Dr. Robert Zoellner | Oklahoma Auto Auction Founder, Bank Investor, Optometrist, & Serial Entrepreneur Legend, Dr. Zoellner Answers 63 Questions from a Thrivetime Show Listener Shronson Brubert's Questions
January 29, 2025
TLDR: Schedule a FREE 13-Point Assessment for business success at ThrivetimeShow.com, learn about branding, marketing, SEO, sales, workflow design, accounting, and more in Clay Clark's Business Workshop.

In the latest episode of the Thrivetime Show titled "Dr. Robert Zoellner | Oklahoma Auto Auction Founder, Bank Investor, Optometrist & Serial Entrepreneur Legend", Clay Clark interviews Dr. Robert Zoellner, who responds to 63 thought-provoking questions submitted by a listener. This episode encapsulates Dr. Zoellner's rich entrepreneurial experience and provides practical advice for aspiring business owners.
Key Insights and Discussion Points
The Importance of Continuous Learning
- Choosing to Improve: Dr. Zoellner emphasizes the significance of being proactive in personal and professional development. He acknowledges that engaging with instructional content is a choice, highlighting the importance of education in growing a successful business.
Investment Strategies
- Tax Savings: He introduces the concept of 1031 exchanges as an effective tax-saving strategy for investors looking to delay taxes on property sales.
- Investment Preferences: Dr. Zoellner expresses a preference for diverse investment types including real estate, precious metals, and cryptocurrency. He cautions against putting all resources into a single investment.
- Selecting Investment Vehicles: He encourages ensuring personal stakes in investments to foster accountability and shares his reluctance towards angel investing without ownership.
Business Management Techniques
- Hands-On Approach: He discusses the importance of staying engaged with business operations even when they run smoothly, advocating for a light-touch daily check-in and comprehensive quarterly evaluations.
- Employee Compensation: Dr. Zoellner recommends that top performers be compensated based on their asks, emphasizing the need to invest in your best employees to retain talent.
Building a Positive Work Culture
- Managing Stress: He simplifies the idea of managing stress by acknowledging its inevitability and recommending consistent exercise and healthy living as effective coping mechanisms.
- Outsourcing Duties: He advises leveraging virtual assistants to maximize productivity and operational efficiency without sacrificing quality.
Family and Business Balance
- Family Time: Dr. Zoellner discusses the critical balance between work and family life, advising listeners to actively listen to their loved ones to gauge when to adjust their focus towards family commitments.
- Presence is Key: He points out that being present during family time is crucial and cautions against distractions such as phones during family interactions.
Conclusion: The Journey Toward Business Success
Dr. Robert Zoellner's insights from this episode are a testament to his diverse experiences as an entrepreneur and investor. Key takeaways include:
- Invest Wisely: Focus on diverse investments but ensure personal accountability in those investments.
- Cultivate Talent: Invest in your people and ensure they are fairly compensated.
- Stay Engaged: Regularly assess business operations and maintain a balance between personal and professional life.
- Manage Stress Proactively: Prioritize health and find effective stress management techniques.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to start or grow a business, as Dr. Zoellner’s practical advice and life lessons could guide listeners on their entrepreneurial journey.
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You could be anywhere doing a lot of different things, but you chose to be here. And you chose to go somewhere. You said, man, I can go and I can get better. I can go and I can learn. I can go and I can maybe go from where I'm at to where I want to go. Some shows don't need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show, but this show does.
in a world filled with endless opportunities. Why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses outruistically invest five hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use?
because they believe in you, and they have a lot of time in their hands. They started from the bottom, now they're here. It's the scribe time show starring the former US Small Business Administration's Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, and the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist's body. Dr. Robert Zooner. Two men.
Eight kids co-created by two different women. 13 multi-million dollar businesses. We started from the bottom of here. We started from the bottom. Show you how to get here. Started from the bottom of here. We started from the bottom of here. We applied. Started from the bottom. And now we're at the top. Teaching with the systems. Two kids. What we got. Cotton Dixens on the hooks. I break down the books. The seeds bring in some wisdom. And the good roots. As the father of five.
Yes! Yes! And yes! Ribation on today's show, we're entering. It's the scene. There's a mystery guest. We're going to call this mystery guest, Jean Ronson. Ronson, they are a top insurance agent at whatever state they're in.
Uh, we don't know what state they're in. We, we, but they're a mistake. They choose to remain anonymous and they submitted 63 questions that they would like for me to ask you during a 50 minute show. So the way it's going to go, I am going to tee up the question and what you're going to do, sir, is you are going to pontificate and share. We're going to see if we can get through all 63 of these questions in less than 50 minutes while you are partially hopped up on day quill. So here we go. Let's do it.
Question number one, do you have a tax saving strategy with investments? Yes, it's called 1031. When you, when you sell a property, you want to put your money into a 1031 and then you delay paying taxes on that property down the road. Now, this guy is doing great. By the way, this guy, Tronson Brueber, whoever he is, um, what type of investments he asks, do you put money in sir?
I really like real estate. I like gold and silver and I like crypto, a little bit of crypto. I think a diverse portfolio is really good. Not all your eggs in one basket. Question number three coming in hot. Are there any investment vehicles that you refuse to use? Any investment vehicle where you go? Well, if I'm going to invest into a company,
That's not a major company through maybe a stock market, if you will. I want to have skin in the game and I want to have, make sure they have skin in the game too. So I'm not an angel investor. People come up to me all the time and say, hey, I got this great idea. You know, I want to make a, I want to make a coffee shop and I just need $250,000. That's all. That's all. I mean, look, look what Starbucks does. They do. It's so easy. It's so easy, you know.
And I always ask him and say, have you ever made a couple copies for somebody? No. I said, why don't you go be a barista for about, you know, a couple of years, then we'll talk, you know.
Um, so I don't do a lot of angel investing. If I don't invest, I want to own a piece of the company. So I can have some influence in the company. Now, have you ever thought about buying me a Lamborghini? So that's a good in your Lambo club. I want, I do. I want that Steve. It's a great investment. Okay. No question. Number four, I'm not going to ask you because I know that you'll say, I don't want to answer that question. He wanted to really wanted to know more about his rash. And could you diagnose it? Does he have monkeypox? We're not going to ask her. We won't ask question before. We're talking about Swanson. Yeah. Swanson. And we're not going to get monkeypox.
We're not question number five. Do you worry about the banking system reporting to the government your purchases of, let's say, precious metals, these kind of things. Do you worry about that? Is that something to hide on your priority list of things to worry about? No, I don't worry about it. I mean, you know, it's one of those things. If you're doing everything on the up and up, I mean, you don't have, you have to worry about anything, you know, it's the guys that are doing Jack Astery that have to worry about. That's right.
That's right. Now, when your business is running without you, question number six, when your business is running without you, how often do you check on it? Now, again, this guy, Tronson Boobert, he happens to be in the insurance industry. We have no idea what state he's in. See, see, we don't even know if he's in one of these United States. Who knows? He might be in Greenland, a future state. We don't even know, but we do know he's doing well. And he's saying, hey, you know how often it's running without me now. I do a light touch every day.
I do a medium touch every couple of weeks and I do a like a Shiatsu massage on it about every quarter.
Yeah. That's the one you want to be on vacation for. Yeah. You're checking. You're checking on the companies. You're making sure things are. Yeah. They, they, they text me every day. Okay. Numbers. Numbers. Oh, so I do it. That's a light touch is what I call. Yeah. And then I go over the P and L's every month. So that's kind of a little medium, medium take. And then about once a quarter, I do a little bit more of a deep dive with managers, doctors, you know, meetings and, and stuff like that.
Now, how do you go about determining what to pay key employees? And again, I'm, you're not asking for the numbers, but how do you determine, you know, what's, what's fair? Um, because you're a guy who's always told me, you know, you want your businesses to be sustainably profitable. You want to pay your best people the best you can pay them, but the business does need to be profitable. He's wanting to know how he can figure out what to pay key employees. Here's what I've always found out.
You find a number one draft pick. You find a superstar. You find an A player, and you say, you asked him this question, and this is really tough. So pay attention. How much do you want? And you would be surprised
how many times they come back with a number and you're like, you think to yourself, I'd have paid you more. But they're happy with that. So I'm happy with that. Everybody's happy with that. Now, if they come in with some ridiculous amount, then you have to start using a little bit of a negotiation tactics. But that's the thing that I found is that people will, they know in their mind what they need. And if you're not paying them what they need,
it's unsustainable. I mean, they're gonna always be looking for the next thing, right? Question nine coming in hot. We gotta keep this energy going at 63. Question number nine here. Do you use debt to buy appreciating assets? Yes, of course. Okay. Come on, strong question. If you invest in real estate, which sector do you prefer? Commercial, residential, multifamily, what do you prefer? A little bit of everything.
Okay. Next question is Shronson Brubert with some great questions. He's coming in hot. Do you have one person in charge of all your companies or do you like to have an individual who runs each thing? Individuals that run each thing. Okay. Okay. Here you go. Next question coming in hot. Do you utilize outsourcing vendors like like a virtual assistant who's officeing out of Indonesia or a a virtual assistant who's in Thailand, that kind of thing?
You know, I am one of the businesses that we have started doing that and they're out of the Philippines. And you know, you've got to be careful with that. But if you do it right, you can. You can't find some good work and save some money that way. What's your morning routine, right? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Well, now, now it's a little bit different. It depends on the season and what's going on. But right now my morning routine is I get up and I plan out my day and I do my to-do list. If you don't have a to-do list, then you need to put that on a to-do list to make a to-do list. And then that to-do list for the day is just I go through it and try to get as many of those things and knocked out as possible. And then guess what? I look up and go, oh, it's time to have lunch. Oh, it's time to have dinner. Oh, my day's over. OK. Tomorrow.
Next question. How do you prioritize spending time with family? I've told this person because he's listened to some of our shows. I've told them that you're a big family guy. You love your family. He wants to know, how do you do that? How do you prioritize? We spend time with family versus the business. How does that all work for you?
Well, here's one thing you find out in life is that, you know, when you're opening the business, it's like firing off a rocket. It's a lot of energy, a lot of time, a lot of effort to get that thing going up off the ground. And so I often get young entrepreneurs asking me, when do I, how do I know when I've worked too much this weekend when I need to be home? And I tell them the same thing every time.
open your ears and listen because your significant other, your children, your partner, whoever it is that you're wanting, knowing that you need to spend time with will let you know. But listen to them. And the key is, is that when you do then spend time with them, be present, put your phones down, put your computer up, put your iPad on the shelf.
be present, listen, eye contact, talk to them. Um, you know, it's the worst thing in the world to go out to dinner with somebody and they're sitting there on the phone the whole time. You're like, why, why are we, huh? I thought this was, you know, we say being present is a present. You know, I thought, you know, I mean, you go out to, you got the dinner, you know, on your state night. That's a great question, Swanson. Great question. And you're like, uh, honey,
Do you want a glass of wine? Do you have the... Honey, do you want an appetizer? You want this, dude? Oh, there's something else. So you need to be present. You need to be there. You need to be there. Sorry, wrong show.
I don't know what show you're on. OK, so all right, Sean. The next next question here strong stuff. I mean, do you read books? Yes, I do read books. OK, that's a great question. Next question. I know these are great. These are quite this again.
This person, whoever he is, is making really good money now. They're doing well. And these are the kinds of questions that you start asking once you no longer are thinking about, how am I going to pay the bills? How am I going to sell some? These are great questions. Next question is, how do you track your investments?
Well, now they have all these apps that really make it pretty easy to track investments. And so I kind of cheat like that. I mean, these kids these days got so much easier than we old school guys did, you know? I mean, you got this thing in your hand that, you know, if you can Google this or Google that. And I mean, we had to do old school stuff. So I mean, I had some apps.
And then I have some, you know, like my financial planners, you know, we, we get together every twice a year and sit down and talk about assets and talk about stuff and go through the list and all that. So now next question. How do you manage stress? And then Steve gets to ask a question. There are a few questions on this list that we will not be asking you today primarily about, you know, how do I know if I have monkeypox, these sorts of questions. We're not going to answer those questions on today's show. Shronson. So how do you manage stress, Dr. Z.
