American parents strongly support common sense in schools
January 29, 2025
TLDR: Parents strongly oppose grading for equity, race-based hiring, and gender identity policies without consent in public schools; they demand greater control over their children's education.

In a recent episode of The Dean’s List hosted by Dean Bowen, the discussion revolves around a survey conducted by Parents Defending Education, which reveals significant insights into parental support for common-sense reforms in schools. The findings highlight a nationwide demand for a return to core academic priorities over ideological teaching. This blog summary encapsulates the key points discussed in the episode, shedding light on parental opinions regarding school policies and reforms.
Key Findings from the Survey
The survey included responses from 1,000 parents across the political spectrum—33% Republican, 38% Independent, and 24% Democrat. Here are the major highlights:
- Parental Control in Education: A staggering 96% of parents believe that they should have the freedom to choose what kind of schooling is best for their children, indicating a strong desire for parental involvement in educational decisions.
- Focus on Core Academics: Nearly 90% of respondents agree that reading, writing, and arithmetic should be the primary focus in public schools, rather than ideological teachings.
- School Choice Preferences: About 60% of parents would choose to remain at their current schools, while 36% (20% seeking different schools and 16% opting for homeschooling) are looking for alternatives to public education.
Opposition to Ideological Policies
The survey results reveal significant opposition to several current educational practices:
- Grading for Equity: More than 56% of parents oppose grade adjustments based on race or ethnicity, emphasizing a preference for merit-based evaluations over identity-based considerations.
- Gender Identity Policies: A notable 80% of parents do not agree with schools assisting students in changing their gender identity without parental consent. Additionally, 77% believe that parents should be notified if their child uses a different name or pronoun in school.
Parental Concerns About School Practices
Parents’ concerns are clearly directed toward the ideological shifts in education:
- Race-Based Hiring: While 56% opposed hiring teachers based on race to match student demographics, a concerning 44% are okay with such practices, showcasing a divide in opinions about affirmative action in schools.
- Teaching Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: 74% of parents oppose instructional programs on sexual orientation and gender identity for elementary students, reflecting a desire for age-appropriate content in the curriculum.
The Role of Unions and Educational Leadership
The podcast discusses the perceived disconnect between parents and school leadership, particularly in Michigan:
- Teacher Contracts: Dean highlights troubling provisions in teaching contracts that may allow educators with substance issues to continue teaching despite misconduct, pointing to the need for reform in how schools operate and maintain standards.
- Union Influence: Concerns were raised about how teachers' unions may prioritize their agendas over the educational needs of students, resulting in policies that do not reflect parents' desires.
Overall, the survey results signify a potent call for change in the American education system. Parents overwhelmingly prefer a focus on fundamental academic skills instead of ideological teachings. Moreover, the strong opinions regarding parental notification and school policies indicate a growing frustration with how education is being administered.
Key Takeaways for Parents:
- Engagement is Key: Parents should engage in discussions about education policies that affect their children and voice their opinions to local school boards.
- Research Educational Options: With significant numbers expressing a desire for alternatives to public schooling, exploring options like homeschooling and private institutions may be beneficial.
- Advocacy for Change: Joining organizations that push for educational reforms can amplify parental voices and lead to meaningful changes in school systems across the country.
This episode has brought to light the pressing need for a shift towards common-sense, academically focused reform in public schools, emphasizing the vital role parents play in advocating for their children’s education.
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So a very interesting survey has come forward. It's come out, it surfaced. It was a survey of parents, Democrat parents, Republican parents, independent parents. And it was a survey on how they felt about education reforms and the results. Well, I don't know that they're going to surprise you.
I don't know. They might surprise you. They might not. We're gonna dive into it today. I'm Dean Bowen. You're listening to the Dean's List on America Out Loud Talk Radio. We're happy to have you on board today. And we're gonna pay attention to some rumblings that's happening in Michigan within the educational world. There are some things that have surfaced that I think are going to shock you.
