Americans welcome back the rule of law
January 28, 2025
TLDR: The Dean's List discusses how Abraham Lincoln's emphasis on the rule of law is relevant today, examining its application in modern challenges such as immigration policies and defiant school leaders.

In the latest episode of "The Dean's List" hosted by Dean Bowen, the conversation revolves around the importance of the rule of law in America, drawing on the words of Abraham Lincoln. The podcast points out the urgent need for reverence to the Constitution as the nation faces numerous challenges regarding legal and moral standards.
Key Themes Discussed
Good vs. Evil in Politics
- Dean argues that the current political landscape presents a stark contrast between two parties, framing the discussion as a battle between good and evil rather than mere political allegiance.
- The distinction is drawn not only in policies but in moral standing, suggesting that the Republican Party upholds the rule of law, while their opponents do not.
Abraham Lincoln’s Wisdom
- The episode reflects on Lincoln's famous speech, The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions, highlighting his assertion that liberty depends on respect for laws.
- Dean emphasizes Lincoln's call for Americans to uphold the Constitution and instill this reverence in future generations, noting that such teachings are absent in contemporary education.
Current Challenges to Rule of Law
- The podcast details various instances where individuals and institutions have disregarded the law, including immigration policies and education reforms that oppose federal statutes.
- Examples cited include opposition to ICE's deportation orders and local leaders pushing back against federal enforcement, creating a legal paradox.
Case Studies and Current Events
- Bowen discusses recent legislative votes, notably a case where a significant number of House Democrats voted against life-saving treatments for infants who survive abortion, arguing this further signifies a moral decline.
- Attention is given to local government actions, such as sheriffs refusing to cooperate with ICE, showcasing a growing trend of defiance against federal law, which Dean argues undermines public safety.
Freedom of Expression in Education
- The episode also addresses controversies surrounding freedom of speech and religious expression in public schools, including a case of a teacher facing consequences for displaying a crucifix.
- Dean contrasts this with the promotion of divisive teachings in classrooms, questioning the integrity of current educational practices compared to Lincoln’s ideals.
Practical Takeaways
- Importance of Education: Emphasizing constitutional knowledge in schools is vital for fostering respect for the law among future citizens.
- Civic Responsibilities: Citizens must engage with their representatives to advocate for adherence to laws and hold officials accountable for their actions.
- Awareness and Action: Awareness of ongoing challenges against the rule of law is crucial in reinforcing democracy and civic responsibility among Americans.
The "Dean's List" podcast implores Americans to reflect on the teachings of Abraham Lincoln regarding the Constitution and the rule of law. As the political landscape evolves, it is essential for citizens to understand their rights and responsibilities, championing the rule of law as a fundamental pillar of American democracy.
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Well, I'm prepared to make a bold statement here and I. Some of you are going to be like, there's nothing bold about this. We all think this. We feel this. Many of you do. Many of you feel this way. There are others out there who are probably going to lose their minds, but they're probably not listening here. I think this audience tends to be, I don't think we're up
I wouldn't say that this is an echo chamber. I just think this audience tends to have the ability to think freely, to think on their own. The statement is this, that we are witnessing a juxtaposition of one party versus another party, a juxtaposition of the Democrats versus the Republicans. That's not the bold part though. There's nothing bold on that. It's obvious.
The bold part is, and again, I know you guys don't think this is bold, but we are literally watching good versus evil unfold before our very eyes. We are watching the juxtaposition of right versus wrong. Good versus evil, morality versus immorality. Truth versus falsehood. Call it what you will.
I prefer good versus evil. Now, again, I'm not saying that every person in the Republican Party is great or perfect. Well, no one's perfect, but... And I'm not saying every person who votes Democrat is evil. I am saying that the two parties represent two very distinct things. And we're watching it unfold before our very eyes. Good.
versus evil. What makes America different? By the way, you're listening to the Dean's List on America Out Loud Talk Radio. I'm Dean Bowen. What makes America different from any other country is our Constitution. It's the rule of law to one of the things that sets us apart. The fact that we are celebrating living under one document
for literally over 200 years. When the average lifespan, you hear me talk about this all the time, the average lifespan of a constitution of any given country is 17 years, 17 years brought to you by our friends at Wall Builders, David Barton and the gang. They taught us this. They told us this. They did the numbers. They did the math.