I was trying to say something funny, but you have to understand that stress is inevitable. We're all going to have it. It's defined by time frame of getting something done. So you have to get something done within a time frame, right? And that's the stress bubble. And you have to just understand that
If someone said, hey, you've got to do this big assignment, just break it down. Break it down in small parts and understand that it's gonna be okay. Breathe deeply, come through, fight, whatever exercise you do. You got to do some exercising. You got to do some, keep yourself in good shape and drink lots of water. And I tell you what, the biggest thing about stress and it's easier said than done
is don't worry about it. Don't stress about it. You know, there's a lot of things people worry about that they cannot have any control over. And those are the things that bothered me the most. I'm like, you can't control that. So why are you stressing over it? You know, why are you stressing over that? So control the things you can control and do what you know to do, do the right things and
It'll all be all right. Steve Currington. What question do you have again, folks? Steve Currington.com. He's a mortgage lender. Steve Currington.com. Dr. Z, tell me about the craziest firing you've ever had to do. Like the most egregious thing that someone did and you just had to go lop their head off. Oh, man. This is a good story. Yes. So I, Hey, I don't have my, I don't have my gangster. I don't have my, um,
Hey, we do me a favor, James. Will you make a list of any of the sound effects that we don't have? And then we'll go in and get that all. The Godfather. That's my mother. So the Godfather is the go to again. This is our maiden voyage in the new studio here. It is. We will make sure that we get that that Godfather soundtrack. Okay. Back to you, sir. So I had a doctor approach me and say, listen, my husband got
And his job moved into another city. And so I'm going to have to put my notice in. I'm sorry about that. And I go, well, that happens. You know, I mean, I understand you've been a great employee. You haven't burned any bridges. Maybe if you guys come back to Tulsa, you can come back and work for me again. She says, OK, great. So a day passes. And I have another doctor walk in my office. And whenever they want to shut the door, you know, that's never good. It's never good. Can I shut the door? Give a minute. May I shut the door? You're like, oh, this is not good.
So she shuts the door and she says, listen, I know the other doctor just put her notice in and she's going to be quitting. And of course, at this time I have maybe six, seven doctors that work for me. And she said, uh, I'm going to have to quit too. And I go, what? And she goes, yes, I, um, unless I get a pay raise and a better schedule. And here's a schedule I want. I'm going to put my notice in also. And right then, Steve, in my mind, what did I say to myself?
Um, I have to figure out a way to keep her until it's convenient for me to fire her. Right. I said to myself, you're fired them in my mind. Yeah. But I didn't say that out loud.
You were like, oh my gosh, I said, I'm going to make you a few. You can't refuse. And then I said, I said, oh, you bet. Oh my gosh, of course. You went, how much you want the pay raise? Of course. Yes, you're so worth it. And that schedule, what you deserve that you don't want to work on. You couldn't have done. I mean, that's crazy that I make you work on Saturdays. I mean, I'm an ogre. Am I? And then I went out and promptly within the next month.
found two doctors to come work for me, dose. And then they both started working for me. And I called one up, you know, the one left moved off and then the other one came up. And I said, and listen, I'm going to give you the super awesome firing somebody. You just say these words, it's not working out. Yeah. Bye bye. Bye bye. No discussion. We don't need to sit down.
Yeah, I like that. I'm not happy. You're not happy. Let's get happy. Oh, yeah, I like that. I'm not happy. You're not happy. Let's get happy. That's great. I called up to my office and I said, I said, bye-bye. And in my mind, I had fired her, but I couldn't do it because you always want to go through the filter of what's best for the company, what's best for the business. And so then you said yourself,
Self will make you out of you can't refuse. You come to me. On this day my daughter's wedding.
And you want me to do this thing? Oh, I think you find the horse hat in your bed. I put a horse in your bed with you. I'm gonna make you take care of the thing. Now, but this is real because what happens is we're having a lot of fun with it, obviously, but when you run a business and you have to fire somebody, that's not a wasn't thing for anybody. But what does owners advice on this has helped me so much of just
Just tell them it's not working out. I mean, you've clearly discussed it with the person in advance. You're not blind siding people. They know they're being nefarious and you just have to say, Hey,
It's not working out. Next question coming in hot from Seanson, how many books for a year to read on average? Now real quick, I want to have a little intervention here. You taught me this and this is big. You taught me this and you maybe said it differently, but you were basically telling me, Clay, you know, it's not about like how many books you read. It's about implementing the moves. You know, it's not about just being the guy that reads a book a day. It's about being the guy that implements
the moves you're learning. Can you talk about that real quick? Because I think a lot of entrepreneurs feel this need to incessantly read copious amounts of books that they aren't ever going to actually finish, or they're buying books they don't read, or they're just overwhelming themselves with knowledge, but not executing. Can you talk about the balance of that? Yeah, what's the point? I mean, what's the point? If you're not going to execute what it is you're learning, what's the point? Right? I mean, just, you know, watch
Netflix series entertainment at that point, like why even do it? Yeah, I mean, if you're not going to implement it, I mean, you know, there's a lot of great books out there, a lot of great authors out there. And there's a lot of great mentorship to be found in there. I know it's not as fun as a real life person, but it is a level of, you know, you, you will for say you couldn't hang out with Donald Trump for the day, but you can read Art of the Deal.
Right? So you get a little bit of his mentorship, you get a little bit of his mindset, you get a little bit of a little taste to the DJT. I mean, you're not going to, you know, call up one day and say, Hey, I'm right. My brother. Do you mind if I come up to the White House and do lunch with you? Can I pick your brain?
Ah, and be really good. Melania could be there too. I mean, just sidebar. And I'll be very, I'll be very real too. One thing you taught me over the years, which is powerful was, you know, don't overestimate people's curiosity. So even today, even though, you know, today we interviewed Robert Kiyosaki or today I was on the phone with Eric Trump as on the Trump theme, basically clarifying his booking time for next week.
Um, you know, I'm not on the phone with Eric, assuming he wants to listen to my pontifications about anything for 28 minutes. I'm on the phone. I say, Hey, you know, two quick items and I try to make the call as short as possible. Now he wants to keep that conversation going. He can, but he manages the Trump enterprise prizes. And I know he's a busy guy and I know he wasn't sitting around waiting for my call. And I think there's people out there that overestimate people's curiosity or interest in their lives and their businesses. And that can really end.
That can make people not want to take your call because they know every call that comes from you is going to be a 25 minute call. So I encourage everybody out there, if you do have a mentor in your life, don't over call them. Next question that we'll go to James with a question here is, what's your best marketing advice? You know, you run a, you built the state's largest auto auction, you built an optometry clinic that's super successful, you've helped rebrand a bank, et cetera, et cetera, a durable medical equipment, durable,
A medical equipment company, a medical practice. I mean, you're involved in a lot of things. What's your best marketing advice there, sir? Be consistent. Have multiple legs. We, you know, like to teach people three stools, three legs through the stool. Four, if you can do it, but you want to be consistent. One of the things that happens, I had a guy come up to me one time. He's
He's a dentist and he said, uh, I want to be the doctor Z of dentistry. I said, okay, well, you advertising and he goes, no, I go, well, you need to, you know, advertise and you didn't make it an offer and it needs to be something great and it needs to be something where people are just begging their head against the wall to try to get in to see you. I mean, it's got to be powerful, you know, right? And he, um,
Anyway, it was just kind of in passing. He wasn't really a mentor of mine. It was just kind of a business meeting that came up to me. Anyway, about a month later, running this guy again, and I go, so how's it going? It goes, well.
That wasn't good advice. I go, excuse me? He goes, yeah, I'm advertised for a whole month. Wow. A whole month. Whoa. Didn't move the needle any. And I'm like, hmm. So it's not just about.
advertising, it's about messaging and being on point. Sometimes I, I know I'm a little nerdy in this way. But when I want you to show, sometimes I'm more interested in the commercials just to see what people are doing out there, just try to get me to buy their product. Hey, I'm the same way. Yeah. I'm not kidding. When I'm watching a show, well, sometimes my family will say, what are you doing? I'm like taking notes. So I'm going, yeah, that was a pretty hot, that's pretty hot. There's NFL game on and they'll go, you know, coming back after the break, yada, yada, yada, and they'll cut to the commercial.
Sometimes I watch a commercial and go, that was so bad. It almost makes me not want to call, not want to buy that product. That was a complete waste of money. Swing in a mess.
Now, James, you have a question, but before we do that, Natalie, can you tell Devin that my sound effects are somehow disabled? I might have done something wrong there. So James, what question would you have for Dr. Robert Zellner? Dr. Z, what was your biggest home run investment or business throughout your life? Oh, that my biggest would be the girl that brought me to hell.
I could go really old school on you, James. But I think the biggest one for me was the one that I put the most time and energy into. And that is my optometry clinic. That was my passion. You know, when I was figuring out what to do, I grew up very poor. And I said to myself, you know, I don't see a lot of poor doctors.
You know, I mean, most of the time doctors haven't got it going on a little bit. You know, I mean, they're not driving lambos like you, Currington, but they're, you know, they're. Well, to be fair, it's my dad's. Oh, there we go. And then I said, well, what kind of doctor do I want to be? And that led me down the path of optometry because, you know, it's it's business and doctrine kind of mixed together. And you're helping people see better. I I had glasses when I was very young and
the magic of that happened. So that's what I put my first energy into. And that's the girl that brought me to the dance. And once you have a successful business and you get that really rolling good and that allows you to do other businesses, you know, I know some guys try to do other businesses and they don't have their first one really rolling
efficiently. And next thing, you know, they've got two bad businesses, right? Yeah. You know, and so you got to be very careful about that. And the timing of that is very important. Now, Dr Z, next question coming in from a Shronson Brueber, whoever this person, man, he's fired up. We are protecting this person's identity. We'll say this person is in the insurance game. They'll say they are in these United States. We'll say we don't know what state they're in Oklahoma.
See, we're not even going to ask that kind of question. I don't know why I'm going to do that. See, we're not going to talk about it on today's show. Now, what's your number one rule in business? That's the question. I'm going to give Dr. Z a moment to think about it because you have many rules you've taught me over the years. One of the rules you taught me was clay. It's always showtime.
always showtime. And I remember the first time you said that to me, I'm going, what? You said, it's always showtime. When you are in front of your employees, when you're in front of customers, it's always showtime. Now, you can have your own private time and you're in your own cerebral time when you're, but when you're in front of your employees and your, your staff is a showtime. And I thought, what? That's a good pro tip. And you said, and when you get home, it's showtime too. And I'm going, oh, what in the world?
The only time I can show time is in the van. So can you, that was a powerful rule for me to recognize there's no time that's not show time except for the time that I'm in my van by myself, but then look out because problems was almost probably watching there too. What are your thoughts? See, just what's your biggest tip for business owners, your biggest tip? Well, I mean, you know, I have my, my biggest tip is probably my number one, my number one rule is,
pigs get fat, hogs get butchered. And that is talks about greed in the industry. That talks about, you know, you got to pay your people well, you got to pay yourself well, you got to charge the right price for your goods and products and services, whatever your business is peddling these days. And I think so many people get kind of off on that on how to price their items. And that gets them into trouble and then leads to failure. So.
The story in my industry, you know, optometry back years ago, you'd come in and they practically give the eye exam away and then they would weigh overcharge on the glasses. And so then other companies looked at that and said, oh my gosh, you're buying a pair of frames for 40 bucks and you're selling them for $500. There's a huge mark up there. We can do it for a lot less. And then a lot of these commercial optometry clinics came into being and lo and behold, you know, the eye doctors are like, oh, wait a second.
Ah, and they were not charging enough for the eye exam, which is, you know, only they can do. Yeah.
Whereas the glasses, a lot of people can make a pair of glasses. Does that make sense? Yeah. So sometimes you get things kind of upside down in your business. So you have to make sure that you're pricing things correctly, that you'll be in a pig and not a hog. Because if you're a hog, guess what? Someone will come in and pet your business with them. Yeah.
Now next question, this is going to be a tough question and I'm going to ask it to you, but I want to give you a little bit of room to breathe on this one. Okay. Is it's, you know, how close of a relationship do you build with key employees? Now, what I have seen and feel free to correct me, I've seen you've been very kind and generous to the point where at the Christmas party, you'll stand up Z and you'll say, Hey, if you've been here for five years or longer, stand up, you know,
10 years or longer stand up pretty soon. You've got a full room of people standing up that have been there for over 10 years. There were 15 years and I've seen you do that. And then I've seen it rewarded sometimes with with kindness and people say, thank you. And other times you get screwed. And so what I've noticed about you and it's a it's a credit to you and your personality, how you choose to behave.
It's you've always been kind and welcoming to people even though you've been screwed over the years. And so I've seen you do that. And I don't know if you have kind of a rule in your mind of how you handle that because I've seen you be the best of friends until people give you reason to not trust them. Right. And when you look at an employee, you have to understand that it's their season. They have a season with you.
