Beyond Diet Culture - Episode 2598
January 27, 2025
TLDR: Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss why NSNG is a healthier lifestyle rather than diet culture, social media feedback, weighted vests, and their recent adventure in Washington DC.

In Episode 2598 of the podcast "Beyond Diet Culture," hosts Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino delve into the concept of NSNG® (No Sugar, No Grains) as a lifestyle choice that transcends traditional diet culture. They emphasize the importance of leading by example rather than trying to convince others to join in on their eating habits. Throughout their conversation, they share personal anecdotes, engage with audience feedback, and discuss topics ranging from healthy eating to fitness gear.
Key Highlights
Recent Adventures and Lifestyle Choices
- New Experiences: Vinnie and Anna recount their recent trip to Washington, DC, where they also discuss their dining experiences and the challenges faced in busy city life.
- Healthy Eating: Vinnie shares a recipe idea alongside discussions on how NSNG® focuses on promoting a healthier lifestyle instead of a restrictive diet.
Understanding NSNG®
- Compliance and Clarity: The hosts clarify that NSNG® is not a fad but rather a sustainable way of eating. They address the common confusion around what being compliant means in the context of NSNG®.
- Engagement with Audience: Anna invites listeners to share their experiences as they embark on their NSNG® journeys and how they handle pushback from friends and family.
Leading by Example
- Avoiding Convincing Others: Vinnie asserts that the most effective way to inspire others is not by convincing them but by living a healthy example. Many people push back against lifestyle changes until they are ready to accept them.
- Personal Realizations: Anna recalls her relief upon realizing she didn’t have to resort to eating things like rice cakes, which she believed were a staple for healthy eating.
Social Media and Audience Interaction
- Social Media Feedback: Anna discusses her mixed responses from social media following her Instagram post where she humorously disposed of Rao’s sauce, illustrating the lack of understanding about healthier options among her audience.
- Engagement Challenges: The hosts touch on how social media engagement can often disconnect from the podcast’s audience, emphasizing the need for continual dialogue about the NSNG® lifestyle.
The Role of Weighted Vests in Fitness
Benefits and Usage
- Overview of Weighted Vests: Vinnie explains the benefits of using weighted vests during workouts, especially when walking uphill or hiking. Starting with a lighter weight, such as 10 pounds, allows individuals to adjust and build endurance gradually.
- Personal Experience: Vinnie shares his experience with heavier vests, noting challenges he faced due to neck pain, and offers tips on using backpacks for added weight as an alternative.
Practical Tips for Listeners
Adjusting to New Habits
- Starting Light: Begin with a manageable weight when using fitness gear and gradually increase as comfort and strength improve.
- Understanding Dietary Choices: Acknowledge that NSNG® is about personal choice and creating a sustainable relationship with food rather than adhering to strict diet rules.
Changing Perspective on Food Choices
- Mindful Eating: Both hosts stress the importance of being mindful of food choices and understanding that occasional indulgences don’t negate a healthy lifestyle.
- Community Support: Encouragement to engage with others on similar journeys, sharing successes and challenges while supporting one another in maintaining NSNG® principles.
In summary, Episode 2598 of "Beyond Diet Culture" provides valuable insights into the NSNG® lifestyle as a holistic approach to eating and living well. Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino continually emphasize the importance of leading by example, fostering an authentic dialogue about food choices, and adapting fitness routines to individual needs. Listeners are encouraged to engage with their communities and focus on the long-term benefits of healthy living, rather than conforming to transient diet trends.
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Great news. Dirty Keto is now on Amazon. Go, if you're living in the US, go straight to Amazon and get dirty keto, watch it, rate it and review it. If you're outside of the US, meaning Western Europe or Canada or Mexico, it's not there yet. Don't ask me why. Listen, those people made me put a PG-13 rating on it when there was nothing in it that would have caused that.
But let's get ahead of this thing. Let's watch it, rate it and review it. Go get Dirty Keto right now and on with the show.
with Vinnie Torterich, founder of NSNG, and his co-host, Anna Vegeta. I am Vinnie Torterich. Folks, your good intentions have been stolen, but don't worry. I'm here to help you get them back. You may be soft and succulent at the beginning of this process. When hanging there, before long, you will be lean and lean guaranteed.
Night, and force, I'm alone
Yeah, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, blue on black. It's the Monday show, you know, that means she comes in here every Monday, whether we want or two or not. I'm talking about the beautiful Miss Anna Vochino. Yeah.
You're a pause button in Washington DC in our nation's capital. We're going to talk about DC, but I want to say in that Kenny Wayne Shepherd song, I was just watching a video while I was playing it. He's driving my first car, which by the way, I still have bought it with my own money, a 71 Cougar convertible, bought it from a hairdresser,
and it had a buckshot hole right in the side of it. And I said, what's that all about? She said, don't ask. Do you want the car or not? It's $700. And I gave her my $700 hard-earned cash and I had my first car. OK. That's the way that worked. Drove it all the way through high school and then handed it down to my younger brother when I went to college.
My dad bought me a new car because he went, hey, I'm not paying for college. You got a scholarship. Here's your college money. Literally. That's the way that happened. And I was like, geez, thanks. And there you have it. But yes, Anna, you know, I think I said on the last Wednesday show with Chris a week ago from now, I said, you know, I haven't seen Anna since I left California, which was a lie because I did see you
since I left California in Austin when we had that one night. Yeah, we had that one night of we try to have a drink. Yeah. And they sold us the alcohol and then kicked us out. Yeah, I tried to at least. It wasn't very because usually in Austin, they're so nice. So that wasn't very that wasn't the Texan hospitality I'm used to.
But look, we were in a restaurant or like a bar within a hotel. And this was not like, if this was like one of the Austin Honky Tonks or one of the eateries, that wouldn't have happened. This person was on the clock, she didn't care, she wanted to get home, and that was that. Right? I think it was everybody in the restaurant, because I feel like multiple people came over and were like, OK, bye. Yeah.
And we were like, well, why did you sell us a drink? And I could have guzzled my scotch really quickly, which I did not want to do. But your husband's sitting there with 12 ounces of beer. Now he's fine. And he didn't want to but funnel that, right? He's just want to enjoy his beer. And to be honest with you, I've seen him order a beer maybe four times in 26 years.
So he was probably like, yeah, I'm gonna have a beer. I'm in Texas. Yeah. A Texas beer. Yeah. I'm a nurse's beer. She's like, you guys got to go. Yeah. Rich, we started laughing, but I don't want to get into that because we have new memories now. We created new memories. That's what you have to do, guys. That's what you have to do. You got to create new mode. 2025 is a year of new memories. Yeah.
