and that we are not alone, humanity isn't just this, the world isn't just been kind of chugging on for thousands of years and there hasn't been any interaction with all of the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of darkness. Both of them are trying to interact with us and I think people are kind of waking up to that.
I do, and I think they're wanting answers. And we know Scripture says their battle's not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and there's a lot of things going on. And I think even people that don't know Christ can see certain things and go, whoa, okay, now that thing is evil.
You know, that is, wow, that is bad. That's past the line. What, what did we do with that? And so it's refreshing to see people that don't hate each other, that aren't trying to kill each other, you know, Jews and Palestinians that love each other and their neighbors in Israel. I mean, it's, it's refreshing to see that because people just see so much hate, evil, the devil's trying to tear down families, churches, nations, whatever.
Tom, I got my last question for you would be, what I'm hearing is in the 90s, the concentrated prayer of the church created this or opened this door for dreams. The last four or five months of your life, you've seen what prayer, what do you,
Can you opine just like just for maybe 60s 90 seconds about about prayer because the one I'm hearing is the prayer is the impetus right whether it be for your healing or for God moving in dreams behind Muslim lives. This is all connected to prayer. It really is it is. Yeah, I mean is that is that a piece and maybe this is the piece that's missing Nate we talked about the West maybe
Yeah, we don't have any need to pray. Maybe we don't pray. You know, and I'm just sort of on the fly, sort of spitballing, but like, if anyone can talk about the necessity, the power, the paradigm shifting, the salvation shifting power, the healing power of prayer and say that you're pretty qualified. Oh, gosh. What are your thoughts on that? I mean, 20 years in the field, chronically in dreams, having got intervened in your cancer, like,
If you can encapsulate that briefly, what are your, what are your thoughts on, on, on prayer? Yeah. I think about what A.W. Tozer said, I think it was Tozer, prayer is this slender vein that moves the hand of God. And I think we know we need to pray. We want to pray. We don't pray enough. But when people are, are determined to pray, God moves, God starts moving. And when they pray together,
from different nations. So think about all these Muslims are coming to faith in Christ. I'll send these prayer movements. God starts answering and globally there are people praying around the world, which is really like a picture of what heaven is because every tribe, tongue and people groups going to be gathered around the throne. So here we get a chance to live that out right now and we're praying. We're asking God,
Lord, one fifth of the world is Muslim. How are we going to reach them? How are we going to get there? And he starts shaking them up and waking them up and people coming into villages that have no gospel contact whatsoever. And people are already there having dreams and they're ready. And so prayer is everything. And then for us as believers, I think, hey, if God heals me, it's because of the prayer, we're thankful for all the things we're doing.
but great doctors at MD Anderson. Thank you, Lord, for providing them and all those different things that we're doing to get healthy, but it really comes down to this. God's going to move where he isn't. And when people come together and they're united. And I just want to say thank you to people in your that listen to you. Many of them have said since that happens, the podcast, I pray for you every day. Whoa. I mean, just,
That's man. Yeah, it's cool. It's like a it's like wake up wake up juice. Yeah, you know, yeah, it really is a lot on our on our show. Oh, it's also humbling. Like, I mean, Tom, we sit here in this, you know, 80s, this 80s basement and just have conversations and I.
And all those stories wake people up. It's funny how God doesn't waste anything. You can have a terrifying experience that wakes you up, or you can have a healing experience, or just a subtle dream of somebody asking you to follow. And it's like, is that Jesus?
And I think that we all are looking for that experience and something about the West in particular, it's like, I think it's interesting that we've fallen asleep to the miracle that all of this is. I mean, it's just the fact that if you think about what the story of humanity and how far we've come and just being in this
advanced machine of a human body and you're, you know, even just getting sick, you start to realize, oh, I've taken for granted how much of a miracle it is that everything in my body works right. Yeah. And it's, you know, and then one day someone says, it's not working, right? And you go, oh man, I have forgotten how much of
just how vulnerable I am. I'm walking around in this, this body that God created for me, but it can go wrong really quickly and it can stop working. Yeah. And there's so much sickness now. I think you look at the levers out on the front line, Syrian different places like that persecution. You see that a lot of sickness in America, a lot of people get increasingly sicknesses in that. And so anyway, I think God's just calling us to our,
to our knees and we say this and uncharted, we say, hey, listen, God calls us to FaceTime. And that's not an app on your phone. It's getting on your face. And when you're desperate enough, you get it. That's what they did. They got on their face and just prayed, Lord, we need you to move. And that's what he's calling the body of Christ to be. And we can be overly analytical and we have all the knowledge and all that. And just humble yourself, get on your face and pray and ask God to move and expect him to do it.
