My World with Jeff Jarrett takes wrestling fans behind the scenes, along with King of the Mountain, Conrad Thompson. Dice Mann is here. How about that? Yeah, see that. He says Randy Savage attacked Hawke at a Kid Rock concert. I don't know if I'm buying Randy backing down even at that stage of the game. He would have never gotten a fight on Universal Studios back like out of respect from old man. Kid Rock concert? Watch out, Hawkester. But here? No, but he ain't backing down. My World with Jeff Jarrett, wherever you listen.
Well, it's our number two of Dixon and Vining. Without Dixon and Vining today, if you're just joining us, welcome to the seven o'clock hour here on Talk 99.5. It's Kip Kiefer subbing today for Valerie and Rich.
week. We'll be back in tomorrow morning as well with a whole lot more. Didn't really miss much in the first hour if you're just tuning in. I was waxing poetic pretty much about Christmas memories, talking about my experience here yesterday and the continuity and kind of just the revival of spirit that so much of the Christmas
rituals and different family traditions that continuing year after year is very reassuring to me somehow and I hope a lot of you had that same experience. We are going to talk about some things that happened in the last week or so because I understand and it's amazing how many people
That I know and interact with and and really come from a lot of common background as I I I'm really blessed my five best friends in the world are all people that I met in eighth and ninth grade literally So these are guys that span decades in my life and several of them are
really make an effort to not pay much attention to what goes on in their own country, which is something that I just find baffling because if
on what and not only missing out, you're kind of defying your responsibility because one of the most unique things about this audacious system called America was the opportunity to be the government. It's of the people by the people for the people. The people are you and Steve and me.
and all everybody listening, everybody you know, everybody you interact with, anybody you do business with, we are the government and we're shirking our responsibility by allowing this government to grow into this behemoth of just
run away control because they are not the government. We vote for the representatives in this system because all of us can't go up and pass laws and be involved. So it's representative republic. We're going to preserve our democracy. Well, this just in folks. This is not a democracy. A democracy is ruled by simple majority. That is not what this country is all about.
to give people in all parts of the country in every segment of life, every kind of occupation, this country was brilliantly founded by our forefathers back in the late 1700s, starting with the Declaration of Independence in 1776,
where they told the king we've had enough we're out of here we're our own country now that of course prompted the Revolutionary War which unbelievably if if this was a and I talked sports and and sports lines and things all the time if if the Revolutionary War had been a sporting event
America would have been at least a five touchdown underdog. Really no chance with the best, most sophisticated army in the world against them, a ragtag bunch of people, but they had something on their side that the British didn't have. They were basically paid soldiers who
didn't have any passion for being here and fighting the Revolutionary War, but people that believed in the system of self-governance and all of the principles that the country would later be founded upon are who rose up and did what was necessary under the direction of the great George Washington called the father of our country for a reason and also of course our first president
But we've let it evolve and a lot of the reason that it has gotten kind of out of control and fallen in the hands of career politicians.
And I scoff every time I hear one of them or somebody in the media talk about their public service for being in Washington, public service by, you know what, it's not public service folks, it's self service. Why do you think that every one of these people who gets elected to these positions
starts running for re-election the very next day when they're starting this new term because it's the greatest gig in the world. You are in Washington. You are being constantly given all kinds of checks and money and support for your campaign and for all of your needs and expenditures. You don't spend any money.
the jobs don't pay an exorbitant amount i mean a lot of people would say this is that's wrong when you say that the standard salary for a legislator congressman senator is in the in the neighborhood of a hundred but you have to remember everything's paid for your staff your offices all of your expenses and and everybody trying to court
ocken at all hours of the day and night uh... how do you think that people of average means who managed to get elected to congress can go to washington and come out uh... multi-millionaires it's not from a hundred eighty thousand-dollar year salary i can assure you harry reed who was a five-term senator from nevada which uh... broadcasting this morning from los vegas
Harry Reid was bankrupt two years before he won his Senate seat. Washington served 30 years, five terms, and when he came at his net worth was over four years.
