DW Live from D.C.
January 21, 2025
TLDR: Vice President-elect JD Vance and 47th President Donald Trump take oath of office. Live reports from The Daily Wire crew across Capitol and Washington, D.C.

This episode of DW Live from D.C. focuses on Donald Trump's inauguration as the 47th President of the United States. The podcast features insightful discussions with contributors including Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, and Jeremy Boreing, who provide behind-the-scenes commentary on the event and its implications.
A Chaotic Lead-up to the Inauguration
- Security Concerns: The day began amidst chaotic conditions led by rumors of security threats and unpredictable weather. Discussions centered around the critical need for security and adjustments that had to be made to ensure a smooth inauguration process.
- Energy and Excitement: Despite the cold 22-degree weather, the atmosphere was electrifying with a palpable sense of change as President Trump’s motorcade arrived at the Capitol, underscoring the transition of power.
The Significance of Trump’s Second Inauguration
- Historic Achievement: Trump’s inauguration marks the unique feat of him being only the second president in U.S. history to serve non-consecutive terms, aligning with the feeling that today symbolizes the end of the Obama era.
- Popular Mandate: The hosts discussed how Trump enters this second term with a strong popular mandate, reflecting on lessons learned from his first term and the political landscape now favoring conservative principles.
Trump and the American Public
- Common Sense Politics: The discussion delves into the theme of common sense in governance, highlighting the public's desire for pragmatic, commonsensical leadership over political correctness.
- Unwavering Support: Participants noted the change in sentiment from the public, indicating a shift towards Republican policies and Trump’s approach being normalized, rather than viewed as extreme.
Key Themes and Insights from Trump’s Speech
- Reclaiming Sovereignty: Trump’s address focused heavily on restating American sovereignty, emphasizing border security, and committing to repealing a variety of policies enacted in the Obama-Biden era.
- Economic Revival: The hosts expressed optimism about Trump’s plans for economic recovery, particularly through energy policies that promise to unleash America’s natural resources and create jobs.
- Cultural Shift: Trump's presidency was seen as a response to liberal policies that some feel have overstepped American values, with a renewed emphasis on family, security, and economic stability.
Reactions to the Inauguration Event
- Public Sentiment: There was an overwhelming sense of enthusiasm among attendees, with observers noting how supportive crowds adorned in Trump paraphernalia filled the streets, marking a stark contrast to previous years.
- Media Dynamics: The hosts critiqued the media's portrayal of Trump’s presidency, emphasizing that much of the left-wing media narrative no longer holds sway as public sentiment appears to shift towards welcoming Trump back.
Key Takeaways from the Podcast
- Embrace of Common Sense: The episode emphasizes a critical need for governance rooted in common sense, reflecting the desires of many Americans for pragmatic solutions over political jargon.
- Influence of Policy: The discussions pointed out that Trump's governance approach in his second term is expected to lean heavily on policies that resonate with broad swathes of American society, especially regarding immigration and economic reform.
- Unity as a Theme: Despite recognition of the past tumultuous years, the emphasis moving forward is on unity and reclaiming American ideals, which Trump promised to uphold enthusiastically.
In summary, the DW Live from D.C. episode encapsulates the significance of Donald Trump’s second inauguration and explores the evolving political landscape in the U.S. under his administration. It provides an engaging analysis of both the potential successes and challenges that lie ahead as Trump reclaims the presidency, promising to bring forth a renewed focus on the needs and desires of common Americans.
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Welcome back to Daily Wire's special inaugural coverage. We're approximately 30 minutes away from the beginning of the inauguration ceremony. And right behind us, President Trump's motorcade is arriving here at the Capitol building, where he'll be taking the oath of office. It's been a really chaotic last couple of days of trying to understand exactly what was happening with all of the location changes based on whether and perhaps rumors are security threats to the inauguration. But at this very moment, President Trump and I am turning around to look
Oh, wow. Yeah. Hey, there he is. There he is. President Trump rolling up right behind us to the US Capitol, where he'll be sworn in as the 47th president of the United States in only the second non-consecutive second term in the history of the country. I'm Jeremy Boring. I'm joined today by Ben Shapiro, Andrew Clavin, Matt Walsh, Michael Molds. We're the hosts of all the Daily Wire shows. Well, that's not even training where there's so many Daily Wire shows. You can't really shake a stick at them. But we are the hosts of backstage. That's right. Makes this feel like a couple of real cool guys.
And here we are on a very cold 22-degree day in Washington, D.C., celebrating Donald Trump's historic inauguration as the 47th president of the United States. The winning is just starting. If you're watching us now, we appreciate it. If you're not at Daily Wire Plus, head over there for your best coverage. You get 47% off using code 47. Plus, you'll get a free $20 gift as our thank you. Guys, what a day. Oh, yeah. Truly the end, I think, of the Obama era.
You know, there was the possibility that that could have been true in 2016. It ended up not being true. Obama was able to really surge back and in many ways be the most influential figure in Washington DC these last four years. Today, I feel that his era is completely vanquished. Donald Trump coming in in a unique position for a second term where he actually has a popular mandate where he's had four years in sort of the political wilderness to learn from both the successes and failures of his first administration and to face this
unrelenting law fair from the left which really I think exposed what the left true intentions are not only for him but for the country and he comes in and energized second-term president I actually would go even further I agree with all of that I think Obama is cooked but furthermore I think the libs are more over
right now than they have been in my entire life. Oscar de la Renta bragging about making a dress for the second lady, Ushavans. That's right. I've got Snoop Dogg playing an inauguration party for Donald Trump. You've got Bill Gates sucking up to Trump, calling him an intriguing, fascinating man, all of the corporate executives, the big tech of course, Mark Zuckerberg, and then of course the foreign dignitaries coming into the imperial capital for a shift not just in a political party, but also I think
a global shift toward the right. That's what we're seeing. There's also what we're not seeing. That thing is really interesting, to your point about the lives being over. We've been here in DC for a few days now. I'm told there was another women's march protest. I saw no indication of it. What we're not seeing is what I think a lot of us expected, which was this like
explosive nuclear outrage from the left, this huge meltdown. And instead, you get maybe a few thousand people walking around. And so it seems like on the left, there's this kind of resignation to the fact that Trump is here. And I think he's a normal part of the political landscape now. So leftists are having a problem casting him as this sort of abnormal aberration, this dangerous figure. And so even on the left, there seems to be some kind of this resignation, this shrug of, oh, this is how it is now.
Well, I want to give a big thank you to Joe Biden. I really thank you to Joe Biden because this last four years has been total shit. But you know, aside from that, there would be no Trump too, except for Joe Biden. Joe Biden was a historically bad president. He's going to go down in history as one of the worst presidents in the history of the United States. In the modern history of the United States, it's a running gun battle between him and Jimmy Carter. So we can easily say that he's now the worst living president of the United States. And I think that without him, none of this would have been possible. So we owe a big thank you to President Biden
And I'm glad that we'll never have to say that again, because he's not going to be president against. That's going to be great. But I think that there's really three things that I've been thinking about today. One is the uniqueness of President Trump as a human and as a figure. It's just unbelievable. You get used to this stuff covering it every day. We cover it every day. Trump, as you say, has become part of the normal political landscape. And then you see the image of President Trump coming out of the White House and getting into the motorcade to go to take the inaugural oath at the Capitol building behind us. And you think to yourself,
Man, this is unbelievable. The writing here is just insane. You have a person who came from literally nowhere in politics, like had never held office to become president of the United States. He loses an election to Joe Biden in the most contentious election of our lifetime without a doubt between BLM, riots and COVID and changing the rules and the insanity that followed. And then he comes all the way back to the presidency of the United States as a singular figure. There's nothing remotely like in a lifetime. And then you think about the American people and what the American people have said here.
is that they are tired of the fake normality provided by the Democratic Party. We kept hearing all the, the pitch was always Donald Trump is not normal. He's not a normal guy. He's super not, this is not normal. You kept hearing that during term one. And then you got Joe Biden, who's supposedly the most normal guy. He's so normal. He's got a normal politician who's super normal. And it turns out everything he did was not normal. Everything. His presidency was a sham because he wasn't even alive.
his executive orders vastly exceeded the scope of his office. The policies that he pursued were disastrous for the United States, both at home and abroad. In his waning hours, he pardoned a bunch of people with blanket pardons that he couldn't, it's nothing like nothing. Of course, crimes there are not accused of. He tried to add a constitutional amendment 72 hours ago by President Sophia.
And then they say that he's Captain normalcy. The American people say, you know what? We're tired of the illusion of normal. We just want normal. So President Trump is supposed to, in his speech today, talk about the power of common sense. This is supposed to be the theme of his speech. It's going to be a common sense. That's all we're asking for. That's all we're asking for.
Even, like, I'm a conservative, I wish you were more conservative. He isn't. He's commonsensical and utilitarian. And guess what? That's what the American people want. They want commonsense, utilitarian, pragmatist, winning first president. You know, the one thing we haven't mentioned here is us, the media, the fact that the left-wing media that enforced all these illusions on the American people threatened them essentially with any violation of their beliefs.
They've been particleized. They're going through the seven stages of grief, which are whining, anger, denial, denial, denial, denial. They just absolutely cannot get around the fact that they don't matter anymore. And we do. And we do for a reason. Not because we have the reporting power they have. We don't. Not yet. But we do have the power to debunk the lies that they tell. And we've done it bit by bit, piece by piece, skirmish by skirmish. And we beat them down to the ground.
I wish you guys could see immediately behind us the angles of it steep but the presidential motorcade only just ending a motorcade which began before we even went live certainly the longest motorcade I've ever seen as president Trump is arriving at the Capitol and I believe from it's a little sunny out here we can't see everything is clearly as with like in the confidence monitors but I believe we also saw President Biden leaving the White House to make his journey over to the United States Capitol for the for the inauguration of Donald Trump
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Michael, you're in many ways the most Trumpy of the Daily Wire host. You're often accused of being sick of fanfish by me. I do have to say, you've been the most bullish on President Trump's chances all the way back to 2020 that he would come back, that he would be president, elected president again. The vindicating moment for you, I'm sorry to say, but happy for the country.
When you make a great point, I do seem very right and handsome, lively and exuberant. I think there's a lot to what Ben just said. This is a point I have been hammering since before the election, and I'm glad to see after the election, which is, to me, the phrase of 2024 and the phrase of this administration has to be common sense. Ben, when you say you wish Trump were more conservative, you're speaking in a political ideological way.
Now, there is a kind of deep conservatism to even to the notion of common sense, but there are a lot of people who voted for Trump, who did not ever vote before, who had voted for Democrats, who've never read Russell Kirk or Edmund Burke or Hayek or anybody, who just kind of have a gut sense that something was wrong and Trump was kind of going to make it right and paradoxically was going to be a normal president. And I think that's good, actually. I think it's to be encouraged. We also want to apply reason to our political intuitions.
But I'm all for that. I think back to the worst leftist revolutionaries ever, one guy in particular, Antonio Gramsci, who observed that a revolution can only succeed if it holds the common sense, and the left totally kiss that away. And if Trump can make his remarks today and the theme of his admin,
that we're going to be normal. It's okay to be normal, guys. We're going to use common sense. We're going to defer to the wisdom of our ancestors and the things that have just kind of worked out before. If he can do that, he is going to hold not only the center right, he's going to hold the center, the center left. I think he could even expand that new coalition.
You saw the executive orders. I mean, he's supposed to issue some 200 executive orders today. Now listen, as a phantom constitutional government, not a fan of that many executive orders, but that is a perfect response to what the Democrats have done in centralizing executive power since the Obama days. It was Barack Obama who after he lost Congress said he would rule by pen and phone. And then it was Donald Trump who tried to reverse many of those things. And then it was Joe Biden who expanded it radically. Joe Biden issued more executive orders while he was president than any president of our lifetime for his four years. And now Donald Trump has to reverse all that stuff.
