Emily's Live Workshop: Become A Magic Maker and Attract Your Dreams
October 17, 2024
TLDR: Emily hosts a live workshop sharing secrets to attract dream relationship, home, and career; announces new Embodied Manifesting Course 'Ziva Magic'; course blends ancient wisdom, modern science, and psychosomatic movement to help discover dreams, clear limiting beliefs, and magnetize desired life in few weeks, grounded in science but inspired by magic.

Importance of Inner Peace: External achievements may bring temporary success but inner peace and fulfillment are crucial for lasting happiness. Focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and finding your true purpose.
In short, one big takeaway from the speaker's story is that external achievements, such as a dream home, career, or relationship, may not necessarily bring lasting happiness if internal peace and fulfillment are missing. The speaker found her true passion in teaching meditation and manifesting, which ultimately led to a more meaningful and successful life for her. Despite initial successes and external accomplishments based on societal norms of what constitutes success, the speaker encountered significant challenges when the world changed due to the pandemic, leading to a divorce. The speaker believes that everyone has the potential to bring light into the world by focusing on their inner bliss, magic, and magnetism rather than suffering alongside others. This story underscores the importance of personal growth, self-discovery, and finding one's true purpose in life for lasting happiness and success.
Sacred Sexuality and Energy Channeling: Historically, sacred sexuality and energy channeling were integral to spiritual practices across cultures, emphasizing balance and divine connection. Today, we can reclaim this wisdom for healing and creativity.
In short, one big takeaway is that sacred sexuality and the conscious channeling of energy have been integral to spiritual practices across different cultures throughout history. From Tantra in India to ancient Egypt and Greece, these traditions emphasize the balance between masculine and feminine energies, as well as the connection to the divine through ecstatic experiences. Interestingly, these practices were once seen as purifying forces, not taboo or shameful, but rather central to spiritual life. Today, we have an opportunity to reclaim this wisdom, heal deep-seated shame around pleasure and embodied power, and tap into our own reservoirs of creativity, energy, and magic. It's important to share learnings and discuss any aha moments that have emerged during the process.
Emotional Suppression Impact: Suppressing emotions can hinder personal growth, lead to health issues, and limit opportunities. It's crucial to find safe ways to process and release them for better resilience and joy.
In short, one big takeaway is that suppressing emotions can lead to a variety of problems both personally and collectively. By not addressing our feelings, we may miss out on opportunities that align with our true desires and goals. Instead, we might opt for immediate gratification or avoidance, which ultimately hinders our progress. The suggested solution is to find a safe and enjoyable method to process and release suppressed emotions, as this can lead to personal growth, better health outcomes, and increased ability to experience pleasure and magic in life. Emotions are meant to be felt, and by allowing them to move through us fully, we can gain a greater capacity for resilience and joy. Additionally, embracing our emotions can help reduce the prevalence of mental and physical health issues that stem from chronic suppression or numbing of feelings.
Manifesting Dreams: To effectively manifest dreams, identify desires, align energy with aspirations, ensure dream safety, and use movement and self-care for the journey, flooding brain with feel-good chemicals.
In short, one big takeaway is that manifesting our dreams involves addressing three main issues: not knowing what we truly desire (visualizing from a place of safety), being out of energetic alignment with our aspirations (alchemizing through the process of feeling and moving our feelings), and the dream not feeling safe in the body (magnetizing through pleasure prayers to flood the brain and body with feel-good chemicals). To initiate this journey, one should dance these lessons into their body, using movement to remember what they want to manifest. It's also important to care for oneself during this process, like taking breaks when needed. By following this formula, we can magnetize our dreams and bring them closer to reality.
Limiting Beliefs Transformation: Transform limiting beliefs & fear into fuel for growth by embracing parts work, somatic movement, alchemized breathwork, magnetized manifestation, and using pleasure as a tool for prayer & attraction
In short, one big takeaway from this course is the powerful method of transforming limiting beliefs and fear into fuel for growth by embracing parts work and somatic movement. This process involves addressing various emotions like anger or sadness, releasing stagnant energy, undergoing deep emotional healing, and transmuting pain into motivation. The course also introduces the concept of alchemized breathwork, a unique method that harnesses the power of breath to facilitate emotional release and healing. The third module focuses on magnetized manifestation, teaching individuals to use pleasure as a tool for prayer and attraction. This approach involves cultivating and curating one's creation energy, strengthening the electromagnetic field, and learning to send this energy to one's dreams at peak moments of pleasure. The course emphasizes using sexual energy, often stigmatized or suppressed, as a potent creative and magnetic force on the energetic plane for manifestation. The teachings are delivered in a PG-13 manner, focusing on sourcing safety in the body, respecting boundaries, and ensuring consent in all practices. This method aims to empower individuals to attract people, opportunities, and resources they need while fostering a sense of safety and familiarity when their dreams manifest. Overall, this course promises a transformative journey towards healing, personal growth, and successful manifestation.
Comprehensive Spiritual Course: Affordable lifetime access to spiritual community, including four modules, ceremonies, guidance, bonus materials, and breath work exercises.
In short, one big takeaway from this new course is that it offers a comprehensive, lifetime access to an intimate spiritual community through the Ziva Magic Portal, which supports ongoing personal growth and manifestation of dreams. With a total value exceeding $13,300, the course includes four modules, live opening and closing ceremonies, guidance on visualizing, alchemizing, magnetizing, and integrating one's life, along with access to bonus materials like breath work exercises, curated playlists, and more. The combined cost of comparable learning experiences and coaching services would be significantly higher, making this a valuable opportunity for personal growth at an affordable price.
Ziva Magic Meditation Program Offer: Unique meditation program offering lifetime access to lessons, live ceremonies, an exclusive online community, bonuses, and a magic workbook, worth over $15,300, for just $14.97 or $200/month for six months, with a 10-day money-back guarantee from November 1st.
In short, one big takeaway from this offer is an opportunity to enroll in a unique meditation program called Ziva Magic, which provides lifetime access to training lessons and embodied practices, live opening and closing ceremonies led by the instructor, exclusive access to an online community not on social media, various bonuses, and a surprise magic workbook. The total value of this offer is over $15,300, with today's price at just $14.97 or a payment plan of approximately $200 per month for six months. There is also a 10-day money-back guarantee starting on November 1st. The course container lasts for 10 weeks and requires about two hours of time investment per week, with the option to do one to two lessons weekly. The content is primarily on-demand, allowing flexibility for participants from different time zones to complete their lessons at their convenience.
Emotional Alchemy for Growth: Give yourself permission to feel your feelings to transform them into understanding or acceptance, like a child does naturally. This can lead to self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.
In short, one big takeaway from this discussion is the importance of acknowledging and expressing our emotions as a means of emotional alchemy and personal growth. By giving ourselves permission to feel our feelings, we can transform them into something more positive, like understanding or acceptance. The example of a child, who naturally expresses their emotions without inhibition, serves as an inspiration for us to emulate this behavior in adulthood. By embracing anger, grief, and other strong emotions, rather than suppressing them, we can move towards healing, self-awareness, and ultimately, achieve our dreams. This process can be seen as a form of emotional playground, allowing us to explore different aspects of ourselves through various "rides," such as expressing anger or grief. The key is to start this journey by tuning into the child within, allowing that five-year-old version of ourselves to express any unexpressed rage and frustration, which may eventually lead to self-discovery, emotional healing, and personal growth.
Self-Expression and Emotional Empowerment: Embrace all emotions, find safe ways to express them, reclaim pleasure as a healing force, and discover personal growth through self-expression
In short, one big takeaway from this text is the emphasis on self-expression and embracing all emotions as valid and essential for personal growth. The speaker encourages readers to tune into their bodies, acknowledge their feelings without judgment, and find safe ways to express them, whether through dancing, crying, or other forms of release. They encourage a reclamation of pleasure as a powerful force for healing and alchemizing negative emotions like rage and grief. It's important to remember that this process is about self-discovery and personal empowerment, not performance. By allowing ourselves to feel and express our emotions fully, we can attract higher quality experiences into our lives.
Breathing Exercise for Personal Growth: Utilizing specific breathwork techniques can stimulate energy, activate creativity, promote aliveness, and aid in emotional exploration for personal growth.
In short, one big takeaway from this guided breathing exercise is the emphasis on creating and harnessing energy within the body through conscious breathwork. By utilizing specific breathing techniques such as fast huha breath and directed breathing, individuals can stimulate their root chakra, activate their creative energy, and promote a heightened sense of aliveness and electricity in their bodies. The guided practice also encourages self-exploration, allowing participants to connect with their emotions, desires, and inner power. Overall, this exercise serves as a powerful tool for personal growth, self-care, and holistic wellness.
Personal Growth and Magic: Embrace inner work and external action for personal transformation, unlocking higher states of consciousness as a source of power and guidance. Look forward to Ziva Magic program for a comprehensive approach.
In short, one big takeaway from this passage is the power of personal growth and self-empowerment in unlocking higher states of consciousness and accessing deeper guidance and inspiration. The author emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's own internal state to elevate vibrations, increase electromagnetic fields, and improve the quality of dreams and their subsequent downloads or guidance. The author also highlights that these practices should not be mistaken for mere magic but rather a combination of inner work and external action. She encourages individuals who may have been skeptical about the concept of magic to embrace it as a source of power and wonder in their lives, drawing on Einstein's quote that one can choose to view life as filled with miracles or not. Lastly, the author expresses excitement about an upcoming program called Ziva Magic, which aims to help participants tap into this higher state of consciousness for personal transformation. The program is described as a movement, documentary film, music video, and medicine ceremony all in one, demonstrating the multidimensional nature of its approach.
Zebra Meditation Online Course: Transform your life and achieve dreams with unique Zebra Meditation course at zebrameditation.com/make-magic, clarify aspirations, eliminate energy blockers, and attract goals by amplifying personal energy
In short, one big takeaway from this discussion is that the Zebra Meditation online course, available at zebrameditation.com/make-magic, is a unique opportunity to transform your life and achieve your dreams. This course promises to help individuals clarify their aspirations, eliminate any energy-blocking obstacles, and attract their goals by amplifying personal energy. The course is described as beautiful, game-changing, and special, with a brief window of enrollment that will soon close. Seizing this opportunity could be the first step towards a life where dreams are turned into reality through the power of Zebra Magic.
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today is an extraordinarily special day. Yes, for me birthing this new course called the magic into the world, but also for you. So this workshop is all about magnetizing your dream career, your dream partner and your dream home, because that's what most of us want. But I want to know from you specifically, like what are you calling in? If you could wave a magic wand over your life or better yet, if you could wave a magic wand around the planet,
What would you love? What would you love? Taking a moment to tune into that right now. The most successful people in life know what they want. So invite you to tune into that still small voice inside and it might surprise you. It might be different than when we started. Ask yourself, what would you love? And if you're feeling brave, let us know in the comments. And again, I invite you to dream big.
So as you're putting that in the comment, if you're just joining us and you'd like to be a panelist, if you'd like to come on camera, which I am requesting that you do, cause you know, I used to be a Broadway performer and I really like performing to faces. I love the energetic exchange that happens between humans. So you can just go to raise hand and the team will promote you to panelists so we can all play full out together. All right. So let me turn into your dreams. Here we go. Oh, yes.
Alina wants to feel happy. Yes. So sometimes your manifestations can be a feeling. It doesn't have to be a thing. Cindy is manifesting happiness, prosperity and peace. Lindsay is ready for a fulfilling job change. Joe is looking for more patience. Charmaine wants clarity.
My dream career, dream client share is looking for great health, the Taya, radiant health, health. Yes, the frequency to be a money magnet. Yes, Raya, I just listened to an audio that I made last night that's all about that, which I have a special bonus for you at the end, all about becoming a money magnet. Oh, Margaret's manifesting a tea house and wellness center, lot of health. Um, so Muncie, great that you're manifesting a lot of things for today. I would invite you to just focus on one thing. Let's use today's ceremony to manifest one thing.
Mm-hmm carry stepping into a new career financial freedom my health back interesting a lot of health Okay, a lot of health a lot of money financial freedom beautiful Ooh Olivia to get paid so much money to live my life. Amen. Who wants to get paid money just to live your life
Hey, man, let's go. I mean, it might be happening, you guys, like with AI, there might be universal basic income happening soon. Okay, my dream of happiness. Okay, these are outstanding. These are extraordinary. Thank you so much for having the audacity to dream, right? For tuning into your dream. This in a world that is
Changing so quickly, and that change can bring up fear, and in a world where the news makes money off of our fear, it is very easy to get sucked into the spiral of despair. And so you taking this time right now to recalibrate your attention onto that which you would love can be a radical act.
And I believe that it is important that right now that we have a whole army of people who know how to dream big, who know how to put their attention on that which we want to birth instead of worshiping your worries.
because what we put our attention on grows. So let me just check in, quick reality check. Let's tune into like yesterday, our day before yesterday. How many hours do you think you spent putting your attention on, oh no, what if this happens, the worries, the fear, the rent, what if he doesn't show, what if this thing is late, like how much time did you spend worshiping your worries? And I want you to be honest, this is no judgment, we just wanna calibrate. Who here spent more than two hours thinking about your worries and fears yesterday? Just give me a yes in the comments.
