Great news. Dirty Keto is now on Amazon. Go, if you're living in the US, go straight to Amazon and get dirty keto, watch it, rate it and review it. If you're outside of the US, meaning Western Europe or Canada or Mexico, it's not there yet. Don't ask me why. Listen, those people made me put a PG-13 rating on it when there was nothing in it that would have caused that.
But let's get ahead of this thing. Let's watch it, rate it, and review it. Go get Dirty Keto right now and on with the show. Thanks for listening to Vinnie Torterich on NSPG lifestyle audio. Welcome to the Fitness Confidential Podcast.
with Vinnie Tortorich, founder of NSNG brought to you by, the world's purest vitamins. I am Vinnie Tortorich. Folks, you good intentions have been stolen, but don't worry. I'm here to help you get them back. You may be soft and succulent at the beginning of this process, but hang in there.
Before long, you will be lean and mean guaranteed. Just like the guy on the other mic, I'm talking about Mr. Chris Shaffer. How's it going, man? It's going, man. Is it rude to applaud for yourself when the applause from the soundboard goes on?
I guess you can do it. I won't tell it. It feels a little egotistical, but it feels weird not to clap along with all of the people at home. I see politicians doing it, right? Like they'll say something in the cloud of crap and they'll do kind of like a seal clap. They'll put their hands way out and do that. They all do that. It's like who taught them to do that because that doesn't happen.
the presidential thumb, right? That's my other, the other politician maneuver that no one in the real world does, but they don't want to actually point at anyone. So you get the old Bill Clinton fist with the thumb on top. So you can still know that your point, but you're not singling anybody out because this is aggressive, right? This is okay, right? Just the thumb on top of the rest of the hand. I don't get it. Yeah, there's a few things like that that it doesn't occur anywhere else in the world, right? You're like,
Whenever I go on stage and, you know, people will applaud for me. They don't even know who I am. Just someone will say, coming up, we have this guy that's going to talk to you for the next hour, Vinny toneries. Everyone starts clapping. It would look weird if I did the politician, you know, seal clap with them, you know, with the hand. Yeah. Yes. Like, am I clapping for me or because you guys are clapping for me? Am I clapping for you? I don't know what we're doing.
Neither of us know what's going on right now. And I think that's okay. I think that's a good example of any of things that are okay in a specific situation, but not okay other places. Michelle and I had a long conversation the other night about things that are okay in a relationship that are very creepy outside of a relationship. For example, if you are marrying to someone, it's not weird to say, I really liked watching you sleep last night.
If you are not married to or otherwise in a relationship with that person, that is a very disturbing statement. So there are things that are acceptable in context that are very not acceptable out of context. And I think politician, basically anything politicians do are good examples of that. But I know that's not what we're here to talk about today. I know you got some people riled up a couple of weeks ago. And I know you wanted to do a little bit of a deeper dive. Yeah, because I don't like to be, you know, I don't like to just throw things out there. I was using it.
I wasn't talking about sunscreen and cancer. I was using it as something that was a bad idea. And for some odd reason, because I'm in the health and fitness world and have been my entire life, I knew it was a bad idea when it came along because when something doesn't exist and then all of a sudden it exists, then I go, wait a minute, you know, here I'm going to get myself in trouble again.
Statins, statins, statins did not exist. And when they started existing, it was for people who had open heart surgery or hardware in their arteries, right? They went in and put stents in and this kind of stuff.
And they figured, wait, we have something I could kind of grease the skids here because now we have hardware in this person's body. And now, you know, calcium is going to build up around that. We need to figure out a way to keep everything flowing through. We can make these drugs. And I guess for those people, the juice is worth the squeeze. What do I mean by that? Anytime you take a drug,
including an aspirin. There are side effects that you must consider. People go, Oh, come on, Vinnie, an aspirin. Side effect. I'm already talking about aspirin will kill some people. That's a fact. One of the side effects is, by the way, I can't take aspirin. I take it out. If I took one aspirin, my stomach goes berserk.
I guess you can say I'm allergic to whatever the chemical is. Anything we take that is a chemical will do one thing, but then you have to look at the down the road, the downside. When people started slathering on chemicals to fight the sun, the effects of the sun, okay, you didn't get burnt.
Some people will claim that by using these SPF chemicals, that since you're not getting burned or you're not burning your skin to, or you're not changing the melon enough, that you will not get cancer or you can stave off cancer. But it comes out of cost. And that's what I was saying from the beginning is the juice.
worth the squeeze. And I was saying this on my radio show back in 1989. I'm not sure these things are good. I had Dr. Nia Terrazakis. You can go look this woman up. She's a famous dermatologist. She came on my show. As a matter of fact, I think she was one of the forefathers of Minoxidale growing hair, if I'm not mistaken. But Nia Terrazakis came on my show and said,
Sunscreen is not for everyone. I can understand if you're opaque or you have your redhead freckle face, you know, you might want to consider using a light sunscreen, but not all the time. Cover up when you go to the beach as much as you can with clothing and what have you, even though that's not fun to be on the beach with the long sleeve shirt on. Those are the ways you protect yourself when you're very fair skinned, right?
but she wasn't even into at the time using this stuff. I mean, I've seen people, do you know what a doggy dip is? Is that even a thing that, that used to be a thing back in the day? Like a flea dip? A flea dip. They would have this chemical in it. They would kill ease, grab them by the heel, dunk it in and be done with it. Like what? Well, yeah, that used to be a thing. You fill up the barrel or like a big tub with water and put the chemical in there.
