Ep. 1525 - Trump Just Dealt A Massive Death Blow To Gender Ideology
January 29, 2025
TLDR: President Trump issues an executive order aimed at regulating the gender transition industry, explains drones on the East Coast, suspends foreign aid, discusses the AIDS epidemic in Africa, and addresses a lawsuit against Lyft over weight discrimination.

In this recent episode of the Matt Walsh Show (Episode 1525), several significant topics were discussed, particularly focusing on an executive order signed by President Trump that aims to dismantle the gender transition industry. The episode tackles wide-ranging issues, from national policies to individual legal cases, all tied into current political discourse.
Key Highlights
Trump's Executive Order and Gender Ideology
- Dramatic Moves Against Gender Transition Practices: The podcast opens with a discussion on President Trump’s newly signed executive order, which is described as monumental in the battle against gender ideology. This order categorizes gender-affirming care, such as surgeries and hormone treatments for minors, as equivalent to "chemical and surgical mutilation."
- Elimination of Previous Guidelines: Trump’s administration has formally rejected guidelines set by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), motivating federal agencies to cease reliance on these recommendations. This move effectively dismantles the existing framework of gender-related healthcare practices endorsed by the previous administration.
- Groundwork for Legal Action: The executive order empowers the Department of Justice to prioritize investigations and lawsuits against medical professionals involved in procedures considered harmful to minors. It seeks to shift the legal landscape around treatments that have been under growing scrutiny.
Implications of the Order
- Increased Liability for Healthcare Providers: Under this new directive, doctors and medical facilities that continue to provide gender transition treatments may face malpractice lawsuits more easily, as they can no longer rely on WPATH's guidelines for legal protection. The podcast suggests this could lead to a reevaluation of such practices across the board.
- Federal Oversight and Funding: The order threatens federal funding for institutions that continue these procedures, potentially forcing them to comply or face significant financial repercussions. It calls into question the ethical and moral implications of gender transition practices on minors.
Related Political Issues
- Foreign Aid Freeze: The episode also covers Trump’s decision to freeze all foreign aid, which has drawn sharp criticism for potentially exacerbating global health crises like the AIDS epidemic in Africa. Matt raises the question: why should American taxpayers remain financially responsible for foreign issues, making a case that assistance should not come at the cost of addressing domestic concerns.
Case of the Lyft Driver Incident
- Legal Action Over Weight Discrimination: Additionally, the podcast discusses a controversial lawsuit filed by a woman who claimed that a Lyft driver refused her service due to her weight. This situation exemplifies broader societal conditions regarding body image and discrimination, igniting a debate over personal accountability and the implications of such legal actions against companies.
Expert Opinions
- Reflecting on Medical Practices: Through the lens of historical practices like lobotomies, Walsh draws parallels to modern gender transition treatments, asserting that many current practices may eventually be viewed as equally barbaric. The podcast emphasizes a need for societal reflection on medical interventions for minors and the long-term effects of such actions.
- Public Perception of Gender Ideology: Commentators in the episode suggest that gender ideology is losing support and traction, creating an opportunity for legislative action to establish a nationwide ban on harmful medical practices.
Final Thoughts
- Accountability for Medical Professionals: The podcast concludes by advocating for accountability among medical professionals who have engaged in what Walsh describes as damaging practices. He insists that those who have participated in these practices should face social and legal consequences, making a case for systemic change.
- Continued Advocacy Needed: While Trump’s executive order is seen as a significant step forward, the discussion underscores the need for a comprehensive federal law to completely ban such procedures and protect vulnerable minors in the future.
In summary, this episode of the Matt Walsh Show delves into critical conversations surrounding gender ideology, the responsibilities of healthcare professionals, and broader societal implications of individual cases. Through political critique and historical context, Walsh encourages listeners to consider the ramifications of current practices and policies.
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Today, the Matt Wall Show. President Trump has issued an executive order that will crush the gender transition industry once and for all. It's one of the most important executive orders ever written. We'll talk about it. Also, the Trump White House provides an explanation for those drones that were terrorizing the East Coast for weeks on end. Trump puts a pause on all foreign aid. Now he's being accused of not caring enough about the AIDS epidemic in Africa. A serious question, why is that America's problem to solve? And a woman sues Lyft after a driver tells her that she's too fat to fit into his car. Talk about that important case and much more today on the Matt Wall Show.
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Here's a little history on barbaric medical experiments that you probably weren't taught in school. In the early 1950s, lobotomies were having something of a heyday in the United States. Approximately 50,000 lobotomies were performed in just a couple of years. Doctors were eager to drill holes into people's skulls and carve out brain matter. But the United States was an outlier in this regard. Elsewhere in the world around the same time, lobotomies were being outlawed.
The Soviet Union banned lobotomies in 1950 with officials saying the practice was contrary to the principles of humanity, because it turned people into, quote, idiots. Soon afterwards, countries like Germany and Japan followed suit with their own bans on lobotomies, but the United States never implemented a similar ban of its own. To this day, there is no federal decree banning lobotomies, believe it or not, even though it's universally recognized as a grotesque procedure that has a permanent catastrophic effect on some of those vulnerable people in society. Now,
In 2025, of course, this is something of a moot point, lobotomies are not performed in the United States anymore, thankfully. People become hollowed out 50 IQ shells of their former selves through a steady diet of TikTok and Netflix instead of lobotomies. But at the same time, we do have a kind of modern analog to lobotomies in this country.
For the past decade or so, the idea of transgender medicine has taken hold in pretty much every major hospital, like lobotomies, so-called trans medicine promises to fix a serious mental problem by artificially modifying, and in some cases carving up the human body. And like lobotomies, oftentimes, these transgender procedures are performed on children.
And we've documented many times hospitals all over the country have provided cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers to minors in order to affirm their subjective sense of gender and to make a lot of money as well, of course. And in some cases, hospitals have gone beyond that. They've offered full-on surgeries as well, including double mastectomies and vagina plasties to children under the age of 18. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is not a right-wing talking point.