Anyone more than five hours yesterday? Anyone from the moment you woke up to the moment you went to bed, you were in your head about like, oh, what if panic fear upset turmoil?
Yes, all day. Yesterday was one of the worst days, all the time, all day, eight hours, probably about every hour. I stress about something all the time, all night, 24 or seven. Okay. So I want you to just see, if you were in this file right now, if you were in this place, one, I want you to know that you're not alone. And two, I want you to ask yourself the question, would you be willing to sacrifice?
Just 15 to 20 minutes a day out of your six to eight hours on average of worrying, would you be willing to sacrifice about 15 minutes to worship that which you would love to manifest?
I mean, you frame it like that. You're like, duh, of course. Yes, I can spare 15 minutes of my stress and worshiping my worries to worship my manifestations. So that is what we're going to talk about today. Okay. But it is easier said than done in a world that is doom scrolling and doom spiraling in Japan. Okay. So yeah.
So I know we just did like our opening invocation, but I just want to say that my prayer for our time together, that you get crystal clear and at least one thing that you would love, that you learn the outrageously powerful skill of not only feeling, but expressing your feelings with movement and that you leave with an understanding of the power that you already have inside of you, which is to magnetize using your own life force, that the more turned on you are, that the better you feel, the more magnetic you become.
My prayer is that you feel inspired to learn an embodied way, that you remember how creative and powerful you already are, that you remember that you are a magic maker, and that anything standing in the way of you remembering that is integrated back into love for yours and everyone's highest good. So how are we going to do that? So first, we're going to share some slides. I made some beautiful slides. I'm going to pull those up so you can see them. That's step one. Here we go.
Okay. So let me know. Can you see those sides? Okay. Give me a thumbs up. Okay. Great. Um, so in a moment, I'm going to share the three secrets to help you magnetize your dream relationship, your dream home and your dream career. And then perhaps more importantly, I'm going to share the three problems keeping you from it. I'm going to show you the difference between manifesting and embodied manifesting. And honestly, once you know this, it can change the game when it comes to calling in your desires.
So a few pro tips to get the most out of this workshop is that even though we're not live in the room together, I want you to watch and listen and interact as if this is a live presentation. The more present you are, the more you play full out, the more you will get from this. And we have thousands of people here doing this activation live. So I want you to take advantage of this opportunity to amplify your prayers together. So that means close down the other tabs on your window, close down Instagram, put your phone away. Let's all roll our shoulders back.
Let's open up our hearts. Let's take a big deep breath down into our center of creativity, down into our roots. And let's exhale.
Another pro tip is that you're going to need some space to move. As you saw in our warm up, this is all about embodied manifesting, right? I'm all about embodiment and I'm going to give you a taste of what you can experience inside of our brand new course called Ziva Magic today, which is an embodied manifestation course. So I want you to have space to get into your body.
Now I plan to go full out, I'm gonna give you as much value as possible. And I just wanna name that some of you are gonna get everything you need from this workshop. And if that is the case, then beautiful. But some of you are gonna wanna dive deeper. Some of you are gonna wanna take the next step. Some of you are gonna wanna learn how you can really embody this formula and become a magic maker in every day of your life. And so I invite you to stick around until the end, is there's gonna be a very special bonus for those of you who enroll in Ziva Magic during this workshop.
Those of you who say, yes, I want to be a part of the birthing of this movement. And for those of you who need to leave early, but you still want to take advantage of the bonus, you can send Caroline a message before you leave. Yes, there will be a recording, but again, I want you to just play full out and take advantage of this unique opportunity to pray together. All right. So here we go. Now, before I share with you the three secrets to manifesting your dream home,
your dream career and your dream relationship. And I want to give you a little window into who I am, how I discovered these tools and why I am so passionate about sharing them with you today.
And the short answer is that these tools have revolutionized every single area of my life. And my life was already amazing. You guys, it's already was amazing. And yet every time I up level, every time I go into a new incarnation, things have to die. And so these tools, this formula has, I have no joke, saved my life through some very big challenges. And as I learned to soften through the transitions, I just keep creating more and more magic.
But the short answer is that I believe that as the darkness on the planet intensifies, I think that we have an opportunity and dare I even say a responsibility to bring more light.
Now it might feel tempting to be like, everyone is suffering, let me suffer too. But your suffering cannot help anyone else, right? But your light, your bliss, your magic, your magnetism has the power to change a room, change a community and change society. And I'm very interested in initiating people into these tools so that we can go and spread our light into the world that needs it so desperately.
And this formula that I've been discovering and refining over the last four years is going to help you not only manifest the life of your dreams, but I really believe it has the potential to rebalance the energies on Earth. Now, here's the thing. I did not come out of the womb wanting to teach meditation and manifesting. Before I started Ziva, I was a Broadway performer. And now this is what I wanted to do since I was a little girl.
And when I got my first show, I really got that I had made it. But three weeks after my Broadway debut was actually the saddest I had ever been. And I was just checking with you. Was anyone relate to this? Has anyone ever achieved something that you thought was going to make you happy? And then you were like, wait, this isn't it? There's going to be a little yes in the comments or maybe even share what it was that you thought that you were in the all the happy when syndrome.
So for me, it was like, even though I was living what I thought was my external dream, on the inside, I was a stressed out, overwhelmed, insomnia, and I was desperate for a solution. So I found meditation, and some of you know this story. On the first day of my first course, I was in a different state of consciousness that I had ever been in before, and I liked it. And that night I slept through the night for the first time.
in 18 months before that I was getting sick, going gray, having insomnia. But this thing cured all of that very, very quickly. And so for the first time in my life, I asked myself the question, why isn't everyone doing this? Like it's not just the name of my podcast. I am the type of person when I find something that works. I'm like, wait, everyone needs to know about this. So this is the first time I asked this question. So I left Broadway, went to India, trained for three years to be a teacher. And this teaching meditation and manifesting has led to a beautiful life for me.
I have had the privilege of teaching over 50,000 people around the world, including Oscar winners, Navy SEALs, NBA players, speaking at Apple, Google, Harvard, and on paper I had it all. An amazing apartment in New York City, an amazing husband, a son, a multi-seven figure business, best-selling book. But all of the success was sort of based on my idea of what I thought external success should look like.
And then the whole world changed. In 2020, I felt like the blink of an eye so much of the world as we knew it came crumbling down. Travel stops, speaking engagement stops. I couldn't teach live anymore, which I love. I had to close the Ziva studio. And then eventually I got a divorce. And while all divorces are intense, this one felt really
obviously feel very intense for me because I've been separating from the amazing father of my son, the man who was the CFO of Ziba, and it was one of the scariest choices that I've ever made. But I really believe, and I learned through going through this, that the braver you are, the luckier you become, that taking a stand for my truth ignited this huge internal exploration. And I also believe that if you want to step into who you can become, you must be willing to let go of who you are.
I'm going to say that again. If you want to step into who you can become, you must be willing to let go of who you are. I find that sometimes we fight so hard to maintain what is, and we have no idea the magic that is waiting for us just on the other side of those beliefs. So as terrifying as it was, this chapter opened the door to a series of awakenings. I met world-class teachers who initiated me.
into these ancient practices of sacred sexuality and tantra. And these tools have allowed me to soften, to slow down, to tap into my receptive feminine power, to experience a new level of radiance, a new level of magnetism. And I've fallen so in love with these practices that again, I ask myself the question, why isn't everyone doing this? Why isn't everyone feeling good and placing the order? Why isn't everyone using their pleasure to pray?
So from there, everything started to shift very quickly. My business started thriving in a new way even while I did less. Y'all, I took a two month sabbatical and we had the highest grossing year in Ziba history.
We'll say that again. It took a two months of article and see that it's highest-grossing year. I began sharing these tools on small retreats and even high-end masterminds, all the while refining and getting feedback on the formula so that we could make a more accessible offering and help initiate more people into experiencing this magic for themselves. And so far, it has been the most rewarding chapter of my life. Bursing this body of work has required all of me. It feels like what my entire life has been preparing me for. It is required
You know, all of my lifetime of dance and emotional training, 20 years of psychedelic exploration, 20 years of therapy, deep study of the Vedas, 13 years of holding space for people's stress relief, six years of teaching, manifesting, and four years of sacred sexuality initiations, the codes that I have received from visiting ancient sites on the planet. This work can hold and requires all of that.
And so I am so excited to start this journey with you. I am so grateful to have a vessel that I can pour into all of these gifts that I've been receiving. So let's see how good life can get, shall we? You know, a lot of us are asking like, oh, how bad can it get? But I'm like, no, no, let's flip that. Let's start asking the question, how good do we think our lives can get?
And I just want to share just a fraction of what I've been able to manifest personally by using the formula that we're going to explore together today. So I have manifested the world's most fun and adventurous friends. I manifested living with Mama Gina, a.k.a. Regina Tamajar, who are being a sister and a teacher and a friend, an amazing school for my son, the most expansive loving sacred union I've ever experienced so far in my life.
I've been invited to go to many of the sacred sites on the planet, to get to spend the night in the pyramids in Egypt, to go to the pyramids in Teowitakan in Mexico, invited to meet the Dalai Lama in India, invited to Antarctica, just in the last like 18 months, you guys are like, this is just happening, like magic.
I am in better physical shape than I've been in my entire life. At 45 years old, entering perimenopause, I feel hotter, softer, more in my body, more turned on than I ever have. I have more time in nature, and I'm getting invited to share this work on bigger and bigger stages. But here's the trick. None of this work was free. Like none of this that I just manifested was free. Each new version of my life has cost me my old one. Each one has required that I feel my feelings deeper than ever before.
Every time I change timelines, the old version of me has to die. I had to say goodbye to my life on Broadway to start Ziva and to become a meditation and manifesting teacher. I had to say goodbye to my old ways of muscling and hustling to step into this new, more aligned version of me. I had to say goodbye to my identity as a New Yorker very recently to find a home on a lake and give my son a more expansive life. So now I want to ask you, and I want you to be really honest about this. What are you willing to let go of in order to step into who you can become?
What in your life is ready to be shed? What in your life is no longer serving this new version of you? And if you're feeling brave, I'm going to invite you to read it out in the comments right now. Because just like naming our dreams has power, naming what we are no longer a vibrational match for and naming what we are letting go of also has power. Let me just check in with the comments. Yep. Mm hmm.
Oh wow, you guys are amazing. I am loving how interactive, how present you are. Okay, so we're letting go of self-criticism, shame, self-doubt, old worries, worry, fear, doubt my old career, procrastination, amen, control, amen, complaining, perfectionism, body image, being wrong, fear. Yes, look at this.
So beautiful. I want you just to, right now, let's just imagine a collective fire. Just imagine with all the thousands of people with us live right now, let's imagine a beautiful fire, an alchemical fire that we can pour these things into, that all of us are releasing and letting go of and transmuting so that all of this resistance can be transmuted into fuel for our dreams. Let's just see them burning up in three, two, one.
Yes, and so it is, and so it is. All right, so let's dive in. So let's start with what is embodied manifesting, right? If we're here to talk about a new course called Ziba Magic that is embodied manifesting, what the heck is embodied manifesting? Well, I would define it as you using the most creative and magnetic force on the planet, which is your sexual energy to fuel your dreams.
Now the cool thing about this is that it doesn't have to be sexual and I'm going to talk about this as we go. But let's break it down. So I would define manifesting as consciously creating a life you love. It's remembering that you really can architect your life. But here's the thing. The conscious thoughts are being steered by your subconscious, which is housed in your body. So what does embodied mean? Embodied means to give bodily form to, to make corporal, to incarnate.
So for me, to embody something means it has moved out of the brain and into your cells. It's no longer information that you've acquired. It is wisdom that you are living. And when it comes to manifesting, getting your dreams out of your head and into your body can change everything. And y'all, this is coming from a person who's been teaching manifesting since 2017. When I found these tools, it changed everything.
Creating safety and familiarity with the dream can help you feel confident when the opportunities arise instead of the nervousness which can lead to self-sabotage. So today we're going to explore how you can embody your manifestations in your head, your heart and your hoo-ha, not just your mind. We're going to explore how the better you feel, the more magic you attract and how you can even use your pleasure to pray, which is a key element in this embodied manifesting and in this formula. I just want to acknowledge that
The word pleasure might feel a little sticky. It might feel a little triggering. I will say that even like one year ago, I didn't like the word pleasure. It might remind me of like adult toy shops or something. Like it was just like, oh, I don't like that word. So if this idea of using your pleasure to pray feels a bit new age or woo woo, I want you to keep in mind that throughout history, many ancient civilizations understood that you could cultivate sexual energy or what I call creation energy.
to channel it as a force for manifestation. It was often used as a way to connect to the divine, create fertility, harness energy for spiritual growth. If I want to share a few culturally significant practices. So in India, obviously, it's given us Tantra, which is a spiritual tradition that emphasizes the union of the divine masculine, known as Shiva, and the divine feminine known as Shakti. So this is not exclusively about sex, but rather about energetic practices of our own masculinity, of our own internal femininity,
as a way to reach higher states of consciousness. I personally would divine Tantra as finding God where you thought that it was not. And even in the activation that we're gonna do at the end of the workshop today, we're gonna play with our own internal masculine and feminine. In ancient Egypt, they often incorporated sacred sexuality into their religious and spiritual practices as a way to connect to the divine.