I'm not sure it was good for you, and you would dip your dog in it and it would kill all the fleas and hopefully ticks and all that kind of stuff. I like the advertisement. I'm not sure it's good for your dog. Submerging your dog in water, probably not great, but also neither are fleas and ticks, right? Yeah, so yeah, I would refer to that as a flea dip. Yeah, we used to call them doggy dips, but I know people from the time their kids are born, they're putting this stuff
slathering it all over their bodies. And I'm not sure we're going down a good highway. So Chris, we've done a deep dive and by we, I mean you to try to figure out where we are in sunscreens. And I asked you to look up because people started asking me on Instagram, what about the mineral stuff that you can use instead of and on and on and on.
We're going to all learn here together. So what do we have? I guess the question is, where do we want to start? Because there's a lot of different ways that we can look at this. And if we're just talking about reducing overall cancer risk, reducing premature aging, everything says we do need to do something to protect it, it being our skin.
Whether that is sunscreen or a big floppy hat, like we were talking about the other day or longer sleeve shirts, floppy clothing, whatever it is, there doesn't seem to be a lot. But most people don't want to go to the beach and hang out in a long sleeve shirt and pants. I couldn't do that. I would die in about 20 minutes. So the question then becomes, what do we do to
protect ourselves without slathering ourselves in chemicals if we don't have to. I think where your rant really started was you were talking about the coral reefs and all of the issues with
sunscreens and coral reefs. And I think one thing that is a very common ingredient in most commercial sunscreens is benzones. Either oxy benzone or avo benzone. Not a scientist. Don't yell at me for the pronunciation. That's what we're going with, right? B-E-N-Z-O-N-E. I would call it a benzone or a benzony if we want to get Italian with it. But that seems to be the biggest thing in oxy benzone.
which is the most common version of that is what it causes the problem with the coral reefs. So the fact that we know that and it's still in sunscreens is mind-boggling to me. But on top of that, it can also disrupt human hormones and lead to skin irritation and allergic reaction. So if you're going to put anything on, my suggestion would be probably don't get something with oxybenzone in it or avobenzo.
doesn't sound like a fun experience. And that, I think Vinnie is where you were coming from when we were having this conversation the other day. Am I missing anything there? That's kind of the road that you were going down. Maybe, maybe it's not great to slather ourselves in these things. Our skin is the biggest organ in our bodies. Our skins also absorb, right? Whatever, you know, if you have chemicals on your skin,
It gets into your body, right? There are certain chemicals they'll say you must wear gloves in this and that or the other thing. People who use DMSO, you put DMSO in your body, you can taste it in your mouth in about three minutes, right? That's a chemical solvent, right? By the way, I'm not telling you to use DMSO folks. People use it. They use it on us back when I play football. If you got tendonitis or something, you got a big bump.
you rub a little DMSO on it. And the next day, magic cure, right? But you taste it like you, you could taste it in your mouth. People could smell it in your skin. Just a couple of drops of something on your skin is affecting your whole body. How is this not doing that? It's on the largest organ in your body in an organ that absorbs
right? Your liver ends up having to deal with this, whether you want to believe it. If you think you're going home and washing this off and it went away, think twice. So that's actually another thing that's interesting, just another rabbit hole that I found looking at this. As I started looking at the arguments back and forth, one of the biggest reasons that
They say maybe don't use this is because people are over reliant on it as protection. I forget if I think it was seat belts. They said when seat belt laws started coming into effect, there was a large increase in traffic accidents because people felt they were protected inside of the car. I'm pretty sure it was seat belts.
It was either that or airbags and people started driving more recklessly because they felt more protected in the car and they weren't as worried about having an accident. Now, I'm not advocating against sunscreen. I'm not advocating against airbags or sheet belts, but what they're saying is people will apply at once and assume that even after they get out of the water that they're protected. So then if you're not applying it properly, not only are you getting all of the downsides, but you're getting none of the theoretical benefit.
Right? You put it on, you expose yourself to a potentially hormone changing chemical, and then you also get the skin damage from the sunburn because you didn't put it back on in time. And as someone who burns very easily, and I think you and I talked about this the other day, I can put on SPF 90 and I will still burn, and then it will turn into a suntan, and from there on out, I will continue to tan. But I have definitely been guilty of that as well. So even if you're not worried about
yourself, right? You're not worried about the absorption of potentially something that will disrupt hormones or lead to allergic reactions. If we're thinking about the broader picture here, probably avoid some of the main brands. And it turns out that the biggest brands around have the oxybenzones in them. The thing that makes it even worse is using the spray bottles.