I mean, I think we've all established now pull up research papers from, say, Boston Children's Hospital, and you'll find that they've admitted to performing dozens of double mastectomies on minors. Jazz Jennings was 17 years old when surgeons mutilated his genitals and created a fake vagina in its place. So there's no denying. As was the case with lobotomies, children are being permanently disfigured.
in the name of junk science. But as of yesterday, the analogy to lobotomies ends there. That's because this time around,
The Trump administration has made it very clear that we're not going to wait for the whole rest of the world to ban this barbarism. We're going to do it ourselves. Now, thanks to four years of Democrat rule, we are still, once again, behind much of the Western world here, where in many cases this stuff has already been outlawed, but better late than never. And it has now been declared at the highest levels of government that
There is no justifiable reason whatsoever to cast straight, sterilize, or mutilate a young child in order to affirm that child's alleged gender identity, which is a meaningless, invented, and completely unscientific concept in the first place.
We're going to lay the groundwork for massive lawsuits against the butchers who have taken part in this affront to common sense and human decency. We're going to stop forcing taxpayers to subsidize the quacks behind this rod. We're going to empower the DOJ to pursue criminal action against anyone who mutilates the genitals of a child. And that's just the beginning. Now, all of these tenants were outlined in the executive order that Donald Trump signed yesterday, which is entitled Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation.
Now, to be clear, this is distinct from Trump's other orders on gender ideology, which we've already discussed. Previously, Trump has banned trans-identifying people in the military. He's established that there are only two genders. He's eliminated all forms of DEI in the federal government. But as important as those orders are, this one is even more expansive and far-reaching. And it's not an exaggeration to say that Trump
I think has just signed one of the top five most important executive orders in the history of the United States at a minimum. So let's go through this in detail. And as we do, I'll make it clear what this order does and what it doesn't do.
So to begin with, the order defines gender affirming care as the equivalent of chemical and surgical mutilation, which encompasses everything from surgeries to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. So right away, the federal government has just eliminated the Biden administration's endorsement of gender affirming care. And now we've replaced it with much more accurate terminology. And if that was the only thing this executive order did, it would already be a significant huge win.
But of course, it does a lot more than that. So the order then makes, by far, its most important contribution to ending gender ideology in this country. And I'll read a bit from the order here, and I'll explain why this matters so much. Quote, the blatant harm done to children by chemical and surgical mutilation cloaks itself in medical necessity, spurred by guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, WPATH, which lacks scientific integrity.
And the order then states that all federal agencies, including HHS, must rescind any and all reliance on WPATH guidelines. And then it states that the new HHS secretary, quote, shall publish a review of the existing literature on best practices for promoting the health of children who assert gender dysphoria, rapid onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion.
Now, on the surface, you might think that this particular part of the order isn't necessarily that important, but it's actually critical for two reasons. Now, first of all, as I've outlined at some length before, WPath is and has always been an organization full of dishonest and demented charlatans.
The internal W-Path filed, as reported by Michael Schellenberger, demonstrated very clearly that W-Path understands that children can't consent to chemical or physical castration, but they pushed it anyway, in part because the Biden administration encouraged them to do so. And yet, major hospitals have adopted W-Path guidelines for so-called trans-medicine wholesale over the last few years. This is happening for a very specific reason.
Doctors, including gender doctors, are terrified of one thing, which is malpractice lawsuits, because malpractice lawsuits can bankrupt doctors. They can destroy entire hospitals if they're big enough. There's a lot of risk involved in sterilizing or castrating a child.
a lot of financial risk. At the same time, these doctors desperately want to perform these procedures because they make a lot of money for the hospital. As you might remember, I found a video of a Vanderbilt doctor saying exactly that, but these things are a cash cow.
So the solution that these gender doctors have decided on is to defer to the self-appointed experts at WPath. And they know that if they can point to an established, quote, standard of care from some governing body, then they're basically immune from malpractice lawsuits, because that's how malpractice law works. If doctors can show that they were just following guidelines, then you can't sue them.
even if they've done something horrible to you like castrate you as a child. And that's why this Trump executive order is so important. Because from this point forward, the W-Path guidelines are no longer the standard of care by any definition.
the federal government and its health care agency. The HHS has just publicly rejected everything that WPATH stands for. The White House and HHS have just labeled WPATH junk science, which is exactly what it is. So doctors can no longer hide behind WPATH's guidelines to avoid malpractice lawsuits. And right away,
That's gonna cause their malpractice insurance to go through the roof. It'll dramatically enhance their liability, and eventually it will make them stop these procedures entirely because it's just not financially sustainable. But just in case it doesn't, the executive order contains this provision, quote, the head of each executive department or agency that provides research or education grants to medical institution, including medical schools and hospital shell, immediately take appropriate steps to ensure that institutions receiving federal research
where education grants end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children. So in other words, if a hospital receives any kind of federal funding, which every major hospital does, then they need to stop castrating sterilizing children. Otherwise, they stand to lose hundreds of millions of dollars. And in fact, they might lose even more than that, because the order continues by mandating that quote, the attorney general shall review Department of Justice Enforcement of Section 116 of Title 18, United States Code and prioritize enforcement of protections against female genital mutilation.
And additionally, the Attorney General must quote, in consultation with the Congress, work to draft, propose, and promote legislation to enact a private right of action for children and the parents of children whose healthy body parts have been damaged by medical professionals, practicing chemical and surgical mutilation, which should include a lengthy statute of limitations.
So, taking together these two provisions, don't just make it easier for victims to sue doctors who perform these barbaric procedures. They also open the door for the federal government to investigate and even imprison doctors who mutilate the bodies of children. Now, as you may remember, around 20 years ago, the left claimed that it cared about female general mutilation in Africa, so they passed a law outlawing the practice in the United States. But now, under the guise of trans-medicine, female general mutilation is supposedly progressive somehow.
So now the Trump administration is threatening to use that criminal law to go after these gender doctors. And at the same time, the Trump administration is also cutting any kind of government sponsored insurance that would cover these practices. Now, having said all that, I need to make it clear that this executive order, as momentous as it is, does not by itself ban child sterilization and mutilation in this country.
It makes it far more risky for doctors to perform these procedures. It suggests that the DOJ might be launching criminal investigation soon, and it makes it a lot harder for some of these hospitals and insurance companies to collect taxpayer money, but it's not a direct ban by itself. Outside of the many states that have banned this insanity already, it remains legal in places like California, Minnesota, and so on. And on top of that, if Democrats retake the White House in four years, they can reverse all of this.
So Trump has done the absolute maximum of what a president can do on this issue. He can say with absolute sincerity that he has done everything he can to put an end to this insanity. But to finish the job, he's going to need help. He can't do that all on his own. So therefore, what's needed, as I've said many times before, is a law
of federal law banning these procedures nationwide outright.