the average lifespan of a Constitution is 17 years. And here we are under, we're living under the same document for 200 years, under the same rule of law. It makes us distinct, it makes us unique. We watched a president who didn't fulfill his oath to protect the Constitution. He didn't fulfill his oath to
to execute the laws of the land. He didn't. We watched the border completely open up and we watched
evil, just pour in, literally pour in. So all right, let's let's go through the list. Breitbart reports the other day. Ice removes accused child rapist who illegally entered the country four times. We let him back in. Oh, man, I'm kicking back. Oh, come on. Let him back in. Thank God we finally have a president who protects our innocent children and puts American citizen safety above radical illegal alien schemes.
Anyone who opposes the deportation of murderers, rapists, MS-13 gang members and child predators is the problem. And we had a vote the other day. Where is that vote? I don't know if I can...
We had a vote the other day where 240, I think 240 Democrats. Hang on. Let me think it was 240 Democrats voted. Here it is. Fox News is reporting this. This is a couple of days ago. 204 House Democrats vote against Bill to give life-saving treatment to infants who survive abortions.
We wonder how in the world we got here. Over 200 House Democrats are going to vote no on this. If an infant survives an abortion, they're going to vote no. Don't provide life-giving treatment. You want the baby to die. Okay, at this point, we're just about killing kids. That's all we're about.
That's all this party's about. Forget this argument about the life of the mother. You're not about the life of the mother. When 204 of you are going to vote no, you don't want to provide life-saving treatment to an infant if this infant should survive an abortion. The mom's life is saved. Why wouldn't you want to save the baby's life? What's the issue here? What's going on here with this group? Why are they so deep?
mmm demonic that's the word i'm looking for why are they so demonic why do they hate the rule of law so much so here we are today january 27th 1838 when he was almost 29 years old abraham lincoln delivered an address before the young men's lysseum in spring field,
His speech is entitled, The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions. And it's a genius brilliant speech. In it, he argues that liberty could not survive without reverence for laws. A theme prompted in part by the recent murder of an abolitionist by a mob in Elton, Illinois. So this individual of murder, he's an abolitionist.
He believes in fighting for the freedom of slaves. He feels like slavery is an evil institution. And he's murdered by a mob. And Lincoln comes out in this speech and he's speaking about, well here, I'm gonna read an excerpt for you. Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well-wisher to his posterity swear by the blood of the revolution.
never to violate in the least particular the laws of the country and never to tolerate their violation by others. What if we all did that? What if we all swore by the blood of the revolution, never to violate the law and never to tolerate the law being violated by others?
Okay, we just went through four years of a president who literally not only did he not follow the law, which is an effect violation, but he violated it repeatedly. And then we have a new president coming in and we watched this juxtaposition unfold. And we see this man, Trump, making the attempt to clean house, then you've got this episcopalian bishop who's going to lecture him on it.
Call him in on the carpet. How dare he? How dare he do this to these immigrants? She needs to go back and read this speech. Lincoln continues. As the Patriots of 76 did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and laws,
Let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor. Let every man remember that to violate the laws to trample on the blood of his father and to tear the character of his own, and his children's liberty. Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the lip-seeing, lisping baby that praddles on her lap. Lincoln was just, he was poetic.
His, his verbiage was fantastic. I'm going to read that again because I loved it so much. Let every man remember that to violate the law is to trample on the blood of his father and to tear the character of his own and his children's liberty. Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap.
Let it be taught in schools and seminaries and in colleges, but yet it's not. It's not taught in schools. No, we've got, okay, hang on, I'm gonna put Lincoln on pause for a minute. We have got, I've got this article here that, let me go back to the beginning. Oh, see, I mean, it's just article after article after article after there's no way it's taught in schools. It is just,
All right, let's start with, I don't even know where to begin. I truly don't, I don't know where to begin. Let's start here. Michigan State, we're gonna go to Michigan. Michigan State Superintendent of Education. Michael Rice has pushed back against President Trump's order for ICE to make arrests at schools.
Now we're talking about Lincoln here is saying that the law needs to be taught in schools and seminaries and in colleges. He's saying let the reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the listing babe that prattles on her lap. Let it be taught in schools. Let it be taught in seminaries.