Egypt has also given us an entire lineage of Isis priestesses. If you don't know who Isis is, I have her here. She's the Egyptian goddess of motherhood, of fertility, of magic, of manifestation. And so there's a whole lineage of priestesses that were working with the Isis energies. And they've dedicated their lives to balancing masculine and feminine energies on the planet. This includes by the way Mary Magdalene.
And I feel like I know I'm very much in an echo chamber, but it feels like Isis is very much making her presence known on the planet and very much guiding this project. So we have Greece, which last year I went on a priestess pilgrimage to Greece and explored some of the sacred sites there. But for thousands of years, they've been practicing rituals, including ecstatic dance, music, and ceremonies to reach altered states of consciousness using their internal pharmacology.
and sometimes external pharmacology. There were even festivals that were attended by Plato, Euripides, Aristotle, that were very influential in creating Western civilization as we know it. This includes the birthing of democracy, the birthing of theater, and even paleo-Christianity. So our ancestors and many of the indigenous populations understood that when this energy is consciously channeled with intention, it can connect us to the divine and help us manifest our deepest desires.
And this is something that I heard that I cannot unhear and that changed me when I heard it. That for thousands of years, ecstasy was seen as a purifying force.
Not dirty, not wrong, not a sin, not shameful, not anything you would go to hell for, but rather a purifying force. So while these practices might feel unfamiliar or even taboo today, they were once central to spiritual life. And fascinatingly, the institutions that now make us feel shame around our bodies, about our pleasure, around our desires, were actually born out of many of these sacred rituals. I believe that our creation energy is innocent.
But at its deepest expression, it is the desire to give love, one of the most holy things that we can do. And it interestingly takes an incredible amount of energy to tamp it down. But we do that because of shame and conditioning and trauma. But when we release the emotional, physical, and energetic contractions that block this free flowing of our life force, something magical happens. Our aliveness awakens.
sometimes for the first time. We start to embody this reality that anything and everything is possible. We start to feel our full power. We start to realize our magic. We realize that we are not just the agents of magic, but that we are magic. And right now today, we have a powerful opportunity to reclaim this wisdom, to heal this deep-seated shame around pleasure, to tap into our own reservoirs of creativity, energy, and power, just as humans have been doing for thousands of years.
All right, can I get an amen? I'm going to step off my pulpit. I know we just went to church for a minute, but I want to check in how you feeling. I know this is a lot. I talk really fast. I get really energized so I want to learn. What are you? What are you feeling? What are you learning so far? It's important to ground down these learnings by sharing them. So I'd love to know one aha moment that you've had so far, something that has shifted even already.
inside of you. Yes, you're loving it, feeling an amen. This is my kind of church feeling this deeply. Yes, so let me know what's resonating. Is there something that you remember so far? Is there something about like, oh yeah, this has been happening for thousands of years, something that you're taking notes on, just share it in the comments now. All right, now as you're doing that, let's get down into the nitty gritty. So who is ready to dive into how you can manifest your dream relationship, your dream career, your dream home? You're like Emily, come on, give me the goods.
So these are the top three things that I hear people wanting most of the time. But before we can even talk about how to manifest your dreams, we first have to acknowledge the three problems keeping you from manifesting. And that's what we're going to do right now. So the number one problem I see facing most people face when they start a manifestation practice is this. They don't know what they want. They don't know what they want. I hear it again. And again, Emily, I want to manifest, but I'm not sure exactly what I want.
And to this, I lovingly call BS. And I don't mean to be rude, I don't mean to be mean, but I think that you do know what you want. You do know what you want. But what I have found is if you don't have a manifesting formula, then you likely don't feel safe enough to name your real dream.
So according to Freud's theory of defense mechanisms, people often employ strategies like denial and rationalization to avoid facing uncomfortable emotions. And one of those emotions is the fear of disappointment. This can lead to self-sabotage or even decision paralysis. Okay, so in this context, not knowing what you want might serve as a self-protective mechanism to avoid the risk of failure.
Another study published in Psychological Science found that when faced with the possibility of future failure, individuals often downplay the importance of their goals or avoid setting them entirely. This is a form of emotional protection aimed at reducing the pain of unmet expectations.
So you not knowing what you want might actually be you protecting yourself from the pain of potential failure. And whenever I feel this and when this is resonating is true to anyone, there's a thing. If you're protecting yourself from your desires, not only are you blocking yourself from your dream, but you might also be robbing someone else of theirs. So I'm going to share a story that illustrates this.
A few weeks ago, I was a Burning Man, which is sort of like its own modern-day illusis. It's like its own modern-day festival. And I met this woman, and she was gorgeous. I'm talking like
catch of the century, smart, kind, funny, beautiful, wealthy, and like anyone would be thrilled to be with her. But she was single and 44 years old. And so I started asking her as I am want to do, I was like, what would you desire? What would you love? I started asking her about her dreams. And when she started sharing, I could tell she wasn't giving me the whole truth. She was holding on to something. And then I asked, do you want to have a family? And she said, no, but I could tell that wasn't the whole truth. So I kept asking her questions and eventually,
She starts weeping, crying. And through tears, she admitted, like, yes, I want a family, but I'm 44 and I'm afraid I'm too late. What if it's not possible? And I said to her, what if you were to meet your husband today? What if you were to ride your bike out into the middle of Burning Man and meet your husband today and you're married and pregnant in two months? Would you want that? And again, she's weeping, sobbing, crying. She's like, yes, I want that.
And I told her, look, by you protecting yourself from your real desire, by holding on to this story that it's too late, that you can't have it, you're actually repelling your dream. If you were to meet your man today and say, I don't want a family because you're trying to be practical, then he can't find you. You're not owning your dream, which means that he can't find his. And now I see a lot of people doing this even subconsciously. We protect ourselves from our big dreams because we're protecting ourselves from potential future failure.
But here's the thing, y'all. Failure is the price of admission for manifesting. I'm going to say that again. Failure is the price of admission for manifesting. You are not going to get everything you want. God's not a short order cook. Sorry.
That's the fun of it, okay? That's the fun of it. We're not going to get everything we want. Sometimes it's going to be infinitely better than we knew to pray for. Sometimes if we had gotten that thing, it wouldn't have been a fit anyway. But here's the thing, the safer you feel in your body, the less you will need to protect yourself from your dreams. And we do that by dropping into coherence when we visualize.
So the good news is you can learn to visualize from a state of safety in your body and then you feel brave enough to name and claim your actual desires. And you all see this happen time and time again on our retreats. After we move through this formula, when people feel safe, I invite them to ask, hey nature, how would you love to use me? And almost everyone reports that their dreams actually get bigger.
that their dreams feel more real, that they're actually able to name what they want, even if they came in with no idea what their dreams were. So I want you to know that this is a skill that you can learn and it can change everything. So what is the solution to our first problem of not knowing what you want? It's to visualize, but not just any visualization. It's doing it from a place of safety and coherence in your body so we don't need to protect from future failure. All right.
Second most common thing I see keeping you from manifesting. Also shout out to Regina. Let me keep this mug when we became not roommates anymore. So the second most common thing I see keeping you from manifesting your dreams is this. You're not a vibrational match for your dreams. Now what does that even mean?
I want to acknowledge that this one might sting a little bit, right? That most of us want to point to the external circumstances, to look to the world for reasons why our dreams aren't there yet. Oh, there's no good men anymore. Our AI is taking all the jobs or the economy is crazy. But y'all, even if those things are true, there are plenty of people right now who are currently in their dream relationship. There are plenty of people living in their dream home and in their dream careers despite those circumstances. So what if we start to take a look inside, not with blame or judgment, but with curiosity?
Because if you're clearing your desire, and it really is an intuitive desire and not an addictive longing, meaning that that desire is coming from the internal and not some external idea of what you think success should be, then we can assume that either one, that nature is protecting you by not giving it to you yet, or there is something blocking you from it. Otherwise, you would already have it. So in either case, our job here is to become an energetic match for the dream.
So how do we do that? Well, oftentimes, the thing keeping us from being a match for our dreams is everything that we have repressed and suppressed, all of the unfelt feelings, all of the unsaid truths. Y'all, they don't go away. They get stored in our cellular memory. And then before they show up as physical sickness, they literally change your vibration from one of authenticity, love, clarity, gratitude to one of fear, blame, guilt, and shame.
So I was recently invited to give a keynote speech at Gaia. And there was a Lakota elder there who did the opening prayer and ceremony. And he said something that I cannot unhear. He said that the thousands of years of uncried tears is what is creating the devastation on the planet. And this is from Doug Goodfeather. That the thousands of years of uncried tears is what is creating the devastation on the planet.
And I'm curious if that feels true for you. Like, do you think that it's possible that some of what we're facing as a species could be attributed to the thousands of years of people not feeling safe enough to feel their feelings? But instead, we have to hoard, that we start to extract, that we have to go to other planets because of what we're doing to this one, that we
get into these fights and quarrels that we're destroying the planet instead of being in a symbiotic relationship with it. I think that we are disconnected from our bodies and we don't know how to feel our feelings, then it is harder for us to have a healthy relationship with our bigger body, which is this species in the planet. So let's break this down a little bit of science. In 2010, there was a study published in the Journal of Personality, which does scientific investigations on the field of personality.
So researchers found that individuals who are more prone to emotional suppression or avoidance are less likely to engage in behaviors that align with their true desires. I'm gonna say that again, they're less likely to engage in behaviors that align with their desires. They avoid long-term goals, prefer safer or more immediately satisfying actions. This is a result of emotional self-protection. Are you noticing a theme?
emotional self-protection. So y'all, here we have a double whammy. If you suppress your emotions, then not only are you changing your vibration, but this study suggests that you're going to be less likely to take the action required to get there. So what is the solution? We need a safe and effective way to not only feel our unfelt feelings, but a way to move them up and out of the body, to alchemize the blocks into fuel for our dreams. Now here's the thing, I get that if you have spent decades numbing your feelings, that this might feel terrifying.
But what if there's a way to lean in? What if there's a way to feel the feelings all the way that is not only safe, but even a little bit fun? Like what if you could do this like a game in community with a killer playlist? What if Bliss is any feeling fully felt?
You want to know something amazing? Something that completely rocked my world and what I hear from people again and again who experienced this work, that it actually feels good, that it is liberating when you lean all the way into your emotions, that the feelings simply want to be felt. Say this a lot, but feelings are meant for feeling. It is the avoiding of them that costs us so much.
But once you get past the fear and allow your inner child to allow those fears to have the microphone, and there is a hint of bliss, even a hint of ecstasy in the expression of the emotions. But if we don't feel them, they get louder and they can lead to very real and expensive problems like depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic illness, physical illness.
And y'all, we're seeing this play out in real time on the planet right now. The Surgeon General just declared like a state of emergency for parents that like every parent, not every, but like an extraordinarily high percentage of parents in America are like redlining with levels of stress, right? We've got like chronic illness, one in four kids, it might be even more than that, are dealing with autoimmune issues.
Yes, this is partly and due to our food, but this is also partly due to we're living in a society that does not know how to feel our feelings. And I believe that in a world of chronic numbing, the ability to feel your feelings is a legit superpower. And this is where this starts to feel like magic. Your ability to hold space for your pain is directly related to your ability to hold space for your pleasure.
And we're going to come back to this in a moment, but I am living this in real time. Some of you guys might have read my email a few days ago that I'm going through a massive death portal, right? That I'm grieving a lot in my life right now. And I find that the more I soften in and feel the pain and cry the tears and rage the rage, the more space I have for magic. But interestingly, the better and better I feel.
So y'all know I'm all about embodiment. So what happens if we take this a step further and we start to let the emotions move through our bodies with movement? Like can you imagine just putting on a rage song and letting it rip next time you feel angry instead of choking back words and shoving down your feelings?
Now humans have been dancing for thousands of years and scientists are starting to catch up. A new study indicates that dancing is one of the best forms of treatment for depression. Has anyone seen this floating around social media? This is like a BFD, okay? The British medical journal shows that the best forms of exercise to pre-depression is dancing, beating out yoga, jogging, Tai Chi, strength training. And this study aim to identify what kind of exercise would best treat major depressive disorder, either in tandem or compared to
prescription of psychotherapy and antidepressants. So in 218 different studies, they're 14,000 participants, which is pretty big. A lot of scientific studies are done on like 10 people. This one had 14,000 participants. They found that dance reduced depression significantly more so than prescribing SSRIs or cognitive behavioral therapy. It's sort of the top of the data charts with the largest reduction in depression symptoms.
