
    Does Mindfulness Actually Make You Happier (or Better) at Work? | Prof. Lindsey Cameron

    enMarch 29, 2023
    What is Professor Lindsay Cameron's research focus?
    How can mindfulness practices be integrated into daily routines?
    What paradoxical feelings do Uber drivers experience regarding autonomy?
    How can mindfulness help counteract biases and stereotypes?
    What is the current status of mindfulness in the workplace?

    Podcast Summary

    • Mindfulness at Work: Benefits, Research, and IntegrationMindfulness can enhance work performance and counteract biases. Integrating small moments of mindfulness into daily routines can lead to significant improvements in well-being and productivity.

      Meditation and mindfulness have made inroads in the workplace and the mainstreaming of these practices have helped millions of people upgrade their lives. Professor Lindsay Cameron's research focuses on mindfulness as well as the future of work. In this conversation with Dan Harris, she discusses what companies mean when they talk about mindfulness at work, what the research actually says, and how to integrate small moments of mindfulness into your everyday routine. She also highlights the paradoxical sense of autonomy and freedom that can be felt by an Uber driver even though the work is ultimately being dictated by an algorithm. Mindfulness is a useful tool to counteract inherent biases and stereotypes and specific practices may be most beneficial depending on the situation.

    • How African Spirituality and Mindfulness Meditation Guide Prof. Lindsey Cameron's Life and WorkProf. Cameron finds comfort and guidance through her African spirituality and supplements it with mindfulness meditation. Her personal beliefs inform her professional work in cultural psychology and social justice by tapping into ancestral knowledge and seeking guidance from her community.

      Prof. Lindsey Cameron practices a form of African spirituality that connects her to her ancestors and provides her with comfort and guidance. She supplements her religious practices with mindfulness meditation, which she sees as a way to hear God before talking to God through prayer. African spirituality is diverse, but most traditions emphasize ancestor worship as a core component. Prof. Cameron connects her spirituality to her professional life by studying topics like cultural psychology and social justice, which are informed by her personal beliefs. Her spiritual practices have helped her access a deep reverence that guides her work and helps her make decisions by tapping into ancestral knowledge and seeking guidance from her community.

    • Mindfulness in the Gig Economy: Incorporating Eastern Spirituality into Western WorkplacesIncorporating mindfulness and meditation into workplaces may benefit employees' mental well-being in the gig economy, but its impact on productivity is still being researched.

      The gig economy is a popular way for people to try to stop downward social mobility since real wages have declined in the United States. Mindfulness and meditation in the workplace are still a live issue with thousands of companies offering access. However, there are questions about how deeply companies have brokered mindfulness into the workplace. Research is growing around the organizational outcomes of incorporating mindfulness and meditation into a workplace context, but there is no conclusive evidence of its impact on productivity yet. Lindsey Cameron highlights the interest of researchers in bringing the spiritual practice of mindfulness into a western context.

    • The Paradox of Incorporating Mindfulness in the WorkplaceMindfulness in the workplace is a controversial topic, but studies have shown that it can be effective. Adapting ancient practices in new contexts is necessary for their evolution, and ultimately, the results matter.

      Meditation has deep roots in ancient traditions that have transformed the lives of many, but the incorporation of mindfulness into a work context has been controversial. Critics call it McMindfulness, as it decontextualizes and strips away significant aspects of the practice. However, enough studies have shown that it actually does have an effect and helps people in professional contexts. The dilemma is a paradox, as both are true at the same time. But the adaptation of ancient practices in new contexts is a synchronization process, which is necessary for the evolution and adaptation of traditions. In the end, what matters are the results of the practice, which may vary depending on the context and the person.

    • Meditation Practices Can Increase Helpfulness at WorkMindfulness and loving-kindness meditation can increase empathy, leading to greater helpfulness towards coworkers and customers. Breath-based practices increase present moment awareness, while loving-kindness meditation develops emotional empathy by encouraging individuals to empathize with others.

      Meditation practices, like breath-based and loving-kindness based practices, can help increase helpfulness of individuals at work, especially those in customer facing roles. Both practices had a positive impact, but with different mechanisms. Breath-based practices help center people in the present moment, while loving-kindness meditation helps develop emotional empathy by making individuals feel like they are in the other person's shoes. The outcome is the same, but the why is different. Practicing mindfulness and loving-kindness can increase cognitive and emotional empathy, which can lead to increased helpfulness towards coworkers and customers alike.