This is clearly an ideal moment to advance a national ban like that because gender ideology is now less popular than it's ever been. Trans activists have been utterly humiliated and rejected on the national stage. They haven't even really mustered any kind of sustained outrage about Trump's previous executive orders dismantling their ideology. So it stands to reason that they would be powerless as Congress passes the kill shot, which is a complete and total ban on chemical and physical mutilation in the name of gender ideology.
Now, as the executive order itself states, quote, across the country today, medical professionals are maiming and sterilizing a growing number of impressionable children under the radical and false claim that adults can change a child sex through a series of irreversible medical interventions. This dangerous trend will be a stain on our nation's history, and it must end.
Now just a year ago as a man pretending to be a woman led our nation's federal health agency, it was easy to doubt that this moment would ever come. Now I've said for years that child gender transitions will eventually be a thing of the past and nobody will want to admit that they ever supported it or tolerated it. Now that time is almost here.
The barbarism of child gender butchery is on its very last legs. And very soon, you're not gonna be able to find a single person in the country who admits to have ever supported it. For the sake of millions of confused and vulnerable people all over the country, in a particular for the sake of children, we have no choice now but to finish the job. Now, I wanna say one other thing about this. The child butchery business
is collapsing and soon it will be gone. It will be ash and history will look back on it with horror and shame and confusion. But I want to be clear about something that if you're a doctor or a medical professional or a therapist or a psychiatrist who pushed this insanity on children, if you participated in and profited from the psychological and physical abuse of children,
This is not over for you. You don't get to just move on. Those of us who have been fighting you for years will not let you just walk away scot-free. We are not gonna rest until you are punished for what you've done. Now, what you deserve is a military tribunal and the sentence that is given to those who commit human rights atrocities, but that probably won't happen. So instead,
We will settle with seeing that you are bankrupted and humiliated and shamed and ostracized and forever alienated from civilized society. We will not forget you. We will remember your names. For as long as there are people in this country who must live forever with the damage you inflicted on them as children, then you also should have to live with the consequences. Those children cannot pretend that this never happened.
And so neither should you. Hopefully you've noticed that the conservatives you've had to deal with in this fight are a bit of a different breed. We tore down your whole industry piece by piece. We did exactly what we said we would do. We beat you. And so now when we say that we're going to make sure that you are held accountable for your crimes against humanity, you should know that we mean it.
And we will do it. So this isn't over. I promise you that. Now let's get to our five headlines.
Yesterday was the first White House press briefing of the new Trump administration. The new White House press secretary Carolyn Levitt had her debut, and she did a nice job. The makeup of the room for the press briefing looked different than what we usually have seen, because Trump is allowing outlets other than the typical legacy media outlets into the room. They're still in the room, but he's also allowing others. The Daily Wire is there now with our excellent reporter, Mary Margaret Olahan.
And they also announced that there will be a new media seat, which I think is the idea is they're going to give one day passes to various figures in new media to attend press, which of course means that I have to apply, right? I mean, I have to do it, don't I?
I have to get into the press briefing room and try to ask a question. Now, granted, it won't be as fun for me as it would have been had I got press credentials during the Biden administration, because then I could troll Biden's press secretary, which would have been a lot of fun. The trolling takes on a different tone when I actually like the people. So it's a friendlier troll, which
It is just frankly not as fun. But either way, I feel like I do have an obligation. So we'll have to look into that. But for now, I want to play one moment from the briefing. Levitt, as promised by Trump, revealed the truth behind those drones that had everybody freaking out for like a month. And Trump had promised that he would look into it. And whatever he finds out, he'd let us know. And so she opened the press briefing by giving us the update. And here it is.
After research and study, the drones that were flying over New Jersey in large numbers were authorized to be flown by the FAA for research and various other reasons. Many of these drones were also hobbyists, recreational and private individuals that enjoy flying drones. In the meantime, it got worse due to curiosity. This was not the enemy.
So that's the answer we're told to the drone mystery, which should be major headline news, shouldn't it? I mean, people were obsessed with the drones for a month, weeks on end about the drones. And now Trump is coming out with a statement to explain what was all about. And, you know, and people are like, yeah, whatever.
And this is how it goes. So we go from caring obsessively about something to not at all. There's no stop over in between. There's no pit stop along the way from caring obsessively to not at all. It's either care obsessively or not at all. There's no mild interest.
That's not a gear that we have in the internet age. It's just how the news cycle works, I guess. Now granted, the explanation Trump gives is quite boring. These are drones authorized by the FAA combined with hobbyists and recreational drones. And if that's the case, it of course raises a question, which is why didn't the Biden administration just say that?
You know, if the drones were authorized by the FAA, the FAA would have obviously known that. And so the Biden administration would know that. And which would mean that there was never any mystery about the drones. From the moment people started asking questions about it, the Biden administration knew exactly what it was. But they didn't just say that. They didn't tell us.
Now, there is another explanation here, of course, and a lot of people in social media are just kind of refusing to believe that this explanation is correct. They're saying that there must be something that we're not being told. There must still be more to the story. And that might be the case. I don't know. But I actually find it extremely plausible that there was a benign explanation for this that Biden just refused to give us.
That is also very plausible. I mean, that tracks, right? That's the kind of totally gratuitous disrespect for the American people that you would expect from the Biden regime. Something is happening. People are asking about it. The Biden administration could just tell us, but choose as not to. Choose as to let people panic needlessly.
Why? Well in part it's because it was a nice distraction and I think for the Biden administration anything that distracted people from the fact from the failures of the Biden administration was a positive. So there was that but also I think they just had a contempt for the American people and then they resented the idea that they should have to explain anything to us. So if people were living in New Jersey and feeling
a bit vulnerable, not sure if there were some sort of Chinese drones, if there were some kind of attack, alien attack. I think the Biden administration looked at that and they said, I don't care. I don't care if they feel that way. Yes, we could easily say something that would calm these fears, but we're just not going to.