And I think when we talk about what's surfaced here in Michigan, then the results of this survey, maybe they're going to become more clear, maybe more plain, maybe, I don't know, maybe we're going to think to ourselves, yes, we're not surprised by the results of that survey based upon what's happening in public schools, not only in Michigan, but literally throughout the country.
And it's, I mean, again, in some public schools, maybe good things are happening. But in the belly of the beast, no. No, there are some things that have been going on for a long time that as they come to light, it just makes us shake our head and wonder how in the world we've sent our kids to these schools.
for so long. All right, so the survey here is from parents defending education. We like this group. This is a national grassroots organization. They have a very conservative perspective. Their stated objective is to seek to impact education policy and practices nationwide. And of course, they want to impact this from a conservative standpoint. Among its declared goals,
is the promotion of an educational system that places a premium on fundamental academic skills. And it would seem to me that right now, the premium is not on fundamental academic skills. The premium is on your social identity. The premium right now in many schools is not academic.
It's how can we confuse the fire out of you? How can we make you think you're the other gender? How can we instill and march this ideology in you? Or how can we just slightly shift your perspective of American history? Okay, very not, very not academic, not fundamentally academic at all. So let's dive into the survey.
It took place between December 12th and December 18th at a sample size of 1,000 parents with children under the age of 18. Out of the 1,000 parents, 33% were Republican. 38% were independent. And 24% were Democrats. So that's pretty even. That's not slanted too far in one way or the other.
The vast majority of respondents, roughly 96%, felt that parents should have the freedom to decide what kind of schooling is best for their children. 96%. Republican, Democrat, and independent. 96% felt that it should be the parents' choice. They should have the freedom to decide what kind of schooling
In other words, what the curriculum should include. What should be taught in the classroom? Should not be the responsibility of union leaders. It shouldn't be solely to the decision of school board members and school administrators, but parents feel like, yeah, they need to have some decision power in this. And rightly so.
It's their kids that we're talking about. 96% is a big, that's huge. That is a big number when you've got the three demographics of Republican, Democrat and Independent. You've got 96% that are agreeing on something. That is worth listening to. 60% of parents would keep their child's present school.
if given the choice. Now that's interesting. That 60% said, yeah, we don't really want to go anywhere. We like our school. While 20% would opt out for a different school right now. And 16% would choose to educate their children at home. So you're looking at 36%, the 20% opting for a different school plus 16, 36%.
would either take a different school right now or homeschool. I wonder if this would be the percentage of parents from public school and the 60% who would keep their children where they are. I wonder if these are the parents that are either homeschooling already or in a nice classical Christian school somewhere. Makes you wonder.
Well, definitely the 16% that went to homeschool, I would say, I mean, they might be in a classical school, a private school, and the parents would just rather homeschool, but they can't figure it out. My gut, my instinct says that the 20% that would opt for a different school now, and the 16% that would homeschool now, at this 36% is probably in a public school somewhere.
Nonetheless, very interesting numbers. Reading, writing, and arithmetic should be the primary priorities of public schools according to 90 percent of the parents. Again, that is a huge number. When you've got Republican, Democrat, and independents coming together and 90 percent of them are agreeing on one particular aspect, that's an aspect that should be paid attention to.
And it coincides with 96% feeling like they should have the freedom to decide what kind of schooling's best for their kid. When 90% of them say reading, writing, and arithmetic should be the primary priorities of every school. Not gender indoctrination.
not a radical view of history, specifically American history. And if we're going to focus on reading and writing and arithmetic, then we've got to do it correctly. If we're truly going to focus on reading, then we need to incorporate good old-fashioned phonics. No more of this
whole word garbage. Let's bring in phonics. Let's teach the kids what the letters sound like, the sounds that the letters make and then blend those letters together to form words and sentences and paragraphs. That should be 90% or 90% of the parents believe that should be the primary focus. Nicole Neely, she's the president for parents defending education.