    • The Power of Love and Awareness in Meditation and the WorkplaceUnderstanding the illusion of self and embracing love as a path to deep bliss, joy, and aliveness can lead to personal growth and positively impact the workplace. Use touchstones or mantras to relieve suffering for oneself and others, despite skepticism. Aim to evolve towards love.

      Meditation practices can lead to different psychological experiences, but similar outcomes in the workplace. Love and awareness can be seen as the same thing, which generates from wisdom and awareness of the self being an illusion. Touchstones or mantras can be helpful in relieving suffering for oneself and others. Skepticism can make it easy to reject the idea of love being the path, but striving towards love as a deep bliss, joy, and aliveness of being, gives motivation to continue moving forward in human evolution.

    • Overcoming Biases with Mindfulness and Loving Kindness MeditationMindfulness practices like loving kindness meditation can help reduce biases and increase empathy. Striking a balance between acknowledging biases and letting them go is crucial to truly seeing and understanding others.

      While love may be the answer to many of life's struggles, biases are deeply ingrained cognitive shortcuts that can prevent us from truly seeing and understanding others. Mindfulness and meditation practices, particularly loving kindness meditation, can help reduce biases and increase empathy towards others. It's important to acknowledge the messy existence we all live in, while striving to walk in the highest good of everyone. Positive evolution and progress is happening, but there are still destructive forces at work. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance between holding onto our biases and letting them go, so we can see people for who they truly are underneath all the cognitive shortcuts.

    • Mindfulness beyond breath-based meditationInstead of a one-size-fits-all approach, find repetitive moments in your day to integrate mindfulness and improve relationships, especially in high emotional labor roles. Modify your mindfulness practice to fit your individual needs and context.

      Breath-based meditation is a practice that, while effective for some, may not be enough for others depending on their cultural context, job demands, and energy needs. Rather than assuming it as a one-size-fits-all solution, individuals are advised to find repetitive interactions in their workday to integrate mindfulness and improve their relationships with others. This practice can have the most impact for those in customer-facing roles or positions with high emotional labor. Additionally, individuals may need to modify or adjust their practices depending on their situations. Therefore, the key takeaway is to find a mindfulness practice that works best for your needs and context to experience its benefits in your daily life.

    • Mindfulness and Loving-Kindness: Finding the Right Fit for Your Self-ConnectionDaily micro-practices, formal meditation, and incorporating mindfulness into routine activities can cultivate attention to the present moment and support creative insights and positive interactions in both personal and professional contexts.

      Mindfulness practices can be counterproductive for people who feel a disconnect between their interior and exterior selves. For these people, loving-kindness meditation may be more helpful. Daily micro-practices can have a positive impact, such as taking a few deep breaths throughout the day. Formal practice, such as a 10-minute meditation, can also be beneficial. Mindfulness can be woven into daily routines, such as walking the dog or making coffee, to cultivate greater attention to the present moment. Setting intentions during these routines can guide behavior during interactions and lead to bursts of creative insight. Mindfulness practices can also help in a work context, such as interacting with students and ensuring all voices are heard.

    • Incorporating Mindfulness in Company Culture & its Benefits for Gig WorkersMindfulness should be incorporated into a company's culture with support from the top, addressing conflicts carefully, and leaders modeling behavior. Gig workers can use mindfulness to manage difficult situations and maintain a sense of autonomy.

      Incorporating mindfulness into a company's culture can be more effective than just individual practice. It requires buy-in from the top and being intentional in addressing conflicts that point to the problem, not the person. It can be helpful when leaders model the behavior and it has to be voluntary. Prof. Lindsey Cameron's research on the gig economy showed that even though work is being dictated by an algorithm, gig workers can still feel a sense of autonomy and freedom. To establish a sense of spaciousness and growth in their lives, gig workers can engage in mindful practices and self-compassion to manage difficult conversations and navigate uncertain circumstances.

    • The Paradox of Autonomy in Algorithm-Managed Gig WorkDespite the limitations of algorithm-managed gig work, the small choices and sense of freedom it provides can attract workers. Maintaining community support and valuing worker experiences is crucial to understanding the changing workforce landscape.