So not the like spray in your hand, but the aerosolized spray. Yeah, because that adds a whole other series of chemicals in and actually doubles the problem with people thinking that they are protecting themselves because they go like this and assume that it's covered everything as opposed to putting the lotion on making sure that it's rubbed in or sitting everywhere that it needs to be. So if you're going to do that, probably avoid most of the major brands. And if you have some sunscreen that you're using,
double check that it doesn't have oxybenzone, avobenzone, or any of the other benzone family, right? It's kind of like sugar. There's 100 different ones. Now, the biggest alternative that I've seen out there are what they refer to as mineral-based sunscreen. And there are two that seem to be the most common. One uses zinc oxide. The other one uses one of your favorite ingredients, titanium dioxide.
Okay. What is titanium dioxide, Benny? Titanium dioxide is, well, it's made from titanium. It's a byproduct of titanium. And it's generally used to make things white, to bleach out things, right? Like paint paint. Yeah, that's how they make white paint is made from titanium dioxide. And by the way, shameless plug for the vitamin company, everything is in stock, folks.
We, that's why I started pure vitamin club because I noticed every vitamin I was taking had titanium dioxide in it. And I started looking at what could possibly because this was folks, I created pure vitamin club right after I had cancer. And I started not just looking at the foods I was eating, but anything I put in my body. And I was, I've been a vitamin, taken my whole life, different supplements than what had you, right?
And I looked at my multivitamin and I was spending a shit ton of money for it taking every day. And I kept seeing titanium dioxide, no matter which brand I looked at, they had it. So then I went down the road to figure out, does this do anything bad to your body? It turns out, even in nanoparticles, Chris will explain to you in a second, what a nanoparticle.
Think of it a particle that's so nanoparticles is even tinier than that. It will cause colon cancer amongst other cancers, right? So it's like, wait, I'm taking a vitamin for my health, just like you're using sunscreen for your health. And there's a negative effect, right? In tiny, tiny particles, nanoparticles,
it will cause cancer, right? So whenever you have some kind of dioxide, so the other one you said is zinc dioxide. Yeah. And that's the one I got when I used to mountain my nose, you know, you're out there for 12, 15 hours road biking too. I used to put a little bit on the bridge of my nose because my nose would get really red. You know, I had the helmet on my head.
And my nose will get super red just being out in that California sun all day long, right? And I didn't want my nose to look like I've been doing coke all night when I got off the bike. So it was a vanity thing. But I got a feeling that even putting zinc dioxide on you is not good. Where are we on that Chris? What do we know?
The claim with both of these, and again, not a doctor, but did enough research into this just to be able to have this conversation, is that neither titanium dioxide or zinc dioxide are absorbed through the skin, which is actually the reason that mineral-based sunscreens a lot of times get complaints that they don't rub in the whole way. They leave a white residue on the skin.
Knowing the downsides of titanium dioxide, I probably wouldn't take that risk, right? God forbid you lick your finger or rub your eye or get some of it around the corner of your mouth, where you're absorbing that in. So if you're going to go that way, just based on what I've seen so far, zinc oxide seems to make the most sense. They're saying that's not absorbed either. And as far as problems,
you know, in the bloodstream, there doesn't seem to be the same issue that you have with titanium dioxide. If the body was a closed system and it stayed on the outside, might not be a problem. Right. I don't think I would go that direction knowing what we know about titanium dioxide. I would lean towards the zinc oxide side of things. And by the way, you know, I mentioned cycling, but I would bet I'd put I'm not a gambling man. I put a hundred bucks in this right now.
If I go into my ski clothes that, you know, they all stay in the bag together all year long, if I go into my ski clothes in one of the pockets, there's going to be a little disc full of zinc oxide, right? Because again, you're out there as bright, the snowing, the whole thing, you put a little bit on your nose and you're not going to get your nose all crapped up. And if I go into this room, into my mountaineering stuff,
and looking to the back, I'm sure there's a little desk. I'm saying a little desk. Zinc Oxide usually comes in like a little desk with a quick screw and you just quick screw and just dip it on your finger, put it on your nose. Those things are years and years old. That's how little I personally use this stuff to wear. I think Dermotone and one of those companies make it.
And I might even put a little bit of that on my lips. If I'm out on the mountain for a long time, you're out. If you're in a glacier, man, the sun is coming from up and down, right? You're fucked either way. So you need the stuff on your lips and your nose and the whole thing. That's where I always go, okay, right now, the juice is worth the squeeze. And I'm glad you're telling me that is getting somewhat of a clean bill of health. And yeah, you look goofy when it's on.