How does that happen and why are Americans completely not focused on the fact it's almost like a given you just shrug. Well, if you're in politics, you're going to make a lot of money. That is not the way it was supposed to be. The founding fathers did not put together a country and a system.
where people would go to Washington and be career politicians. You were supposed to send your best and brightest representatives to Washington for a brief period once or twice a year to consider laws and provisions that were for the good of the country and that is not the system we live in now and I don't think anybody can deny that. So this Trump administration is really providing because the edict from the
people of America was we've had enough uh the election results were astounding uh in probably and they say it all the time so i don't want to over you history of this country because we had reached the brink of maybe not being able to turn back because so much of the
Washington is based on leftist principles bordering on a Marxist system like the Soviet Union implemented after the Russian Revolution in the early 1900s. We were on that verge of basically a socialized or Marxist nation, and that's not overseas.
of the years going all the way back to the ride home here on 99.5 that we got to get out of this mentality that was in Democrats. That is not what we're dealing with these days. What we have is Washington, its own organism, watching out for its own interests because
industry ever conceived. What a business. Think about it. If you're in government in Washington, you've got an unlimited budget based
like a drunken sailor, and unlike a regular business, if you run a little short or a lot short, you just print up more money. Of course, what that does, it doesn't really have any value, so that money just weakens the currency that's already in circulation and creates this runaway influence.
laughable because Biden did not personally administrate anything. Let's just be honest what this was. This was the third term of Barack Obama, the entire Biden infrastructure, all the people surrounding him in his own cabinet, all of his advisors, all of the people what Obama did in his two terms was brilliantly set the stage for this. And he admitted it, transformation of America.
to be back from the people and give it to these elitists who think they know best what the policies of this country should be. And they know best what the policies and the parameters for your family and your business and your livelihood and your life and leisure and what you drive and what you appliances you have in your house and everything. I mean, they had this vision
of basically being the ultimate nanny state cradle to grave situation managing your life and dictating to you through regulation and laws and taxes and fees uh... exactly how you can and you can exist and that was the referendum that was on the ballot november fifth we had to get that corrected to get things back on course and we've got an unbelievable opportunity to do that
Accepting the fact that that's the case, not... I will tell you what happened last week that was just an absolute head shaker and tell you just how entitled these people think they are to run your country instead of you. We'll have that and a whole lot more as we continue. Dixon and Vining on Talk99.5. We'll be back after these messages.
Welcome back, everybody. It's Dixon Vining on Talk 1995. Kip Kiefer. Steve West is running the program. We are on duty early on this day after Christmas. They have been waxing poetic about Christmas present and past. Kind of a no-scrooge and Marley story here, but that was the first hour.
Now we're talking about things that are happening in Washington in this kind of ridiculous period and I'm going to talk more about that maybe after the bottom of the hour break about how we got to this point where an election is in November and we do not transition power until January 20th
And maybe it's time to take a look at that because some things are happening that are very distressing that I know a lot of people tune out during this time of year. A lot of people tune out all year round and I understand but I implore you if you're listening today, start paying attention, get involved in politics in terms at least of our representatives that we are sending to Washington because the last poll I saw
of people asked all around the country if they're satisfied with the congress the house representatives the senate uh... their approval rating is like thirteen percent that means eighty seven out of a hundred people ask have an unfavorable opinion of the united states congress and that is astounding and their actions of the past week is the reason for that and yet
Unbelievably, these people just serve term after term after term. Of course, the House of Representatives have just two year terms. So basically, they run for reelection throughout the entire time there in Washington, starting on day one. The new Congress will be sworn in on Friday next week on January 3rd.
And those folks only have two-year terms, so they are in a frenzy from day one to try and retain their seats. The senators get six years, of course. And recently in Alabama, we were guilty of re-electing Richard Shelby. It was a credible, you know, congressman, conservative. But still, nobody needs to be in Washington for six terms in the Senate. Thirty-six years, that wasn't the conception.
so basically with that approval rating that low we keep sending back the same people to washington election after election it's almost like well i totally disapproval congress but our guy is also so uh... but your guy is not awesome because if they keep sending back you keep sending back the same people and everybody does the same thing we're never gonna get any kind of
a progress or change here and it's it's it's a dynamic that everybody really needs to recognize so this again this is not a democrat republican thing this is washington this is the deep state this is the swamp uh... all the terms that you've heard and if you don't think it exists well i gotta tell you you are not correct last week and here's how it's supposed to work
Uh, the fiscal year for the United States government ends on September 30th every year. It's a brand new financial year starting on October 1st. A lot of businesses run this way. It really doesn't make sense to me. I don't know why you just don't go through the end of the calendar year, but that's not the way it works. But here is the way it's supposed to work starting in the summer sessions. Uh, and they take so many recesses, they never get anything done.
But the Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives is supposed to draft 12 different bills that actually fund the government for the next fiscal year. And that process is supposed to happen in the summer and be approved, signed, sealed, and delivered by the 1st of October.