So we you give me an address for STK steakhouse. Yeah. I'm driving is when you get closer, it was like heavy traffic and holding and it's still ice on the road. It was, you know, right after that big snowstorm, we had and all that. And you forget, I've only been out of a big city for a couple of years. But man, you do forget. It's like you got to leave time for parking. And you don't know where the park
And I had to take a leak for the last 30 to 40 minutes of the trip. Yeah. And now often keyed in like Leesburg or like, but I didn't like, I didn't have to go bad enough. Right. So now I'm in the city. There is no stopping. There's no, there's no place to park. So now I'm like, I just got to stop this car somewhere. I parked somewhere where I wasn't sure if it was legal or not.
And I still hadn't seen the restaurants like, according to ways it's around here somewhere. And I walked about a half a block and I'm like, I'm about to piss my pants here. And there was a church. And they're just at the age. You're just at the age that if you do piss your pants, people will be like, Oh, yeah, or he's homeless. One of the two. So
I'm like, I gotta go. And there's a church and there's a bush. I did a church. And I went, God, I hope there's not a homeless guy behind that bush because I'm going to have to pee on him. And you did it. You relieved yourself. Yeah. Pissed the church of whatever. Yeah. And it wasn't a homeless encampment. Thank God. But it's always funny. And whenever you go like behind something to take a leak,
You realize you weren't the last, the only person that came up with that idea. Right. Because you see like feminine stuff back there for the lack of not wanting to get gross. Okay. You know, it says like, Oh, really? Someone had to take a tampon out here. They couldn't is. Oh, yeah. It's like, I'm not the only one that's in the church and behind the bush. But yeah, that's, that's what happens.
found the restaurant and I talked to Chris about this I don't know how they call themselves a fine dining establishment but Chris looked it up and part of their website is they talk about the music they play in the restaurant now Anna would you like to describe the music? EDM
hangover shoegaze. Yeah. And I'm like sitting there going, number one, it's way too loud. It's so it's very loud. It's very dark. Yeah, it's like, are we going to a disc? I don't know where to go eat this near this place.
It looked from the outside STK. Oh, this is going to be good, right? You walk in STK in West Hollywood, and it was not like that, but I went at lunch. We sat outside. It was like an agent meeting kind of things. I was like, Oh, that'll be good. Are you throwing up over there? No, I'm fine. This is my third show in a row. The crazy thing is,
The music is loud and I know I sound like old man Vinny. I just took a leak in the bush. Look, I get it. But this is not old man. It wasn't like you were. It's like I'm meeting your sister in law for the first time. I'm like, Hi, I'm Vinny. What's your name?
Who? Oh, you come here. I feel like I was so excited to meet you because she was going to ask you all of her fitness questions. Yeah, we were making sign language at some point. So now we're sitting in this restaurant. We order our food. We tell them we're in the hurry, which is fine. They got the stakes out pretty quickly. And then I went, Hey, where's the men's room? And they were like, OK, you need to leave this establishment altogether.
and walk across an atrium that stretches two city blocks. Literally, it went on forever. You were like, well, we'll just hold it. It was like, when you see the Starbucks, I just wanted to go wash my hands because I just urinated outside. I didn't have to go to the bathroom again. Oh, I thought you were talking about the end when we did all walk over to the bathroom. No, but I'm talking about when I just wanted to go clean up a little bit and
And they were like, it's on the other side. You got when you see the Starbucks hang right, walk about a city block. And then when you see, I'm like, all right, you know, we're in your hood called Dupont Circle. Over there is a neighborhood called Adams Morgan. We're going to need you to walk to Adams Morgan. And then.
There's a bathroom. There's gonna be a guy. Okay. Yeah, pay that guy whenever he has for a pay. Yeah, it was just ridiculous. So obviously being as expensive as it was. Yeah. And that's the other thing we got there and it was like way to piece of meat that was substantial. Yeah. And the bill came and was like, wait a minute, you want this for we just ate? And my sister-in-law, too, she only got a crab cake. Like she didn't even get. Right.
You and I got eight each ate a piece of meat. Yeah. She got a crab cake and we're like, wait, what? How much is it? But this is why I never go to steakhouses because I always make steak at home because they're so easy to make at home. And then you go out because it's necessity. We're traveling and we're meeting somewhere. And we knew that like that would be a steakhouse is pretty good bet, right? Yeah.
Yeah, we do porter houses here. She can't have red meat, but she can get a piece of fish or a piece of chicken or something. Right. And then she gets a crab cake with remilade. So I don't know what she's doing. But look, the bottom line is, is the stakes without anything on the side or anything was like 85 bucks. Serena and I did 85 become the new 45. It just stakes and steak houses just doubled.
And my stake, I ordered what I thought was going to be a ribeye. I know it said ribeye filet, but I was like, OK, that's weird. Yeah, it's a ribeye. Right.
and didn't have any of the marbling. The whole reason I get a ribeye is to get the stuff. It was just that center part, the non fatty part of the ribeye called, now I know, a ribeye filet. And I was like, hey, and you and I both said, when they sat it down, like you go, oh, I ordered the filet. And they're like, no, that's the ribeye filet. And I was like, oh, no. Yeah, nothing looked right. But it was an OK piece of meat, but 85 bucks a palm.
And I'm sitting there going, Serena and I, we work deals at butchers around town. We go, yeah, we could have eaten, you know, Anna, before tip, what was it? You and I picked up the whole thing. We were like three, four hundred. I think it's 165 before tip. Each, right? So that says three. No, no, I'm sorry. It was like $200. Yeah. Because then you and I, yeah, no, I paid 165. And that's been 300 total.
Yeah, it was $330 something because I paid 65 also. Yeah, there was no drinking nothing because we had to go up on stage in a few minutes. And we all have water. Folks, we had tap water. We have water from the tap. I think I ordered a Pellegrino and that probably ran us something. OK, so one thing of Pellegrino showed up. OK, so 300 and some Serena and I, we make that same meal at home. Yeah.
for $30 or less. Yeah. Or less with bigger pieces of meat. I glommed onto my friend's Costco membership. Don't at me. Okay. I illegally stole her membership card after she checked out. She slid it to me. And I used it surreptitiously. And oh, I got this giant pack of gorgeous, four gorgeous New York's. Yeah, for $60.
Yeah. Forge. Like I finished one whole one. Yeah. Add a meal because it's so much steak. Well, we did two giant New York strips last night. And we I had more left over for the morning. Yeah. Yeah, between you have your stick and eggs. Yeah, I ate all of mine. Serena didn't eat all of hers. And I just had it with my eggs this morning. By the way, Anna,
I'm making you a collaborator on my, on my Instagram tomorrow. Would you, would you like to see what I'm, what I'm putting up there? Of course. Want me to show you? Yep. Because you're going to want to add this to the Anna to the, this, I don't know if this is, you talk, this might be an Anna dish, but she didn't say it was usually she tells me it's an Anna dish. You're ready? Yeah. Here we go.