But it's the same thing I've always said about bicycle helmets. You can either look goofy while you're riding a bike, or if you fall, you're going to have a big old goofy gas in your head. And by the way, that's another one where they say, if you don't wear a cycling helmet, you're much more careful. People have this sense of, oh, I have this helmet on. I can now do crazy shit and traffic, right? Not realizing that that helmet is not going to protect you from being paralyzed or killed.
right? So people get this weird sense of whatever. Chris, hang on to what you got there and we're going to be right back. All right, what else you got there, Chris? So the question is when do you need to apply it? And if you are looking at something
What's kind of the base level? And the answer here is it depends, right? It depends on how dark your skin is. It depends on what your history is, right? If you're a giant blonde-haired blue-eyed white kid that's German Irish like I am, you probably want to put on a little bit more sunscreen than somebody like Vinny who's naturally a little bit more olive or maybe somebody like Michelle who's coastal Caribbean.
Like, this is kind of common sense. You should know by now, if you are old enough to be listening to this podcast, whether or not you burn easily. And if you burn easily, then you need to be more conscious of this. I will say it depends on what you're doing, and it depends on what you're using.
But you should be reapplying every few hours. The other thing that was interesting here, Vinny, and there are a handful of things that are only that zinc oxide, and they're usually the discs or the sticks. A lot of the more natural ingredient ones are a mix of the zinc and the titanium. So even when you're looking at this, it becomes kind of a cat and mouse game of finding something. And it might just be that the regular old zinc oxide discs are the way to go, even though it's not quite as convenient as a lotion.
Nice thing is most of the mineral based on screens because they're mineral based and they are more of an alternative health product are free of parabens. They don't have fragrances. They don't have any of the other things that normally make their way into skincare products in a lot of cases because they're already considered that. So even if you're going to one of the mixed ones, you're probably better off because you're not layering the other things on top of it that cause problems for a lot of people.
But the one area that not a lot of people talk about, people talk about getting shade and wearing longer clothing and putting on sunscreen. But not a lot of people talk about the diet side of this, which I thought was kind of interesting. And so what it looks like is a lot of the issue comes directly from UV damage. It's not necessarily getting the sun exposure. It's getting too much exposure and not having the ability to fight back.
against it. So whether you're going to use a zinc oxide based product or not, you probably also want to take a look at what's going on in your diet. And they found three things that make a big difference. The first is beta carotene. So carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, right? Having a lot of that in your system can make a difference like a peen. So tomatoes, watermelon,
those kinds of things. And then vitamin C and E because of their ability to fight free radicals, which I thought was interesting. I mean, it makes sense, right? You're kind of just mopping up everything that's a problem with those two vitamins. But what are your thoughts on making sure that that stuff is right anyway? Because that I think is a huge portion of the problem. If we look at when it started to become a massive issue, it's right around the same time that we stopped paying attention to what we were eating and started just eating Twinkies, which
If you're eating Twinkies now, you could still eat the first Twinkie that was ever manufactured and it would taste exactly the same. So probably not something we should be putting in our bodies, but knowing that there's a dietary link here as well, I think is kind of interesting. What say you? This is only anecdotal and you're right. I just go from this color skin to just dark, right?
I'm lucky Mediterranean on both sides of my family, both Southern Italian, one Cecilia and the others from Calabria. We've never owned sunscreen in our house. I mean, it was just so I, you know, I hate to be that asshole or those, amen, because I'm looking at Chris. My best friend as a kid was a redhead, freckle-faced guy. We're still best friends. And so I have trouble getting it, right? But anecdotally,
People are telling me, oh, dude, when I went off of all seed oils and really cleaned up my diet, I don't burn as bad or I don't burn at all anymore. So that that's anecdotal. I've never, you know, I've had a couple of doctors come on in here and explain the same thing, including Kate Shanahan. There might be something to that. You know, I like hearing that you can clean up your diet and, you know, burn.
But Chris, I got a feeling you can eat as cleanly as you want, you're going to burn, right? And I think that's the one thing that really stuck out in looking at this is that fixing that does not solve the initial problem. And it's not a replacement for these other things.
But it is a way to say, okay, I don't have to slather myself in 19 pounds of sun tan lotion when I go out. I can do some basic things like zinc oxide, find a good clean formula there, and then make sure I'm eating right. And that protects you from the damage on the back end. It's not going to stop you from burning, but it will help as a cleanup mechanism on the back end if you do have that problem. But here's the deal with that. Even if
you don't burn easily. Those are some things you should be incorporating in your diet anyway. Vitamin C is kind of important. If you don't have it, you get scurvy. There's some things in here that we need to really pay attention to. And I think making sure you have that as the base anyway is something a lot of people miss out on. And if you don't have that as the base, you're not eating clean, you're not incorporating
vitamin C, you're not getting any of the lycopene, right? You're not having to mate us off from time to time, any of those kinds of things. And you're just eating Twinkies out of a bag. Then you kind of do have to lean more on the slather as many chemicals on as possible so that you don't turn into a lobster immediately side of this. Does that make sense? It does. And I'm a fan of, you know, whenever I'm out, like, you know,
I went out and doing us 12 hour walks. And ever since then, I'll go out and do, I've never done another 12 hour walk, but I'll go out and do six or eight hour walks sometimes. Chris knows that regularly when we have meetings, I'll be on a two or three hour walk. If I have three or four people to talk to you that day, an hour a piece or whatever, I'll just be out there with a, you know, knapsack on, you know, my go rucksack or something.