But for about, I can't remember how long a string of years it's been for decades. That has not been the case because there's not agreement on on spending for everything. And these are all separate bills that fund all the different departments of the government, the military, all of the benefits, Medicare, Social Security, all of those things.
And these are supposed to be done again by the 1st of October, but they always mess around, do not have anything passed. So when all that expires on October 1st, there's always this fire drill to do what's called a continuing resolution.
And the continuing resolution just carries every current program over until Congress does its job and comes up with the funding plan. Well, the funding plan now comes down to the end of the year where that's when the next expiration takes place. The continuing resolution that's drafted typically every October, or the actually the end of September,
only goes through the end of the calendar year so they were facing a huge deadline. I think the date was the maybe the 21st or maybe it was the 20th. I'm not sure but it was right before Christmas last week and they were still with no funding mechanism with another continuing resolution expiring
They had to swing into action to keep the government open because God forbid if the government shuts down, it's going to be just this cataclysm. You will never survive at the government shutting down. We can't have that because all of them aren't going to get their pay. And all of the 90,000 Washington bureaucrats that are the men and women of every single department bureau agency
you know little uh... consulting firms uh... all of those people will not get paid uh... this this is the line that just killed me the only people that are not going to be affected by this government shutdown are the essential government workers now think about that statement
the essential government workers will still be compensated because the major services the government provides safety security etcetera uh... will still be operational ask yourself a common sense question if only the essential people will continue to work and be compensated
What in the hell is the rest of them do? By saying the essential people will be maintained, doesn't that mean that everybody else, 75, 80% of the government workers, are not essential? That's what it means to me. And if they're not essential, why in the hell are they employed? What do they do? And why are we paying them with our tax dollars?
Those are the important questions to ponder because what they came up with at the end of the year was not a final plan with 12 different budget mechanisms. It was one all-encompassing plan and I'll tell you what nonsense was in that and it'll blow your mind if you haven't heard about it or thought about it on the other side. We got to go to break. Keep key for info Valerie and Richard on this Thursday morning. Glad you're on board.
Welcome back everybody. Steve West on the board keeping me awake and alert here with some great choices of some classic rock cuts. We are glad you are on board. I hope you're all awake and alert. If you're out and about I imagine traffic is a little bit less troublesome to deal with today. Most people staying at the home quarters I would imagine on this day after Christmas.
It's kind of an interesting week. We talked about it in the first hour when Christmas falls in the middle of the week or 4th of July in the summertime on a Tuesday or Wednesday. It's really kind of unleashes a week-long holiday in some areas because unlike it being on a Friday or a Monday where we're kind of used to the long weekend concept, a Tuesday or Wednesday just pretty much makes the entire week from a productivity standpoint.
uh... no one void i know a lot of you though still have to go out and provide uh... services and and different things for folks you are essential and that's what we left the uh... discussion in the uh... last segment uh... the the absolute nonsensical
behavior of the federal government who's now settled into this pattern of not doing their job. I mean, they're up there and their specific function is to come up with the funding mechanisms and the budget approvals for all the different departments of government. And if you're just tuning in, that is supposed to be completed at the end of September, completely passed and be implemented at midnight on October 1st every year, the new fiscal year.
Well, this just in folks, that hasn't happened in many, many, many years. I think it goes back even as far as the 70s or 80s the last time they actually did their job as it's described and had these 12 different funding bills for all the different things that the federal government gets involved in.
and i mentioned that includes the military the defense systems all of the uh... benefits uh... social security medicare all of the different government programs and most importantly to the deep state swamp
creatures of Washington, it funds all of these departments and agencies that have been created that the forefathers did not create. These are all things that were added after the fact and things that might surprise you like the Department of Justice.
There was no department of justice in the original conception of the federal government. There was no federal police force, the FBI. There was no mechanism for all of these, of course, things under the branch of now, the Homeland Security System, which has 22 different agencies and is a giant cluster
You look at the deficiencies in the secret service,
hodgepodge of different agencies uh... and and right now probably the worst government appointee in the history of our country on a hundred my orcas overseas the homeland security department in its twenty-two agencies you see what a disaster fema is federal emergency management management authority uh... fema he said after this hurricane that hit the panhandle of florida and in a once in a
not even dawns in a century. Once in a five century, just completely random set of circumstances did more damage not to the coast where it hit, but way, way away from there up in North Georgia through South Carolina and particularly.
