Dixon & Vining Hour 1 (013125)
January 31, 2025
TLDR: Mt. Brook Police Chief is retiring and Trump wins a big settlement in a Facebook case.

In the latest episode of the Dixon & Vining show, the hosts delve into current events and local happenings in Birmingham, Alabama, while also discussing entertainment news and engaging stories. Highlights include commentary on weather conditions, police chief retirements, a significant legal settlement for Donald Trump, and the thriving local automotive culture.
Key Discussion Topics
1. Local Weather Update
- Rainy Forecast: The morning started with a 100% chance of rain which was expected to clear up by lunchtime.
- Temperature Trends: The weather will gradually improve with sunny skies predicted for the following days, potentially reaching the low seventies early next week.
- Precautionary Measures: Listeners are advised to carry umbrellas but expect limited rainfall.
2. Community Happenings
- Luke Bryan Tickets: The final pair of Luke Bryan concert tickets was offered, generating excitement among fans.
- World of Wheels Event: An announcement for the World of Wheels giveaway was made, with live broadcasting mentioned for community engagement.
- Mountain Brook Police Chief Retirement: The retirement of Mountain Brook's police chief after 29 years of service raised discussions about policing in affluent areas and community safety.
3. Current Legal Events
- Trump vs. Meta Settlement: Donald Trump won a significant legal battle against Meta (Facebook) over the suspension of his account, leading to a $25 million settlement. This discussion touched on the implications of social media regulations and freedom of speech.
4. Local Entertainment Insights
- Debbie Does Movies Segment:
- Reviews of two new films:
- Companion: A science fiction film that didn't resonate well with the reviewer due to a convoluted plot.
- Valiant One: Described as a solid action-adventure film highlighting American soldiers positively.
- Discussion on how real heroes in Hollywood should be portrayed, noting the importance of moral storytelling.
Notable Quotes & Humor
- Throughout the show, the hosts offered witty comments and humorous anecdotes, engaging the audience with light-hearted banter about everyday situations, such as the challenges of maintaining a classic car or the quirks of margarita preferences.
Audience Takeaways
- Community Connection: The episode fostered a sense of community by emphasizing local events and personalities.
- Political Engagement: Discussions on political issues and recent lawsuits highlighted the unpredictable nature of public discourse in today's digital age.
- Entertainment Preferences: Insights into movies set the tone for upcoming weekends, encouraging listeners to tune into film reviews before deciding what to watch.
The Dixon & Vining podcast continues to blend entertainment, local news, and lifestyle discussions, creating an engaging platform for Birmingham residents. With humor and relatability, the hosts keep the audience informed and entertained as they navigate both serious topics and everyday life.
Stay tuned for more discussions in the next episode!
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Actor Michael Rosenbaum, he knows some of the most talented people in the business, and now he's getting the inside story. Let's get inside of Heather Graham. I can't look at like Boogie Nights and think that you were a nerd, Johnny Knoxville. You figured you'd do another Jackass movie? What are your kids want? Dazzie. You gotta be careful how you choose your heroes. Hear from some of the most fascinating people in pop culture today.
Danny Trejo. You're a legend. Do you know you're a legend? You can't be a legend have it. This is much fun. The inside of you podcast. Follow and listen on your favorite platform. Good morning Birmingham. Here's the situation as we see it with Dixon of a 100% chance of rain this morning. 63 now high of 64. I love it. Come on. We're going up a whole one degree between now and the high. That's it. That's okay. Nice and warm. One degree. Ball me. Maybe a little. Yeah.
Uh, tomorrow looks like it's going to be even nicer. How about a high of 63, but, but sunny skies. Yeah, it's going to be beautiful. Beautiful. Then we drift closer to 70 on Sunday and then we get into the low seventies early next week, like 71, 72, 73. Hello.
I love it. All of those days, largely sunny, don't know when the next chance of rain is going to be, but it is going to happen this morning. What happened was it was supposed to come in late last night and stick around till about seven o'clock this morning. Well, it slowed down.
Yeah, slow down and here's the other thing, Richard. I'm looking at radar. There's one itty bitty band coming through Birmingham. Now it's just moved through and the rest of the rain is a little bit West and North. It's like Northwest Alabama. What's behind there back in Mississippi? Doesn't look like, I mean, there's rain there, but it's not like a significant storm. So.
So unless it develops as we go along here, you're saying we're probably not going to see a mountain of rain coming our way. Right, right. Just, you know, just have your umbrella handy because you might need it at some point before lunch today. And then later on this afternoon, this stuff moves out. Get your rubbers and your bumper shoot, I say. Whatever you need to keep you dry. Absolutely. And your hair in place. 606 Dixon Vining Talk, 99.5 Talk, 99.5.com lots going on today.
Final pair of Luke, Brian, win him before you can buy him tickets happening. So go between seven and eight. This is it. Then they'll go on sale this morning where you can purchase them yourself. 10 AM Coca-Cola amphitheater. They say they are moving along at a rapid clip there. Hopefully this rain does not get in the way and they're able to work today and over the weekend. That would be good.