And I'll just walk for hours. So my neighbors must think I look silly to them. But Debbie, get ready because here's a few products that I use. There's something called a Tilly Hat. It's a brand. You buy one Tilly Hat and you're set for the rest of your life. The good news is the original Tilly Hat floats. I don't know if you know that.
And there's a little string that goes under your chin with the chili, with the chili hat. I think it's about T-I-L-L-Y. Serena has her own chili hat. The reason I'm bringing up this hat is because when I, and by the way, kayaking and all that, and rowing now, the chili hat has a brim that goes all the way around. It's a brimmed hat. It looks kind of floppy on the edges, right? It doesn't hold its shape very well.
but you could drop it in water and you don't have to worry about it sinking, it floats. And it's made to do with, and when you sweat in it, it handles sweat and everything else. You got to pay extra for that hat, but it's, like I said, it's kind of like a Twinkie. My tilly has probably 20 years old and they look like crap when they're new and they look like crap like they never go away. So one tilly hat is all you ever have to buy.
I also wear feltats and I must look silly to my neighbors. When I'm walking and it's anything cooler than 50 degrees, I like my head to be warm and I want a big brim. I have some that are made by a kubra. I don't know if people know what a kubra is. Are you familiar with that brand, Chris? Only because we've talked about it. Yeah. And, you know, hike with them on. If it's raining or snowing out a kubras, I have a kubras and statins.
Statsons are the American brand of a kuber that comes from I think Australia and Australia and New Zealand or something. You're Crocodile Dundee hat, right? Is a kuber? They look almost kind of western-y kind of crocodile Dundee and you look a little douchey when you wear them, but I don't care. And I noticed my friend Chris Cosman is the same way, right? Because we both we were
Chris Costman's got it owns the bad water 135 and all those races. We used to be out for athletes together. We're out in that desert heat out in that sun for hours at a time. You want a brimmed hat going all around your head. Right. So why Mexicans used to wear some burrows. Right. It's the same thing. You're covering an area. Right. And you'll go, well, why does that matter?
It's where the sun, even if you're an Italian or a Mexican or Chris's fiance, I wanted to say girlfriend, who is black, we will get cancer on the top of our ears, on the tips of our noses, right? And this kind of stuff is good to wear these kinds of hats. And they look, I think they look kind of stylish, except for the, the tilly hat. So Debbie,
Put Stetson hats up there. I know most of them are cowboy looking hats, but they look up to Stetson gun club hat and look up to Stetson. But I have a strat is called a straddle liner. It's kind of like a cool looking hat, right? And I have the tilly hat and I have the accubars, right? And you'll go with Jesus Christ, and these hats are a fortune. They make really inexpensive versions of these hats too.
They just won't hold up the way these do. These are you buy them once. And when you die, you pass them on. You know what costs more than a $200 hat, Benny? Having a tumor removed from your ear. Yeah. You know, like some of those, those kinds of things. But I'm not saying, look, you could buy. They make there's brands. I don't know the brands because I'm an asshole and I buy these things.
But they make crushable wool hats now and they have like wire in the brim so you could shape the brim and all this kind of stuff. But it's called crush it. Find some of the crushable wool hats. It's the same thing. It's not the really fine felt that you're going to get from a kuber or Stetson or or resist all or any of these really nice hat companies. But my deal is you buy cheap, you buy twice.
And I've always been like that in my life. I think my stats, the youngest stats and hat I have is probably 10 years old. They've been rained on. They've been muddy. They've been sweated in to no end. They've been snowed on. They, you name it. These hats have been through it. And if you saw them, you would think I bought them last week. And they get a little patina to them. I mean, my Akubra has got
a lot of patina to it because I've done a lot of sweating in that hat. Get these hats, folks. If not, get the tilly hat. Chris, look up a tilly hat and see how much they cost. They can't be more than 40 bucks or something. And like I said, you buy a tilly hat one time. And I think they have, I'm going to look it up too while Chris is looking it up. Like your standard bucket hat. Yeah, it looks like something you would have seen on the show, Mash.
I'm looking it up also. Yeah. Oh, they got real. Oh, they got fancy chili hats now. Yeah. Look, they got the ones with the wire in them and the whole thing. Um, I have the original. You get a free sock. Um, that doesn't say socks.
So is it a sock for the hat or do they just give you one sock? I don't know. But I'm looking here, folks. I take back. You don't need to get. I mean, they got tilly hats here. Like the ones I have is the vintage. I guess it's called the wanderer hat. Like this, the T three. Yeah, it's the T three vintage, the original. And I think mine is green. Yes, it's green.
So you'll see it, it's kind of a floppy looking, mine is all flopped out and you know, it doesn't look as nice as the one this model has on. But I'm looking here and they got hats like if you play golf and this kind of stuff, you know, they got the kind that you wouldn't, you know, and by the way, those are like 99 bucks, something you want to play golf and they got the airflow hiker hat. That was kind of expensive. How much was the T three?
