Canada is not backing down to Donald Trump in the United States. Canada is standing firm. It's standing on business by and large. Canada and its provinces have united against Donald Trump and they've united with their allies across the globe to coordinate a strong and powerful
and painful response if Donald Trump imposes tariffs or sanctions against Canada. I'll tell you who seems like they're backing down. It seems like Donald Trump is backing down because now we're seeing headlines like this.
Canada and Mexico can avoid tariffs before Saturday's deadline, says Donald Trump's commerce pick Howard Lutnik. They just need to agree to stop shipping their fentanyl and killing 100,000 Americans, which Canada isn't doing. So is Donald Trump setting up for yet another fake deal to take credit for just
imaginary things that aren't happening. So he can get the propaganda headlines that he want. Ooh, Donald Trump made a deal, but in reality, it's just the status quo because he doesn't know what the heck he is doing. Let's go over the facts, folks. So right here, I want to show you this clip first. It's Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Melanie Jolly. And here she says,
what Canada should do is coordinate a joint response with our EU allies, with Canada's EU allies, to retaliate against Donald Trump. Here, watch this. It's clear that we have to be extremely pragmatic when it comes to working with Europeans and also with Britain on, with the UK on this. President Trump has referred to using tariffs
against the world in the context of the electoral campaign. And so that's why we know that in many European capitals and also in the UK, the conversation is ongoing on how to deal in terms of retaliation and what could be different responses to tariffs. So that's why it is important for us
to be able to talk to these different foreign ministers. It is my job to coordinate the response. And not only that, we have a very important free trade agreement with Europe, and we want to continue to make sure that Canadians and Canadian businesses can benefit from it.
strong words by Melanie Jolly. Now, that follows a meeting with the Prime Minister of Denmark, Meta Fredrickson, and European Union leaders as well, and European leaders as well, like Macron and others, and the chancellor of Germany as well.
And they all agreed that they were going to coordinate a response even. Fran said that they could provide military weapons and their military aid and troops to Greenland to help Denmark if there was an invasion by the United States. Now, I want you to just take a look at this because this is how CNN interviewed Canada's ambassador to the US and what you'll notice about how
CNN and Jake Tapper kind of framed the issue. They're like, well, Columbia back down. So do you think Canada is going to give into Donald Trump's threats and back down like Columbia? I'm going to show you the clip. But Columbia didn't back down. Columbia preserved the status quo. They didn't want military jets treating migrants like trash.
and sending them in that way. Columbia was fine with what President Biden was doing. So Donald Trump created this threat, this trade war that was about to take place. And then Donald Trump claimed he made a deal and he said, Columbia submitted, Columbia gave in and they liked it.
Look what Columbia did, but nothing changed. That's part of Donald Trump being a con artist, a weapon of mass distraction to try to take our minds away from the havoc and chaos that he's creating and to claim victories that aren't real victories, just making them up. I just want you to be aware of the hustle because corporate media ain't reporting it this way, but this is what happening. So here's Canada's ambassador, but notice how Jake Tapper asks the question.
We saw Trump's tariff threats work on Colombia. They agreed to accept deportees in the face of potential 25% tariffs. Canada and Mexico are much larger trading partners, of course. How do you see what happened with Colombia? Do you think it will change how Canada negotiates, given the fact that Trump basically renegotiated something by tweet?
Yeah, I mean, Canada's relationship with the United States is our relationship with the United States. It is the most integrated two economies in the world, the longest border in the world, where your biggest customer, we buy more from the United States and in other country on the planet. So we have a quite a different profile where deep security and partners, we're working together in the Arctic, we're working together against common adversaries, we're a strategic partner on goods that are
otherwise only available from China or Russia. So we have a lot of things to talk about and a lot of partnerships to work on. So I guess the answer to your question is it's a different kind of relationship and I think one could expect perhaps the response to be much more multifaceted.
All right, so now I want to share with you the confirmation hearing of Trump's Commerce Secretary pick Howard Lutnik. Now, Howard Lutnik basically said, look, Canada and Mexico, they can avoid tariffs before Saturday's deadline. They just got to stop killing 100,000 Americans.
which they're not. You want to know where fentanyl mostly comes from, China, and you want to know where else it comes from, America, where 99% of the deaths are occurring are from Americans taking these synthetic drugs. That's what is happening. It is a serious issue
within America, that states in America should be dealing with, that we should be funding, that we should be properly educating people on, and we should be addressing, but which Trump and Mago want to scapegoat as they defund all of these programs to try to help it, they want to scapegoat in another country. So Howard Lutnik saying, look, if these countries just give in, here's what's going to happen. We may not impose those tariffs.