So that tracks. To me, that is perfectly believable. But who knows? All right, now we have some tragic news. CNN anchor and longtime Trump hater Jim Acosta made the announcement on a show yesterday that he is quitting. It was his last show. And the background here is that CNN wanted to move Jim Acosta from his daytime slot to midnight. I think he was on at 10 a.m.
and they wanted to move them to midnight, which is, I mean, that's how much faith and pride the CNN brass had in Jim Acosta. That's how you know, right, that you're doing a great job on TV when your bosses come to you and say, you know, we want to move your time slot. Oh, how far do you want to move it? About 14 hours. We want to just push it back a bit, about 14 hours, you know,
And because there are probably about 10 people watching CNN at midnight, which is only half of their prime time audience. So it's a pretty steep drop. And so Acosta wouldn't do it. Acosta would not allow his show to be moved to midnight.
which is a little surprising considering that Jim Acosta, no offense, is a blood sucking vampire goblin. So you'd think that midnight would be perfect for him as a brainless zombie. You'd think that the graveyard shift would be right up his alley, but he said no. And so he gave his dramatic sign off yesterday.
Here it is. There's never a good time to bow down to a tyrant. I've always believed it's the job of the press to hold power to account. I've always tried to do that here at CNN. And I plan on doing all of that in the future. One final message. Don't give into the lies. Don't give into the fear. Hold on to the truth and to hope.
Even if you have to get out your phone, record that message. I will not give into the lies. I will not give into the fear. Post it on your social media so people can hear from you too. I'll have more to say about my plans in the coming days, but until then, I want to thank all of you for tuning in. It has been an honor to be welcomed into your home for all these years. That's the news. Reporting from Washington, I'm Jim Acosta. Good Lord. What a dork. I mean,
I know this is not the most profound insight, but what a dork this guy is. Just a dork. Like this is, I don't condone bullying, but this is why you need, this is why bullies fill a role in society. This is someone who just needs to be shoved into a locker. Like this is someone who just needs to have his head dunked in a toilet and be shoved into a locker. I'm not condoning it. I'm not saying that should happen.
I guess I did just say it should happen, but that's not, I'm figuratively, like metaphorically. In a metaphor, in a totally metaphorical, non-physical sense, he needs to be, have his head dunked in a toilet and shoved into a metaphorical locker, just a dork. Take out your phone, post this message on your social medias. I will not give into the lies. You know, he's trying to start, and nobody posted that, by the way. Not a single person. He's trying to start a movement, post it on your social media. Know what? No one did, not a single person did.
You could tell he wanted this so badly to be his network moment, right? I'm mad as hell, I'm not gonna take it any more moment. He wanted this to be iconic. This is me, his iconic, defiant, bold, brave. He doesn't remind me to turn this off. That's on you.
He wanted this to be his defiant moment and it just didn't work. And instead it was just lame and boring. And on top of that, he fumbled over his words multiple times. So huge dork, and that's it for Jim Acosta. I can only imagine that seeing him leave so abruptly was very upsetting for his viewer. So my condolences to that person.
Um, and, uh, we'll, we'll, we'll wait to see what Jim Acosta does next. I mean, no one is waiting to see what he does next. Nobody, nobody cares. But, um, I'm sure we'll hear anyway. Here's something a bit, a bit, uh, some, some heavier news here. The Eric Post reports.
The homeless man who allegedly shoved the woman into the path of a moving Manhattan train made a chilling confession, telling cops, I did it because I wanted to, of course I heard yesterday. Marquis Brazilis 26 brazenly admitted to tossing the 23 year old victim into an on an on an incoming A train at the 168th Street station. Shortly after he was arrested for the savage Monday morning attack, he told cops, I pushed her into the train because I was high and I was mad.
I did it because I wanted to. Now, you know, when people tell you why they do things, you should believe them. And we heard it from this guy directly. Why did he randomly throw a woman in front of a train? Well, because he wanted to. That's it. That's the reason.
And I've been saying this exact thing for a long time. Violent and dangerous vagrants roaming the streets who do terrible and violent things, why do they do it? Well, it's not because they're victims of systemic racism. It's not because of their socioeconomic situation. It's not even because they're crazy. Guess what? I know we like to think that all these people committing random acts of violence are crazy, but they aren't.
A crazy person cannot speak so clearly and rationally about their motives. A crazy person doesn't know why they do things. This guy does. He did it because he wanted to. But why did he want to? I have no idea. I can't relate to that desire. I've never had the desire to throw anyone in front of a train. So I don't know why he wanted to, but he wanted to for whatever reason. He had the free will, the ability to not do it.
He could have not acted on that perverse dark desire, but he did. And why did he act on it? Because he's evil. That's why he's a bad person. This is an evil person. He causes pain and suffering just for fun, just because he wants to. And that's what we call an evil person. We used to understand that human evil exists.
That's a thing. People are evil. Evil people are out there. There are evil people in the world. Not everything is a matter of mental health. You know, of course, these days we like to, we like to take any terrible thing that someone does. And you hear from both sides of the political aisle about there's a mental health crisis in America. Where's the mental health? This is about mental health. It's not, no. It's, you know what? It is very often. It's just these are bad people.
They're just bad people who do bad things. This is actually not a problem that could be simply solved with drugs. And that brings us to some other hard truths about this guy, and mainly it's this, that he almost certainly cannot be reformed. Him and everyone like him. You know, all the violence
vagrants and people walking around committing random acts of violence. They cannot be reformed. He will be a danger to society forever. He will be a liability forever. Now, no human being is outside the mercy of God. Anyone can be forgiven and transformed and redeemed. I certainly believe that, but that's between him and God. We as a society can never trust that he's reformed. We can't know that. God can know that, but we can't.
And so there will never be a time when we can safely and reasonably assume or trust that he can be assimilated back into society. There will never be a time when I would feel comfortable standing near train tracks with this guy around, which means that the only solution is to permanently remove people like this from society. And I mean that through the legal process, through the courts, lawfully,
in accordance with the Constitution, these people need to be permanently removed from society. It's the only answer. There is no other answer. Like we talked about yesterday, Trump had one idea for solving that problem. One idea is to how we permanently remove something like this from society, and that is ship them overseas.
set up essentially a penal colony somewhere, set up a prison camp somewhere in some country, preferably a really rough country, the kind of country you don't wanna be in, and set him there. And that's where he's gonna live until he dies. And we're just gonna forget that you exist. Society will just forget about you. And you'll be given
three meals, well, maybe not three meals, but you'll be given food. You'll be given food on a daily basis, you're not gonna starve to death, but it's gonna be a miserable life, it's gonna be a horrible life, and then you're gonna die, and you'll be buried in an unmarked grave, and we'll never think about you again. That is the faith of someone who, like, if you're the kind of person where we have to worry that, if you're the kind of person where I can't stand next to you by the train tracks,
then you are the kind of person who deserves to be sent to a prison camp and to die and to be forgotten and to just die. That's what you deserve. And so maybe, I don't know, it's
It kind of seems far-fetched that we'll actually see this happen, that we're gonna start shipping criminals to some prison camp in Uganda somewhere or something. It seems far-fetched, but hey, I mean, if you had told me that Trump would be as productive as he has been in the last two weeks, I would have thought, well, that's not even possible. So maybe this will happen, we'll see.