Then we've got the announcement on the World of Wheels giveaway. We've got the big winner. Excited about that. That happens tonight. It starts tonight. Leeland's going to be broadcasting live out there. From two to six. So go buy the World of Wheels and say hello to him and check out everything underneath that roof.
Always fun. Always fun, the world of wheels. You know, it's like a carnival in there. Well, it's a carnival for dudes who really like cars, but also, you know, they got these costume characters running around and places where you can get pictures taken with them. They have celebrities, Christian Cage is there today. I know Sunday they got Oscar from the office. I can't remember who they got somebody in there tomorrow as well.
It's just, it's so much more than you think it is. If you think it's just a big room full of cars, you're going to be in for a pleasant surprise because it's really family-oriented. It's something for everybody, and they really do. They make it kid-oriented that there's a place for the kids to have a lot of fun, the adults, and those of you that love some of these classic cars, they really are pretty cool. When you think about it, every year that goes by, you're like, ah, I would not love to have that old Camaro. Every time I do Chevy,
I have to make a choice, and of course I'm not buying any of them anymore. I've owned my share in a 74-year-old erotic at one point. I had a 71 Corvette stingray. I'm like, OK, we're done with that. We got that out of our system. Kind of like motorcycles. I'm like, I think I'm done with motorcycles. I could be wrong, but I think I'm done with motorcycles.
But I go and I look and I'm like, oh my God, will you look at that SS? That thing is astounding and it's like mint. Like they brought this thing back perfectly. That's the kind of car I would want. You go two cars down and somebody has taken a classic car and chopped and channeled it and put a scoop on it and completely updated everything with fuel injection. And I'm like, no, I was wrong. This is the car.
I can't make up my mind. I am of two minds on the subject. Do I want to go like really pristine, all natural, or do I want to go the other way with this and drive like a... Well, you better get your checkbook out because those things ain't cheap. Oh, yeah. A friend of mine redid an older truck. He bought this thing for $200, and I say he redid it. He actually paid somebody else to do. 95% of the work for him.
By the time he was done, he had poured more than $75,000 into this truck, because it was always one more thing. He was one more thing to death. But, unfortunately, it wasn't a position to be able to do that. Took it out to the world of wheels that year, one first place in the truck category.
Pretty cool. Yeah, I'm like, was it worth it? $75,000 later? I'm sure what he did was he bought it for his daughter thinking, well, we're going to work on this together. We're going to bring it up to speed. And the more he looked at it, the more he thought, this thing's a real classic. We could really do something with it. And the next thing you know, it became this hot rod truck. And I don't think his daughter got to drive it even once.
Oh, no, honey, it's too expensive for you to drive now. The insurance on it is through the roof. I know $75,000 worth. Mr. Boggs, MRB, your GGS.com. They're the ones who know what a bug's you. And when the rain is coming in like it is, sometimes the bug, sometimes the rodents, they want to be inside. They no longer want to be wandering around outside of the wet stuff and the cold.
They're going to come into your house unless Mr. Bugs has laid down that barrier for you to keep them out and kill the ones that are inside, of course.
Small rodents too, man. I had a rodent problem, didn't expect it, but I should have. You know, I lived right next to some woods. And consequently, I had a small rodent control situation that they got under control for me fairly quickly at Mr. Bugs. I truly appreciated that. Add to it the termite bonding, the mosquito reduction, the fantastic service, the understanding that they come once every three months. That's what I choose. And if I see something, you know, in between visits, I can call them and go, hey, you need to get back here.
I get cockroaches or whatever it may be. Hasn't happened yet, interestingly. It could, hasn't happened yet, doubt that it will because Mr. Bugs is so good. M-R-B-U-G-G-S dot com, Mr. Bugs dot com. 9-4-1-6-2-5-2, they know what bugs you. And now it's Dixon and Vining's top three things you need to know today. Okay, so as always the case when you have these disasters there's stories that come out of it that are, you know, the fog of war takes place of course.
But the big story was, oh, there's an American figure skater was supposed to be on the flight, but his dog was too big. They wouldn't let him on the flight. And that ended up saving his life. That figure skater is now coming forward saying, no, no, you misunderstood the story. I was boarding in Detroit. I wasn't even in Wichita, OK? This was a different flight. I was not going to be on that flight under any circumstances. So if you hear that story, and I wouldn't be suffering, you know,
The problem with going viral is people love to go viral with stuff before they have all the facts. And you can spread disinformation far and wide before anybody's able to step up and go, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's not how that happened. You know, it is funny, though. Sometimes in stories like this, you hear about somebody that got stuck in traffic and missed their flight. Yeah. And they weren't on this flight. Oh, yeah. And this one yesterday popped up and it was a bit interesting. One of the most famous is the Seth McFarland creator family guy was supposed to be on one of the 9-11 planes.
He was in Boston. He was supposed to be flying out to the west coast. And he was notorious for missing flights. He was always running late and he would always reschedule and whatever. And this was just one of those cases. So he was not on the plane. And consequently, we still have his work out there, which is good if you're a family guy, fan.