She said these results highlight that parents are dissatisfied with the number of elements of the modern American education system. Yeah, you're absolutely right, Nicole. For far too long, federal bureaucrats have sacrificed the needs of students and families in order to appease unions and activists in satiable demands for money and power. Forget what the parents say or want.
No, let's listen to what the unions want. Let's appease the unions. What about the activists? Let's appease the activists. We're going to sacrifice the needs of the kids and the families because the unions have this insatiable demand for money and power. And so we're going to appease that. But who's the customer here? Who's the customer that we're serving?
Is it the teachers unions? Is it the activists? Or is it the students? Is it the actual families? Is it actual American citizens? Or unless you live in Michigan and you operate under the leadership and direction of state superintendent, Michael Rice,
All students have a right to a free public education, regardless of their citizenship, immigration status, race, or national origin. So unless you live in Michigan, then it doesn't matter what, you know, if you're here legally or not. By golly, you deserve that, that free education.
All right, so the poll, let's get into some more numbers of the poll, the consensus on hot button issues. Are you ready for this? The poll found that 56% of parents, excuse me, were opposed to the establishment of school organizations that were based on race or ethnicity, as well as the recruitment of teachers based on their race in order to reflect the demographics of the student population.
56% are opposed to this. That's a majority. It's still, I thought it would be larger. That means 44% of parents are okay with recruiting teachers based on their race to reflect the demographic of the student population. As opposed to hiring a teacher based on their ability, as opposed to finding the best teacher.
And this is part of the problem. This is part of the problem as to why education in this country is not fantastic. It's because we're not interested in finding the best and finding the brightest. We'd rather find someone that looks like us. Yeah, I'd rather have someone that looks like me teaching me. No, I don't want someone who looks like me.
I want the best and the brightest. I want somebody who has the intellect that's going to take me to a different level. That's going to take me up a notch. I don't care what you look like. I don't care if you're white, black, brown, Asian. I don't care if you're male, female. I don't care if you're old or young or somewhere in between. If you've got the intellect,
And if you've got the skill set, what's the problem here? Well, the problem is many of our schools are led by Marxists. They're led by socialists, they're led by people who want to interject wedges into society to create division. Because that's the best way for a communist regime to take over as if there's division in the society.
Marx proved it. He said, let's have some division between the working class and the owners, the employees and the employers. Well, we don't really have that issue here. The employees are treated decently. So what are the Marxists to? They want to create divisions in other areas. They've decided to put that wedge between Christian philosophy and the rest.
and they've decided to take that wedge and drive it in the heart of the family. That's their objective. So still, I'm surprised that only 56% are opposed to race-based recruitment and establishing clubs at schools based upon race.
article says that 80% of respondents said that school should not assist students in altering with their gender identity without informing their parents. 80%, 80% of Republicans, Democrats, and independents. Again, that's a big number. I would hope that it would be higher because that tells me 20% of parents are okay with this.
20% of the parents polled are like, well, yeah, I mean, if, if the student wants to change their gender identity, then we'll go ahead. I don't care. I don't need to know. Is that not troubling to anybody else? That this isn't higher? I mean, again, 80% is a high number when you, when you get, you know, when you're getting into the 80s and 90s.
you know, even 75. I mean, that's that's two thirds. Okay, that's three out of four people. So you've got that one person who's an outlier. Okay, I get it. These are big numbers. But when then when you turn it around and say, you know, there's that one person 20%, that one out of five, who is that one person? That's okay with with their children changing their gender. And then the parent not knowing about it. Because whoever that person is, they're not fit to be a parent.
I'm just going to put it out there. They're not fit to be apparent. 77% of those polled believe that district personnel should be obligated to notify parents in the event that their child employs a different name or pronoun at school. All right. So that's pretty, that's still pretty close to the 80, 77% are like, no, we need to be notified.