And so his executive orders right now are very common sensical things. It's put remain in Mexico back in place. It's from now on, men pretending to be women are not going to be treated as women. They're going to be treated as men. This is literally one of the... That phraseology is the exact phraseology of the executive order. It says men pretending to be women. That's his exact phraseology. That is a...
different from the kind of pseudo-respect that's been granted to the stupid proposition for the last several years that Matt, of course, has been fighting again so prominently. The fact that these sorts of things were up for debate and the fact that these are quick and easy wins for Trump. Now, the thing, if I don't speak pragmatically about Trump for a second, the big risk I think for Trump is that President Trump wants wins. He likes headlines and he likes wins.
The one cautionary note is don't go for the quick and easy win over the long lasting systemic change. Because I think that there are going to be a lot of shiny objects where you can grab the win right in the moment. But the big thing that he was elected to do was, for example, clean out the deadwood of government. It's not just to issue an executive order and declare the thing over. I think that President Trump knows that. I think his cabinet knows that. But I think that's also going to require the support of the American people understanding the same time. He also has a majority in both houses of Congress and, ostensibly, a majority on the Supreme Court.
They should be able to come back behind these executive orders and codify a lot of them in actual law. And if they don't do that, I'm worried that Congress has actually become a vestigial organ that is incapable of fasting legislation. He's also shown that he's learned something. I mean, he's staffed his administration this time. He did the staff at it all last time and essentially allowed the Republican Party to staff it with people who hated it. And now he's got people who love him and I think that that's an important thing. They keep saying he appoints loyalists. I think what are you going to do, appoint enemies?
You guys in your administration are going to do what you tell them to do, and he sent a lot of sticks of dynamite into these departments, which is exactly what they need, especially in the legal departments, especially the FBI, the DOJ, has to be cleaned out. This reign of terror, and it has been a reign of terror. I mean, it's one thing for the media that is protected by the First Amendment, but people were being raided in their homes for protesting, abortion, punished for going to the Latin mass. I mean, if it were only gnolls, I would say fine.
You would enforce it yourself. I would actually go in and investigate you myself. But no, this has been an amazingly oppressive regime. And the idea that Trump is abnormal for opposing it and the people who support Trump are abnormal for opposing it is anti-American. This is the most interesting thing about the last 20 years of American government is that Barack Obama and Joe Biden both present as moderate, which obscures their radicalism. They're two of the most radical men ever to hold the office of the President of the United States.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, presents as a radical. It's pretty moderate. And yet he's pretty moderate. Because it takes a crazy, and this is the thing I've been saying about him from the beginning. It took a crazy man to break this glass, to break this incredible shield of dreams that's been put over the American public where they couldn't see what was happening. And there's also, we're talking about the political side of it. I mean, in the culture, there's a real massive shift that's happening right now. And it feels, it's probably not as sudden as it feels, but it feels very sudden. And so for example,
That executive voted with that language on the trans issue is really significant. There's also, I mean, the Daily Wire just reported today, the latest poll, I think it was the New York Times, on the trans issue. It's something like 80% now. Majority of both Democrats and Republicans saying things like, we don't want men and women's sports, and that's sort of like a majority against, you know, transing the kids. And if you go back and look at the polls five years ago, it wasn't. I will say our company should take credit for this.
Okay, I like really. Donald Trump in 2016, when he was running, said Caitlyn Jenner could use the women's restrooms. He did. I mean, and the reality is that it was the outside voices in the conservative movement that held the line on this, and we were leading the charge on this, everything from Matt doing his unbelievable work on this issue to the rest of us covering this stuff. I mean, I remember being threatened on national TV by Zoey Torrey in 2014, right? I mean, we've been fighting this battle for a very, very long time. It creates a problem for the, here's the problem the left has right now. I think they have a few problems.
One is that they run on emotions, and emotions can't be sustained forever. And so I think people are just sort of exhausted. But then the other thing, too, is what are they about? What is the Democrat Party about right now? What's their agenda? What's their project? The good thing about Trump is he's always been able to speak very clearly and simply about what he wants to do, build the wall, secure the border. These are simple things. Right now, I think you look at the Democrat Party. You would get 100 Democrats in a room and say, what is your party about? What do you guys stand for? I think you'd get
90 different answers? Well, that's why I think they're freaking out right now because what they were about was being against Trump. Yeah, okay. That's really what they were about. I mean, since Trump won, every single waking moment for the Democrats has been, we opposed Donald Trump and everything he stands for and we're going to blame his victory on the Russians or on Facebook or on some sort of corruption. And then it turns out the American people threw up a giant orange middle finger a second time and said, no to that. So what exactly do you do when your entire case is we just don't like the guy the American people selected?
Who is their leader? Who is their leader? I like that Trump has changed the Republican Party, but even if Republicans hate Trump, at least it's clear who runs the Republican Party. It's Donald Trump. Previously, three months ago, you would say, well, probably Barack Obama runs the Democrat Party. I think he's basically out. Joe Biden certainly isn't running anything. He's probably not running his toothbrush in his mouth.
So who is the figure? Who's the figure in media? They just don't have one. So they're obviously confused, which is why I'm so excited about the executive actions today, 50 expected executive orders, and then additional executive actions once you've sworn in.
The thing I love most about it is not just what it's going to do to the border, not just he's inviting certain legal challenges, potentially on birthright citizenship, not just the gender stuff. It's that he is going in, guns are blazing. He is organized, to your point, Drew. He just outsourced hiring to the GOP in 2016. But one of the big problems was
He couldn't get people to work for him because the brand had been made so toxic by the dishonest media. That's a huge shift now, too. The fact that Bill Gates is saying, wow, what a fascinating guy. Oh, how intriguing. We're going to work together. If Bill Gates is going to work, if Mark Zuckerberg is going to work for Trump, then everybody is going to work with him. And so he's going to be able to staff really, really good people.
We're approximately 12 and a half minutes out from the beginning of the inaugural ceremony inside the Capitol Rotunda. You're starting to see a lot of familiar faces. I see Charlie Kirk in the room right now, several prominent lawmakers. The vague Elon Musk already walked through.
a pretty remarkable moment in that this is taking place inside the return to the capital normally you would see it happening directly behind us on the national wall on the steps of the capital that's where these events are typically held is obviously why we selected this location uh... but there have been enormous changes and frequent changes and rumors of even more changes over the last forty eight hours as the government is responded both to the incredibly cold weather here in washington d c and we are told security threats uh... against the president i've given some thought to it
My guess is that the kind of drone warfare that we've seen taking place, like the individualized drone warfare, we've seen taking place in Eastern Europe, probably presents challenges that we just don't know how to keep an event like this safe in the way that historically we've been able to. Whatever the case, it's only the second time in our lifetimes that a president has been sworn in in through a ton of the capital, the last being the re-election of Ronald Reagan.
in 84. Going back to sort of the topic of the opening of culture to President Trump, I think that the most seminal moment in modern political history was that debate with Joe Biden. And the reason I think that is because for the first time,
A bunch of Americans actually said the thing out loud, which was, maybe it's okay to support the Republican. You started to see people say, maybe it's actually okay. Maybe he's so bad that maybe we should actually consider this. And then the attempted assassination of Trump. When you saw people suddenly come out of the woodwork, Mark Zuckerberg was saying, that was pretty awesome how Trump responded to that. Suddenly there was a cultural pain of glass that had been broken, and you can't unbreak the glass. Once you say,
The guy might be cool. He might be doing something important and useful and amazing. Once you say that, you can't unsay it, right? If you put somebody in the untouchable box, once they're out of the untouchable box, you can't stuff them back in. And I think that that was one of the big problems the Kamala had. She kept trying to stuff Trump back in the box that had already been destroyed by the debate with Biden. And so Joe Biden did more damage to the Democratic brand in the last year.
Like, listen, I think Kamala Harris would have lost him anyway because she's uniquely terrible candidate, and that goes back to, you know, the sort of modern media sensibility that you're talking about, Drew, which is without the podcast, without the videos, without the ability to expose people in long form, the media would have been able to cram her down in our throats.
20 years ago, she's the president of the United States because the media is able to hide her behind glass and then just pretend away all of her problems. In this election cycle, you've got long-form interviews with her that don't exist. And then you have long-form interviews with Trump or JD who are acting like normal humans, and that's a completely different thing. So the cultural willingness to now save the thing
Joe Biden is responsible for that. So once again, I want to thank the outgoing president of the United States. He was awful. He was awful and deserves all the ignominy. We can ladle upon him for the rest of his life. You know, we should talk a little bit more about that assassination attempt because I keep going back.
to this moment when Trump had COVID and he came back and he said, don't be afraid of it. Don't let it dominate your life. And Jake Tapper went on and said, no, it's right to be afraid. It does dominate your life. You should be afraid. And I thought, that's what they're selling us. And when you saw Trump stand up after being shot and say, fight, fight, fight, I think a lot of Americans may have said, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, that's who we're supposed to be.
I mean, also, I think just we're all religious people at the table. If you saw that, and you didn't see the hand of God almost literally come down and grab Donald Trump by the head and move his head this much to not have his head blown completely off on national TV. Like if that moment, your confidence didn't skyrocket that this dude was going to be president of the United States again.
I got to say, only secular people probably saw that. We're like, well, he probably just has just the greatest out of not winning. A priest friend of mine says, it's a wicked generation that seeks after signs and wonders, but it's a stupid generation that ignores it. When Mark Zuckerberg wakes up the next day and says, I think he's going to be president. No, that was because he repealed Roe Eway. That was absolutely interesting. You're going all the way. No, I think that was absolutely all right. Second chance.
I mean, as being of second chances, I will say that it is rare, and I think this is the rare moment, and this is why, you know, I think that we should approach this with a lot of excitement and encouragement, but also some trepidation, because God doesn't give countries second chances. Yeah, that's right. And this is a second chance for the country. If you had told me four years ago that Donald Trump would re-enter office with a Republican majority in the House, in the Senate, and with sometimes six votes on the Supreme Court,
I would have said, you're out of your mind. That's crazy what you're saying to me right now, given this sort of political situation in the United States four years ago. And the fact that God has given this opportunity in the American people, taken the opportunity to do this, it means that you can't blow the opportunity. You cannot be distracted by the dumb kind of stuff that sometimes we get distracted by and politically.
The meme coins and the TikToks just get, do the thing, do the thing. That's the opportunity. Grab the thing, do the thing, and the American people are gonna be grateful for it. All they want is some sense of solidity in an ever more chaotic world. And God giving us the second chance, like if it's not seized, I don't think God takes kindly to people who don't take their second chance.
I think also on the right we have this responsibility to keep our fringes out of the center, the Jew haters and the women haters and the black haters. I think we just got to say no. I know there's going to be moments when they get the clicks, when they get the attention. We've got to just turn our backs on them. Our party has always been the party of liberty and justice for all. It should remain that way. We don't need to hate anybody. We can actually do everything we need to do without letting those people in
And something that's very encouraging is, if people spend too much time on Twitter, one will think that the country is in a rather bad place. But you look at Trump himself. He does not really entertain fringes, hateful people, anything like that. Trump, as we've been saying now for 20 minutes, Trump really has grabbed the normal. He's kind of like the normie president. I actually think the ascension of Donald Trump is a terrible defeat for
the sort of pseudo-fascist voices on the far right, the anti-Semitic and racist voices on the far right. They've had a lot of prominence online in the last four years because opposition fuels things like that. When you see the left ascendant, it creates this reaction and it creates support for a reaction. Especially when there's silencing people. That's right.