I'm going to show you something that's low carb and delicious. That's cod wrapped in bacon with meat jewelry, also known as broccolini. All right, stay motivated. That's beautiful. Yeah, I'm going to. So I made your collab. Maybe because you're making me a collaborator, you use my products, but you didn't.
No, I don't know if we did or not. Okay. I'm sorry, Anna. You don't have to collaborate already. It's already in. I told Debbie to collaborate with you. My problem is that I don't post enough content. So my reels is mostly you. That's what's, but that's on me because. Yeah. Oh, wait. No, I'll show you. I'm going to post this. I made a video of roasting a whole chicken because somebody wrote me saying they had they were over the age of 40 and had never roasted a chicken.
How does that even possible? That's what I said. And I said, and I want to tell people, come out of the shadows because we need to get you all making chicken, roast and chicken, because it's so easy. Now, it's maybe total of four takes, but then I open up the editing software and the editing software says, hey, try AI. And I was like, oh, this will be fun. So I put it in the AI thing. And I think to myself,
Well, if anything, it'll be kind of funny or weird or whatever. But it'll be some silliness cut together. Well, first of all, the AI did not use my voice. The AI just had that weird TikTok voice like, cook with me while I make a chicken. That weird AI voice. But then it didn't show it to you.
Here, I'm gonna put it. Well, no, I can't put it through the phone. We're starting with a delicious chicken recipe. First, catch the chicken. Catch the chicken. Here's the sandwich for later.
Here's a sandwich for later. What? You're not going to say the word sandwich. You can't use that, right? You're not going to use that, are you? And I'm holding the large turkey. Let's get that sandwich ready. I'm prepared with my pan knife and lemon. Everything is set. Yeah, that's just words. That's just where I didn't say the word turkey. Right. And say the word sandwich. And it said I'm making a sandwich for later.
Step one, catch the chicken. Yeah. I am going to, I am going to post this because it's so ridiculous. That's third word. That's third world AI. Catch a chicken. Chop his head off. First, catch the chicken. All set. What are you? Rocky one? You're chasing a chicken around? Yeah. Um, today,
You wanted to talk about some stuff in the first half. We wanted to check in about NSNG, compliance, all that good stuff. Maybe if we have time, we'll touch on the FDA, changing the language around the requirements to use the word healthy, because it used to have no requirement. You could just say the word healthy on your product. That's what we're talking about today. First off, when it comes to compliance,
You know, you're talking about NSNG. Yeah, I'm the guy who came up with it. There is nothing. There is no compliance. Right. This is just a healthier way of eating the whole idea behind this was to not turn it into a wacky diet because I didn't want people to end up the way vegans end up or, you know, whenever people are trying to adhere to a cabbage soup type diet or anything else,
And the whole idea was if you cut out sugars and grains. Now, I talk a lot about sugar addiction on the show because I'm a sugar addict. Yeah. So by and large, I stay away from sugar, especially with the cancer and everything I've had, you know, it's better just to stay away. Does that mean I never have sugar? No, absolutely not. We just came through the holidays. I had sugar, you know, a couple of two or three times. We talked about that in past shows. I'm not going to bore you with that again.
whenever I'm looking at my sister-in-law, Kristen, I allow myself to have all the wine I want. I'm not really a drinker, so it's not a whole lot of wine. And drinking is not my problem, sugar is. So I'll never drink enough wine to wear sugar really matters. I love the occasional, as I wrote in my book,
I do not want to live in a world that does not have ice cream. Right. Bottom line. I go to Italy. I'm looking for the best gelato in town. Right. So I, you know, I enjoyed from time to time. The problem is, is if you don't have your addiction under control, you have to really cut it out. Now you wrote three cookbooks now. Now your first cookbook probably the most popular to date.
eat happy kitchen or eat happy every day or eat happy. I call you. So most of the recipes in that book are in SMG compliant, meaning I would agree with most of them. The reason Anna did not put in SMG on the cover, because in SMG stands for no sugar, no grains. And there's a whole section of desserts.
Right. And Anna is not. There is no grains in any of the cookbook, but there is sugar in the dessert section. Yeah. So the idea was it's called eat happy for a reason, right? This is not each of feelings. Oh, how do I do this? At some point, there's a time for dessert. You know, it could be a special meal, a birthday would have you.
pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, which is a holiday food and whole thing. So Anna said, instead of pretending that this doesn't exist, because it does, we know what people going out and buying crappy pies that are full of all kinds of crap in a grocery store already made, you know, they have all kinds of all kinds of crap ingredients in there to keep them preserved.
and they're making them cheaply. Anna said, what if we do a job where we make really good desserts and we'll add the least amount of sugar you can add to where it still tastes good, where it's still nummy, where it's good, where you want it. I'd like to use a nummy. Nummy versus, you know, oh, you know, like sometimes I remember my friends would go, Hey, would you like to try the vegan cheesecake and vegan cheesecake would have sugar and everything else.
But there's no way period in the world to make tofu taste good in a cheesecake. I don't care how much sugar you put. I mean, right? Most of the vegan and gluten-free desserts, they do overcompensate with a metric ton of sugar to cover up, to just basically ploy their way out, make it very cloying so you don't taste how bad the other ingredients are. Yeah, the consistency isn't right and everything else.
Anna wasn't trying to make an NS&G thing where it looks delicious and you bite into and go, what the hell just happened in my mouth. Right. The idea is it looks delectable and it tastes delectable. Right. And I saw some comments in the Facebook group where people were going and it's not NS&G compliant. I'm like sitting there going, wait a minute. This woman's been sitting next to me.
for what many years we've been doing this on the 13th. Yes. Long time. And finishing up our third. No one has done more for low carb and low carb community in making it taste good than you do. So I don't really understand. When you send me the comics when I saw them, I was like, oh, I couldn't tell what they meant eat happier if they met me personally. But a bunch of people said it and chimed in and it
surprised me. I was like, oh, first of all, I can tell people don't listen to the podcast. But also, I don't want there to be any confusion, like I am NSNG in my day to day life. And cookbooks are NSNG with the exception of those things. Again, I don't ever want to be misleading. I feel like you and I share that
same desire to be integral and not mislead anybody. But the thing that I liked most about your message was that it's a way of life as opposed to a diet that then you're going to treat yourself down the road because you've been so good and now you get to that whole diet mentality thing. I personally was at a place where I was ready to get off of it.
when I realize that it's a lifestyle and that you do get to choose because you're an adult, that's the thing that the diet industry doesn't want you to think that you have the option of choosing. They want to think that you're a slave to your, you know, eating whims and your addictions and all in, listen, there's stuff that we all have to work out, but honestly, you get to choose. So if I choose,
99% of the time to eat the way that I do and then I choose, because I'm at a place or like you said in front of a person or do a celebrating a thing, then I'm making that choice fully and willingly. And to me, when I gave up the sugars and grains, I changed my brain chemistry because it was not going to be a good road to go down after watching my mom be a sugar addict. Yeah. And so that's, I know it's the title sounds silly. It sounds dumb, eat happy, sounds dumb, who can be happy?