Let it be taught in colleges, but yet in Michigan, we have the superintendent of education, Michael Rice, pushing back against President Trump's order for ICE to make arrests. He said, all students have a right to a free public education, regardless of their citizenship, immigration status, race or national origin.
So rice plans to use, you know, Michigan residents tax dollars to harbor illegals. That's his game plan. What rice fails to mention is people have come in the country illegally, they're breaking the law. Now, look, there might be very good families here and they have fled here. Maybe they've got kids in public schools in Michigan.
And maybe they can seek asylum. I mean, I'm not saying let's just, let's get rid of everybody. I mean, if there's very good families here that want to be here, then they need to go to the legal channels, not come here illegally. Let's follow the process, kids. But we've got Michael Rice here pushing back. No, juxtaposed to Lincoln. He's saying the laws need to be taught in schools.
And we've got the state superintendent of Michigan, not only ignoring the laws, but actively pushing back against them. Shouldn't we be teaching the laws in schools? Shouldn't we be instructing our kids that we live in a country that follows the rule of law? That's what knits us together is we're under the Constitution. We are a constitutional republic.
We're not a democracy. We're a constitutional republic. We elect people to run and leave this government under the umbrella of the Constitution. And Lincoln is saying, this should be taught in schools, but in Michigan, Michigan, it's not. All students have a right to a free public education, regardless of their citizenship, immigration status, race or national order, regardless if they're breaking the law or not.
I mean, we don't care if they're breaking the law. Everyone deserves a free education. That's the name of the game around here. And if you better follow suit by golly. Rod DeSantis was, you know, he had a press briefing the other day.
and a brilliantly, brilliantly disposed of a reporter using the term undocumented immigrant. One reporter from Jacksonville came to DeSantis' press conference a couple of days ago to ask DeSantis about how Florida's industries may suffer as a result of Donald Trump's policy of carrying out mass deportations.
get us suffered to Santas because all these people are going to be deported. However, according to the Gateway Pundip, the reporter soon came up against the Santas after referring to illegal aliens as undocumented immigrants, which of course is a phrase, stupid phrase coined by Democrats, left-wing activists, to make it appear like they have not committed a crime.
by entering the country without the necessary permissions or the necessary documentation. Mr. DeSantis, sir, what about these undocumented immigrants that are going to be deported? It's the verbiage. They twist. They redefine
definitions in order to twist the verbiage, in order to twist their narrative, to make it appear that these individuals, in this case, aren't illegal. They're not calling them illegal aliens. They're calling them undocumented immigrants. And DeSantis, he said, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, I reject your term of undocumented immigrant. Stop attempting to
to create new definitions. They're illegal aliens. They've always been illegal aliens. And if they come into the country illegally, they always will be illegal aliens. It's high time that we are done with this business. It's high time that we just finish it. Let's finish it, let's be done with it. So California, this article came up, this is from Fox News.
California City votes to become non-sanctuary city and vows to work with President Trump. Leaders in Huntington Beach, fed up with the Democrat-run state's immigration policies, voted to become a non-sanctuary city and ignore the state laws. I mean, because California, this has come out to a worse sanctuary state by golly.
You're illegal and did you see the press conference? I hope you did. The press conference that Trump had the other day. In LA, Karen Bass is sitting there and all these, you know, he's sitting at this, at a round table, it's a horseshoe table. And he's calling out the policies of stupidity.
that the Democrats in the state of California have promoted for eons. These saying, look, you have these wildfires and you don't need it. Start bringing in water. And then he called the mayor out. He said, there's people that want to start clearing out their property tonight. And the mayor says, well, I mean, we're going to let it happen. We're going to let them get on there. And then, and then at some point in the conversation, she said, well, maybe
You know, she didn't say tonight. She backtracked us because we got to make sure it's safe. You know, hazmat's got to be removed and Trump comes like, well, what has Matt? There's ashes down there. There's no hazmat. Nothing's going to happen to these people. You don't have to worry about their safety. They want to get on their property and clean it up. This should be happening tonight. Absolutely called out the stupidity.
Oh, and they just love to just, they love to fall back on safety. Safety, everyone's gotta be safe. You gotta exchange your liberty for safety. So, you know, we've got this, we've got this Secretary of Education here in Michigan, and he is adamant. He's adamantly opposed to following the rule of law.