The T3 is 99 or 59. It looks like depending on what exactly you're looking for. So the T3 Classic is 59. It's an interesting choice of colors to go together with that blue on blue, but we'll rock it. That's 59. And then they have the T3 Classic, the Vintage Wanderer. That's 99.
Oh, yeah, but that's like that one says free marino sock plus hat. Sizer hat. Sizer. Yeah. Yeah. That's what you're paying for. I don't think I paid a hundred bucks for mine. But like I said, mine is the regular one's 60 bucks. Yeah. Yeah. So look, 60 bucks, folks. And I'm telling you, you buy that hat one time and you're going to be handing that down to your kids. Right. And I think Serena's if you guys want to know the ones that really it's your
It's like canary yellow. So you could find her anywhere on the mountain with that hat on. Outside of that, also the clothes, the sunscreen clothes, the shirts, my buddy Big Willy over at Big Willy Mountaineering and over at Lone Pine Blair.
He makes these things. He doesn't make them, but he puts his logo on these things. Everybody that's out there in that desert goes by Blair shot the shop. They all want a big, willy mountaineers, you know, one of these sunscreen shirts, right? People wear them. You see them all up and down. I was going to say my blog, but Mount Whitney, right? There's another company called Cool K U H L.
I own a lot of shirts by cool and pants. You know, this is all hiking stuff, folks. But all of that stuff keeps the sun out. As one, I can't pronounce it. I can't. Cooler bar makes them. Gear lab. On and on and on, right? Just go.
Patagonia, just go and start shopping this stuff. Debbie's going to put a few in the show notes here. But that's a better way to go. If you're really interested in your health and your skin at the very least, go to I have no affiliation with them. I'm not making a buck here. I didn't even realize the head, all the cool hats I just saw when I went there. I just knew of the original and the T3. I didn't even know it was called that.
Right? Mine is sitting right, is hanging right up from where I am. I wish I could grab it and put it on right now, but I can't. That's what you want to do. You want to spend more time using that than slathering stuff on your body. Okay. I think Cooley Bar is the brand that I found. They're clothing. Great. Their hats.
not so much. If you want to be a beekeeper, I guess that's kind of what the look that they're going for here. But the thing that's interesting, Vinnie, and I think is it you PF when it's clothing, I think is what it's called. It's something you're going to be wearing anyway. Right. Right. So if you know that you're going to be outside, OK, yeah, maybe you don't need a long sleeve shirt, but your t-shirt where you're not going to put that sunscreen under anyway, unless maybe you're at the beach or going to the pool or something.
If that's something you're concerned about, or you know you burn easily like I do, find some UVP clothing and make sure that that's what you're doing. It's not any more expensive than most of the alternatives that you see. And a lot of this will last a long time. I have one Cooley Bar shirt that I've used in the past. It's very similar to like an under armor type of a shirt.
It wears the same way and it costs about the same amount of money. So yes, it's more expensive than the $15 pack of Haynes t-shirts at Walmart, but it's less expensive than
the problems that you have that come with not having some protection or having to slather the lotion on all of those kinds of things. So I think starting with the diet, making sure we have that squared away, protecting yourself wherever you are and dressing for the environment that you're in. I know this sounds really silly to say and like it should be a really obvious thing, but protecting yourself with the clothing you're wearing.
goes a long way. And then if you want to add some zinc oxide on top of that, or if you're OK with the titanium dioxide, you want something that's a little more spreadable. Adding that on top on the more exposed areas, like your nose or maybe your arms, if you're wearing a short sleeve shirt, nothing wrong. And you don't have to cover yourself every time you go outside with 19 pounds. Right. Another brand. This is a brand I use. I have several of their shirts.
a brand called Pancho. They look good, they have some flexibility. I do not know if there's SPF, I don't know what their sunscreen protection is on their shirts. But they're made for fishing and being, when you know you're gonna be getting wet, you're in a boat, you're gonna get splashed with water. When I'm kayaking or anything in the early season, I have those on. When I'm cutting grass in the summer,
you're out there sweating. If I have on a t-shirt, you know, these shirts keep you a lot cooler because they're very thin. They, they're water wicking. They drive very fast. So I can be out there cutting grass or working in a yard, sweat my ass off and it dries up, right? It's, it's a great shirt. I don't know if there's any kind of sun protection with the Pancho brand, but again,
you know, we're talking about saving yourself from the sun here. And I'm guessing if these things are made for outdoors and fishing and everything else, there might be, but you could go there to their site and check them out. They do have it listed as a bullet point. They don't say exactly what it is. So you probably want to dig into it a little bit. But I know like Cooley Bar, they have the equivalents on their site. So they basically say, Hey, it's the same thing as SPF 50.
Right, which is not a light suntan lotion. It's a pretty, pretty aggressive sun protection. So take a look at what you're wearing. That's going to make the biggest difference. There was another brand was it called like X axio folio. I should remember it. I cannot pronounce this word.