I think we're all trying to pursue happiness, but we're not going to necessarily find it. But my brain chemistry stabilized as far as my emotional sanity when I changed the way that I ate. But I also wanted to be a realist. And like I said, when we were talking in DC, I've noticed over the past 13 years that 100% of people eat sugar again. Yeah, there's there's no way. Yeah. Look, as stoic as I am about the whole thing,
I, like I said, I, you know, I live in dietary ketosis, right? I do too. And I do it for a reason. Nine this morning. Yeah. On the meter. I do it for the morning. Yeah, that's very high. Mine is never more than 0.7. But the bottom line is, you know, I do it for a very important reason. And I would like to believe that
You know, it kept my cancer away for 17 years. Listen to that, folks. They told me expect to be back on chemo every five years, like a little touch up of chemo. I went 17 years. It's amazing. Right. Was that worth it to not have chemo three times in that time period? Absolutely. And by the way, every time you go on chemo, my immune system is so weak from the chemo that can kill me.
That alone can kill me, right? So who wants to go through a chance of dying every fifth year, right? No one wants that. I certainly don't want that. So I went 17 years in a field because of all the sugar I did need. Guess what? I had a happy life. Of course, I'm sleeping with a bond girl and you guys aren't. So does that.
That helps. The bottom line is, trust me, they fart and belch, just like the other chicks. Your book is called F-Happy. Yeah, F-Happy. Listen, the bottom line is, I have a very good life. And I would think that it was a pathetic life if I had to depend on sugar to make me happy. Right. There's no other way to look at that. Right?
You know what? I want to know. I want to put this out to the audience who's listening on Twitter or on Instagram. I want to hear from you guys. Have you gotten any kickback? Because it's but you know, this is January still. This is going to air the final week in January. So the people who are here now are doing it. They're here. They're listening. They're doing it. You guys are closing in on your 30 days. Good job. And even if you haven't, you're still here and you're doing the things to get there. Um, I know that like,
years ago, I went to this Fourth of July party and I was doing my version of a 75 hard. And so I wasn't going to have any bites of dairy. I was always NSNG, but I was also not going to do dairy and not going to have alcohol for 75 days. And the party was like on day five. So I wasn't quite secure in I didn't have my sea legs. So I unfortunately made the mistake of announcing to the party. I'm not I'm not having that, whatever, which I don't recommend doing. Right. And
The responses I got from every single human were, I could never do that. Or, oh, that's so boring. That makes life not worth living. Oh, that's no fun. You're not going to have any fun. And I was, and I'm versions of that throughout the whole party. And again, I take full responsibility for the one opening my trap saying those things that I'm not going to eat the thing. But as the night progressed and people got drunk and people got full from overeating,
carby things, and I had a steak and some meat jewelry. I was like, you guys are the ones who were kind of boring because everyone's drunk and rambling and annoying. And I was like, I'm going to go home. I was like, listen, I don't, to me, I was like, I don't need sugars and grains and alcohol to be fun.
I'm having, I can have fun no matter what I'm doing. So I would like for people to write, write us on the Twitter or the Instagram, that's where we mostly are, right? Twitter and Instagram. Yeah, that you could find me on on accident Instagram. Yeah. So if right to us and let us know, have you got any weird responses from family members or friends or anything when you tell them what you're doing?
Yeah, look, most of my consults that I do every week is either a husband or wife going, I'm doing great. I can't get anyone else on board. And I always tell them the same thing. Don't try to get anyone on board. Keep doing what you're doing. Lead by example. Lead by example, do not proselytize. Do not go with Vinny said, do not go well. If you just did this, you would be better.
nobody wants to hear it. Exactly. Zero people want to hear that. I learned at the party don't announce what you're doing because no one cares and they're just going to rag on you. You know, Anna, you've heard me say this a thousand times because it bears repeating. Back when I was a famous Hollywood trainer and everyone knew who I was and I would go to dinner parties and whatever and they were going, hey, hey, then listen, I know you work out with my clients so and so.
And oh my God, he or she looks amazing. I would do anything to look like that person. Anything. You just tell me and I will do anything. Oh my God, she looks amazing. She, you know, she just finished a movie and she told me she's going to continue on eating like this. She didn't want to go back and okay. Just tell me what to do. And I would say do you got to cut out all sugars and grains and it'll go like what?
I would go, well, all grains in agreement like bread. Yeah. And pasta. Yeah. And like corn. Uh huh. And then then after corn, they would start getting creative. What about popcorn? Well, yeah, popcorn's not bad. That's like a low calorie thing, right? It's like popcorn. That's healthy, right? I'm like,
And that's cool. You just don't put butter on it. And then it's healthy. And when I would explain to people how popcorn is made, they would look at me like I was talking about quantum physics. It's like you realize that there's a little water, a little moisture inside of the kernel, and it's a closed cell. And when enough heat heats it up, it explodes it. And now you're looking at the insides on the outside. And they go, what?
It's like, yeah, it's still popcorn. Those delicious carbs are now delicious crunchy carbs. Yeah, you, you, you just cooked that into a little puffy thing. And it's just as many carbs. And then they would go. All right. So you're telling me no pasta. No, no, no bread, no corn, brown, right? What about brown rice, though, Vinnie? That's the loophole. And it's like you're, it was like you're in the conversation. I know. I know. No, brown rice. But
brown rice, you can't have it. And we're keen, well, that's not even great. No, no, no, wait, no, no, go back to brown rice. Brown rice is hard healthy. No, it's the same as white rice. Yes, fiber. No, it's not the same. No, it's the same. Why does it taste like shit if it's the same? It's the same. It's just, you know, it's unpollished and as delivered, doesn't see it any different. And then, you know, they go to next.
quinoa. No, quinoa is when you're potato. No, no, no, no, not yet. You're close though. You see, only vegans go to quinoa next. The next one is one where people because they thought you got to remember they're still talking about they're trying to find the healthy carb that they could get away with. That's why they went with popcorn, right? Because I had these popcorn, spongy things my wife used to eat. You know, they would make the corn disk.
of the rice cake. Yeah, in the corn cake, they would make both. Do you know how relieved I was 13 years ago when you're like, rice cakes are not healthy. And I never had to eat another rice cake for my entire life. Do you know the relief that I felt? Yeah, it was like, I've never understood how anyone can eat that. How do we trick ourselves into thinking that a rice cake was somehow a better thing?