And this former Muslim in Jordan, I think I said it on the last time we were together, he said, I just hear all these, his name is Mohammed. I hear all these Christians from America say, do you think God still does miracles? And he said, man, that question should never be on the table. The only question is, do you expect miracles? He says he does miracles. He hasn't changed. Do we expect them? And so that's what we should do is pray and expect miracles.
It's crazy. I love it. I have one last question for you. What is the most specific thing someone has heard in a dream? Like down to like go here, put on the green shoes and walk down. You know, I'm just wondering how specific these dreams can get. Yeah. So there was a woman in the West Bank. I'm not sure if we told this before, but she had some dreams about Jesus and didn't know anybody in her village. Not one believer, very radical.
Pro Hamos Village. And one night she has a dream about a house, just this house. And she's with her friend the next day and she goes, it's kind of weird. I have this dream about this house. And it's yellow. And it looks like this. And she just describes this house. She goes, I don't know. It's like this dream just went on like all night, this house. I kept seeing this house. And her friend said, describe the house a little bit more. And she did. And she goes,
I think I know where that house is. If you walk a little north of this village, there's another village and there's, there's a yellow house just like that. And so she finishes with the coffee or friend has to go, which she just takes off and starts walking there and gets her on that street. And sure enough, she's looking, that's the house. Okay. And why was that in my dream last night for like most of the dream and the sky walks out and happens to walk by and
says, Monohava, and then he just says, oh, can I help you? And she said, no, it's just, I was just looking at this house. It's just very unique. And yeah, he goes, what, why this house? And she said, well, I don't know if I should tell you or not, but this house was in my dream last night. And he said, really? She, and of course she's a covered Muslim. And he says, oh, okay. If you had any other unique dreams lately, and she goes, yeah,
I really have. He said, once you come in for a cup of coffee, it's the underground church of the area and their meeting and the believers are there. And it's all former Muslims that worship Jesus.
And they just been waiting for her. So it's not even, yeah, and you told that on the last episode, and I love that story. But it's interesting to me that it's, sometimes it's not, it's just enough to peak your curiosity to where you have to go and walk and look for this thing. And there's a part of God that seems to communicate to us that,
You know, we have to put one foot in front of the other and we have to do it. It's not completely clear. That's right. Exactly what we're supposed to do. But we have this just enough information to make that step. And I think that's a lot of people's story. They didn't really know what they were looking for, but they found it. Yeah. And they've been so specific. You know, Tommy and Josh met a Muslim woman that
had a dream about them and they were wearing the same clothes. I mean, we've heard this so many times. I've met Muslims that said I was in their dream. It has nothing to do with us. It's just to wake them up and get them ready for the message to come.
It happens. Yeah. Tom. Just this handsome guy from Texas keeps showing my dreams. Luke dreams of tacos. He just dreams of a big platter of tacos. It's a recurring dream. Well, I have something exciting to tell our listeners. Tom, thank you for sharing how our listeners have interacted with you. But we have had one discussion already. We had a meeting with you about a trip to the Holy Lands and going to all the blurry places. So we got that going. I know a lot of people emailed us like,
Tell me when tell me where I'm going to be there. So Tom, this is what this is a big part of what you do. So tell the listeners like what you do and then where they can find you. And then at the end, also how are people continue to pray for you? Because I know we're not all the way out the back end. Thank you. Well, I mean, we've been privileged to go to Israel since 95. Love it. And it's I would just say this. It's not a trip. It's like a calling, you know, I think it was Jerome said that.
a pilgrimage to Israel is like the fifth gospel. You just learn things that you're never going to learn any other way. And it just, it changed my life. It does every single time we go. And so as we were talking about it and going to Israel and of course we have uncharted adventures and Josh and Tommy, our sons run that and take trips there off the beaten path.