      Despite being managed by algorithms, some gig workers feel a sense of freedom and autonomy in their everyday work due to the small choices they get to make, like deciding where to start, at what speed to drive, and whether to talk to passengers or rate them. This feeling of freedom is why many workers choose gig work over traditional employment despite its inherent difficulties. Creating a strong holding environment and building a community of support is essential for maintaining a sense of grounding, particularly for higher paid workers. While algorithms may take away some autonomy, understanding and valuing workers' experiences is crucial to gaining a broader understanding of the shifting US economy and its implications for individual workers.

    • Strategies and Boundaries for Gig WorkersFor gig workers, underbidding on jobs that require desired skills can build their portfolio for future higher-paying work. Establishing routines and boundaries is key to a successful work-life balance, especially for high-paid, flexible work.

      For gig workers looking to grow and expand their skills, one strategy is to underbid for jobs that require skills they want to develop. This allows them to build up their portfolio and advertise themselves for higher-paying work in the future. It's also important for gig workers, and all workers in a remote or hybrid situation, to have routines and boundaries that transition them into the workday and help them wind down. This can include conducting mini experiments on what routine works best for them. For those in high-paid, flexible work, it's important to also create clear boundaries to prevent work from taking over other aspects of their life.

    • Strategies for Work-Life Balance and ProductivitySetting boundaries between work and personal life, leaving notes for unfinished tasks, and considering shorter work weeks can boost productivity and job satisfaction, but feasibility may vary based on job type and company culture.

      Having a clear dividing line between work and personal life is important for productivity and well-being. Leaving a note with unfinished tasks and top priorities for the next day can help signal the end of work day. Shorter work weeks can increase job satisfaction and productivity, but may not be feasible for all types of jobs. Companies that implement shorter work weeks tend to be smaller and more open to cultural shifts. However, it is important to recognize that there are two different worlds of work that have emerged, one for higher-paid, higher-skilled work and one for lower-paid, lower-skilled work.

    • Finding a Balance between Authenticity and Professionalism in the WorkplaceIt's important to express different parts of yourself at work, but find a balance between authenticity and professionalism. Don't expect work to replace the sense of purpose that religion gives, and strive for a healthier work-life balance to avoid the negative effects of hustle culture.

      While it's important to feel safe expressing different parts of yourself at work, it's not necessary to show your whole self all the time. Finding a balance between being authentic and professional is important. There is a danger in expecting too much from work and your employer, and work should not replace the sense of meaning and purpose that used to be provided by religion. The glorification of stress and hustle culture is prevalent in our society, but it's important to recognize its downsides and strive for a healthier work-life balance.

    • Building a Career and Finding One's Calling with Mindful Self-AwarenessFinding one's calling takes time, combining passion, skill, and financial stability. Mindful self-awareness identifies unhelpful stress, prepares for life stages, and maintains a balanced pace in career and life.

      Finding one's calling is an intersection of passion, skill, and financial stability. Mindful self-awareness helps in identifying unhelpful stress and prioritizing during different stages of life. Work can be intense or slow-paced, and it is essential to prepare routines for successful ramp-in and ramp-down from work-related activities. Prof. Lindsey Cameron suggests that building a career and finding a calling is not an overnight event. Many people build their career over time, identifying their passions and what they are good at while making sure they can support themselves financially. Mindfulness helps recognize and prepare for different life stages, ensuring that one's life has a balance and is not always at an urgent pace.

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    Sebene Selassie is a writer, teacher, and speaker who leads meditation, creativity, and nature-based practices for personal & collective liberation. Using ancient wisdom and modern science mixed with her own relational and relatable style, Sebene helps spiritually curious people explore the profound and sacred truth of belonging. She is trained as a meditation teacher, an integral coach, a practitioner of Indigenous Focusing Oriented Therapy for Complex Trauma (IFOT), and is a licensed hiking guide in New York State. She has taught classes, workshops and retreats online and in person for almost fifteen years. Sebene is a devoted student of mystic traditions, including astrology, and writes the popular newsletter Ancestors to Elements. Her first book, You Belong: A Call for Connection, is published by HarperOne. 