You know, very few, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very few employees are going to be with you, say, forever, right? And so they have a season with you. So if you understand that, whenever they do then move away or when they do want to retire or when they do want to quit or go do something else or whatever,
then it doesn't hurt your little feeling so much. And the thing about it is, I think it's kind of like parenting, you know, your children have friends, they need a parent. And the parenting is that, that fine line between discipline, right, holding accountability, yet being nice, yet taking care of, yet also listening to, and then sometimes, you know, paddling if you need to, and disciplining. So,
You know, it's, it's really more like parenting as an, uh, you know, some, some of these, uh, employees, you know, want to be your best friend. Right. You just can't let them be your best friends. You know, want to hang out with you and go do the stuff and hey, we travel with you and do, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you're just like, yeah, it's not going to happen. So, um, you know, you got to be careful, but then again, you have to be in their lives, not on their lives.
Now, time management, one thing that you taught me years ago, the question is, what's your best advice on time management? I know you've told me directly, you said, Clay, if you're going to say yes to something, you have to say no to something else.
That's right. I was thinking, what? I mean, that was, that was like, put that on a shirt. You know, that's a, that's a notable court all right there. What would be your advice you're giving somebody right now? Again, this guy's super busy, super successful. He's doing great in real estate and insurance. This is Tronson. This is Tronson. Now, Tronson Brewer, we have no idea what state he's in. And so what, what, you know, what would you say for your number one advice for time management?
Yeah, let your yes be yes and you know be no and make your schedule or someone will make your schedule for you set your calendar or otherwise it'll get set for you. And that's how you do time management. You be in charge of your day. You're you're in charge. I remember one time this is gonna sound mean. I don't want to sound mean sound mean. I was at our thrive our old thrive headquarters and
a young man came up to me and, you know, was all suited up and ready to go and said, uh, are you Dr. Zona? I said, yes, yes I am. I introduced himself and it was very nice. They said, sir, I would really, really like to take you to lunch and pick your brain, maybe a dinner, you know, maybe do that a couple of three times and just really, I got some ideas and like for you to help me flesh them out and on and on and on. I said, I said, young man, that's just not going to happen.
I said, I could tell you a lie and say, yeah, here call me or text me and then ghost him and play hard to get and do all that little game shenanigans in office. But I thought, you know, my schedule's pretty booked right now. I've got all the personal people in my life that I'm mentoring. I've got all this stuff going on in my life. I'll get the businesses going on in my life. I don't have time to slide another one into it. And that's just the way life is. So I think a lot of times
You know, when you're doing time management, you want to be very purposeful about your time and understand that if you don't schedule it, if you don't put it on your calendar, somebody else will. Now, before I ask you the next question, I just want to tee it up here. Steve Currington, we're going to you next. And then we'll go to James. So I've got two more questions that we're going to you two. So get yourself psychologically prepared. This next question from Shronson Bruebert, whatever state he's in.
Uh, how much cash should a person keep on hand? Now the context with this person is they have a cash producing insurance business, which is largely residual, which means they sell a policy once and they get paid on it all the time. And they're wanting to know, Hey, is the rule, you know, how much cash is a percentage? Should I keep on hand? Oh, I think about three months worth of, um, you know,
payments. So if you've got, you've got three months, a quarter, you say, a quarter of the year, you've got that much money kind of pigeonholed away in case something went upside down. I think, I think that's a good timeframe, 90 days, three months.
But next question here, this is something that you've done a great job. I've seen you do it is you have created a merit based pay culture in your businesses where you reward excellence. I've seen you do that. And therefore you see fruit of that because the people that have been on your team have been there for 20 years. I mean, one of the incredible teammates that you have that manages one of your companies was my wife's boss.
25 years ago. Yeah. And she's still there doing great. And I talked to her on the phone and she's so enthusiastic about working with you. So I'm not wanting to get into the nitty gritties about how you reward top people. But he wants to know, you know, how much transparency do you want to have with that top person in your company about the financial status of the company, that one person, not the whole team, but that one person.
Well, I think you have an inner team. You have an inner working team that's, that's really kind of close. You know, you have the few, it's like a pyramid, you know, you've got a few of them that are at the top of the businesses and those people you, you, you kind of let them in on behind the curtain.
And that's why you can talk to them about the things you need to talk to them about. That's why you sometimes have to have the hard decisions or hard conversations with them about, hey, they need to let somebody go, or they need to do this, or they need to do that, or they need to increase prices here, we need to decrease price there. So I think sometimes they like it when they feel like they're part of the team. I mean, still, you're, as the owner, you're going to be the one that's going to make the call, but
I think you always have a handful of people that have earned that right to come on board and like sit down with you in the P and L meetings and say, Hey, look, here's, you know, here's your target. Here's what you hit. Here's your target. Here's what you hit and let them actually see it instead of just, you know, telling them, Hey, you're not doing good. You know, calling them up one day and get your, you're not, you're not doing good. You need to do better now.
Now, see, the final question I want to ask, and I'll go to Steve here, final question before we go to Steve and James, is, you know, this individual is asking about your daily routine. Now, I want to share this real quick. When I first met you, you would have been, let's say, 40 years old, maybe late 30s-ish. Yeah.
And you were known as the hardest working man in Tulsa. You would hear that from people. They go, that guy right there, hardest working guy in Tulsa. So I remember you invited us to a casino themed Christmas party. And I heard that multiple times like, man, Dr. Z, that guy is a seven day a week guy. He's going boom, boom, boom. That guy's going places.
Um, and you were a seven day a week guy for a long time. And then eventually you moved that to a six day a week guy. And then eventually you moved it to a five day a week. And I don't know where you're at now, but could you speak to the listeners out there? First off, what kind of routine does somebody need to have to achieve success? And then what kind of routine do you do you allow yourself to enjoy now? Well, that's the thing about it is, you know, that here's what happened to the movies and the shows. They always highlight the big house.
the Lamborghinis, the jets, the lifestyles, and they should be highlighting the grind that got the person there. And it's the grind that doesn't get celebrated enough, but it's the grind that lets you then have the time to enjoy what you're grinding for. So, I mean, the thing about it is, is that you've got to be
purposeful, driven, and you have to have a goal. And that's why, you know, we try to do the show, Clay. We try to help people with mentorship on direction in their lives and how to become, you know, there's quite a few people out there in the world want to own their own. They want to be their own boss.
Right. If you're listening right now, you might say to yourself, yeah, I'm punching the clock, but I want to do my own thing. How do I do it? How do I do it? And that's what we're here to do. We're here to help you take that idea and make it happen because it's a lot of hard work at first. I had a young man once did a clothing store.
And he came up to me and said, hey, man, you got to come out and check out my new clothing store. It's really cool and hip and everything. And I went and I walked in and said, oh, this is really cool. And then in hip, you want to beverage, you want to hang out. You know, I'm going to do all the cool brands. And.
So I said, well, you did great. This is awesome. I don't know about 90 days later. I see him and he goes, I said, how's your store doing? He goes, I'm gonna have to shut it down. And I go, oh no, I hate that. Why? Why are you shutting it down? He goes, well, everybody's, I can't find good help. I go, what do you mean? He goes, people are stealing from me. I go, what? He goes, yeah, they're just the buddies come in and they just let them walk out with clothes and goods and stuff. And people are just still from me.
And I said, well, aren't you there? And he goes, well, I mean, I'm not there Fridays and Saturdays, of course. And I go, are those your busiest days? He goes, yeah, the weekends are the busiest days. And I go, why aren't you there? And he goes, oh, no, I'm not giving up leg time. I'm like, oh my God. I'm not. No, that's that's that's like time, baby. I'm a big I'm a big wakeboarder. I gotta I gotta hit the lake. I mean, that's, you know, and I'm just like, I just broke my heart because I'm going.
Okay, you know, you're not there with cats away, the mice will play and they were playing and now he's going to lose this business and he put all this energy and money and into and he'll blame it on everyone else and he'll blame it on him because they were stealing from him, you know, instead of saying, hey, listen, why don't you just buckle up and get in there and work.
six days a week for right now until you finally find some people that you can trust, right? That you can, you built up, you know, that they're good people and you can trust them. And then you can take a weekend off here or there and go to the lake and go, the lake's going to be there.
Yeah. If you want a business and you want to be able to build a clothing empire, as you said you've wanted to, then focus on that. Because I heard that's what you did when you started Optometry Clinic is you were like, you hired other people and then you just didn't come to work. Yeah, I just took off. I just took off. You're like, well, I mean, here's the keys. It's kind of running itself out. Yeah, two days. Now, real quick, a quick, kind of like a 10 minute warning. We're going to our final 10 minutes. So Steve Green did coming to you hot. What question do you have for doctors? All right. I have a really good.
business question. I know that lagaboo and is one of your favorite whiskey or what is it? Is it like a scotch? It's a scotch. What's the favorite cigar? Oh, leg up for Nevada, drink States number nine States number nine. Yes. What is this? What? What is this beverage? It's a it's a cigar. League of
This is a cigar. Yeah, he asked. He said he made my favorite, my favorite drink, right? Lagavulin, Lagavulin, and cigar. And then he said, what's your favorite cigar? Got it. So it's your probata.
What was it? Number nine. And then what was the other part of it? It's the truest, truest states. Gotcha. Now, let me tell you something real quick about lagavool. And first off, I am not a connoisseur of alcoholic beverages. But let me tell you what, Dr. Z one time he says to me, Hey, you should, you should just try a little sip of this lagavool, which is created from a boss. What could go wrong? See, tell us briefly the process of lagavool. And it's made from a Pete Moss. It's made from the island.
I lay region of Scotland and there's no trees. And they don't get you drunk. Just looking at it. Have you ever met? That's acid in a glass. I tell you like. It's like I used to have a sip. I can't fiddle with my face. No. Why are there seven of you? So what's going on? The cooking process, they actually use peat, which is
It's like I'm going to turn dirt. And it's right there on the beach. The sand, I mean, the ocean washes up on it. So there's a little bit of an iron salt and earthy tones to it. And so when they cook, when they cook the barley.
I guess that's what it is, Barley. Yeah. Anyway, when they cook it, it has this aroma that gets into it. And so it's, uh, it's really PT. And where is that? I'm taking notes here. So where is where is Scotland and Scotland, but where is Scotland? It's from the. The Eile region. It's an island on the western side of Scotland. I S L E Y. I live in there and met Pete. Meet Pete.
I didn't get the rest up for another month. No, I, I've not. I, I hear he's a great guy. I want to go to Scotland and do one of those whiskey tours. I think that would be really cool. Would you remember it? That's the question. Okay. So ISLAY ISLAY. EY. Okay. I'm plugging it up. I'm taking notes. This is powerful stuff. Go, James, what question would you have for a doctor's owner, sir? Dr. D, what's your best advice for a business owner or employee? Who does phone sales? Hmm.
An owner or an employee, that's kind of a wide range. All right, do employee.
I guess, I guess the thing about it is is that if I'm working at a store and I'm selling phones, I guess what I would want to do is I think he means like making outbound phone calls for sales. Yes. Oh, you're making outbound. Okay. Yeah. Man, you just got to, you got to smile on dial. You got to smile and dial. Call them all till they cry by her. And I tell you what, what's one of the things that I figured out is that your attitude
can be come through your voice. Yeah. And honey, honey gets a lot more. Yep. Oh, there it is. Hi there. How's your roof today? Has your roof been damaged? You have a single out of place. I think I do have a shing out of place. Who is this? She's like a free estimate. Is this? I think I want to buy this.
I tell you what, uh, roofers are us. We could swing by that house and check it out. Can I give you my credit card number? Is that okay? Oh my God, I want to pay right now. I mean, take my money.
And then I'll give you an offer that you can't refuse. That's fine. If you just want to move in, that's fine. I mean, let's get that. Let's get that rooftop shake. Let me give you the keys to my car. Let me just give you my car. Is it OK? Let's just get it. Let's get it going on. Turn my will over to you. Is that what you want? That's fine. I love your attitude.
I think outbound calls and you can't take a due personal because you're going to get the slam, slam, slam, slam. And you know, and whether it's a hot leader, not a lead. I mean, you could be doing cold calling and that's tough, but you know what? You're going to have a what? One, two, three percent success rate. And that's not a big success rate. If you have a hot lead, in other words, someone called up and said, Hey, I'm interested in your roof because I like, I like a nice roof.
And I see you got a special on roofing me this month. So would you please give me a call? That was a little bit different pickup, but still I think the bottom line is is that honey catches more flies than vinegar. That was way better than any of Swanson's questions.