I wonder if he even knows Lincoln gave this speech to the young men's lysseum in Springfield, Illinois on January 27, 1838. He probably doesn't. He probably has no idea that Lincoln encouraged the law to be taught in schools, seminaries, and in colleges. Lincoln continued, let it be written in primers, spelling books, and in almanacs.
Let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls and enforced in courts of justice. Wouldn't that be great? If the law was actually enforced in courts of justice and in short, he said, let it become the political religion of the nation. Oh boy, did you? Oh, we can't have that. We can't have religion in this nation.
Let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay. He wasn't referring to homosexuals. He was referring to happy people, the grave and the gay, the depressed and the happy. It doesn't matter what your disposition is, not sexual orientation, but mental disposition. You should be in support of the rule of law.
of all sexes, which there are only two, and tongues, and colors, and conditions, sacrificed increasingly on its altars. Lincoln is beating the drum, pounding the drum. Let's just follow the rule of law. We have a constitution. Let's follow it. We have laws and the land. Let's follow them.
I told my representative, he's no longer, you know, in office, he retired. I told him I would send him letters, you know, about the border. And his reply was, oh, you know, the border is broken and it needs to be fixed. Well, I guess all it took was Trump to fix it. The border isn't broken. The laws need to be followed.
The laws haven't been followed in this country. They haven't been followed for a long time. And we have a president who comes along and he says, I'm going to follow the law. We're going to do this thing. But yet we have people that continually insist
Uh, Los Vegas police Sheriff Kevin, what's his name? McMillan Hill. Kevin McMillan Hill. He announces the other day he's not going to cooperate with President Trump's deportation operation. Okay. I hope Holman is aware of this. I'm sure he is. I'm sure he's completely aware. Superintendent of schools in upstate New York. What's the name of the school district? Hang on. Let me, let me pull this up.
Pachigo, Pachigo Medford School District, upstate New York, superintendent, has sent out a memo saying law enforcement isn't allowed on school grounds to detain or arrest or question people. This appears to be a violation of Trump's executive order authorizing ICE to operate on school grounds. I wonder if she's aware that anyone obstructing ICE can face legal challenges.
I mean, she's certainly not interested in following the rule of law, not interested. Oh, here we go. Jerry Goodnight, a teacher at, let me see, what school district is this? Cab County Schools in North Carolina. Cab looks like it's an abbreviation.
He vows to continue pushing DEI, CRT, and any other acronym in his classroom. After Trump signed an executive order dismantling DEI programs, hey, he doesn't care. Y'all, I'm still gonna do it. I'm still gonna push diversity. I'm gonna push equity. I'm gonna push inclusion. Yet we have, we have a news report. This is out of Connecticut. How much time do I have? Do I have time to play this clip?
There's a Connecticut school teacher. Apparently she's been in the classroom for 10 years. And during that time period, she's had a small crucifix hanging on the wall next to her desk. She's been put on leave because she refused to take it down. This, by the way, is the same school district in Connecticut, which has a history of promoting pride in LGBTQ propaganda.
And they don't mind pushing gender ideology on kids, but yet you've got this school teacher here who has a crucifix on the wall. And she's about to be fired potentially. Take a listen to this news clip here talking about this very situation.
Good morning, Tracy and Roger. Well, this matter is starting to gain some national attention. Should a beloved 10 year teacher be able to display her crucifix near her desk or is it unlawfully pushing religious beliefs onto students? That's the big question here.
Marisol Arroyo Castro has taught in Connecticut public schools for more than three decades, and for the last 10 years, a crucifix has hung by her desk. That is until early December when she was placed on paid leave after the school's administration asked her to remove the cross from student's site, claiming it violated federal and state laws, which require public schools to remain neutral on religious matters. New Britain's superintendent released a statement on the matter saying in part, quote,
We will not allow any teacher to use their position of authority to impose their personal religious beliefs or infringe on the civil rights of our students. The school district claims it's received complaints from students and staff that her teaching is influenced by her Catholic fate. Castro's lawyer says if they don't reinstate her, they'll take this to court. They have never said you're injecting religion into your teaching. It is and it's only been about that cross being at her personal workspace.