Trump's freeze on foreign aid has brought out all the expected sob stories. And we're now hearing from the media and the Democrats that Trump in particular is failing in his duty to fight AIDS in Africa. So this has become a talking point now. It's been a lot of reporting about how the AIDS epidemic will be made worse without foreign aid.
Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman tweeted as much. He said, Trump's freeze on all foreign aid is an abdication of our duty as a global leader. That money fights AIDS, malaria, and famine, including in Sudan now. This indiscriminate freeze will cause more people to die like his blanket pardons. It's a small-minded, dangerous, and harmful. Now, I asked Dan this question on X and still haven't gotten an answer shockingly, but let me pose it here again.
It's a simple question for Dan or for anyone. Here's the question. Why should working-class American taxpayers have to pay to fight AIDS in an African country 7,000 miles away? And why? Why is that our problem to solve? Because I'll be honest with you, when I think about all the pressing concerns and problems that need to be solved,
I know we always hear about AIDS in Africa as one of the great epidemics that we should all really be concerned about. But when I think about all the problems that are most pressing to me as an American citizen, AIDS in Africa doesn't even make the list. It's just not on the list. Now, I have no ill will towards people suffering from AIDS in Africa. I wish them the best.
But I care first and foremost about the people who are suffering in my own country. And I have an obligation to my family, my friends, my community and my nation. I have no obligation to Sudan, Sudan, none at all. Like what is, that's maybe another way of phrasing the question. Just taking myself as an American citizen.
What is my personal obligation to Sudan? What is it? And where does it come from? In what way am I obliged to help Sudan? The answer is that there is no obligation. And this is to say nothing of the fact, the perhaps most relevant fact, that the aid money going to allegedly fight AIDS in Africa and these other things is obviously not working.
You know, when we talk about foreign aid, of course, the reality is that most foreign aid is a scam anyway. It doesn't even go towards the thing it's supposed to allegedly. Why does Africa still have an AIDS epidemic? The Western world has long since gotten AIDS largely under control. So why can't Africa figure it out? It's a serious question. Why can't they figure it out?
And at what point are these countries expected to stand on their own two feet and take care of themselves? At what point? Never? Never? Is that the answer? So is it our job forever, forever to sustain these countries and solve their problems for them? Forever, really? Well, if you ask Dan Goldman, that's what he would say.
I mean, he wouldn't say that out loud because he knows how it sounds, but that is his answer. His answer is that you as an American citizen have a permanent obligation to Sudan that will last forever. And again, he won't say it because he knows that sounds insane and it cannot possibly be justified. But that's what they think.
Because here's the thing, it's not like we're being told that we need to give these countries a little help to get them over the hump and get them back on their feet, and then they'll be good to go. We're not being told that. That's not the pitch. No, what we're being told implicitly is to keep giving them our money forever, permanently, forever.
because they will just never be able to take care of themselves. Which means that not only are we as taxpayers getting totally built and scammed, but also the money isn't accomplishing anything in the long term. Clearly. I mean, for how long have we been giving taxpayer money to AIDS in Africa? How long has this been going on decades? And it's still an epidemic? How is that possible? How is this problem not under control by now?
And what makes you think the continuing to give money will help anything if it hasn't done anything yet? Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach him a fish and feed him for life. And I was the old saying and okay, well, why can't these people fish, right? When I was in Kenya, I remember driving through the towns and seeing just these massive piles of trash, massive mountains of trash in the middle of every town.
Right, and this is one of the reasons why they struggle with diseases that the rest of the world has mostly eradicated because the hygiene and the basic cleanliness is nonexistent, but it's like, why can't you figure out basic trash removal? Okay, can we, it's a, to use the left's phrase, can we have an uncomfortable conversation about some of this stuff? Let's have an uncomfortable conversation. Why can't you figure out trash removal?
This is one of the most basic fundamental skills required to build a functional civilization. Civilizations that existed 3,000 years ago, figured that out with technology that was 3,000 years old. So why can't Kenya, why can't you solve that problem? Why haven't you solved it? Waste management.
We're talking about like a training wheel level skill. And Kenya gets like a billion dollars a year in USAID or something. A billion dollars a year, every year for decades. And they don't know what to do with their trash. So my point is that the aid is not, it's obviously not, obviously not building a sustainable, healthy, thriving Africa.
And that's what I would like to see. I'd like to see that happen. I'd like for every country in the world to be healthy and thriving and sustainable. I wish for nothing but the best for every country in the world. That's what I would love to see. But the point is that we can't do that for you. It's not our job. It's not our obligation. And we can't do it anyway.
So at a certain point, these countries need to figure out how to stand on their own two feet. And which is why Trump has temporarily put a freeze on foreign aid, which is great. I think that the freeze should be permanent. I think we should withdraw all foreign aid from everybody. Because
And I've said this before, and I know how it comes across to some people, and of course I don't care what it comes across. If you need USAID in order to exist as a country, if you cannot function as a country without USAID, then you don't deserve to exist as a country.
Okay, then you're a country that effectively doesn't exist already. You are a puppet. You're a failed state that is weakened at Bernie's on the international stage. But you're already a dead country. You are a dead country if you need welfare payments permanently from American taxpayers in order to exist.
And so I think the only solution is to just let the chips fall where they may take out, revoke all USAID from everybody and let these things shake out. And maybe if you're a country that can't be sustained on your own, then probably what ends up happening is that a stronger country comes in and takes over, you know, which is how the world worked for thousands of years.