So just let that sink in for a minute. Now I'm not suggesting that you throw your antidepressants out the window. I'm suggesting that like dance is available to you for free. Okay? And we're going to be dancing today. And if you do this in community with a specific like formula and almost like a prescription, it can feel like actual magic. So I remember on our last retreat, there was a woman there named Alison, God bless her. To be honest, I thought on the first day she was going to full on leave. I thought she was going to pack her bags and vomit. He was stressed. She was triggered. She was not enjoying the work. She did not like the smells we were spraying. She didn't want to be on the group.
And after the retreat, and after she experienced something that I call emotional alchemy, which is basically dancing your feelings, which we're gonna get a taste of later today, she shared this. For as long as I can remember, my parents and grandparents got angry when anyone would show raw emotion. I'm now waking up to how most of my adult life I felt numb. One of my goals in starting this work was to break down the walls around my heart and doing emotional alchemy is the only time in my life I felt safe and supported enough to express the fullest depths of my emotion.
I had no idea I had so much rage in my body. In the first session, it felt like the walls of my heart were literally crumbling, allowing myself to actually feel my feelings seem so simple, yet it's become one of the most groundbreaking parts of my healing journey. I'm so happy that I can start to be a model for my children that it's okay to feel. Oof, y'all, can I get an A, men. And I also want to know how many of you grew up with parents who felt uncomfortable with your emotions.
Right? Like we all, most of us did. Like none of us were trained in this stuff and it's not our parents fault. They weren't either. Well, here's the good news. Allison ended up staying the whole time on the retreat and she looked like a whole new person by the end. She, her face was softer. She was more radiant. He was more vibrant. She looked hotter and she ended up giving the entire team these beautiful scarf gifts as thank yous.
And honestly, this happens to every single person who comes on these retreats and engages in this work. Like not only do they look more radiant, more vital, hotter, they start glowing from within. They start becoming more charismatic, more magnetic. And they start to feel like they are the magic. And I love what Alison wrote. She said that she can now be a model for her kids to feel their feelings. Because I hear so many people say, I would die for my kids. And I'm like, what? What?
You would die for your kids, but are you willing to get happy for them? Are you willing to be brave enough to feel your feelings for them? Or do you want to keep relifferating the martyrdom and overwhelm that we witnessed from previous generations in the name of love? Pain will travel through generations until someone is brave enough to feel it. So this is the power of emotional alchemy, and this is also the solution to problem number two.
If you are not a vibrational match for your dreams, then we must alchemize the blocks and turn them into fuel. And the way I personally love to do that is by dancing our feelings, which again, we're going to do at the end of this workshop today. So what are your blocks? What unexpressed feelings have you been shoving down?
All right, so I understand that if you've been spending the last few decades numbing your pain, then it might be very hard for you to feel the height of your pleasure. But when you have the tools to go into your dark, wow, does it make way for more light? It makes way for more pleasure, and this leads us to number three. The final problem we're gonna cover in today's teaching that might be keeping you from manifesting that dream job, person, or career. So problem number three, the dream doesn't feel safe in your body.
I'm curious. Has anyone here ever gotten so close to a dream and then done something to sabotage it? You're feeling really brave. You can put that in the comments too so that we can see that we're not alone. Uh-huh. Yep. Susan's a yes. Stephanie's a yes. Without knowing. Yep. We're going to talk about that. Master self-saboture. Okay. No more. We're going to let that one go. Not anymore. Not anymore. Anyone to share what it is? We're having a lot of yeses, but I want to know how to use sabotage. Okay.
Here's the kicker. For every single time you sabotage that you know of, there was probably 10 times you did it that you weren't even aware of because 80% of what it takes to manifest our dreams is happening on the subconscious plane, which again, exists in your body. So how many shots did you not even take because of limiting beliefs? It's like, oh, there's no way he'd be into me. I won't even ask him out. That company would never hire me. How am I going to afford that house? I won't even apply.
But you know when you want something so badly and then the opportunity comes and you fall back on your favorite flavor of self-sabotage, procrastination over scheduling full freeze, whatever your particular flavor of procrastination, there is a common reason. The dream doesn't feel safe in the body.
And this is usually the result of childhood trauma or social conditioning, because if something feels foreign to your nervous system, even if it is what we think that we want, then the body will reject it and find something that feels familiar and therefore safe. So when your body is stuck in fear and overwhelmed, the arrival of a dream can actually feel like a terrifying prospect. So what is the solution? Pleasure prayer. Now again, I know that this might seem like a radical concept, but it is possible to use your pleasure to pray.
Now, did you know that the neurochemicals that are released during pleasure can actually be used to create altered states of consciousness similar to meditation and similar to plant medicine? And when you're full of these internal bliss chemicals like oxytocin and serotonin, you can start to rewire your neural pathways. This changes your beliefs about what you believe you deserve. Because again, we don't get what we want in life. We get what we believe we deserve. Now, did you know that the government is starting to fund MDMA therapy for veterans?
Now why would they do that? MDMA, by the way, is ecstasy. It's like a feel-good drug. So why would the government be funding this for veterans? Because MDMA floods your brain and body with bliss chemicals and the love hormone, which makes it easier for people to heal from trauma when they can love what is. When their bodies are flooded with oxytocin. So what if you could do the exact same thing but without needing drugs?
without needing external substances. This is what we're doing with pleasure prayer. We get to rewire our beliefs of what we believe we deserve. We start to condition our brains to feel pleasure and safety when we think about the dreams instead of the fears that we're not good enough. This way, when the opportunity shows up, which it will, you get to greet that dream like a long lost lover instead of a scary thing that might make you or break you.
And as you get more and more practice at this, you're going to be shocked at how your capacity for pleasure expands beyond what you ever imagined and how your dreams feel, not only possible, but probable. And you will start to shock yourself at how confident you feel when you get to take your shot. The better you feel, the more magic you attract, right? You guys have probably heard me say this before, those of you who are in the Ziva world, feel good, place the order, place the order, feel good.
So the solution to the problem of your dream not feeling safe in your body is to flood the body with internal feel-good chemicals while you think about the dream. Now this same feel-good pharmacy also makes you much more magnetic. So the idea here is that we magnetize our dreams by feeling good. We magnetize our dreams with pleasure prayer. This is what's possible when you add pleasure to your manifestation practice.
One of my students who's learned this formula, she said, the special thing about Ziva Magic is how it connects feeling your feelings with pleasure. I've been doing my healing work for 18 years, but was surprised at how transformative it is to have a safe container to do the actual work, combining the breath work, the movement, the meditation, the dance, the pleasure prayer. That was my biggest surprise, how transformative that can be. Now my dreams feel so much closer. No matter how much work you've done before, this is huge. This is a gift to any soul.
All right. Now we're going to a quick pop quiz. I don't know who is taking notes, who is listening. Can we recall what are the three problems keeping you from manifesting your dream? Let's put those in the comments right now. And then more importantly, what are the three solutions? You can drop them in the chat while I do a little recap. So problem number one, you don't know what you want. And the solution to that is visualized from a place of safety.
Problem number two is that you're not an energetic match for your dreams. And the solution there is that we alchemize, that we learn to feel our feelings and move them through our body. And in the feeling of the feelings, we become not only a vibrational match, but we're also more likely to take action. The third problem is that the dream doesn't feel safe in the body. And the solution there is to magnetize. And we do that through using our pleasure to pray by flooding our brains and bodies with feel-good bliss chemicals.
So now that you know the three things keeping you from your dream and you know the exact formula for magnetizing your dreams, we're going to do the practice together in just a bit. But first, I want to make sure that you know how you can begin this journey for yourself. And I want you to take everything that we've just learned in our minds. I just gave you a lot of information, these three problems, these three solutions. I want to see if we can dance it down into our body. So we're going to take a little dance break. So go ahead and stand on up. I'm going to come back on camera.
All right, here we go. Oh, I was going to do a slow song, but I feel like I want to just bring up the energy a little bit. So let me know if you can't hear me, but just go ahead and dance it out. And I invite you to tune into something that you want to manifest. And we do our activation in just a little bit. And let's go ahead and move our bodies. Can you hear this music? And can you adjust the music at all?
I'm not hearing it. I'm not hearing it. Oh, because I'm not sharing it. Oh, that would help. How's that? I'm gonna turn it up. DJ Bliss. Oh, yeah. Y'all are ready. I love you. You're already on your feet.
We just learned that dance is even more powerful than SSRIs or even psychotherapy. So I'm going to get a dance like you mean it. I'm going to dance those dreams in. And we're going to warm up our body for the activation that we're going to do in a minute.
Yes. Let's go. Caroline, you cheer him on. Cheer him on. Yes, let's go. Okay.
Back in time for the drop. Did a quick P break. Really proud of myself. You got 10,000 people to live events. Go for a P break. It's fine, Emily. You got to take care of yourself.
Getting your head, your heart, and your hoo-ha all in alignment with each other all pointed towards your dreams even already. Yes, really good. Starting to put one hand on your heart, one hand on your belly taking a big deep breath in.
Celebrating yourself or playing full out, celebrating yourself for dancing, feeling all about aliveness, all of that energy, all that blood, all that heat, all that bliss in your body. It doesn't have to take a long time. It's so good to see all of your beautiful faces. So just let me know. Darryl said that was fun. Caroline's outing my alter ego, DJ Bliss. Kelsey took a pea break too. Great. Great. Claudia was in. Okay.
So here we go. We're going back to our slides. We can do this. All right. Can you see those slides again? She gave me a thumbs up if you can see them.
So here's the thing. What we have covered so far, believe it or not, even though we've already covered a lot of ground, three problems keep me from your dreams, three solutions for it. This is just scratching the surface of what is inside Ziva Magic, and so now I'm curious. Cool here would like to learn how you can implement these tools, how you can integrate these strategies into every area of your life.
I'm talking about manifesting abundance, physical intimacy, your dream career, your dream body, your dream home, because I am big on consent. And as you can tell, I effing love these tools and I am stoked to share, but I want to make sure that I have your consent. I want to make sure that that is cool with you. So just who's in? Let me know in the chat. We're like, yes, Emily, I want to practice in body manifesting with you. Give me a yes in the chat because this is where things get really, really exciting and where you get to learn about this baby that we are birthing that we've been working on for four years.
Okay, so let me just see where we're doing. Okay. Oh, yeah. Lisa is an absolutely. Lisa, it's so nice to see you here, Steph. Is he? Yes. Tanya's a yes. Okay. Yes. My bigger body. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Oof. Yes, M. Good for you. Okay.
Y'all are my people. I'm so glad that you're here. I'm so excited for your enthusiasm. So here we go. Let's dive in without further ado. I am so, so excited to introduce you to Ziva Magic. Today is a very exciting day because we are opening enrollment for our brand new flagship training called Ziva Magic. And not only is this the culmination of the last four years of my life, but it is also an embodied manifestation course unlike anything you have ever seen before.
And I made this course because I know that right now we do need an entire army of people who not only know how to dream big, but who are also equipped to feel and alchemize their feelings, right?
I'm just curious, can you guys feel that things are intensifying on the planet, like things are changing on the planet and quickly? And the energy is just getting stronger. And there are systems that have been built on unsustainable principles that are going to start to crumble and with increasing speed. And that might kick up some fear. It might kick up some pain. There may be some grief. We may be going through a collective death portal together. So yes, this course is not only about us birthing the new earth, about us dreaming into a reality that we'd be proud to have in the next generation.
but it is also about equipping us with emotional resilience that will be required as we move through this portal collectively. So I'm going to take a moment right now, close your eyes, take a big deep breath in and really drop into your heart. I want you to ask yourself these questions and be honest. Like, are you tired of hustling and muscling your way through life? Are you done feeling like a slave to your to-do list? Are you sick of feeling scarcity around money and time?
Are you ready for a softer, more receptive way of being? Are you ready to be the most charismatic, magnetic person in the room? Are you ready to trust the ample time and money? Are you ready to bring the frequency of heaven to earth right now through your own body? So if that feels like a big, all full body F, yes, then I want you to imprint that feeling into yourselves right now. Know that this is already on the way. Go ahead and open your eyes.
If this sounds like a yes to you, I want to know that you have the opportunity right now to join me in the very first cohort of our newest flagship course, which is a groundbreaking journey in embodied manifesting, blending ancient wisdom, modern science, any powerful community of magic makers to turn your dreams into reality.
And this is not just about learning with your mind. It's about becoming an energetic match for your dreams in your body and becoming actually merging with your future self right now. This isn't about dreaming. It's about action. It is about getting your head, your heart and your hoo-ha all into coherence with each other and pointed toward your dream. This is not just another online course, y'all. We are birthing a movement. So imagine living the life that you have always dreamed of, having your dream home. Yes, your dream relationship. Yes, your dream job, but also
the dream society, also the dream planet. And this all starts when you learn to implement this three-part formula. So in this course, you're going to learn how to visualize with safety and precision to get so clear on what you want, to alchemize your emotions, to become an energetic match for your desires and really give you that emotional resilience that is going to be so required in this new chapter on planet Earth, and then to magnetize the opportunities, the relationships, the abundance with your creation energy.