The new Britain School Committee is expected to meet today and decide whether or not Castro will be terminated. Make sure you stay with us all day long for the latest updates. So Trump comes along and he says, we're done with DEI. We're done with critical race theory. We're done with these divisive teachings that we've been giving our kids. You know, we've not been following Lincoln's advice.
teaching them about the rule of law. Instead, we've been teaching them about how important diversity is. And our diversity is our strength. But if you're white, you are the oppressor. And if you're any other color, you've been oppressed. And then while we do us, just create hatred. We create division. We create strife.
And we've got this teacher here in Connecticut, oh, I'm going to keep teaching this. I don't care what they say. Just, you know, you'd be smarter if you would not flap your gums and just teach what you're going to teach. You want to be divisive. I mean, just be divisive, but you're stupid and you make these announcements. And so now we know about you. We know where you are and we can, we can
do what we need to do to get rid of you. But so here we are. We have this this other teacher who's been a beloved teacher for three decades. And she's got a crucifix hanging on her wall. And she's in Connecticut. A place that we highlighted just a couple of weeks ago or last week, I think Hartford.
where we talked about this student who went through the Hartford School District, not being able to read or write. And so now she's suing the school district because they didn't teach her. But yet we have a beloved teacher here doing her best in another school district in Connecticut, but she's got a crucifix on her wall.
And that crucifix is, that's improper. She can't be forcing her Christian faith down the throats of these young students who don't know any better, but she's going to show that crucifix. And then, and because of it, all these kids are going to know she's Catholic and they're going to want to ask questions about how dear that she's got to go.
And so now the board is going to decide if she's going to keep her job or not. Because she isn't going to take down the cross. We're looking at the juxtaposition of good versus evil here. And I talked about this last week, and I'm going to spend a little more time on it, not today, but in the future.
that the fact that you're not allowed to have the freedom of speech and religious expression in a school is it has nothing to do with the separation of church and state. We literally watched an inauguration of the president last week, a week ago today, and the religious and Christian symbolism throughout that entire thing.
Throughout that entire inauguration, you cannot tell me that government-wise there is a separation of church and state. It doesn't exist. If it did, the man should not be allowed to put his hand on a Bible and swear an oath with his hand on a Bible, a very Christian religious Jewish book. He should not be allowed to have three different individuals come in and give
benediction come in and, you know, give an opening prayer. There were six prayers that day. There were hymns that day, sung. It shouldn't be allowed, not if there's a true separation of church and state, but there isn't. The only separation of church and state that exists is it exists in the schools so we don't educate our children in the ways of God.
That's it. We have to have a place where our kids are indoctrinated, not educated. The desires of the Founding Fathers in terms of establishing education that it would be full of religion, morality, and knowledge have been pushed aside, ushered out.
And so now we have this whole arena and all opportunity for indoctrination to take place. And Trump's coming in and he's saying, no, we're not going to do this. But yet you've got these buffoons that are picking these public statements. I'm going to do it anyway. Look at me over here. Look at me be big man on campus. We're going to do it and we're going to just keep doing it. We're going to keep doing it and doing it.
All right, listen, I'm up against the clock. We've got some other stuff on the other side. I want to share this video with you, and maybe you haven't seen it. I guess it's not a video. You're just going to get the audio. But it's this mom who Trump pardoned.
this beautiful black woman and her husband, and she's got her baby. And Trump pardoned her because of a peaceful protest she was involved in at an abortion clinic, juxtaposed to all the other garbage going on. You've got to hear her. You've got to hear her impromptu little
little video she made for Trump. It is it's something. It's it's it's mind blowing to see where we are and see what's unfolding in just a week. In just a week. All right, we'll pick it up on the other side more to come. You're listening to the Dean's list on America out loud talk radio. Feeling the strain of rising costs. One of the biggest offenders isn't gas or groceries. It's health care. Over the past decade, health insurance premiums have skyrocketed by 47%.
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Now is our time. America out loud, talk free, liberty and justice for all. Wow, segment one just got away from me. I don't know what happened.
I mean, I thought I had my eye on the clock. Clearly I did. So next two segments, you're going to be a little shorter. You know what hasn't gotten away from me though, is the green 85 juice formula. I use it. I enjoy it. I use it every day because I want to empower my immune system. And if you want to empower your immune system, the green 85 juice formula is probably something you should check out. It's a super multivitamin packed formula.