Now, okay, these are the five final questions, five final questions coming in hot. Here we go, coming in hot, five final questions. One is with today's employees, it's a little different. I've been self-employed since like 1998-ish. There was a time it was crazy when I would have a staff of people when I was building DJ connection.com and I'm not kidding.
We would have an entire week as either would go by. Yeah. And if we have like a staff of let's say 20 people, maybe one would call in sick. That was crazy. That was called the 90s. Yeah. Yeah. Then around 2000-ish, you know, you'd see like two of the 20 would call in sick. About 10% a week. Yeah.
Then you moved into this thing called 2010 ish. Then it was like five out of 20 are faking an injury and they came up with this new term called paid personal day or it's a personal day or I'm going through something. It's my birthday mental health day mental health day. There's a holiday Columbus day big deal presidential day observing my morning over the loss of who just got elected that kind of thing. Then COVID happened. Now people are going.
About half the people half the time are going. Yeah. You know, I just, I don't feel well. I want to be safe when get tested. So if we work this employee wants to know that this, this particular listener wants to know, how do you manage holding employees accountable for showing up to work? You fire them if they don't. Yes. That's where you go. You know, Jack Welch has in his book, a good public hanging does a company good every now and then. And so, you know, you put up with it as much as you're going to put up with it.
That's the question I get asked a lot. When do you know when you know you're going to fire somebody? I'm like, when do you know you're going to fire somebody? When you've ended up to here and you don't want no more BS out of them, you know? It's kind of like when do you know you need to pull over when you're driving to go to the bathroom? That's why you're. Is it an eight? Are we in an eight right now? Should I pull over? No, dad, it's in a four. OK, we're going to drive all the way to Branson till we pull over. So you always want to be hiring because I tell you what, employees will always do what's best for them. Yep.
They'll always do it. And you can't blame that. And I go, you go, I've treated you so well. I give you a Christmas bonus. I gave you a turkey at Thanksgiving. I, I, I let you have a mental health day because Steve Currington ran over your foot with the Lambo. Yeah.
Now, I'll be real with you. I'll be very vague about this situation. In the past seven days, I had to explain to a very long-term employee that they cannot, this is, these are controversial rules. I had to say, hey, you can't bring an exotic animal with you to work.
Yeah. And you can't sleep with people that you just met who we just hired at work. Like our office is not a dating service. And they're going, well, that's fair. I'm not kidding. The reaction was, is that in the handbook? Yeah. And that's the Jackassery. Now it is. You know what I'm saying though? That's the sort of Jackassery. So if you're an entrepreneur, you can relate to these stories. If you can't, I get it. Okay, final question. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Where do you draw the line on exotic? I mean, can I bring like my goldfish to work? Is that an exotic? It's not an exotic animal at all, but let alone an exotic animal to terrify as customers as not to look. You found an exotic dancer. Stop. Okay. You were very, you were very concise, you said, and no exotic animals. This is an animal that you would terrify you if you saw it. It's like a knockie.
And the question the response I had was I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook. I didn't know it was in the handbook.
Okay. Awesome. Next question. Do you use credit lines for your businesses? Do you believe in using credit lines to finance and or start your companies? Yes. Okay. Final question is when you're doing a partnership, do you believe that there should be two equal parts or 2149? What do you want? You have to have always a boss, always a boss. Dr. Z final 30 seconds. You can say anything you want. Any advice? People are taking notes, sir.
Well, I'm still curious about this exotic animal thing. Right. Is it, is it, uh, I need to know what the line is too. Right. Is it, is it a coyote? Is that an exotic? Should be acceptable, but I understand the kind of your dreams. Listen to the Thrivetime show.
love your country, love your family, love God, love yourself. So many people out there are not loving themselves. And listen, if you're a man, be a father, if you're a woman, be a mother, find people that need you and help them out. Here we go. We're in this show with the boom. Here we go. Cause boom stands for big overwhelming, optimistic momentum. And that is what you need to succeed. Here we go. Three, two, one.
Hi, my name is Tim Johnson. I'm the owner of Tuscaloosa Ophthalmology, as well as Southern eye consultants to ophthalmology practices in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. And I'm a client of Clay Clark. He asked me to answer a couple of questions. The first question was, how did I hear about Clay Clark? I am a big fan of business podcasts and his podcast popped up as a recommended listening. So I started listening to the podcast.
I was a little suspicious or skeptical because I thought there was going to be like an upcharge or an upsell. But the idea of the month-to-month canceling really appealed to me. And I kept waiting for the shoe to drop and for the upsell or for the scam to come in, but I never did. It's very legitimate. Since working with clay, I've gotten much firmer grasp on how business works, even in medicine, business is business.
I've learned a lot about marketing, especially how Google reviews work and how important that is. That's very important, even in medicine. At least once a week, if not every day, I get a new patient because some of the Googled eye doctor and Tuscaloosa are ophthalmologists in Tuscaloosa. And you'd be amazed how many patients just look for an eye doctor that way.
And so he's really changed our business. Our business has grown a lot. Maybe 15 to 20% this year. And so we're really grateful for the things he's done for our business. And the last question was, when did I perfect the laugh? I would say that you can never perfect the laugh. You just keep working at it.
and just keeps getting better and better each day. But you've got to keep working on it. Thanks. Hi, I'm Dr. Mark Morrow. I'm a pediatric dentist. Through our new digital marketing plan, we have seen a market increase in the number of new patients that we're seeing every month, year over year. One month, for example, we went from 110 new patients the previous year to over 180 new patients.
in the same month and overall our average is running about 40 to 42 percent increase month over month year over year. The group of people required to implement our new digital marketing plan is immense starting with a business coach, videographers, photographers, web designers. Back when I graduated dental school in 1985 nobody advertised. The only marketing that was
ethically allowed in everybody's eyes was mouth-to-mouth marketing. By choosing to use the services, you're choosing to use a proof-and-term key marketing and coaching system that will grow your practice and get you the results that you're looking for. I went to the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, graduated in 1983, and then I did my pediatric dental residency at Baylor College of Dentistry from 1983 to 1985.
I established my practice here in Tulsa in 1985. I started a business because I couldn't work for anyone else. I do things my way. I do what I think is in the best interest of the patient. I don't answer insurance companies. I don't answer to large corporate organizations. I answer to my patient and that's it. My thought when I opened my clinic was I can do this all myself. I don't need additional outside help in many ways. I mean, I'm with the medical school. I can figure this out.
But it was a very, very steep learning curve. Within the first six months of opening my clinic, I had a $63,000 investment. I lost multiple employees. Clay helped us weather the storm of some of the things that are just a lot of people experience, especially in the medical world.
He was instrumental in helping with the specific written business plan. He's been instrumental in hiring good quality employees using the processes that he outlines for getting in good talent, which is extremely difficult. He helped me in securing the business loans. He helped me with web development and search engine optimization. We've been able to really keep a steady stream of clients coming in because they found us on the web. With everything that I encountered, everything that I experienced,
I quickly learned it is worth every penny to have someone in your team that can walk you through and even avoid some of the pitfalls that are almost invariable in starting your own business.
Hi, my name is Tim Johnson. I'm the owner of Tuscaloosa Ophthalmology, as well as Southern eye consultants to ophthalmology practices in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. And I'm a client of Clay Clark. He asked me to answer a couple of questions. The first question was, how did I hear about Clay Clark? I am a big fan of business podcasts and his podcast popped up as a recommended listening. So I started listening to the podcast.
I was a little suspicious or skeptical because I thought there was going to be like an upcharge or an upsell. But the idea of the month-to-month canceling really appealed to me. And I kept waiting for the shoe to drop and for the upsell or for the scam to come in, but I never did. It's very legitimate. Since working with clay, I've gotten much firmer grasp on how business works, even in medicine, business is business.
I've learned a lot about marketing, especially how Google reviews work and how important that is. That's very important, even in medicine. At least once a week, if not every day, I get a new patient because some of the Googled eye doctor in Tuscaloosa are ophthalmologists in Tuscaloosa. And you'd be amazed how many patients just look for an eye doctor that way.
And so he's really changed our business. Our business has grown a lot. Maybe 15 to 20% this year. And so we're really grateful for the things he's done for our business. And the last question was, when did I perfect the laugh? I would say that you can never perfect the laugh. You just keep working at it and just keep getting better and better each day. But you got to keep working at it.
Oh, look at this cute baby. What a great baby. That's a healthy baby. Okay. For our nation on today's show, I'm very excited for you to hear this success story about this wonderful couple that Sean, I would describe them as they are killing the game and the most nonviolent way possible. They're killing the game. Yeah. And the most nonviolent way possible. They are blowing up in a good way. Folks, I'm telling you, these folks are really growing their business and what makes them great
is they're really kind, hardworking, diligent people. And we're honored to serve them. We've got Jenny and Mike here joining us. Jenny and Mike, welcome to The Thrive Time Show. How are you two? Hi, thank you. Good. We're doing well. I'll start with you, Jenny, because frankly, Sean likes you more, and I'm just kidding. So how did you first discover us in the business coaching that we provide?
Um, so I was listening to different podcast about business. I was starting up our business. Um, and so you were the first one to pop up on our podcast on Apple. I think Apple is what I was on. And so I started listening to you. I got on your website and I was just a little girl starting a business and I said, I'm going to, I'm going to ask this guy to be my coach and I don't think I'm going to get a shot, but sure enough within a week, you caught me. Now, who is this cute, cute child here? But Micah, who is this cute kid here?
She is about to be 10 months old. I hate to do this to you, but can you kind of hold up the baby to the camera a little bit? This is bro. Look at this cute baby. What a great baby. That's a healthy baby. So so Mike, can you tell us what's the name of your your website there? I think people want to look you up and verify your real people that don't just happen to have a cute baby.
Yeah, our website is new concept.healthcare. New concept.healthcare. So new concept.healthcare. I mean, pull it up right now, folks, so we can all verify that they're not just a couple who's taken advantage of the cute baby they have to get podcasts here. This is a real couple. Okay. So I'm pulling it up here. So this is the website. It's new concept.healthcare. And can you tell our listeners what services do you guys provide at new concept.healthcare?
So we offer more functional medicine. So we offer IV therapies. We offer hormone replacement therapies. We also do acute care. We do pretty much everything, but we're very much alternative. So we believe in medical freedom and that's what we offer. And you guys, you reached out. Do you remember that initial consultation there? Do you remember Mike that initial consultation? Did you remember what that was like?
Uh, yeah, it was actually pretty overwhelming that when we start in this business with absolutely nothing and we have the opportunity to work with five times. Yeah. Well, you know, the one thing I always try to do is, you know, my father, um, great guy. May he rest in peace. Uh, he worked his tail off like so many people do and there was no real economic, um, results that was achieved from it. There wasn't any, you know, he had the college degree.
He's working two jobs. I remember he's late 30s. He's working at dominoes, delivering pizzas, working at quick trip. He worked at furniture stores. And I always try to look at every new client we have as though I'm talking to my dad, you know, because like, what would, what would my dad, you know, what could he have learned at the age of 37 that could have changed the financial trajectory of his life? You know, and I try to look at it that way. And so you guys, I paired you up with Sean. You've been working with Sean. I believe Sean since October of 2020. Is that correct, Sean?
I think that's when they started their business. It wasn't until about April of 2021. So April of 2021. And at that point, from that point to now, Sean, how much growth have you guys achieved from 2021 to now? Do you know that number?
Yeah, I mean, we're sitting at 2023 revenues were 821,000 and they're in October of 2020 like they they only had a few months. Yeah, they made about 95,000 by the end of 2020. And then we grew.
significantly that first year, it's about 375% to 588,000. And we continue to grow there ever since all the way up to where we're getting close to the million dollar mark at this point here, just like three years in. Jenny, how would you describe the growth? Would you say you've doubled? Are you five times larger? How would you describe that? Oh, no, I definitely feel the growth. There's there's been some growing pains and you guys have helped us through that too.