What else can we tell you? We've got South Alabama facing a severe weather risk. Now, I don't know if this is, you know, because like you said, this all seems to be in the Northwest right now. It does. The heavy, heavy rain right now. But look, you can't really read the tea leaves because we're looking at what exists now. Who knows? Sometimes weather conditions are right and then fans form from out of nowhere. And you're like, these clouds just appeared. Well, you don't really know what's going on.
Anyway, everybody be hyper vigilant today is what I'm telling you, especially during the morning hours. They were talking about thunder and lightning and some possibility, not tornadic activity, but some high winds we had this morning. This is stuff you need to watch out for. It's never a bad idea to keep your head on a swivel and understand what's happening. How many of us, this happens to me on a regular basis in the morning. I walk out, I get in the car, I open the garage door and I go, well, I didn't know there was snow on the ground.
You know, I mean, because I'm not looking out the windows. I'm busy. I'm focused. I'm going and I'm doing think before you hop in the vehicle. Think before you leave. Think about what it is you're trying to do today. Yeah. And specifically, they did say South Alabama needs to be a little bit more vigilant than the center part of the state or northern part. But either way, when you have bands of rain like this,
you know and again me it's mainly a morning thing so i i think by lunch will be in the clear and it'll be over in east alabama making its way into georgia but uh... you know a little concern this morning for south alabama folks oh yeah uh... bermingham will spend this year approximately two hundred and fifty thousand dollars from a grant from a decker to maintain the city walk property however city leaders are saying well great what happens when that money runs out
Yeah. It's a fair question. Look, when you build something nice, that's half of it. You then have to maintain it. And CityWalk is very nice.
down there a couple of years ago for these world games. Landscaping, and people probably do, you know, some type of graffiti on some of the cement walls there. Skate park, there's a skate park that's there, and you have to clean it and maintain it and pressure wash the sidewalks from time to time and clean it up and the garbage and anything else that happens there. Walking path and a lot of stuff to see and do, but you do have to maintain it. And if you don't maintain it, it falls into disrepair, and then it goes straight to hell. You also, by the way,
And this is not a problem that is particular to Birmingham. But you have to keep people from, say, pitching tents under there and deciding, well, we're going to live underneath this. No, you're not. No, you're not. No, you're not. The city is paying far too much. And the people who live in the city are paying far too many taxes to have built this thing and maintained this thing to turn it into your garbage heap. That's not going to be happening. Go find yourself another bridge to live under a troll.
And, oh, that was uncalled for, wasn't it? That was cool. What'd you call them? Trolls. Like the Billy Goat's Grundt. Troll, get those tents out from underneath those viaducts. Go on, get out.
Well, it'll be interesting to see. I mean, $250,000 in terms of a city budget is sort of a drop in the bucket, but you know, Randall Woodfin is going through it like it's water. I've never seen a mayor who loves spending money more than this guy in a city council that's more than willing to rubber stamp his requests. It's just, the stuff is just flying out the door.
Yeah. And part of it is they're saying that city walk that property is owned by the State Department of Transportation ought to be taking care of this. So we'll see. There's probably a dual responsibility there. Maybe. Again, it's in the city of Birmingham. If it's owned by the state, well, it's kind of like your easement used to have the responsibility to cut the easement, your grass, if it's on there.
There's a piece of land between my house and my neighbor's house. It's not in dispute. It's theirs. It's 100% theirs. Since they have moved in, they refuse to do anything to it. They seem to be under the impression that I'm supposed to be taking care of that, which is odd because my lawn is nicely mowed right up to the property line, and I had the thing surveyed so I know exactly where the property line is. But you know what? If they're not going to take care of it, I am.
I am because you know it doesn't do me any good at all to have this large swath of essentially swamp land between me and my neighbors. I'll go ahead and pay the long guy a little extra and go. You see that over there? Go ahead and mow that to whatever it takes to get that taken care of. So the city can be like, oh, the city needs to take care of it. Well, here's the thing. If they choose not to, and I wouldn't be surprised if they don't, you get to live with the hell that is city walk. So go ahead and come off the money.
You'll be glad you did. 616 with Dickson and Vinik. Talk 995. This Friday is just getting underway. Your texts are always welcome. 5459950. It's a Friday. We try to loosen things up a little bit on Fridays. We work our way toward the weekend. Spent so much time yesterday. Not just us, but every show on this station really focused on that plane crash and it was a bit wearing.
If we do a light in the mood, a touch today, don't blame us. It's just a reflex action and it's a weekend. And of course, we have something breaks today. We get some more information now that they have the recorders and what not in the black box. Something comes out of that. I would say it's going to take several days before we hear that. But anything we do here, you'll hear it as soon as we do. As you know, 617 stick around. Let me see. William Cat, I think Connie, sell like a Robert Culpe, right? That was the three.
involved in the greatest American or Joey Scarborough with. I don't know that I watched, but maybe one episode of that. I watched a couple. I thought it was actually, you know, I really love Robert Culp because Robert Culp only ever played Robert Culp. He never pretended to be anybody else. He just went in and he read the lines as himself and it worked.