    Jeff Warren is a meditation instructor and writer, known for his dynamic and accessible style of teaching. He is the co-author of The New York Times best-selling Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics, founder of the nonprofit Consciousness Explorers Club, and co-host of the Mind Bod Adventure Pod. Jeff's Do Nothing Project streams for free every Sunday night on YouTube; his guided meditations reach millions of people through the Ten Percent Happier and Calm apps, as well as through his Substack, Home Base

    Jeff’s mission is to empower people to care for their mental health, through the realistic, intelligent and sometimes irreverent exploration of meditation and personal growth practices. As someone with both ADHD and bipolar, he is big on destigmatizing mental health issues, and championing a neurodiverse outlook on life and practice.

    Tascha Schumann is a Buddhist Lama, writer, visual artist, co-host of The Mind Bod Adventure Pod, and Juno-nominated recording artist whose work has been streamed many millions of times around the world.

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    Full Shownotes: https://happierapp.com/podcast/tph/omega-826

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    • What he's learned about the power of self-compassion, the value of failure and how to gain perspective when you need it most 

    If you'd like to be a member of Dan's new community but a subscription isn't affordable for you, write to free@danharris.com, and we'll hook you up, no questions asked.

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    Check out all the offerings at DanHarris.com

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    • What cynicism is, and why it’s so appealing
    • His own history as a “recovering cynic,”
    • How to know if you yourself are a cynic
    • A step-by-step guide to start developing the “hopeful skeptic” mindset
    • How to get better at disagreeing with other people, including some rules of engagement
    • And how to encourage kids not to become cynical

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    Full Shownotes: https://happierapp.com/podcast/tph/jamil-zaki-cynic

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    About Jeff Warren:

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    A Buddhist Recipe for Handling Turmoil | Kaira Jewel Lingo

    A Buddhist Recipe for Handling Turmoil | Kaira Jewel Lingo

    We all know that change is inevitable and impermanence is non-negotiable. But somehow it can feel surprising, maybe even wrong, when we personally hit turbulence. The Buddha had a lot to say about this, and so does our guest. 

    Kaira Jewel Lingo is a Dharma teacher who has a lifelong interest in blending spirituality and meditation with social justice. Having grown up in an ecumenical Christian community where families practiced a new kind of monasticism and worked with the poor, at the age of twenty-five she entered a Buddhist monastery in the Plum Village tradition and spent fifteen years living as a nun under the guidance of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. She received Lamp Transmission from Thich Nhat Hanh and became a Zen teacher in 2007, and is also a teacher in the Vipassana Insight lineage through Spirit Rock Meditation Center. Today she sees her work as a continuation of the Engaged Buddhism developed by Thich Nhat Hanh as well as the work of her parents, inspired by their stories and her dad’s work with Martin Luther King Jr. on desegregating the South. 

    In addition to writing We Were Made for These Times: Skilfully Moving through Change, Loss and Disruption, she is also the editor of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness with Children. Now based in New York, she teaches and leads retreats internationally, provides spiritual mentoring, and interweaves art, play, nature, racial and earth justice, and embodied mindfulness practice in her teaching. She especially feels called to share the Dharma with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, as well as activists, educators, youth, artists, and families. Her newest book, co-written with Marisela B. Gomez and Valerie Brown, is  Healing Our Way Home: Black Buddhist Teachings on Ancestors, Joy, and Liberation.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • waking up to what’s happening right now
    • trusting the unknown (easier said than done) 
    • A Buddhist list called the five remembrances 
    • how gratitude helps us in times of disruption
    • And accepting what is (and why this is different from resignation or passivity)

    Please note: There are brief mentions of domestic violence, abuse, the suffering of refugees, and war in this episode.

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.happierapp.com/podcast/tph/kaira-jewel-lingo-390

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    The Science of Handling Uncertainty | Maya Shankar

    The Science of Handling Uncertainty | Maya Shankar

    Cognitive scientist Maya Shankar talks about how to get comfortable with uncertainty in an ever-changing world. 

    It seems like a design flaw in our species that we live in a world of constant change yet most of us are not comfortable with uncertainty. 

    In this episode, we talk to Maya Shankar about how to get better at dealing with change and to stop seeking what scientists call “cognitive closure.”