It's very hard to have a far-right extremist protest against an ascendant and productive and effective right-wing government. Back in the rotunda right now, it looks like people are starting to take their seats. We see Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswam. I saw Apple CEO Tim Cook. It looks like it's taken a seat as we're about six minutes away from the beginning of the inauguration of Donald Trump. They'll run late.
My prediction is this thing ain't starting in six minutes. Listen, I spent good money on this countdown clock that's playing. It's like a timely inaugurate. I have to say, the green screen of the Capitol looks really, really slow. And this green screen is also freezing cold. It's amazing. Wow. One of the things that is amazing is we are literally counting down the moments until Joe Biden leaves. I can't get over how bad a president he was.
But really, it's an amazing thing to have lived through a historically bad president, like a truly historically bad presidency. Two of them in Barack Obama was truly historically bad, but in a different and more insidious way. On purpose. On purpose, right Joe Biden was at the very last minute going to cram through a series of UN resolutions targeting Israel. This was literally, this was the rumor. There was a security council meeting that was happening this morning, and that was the going rumor. And it was like,
That might happen. That's plausible. He tried to actually add a constitutional amendment by Fiat. I love that. On Twitter, in a statement, he clearly did not write. Do you know why I love that? The reason I loved him trying to ram through the ERA, which had a deadline of what? 1977, then it was like 1982. I mean, they blew past it 40 years ago. It was 1979. It was more recent than that.
it was a reason you get that they did they did extend it till eighty two but they didn't extend until twenty twenty so when the when the uh... archivist of the united states said hey uh... you can't just declare constitutional amendments into existence of biden kept moving anyway but it wasn't just by it was kamala Harris it was tami duckworth you could tell it was an organized democrat strategy to just a little bit to hillary clinton denied till you die you know just say that this is the the case why were they doing it
Because they had nothing else that actually happened to point to as an accomplisher. And they still think the media exists to cover it up. I think they have to reanimate. They're going argument since 2012 has been the war on women, right? I mean, that was the animating argument in 2012 against Romney, and it was an idiotic argument in the first place.
But this has been their animating argument. They tried it with the trans issue. They tried to pretend that somehow the trans issue was a war on women. In fact, it was a defensive woman. And then after the repeal of Roe v. Wade, they decided that the overturning, they decided that that was going to be like the big winner issue for them. And it turns out the American people kind of normalized on that, meaning that if you're in California, you realize California made your abortion policy. And if you're in Florida, then you realize Florida made your abortion policy. And I think Trump, again, this is one of those areas where being a conservative is different than being a pragmatic politician.
i wish that you're more pro-life on a federal level and also if you're pragmatic politician what he did by taking that off the table is an issue in the campaign was actually quite important so it's easy to forget to that point that it was you know eight months ago you had that that kind of uh... the idea that popular wisdom was that because of rovey wade that in fact conservatives would be in the position that the left is in right now it's a little disarray relegated to irrelevance that was an argument not just among liberals but there are many people on the right
We're panicking over the fact that Roe v. way had been passed and saw it as a net negative. And look at that turned out. I agree. And so I think that because of that, because they blew through the trans issue, that's gone. The abortion issue is normalizing. But the only constituency that Democrats do really, really well with now is young single women.
That is the only constituency that they have. But don't forget Trump won the ERA. Why the hell not, right? I mean, like Donald Trump won 40% of women under the age of 30, according to the Associated Press. So even the most pro-democrat group. But I said young single women, right? OK, so the reality is the percentage of people under 30 are married. That's true. Even in our day and age, there are still a number of married men. That's true.
That's a good point. So, yeah, I think that as Democrats double down on that, the big question for them is what's going to be the next consolidating issue? And we haven't seen it yet. This is why, again, one of my fears is, and I think the most important thing is continued economic boom. That is the most important thing, because the only thing Democrats can consolidate around is some sort of economic downturn. They can't consolidate around social policy they lose. They can't consolidate around foreign policy because their foreign policy is a complete mess, and they don't even know what they believe. So the only thing that they can consolidate around is if there were to be some sort of economic downturn.
We're seeing the arrival of Vice Presidents into the Rotunda, Vice President Pence, walking in right now. It may have been Dan Quill. It was Dan Quill. Vice President Dan Quill walked in right before him.
So Ben's prediction that this would not begin promptly. So far, there's still a chance. A minute 37? Yeah, we have a minute. They're starting. They've only got to get in a handful. I mean, they're not going to wheel out Carter anymore. They're going to wheel out Biden, though. He finally cannot.
there we go. And there's this happy person in all of America. Hillary Rodham Clinton. The one President Clinton. The one and only President Clinton.
The president and her husband. Can you imagine just how terrible it is to be Hillary Rodham Clinton? Like you're the person who ushered Donald Trump into power and then you lost to him and then Joe Biden, who you really don't like one in 2020 and then he lost to him. And you this entire time have gotten to just be whiny. Like that's been your entire career has just been whining. By the way, do you know the amazing? If Joe Biden had remained on the ticket, Barack Obama would still have a lot more political power than he'd do.
Yeah, yeah. I also played such an enormous card only to be defeated. I agree with him that he would have done better than Kamala, even after the debate, even with the dementia. I don't think he would have won, but I think he would have done better than Kamala. It's hard to do worse than she did. It's hard for me to say that he would have done better. I think that because he was so senile, he was so gone. President and Laura Bush walking into the Rotunda now.
President Bush had the best line of the first Donald Trump inauguration which if you'll recall as soon as Donald Trump again reading Steve Bannon's speech, God opened the heavens and poured down tears from the sky at which point apparently George W. Bush leaned over to whomever was sitting next to him and said that was some pretty weird shit.
I like my favorite George W Bush moment recently was at the funeral of Jimmy Carter, where he came out and slapped Obama in the stomach. I just like, I'm not gonna miss that guy, I'm sorry. I have to say that Republican presidents tend to be normies. W was a normie. It was a normie. And the thing about Trump is that he is weird on social media, but we all know Donald Trump. He's the guy at the end of the bar. No one has ever met Kamala Harris because she's animatronic.
this is and there's brock and she was not there right now that's how president obama without uh... michelle oh that is so or jennifer aniston there and i don't have in those rumors notably i wasn't going to say it that is an actually but she shot here because the other rumor was worse than it yet yeah i know he didn't seem like his type let's put it down
But when I saw Michelle wasn't going to come, I said, OK, well, it happened. She didn't go to Carter's funeral. But that was really weird to see him walk down alone. It was really weird that she wasn't at Carter's funeral. Truly. Now, she's signed out. She's had it. She's like, I'm done. And I don't like any of these people. I'm done. You don't have more power to her. She signed out. But the question is, of what has she signed out? And now we're awaiting the arrival of
Our current president for only a few moments longer, Joe Biden, might take a while. Yeah. Oh, well, here come the spring. Oh, the spring. OK, he's Justice Roberts. Ooh. Kavanaugh. Yeah.
Gorgias. Gorgias. Gorgias, yeah. Only a few more moments before we see Donald Trump enter the Rotunda and a few more moments means you still have time to head over to Daily Wire Plus and take advantage of our limited offer. 47% off of an annual membership. If you use promo code 47 at checkout, we're thankful to all of our Daily Wire members. 65,000 people watching concurrently right now at Daily Wire Plus.
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It's kind of interesting to see these tech guys Elon Musk and Cook from Apple. It's a new generation of barons. There's also something to, even when you mentioned that Tim Cook was there, I thought, well, that's good. Obviously, he's not a conservative, but he has to be there because he's a huge figure in American public life.
runs one of the biggest companies in the history of the world. And we sometimes forget it because we're so clean about our civics. But the guys who run these big private institutions wield a huge amount of political power for better or worse. Well, and imagine they all kicked Donald Trump personally off of their platforms every years ago. And today he ascends to be the most powerful man on planet Earth. I think you probably kissed the ring in that circle.
Oh, maybe we reacted just a little bit. But I mean, business is good, right? Business is good for America. These guys have built some of the most beautiful businesses in the world, and it's great they're coming around. The business is that they have great power to do good. Yeah, and what I want from them is some acknowledgement that what they are doing now is a permanent shift in the win and is done to shift back two years from now. That's impossible all the time. Honestly, I think one of the ways that they do that is actually doing public appearances with people on the right.
They refuse to actually get in public, and they're not doing that anymore. That's changing. Here's the Trump family, Ivanka and Don Jr., and Tiffany and Eric and Barron, who is enormous. He's tall, yeah. Octavian, no Jared Kushner. Yeah, he's probably home with the kids. I didn't see any of those spouses. They're those spouses there. Thank you, right.
I'm very excited for Barron to change his name officially to Augustus. Is that 28 does that have? I don't know. The funniest thing that's happened so far was the exiling of Kimberly Guilfoyle degrees. That is by far the funniest thing. I'm sorry, it's funny. You break up with the president's son and then they're like, and you shall be delegated to all. You'll know.
If I could get Court of St. James, I might be willing to tell. Well, I'm a married man. Court of St. James. That's the best one, you know. What are you talking about? It used to be when England was England. That's right, hey, I'm not sure you want to go on the thing. It was like Magga, sort of. Magga, make your upgrade again. You know what I mean? Just sort of by making England great again. That could really happen. The right wing movement across the West is so encouraging.
Our colleague, Dr. Jordan Peterson, plans to devote much of the next four years to that particular fight. I think there's a real opportunity in Europe. I spent some of the last night. I saw Ms. Truss was in town from the UK Prime Minister. Nigel Farage is in town. I haven't seen him yet, but he's been going around to some of the parties. So you do have, Georgia Maloney is in town. You have a little bit. How do Millet was here? Millet, Millet showed up. That's good. A boy. Yeah. Love Miss Millet. He's so great. He's unbelievable. Yes. What he's doing is insane. He actually has them in the black.
Now, what I want to know is, did my favorite Latin American strongman make it? Now, you can't lay? I believe he is coming. All right. There we go. I think who Kayla is coming. And my personal favorite Latin American strongman, Justin Trudeau. Wow. We really just teed it up, and you just put it right there out of the car. That's great. As my father taught me, never pass up a cheat.
I actually was going to say when he announced he was leaving politics, this would be the first time since 1959 that a Castro didn't run a West Side. The president of Honduras is Jomara Castro. So we have one more to take down. There is something unique happening across the world and you do see this kind of thing happen where very akin leaders across the world tend to get elected. It kind of seems.
And I think that that's going to bode well for Europe. I mean, the right-wing movements in France, in Spain, with the Vox Party, in France and the National Rally, in Germany, with both the AFD in the center and the center of the Democratic Union, there is something happening, and it is a revolt, a revolt of the nipple against the elitist nonsense that said you can open up your borders endlessly and hand out cash like it's candy while becoming weaker and weaker in the world. There was Germany's third try. They finally destroyed European.
Two shots man, and they figured this one out.
But even... I give them Franco-Prussian. I think they were... Even thinking, you know, that the Brexit preceded the Trump election so closely, you know, Orban and Maloney. But this goes back much further. You think of Thatcher and Reagan coming up at the same time. You know, this is... And why is that? Because we are one civilization and America is the global hegemon. So, you know, that's obviously going to lead trends. And I think that goes very well for Europe.
I would like to see the phrase far-right band from the newspapers. Well, I like the word far-right if you're actually referring to the far-right. It really bothers me when you're just like, what describe you or me? Anyways, we're all far-right. We're like the dead center of the mainstream community. I remember when you were the alt-right. That was one of my favorites. I was reading about the alternative for Deutschland, the AFD party, and the lesbian libertarian leader who thinks that Hitler was a communist. She is a far-right leader.