Now, each part of the formula is designed to help you manifest your desires from a place of alignment and embodiment. This is not about hustling or forcing outcomes. It's about flow. It's about working with the laws of nature and your bodies innate wisdom. And this is a really unique course and that it's really three courses in one. The first module or really the first course inside of a course is called visualize. And again, Oprah says that the most successful people in life know what they want.
So this module uses sensory visualization, which is going to help you get clear in your desires for yourself and the species. Because as we mentioned earlier, the number one problem people face when they're manifesting is that they don't know what they want. But actually, they're protecting themselves from future failure by not naming and claiming the dream. So this module solves that.
So first we're going to drop into deep coherence with yourself and then tap into the field of infinite potentiality, the field of infinite possibilities. So if you've ever felt unsure about what to manifest and you couldn't dream big enough or if you weren't sure what type of manifesto you are, should I be seeing the details or not, this module is for you.
You're gonna manifest the art of, you're gonna master the art of manifesting for yourself. For the species, you're gonna learn to bend reality by learning a few key principles from quantum physics, including the law of reversibility, which is a game changer. You're gonna be able to access the field of infinite potentiality on demand and merge with your future self, like to call on your highest timeline. The version of you that's already manifested the thing and merge you and future you in real time. You're gonna stop protecting yourself so you can name your dreams.
Amy shared that before this, I was a believer in magic. Now I know I am the magic. Before, my manifesting was a hopeful wish list. Visualizing solidified my capacity and certainty in actively creating the life I want and dreaming much bigger than I thought possible. Magic is real. Can I get a mic drop?
Now, this module contains this introduction video, which is sort of like the foundation of the whole course that leads the seeds for you. There's three advanced lessons on quantum physics, the law of reversibility, and merging with future you. And then there's also three embodied practices. So these are custom design journeys with original music. I hired composers and amazing artists to make the music, to get into deep coherence so that you can visualize your big dreams for yourself.
Now the next module, or really the course inside of the course, is called Alchemize. Now here's the thing, most of us have been trained since birth to not feel our feelings. And as we covered earlier in problem number two, repressing your feelings is not only going to keep you from being a match,
it also keeps you from taking aligned action. So this module solves that by teaching you emotional alchemy, by teaching you psychosomatic dance to not only give you the tools to move through the emotion, but also to make it fun and sexy. You can think of this like something called parts work, where it's like you're giving different parts of yourself the microphone. You get to tune into the piece of you that's angry that the dream has not come yet, or heartbroken that it may never come, and then we get to let it move. This alchemizes
limiting beliefs, transforming your fear into fuel. So you're going to get to experience somatic movement, you're going to release stagnant energy, you're going to experience deep emotional healing, you're going to transmute your fear into fuel, and you're going to learn to fully express and integrate your emotions. And y'all, honestly,
Like, as much as I am all about using your pleasure to pray, I think that the alchemized module may be the most valuable part of this course. And I think it's the medicine that most people need right now. And it is like a required prerequisite to get to your full pleasure. Like, we cannot feel our full pleasure if we're numbing our pain.
So this module includes three advanced lessons on the science behind why we need to feel our feelings. One on IFS, which is internal family systems or parts work. And then also the third video is using our pleasure to alchemize the pain. There's three embodied practices where you get to move your sacred rage.
move your sacred sorrow, and then one where we put it all together. This module also has our number one most requested resource at Ziva, which is something called alchemical breathwork. And honestly, I would say that this one bonus is worth the price of admission to this course altogether. This thing, I don't know exactly, I have no science to back this up, and there's a lot of science on breathwork, but
There is a kind of magic that comes through when I lead breathwork that is like nothing I've ever seen in my 20 years of healing. And I'm not here to toot my own horn, but it's not even me. It's just I become a channel for something to work through me in these breathwork ceremonies. And it is wild and it is an honor to be a vessel for that. And we really captured the transmission inside of this bonus, which is called alchemical breathwork.
So then the third module is magnetized. And in it, you're going to learn magnetic manifesting, which is a fancy way of saying you're learning to use your pleasure to pray. You're going to start to cultivate and curate your creation energy, which increases the strength of your electromagnetic field.
So during one of the embodied practices, you're going to need to experience pleasure prayer firsthand. Now, just to kind of walk you through with this means, it means you're going to get clear on something you want to manifest. You're going to build the pleasure in your body using your breath and energy. And then we're going to cycle that energy up from our hula up into our hearts and then into our heads. And at the moment of peak pleasure, we're going to send that energy to our dream.
So your sexual energy often shamed or suppressed is actually the most creative, most magnetic force on the planet. And you're going to learn how to use this force on the energetic plane and to reclaim your pleasure as a manifestation tool. So from the reminder that the pleasure helps your body to feel safe and feeling safe about your dreams is the solution to number three, right? Our problem, our manifesting problem of not feeling safe in the body.
So the cool thing, this is all done in a very PG-13 way and also with consent in mind. Like everything I offer in this course is an invitation and we teach you about sourcing safety in the body and checking in with consent in your own body so that you never take yourself beyond your boundaries and you don't have to like get a hotel room in order to do the course.
So in this module, you're going to develop your skills to attract the people, the opportunities and the resources that you need. You're going to cultivate and curate your creation energy. You're going to program your subconscious mind for success, which is honestly 80% of manifesting happens in the body and in the subconscious mind. And you're going to create so much safety and love in your body so that when the dreams come, they feel familiar, like you're greeting a long lost lover instead of a scary opportunity.
So this module includes the science of pleasure, prayer, learning how to play with energy. So if you've ever been like, what is even an energy orgasm, you're going to learn how that every single cell in your body might be able to feel orgasmic. And fun little science fact about orgasm is that people who orgasm three times a week have a body age that is chronologically 10 years younger than those who do not.
So three orgasms a week keeps the doctor away everybody. And we're gonna learn, we're gonna be working with that on the energetic plane inside of this course. So the embodied practices here are magnetic breathwork, pleasure prayer, and you get a ceremonial dose of Ziva Magic, which is basically the whole formula put together in a really beautiful way.
And here's some really good news. There's a surprise fourth module called actualize. So we have visualize, alchemize, magnetize, and then actualize is here to help you really embody it, to implement it, to integrate it. This is all about integrating these tools into your life so that this doesn't just become a part of your routine. It becomes who you are. Because again, we don't get what we want in life. We get who we are.
And I can confidently say that when you move through all four modules in this course, when you experience all of these initiations, you are going to be a much more magnetic, a much more charismatic version of you. So actualize is designed to help you integrate it into your daily and weekly routine. So you get two advanced lessons and two embodied practices, including something called the express dose. So this is where you do the whole ziva magic formula in just 25 minutes. So honestly, this is an amazing resource. And I think it's going to be the thing that you use more than anything else in the course.
Because once you learn all the modalities, once you move through the training, you're going to be able to just hit play on the express dose. And you can do it after you meditate. You can do it. I mean, this could be every single day if you want. So anytime you want to have me guiding you through, anytime you want to manifest something new, anytime you're in a rut or you simply want to change your frequency, you can hit play on the express dose. And this is, like I said, the perfect thing to do after you meditate. And it's going to help you to pray and move your feet.
Now, historically, I've only taught this work live on our really exclusive retreats or in our high-end, high-touch, six-month mastermind. But I understand that not everyone has the time or resources to invest in a mastermind or to take off work and organize childcare and fly to a retreat.
And that is why the team and I have spent the last year creating a course that you can do in your own time from the safety of your own home or wherever you are in the world. And a course that manages to capture the legit magic that happens on our retreats. And I am so proud to say that after seeing this course, after seeing the edits, we have 100% succeeded in doing that.
We captured the magic from our retreats. And if you stick around until the end, we're going to show you a video that's going to play a little sneak peek of the making of. Now, each of these courses is basically, like I said, a course in and of itself. But the whole really is greater than the sum of its parts. Because when you would combine the entire formula of visualized, alchemized magnetized, you're going to see firsthand how you become a magnet for your desires.
So when you enroll, you're going to get the visualized module, which includes three advanced lessons and three embodied practices. And I say the value of this module alone is worth well over $1,500. The alchemized module where you're going to learn to transmit your fear into fuel to learn emotional resilience, this is valued at $1,500. You've got the magnetized module where you use pleasure to pray and sort of reclaim your pleasure and your body for your own.
And then finally, we have the alkalized module, which is where you get to integrate all these lessons and bake them into who you are, which is also valued at $1,500. So if you total all of these up, the value for just the training itself is $6,000. And what I want you to know, and what I hope you can see from these videos and these slides, is that this is not your average online course. Y'all, this thing is a work of art.
I'm so proud of it. We had 15 people flying from all around the world because they wanted to be a part of the birthing of this body of work. We then hired the best film crew and captured it like a documentary film. So it's not just me as a talking head on Zoom. You get to go on this journey with real people in real time as they learn these tools, as they face their fears, and as they reclaim their pleasure and manifest their wildest dreams.
Jade, who was on set, said she felt like she was on a full ayahuasca ceremony, like a full ayahuasca journey, even though we were basically on a film set. And what's also made to know is that when you enroll, you don't just get access for a limited time. Your access to the training videos to the embodied practices and the bonuses will not go away. You're going to have them for the life of the course. But the course itself is just the beginning.
In order to really create change, we need community, right? If you're anything like me, you might be craving community and real human support. And that's why I am so excited to announce that we're going to offer this Ziva Magic in cohorts. So what does that mean? It means that when you enroll, you get to move through this training with other amazing humans at the same time. It means you get to be in the first graduating class in Ziva Magic history.
Marianne said that Ziba Magic allows you to go on your own journey from the comfort of home, but you never feel alone because you're experiencing alongside other people in the course. So she was actually one of our beta testers. So this cohort is really special because I'm running it myself along with some of our amazing Ziba Magic facilitators. So this is going to blend live facilitation, community coaching, digital learning so that you feel supported as you step into this new version of you. And I say that my job in facilitating this work
is to ensure that you feel safe and supported as you bring up some of these deeper, untapped parts. And this is something I do not take lightly. My student Jennifer said, I cannot imagine anyone having made me feel more safe to explore these practices than Emily. She makes it so accessible and I would have never, ever
considered myself the type of person who would pursue this work. Any resistance or fear you have now, this work teaches you how to love that part of yourself and move through it in a way that was not intuitive for me. It has changed my life over and over and over again.
So the total value of being a member of this first 10-week cohort where you're going to get support with me and our amazing facilitators is worth well over $4,000. But because Ziva Magic is a true ceremony, and I want to make sure that we really open and close the container well and in community, when you enroll in Ziva Magic today, you're going to get to attend a live opening ceremony and a closing ceremony led by me.
And you can think about this as your initiation into an entire new realm of possibility. My new friend David, who was just at AFES with me, he said that Emily Fletcher is the queen of ceremonies. And this is a man who really loves ceremonies. So usually when I host ceremonies like this, which I am want to do, you know, like you're eating food, let me turn it into a ceremony. You're taking some drugs, let me bless it for you and turn it into a ceremony, writing an elevator. Why not turn this into a ceremony?
which I love is their money. And so usually when I do them, they're valued at well over $1,800 and usually involve travel. But here's the thing, when you are dreaming this big, you're going to need people in your corner who believe in you and who believe in your dreams. Interestingly, a study published by Psychological Science found that when people share their dreams with others, like y'all are doing here today, they feel a stronger commitment to them and are more likely to take action when the opportunities come their way.
So for years, people in the Ziva community even asking me if I would consider taking the communities off social media. And so today it is with great excitement. The big drum roll please that we are excited to announce that we have finally made that dream a reality. Ziva has a way for our community to connect off of social media. So in addition to birthing this new course, we have an entirely new upgraded learning platform.
This way you can stay connected with me, with facilitators, with your cohort inside of the Ziva Magic Portal. And this is something I'm really proud of. Your access to this portal does not expire when the 10 weeks are up. When you enroll in Ziva Magic, you get lifetime access to this community.
So you can stay connected to your fellow magic makers and strengthen your spiritual connections. Plus, as we launch Leba Magic in the future, you can take the course again, manifest for a whole new area of your life, all while supporting new members. So I just want to speak to that for a moment. The first time you take this course, you might be manifesting your dream relationship. Then you guys might want to buy a house together. So you could do the whole course again and manifest your dream home. Mm hmm.