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Well, maybe not more than anything. I need God more than anything. But secondly, I want the Green 85 Jews formula because I want my immune system to be supported. All right. So as that last segment was winding down, I said, I want to play this clip for you. And it's this mom who is celebrating her release. But first, I want to play the clip for you, where Trump
is signing this executive order. And I don't know that we know about these people because all the media hammers down our throat is J6, J6, J6. Those J6 pardons and those evil J6ers that caused an insurrection at the Capitol that day. And then you watch the video and the guards are literally opening the doors from the inside, inviting people to come in,
I saw this one video, this guy, this interview with one of the J-6ers. And he was literally, he stepped foot in the Capitol, I think, for all of 10 seconds. And then he walked out. And because he, because he felt like he was being trapped. And he tells the conversation that the guard opens the door. And he's, you know, he's saying people can come in and this guy steps in and he says, is this okay? Can we come in?
And the guard said, it's something to the effect of, to the effect of, well, I'm not going to stop you. Something like that. And, and I don't remember the guy's name, the, the J sixers name. And he was like, yeah, I don't know. This doesn't feel right. And he turned around and walked out. And he was one of the people that Trump had to pardon because of the prosecution that he was
He was given. All right. But so that's all we're hearing. We're just hearing J6, J6, the evil J6. But there's a group of peaceful pro-life protesters. I don't know if you've seen the video. Maybe I'll put it on my Instagram page. And they're just sitting, they're just sitting around singing, they're singing hymns at this abortion clinic. And they were prosecuted and given years
years in prison. All right, so clip, the first clip we'll hear is Trump signing the executive order. And then we'll go to the clip of the mom after she's been released. Okay, take a listen. We have a set of pardons for peaceful pro-life protesters who were prosecuted by the Biden administration for exercising their First Amendment rights. Do you know me? I believe it's 23, sir.
23 people were prosecuted. They should not have been prosecuted. Many of them are elderly people. They should not have been prosecuted. This is a great honor. The clip cuts off there at the end, but he says this is a great honor to sign this. 23 individuals peacefully protesting at an abortion clinic, just sitting around
They have a First Amendment right to do this. But the Biden administration did not like what they were protesting. They're protesting abortion. And the Biden administration is like, no, we can't have this. So we need to send a message to anybody that thinks they can protest at abortion clinics.
They're going to jail straight away, straight away, straight away, straight away, peaceful protest, that abortion clinic, straight to jail, right away. So Trump gives, gives them their, their pardon. Now listen to this mom. All right. She's a beautiful black woman, very handsome husband, you know, child, a black family who, who Biden sent to prison. All right. Listen to, listen to her little celebration.
President Trump, I just want to thank you for being a man of your word and bringing me home to my family. Three months without my two-year-old, he's been, I'm not, and the words can express what is going through me.
just watch you sign my parting and get me free. It just I'm just so grateful and you're just a hero and you literally saved my life and from all I have won. Not only do I know I would have gotten out in like 20-20, but I was nervous that you probably tried to re-indict me on something else. These people are vicious.
And I know this is just the beginning. This isn't the end. This is just the start, but justice has to come. But thank you for getting the ball rolling on righteousness and justice in the station. And so just thank you from me, my daughter Eleanor, and my husband. Hi, thank you and you all. Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the Trump. Thank you so much. We appreciate you. We love you. And...
Thank you. You put a black family back together so they can never say you can never say you were racist. Take care. No, they cannot say he's racist. Can't do it. She, this woman by the name, by the way, her name is Bevelin Williams. She was genuinely fearful that even when she got out of prison in 2028, mind you, three years
that she was gonna sit there for three years because she sat in an abortion clinic to protest what they give her a year for every minute. She was at the clinic. She was genuinely fearful, not only after she got out in 28, but that Kamala would try to indict her again. You could hear it in her voice. You could also hear the gratitude in their voice.
Him and her, the gratitude that they have for Trump, for doing this. Common sense. It's just common sense. It is evil to not prosecute illegal aliens raping and murdering innocent Americans.