Who knew? First lady, Joe Biden. Dr. Joe Biden. I thought he was in Alaska, Doug Emhoff, and he's still there. I apologize. Dr. Joe Biden. Dr. Doug Emhoff. There he is. The worst Jew in America, Doug Emhoff. I cannot stand that guy. I cannot stand that guy. I'm sorry to hear his issue. I didn't realize you. Yeah, exactly. He hasn't, he's kept it a secret. Big secret. I mean, it was secret until like the last five minutes when they needed him to be. Oh, God. They are running a fairly, I have to say, they started punctually. Yeah.
Are you going to try and take credit for that clock? I'm just saying. I'm just saying. The clock is running here. It's running in the government. Well, no, but it began right on time. You're just shifting the definition. No, no. These are like announced entries. There's a guy with a staff that says, here ye, here ye, the right honorable Dr. Jill Biden. Do you speak? Look how pissed off Jill Biden is. Look how happy I'm off this. He's like, I'm out.
I was wondering if he were sad today, like when President Trump starts speaking, what do you think the odds are that he becomes so enraged that he just starts smacking all the women all around? I don't know. Time the entire media just ignored that story. That's an amazing thing. Will the M. Hoff Harris nuptials last per defeat? Will they survive the defeat? I mean, as long as they find each other mutually useful, seems to be the rule in democratic circles.
Sometimes the Republicans were close to it, but mainly in political circles, just generally. The utility seems to outweigh the morality. I think Jill legitimately likes Joe, and I think she voted for Trump, because she likes Joe and hate me. It's common. It's common. We'll come and go around for something else. Yes, Governor of California.
No. That's a reasonable chance. Because California doesn't learn anything from California, which is why we all left California. Literally all of us. The greatest state in the country, and they have literally turned it into a dumpster fire. Yes, because the weather was a drug people have still has a chance and wait in the wake of.
no it's even what's happening california don't think there's a little bit of awakening there well i'm hopeful that there could be an awakening if if california can't wake up after the greatest man-made disaster yeah in living memory then nothing will wake up the promise the republicans tend to give up they've given up on new york and they give up on california we could republicans could win back california after that's great yeah
I sure like in Tennessee. Yeah, exactly. I'm not going back. You can tell me why. Have you haven't missed it for 10 minutes? Stop it. Stop it. I think he's going for you. He's going for a public industry in California. All right. See you guys.
The big problem is that for the Republican Party to actually win there, they'd actually have to run on the issues that matter, like running the state well and crime. And they never did that. They always went on like education. You know, he's going to outbid on education. That's a giant fail. Kamala Harris will run there. And I think that she stands a pretty good shot of winning because, you know, right now it's a high watermark for kind of love for Trump.
There always is this honeymoon period. Trump's actually getting one. He didn't get one last time. Just time he got one. That's right. But six months from now, the left will have reconstituted in some form or fashion. And Kamala, as running for governor of California, now that Newsome has completely blown it, could be the person who says, listen, I ran against him. I only lost because Joe Biden, and it, like, give me the shot again. And the intersectionality, like, we all think DEI's dead. DEI's dead for reasonable people. For California, it's still very much a law. Oh, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Donald Trump should endorse her if she runs for governor.
You deserve it, you deserve it. What having a clock? They're trying to find Biden, he's wandered off.
They were doing so well. It is kind of disappointing. I like to think that if we could hear maybe somebody saying a prayer or something and we'd be like, oh yeah, well that makes sense. But I don't think so. They're all talking to each other. Yeah, it's probably just all falling apart on me. I didn't know all my plans in this way. Barron is like, Nicole at Yokech. It's like dominating everybody. Last night I was talking to Gorka and Cal, I'm sorry. Gorka's a giant too. Calvin Robinson. I felt like a munchkin. Oh, I didn't even see Calvin. Yes. You know, he shaved off that Afro I talked to for 20 minutes when he walked away. I went, oh, that's Calvin.
Our friends from the blaze were at the parties last night. We were at the TPUSA gala last night. All five of us, I believe, and Dr. Pearson. And our buddies Glenn Beck and Tyler Cardin and Gaston Mooney, who are like giants. They're all giants.
We need to carry around Apple Boxes when we're around these Nordic, you know. Speak for yourself, guys. Right. And the Red Walsh. The problem is that Matt's actually a small forward, but in our lineup, he's the center. We're very undersized today, right? Yeah. That's just what it is. It's the Jewish basketball season.
You guys do make me feel very tall. You're welcome. You're welcome. I did get home in time to watch your team get humiliated. What was the sense on the Super Bowl? Because nobody could beat either of those teams. We were at our fancy ball last night. I was watching the game on the phone.
And I was watching Matt get sadder and sadder as the night went on. And it was pretty, it was pretty, you know, I was watching Matt and watching his heartbreak and we're in the loudest room. It may be the history of everyone celebrating. And Matt dying inside as like, this is the closing moment of his movie, right? Like the camera stands out and it's Matt lonely in a crowd all sad on the inside. And I was like, at that moment, I realized that Matt had out miserable with me, which I didn't think was possible because I hate giant parties.
You know, I get a kick out of them a lot and I like seeing people, you know, who you don't ordinarily see. So I've been to about a billion political Suarez. What is really interesting about this spade of them, we've gone to, however many, you know, half a dozen or a dozen, is the group of people is unlike anything you've ever seen of the Republican politics. So you're walking in, there is Connor McGregor, you turn over, you hear some like rapper, you turn over here, is it? Kidrock smoking a cigar. Kidrock smoking a cigar in the middle of the world.
Yeah, I will say I talked to a lot of people the party last night. I have no idea what anybody said. Yeah, he's kind of not there was a lot of things I said this to you last night map that this attractive woman was speaking to me at one point and she She's much taller than me again because she was fast about Dave and she had leaned down and she was saying something to me You were standing with me and I was trying for all for all my might to listen
And we got to the point where she stopped talking and it became clear that she had asked me a question. And I had not heard one. No, you couldn't hear any. Not a single syllable. I believe you're is it. I really wish I could have heard a single word you just said. But sorry, you know. Nothing. But even that, you know, these events are so schmoozy. That's just what these these inaugurations are. And but here there's just this
There's the slippery kind of slick DC event, and then there's the just exuberant DC event, and this is the latter. It's very fully involved. I think this was always part of the charm of Trump. On the way here, we had to walk for 1,000 miles through a blizzard. I was just taking a look at kind of the aesthetics of Magaville, because DC is now Magaville. This is Magaville country. So, Jesse Smollett should have made his case this weekend, right? He got it wrong. Polo Vortex.
This is MAGA country. And the thing about the Trump aesthetic, that's hilarious, is that just aesthetically it's really ugly. Okay, like the Trump hats, right? But this is kind of my point, is that everything aesthetically Trump is 1986, family reunion, Minneapolis.
at the mall of America. The hats are square and boxy, right? They don't actually fit your head properly. And the ties are too wide. And all the signs are in, like, Times New Roman font. It's hip to be square. That's it. That's the whole thing. That's the whole thing. And so somebody was saying, like, why are we playing God Bless America? God Bless the USA by Lee Greenland for the 127th time. And so because you know what, most Americans actually like this kind
They kind of like this stuff. It turns out that the aesthetic of the 1980s, we kind of like it. It turns out that Huey Newton was not wrong. We like remembering back to a time when our nation was still powerful and ascendant and confident. And our hope is that in Trump's second term, we're able to be that kind of man. And now we can all feel like Patrick Bateman, like, hey, left. You like Huey Lewis in the news?
I will say, it is bizarre and surreal to walk around D.C., and everyone, everywhere, is a conservative attack. Other fans, it's like everywhere you go. I'm looking forward to it, because I live right here here. And it's going to change everything about my actual existence. I love it, yeah. And we are greeted as liberators. Who's this guy? I don't know, he's close. Where's his time? Yeah, that's a thought. You're at the inauguration of the President of the United States. This is one of the things
Who are you? Oh, he's singing. Oh, he's singing. Oh, he's singing. Oh, this guy's going to have to have an open throat. Because I was going to say that's very Italian of him. But that checks out. That actually works. Oh, man, I feel bad that I mocked this guy. I've heard him sing before.
Can I imagine being in the rotunda of the capital with those vast acoustics in space listening to this? Can I get somebody to turn up my ear a little bit on how the hell I've done here? I guess not.
What's he singing? He's not as far as saying the letter. No. But at the Trump rallies, he'll sing opera. Actually, like, pretty beautiful arias. I mean, that's in normal. What are they? That's very Trump, right? It's like, memories from cats. Yeah, yeah. He's such a normie. Like, everyone knows Trump, right? Like, his tastes are absolutely mint.
Right, they're absolutely mid-brother, right? It's like he likes memories from cats, and he likes Nesindorma, right? And he likes My Way, my Sinatra, like everything that he does, is absolutely true. He represents the people. He is the avatar of the American spirit of the last 50 years. There's no question about him, at least.
Even if he was garish, and he always was. This is the thing that, you know, when those of us who underestimate it. So I went from estimating him properly to underestimating him to, I think estimating him properly. Meeting in 2012, I wrote a column suggesting he should run for presidents of the United States. That's right. That was when he was running against Romney. And I wrote a column in 2012 saying he's the most likely person to win.
And then in 2015, 2016, it was like, okay, maybe he's passed his primaries too wild, and then he won, of course. And the thing about Trump, that dude's been internationally famous for literally 50 years. For 50 years. I mean, he was in rap videos. I mean, this guy's in McDonald's commercial.
The idea that he came out of nowhere, he came out of nowhere politically, but he certainly didn't come out of nowhere culturally. He was always representative, a giant chunk of the public, because you cannot be that famous for that long without being a representative of something in the public spirit that people actually like.
He's what we said instead of Rockefeller. The old days you would have said Rockefeller. Now you said Trump off to the ages. Especially as a New Yorker, there has not been a day of my life that I have been conscious and not aware of. That's not an exaggeration. So when people said he's this radical fringe guy, what are you talking about? He's still Trump from the block. He's still Trump from the block.
I was watching some movie, I can't remember what it was, like a 1993 movie, and just randomly, they started talking about like, well maybe Trump will be president. People would drop that routinely in like the 80s. So, should we be that shocked? Maybe not. Maybe there was such a cultural disconnect that happened in the post-Bush era, and Hollywood turned so far left, and culture turned so far left, that we actually just forgot about the people who were really, really famous for a very, very long time in the United States.
It also exposed a lot of this law fair when they went after him with all these investigations. I thought they'd been investigating this guy since I was a child. They're not going to find anything. If he were dirty, then it got him by now. He's just not that. I'm glad that we could just talk over this entire beautiful performance. He wasn't wearing a tie. The right doesn't care about the arts, that's what I keep saying.
Maybe people going, who was that guy? How did he get in here? Well, I mean, it's better than the lesbian dance trip that was planned for Kamala's. Oh, God. Somebody else is coming. Who's this? I don't know. It's like a mystery curtain. I'm enjoying the mystery curtain. The curtain of mystery. It's the undertaker. Hey, brother. It's pulling a shirt off.