It worked. He was the FBI agent, I guess, that was assigned to William Katz teacher character who was handed a special super suit by aliens and immediately lost the instructions. Good. I have one of those alien suits. That was the whole premise. That'd be fun. Yeah. Yeah. Superpowers. Yeah. All kinds of superpowers.
Didn't know which ones they were. Didn't know how to facilitate them. Had no idea. This would be like me. I mean, I buy stuff. I just throw the directions away right away. I get it. I'm like, who needs these? Then you're like, where's those directions? Because I can't quite figure this out. I think there were pieces missing.
six twenty two weeks of the mining talk in a nine five talk in a nine five dot com here comes the rain folks were looking at added on radar and uh... it's one of the times the b-dry their phones it really starts ringing because it is a reminder to those of you that have water that is maybe coming in places in your home that it should not be
be dry, excellent at making sure that they seal up those spaces where maybe water is coming in, crawl space and basement. It shouldn't be there. Let them seal it up. Let them fix it. You never have to worry about it again because they have the strongest lifetime
warranty in the business folks they've been in business for over six decades and there is so good at what they do homeowners all across central alabama reach out to be dry at nine four two nineteen seventy six or be dry alabama dot com to fix this problem and i know you know if you want to use the basement area but it's got a uh... there's just a musty i don't know it's that wet smell i can't really describe it if you have that in your basement
There's water somewhere. It's in your home. It's in those areas that it should not be, and you got to have it sealed up. B-Drive, one of the best in the business, let me tell you, these guys are so good at what they do. And if you'll call the pros today at B-Drive, they'll take good care of you at 942-1976, or go to bdryalabama.com. Well, another police chief is hitting the bricks. He's decided he's reached the end of his career, and he wants out.
That would be the police chief in beautiful Mountain Brook. The lovely, the tiny kingdom is using their police chief. Kingdom, he's had about enough. And you know, I, there are a lot of misconceptions, for instance, about Mountain Brook. I was talking to a friend of my coworker who lived over there, had a kid in their school system. And I said, oh, that must be nice. I mean, he said, yeah, we bought the house there.
We're paying the exorbitant property taxes because we want our kid to go to Mountain Brook schools. I said, yeah, I can understand that. You know, a better school is just a little more focused. You know, they're not riddled with drugs or anything. And he goes, oh, please. He's everywhere. He said, I they're the ones with the money to be able to get it. Because I could go down to Mountain Brook High School and I could buy you a bag of weed. Like within 15 minutes, I would be back. I'm like, really? Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
And that is the problem, isn't it, that when you get them, but look, the problems are the same all over. What it really comes down to is how they're handled, and how they're handled by the parents of the children, and how your kids are raised. And, you know, I hear stories about, Mountain Brook is notorious for, oh, they stopped a black guy who was driving through the neighborhood, and they wanted some answers on what was going on, and why are you here, and so on and so forth. And I'm like, yeah, okay.
You know, how many white guys did they stop whose cars they didn't recognize? It may have been a dozen. You don't know, because that wasn't a news story. It was a news story when they stopped a black guy, okay? I know this because I once got nabbed by some police officers when I was out walking.
They were like, what are you doing here? I'm like, I live in that house over there. They're like, we've never seen you here before. We patrol that. I literally bought the house two days ago. Yeah. And they're like, we're like, Hey, we need to see some ID. I'm like, it's back in my house. I'm wearing gym shorts. I'm going out for a walk. Like what? So I went back and I got my ID and I showed them. Of course it had.
a Birmingham address on it, even though I now lived in Maitland, Florida. But the fact that I was able to get into the house and get my wallet was enough for them. And instead of being offended by the whole thing, I thought, this neighborhood is very safe. There's police officers driving around. Making sure that... Yeah, looking at people who are like, that guy, we've never seen that guy before. What's he doing here? And listen, in Mountain Brook, if they pulled over everybody with the skin tone darker than a good tan, than a George Hamilton tan,
every gardener, every maid, and every nanny would be pulled over at one time or another. So that's not what's happening now. But they do kind of have a reputation of, you know, it's a small community. It's a wealthy community. Oh, yeah. And, you know, they're patrolling the streets and they're making sure people aren't speeding. And if you are speeding,
you're gonna get pulled over. A mountain brook has, you know, for years done that. Don't go flying through a mountain brook. Those are a tangled web of roads. I mean, any time I go over there, there's a lot of weaving. Is there a straight road in the entire direction? I don't think so. And that's part of it to little stop signs. You know, 25 miles an hour in some places, 30 miles an hour. Keeps you from overdoing it. People flying through there at 40 and they're like, you're not, not in our little tiny kingdom. You're not gonna do that. No, sorry, Bob. There's the ticket.
Yeah, it's a nice, it's a nice little place though. I don't want to pick on Mountain Brook. I have a lot of friends there. I have a lot of friends who say they live in Mountain Brook. They actually live in Irondale. They're right. They're just across. Oh, but we can say we live it. Right. Oh, I live in Mountain Brook. No, you're about two streets away from Mountain Brook. I don't know. Sorry about that. Yeah. So she she logins 29 years with a Mountain Brook Police Department. That's pretty cool. Couldn't make it 30, huh? Joined it in 96. What a wuss.