Believe in magic, in a young girl's heart How the music can free her Whenever it starts and it's mad
Hey, welcome back into Dixon and Vining show here. We're kind of in best of mode right now. Kip Kiefer, he's out in Las Vegas just to let you know in case you had not realized that he's broadcasting from Vegas and we're having some technical difficulties. And because of that, we're kind of running best of mode. So I'm going to go back and go to a day when we had Ani Lindenberg in the studio and, well, in the nine o'clock hour, you know this. We get into food talk all the time. Ani, food talk, Dixon and Vining.
It went about as well as you would expect. Greg McElroy was singing this song in the hall the other day. He was walking down the hall just singing this, and I'm like, that song like 20 years old, he goes, I don't know, it's just in my head, I can't get rid of it. That's so funny. It is funny. We live a very strange life here, don't we? It's not unusual to just walk out this door and see Charles Barkley wandering down the hall at you, and he knows your name.
And you're like, yeah, because he's been here often enough that. Yeah.
I've walked out and it was one of the Jackson's, Jackson brothers. Like Randy Jackson's Randy. And sunglasses on. Uranium. Yeah, and I saw, I wasn't quite sure. I knew there was a Jackson-esque quality. I'm like, oh, yeah, there goes a Jackson. Tito, I don't know which, Jermaine, I don't know who, is it Jermaine? Jermaine. Jermaine, yeah. Jermaine, something like that. Just random and you're just like, okay, I'm trying to get to the elevator because I'm tired and I want to go home. Oh yeah. Great to see you, sir.
It's just weird. You don't think about it. You don't really. It's just, it's just our lives. Yeah. That's what it is. And we'll take it. I got to tell you something, Richard. You see this right here behind me? That crappy blind that has fallen. This awful blind right here. Literally been here for as long as this building has been here. Been a long time. Literally the blind that has fallen and caked it up.
it actually bit the dust and we call bloomin blinds and mark came out and he's given us an estimate and we are going to have a new blind all i got we are going to have a new blind may happen next week or the week after not yours never cease and i think it's short i know so i'm super excited he came out did the measurement and is going to put up a new blind and if it is similar to the one that is back there in our sister station w j o x
we are going to absolutely love it. Oh baby. Because it might be a motorized treatment. What? There's a remote here. Don't you lose that remote? We will. We will. I'll lock that remote. A little clear plastic thing. Yeah, right. Anyways, I'm super excited about it. And that's really what it's all about. BloominBlinds, Yes, they can come out and put treatments on these enormous windows we have at our business. It could be windows in your home. It is time for some blinds or shutters or shades.
or you've got a deck or a porch or a patio where you like a little privacy or those motorized treatments, they work great there too. So reach out to Mark, good guy, a family owned business, you'll love what they can do, they bring everything to you, you don't have to travel around, you don't have to take measurements, they do it all. 6495746 or
You know what we could do to the remote is we could like lock it down like they do in cheap motels. They don't want you to take your book. They just actually bolt it to the cabinet or the nightstand or whatever. When I run across a hotel like that and I stay in places like that all the time.
I always take that. Do you bring the quarters for the bed? Of course. The magic fingers. Come on. My parents let me have that bed. We would travel to South Dakota. We were in Missouri, like Columbia, and I got the vibrating bed. Oh, man. It was wonderful watching Johnny Carson sitting on that bed. Childhood was awesome. Yeah. How would you feel about craft, mac and cheese, everything, bagel flavor? Yes. OK.
You like it? Try it. Can we just go ahead on our own? Can I have that for breakfast tomorrow morning? You may. That sounds so good. There's a problem though, right? There's a catch with this. It's very, very limited supply. Yeah, that's the only thing. Can we take regular craft macaroni and cheese? Yes. I've got the bagel everything in the container already where you could sprinkle it on. I mean, I figured that's kind of what they did, only mixed it in with the cheese I guess. I assume so, yeah. You could probably get away with that. I don't know. Try it.
All right, well, let's do this. Collectively, let's see if we can find a box of this, right? Okay. When it comes out. I'll look and see. I don't want to. And then we'll do a comparison. You can only buy it online, Oh, okay. Oh, now everybody's gonna go get it. Way to go, Richard. I'm in there first right now. Sorry. Oh, I'm gonna go get the book. What if I don't tell them what day it's available? Okay, don't tell them. I'm not going to give you any word at all.