It's able to allow them to come over anyway and just open the borders. And it's, it's equally evil to prosecute families, individuals who are protesting abortion clinics. So here's an article that, that Breitbart has put together about this very thing. Trump addressed pro-life advocates in a video speech.
at the 52nd annual March for Life. So we had that the March for Life last week. JD Vance is there. He speaks to them live. Trump has this video because he's out and about in North Carolina and California and literally saving the world, but he takes the time to put this video out to the pro-lifers. He praised them for their extraordinary love and compassion for the unborn while promising to end the weaponization of law enforcement against Americans of faith.
Trump pledged in the video, which played to a crowd of thousands gathered in Washington, D.C., in frigid weather, that the DOJ will investigate the hundreds of pro-abortion attacks and churches and pregnancy centers. He also talked about his pardoning of nearly two dozen pro-life activists targeted in some imprisoned by the Biden administration.
Under my leadership, he said, a reformed Department of Justice will finally investigate the radical left attacks and churches and crisis pregnancy centers. And we will bring predators to justice. We will get them to justice one way or the other. I love it. I will also end the weaponization of law enforcement against Americans of faith. And I'm releasing the Christians and pro-life activists who were persecuted by the Biden regime
for praying and living out their faith. One such American, this is the continuation of his video. One such American was Paulette Harlow. At 75 years old, Paulette was sentenced to two years in prison after praying outside of a clinic. That's why she was sentenced to two years. That's what happened under the Biden regime.
In her sentencing, the judge mocked her Christian faith. While her husband pleaded to be thrown in jail with his wife, fearing she would die alone behind bars. This week, that just, it just ticks me off. That, this week it was my honor to grant a full and complete pardon to Paulette.
and many others who were the victims of this horrific weaponization. Never again will religious persecution be allowed to happen in America. Does that make you angry that this woman, 75 years old, and she was sentenced to two years in prison because she sat outside an abortion clinic, mocked by the judge, some leftist Marxist
And the husband's begging put me in there with her because I don't want her to die alone. I'll go to prison with her. I just, it's sick and it makes me angry. And I cannot wait. I just can't wait to see what this DOJ does. And I can't wait to see the fury. That's about to be unleashed. All right, quick break here. We'll pick it up on the other side. You're listening to the Dean's List on America Out Loud Talk Radio.
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Boost your immune system and save 20% on your first order. The moral of the story, my friends, is the rule of law is back. We are a country once again who will operate under the rule of law. This is the difference. I don't know that maybe I can't say this is the difference. This is one of the differences between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.
The Republican Party wants to operate under the rule of law, which in this country, my friends, happens to be the Constitution. It's the rule of law. We follow it. We believe in it. Now, the sheriff, the lady sheriff in Washtenaw County, Michigan, which happens to be the home of Ann Arbor, the great University of Michigan.
Ann Arbor is, it's a fine city. I mean, it's run by Democrats, but it's a fine city in and of itself. Washtenaw County Sheriff, what is her name? Let me see what, what's her name? I don't, I don't see her name here. She's a woman. She doesn't look like she should be a sheriff, but nonetheless, Washtenaw Sheriff won't cooperate with ICE deportation campaign.
We are local, public, servants, she said. This is according to the Midwesterner, which is a newspaper that I like. It's a media outlet I like. According to various other social media sightings, ICE has arrived in Ann Arbor, again, the home of Washington County. And ICE has been spotted in Ann Arbor and at multiple locations.
And so maybe this sheriff here shouldn't draw attention to the fact that she doesn't want to cooperate with ICE. Maybe she shouldn't draw attention to the fact that she is not interested in the rule of law. Just maybe you think. Maybe she should keep her trap zipped. OK, ICE is here, lady.
ISIS here in your county, whether you're going to support their efforts or not. You know what? They don't need your support. They're going to do what they're going to do without you. They're going to follow the rule of law without you. Here in Genesee County, where I reside, the sheriff, who I voted for the first time, you know, but the second time I couldn't, not after he went to
to the DNC campaign or convention and spoke and came out and very verbal support of Kamala. I'm like, dude, you're not getting my vote. I don't care. You're not getting my vote. He's probably not going to support ICE. I don't know. I mean, he should. Don't they care about the rule of law? I mean, their citizens do. Their citizens want this.