30 years. Come on, step it up. Let's go. 29 years is a really long time to do anything. Take it from a guy who's done this for 41 years. Right. Take it from all three of us. I will say the difference is every day that I come here, I'm not putting my life on the line. That is exactly right. As far as I know. Yeah. Far as I know. So thank you for your service. Yeah. Chief logins. I'm sure Mountain Brook appreciates it in the surrounding communities as well. What do you think? Promote from within? They're going to push somebody up there or?
Yeah, you know, they'll probably look at that. And then, you know, I would think they would open it up maybe to other chiefs or maybe maybe some other folks. Folks who were higher up in other departments. This is the problem, by the way, that Birmingham has when they do things like, well, like Randall Woodfin just did, he promoted. And I was just talking to a former Birmingham PD officer. I said, you know, Woodfin just just lifted another lieutenant up to
deputy chief deputy chief. Now it's just his temporary deputy chief is for acting deputy chief. And the guy just shook his head and he went, you know, I'm so glad. Well, the and the chief right now is an interim chief. Yeah, the chief's interim. Right. Because we lost Scott before, right? Yeah, we moved up into acting chief.
Now they took another lieutenant, skipped over the captains, okay? Forget the, we're not gonna worry about the captains. We're gonna take the lieutenant and move that person up. And you look at it and go, well, these captains are gonna get fed up. And I got news for you, Hoover needs police officers, Homewood needs police officers, Irondale needs police officers, Helena's looking for a new chief, Pelham needs police officers, trustful needs police officers. If you, if your goal is to lose your good officers, Mayor Woodfin, you're off and running.
You're doing a great job of it. Get passed over for promotion two, three times. That's enough to make you go clearly. I'm not wanted here. ProLiftors.com. ProLiftors.com. That's the place to go to find out about ProLift Garage. Doors, if you're interested in getting yourself a new garage door. Yours is dented, dinged up, rotten wood, broken glass, all those things. 286.97, 27, the number you need to call. 286.97, 27. If you just want it fixed,
ProLift garage doors can do that for you too. Once again, $2.86, $97.27. They're going to take such good care of you and the price is going to be right less than you imagine. ProLiftdoors.com, $2.86, $97.27.
634, talk 995, talk 995.com, margaritas at the holiday and sounds pretty good on a Friday afternoon, doesn't it? Would you say a margarita? Margaritas at the holiday, yeah. You like them frozen or on the rocks? I'm on the rocks, yeah, I'm on the rocks. No salt. Yeah, salt, absolutely. I like the salt. The more salt, the better. Yeah. First thing I do is I like all the salt off.
Then, when I wake up from the high blood pressure coma that pushed me and I break the margarita. That would be a coma. The problem with the frozen margarita is it's like a slushy. You can't really drink it. Drink it very fast. And then I'm like, how do I get this delicious tequila goodness into my body? Yeah, and then you get brain free. Right, right. Now this is not the way this is supposed to be. This is why I have to have it on the rock so I can just open and just pour, just ah.
Bring the fun out. Giant straw on the big, you know, the big one in the big glass. Oh, the bigger the better I say. Yeah, the big glass. Bring them on. I'm good for two. The one you have to use two hands to lift it up. Absolutely. Good for two margaritas. Two. Two of that size. I go to a third margarita and things get bad. Oh. So it's, yeah, I've learned my limit is two. Oh, yeah, that's what tequila does. Yeah. Makes you look crazy. And that's the only alcohol, by the way, that has that, that creates that issue with me. It is not weird. And I think that's for a lot of people, maybe not everyone, but
Well, there's a lot of people that say tequila just makes you do, do, do, do. A little if you have a little too much. You have tequila, two tequila, three tequila, four. I hate that. Basically, for me, actually, I stop at three tequila, so. Three tequila. That's what I'm flooring for. Six, 35, talk, nine, nine, five, talk, nine, nine, five. I'm Dixitavining here. You know, one of the things that makes it really nice in your home is to have some really comfortable furniture, things that you love. You can lounge on your sofa.
make sure that when you purchase that sofa and maybe you're due for a new one, the one you've had in your living rooms, 25 years old. Well, let's, let's move on to some beautiful stuff from Lonnie is furniture and the prices are extremely fair. I think you really love the selection. The minute you walk through the showroom and by the way,
If you live out in Kimberly or you're here in Birmingham, make that short drive to Kimberly. Highway 31 is where Lanius Furniture's brand new showroom is. It is gorgeous and it is massive. So plan to spend a little time in there and look around whatever you need. Sophas dining room tables. If you need some accent tables, they have mattresses, outdoor furniture. Go buy a C. Reggie, John, the folks that are there, just terrific. If you find something and want to load it up and take it home, you can. That is an option or you can have them deliver it.
also twelve months interest free lonnie is furniture company dot com go see these people get your furniture there lonnie is furniture company dot com all right let me use this uh... as a bit of a launching a pat here uh... metta the parent company of facebook
As agreed to pay $25 million to settle President Donald Trump's 2021 lawsuit against the tech giant for suspending his accounts on its social media platforms following the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot. They claimed they were suspending him because he incited the riot, whereas of course there is video that appeared on
X now back then it was Twitter, Instagram and Facebook of Donald Trump saying, go home. Look, we're the pro police people. Everybody knows we're very pro police. Don't hurt anybody. It's you do have to leave. You have to be let's be peaceful. Let's be good. And so, you know, he's like, what are you talking about inside of the right? Look at this video of me saying, stop it.