Parents need to know what's going on. Parents need, parents need to be made aware. But yet we're not operating our schools by that, by the 77%. Now we're operating our schools by the 20% of parents who don't care. Yeah, whatever. I mean, if Johnny wants to, I mean, it's fine. Or the, you know, the 33%
Or in this case, the 23% who are perfectly fine if they're not notified. If Johnny wants to use a different name or a pronoun, we're basing policy on the small percentage. We're basing policy out of that one person out of five. You got five people, four of them are like, no, we demand to know what's going on.
If Johnny wants to change his name or use a different pronoun, you better tell us. And then there's one, I don't care. I mean, do whatever. And policy is based upon that one. And it is, it's taking us to a point of incompetence. It's taking our educational system to become a system of an aptitude, because we are
following the dictates or the advice or the wishes of this one person who, in my opinion, doesn't deserve to be a parent. Not if that's going to be their approach. All right. I'm looking at the clock and we're up against it. Before we go to break, I want to remind you, if you go to America out loud, that shop right now and use coupon code out loud,
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Now is our time, my fellow Americans. America out loud talk reading, liberty and justice for all. So far we're not utterly shocked and are surprised by these numbers coming out of this survey. I think the one number that I'd like to see higher
is the part of the poll that found 56% of respondents were opposed to race-based hiring and the establishment of clubs and school organizations based on race. Because that means 44% are okay with it. We got to go to work on that. That is, I mean, that's parental education, I guess.
societal education that's, you know, part of what's happening in culture right now is this movement and this push to make things based upon the way we look. And it's very midbrain. It's not frontal lobe activity. As our good friend, Dr. Ben Carson explains to us, it's midbrain. It's, you know, students are being taught to react, not to think.
they're being taught to react to the way people look, not to think for themselves about the content of the person's character, regardless of the pigmentation of their skin, which, you know, the fact that we would look at somebody based upon, I don't know, it's it's asinine. It's just it's ridiculous.
But that's what's, that's what's pushed, that's what's taught, that's what's shoved down our throats. All right, let's move on. 74% are opposed to elementary students receiving instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity or assisting students in transitioning. Okay, one out of four are like, yeah, that's fine. So whoever this one person is, they do not.
They're not fit to be apparent, in my opinion. Again, 75% concurred that males should not participate in girls' sports teams. Utilized girls' facilities or share accommodations with their peers based on their gender identity during overnight trips rather than their actual biological gender. All right, so three out of four are pretty smart.
Director of outreach here Erica Sanzi the director of outreach with parents defending education She says this poll shows overwhelming opposition to school personnel withholding information from parents About their child's gender identity at school. Yeah, so these are the numbers that we really need to We need to pay attention to the majority here the three out of four and
the four out of five, these numbers right here are there, the numbers that should be dictating policy. But they're not currently, they're not not a public education. They, these are not the numbers that are dictating policy. The numbers that are dictating policy as this one and four, this one person, there's one in five, whoever this one individual is, this one parent, I think it's okay if
If Johnny gets to, you know, shower with the girls, I mean, good for him, right? I mean, that's what we're dealing with here. No, this matters because the policies propagated by activist groups or the National School Board Association or teachers unions all allow for and often require the deliberate deception of parents by school staff. That is what the minor child wants.
Think about that for a second. The policy is often dictated by what the minor child wants. Now, what the parents want. I mean, we've got these, you know, these five parents, four of the five are like, no, I need to know. I demand to know. But what does Johnny want? What does the minor child want? In this case, the minor child might want to not have anybody know.
And so the school is like, yeah, well, I mean, whatever the Meyer child says. I mean, Johnny's eight, but whatever Johnny says, Johnny's 12, but Johnny knows best. Even if Johnny's 16, Johnny doesn't know best. No, my parents know best. So this, this needs to change. Educational leaders.
need to begin focusing on what parents want. And that's it. We need to start focusing on the parents here. And this is, this is part of Trump's point. This is part of his, his objective. Even as he comes out and says, I want to get rid of the Department of Education at the federal level and bring it back down to the States, let's get it closer to the parents. Because the parents are the ones who matter.