Um, so it's been, it's been amazing. It's been amazing to help people because that's what I'm passionate about. And, um, you guys have really helped us expand and, and to help people what we're about. So step one here, we did, we did, we do this with all, we do this with all the clients. I'm going to walk people through the steps. We really needed to nail down your branding. Um, and that's a big thing because, you know, branding is to, uh, humans, what.
clothing is. So as an example, you know, you wake up today, folks, if you if you run around and you're streaking through life, you're probably not going to get a lot of conversations started. So we all have to be intentional about, you know, what are we going to wear? Are we going to wear a tie? Are we going to wear a polo? Are we going to do makeup? Are we not? So people, they judge us based on our appearance. And so we really had to get a website built. We had to optimize the online brand. Jenny, we do all included for our clients. So we don't refer you to another vendor. We do it all. You
Can you talk about the impact that that has made on the business? Oh, for sure. Just the website itself, it looks so great. We would have never been able to make it look that great. The way y'all optimize everything and keep us with Google.
you know, where people search us and we're the first people that come up. And that's actually how we've established our business and started offering some of the things that we offer is because of the tags that we have. I didn't originally start off as doing IV therapy, but due to people googling, you know, healthcare functional medicine, I had three phone calls in a week that said, hey, do you offer IV therapy?
And it was very interesting and I was like, well, no, but I can. And so it was because of you guys that that kind of snowballed and took effect. So yeah, there's a lot that you guys have done for us.
Now, Sean, when working with these, these wonderful clients here, I'll pick on Mike here, you know, you always say great things about Mike and Jenny, you're always, what makes them good to work with? Because I want to make sure for anybody out there, if you go to ThriveTimeShow.com, I consistently offer a free 13 point assessment. I've been doing that since 2005. I do it without reservation. There's no obligation, but there's usually about
one to two knuckleheads a week that will fill out the form and probably 20 really great people that fill out the form. And then we only take on 160 clients. And so I don't want anyone to waste their time. What makes Mike so so great to work with. Well, Clay, I mean, you, when I first started coaching, you taught me about these, you know, these two types of business owners, there's the happy hopers out there. And then there's the diligent doers. And I think these guys are a great example of the diligent doer. They continually apply effort to work
on their business, not just in their business. They consistently show up to their meetings. They track all of the critical numbers of their business and they are, they're aware of what's going on with all of their employees, their paying attention to all the little things going on. They're keeping all the plates spinning and they ask great questions. They actually really do make a great effort consistently to apply our systems and help their business grow. It's been working.
So step one, we get the branding nailed down. That's the website, the print pieces, the logos, the business cards. But then you have to develop that online reputation. Now, that could be a tough thing to do, Jenny. And I'll just, I'm not, this isn't a back end of compliment. I'm just saying, but for people that are humble,
and very kind of which I would put Jenny in that category. Sometimes asking for reviews is more difficult because you almost like yourself promoting. I never had this conversation with you. But when you, has that been difficult for you to ask people to give you video reviews and Google reviews after you provided the service? Or was that easy for you to do?
It was not, it's not easy. It still isn't easy. It is, it's difficult because you feel like you're begging for something, even though you know you did the right thing. So it is, it's difficult for me. It's just my personality type, but we get it done anyways.
I'll find this for the diligent kind customers we work with. It's very difficult sometimes to ask for those objective reviews from real customers. And I find that from my clients I've worked with that are sort of like self-described barbarians. I had a guy years ago, I worked with, I won't mention his name or his industry, but he'll just say he's obsessed with physical fitness. And he told me, he says, I'm kind of a business barbarian.
You tell me what to do, and I will slay the dragons. And I'm like, OK, you need to get Google reviews from everybody you've ever worked with. And he's like, oh, I'm on it. And this guy's just shamelessly calling through his phone and just lighting people up going, give me a review. Come on. Give me a review. Why would you not give me? And he's on my go and dial it down a little bit.
So again, you guys are humble, diligent doers. You're the ideal person here. So I appreciate you sharing that. The next thing we had to do is we had to create a no brainer. Now, I know brainer is an offer so good, so amazing that people simply cannot say no to it. Now I'm going to, uh, I won't mention the name of the company, but I worked years ago and I still work with this company. They're a medical company. They're doing well now.
And for whatever reason they put on their website, first initial consult, 497. And he went to one of these like borderline spiritual motivational conference things where Jesus isn't described, but they kind of talk about metaphysical alignment and getting your woo saw, getting in your groove alignment, no friction. And I, and he came back and he's like, play, I believe in the seventh number of completion. I go, I, I, I agree. He says, four is the number that's urgent. I'm like, okay, not going, what?
He's like, I don't, I don't want tire kickers. So I'm going to do 497 for my first consult. That way I don't deal with the tire kickers. And I'm like, doc, I love you so much here, doctor. I love it. You don't have any customers though. That's why you came to me. You don't have any customers. So why don't you do a first free concert and say, I'm not going to do it. I'm going to kick out Sean, the tire kicker. So I'm sure you've never seen this with a client.
Oh, never. And so now what makes it worse is his wife also went to the metaphysical alignment motivational Jack Assery Festival. And she was like 497 is the number I had a dream about. I'm like, yeah, can you probably talk about it all weekend? You probably are subconsciously thinking about it. You're probably you're creating a neural pathway related to 497. And so anyway, after about a year, he finally says, OK, I came to your conference and I saw a person that did the first consult for a dollar. I'm going to go with that. And now his business is blowing up.
Can you talk about your no brainer, your first consult for a dollar? How does that help you have in that no brainer offer? Yeah, so it gets people in. And so when we get people in, we know that we're doing a good job and we know that we're trustworthy and.
and our healthcare is superior to most. So just getting people in for that dollar because a lot of people are, you know, they're nervous about going to the doctor or they don't trust healthcare system. And so they know that they can come in, they're only going to spend a dollar. They can figure out whether or not they trust us, figure out whether or not we're the place for them. And we know 100% of the time we will be. So it's really helped us just get people in and get people to trust us more.
Now, once somebody fills out the form, folks, again, there's a linear pathway here. I'm trying to give you a visual here. So you establish your revenue goals, you figure out your numbers to break even you figure out how many hours a week you're willing to work, even though you have a cute baby, you got to figure out how you're going to get it done. The step number four is you define your unique value proposition. What makes you unique? That's something you and Sean have worked on together. You improve your branding.
Now you're coming in contact with humans. Business is a contact sport. I love this part. That's when you start marketing, you launch your marketing, you have your online ads, your, you optimize your website. You begin to come up top in the search results. You start to get leads. Do you remember what it was? What it was like, Jenny, when you first got your first online lead, do you remember the first one where you're like,
It's worth it. Did you remember that moment? Yeah, it was almost like we wanted to, well, we did celebrate because it finally had happened. And then as soon as the first one came in, the second one came in. And like I said, it was, it was almost a growing pain experience. We've had so many leads so fast. So it was great. And we still celebrate every lead that we get. Now, Mike, the next step is you have to make sales scripts. We recommend every client that the calls are recorded for quality assurance. You have a sales script.
call calls recorded for quality assurance. You have a one sheet that tracks your pricing, you have pre written emails, you begin tracking. Sean's always bragging about you guys with tracking. Mike, how is it helped to have tracking in place where you can see, you know, how does that help you? Well, it's really a good benefit because, you know, at the end of the week, you know what your income was, you know what your leads was. So wherever we're lacking in, we can quickly adjust and make that adjustment to make it work for the next week.
Now, when you, if you don't have tracking folks, this is a true story. It's kind of a sad story. So I'll, I'll speak in generality, Sean, I talked to a guy the other day and just share a terrible story. A long time client and he got motivated. He's, he set up a trade show. He didn't tell me he's doing it. It's fine. You don't have to tell me, but he set up a trade show. I think he's going to try to surprise me with the fruit, the trade show.
So he set up the trade show and he gets on the call. His energy is kind of off and I'm like, are you okay? Yeah, dude, fine. What's wrong? Hi, just, I don't know. I'm like your lead sheet. We're getting, you know, 10 to 15 leads a week. It's very consistent. Revenue looks good. He's like, yeah, I'm in a tight spot. We are a tight spot. We're in a tight spot. He says, I did a trade show. You did a trade show. Yeah, I got roped into four. I did a thing where you get the billboard, you get the trade show, you get the magazine ad. And I did the trade show and we got no leads.
And I go, what kind of trade show did you do? And he says, well, I went to the, whatever trade show. And Sean, what I find is that there's the emotional excitement about being on the billboard, being on the magazine cover, you know, and he got called by one of these kind of scam, I call it a scam ocarie for Jack. They call you and they go, he's a Sean.
Yeah, this is Sean. Sean, yeah, I noticed that you have an incredible health care company. And we want to honor you by giving you the Adiata of the Region Award. It's the Adiata. It's a regional prestigious award. We'd like to meet with you. Can we meet with you? Yeah. So now I meet here. Now, Sean, again, I'm not working on the phone, but I still like the phone voice here. So now, Sean, because we're so honored, you know, we're inviting you to a plated dinner.
to honor your honor, your honor, your honor, your greatness, your humbleness. And it's going to be $1,000 a plate for you and your wife. And did you want four seats or eight? Because most people do eight. Oh, I guess just four, four, four. And that does include a glossy magazine feature. And we'll just call it like Missouri local top doctor, Jack Asterie. It's a great magazine.
And you're also on the cut. You'll be on a billboard. We've teamed up with the bill where it rotates three years. Hey, don't get too excited. I mean, just because we're honored. We're not. You know, again, we're just honored now. Do you want to do the four four tickets? Yeah, absolutely. Now, the way it works is it's going to be a four payments of four thousand for a total of sixteen thousand.
Uh, and that's, no, I'm serious. And now they're in the trade shows and he's going to the trade show and there ain't nobody there. There is nobody there to be technical. Nobody was at this trade show. I mean, everybody was not at the trade show. He's, I got photos of like him and his wife and his team and an empty booth.
And he's got a magazine and no leads are coming. And he was so excited to tell me. I'm sure you've never encountered this sort of thing. Virginia, have you ever seen a situation where that sort of shamakari advertising has been entered into your world in some capacity? I've been there. I've been exactly what you're talking about. And I've set up everything and paid employees. And I felt like I was nothing more than a free pin show. The only people that were there were people looking for free pins.
Oh, I know. And it feels terrible. And then you kind of have to sell it to yourself all day. Guys, we're getting our name out there. Shonk, you passed the megaphone back there. Yeah, because I tell people what to get your name out there. What you do is you just run outside.
Right. Come visit. No parts of health care. And people go, why are you yelling at me? I'm trying to shop for my groceries. New parts of health care. Is this effective? It's effective. I'm getting my name out there. That leads to buying frisbees, branded frisbees, right? Who's these? You know what I'm saying, branded 10? Yes. All of a sudden you buy these things. Sean, you know what I'm talking about?
Oh, yeah. So now we have to do it. I'm going to show you this is kind of the back end of one of my, one of my companies called elephant in the room. And you do a search for EITR lounge.com. And then you go to forward slash staff. I'm not going to give you the password folks, but you log in. And these are all the systems needed to run the haircut chain.
Now, one thing I thought was very interesting is truth social President Trump's social media platform. The other day they were disclosing Newsweek was disclosing the revenue of it. And I just want to be able to know this because I think I am just full disclosure. I'm a very conservative person. But as we will see this, this is just something to look at. Truth social, they declared in their filing that they did $3.3 million of revenue and had $49 million of losses, which by the way,
That's very normal for a tech startup company and their users are going up and they're having an app. There's like a reaction in the marketplace. People are actually putting more money in. They're investing. The stock price is going up, but.
I don't know anybody that I've met in my life, but they've never been a client that can afford to bring in 3.3 million and lose 49 million, you know? So like for my haircut chain, we have five locations. We bring in more than 3.3 million and this just in. We don't spend 49 million, you know? So we have to, we call it a lean startup. You got us to keep that thing lean.
And so when you go to ei tier lounge.com forward slash staff, every document needed to manage the business is here. So the opening checklist for the manager, you click here, boom, this is what the manager has to do to start the day. Everything is documented. And that's kind of where we're at right now. Um, with, uh, Jenny and Mike's business, we're in the process of building all those checklists. Yeah. Sean, what kind of checklist have you built so far?
Oh man, we have a whole page. Their staff page is pretty built out. We're really getting there. I think more right now it's it's getting correct me if I'm wrong. We need some managers in there so we can free you guys up from the business. And so we have a lot of them. The worker level systems. We're just now working on more of how do we get those manager level systems and find those high quality managers. Now let me give Jenny a little mentor moment here. This would be helpful for you.
Um, I'm going to hop on a flight in about two and a half hours, three hours to go to Denver. All right. And I got to go to Denver to meet with the founder of OxyFresh.com. This is a brand we've worked with and helped them to grow to 500 and 50 locations now, 550 locations. Okay. And if you type in carpet cleaning floats or the world's highest rated and most reviewed company in the world, in the world.