Oh, yeah, that's right. When you took it down and when you and so there was a lawsuit. Now, here's the thing about a lawsuit and this is true of the CBS lawsuit that he filed where 60 minutes is concerned. The ABC lawsuit that he filed against George Stephanopoulos and that organization because George Stephanopoulos called him a convicted rapist over and over again, not true. And now, meta, there's this thing called discovery.
where you go into the decision-making process of, why did you decide to take President Trump's video down? Well, we need to see some of your text messages and your emails back and forth about the decision-making process here. And Matt have really didn't want to give that information up because it would show that they were extremely biased and that they were making really horrible decisions. Yeah, probably worse than what we actually knew about why they took it down. Absolutely.
No question in my mind. Wow. And consequently, they just went, how about we give you about $3 million to pay your lawyers, and we put $22 million into your presidential library, and that'll be the settlement. And Trump was like, OK, that's good. Seriously. Hey, another win for Donald Trump.
Here's what I find fascinating. The guy does consistently win. He won again, he won again. Every time I see Caroline Levitt, we saw her again yesterday, coming out and talking a little bit about this plane crash, but it wasn't a whole lot because they didn't have a whole lot of information.
And once again, the president Trump had already sucked the air out of the room. He'd done everything that there was to do. But when you see her, I look at her as sort of a symbol of the cabinet members and the representatives of the Trump administration. Compare Carolyn Levitt, Caroline, Levitt, I should say, to KJP, okay?
She's working with no notebook. She's not reading out. She's not flipping back and forth through the binder on pages. She's not she's not stalling in her speech. At no point does she begin an answer with. So let me make this clear. That's never happened thus far. That's not condescending. I don't expect it. It's like you say. It's a placeholder. It's an um. Yes. It's a it's a long
Yeah, it's a way to try to like I've got to get into this so first off anybody who begins an answer with so I Automatically dislike you right off the bat. I have a problem with you. So okay. I don't like you
But Caroline Levitt is an extremely competent person, 28 years old, by the way. Yes, very, very young. I looked that up because I was like, wow, that is young. Married to a 60 year old, which gives me hope. So she's just very bright. She's just very articulate and very bright. Absolutely. And like I say, almost a poster child, because if that's who he hired to be his press secretary,
Then you can look at everybody else that he's got down the line and assume that their every bit is competent, every bit is on top of it, and that they're going to be handling things along the same lines. Now, the left is losing their minds. I have friends.
Forget about fact checking. They see a meme that says, oh, Donald Trump is stopping Medicare and Medicaid payments and they can't wait to throw that up on social media. Look at this. I don't even bother responding. I just, I'm just like, I'm not going to even go this way. I mean, look, you didn't even do any homework. I'm not going to change your mind. I'm not, you know, you'd rather believe this than not.
uh... they're running around with their hair on fire and like i said you know i'm still following all this following all same people on x they keep popping up on my feet i don't know that i'm following them
And it's all the people that were like, Kamala's gonna win in the landslide. And now they're all just losing their minds over every little thing Donald Trump says or does. Like yesterday when he was asked, do you think DEI played a role in this? And he said, it may have. Suddenly that became Donald Trump blames DEI for Blaine Crash.
No, he didn't. He said it may have. He said, certainly there was incompetence. I think that's safe to say a helicopter ran into a plane. It's safe to say somebody was incompetent. Yeah. One of the three parties, the pilot, the helicopter pilot, the somebody in air traffic control, some or maybe two or more people were incompetent. We don't know.
Yeah, and it may even go further than in competency. I think some of that may have played into this. But then if you go over the last 10 years about the hiring practices of those that are in the tower, what was that all about? I don't know. Look, I'm not going to judge any of this.
there may have been perfectly competent people who were stretched tooth in. You know, it's a bad idea. And this, this is playing the game that they're playing right now, which is just speculating on this crap without having information, which is a great way to look like an idiot. But, you know, if nothing else, and I know this is terrible because we were talking about 67 souls.