The citizens and the great state of Michigan, we want this. We want law enforcement to do their job and protect the citizenry. Not make us a sanctuary, city or a sanctuary, state. Grand Rapids, there's people over there. We need to be a sanctuary city and just stop it. Just be done. All right, stop the foolishness. Stop the buffoonery.
must protect our citizens. That's what normal everyday people want. All right, Stephen A Smith. I don't know if you listened to him at all. But he made some comments the other day that makes sense. And he speaks for a lot of people. And where he's describing how Trump is back.
And how the Democrats are just, they don't get it. They're completely clueless about it. All right, take a listen here to these comments by Stephen A. Smith.
The man was impeached twice. He was convicted on 34 felony crimes. And the American people still said, he's closer to normal than what we said. Exactly. That's what they're saying. He's closer to normal. Why? Because something that pertains, when you talk about the transgender for community, for example, and you're talking about the issues that pertain to less than 1% of the population, the Democratic Party came across as if that was a priority, more so than the other issues.
And so he comes to the office, now you're talking about childbirth, citizenship, and what have you. He knows that's not going to pass the mustard, but he knows that he made that promise. So when he shows up week one on Capitol Hill, he says, this is what we're going to do through an executive order, even though it's going to be
shot down through the courts and what have you. He's saying I kept my promise. A lot of other things that he's going to point to that he's going to try to do. I kept my promise. Then you turn around and you look at the left and you say what promises did you keep? Now you might know the answer to that. I'm certainly not questioning your knowledge about that at all. What I'm saying is what resonated with the view with the voter.
What voter out there can look at the Democratic Party at this moment in time and say, there's a voice for us, somebody that speaks for us, that goes up on Capitol Hill and fights the fights that we want them fighting on our behalf. They didn't do that. And that's why they're behind the home. And that man is back in the White House. And they want to sit up there and tell you, look at the networks right now. They're talking about it. Look at it. This is the latest. Look at him. Here he goes again. Well, you know what here he goes again means?
He's doing what he said he was going to do. He promised you he was going to do these things. And he walked into office week one and that's exactly what he's doing. And he said, y'all do something about it. And when you try to do something about it, he's going to say, look at them now. Now they're concerned about these issues. Were they talking about that during the campaign? Hell no. That's really- Hey, I don't know if Stephen, I highly doubt he's a Republican, a conservative. I don't know how liberal he is, quite frankly.
But he's calling these people out. And he's saying, look, the Democrats impeached him twice. There's 34 felony counts against him. But yet the people, the citizens are saying he's more like us. But what Stephen A. Smith doesn't mention here is that, look, we could see through the ruse. We understood the two impeachments were bogus. We knew what Nancy Pelosi was all about.
We understood that the 34 felony counts were bogus. We know what DA Bragg was all about. We know what the Marxists are all about here and attempting to destroy this man's life. And so I think, you know, he doesn't acknowledge that we can see through the ruse, but we're not stupid. I mean, the Democrats, they hung their head on
trans priority. They made it a priority. 1% of the country that believes that's confused, that has a mental disorder and believes are the opposite gender. And the Democrats attempted to ram this down our throats. That's what they were going for. They were like, yeah, let's ram this down the throat of the American people. And we're not. We're not taking it. You know, what resonated with the voter that the Democrats produced, that, that resonated with us. We don't want
a mental disorder, ram down our throats and our kids to be made to believe that they should be the other gender. No, we don't want that. Sorry, we don't want illegal aliens ravaging our communities. No, sorry, we don't want that. We want promises made, promises kept. We want to live in a country where the rule of law is going to be followed.
We want to live in a country where our president respects the Constitution and the rule of law and isn't going to weaponize a justice department and in prison for multiple years, non-violent protesters sitting to protest an abortion clinic, a clinic of death. Okay, we want to follow the rule of law.
That's what resonated with the voters. That's why he wanted a landslide. Both electoral college-wise and popular vote-wise, a landslide. That's why he's got a mandate. And listen, we're behind it. We're here for it. 100% we're here for it. All right. Listen, thanks for joining me on this glorious Monday. We're a weekend, my friends, and we're just so happy about it.
Uh, follow the good work we're doing on substack. Can I say that about ourselves? Myself that we're doing good work, I think I can. Go to substack. Subscribe to the Dean's List there. Uh, thank you for listening. Thank you for joining us. Encourage your friends and family to get on the Dean's List because the fight is just beginning, my friends, and we're here for it. And we need to go after it together. Let's unite to renovate the end.
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