Okay. Two hundred and seventy four thousand reviews. We've been holding this idea in our mind for fifteen consecutive years. I've been working on this. Before I met you, we just were to grind it. Okay. Yeah. And the biggest challenge that the locations have is managers, finding good manager. And I tell people this, it never goes over well, but hopefully eventually it will. I'll keep refining it, refining the idea. The kind of person that enjoys conflict
But also likes people is a good manager. Let me try it again. The kind of person that enjoys conflict, but also likes people is a good manager. And I have found it's not so much trainable as it's findable. So as an example, where we're getting ready to head out to Denver, Sean, you know my personality type. And you know that I have to pack all this stuff to get ready to go. You saw my suitcase out there. Yep.
What times do you think I followed up with the people involved in the trip so far before leaving? Oh man, it's it's probably on your to-do list and you've checked it off like probably at least five times today, I would think. And what kind of things do you think I might have put on my checklist to travel to Denver? First off, just making sure that the timing is working, making sure that you have all the stuff that you need, making sure that you have double of the stuff that you need in case something is broken, making sure that the people who who are there know you're coming and when you're going to be there and keep going.
back from what do you think I'm checking a bag? Oh, yeah, you're probably not checking it back. They're lost. All right. No. And am I, am I getting, I'm catching a flight a lot earlier than I need to be there way earlier. Yeah, if I'm having a meeting tomorrow, which I am, I'm leaving today at 1230. Yeah.
That's the sort of paranoia that makes management possible. So I have literally called. I said, all right, I'm kidding on the 12 30 flight. We're meeting tomorrow. I should be in by like four o'clock Denver time. Our meetings tomorrow. If if that flight gets delayed and the next one gets delayed and the next one, I'll still be there. I've got backup phone chargers. I have a rule. Everybody going with me. You cannot check a bag. I want to check it back. Can't check a bag. Why does it could get lost?
And this is real. I'm not every I am completely paranoid. And that is the paranoia is what makes the businesses run. Yeah. And I asked my staff every day, guys, elephant in the room, did you guys get a review? And they say, well, yeah, we got a review. You asked me 10 minutes ago. OK, I'll talk to you in four minutes.
You hear me say that. I'll say, I'll talk to you in five minutes. Yeah. And I'll do it. And it's a follow up of because I have to make sure that the checklists are being followed. The reviews are being followed. We're a licensed business. People don't know that hair care. You're licensed by the state. So we have certain cleanliness standards. We could have random people from the state show up. So we got checklists and I follow up and it doesn't bother me to follow up with the same adult who's in their 40s six times within a 50 minute span of time. It doesn't bother me. But most people that bothers them. Yeah.
And so have you found that Jenny that a lot of people don't like to follow up? Have you found that or is that just something unique to me? Um, I found that they don't like to follow up. No, people don't like to follow up. It's a almost like an awkward communication thing that people try to avoid. Yeah.
And it's not necessarily that you're being mean or any type of way, but that's, I feel like that's probably the way that we feel when we continuously follow up. Like we're having to step on people's toes, but really we're not. We're just getting the job. My mentorship moment for you is it's probably the same feeling you have when you ask for reviews. Yeah. It's probably the same. So, and I'm just saying, and then, and if you, Mike, do you ever play football or a sport of some kind? Yeah, I used to play soccer. Okay, soccer. So like when you, what position did you play?
Uh, goalkeeper goalkeeper. Okay. So is a goal. This is a great, great example. I didn't know you were a goalkeeper, but when you're a goalkeeper and someone's kicking that ball at you fast, I mean, just the balls coming in there. I mean, people can really kick a soccer ball fast. There are certain people that want to be a goalkeeper, but they kind of avoid the ball. They try to hide from it. They flinch. You know what I'm talking about? But you actually would lunge into it. Am I correct? Right. I mean, you're aggressive, right? I mean, you're like, you went for some reason you enjoyed it.
Yeah, I'm getting 100 miles an hour fast ball. Did you ever see somebody who tried to be a goalie? I'm not looking for a name here, but somebody who would kind of hide from the ball. Yeah. This is the same type of management. I guess the manager, you have to want like you have to sort of seek out conflict, but like people. So I'll say things like, OK,
It's eight o'clock. I need to make sure you put out the flags in front of the elephant in the room store today, Mr. Manager. Put out the flags that draw the attention by the road. Put out the flags. And I'm going to call you in 10 minutes to follow up. Call him in 10 minutes. Are the flags up? Can you send me a picture? They're like, do you not trust me? Absolutely not. I trust nobody. Go ahead and send him. And then I'll call him back 30 minutes later. Hey, do you get Google reviews? Yeah, we got one. We do the review. You know, the quote is 10. Yeah, I'll call you back in two minutes. You know, call him back. Hey, did you get a review? It's been two minutes. I know. Oh, hey, I'll tell you what. I'll call you back in an hour.
And my whole day is just following up. And then over time, the culture happens where people go, he's going to follow up. And now the people that like to follow up like to work there and it's become a great thing. And that's where we're kind of at right now, I think, is we're getting into the follow up phase. Do you have call recording in place there, Mike? Are you do you have the call recording for quality assurance installed yet?
Yes, we do. And are you learning some things? Yes. It is very hard to train people on a cut on recorded streets. Yeah. Okay. That's something we got to do. Now we're just going through the workflow. And then the wowing the customers, what Sean is saying is that your patients are consistently Wow. No, I don't know if that's because Sean is your hype man or if that's a real thing.
But it seems like people are actually, um, wow, they're being wowed right now. People, when they come in, this is, if you look at the workflow, they buy something right here, we have to wow them. You've got to create that wow moment. And again, if you want to download this diagram, folks, just go to thrive time show.com forward slash millionaire thrive time show.com forward slash millionaire. You can download it from my newest book called a millionaire's guide to become becoming sustainably rich. You got to create that. Wow moment. I mean, you amidst the checklist.
And the tracking at some point here, you've got to create a moment that wows people where they go, wow, so I'm trying to get everybody's creative juices flowing here. So if you have a restaurant, I work with a restaurant in Florida right now, a great restaurant. They say, welcome in. Is it your first time? They say, yeah, it's my first time. Oh, well, hey, you get free appetizers on us today and one free adult beverage. Welcome in.
And that every time it's that, wow. And then when you come back later and ask for a review or, hey, what entre do you want? Guess what? People become generous with how they buy another example. I work with an auto auction. The auto auction says the first time that you buy from the auto auction, you only have to pay a dollar.
more than the actual cost of the vehicle just to wow people to get that going. I happen to work with a carpet cleaning business, carpet cleaning business. And what they do is they say, hey, the first time we clean your carpet will be any competitor's price and it will be at least half off of our normal price. And they go, OK, great. You've got to have that wow moment. What are you guys doing, Jenny, to wow your customers there?
Well, there are things that we do. We will oftentimes like give samples of certain things because we know they work. We have a lot of supplement cells that we do. Again, the dollar console is a wow moment because we will spend some, you know, 10 to 15 minutes explaining how we're different. And I feel like they're wild because of that.
Also, our services are so much different. We spend time in the room with our patients. We listen to them. They're not just a number. And a lot of times people have never experienced that. So there's a lot of wild moments, I think, for all of our patients. I understand that 59% of your customers are now from word of mouth. Is that accurate? Yeah.
That's huge. Yeah. Well, and with the customer acquisitions costs too, I've heard you say this before, Clay, that if you're, if you're advertising and you're doing a good job wowing at the same time, they compound each other and you'll end up having two to three word of mouth referrals from those patients that are wild for every one lead you have from advertising. We measured and tracked that they had this last year for every dollar they spent on advertising, they were able to bring back in $4.61. So that's a 461% return on their marketing investment.
It's incredible stuff. And with the great news is as we build these systems, if you guys ever wanted to franchise or license or open up multiple locations, if done properly, you should be able to scale it. It should be very repeatable, very duplicatable. Other things you guys have done, you've implemented a database to keep track of your customers, your gathering, objective video reviews. You guys are really checking all the boxes. I'd like for you, if you can, Jenny here, to give a word of encouragement. Pretty of our listeners out there that are a little bit on the fence right now, and they're going,
You know, I have thought about scheduling a free consultation, but I, I, I don't know. I, I hear it's 1700 a month and it's, well, can you maybe explain your thoughts? What would you say to anybody who's a friend of yours or family that asks you about the value about the business consulting? Oh, well, I would say that the $1,700 a month is an excuse not to have someone to mentor you. Um, it's kind of like being in a gym when you need a trainer.
We're not always perfect and business owning is not easy and you need a mentor. I've never missed the $1,700 a month, even when I was only six months in when we started with you guys. I've never I've never even considered it a loss. It was it was scary at first to make that. But if that wasn't an excuse, I knew I needed someone to guide me through this and you guys have gotten us through this through the entire thing.
through employees, through income, through spending, through all of it. And we come through so many problems. There are a lot of problems that are established when you have a business. I mean, you become very overwhelmed very fast and you need somebody that you can call who's successful, who's been there that says, you're not crazy. This happens to all of us. Here's what you do about it. It's been the best decision that we've made.
But a question I have here for you as far as having a turn like a one stop shop years ago, I hired a business consultant who was great. And he would say things like, and I'm not ripping him. I'm just telling you what would happen. He would say, Clay, you got to work on your business and not in it.
I'm going this true. He goes, you got to delegate to elevate. That's true. Clay, your website is not optimized. And I'm going, this is a great fresh perspective. I go, Bruce, could you help me optimize? No, I don't optimize. Could you help me work on it? No. Could you help me make a checklist? No. Do you make, do you help me with the print pieces that I need to make? No. Can you make a video? No. Do you help me with my online ads? No. Clay, and he was used to, he was kind of an Eastern, Eastern, North Eastern American guy.
And he used to say, Clay baby, let me tell you what, I don't, I don't, I don't make print pieces. What am I, a print piece guy? I'm not a web guy. We know what I am. I'm a work on the business guy. You got to find a good web guy. So every meeting we would have would result in me having to find another vendor to pay another $8,000 to build the website for 4,000 to make the video 5,000 to do. So every time you give a recommendation, it would lead to another cost. Can you explain the value of having a flat monthly fee?
Yeah, I don't have to ever worry about it. I know if I need the website updated, it's a text away. I know if I'm having trouble with an employee, it's a text away. I know if I need financial advice, it's a text away. And again, we meet every single week and all our questions are answered and we're held accountable to what we need to be held accountable for. So it really works for us.
Jenny and Mike, thank you guys for your time so much. I really do value your time. I appreciate you guys being here today. And I'm part two of today's show. We're going to tee up another success story because we want people to know it is possible despite the financial Jack or Jack Asteri plaguing our nation right now. It is possible to become successful. And you guys are a living example of it. Thank you guys for bringing your baby on the show. We'll talk to you soon. Bye.
Hey, this is Dr. J. Schroeder from Healthhorse Chiropractic here in Franklin, just outside of Nashville. I just wanted to record my experience with Thrive over the last 16 months. I think it's been almost 18 months with these guys. They have really helped me turn my clinic around my clinics around. I came to Thrive in February 17.
I could say 16 months later, I don't know where we've been without these guys, but I know where we're at now. We've got systems in place that make the practices no longer reliant on me being there for them to be successful. That was a huge goal of mine when I first talked to them. We're working towards our financial goals. We'll be there probably within six months.
I, my stress level has gone down. I'll be going on vacation next week, not worrying a bit about what's happening with my two practices because I know the systems that we put in place is going to make them run as if I was there. So, I don't know what else to say, but thank you guys. I love, I look forward to my weekly coaching calls and it's always something that I get out of those.
that I can plug in and talk to an employee. And it's just a 2%. You know, they talk about 2% all the time. You know, I improve my 2%. Again, I do it all at once, but that 2% over the last 16 to 18 months has made a huge difference for my life, my family, our practices. And again, just the stress level that we were at compared to now has been life changing. So thanks guys. Really appreciate all you do and look forward to the next 16 to 18 months and beyond. Thanks.
Hey, I just wanted to take a minute to talk about Thrive 15 and what they've done for me. My experience with them started with a weekend seminar. I was just kind of feeling stuck and just needed something to
to light my creative juices and a friend of mine recommended, I go check them out and I did and certainly nothing short of amazing, just that weekend seminar as far as what it did for me. But based on that, I wanted to learn more about what they could do to help me and there's no doubt, without their help, I don't know if I would have got where I want to go and even to the point where I am now.
If you are someone who's looking to start a business or expand your current business, I highly recommend you give these guys a look as they will at least give you an idea what it's going to take to get you from where you are now.
to where you want to go in the future. I'm a guy with big vision, and I just didn't quite know how to get from point A to point B, and there certainly helped me get to that point down the road. If you look at this board behind you, this is all stuff that they've made me think about, if you will. So yeah, give them a look. I think it'll be well worth your time.