I knew I had I was show up to clients that couldn't figure out how to lose weight. They thought taking a rice cake with peanut butter, like Jesse peanut butter and jelly on top. Yeah, was a healthy snack. Yeah. That's how you lose weight. Yeah. So so you got a carb and you spread some carbs on it. And then you put sugar on top of that. And it's sugar on top of that. Right.
Okay. The next one right out when they're still trying to live on the car, they'll go or anything. I'm missing. Hold on. You're missing the big one because everyone considers it healthy. Oatmeal. Oatmeal, right? Well, obviously I can have oatmeal. I'll go no. I was just so all oatmeal for breakfast instead of a bagel. And when you say no, what do you think they say? But it's hard healthy. No.
But it's cholesterol. It gets your cholesterol. There's no bot. They ask you about a different kind of oatmeal. What about rolled stone ground oats? I don't even know what they're called. A steel cut. I can have the steel cut, right? The goat ones. The good steel cut ones. I can have that, right? Right? No. So wait, you're telling me the Irish steel cut. I can't have that. No.
your liver doesn't. Just like a marketing term that doesn't really mean anything. It tastes better. I can tell you that because it kind of pops in your mouth when you cook it. Yeah. Look, I would go skiing back before I did that. I would have the steel cut with the honey or the maple syrup on it or brown sugar, one of them. It was like eating dessert for breakfast. Yeah. And then I'd fall asleep on a way to school. That would make me so sick. I know. It's like weird. It's weird.
So well, and that's the other thing that you always say too. Like nobody ever has just plain oatmeal. You always put some sort of sugar on it. I dare you to eat a bowl of plain oatmeal. I dare you. You animal. You eating a bowl of glue. Enjoy it. It's pretty much a bowl of glue. It's really that bad. So yeah, and then they'll go, I can't do that. And then they'll stop for a minute. And that's when they'll go. Well, uh,
I can have a potato if I don't put butter on it, right? It's like, uh, let's talk about that butter. Not only can you have a butter if you don't put a potato on it. Yeah, pretty much. You can have all the butter you want. And it's so that's why I hated to get into the conversation out of party because you, you don't have enough time to break someone down. Right. So I would, I would literally say to people, if you're, if you're truly interested, call me.
I will give you a free consultation. I will tell you exactly what you need to do. It isn't me trying to talk you into business because I got all the clients I need. But if you would like to talk about this, when you're not drinking, when you might remember it, let's talk and I'd be more than happy. Because I was on a freeway anyway, driving from client to client, I would easily pick up the phone and talk to people. Yeah. Right. So, yeah.
Anna, do me a favor. Yes. Do a Villa Capelli ad and I'm going to go blow my nose because I'm still. Oh my God, you and I both. What the heck? You want me to do? I got to go. No, no, no, go ahead. I'm just saying I had to I had to log off and blow my nose because it would be so offensive if anybody heard it.
So, okay, go do that thing. I'm going to talk to you guys about Villa Capelli olive oil. Now, if you are one of the people who showed up at our event on January 15th at Bold Fork Books, you got a sample of Villa Capelli olive oil. And it's a very generous sample, by the way. Steven sent that to me in California, and I checked it in on the plane and brought it to DC. I also gave it to anybody who came to my Santa Barbara book event.
Villa Capelli is the best olive oil on the planet, and they have been sponsors of this podcast for a very long time. Not since the very beginning, but I have been talking about them since the very beginning back when Paul Capelli was still with us. And he and Stephen would make the most delicious olive oil, first harvest, early harvest, and
It has what we call the pulia pinch. It has a like peppery finish, not like black pepper, not pepper is the only way I can come up with to describe it. But what that is that flavor profiler is the polyphenols and you will not taste that if you get olive oil from other places.
especially not in American grocery stores. We have a problem with that. And yes, Vinny and I talked about we are going to review the olive oil food fraud case and talk about that on a future episode. I'm sorry that that fell by the wayside. Thank you, Janice Sprague for reminding us. Get Villa Capelli olive oil. Use the discount code Vinny, the IN and IE. You'll get 10% off your order each and every time. Go to Villa Now, Capelli is spelled with two P's and two L's.
C-A-P-P-E-L-L-I, and use the discount code Vinnie. Make sure you get your cart size up to about $145, use the discount code, and then you'll still qualify for free shipping. I know for a hot second, he had some dented, literally dented cans on sale, and he also had some of the organic ones on sale. So make sure you guys go to, stock up, use the discount code Vinnie. You won't regret it. All right, we're back.
We're back in better than before. So hold on. Oh, what? Well, no, I'll talk. OK, no, I want to bring this up now. OK. So I know this has happened to you. And you probably just probably doesn't happen as much with vitamins because I don't know. It's not like I'm trying to police anybody.
But I walked into my family's house and they had a giant jar of Rayo's in the fridge. I thought they were trying to like punk me. That's like, are you punking me? And then Kimmy said, oh, it's super old. It's probably been in there like a year and I'm like, okay, well, that's gross and not like her because she has OCD as you found out. Yeah, you met her. She's the one who I made fun of a few years ago for washing her chicken.
And it wound up making it hit, like, what's it called, the newswire, because I was quoted in an article about watching your chicken. I was like, you don't know. I talked about my sister a lot while she was chicken. She was like horrified, but she's a good sport. So I took the jar of reos and I put it down the disposal. And then I rinsed it. And then I held it and I took a picture of it. And I posted it as a story on my Instagram. And I said something to the effect of,
I am not afraid to come to your house, dump your reos down the trash, but I will recycle the jar because I am civilized. And the people who know me were like, ha, ha, funny, you know, whatever. And then, um, people who knew me really well were like, Oh, where your feelings hurt? I was like, no, it's okay. I can't expect, you know what I mean? You can't expect people to buy your shit all the time, even if they are family.
But people who didn't know me, Vinny, this is where I got shocked, and I wanted to ask you if this happens to you. I got, why? Why did you throw it out? I mean, I literally got a hundred responses.
Why would you do that? Why would you waste the food? And I was like, hold on. And I was like, wait, do they not know? And so I wrote back, well, because I own a company that sells clean, high quality pasta sauces. And then I said, I'm the link. And most of the people didn't know that. And I think to myself, in order to, you know, stories are for engaging your existing audience. People don't look at stories who don't follow you. They are people who follow you.
And I realized, oh, I'm taking it for granted that people know what it is that I do because they follow me. Right. They don't. And that's OK. We're all too busy. We're all too like slammed. Well, that's the thing. People are in and out. Like you said, a lot of people in the group don't even listen to the podcast. And you would be shocked at the number of people when they're in the Facebook group and they'll go, wait, he has a podcast.
