
Emily's Live Workshop: Become A Magic Maker and Attract Your Dreams


October 17, 2024

TLDR: Emily hosts a live workshop sharing secrets to attract dream relationship, home, and career; announces new Embodied Manifesting Course 'Ziva Magic'; course blends ancient wisdom, modern science, and psychosomatic movement to help discover dreams, clear limiting beliefs, and magnetize desired life in few weeks, grounded in science but inspired by magic.

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  • Importance of Inner PeaceExternal achievements may bring temporary success but inner peace and fulfillment are crucial for lasting happiness. Focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and finding your true purpose.

    In short, one big takeaway from the speaker's story is that external achievements, such as a dream home, career, or relationship, may not necessarily bring lasting happiness if internal peace and fulfillment are missing. The speaker found her true passion in teaching meditation and manifesting, which ultimately led to a more meaningful and successful life for her. Despite initial successes and external accomplishments based on societal norms of what constitutes success, the speaker encountered significant challenges when the world changed due to the pandemic, leading to a divorce. The speaker believes that everyone has the potential to bring light into the world by focusing on their inner bliss, magic, and magnetism rather than suffering alongside others. This story underscores the importance of personal growth, self-discovery, and finding one's true purpose in life for lasting happiness and success.

  • Sacred Sexuality and Energy ChannelingHistorically, sacred sexuality and energy channeling were integral to spiritual practices across cultures, emphasizing balance and divine connection. Today, we can reclaim this wisdom for healing and creativity.

    In short, one big takeaway is that sacred sexuality and the conscious channeling of energy have been integral to spiritual practices across different cultures throughout history. From Tantra in India to ancient Egypt and Greece, these traditions emphasize the balance between masculine and feminine energies, as well as the connection to the divine through ecstatic experiences. Interestingly, these practices were once seen as purifying forces, not taboo or shameful, but rather central to spiritual life. Today, we have an opportunity to reclaim this wisdom, heal deep-seated shame around pleasure and embodied power, and tap into our own reservoirs of creativity, energy, and magic. It's important to share learnings and discuss any aha moments that have emerged during the process.

  • Emotional Suppression ImpactSuppressing emotions can hinder personal growth, lead to health issues, and limit opportunities. It's crucial to find safe ways to process and release them for better resilience and joy.

    In short, one big takeaway is that suppressing emotions can lead to a variety of problems both personally and collectively. By not addressing our feelings, we may miss out on opportunities that align with our true desires and goals. Instead, we might opt for immediate gratification or avoidance, which ultimately hinders our progress. The suggested solution is to find a safe and enjoyable method to process and release suppressed emotions, as this can lead to personal growth, better health outcomes, and increased ability to experience pleasure and magic in life. Emotions are meant to be felt, and by allowing them to move through us fully, we can gain a greater capacity for resilience and joy. Additionally, embracing our emotions can help reduce the prevalence of mental and physical health issues that stem from chronic suppression or numbing of feelings.

  • Manifesting DreamsTo effectively manifest dreams, identify desires, align energy with aspirations, ensure dream safety, and use movement and self-care for the journey, flooding brain with feel-good chemicals.

    In short, one big takeaway is that manifesting our dreams involves addressing three main issues: not knowing what we truly desire (visualizing from a place of safety), being out of energetic alignment with our aspirations (alchemizing through the process of feeling and moving our feelings), and the dream not feeling safe in the body (magnetizing through pleasure prayers to flood the brain and body with feel-good chemicals). To initiate this journey, one should dance these lessons into their body, using movement to remember what they want to manifest. It's also important to care for oneself during this process, like taking breaks when needed. By following this formula, we can magnetize our dreams and bring them closer to reality.

  • Limiting Beliefs TransformationTransform limiting beliefs & fear into fuel for growth by embracing parts work, somatic movement, alchemized breathwork, magnetized manifestation, and using pleasure as a tool for prayer & attraction

    In short, one big takeaway from this course is the powerful method of transforming limiting beliefs and fear into fuel for growth by embracing parts work and somatic movement. This process involves addressing various emotions like anger or sadness, releasing stagnant energy, undergoing deep emotional healing, and transmuting pain into motivation. The course also introduces the concept of alchemized breathwork, a unique method that harnesses the power of breath to facilitate emotional release and healing. The third module focuses on magnetized manifestation, teaching individuals to use pleasure as a tool for prayer and attraction. This approach involves cultivating and curating one's creation energy, strengthening the electromagnetic field, and learning to send this energy to one's dreams at peak moments of pleasure. The course emphasizes using sexual energy, often stigmatized or suppressed, as a potent creative and magnetic force on the energetic plane for manifestation. The teachings are delivered in a PG-13 manner, focusing on sourcing safety in the body, respecting boundaries, and ensuring consent in all practices. This method aims to empower individuals to attract people, opportunities, and resources they need while fostering a sense of safety and familiarity when their dreams manifest. Overall, this course promises a transformative journey towards healing, personal growth, and successful manifestation.

  • Comprehensive Spiritual CourseAffordable lifetime access to spiritual community, including four modules, ceremonies, guidance, bonus materials, and breath work exercises.