It's E-X-O-F-F-I-C-I-O. E-X-O-F-F-I-C-I-O. E-X-O-F-F-I-C-I-O-C-I-O. Yeah, XF. Is he home? Yeah. I use a lot of their underwear because, you know, when you're out and you're camping and whatever, they dry up really fast. But they, I know they do some protection stuff too. And I've had shirts by these people
if I remember right, they're super expensive. But again, yeah, $30 for boxers. It's not cheap. Yeah, that's why I guess that's why I only have two or three pairs of them. But when you're out in the mountains, that's what you want to have in your body, right? Because they, these things perform, right? The other thing is we use wool out in the mountains a lot too. So you have that.
But they make shirts Let's see in the categories. Do you see anything with shirts and I know that I might have a few undershirts They're undershirts are like 40 bucks a pop. Let me see if there's I know they used to make shirts, you know, like They have just a basic crew neck tee
That's the only shirt shirt that they have for men. They have it in gray or other gray. So they must have gotten out of that business. I thought at one time they were making. And I think Patagonia and some of these brands are also doing it, Chris. You know, I've seen them, you know, when I've been an REI or somewhere, I've seen their stuff. So it's all out there, right? There's clothing you can buy.
And you'll go, oh, that clothing is expensive. Start thinking about what you pay just to put sunscreen on every time. This is something you buy once and use for years, right? We went up to the coast for Michelle's birthday just for the weekend a couple of weeks ago before we started having this conversation. And hilariously, I buy a little bit of sunscreen, right?
little travel bottle. She buys baby oil because why not? And looking at what that costs, that was about $10 for the usage of that bottle for just that weekend. Right. Vinny, you know, I live a mile and a half in a year. Yeah. I'm outside three, four hours a day. Right. If I was reliant on sunscreen for all of my UV protection,
that get very expensive very quickly. I used most of that bottle in two days. So I'd be paying $10 every two days. That sounds like a really expensive habit to me. And it doesn't mean I'm never going to put it on my nose or maybe, you know, if I start getting a little darker on my arms, maybe I'll throw some on there. But it should be the last portion of the equation, not the first portion. Right.
I'm looking at the rest of my body all year round, the higher you are, the more UV exposure you have. If you're doing the right things from a diet standpoint, you're thinking about what you are wearing and not from a cost standpoint, but from a longevity standpoint, it starts to make a lot more sense.
A $40 t-shirt is not a fun expense, and it's not an expense that everybody can handle. But if it's something you can bring into the budget, most of this clothing, I can't vouch for every brand, just some of the ones that we've been talking about, will last you a few years, if not longer, even using it.
regularly. And so when you think about that, okay, it's two bottles of suntan lotion or three bottles of suntan lotion. If you're going through a couple of these, it starts to add up very quickly, that t-shirt is going to last you a lot longer. Those jeans or those pants are going to last you a lot longer than that is going to last you a lifetime. And it's going to stop you from having a $500 copay to have them look at the weird spot on you.
It goes a much longer way than slathering the other chemicals on. And if you're looking at some of the things that are in regular sunscreen, and when I say regular sunscreen, you know what I mean, right? That blue bottle they have, or what's the one with the dog pantsing the little girl, which is, by the way, one of the weirdest branding decisions I've ever seen. That was Capitone from my childhood. Yeah. Still just a weird branding choice, but whatever.
The downstream consequences of those, yeah, maybe you avoid some of the skin problems, but you're also causing a lot of other downstream issues, both for you and for the environment. So if we can think about this in a more, sounds ridiculous to say, a more holistic way.
It's not just about the week that you go to the beach this year, it's about every time you're in the sun. And if you think about it that way, it makes a lot more sense to start with the diet and what we're wearing on a daily basis and then use some sort of sun protection when we have extra exposure, just like what you were talking about. If you go to a glacier,
If you're going downhill skiing and you don't want to get sunburn from that reflection off the snow, yeah, put some on. But we need to think about the base level of this stuff before we go to this is definitely the solution, right? So one size fits all thing. If I slather sunscreen on, doesn't matter which kind I'm never going to have skin problems, not accurate.
and not something you want to be paying attention to. The real answer is looking at this, making sure we're eating right, making sure we're wearing the right things to truly protect us. And then if we want to add on that extra layer, great. Chris, late breaking use. The little girl that was the copper tone girl, her name is or was and I would love if she's still alive, I would love to get this woman on the show.