You don't need to know that it's going to be available on November 25th at 5 AM. That's tomorrow. Oh, we'll be up. We'll be up. Twenty-five. Twenty-six. Twenty-six. Twenty-fifths. Only twenty-fifths, right? What day is it? I'm just trying to get Thanksgiving here a little quicker. I know that's all there is to be someone being the voice of reason here, because that was twenty-fifths. So that's my day. Yeah, we killed anybody yet, so. Darn it. This is a very weird story. First date.
fast food i i i i i would never ever ask a one out for first date to a fast food restaurant and yet a majority of alabama men say they would fifty four percent of alabama in respondents shows mcdonald's as their top pick for a fast food first date pizza hot took second place taco bell came in third
Okay, I have a question. Yeah, just one. Why is it so bad? Why is it so bad? Don't yell at me. I'm not yelling. I'm curious about your curiosity. They're saying fast food first date. So it's not like first restaurant. They're saying fast food. You're going to take your date to a fast food restaurant.
I know you're looking, you're probably thinking Chick-fil-A, right? Are you thinking Chick-fil-A is fast food? I'm thinking if I was on a first date with a girl, I wouldn't go to a fast food clinic. I know, but that's good. I'd take it to automatic seafood or I would take it. Well, everybody has that kind of money. The survey is about fast food first dates.
Who the heck takes their first date on the fast food? I don't know. If you don't have money to go to a fancy restaurant. What if you can't afford it? If you barely heard it back. Don't ask the girl on the date. Exactly. If you don't have the money you're gonna die alone like you're supposed to, you poor sorry son of a bitch. That's where you go.
Wow, look at that. I haven't been here in a month that I don't even know you anymore. And take care of the animatics, which is lovely. But not everybody got that concave. That is a lot. That's exactly what it is. Not everybody has high flute and high end right there. I would save up.
That's what I would do. I would actually, I would save my pennies and like done. Mr. First class over here. I would make sure that I had money. Let's back this up. Let's back this up. Yeah. You know, you're 25 years old, Richard. Let's just go back in time. Yeah. All of us in radio. Okay. Twenty five years old. A couple of important things in TV at 25. I have hair. Right. That's number one. Okay. I have two. Probably stoned. Okay. Good chance. You catch me any day when I'm 25. I was five as a kite.
You're on a ramen noodle budget, and you meet this hot chick that you are dying to take out, but you're living on a McDonald's budget. And nowadays, that McDonald's budget's kind of high-end, if you know what I mean. It's pricey. So what are you doing at 25 first aid? I die alone. That's my plan. Oh, you're such a liar. You're so lying. You're so lying. The way they didn't have money, I never took a girl to a fast food restaurant on the first day. But if that's all you got, no. Never.
Oh, yeah, I'm so calling. I'm calling you out on this. You're calling however you want. I never ever took a girl to a fast food restaurant on a first date. I don't think I ever took a girl to a fast food restaurant on a date ever, much less a first date. But he was stoned and had long hair, so I mean, you got to weigh it out here to see. I don't the other hand had the long hair, but I wasn't stoned all the time. I'll be more than happy to give you some references that'll tell you I never took him to a fast food restaurant on a first date.
When I'm in a mother question, why is pizza hut considered fast food? That is fair because I may have taken a girl to pizza hut once you do it. I may have taken it, but that was back when Pizza Hut was a sit down right they didn't even deliver back then right when you're 25 and you go hey and they had that fancy salad bar too back then.
Man, like all the kale on it. Come on. No, there was no kale on that. No, no, no, it was decorative. Oh, the decorative. In fact, Pizza Hut was the largest purchaser of kale in the United States for about a decade there because they would buy it and they'd put it around them. There's some trivia you can share with a family around the Thanksgiving table. At what point did it go from decorative to we should make things from that?
Yeah, good question, because it's nasty. Because it's not as scary. Yeah, I ever did it. It's got a spine. I don't like it. They should regress that for the rest of their lives. Yeah, they should. It does. 54% of men surveyed said they would consider taking a first day to a fast food restaurant. 66% of women said they would say, yes, if a man asked them out to a fast food restaurant, I have been doing this wrong all my life. Yep, majority rules. All my life. I'm taking women to automatic seafood, and they'd be perfectly happy with Taco Bell. Is this just Alabama?
No, this is the entire country. Okay, well. So each state has different answers. In the national ranking, Chick-fil-A came in first place. Because of God. Dairy Queen came in second. What? Here's the one thing you know, if Chick-fil-A blizzard, if you're taking girls to Chick-fil-A, you're not dating them on Sunday. No, you are not. No, you're in church with me. Dairy Queen came in second. Sonic Drive-in and Pizza Hut tied for third.