So as part of this survey, they asked the question about, well, should we keep the Department of Education open? Support for the dissolution of the department was highest among Republicans at 67%. So here is where we're going to parse it out a little bit. 67% of Republicans were like, yeah, I'll close it down. We're only 29% of the Democrats want to shut it down.
reducing the department size and influence was supported by 52% of parents total. So this, you know, there's still some things here about the Department of Education, I think, that have to be worked out. So just slightly over half of the parents are like, yeah, I don't know. I mean, 52%, okay.
But even if the department's use of its resources was evenly distributed according to the survey, 77% of parents wanted to give states more leeway. All right, so even if the department stays in play and its resources are even out a little bit more. We know right now they're not even down. Right now the department
funds anti-Americanism on college campuses. We know that. We've seen it. It's their own numbers. We know that the Department of Education, their enforcement division is actively going after Christian education, actively with a vengeance. We know that. So parents are saying even if the department stays open, we think that the money
should be should be spread out a little bit. And the state should have more leeway. The states need to have more authority and more power. That's for the department's operating efficiency. The survey showed that half of the parents disputed it is making good use of resources while half agreed. Parents of color, especially those who identified as Democrats were the most vocal in their support for the department's present function. So they're
There is still a lot of confusion, I think, about the Department of Education. Confusion about what it does, what its purpose is, what its stated function is, and what its actual function is. And I think once more and more of that comes out, then that's really going to affect how parents perceive it, obviously. And then it will
affect the opinion that parents have of it. As of right now, the moral of this particular survey is that parents want one thing and schools are doing another. Parents want the education to be taken in one particular direction and the schools are taking it in the exact opposite direction. Parents are interested in
Schools, hiring teachers based on their ability, based on merit, albeit at a low number, 56%. That's too low for me. But, you know, schools are perhaps more interested in hiring based on the way someone looks. Parents want to be informed if Johnny is going to want a different pronoun.
Three out of four parents want to be informed. What Johnny's thinking over here. But schools are like, yeah, whatever Johnny thinks. I mean, it's fine. I mean, if Johnny wants to keep it private, then we're going to go with Johnny. We're going to go in a completely different direction. We know what the parents want. We know they want to be in the loop. They want to be informed. We're going this way.
four out of five parents say they want reading, writing, and arithmetic to be the primary focus. But public education is like, yeah, no, we're not going to put much of an emphasis on reading. We're not going to put that big of an emphasis on writing or math. No, the students, what they really need to have emphasized in their education is, you know what, you can be a different gender or
You know, if you're white, you're the oppressor. And you probably have this bias that you have even no idea that's in there. And well, we should work on that. So parents want to take things in a different direction. And schools are interested in that. Here's what schools are interested in. Are you ready for this? We're just going to go to Michigan for a second.
there are some union contracts that have come to light recently. And I think this is Bay City. This is one of the Bay City school districts or the Bay City school district. There's some of these contracts that are out of Ann Arbor and some that are out of Bay City. I think this one in particular is out of Bay City. All right. You can be
You can come to school under the influence of, of alcohol. If you're a teacher in Bay City, this is the contractor. I'm looking right at it. The negotiated contract that the, the teachers union worked out and who, whoever signed this for the, for the parents. I'm sorry. I apologize for the parents in Bay City. Because if you're a teacher, you can come to school.
drunk. You can come to school under the influence of alcohol and toxicated, inebriated. Pick your word. You can come to school in this condition up to four times before you're fired. Yeah, you heard that correctly, friends. You can come to school drunk four times before you're fired. Now, there are some, you know, there's some things that'll happen to you. But
you're not fired until the fifth offense. Okay, you should be fired the first time you show up to school drunk, intoxicated, inebriated. I don't care. Pick whatever word you wanted to use to describe the very first time you're out, but not in base city because it's part of the contract. Okay, the first offense, you get a written reprimand. By golly, we're going to write you up and it's going to go in your file. Oh, and also you got to get counseling.