I'm always like, you're sitting here saying shitty things about Anna in the group that Anna started because of the podcast. Right. Right. You know, look, I can't tell you the number of times. No, it doesn't happen that often. You know, we look, my, my, my vitamin company is would be considered a boutique vitamin company, even though it's a big business is not central, right? And it's not. Of course.
one a day are Flintstones. But we're a very small company that makes top. And vitamins. Yes. And people call me because they listen to the show. Now, the truth be known. I haven't been advertising vitamins sort of past year while I've been trying to. I couldn't keep up with the demand of my subscriptions much much less. When I took the company over myself, I had to go ramp up everything. Right.
But still at the top of every show, you hear Mike Dawson saying brought to you by pure vitamin club, the purest vitamins on the planet. No, it doesn't say Vinny's company pure vitamin club, it just says pure vitamin club. So maybe people miss it there, right? But I'll be on a consult. Now I do a lot of consults every week, you know, five days a week, several a day. But a week does not go by where I'm exaggerating.
Two weeks does not go by without someone going. Uh, yeah, I have a question. How do you feel about supplementation? And I'll say like, we're kind. They're like, you know, multivitamins. And I go, well, you know, yeah, I'll go. Yeah. You know how I feel about that. No, really. What are you into them? It's like, well, you know, I own the vitamin company, right? And they go, no, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. No.
20 minutes early, earlier, they were going, I'm your biggest fan. Now, sure. Which it does think it's possible for them to be your biggest fan and still not. Not not. No, because they don't listen to the podcast. A lot of people know me from Mike Rowe. They know me from Corolla or they know me from my movies. They stumble upon a Saturday documentary or something. They never go and listen to the podcast.
So I have fans that don't even know. I have a podcast. Right. They just happened on the Vinny and went, Oh, he does consults. They didn't look at anything else. They just, you know, so I have that going. I think that's why it happens to me so often, but you don't have a documentary, much less for. And you don't have, you know, the only place they would know you from,
is being the co-host of this podcast. That's what's confusing about yours. Well, I guess now, no, your books have broke. You're right. Your books have broken up. That could be your problem. You have the same problem as me because we've broken out of this mold. People know you from the books and might not even know you do a podcast. Just like people know me from the documentaries.
or Mike Rowe, and then I'll know me from the podcast. I had somebody come to Central Market to have me sign stuff from when I was on TV. I have stuff, you know what I mean? Keep in mind, because that's the other thing, is I think you and I both do this.
We want to be helpful, right? I don't constantly want to be selling on my social media. I want to be giving help, inspiration, advice, be funny, make you laugh. Like I want to have all these experiences. And I feel like a shithead if I'm constantly selling me like, this is my pasta sauce. Please buy it. You know what I mean?
And I also feel like I repeat myself ad nauseam too. And then it's a good reminder. But it's never happened. I need to tell people, if I'm going to grow my business, I do need to remind people in my own feed, hey, by the way, get this friggin pasta sauce, because it's better than any reos you're going to find. Right. Ever, ever, which sold to Campbell's for $2.7 billion in RES seed oils and shitty tomatoes in it. Right.
But people don't know. And in fact, I started putting, when people were writing, why? Because I got to just, just the word, why? Why? Why would you do that? I kept putting laughing faces and then I had to go back and like actually write a, I was like, wait a minute. I think they're not being funny. I think they actually don't know. No, they're not being funny. People are really asking in their own house. Yeah. No, people are really asking, look, I learned, you know, for anyone who else knows, my wife is a celebrity. So,
I learned a long time ago, we were somewhere like she would always go to conventions by herself, right? The bond girl conventions. And so one was in LA and then we were going to go out to eat. So I was like, honey, I'll pick you up and we'll go eat from there. And then, you know, she's like, great. So I'm hanging out at the festival. And it's kind of cool because I'm meeting the woman who played Pussy Galore and the woman who played, you know,
this and that. And by the way, they're all grandmothers now. Oh, yeah. Right. Yeah. So it's kind of neat to meet them. And you know, the tall guy that played Jaws in the movie, in the Bond movie, he's taller than the car. So you get to meet all these kinds of weird guys, right? But I'm standing next to Serena in a booth. We're hanging out talking and the nerd guys will come up and go, Hey, would you sign this?
And it's like, Serena, what was that? She goes, oh, I get as many people wanting the Buffy. It was like, what's Buffy? I didn't even know. She goes, there's a show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Oh, yeah, I've heard of that. She goes, yeah, I was on like one episode or two episodes and people want that signed. So they didn't even come there to get her as a bond girl. They want the Buffy stuff signed.
and the stuff from hostage and the stuff and on and on and on from all the different movies, right? That's what they want. It's like they don't even care about her as a bond girl because they're into Buffy or, you know, you were Bruce Willis's wife in this or you were so-and-so's wife and that they care more about whoever they came to care about. That's how sectioned off we are as people now. And if it's like that for Serena, God only knows it's going to be like that for me and for you.
right? Because we're not as big as she is as far as audience. So I guess if you see me selling my pasta sauce a lot more in my feed, it's because I want people to know. You should. I just hope I hope that the die. Well, you don't put a lot of sales stuff in your Instagram. You don't talk about your vitamins and your coffee. I'm going to start because I have vitamins now. Right? Oh, yeah. So I'm going to start doing it. You know, I know you're trying to save it for those accounts.
But I'm like, sounds like we need to be doing it in our main things. Well, it turns out, you know, Megan used to ask me all the time, you know, does Megan still work for you? I think she does. Yeah. Megan would say, why do you care how big your Instagram is? You don't sell anything. So why do you care? So I only care because I hate being when she knows you are selling things. Well, no, but I don't sell it on Instagram. And I was like, well,
Because I don't like when things are unfair and now it's being unfair to me, right? I know I'm being banned, right? And we're able to prove Megan used to think I was nuts, but we've been able to prove it, right? As a matter of fact, Zuckerberg just came out and went, hey, you know what? You know, we're going to stop screwing around with people. Oh, they should expand. You would think it hasn't happened yet. Yeah.
Our wife's my thing going out on 60 people this, you know, most people's go up. I if I have 60 people come in, they should check that stuff. I don't check it every day on it. But once a week, you go, Oh, let me see how we're doing here. Right. That's how I see that, you know, say, Oh, 60 people when you have like a hundred thousand followers is not even. Yeah. But what I'm saying is when you see 60 people came in yesterday and they took 63 people away.
Yeah. And then people write to you and go, Hey, hey, Broski. Why did you cancel? Why? Why did you say I didn't do it? They did it. They wiped you out. Right? That's so strange. Yeah. Like, no, I want to reach more people. I'm not really like getting rid of people. Yeah, I'm looking to, you know, I've never gotten rid of anyone. No.
Actually, that was one guy way back when and I think you know who I'm talking about. I know what you're talking about. It was like, you're, you're, you're not. He shall he who shall not be named. Yeah. I know you're talking about. Yeah. Um, real quick, because I know we have to wrap this up. Do you want to? Here's the thing. I got a weighted vest for Christmas. Yeah.