    In short, one big takeaway from this new course is that it offers a comprehensive, lifetime access to an intimate spiritual community through the Ziva Magic Portal, which supports ongoing personal growth and manifestation of dreams. With a total value exceeding $13,300, the course includes four modules, live opening and closing ceremonies, guidance on visualizing, alchemizing, magnetizing, and integrating one's life, along with access to bonus materials like breath work exercises, curated playlists, and more. The combined cost of comparable learning experiences and coaching services would be significantly higher, making this a valuable opportunity for personal growth at an affordable price.

  • Ziva Magic Meditation Program OfferUnique meditation program offering lifetime access to lessons, live ceremonies, an exclusive online community, bonuses, and a magic workbook, worth over $15,300, for just $14.97 or $200/month for six months, with a 10-day money-back guarantee from November 1st.

    In short, one big takeaway from this offer is an opportunity to enroll in a unique meditation program called Ziva Magic, which provides lifetime access to training lessons and embodied practices, live opening and closing ceremonies led by the instructor, exclusive access to an online community not on social media, various bonuses, and a surprise magic workbook. The total value of this offer is over $15,300, with today's price at just $14.97 or a payment plan of approximately $200 per month for six months. There is also a 10-day money-back guarantee starting on November 1st. The course container lasts for 10 weeks and requires about two hours of time investment per week, with the option to do one to two lessons weekly. The content is primarily on-demand, allowing flexibility for participants from different time zones to complete their lessons at their convenience.

  • Emotional Alchemy for GrowthGive yourself permission to feel your feelings to transform them into understanding or acceptance, like a child does naturally. This can lead to self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

    In short, one big takeaway from this discussion is the importance of acknowledging and expressing our emotions as a means of emotional alchemy and personal growth. By giving ourselves permission to feel our feelings, we can transform them into something more positive, like understanding or acceptance. The example of a child, who naturally expresses their emotions without inhibition, serves as an inspiration for us to emulate this behavior in adulthood. By embracing anger, grief, and other strong emotions, rather than suppressing them, we can move towards healing, self-awareness, and ultimately, achieve our dreams. This process can be seen as a form of emotional playground, allowing us to explore different aspects of ourselves through various "rides," such as expressing anger or grief. The key is to start this journey by tuning into the child within, allowing that five-year-old version of ourselves to express any unexpressed rage and frustration, which may eventually lead to self-discovery, emotional healing, and personal growth.

  • Self-Expression and Emotional EmpowermentEmbrace all emotions, find safe ways to express them, reclaim pleasure as a healing force, and discover personal growth through self-expression

    In short, one big takeaway from this text is the emphasis on self-expression and embracing all emotions as valid and essential for personal growth. The speaker encourages readers to tune into their bodies, acknowledge their feelings without judgment, and find safe ways to express them, whether through dancing, crying, or other forms of release. They encourage a reclamation of pleasure as a powerful force for healing and alchemizing negative emotions like rage and grief. It's important to remember that this process is about self-discovery and personal empowerment, not performance. By allowing ourselves to feel and express our emotions fully, we can attract higher quality experiences into our lives.

  • Breathing Exercise for Personal GrowthUtilizing specific breathwork techniques can stimulate energy, activate creativity, promote aliveness, and aid in emotional exploration for personal growth.

    In short, one big takeaway from this guided breathing exercise is the emphasis on creating and harnessing energy within the body through conscious breathwork. By utilizing specific breathing techniques such as fast huha breath and directed breathing, individuals can stimulate their root chakra, activate their creative energy, and promote a heightened sense of aliveness and electricity in their bodies. The guided practice also encourages self-exploration, allowing participants to connect with their emotions, desires, and inner power. Overall, this exercise serves as a powerful tool for personal growth, self-care, and holistic wellness.

  • Personal Growth and MagicEmbrace inner work and external action for personal transformation, unlocking higher states of consciousness as a source of power and guidance. Look forward to Ziva Magic program for a comprehensive approach.

    In short, one big takeaway from this passage is the power of personal growth and self-empowerment in unlocking higher states of consciousness and accessing deeper guidance and inspiration. The author emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's own internal state to elevate vibrations, increase electromagnetic fields, and improve the quality of dreams and their subsequent downloads or guidance. The author also highlights that these practices should not be mistaken for mere magic but rather a combination of inner work and external action. She encourages individuals who may have been skeptical about the concept of magic to embrace it as a source of power and wonder in their lives, drawing on Einstein's quote that one can choose to view life as filled with miracles or not. Lastly, the author expresses excitement about an upcoming program called Ziva Magic, which aims to help participants tap into this higher state of consciousness for personal transformation. The program is described as a movement, documentary film, music video, and medicine ceremony all in one, demonstrating the multidimensional nature of its approach.

  • Zebra Meditation Online CourseTransform your life and achieve dreams with unique Zebra Meditation course at zebrameditation.com/make-magic, clarify aspirations, eliminate energy blockers, and attract goals by amplifying personal energy

    In short, one big takeaway from this discussion is that the Zebra Meditation online course, available at zebrameditation.com/make-magic, is a unique opportunity to transform your life and achieve your dreams. This course promises to help individuals clarify their aspirations, eliminate any energy-blocking obstacles, and attract their goals by amplifying personal energy. The course is described as beautiful, game-changing, and special, with a brief window of enrollment that will soon close. Seizing this opportunity could be the first step towards a life where dreams are turned into reality through the power of Zebra Magic.

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