Well, the first time that I ever met you, Clay, was at that first conference in Tulsa. And that was an incredible conference. And I was so impressed with just the whole thing, just the professionalism. You as a person, your business, your work ethic, and really just who you are. And I was very impressed with all of that. And I thought, gosh, this might be someone that I would really consider working with. Like maybe he could really help me.
And that's really what got me interested because I was so impressed with just the professionalism of all of it. And I learned a lot. I come about once a year to a business conference. And I'd like to come more, but every year I try to come with my marketing girl with me. And we always learn something. We always learn something. And I think next year I'm going to bring my husband because he really needs to come too.
Okay, Thrive Nation on today's show. I wanted to share with you a story about a good person who is growing a good business by treating their customers the way they want to be treated. She's a longtime client. We're honored to serve her and help her grow her business. And I want you to hear a great success story. So that being said, Dr. Stephanie, welcome on to The Thrive Time Show. How are you?
Hi, I'm doing great. Thank you so much, Clay. Well, first off, I'm going to pull up your website. So tell all the listeners what's the name of your website so we can verify that you are, in fact, a real orthodontist. OK, my website is smileshollywood.com.
Okay. Smiles Hollywood dot com. Yes. I'm going to pull this up real quick here. And as I pull this up, I'm going to ask you a little bit about your background because you're doing really well. You're based in McKinney, Texas. When did you have that vision to become an orthodontist? Like what age were you where you thought, you know what? I want to become an orthodontist.
Well, that had to have been when I was visiting my own orthodontist, Dr. Jim Bowley, who's retired now, but was an awesome, great orthodontist and one of the greats, really. But what's funny is, is that I actually wanted to be a medical doctor first. And I used to go into his office and he'd say, Stephanie, you don't want to be a medical doctor?
You want to be an orthodontist. And I said, no, I don't. Dr. Bully, why are you saying that? And he started telling me all of the great things about dentistry and why it's so great because you don't have to deal with people dying on you. You don't have to deal with sick people. You get to make people look amazing and beautiful by straightening their teeth and you leave with happy patients. And you know, he talked me into it and I thought, that sounds like a great job.
So that's really how I became an orthodontist. And you're in McKinney, Texas, right? So how long have you been an orthodontist in McKinney, Texas? So I've been an orthodontist for 26 years. And when you went to medical school, what percentage of the time in medical school or dentistry school, dental school, did they spend teaching you how to market and or grow your own practice? Absolutely zero. Zero marketing skills.
Okay, and so one of the great things I love about working with you is we get to help you grow your business, but you get to be more of who you are. I mean, you get to help more patients and help more people create great smiles. And then we get to do some of the nitty gritty stuff that maybe isn't your highest and best use. And so I want to focus on some of the things you've been able to accomplish together over these few years here. First off, from a branding perspective, I really do feel like your website is first class,
And from when I talk to Andrew, you're the coach who works with you. I'm always hearing that you're more and more patients are coming in from Google. Could you talk about that? How much of an impact does it have having a maybe a rebranded or updated website and Google leads coming in? It is had a huge difference, absolutely huge difference in our patient load coming in. And you know, before I really wasn't tracking really well, and that's one of the things I learned from Thrive Time Business was how to track patients coming in.
how to really, how to see where they're coming from. And at the time, I really didn't know much about Google. And you know, being in orthodontist for 26 years.
I didn't really know a lot of, I kind of went through a time where I went through shock. It was really what I call culture shock because the old ways of marketing were not working anymore. And because I really didn't know about online marketing, I really didn't, I was still doing, you know, phone book ads and magazine ads and all of these things. And so, Lifetime has really helped. I started out with 97 reviews.
Now we have almost 600 reviews. And it takes a long time to get those reviews and you have to really work diligently. And Andrew was amazing. My co-cheese fantastic really had to prod me sometimes because sometimes I was like an old mule and just stuck my feet in and said, no, I don't want to do that. And he said, trust me, it works. And I just kept going and he kept pushing. And I tell you what, it's really working. We're getting a lot of patience from Google and it's fantastic.
Now as far as gathering patients from the Google search results, you know, there's a couple of things that have to happen. I mean, one, you've got to have the most content. There's four variables. One, you have to have the most original HTML content or text. Second, you have to have the most objective reviews from real customers.
Third, your website has to be in constant mobile compliance where we're updating the website to meet the current updated guidelines of the ever-evolving internet. And then we've got to make sure your website is canonically compliant, where it basically follows all Google's rules. How much has that helped your peace of mind knowing that you have a team that's helping you update your website every month and that you don't have to do that?
It is a huge relief, an absolute huge relief because I know that these things are being done. The SEO is being done properly. The back writing under the website is being done properly and increasing and we're relevant every single day. We're relevant because I know these things are happening. And before I actually was trying to do some of these things on my own.
And you know, I'm not the best writer. And then I realized, why am I doing this myself? Because honestly, I don't have the time. And so it's really a great relief to know that these things are being done and that they're working. And I saw when I first started with drive time, I was probably
11 or 12. I was working with an SEO company at the time. And I was probably coming up 11 or 12, which is really the second page when somebody brings you up on the computer. But now I'm at two, I'm at three, I'm at four, depending on the key word. So I am more happy.
And you know, again, if we do a search for orthodontist in McKinney, Texas, we can find you right there in the top three. Also, after you move past the three pack or the top three there, we can also find your site in the search results. And again, it's not a result of luck. It's not a result of some sort of woo, woo plan. It's specific actionable processes. The next thing I want to talk about is just overall lead tracking and dream 100 marketing. I think a lot of times people.
not you, but other people entrepreneurs, not none of our listeners, we might market based on feel. So if we feel like we're not getting enough leads, we might feel the need to go market. And if we feel like we're overwhelmed with leads, we might feel the need to not market. But one of the things that we try to teach to our wonderful clients like yourself is the importance of implementing a consistent
an implementable plan a consistent and practical plan. Could you talk about the importance of tracking your leads and then also just consistently doing those marketing systems like the dream 100 that that that route.
So the Dream 100 has really been a great addition. We were doing something similar to that, but really not with the concerted effort and doing it on a regular basis. We were kind of doing it a little more haphazardly. And I really have noticed a difference because when you are visiting dentist's office and you are and you're developing a relationship with them and they are seeing you on a regular basis every week or every two weeks,
They, you know, the staff starts to remember you. And so, you know, you never know a patient may come in tomorrow and you just dropped by their office with a goodie today, you know? And then they are going to think of you whenever it's time to refer for an orthodontist. And that's really made a big, big change in our practice, too. And we track every single one of those. So we know how many Dr. X sent over and we know how many Dr. Y sent over.
So we know our top refers and we know the ones that we need to kind of get to know better and help them send to us too. There's somebody watching this right now who's a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, and they're going, I don't know if the dream 100 works. What do you say to that person who's sitting down with you right now and they go, yeah, I just don't know if that works. I say it definitely works. And you definitely do have to get out and meet the dentist yourself.
at least one time, even if you just, some of the dentists I couldn't actually just go meet, you know, to have lunch, they didn't have lunches. So I just actually went by the office myself. I took a little goodie with me, you know, a muffin or something and I'd go by maybe right before lunch and just introduced myself. And then when my gal would come by every week or every other week to deliver things to their office, they at least knew who I was. I had introduced myself
And we found that we started getting patients that way. So it definitely helps. Now, the next thing I want to talk about is the siring. And I don't know if you've ever felt like this. I'm sure you have it. It's probably just me. But we have a garden that you plant. I'll pull up a picture of a garden so we can all picture it in our minds. Wherever you plant a garden, there's probably some initial excitement. You go, you know what? I'm going to plant these tomatoes. I'm going to do it. I'm going to get after it. This is my year. I'm going to get the garden going. I'm excited. I'm going organic. Let's go.
Well, what happens is over time, people stop pulling the weeds, they stop tending to the garden. And over time, the garden becomes like an overgrown monster garden. The garden starts to become something that looks like a mistake, something that looks like a, something where your neighbors say, are you going to mow that thing? And it gets bad. And the same thing is true with employees.
If you have a team of people that work for you on your payroll and your business owner, it turns out that the average American today, for whatever reason,
And I'm going to pull some stats here so people don't think I'm crazy. The U.S. Chamber reports that 75% of employees steal from the workplace. What? That's the U.S. Chamber reporting that 75% of employees steal from the workplace. And you might say, really? Yeah. And 85% of employees, 85% of employees, lie on resumes. Meaning that they just make up some statistic on their, they throw it on their resumes. And 85% of employees are, again, are lying on their resumes. I'm pulling this up here, folks.
But there are there's a certain group of employees that they just lie on the resumes called 85% of job applicants lie on the resumes and 75% of employees steal from the workplace. So in your business, you have a great staff and you want to keep it that way. So you can't hire the the thieves. You can't hire people that lie on their resumes. So that 85% of the population that lies on the resumes, they can't work for you. And that 75% of the population that
steals from the workplace. They can't work for you either because you want to wow your customers. Can you talk about embracing the processes that we teach of the ongoing hiring processes and just always recruiting new people? Absolutely. So we have taken on really the task of making sure that we have every single day and at any one time there is going to be an ad out there for any position in our office.
And occasionally we'll have somebody come in and we'll have them just do a little half a day or something. And what's really interesting is that even my employees, even when I'm not needing someone, my employees will be like, why are we having somebody come in? Do a working interview. Everybody gets really nervous. But it actually also helps them get on their best behavior again. But it's like if you always have someone waiting in the wings, then should you have someone
that drops off. Maybe their husband gets transferred and they're a wonderful employee but it's just now they have to move and now you've got someone that you can hire or if you have someone that's like what happened in my office where you know it was an inventory day and doctors weren't there and she decided to go work out and hang out with her boyfriend for five hours and then forgot to clock out you know so that's called stealing.
And recently, and these are just real examples I'm sharing with people. I've had some of my really, really nice employees. Two of them decided to have a baby and start a family. And so I'm not going to hold an employee hostage. I'm not mad that they decided to move on, but you get to a place where if you're not careful, folks, you're going to find yourself in a kind of a defensive posture where you're not going to be able to cover the appointments, the obligations, the customers that are reaching out to you. So if you're out there today,
Hiring has got to be a process and not an event. So again, just recap it. The branding, the marketing, the search engine optimization, the hiring, the tracking. I want to talk about retargeting ads. Retargeting ads, whenever somebody goes to your website, we've got to have ads that follow people around the internet so that way people constantly see smiles Hollywood, smiles Hollywood, smiles Hollywood. And that creates top of mind awareness. Can you talk about
How important it is for you to know that you have a team of people thinking about those kinds of things. So again, you don't have to. Absolutely. And I think, I think just being a thrive time customer really makes you feel like you're taking care of in so many different areas because I didn't even know what those ads were when I, when I first became a client. I didn't even know, I remember thinking, I wonder how you get to have an ad when you're, when you're going to your bank account.
And then all of a sudden this thing pops up, you know, for some brand of sunglasses that you were just looking at. I thought, how do you get those ads? You know, how do you even find out about them? And so these are the ads that you guys fix this up with and they're fantastic. And I do know that they do bring in patience.
Now coaching is an ongoing process every week. Andrew meets with you every week. And those might sound shocking for folks out there, but every single morning, our coaches have to meet with me at six in the morning. And I ask them every morning, I say, how's your client doing? And I go over all 160 clients. It's a real thing. I go over 40 clients.
Every single day, I go over the checklist of all 40 clients every day and we do that for you every single morning. So every week we review the files of all 160 clients to make sure you guys are thriving, you're growing, you're not backsliding. Everyone's doing well. Could you talk about the importance of having somebody who a helps you track but also kind of pushes you to be your best? Well, that has been a lifesaver because honestly,
Well, I kind of learned it on myself because Andrew was good about pushing me. And he would say, OK, well, did you meet with your staff about this or that? And I said, oh, yeah, I didn't quite do that. And so he was really good about reminding me that I needed to meet with my staff once a week or once a day, whatever it was, depending on the item. But I found, for instance, with my front desk girl,
She was fantastic, but she was supposed to be following up on leads. She was supposed to have a lead list. And so every week I would call her and say, Hey, how's that lead list? And I would actually have Andrew on the phone with me. And she, and we would talk and she, she kind of would say, yeah, yeah, they're good. And you know, and then finally, I think she got it. She realized I need a list. And so I think she realized Dr. Christ is going to ask me every week.