Who are these people? I don't know who I know these people are. Yeah, I actually don't know. We're doing a great job of narrating this. Yeah. We're supposed to be telling the people at home. Yeah, so great job support staff for letting us know all these people are walking through. I'm going to blame it on this side. A bunch of random people that we don't know just walk. If you're listening, I'm going to explain in detail just to happen to curtain open some random people we don't know walk through. But the men had ties on. So that was good. Random people who were invited to the
Inauguration of the President of the United States. Wait, did that rotunda mess in the United States? Ah, here's our first lady, Melania Trump, entering into the rotunda. Very nice hat. Very nice hat. There he is, that's nice. Excellent hat. She has excellent taste. Do you think we could put her on some magazines now? I mean, oh, it's coming. That was... Michelle Obama won't appear on them anymore. I guess there's room for the supermodel first lady. That was the pettiest thing about them. She got like Aubrey Hepburn's taste. No, she's really got good taste.
bold to wear a hat too. It says that you're confident in your sense of style. I mean, truly. That's a great analysis. But I just wasn't expecting like actual fashion analysis. From our fashion, our straight fashion correspondent, Jeremy Boring. We depend on Jeremy for the fashion. I like to say, straight-ish. The fashion commentary. Color palette analysis? What that means for the future of the country?
she's painting in bold colors that uh... that that the contrast in black and white just demonstrates how bold the presidency is going to be uh... it's it's a concession to from joe biden that she decided to wear blue jill looks like an election day it's so miserable the president that she does she looks absolutely miserable the united states not miserable and i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i think that's what i
up there comes a secretary is the
i'm hoping for a charles the second trumps and he says gentlemen gentlemen go home united states the honorable joseph we're buying junior i'd say it's a president of the united states the honorable kamala davey harris she is so i'm happy we're going to go ahead and take this over to the live broadcast of donald trump's inauguration stick around afterwards we'll be back to give you more a name
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Associate Justice Kavanaugh to administer the Vice Presidential Oath of Office. Please raise your right hand and repeat after me.
I, James David Vance, do solemnly swear. I, James David Vance, do solemnly swear. That I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That I will bear true faith. That I will bear true faith. And allegiance to the same. And allegiance to the same.
that I take this obligation freely. Without any mental reservation. Without any mental reservation. Or purpose of evasion. Or purpose of evasion. And that I will well and faithfully discharge. And that I will well and faithfully discharge. The duties of the office. The duties of the office. On which I am about to enter. On which I am about to enter. So help me God. So help me God. Congratulations Mr. Vice President.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Chief Justice Roberts to administer the Presidential Oath of Office. Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear. I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear. That I will faithfully execute. That I will faithfully execute. The Office of President of the United States. The Office of President of the United States. And will to the best of my ability,
and will to the best of my ability. Preserve, protect, and defend. Preserve, protect, and defend. The Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States. So help me God. So help me God. Congratulations Mr. President.
It is my honor and pleasure to introduce to you the 45th and the 47th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.
Thank you very much, everybody. Well, thank you very, very much. Vice President Vance, Speaker Johnson, Senator Thune, Chief Justice Roberts, justices of the United States Supreme Court, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, President Biden,
Vice President Harris and my fellow citizens, the Golden Age of America begins right now. From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world.
We will be the envy of every nation, and we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer. During every single day of the Trump administration, I will very simply put America first.
Our sovereignty will be reclaimed. Our safety will be restored. The scales of justice will be rebalanced. The vicious, violent, and unfair weaponization of the justice department and our government will end.
And our top priority will be to create a nation that is proud, prosperous, and free. America will soon be greater, stronger, and far more exceptional than ever before.
I return to the presidency confident and optimistic that we are at the start of a thrilling new era of national success. A tide of change is sweeping the country, sunlight is pouring over the entire world, and America has the chance to seize this opportunity like never before. But first, we must be honest about the challenges we face.
While they are plentiful, they will be annihilated by this great momentum that the world is now witnessing in the United States of America.
As we gather today, our government confronts a crisis of trust. For many years, a radical and corrupt establishment has extracted power and wealth from our citizens while the pillars of our society lay broken and seemingly incomplete disrepair. We now have a government that cannot manage even a simple crisis at home.
while at the same time stumbling into a continuing catalog of catastrophic events abroad. It fails to protect our magnificent law-abiding American citizens, but provide sanctuary and protection for dangerous criminals, many from prisons and mental institutions that have illegally entered our country from all over the world.
We have a government that has given unlimited funding to the defense of foreign borders, but refuses to defend American borders or, more importantly, its own people. Our country can no longer deliver basic services in times of emergency, as recently shown by the wonderful people of North Carolina who treated so badly.
and other states who are still suffering from a hurricane that took place many months ago. Or more recently, Los Angeles, where we are watching fires still tragically burn. From weeks ago, without even a token of defense, they're raging through the houses and communities, even affecting some of the wealthiest and most powerful individuals in our country, some of whom are sitting here right now.
They don't have a home any longer. That's interesting. But we can't let this happen. Everyone is unable to do anything about it that's going to change. We have a public health system that does not deliver in times of disaster, yet more money is spent on it than any country anywhere in the world.
And we have an education system that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves, in many cases, to hate our country despite the love that we try so desperately to provide to them. All of this will change starting today, and it will change very quickly.
My recent election is a mandate to completely and totally reverse a horrible betrayal and all of these many betrayals that have taken place and to give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy, and indeed their freedom. From this moment on, America's decline is over.
Our liberties and our nation's glorious destiny will no longer be denied, and we will immediately restore the integrity, competency, and loyalty of America's government. Over the past eight years, I have been tested and challenged more than any president in our 250-year history.
And I've learned a lot along the way. The journey to reclaim our Republic has not been an easy one that I can tell you. Those who wish to stop our cause have tried to take my freedom and indeed to take my life. Just a few months ago in a beautiful Pennsylvania field, an assassins bullet ripped through my ear.
But I felt then and believe even more so now that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again.
Thank you very much.
That is why each day, under our administration of American patriots, we will be working to meet every crisis with dignity and power and strength. We will move with purpose and speed to bring back hope, prosperity, safety, and peace for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed.
For American citizens, January 20, 2025 is Liberation Day.
It is my hope that our recent presidential election will be remembered as the greatest and most consequential election in the history of our country. As our victory showed, the entire nation is rapidly unifying behind our agenda with dramatic increases in support from virtually every element of our society. Young and old, men and women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, urban, suburban, rural,
And very importantly, we had a powerful win in all seven swing states, and the popular vote we won by millions of people.
To the black and Hispanic communities, I want to thank you for the tremendous outpouring of love and trust that you have shown me with your vote. We set records, and I will not forget it. I've heard your voices and the campaign, and I look forward to working with you in the years to come. Today is Martin Luther King Day and his honor. This will be a great honor. But in his honor, we will strive
together to make his dream a reality we will make his dream come true.
National unity is now returning to America, and confidence and pride is soaring like never before. In everything we do, my administration will be inspired by a strong pursuit of excellence and unrelenting success. We will not forget our country, we will not forget our Constitution, and we will not forget our God. Can't do that.
Today, I will sign a series of historic executive orders. With these actions, we will begin the complete restoration of America and the revolution of common sense. It's all about common sense. First, I will declare a national emergency at our southern border.
All illegal entry will immediately be halted, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came. We will reinstate my remain in Mexico policy. I will end the practice of catch and release.
And I will send troops to the southern border to repel the disastrous invasion of our country. Under the orders I signed today, we will also be designating the cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
And by invoking the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, I will direct our government to use the full and immense power of federal and state law enforcement to eliminate the presence of all foreign gangs and criminal networks, bringing devastating crime to U.S. soil, including our cities and inner cities.
As Commander-in-Chief, I have no higher responsibility than to defend our country from threats and invasions, and that is exactly what I am going to do. We will do it at a level that nobody's ever seen before. Next, I will direct all members of my Cabinet to marshal the vast powers at their disposal to defeat what was record inflation and rapidly bring down costs and prices.
The inflation crisis was caused by massive overspending and escalating energy prices. And that is why today I will also declare a national energy emergency. We will drill baby drill.
America will be a manufacturing nation once again, and we have something that no other manufacturing nation will ever have. The largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth, and we are going to use it. Let me use it. We will bring prices down, fill our strategic reserves up again right to the top, and export American energy all over the world.
We will be a rich nation again, and it is that liquid gold under our feet that will help to do it. With my actions today, we will end the Green New Deal, and we will revoke the Electric Vehicle Mandate, saving our auto industry and keeping my sacred pledge to our great American auto workers.
In other words, you'll be able to buy the car of your choice. We will build automobiles in America again at a rate that nobody could have dreamt possible just a few years ago. And thank you to the other workers of our nation for your inspiring vote of confidence. We did tremendously with their vote. I will immediately begin the overhaul
of our trade system to protect American workers and families. Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich other countries, we will tariff and tax foreign countries to enrich our citizens. For this purpose, we are establishing the external revenue service
To collect all tariffs, duties, and revenues, it will be massive amounts of money pouring into our treasury coming from foreign sources. The American dream will soon be back and thriving like never before to restore competence and effectiveness to our federal government. My administration will establish the brand-new Department of Government Efficiency.
After years and years of illegal and unconstitutional federal efforts to restrict free expression, I will also sign an executive order to immediately stop all government censorship and bring back free speech to America.
Never again will the immense power of the state be weaponized to persecute political opponents. Something I know something about. We will not allow that to happen. It will not happen again. Under my leadership, we will restore fair, equal, and impartial justice under the constitutional rule of law.
And we are going to bring law and order back to our cities. This week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life.
We will forge a society that is colorblind and merit-based. As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female.
This week, I will reinstate any service members who were unjustly expelled from our military for objecting to the COVID vaccine mandate with full back pain.
And I will sign in order to stop our warriors from being subjected to radical political theories and social experiments while on duty. It's going to end immediately. Our armed forces will be free to focus on their sole mission, defeating America's enemies.
Like in 2017, we will again build the strongest military the world has ever seen. We will measure our success not only by the battles we win, but also by the wars that we end, and perhaps most importantly, the wars we never get into.
My proudest legacy will be that of a peacemaker and unifier. That's what I want to be, a peacemaker and a unifier. I'm pleased to say that as of yesterday, one day before I assumed office, the hostages in the Middle East are coming back home to their families.
Thank you. America will reclaim its rightful place as the greatest, most powerful, most respected nation on Earth, inspiring the awe and admiration of the entire world. A short time from now, we are going to be changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, and we will restore the name
of a great President, William McKinley, to Mount McKinley, where it should be and where it belongs. President McKinley made our country very rich through tariffs and through talent.
He was a natural businessman and gave Teddy Roosevelt the money for many of the great things he did, including the Panama Canal, which has foolishly been given to the country of Panama after the United States. The United States, I mean, think of this, spent more money than ever spent on a project before and lost 38,000 lives in the building of the Panama Canal.
We have been treated very badly from this foolish gift that should have never been made, and Panama's promise to us has been broken.
The purpose of our deal and the spirit of our treaty has been totally violated. American ships are being severely overcharged and not treated fairly in any way, shape, or form. And that includes the United States Navy. And above all, China is operating the Panama Canal, and we didn't give it to China. We gave it to Panama, and we're taking it back.
Above all, my message to Americans today is that it is time for us to once again act with courage, vigor, and the vitality of history's greatest civilization. So as we liberate our nation, we will lead it to new heights of victory and success.
We will not be deterred. Together we will end the chronic disease epidemic and keep our children safe, healthy, and disease-free. The United States will once again consider itself a growing nation.
One that increases our wealth, expands our territory, builds our cities, raises our expectations, and carries our flag into new and beautiful horizons. And we will pursue our manifest destiny into the stars launching American astronauts to plant the stars and stripes on the planet Mars.
Ambition is the lifeblood of a great nation. And right now, our nation is more ambitious than any other. There's no nation like our nation. Americans are explorers, builders, innovators, entrepreneurs, and pioneers.
The spirit of the frontier is written into our hearts. The call of the next great adventure resounds from within our souls. Our American ancestors turned a small group of colonies on the edge of
a vast continent into a mighty republic of the most extraordinary citizens on Earth. No one comes close. Americans push thousands of miles through a rugged land of untamed wilderness. They cross desert-scaled mountains, braved untold dangers,
won the Wild West ended slavery, rescued millions from tyranny, lifted billions from poverty, harnessed electricity, split the atom, launched mankind into the heavens, and put the universe of human knowledge into the palm of the human hand.