Her name is Cherry C-H-E-R-I, Brand Irwin. And if we can find this woman, I would love to bring her on to the Wednesday show. I like it. So your work is cut out for you. Find me, Cherry Irwin. Yeah, it looks like she did some interviews back in 2017.
if we can track her down. How old is she? Can we figure how old she is now? Well, so the original logo was done in 1959. She had to be four or five at the time, right? Right. So late 60s, early 70s. Here's the thing. A video. What is it like having the world? Hello, I'm Sherry Irwin. Oh, wow. There's a three minute thing on Oprah.
where are they now? And by the way, I don't know if you know this, but that was my second appearance on Oprah. I was in the Oprah, where are they now? Where were you now? So me and Sherry, me and Sherry both have something in common. We were both on where are they now Oprah? I'm curious of her first appearance on Oprah was as controversial as yours was. Yeah, I don't know why mine was so controversial. I mean,
The fact that I'm one of the top seven all-time Oprah shows is weird to me, because I had never seen an Oprah show, nor did I see my appearance on an Oprah show. I knew it was coming out that day. I was out training people. I didn't even have a television bag then. I was walking across Beverly Boulevard at Koanga,
I was crossing and guy yells out of his car. Hey, Oprah guy, Oprah guy. And like, holy shit. And this is only hours after you know actual name. That's the real question. Right. How did you know my name was Oprah guy? Yeah, is the first thing I'm Oprah guy. Yeah. Yeah. You recognize me is terrifying. And then people I walked down the street, you know, I go get a cup of coffee at Kingsville coffee shop.
people come up to me. Did you go out with share? Did you? My life was forever changed by an appearance on over show to the point where share actually called me. Do you know that story? Do we ever talk about it? I do not know that part of the story. No, she must have been getting hounded as much as I was. But she shares. So she's way more recognizable, right? I couldn't go. I started getting auditions. I was still modeling back then.
I would get auditions just so they can ask me any audition if I was going out with share. They weren't interested in having me in the thing, right? Thank you. That does not somehow make this better. I'm not sure. Yeah. It's like, can I have the part? I'll tell you, if you give me the part. Yeah. It was a weird time in my life that I try not to think about or talk about. So you mentioned Oprah and I was talking to my dad the other day.
My parents are going through old videotapes. Vinnie, do you know who Tulane played in the Liberty Bowl in 1979? Given the fact that you're talking to me, the answer should be fairly obvious. No, but my buddy was in that game because I got there in 81 in one of my, so I was playing with the guys that were in the Liberty Bowl game. And I can't.
Penn State, right? My dad had taped the game and it was just sitting there for whatever, you know, not exactly like something that anybody would actually care about, but it was an unlabeled VHS tape. He flipped it on.
about 15 minutes into it because the broadcast was coming from Baltimore. Oprah Winfrey pops up and he's like, what? Because she started as a local reporter in Baltimore in like 77 or 78. And so he just sent me a screenshot and he's like, who's this? I was like.
I don't know. Also, why are you sending me a random screenshot of someone from the 70s? Yeah. And he said, Oh, no, it's from the Liberty Bowl game. He said, you'll have to ask Finney the next time you talk to him. Yeah, no, I didn't get there until 81. And I played in the first the last two times out to Lane beat LSU. We beat him 48 to seven in the super dome in front of 80,000 screaming fans went down to Tiger Stadium. The next year, they had the orange bowl bid.
We had a horrible season. We went in. We went to take a stadium with three wins. And I guess they, they took us for granted and they were already going to the orange bowl. We walked in. I feel got pelted with oranges and we beat them 31 28 in the rain in the rain.
and in Tiger Stadium. And it was called the upset of the century. It was one of those deals. So Chris, I would love to talk to you for another hour. I have another podcast to get to. I think we covered it. And I like the pun, right? We covered it. We slathered it. We looked at it. Bottom line, go get yourself some zinc oxide and buy some clothes. That's your best option.
find some good clothing and look for something that is not filled with hot garbage or actual cancer. And you're going to be okay. Tune in next week when Chris will bring us information about why we should have sunshine every day of our lives, Chris. Go find that. I need to know why we need sunshine every single day.
Do you want to be the sunshine of my life? Is that what you're saying? So beyond the obvious, right? Beyond the vitamin D side of this, a little bit of a deeper dive into making sure we're getting natural light on a daily basis. Yeah. Because some people don't leave the house, right? I mean, it's crazy that people don't get what they need.
Well, and it's also not as complex as people make it either. It's not like you need hours and hours and hours a day, unless you live somewhere where it's very dark and you're a very, very, very light-skinned person, trying to stop all those rays. But it's very easy to get stuck inside. I mean, you work from home. If you didn't get out and go for walks,
As a matter of habit, you would probably fall into that group and as would I, which I could easily. Chris, I can easily stay in my office and do all the phone calls, all the meetings, everything in my office. And I think that's what most people do. They get stuck. So we're going to have a whole conversation on how to unstuck yourself. How to get unstuck? You're going to get unstuck.
in this next episode. And we're going to get you outside in the sun and you're going to be getting some minerals and you're going to be outside, getting some fresh air. Folks, everything at PureVitamin Club is in stock. Also, go there for all of your coffee needs. And what? Wait, what? NSNG Foods has ultra fat. We're shipping both flavors, right? Chris, coffee and vanilla. Yeah. And Chris and I will have more exciting news coming out of a couple of those companies.
any day soon. So we'll be talking about that on a show coming up. But go shopping at Amazon, go to first. Rate and review this podcast. We love all that kind of stuff. But on behalf of Chris Shaffer, my name is Vinnie Trotoritch, put life into living. And let's do it with Mr. Stevie Wonder.
You are the sunshine of my life
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