places that nobody goes to. It's awesome. Some of the things that they do. We thought, how cool would it be to do a trip together? And so, blurry creatures, does Israel and we, God willing, try to go. Uncharted blurry. Yeah, there you go. Go next year and we pray that that we'll be able to go next year. Well, first of all, we're praying that the war ends and that there can be peace or both sides are suffering
are Palestinian friends and Gaza's hard, obviously horrible for them. And then what's happening in Israel being fired up. But all that's going to go away. God's going to move that off. And people are going to want to go to Israel. I think we should be one of the first groups in. And so if we go
It will be one that it's not a stock trip. This is off the beaten path to places None of the other trips go to that's that's what we like to do where the Great Commission meets the great outdoors. That's what we like to do And so can't think of a better group to do it with than you guys. Yeah, and so let's do it. Let's do it. Yeah, we've been talking about it for For a while now a lot of guests, but I think this is a perfect opportunity and obviously your episode resonated with so many people so it's just like a unique combo of somebody who
who brings that energy and kind of, I think, breathe a lot of life into our show because we've like, Luke and I have been doing this for four years and we've heard a lot of weird stuff. And sometimes you kind of, you know, you kind of forget even when you're talking about it every single day. And then just to have our listeners interact with you and have that episode connect with people, Tom, tell people where they can get their book and give us one last update on.
Yeah, and how to pray, right? Because we need a fully healthy, fully healed, Tom Doyle to go to Israel with us. We need you there telling us. Amen. All the secrets off the path. Oh my gosh, it'd be great. And expose the people to some of the things happening in ministry. You know what? They're going to meet Jews and Palestinians that love each other. It's because of Jesus. You end didn't accomplish that. It's Jesus. And some of the things that you guys do, unique things,
We want to incorporate all of that. So we're getting proposals right now on hotels and all that kind of stuff, trying to set a date. First thing will be to get a date and then get it to you guys and see it as this fly. And then we announce it and we start signing up and it will change your life. And everybody is going to have at least one person in your life say you're nuts for going there. What are you kidding? You're going to Israel, but you're going to go under the protection of the Lord and it's going to change your life and it's a calling.
And yeah, we got Obi Wan. We got Obi Wan going with us. It'll be fun. Tom's standing there. Oh, man. Luke's going to try to smuggle in some 80 suits in his bag, though. He might get stopped. These are not the 80 suits we're looking for. Like, who brought these costumes here? Tom, the book, his Dreams and Visions. They can get it on anywhere, right? Yeah. We've written some other books, killing Christians, standing in the front. And you can find that on our website, too.
Yeah, you can actually, we linked it on the website. So if you want to go find on flurikitchers.com, we got a hot link for you. Thank you. Yeah, just click the guess button, find all the books and support Tom and his family. Tom, thank you so much for coming on. Tom, how can everybody pray for you? Yeah. Hey, listen, God's doing something. We are so thankful. We're just so humbled. God is answering prayers with all the tests showing things are getting better and better as some of the
Most of the cancer is going. We're believing God for that. So come down to the point of how long do you go with chemotherapy in that? It does some things to your body that could be long lasting effects. So we're coming to that fork in the road right now and just praying that God would give us wisdom on how much more we do of that.
And then we're doing a lot of complimentary things. There's a lot of healthy things to do that will help you. We're doing all those things too. But anyway, if you could just pray for wisdom, that's what the Doyle family needs is wisdom right now.
James one says if we pray and ask God and believe he's going to give it, he'll give it to us. So we need his wisdom to know what do we keep doing medically. Prayers with him, prayers with him, dreams with him, dreams. Amen. Look at you. Yeah. Doyle rules. You might even know Doyle's back in the day, but Doyle, Doyle rules. I got a story about that. That's awesome later.
Well, thanks Tom. It's so good to see you. It's so good to be here. Yeah, it's great to meet your wife too. I will. I will too. Edward go with us too on this trip and maybe we'll get the whole Doyle family. You know, let's go. We're going to get a lot of email after we drop this episode. Oh my God. When is it happening? I want to go. It's life changing. You will never be the same. It's amazing. And it's right in the middle of where a lot of
Things have happened where people need encouragement. God's going to use the people there. We're going to make an impact. So praise God. Let's go. Thank you guys. Literally. That's good to see you brother. We love you man. Love you too. Thank you. Thanks for praying everyone.
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