What's really happening is that Howard Lutnik, who was a Wall Street banker, one of Trump's billionaire, he's a billionaire, billionaire Brolegarks, they know if Trump imposes the tariffs, just look how the threat of tariffs on Colombia has harmed the American economy and how coffee prices are up significantly.
And gas prices are going up. And how prices are going up in general. If that happened with Colombia, imagine a trade war with Canada, Mexico and the European Union. So Trump and Lutnik need to save face. They're scared of a United Europe, Canada, Mexico. They didn't see that happening. So now they need to figure out a way to save face. Now, Canada may help them save face. Certainly Canadian media is trying to help Trump save face. You notice some of the headlines in Canadian media.
Canada launches fentanyl crackdown to convince Trump tariffs aren't necessary. That's how you're reporting at CBC. We need to convince Donald Trump that we won't kill Americans anymore. Canada isn't doing that. It's built on a foundation of lies. It's ridiculous that that's how Canada is reporting it.
Will Trump not give it? Will we submit to Donald Trump? I mean, that reporting right there is pathetic in my opinion as well. Let me show you what Lutnik said. Let's play this clip. So the big tariff view is going to be studied and the president launched that in an executive order.
where he asked the Commerce Department and the USTR to study the tariff model long-term. The short-term issue is illegal migration and worse even still fentanyl coming into this country and killing over 100,000 Americans. There's no war we could have that would kill 100,000 Americans. The president is focused on ending fentanyl coming into the country
You know that the labs in Canada are run by Mexican cartels. So this tariff model is simply to shut their borders with respect. Respect America. If we are your biggest trading partner, show us the respect. Shut your border.
and end fentanyl coming into this country. So it is not a tariff per se. It is an action of domestic policy. Shut your border and stop allowing fentanyl into our country, killing our people. So this is a separate tariff to create action from Mexico and action from Canada. And as far as I know, they are acting swiftly
And if they execute it, there will be no tariff. And if they don't, then there will be. But it's an action-oriented model. That's not the ordinary tariff. The ordinary tariffs need to be studied and examined. And that will start, as the EO said, in a big macro issues with tariff are being studied. But the micro issue is Canada and Mexico and the precursors from China.
They need to end and we need to protect our Americans from fentanyl and our training partners in Canada and Mexico. They should end it and stop disrespecting us and allowing this come through our borders.
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and get 10% off free shipping. That's 10% off and free shipping at slash Midas. That's slash Midas. Get 10% off plus free shipping. Now, this is from Donald Trump's
press conference that he held yesterday, where he basically said, look, Columbia submitted it. They liked it. I told them, you take them back and like it. It's just Donald Trump projecting to be a fake strong man. And he's really, really weak here. Play this clip. He probably read about Columbia two days ago. They said, no, we're not taking them. I said, we're going to take them. You're going to take them. You're going to like it too. You're going to take them.
And by the way, with how horrible of a job Hegsith is doing already, Donald Trump's posting this, recruiting numbers are up. The army now is scheduled to meet its goals. All woke base names are gone. Fort Liberty back to Fort Bragg.
Trump saying like the military is perfect and he fixed everything in 24 hours. And then he makes posts like I made like he pretends he made it rain in California. Let there be water. That's what he's posting. I mean, you know, we're talking about a real sicko here, but let's be real about the facts about what's happening. And by the way,
I hope there are in tariffs. If Canada wants to pretend they made a fake deal with Donald Trump and Mexico claims they made a fake deal with Donald Trump and there are no tariffs, I mean, I'll ask you, do you think that that's a, you know, a net win to make to have fake deals and then Donald Trump doesn't impose the tariffs and then he makes social media posts that say they submitted. I mean, I'll let you, I'll let you answer.
that it's just incredibly bizarre and brazen and strange. But I want you to know what the hustle is here. And while now Americans are suffering under his policies, while prices are going up, he can solve the war in Ukraine. And you see how our media reports it like Jake Tapper will Columbia back down.
What are you talking about? They did none of that. But now you know the facts. We're going to arm you with the truth here at the Midas Touch Network with the objective data. So check out for more. You can check that out. Thank you Snapstream for some of those clips right there. We appreciate it. That's how we help clip our stuff. And thanks for watching. Have a good one.
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