If we work together, there is nothing we cannot do and no dream we cannot achieve. Many people thought it was impossible for me to stage such a historic political comeback. But as you see today, here I am, the American people have spoken.
I stand before you now as proof that you should never believe that something is impossible to do. In America, the impossible is what we do best. From New York to Los Angeles.
from Philadelphia to Phoenix, from Chicago to Miami, from Houston to right here in Washington, D.C., our country was forged and built by the generations of patriots who gave everything they had for our rights and for our freedom.
They were farmers and soldiers, cowboys and factory workers, steelworkers and coal miners, police officers and pioneers who pushed onward, marched forward and let no obstacle defeat their spirit or their pride.
Together they laid down the railroads, raised up the skyscrapers, built great highways, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and triumphed over every single challenge that they faced.
After all, we have been through together. We stand on the verge of the four greatest years in American history. With your help, we will restore America's promise, and we will rebuild the nation that we love, and we love it so much.
We are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. So to every parent who dreams for their child and every child who dreams for their future, I am with you, I will fight for you, and I will win for you. We are going to win like never before. Thank you.
Thank you. In recent years, our nation has suffered greatly, but we are going to bring it back and make it great again greater than ever before. We will be a nation like no other full of compassion, courage, and exceptionalism. Our power will stop all wars and bring a new spirit of unity to a world that has been angry, violent, and totally unpredictable.
America will be respected again and admired again, including by people of religion, faith, and goodwill. We will be prosperous. We will be proud. We will be strong, and we will win like never before. We will not be conquered. We will not be intimidated. We will not be broken.
And we will not fail. From this day on, the United States of America will be a free, sovereign, and independent nation. We will stand bravely. We will live proudly. We will dream boldly. And nothing will stand in our way, because we are Americans. The future is ours. And our golden age has just begun. Thank you. God bless America. Thank you all. Thank you.
Thank you very much. Well, there you have it. America has a new president, 47 himself, Donald Trump, just inaugurated in the Capitol Rotunda right behind us in.
a unique and celebratory for the large, for the most part, ceremony. And I think that the theme of it could best be encapsulated in a quote from Donald Trump during his 29-minute address. God saved my life to make America great again, here with the first reaction, Ben Shapiro.
So it's a pretty impressive speech from the former and current president of the United States. President Trump gave a 29-minute address very short for him. It began with him suggesting that this was the beginning of a new golden era for the United States. That obviously is his ambition. And then he recapped the last four years, which he characterized as dark, depressing. I think obviously he was right in all of that. And then he began to lay out an incredibly pragmatic
course of action that he's going to pursue immediately and that includes everything from designating drug cartels terrorist organizations to putting back in place remain in Mexico from declaring a national energy emergency to drill baby drill those are his words to a foreign policy that's led with strength he mentioned the release of three hostages by Hamas over the weekend president of the United States
It also drops some pretty charged language about what he sees as the future of American territory. He used the phrase manifest destiny to describe the possibility of expanding America's territorial holdings, including regaining some level of control over, for example, the Panama Canal, which he said we did not build for the use of China or ownership by China, which of course is exactly correct. The bottom line is that President Trump said in the speech that he is going to be a common sense president, and that is what you heard.
This is a president who is much more focused than he was during his first term. This is a president who actually has an agenda. This is a president who is ready to make that agenda happen in real time. I don't think that it was the most soaring rhetoric I've ever heard from President Trump, but it was some of the most pragmatic rhetoric that I've ever heard from President Trump. Again, it was a shorter address than he usually gives in these sorts of situations, and I think that played to his benefit because, again,
and allowed the American public to focus on what he was saying. He suggested that maybe the most important wars we fight are the ones that we never fight, which is a strategy of deterrence, that he has suggested in the past and that he pursued with the lackity during his first term. He suggested that when it came to foreign trade, we were not going to impoverish American workers in order to make people rich elsewhere. We'll see how that manifests in terms of his actual trade and tariff policy. But the bottom line for President Trump is was and will be utilitarian.
It's going to be about winning. It's going to be a pragmatic winning for the American people. That's the theme that he kept coming back to. And he also, in the more inspirational moments of the speech, I think, talked about what he sees as the future of the country and the past of the country, the sort of pioneer spirit that it takes to cross mountains and settle along rivers, the kind of pioneer spirit that it takes
that to, for example, go to the moon and plant an American flag on the moon. There's an aspirational nature that's combined with the pragmatic utilitarian on-the-ground stuff that I think is going to make President Trump's second term unique and could, in fact, make President Trump's second term historically unique. It's pretty rare to have a president who's both pursuing the sort of pragmatic on-the-ground things that are necessary to fix the broken toilet. And at the same time, pursuing the big ideas, the big bold ideas.
And it's been a long time in this country since we've pursued actual bold ideas for a very long time, probably my entire political lifetime. We've been stuck in the position of sort of global managerial class. It's our job to sort of fix things around the world or fix things at home. President Trump did talk about innovation. He talked about dynamism. He talked about
shooting for something that was larger. And again, there is to his administration a seriousness of purpose that I think a lot of people found lacking at the very beginning of his first administration. He's learned something. Again, the key line was one that Jeremy mentioned a moment ago. And that key line was that God saved his life in order to make America great again. And I think that because that happened, because he narrowly avoided being assassinated in front of the American people, having his head blown off on national television, I think that he does have a seriousness of purpose. He could sit back on his laurels.
He could right now say, listen, I won. I did the thing that I set out to do. I won one term, I lost, and now I came back and I won a second term in historic fashion. He's not doing that. He actually has an agenda. And you can see that agenda unfolding in real time. We were noticing as this speech was unfolding, the White House site had already shifted over to a picture of President Trump with the label America.
is back. And it's worth mentioning right here that on his way out the door, this broke, pretty much as President Trump got up to speak, that Joe Biden actually pardoned all the members of his own immediate family in preparation for the idea that Republicans were going to go after them. That's not true. The reality is, again, that President Trump, I think, is not going to be focused. And I hope he's not going to be focused. And I think his speech suggests this.
This is not a revenge-minded administration. This is a forward-looking administration that is looking to solve the problems of the American people that is going to put American interests first on foreign and domestic policy. And again, it's going to be measured by its success. That was the word he used many times during the speech, success. And that's always been President Trump's metric of what matters is success and winning. I don't think any of that is going to change in the second administration. But I do think the approach will change much more practical. He actually knows how Washington works now. He's appointing people who are going to break the things that need to be broken.
I'm not sure I've ever been more optimistic about the country in my lifetime, which is, I think, a far cry from where all of us were four years ago. Our faith has been placed in President Trump as President of the United States again. And I think that the faith of the American people, I hope, and I pray, I think, is all of us do, that the hope that the American people have placed in President Trump is well justified. Again, it's an incredible moment, and I think we are all feeling that.
That was actually maybe my favorite President Trump speech of all time, because I thought that it was short, it was punchy, it got to the point. It was hopeful and optimistic in a way that we don't hear very often. We haven't heard in a long time from an American president. My favorite part of the speech by far is when he used the phrase manifest destiny. Because I think that we could talk about these practical things. That was the other great thing about the speech. There's a lot of practical things we're going to do. But then there's also
Okay, we talk about making America a great country. What does that actually mean? What does it mean to be a great country? I think capturing that feeling of let's go out and conquer something. Let's expand. Manifest destiny brings us back to when America was truly a great country. We haven't had
He talked about planting a flag on Mars, which I think is another my favorite parts of this speech. Because when it was the last time America had a triumph, like a historic victory where everyone together as one people celebrated something, probably the last time was landing on the moon, which was a long time ago. So I think Trump is talking about having moments like that where the American people together are triumph.
But we should not divide the high-minded idealistic stuff from the practical, pragmatic stuff, I think, to your point, Ben. The focus that he showed in this speech is clear on both sides of it. So on the one hand, he says, we will pursue our manifest destiny. That is an amazing...
ten thousand degree view and then he says we're going to take back the Panama Canal that we built that we gave up our lives for that we didn't mean to give it to China we're gonna take that he says we're going to you know secure our nation in our border he says we're gonna label the cartels terrorist organizations that means that a lot of cholos with face tattoos are about to get a visit from u.s. special forces there's high-minded and there's practical even on the tariffs when he said
We're going to rename Mount McKinley to be Mount McKinley. I was joking with Jeremy off camera. I said, and we're going to pay for it through McKinley tariffs. And then immediately, he said it into his practical tariff policy. So I think the focus and the actual coherence to this policy is so encouraging. I was here for it already. I expected it. And I felt he delivered even more than I was hoping for from the speech. You know, I have to say, first of all, I just want to say this one thing. I love this freaking country.
I love it so much. I love the bizarness of it. I love the chaos of it. I love the fact that a Catholic and a Protestant and a Jew and a black eye and a white gadget or a praying to God together. That to me, that's what I'm here for. You know, I left this country for seven years. When I came back, I knew exactly why I came back and came back for this. I came back for this moment, but I also came back for this fight and all the fights that we have to go through to keep that thing alive.
This wasn't Lincoln's second inaugural. It wasn't like this beautiful, let's come together thing. But even though I believe this is a country for all kinds of people, it's not a country for every idea. It's not a country for the idea that you can cut children into pieces for some sexual craziness that happens to pass through the university system.
And just in the same way it's not a country for bigotry, it's also not a country that just let anything happen and enforce it by bullying people into silence. So in a way, even though it was not a uniting speech, it was a speech saying we just came through four years of garbage.
It was a speech redefining the borders not just on our southern border, not just on our northern border, but also on our border of ideas. The idea is of freedom, the idea is liberty when that guy was saying let freedom ring, let freedom ring. I was thinking absolutely let it ring because it's just been
We've forgotten. We've forgotten that it's been four years when the pandemic happened. The fact that people could be forced out of their churches. The fact that people could be forced into their homes, forced to wear masks, forced to take drugs they didn't want. That is not America. That is un-American. It should be excluded from any vision of the future. I want to talk about the fact that the New York Times headline tomorrow is definitely going to be most evasive inaugural address in US presidential history. We're going to get to that after a quick word from our sponsors. He looks sleep who helped make it possible for us to bring you this broadcast today.
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President Trump and President Biden, along with their wives and their vice presidents, exiting the Capitol here, posing for some photographs as they wait for their vehicles, which presumably at this point will take them to, I think typically what happens is the president doesn't have a luncheon with legislators, but things are a little bit upside down this week. I'm not sure if that's exactly what's gonna happen or if they're gonna take him straight to his life remarks at the auditorium here in Nashville. You may go back to the White House to sign some executive orders.
He's doing the executive orders. He's doing the executive orders. They've told us at 5 p.m. in front of the crowd at the arena. There's a great photo. I don't know if we had access to it, but they've brought the presidential signing desk out into the middle of the arena. And it's currently set up where we're 15 or 20,000 people will sit together. I think that the optics, because the optics were very weird this time, right? You didn't get the sort of the big spanning vistas that are usually behind us. That we set up for and spent a lot of money to make sure that we caught on camera.
And because of that, I do think that it actually benefited Trump in some ways. I think that because the speech was quite practical and because it wasn't nearly as soaring as like a second inaugural by Lincoln or something. Because of that, the intimacy of the surroundings, I think played in his favor. He wasn't booming out about romantic Mexico over a crowd of 750,000 or a million people. Instead, he was saying it directly to the American people in pretty intimate fashion. And I think that may be something that is worthwhile and that really
pleased his benefit because the truth is when you're speaking common sense to people you don't need a thunder you just need to say it and i think that that what what he did in that in that speech and again keeping it focused like we had an over underbait those going to be perfectly transparent with the audience and i went way over i thought i thought for sure it's a second auger all he's gonna go for it right with what whatever william henry harrisons record you gotta put your name at the top of the record books man if you get number one you nothing but he had been said he actually went really really short for him
And I think that that benefited him. I'm hoping that he's starting to understand that the power that he has is best used sometimes as pepper rather than as salt. I think his sincerity came across too. I saw Trump at MSG, which is probably one of the coolest beaches he's ever given. And when he walked on stage, I'd never really seen him do that live, oddly enough.