Okay, this is what Aaron said, which by the way, Aaron just flew in for our launch party on Sunday. He was there with his new girlfriend and it was so fun to see him. He said, I feel like I have a whole new family that I can trust and lean on if I need support. And I trust that they will show up for me. Actually, we got our Airbnb and like, we had six bedrooms and we all made breakfast out in the backyard and we were all dancing together and we celebrated Melly's birthday, who's
here with me today and all of these friends and family have come out of this work. Like it's so heart-opening, it's so intimacy-inducing, but you start to feel this depth of connection and like these natural mycelial networks of friends and community form as a result of this work and it's one of the things I am most proud of. I had people at the party on Sunday that had been with me for 13 years, people who've met some of their best friends inside of this community.
Okay, so the lifetime value in this community is worth over $1,500. And I'm not going to listen all the bonuses and highlights you get because then we never get to the actual activation. But you're going to get a workbook. You're going to get three ways to practice the formula, depending on your schedule. And you're going to get that all chemical breath work bonus that I mentioned and guidance on how to build an altar in your house. And yes, you will get access to our highly coveted Ziba Magic playlist.
So let's total all this up in case you're like me and you like seeing things in writing. So when you enroll today with even magic, you're going to get all four modules designed to help you visualize, alchemize, magnetize the life of your wildest imagination plus integrate it, which is worth well over $6,000. You're getting the access to our first cohort, which is a 10 week container led by me. This starts on November 1st.
a live opening and closing ceremony with me, and then you're going to get lifetime access to this brand new community so you can stay connected. You're going to give access to life lots of surprise magic, guided exercises, workbook, curated playlists, and our bonus breath work sections. So the total value of everything you get with Ziva Magic is worth $13,300. And I just want to let you compare this a bit. If you were to try and find the equivalent level of teaching and transformation,
It wouldn't happen all in one place. Like historically, if you wanted to learn these tools, the only way to do it was on Retreat or Mastermind, which would cost between 10 and 25,000.
To work with a good coach is usually between three and five K. Good hypnotherapists are about 300 an hour. Medicine ceremonies usually have to fly and then they're like five to $10,000. Manifesting retreats can be about $3,000. Pleasure coaching is about 250 an hour. Therapy, especially in New York City, is at least 200 an hour. If you were to do all of these modalities, it would cost at least $32,000 and many hundreds of hours of your time. Plus the logistics of scheduling appointments and working with everyone's schedule.
But what I'm offering you instead is a holistic approach to getting clear in your dreams, to eradicating your resistance to achieving them, and then magnetizing the version of you that is required to birth your dreams. So instead of investing all that time and money, we are giving you the chance to learn this all in one place and one stunning journey. So right now today, you can enroll in Ziva Magic for only $14.97.
And that means you can enroll and get over $13,000 worth of training for only $14.97. So this price is happening right now until October 21st. And after that, the price is going to increase. She said, this is the biggest investment I've ever made in myself. And I can honestly say that it is a bargain for the PhD in life that I am getting. I even manifested my dream company reaching out with the job opportunity.
So to get started right now, all you have to do is click the link that the team is putting in the comments, and that's gonna take you to zivameditation.com slash magic. So I would head there right now, just type in zivameditation.com slash magic, check out the page, check out the course, and you can save your spot in this first cohort. And y'all, I'm so ridiculously confident that you are gonna love ziva magic that I'm gonna give you 10 days to try it out, risk free. This means you don't have to take the decision, you don't have to make the decision right now. If you're curious, you can click the link
Take advantage of the early bird rate and then you're going to have until November 10th to decide because if for any reason you are not thrilled, you're going to get a full refund, right? Like I only want people in this container that are like a full F. Yes. Um, and I also want to highlight that if the full 1497 feels like a challenge right now to do all at once, there is a payment plan available to make this life changing experience accessible to those who are ready for a total reality upgrade.
So if you break that down, that comes to six monthly payments of $259. So again, that's one therapy session a month. That's less than one medicine ceremony, but that is less than one pleasure coaching a month. And you're going to get so much more than that, and you're going to have access for life.
So I just want to take a moment to check in. I want to acknowledge that any time we're considering making an investment in ourselves, there's natural questions that are going to arise around worthiness, around return on investment, you might even be having a story of scarcity coming up right now. I find that women especially have a hard time investing in themselves, which by the way, I think is high time to shift.
Because the most successful people that I know, the people in my masterminds, that my colleagues, they invest in themselves before anyone or anything else. They know that the return on investment from increasing their state of consciousness increases their magnetism, their charisma. This is going to show up in financial wealth, in relational wealth and in manifesting power. There's a woman who I'm, I deeply admire and she has invested over $500,000 in her own consciousness.
in learning tools just like this in learning manifesting. And she's now running a $12 million a year business. So for a half a million dollar investment over many years, she's now earning well over $12 million per year.
So that's like a big scale of this. But the thing is if you want to live like a queen, you have to invest like a queen, right? You want to be a king, you have to treat yourself like a king. So it's totally understandable to be going through the portal of like, I want this course, but I can't afford it. So if that is you, if that's coming up for you, I have some really, really good news. If you enroll in Ziva Magic during this event, that means before the end of the activation today, you're going to receive a very special bonus. And this is just for people who showed up live today during this event.
So when you click the link and it takes you to zbameditation.com slash magic and you enroll before the end of today's event, you're going to get a brand new bonus called money magic.
That's right, we made a new bonus called Money Magic and in this you're gonna receive three abundance activators. So one is gonna be a live Ziva Magic ceremony with the entire thing geared towards abundance. So this means after you've learned the formula, I'm gonna walk you through a visualization around money, alchemy around money, magnetize around money so that you will have an amazing return on investment. And this just in, hot off the press, we've just booked the amazing
World renowned Lynn Twist to lead a private workshop with this first cohort of Ziva Magic. So if you don't know Lynn Twist, many people call her a living saint. She is a global visionary committed to alleviating poverty, ending world hunger and supporting social justice and sustainability for more than 40 years.
She's the co-founder of the Pachamama Alliance, which is working with indigenous populations in Ecuador. She's the founder of the Soul of Money Institute. She's the author of the book called The Soul of Money. She's an advisor to Desmond Tutu and the Nobel Women's Initiative. This woman is so brilliant. For her most recent book, A Purpose Driven Life, she talks about that the dream alchemizes you into who you need to be.
in order to birth the dream. And so she's going to join us for a live conversation in Q&A to talk about the soul of money. And you do not want to miss this. And it gets better. Because if you enroll before the end of this workshop, you're also going to get a yet to be released abundance activation that we have not offered to the public yet. And it's called abundant sleep. And I'm really excited about this one because I want you to imagine being able to rewire your limiting beliefs around money while you sleep.
So all this thing is not just a guided audio, it's a deep neural reprogramming of your fears that some you might not even know that you have around money. Because again, most of our thoughts are generated by our subconscious, right? Many of our money beliefs formed before the age of eight. And so as adults, we need a way to access those deep-seated beliefs. So to do this, we need to access more subtle states of consciousness or what I call a pre-Hipnagogic state.
So I created the audio that I wanted for myself, something that can help me break through to the next level of wealth, even while I sleep. So Abundant Sleep is actually three audios in one. It's like something to take you in to sleep, something it's white noise with me reprogram your subconscious mind over white noise while you sleep. And then basically the world's most valuable alarm clock to wake you up and to bring you into your day. I hired an amazing composer to custom create the music to get you into healing frequencies.
and ideal states for sleep and waking up. And the cool thing is you can listen to them individually or you can just hit play and go into sleep, have the reprogramming while you sleep, and then wake up. And I recommend doing this for 21 Knight Street and then expect money miracles.
So I gave this audio to our last mastermind group to test it out and what they shared blew me away. Susan said, I use this audio. I got three of the best nights of sleep of my life. I follow sleep so fast. I got an unplanned $1,000 on day one, $1,400 on day two, and on day six, I was given a new lawnmower. I don't know if anyone here is manifesting a lawnmower, but there you go. But this thing is powerful.
Sleeping quickly and deeply is priceless. Now check this out. Tara used this, and she shared with me her sleep charts from her body monitoring device. So if you look at this on the first one, this is pre-using abundant sleep. And look at this, her sleep all night long is up and down, up and down. Her sleep score is low.
This chart right here, this is her while she was sleeping. Look how deep that is. Look how her sleep signature changed on the night that she used abundant sleep. And also her score went from 0.5 to 1.1. So the quality of her sleep more than doubled.
So the value of abundant sleep is honestly worth thousands of dollars. When I can't sleep, my life sucks. So I mean, sleep is everything as far as I'm concerned. And you're going to see the results in the first few weeks of deeper sleep, then you're going to have to grow your abundance in many areas of your life. So this is not available to the public yet, but soon you'll be able to buy at $250. But again, if you enroll before the end of this call, you're going to get it as part of money magic.
Okay, so we're going to put all this together before we start our activation so that you really understand the value of everything that you get when you enroll in Ziva Magic today, which again, you can do at zivameditation.com slash magic.
So just make sure that link is in the chat for you guys so you can click on it. So when you enroll, you're going to get lifetime access to the training. That's the lessons in the embodied practices. You're going to be able to access our very first cohort, which is led by me, starting on November 1st. Live opening and closing ceremonies with me. Lifetime access to our brand new online community that is not on social media.
A lot of bonuses is a surprise magic, including a workbook, a chemical breathwork. And for those of you who enroll right now, you're going to get money magic, which is worth well over $2,000, which makes the total value of everything you're getting over $15,300. And today's price is $14.97. And again, you can do that on a payment plan, which is just over $200 a month for six months.
And there's a 10 day money back guarantee, which that 10 days would start on November 1st. You basically have until November 10th. That means all of the nurture content, all of the pre ceremonies, all of that you're going to get as part of this. All right, team, the time has come. So I'm inviting you to join me for a journey that is going to make the rest of your life so much more fun, so much more turned on, so much more magnetic.
so much more emotionally resilient. Now, if you've already enrolled, let me know in the comments so that the team and I can celebrate you and welcome you. And if you have not yet enrolled yet, but you're still here, I wanna know what your questions are. Like I want you to, I wanna know how we can support you to either get to a full body yes or a very clear no. So let us know in the comments what your questions are so that we can help make a decision, help you make a decision that's right for you.
On our reminder, a couple questions about how long the container is. Okay. Yeah. So the container is going to be for 10 weeks. So timing wise and practically wise, that's going to look like about about two hours of time investment a week. So I recommend doing like one to two of the lessons a week. And then that container, which is support from me and the groups.
I'm sorry, me and our other coaches is going to last for the 10 weeks. But once that cohort is over, you don't get kicked out of the community and you don't lose access to the classes. So you can stay in it. It's just we're going to be like everyone's moving on the journey together so that you have timelines, accountability, deadlines, us checking in. That's going to be happening for the first 10 weeks. And that's like a sort of generous but healthy way to move through the training. Thanks, Caroline. What other questions are coming up?
Yeah, we have some questions about the payment plan. So if you are enrolling in the payment plan, that is over six months and the refund period does apply to the payment plan. That was another question that came up a lot. You can do a payment plan and yes, you can still get refunded even if you choose the payment plan option. Great question.
Yeah. I'm asking about time and dates. I'm in Australia. So most of this course you can do in your own time from the safety of home. This is an on-demand course. And as you can see, these videos we've already shot and edited with amazing music. So much of it you do in your own time. As far as the ceremonies, what we're going to do is our best at the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony. We'll try and do them at different times of the day to accommodate different time zones.
But those are really going to be, and then the other live element will be for those of you who enrolled today, you'll get to do the live element with Lin Twist. So we'll make sure that we mix them up so they're not all at 1 p.m. so that people from all over the world can access.
Oh, Tesla's saying, do we get access right away? So you're going to get access to a few things right away. The workbook, the playlist, some nurture content, but we're all going to start together on November 1st. We're going to do the opening ceremony together and we're going to start on November 1st.
Um, well, the bonuses that live events be recorded. Yes, they will. Um, Wendy's saying, will this ever be offered again? Um, sort of like this is like, I'm not, I mean, we've spent many years birthing this course. We're certainly not killing the magic, but it's never going to be offered by me, like me leading the cohort altogether, the first class.
this money magic with Lin Twist. Lin Twist is a living saint, you guys. She is very sought-after speaker all over the world, so we won't be offering this particular flavor of magic again. We'll be offering it in different ways, but the team and I need to recalibrate, learn from this one, make changes, make edits. Liberty is signed up.
Amazing. Okay, Kim is saying, what portion is live? I know the opening and closing ceremony, but no live weekly meetings. So here's the thing, Kim, if you desire, because we know how this amazing online community, if you wanted to start a weekly meetup, you could totally do that. You could create your own circle inside of the cohort.
And we're also going to have two amazing facilitators, Phoebe and Rosa, who are with me on my retreats. And they're going to be helping people through the experience as well. So if you're getting triggered, if you're getting stuff that's coming up, there's going to be a lot of live support. Tanya is saying, I'm so excited to work with you again. I'm in. Jodi's in. Amazing. Yes, just signed up. You guys are so smart. This is going to be a big, big deal. Liberty is signed up.