If you can't take care of yourself, if you can't, if you can't stand on your own two feet as a nation, then some other country is going to come in and they're going to conquer you and they're going to, they're going to take, that's just the way it works. Um, which is, would, would be hard to lament as any great tragedy considering you, you, you had all this time to figure out how to exist as a country and you couldn't figure it out. Um, so, uh, you know,
Maybe it's a dog world out there. And so maybe that's a process that we should just allow to play out a little bit. Because if the other option is that we have to take food out of our children's mouths forever to prop up all of these countries, who by the way, do nothing for us, give us nothing in return,
and don't even display even the faintest hint of gratitude ever. If that's the alternative, well, then that's just not an acceptable alternative. I hate to say it. I mean, I don't hate to say it, actually. Let's get to the comment section. If you remain, it's required that you grow a bit, hey.
It's weird that none of these proud Mexican patriots want to live in Mexico. Yeah, that is a strange thing, isn't it? There are a lot of people in this country who are deeply proud of the countries that they came from, that they desperately fled from, and are terrified of the prospect of going back to it, and yet they're proud of it. I'm so proud of my home country. Okay, well, then you can go back to it. No, not that, anything but that. And you're proud of them.
It's like saying you're proud of your family, but under no circumstances will you ever invite any of them over for Thanksgiving. How proud are you? Replace Jefferson with Trump on Mount Rushmore. No. Look, I think Trump
I've said if Trump repeals the income tax, if he figures out a way to, which he can't do on his own, of course, but if he can lead the fight to get rid of the income tax, he deserves to be a Mount Rushmore, which I stand by. You can make an argument if Trump, even if that doesn't happen, if Trump just keeps up somehow this pace that he's on right now for four years, you can not only make an argument, but I think it would be very much obviously the case that he would deserve to be a Mount Rushmore for that.
But hopefully you could just add them. I mean, I think there's enough room on the mountainside to add them. If for some reason, it is an interesting kind of fun little thought experiment. If let's just say for some reason, you can't add someone, you'd have to carve his face over one of the faces that's already on Mount Rushmore. Then who has to go in favor of Trump? That's a fun.
That's a little bit of a, that's a fun game. I would say, you can't get rid of Jefferson. I mean, Jefferson stays, George Washington stays. For me, Teddy Roosevelt, a personal favorite president, he has to stay. So really, I mean, Lincoln is the odd man out.
I think in that case, Lincoln's got to go. Sorry, sorry, Abe. You know, he's got plenty of other monuments. I think he's done pretty well for himself posthumously. So that would be my vote. If you've got to vote one of the Mount Rushmore presidents off the island or off the mountainside, then it would probably be him.
Let's see, Matt, I don't know if I missed it, but did you ever come back to give the rest of the review for American medieval? You mean, American primeval is the name of the show, would be quite interested in what you thought of it as a whole. Yeah, well, thanks for reminding me. I did finish it. And I'm happy to report that American primeval, the new Western series on Netflix, did in fact stick the landing, having seen the whole series now. And it takes us a while. We don't, you know, my wife and I, we,
This thing people do with a binge a whole series in a day and a half. That's just, I don't know how you do that. I mean, your brain starts to turn the mush and leak out of your ears at a certain point watching that much TV. So it takes us a little bit of time to get through a series.
So we did finally finish it. And I can say that it's a very solid show. It's easily one of the few quality Westerns of the last 20 years and one of the best things that Netflix has put out, which low bars in both cases, but still very, very, very solid show. It never lapsed into most of the woke cliches that you expect.
The elite female character, which this is the thing that I found to be most surprising about the show, is that the lead female character never really became the kick-ass action hero Mary Sue type of character that that character always becomes in like every show and movie these days.
You have in any show where it's kind of an action thing and there's the lead characters, a female, and she's encountering bad guys and stuff. In almost every case, either she starts off right out of the gate as some ass kicking ninja, or at the very least becomes that through the course of the show. But in this case, they resisted that temptation. Now there's one scene, I'm not gonna spoil anything,
There's one scene that kind of borders on that trope a little bit. But if you watch the show and you see that scene, it's, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's forgivable. It's a forgivable. It's, it's, it's, I think justified in the context of the story. But other than that, you've got this classic kind of mysterious drifter guy.
who you have in all the great westerns, you know, all the great, most of the great westerns anyway, the lead male character is this mysterious guy that doesn't talk a lot and, you know, gruff and masculine and you don't really know anything about his past, you know.
And he comes off as maybe a bit cruel at first, but through the course of the story, you see that underneath all that, he really is a good man. But anyway, he's the ass kicker. And so in this show, you have that character and he is constantly saving and bailing out this woman and her child through the whole series right down to the last moment, which again, I'll try not to give you spoilers, but right down to the last moment, he is
He's there protecting her and her son. So I thought that that was good. It mostly avoids the woke stuff with the Indians in the show. By modern Hollywood standards, you know, the evil white man themes by modern Hollywood standards are kept to a minimum. The Indians are portrayed as war-like and brutal, which is what they were. And which to a certain extent, everybody was back then, especially on the frontier.
There is a female Indian chief who is like the wise sage and is a pacifist and somehow speaks perfect English too, which is never explained. And that's pretty silly. I mean, it's the wokest that the show gets is with that character, but it's, you know, I think it's, again, I would call it forgivable. It's kept to a minimum, you know, you can kind of look past it.
The only thing I'll warn you about is that the show is very brutally violent. And I think in a way that for the most part is justified by the storytelling, it does at times go overboard with the brutality and the bleakness. There's one thing in particular, at the very end of the show, the last episode, there's this subplot of a husband who
in the first couple of episodes, his wife has abducted. And so he's trying to find his wife through the entire show. And in the final episode, they encounter each other. And that
that goes in a direction that is so bleak that it's almost you almost have to laugh at it because it's so it's so over the top depressing that you're almost like really that so there is a little bit of that in the show and but
So if you find that sort of thing overly upsetting, then I wouldn't watch the show. For me, I have a fairly high tolerance for bleak and brutal stuff in stories. Personally, for a story like this, I'd prefer it go overboard in that direction than in the other direction. I'd rather err on the side of being a bit too brutal and too bleak than in sanitizing it too much. That's just me. Finally,
Talking about the Nancy May situation, people change. I personally used to be a leftist until 2020 when I started to see the air of my ways, thanks to the George Floyd movement.
Well, yeah, look, people change and you saw the error in your ways because of the Floyd stuff. Actually, now that you mentioned it, Nancy Mace did not see the error in her ways from that. Even a year after Floyd's overdose, she was tweeting about how George Floyd had been murdered, okay, a year later. But in any case, yeah, people change. The problem with Nancy Mace is that she flipped on the trans issue and then immediately positioned herself as a leader on that issue. And then as we talked about, started trying to recast the whole argument in feminist terms.