Really, the drive-in, okay. Cause you don't want to get out of the car. No, exactly. Who wants to work there? This is a lot of fun driving movie. Just leave those tighter dots there. Right there on the dash. Ma'am. Is that like a tie on the doorknob? Yeah, it's a little foggy in here. I think I would have cracked that window. We would be fun dates, I think.
Oh, it'd be entertaining, I guarantee you. Oh, Lordy and our work is done here today. That's it. I need to gain Christmas. Now we can't do that at the Christmas extravagan spectacular. Oh, you should. Oh, no, I won't be on TV that night. I don't care. Oh, yeah. Oh, here. You got the night off. I don't know anybody there. Excellent. Wow.
I don't know. Pepsi is releasing a new flavored soda for Christmas. Would you like to know what it is? Please make it good. Oh, sure. Yeah. Sorry, it's gingerbread. That's not going to happen. I'll try it. Will you? Yes. Former spicier flavors of the season. Pepsi zero sugar gingerbread.
I love gingerbread, but I'm not sure how. I'm not sure. OK, I'll sample it. If I run across a can somewhere, I'll buy one can and try it. OK, I did this with the what was it? The spice, the Coca-Cola spice. I tried that. If it hadn't had the raspberry in there, I think I would have liked it. I was over the top on the spice for me. Yeah, the spice was OK. I was over the top of the deal. Can I make a suggestion with this?
Add a little bourbon. A little bourbon and your zero gingerbread Pepsi. Okay, that brings a whole new twist to Dixon and Vining Try stuff. Yeah, it does. I'm here for it. Can I give you? Yeah, we'll wait for a Thursday. Eggnog, yeah, a little eggnog with that. I have an update on the Everything Bagel Mac and Cheese. Okay. If you go on the Walmart app, you can pre-order and it arrives by the release date of November 29th. How did you get that? I just looked on the app because I order my groceries on the app. Oh, because you have the app, you are able to order the one. Yeah, so I'm getting two boxes.
I'm gonna love that. That paycheck kicks. Y'all look out. Real quick. Jersey Mike's, you said Valerie is your favorite subshot. One of them, yes. It's being sold.
True story. Asset management giant Blackstone is spending $8 billion to acquire the majority ownership of Jersey Mike's. Well, they'll continue it as Jersey Mike's. No, they're changing the name to Jersey Phil's. Are Blackstone jerseys or something? Blackstone's buying it. That's really interesting. No longer a part of this operation. It's Jersey Phil.
from now on. I don't like Jersey Phil. McDonald's debuting, you know, the breaking out the McRib again. Somebody is saying what's your turn? How would you like a half gallon jug of McRib sauce?
Yeah, they're selling half gallons of McRib sauce. The one time that I try to McRib, I remember the sauce as being overly sweet. It's disgusting. It is, again, if you are in the South, and especially in Birmingham, Alabama, where we have enough really great barbecue restaurants that you have to use both hands if you're gonna count them off, and you're getting a McRib, this is like,
being in italy and getting dominoes like what is wrong with you why are you why are you doing this what is what is going on inside your head or who did you ask out on a first date uh... good point uh... it's like being at the gulf and go on to red lobster no offense honey why it's uh... i mean shots fired uh... it's like being in mexico and going to talk about what are you doing with your life do they have talk about the mexico
they did for a minute. It did not, believe it or not, didn't make it. Really? Did not make it. You were like, oh, this is awful. Do you remember when they're slogan was make a run for the border? Yeah. I tell young people at work that they're like, what? It seems so. Yeah, yeah. It's really not good that they use that anymore. Do they still use that slogan?
Taco Bell. They did away with that. They went to Yokeiro Taco Bell and a little dog. And now it's same six items. We just rearranged. That's right. That's what they ought to say. Named one of the best personal finance podcasts, the stacking Benjamin's show with Joe and his friends makes financial literacy fun. Back when I needed money, a lot of money. There were things that I did during my I need money. Here's one was really stupid. I didn't pay any attention to my expense line.
I just thought if I keep making more money, life will get better. And that is a total lie. If you never keep track of the bottom line, no matter how much money I made, I spent that anymore. I can attest to that. Yeah, I would just mess that up. Find out more by searching the Stacking Benjamin's podcast. Wherever you listen.
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