And I had this thought, I said, oh, he's Elvis. That's why this works, is he's Elvis, and that doesn't totally come across on TV. Well, on TV, he brought up God a lot in that speech. And I don't think it was cynical at all. I think it was sincere. I think that guy got religion in a field in Pennsylvania. In fact, I don't know how you couldn't get religion in that field in Pennsylvania. And even there, he tied the ideal to the practical when he said, God saved my life.
to make america great again i think he believes that deep down in his heart i certainly believe that deep down in my heart and i think it really came across as as truthful and i'm going to say that that i think the catholics won the invocation game today that's absolutely absolutely absolutely that's not the best invocation friend i thought it was the best the best prayers i think i've heard yes yes
And very, you know, I don't want to use the word aggressive, but sincere and definitive that we're not the kind of reticence that I've heard. The first two in particular were masculine. That's what stood out about them to me. You don't often get masculine prayers, particularly at events like this. And now we're saying goodbye to President Biden, who's about to
enter the marine one helicopter, which could take off not far behind them. I'm trying to hold myself back here. Don't let the door hit you or the good lord of places. I don't know. It's a very heavy thing to consider leaving the presidency. Of course. But not for us. He's being replaced by someone who knows how. Also does he understand that that's happening to him? I mean, I think that's the central question. You can run again. You only have one.
i don't know if you were watching his face when that the singer was singing the national anthem he looked like he was going to wait he looked like he was going to weep and not tears of joy that's
And they were tough on him. You know, Franklin Grant came out and he said, you know, this is a great, we've been saved. Four years were very dark. I mean, Trump was tough on him the first time. The speech was Trump basically just curb stomping. He was like, here's all the things that are wrong with the country. Because of what's happened over the course of the last few years, he would be right behind him.
Here we have President Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance, seeing off President Biden, whose helicopter is about to take off, I think probably from our Gymshot, we may be able to catch the image. Yeah, now we're all looking for the helicopter. That's the new helicopter covering it.
Well, I mean, it did warm up out here. So, theoretically, they could have done the inauguration out here. It got real nice. The point you made about security. The point you made about is being a small, intimate area. It made him sound much more confident that, you know, he wasn't enforcing his will. He was saying, I'm going to do this stuff. And I like that a lot. Even the little assides work better intimately. He says, you know, we're going to stop the persecution of political enemies. I know something about that.
I totally agree with that. And again, I think that he spelled out some very practical policies, day one, and if you list those policies, those are 80, 20 policies. Those are 80, 20 policies. The thing that one of the things that President Trump I think is really doing here is the thing that you're supposed to do when you get an office, which is focus on the policies where the vast majority of Americans actually like the policy and get off on the right foot. So when he's talking about border enforcement or remain in Mexico or we're going to, we're going to
go after criminal aliens right he he specifically said criminal as opposed to like all illegal aliens because you can see the polling which suggests that it's a little bit wishy washy about like all legal like most recent so criminals is like an eighty twenty issue of that he picked a bunch of eighty twenty issues and and by the way one of my favorite parts of the speech that we haven't mentioned yet was him talking about the death of diversity equity inclusion right at the end of d e i and the return of merit
is a huge huge thing and maybe a defining feature of what I think the defining feature of what's made America exceptional. In the first place. I also want to buy I said I do want to buy some stock in superlatives. If somebody has an ETF. I'm all in life savings. I get a lot of use of superlatives over the course of the next four years. Once again, DEI is an American. It's racism. It's just actually institutionalized racism and it should be just kicked out the door. The fact that we have to have an executive order to declare that people are male and female is like
That almost made me sad with Trump said there are only two sects. Trump, today, forward, American government will recognize that one plus one. That's where we've come at this. And we sort of have to state that you have to state. And now we get to the practical business of governing. And I think one of the things that Trump has a lot of latitude to do, and this is one place where he's unique, is because he has built such a broad coalition,
When it comes to the actual policy making at the congressional level, right? There's a couple different levels of policy. His executive orders, I think, were all going to be very, very happy with as a general rule. When it comes to legislative policy, it's gonna get messy, and it's gonna mess you real quick. Mike Johnson has basically no majority. Has a majority of one vote. And meanwhile, over in the Senate, there's a majority of three, but two of those three, but you also have Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. Past small bills.
reinforcing the executive orders. Don't go for a giant omnibus where there's going to be three years of negotiations. Every one of these executive orders. But here's the problem. The reason? OK, so here's why. That's not going to happen. Ideally. And this is where the battle is going to be. And I think that we need to be practical about it. Here's President Biden's helicopter taking off. If we go into our wide show, we'll probably be able to see. Well,
Coming to right. There it is. Wow. Wow. See you. Catch you later, dude. Hey buddy. Last time a helicopter took off from this kind of disastrous Vietnam. I'm going to take a selfie with Biden leaving. Pretty remarkable. Bye. Catch you later. Toodles. See you, man. It couldn't come a moment. All right. Hey. Catch you later.
Toodaloo. Wow. The crowd behind us equally happy to see President Biden heading back to Delaware.
If you'll enjoy some nice beach time, we'll be part in family. I will say that some of the most, he didn't pardon the grandkids though. We can still go after the grandkids. I think one of the most enjoyable aspects of actually being here obviously was kind of a cold vantage and we didn't get the beautiful view of the inauguration that we had expected to have but we did get to feel the rudders as the former president left and in the exact moment that President Trump finished saying the oath of office
I can't in salute broke out on the grounds of the capital, 21 gun salute. You wouldn't have been able to experience it unless you were just right up here, so visceral. To get back to the legislative policy question, I think that one of the reasons you're seeing Republicans say things like one giant bill is because when you're trying to cobble together coalitions that are this broad and this diverse, it is incredibly difficult to pass narrowly focused bills without losing two or three votes who can then hold up the entire work.
I think that the goal here from President Trump, and it is going to take the bully pulpit to do it, our hope as conservatives is going to be that conservatives do hold up the works enough to actually get some conservative policy in there. At the end of the day, in order for anything to get done, everything is going to be a crap sandwich. That's just the reality.
And it's going to be especially a craft sandwich because they can only do this to reconciliation. There has never been, as far as I'm aware, in modern times, two reconciliation bills passed in the first year. It's usually one. And so what they're going to try and do, if they can get away with it with the Office of Management and Budget and with CBO, is going to be whether they can get through border security and reinforcement of the Trump tax cuts.
everything else going to be executive policy and that's just an unfortunate way that that the government has now come to operate uh... and that's going to have to be the next step for for the american people is going to be to to elect a coalition of republicans broad enough you can actually go through a normal appropriations process when you're trying to pass it down
but if you can't then you don't actually have a legislature and that's that's what it really come down but that's not the president's fault that's the legislature's fault for sending all their power away yes i would also like to see a bill of not a law of not a constitutional amendment saying that laws have to be a readable size that you have a thousand-page law
you don't know what's like that continuing resolution that they can do it they went from a twelve hundred fifteen hundred page c r down to a hundred and fifty page c r overnight you can i will say though that a is going to change this you can now this is i'm not i'm not being glib you can take a twelve hundred page bill yeah
uploaded into grok and grok can you can ask rock any question you want about it it will tell you everything that's in the bill instantly it is it is a complete game changer and i think that activists and watch dog groups will make faster use of this than actual congressman we will know what is in these bills instantly from now on well that's a hope that i get longer you're saying yeah exactly so a huge day we have donald trump now the forty seventh president going in to have a luncheon with
congressional leaders and after which there's typically a parade which would go right behind us down Pennsylvania Avenue. Now that's going to take place inside an arena here in Washington D.C. But we also have big news at the Daily Wire because with this new four-year
In the term of President Trump, we're also going to be expanding our news division and really covering D.C. in a much deeper way than we've ever done before, and that includes having a brand new White House correspondent, which we've never had before, and now we will have, and listen, if J.D. Vance's
Remarks on this are accurate. Maybe we'll even eventually get a seat toward the front because apparently, according to Vice President Pence and Donald Trump, they want to kick the legacy guys to the back of the room, which, you know, wouldn't hurt my heart anymore. But we do have this wonderful new White House correspondent. She's been with the Daily Wire for some time now. In fact, he was with us for a while left and it's now back. And it's our very own. I know that I said on X that it was all the guys at the Babylon Bee who also would have been good at the job.
But it is in fact our very own Mary Margaret Olahan who is here with us right now. Mary Margaret. Hello. Thank you so much for having me back on and it's an honor to be Daily Wire's new White House correspondent. I don't take this lightly. I'm very excited to bring the news to our viewers.
And after the last four years, I think it's more clear than ever that new media is so important. We belong in the briefing room. We need to be bringing the American public these stories and sharing with them the truth that legacy media has no intention of ever sharing with them. So I'm excited to be in there. I'm excited to be asking questions of the Trump administration. And I'm excited to be sharing what the legacy media is not going to be asking them as well. So big year for us, big next four years for all of us.
We're really excited to have you with the company, of course, and to have you in this new role. You'll be in the White House on a day-to-day basis being able to ask the kinds of questions that we haven't been able to ask as conservatives in previous administrations. You look really, really cold right now.
It is very, very cold. I'm standing outside of Union Station here in Washington, D.C., where we've been talking to all of these Trump supporters who, like you were sharing earlier, wanted to be on the National Mall for the inauguration, and unfortunately they can't be. But I will tell you, Jeremy, I have not spoken to anyone that was in a bad mood, anyone that was discouraged, and I might add it is for reasing out here, but they're all beaming, they're smiling,
We walked down to Kelly's Irish Times, which is one of my favorite pubs here in DC. The entire bar was filled with Trump supporters. They were so happy and excited as they cheered and watched Trump be inaugurated as the 47th president of the United States. And Tom, who's working the camera with me and I, we were saying it's some of our favorite footage we've ever gotten. These Trump supporters reacting to this inauguration. So really awesome day and it's so exciting to be here.
it's really unique for d.c. i mean it's the first time i've ever been here and felt like conservatives had a real presence on the streets red hats everywhere sequin vests everywhere it really is it's maggot country in d.c. right now
It is. It is. You walk out of outside, you can hear people listening to the inauguration on their phone. A bunch of teenage boys just walked by us and they were singing the whole like, nah, nah, nah song, hey, hey, hey, goodbye. That's a couple of Harrison Joe Biden. So it's just so much fun. And the MAGA hats are everywhere. I don't remember this in 2017. I know, you know, there was a strong Trump presence, but this is unlike that. And I think part of that is this coalition that Trump has built, whether it's the Maha moms,
or the parents united against transgender ideology or people who are just sick and tired of the economy being so bad and having criminals come across our border but this it's a really unified front and look I lived in DC for 10 years I am not used to this many masculine men walking around and just happy people being here so it's a new scene
Well, thank you, Mary-Margaret. We'll be checking back in with you. That's Daily Wire White House correspondent Mary-Margaret Olahan. And we're going to go to the Capitol again right now. We're newly inaugurated Vice President J.D. Vance's giving remarks. President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Now he's right. I looked. I said, oh, look at this beautiful sunny day.
We blew it. We blew it. And then I went outside and we were freezing. You would have been very unhappy. The sun was very deceptive, I will tell you. It is called out. And I'm sort of saying, you know, that was so beautiful today. Maybe they should do it there every four years. Does that make sense? I don't know.