    Shankar is a former Senior Advisor in the Obama White House, where she founded and served as Chair of the White House Behavioral Science Team. She also served as the first Behavioral Science Advisor to the United Nations, and is currently a Senior Director of Behavioral Economics at Google. She is the host of the Pushkin Industries podcast A Slight Change of Plans, which was named Best Show of the Year in 2021 by Apple. 

    In this episode we talk about: 

    • Why humans are so uncomfortable with uncertainty and change
    • What a behavioral scientist actually does in the world
    • Why even the host of a podcast about change isn’t immune to the uncertainties of life 
    • The benefits of cultivating a more malleable sense of self
    • Why humans are such bad forecasters
    • The importance of auditing yourself when you’re undergoing a big change
    • How to take advantage of big reset moments
    • The concept of cognitive closure and why encouraging an open mind can make us more resilient  

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/maya-shankar-466

    Where to find Maya Shankar online: 

    Website: mayashankar.com

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    Stop Turning The Miraculous Into The Mundane | Bonus Meditation with Pascal Auclair

    Stop Turning The Miraculous Into The Mundane | Bonus Meditation with Pascal Auclair

    This is the first time you’ve ever been here, now. Pascal invites you to discover the vivid and mysterious experience of this new moment.

    About Pascal Auclair:

    Pascal Auclair has been immersed in Buddhist practice and study since 1997, sitting retreats in Asia and America with revered monastics and lay teachers. He has been mentored by Joseph Goldstein and Jack Kornfield at the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Massachusetts and Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California, where he is now enjoying teaching retreats. Pascal teaches in North America and in Europe. He is a co-founder of True North Insight and one of TNI’s Guiding Teachers.

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Rediscover the Familiar.”

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    A Buddhist Recipe For Confidence | Ethan Nichtern

    A Buddhist Recipe For Confidence | Ethan Nichtern

    Cultivating resilience in the face of whatever comes up.

    Ethan Nichtern is the author of Confidence: Holding Your Seat through Life’s Eight Worldly Winds and several other titles, including the widely acclaimed The Road Home: A Contemporary Exploration of the Buddhist Path. A renowned contemporary Buddhist teacher and the host of The Road Home Podcast, Nichtern has offered meditation and Buddhist psychology classes at conferences, meditation centers, yoga studios, and universities, including Brown, Yale, and NYU. He has been featured by CNN, NPR, the New York Times, Vogue, and Business Insider and has written for the Huffington Post, Beliefnet, Lion’s Roar, Tricycle, Buddhadharma, and more. He lives in Brooklyn. Visit him online at http://www.EthanNichtern.com.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Authentic vs performative confidence
    • The line between humility and confidence
    • A Buddhist list called the Eight Worldly Winds
    • A slew of little practices you can do in order to boost your confidence (or resilience or equanimity)
    • The meaning of self-confidence in a tradition that argues the self is an illusion

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    Full Shownotes: https://happierapp.com/podcast/tph/ethan-nichtern-819

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    Jerks at Work | Amy Gallo

    Jerks at Work | Amy Gallo

    This is the third installment in our Work Life series. In other episodes, we cover topics like imposter syndrome, whether mindfulness really works at work, and whether you should actually bring your whole self to the office.

    Today's episode is one that many of us struggle with: interpersonal conflict at work. Our guest is a true ninja on this topic. Amy Gallo is a workplace expert who writes and speaks about interpersonal dynamics, difficult conversations, feedback, gender, and effective communication.

    Gallo is a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review and the author of a new book, Getting Along, How to Work with Anyone, Even Difficult People. She's also written the The Harvard Business Review Guide to Dealing With Conflict, and she cohosts the Women at Work podcast.


    In this episode we talk about:

    • Why quality interactions at work are so important for our professional success and personal mental health
    • Why Gallo believes one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to dealing with difficult people in the workplace 
    • Why avoidance isn’t usually an option 
    • What the research tells us about work friendships
    • Why we have a tendency to dehumanize people who have more power than us
    • Why passive aggressive people can be the most difficult to deal with
    • The provocative question of whether we are part of the problem when work conflict crops up
    • And, a taxonomy of the eight different flavors of difficult coworkers, including the pessimist, the victim, the know-it-all, and the insecure boss — with tactics for managing each. 