But even leaving that part aside, which to me is the main problem. That's the main thing, is that you are using feminist
ideology and feminist ideology based is, feminist ideology is gender ideology. And so now you're trying to use that and recast the fight against gender ideology in gender ideology terms. And that I can't allow you to do that. You can't come in at the last moment and screw everything up by basically accepting the premise of the gender ideologues. I can't let you do that.
But even leaving all that aside, I also just can't put up with someone coming that late to the party and then pretending that you were on the front lines the whole time. So it's one thing to come in and say, hey, look, I got this thing wrong. I was wrong about this. I see that I'm wrong now. And hey, I'm ready to join this fight. If somebody says that, I welcome them with open arms. Anyone who says that about anything, I say, great. We don't need to dwell on anything you said in the past. We're not going to dig up tweets. We're not going to do any of that.
You've changed your mind. You've seen the air in your ways. Here you are. Brothers in arms. Fantastic. I'll be the first to say that. I'm very consistent about that. But when you come in, especially as a politician, and there is no accountability, there is no admitting that you were wrong. And you just barged to the front of the line and say, I'm the leader. I was doing this the whole time. Come on. That it's purely self-serving and dishonest.
It's particularly from a politician. I'm just not going to put up with that. Why should we? And that's my problem there.
Let's be real, mainstream media isn't just broken, it's corrupt. They don't report the news, they curate it to fit their agenda, and Americans, well, we're done with it. That's why the daily wire exists. We're not here to follow the narrative, we're here to crush it. Our reporters go where the truth is, no matter how inconvenient it may be for the powerful. And we're not stopping there. We are creating the entertainment Hollywood won't. Bold movies, fearless documentaries, and shows that fight back against the cultural rot
But here's the thing, none of this can happen without you. The fight for truth and culture starts with your support. Join the movement today at dailywire.com slash subscribe. Don't sit on the sidelines. Be a part of the revolution. Now let's get to our daily cancellation.
Now if you spend very much time on social media, you have probably seen the story of the 500 pound aspiring female rapper who is suing Lyft after a driver refused to let her in the car because she was too fat. And if you're a fan of this show, you probably assumed that it would be the subject of a daily cancellation. And look, if you made that assumption, frankly, I have to say, I'm offended.
that you think I'm so predictable. You just assume that I would do the easy and cheap thing and waste your time and mine doing a whole monologue about a fat woman who didn't fit in a car. In fact, you probably assume that I'll not only talk about this case, but I'll even play a clip of one of her music videos, even though it has nothing to do with the story and has nothing of value to the conversation. Well, if you assumed all of that,
You are, of course, totally correct. I mean, that is the point of the daily cancellation. What is the point of it if I'm not going to use it as an occasion to talk about a woman who ate so much Little Caesar stuffed-cross pizza that she no longer fits inside a mid-sized sedan?
So, let's start at the beginning. Dejal Blanding is the woman's real name. Dank Demos is her rap name, or it might be the other way around. There's no way to know. In any case, a few days ago, Miss Dank went viral when she posted this video of her interaction with a Lyft driver who regretted to inform her that his car will not fit a woman who is the approximate size of a female polar bear.
And I don't say that as an insult, by the way, this woman reportedly weighs about 500 pounds, which is, in fact, the upper range for a female polar bear. And I think that fact is important. I'm just trying to put it in perspective because it puts the tremendous size of this woman into perspective. And this story, a story that she made public, is all about her size. I mean, that's what this all hinges on. So here's what she looks like for reference. There's the picture.
As you can see, she is, shall we say, a substantial woman. And here is the initial video of her encounter with the unfortunate Lyft driver. Here it is. That's the most recent mom in my life. I can fit in this car. Believe me again. Yes, I can. Believe me. So, I'm sorry. Yes, whatever you're going to believe me. Well, I'm going to ask her if you're not going to be drunk. So, you saw me? I can't.
I'm getting a lift because I can't fit in your car. What makes you think I can't fit in your car? What makes you think I can't fit in your car? What makes you think I can't fit in your car? What makes you think I can't fit in your car? What makes you think I can't fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit in your car? What makes you think I can fit
And to be more and more specific with you, I got very tired. What I got to do is I got yours. Yeah, and you have no space. I got no space. Yeah, I got no space in the back. So she asks, what makes him think that she can't fit in his car? And the driver, because he's polite, did not respond, well, ma'am, there are two things that make me think you can't fit in my car, my eyes.
And it's good that he didn't say that. That would have been unkind. And so now, after that video made the rounds, Miss Dank put out a statement addressing all the haters. And I found her to be remarkably eloquent, to be honest with you. So, check it out. Let's talk about it. Since everybody in a ball hit it as mama got something to say about dank. First of all, let's touch base on a big bitch in a bag that got something to say about me.
I don't seem to be sick or walk. You cold. Like you only like one burger away from being my size. Like y'all got me fucked up. Stop calling yourself a BBW. Because you're not. Other BBWs don't put other BBWs down. Second of all,
I'm never contacted live. Now y'all talking about all she posted a video for cloud. I am the clock. I've been doing this for a long time. I posted this video because y'all got us fucked up. Y'all always trying to put big people in a category. Oh, big people in this or big, this, this, stop doing this. Y'all want us to be in a house miserable board. Oh, cover up or you can't wear that. You big.
You. You. Just below zero. I'm outside and you pulling off from me. I don't give a **** you gave me my **** back. I don't give a **** about none of that **** like y'all got us ****. I'm not in the house. I'm outside. I'm showing my stomach. That's what I'm talking about. Stop playing with me on this **** internet.
You know, I have to say when I first heard about this woman's plight, I was not, I confess, especially sympathetic, but then I watched that video and I started to understand her perspective and she's right because I too am sick and tired of the bitch ass internet. You can't deny, you can't deny it is a bitch ass internet. So she has a point. And secondly, she says that we all need to stop putting large women like herself into categories.
And again, I agree. I would never try to put her in a category. She does not fit in any category or any Toyota Corolla as it turns out, which only proves her point is what I'm saying. So I think now is as good a time as any to take a quick detour and check out one of Ms. Stank's music videos. Will it help us understand her situation? Will it clarify any aspect of this controversy for us? No.