Counseling required. All right, so you come to school the second time in your drunk, you're gonna get a three-day suspension without pay. And this time we're gonna make the counseling mandatory before we just suggested it. But now it's mandatory and you better participate in the counseling. If you don't participate in the counseling, all right, you're fired. Okay, but if you do, you get to stick around.
And let's say you're getting that counseling and you come to school drunk a third time. Well, now you're going to get a five day suspension without pay and also mandatory counseling. And if you don't do that counseling, you're going to get fired. But you're already mandated to counseling the second time around. So, but if you do it again, you show up to school the fourth time.
you're going to get a 10 day suspension without pay. And we're going to make it sure that we're going to make sure you're getting that mandatory counseling. By God, you need that counseling. Four times. You can show up four times. Finally, if you show up the fifth time, you're fired. That's it. You're fired. You should have been fired the first time. But now I don't know how many
How many teachers this is affecting? I'm interested to know how many teachers are taking advantage of this contract and showing up to school, drunk. All right, but it gets better. You ready? Whoever is under the influence or involved in the unlawful possession or use of illegal drugs shall be subject to the following disciplinary action.
Are you ready for this? The first offense, you show up to school and maybe you're high or maybe you've got some illegal narcotics on your person. Your file is written up, a written reprimand with mandatory counseling. So there it is. We're just going to write, yep. The second time, you're going to get a suspension three days without pay.
The third offense, you do this a third time. Now you're fired. But you get two cracks at it. Why are they giving so much leeway on the alcohol? You come to school drunk and they're okay with that. I mean, they seem to be okay with it. But yet, if you show up on the third day, then for
narcotics or some type of illegal drug, then you're finally fired. Bay City. All right. So here's the article. This is from the Mackinac Center. The Mackinac Center is a public policy think tank in Michigan. And so they're letting us know about this. Bay City Public Schools currently allows a teacher who sells drugs
the opportunity to keep his or her job, thanks to a union provision and the district's collective bargaining agreement. The contract calls for disciplinary actions for people who are involved in the unlawful sale, manufacturer or distribution or dispensation of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs. So it's not even that you're partaking in them. I mean, you can be selling them out the back door.
You can be down in the local alley here, and you can be selling whatever, the drug of choice. And the first time you're caught, you're not fired. And the second time you're caught, you're not fired. You're not fired into the third offense. The first offense is referred to as activity. If a union employee engages in the activity,
The state law classifies as a misdemeanor, the first offense will result in a three-day suspension and mandatory counseling. The Bay City contract expires this year, 2025. These terms show just how out of hand collective bargaining in Michigan has become, said Steve Deli, Labor Policy Director at the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation.
Instead of focusing on improving educational outcomes for Michigan's children, Delhi said unions have negotiated for collective bargaining provisions that are irrelevant. He added the state legislature should take a close look at these terms and consider whether they are the types of subjects that schools should be forced to negotiate.
I agree. I think it's high time that this be looked at. This is the direction schools would rather go in. This is the direction that the union negotiators would rather take schools in. I mean, we got to really protect the teachers here. Let's make sure they can come to school drunk up to four times. And let's make sure that they can sell whatever illegal drug they want to sell and or use at least twice before they're fired.
And in this past, this past collective bargaining, it's an embarrassment. It's an embarrassment to Michigan. It's an embarrassment to the education system in this country as a whole, that this is where we've gotten to. We got rid of morality. We said, we're going to kick morality out. So now the people that we're entrusting to teach our children
We're going to let them, it's okay with us if they sell drugs on the side. At least twice before they're let go. I mean, the third time, or you've crossed the line, you've done it one too many times. No, the first time a teacher shows up to school drunk or is discovered to be selling drugs out their back trunk, out their back window, out their back alley.
They should be gone. But this is where we're at in this country. The parents want one thing.
And the unions want a completely different thing. All right, more on the other side of this break. You're listening to the Dean's List on America Out Loud Talk Radio. 58 million people suffer from joint aches and stiffness in the US every day. Ignoring chronic joint discomfort can affect mobility and your quality of life. Advanced nutrition company, Healthy Cell, created joint health and mobility to support connective tissue, joint lubrication.