Because, you know, the outdoor thing is really good, but it gets a little cold around this time of the year as some people have noticed. And a lot of times they suffer through it. There was no suffering in that room. It was 72 degrees. It was perfect with the best acoustics I think I've ever heard in a room. This is not so bad either. But I just want to say, you're a younger, far more beautiful audience that I just spoke to. And I want to keep it off the record.
I want to keep that off the record because I don't want to have all those big shots up there. I don't want to think you're more powerful than them. You look better than them and I love you.
Now, we just had a great time. We just had a great day. This was amazing. You know, when you think we took a journey, I mentioned in this speech a lot of people said that was not a journey that was possible and it was indeed possible. I didn't really know too much about what they were saying when they say that, but a lot of people felt it. And we hooked up with J.D. very early. I watched J.D. over a period of time. I endorsed him.
In Ohio, he was a great senator and very, very smart. The only one smarter than him was his wife. I wouldn't have chosen her, but somehow the line of succession didn't work that way.
But now she's great, and he's great. This is a great, beautiful couple and unbelievable career. I just said to him, you are very upwardly mobile, because he hasn't been doing it that long. But he picked it up so quickly. Remember, the first week was a little bit like the fake news was hitting him really hard. And I said, this may be tough, but after that, it was smooth selling for him. He took on everybody. He took on the meanest.
I don't want to use the word corrupt because we're into a new system. So let's wait till the corruption begins because it will. But he took on some pretty mean people and he handled it well. I want to also congratulate Mike Johnson for the job that he's doing.
Steve, we gave him a majority of almost nothing, and then I said to make it tougher on him, let me take two or three of the people, right? I said he'll only have to suffer with that for about three months. How are they doing, by the way? Is that moving along?
I said, do you mind if I take this one, that one, and a couple of others? It's, he didn't mind. He can handle it. No, he's a man that's liked by everybody. I've never met a man like this. You've got two, how many is it, two 19 or two 20 or something? Two 20. And of the two 20, two 19 really like him. I noticed he got one negative vote once about two weeks ago. But I think even two 20 like him if you want to know the truth. And that's very unusual. I know a lot of nice guys in Congress and they have 35 people that hate him.
So if you have 35 people that hate you and you only have one or two or three votes, you'll have five, I think. But that's going to be like, you know, the good news is, when we get to that five number, it's going to feel like a massive majority. You can be really nasty to a couple of them at least, you know? So it's going to feel like kidding your head on the wall and stopping. It feels so good to stop. But he's done a fantastic job. And Steve Scalise, he's our hero because, you know, I was with him.
You talk about being shot. I was with him. He got some bad ones and his incredible wife and she really loves him. You never know about that. I've been with other people. They were doing poorly and the wife is like looking at a watch. She can't get out of the hospital fast enough.
How's he doing? I don't know. He's all right. That woman was a mess. She was crying and crying. No, they're going to take him. They're going to take him. I told Steve when he finally woke up, it was a while, too. The doctor told me it was the most blood they've ever transfused in any patient. They've never done anything like it. And here he is, the picture of strength, right? And he's been a great friend of mine, right? With a family. Because of a family.
And what a job you did. It worked out pretty much better than we even thought, right? And I did have a couple of things, you know, to say that were extremely controversial. And between JD and Melania and anybody else that had police, sir, it's such a beautiful, unifying speech. Please, sir, don't say these things. I said, I'm telling you,
It's going to play great. They say, you're right. For this group of people, it's going to play great. You're the only ones I hurt by that. But we had some beauties, didn't we, Melania? She said, sir. It caused me, sir, when she's angry.
No, I'm only kidding. I better say I'm only kidding. The press is going to pick that one up loud. No, but she said, no, I think it would be terrible. It's such a nice speech. I think it's, you know, it all depends on your delivery. How was the delivery? Was it good?
But she said it's such a beautiful speech. You can't put things in there that you are going to put in. And I was going to talk about the J6 hostages. But you'll be happy because, you know, it's action, not words, account. And you're going to see a lot of action on the J6 hostages.
And I was going to talk about the things that Joe did today with the pardons of people that were very, very guilty of very bad crimes, like the unselect committee of political thugs, where they literally, I mean what they did is they destroyed and deleted
All of the information, all of the hearings, practically not a thing left. They deleted all the information on Nancy Pelosi having turned down the offer of 10,000 soldiers. You wouldn't have needed 10,000. You could have had 500, and it would have stopped. Because we married a million people that day, the people that were there. You don't see any photographs of it, but we have a lot of great photos. But you don't see those photographs. They don't put them in. They show the people at the Capitol.
But I was talking about that. I was going to talk about that. They said, please don't bring that up right now. You can bring it up tomorrow. I said, how about now in front of the very... I'll bring it up right now.
You know, this little time delay is good because we're getting great reviews on the speech. No, watch. They'll take the speech and say, I didn't like it because he left there and he's talked to people. But we're giving you a little more information than we gave him, says it. No. They pardoned a lot of people. They pardoned before we even get to today. They pardoned, what is it, 33 murderers, absolute murders, the worst murderers.
You know, when you get the death sentence in the United States, you have to be bad. Because they don't give it much. And he pardoned almost everybody having a death sentence. And if you went through the crimes,
that were committed. You wouldn't even believe them. The level of violence, the people that were killed, the innocence of people that were killed and children killed by these people. And he pardoned them for whatever reason. He spared them, but they didn't spare the people that they killed. And who knows what happens in the future? It's one of the worst because a lot of times they let them out early after that. They say, you're going to be in for life, but then all of a sudden they get let out.
for good behavior and then they go on a rampage. It's one of those little things, right? But I was going to talk about that. But I was really going to talk about the level of, you know, what's going on? Why are we doing this? Why are we
trying to help a guy like Millie. Why are we doing Millie? He was pardoned. What he said, terrible, what he said. Why are we helping some of the people? Why are we helping Liz Cheney? I mean, Liz Cheney is a disaster. She's a crying lunatic and crying, crying Adam Kinzinger. He's a super cryinger. I never saw the guy not crying. He's always crying.
I looked at him. I remember years ago, he was actually on my side. And then one day, you know, when you don't want to kill people in wars, they turn against you. Liz Jada hated the concept of not going to war with everybody. Let's kill everybody. Let's spend a lot of money on military equipment, you know, where her father works, right? But what she did was incredible.
Think of it. They destroyed and deleted all of that information that went on for almost two years against Trump. And the reason they did, because it was all false, like the person that said, I tried to strangle.
a secret service agent that's one of the toughest human beings I think I've ever seen. I actually had a friend say, please don't change that, sir. You are the coolest sucker in history. Remember, she said, I put my hands around his neck because he wouldn't go to the Capitol, made up fiction.
And I was rebuffed. And the guy on the right is a massive weight lifter, probably stronger than me. Do you think he's stronger than me, honey? You know who I'm talking? Possibly stronger than me.
slightly younger than me, like I won't say how many years, because I don't want to talk about that, but a lot of years. But I had a friend that said, why are you disputing that story? That's the coolest story I've ever heard. That I would attack a karate champion, get slightly rebuffed, and then throw my arms around a guy with a neck about this big.
Even though there are bars, you know, there are bars. You can't really do that anyway. So I wanted to talk about that. But all of that stuff got deleted. And the reason it got deleted is they were all caught in lives. You know, Secret Service testified and they said it didn't happen. Actually, the two guys were very embarrassed. They're suffering because their friends are saying, did Trump really do that to you?
But they gained a whole new respect for me. But it was just make-believe stuff. I know a lot of make-believe stories made up. So rather than suffer the wrath, like the story with Nancy Pelosi, I offered a 10,000 soldiers. She knows it. She admitted it on tape that her daughter made. She's in.
videographer or whatever you call her, which I'm glad she is. She can't be in good stead with Nancy, but Nancy said it was my responsibility as she's leaving the Capitol. She said it was, and it was, she's in charge of security at the Capitol, but I offered them up to 10,000 soldiers, even more, one time I said more than as you need, but you needed four, five hundred, four, five, you're 10,000, that would be more than the number of people there by lot.
But we offered her 10,000. Think of it, 10,000 soldiers. In other words, J6 wouldn't be J6. There would have been no J6. But she rebuffed them. She didn't like it. No, she didn't like it. Maybe she wanted that to happen. But she's guilty as hell. And now we would have to go through the process because they destroyed all evidence. They deleted everything. There's virtually nothing left.
the other fake story, and so many other fake stories. And many people came out on our side, and those people now get to find them. There's nothing left. So that's a criminal offense. If that were a civil case, it would be a criminal offense. If that happened civilly, where you did that, it would be a criminal offense.
So I decided I'm not going to make this speech complicated. I'm going to make it beautiful. I'm going to make it a unifying speech. And then when they said we have a group of people that are serious, Trump fans, I said, this is the time to tell those stories.
But seriously, I'd like to, I think it was a tremendous success. I think we're very lucky we put it inside because it is really cool. We just went to the helicopter out of respect. It's something that's taken place for a long time. I guess it's as old as helicopters. You used to get into a stagecoach day, you get into a helicopter, times change.
But it's pretty old custom. And it's a beautiful custom, actually. It's a beautiful custom. I wish we could have had a better relationship. I wish we could have had a better relationship between Republicans and Democrats. I was with Senator Schumer. I said, Chuck, I think it's time we all start getting along a little bit because it doesn't make sense. I mean, we literally never get a Democrat vote. They never get a Republican vote almost.
And although there is a bill coming up very shortly that we have a lot of Democrats, that's going to be a very beautiful bill. We're going to have an exciting, I would say, within a week or so, I think. And it's going to be a very good bill. You all know what I'm talking about. So I just want to thank you all for being here. You have been our fans from day one, all these people all over. You've been our fans. This has been
This has never been anything like it. This has never been anything like it. This has been a movement like no movement ever in history for probably any country, let alone this country. You know, if somebody's running for president and if they go out and they announce they're going to Arizona, they're going to Nevada, they're going to someplace.
If you have 200 or 300 people, that would be standard. Ronald Reagan would go out. I mean, outside of the last couple of days where people get a little excited, but even then you have a couple of thousand people.
But if you're going to go someplace, anyplace, any one of the swing states, any one of the other states, I mean, how about the non-swing states? We won Alabama by 48 points. We won Tennessee by massive numbers. Wyoming, we won by numbers that are, nobody's ever seen.
And, you know, places like California, we did great, but when they send out like 38 million ballots, nobody knows where the hell they're sending them, and then they come pouring back the whole thing, you know, they passed along in California that if you work in an election bureau, and if you so much as ask for a voter ID, if you say, sir, ma'am, could I please look at your voter ID? They have the right to put you in jail, you're incremental, can you believe that? There's only one reason that happens. They want to cheat.
So they had it where voter ID wasn't accepted. But now if you even ask for it, this is seriously a bill that was just signed. It passed in their legislature. And it was signed. And I think when we get things cleaned up and we get back to a little bit of normalcy, I'm going to ask the speaker to really get involved because I think we would have won the state of California because, you know, if you look at my numbers with Hispanic, we're at 56%.
And we won the Texas border that had never been won, as the governor said, he's doing a good job, the governor by the way of Texas. But as the governor said, it hasn't. Oh, did I get lucky? Did I get lucky? Supposing, I said, you know, he's not here, but the governor of Texas has done a terrible job. Wow, look at you. You mean we couldn't get you up in the front row? I tell you.
Supposing I said, JD, the governor of Texas, he's not doing his job. You heard what I said. See, I didn't know you were there. I said, he's doing a great job. He's doing a phenomenal job. But now you're going to have a partner that's going to work with you because you didn't have, not only did they have a partner. He had people selling you all.