We talked about it a couple of months ago, but since there's so many new people and I feel like weighted vests are having a moment right now, honestly, because you have one. No, I just, I see them everywhere because you have one now. Weighted vests have been having a moment for about eight or 10 years. Well, what is it? Why? It started out with, uh, I want to say in the box, right with the CrossFit.
Right. The CrossFit people started and they would use them in the competitions. Like you can't just go run. We got to have you run with 40 pounds on you. But you're rocking is having a moment right now. You wear that go rock hat and right, right, right. So he just said he does 60 miles. I mean, 60 pounds. Yeah, he puts 60 pounds in his. But so all right. So let me grab my vest and I can show it to the audience. I have my vest here. Hang on.
And so the best I got is I just got 12 pounds. And I'm glad I did because I'm shocked at how heavy it feels, but I like wearing it. And so I'm wondering, because I know some people do the armbands, some people do the rucksack, some people do the leg wraps. What are you he's bringing over his best? He's sitting back down.
Okay, so I was vamping while you were doing it. Okay, great. So my vast ways, I think it's going to be kind of heavy to show, but I'm going to show it anyway. So my vest is this one is made by it was given to me by Scott Mulvaney back in the day. Oh, nice. And you can add weights to that, right? If you want to put things in. Yeah. Yeah. So it looks like a bulletproof vest. It is a bulletproof vest. You know, that's how these things started.
But instead of putting the lightweight bulletproof Kevlar thing, you put these big weights in there, right? So I have it at, I think it's at 40 pounds. That's why I'm having trouble lifting it. So here's the problem I have with the vest. Because there's, I'm hoping up again, there's at 40 pounds, I have 20 pounds in the front and 20 pounds in the back. Okay. Okay. And I have a bad neck.
from football. The best on the floor now. By the way, the one I have in case you guys are wondering, it was given to me as a gift by a guy that used to work with us. Good guy, Scott Mulvaney is made by 511. 511 probably makes one of the better ones around. You know, it's military grade stuff. And I own some other 511 stuff in a different world. And I got one off Amazon that's been great.
doesn't matter. You're you're probably paying for the name of 511. So here's the deal. My my neck. Yeah, I have a problem. And for whatever reason, when I have the 20 pounds in front and 20 pounds in the back, it pushes down on my shoulders just right that after about 20, 25 minutes, it causes a pain that runs up through my neck into my skull.
and it becomes debilitating. It's just debilitating. And what I would do is whenever I would take it like on, you know, eight, 10 mile hike, I found out that I would have to take it off after a mile or two and hold it in my hands, hold it in one hand over here and then one hand over here and unwieldy. Right. And then put it back on for a while and the whole thing. And that's a workout in and of itself to do all that, right? Sometimes I'll hold it in front
you know, the whole thing. So that was a good workout in and of itself, but it's a pain in the butt. I started, you know, doing what I used to do before Scott gave me this fancy vest. By the way, um, why do I not get rid of it? Because if I take it down to a total of 20 pounds, it's fine. It's when I go really. So you can remove weight from it. Yeah. Yeah. When Scott gave it to me, I think it only had
20 pounds and add it to it. So if I go back to the 20 pounds My my neck and all handles it what I would find out is whenever I would get ready to go on a trip with Don Coddington the billionaire Don Coddington's Friday, we would be using backpacks anyway, so what I would do is just take one of my backpacks I would put a towel at the bottom and
And then put a 10 pound dumbbell on top of that towel and then put another towel. You know, these aren't big giant beach towels, just smaller towels. And in between every towel that was blanked up in my backpack, I would put another 10 pound dumbbell in there to where I can have either 10, 20, 30, 40 or even 50 pounds in my backpack. And it was evenly distributed throughout my backpack. Right. So that's the way I did that. And that works really well.
until Serena goes, where the fuck are all the towels? And then that becomes a problem. Yes. So at some point, and you know, you know, I decided just to get a go rock thing, just to see what it was all about, the problem with go rock, the good news is you're never going to find a more sturdy pack ever. This thing is bulletproof. It's
I think it's a thousand thread or a thousand thickness, Cordura, and it's just very thick and hard and hardy and healthy. And so I got that. And originally I got it with 30 pounds. But now I have, I can go up to 50 pounds if I want. I don't have the micro amount of weight, but
I never really use more than 40 anyway. I'm out there for several hours and whatever. That's what I read somewhere like actually, because I was like, oh, I'll get 20 or 25 pounds. Right. And I locked up for whatever reason. Why does this happen late in the show with Anna? Let's see if she comes back. Anna, you're getting ready to talk about it. And then you locked up.
I was just saying that I was told to start lighter because I'm going to get 20 or 25 pounds because that seemed fine. And now I'm glad I have 12 pounds. I'm like, that's enough. It's honestly enough. Yeah, I always tell people start with 10, get used to it for a couple of weeks and, you know, why be in the hurry and then go to 50 and 20 or whatever the smallest amount you can go up. What does it do? What's OK? If you're on flat ground, if you're walking on flat ground,
It doesn't do a whole lot over just walking. It does add some pressure. I'm not a big, you burn more calories, but yes, you're burning more energy when you do it. So there's something there. You're adding weight to your, to your structure, you know, because when you're standing up, that's a weight bearing exercise. You're bearing the weight of your frame. You're adding weight to that. So that's a plus.
better for your bones, your structure and everything else. I don't know, look, if I go out and walk flat around my neighborhood and do the phone calls and I'll look at my heart rate monitor, it doesn't go up very much more than if I didn't have it on, right? So it's not a big change as far as, you know, calorie expenditure.
Now there are a couple of slopes, you know, two and three percent slopes that are like a half a mile long or whatever. And of course your heart rate goes up a lot more on those. But by and large, it's just added to a walk, right? It makes a walk a little tougher and it's, you know, why not? It becomes a why not exercise. I do a lot of hills. Right. And it's locked up again.
So while Anna's locked up, I'll tell you guys this. If you're doing hills, like whenever I'm training with a heavy backpack and getting ready for something, that means I'm climbing. And climbing with weight makes a huge difference. That's the reason I always suggest you start light. And as you go, you get heavier and heavier with the weight. Do not rush it.
As a matter of fact, when I know I'm going to be on a glacier and I'm going to have on the heavy glacier boots along with crampons on the bottom of the boots, I have special ankle weights that I will train. If I go do a stair machine or something like that, I'll add the ankle weights, but I don't have like two or three or four pound ankle weights. I have exactly what my boots weigh with the crampons and then I add in for a little snow that could be stuck to the crampons just to be more exact.