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go to, use coupon code out loud for 20% off. And you'll be happy you did. All right, so the last segment I finished going over this teacher's union contract here in Bay City, and you might be thinking to yourself. Or maybe you're talking out loud to me right now saying, Dean, but you live in Michigan.
I mean, come on, Michigan, I mean, it's a swing state. Yes, it went for Trump, but you've got that Democrat governor over there. You've got that Democrat AG. You've got that Democrat secretary of state. You know, you're run by Democrats. So, you know, this is Michigan. But you know, in a red state, when we're probably good, everything's probably good in an actual state. All right. Fair. It's fair statement. It's fair argument.
Let's go to Florida then, shall we? Breaking. A public elementary school principal was arrested after more than 100 kids were found at a house party she hosted. Now, albeit the kids aren't elementary kids. I mean, she's an elementary principal, but the kids at her house are high schoolers. They're minors nonetheless. The children, they referred to as children here, but you know, they're young adults.
Can we call them young adults though, 14, 15 high school age? I mean, all right. The children were reportedly drinking alcohol and once suffered an alcohol related medical event. Oh, and by the way, this principle, she was at one point awarded teacher of the year. I wonder if she negotiated this contract in Michigan. You think she was part of the
the negotiating team here in Bay City. Roosevelt Elementary School of Principal is 47 year old Elizabeth Hill brought again. So Roosevelt, if you know anybody in Brevard Public Schools, this is Florida, the Brevard Public School District, Roosevelt, the elementary principal there. She's the one. She faces one felony charge of child neglect
and one misdemeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The principal's bio on the school's website says, I was awarded teacher of the year. During my career, I was awarded teacher of the year, became a nationally board certified teacher and was an ambassador for the teaching exchange program in Italy for three months. But by golly, I am going to contribute to the delinquency of a minor.
The principal was released on bail for $3,500. A spokesperson for Brevard Public Schools did not return a request for comment, but Hill Brodygan was released on bail for $3,500 Saturday morning. So this is just a couple of days ago. This according to the Brevard County Sheriff's Office.
Police are asking anyone with relevant information to contact detectives and they list the number here. A teacher at the same elementary school, by the way, one of her employees, Kelly Anderson, was also arrested. She was released on bail for $3,000. Police identified an intoxicated woman at the scene as Roosevelt elementary teacher, Carly Anderson. What's going on over there at Roosevelt?
Well, I mean, they heard about this contract here in Michigan. They're like, I mean, you know, hold my beer and they can show up to school four times before they're fired here. Hold my beverage. I'm going to throw a house party. After interviewing teenagers and parents, officers arrested Anderson and Hill Broadigan and charges of child neglect and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Unlike Michigan, though, which is going to give you a bajillion cracks at it, both employees have been immediately placed on administrative leave pending the results of an active police investigation. We are extremely troubled by these accusations and are fully cooperating with the Coco Beach Police Department, said the school district. So, I mean, I guess they haven't been fired immediately. So maybe they are like Michigan.
This is the, this is the press release from the police station. On January 19, 2025, the Cocoa Beach Police Department responded to a residence in reference to a house party. Upon arrival, officers observed over 100 juveniles at the residence and matching t-shirts.
Many who were consuming alcohol that was later learned to be available in coolers at the residence. The homeowner was identified as Roosevelt Elementary School's principal Elizabeth Hill Bradigan. While officers were investigating the party, a juvenile was located on the front lawn experiencing an alcohol-related medical event.
The juvenile was so heavily intoxicated that Brevard County Fire Rescue had to respond to treat them. During this time, the homeowner, Hill brought again, was seen by officers in the driveway of her residence, turning off the outside lights and entering her residence, causing the fire department to use auxiliary lighting on their vehicles in order to treat the juvenile.
Additionally, a traffic stop was conducted near the residence, resulting in the arrest of the juvenile driver for DUI. Holy smokes. This woman is going to provide alcohol for kids under age. And there's going to be an event happen in the yard that requires the fire department and she's going to kill the lights.