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/amy-gallo-576

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    The Buddha’s Eight Part Recipe for Happiness | DaRa Williams

    The Buddha’s Eight Part Recipe for Happiness | DaRa Williams

    This episode kicks off our series on the Eightfold Path which will continue on Wednesdays for the next two weeks with Eugene Cash and Joseph Goldstein.

    DaRa Williams is a trainer, meditation teacher and psychotherapist and has been a meditator for the past 25 years. She is a practitioner of both Vipassana and Ascension meditation and is a graduate of the Spirit Rock/Insight Meditation Society Teacher Training Program and is an IMS Emeritus Guiding Teacher. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The first two components of the Eightfold Path: Right View and Right Thinking
    • How the Eightfold Path has played out in DaRa’s life 
    • The notions of Intuition, Clear Seeing, and Openness 
    • And the very tricky skills of renunciation and fostering non-attachment to outcomes

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/dara-williams-592

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    The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness | Part 1

    The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness | Part 1

    Dan flies to Dharamsala, India to spend two weeks in the orbit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This is the first installment of a five-part audio documentary series, something we’ve never done before now. Over the course of the episodes, we talk to His Holiness about practical strategies for thorny dilemmas, including: how to get along with difficult people; whether compassion can cut it in an often brutal world; why there is a self-interested case for not being a jerk; and how to create social connection in an era of disconnection. We also get rare insights from the Dalai Lama into everything from the mechanics of reincarnation to His Holiness’s own personal mediation practice. 

    In this first installment, Dan watches as a young activist directly challenges His Holiness: In a world plagued by climate change, terrorism, and other existential threats, is the Dalia Lama’s message of compassion practical — or even relevant? 

    Full Show Notes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/dalai-lama-guide-538

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    Additional Resources:

    Download the Ten Percent Happier app today: https://10percenthappier.app.link/JoinChallengePod

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make and Keep Friends | Dr. Marisa G. Franco

    How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make and Keep Friends | Dr. Marisa G. Franco

    Did you know that having friends can make you less depressed? One survey found that the average American had not made a new friend in the last five years but 45% of people said they would go out of their way to make a new friend if they only knew how.   

    Our guest today, Dr. Marisa G. Franco, has written a bestselling book about how understanding your own psychological makeup and attachment style can help you make and keep friends. Franco is a psychologist and a professor at the University of Maryland. Her book is called Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make–and Keep–Friends.

    This is episode three of a four part series in which we are doing some counter programming against the typical Valentine's Day fair. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Why friendship is undervalued in our society (while romantic love is overvalued) and why this is damaging on both a societal and individual level
    • The impact of technology on our relationships as explained by something called “displacement theory”
    • The biological necessity of social connection and the devastating physiological and psychological impacts of loneliness 
    • Attachment style and its relationship to our friendships
    • What you can do to make friends, including being open or vulnerable (without oversharing)
    • How to reframe social rejection
    • The importance of generosity
    • How to handle conflict with your friends
    • The difference between flaccid safety and dynamic safety in your friendships
    • When to walk away from a relationship 
    • How to make friends across racial, gender, and socioeconomic lines
    • How to deal with social anxiety
    • And how our evolutionarily wired negativity bias can impact the process of making friends

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/marisa-g-franco-561

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Enlightened Mind | Part 5 of The Dalai Lama's Guide to Happiness

    The Enlightened Mind | Part 5 of The Dalai Lama's Guide to Happiness

    What is the Dalai Lama’s own meditation practice like? In this final episode, the Dalai Lama goes into great detail about the whys and wherefores of meditation, taking us way into the deep end. We cover single-pointed versus analytical meditation, gross and subtle levels of the mind, “true cessation,” and how we can use sleep as practice for the moment of death. Dr. Davidson returns to explain key, esoteric terms and to help us understand how we can apply elements of the Dalai Lama’s practice to our everyday lives.

    Want more of The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness? Download the Ten Percent Happier app wherever you get your apps.

    Full Show Notes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/dalai-lama-guide-542

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    Additional Resources:

    Download the Ten Percent Happier app today: https://10percenthappier.app.link/JoinChallengePod

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.


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