There's no reason to go heavier than that because you start screwing up your gate. You'll notice that you'll end up with hip problems and everything else. So that's the way that works. Anna still seems to be frozen. We were getting towards here. Oh, she's there, Anna. No, I'm here. I just gave a long dissertation as to how I heard it. I heard it. I'm here. All right. So, Anna, let's end the show here. Tell people where they could find you. is where I sell pasta sauces and spices that are clean, no sugar added, NSNG deliciousness. Yeah. We have marinara. We have poutanesca, which won the Shelfi Award last year for Best Pasta Sauce of the Year. We have arabiata, which is spicy. We have pink crema, which is a vodka sauce with no vodka. And we have pumpkin marinara, which is sold out. That's our seasonal one.
have the dill ranch seasoning. We have taco seasoning, we have barbecue dust, and we have salt dust. And they're all amazing. Most spice mixes that you find in the grocery store have sugar. They have cornstarch, they have fillers, they have anti-kicking agents, they have anti-slip agents, they have chemicals and junk. These do not. They're just food. And we are fundraising still. So go to, the link to our investment. You can invest in the company.
get in now because it closes on February 24th and we will never open it back up again. It'll never be open back up. It will only be for the big venture capitalists moving forward after that. Listen, everybody. And thank you to everybody who has. I'm an investor in the company and the way I look at it. People talk about IPOs. This is getting an IPO. This is an IPO. This is the very
Thing that when you hear all the big boys started I got in on an IPO Right this is the time. This is an IPO. I'm an investor and I'm not doing this to help and out I'm doing this because I see this these sauces. She's an X number of stores around the country now and She's getting bigger and bigger and if I could if I could get a taste of that I want to taste and
And when I say taste, I'm not talking about the ada biata. I'm talking about money in my pocket. Yeah, I do love the ada biata. And eat happy kitchen. We always say, Hey, guys, we're not reos and we're proud. So also might say F reos a few times a day. Yeah, reos what
Okay, you know what to do. Oh, everything is back in stock at I got my vitamin D. Yeah, everyone is happy because they got Vinny's D. Listen to this. Go on. I got my brother-in-law and sister-in-law off, elementary, and on, ultra salt, baby. Yeah, because the difference is we don't put sugar in ours and they lied and said they didn't have sugar in theirs. And they did. That's what I was telling people the whole time.
But brother wants is well, multidextrin is not on the ingredients. I go look at the carb count. It says this much sugar. Yeah. But there's no sugar listed in the ingredient list. Guess what? They're lying. If you want. Yeah. If you want the real thing, you want a real electrolyte, get the one that we sell. It's called ultra salt and it's over. It's over at my vitamin company, pure vitamin Go check it out.
Amazon, you know what to do. Go do it. Rate and review this podcast. I'll do it. I wanted to play. I don't know why this song is on my mind, but it is. So on behalf of Annabel Chino, my name is Vinny Tarderich. Put life into living and do it with a cat band.
You were the girl that changed my world You were the girl for me You just refused, I said it used You were the first for me But you changed me, you changed me You changed me, you changed me You changed me, you changed me You changed me, you changed me, you changed me
Thank you for listening to Fitness Confidential. Get more information at Remember to rate and review us on iTunes and follow Vinnie and Anna on Instagram and Twitter.
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Changes In Labeling Rules - Episode 2601

Fitness Confidential with Vinnie Tortorich
Episode 2601 - Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss upcoming changes in labeling rules by the FDA, Quest chip products, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Changes in Labeling Rules January has passed, and New Year’s resolutions are in full gear. (7:00) Pure Vitamin Club is back in full force. Vinnie mentions some of his other resolutions. (9:00) He is adding weight-lifting routine videos that will be free to the NSNG® VIP group. He will also make them available to people outside the VIP group for a fee. More details to come! Anna has a big announcement with Eat Happy Kitchen sauces! (16:00) Kroger is bringing Anna’s sauces into 477 stores! You can invest in Eat Happy Kitchen through her website and StartEngine. (18:30) Details are at Eat Happy Kitchen. Vinnie talks about supplements he took as a kid and bodybuilders he admired. (25:00) Robby Robinson still has an amazing physique at age 78. You can see photos of him at his website Someone asked Vinnie about Quest nutrition bars and chips (35:00) Vinnie has been rallying against protein bars for years. They are glorified candy bars. The Quest chips are not doing you any favors, either. They review the ingredients list. They discuss the margin of error used to make a nutritional panel. (46:00) The FDA has new definitions of “healthy” on a label and parameters of when the word can be used on packaging. (47:00) It's promising that steps are being taken, but only time will tell if they are beneficial and if the lying on packaging stops. More News If you are interested in the NSNG® VIP group, it's open for a limited time for REGISTRATION! Don’t forget to check out Serena Scott Thomas on Days Of Our Lives on the Peacock channel. “Dirty Keto” is available on Amazon! You can purchase or rent it . Make sure you watch, rate, and review it! Eat Happy Italian, Anna’s next cookbook is available! You can go to You can order it from . Anna’s recipes are in her cookbooks, website, and Substack–they will spice up your day! There's a new NSNG® Foods promo code you can use! The promo code ONLY works on the NSNG® Foods website, NOT on Amazon. [the_ad id="20253"] PURCHASE DIRTY KETO (2024) The documentary launched in August 2024! Order it TODAY! This is Vinnie’s fourth documentary in just over five years. Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: Then, please share my fact-based, health-focused documentary series with your friends and family. Additionally, the more views, the better it ranks, so please watch it again with a new friend! REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter! PURCHASE BEYOND IMPOSSIBLE (2022) Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter! FAT: A DOCUMENTARY 2 (2021) Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: FAT: A DOCUMENTARY (2019) Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere:
February 03, 2025
Breaking Free from Sugar Addiction with Dr Lisa Wiedeman - Episode 2600

Fitness Confidential with Vinnie Tortorich
Dr. Lisa Wiedemann shares her journey from sugar addiction to health advocacy and discusses the challenges of recovery in today's society, and how adopting a carnivore lifestyle helped beat sugar addiction.
January 31, 2025
Alternatives to Chemical Sun Protection - Episode 2599

Fitness Confidential with Vinnie Tortorich
Discussion between Vinnie Tortorich and Chris Shaffer on sunscreen concerns and alternatives, focusing on the potential health effects of chemical sunscreens like oxybenzone and avobenzone, hormone disruption, aerosol versions, and safety issues with titanium dioxide. They recommend zinc oxide as a safe alternative, mention dietary factors to enhance skin protection, and suggest UV protective clothing brands.
January 29, 2025
Help Me Help You - Episode 2597

Fitness Confidential with Vinnie Tortorich
Josh discusses high stress and carb cravings, Kimberly talks about gastric sleeve surgery & NSNG® lifestyle, Michaela addresses weight loss pause, and they all seek advice on strength training.
January 24, 2025

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