So the fire department has to use their own auxiliary lighting and then there's a traffic stop of people fleeing the scene probably and some kid is driving under the influence. Additionally, an intoxicated adult female identified as Carly Anderson, approached officers on scene identifying herself as a teacher and had been at the party. It was later discovered that she was a teacher at Roosevelt Elementary School.
I mean, we've got some bright people over here. I mean, we've got the brightest of the brightest. Can't be sarcastic, obviously. Not very bright at all. Yeah, I'm gonna wander on over there to the police and I'm gonna identify myself as this teacher. And yeah, I'm drunk and I'm here at this party and yeah, we teach at the local elementary school. But that's okay because in Michigan, you're allowed to show up to school at least five times.
uh, you know, before you're fired. I mean, you're fired on the fifth time. So I mean, you know, so I mean, that's fine, right? I mean, I mean, we're a red state, right? In the days following Coco Beach, police detectives interviewed numerous juveniles and parents and arrest warrant was obtained for Elizabeth Hill, brought again for child neglect, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and holding an open house party.
Charlie Anderson was additionally arrested and charged with child neglect and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. And then, of course, they're asking if you have any other information. Please, by all means, reach out. Contact us over here because we've got some work to do. And then you see the photos of these two, and holy smokes, they are looking rough.
I mean, just rough. And then, of course, some of the comments. Teachers and other school staff should not have personal relationship with students. Parents today need to rethink who has access to their kids after school. Public education has become a stake-funded ditty party. Where did the decent teachers that encourage students along with equipping them with the knowledge to succeed in the world go?
Yeah, I mean, we've got issues here. We have, we got big problems. We got big problems in the education system. But, you know, we've got a survey out here. And the parents in this survey are saying to public schools, look, this is the education we want. We want to go in this direction. We want this for our kids.
but we've got teachers and unions and principals, educational leaders saying, yeah, you know what, we don't really care what you want. It's all about what we want, because we got a good gig here. Your pain is good. We can do what we please. We got summers off. I mean, you know, we can make sure
that little Johnny and little genie are doing things without mom and dad knowing, we don't really care what you guys think or say or do. We're going to do what we think and say and what we want to do. That's the name of the game. And that's been the name of the game for a long time. And things need to change. And so my question to you is, at what point do they change?
At what point does it, I was just waiting on Trump to just change everything? Or are we going to take matters into our own hands? Are parents going to take matters into their own hands? Now, again, this up to 36% in this survey, 36% would either homeschool their kids or put them somewhere else.
That 36%, that needs to be their objective. If you have this desire to put your child somewhere else, go to work on it. Seriously, go to work on it. Put them somewhere. Put them somewhere where they're going to receive an actual education, where they're going to be protected.
where there's kids everywhere in every building. There's gonna be an influence probably that you don't like in every single school building. I mean, even in a classical Christian school building, there's gonna be students there that you're like, yeah, I don't think I want my kids around these people. And if you feel like you want a home to school, then by all means do it. But put them in a place where you know the staff
And you know, the school leadership is wholly invested in their education proper and giving them the proper education that they deserve and protecting them in a way that they deserve and making sure that they learn to read and write and do the math and understand their purpose, understand that they have a purpose in this life and this world.
They have a job to do. They have a God who loves them, a Creator who loves and cares about them and has a purpose for them. I mean, that's just me. That's where I want my child. I want my child in that school. I want them learning those things.
It's going to take us some time to get there. I mean, in a lot of places, we're there. We're already there. That's happening in many and many classical Christian schools throughout the country. It's happening in homeschools at kitchen tables throughout the country. It's not happening in public schools. And is it going to happen? I don't know. I don't know that it's going to happen. It may never happen.
But that doesn't mean it's not happening. And as parents, I think it's our objective to find those places and get our students in their pronto. All right. I'm up against the clock. Listen, thank you for joining me today.
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