And I better get organized here. And so she actually came up with her own lead list in her own little system, which was fantastic, by the way, and has helped us tremendously at the front desk. And anytime we go over the lead list, because I have several of about three employees that have lead lists, different kinds of lead lists, and she is fantastic. I never have to worry about her lead list. The other two I have to check theirs. But and that's the thing is I think you start to really hold your employees accountable.
And Andrew helps hold me accountable and make sure that I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing because let's face it, life gets busy, you know? And I mean, I'm a mom and I'm a wife and I have all kinds of other things going on too. And so I want to have a thriving business, but you have to put the work into your business. And it's nice to have someone there prodding me along when I get lazy. Now you're one of these wonderful folks where, you know, most of our clients, they actually come to the workshops. They also do coaching. And so you're somebody who's been to the conferences.
You do the weekly coaching. You've seen the whole experience. I guess, you know, some people describe our coaching system as life changing or they focus on the numbers. How would you describe how the one on one coaching in conjunction with the conferences has impacted maybe you and or your business?
Well, the first time that I ever met you, Clay, was at that first conference in Tulsa. And that was an incredible conference. And I was so impressed with just the whole thing, just the professionalism, you as a person, your business, your work ethic, and really just who you are. And I was very impressed with all of that. And I thought, gosh, this might be someone that I would really consider working with. Like maybe he could really help me.
And that's really what got me interested because I was so impressed with.
just the professionalism of all of it. And I learned a lot. I come about once a year to a business conference and I'd like to come more, but every year I try to come with my marketing girl with me. And we always learn something. We always learn something. And I think next year I'm going to bring my husband here because he really needs to come too. And he's been going along with this with me and he's thinking, wow, this is really working for you. Maybe I need to come.
So we've loved it. So if somebody's watching right now, they're on the website, they go to thrive time show.com. They're thinking about scheduling a free consultation or they're thinking about coming to a workshop. What do you say to somebody out there that's on the fence thinking about coming to a conference and or scheduling a free 13 point assessment? Well, I say absolutely do it. Absolutely do it. And, and I will take, I will say that it's a process.
It doesn't happen overnight, but if you stay the course, you're going to see results because I'm absolutely convinced. Dr. Christ, thank you for allowing us to take up some of your valuable time today. I really do appreciate you and I can't wait to see it in person here soon.
All right. Thanks so much, Clay. Ladies and gentlemen, a lot of people talk about having success. A lot of people want to have success, but you know, there is a proven path to achieve success. And about four years ago, I had the opportunity to connect with somebody by the name of Dr. Mark Sherwood, my good friend, Aaron Antis swore by the results of Dr. Sherwood, my good friend, Pastor Craig Hagan swore by the results of Dr. Sherwood. And we had a chance to team up. And it's been an honor to team up with his practice and to help him grow
his medical practice. And if you're out there today and you want to grow your business, on today's show, we're going to talk about growing your business and what happens when you diligently implement a proven plan. And here to talk about it is Dr. Sherwood, welcome on to The Thrive Time Show. How are you, sir? Yeah, I'm doing well, Clay. Thanks for having me. And it has been an honor, hadn't it? What a ride and what a journey it's been.
Now, without getting into the specific financial numbers, you and I were talking offline. And I believe since you and I first talked, first talked on the phone to today, I believe you're about seven times larger. Is that an accurate number? Am I getting that number wrong in some capacity? Not at least seven closer to eight. Yeah.
And that's so many people talk about growing their business by 2%, or 5%, or 12%. I want to give people some real facts here. We're going to go here to, I'm going to do a search right now on Google. I want everyone to do it with me. Assume I'm making this up. Inc Magazine reports that 96% of businesses
fail. That's according to Inc Magazine. That's not clayclark.com. 96%. Now, if you go to us debt clock.com, which is by the way, a great way to get depressed. If you go to us dot org, you'll see that in America today, we only have.
9 million, 9.3 million self-employed people in a country of 336 million. So just if even 10% of our country was self-employed, that would be 36 million self-employed people. But we only have 9 million self-employed people. So we're talking about it's like less than 3% of our population is even self-employed to begin with.
And so if less than 3% of our population is self employed and 96% of businesses fail by default, folks, you've got, you know, I mean, it's a very, very small percentage chance of being successful by default. And so what I want to focus on is the implementing a proven path and a proven system. So step number one, since you and I've connected, I didn't teach this to you, but you do it. You diligently implement a plan.
Can you talk about that? Because every week, you and I, we connect every week, you know, in this case, there's a plan that you do, and I won't get into all the details, but you do it every single week. You do it in the gym, you do it in your business. Talk about implementing a proven routine every day. Well, I think the end of the story of a routine is it produces predictability. And so I look at it like this, you know, good habits done consistently over time.
provides reliability, which gives you consistency, which gives you faithfulness, which gives you trust. Now trust is a big deal. Does that trust mean you trust yourself?
I hope so. Does it trust mean that your customers or clientele's trust you? They do because it's predictable. The thing that people can't stand clay is unpredictability or chaos or just anxiety that's driven in businesses. So we facilitate that culture from the top down the bottom up. And as you mentioned, every day I get up and I'm very routine. And so are you. You know, we started working together.
I remember you telling me, you get up at three o'clock in the morning, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I do, you know, I probably wake about an hour after you, boom, boom, boom, boom, but it's very predictable. People know where we are, what we're gonna do, what we're about, and it creates an expectation. And I think that among other things has been a key element to experiencing, you know, the 800% growth we've had, which is, to me, it's, it wasn't that hard because it's a process that works.
Now, next question I wanna ask you is focus on what you need to do, but then say no to the things you don't need to do. Again, you have to say no to grow. So yes, you're diligent and you're consistent, but you're also saying no to grow. And now there are billboards, there are magazines, there are yellow pages. Yes, there are still a few yellow pages. There are billboards, there's magazines, there's local cable TV. There are so many different ways that you could be marketing your business.
But you've had to say no to grow. You've had to focus on, and you and your wife, you guys do, books, you do documentaries, you do podcast interviews. You have a proven path, a proven trajectory that you're on, but you do have to say no to grow. And sometimes you have to say no to good things in order to say yes to great things. Can you talk about the importance of saying no to grow?
Yeah, specifically in our job, what we do, which is a kind of a wellness-based optimization of health practice, right? So the bottom line is I run everything through that filter.
And our filter is does it bring healing to the person? Does it bring betterment to the person? And there's all kinds of procedures, gizmos, gadgets, and whatnots out here that we could get involved in. But I always look at it from this standpoint. It's got to run through that filter and it's got to pass the test. Is it going to take us more time? Is it going to take us more labor? What's the expense of it going to be originally? And what's it going to take for us to recoup the expense of any?
And so I run into that filter every single time. And if it doesn't hash out, it may be a good thing, but it's not a good thing for us. And people don't understand that. But sometimes the greatest answer is no, because it's a no that protects you from getting hurt. And you mentioned all the advertising mess out there. Clay, we've been approached by, as you know, many, many people to advertise and all kinds of
markets. But if you don't know what kind of person that you're after, what is your target demographic, then you can't just throw spitballs out there at the different sources because you will waste your time and money. And again, in that area, advertising, no to grow is critical.
Now, the next year I want to focus on is having a linear workflow or a mapped out workflow or a written down process. So many business owners don't have a written down process. So let me just give people an example. I'm going to go up to my website and then I'll go to your website so people can see this. You're very predictable. If people go to ThriveTimeShow.com, which by the way, folks, we have about five.
to 10 people a day that often reach out looking for help growing their company. Now, I only take on 160 clients. That's not a spiritual number. That's not a reason. I don't do that for any spiritual reason. It's just I have found that with my team, I like to not have more than 160 clients so that I can meet all my clients. And those clients, they schedule a free consultation.
And in order to do that, I have a kind of a call screener that sets up an appointment. They hop on the phone. They find out if they're a good fit for a free consultation, then my team books the free consultation for me. And because our average client is with us for six years or longer, if you do the math, we have an opening for a new client about
every month or so. So if you look at TWA photos, this is one of my longtime clients based in Chicago, him and we're going to hear his success story on part two of today's show. He reached out. He filled out the form.
I remember my team called Tim to see if he was a good fit. I then coached Tim on the first call, found out he's a good fit, did my assessment, found out he's a good fit, coached him through what we're going to do, laid out the proven plan. True story. And you're going to hear it on part two of today's show. Tim went on to build a very, very successful company and he sold his business.
Well, when he sold his business for a big time exit, guess what that did? That created an opening for another client. And so that the process we have over and over and over issue, go to ThriveTimeShow.com. You can schedule a free consultation.
My call screen or events that person to see if they're a good fit. If they are a good fit, they do an onboarding with myself. If it also we have conference tickets, we do a conference every two months. And I've been doing this since 2005. So since 2005, I've been essentially doing the same process over and over and over. That's why when you click on testimonials, you will literally see thousands.
of client success stories, just thousands, not 100, not 50, but 1000. So I want to walk, see if you can walk us through. What does the workflow look like when people go to Sherwood.TV? What does that workflow look like? It's fascinating. And again,
You know, you and I just kind of hit it off because we think the same way. So we have, you know, we have an opportunity, people visit our website and we get, you know, hundreds of visitors every day and people can fill out a little questionnaire. It's like a health assessment question. It's free. And they get put through a series of, you know, funnel emails to sort of qualify what they want to do and sort of kind of vets them at the outset. But if they want to work with us, just like yourself,
we have a free webinar that they can go to. At that point, after attending the webinar, Clay, they then have the opportunity at that point to schedule a one-on-one assessment intake appointment with my wife and myself.
At that appointment, we determine whether or not they're a good fit. If they're a good fit, we develop a plan for those and execute the same plan with the same performance. We're personalized for their lives, much like you personalized that plan with the same general processes for that business. We personalized that plan of the same general processes for their life.
Now, when people work with me with my business and I'm not a medical business, I have a proven process and a proven system. And so when people go and they go to thrive time for sure.com and they look at the different success stories, we have companies like oxy fresh.com. We've helped them to grow now to 570 locations, 570. And I could go on just listing examples all day. We take companies like Shaw homes, help them grow from 15 million to $150 million of revenue.
And we just have so many success stories. It truly is epic. And that's why my parent company is called Make Your Life Epic. That is what we do. Make your life epic. Dr. Sherwood, I would say what he does is very analogous to what we do for business he does for your body.
And so, again, I believe what he does, Dr. Sherwood, Sherwood.tv, what he does for your body is very analogous to what we do for business. We guide people down a proven path. And we actually tell people before they decide to become a client, what the path is. We tell people, this is what we're going to do to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Now, I know a lot of people, I would say specifically,
Three people that I see on a weekly basis who have lost over 40 pounds since going to Sherwood.tv. So three people that I see on a weekly basis have lost over 40 pounds as a result of going to Sherwood.tv, learning about the protocols you offer and then following those. You tell people in advance what the protocol is going to be.
That's very different from a lot of other medical programs that kind of hide the program or the protocol from the potential customer from the potential patient. They hide it and they say, once you sign up, then we'll teach you the protocol. Why are you so transparent with teaching people what your protocol is going to be before they become a patient? I think it produces trustworthiness claim because a lot of times
with what we do, transparency is key because my wife and I do it too. And again, I'm not knocking anybody else. I just know that.
what you just said is very true. It is analogous to you making someone's company greater. I want to see their lives get greater. I want to optimize their health, give them the biological aging processes speed that's optimal so they're not aging too fast. And so we live it out, we do it, and then it's no secret, man. There are some processes that work and I tell them, you know, if you're willing to do this, this will work. And they see us doing it every day.
we don't hide our lives and we don't shield them, we don't do something, tell them do something, we're not doing it ourselves. So I think it's exactly, as you said, and to your point, we deal with a lot of entrepreneurs that have worked with you and do work with you. So the interesting overlap is cool. I can think of a couple of people that we've worked with that also have
are your clients and their business. And I've watched their businesses explode as their personal lives explode. So this energy there is just astounding to me as I think about that. Now, I want to walk people through this again here, folks. Again, we're going to walk you through that. How is it that a doctor
a medical provider, a health facility is able to grow their revenue by eight times within a period of just a few years. How is that possible? When 96% of businesses are failing, one is you have to have a proven plan. Two, you have to implement that plan each and every week and three. You have to measure what you treasure. You just have to measure what you treasure. You have to track or it's going to slack.
And that's true with health. And it's true with wealth. You have to track or it's going to slack. And so any area of our lives, you're listening right now, you talk about your faith, your family, your finance, your fitness, your friendship, your fun, any area where we are not.