that were lost, and it's tragic. But it is going to open up the eyes of Donald Trump, the transportation secretary, and look at all of these things. Where are we really with, you know, in the tower? Do we have guys that are stretched too thin? Do we have one person doing two jobs up there and now to be doing one? Let's look at that, and if we need to hire
Absolutely. A thousand or two thousand more traffic controllers, air traffic controllers. Let's do it. Let's make the change. Make it happen. I mean, look, we got to be careful with these people. There's a very stressful job. Very stressful. Extremely stressful job. And it needs to be, you know, examined, obviously, that's what the Transportation Secretary
is supposed to be doing. It's one of the things that he's going to be doing and bringing in. He booted a judge. You probably didn't look at it once the whole time he was in all. And I don't know if you remember the hearings, the confirmation hearings for the head of the FAA. The guy had no idea how planes worked. He'd never flown a plane. He didn't have a pilot's license. He'd never presided over. He was basically a bureaucrat
who knew nothing about air travel you're like we're going to put you in charge of it see you could say opiate except was a fox news reporter he was a decorated two-time uh... d uh... he was uh... he was an iraq and afghanistan you know he's he he's a man was deployed twice and and has been in charge of veterans organization i'm pretty sure the man has an idea of what goes on in the military much more so than the former head of the f a a
knew about planes or what took place there. So yeah, okay. But here's the point that I find interesting. The left losing their minds over every little thing, we're now not quite two weeks in, can you believe that, to the Trump presidency and they are apoplectic on a daily basis. And I think back to when Joe Biden got elected, everybody on the right could have been that way.
Everybody on the right could have been like, oh my God, look what he's doing. Then you open the border up and it's a nightmare. We could have been on social media just spewing all of this horror and whatever. Instead, we said, we gotta get these people out of here. This is insane. The first thing we gotta do is we gotta try to take the Senate back. We gotta take the house back. Stop the spending on stupid stuff. That has to take place. Then eventually we gotta elect a conservative
to get in there and try to undo everything this Joker is doing. You didn't have conservatives running around with their hair on fire, and all the never-trumper Republicans that are out there, like the Lincoln Project, very few of them were touting Joe Biden's brilliant work. You didn't see Rick Wilson out there going, oh, look how great Joe Biden is doing. No, I don't know of anyone that said that.
Yeah, there were far lefties who thought he was doing a great job, but the Lincoln Project people were dead silent because they knew, you know, Republicans did not care for anything that was taking place, the inflation that was taking place, the economic problems that we were facing with high interest rates and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But look at the difference between the way these two parties handle things. The MAGA people didn't melt down.
over Joe Biden. They rolled up their sleeves and they said, let's get to work and see if we can fix this. The lefties losing their minds over what is taking place right now over every little thing. I'll give you a for instance. Earlier this week, what happened?
Donald Trump put a freeze on all this money, 90 days, 90 days. The grants and loans didn't affect direct payments to people, but it was, you know, grants and loans, things like a huge amount of money to facilitate NGOs, getting illegals across the border, money for condoms and Gaza, money for helping to transition youth.
from male to female or female to male, money for scholarships, diversity scholarships in Burma, you know, some of the most ridiculous stuff you've ever heard. And it was $3 trillion. He said, we're putting a hold on all of this until we've looked at it and make sure it complies with the executive orders that I signed last week. Anything that doesn't comply is out. The left lost their mind. And you say, why? Why would you? Do you want?
50,000, 50 million dollars worth of condoms going to Gaza. Are you okay with that? Really? They of course picked one or two things that nobody would argue about.
and said, whoa, look, he froze the funding for this. And you go, yeah, okay, I'm sorry, some of that's gonna get caught up in it. But the whole reason for freezing is so that we can pick through it and go, this is bad. But we can't try to do that while we're in the process because you're sending $600 million to some people who are helping get illegals across the border while you're trying to figure out whether or not you wanna give $600 million to people who are getting illegals across the border. Right, just with the brakes on it so we can look. My point is this, that happened three days ago.
the office of management budget claim they were recending that they don't have the power to rescinded executive order so it wasn't rescinded here we are four days later
tumbleweeds, it's over. Because now there's something else to have your hair on fire about. They're just leaping and lurching from one thing to the next and whining and complaining about everything that's taking place. He's kind of a genius. He's like, well, let's give him something else to complain about so they can shut up about this for a minute. I love it. You should be complaining about your water. You can go from living with your water to loving your water with aqua systems. When I say you're living with tap water, I mean, just buying bottled water. That's not better than tap water, I gotta be honest.
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And then Eddie and the Cruisers too, which was among the worst sequels ever made. I said a lot because there are a lot of sequels that are just got off. Up there with Caddy Shack 2 in terms of bad sequels. Grease 2. Grease 2. Why did you have to remind me that that existed? Speaking of movies.
joining the dixon and finding a hot line now here on talk about it and i thought that i thought that i thought that it is debbie slussell debbie does movies dot com uh... debbie does uh... politics dot com here to tell us about what she can what's happening at the box office this weekend greetings
Good morning. So I did not see Dogman, which is the biggest release this weekend. It's an animated movie about police officer and his dog. They get fused together in an operation. The screening was on the Jewish Sabbath and I was hospitalized for several days with very bad COVID and I had blood pressure and stuck to bed rest. Yeah. Thank you. But I did go yesterday. I dragged myself out. I had to get out.
and I'm no longer contagious. So I went to see the two movies that are also out this weekend that are new that were not screened for critics. So one of them is called Companion. And I did not care for this movie. I love a good science fiction movie that has to do with AI and robots. And it starts, to me, the new Ben Affleck, which is
The biggest Nevo baby in Hollywood, Jack Cuede, Meg Ryan and Dennis Craid's son. I don't get it. I just don't think he's that great of an actor. But he stars as this guy who say he rents a robot and the robot is his girlfriend. And he and she go to this
beautiful mansion owned by a rich Russian guy in the middle of nowhere, taking out with their friends, including the Russian guy's girlfriend. And he has a scheme to have his robot girlfriend kill the Russian guy so they can get his money. The movie was very long, slow and boring to me. There were a lot of things I felt that were kind of predictable.