Great. Okay, so Chrissy's saying, what if I can't join a November 1st? No worries, that's just the opening ceremony. What I would recommend is do your own ceremony, because we're going to teach you inside of the course how to make an altar. We'll send you the recording of the ceremony, and then you can start with all of us, you can start with the, because this is a pre-recorded course, so you can start with us on the 1st. This is US dollars, so the price is in US dollars.
Oh, March is saying, if I sign up next week, can I still get access to the money course? No. That is just for people who enroll within the next few minutes, because we're about to move into the activation. And you're going to be moving your bodies. You're not going to be on your computer, so I would do it now. OK, great. Gunter is saying, I'm not sure if I understand how long the course is in total. So I think, I don't know, do we have the total hours, Caroline?
I don't know if we've told them up. We don't, but it's about 10 weeks and then two hours a week plus the ceremony, like the live events and the ceremonies, any additional homework you're wanting to do. So all told about 30 hours. Yeah, I think, yeah, it's about two hours a week for 10 weeks plus the bonuses. Great. Life of Jessica saying, what's the life of the course? It basically means like as long as even magic exists.
Um, great. These are such good questions. Thank you. Oh, Doreen is in. Amazing. Um, okay. This is really exciting. Oh, this is something. So I, I don't want to step on Caroline's shows, but I think that we could send everyone abundant sleep right away. Like that exists. And I think that we could send you that bonus very soon. Um, Kathy, what are your questions today?
Oh, yes. So when you sign in, you're going to get abundant sleep today, which means you could use it tonight. And it's like an eight hour journey. I use it last night. I woke up at four feeling very excited for today. And I put it on and it was so good. So just go to zivameditation.com slash magic. And a lot of these questions are going to be answered on that page.
Oh, Joanna enrolled as you could really use abundant sleep. Amazing. Okay. So we're going to come back and keep answering these questions and the team is going to keep answering questions, but I also want you guys to experience a little taste of what is inside of Ziva Magic. I want you to experience some of this activation for yourself. Um, oof. Amy says, I'm on the cusp of trying to figure out what's next and what I want to offer to manifest. So good. Amy, you're going to get a chance to do that right now. Stuart, you click to enroll on zivameditation.com slash magic.
Brittany just signed up. Oof, good. Yes, Maureen wants to experience this before committing. So yes, Maureen, we're going to give you a taste of it right now. All right, so I'm going to stop sharing. I'm coming on. I'm going to share my music. Mm-hmm. So we're going to change gears here into our activation. Those of you who are enrolling, you can continue to do that while we
drop into is even magic ceremony. So again, the point here is to embody our manifestations.
So we're gonna give you a taste of visualize, a taste of alchemize and a taste of magnetize. So the idea here is we're gonna get clear on one thing that you would love to manifest. And again, I invite you to think about one thing. It might be something from the beginning of the course or it might be something else. You might be like, you know what? I wanna manifest $1,500 to enroll in this course. That has happened before. We've had people like, my roommate just came over and gave me a check or like my ex-boyfriend wired me money during the ceremony. So like, if you're like, I don't have money, like maybe manifest that during the ceremony.
But one thing that you would love to call in. And then we're going to alchemize through our bodies, through dance. We're going to alchemize anything standing in the way. And then we're going to do a taste of pleasure prayer of seeing how good we can feel to magnetize. Let's go ahead and close the eyes. Taking a big deep breath in.
Exhaling on the sound of ah, the sound of God. Another big deep breath into your heart. Exhaling and softening and surrendering as you exhale. Moving into your body, moving into this moment.
One more breath this time, all the way down into your hula. Really allowing all of this knowledge, all of this wisdom that we've accumulated so far to saturate down into yourselves, re-activating that iridescent level of light, that ring of fire around us, really creating ceremony space, setting the intention that our prayers and manifestations are amplified by this beautiful, powerful group of people coming together.
When you tune into your highest self, your highest timeline, asking yourself the question, what would I love? What would I love? In nature, you've given me so many gifts. How would you love to use me?
What would I love for myself, for the planet? What does my version of Heaven on Earth look like feel like tastes like? Alling on yes, your future self, but also your five-year-old self, that version of you that believe that anything and everything is possible.
Oh, that this dream is dreaming you as you are dreaming it. And as you start to feel clear on how you would love to feel, what you would love to magnetize, I invite you to drop into that reality. As if it is unfolding all around you right here, right now.
Really fast forwarding to the point of that I might. Letting yourself be submerged in the pleasure of this dream and the feeling of this dream.
noticing the most beautiful thing that you can detect as you allow this movie to play in your mind. Is it the light shining off of your beloved's eyes? Is it the feeling that you have when you pull up to your dream home? A feeling of alignment and purpose in your dream career?
When you're feeling that dream unfolding all around you, the sights, the smells, the taste and the feeling, also tuning into all of the guidance, all of the support that you can come from your future self, from the dream itself.
or something even better is already on its way to you. Feeling the simplicity of that dream already done. Really imprinting the smells, the taste, the sounds into your five senses' reality right here, right now. All beautiful.
And staying in this space of the dream, staying in ceremony space, keeping your eyes closed. I'm gonna invite you to do something even braver, even braver than dreaming. And that is getting curious about why this dream has not shown up yet. Right? It feels so exciting, so beautiful, though.
and toxicating to dream the dream. And yet we can assume that if the dream has not shown up yet, that either we are not a vibrational match for it or nature is protecting us, and to either way our job is to tune into anything that might be keeping us from it. So I want you to tune into anyone that told you that you couldn't. Any internal voice of fear or shame or doubt really giving those internal voices of doubt the microphone.
What if it never happens? Why hasn't it happened yet? I'm too old, I'm too white, I'm too black, I'm too gay, I'm too straight, I'm too ugly, I'm too bad, I'm too whatever. Whatever those voices are inside, give them the microphone. It might be anger that the dream has not shown up yet. It might be fear that it will never show up. We're gonna tune into that inner toddler, to that little kid inside of you.
And right now we're gonna give that kid the microphone. We're gonna allow those feelings to move through so that they can be expressed, remembering that the feelings simply want to be felt, that the feelings are in fact meant for feeling. So keeping one foot in your own experience, and then in your own time, gently opening your eyes,
And I'm going to demonstrate one version of what emotional alchemy might look like. I'm going to demonstrate one version of what dancing your feelings might look like simply to be a permission slip, right? Simply from to give you permission to play full out. And then we're going to do it together. So really quick, excuse. Does anyone here ever have anyone here have children? Yeah. Okay. Anyone ever seen a child, even if you don't have children, I've never seen like how like the other day I packed strawberries in my son's lunch.
Instead of blueberries, he came home. I'm like, how dare you pack strawberries in my lunch. I hate you. How are you? You're not my mom. That's not fair. And he was screaming and crying so bad. And then he was fine. Right? Then he was totally fine.
And so I just want to name that instead of us trying to make our children more like us and telling them not to cry, just just because most of us have been trained into infancy to not feel our feelings. What if instead we start to become more like our children? What if we start to give ourselves permission, permission to grieve? Oh.
Can you hear me? Just give me a thumbs up. Yes, sounds okay. Okay, great. I think one of my headphones died. She's been working hard. So we're gonna give ourselves permission to read, permission to grieve. So we're gonna do about three songs right now. I like to think about this as like an emotional playground that you get to get on different like a slide and then a swing and then the trampoline
And we get to go on a different ride here. So the main thing we're tuning into right now is any anger that this dream has not shown up. So I invite you to tune into the five-year-old version of you, that temper tantrum version of you. I'm going to demonstrate first, and then we're all going to do it together. Any questions before I jump up?
Oh, good. Okay. Marish is in. I don't know what the euphemism was, but it was a gift me to hear about permission. Oh, Heather, what about how many anger? Great question. I used to be an actress, right? And I had an acting teacher who would say, sometimes we bang our fists because we're angry and sometimes we're angry because we bang our fists.
Right, so like sometimes actors work from the inside out, the feelings are there, and sometimes you do something from the outside in. So what I'm gonna invite you to do is even if you're not feeling anger, which I never feel anger when I start this process, I'm always like, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm a world-class spiritual bypasser, you guys. Like I'm a world-class, just like everything's fine, but just sometimes putting on a ragey song and sometimes just like going through the motions, you will tap into not only your own unexpressed rage,
but also your mothers and your grandmothers and your great-grandmothers and for all of the people who can't rage and maybe for the rage of the planet itself. So I'm going to invite you to tune into all of that as we go. All right. Thank you for asking that question. Really, really good. So I'm just going to give you permission and then we're going to do it together.
All right, warm it up. And actually, while you're watching this, have a go ahead and stand up and start to roll your shoulders back, start to shake your body out. Just start, we've been sitting for a long time and I don't want you to injure yourself. So just like stretch up, rolling your shoulders back, maybe even start to pound your chest like an animal, starting to tune into that piece of you that is mad that this dream has not come yet. All right, here we go.
You can do it with me or you can just witness. It never feels good for you, but we'll have our own turn together in a moment. Anyone, anything that you feel wronged by. Perhaps raging for those who cannot.
Okay, so that was a little warm up. That was just me demonstrating. You're gonna find that when we all do it together, that it's gonna be even more powerful. Also something like literally just like burst inside of my back. Not like an injury, but it just felt like something got like exploded and released. So,
I would say, I'm going to give you some moves. You can punch the air. You can punch the ground. You could scream. If you're in a place where you can't make noise, you can do a silent scream. So there's like, hold on to your desk. Go like this. Like, you'll be amazed how much can be released just on sound. OK, or just on silent screaming. All right, any questions? Thanks for the entertainment. Sure, I'm so glad I was entertaining.
Yeah, okay, great. All right, here we go. If you're feeling mad about my sales pitch, you can rage that out right now, Carolina. All right, our Karina, here we go. All right, let's play this music. Let's play this music right now. I'm going to tap into that little piece of you that is fucking furious at the state of the planet right now. Here we go. Three, two, one.
Taking some breaths. Letting that fire build in your body. Yes. Letting it be sacred. Letting it be holy. Tuning into those ancestral parts of you. Yes. For every time you've been told to be quiet. For every time you've been told to shut up. Go.
Yes, so beautiful, so sacred. Yes, let it stomp, let it move. All the way, what's left?
Yes, punching a pillow. So good. Really, really good. So beautiful. Taking one big deep breath into your heart. One hand on your heart, one hand on your belly. Exhaling. Finding safety in your body, knowing that everything I'm offering is always an invitation. Another big deep breath into your hoo-ha.
Exhaling on haa, honoring yourself, celebrating your bravery for committing. That was so beautiful. It was so incandescent. And just let me know in the comments, how are you feeling now? No right, no wrong, just honest. How are you feeling now?
Angie saying, what if this makes me insanely uncomfortable? Then Angie, I would say that you are right on schedule. We have been trained since infancy to not feel our feelings because other people have not been taught how to regulate their emotions. So it makes you uncomfortable, provided that you're not violating a boundary, know that this is where the magic happens in the reclamation of your feelings, in facing that uncomfortability with love. What we teach inside of the course is that whatever is is your portal.
Yeah. Kelly's feeling wild. Electric's feeling energized. Lily's feeling energized. Feeling fired up. So many tears already. I'm enraged. I'm afraid. I want more. Yes. Okay. I want more release. Yes. It's not fair. Yes. I wish I remembered how silent stream drained and better. Electric. I'm crying. Okay. So I'm noticing a lot of tears coming up. Okay.
And this is very normal, this is very natural. So what happens is the anger is the protector parts. The anger is those pieces of us that are like, no, no, we're protecting. And that is protecting a younger, more vulnerable, more innocent part of us, perhaps a more sad part of us, perhaps the part that believes that the dream may never come, that we are not worthy of the dream, that there is something inherently wrong with us, so that we don't deserve
there might even be a piece of us that is grieving for those who cannot, a piece of us that is tuning into the collective sadness on the planet, or maybe even tuning into the sadness of the planet itself from the way that humans have been extracting from her. Okay, so now we get to tune into is that even younger, even more vulnerable part, and we get to dance our sacred sorrow.
Now the thing about sorrow is that it's going to want to make you still, okay? So I'm going to invite you to move to really feel. So almost like you are sorrow itself. Let the music be medicine. Let the music move your body. You can sway. You can cry. I highly recommend fake tears. Sometimes I fake it till I make it, right? Sometimes I just like fake whale and then the real tears come, right? So right now we're working outside in, but it's just happening organically for some of you.
Yeah, Elena, I have so much rage inside of me. It is scary. Yes, Elena, because many of us have been putting this down for fucking generations. So right now, we're gonna start to do this in a safe way, in a communal way, in a way that you are held, in a way that the music is going to help to speed up the amplification and the release of it. And don't worry, I'm not gonna leave you here, okay? This is gonna be safe because I'm gonna help you to alchemize this in just a bit. So thank you for going on this journey with me. Even though I know it's big, I know it's scary. You guys are doing beautiful, big, brave work.