And no, but we don't need an excuse, I think, to enjoy some quality music, do we? So here you go.
I'm that bitch, it ain't no cappin' me ain't talkin' bout shit Why hosy bumbling, pay fat queen These bitches under me, worry bout who? Wish one don't bother me, hide and lost my mind I think I left it at home, I ain't fightin' till the top I put my name on the throne, I've been chosen again if she wants more she a fit If I lose $20 and just don't up, yeah, I be mittlin' these bitches when I rap and make sense Bitch I made it on my own, y'all had to slug three
So there you go. You know, she, uh, I'm sure you were tracking the lyrics there. She said that, um, at one point she says, uh, these bitches under me. And, uh, that was that. Are the bitches okay?
We need to check on the bitches that were under you. I'm concerned for their health and safety at this point. I have to say, the collective IQ in that room was quite impressive. I think with their brain power all combined, I have no doubt that it would create an intellect powerful enough to graduate middle school. And I mean that as a compliment, just to be clear, everything I'm saying,
is a mantis of compliment. So now we get to the inevitable part of this story where the requisite lawsuit is filed. Here's the local Fox affiliate with the earth shattering news.
You're Blanding tells us she was just trying to get to a Detroit Lions Watch party this month when her left rolled up. As I walk in, I see him like making faces or whatever. I'm like, oh, I mean, she already knew I can fit in this car. Believe me. Yes, I can believe it. He told her there's not enough room in his car. The kicker part was when he started to talk about his tires. You know, I feel like that was a slap in the face. That was like my tires, you know, like.
the driver said his tires could not handle her weight. Every big person you find on because they can't fit in your car. Because maybe the worker, the worker excels. No, I don't never have to order over a sale. He apologized, canceled the ride and left her there. The rapper says she's pretty tough. Dank DeMoss, as she's known at the mic, is crushed by the whole situation. I just want them to know, like,
It really hurt my feelings. It looks like a lift might be hurting pretty soon too. I knew it was illegal and I knew that it was wrong. Her attorneys John Marco and Zach Runyon say wait is a protected characteristic in Michigan by law. It would be no different than a driver pulling up and saying, you know, I don't want to have black people in my car or I don't want to have Christians in my car or Muslims in my car. It's the same under the law. It's the same.
The lawsuit is filed. Since she posted the encounter on social media, other full-figured folks have reached out saying the same thing happened to them. Yes, you heard that right. Full-figured folks. That is now the euphemism for 500-pound human beings. One might object that if you weigh more than the ATV parked in my garage right now, that your figure is several steps beyond full, it reached its capacity about 300 pounds ago.
Because the human body, just like a vehicle, does have a capacity. Your bone-structured internal organs are not designed to carry around and sustain that kind of weight. They can't, which is why literally every single person in the size of Miss Dank will die and die soon. She will either go on a diet and lose weight, or she will be dead within like 10 years, probably much sooner. Especially now that she has scummy lawyers encouraging her to see her weight as a quote-unquote protected characteristic,
Their lawyer says that rejecting a person because they're extremely morbidly obese is no different than rejecting them because they're black, but it is, of course, very different. Ms. Dank was born black. She was not born 500 pounds. In fact, using a rough calculation, we know that in order to maintain 500 pounds of weight, you would need to consume something like 8,000 calories a day.
though she almost certainly eats much more than that because she's doing more than simply maintaining. But even 8,000 calories a day is a mind-boggling amount. I mean, that's at least four times the recommended calorie intake for an adult woman. She's eating enough for at least four people every day. I mean, that's just the fact. And in order to do that, you have to essentially eat all day.
I mean, think about how much eating you would have to do to take in those kinds of calories every single day. This is basically non-stop eating. You have to adopt the lifestyle of a panda, eating for 10 to 16 hours a day. Of course, pandas eat that much because they're morons and they only eat bamboo, which has no nutritional value. Ms. Dank is probably not surviving on bamboo. We can assume she's almost certainly eating nothing but processed foods all day, every day. So it takes sustained almost herculean effort.
to be and remain that obese. To say that someone's status as morbidly obese is protected, it's like saying that a man who chooses to walk around upside down on his hands all day is protected. It makes no sense. Incredible effort is required to be in that position.
But this is obvious, of course. I mean, obviously it would be absurd if she wins a single diamond lawsuit, which means that just as obviously a court in Michigan will probably award her $50 million, which is the same thing as giving her a death sentence because she's going to spend the money on food and she's going to complete the slow motion suicide that she's been committing for years now. It's also obvious that the Lyft driver is the real victim here. It's pretty clear that he was embarrassed as any normal person would be.
having to tell her that she's too stupendously fat to fit into his vehicle. He would have preferred to just give her a ride, take her money, and be done with it. But she literally could not fit in the car. He couldn't figure out how to make the geometry work. And he was worried rightly so about the effect on his tires and the structural integrity of his car having that much weight bunched up on one side of it. Even if he could wedge her in there like an over-packed suitcase, he was not at all sure that the sort of damage
that would be done to his vehicle, which is the source of his livelihood. So she owes him an apology for putting him in that position, not the other way around. And all of that is self-evident, I think, to any thinking person. We don't need to dwell on any of that anymore than we already have. To me, the bigger issue, no pun intended, is just the total lack of shame on the part of this woman. The fact that you've eaten so much that anyone even has to question whether you will fit in a car, a car that was built to transport four entire people,
The fact that they have to question whether you'll fit in it should embarrass you. It should be the mother of all wake up calls. This is the equivalent of an alcoholic waking up naked in a back alley dumpster in a city he doesn't recognize. Like it's a moment when life is screaming at you through a bullhorn and carrying a giant neon blinking sign that says you have a problem. And if you aren't picking up on that hint, then your situation is hopeless. And in Miss Dank's case, she not only is ignoring the hint, but interpreting it in exactly the opposite way.
The sign says, you have a problem. She reads it as, everyone else is the problem. That's what a chronic lack of shame and a pathological self-centeredness gets you. It gets you to this moment of extreme humiliation, even if you're too narcissistic to feel it. It's still got you there, just like it got you to 500 pounds. And that is why our friend Ms. Dank, who doesn't fit into any categories or into most anything else, is today canceled.
I'll do it for the show today. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Talk to you tomorrow. Have a great day. Godspeed.
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