And it was just, I just didn't enjoy the movie. I thought it was a bore. The idea was interesting, the execution, not so much. So companion is a thumbs down for me. Then there is another movie called Valiant One. And I actually really like this. It's a very low budget movie. But the American soldiers are the good guys. What happens is a unit.
of soldiers that are based in South Korea are doing some experiments and then they have to leave because it's bad weather and their helicopter gets crashes in North Korea. It says it's based on a true story. I never heard of any such true story and I looked it up. There's no such true story that I could find. And I think we would all know about it if American soldiers got stuck in North Korea and they're trying to get out.
But it was a good action adventure. I wasn't bored. I thought it was good. And the American soldiers, like I said, are the good guys. And the North Koreans are the stark, big guys. Apparently, North Korea is the only country now where a lot is ill and eyes, but which deservedly so. But I liked it where the American soldiers are not morally equivalent to the bad guys.
And they're kind to people. And it was a good action adventure. It's a decent, valiant one. As luck would have it, we are chatting with the star of Valiant one a little later in today's show. Chase Stokes is going to be with us. Yeah. So I will tell him that Debbie Schlissel loved his movie. I'm sure that will. I thought it was great. And actually he is very, very good in this. Very good as a soldier who feels he's not trained for the mission, but lives up to it.
I just love this movie in terms of all the different things that the Americans were the good guys. There's faith in this, um, in the movie and there's morality and he, he did very well. So please tell them most excellent. Now, uh, Amazon prime, I believe has for your consideration. I don't know if that is that coming out today. Do you know, or have you seen anything? I'm not not for your consideration. You are cordially invited.
No, I don't know that movie. It wasn't screen for me. I can tell you this. I have a little dispute with Amazon Prime because the studio that's and I'm actually trying to get back on their list. The studio reps that do the screening here in Detroit.
i get attacked by an anti-Semitic anti-Israel movie critic while i was talking to someone and i complained and they kicked us both out of their screenings so i have a little dispute with them so i am not in their screenings right now uh... well i could tell you this
It stars Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell. And right off the bat, my brain goes, oh, really? No, I don't know. I mean, you know, I could tell you that pretty much everything I have screen for Amazon Prime in the last year and a half since this one set of studio reps was handling that.
i haven't seen anything i really like to have to say uh... yeah apparently a uh... a couple of weddings uh... end up there double booked at a at a destination wedding location which by the way if you really want to make everyone you know and love hate you have a destination wedding
I agree with you on that. I was like, wait a minute. Don't make me do this. I have to spend how much money to come watch you. Say your vows. You're getting involved with somebody who you're going to divorce in four years. I don't think so. I'm going to pass on that.
I agree. One other thing I want to say about value one, by the way, it's like an hour and 20 minutes. It's nicely compact. One other thing I would like to promote that I started watching. I mean, how many OJ specials do we need to see? But I started, I thought that, but I started watching American manhunt and Netflix, American manhunt OJ Simpson.
Yeah. And I learned new stuff. I'm only in the first towards the end of the first episode. It's for one hour episodes. And there's new stuff in there. I have got that saved in my queue on Netflix. I will be probably trying to glance at it this weekend if I get a minute. Thank you, Debbie. We appreciate you as always. Hope you completely recover from the run up soon. And yeah, we'll do it again next Friday.
Have a great weekend. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
And you can count on probably four fingers, the number of really good Will Ferrell movies there are, and the rest of them are complete garbage. So maybe I'll just stay on Saturday Night Live. I'm a scans actor Michael Rosenbaum. He knows some of the most talented people in the business. Let's get inside. Kevin Smith was a great house.
Who knew playing Lex Luthor would pay this well? Now I want to see Gene Hackman's place, John Cryer's place. None will be as cool. And let's get inside of the great Tom Hopper. I always love it when you have these long form conversations, because you know you do these press talks. There you come with this energy, the host. What's it like? So tonight. And I just love just having a normal conversation. And that's sort of what the podcast is.
The Inside of You podcast. Follow and listen on your favorite platform. Hi, I'm Joselle Cihai, host of The Stacking Benjamin Show. Every week, we talk about personal finance, saving, investing. The thing that I've seen with very successful people, they just try more stuff. I like this tip, leverage debt mindfully. Biggest financial flex. We're all like, yeah, my dad's rich.
Just make sure your parents do good. That's all you got to do. You never knew personal finance could be this fun. All right. Well, then how do you hold the budget together, OG? Make more money. Do better. And see. Stacking Benjamin's. Follow and listen on your favorite platform.
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