All right, so tuning into that even more vulnerable, even younger, perhaps even most powerful place. And just, I'm not gonna demonstrate we're gonna do this one all together, just let this new music be medicine. Anything but still. Anything but still.
So when you can do this new music, this new feeling, tuning in to any uncried tears suck in your body, any unfilled feelings, any unfed truths. Oh, wow. Oh. Oh.
Oh, crying for those who cannot. Feeling for those who do not have the luxury of it. Letting it move, letting it sound, letting it wail. Letting it sway, so beautiful. Breathing deeper down into your heart, letting your heart soften and open. Yes, so beautiful. Oh.
Oh, for every missed opportunity. For every time you've been told to shush and not cry, knowing that your sorrow is sacred, that all of you is welcome here. So beautiful. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, in you.
If the sorrow could move, how would it want to move? Ugh. Ugh. Anything that's left, sometimes we fake it, so we make it. Sometimes the fake tears lead to real ones. So beautiful. Ugh.
oh yes yes yes so stunning so great yes just yes yes yes yes beautiful yes um yes um yes yes all of you is welcome what else what else
Really good. Starting to place one hand on your belly, one hand on your chest, tuning into how your body's feeling right now, taking a big deep breath in. And exhaling. Finding safety in your body, knowing that you are safe and healthy. Okay, so now what we're going to do is
We were going to transition into a little bit of ecstasy, but I think we need one more. I'm gonna put on a song that I feel is like a grab bag, okay? So if there's still rage inside of you that wants to come out, you can rage. If there's still tears that want to come out, you can cry. If you're starting to find a little bit of ecstasy and the expression of these feelings, you can start to allow that ecstasy to feel good. You could even start to make love to your feelings, okay? This is my favorite songs I didn't put on the playlist, but it just feels like we need it.
So give me one second. DJ Bliss has got to find it and just tuning into what's alive for you right now. What has been unfelt and wants to be felt. So we're going to do two more songs of dancing and know that every single time you allow this to movie, we're healing not just yourself, but many generations forward and many generations back. So this is going to be our song to just anything that is not expressed yet. Rage, sorrow, turn on. You can bring it here.
You can let it be hot. You can let it be sexy. You can let it be raging. Whatever's real for you. Yeah, so good.
Again, if there's rage, you can punch. If there's tears, you can cry. If it's starting to feel good, to light up and feel your feelings, you can start to dance in a way that feels good. All of you is welcome here. Yes.
Tuning into your body. What does your body need right now? There's no wrong or right way to feel. This time is yours. Take it. Claim it. Maybe make love to your rage. Maybe make love to your sorrow. Take up space. This is your body. This is your life. These are your feelings.
We need to have a shake. That's what animals do. So good, so beautiful, so hot. All right, one hand on your heart, one hand on your belly. Big deep breath in.
Exhaling on a ha!
Ah, yes, here in saying this is so powerful. Maria is saying, I'm so proud of myself for showing up. Yes, yes, yes. Why do I vomit when I feel my sorrow? Likely because there's so much of it that has been repressed, that it has to come out physically. All right, so I want you to just tune into your body right now and name. How are you feeling? Are you feeling alive, raw, turned on, stuck, numb? There's no right or wrong, which is let me know in the comments how you're feeling.
I might be able to move. I'm opening. I'm alive. I'm stuck. I'm sobbing. Things are moving. I'm lit up. I'm porous. Yes. Many mixed emotions. Yes, that was what we just did. Our mixed emotion. I'm empowered. I'm vindicated. I'm confused. I'm alive. I've finally arrived. I'm sore. Yes. Sometimes you can be a little sore. So we want to move in a way that feels safe for our bodies, reviving strong, angry, powerful, alive and hot. Okay.
So here's what we're going to do. This is going to be the final piece of emotional alchemy for today. Is anyone starting to feel just like a little kernel of pleasure from feeling these feelings? Like did anyone feel just like it felt good to cry a little bit that it felt like a little bit good to rage? Yeah, like I think rage is incandescent and it simply felt and not pointed at someone. It can be holy.
Okay? So now what we're going to do is we're going to take that little kernel of pleasure and we're going to fan it. I'm going to put on one of the hottest songs I've ever heard. This is one of the songs that we use inside of Ziva Magic and it is so good and I want you to just give yourself permission to dance for yourself, to find that pleasure and the expression of the emotions and to let that pleasure build through every cell in your body with this song and when in doubt, let it be for you. Okay? When in doubt, let this be a reclamation for you. All right.
Here we go. So keep standing up, breathing into your body, breathing all the way down into your hoo-ha. We're gonna slow it down. See, this is sort of like our theme song for Ziba Magic. I'm giving you a little teaser of what you get to experience inside of the course. Really starting to allow every single cell in your body to vibrate at the frequency of pleasure. So good. So beautiful. Ah.
Perhaps starting to caress your body. Asking your body what would feel good right now. Noticing if there's anything that got released or expressed that could use some love in your body. Yes. Yes, if this is your six, what does your ten look like?
Breathing all the way down into your root, deepening the breath. Yes. Yes, Michaela. Yes, Summer. Yes, Kevin. Yes, Brooke. Remember, this is for you. This is not a performance. This is a reclamation. How would it feel to move in a way that is just for you, that feels good to your body, turning yourself on?
Knowing that the better we feel, the higher quality things we attract. Knowing that this pleasure is one of the only forces on the planet powerful enough to alchemize your rage, to alchemize your grief. Slowing down, letting your body melt, letting it soften.
producing your own cells breathing into your hula perhaps inhabiting an animal that you think is sexy getting out of your head and into your body you can't move in a right way or a wrong way toe brave so beautiful
Really, really good. One hand on your heart, one hand on your belly. I'm tuning in. How did that feel?
How does your body feel now? And again, there's no right or wrong answers. It might have felt liberating. It might have felt pleasurable. It might have felt contracting or triggering. So just being honest with your body, listening to yourselves and naming in the comments, how are you feeling? Juicy, fun, sexual, alive, sensual, turned on, empowering, like coming home. Yes, Christine, like coming home, relaxing, beautiful, so loving. Yes, that's it, y'all.
That's it that our creation energy at the end of the day is so innocent. It is so loving. It is the desire to express love. But we have to do that first for ourselves. We can only love other things to the degree to which we love ourselves. Cared for loving me. Yes, beautiful, soft, exciting, turned on. I haven't felt this way in a long time prioritized. Yes.
Yes, yes, sweaty, yummy. Dream is here in me. Yes, this is it. This is it. So the other beautiful thing about pleasure, y'all, is that it creates a sense of detachment, which is a key ingredient in your manifestations. When you were able to fill yourself up with pleasure and then think about your dream from this state of pleasure, you wipe away the attachment, you wipe away the neediness, and you instead come to a place of, I already have everything I need.
Ooh, Sveya is excited for her sexy date later. Kiyuntha is feeling like water. Okay. All right, so now we're gonna move into the final, which is magnetized. So what we're gonna do today is we're not gonna do a self-pleasure practice. We're simply going to do, we're gonna build the pleasure with breath and energy. So I'm gonna teach you two very simple but powerful breathing techniques, and then we're gonna do them through two songs.
And we're going to build the pleasure, build the energy. And at the moment of peak pleasure, we're going to send all of this energy to your dream. Okay, so I want you to come back to that visualization that we just did, that five senses reality that we just anchored in and just have that in your heart. And you can let it go once you remember what it is. Are you manifesting your person? Are you manifesting your home? Are you manifesting your career? What is it that you're calling in? Come back to that five senses reality right now.
And then we're going to do this breathwork. And at the moment of peak pleasure, we're going to send the energy to that dream. So here are the two breathwork techniques. The first is called hoo ha breath. So you're simply ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha, so it's in on who, out on ha. And I actually want you to make sound as you exhale. And again, if you're in a place if you're at your office or something, you can do this silently. But if you're in private, it would be good to sound it so that the sound can be an expression. The sound can be all chemical. I'm going to invite you to breathe in through your heart and out through your hoo-ha. Right? So in through your heart, out through your hoo-ha. And then every time you inhale, you're going to squeeze your root.
And every time you exhale, you're going to release. So ha, ha, ha, ha, it's like kegels, right? Ha, ha, like you're squeezing a blueberry in your hoo ha as you inhale and you're squishing it as you exhale and opening. And it's a little practice that a few times.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, right? So that's our hoo ha breath. That's going to build the heat, build the energy. Let me just back up and say that if you're pregnant or have epilepsy or any sort of a retina issue or
like severe psychosis, then it is recommended to not do breath work, but we're only gonna be doing about six or seven minutes today. So most people should be safe, but if you have anything that you might be a contraindication, then I would invite you to just be in the space with us and simply breathe gently in and out through your nose and let the music be the medicine. But otherwise, I invite you to play full out. Okay, so we've got our hoo ha breath. Then we have something called the life gasm breath. So this is where you take a big inhale into your heart
Exhale all the way to empty. And at the bottom of the inhale, I want you to open your hula. Like expand your root like a lotus flower spreading on the ground. And then you're going to take a long slow inhale and you're going to squeeze your hula and you're going to breathe your creation energy up into your heart. And then you're going to keep inhaling and you're going to breathe all this energy right into the very center of your brain.
And then you're going to hold it and you're going to squeeze your root. You're going to hold your back and squeeze your hoo-ha. Imagine that you're squeezing a tube of toothpaste up into the very center of your brain. And then as you exhale, it's like we're sending all of that bliss chemistry from your brain down into the trillions of cells in your body.
Okay, so this is life guys and breath. Let's do it together a few times. I would recommend doing this one standing up for today because it's a very short breath work. So for today, either standing or sitting, if you think you might be dizzy or faint, or if you haven't eaten enough today, or if you have any sort of contraindications, you can totally do this seated, but don't lie down.
Okay, so you totally can lie down, but I'm recommending standing or sitting up because this is just a short little breath work section. So I'm going to repeat that one. Actually, we're going to do it together. So let's do life guys and breath together. Big inhale into your heart.
Exhaling all the way to empty, softening and opening, softening and keep releasing. At the bottom of the exhale, keep exhaling. Open up your huha. Open up your root like you're squashing a blueberry on the floor with your perineum. And then we're gonna take a long, slow inhale and squeeze your root, pulling that creation energy up into your heart. Keep inhaling and imagine pulling your breath and energy right up to the center of your brain to your pineal and pituitary gland. Keep inhaling and squeeze your root.
Squeezing the tube of toothpaste of your spine all the way up to the middle of your brain taking another sip of air and squeezing your root Another sip of air and keep holding you've got this one more sip of air and squeeze your root on the count of three as we exhale You're gonna imagine trillions of cells in your body flooding with bliss in three two one Yeah
Any questions on that? So we've got hoo-ha breath in through the heart, out through the hoo-ha, squeezing and releasing. Ha, ha, ha, ha. And then we've got life guys and breath, which is simply a long, slow inhale from your root up into your brain. And when you get to the top of the inhale, you're gonna hold and you're gonna squeeze your root. All right. Uh-huh.
Uha is inhale, nose, or mouth. Good question. Ha, ha, ha, ha, mouth.
Thank you. Ava, thank you for naming that this prudish word for our sacred body part feels devaluing to me. Thank you for naming that. If I were to say pussy, it would likely be very triggering to even more people. And my job in this role of dancing in the very tricky waters of sacred sexuality is to be a bridge. And so after many years and consulting with many people and consulting with my higher self, I also like alliterations. So we're going to go head, heart, and hoo-ha.
Because my role is to be on TED Talk stages and bring this to corporations and bring this to the masses. And I'm not going to do that talking about Yoni's and Lingams and Kundalini. So thank you for naming that. But I'm very, very intentional about this language. And I'm doing this for a very specific reason. OK? All right. Here we go. So we're going to go Hu Ha Hu Ha. And then we're going to do the Kundalini draw. All right. Here we go. Here we go. We got two risks. So again, coming back to that dream.
Right, coming back to the dream, you're gonna manifest. We're gonna do two songs. At the moment of peak pleasure, you're gonna send all that energy to your dream. This first one is kind of fast, but it's exciting. All right. Nope, that's it. There we go. All right, so starting to feel this rhythm in your body. Sit, you can stand.
If you have any contraindications, you can simply just be in the medicine of the music. Taking a big breath into your heart. Exhaling all the way to empty. Making so much space to build this heat, build this fire, build this pleasure in the body. Here we go.
It's fast, but you can do it. In, out, in, out, in, out, good. If it's uncomfortable to do your mouth, you can try your nose.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
Letting the sounds be pleasurable. Squeezing your hoo-ha as you inhale. Releasing it as you exhale. Hah, ha, ha. Circling your body. Building that energy. So good. Hah, ha, ha. Big inhale. And this time exhaling all the way to empty.
And we're gonna hold at the bottom. We're gonna hold at the bottom of the exhale. Holding at the bottom of the exhale. When you wanna inhale, keep exhaling. Letting your body soften, soften, soften. Imagine you're like a rock floating down a stream, soften. And then big inhale. Breathing this breath and energy up into your chest.